a day in my school-life: photo diaries

A Day in My School- life: Photo Diaries It is a digital photo in which you share captioned autobiographical photos about your own lives in or out of school

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A Day in My School-life: Photo Diaries. It is a digital photo in which you share captioned autobiographical photos about your own lives in or out of school. How to Write A Photo Diary. Choose at least one scene in your school and take a picture of it! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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A Day in My School-life: Photo Diaries

It is a digital photo in which you share captioned autobiographical photos about your own lives in or out of school

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How to Write A Photo Diary Choose at least one scene in

your school and take a picture of it!

Explain in short words what we are looking at!

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How to Post A Photo 以 PhotoImpact 處理照片 (1) 「開啟舊檔」→選出你要的照片 (2) 「點選格式 」→ 「點選影像大小 」→ 「選擇新影像標準 640X840 」 (3) 「另存新檔 」→ 「點選檔案類型 JPG 」 →存檔

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How to Write An Explanation Answer these questions:

(1) What is the photo of?

(2) What does it mean to you?

(3) What is your part in it?

(4) What is its significance to you?

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Example Photo Diaries What if you still do not have any

ideas? Let’s read the interesting good

photo diaries from the seniors!

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This is a picture of our flag-raising ceremony. We have this ceremony every week on Monday morning, for thirty minutes. There are students from 7th grade to 9th grade, about three thousand students there. The principal talks to us and gives out awards for best cleaning and order. Our class usually wins the awards! We sometimes are asked to behave well; for example, pick up your trash, study hard, obey the school rules, etc. Except for the principal, other teachers in our school also talk to us. ~claire

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This picture is about our birthday party last year. There were a lot of performances, and all of them were great. My classmates performed many shows, and this one was the last one. Although it was a birthday party, but we also sang a "Christmas song" because it was near December 25th.Some teachers dressed up as Santa Claus, and threw candies to everyone. The candies were the Christmas gifts for the audience. On that day, everybody was happy. We had a lot of fun!

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Hello everyone ! My name is Rosey. Today I am going to introduce you about my school’s shop. I am now studying in Cheing-Hsing junior high school. You may think that shops in different schools are the same—they just sell food, snacks and drinks. But I think my school shop is very special. In my school shop, there is a “Chieng-Hsing Gallery”. It exhibits excellent drawings of students and the topic may also change with time. So, when I go to the shop to buy food, I always take a seat and relax to admire the beautiful paintings.

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Our classroom is very ordinary . There is a blackboard in the front . As you can see , our desks and chairs are arranged in lines . Each student has his own seat . I know it is unusual in some European countries or in America . There is a platform under the blackboard , and our teacher stands ther to teach us . In most of our lessons , we stay in our classroom , but sometimes we go to other places to have our learning . For example , in the PE class , we play basketball in the basketball court ; in the music class , we go to the art classroom when we draw . There is a bathroom behind our classroom , but we seldom use it . Our classroom also has a small reading corner . There're many good books there . Most of classrooms in Taiwan look like ours . Ken

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Hi! My name is Tiffany. Today I will introduce the lunch in my junior high school. Students at different countries have different ways to enjoy their lunch. In some countries, students can choose their dishes for their lunch in or outside the school. On the other hand, in Taiwan, students always eat their lunch in the school. Usually, in my school, there will be five dishes every lunch, including soup, rice or noodles, vegetables, and meat. Every student in the same school will eat the same food. We have several chefs in my school. Our school chefs will prepare many kinds of vegetables, soup and meat for us every day. If we think the food is too sweet or too salty or need a change on dishes, we can give them some suggestions, and then they are always kind to do their best to satisfy our requests and happily prepare delicious lunch for us. I think I am very lucky, because I can eat different kinds of food every day in school. This makes me healthy. So how about your lunch in school? Is it delicious? Is it healthy?

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At twelve o'clock, the bell is ringing. Our boy classmates hurry to eat lunch. We put food in our own lunch box and eat lunch in our classroom. We usually have four dishes, soup and fruit. Sometimes we have juice ! When we eat lunch, someone will play good music. You can give your favorite CD to them, and then they will play your CD ! It's really fun !


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Hello everyone, My name is Sandy. I'm from Taiwan. Now, I'm going to tell you about my school life. There is a special time in school. It's called "cleaning time." In cleaning time, we clean our classroom and other places. Everyone has his own job, and my job is to clean the toilet. A lot of people think there is a bad smell in toilet, and my answer is "yes." It really smells bad, usually the garbage. We need to clean the toilet, mop the floor, and wash the sink. I think cleaning the toilet is a hard work because it's difficult to make it very clean. But every time when we finish cleaning it, my friends and I feel good because everyone can have a clean toilet, and they will feel comfortable. This is what I do in cleaning time. Do you have this kind of time at your school? Do you clean the toilet just like me? Sandy

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