4 ''- **x d ' . . . 0 ? r - --- '-- -' ' . '- 'm,: 3 s a ·...

______ ___ ____meR_e__ar__(?t_____zstr_a__) s_ ______c_______t_ fl _________t_ lg __ __VJ,_m __ ,or__a_ ___0__?_____, / M_ _\_ _oA 35o_4/_6J_2oLgAdv ___ m ' _,, ' 8 _a ' ^'^,_. _al Ofq _ U , ! ' ' ' ,tq __%_^_''^_', __ ,,0,0 '__ \ '4Tm_ Governmento ln _ ' ___ , C_ ' ___ '_ '_ _ _, _' ,_: __/mL-__s_ofHomeA___ _ 's i __, 00 ?,_ 4 _''-_ _**x __ _D ' !_ _ _; _ V - ' ' _ orth B,,ocx ,. _ J 'D_ - _c- ' _ - _ - _ __,__J _/__ ___'__v _ '-_D_,ed..G__j x__ _v i, _o !l .__. . 0_ ?_ r__ -_---_'-- -' ' . ___ ___ . _._ c __ 0,,,__ _ Gener,__s,bhasec,et_.at/RaJ.yasabhase _c,e _ _ _a, j - _w De1hr. _ ;'.;' ;__ 2. ^__ eta_, Ptesident'_ Secretariat/Vice-Presi_nt's Secretar_ /_OlTI A''äyog/ _ _ ___ Elec_on Commission of India/Union Pub1ic Sem'ce Commission/_n__ _il_ce ___ ' ___'__ Com_issjon. '- 'M,: 3 _s_ A _ _ ;- - - ._' _ The c__an un;ve,si_ _, ^ _t _c P __ __ -g _ __o _ O " ^ ' _ _ Y,j ',-= ' 5. W State Govemments / _nion Temio_es / Resident Cammissio_e__ _' ______. '_, t___,,,,n_ _,___01 subJect: .. _;lJing up or one post of Tech_'c_ A_'sxant in Dep __ _ ' _ or of_cial '' _l_guage of Minist_ of Ho_e _au' s on Deput8_on (Jn' clu_g short-term _n_act) or abso0_on basis-reg. 5ir, E am directed to say _at it is proposed to _l up ane (O l) post oT Technical Assistmt in _evel-5 in Ule P8y M8trix (pre-revised: PB_l, _í200-20200/- and G_ade Pay of_2800/-7 in Dep_tment of O_lcial L_g4age of Minjs_ or Ho_e An_' s on _eputa_on (inclu_' g shart-term con_act) or abso__on, f_1ing which b__ D_ect Recruiment' b_sis. The particulars of the post, e_ibjIitv_ condi_ans etc. are given in Annexure_I. 2. The pay oF _e selected af6cer mll be regWated in ac%rdance mth the Dep__ent of PersonneI _ TraJn' ing O.M. M0. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay ET) dated l7-06.20 lO as amended rrom _- eto_me. 3. The _' um age li_t for appoin_ent on deputation (_' clud_' g sho_-te_ contract) sh_ be 56 years. Accordingly, _e persons who m_l be crossing the a_e of 56 ye_s, on _e last d_te or recei_- g ofapp_catjons as _' __ted in p_&_5 need not ap_1y. 4. Off_cers w_o volunteer Io_ the post w_ not be pe__ed To m__aw their n_es later. Only such reco_enda_ons as are accompanied by _e req4isite person_ data as jn Amemre-ll vM' be consjdered. 5. It is requested _at m'de pubZiity may be iven to che vace1cy cucW_ _on_st stanunder your &dm_- 'strative contro1 and app_ca_ons, ul' duplic_te, in the enclo_d pro- forma (_e7cure-II) alo_g w_U v_gi__e _ ca_e cle_ce and atte_ted cop1e8 of co_plete &_d up-to-d8te AC_ of last I2ve yean l_th nlbber sta_p o_ eacb p8ge) of the o_cers who can be spared _ Ue e_'ent of _eir selec_on, m8y be sent to Under Secreq (Ad-_, _' isty of Ha_e Af_atfi, Roo_ Mo. 1_, North _ Io_k, New Delhl- 1lOOOl, mthin a pe_od of _60 d nom the date or pub_ca_on of this ar' cul_ in Me _mplo_ent Mews. Ap_lications received _ter _e last date or w1'_out Me copies of ACRs or o_e_je Found inco_plete mIl not be considered. W1We fo_ar_g the 8pp___ons, it may _so be verirLed _d cer_r1ed _at the p_iulars furnished by the oMcers _e co_ect and no discipM_ case is either p_ding or contemplated aginst him/h_r._ The integrity of the O__cer may ,so pleas_ be cert_1ed and it _ay be conf1r_ed that no major/minor pen__es have been imposed on _' /her during _e 1ast ten ye_s. Yo_____itbAW_, _i __ __ ' (s_oJ__ GhoBh) _ _ _' ' U_der Secret8y to tbe Gove_ment of Ind18 _0 _ Tel. Mo. 2309 3666 V \

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Post on 07-Mar-2020




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______ ___ ____meR_e__ar__(?t_____zstr_a__) s_ ______c_______t_ fl _________t_ lg

__ __VJ,_m __ ,or__a____0__?_____, / M_ _\_ _oA 35o_4/_6J_2oLgAdv ___ m ' _,, ' 8 _a' ^'^,_. _al Ofq _ U , ! ' ' ' ,tq __%_^_''^_',__ ,,0,0 '__ \ '4Tm_ Governmento ln _ ' ___ ,C_ ' ___ '_ '_ _ _, _' ,_: __/mL-__s_ofHomeA___ _ 's i __, 00 ?,_4 _''-_ _**x __ _D '�

!_ _ _; _ V - ' ' _ orth B,,ocx ,. _ J 'D_ -_c- ' _ - _ - _ __,__J _/__ ___'__v _ '-_D_,ed..G__j x__ _v i, _o !l �.__. . 0_ ?_ r__ -_---_'-- -' ' . ___ ___

. _._ c __ 0,,,__ _ Gener,__s,bhasec,et_.at/RaJ.yasabhase _c,e _ _ _a, j - _w De1hr. _;'.;' ;__ 2. ^__ eta_, Ptesident'_ Secretariat/Vice-Presi_nt's Secretar_ /_OlTI A''äyog/_ _ ___ Elec_on Commission of India/Union Pub1ic Sem'ce Commission/_n__ _�il_ce___ ' ___'__ Com_issjon.'- 'M,: 3 _s_ A _ _;- - - ._' _ The c__an un;ve,si_ _, ^ _t _c P __ __ -g _ __o _ O " ^ ' _ _ Y,j',-= ' 5. �W State Govemments / _nion Temio_es / Resident Cammissio_e__ _' ______.'_, t___,,,,n_ _,___01

subJect: .. _;lJing up or one post of Tech_'c_ A_'sxant in Dep __ _ ' _ or of_cial'' _l_guage of Minist_ of Ho_e _au' s on Deput8_on (Jn' clu_g short-term_n_act) or abso0_on basis-reg.

5ir,E am directed to say _at it is proposed to _l up ane (O l) post oT Technical Assistmtin _evel-5 in Ule P8y M8trix (pre-revised: PB_l, _í200-20200/- and G_ade Pay of_2800/-7in Dep_tment of O_lcial L_g4age of Minjs_ or Ho_e An_' s on _eputa_on (inclu_' gshart-term con_act) or abso__on, f_1ing which b__ D_ect Recruiment' b_sis. Theparticulars of the post, e_�ibjIitv_ condi_ans etc. are given in Annexure_I.

2. The pay oF _e selected af6cer mll be regWated in ac%rdance mth the Dep__ent ofPersonneI _ TraJn' ing O.M. M0. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay ET) dated l7-06.20 lO as amended rrom_- eto_me.

3. The _' um age li_t for appoin_ent on deputation (_' clud_' g sho_-te_contract) sh_ be 56 years. Accordingly, _e persons who m_l be crossing the a_e of 56ye_s, on _e last d_te or recei_- g ofapp_catjons as _' __ted in p_&_5 need not ap_1y.

4. Off_cers w_o volunteer Io_ the post w_ not be pe__ed To m__aw their n_eslater. Only such reco_enda_ons as are accompanied by _e req4isite person_ data asjn Amemre-ll vM' be consjdered.

5. It is requested _at m'de pubZi�ity may be �iven to che vace1cy cucW_ _on_ststanunder your &dm_- 'strative contro1 and app_ca_ons, ul' duplic_te, in the enclo_d pro-forma (_e7cure-II) alo_g w_U v_gi__e _ ca_e cle_ce and atte_ted cop1e8 ofco_plete &_d up-to-d8te AC_ of last I2ve yean l_th nlbber sta_p o_ eacb p8ge) ofthe o_cers who can be spared _ Ue e_'ent of _eir selec_on, m8y be sent to UnderSecreq (Ad-_, _' isty of Ha_e Af_atfi, Roo_ Mo. 1_, North _ Io_k, New Delhl-1lOOOl, mthin a pe_od of _60 d nom the date or pub_ca_on of this ar' cul_ in Me_mplo_ent Mews. Ap_lications received _ter _e last date or w1'_out Me copies of ACRsor o_e_je Found inco_plete mIl not be considered. W1We fo_ar_g the 8pp___ons, itmay _so be verirLed _d cer_r1ed _at the p_iulars furnished by the oMcers _e co_ectand no discipM_ case is either p_ding or contemplated ag�inst him/h_r._ The integrityof the O__cer may ,so pleas_ be cert_1ed and it _ay be conf1r_ed that no major/minorpen__es have been imposed on _' /her during _e 1ast ten ye_s.


_i __ __ ' (s_oJ__ GhoBh)_ _ _' ' U_der Secret8y to tbe Gove_ment of Ind18_0 _ Tel. Mo. 2309 3666V \

_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

-2- - '?No.A.3_olq/ 16/2o_g.Ad.v New Delh_, dgted 2_muune, _o_gCopy to:-1 All Minis_'es / Dep_ents of the CenTr_ G_7emment m_ the re_est that _'depub___ _8y be __en to Me vac_cy circul_ in their M_' 'sty / Dep__ent _d __eir a_ched / subor_ate o_ces. Applica_ons or the eli�Lble c__d_tes may befo__ded to _s M_' 's_ _' _e prescri_ed pra-fo_ m-Ui_ a pe_od of _60 _from the _ate of p_b1ic8tion of _e cjcular 1n' E_pIo_e_t Me_s.2. KA_ Sec_ons / Des_s in _th M_' 'stry of Home M__- ? (incIu_ng Deparme_t of O____Languæe _d Dep_enT of_us_cet._ Leader and 81l Members of _e o_ce Counc_ (St_ side) , M_n_s_ of Home An_r_.4. S_ O (ITt , Mi_is_ af Home Nf_rs for uplo_d_g on _l7Ju- 's_'s Website and on e-ofr_ce.r(_oJ1tGbo__)U_der Secret_ to _e __e_e_t oI __aTel.No. 2309 3666


_ _ __

_3_ _m_NEXuR_I

J- M__e OfthePUst : Jechnic_Assist_t2. Mumber oFPost : OZ (One)__. PaySc_e : kvel-5i__epay_4_' ß2g,2oo-g2,3oo/_)(pre-revised: Pay B_d-l, _5200-20200/- _dGrade Pay off28OO/-t.4_ MOde Of Rec_iment: Dcputatio_ (includ_' g sho_-ie_ con__ct) orabSOrp_on, _Vng w_ch by Direct Rec_'_ent.5. Du_es and Responsib__es of the post:(i) _ matters rel__ng to organiza_on of H_di Computers Trajnj_g_O__es Ulruugh Central Hind� Tr�ining I_s_t4te.tii) All matters rela_ng to Developme_t of SofVv_e proJects for Dep_e_t ofOfrlci_ L_N4_e Mrough C-DAC, _e _d o_er c0_p__s. (To org__-meet1n' _S _d obtain approv8l fro_ IFD etc.)(üi) Nl matters rel_i1ng to Plan and Nc_n_P3__ budget of _e _J ech_ical ceIl.(iv) RTI matters orTe_nic_ Cell.(v) Worlc relaWl' g to organiza_on of Tec_ic_ Session on _e oc_sion orRe_ional Offlcial __gu8ge Confe_ences. To contact _d co_o__ate _-Msoftw_e compal_ies for demonstr__' on of BMn_aJ _di, Eng_sh) somvearein Technjcal Session.(vit TO Obt_' infonnation of bi1ingual somw_are _d __ebsites to van-ous a_ces.(viit Di_, disp_tch _d F1le movement __or_ of _e s__on bvv e-o_ce.(viiit O&M Reports, RTl returns _d annual r_o_ etc.(lx' ) Any oUler worJc Bssi_ed by Direcl0r ('Tec_ic_) _0_ _' e to _- e.

6. _li�ibility:

Orrlc_rs_ oI the Ceniral Government or S_te Go_-_e_ents or U_o__ TemioAdmil_istratjon or Reco_ised Rese_ch ms__ tu_on5 or U_iversi_es or PublicSector UndertUcings or Semi Goq-e_e_ o_ Sta_E_o_ or Autono_ousOrganis_tio1_s:

(a. J (iJ hol_g _al-og__s posts on reg4Zar basis _ the p_ent c8dre orDep_ent; OR

(ii) m-_ 6ve ye_s' rcg4l_ ser_ice in the _ade _ter appointme_t theretoo_ _e_I_ basi5 in _vel-4 ß25,500-8l, ZOO/-) (prc-revised: P8y Band-J, fJ_ 200-20200/- _d Grade Pay of _2400/-) or equivalent in _e__ent cadre or dep_ent;- AND

(b) P0sses_- g _e foJlow_' g e_uca_ona1 qu8l_1cations and experience:

_Esse____ucatio_a1 0 u81if1catio_:

(i) Bachelor De_ee _o_ a reca_' ed University; ANDiiiJ Vror_g _ow3edge of Hindi.

_eiuab Ie:

Wor_g _o__ledge of c___uter_ __ prnF1cie_cy M usin_ a_PIi__ti_nS 6UChas Word Ptocessor, Spread SheeXs, __ ower Point, etc,

_ _** _ _

exceed_rceyears._ Te_ com_act) or _bsorptio_ sh_ be 5Not e_cee _g _ ty __ y e ar s ' a s o _the closi_g d_te of receipt oI _pp_ca_uns .

__l_J|_oyo_ulce_ /m_ese_tm__oe_ 1_eoysut lhel_e_ l Fru_ __ __rt To pay Band _d Gr _atl_r ___ _ut_1____1__


_B_o-DATA c_c_uM V1TÆ _RoFOmA

I. N_e_tlAddress(_' BlockLettcrs)i 't_- -__. '. '. _Te O lrt 1n nS_4n _r6ll3. n_te of rewe_ent_ under ce___ / -st_te Gove_ent iu_es ll,

4. Educa6onal Q__caiions

l 5. Whe_er Educa6on_ __ oMer !,l, qu_ca_ons req_- ed _or _e post!8Te sa_srled. (_ any qu__cat_onh8s been tre8t__ 88 equivalent to _tbe o_e preBmbed 1n tbe Rule_, _Btgte tbe aut_o_t _of t_e s_e !Qualincatio_/_pe_ence reqWred! Qualiac8tio_/e_pe__ce po8se_ed by the j8s me_ti0ned tn the 8dve__e_$nt/ o_cer iv8_anc cir__r.__e_t_ !Essent&I_A ou___on : ,4 Qu_irlca6onB _xDejence B _x0e_e_ceDe_1r8ble Desi_ble ___ A Ou_cation i _) QuaWLc4_oni B E _ejence_B ExDenence _5.l Note_ This c0lumn needs _0 be _pl_1e_ t0 in_c8te Essen_al ar_d Desir4ble_' u_irlca_ons _s men_or1ed _ the _Rs by tbe A___tn_ve _1strp/DepaEt_eatJ _!Omce at the _me or issue of CLrcuLar _d issue of Adve_-se_ent _' the Emp3o_ent _e_vs. '5.2 _n _e c8se of De_ee _d Post Graduate Q_aW' 1ca_ons Elective/m__ subjects _d!.. subsidi_ subjects _4y be __cated by _e candidate.5. Please State c1e_ly whe_er in _e __&t _I en_'es _ade by J_uu above, _'si_e Essen_'al!_, 'Q__ca_on5 _d wor_ e_enence of!_e Dost.6._ Note; Borrow1ng Dep8rtme_ts are to proTide t_e_ spec_c co__e_t_/v1e_sco_f_rming the relev8_t _8ent_l Q_al1nca_o_/Wor_ e_erieace po88e8sed bY tbe iCa_dXd8te (as _dicated _ Ue BZo-data) _ith reference to the post appIted_

7. Det_s of F,mployme_t, in cjro_ologl-cal order. __close 8 separ&te sbeet dulyaut_ent1C&ted bY your signature _ if the 9pace belO_ _s ii_lCient_

'_0 .l _ adeNeofDis'on reguJ_r ! P_y/ Pay Sc8le of Ihe (in det8iltbasis l post held on regl1ar, __&_' g j;baS1s eX_en_Ce !1i requued Iorthc_ 009taD0lied fOC! _ l' I _,_,l, '

__1__pl ba)t csteanttre alGoGvoev_enle_netnt _ _ _l1__l_l _ t___

-_ , i

*_ o_nt.. pa _b_d an_ Grade pg , _ted un_e, Acp _cp ,.nfncer _d U_efore, should nut be men_uned. Only P8_ B_d _d _rade _g y / __sc8Je of the post held on Tegul_ _asis to be _en_oned. De_' s of ACP/MACP __present Pay B_d and Grade Pay w_e_e such bene_ts kave been drawn by theC__date, _ay be __caied as _e_aw;

r_c _ _tu_on, pg B_d _ c, a -dr_%n under A__CP Sche_e

B. N8ture ofpre6e_t empIo5Jmenti .e. Ad-hoc or Tempor_ or Qu8si-Pe__ent or Perm8nent.9. In case U1e prese__t e__lo_ent iis held on deputa_on/con_actb8sis, Dlease state- 'a) The d_te or b) Penod 0f c) N_e of _e pare_t d) M_e of _e post _d ;ini_al appoin_ent on! oMce / orgaJw' ation to Pay of the post held _ l&ppointment deput8tion / wt1ich the app_cant s_bst__ve c_p___ _ !con_act. belon Dos. _e Darent orooan1_a_on

9,l Note: In c8se oT O__cers already on deputa_on, _eapp_ca_ons of such o_ce_s s_ould be forw-arded by _e p_entc8dre/Department 8lon_'U1 Cadre CZe_ance, _-i_anceClear_ce &nd Tnte_-__ cer_1cate. _9.2 Note: l_fo_a_on under Col_ _tc) & (dj Bbove mus_ be l__-en in all cases w1Jere a person is hol_g a post o_t depu_ation outyde the c4dre/org01_a_on but s_ __t ' 'il a lien in his 0_ent cBdre or_0_ja_on.lO. _f8nypostheldonDeput8_0n7n' _e., p_st _y _e applicant, date o_ ret_ _o_l the l8st 4e_ut Btion _d o_er det_si11, Ad_ti_nal det8il_ 8bout PreBe_t le_plo_ent: ;i , (ease state wheUec wor_g under _(indicate the name of your empZoyer l !agaJ'nst _e relevant colu_.) ijlc) A_tono_ous Org_i8_ond) Gove_enti_de_g _e) Universi_esOthers ll2. P_ease state whether you _e __or_g i_in the s_e De___ent aJ1d are _' _e lfeeder _ade or feeder to feede_ _ade

il3. Are you in Rm'sed Sc_e oI P_y? U .ves,_ve _e date Iro_ w_ich _e rev�sion toohplace _d also in_c Bte tbe pre-re_'sedscale_

_( J p t1 _ __ e___f th __tl_ ___ _ __ _ _)____

. _1

_4, To_ e_oluments 0eT month now drawn __BasicPa inthePB Gradc_Pa Tota!Em0l_ents j1 !'

_5. In case _e appli_t belongs to _ 0rgan1_a_on w__ is _ot foUom'ng Ihe Cen_a1Gove_mt P&y-scales, _e latest salary. sIip issued by the Org8nisa_on 6homn_ _eru_owin Dn det_s ma be e_closed.Basic pa wl'th _cale of pa De_es i_te _ e_er Tot8l E_oluments land rate ofincrement o_er iWowances etc., lwiY1bre_-u0 det_s

ll6_A Ad_tio_8l lnIor_at1o_, _ _y, relev_t to _e post tyou ap__ed for in support of your swtabWty f0r t_e post. . ,!tThis _ong other Mn_s _ay pToq_de _ro_a_on m_ '_eg_d to (i) a__6on_ acade_-c qua1i_ca_ons (ü) ,professio__ tr8�ning an-d (üit wo__ expejence _d above_rescjbed i_ '_e V8c__ Cucular/Advertise_ent) '__

(Note_ __clo8$ 8 8eparate sbeet, _ Ue _p8_e is :_sumci_t)16,B AchieTe_ents: . _The c8n_dates 8re requested to in_cate _fo_a_on wi_reg_d to; ' ,,(i) Research pub_ca_ons _d repo_s _d 6Renalprojects(üt Awards/ Schol_s_ps/ O_�al Apprena_on(üi) __ia_on m'_ _e profes6ional bodiesi1n' s_tu_ons !/so�e_esand' '. . . t1V ate_tS regl6 ere 1n O_ __e or aC ev-e Or Corg_s&_on(v) _y research/_- ov8_ve measure _' volving o_ln'aJreco_ition ,.(vi) _y o_er informa_on. _(Note; _clo8e & _ep_r8te s_eet if _e 8p_Ce i8 !,_6_c1e_tl7. Please state whethe_ you _e apply_' g ror deput__0n _(ISTC) JAbgoq_o_/Re-e_plo_ent Basis._ , '_(Omcers unde_ Cen_8l/State Govemments are onl__ e__ble ,_f0r _bsorp6on". Candidates of non-Gove_ent _OroDan1sa_on6 _e e__0_ble anJ for Shon Te_ Con_act ! ,& _e op_an of 'STC1_bso0_on_Re_e_plo_ent' _eav_ble on1y _ _e vac_cy cjcular specially me__onedrecrui_entb _STC_or~Abso __on'' o_''Re-emDlo ooent'. _l8. Whetherbelono_stoSC S_ _ iI have c_eMIy gone _ough _e vac_cy cjcular/adver_sement _d I _ %ellaware _at the info_a_o_ _shed in _e Cunicu_u_ VitRe duly supported by Xhedoc_ments in res_ect of Esse__a2 Qu8J__ca6onJWork _erience s_b_itted by _e mIl_so be 8ssessed by the Se3e_-o_ Co__itee at _e _' e of selec_on For Me _st. Thei_o_ation/det_s provz'ded by _e 8re correct and _e to the best of _y _owledge_d no _atejal fact hav1n' g a bearing on _y selec_on has been suppressed/mMhe1d.

Date:_ (Si_8ture of U1e c_didate)_ddress_

__ g __

-8-_Certi_c8tion b the Em_lo er C8_e Con_oUia__ n__th iThe _formation/de__' s _rovided in t__e above app_ca_o_ by _e appIic_t_e true and correc_ 8s per Yze f__s __-__abLc on records. He/s_e p0ssessesed__ca_onal qualif_ca_ons and expe_ence men_oned in _e VacAncy Circular, Ifselec_ed, he/5he mU be re_eved _' ediatel_v-2. AlsocertMedth8t;i) There is _o v3_lance or discipl Lnarv. case pending/conte_plated ag&1n' s_S_JSmt.__.ii) His/her inte_'_ �s certined.iiit His/her CR Dossier in oj_' a1 is enclosed/photocopies of Me ACRs for _el8st 5 years duly attested by an 0fF1ce_ of _e r_k of Under 5ecret_ of _eGovt. of Tndia or 8bave _e en_osed.__v) No _ajor/minar penal_- h8s been m- _osed on hm' /her dum' g the last lOyears _Or A list of m_jor/minor pen_ues i__osed on h_/her d_M' g _e lastlO ye_s is encIosed. (_s _e case may bet

Couatersi_edlEmplo_er/Ca_e ControUing A_thority with Seal_