8 天 亚布力滑雪 中国雪乡 - s3-ap-southeast-1 ...€¦ ·...

8 天 亚布力滑雪/中国雪乡/哈尔滨/吉林/长春 “中国雪乡” :雪乡拥着层层叠叠的积雪,百余户的居 民区犹如一座相连的“雪屋”,房舍随物具形的积雪在风 力的作用下可达 1 米厚,其状好似奔马、卧兔、神龟、 巨蘑……千姿百态,仿佛是天上的朵朵白白云飘落,雪 乡从初冬冰花乍放的清晰到早春雾凇涓流的婉约,无时 无刻不散发着雪的神韵,因此得名——中国雪乡。 D1: 新加坡/长春 MU544(0055/ 1040) 住:5*华天大酒店或同级 于樟宜国际机场集合后搭乘国际航班前往吉林省省会长春,游览东北最大的园林公园南湖公园以及孔子文化园将风声雨声读书声声声 入耳、家事国事天下事事事关心这一千古绝对在您面前重现,随后车子将带您行过伪满八大部路两面清末民初的建筑带您从回那段悠 悠岁月,完成现实至伪满时期的穿越。晚餐后入住酒店。 D2: 长春/哈尔滨(约 3.5 小时) 住:5*万达嘉华大酒店或同级 早餐之后前往黑龙江省省会哈尔滨,先前往棉衣商场补充御寒衣物午餐后先于俄罗斯风情街中央大街游逛,感受别样的俄罗斯风情, 继而欣赏索菲亚大教堂广场是如今中国保存最完美的典型拜占庭建筑,夜幕降临之后您将前往冰雪大世界被称为当今世界规模最大、 冰雪艺术景观最多、冰雪娱乐项目最全、夜晚景色最美、活动最精彩的冰雪旅游项目。我们将带您走进琼楼玉宇、火树银花般的梦幻 冰雪世界。晚餐后入住酒店。 注:如冰雪大世界未开放则改为游览冰雪大世界室内主题乐园 D3:哈尔滨 住:哈尔滨伏尔加庄园俄罗斯风情酒店 酒店早餐后前往松花江观赏冬捕表演,您将看到冬捕这一传统的冬季捕鱼方式,同时可以任玩爬犁、抽冰尜等冰上活动。午餐后前往 伏尔加庄园冬季是庄园最美的季节,俄风醇厚的伏尔加庄园被冰雪覆盖后将俄罗斯风情演艺的风情万种淋漓尽致。大雪纷扬! 数十座 俄罗斯建筑各色尖顶在让您如同置身童话世界,各项冰雪项目让您尽享异域风情的冰情雪趣。 注:如天气原因冰层过薄冬捕无法进行则自然取消。 D4:哈尔滨/亚布力(约 3 小时) 住:5*亚布力雅旺斯酒店或同级 酒店早餐后前往亚洲最大的滑雪度假区、09 年大冬会主赛场—AAAA 级亚布力滑雪旅游度假区亚布力滑雪场是目前国内最大的滑 雪场,也是我国目前最大的综合性雪上训练中心。成功举行了第三届亚冬会的全部雪上项目,这里还是中国企业家论坛年会的永久会 址,被誉为“中国的达沃斯”在这里您可以(自费)一尝滑雪乐趣、也可乘上马拉车(自费)在雪野驰骋、世界第一滑道(自费)更给 带给你您风驰电掣穿越林海雪原的飞一般感受。晚餐后入住酒店。 亚布力:滑雪(含雪鞋、雪板、雪仗):180 元/2 小时; 世界第一滑道:260 元/人 ; 亚布力马拉车:150 元/人 注:冰雪项目属于剧烈运动,因此设为自费项目请客人自由选择参加 D5:亚布力滑雪场/雪乡(约 2 小时) 住:雪乡民宿 早餐之后前往中国雪乡,沿途欣赏千里冰峰、万里雪飘的北国风光抵达后自由漫步在最为淳朴的北方特色的农家村落—雪韵大街,拍 摄雪乡景色,观松赏雪好似置身于童话世界,尽情玩味大自然赋予冰雪的乐趣,雪乡的夜景尤为美丽,洁白如玉的白雪在大红灯笼的 照耀下,宛如短短白云飘落人间,欢乐无穷。品尝东北特色农家菜,体会外面冰雪纷飞的冬天,室内却是生机盎然的春天,独特的季 节差异。今晚您将入住雪乡民宿,感受暖融融雪炕这一东北独特的生活方式雪乡自费项目:大雪谷:298、大秃顶子山雪地摩托:298、冰雪画廊:298 梦幻家园:198 注:雪乡周边的冰雪活动均属剧烈运动因此设为自理,请游客视乎自身情况量力而行 D6:雪乡/吉林(约 5 小时) 住:金茂翡翠假日酒店或同级 早餐后您将亲临《闯关东》《大约在冬季》等著名电视剧的取景地,漫步最为淳朴的北方特色农家村落参观雪乡纪念碑,观赏积雪期 长达七个月,积雪深达 2 米自然形成雪野,拍照留念。之后前往吉林市,抵达后晚餐入住酒店(注:如吉林酒店客满将改为入住长春 酒店)。 团号:CNDBX8 (Wef:01Nov) 全程无购物

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Page 1: 8 天 亚布力滑雪 中国雪乡 - s3-ap-southeast-1 ...€¦ · 注:如冰雪大世界未开放则改为游览冰雪大世界室内主题乐园 D3 :哈尔滨 住:哈尔滨伏尔加庄园俄罗斯风情酒店

8 天 亚布力滑雪/中国雪乡/哈尔滨/吉林/长春

“中国雪乡” :雪乡拥着层层叠叠的积雪,百余户的居


力的作用下可达 1 米厚,其状好似奔马、卧兔、神龟、




D1: 新加坡/长春 MU544(0055/ 1040) 住:5*华天大酒店或同级




D2: 长春/哈尔滨(约 3.5 小时) 住:5*万达嘉华大酒店或同级






D3:哈尔滨 住:哈尔滨伏尔加庄园俄罗斯风情酒店


伏尔加庄园冬季是庄园最美的季节,俄风醇厚的伏尔加庄园被冰雪覆盖后将俄罗斯风情演艺的风情万种淋漓尽致。大雪纷扬! 数十座



D4:哈尔滨/亚布力(约 3 小时) 住:5*亚布力雅旺斯酒店或同级

酒店早餐后前往亚洲最大的滑雪度假区、09 年大冬会主赛场—AAAA 级亚布力滑雪旅游度假区,亚布力滑雪场是目前国内最大的滑




亚布力:滑雪(含雪鞋、雪板、雪仗):180 元/2 小时; 世界第一滑道:260 元/人 ; 亚布力马拉车:150 元/人


D5:亚布力滑雪场/雪乡(约 2 小时) 住:雪乡民宿





雪乡自费项目:大雪谷:298、大秃顶子山雪地摩托:298、冰雪画廊:298 梦幻家园:198


D6:雪乡/吉林(约 5 小时) 住:金茂翡翠假日酒店或同级


长达七个月,积雪深达 2 米自然形成雪野,拍照留念。之后前往吉林市,抵达后晚餐入住酒店(注:如吉林酒店客满将改为入住长春



(Wef:01Nov) 全程无购物

Page 2: 8 天 亚布力滑雪 中国雪乡 - s3-ap-southeast-1 ...€¦ · 注:如冰雪大世界未开放则改为游览冰雪大世界室内主题乐园 D3 :哈尔滨 住:哈尔滨伏尔加庄园俄罗斯风情酒店

D7:吉林/长春(约 1.5 小时) 住:5*华天大酒店或同级




D8:长春/新加坡 MU 545(1145 /2155)



卓展商业圈+高山雪圈(1 次)+关东古巷+马拉爬犁+满族民俗博物馆+二人转


















5、东北地区的酒店星级与南方发达城市相比有一定的差距,东北冬季的酒店室内都有暖气,一般温度都在 18 度 20°左右。房间室内









Page 3: 8 天 亚布力滑雪 中国雪乡 - s3-ap-southeast-1 ...€¦ · 注:如冰雪大世界未开放则改为游览冰雪大世界室内主题乐园 D3 :哈尔滨 住:哈尔滨伏尔加庄园俄罗斯风情酒店

8D Yabuli Snow Skiing/China’s Snow Village/Harbin/Jilin

“China’s Snow Village”: It has many layers of snow and

hence it looks hundreds of households in a residential area of the “Snow House”, building the shape of snow in the wind

with up to 1 meter thick. It has a shape of a horse galloping, rabbit, turtle, giant mushroom and many more! In early

winter, at first glance to the early morning rime trickle

gracefully hence it is being labelled as “ China Snow Village”.

D1: Singapore/Changchun MU544 (0055/1040) Hotel: 5* Huatian Hotel or Similar

Assemble at Changi International Airport to take an international flight to Changchun, the capital of Jilin Province. Upon arrival,

head to the largest park in Northeast Nanhu Park and the Confucius Cultural Park which there will be discussion on academic,

politics, family matter and other interesting topics. Head to Puppet Manchu on both sides of the late Qing Dynasty and the

beginning of the building to take you from that period of long years to complete the reality. Check-in to the hotel after dinner.

D2: Changchun/Harbin (app. 3.5H) Hotel: 5* Wanda Realm Hotel or Similar After breakfast, go to the capital of Heilongjiang Province in Harbin. First go to the Cotton Clothing Store to replenish some warm clothings. After lunch, walk through Russian Style Street; Central Street, feel a different kind of Russian style, then enjoy the Sofia Cathedral Square is now the most perfect preserved Chinese Byzantine building. After the nightfall, you will go to the Ice and Snow World. It is known as the world's largest and comprehensive Ice and Snow Entertainment. The night scenery is extremely beautiful while enjoying the most exciting activities the attraction offers. We will take you into the Qiong Lou Yuyu, fire tree-like dream of snow and ice world. Check-in to hotel after dinner. Note: If Ice and Snow World are closed for the day, we will change it to Indoor Ice and Snow Theme park.

D3: Harbin Hotel: Harbin Volga Manor Russian Style Hotel After breakfast, visit the Songhua River to watch the Dongpu Performance, you will see this traditional winter fishing, and have fun playing any sledge, pumping ice and other ice activities. After lunch to Volga Manor, Winter is the most beautiful season of Volga Manor, the Russian winds of the Volga Manor was covered by snow and ice after the Russian style of the customs of all kinds of incisive. There are dozens of Russian architectural colored spire in the world hence you are like living in a fairy tale world. The Ice and Snow activities will allows you to enjoy the exotic ice and snow. Note: If the weather is not in our favour, the activities will be automatically cancelled. D4: Harbin/Yabuli (app. 3H) Hotel: 5* Yabuli International Conventional & Exhibition Hotel or similar After breakfast, explore the Asia’s largest Ski resort, main stadium for 2009 Winter Universiade – 4A Yabuli Ski Resort. Yabuli Ski Resort is currently the largest ski resort, it is also China's largest comprehensive snow training center. Successfully held the third Asian Winter Games for all snow games. Here is the annual meeting of the China Entrepreneurs Forum permanent site, known as "China's Davos". Here you can (at own expense) experience skiing, horse carriage (at own expense) in the snow wild ride, enjoy the World's First Chute (at own expense) which give you Linhai snow original flying experience. Check into the hotel after dinner. Yabuli: Skiing (includes Snow equipment): RMB180/2H, World’s First Chute: RMB 260/person; Yabuli Horse Carriage: RMB150/person Note: Ice and Snow activities are strenuous activities hence guests will participate at your own interest.

D5: Yabuli Ski Resort/Snow Village (app. 2H) Hotel: Snow Village Resort

After breakfast, head to China’s Snow Village, enjoy the thousand miles of ice peak and snow drifting Northland Scenery along

the way to Northern farm village – Snow Rhyme Street. Take a picture of the snow and scenery. You will find that you are in the

fairy-tale which cover full of snow. Enjoy the nature of the snow to give the fun of snow, snowy night is particularly beautifully.

Taste Dongbei Specialty Farm Feast, experience the snow in the winter. The interior is full of vitality of spring and the unique

seasonal differences. Stay a night at Snow Village Resort feel the warmth and the unique way of how Dongbei lifestyle is about.

Snow Village Activities (at your own expenses): Snow Valley: 298, Great Bald Mountain Snowmobile: 298, Ice and Snow Gallery: 298, Dream Garden: 198

Note: The snow and ice activities are all strenuous sports; so please take care of your physical condition.

D6: Snow Village/Jilin (app. 5H) Hotel: Jinmao Emerald Holiday Hotel or similar After breakfast, visit the “Break Through the East”, “About Winter” and other famous TV series. Stroll along the northern characteristics of farm village. Explore Snow Village Monument. Visit Ornamental Snow for up to seven months, snow depth of 2m can naturally formed a snow field and remember to take a picture of it. Next, head to Jilin City and check-in to hotel after dinner. Note: If hotel in Jilin is fully booked, will stay in Changchun Hotel.



No Shopping Tour

Page 4: 8 天 亚布力滑雪 中国雪乡 - s3-ap-southeast-1 ...€¦ · 注:如冰雪大世界未开放则改为游览冰雪大世界室内主题乐园 D3 :哈尔滨 住:哈尔滨伏尔加庄园俄罗斯风情酒店

D7: Jilin/Changchun (app. 1.5H) Hotel: 5* Huatian Hotel or Similar After breakfast, head to the Jilin Smog Scenery, which is known as one of the four natural wonders of China. Along side with Taishan Sunrise, Huangshan Yunhai and Qiantang Tide. Next, tour Changbai Island, there are a lot of rare Chinese autumn Duck. Explore northeastern region at the end of the Qing Dynasty Folk Customs Beishan Park. Proceed to Changchun after lunch and check-in to hotel after dinner.

D8: Changchun/Singapore MU545 (1145 /2155)

After breakfast, proceed to the airport for a flight back to Singapore! We hope you have a good time travelling with Nam Ho Travel!

Compulsory Tour (RMB600/PP) Zhuo Zhan Business + Alpine Snow Ring (1 time) + Kanto Old Lane + Horse Carriage + Manchu Folk Museum + Two People Performance

Flavour: Farm Feast, Dongbei Hotpot, Dongbei Dumplings, Three Bowls Gourmet *Note: (1) For any changes in flight details and itinerary, please refer to airline and local China guide for the most accurate arrangements. (2) The company is not responsible for any compensation or replacements in the event of natural disasters, unpleasant weather conditions and political issues in the country. (3) Tour will be conducted with Mandarin-speaking guide. If there is a need for bi-lingual tour guide, the company will try to arrange. Passengers taking different airlines can be formed into a group. (4) In the event of discrepancy between the Chinese and English itineraries, please refer to the Chinese version for accuracy. (5) If customers were to leave in the midst of the tour, a daily fee of SGD80 per person will be incurred. (6) For group departure, our company is only responsible for departure’s flight seating arrangement. Please arrange with the local airport counters if there are any issues as the airline allocate seating arrangement based on names for return flight.

Please Note:

The materials needed for Snow Village and Yabuli need to be transported from outside the mountain. The meals are relatively simple. Please bring your own snacks in advance!

Attention: 1. In winter Snow and Ice pavement, it often appear later than expected hence we seek your understanding! Go to the snow town road for the Panshan Road, the road is covered with snow therefore road condition can be bad. Please explain to the guests in advance, do not urge the driver to drive in fast speed. Along the way from Harbin drove to Yabuli, Mudanjiang, Snow Village and other places, the public toilet can be in bad condition, please tell the guests in advance. 2. During Christmas & New Year’s Day, the attractions are full of visitors. At Yabuli Ski Resort, the visitors can reach more than 10,000 people daily which is beyond its maximum capacity. In order, to ensure that visitors can ski in time, the tour guide will let

the group to wake up early to Yabuli Ski Resort therefore we seek your understanding! During skiing, please follow the guidance and arrangement of the staffs or tour guide to ensure the safety of the visitors. Dining in the farm of the resort at Yabuli, have a taste of the local farm dish. There are a lot of tourists dining in here, there is a great difference between North and South cuisine therefore it is recommended guest with children, please buy some snacks for your kids before that. 3. There is a certain gap between Dongbei Region of the hotel and the developed cities in the southern. During winter season, the hotels at Dongbei has heater in the room. The general temperature is around 18-20 degree. Inside the hotel room is relatively dry therefore filled the basin with water to increase the indoor humidity. For cold weather, please take note of your skin care, hand lotion after washing your hands as well as lip balm. Please drink more water and eat more fruit. Dongbei food can be rather heavy, the overall quality of the service is generally worse than the Southern hence we seek your understanding! 4. Please remind our guests do not consume the water at Snow Village, do not eat any roadside barbecue food and other food along the roadside. This is because the water at Snow Village are coming from the underground well, there are often tourists who has diarrhea after drinking the water. Please remind our guests to bring gastrointestinal and cold medicine. 5. Most local people at Snow Village do not have high cultural practice. It is during the winter time where their business is good.

Therefore, please remind our guests try not to have any verbal conflict with the local people. Our guests can always get the tour guide to communicate with the local people on behalf of them to avoid any verbal conflict. 6. Once you get back to the hotel, do stay inside the hotel for a good rest. If you really need to go out for supper at night, please do not go alone, do get someone to accompany you. If you want to buy anything, please go to formal, and large-scale places and then head back to hotel as soon as possible to rest. Dongbei local people are generally has more straightforward character hence their speech are more blunt and direct. Please try to avoid conflicts with the local people and get into arguments