4 f oueeitim tji ixnlibroesoterico.com/biblioteca/teosofia/teosofia...1 1 1wt t f 4-c 1 n 4 iiv9 + t...

i i J l J J1f Jl i wI- F Wi I Q f J Io H t iT v r t r rf 1 1 1w t t f 4- c 1 N 4 9 + t k I t 1 t l I J I- iIv I 1 1 t gr- t lt o 4 I t t- a OUEEITIM m q IrVOUSEEITIN tji d ± ixn Sf J t 1 0 l 1 0- I n SUNDAY MAY 1 1891 PRICE FIVE CENTS LATEST NEWS FROM EURO- PEJ n FBB 81W rLr LOB antzn conoif XRADK- Ao I lse MUloniru to lt A Bealn Nov AleneOUdtene I rIIIU Doer I sodThe poUe itod- xa e of the Flr Tr d ClakSI- H Frw11 to the rJ ble Llt HlarU om a aOO- TheoeopfcUt Opera Company cle likely to 11 ToNrTIe Faction 1111 Into Inlmrmonlone I tq1 I 28 Y TMK BVllnrl cd hU- lln P Carln- nfJN MsT InD direction ofLord Ball- lui commercial department of t Is at present engaged upon a ro study of the last commetclal treaty be Brarll and the United States and of re tyKe forwnrdod by the IJrltUh Minis SJltffashlnnton and 10 The fact that by- lbjttreatr American coton mnnufaolur- nO other thlnirs a to b4 admitted Into rates of duty 25 per cent less than I noon similar nrtlcles made In- SiTconntry has stirred Lancashire to itt luiMst depth of sorrow and Indignation ana unnaturally for of the merchandise af 10 England sends eon year to Brazil 255000 worth whore of over 25JOOOO worth JrVcitton good Lnncashlie represented in i a Douse of Commons by moro than fifty inberx of whom the majority are supporters 1 ito I Tory Oovernment exercises a great Ufiwnce upon the present administration id very ounce of tills weight Is at this mo to being brought to bear upon Lord Balls tenand his cidlengne several of whom r bacashlre In order to Induce them men make some nirsncement with Brazil tktftby I Brltlih goods may be admit tad upon the mme or better term BiiBlnehiin too Is deeply Interested and JoMphChambrtlsIn spurred by hisconstltur- nW l ln lt l that eomethltiK hall be done Lord Hartlngtonwbo represents an Important Lancashire obnstltnency is eciually Insistent to that the Government dare not The rroMtn wIth which at the moment tteommorclnl I department is wrestling is how 10 fDIDmo tempting quid pro quo to of fir hsUflUalIflOetifl < of the Central African Klaloa a held here yesterday sod proved f bUrestlnir than there was reason to ex lui jTh printed report distributed In the iidfMce denounced the Sultan of Zanzibar ubVslafery edict promulgated last August as- sdfaBtlc Imposture The facts justify the itnutn of this language but tbo funny fea tirtof yesterdays gathering was tat oog th great people on the platform Col Sir Charles Euan Smith now British Xlubtir to Morocco but formerly British CoiiulOemral at Zanzibar and the real ittior of the mucbabused edict PumablJ hi hid not seen the rpor and para iwa denouncing measure was read was a most interesting study Be b ie 1 iiunfully to be calm however uti b turn came to speak and wyd his feelings to the great discomfort of the Bishops missionaries and ladles 1 M He anggested that missionaries viUdows1l to keep within their legitimate booidisid to sleet clear of those delicate qanttons whloh very often led to political and declared that the references cpons t the antislavery edict were grossly unfair Fortunately for peace and RoJjrlHfadltsrson W caused by a stal twentyyearold Central African grand wof KlmaarU the Hunting chief of Umba httttlf baptized as Peter Limbo tld- fjfk itory of his conversion with some elo tM end much gesticulation and brought U meeting to a frame ot mind which they MiM conscientiously sing the Doxology The report of this mllsloDI society deI- JOIMI the a possessed of that nuiisi which precedes destruction and at lit on the principle of making things ae un plsuut for everyone all round as teJ u The description although lulirltablenesi seems to be justified by the belt I related at numerous ml8Ional Bettings held in London this lt tiln to dismay therefore been aroused brtltt announcement that Lord Salisbury In thttet ly fhrne convention has handed over 1 quite unnecessarily 50000 addl Uauluinaremlli sorpromlslngmls lonary terr- itory ¬ north of the Itlver Zambesi while further Coateaiions will It is believed seriously hamper- nPerbapoontireibioekcommunjcaiions be tyKe various Important mlufonarcentres Vsrehutt and join voices In Ia InlaDSDtlDELordiitllsbuiyastrangecom- pialsance and Liberal newspapers alike ex¬ press dlncontent with the new convention but Ulellormaloliuisbed to Tux SUN be re I Vable thtre lino sound reason to doubt IILrdhIDhl been subjected t Imperial and ra PrsUelo this matter CnCfoDI have been made to Portuguese i ordarto help the dynasty The re ICI party f Portwal is much stronger aaul lut abrie rising at Oporto would JMntpladloate had the countiy been llumlatd by nclnnd In this African JWWWe Republicans would we received enough popular prob Jsg I enablt them to overthrow the Llirchy Klnc Charles by birth and I I connected with pretty well every 1loUe lu Europe and his deposition be heart and nerve the hand of rl Socialist and republican In this Couti Emporor and KinKs therefore Inter WMwllhOueen Victoria on behalf of Portu 14Ub the result that England baa manl I magnanimity toward her weak but 1111 opponent abiolntely without her history kaowledgethat Mr Balfonr been S OT red to Hx the day for the ha on the fl Land bill together with the tree use of Wifllsmentary gag bad the effect of aceel 2J the proKressof that measur In com sthia wcek The bill havo passed stage last night had not the jnment broken faith with tho Irish mom 2 Irnr t the discussion of certain new JM endeavored entirely to stifle v Wrtalllng I mr ullnl the loh09lboJ holiday threat Qbatptndent memters refused to be bul J 1 aurende with the result that the and the House of Commons t 7to reume the arJ work on next after a vacation onlJ flTe days 1hihlch time the place Is fumigated wirJnthe hope of slauahterfnl the microbes which mem Sware abound at medica fcnJi Ltad bill wl riulre another week W finally disposed of and after that iitd Influenza weakened legislator j MJDSK f 81he Free Education bill and 1 PPllM before me promised proroga 101 t SietOral contest cUle h Capt Vet ulnace and ruin commented In i rs ° Bock wlh a ar at show of vigor The I seat In 1885 by a majority of loot It in the following year through I r Mentions by a majority of 71 and injJil1889br a majority of 208 The r now Is that thn Tories mUlt win I I1tYaCtted by the Liberals In such ills ol I 1° ii I ereuolltnnoi but TIlE SUNS aloe D ds not share this despond 1 > hiidTiagf51 measures ud not men lyis ClflCy has bests caused at PalJ I IlIkstt10iU Ldbirah msbr os e 11 lag Udu o t of fighting for the teat with a strong local can- didate ¬ If they do ao they will b soundlJ beaten and the Liberals will be priced If they do not Increase their majority Sir Qladitona has been in bed since Tues- day ¬ with 1 feverish cold Ills Indisposition baa not ben ot any time considered serious by Sir Andrew Clark his friend and medical ttendRnt but the Grand Old Man U over 80- roars ago and the weather f It variable and It wa < thought he would be best between the sheets Mr Ola stone l II an Ideal patient One he I pu to bid ho Alwnrft Implicitly obeys Sir Andrew Clark The slight fever which attended tho oold upon this ooonslon disappeared under Sir Andrews homely treatment yesterday morn- Ing and since then Mr Gladstone has virtual- ly ¬ boon In his ordinary health Ho quickly ac- commodated ¬ hlntHtlf to taking meals In bed stud lies eaten breakfast luncheons and di- nner ¬ with his former appetite which Is excel- lent ¬ Ills usual drink with dinner Is claret but this has been varied this week br port wine Bo nmuses himself with reading novels books of science Homer and Dante eballni the character of the several times dally to avoid monotony Newspapers sod contro- versial ¬ publications u apt to Irritate the grand old atontJuvo been tabooed since Wednesday touchlnl feature of Mr Glad ¬ stones II the constant Inquiry made at the house In Park lane by orklnl men who by f Glandstonea re celvo the latest Information and In every way are treated as courteously as more arittocratto ellf The blue book respecting the Mal ur dlsM tot Issued today Is not pleasant reading for Englishmen It shows that the whole business- was disgracefully muddled from beginning to end that weakness and vacillation were dis- played ¬ by men In high places and that the In- dian ¬ Government connived at If It did not In tlgate trots trachel toward native princes whose chief Iln 1 a desir to be allowed to manage their ow affairs in their own way The mater Is certain to give rise to heated de- bate ¬ and there Is some talk of Impeaching the Indian Government- The expected Immigration Into London of Jew expelled from Russia has not yet com- menced ¬ and pron competent express an opinion on subject do notbelieve that In any event It will assume large proportions Nothing has been heard this week from the agents snot to Brazil to find sites for Ban Hlrschs projected Jewish Colonles and the scheme hal not moved In any war Mr Benjamin Cohen Chairman of the London Jewish BoanTof Ouardianewho ls a rela- tive ¬ of the Bothsohllda has expressed a preference fora plan whereby 300W- MBusslan Jews may be settled In some way not yet defined In a district vaguely described as the Western States of America but appar- ently ¬ he Is neither able nor willing to take on active share in such a gigantic work Mr Co hon brthfi way confirms the current report as to the spirited action of the Rothschilds connection with the new Russian loan bur peaking in thellal Gatette be says As I BaD on last Mon ¬ day I am OI the Paris house ever had dealing with Bnaslan finance Having had those dealings I question whether much good would be done by suddenly ending them Of course inch a proceeding would b highly Inconvenient to the Russians and be ol very little consequence to the Rothschilds but would It have a deterrent et feet theCtarit OoienmenU Might not the poor Jews only morklck ends In- consequence As to exacting guarantee of < o behavior torfiJIa would wha b thevAulof da say It ben lr given and broken Not much has ben hear lately of the Brit- ish ¬ P olonllt thl prefer to call the present Pair Traders- but this week they hayoobtalnedan occasional corner in such newspapers as could spare the space devoted In most journals to the Influ- enza ¬ epidemic the royal drawing room and other more Interesting topics Mr Howard Vincent M P Honorary Secretary of the United Empire Trade League and second In command of the movement secured quite a respectable audience considering the Influ- enza ¬ at th Boa Colonial Institute with the Ear of in the chair for his reading bntitled InterBritish Trade au- dIt Influence on the ttaltr of the Empire title bed to be carefully chosen In order not to frighten the o folk who form the majority of mem- bers ¬ of the Institute and regard doubts as to the allsaving power of free trade as the rankest blasphemy Yet Mr Howard Vincent managed to drag a good many heresies Into an address which on the Whole was innocuous enough and in truth mainlycomposed of plat ¬ itudes respecting the greatness and glory of the British empire The free trader are al- ways ¬ worrying themselves and boring other people by their lamentations about the vast importations of good stuffs from the UDlt States which they think should Canada Mr Howar Vincent bowitver does not believe America will always be on top and he predicts that when the principles of his League hll have prevailed throughout the empire era Canada will be peopled with loyal Britons who will send hither from their broad saris a portion of the 23000000 hundred weight of grain now annual purchased from American farmers the national policy which since 1879 has done so muoh to advance the interests of Canada would soon devise means to supply the mother country with nil the wheat meat cattle farm produce timber and minerals now obtained from the United States and raise nor export trade to CO000000 sterling or more A more Imposing demonstration tOOK place on Thursday evening in the form of a public banquet under the auspices of the Pair Trade Club Mr Lowtber presided Sir Charles Tupper such the Newfoundland delegates- were among the guests and the company- was composed almost exclusively of jovial free trade heretics Mr Lowtber wh- oa a rule ls most at home at race meetings being a honored member of the Jockey Club found himself In congenial company and spoke his mind with more frankness than he I is accustomed to show In the souse of Com- mons ¬ where be always seems hampered bJ the consciousness that ho was once member of the Tory Cabinet He deplored the blindness of the free trader rejoiced that nearly every colony had declined to fol- low ¬ the pernicious example of the old country argued that the time had come to bind the empire in commercial union against the world and neatly summarized his views In the remark that the country bad now to choose between the maintenance of two Institutions- the Cobden Club the British empire It may be aol while hero to explain the policy of the Fair Trade Club It I Is officially declared to be that all competing articles which como Into this market for sale except raw materials for mluutaolur and especially those which we not ourselves produce should be loaded with the same burdens of imperial and local taxation whloh every article produced in the United Kingdom bore within Its rnluo when It went Into the markets of the world In other words foreigner are to be tariffed out of nil power of competition But the foreigner need not be at all alarmed The Fair Trade Club and United Empire Trade LifaKtie make n brave show ol names la the UU of council and commitees but among Its members there a men of ra plUoa InuenD and although 1 has matter of lot I monrt- or1J of iii promoters stand to mae I noctului propaganda yea I little Impression upon the people at lart Nevertheless it may do great work whe as some people predict will be the cues In a few years a popular revolution against free trade shall take place The doctors seem to bo agreed Unit tho viru- lence ¬ of the Influenza epidemic ii abating and that It will have disappeared by the end of the month The announcement would be more consolatory were It not accompanied by the expression of opinion that the disease I is likely to become a regular spring visitor to this country The Prince of Wales br the Way has not been suffering from Influenza as was popularly supposed but from varicose veins In the legs Without desiring to appear un- charitable ¬ or flippant one may be permitted to note hero that it was not until the newspa- pers ¬ Incorrectly announced the Prince of Wales- AS ill In bed wIth thoprevalent malady some of the Bishops of the Church of England Issued a form of public prayer for a abatement of the great sickness and mortality The famous tenor Him nMY who took a final farewell of the public tbi week Is not pearly so rich as he ought to Oblld erlng the enormous sums ho has earned dur- ing ¬ more than forty years of unbounded popu- larity and It I la said that he will have t aug moat his Income by teaching Beeves bJ the way In on autobiography published a couple of years ago claimed to have been born In October 1821 but an Inquisitive person who has been rumnglng the parish registers at Woolwich the ara mans birthplace ha dis- covered ¬ and has with malicious relish pub- licly ¬ announced the fact that Sims Beeves first saw the light on Sept 26 1818 Ivanhoe will 1 performed for the bun dredtb time at the now English Opera House on next Saturday a fact said to b unprece- dented ¬ In the history of grand opera In this country and DOyley Cart declares that there Is still plenty of money It English playgoers who have been looking forward with pleasure to the visit of the Daly company next autumn learn with great regret that John Drew ha decided to join Charles Frohmans company The St Jamnt Gazette today thus echoes the prevailing feeling The Inimitable QuartolAda Reban John Drew James Lewis Mrs which for so long a time has charmed and delighted playgoers Is thua to b disbanded The loss to art cannot but constant companionship a perfection of ensemble had been attained by these four artiste rare to b met with on the stage The steamship Iberia of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company sailed from LIYrl on Wednesday with the CIa Opera company on the most extraordinary tour re- cord d I stage annals Lost year the same company visited the eastern coast of South America arriving In Buenos Avres the day after the revolution was ended and played there for eight weeks and afterward In Bio Janeiro This year the company Is booked for a tour of 03000 miles on the east and west coasts playing at Per narobuco Bio Janeiro Montevideo Buenos Ayres Valparaiso Santiago Callao Urns and other smaller places for terms varying from one night to four weeks The season will last six month and the company which number sixty ople will sing only In The repertoire Includes fifteen operas mostly Gil bert and Sullivan and recent London success- es The star of the Cleary Company I Is Leonora Braham late of the Savoy Theatre and Harry Billiard of NewYork i Is the first tenor while David LoBgwortb ol Chicago I is the leading comedian and Barter John themusical di- rector ¬ Another on the Iberia is- ilonryflosenfedwho brokaoft hlsfourta tour around the world at London In order to go with the Ole company for fun Edwin Cal s the company out Is well In American theatrical circles having travelled for a long time with the Booth and Modjosta companies several years uo TAo first performance In South America will be I Fernambuco on June 8 Dr Doane Bishop of Albany I I still on the Continent holding confirmations and preach- ing ¬ In various Episcopal churches He will re- turn ¬ to London in about a week and before sailing for New York will preach probably on Sunday the 31st inst in St Paul C3atbedr- aluponthelnvitatlonof the Bishop of London The action of Cambridge University In grant- ing ¬ an honorary degree t Dr Doane f very warmly approved her Too ashes of Mme Blavatsky who was cre- mated ¬ at Woklng on Monday were brought home by the Secretary of the Theosophical Society and are now rpollnl at the head ¬ quarters of that Avenue Boad This headquarters by the way is the residence of Mrs Annie Besant wbogave I un- to Mme Blavatsky and her satellites upon en- tering ¬ the society In return for which courtesy Mrs Besant was made President of the Bit ¬ vatsky Lodge Mf Dunn is expected in London tomorrow and pending her ar- rival ¬ no announcement as to the succession to the leadership of the society has been made There 1 Is a general opinion however that the Tbeosophlcal Society will split up Into factions- and eventually go the way of most such move ¬ meats Capt C Pfoundos late of the British navy and former member of the Ulavatsky Lodge who has lecture on occultism In America studied of esoteric Buddhism In the East and I Is familiar with the entire tbeosopbio propaganda thinks that Blavatskys lieutenants cannot possibly hold together now that the founder ot the society Is dad I apprehend he said- to Tnt SUN correspondent that the Theoso- phists wil divide Into several branches First there be the Olcott following and a he Is entirely played out with the Hindoo and Par see factions ho must teach Buddhism Mrs Besant will have her clientele too She la now discredited with tho extreme socialistic and anarchistic elements which belong to the secu ¬ la party because she is believed by them to have taken up transcendentalism She will have a small iollowlng of Spiritualists Ber- tram ¬ Eetghtley will probably control the Adyar section which has recently been vacated by Olcott and his school wi be Hindoo mysticism In Ceylon The nv J Bowles Daly a former clergyman tho Established Church and 1 D A of Dublin University who has been a sort of jackal for Olcott will have a following whom ba will feed upon Cingalese Buddhism and antiChristian education In America There will remain the Mark O Judge crowd and opposed to them Prot Cones and his following will represent- the agnostic tbeof ophlo element Minister Beale i II on a short visit here previ- ous ¬ to proceeding to his post at Teheran- A pool deal of Indignation I is tell In London at the elaborate pains taken In Paris to fasten upon Englishmen residing In Paris the dis- credit ¬ ot organizing the abominable den re- cently ¬ unearthed by the policein the Hue de Pontslevre According to some Parisian news- paper several English members of Pala ment were convicted In connection disgusting scandal but a a matter ef fact only one Englishman wo Implicated be being the younger son of an English Baronet and grandson of an eminent Englishman of science The most peculiar and revolting feature ot the story was the appearance In court of an English woman of good fortune and family who openly declared herself to be the mistress of the acuse Englishman The great majority of persons concerned how- ever were undoubtedly Parisians moving In tbo high Je E a W MTba Icsa Collar K A W Onrtn4 mark your tolUn t ft dnot 1 llf fMI tHB aCaMpuliKltr 1 toauu a- Ba tit j tmn Xew Twk ellr i ffes5Ar f its sii r wtu stattr era swears almimakie iats4 ft + ZbrasRuparb I4MIU4 TraIns the MB 0 of asSail i p4 sad eitette- sY 1 U Oiatz Sl MLvftlU Mtrwk Xw Otr nrrCs7W twytar tU Ik West aae- F Illn F I j KeotroKeeleal after Yb Sue ii all torssolsess i y decide ase t Tb J Hew Me 4 Hesi wtib F- TisevigeM t al4 4ut 1 8n ia s H v t i TWO NEW STEWART HEIRS rvr romrAitD r MESI 2 POINT THAT DEFEATED ABrUHAG1L The M Stewart of BelflMt 0atd to be m- C Mlm of Cbs Dead Merchant and hie Nephew Alxander or New York Bring- AnotherMaltofEJeetMkntAcaUatBnUer 8 ltkNo TrIM Before October The aitate lawyers who have spent thirty six months preparing an attack on bbal of tbelrish relations of A T Stewart upn deceased merchants millions new movement yesterday When Joseph H Cboale submitted the argument which exploded the- onseofMarytirsnagh namely tbatthtr I is no statute under which A nonresident allen cnn trannnUt her right of Inheritance to another nonresident alien he admitted that were Borah Braaagh tbe mother of Mary alive and able to provo her relationship to AT Stewart her position In court would be perfectly se- cure ¬ Judge Wallace confirmed this expres- sion ¬ In his decision Accorlnl toWJlam- Seeor A one the o laWr helr there I Is an Irbml n can obtain proper standing In The new feature of the ease brought for- ward ¬ by Mr Bccor and Gen Butter a coun- sel ¬ lies le another sui of abetment against William P Smith A Stewart former but ¬ le who lives in a house on East Thirtyfifth Street shun br lf Stewart In this suit there are brand new plaintiffs 1 and new com ¬ plant This time two Stewatus They are and Ind nephew Thomas who will be the more conspicuous figure In the caseisMnSeoorsaysa reel det of Belfast Ireland and a first cousin of dead merchant The seqont3tewart Alexander lives somewhere In New York It In set forth In the complaint that A T Stewart died Intestate aeizerl in fee simple of tho property at 115 East Thlrtytlttb stmt Then follows the allegation that nron Mr atewartl death now of the plantll Thma Stwart helrsatlaw and next of kin of said Alexander T Stewart and was stle in fee simple and was one of the owners land and prem- ise ¬ hereinbefore particularly described and set forth and thereupon became entitled to the pos About the same things are asserted of Alex ¬ ander Stewart except that at the time of A T Stewarts death he was a dtlrenof New York and Is yet The concluding allegation of the COP1ltfltthi > darendent William P Smith t t- In is native possession of and occupying said premises advaiaeir to these plaintiffs and claims to be owner in fee of tne whole of said promises to the exclusion of these rlaintlT stud wrongfully and unlawfully wltbholdl the pos ei slon of the same irom plalntls to their damage In tbs sum of 5000 Judgment In tnia sum is asked for In addi- tion ¬ to Smiths ejectment A new calendar will not made out orthe United States Circuit b In which thn case will come up until the third Monday I October SECRETARY ELAINES OOUT- Dr Dennln Say That J In Subsiding and That the Put U Improvlnc Secretary Blame who bas been III sine May 8 at the bouse of his ronlnlaw Walter Dam roach 73 West Seventieth street has pue tho serious part of his sickness t his physician and seems to be on the 8 speedy recovery Dr Dennis called at 9 oclo k yesterday morning and found that there was considerable Improvement Mr suffering the slightest pain The wetllagof his feet bad gone down and all the signs l Indicated that the gout was past ¬ low away Another favorable Indlcitloa wA the Inarsasnvf his appetite > j l In the afternoon Mr Blalne WM flloiom- ueb better tbat he got up and la upon a lounge His wife read the papers to him and aatoeome official doument which received attention No more were sent t the son The cablegram sent t James Blalna Jr on Friday saying that everything was all right waa considered final and sufficient Last evening Dr Dennis Issued this bulletin- Mr Blame has passed I most comfortable dayand this afternoon has been on the lounge His condition Is so muoh Improved thnt I do not Intend to see him tomorrow His Im- provement ¬ is satisfactory and in I few days tie ought to be strong enough to leav the city He ha snnervd no pain nl appetite I Damroseh said later that her father hrs improving Urn Blame said that she was unable to understand why the cood people ol Washington wr so much over the condition of BInlne wnen the deere tnry Is in Washington MrDan says be Is often attacked by tb he has fre- quently ¬ been confined to his room for several uI8atfttWL There Is a that President Harrison Is comma on rpor Mr Blame At the house last nIght It Wa said that they had had no In- timation ¬ was comlnJ WABIIINUTOK May N 8 Lincoln of this city who Is Mr Blames physician In speaking ob ut the t3ecratarys present condi- tion ¬ raid he knew nothing about it except what he bad eeu In the newspapers and judu lug from what he saw there especially tie statements attributed to the mumbers of the family hI did not think that Mr Blame was seriously at all Mr tilaln the Dolor anld had been working very hard for nnd now that he was away from his desk he sup ¬ posed the family would like to keep him away from work for a time and not hurry back to- Wuhlolon lr Lincoln said that judging had read he thought the pres- ent ¬ attack of Ilrknlt was similar to tbe attacks which te bad had before WO BOYCOTT OV BUCKI Maybe Coaclllatlon TTIII Pat an End to tie Lumber Dele Boycott Charles P BOIr President the Doa of Walking and a committee delegates went yesterday to the lumber yards Abraham Steers President of the Lumber Trades Association nt the foot of East 125th street t try and settle the differences between bo Lumber Trades Association and the union men President Ster wished Delegate Rogers to sign this statement As President of the Board of Walking Dele gates I declare that there Is no boycott on Chants 10 L luokllllmbr- Mr Then resident Steers asked for his signa- ture ¬ again It was to bl affixed to this I there I is any boycott hereby declare I I TbU Roger refused to sign He said It amounted to an acknowledgment there was a boycott So tho matter was diopped I I In probable though that the strike will lie on the basis of the drolnratlou which tie Iogers consented to Iln- Tbslumbr DIlate dealerlin July of year made men who they sup- posed represented the unions era nloyrr were to be satisfied lor a year with the wages they were then getting When tho strike was ordered In the yards ofBnckl be employed nonunion men and then I union meneterv where refused to handle his lumber Duck I claimed that this amounted to n boycott and the dealers according to I rulenf their a oblation agreed though unwlllnll not to sell nov lumber in New boycott should be raised CAME BACK mill writ COTTON AnnE Tho 8t Xonan Could Not Tight Wire at sea With mwi Cattle Aboard The afeamshlp St Bonans returned to port lat on Friday night with a fre mouldering among some of the 400 bales cotton In her hold She had sailed on Wednesday for Liver ¬ and In addition to the cotton bad 627 cattle and a general cargo The fire was dis when she wa 100 miles out Tbe cover of fighting a lire with u 37 cattle look lug on wo not agreeable to the St Bonans- aptalp and bo bad the halobllttntd more securely to exclude the back The rearoshlp anchored In the uprer bay yes nrday and nor agents sent isrooo out to her end had nil the oUllrmferr to them and taken in Jersey was cut In- usE i main hatch and the tug Jqhn Fullrr pumped n cataract Into tbn hold tier alnt belo vo she will not be much damaged DB XKWKU STRIKES UI8 J Then Me Oet a Hatchet sad m Plitol asS Threaten to XII A skeleton In the family of a prominent Jer- sey ¬ City physician was taken yesterday out of the closet where It has been hidden for some- time and placed on exhibition in the Second District Police Cur Dr William A Newell has been InJrsJ City for a great many years His wl Is a physician They live with three children at 201 Palisade avenue one ot the finest houses In that part ot the city Dr Newell was a prisoner In Justice Davis police court yesterday morning accused ot having assaulted his wife and threatened her life The complainant who gave her name a1 Hr Dr Jennie N Newell I Is a pleasantfaced woman noltJ attired and evidently wa embar unusual surrounding She told her story clearly but with the air of a person perform- ing ¬ a disagreeable duty On Friday night Dr and f Deedy of New York called ntr on Newell the Newel Dr Nlwao- ut He returned at an early hour and seemed to b under t Influence of liquor Mn Newel had occasion to reprimand one of her Her husband futererdlot his tower and wound un by In Dr Deedy and his wile remonstrated Dr Newelli resentedtholr Interference end It Is wild poured out unlimited abuse upon I theta Mrs Newell wa extremely mortllled but In oroer to avoid further trouble she Invited the guests tohsrqmiroomnpptnlrs Dr Newell went down to the kitchen and procured a hatchet Then he went up to his wifes loom and fndlal the door looked b- an to chop ll hatohot Mrs Newell nnd Sirs Deedy were Dr Dee finally opened l at frlahtlne Dr antI persuaded him to go down stabs I Tbfey went down together Dr Deedy talked wlthDr Newel aQd succeeded In calming him alihmigu Dr Newell at first picked up a knifeand assumed a threatening attitude When Dr Newell had been reduced to a seem lash reaceable condition Pr Deedy rejoined Lie wife and Mr Newell who were In a condi- tion ¬ of nitrous prostration from fear While Dr Dredy was endeavoring to re- as < ur the two women Dr Newell procured a revolver from a bureau drawer and made another attack on the door of his wifes room Ho pounded on the door and shouted that he would kill everybody unless he was admitted- Mrs Nwrl begged Dr tieedy not to open the door wa afraid her Husband would kill her Dr Newell became more violent In his demonstrations nod the women began to arnm Their screams attracted the atten ¬ policeman who was admitted to the house by the servant girl and arrested Dr Newell After admitting the policeman the servant 110 terrified tbat she lied from the house not return until yesterday After telling tile foregoing story Mr Newell saul It was not the fist time by any means that her husband had In the same war but the bad always anlelded him She was convinced that ho wo drunk on Friday night Dr Nawell was permitted to make a state- ment ¬ He denied that he was drunk but said that he ha been taking large quantities of quinine also dented having a revolver but the policeman testified that he took the revolver out of Dr Newells hands Justice Davis decided tbnt the prisoner would ba required to furnish 1500 bal to wal the ation of the Grand Dr Newell wife ovorand held an earnest conversation with her for a few minutes At Its conclusion Mm Newell Informed Judge Davis that ha desired to withdraw the charge against her husband The Judge said the- Ca would probahly have to go to the Oraud Jury but he deferred his decision until Mon- day ¬ when a further examination will b hel1 WIDEAWAKE MRS REfPENnAOEN- Bke sad tko esAMeraian Block tie New Lodger Little Oanee A freshcheeked Innocentlooking young man for a furnished rom at 188- Chrystlo street on Friday The of ex Aldermln John W Iteppenhagen who lives there let him have a room on the top for TMnewcomer sId bo was a watchmua night and would sloop in te dartme Yesterday morDlnl after the ers had bono Mf Iteppen hagen noticed through the crack1 ot the new lodgers door a big bundle of some ¬ thing over which he stooped with another man She examined tho other rooms and found that much of the property of their o- ccupant ¬ had disappeared She wen doW tall sofr and told her husband n sent one of the children for a policeman and with his wile tiptoed up stain and entered the new lodger zoom Mrs Itoppedhagan pretended to have lost something and began for It She spied a bls revolver under the bed Then her hue told the two vourxr men they could not leavo the house until things were thoroughly Investigated At tbla tbe one who had en ¬ caged the room dodged nnder Mr Happen nngens arJlnd belted A policeman entered- the door rat floor as the thief started to- go out and clubbed him down the stairs of the buemnr where ho was cantnred Mrs Iteppenbagen were meanwhile looking after the man In tho room The ex Alderman Is short and stout and so IB his wife He flung himself ui nu the remaining thief tripped him and together they knocked nnd putted about the floor until the thief gave in 1rslteppenbagenstood barring the door way as the men rolled overmuch other She did not render active aid beyond this for what should a lady do In such n case fas she afterward said At the Eldrldge street pollen station the lodger said ha was Henry La Blanche Tbe other man gave his name as George Young Both were rmlndc at the Essex Market Court In the Thelrcarefully parked bundle contained watches clothes and other things IS JOfRICITETTA XOXAlfCOfO t Her Btorr or Forcible Abdaetlon Isnt Be- lieved but Dlbella In Under Arrent- Enrlchettn Spino who lives with her parents at 370 Bleecker street and sews shirts for a Ivlns Is only 11 years old but Agent Stooklnl Gerrys society says she Is ¬ mental liar She I U very pretty and of good figure Policeman Shea took her to the socie- ty ¬ office on Fob 211S90 and she complained that Michael Dlbello had nbcfuoted her from her home at thn point of a knife She had never seen Dlbello before He mot her lathe pnssegoway of ber own home less than three feet from ber mothers door ant forced her out Into the street and Into a Bleeoker street- car Bho did not know whore he took her hit could recognize the woman of the house If saw her satin Mr Garrys agent Investigated the com- plaint ¬ and a ked the pollen to be on the look out for Dlbello who lives at 1121 Germantown nvenun Philadelphia 1 he not RPIIIJ for- a warrant In the first place the girls cnnlradlcIOI fitiiiomnls twit neoondly not tell where the assault was committed ami bad no corrohorntlnn they lid not hellcie a warrant would be granted Policeman Savercool saw Dlhello In ulan utrxet on Friday and arrested him In son Marketourt jestarday the girl repeated irstorr 10 Justice MoMahon and said she he she could point out the houce to which leved taken b Agent Sobulils of the focloty wits Instructed to go with Her to the houe sb pointed out andlnvestlaat the further hearing of the case was adjourned until this morning A grocer whose name Wi not made pnMIc Informed the society on the day ills hobo i aid she wits forcibly abducted and assaulted aho came to his store and met Dlhello wbo was nnrarently waiting for her Dlbollo wa married several ago The JRf girls father and brother court that they did not believe her story ITALIAN SURETIES District Literacy Kldgway maya He Never Can Collect on Their Ball Bond Antonio Nickels an Italian who Is under In- dictment ¬ In Kings county on a charge of carry- Ing concealed weapon wa admitted to ball yesterday by Justice Dart In Brooklyn District Attorney to lois re- lease ¬ He said that Nickels had beep rrested forcarnlngasillettoand had pleaded guilty before a magistrate MoMovernddedtheDlstrlct Attorney hi 1 bring Italian sureties and we nave never lieen able In our oDIoe to collect on a bomt given by an Italian Wu generally find that an Italian will justify In say amount and dis- pose ¬ of ul property next day Justice Bartlett flied the ball at 91000 with two owners of real estate as bnndmn ANOTHER EtECTRIO WIRE LOOJ A R r Killed Car Track Charged and a Mss Beeelven a Dangerous Shock LOWILL Mass Hay 16 Electric light and telegraph wires became crossed on Merrlmaok street this afternoon A lineman rut the tele- graph ¬ Ir In two places and let It fall to the street The wire tellon I horse belonging to Frank Moody killing the animal The street- car tracks became charged with the current Frank floraL while crossing the street got two shocks from the tracks and tell helpless on the treat All along the streetflre flashed from the trackand several horses almost fell from shock Intense excitement prevailed- The street wa crowded and escapes of people from death seem miraculous Burn was taken to the hospital in an unconscious con- dition ¬ H1 WAS ONLT O1T A IARK Mr Avery Who Xloped with Sable Xe tar and Beicn Forglvenee- PfcinrriEU May lAVUn Ida Avery the pretty bet wayward wife of William B Avery who eloped with Upholsterer John B Gable last week returned to her husbands house to- day ¬ and asked to be forgiven Exactly what ort of a response she got Is not know She did not leave town again however and- It I is presumed that a temporary truc a least wan latcbeoID between wife She t whonTshn met that she had onlv I been oil on a lark to tease her husband Mr Avery experienced considerable trouble In making up his mid to a divorce suit While his wife was yet of his heart be hail deeded to her the prLJ house where they live in Westervelt Ho reared that In seeking separation from be he would have also to be separated from home hs ha provided This has delayed matter COn nbly and It Is nQI improbable that the wife hoped to me this lever to carry herself back into her husbands home if not into his favor Gnble has not been heard from It I It not improbable that he knew when he- returned for his tools on Thursday that his little frolic with Mr Averywouhd soon be over and he would bate to return to work for a PLUNGED INTO A BBl OF WATE- Vredcrtek a Waldo Clothes Set on Fire by an Explonlon Alcohol Frederick B Waldo manufactures mineral waters in twostory wooden building 02 Quay street Orenpolnt He 8 making es- sences ¬ in upper yesterday afternoon when a still containing five gallons of alcohol exploded and set the house on fire The flames were soon extinguished by the r deparment Mr Waldo and his assistant B L were badly but not dangerously burned At hla houelt Calyea street banda nd from bead surgical wrappings Mr Waldo de- scribed ¬ his experiences I had just turned from tho still he said when I heard the report of the explosion A blast of flame knocked me clean oft my fie and through the door to the bottom of step My ololh1 were on fr and so was the partition tho was sensible enough to remomwr that In the front rom un Ialr barrel of I- ra up stairs and threw myself Into It Mind me out and bad his hands Injured an d his hair burned off for his trouble HE DISPERSED 2H POSSE A Negro Deeperado Kill a Deputy Shcrir sad a Policeman asS Gets Away FCBNANDIN tie May 16It became known yesterday that Bob Brewster who started the Jesnp Ga riots lat era in town and last night Deputy Sheriff Joe Robinson In ¬ formed Chief of Police Hfgglnbotbam They orDed a pOll e of u eight men and at day ¬ oprrounded the house where he wa nd dlaellnrne The negro on awn oldl a Winchrier thruah the window firing at Robin- son the ball striking just below his b and killing him instnntlr Asltoblnson lr barked again and Poltocmnn Bud Hlgglnbotham was sent 10 the ground by n buleuhruh hil thigh bunt alter shot was nelr hut fortunately with- out ¬ effect The ha to seek shelter Firing continued hour After all his cartridge Murray made a frlns liberty and succeeded In getting to tbe the posse nlnl too small tn follow woos crowd of has been organized nnd the wilt doubtless bo captured Some per ¬ nel actually talk of burnlnl him alive He will probably b DEPOSED JIT THE LADIES C Mortimer Wlike no Loaner the Bead or the Cecilia Society The Trouble in the Cecilia Ladles Vocal So- ciety ¬ of the Eastern District of Brooklyn cul- minated ¬ yesterday afternoon In a defeat for C Mortimer Wiske who was a candidate for reflection as conductor Mr Wlske organized the society about five years ago and since then has controlled It At a concert held in the First Reformed Church In Bedford avenue three weeks ago several of the clatters took exceptions to Mr Wiskos methods of express ¬ ing his desires and hinted that It was about time that his successor was appointed The rival factions fought it out in the Am phlon Hinging Societys room and Organist Meldllnger of the Unitarian Church of the Sav ¬ iour received 10 votes against 2 received by Mr Whke Mr Bennett F TlCanyo Plea for Divorce PJUWIPENCZ May 16A divorce case alleg- ing ¬ desertion and nonsupport brought by Mrs Emma N Tiffany ado Plerson against berhusband Bennett F Tiffany son of the noted NewYork jewellerwas heard today in the Supreme Court Mrs Tiffanys story was that her husband lift her oleveu days after they were married when they Worn living at 24 Union squire New York and sailed for Europe Bet board hud been paid for a month and she stayed until the time was up and then went to live with her mother Khe has modeller borne In Providence where she Intend to live Hhe has never beard trout her husband He lid not lone bet n cent ant he bias not supported hoer since In any way Her mother Mrs 1Ieron a widow told the same story and the decroo was ordered flied Elisabeth Boy Burglar Sentenced ELIZABETH May Elizabeths boy bur- glars ¬ were sentenced today Judge McCor mick said the crimes were such that If com- mitted ¬ by men would bo pimlsbablo with ten years In State prison In view however of tim prisoners youth and the numerous petition for clemency be would ho merciful The boys wtru the victims of dime novel reading and Imagined themselve heroes Wnlmr WllllnmH- nceil 17 Milliun Palm T Ill Thoodoru Lus ¬ ter 14 and Wllllnm iiiilimky U woie sen- tenced ¬ to thirty data ouch In the county jail Isaac Opt anti Edward swnln each IS were fined lu apiece George Tiattnn 14 was dis- charged ¬ The Chief ot 1oilco i says from add tlonal facts In his possession he knows the lads hail been operating about a year and had committed fifteen burglaries Waste BIOO Dsagesfor Being mabbedB- ALTiMonr May 16 Aleeruon W Wblttlng ton has begun a suit aculnst Jnmes M Ken- nedy for 10000 damages In consenurnca of injuries Inflicted by Kennedy who Is a student of medicine at the Unliorslty of Maryland The assault took paoo on Feb U nt a board unit house Kennedy stabbed lilttlncion thirteen times In th back nnd chest aniline wounds it is alleged provoit so dautreious that Pie life was despaired of for a long time Two Week1 Board and a flu for SaSOO- Bsrah A Mertaee who keeps a Hoarding house at 603 Fifth avenue has beitun suit in the Superior Court against Sydney A Bennett to recover a 13300 board bill She alleges that on Dee 15 1890 Bennett engaged rooms and hoard for himself his wife two children and a servant until Juno IS 1801 nt 100 u week Be left the house two weeks later und flits not paid sloe Chlvt Justice riedanlik ha denied the defendants application for a bill ot partic- ulars ¬ Ill Hkn I Fractured la a Fight In an altercation on the sidewalk In front of 110 West Fiftieth street yesterday afternoon between James Forkeyof 453 West Sixteenth street and in unknown colored man the Oat trjtruck th goymer Qvups head with a c- orky itfraotnred bilL SiIlI1 was tak u to- y UTbS 1QPltal a ai ma- t S > > uVtfJH t TilE WARSHIPS AT ACAPULCO TOE CJTARKKSTOff AND X8XKKAIVA LIE PEACEFCLtV IS HARBOR Nobody Seems to Kaonr TTkero tk- Is TIntS Belief that the Charleston Still B- zpetto Intercept ITerA Fight B tw to Ship IVonld Kilt the flsnrget Cause WisnrmrroH Mar 18Aftar a weeks wait Inn some tangible now wa today received at the Navy Department from the Charleston First came a despatch from Acapulco stating that the Chllllan insurgent cruiser Esmsralda load put out of Acapulco harbor yesterday and hail returned to the port today Later through the State Department a despatch came saying that the Charleston had arrived at Acapulco and that the Esmeralda wa still In port but giving no news ot the flats What the next stop Is to be no one at the de- partment knows or feels tree to tell The Charleston Is to take on coal as her supply baa probably nearly run out during the week chase Whether the Esmoralda Is to have the privilege of taking coal aboard cannot be learned here as It Is a matter entirely withhs the control ot the Mexican Governments but the presumption at the department la against it as the neutrality laws would be strained br the Mexican Government if It allowed any thing beyond water and food supplies to be furnished to a belligerent The theory M the Navy Department is that the Charleston whoso commander Capt Barney has orders admitting large discretion arT movements will now lie at or near Aca pnlco for a time trusting that the Itata which is a slow sevenknot ship ba not yet passed down the coast and will try to coal In that neighborhood If she I Is sighted the Charles ton will doubtless try to seize her She cannot do this In Mexican waters so that It would be necessary to head her off outside the three mile line or it unsuccessful In that to fol- low her to sea when she goes out What the Esmeralda will do meantime ft- in problematical The general Impression It that the ofllcers of that vessel Will rely more uponistrategr than force to obtain the supplies cnrrlfd by the Itata and some officer believe that be Is trying to lure the Charleston away from the Itataa real course Recourse to force to prevent the Charleston from eantnrlnff the Itata however would It is said be the death blow of the Insurgent cause in Chill as the entire naval force ot the United States la- th IVolflo wouM if necessary bo promptly T called Into play to destroy the Insurgent navy An A cablegram received at the department i> from Admiral McCann this afternoon an flounced that the Baltimore and SauFraneisco were both a Ipitjue Chili today So It up pears that the Baltimore has oome north and the lOan Prancloco tint been stayed in her uthorn course just ntthe point where the Chilian Insurgent navy la now nearly alto gather as < ambled This point is almost In the extreme north of Chill and Is where the flats wouM naturally find her destination U lbs eluded the Charleston 8C1IWAI2ZtA WAS SOT BCaWAMOf ft And ITe Want Pay for the Blaek JTeroeytl That the Health Board Turned Yellow The Board ot Health In February last wtt notified that there was a case of contagious disease In the Schwartz family at 89 Allen street Health Inspector Thomas Banks went thereon Feb 13 hot Instead of visiting the Schwartz family called on the family of Pineu- Bchwartzman on the floor below the f- Schwartzes He saw a baby there who face wa flushed and spotted and be told the Jj little girl to tell her lather that lie would have < to remove the nine dozen jerseys on which Bchwartzman had been working and have V them disinfected The health authorities fuml rated the jerseys and the process turned theta from black to yellow ranklne them M Hchwamman says practically worthless ii Hcbwartzman brought suit in the Fourth District Court to recover 1250 damavea con- tending that tbe authorities had mnden mlv take in tatting his property Instead of that of Boliwartjv The ease waa tried before Civil Jn- tlce 8tekler Dr Edson testified tbat be MW the child after Banks visit and It had nasal diphtheria a contagious disease Dr FU DMIInchnm gave similar testimony Decision was reserved CLASP DUI HERR TODAT Coming flask with the Vommn with When lie Eloped Eight Day Ago Oscar ClapD the cashier for Annan A Cow who deserted his wife and children at White Plains a week ago yesterday to elope with Miss Mary MoNamara a Fordbam school teacher wan found In Minneapolis a few days ego and Htartd bock to New York with the man wlio found him It was rumored at first that be had taken some of his employira money with him but this was subsequently denied He has net been arrested Me Is ex¬ pected to arrive here early this morning The woman accompanies him TUB JAlflTORS JAY HAVE TO MOT Illness i Their Famine Cut flown the Attendance at the Hehool The Board of Education Is considering the advisability ot requiring school janitors to live outside the school buildings Sickness In the families of janitor hat in many Instance caused a falling off In the attendance of puolls- buperlntendent Jasper says the ileciease In attendance in April was 3SO0 a most unusual number Both the Filth and Houston street reboots have boon closed because ot scarlet fever in the janitors families Sir Gallup to the Manhattan Elevated Two iron supports of the elevated track ea 4 cumber the roadway at Seventysecond street and Columbus avenue to the great annoyance of drivers That part of Seventysecond street Is controlled by the Park Department under a special act and President Gallup has written to the railroad people requesting the removal of the obstructions Compliance ba been refused on the ground that the structure would bo daueerotiHly weakened President Uallup siivs that ha Intends to ascertain whether he can enforce his request Green Goods literature Seined Chief Post Office Inspector Batbbone hu 1 seized a quantity ol circular advertising green goods which had been sent to the Port office to be mailed by a man who calls himself ik I nest MoKally and who Is an old hand at this bu V The Weather The noath ro term w i central on th touted Jersey yiit < rar having apparently lost Don it its nrxy Thin wai a doe log from North CarUa to Main sail the rain area Itrtchi4 from Vlrtlatate- Ualue The aiavleit tale tell In northern Jw Jny ana Nw York ma arlnc oa aa average 190 Inches U 21 hourS asia foil also In Utah Colorado Ntbruka and was sal ana tcaitulnf aboirtrt la WUetnala laws a4 UlcbUnn C fr The warm wave bad bsn eatlnly dUaipaUl while the cold wave orripr > 4 the country teem Montana to northern M w York and from Canada to etatral nu aol gnU inoveit iKadllr toward the Atlantic coast It- Mai 4 ° tow freezing In Minnesota sod alretHaf la lbs nortbtrn part of UUhlgiai i killing frost arr4 over In Dakota- Tlireatcnlnic and rainy weather with tog prevail In tnla city nlchcit racist Umptrature < J j lowM- o9 average ninaldltr per eenti wind ihtflUc from uortlieaet to north soil west and blowing from 30- to an mllei mi hours rainfall 115 Inotiei The thermometer at Perry pharmacy In TH Irab- ulldloKrecor led tbe temptrainr y > trdy M folio wit IBUl- SA inn hew 1801 Ul > ¬ 5iOPi14 so- UWIJ uAM UJ > up M e1- f Se- eIAX tSU 0 M 4a 11- Averar 31 US Averse On May IS tSP IIUIL ernie soucis TILL 8 r N 5UJPiT- FerMalee New hampshire Ma> uohattaa4Rbo4l- aland rain ieept fair bunday In western MMOB- letut coWer wind becoming north fair Monday with froiti In the Interior aunilar nl hL- yer Vermont Conntoilcut tuttnt J eW rrk erufcm- ImiuytraHta and Nrc Jrsy jufr Suadap aNd Ma d < yj CotJtr noil AMMJJ Kffidf riti < und9y sijM yor the UUtrlct if InluroiU Delaware Marrland and Vlrirlnla fair Hunda and Monday with treats is- xpied laci In Maryland ant Delaware Soacaj- nUbli nortb wind colder Yet Wot Virginia wwMrn rauyvajita sad wtr > Sew York fair fanday aid Moadayt allghDy ctajl except itatlsaary Uariatu es ls lakes asit4 wlais r ¼

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    Wi I

    Q f J Io H t iT v r tr rf1 1 1wt t f 4-c 1 N4 9 + t k I t 1 t l I J I-iIv I 1 1t gr-t lt o4 I tt-

    a OUEEITIM m q IrVOUSEEITINtji d ± ixn SfJt 1 0 l 1 0-II



    PEJn FBB 81W rLrLOBantzn conoif XRADK-



    lse MUloniru to ltA Bealn NovAleneOUdteneI rIIIU Doer I sodThe poUe itod-

    xae of the Flr Tr d ClakSI-H Frw11 to the rJbleLlt HlarU om a aOO-

    TheoeopfcUtOpera Companycle likely to

    11 ToNrTIe Faction1111 Into Inlmrmonlone

    I tq1 I28 Y TMK BVllnrl cd hU-lln PCarln-nfJN

    MsT InD direction ofLord Ball-lui

    commercial department oftIs at present engaged upon arostudy of the last commetclal treaty be

    Brarll and the United States and of retyKeforwnrdod by the IJrltUh Minis

    SJltffashlnnton and 10 The fact thatby-

    lbjttreatr American coton mnnufaolur-

    nO otherthlnirs a to b4 admitted Intorates of duty 25 per cent less thanI noon similar nrtlcles made In-SiTconntry has stirred Lancashire to itt

    luiMst depth of sorrow and Indignation anaunnaturally for of the merchandise af

    10 England sends eon year to Brazil255000 worth whore of over 25JOOOO worthJrVcitton good Lnncashlie represented in

    i aDouse of Commons by moro than fiftyinberx of whom the majority are

    supporters1ito I Tory Oovernment exercises a

    greatUfiwnce upon the present administrationid very ounce of tills weight Is at this moto being brought to bear upon Lord Ballstenand his cidlengne several of whom rbacashlre In order to Induce themmen

    make some nirsncement with BraziltktftbyI Brltlih goods may be admittad upon the mme or better termBiiBlnehiin too Is deeply Interested andJoMphChambrtlsIn spurred by hisconstltur-

    nW llnltl that eomethltiK hall be doneLord Hartlngtonwbo represents an ImportantLancashire obnstltnency is eciually Insistentto that the Government dare not

    The rroMtn wIth which at the momenttteommorclnlI department is wrestling ishow 10 fDIDmo

    tempting quid pro quo to offir

    hsUflUalIflOetifl hiidTiagf51 measures ud not menlyis ClflCy has bests caused at PalJI IlIkstt10iU Ldbirah msbr ose 11 lag Uduot

    of fighting for the teat with a strong local can-didate


    If they do ao they will bsoundlJbeaten and the Liberals will bepriced If they do not Increase their majority

    Sir Qladitona has been in bed since Tues-day


    with 1 feverish cold Ills Indispositionbaa not ben ot any time considered seriousby Sir Andrew Clark his friend and medicalttendRnt but the Grand Old Man U over 80-roars ago and the weather fIt variable

    and It wa < thought he would be bestbetween the sheets Mr Olastone lII an Ideal patient One he I puto bid ho Alwnrft Implicitly obeys Sir AndrewClark The slight fever which attended thooold upon this ooonslon disappeared under SirAndrews homely treatment yesterday morn-Ing and since then Mr Gladstone has virtual-ly


    boon In his ordinary health Ho quickly ac-commodated


    hlntHtlf to taking meals In bedstud lies eaten breakfast luncheons and di-nner


    with his former appetite which Is excel-lent


    Ills usual drink with dinner Is claretbut this has been varied this week br portwine Bo nmuses himself with readingnovels books of science Homer andDante eballni the character of theseveral times dally toavoid monotony Newspapers sod contro-versial


    publications u apt to Irritate thegrand old atontJuvo been tabooed sinceWednesday touchlnl feature of Mr Glad ¬stones II the constant Inquirymade at the house In Park lane by orklnlmen who by f Glandstonea recelvo the latest Information and In every wayare treated as courteously as more arittocrattoellfThe blue book respecting the Mal ur dlsMtot Issued today Is not pleasant reading forEnglishmen It shows that the whole business-was disgracefully muddled from beginning toend that weakness and vacillation were dis-played


    by men In high places and that the In-dian


    Government connived at If It did not Intlgate trots trachel toward native princeswhose chief Iln 1a desirto be allowed tomanage their owaffairs in their own wayThe mater Is certain to give rise to heated de-bate ¬and there Is some talk ofImpeaching the Indian Government-

    The expected Immigration Into London ofJewexpelled from Russia has not yet com-menced


    and proncompetent express anopinion on subject do notbelieve that Inany event It will assume large proportionsNothing has been heard this week fromthe agents snot to Brazil to find sites forBan Hlrschs projected Jewish Colonlesandthe scheme hal not moved In any warMr Benjamin Cohen Chairman of the LondonJewish BoanTof Ouardianewho ls a rela-tive


    of the Bothsohllda has expressed apreference fora plan whereby 300W-MBusslan Jews may be settled In some way notyet defined In a district vaguely described as

    the Western States of America but appar-ently


    he Is neither able nor willing to take onactive share in such a gigantic work Mr Cohon brthfi way confirms the current reportas to the spirited action of the Rothschildsconnection with the new Russian loan burpeaking in thellal Gatette be saysAs I BaD on last Mon ¬day I am OI the Paris house ever haddealing with Bnaslan finance Havinghad those dealings I question whethermuch good would be done by suddenlyending them Of course inch a proceedingwould bhighly Inconvenient to the Russiansand be ol very little consequence to theRothschilds but would It have a deterrent etfeet theCtarit OoienmenU Might notthe poor Jews only morklck ends In-consequence As to exactingguarantee of darendent William P Smith tt-In

    isnative possession of and occupying said

    premises advaiaeir to these plaintiffs andclaims to be owner in fee of tne whole of saidpromises to the exclusion of these rlaintlTstud wrongfully and unlawfully wltbholdl thepos ei slon of the same irom plalntls totheir damage In tbs sum of 5000Judgment In tnia sum is asked for In addi-tion


    to Smiths ejectment A new calendar willnot made out orthe United States CircuitbIn which thn case will come up until thethird MondayIOctober


    Dr Dennln Say That J In Subsiding andThat the Put U ImprovlncSecretary Blame who bas been III sine May

    8 at the bouse of his ronlnlaw Walter Damroach 73 West Seventieth street has puetho serious part of his sickness this physician and seems to be on the 8speedy recovery Dr Dennis called at 9oclo k yesterday morning and found thatthere was considerable Improvement Mr

    suffering the slightest painThe wetllagof his feet bad gone down andall the signs lIndicated that the gout was past¬low away Another favorable Indlcitloa wAthe Inarsasnvf his appetite > jl

    In the afternoon Mr Blalne WM flloiom-ueb better tbat he got up and la upon alounge His wife read the papers to him andaatoeome official doument which receivedattention No more were sent ttheson The cablegram sent tJames BlalnaJr on Friday saying that everything was allright waa considered final and sufficient Lastevening Dr Dennis Issued this bulletin-

    Mr Blame has passed I most comfortabledayand this afternoon has been on the loungeHis condition Is so muoh Improved thnt I donot Intend to see him tomorrow His Im-provement


    is satisfactory and in Ifew days tieought to be strong enough to leav the cityHe hasnnervd no pain nlappetiteI Damroseh said later that her fatherhrs improving Urn Blame said that shewas unable to understand why the cood peopleol Washington wr so much overthe condition of BInlne wnen the deeretnry Is in Washington MrDan says be Isoften attacked by tb he has fre-quently


    been confined to his room for severaluI8atfttWLThere Is a that President Harrison Iscomma on rpor Mr Blame At the houselast nIght It Wasaid that they had had no In-timation


    was comlnJWABIIINUTOK May N 8 Lincoln ofthis city who Is Mr Blames physician Inspeaking ob ut the t3ecratarys present condi-tion


    raid he knew nothing about it exceptwhat he bad eeu In the newspapers and judulug from what he saw there especially tiestatements attributed to the mumbers of thefamily hIdid not think that Mr Blame wasseriously at all Mr tilaln the Dolor anldhad been working very hard for nndnow that he was away from his desk he sup ¬posed the family would like to keep him awayfrom work for a time and not hurry back to-Wuhlolon lr Lincoln said that judginghad read he thought the pres-ent


    attack of Ilrknlt was similar to tbeattacks which te bad had beforeWO BOYCOTT OV BUCKI

    Maybe Coaclllatlon TTIII Pat an End to tieLumber Dele BoycottCharles P BOIrPresident the DoaofWalking and a committee

    delegates went yesterday to the lumber yardsAbraham Steers President of the LumberTrades Association nt the foot of East 125thstreet ttry and settle the differences betweenbo Lumber Trades Association and the unionmen President Sterwished Delegate Rogersto sign this statement

    As President of the Board of Walking Delegates I declare that there Is no boycott onChants

    10Lluokllllmbr-MrThen resident Steers asked for his signa-


    again It was to bl affixed to thisI there Iis any boycott hereby declareIITbU Roger refused to sign He said Itamounted to an acknowledgment therewas a boycott So tho matter was diopped IIIn probable though that the strike will lieon the basis of the drolnratlou whichtie Iogers consented to Iln-

    TbslumbrDIlate dealerlin July of year mademen whothey sup-posed represented the unions eranloyrr were to be satisfied lor a year with thewages they were then getting When tho strikewas ordered In the yards ofBnckl be employednonunion men and then I union menetervwhere refused to handle his lumber Duck Iclaimed that this amounted to n boycott andthe dealers according to I rulenf their aoblation agreed though unwlllnll not tosell nov lumber in New boycottshould be raised

    CAME BACK mill writ COTTON AnnETho 8t Xonan Could Not Tight Wire atsea With mwi Cattle Aboard

    The afeamshlp St Bonans returned to port

    lat on Friday night with a fre moulderingamong some of the 400 bales cotton In herhold She had sailed on Wednesday for Liver ¬and In addition to the cotton bad 627cattle and a general cargo The fire was dis

    when she wa 100 miles out Tbecover of fighting a lire with u 37 cattle looklug on wo not agreeable to the St Bonans-

    aptalp and bo bad the halobllttntd moresecurely to exclude the backThe rearoshlp anchored In the uprer bay yesnrday and nor agents sent isrooo out to herend had nil the oUllrmferr to them andtaken in Jersey was cut In-usEi main hatch and the tug Jqhn Fullrrpumped n cataract Into tbn hold tier alntbelo vo she will not be much damaged

    DB XKWKU STRIKES UI8 JThen Me Oet a Hatchet sad m Plitol asSThreaten to XIIA skeleton In the family of a prominent Jer-


    City physician was taken yesterday out ofthe closet where It has been hidden for some-time and placed on exhibition in the SecondDistrict Police Cur Dr William A Newellhas been InJrsJCity for a greatmany years His wl Is a physicianThey live with three children at 201Palisade avenue one ot the finest houses Inthat part ot the city Dr Newell was a prisonerIn Justice Davis police court yesterdaymorning accused ot having assaulted his wifeand threatened her life The complainantwho gave her name a1 HrDr Jennie NNewell IIs a pleasantfaced woman noltJattired and evidently wa embarunusual surrounding She told her storyclearly but with the air of a person perform-ing


    a disagreeable dutyOn Friday night Dr and fDeedy of NewYork calledntronNewellthe Newel Dr Nlwao-utHe returned at an early hour and seemed to bunder t Influence of liquor MnNewelhad occasion to reprimand one of her

    Her husband futererdlot his tower andwound un by In DrDeedy and his wile remonstrated Dr Newelliresentedtholr Interference end It Is wildpoured out unlimited abuse upon Itheta MrsNewell wa extremely mortllled but In oroerto avoid further trouble she Invited the gueststohsrqmiroomnpptnlrs

    Dr Newell went down to the kitchen andprocured a hatchet Then he went up to hiswifes loom and fndlal the door looked b-an to chop ll hatohot Mrs Newellnnd Sirs Deedy were DrDee finally openedl at frlahtlne DrantI persuaded him to go down stabs ITbfey went down together Dr Deedy talkedwlthDr Newel aQd succeeded In calminghim alihmigu Dr Newell at first picked up aknifeand assumed a threatening attitudeWhen Dr Newell had been reduced to a seemlash reaceable condition Pr Deedy rejoinedLie wife and Mr Newell who were In a condi-tion


    of nitrous prostration from fearWhile Dr Dredy was endeavoring to re-

    as < ur the two women Dr Newell procured arevolver from a bureau drawer and madeanother attack on the door of his wifes roomHo pounded on the door and shouted that hewould kill everybody unless he was admitted-Mrs Nwrl begged Dr tieedy not to open thedoor wa afraid her Husband would killher Dr Newell became more violent In hisdemonstrations nod the women began toarnm Their screams attracted the atten ¬policeman who was admitted to thehouse by the servant girl and arrested DrNewell After admitting the policeman theservant 110 terrified tbat she lied from thehouse not return until yesterday

    After telling tile foregoing story Mr Newellsaul It was not the fist time by any meansthat her husband had In the same warbut the bad always anlelded him She wasconvinced that ho wo drunk on Friday night

    Dr Nawell was permitted to make a state-ment


    He denied that he was drunk but saidthat he habeen taking large quantities ofquinine also dented having a revolverbut the policeman testified that he took therevolver out of Dr Newells hands

    Justice Davis decided tbnt the prisonerwould ba required to furnish 1500 bal towal the ation of the Grand DrNewell wife ovorand held an earnestconversation with her for a few minutes AtIts conclusion Mm Newell Informed JudgeDavis that ha desired to withdraw the chargeagainst her husband The Judge said the-Ca would probahly have to go to the OraudJury but he deferred his decision until Mon-day


    when a further examination will bhel1WIDEAWAKE MRS REfPENnAOEN-

    Bke sad tko esAMeraian Block tie NewLodger Little OaneeA freshcheeked Innocentlooking young

    man for a furnished rom at 188-Chrystlo street on Friday The of exAldermln John W Iteppenhagen who livesthere let him have a room on the top forTMnewcomer sId bo was a watchmuanight and would sloop in te dartmeYesterday morDlnl after theers had bono Mf Iteppenhagen noticed through the crack1 otthe new lodgers door a big bundle of some ¬thing over which he stooped with anotherman She examined tho other rooms andfound that much of the property of their o-ccupant


    had disappeared She wen doWtallsofrand told her husbandn sent one of the children for

    a policeman and with his wile tiptoed upstain and entered the new lodger zoom

    Mrs Itoppedhagan pretended to have lostsomething and began for It She spieda bls revolver under the bed Then her huetold the two vourxr men they could notleavo the house until things were thoroughlyInvestigated At tbla tbe one who had en ¬caged the room dodged nnder Mr Happennngens arJlnd belted A policeman entered-the door rat floor as the thief started to-go out and clubbed him down the stairs of thebuemnrwhere ho was cantnredMrs Iteppenbagen were meanwhilelooking after the man In tho room The exAlderman Is short and stout and so IB hiswife He flung himself ui nu the remainingthief tripped him and together they knockednnd putted about the floor until the thief gavein 1rslteppenbagenstood barring the doorway as the men rolled overmuch other Shedid not render active aid beyond this for

    what should a lady do In such n case fasshe afterward saidAt the Eldrldge street pollen station the

    lodger said ha was Henry La Blanche Tbeother man gave his name as George YoungBoth were rmlndc at the Essex MarketCourt In the Thelrcarefully parkedbundle contained watches clothes and otherthings

    IS JOfRICITETTA XOXAlfCOfO tHer Btorr or Forcible Abdaetlon Isnt Be-

    lieved but Dlbella In Under Arrent-Enrlchettn Spino who lives with her parents

    at 370 Bleecker street and sews shirts for aIvlns Is only 11 years old but Agent StooklnlGerrys society says she Is ¬mental liar She IU very pretty and of goodfigure Policeman Shea took her to the socie-ty


    office on Fob 211S90 and she complainedthat Michael Dlbello had nbcfuoted her fromher home at thn point of a knife She hadnever seen Dlbello before He mot her lathepnssegoway of ber own home less than threefeet from ber mothers door ant forced herout Into the street and Into a Bleeoker street-car Bho did not know whore he took her hitcould recognize the woman of the house Ifsaw her satin

    Mr Garrys agent Investigated the com-plaint


    and a ked the pollen to be on the lookout for Dlbello who lives at 1121 Germantownnvenun Philadelphia 1 he not RPIIIJfor-a warrant In the first place thegirls cnnlradlcIOI fitiiiomnls twit neoondlynot tell where the assaultwas committed ami bad no corrohorntlnn theylid not hellcie a warrant would be grantedPoliceman Savercool saw Dlhello In ulanutrxet on Friday and arrested him Inson Marketourt jestarday the girl repeated

    irstorr 10 Justice MoMahon and said she heshe could point out the houce to whichleved taken b Agent Sobulils of

    the focloty wits Instructed to go with Her to thehoue sb pointed out andlnvestlaat thefurther hearing of the case was adjourneduntil this morning

    A grocer whose name Wi not made pnMIcInformed the society on the day illshobo i aid she wits forcibly abducted andassaulted aho came to his store and metDlhello wbo was nnrarently waiting for herDlbollo wa married several ago TheJRfgirls father and brother court thatthey did not believe her story


    District Literacy Kldgway maya He NeverCan Collect on Their Ball Bond

    Antonio Nickels an Italian who Is under In-dictment


    In Kings county on a charge of carry-Ing concealed weapon wa admitted to ballyesterday by Justice Dart In BrooklynDistrict Attorney to lois re-lease


    He said that Nickels had beep rrestedforcarnlngasillettoand had pleaded guiltybefore a magistrate

    MoMovernddedtheDlstrlct Attorney hi1 bring Italian sureties and we nave neverlieen able In our oDIoe to collect on a bomt

    given by an Italian Wu generally find thatan Italian will justify In say amount and dis-pose


    of ul property next dayJustice Bartlett flied the ball at 91000 with

    two owners of real estate as bnndmn

    ANOTHER EtECTRIO WIRE LOOJA R rKilled Car Track Charged and aMss Beeelven a Dangerous Shock

    LOWILL Mass Hay 16 Electric light andtelegraph wires became crossed on Merrlmaokstreet this afternoon A lineman rut the tele-graph


    IrIn two places and let It fall to thestreet The wire tellon I horse belonging toFrank Moody killing the animal The street-car tracks became charged with the currentFrank floraL while crossing the street gottwo shocks from the tracks and tell helplesson the treat All along the streetflre flashedfrom the trackand several horses almost fellfrom shock Intense excitement prevailed-The street wa crowded and escapes of peoplefrom death seem miraculous Burn wastaken to the hospital in an unconscious con-dition


    H1 WAS ONLT O1T A IARKMr Avery Who Xloped with Sable Xe

    tar and Beicn Forglvenee-PfcinrriEU May lAVUn Ida Avery the

    pretty bet wayward wife of William B Averywho eloped with Upholsterer John B Gablelast week returned to her husbands house to-day


    and asked to be forgiven Exactly whatort of a response she got Is not knowShe did not leave town again however and-It Iis presumed that a temporary trucaleastwan latcbeoID between wifeShe t whonTshn met that she hadonlvI been oil on a lark to tease her husband

    Mr Avery experienced considerable troubleIn making up his mid to a divorce suit Whilehis wife was yet of his heart be haildeeded to her the prLJhouse where they livein Westervelt

    Ho reared that In seeking separation frombe he would have also to be separated fromhome hs haprovided This has delayedmatter COn nbly and It Is nQI improbablethat the wife hoped to me this lever to carryherself back into her husbands home if notinto his favor Gnble has not been heard from

    It IIt not improbable that he knew when he-returned for his tools on Thursday that hislittle frolic with Mr Averywouhd soon be overand he would bate to return to work for a

    PLUNGED INTO A BBl OF WATE-Vredcrtek a Waldo Clothes Set on Fire

    by an Explonlon AlcoholFrederick BWaldo manufactures mineralwaters in twostory wooden building 02

    Quay street Orenpolnt He 8making es-sences ¬in upper yesterday afternoonwhen a still containing five gallons of alcoholexploded and set the house on fire The flameswere soon extinguished by the rdeparmentMr Waldo and his assistant B L werebadly but not dangerously burned At hlahoueltCalyea street banda nd from beadsurgical wrappings Mr Waldo de-scribed


    his experiencesI had just turned from tho still he said

    when I heard the report of the explosion Ablast of flame knocked me clean oft my fieand through the door to the bottom ofstep My ololh1were on frand so was thepartition tho was sensibleenough to remomwr that In the front rom unIalr barrel of I-raup stairs and threw myself Into It Mindme out and bad his hands Injured andhis hair burned off for his trouble

    HE DISPERSED 2HPOSSEA Negro Deeperado Kill a Deputy Shcrir

    sad a Policeman asS Gets AwayFCBNANDIN tie May 16It became known

    yesterday that Bob Brewster who started theJesnp Ga riots lat era in town andlast night Deputy Sheriff Joe Robinson In ¬formed Chief of Police Hfgglnbotbam They

    orDed a pOll e ofu eight men and at day¬oprrounded the house where hewa nd dlaellnrne The negro onawn oldl a Winchrierthruah the window firing at Robin-son the ball striking just below his band killing him instnntlr Asltoblnson lrbarked again and PoltocmnnBud Hlgglnbotham was sent 10 the ground byn buleuhruh hil thigh bunt alter shot wasnelr hut fortunately with-out ¬effect The hato seek shelterFiring continued hour Afterall his cartridge Murray made a frlnsliberty and succeeded In getting to tbethe posse nlnl too small tn follow wooscrowd of has been organized nnd the

    wilt doubtless bo captured Some per ¬nelactually talk of burnlnlhim alive Hewill probably bDEPOSED JIT THE LADIES

    C Mortimer Wlike no Loaner the Bead orthe Cecilia Society

    The Trouble in the Cecilia Ladles Vocal So-ciety


    of the Eastern District of Brooklyn cul-minated


    yesterday afternoon In a defeat forC Mortimer Wiske who was a candidate forreflection as conductor Mr Wlske organizedthe society about five years ago and sincethen has controlled It At a concert held inthe First Reformed Church In Bedford avenuethree weeks ago several of the clatters tookexceptions to Mr Wiskos methods of express ¬ing his desires and hinted that It was abouttime that his successor was appointed

    The rival factions fought it out in the Amphlon Hinging Societys room and OrganistMeldllnger of the Unitarian Church of the Sav ¬iour received 10 votes against 2 received byMr Whke

    Mr Bennett F TlCanyo Plea for DivorcePJUWIPENCZ May 16A divorce case alleg-


    desertion and nonsupport brought byMrs Emma N Tiffany ado Plerson againstberhusband Bennett F Tiffany son of thenoted NewYork jewellerwas heard today in theSupreme Court Mrs Tiffanys story was thather husband lift her oleveu days after theywere married when they Worn living at 24Union squire New York and sailed forEurope Bet board hud been paid for amonth and she stayed until the time was upand then went to live with her motherKhe has modeller borne In Providence whereshe Intend to live Hhe has never beard trouther husband He lid not lone bet n cent anthe bias not supported hoer since In any wayHer mother Mrs 1Ieron a widow told thesame story and the decroo was ordered flied

    Elisabeth Boy Burglar SentencedELIZABETH May Elizabeths boy bur-


    were sentenced today Judge McCormick said the crimes were such that If com-mitted


    by men would bo pimlsbablo with tenyears In State prison In view however of timprisoners youth and the numerous petitionfor clemency be would ho merciful The boyswtru the victims of dime novel reading andImagined themselve heroes Wnlmr WllllnmH-nceil 17 Milliun Palm T Ill Thoodoru Lus ¬ter 14 and Wllllnm iiiilimky U woie sen-tenced


    to thirty data ouch In the county jailIsaac Opt anti Edward swnln each IS werefined lu apiece George Tiattnn 14 was dis-charged


    The Chief ot 1oilco isays from addtlonal facts In his possession he knows thelads hail been operating about a year and hadcommitted fifteen burglaries

    Waste BIOO Dsagesfor BeingmabbedB-

    ALTiMonr May 16 Aleeruon W Wblttlngton has begun a suit aculnst Jnmes M Ken-nedy for 10000 damages In consenurnca ofinjuries Inflicted by Kennedy who Is a studentof medicine at the Unliorslty of MarylandThe assault took paoo on Feb U nt a boardunit house Kennedy stabbed lilttlncionthirteen times In th back nnd chest anilinewounds it is alleged provoit so dautreiousthat Pie life was despaired of for a long timeTwo Week1 Board and a flu for SaSOO-

    Bsrah A Mertaee who keeps a Hoardinghouse at 603 Fifth avenue has beitun suit inthe Superior Court against Sydney A Bennettto recover a 13300 board bill She alleges thaton Dee 15 1890 Bennett engaged rooms andhoard for himself his wife two children and aservant until Juno IS 1801 nt 100 u week Beleft the house two weeks later und flits notpaid sloe Chlvt Justice riedanlik ha deniedthe defendants application for a bill ot partic-ulars


    Ill Hkn I Fractured la a FightIn an altercation on the sidewalk In front of

    110 West Fiftieth street yesterday afternoonbetween James Forkeyof 453 West Sixteenthstreet and in unknown colored man the Oattrjtruck th goymer Qvups head with a c-orkyitfraotnred bilL SiIlI1 was tak u to-


    UTbS 1QPltal a ai ma-

    t S> > uVtfJH t



    Nobody Seems to Kaonr TTkero tk-Is

    TIntSBelief that the Charleston Still B-zpetto Intercept ITerA Fight B tw to

    Ship IVonld Kilt the flsnrget CauseWisnrmrroH Mar 18Aftar a weeks wait

    Inn some tangible now wa today receivedat the Navy Department from the CharlestonFirst came a despatch from Acapulco statingthat the Chllllan insurgent cruiser Esmsraldaload put out of Acapulco harbor yesterday andhail returned to the port today Laterthrough the State Department a despatchcame saying that the Charleston had arrivedat Acapulco and that the Esmeralda wa stillIn port but giving no news ot the flats

    What the next stop Is to be no one at the de-partment knows or feels tree to tell TheCharleston Is to take on coal as her supply baaprobably nearly run out during the weekchase Whether the Esmoralda Is to have theprivilege of taking coal aboard cannot belearned here as It Is a matter entirely withhsthe control ot the Mexican Governments butthe presumption at the department la againstit as the neutrality laws would be strained brthe Mexican Government if It allowed anything beyond water and food supplies to befurnished to a belligerent

    The theory M the Navy Department is thatthe Charleston whoso commander CaptBarney has orders admitting large discretionarT movements will now lie at or near Acapnlco for a time trusting that the Itata whichis a slow sevenknot ship ba not yet passeddown the coast and will try to coal In thatneighborhood If she IIs sighted the Charleston will doubtless try to seize her She cannotdo this In Mexican waters so that It would benecessary to head her off outside the threemile line or it unsuccessful In that to fol-low her to sea when she goes outWhat the Esmeralda will do meantime ft-in problematical The general Impression Itthat the ofllcers of that vessel Will rely moreuponistrategr than force to obtain the suppliescnrrlfd by the Itata and some officer believethat be Is trying to lure the Charleston awayfrom the Itataa real course Recourse toforce to prevent the Charleston from eantnrlnffthe Itata however would It is said be thedeath blow of the Insurgent cause in Chill asthe entire naval force ot the United States la-th IVolflo wouM if necessary bo promptly Tcalled Into play to destroy the Insurgent navy An

    A cablegram received at the department i>from Admiral McCann this afternoon anflounced that the Baltimore and SauFraneiscowere both a Ipitjue Chili today So It uppears that the Baltimore has oome north andthe lOan Prancloco tint been stayed in heruthorn course just ntthe point where theChilian Insurgent navy la now nearly altogather as ¬ 5iOPi14 so-

    UWIJuAM UJ > up M e1-f


    tSU0 M 4a


    Averar31 US

    Averse On May IS tSPIIUIL ernie soucis TILL 8 r N 5UJPiT-

    FerMalee New hampshire Ma>uohattaa4Rbo4l-aland rain ieept fair bunday In western MMOB-letut coWer wind becoming north fair Mondaywith froiti In the Interior aunilar nl hL-

    yer Vermont Conntoilcut tuttnt J eW rrk erufcm-ImiuytraHta and Nrc Jrsy jufr Suadap aNd Ma d

    Sew York fair fanday aid Moadayt allghDy ctajlexcept itatlsaary Uariatu es ls lakes asit4wlais

