5 essential resources to help your new year resolution stick

5 ESSENTIAL RESOURCES TO HELP YOUR NEW YEAR RESOLUTION STICK #5 Max Capacity Training Work out wherever you are...A recent addition on my iPhone, this app is a simple, set of bodyweight exercise routines. You can do the exercises anywhere and the instructions are clear. In short, you've no excuses. #4 My Fitness pal Your personal trainer...Tell My Fitness Pal how many pounds you’d like to lose, as well as a few other personal stats, and the app will help you stay on track. #3 Juice Track your progress...A nice complement to the exercise and diet apps is this tracker. Juice allows you to keep tabs on your progress as you workout and improve your diet, as well as track your sleep. #2 Kickit Banish bad habits...The Kickit app provides a motivational indication of the financial gains you’re making from kicking bad habits, such as smoking. #1 Bloom Develop good habits...Bloom is a tool that reminds you to do productive things during the day. You can even add pictures, which are then used as motivational reminders whenever you need that prompt. © 2015 www.WeightLossRunners.com. All Rights Reserved.

Upload: jamie-de-sylva

Post on 12-Aug-2015



Self Improvement

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#5 Max Capacity Training Work out wherever you are...A recent addition on my iPhone, this app is a simple, set of bodyweight exercise routines. You can do the exercises anywhere and the instructions are clear. In short, you've no excuses.


#4 My Fitness pal Your personal trainer...Tell My Fitness Pal how many pounds you’d like to lose, as well as a few other personal stats, and the app will help you stay on track.


#3 Juice Track your progress...A nice complement to the exercise and diet apps is this tracker. Juice allows you to keep tabs on your progress as you workout and improve your diet, as well as track your sleep.


#2 Kickit Banish bad habits...The Kickit app provides a motivational indication of the financial gains you’re making from kicking bad habits, such as smoking.


#1 Bloom Develop good habits...Bloom is a tool that reminds you to do productive things during the day. You can even add pictures, which are then used as motivational reminders whenever you need that prompt.



© 2015 www.WeightLossRunners.com.  All Rights Reserved.