602...602 dickey uhs ig h w ay b101r idg e sourcedses elro:i,rm e, elk area 2021 2-020 hunitngse...

T29-0N R12-0W T29-0N R12-0W T27-0N R14-0W T27-0N R14-0W T29-0N R13-0W T29-0N R13-0W T27-0N R13-0W T27-0N R13-0W T28-0N R14-0W T28-0N R14-0W T28-0N R12-0W T28-0N R12-0W T28-0N R13-0W T28-0N R13-0W T29-0N R14-0W T29-0N R14-0W T27-0N R12-0W T27-0N R12-0W 31 31 1 31 31 31 31 6 1 36 36 1 6 31 31 6 6 36 36 1 36 36 36 36 Æ · 110 Æ · 110 Forks 615 Clearwater Anderson Homestead Wildlife Area Bogachiel River Bogachiel River Bogachiel River Bogachiel River Bogachiel River May Creek Bogachiel River Bogachiel River Bogachiel River Calawah River Dry Creek Morganroth Creek South Fork Maxfield Creek Maxfield Creek Cool Creek Bear Creek Tassel Creek Mill Creek Eaton Creek Coon Creek Weeden Creek Grader Creek Soleduck River North Fork Calawah River South Fork Calawah River Elk Creek North line of site - end of FR-F-1000 Rd to Elk Creek Sportsman Club Rd FR-F-1200 Elk Creek Elk Creek FR-F-1000 FR-F-1000 US Highway 101 US Highway 101 Bogachiel River Bogachiel River Bogachiel River Calawah River Calawah River Calawah River 612 Goodman 607 Sol Duc 602 Dickey US H ighw ay 101 Br idge Sourc es: Esr i, DeLorm e , Elk Area 2020 - 2021 Hunt ing Season Administrative Boundaries E l k A rea Bounda ry Game Management Unit Bounda ry WDFW Wil d l ife Area Bounda ry WDFW Wil d l ife Area [ d Wa t e r Access S ite Sources of I nform a t ion Hunt Units WA Depa rt m ent of F ish and Wil d l ife ; Wil d l ife P rog ram ( 2020 ) Land O w ne rsh ip WA Depa rt m ent of Na tura l Resourc es; Resourc e Mapping Sect ion ( 2020 ) Pol it ic a l and Surv ey Bounda r ies WA Depa rt m ent of Na tura l Resourc es; Land Surv ey Sect ion ( 2020 ) T ransporta t ion and U t il it ies Wash ingt on S ta te Depa rt m ent of Na tura l Resources ( 201 ) WA Depa rt m ent of T ransport a t ion ( 2017 ) US Geol og ic a l Surv ey ; Na t iona l Mapping D iv ision ( 1989 ) C it y L im its WA Depa rt m ent of T ransport a t ion ( 201 ) Hy d rograph y WA Depa rt m ent of F ish and Wil d l ife , F ish P rog ram ( 2020 ) De l orm e Publ ish ing Company ; Wash ington A t l as and Gaze t ee r ( 2006 ) 6612 - Forks Public Land Survey System (Township and Range) Tow nship L ine Sect ion L ine Political Boundaries County L ine C ity L im its Other Major Public Land Ownership Fede ra l - Forest Se rv ice O the r Fede ra l Land S ta te - DNR O the r S t a te Land Map Publ ished April 2020 Roads S ta te Rout e Loca l Road ( Unim proved to Pav ed ) Hydrography Annua l R iv e r or S tream Lake , Wide R iv e r, or O cean Elk Area Boundary Landmarks (Based on the Legal Descriptions) j g ( S ta rt ing Point as descr ibed in the Leg a l Desc ript ion X Y I nte rsect ion of Segm ents as descr ibed in the Leg a l Desc ript ion 0 1 2 Mil es Due to the dy namic na ture of da t a and the need to re l y on outside sources of inform a t ion the Wash ington Depa rtm ent of F ish and Wil d l ife c annot accept responsibil ity for e rrors or om issions in t he da t a and inform a t ion c onta ined in this produc t. The re a re no wa rrant ies tha t accompany t he maps and inform a t ion c onta ined in this produc t. For l ega l de finit ions of h unt ing reg ul a t ions, seasons, and bounda r ies, t he use r sh oul d re fe r to T it l e 220 - 415 - 040 of the Wash ingt on Adm inistra t iv e Code ( htp: / / www. l eg. wa . g ov . / wac/ ) DISCLAIMER Utilities ! ! T ransmission L ine

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Page 1: 602...602 Dickey UHS ig h w ay B101r idg e SourcEDses eLro:i,rm e, Elk Area 2021 2-020 HunitngSe ason Administrative Boundaries EAklre a Boundary GamMe anag em ent UnBiot undary WDFWW

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Wildlife Area





Bogachiel RiverMay C



Bogachiel River




Calawah River

Dry Creek Morg


h Cree


South ForkMaxfieldCreek

Maxfield Creek

Cool C


Bear Creek

Tassel Creek

Mill Creek

Eaton Creek

Coon Creek

Weeden Creek

Grader Creek

Soleduck RiverNorth Fork Calawah River

South Fork Calawah River

Elk Creek

North line of site -end of FR-F-1000Rd to Elk Creek

SportsmanClub Rd


Elk Creek

Elk Creek

FR-F-1000 FR-F-1000US Highway 101

US Highway 101

Bogachiel River

Bogachiel River

Bogachiel River

Calawah River


Calawah River


607Sol Duc


US Hig h w ay101 Bridge

Sources: Esri, DeLorm e,

Elk Area2020 - 2021Hunting Season

Administrative BoundariesElk AreaBoundaryGam e Managem entUnit BoundaryWDFW Wildlife AreaBoundaryWDFW Wildlife Area

[d Water Ac cess Site

Sources of Inform ation – Huntt Units WA Departm ent of Fish and Wildlife; Wildlife Prog ram (2020) Land O w nersh ip WA Departm ent of Natural Resources; Resource Mapping Section (2020) Political and Surv ey Boundaries WA Departm ent of Natural Resources; Land Surv ey Section (2020) Transportation and Utilities Wash ing ton State Departm ent of Natural Resources (2011) WA Departm ent of Transportation (2017) US Geolog ical Surv ey; National Mapping Div ision (1989) City Lim its WA Departm ent of Transportation (2011) Hydrog raph y WA Departm ent of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Prog ram (2020) Delorm e Pub lish ing Com pany; Wash ing ton Atlas and Gazetteer (2006)

6612 - Forks

Public Land Survey System(Township and Range)

Tow nsh ip LineSection Line

Political BoundariesCounty LineCity Lim its

Other Major PublicLand Ownership

Federal - Forest Serv iceO th er Federal LandState - DNRO th er State Land

Map Pub lish ed April 2020

RoadsState RouteLocal Road(Unim prov ed to Paved)

HydrographyAnnual Riv er orStreamLake, Wide Riv er, orO cean

Elk Area Boundary Landmarks(Based on the Legal Descriptions)

jg(Starting Pointas desc rib ed in th eLegal Desc ription

XYIntersection of Seg m entsas desc rib ed in th eLegal Desc ription

0 1 2Miles

Due to th e dynam ic nature of data and th e need to rely on outsidesources of inform ation th e Wash ing ton Departm ent of Fish and Wildlifecannot ac cept responsib ility for errors or om issions in th e data andinform ation c ontained in th is produc t. Th ere are no w arranties th atac c om pany th e m aps and inform ation c ontained in th is produc t. Forleg al definitions of h unting reg ulations, seasons, and b oundaries,th e user sh ould refer to Title 220-415-040 of th eWash ing ton Adm inistrativ e Code (h ttp://w w w .leg.w a.g ov./w ac/)


Utilities! ! Transm ission Line