6 bio divercity- . s

BIODIVERSIT Y Biodiversity is the variety and the number of living organisms within a given ecosystem, or on Earth.



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  • 1. BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity is the variety and the number of living organisms within a given ecosystem, or on Earth.
  • 2. BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity means the variety and variability of all living organisms. Biodiversity constitutes the biological wealth. Biological diversity is at three levels : GENETIC BIODIVERSITY SPECIES BIODIVERSITY ECOSYSTEM BIODIVERSITY
  • 3. GENETIC BIODIVERSITY Genetic diversity refers to the diversity (or genetic variability) within species. Each individual species possesses genes which are the source of its own unique features The term genetic diversity also covers distinct populations of a single species, such as the thousands of breeds of different dogs or the numerous variety of roses.
  • 4. Each species consists of many organisms and virtually no two members of the same species are genetically identical. Genetic diversity is usually mentioned with reference to agriculture and maintaining food security. This is because genetic erosion of several crops has already occurred leading to the world's dependence for food on just a few species.
  • 5. SPECIES BIODIVERSITY The variety of species within a region and measured on region wise . More species biodiversity means more biologic wealth.
  • 6. ECOSYSTEM BIODIVERSITY Refers to variety of ecosystems in a particular region or zone as for example various ecosystem include forests, wetlands, zones, deserts, etc.
  • 7. Diversity decreases due to stress Both natural and man made The greater the bio diversity the better is the eco system There are about 2,89,100 species of plants and fungi and 10,53,800 species of animals presently known to scientists
  • 8. Economic Values of biodiversity Direct use values Consumptive use values Productive use value Indirect use values Social values Aesthetic value Option values Existence (ethical ) values
  • 9. Biodiversity in India One of the 12 mega diversity nations of the world
  • 10. Endangered and endemic species of India IUCN has prepared a red data book According to red data book a threatened species is one whose natural habitat is disturbed As per schedule 1 of wildlife(protection) Act 1972 of India a species is considered endangered when its number reduces to a critical level. 38 species of bird,18 of reptiles and amphibian, 81 of mammals have been labeled endangered in India.
  • 11. A species faces a high risk of extinction when there is a suspected deduction of at least 50% over the last 10 year or three generations. Endemic species:- very restricted distribution ,found relatively small ranges.
  • 12. Threat to biodiversity Habitat destruction and degradation Over exploitation Pollution Invasion of Non- native species Climatic changes Over hunting Natural catastrophe