5 steps to account-based marketing success

5 Steps to Account-based Marketing Success Driving high-value deals by doing ABM right

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Post on 03-Mar-2017




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5 Steps toAccount-based MarketingSuccessDriving high-value deals by doing ABM right

ABM Opportunities

PointClear, LLC Confidential 2017

Marketing/sales alignment

Higher close rates

Greater customer intimacy

More customer advocacy

Bigger deal sizes


ABM Challenges

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Segmentation processes have to be

in place

Formulaic or single media programs don’t


Targeting is tough (there are

no good lists)

Campaign thinking doesn’t work

Up-selling can’t be ad hoc


ABM Defined

PointClear, LLC Confidential 2017

Account-based Marketing is a strategic approach that coordinates personalized marketing and sales efforts to open doors and deepen engagement at specific accounts. It is a different approach to marketing


ABM is a strategic approach that combines targeted, insight-led marketing with sales to increase mindshare, strengthen relationships, and drive growth in specific new and existing accounts



ABM Defined

PointClear, LLC Confidential 2017


Markets of One

Highly Customized


All Media


How ABM is Used

Acquiring new clients Nurturing longer term opportunities Following up on events Mapping touch cycle to actionable latent pain Expanding enterprise accounts

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ABM Fallacies … and Truths

Fallacy Outbound sales is a manual process of calling and/or emailing prospects while ABM is automated so messages reach buyers on their schedule, not yours

TruthOutbound activity is an intricate part of the ABM process, providing the opportunity for real dialogue and relationship building

Outbound and ABM are not mutually exclusive

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ABM Fallacies … and Truths

PointClear, LLC Confidential 2017

FallacyMA targets individuals while ABM uses IP addresses to target accounts

TruthABM uses all information available about a potential customer—IP addresses, yes, but also personal conversations via phone, social media research, analyst reports, competitive studies, etc. to target, segment and progress the prospect through the funnel


ABM Fallacies … and Truths

PointClear, LLC Confidential 2017

FallacyCold calling is a far cry from intentional, planned, coordinated and personalized ABM

TruthABM works because it uses all types of touchpoints including intentional, planned, coordinated and personalized “cold calling” or teleprospecting


ABM Fallacies … and Truths

PointClear, LLC Confidential 2017

FallacyA 5 minute response time increases the probability of closing 100x

50% of buyers choose the first vendor to respond

TruthWhile response should be rapid, the dynamics and complexity of a strategic enterprise deal are very different from a commodity sale


ABM Fallacies … and Truths

PointClear, LLC Confidential 2017

FallacyABM is complex and requires technology investment

TruthIt doesn’t take complicated rules and roles to accomplish ABM goals—just a straightforward approach to selling to markets of oneWhile CRM, MA and other technologies can facilitate ABM, they’re not required


5 Steps in the ABM Process

1. Define Target Accounts & Identify Key Players2. Segment and Stratify3. Dynamic Engagement & Re-engagement4. Analyze5. Nurture, Upsell, Create Advocacy

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Step #1

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Define Target Accounts & Identify Key PlayersUsing firmographic data and business intelligence, prioritize high-value accounts (this could be based on

revenue and margin potential)Map contacts and how decisions are made


Marketing Equally Sized Samples

Sample Size

Lead Rate # of Leads

200 9% 18

200 7% 14

200 5% 10

200 3% 6

200 1% 2

1,000 5% 50

Step #2

Segment and Stratify

PointClear, LLC Confidential 2017

5% Lead Rate

1,000 Companies

50 Leads

32 leads (64%)= 40% of spend

42 leads (84%) = 60% of spend


Dynamic Engagement & Re-engagementUse multi-touch, multi-media, multi-cycle processes to multiply results (reduce dependence on digital media)Optimize cadence of dials, voicemails and emails (number of touches and retouch cycle)Map content to audiences of one

Step #3

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Step #4

AnalyzeTouches per dispositionLead rateCost per leadCost per Sales Accepted leadLeads proactively rejectedLeads lost in black holeMarketing Qualified to Sales Accepted rateSales Accepted to Sales Qualified rateSales Qualified to Sales Closed rate

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Step #5

Nurture, Upsell, Create AdvocacyThe goal of acquiring customers is to retain the business, increase it and maximize lifetime value

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Identify relevant solutions and communication preferences

Target accounts where awareness should be increased with regular, account-specific information

Establish lead definitions and metrics for marketing to provide leads to sales

Create advocates to drive new business

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Benefits (there are tons, but …)

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Benefits Buts …

Increased revenue But It will take timeFewer missed opportunities But Dependent on quality of


Increased loyalty But It depends on quality of relationships built

Reduced cost per lead But Not necessarily trueAlignment between marketing and sales But That’s a tall order



PointClear, LLC Confidential 2017

Standard Approach ABM ApproachObjective Engage a specific role at hospitals with 300+ bedsFocus 7,500 contacts @ 4,200

hospitals803 hospitals with 300+ beds

Directive “Call them all” “Identify decision makers and use a multi-touch , multi-media, multi-cycle process to engage and drive decision”

Cost $172,200 $49,385


Recap on ABM

Needs top-down commitment Disconnect about IP-based targeting and “using

more digital channels than email or phone calls” Not one size fits all (1:1) The flexibility of teleprospecting makes it an

ideal ABM enabler

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PointClear, LLC Confidential 2017

Who is PointClear?

Lead generation, qualification & nurturingResponse management

Market coverage ▪ Market intelligenceStrategic program planning






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Thank You!

Dan [email protected]@pointclear.com678-533-2722
