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A fundamental approach to the generalized eigenvalue problem for self-adjoint operators Citation for published version (APA): Eijndhoven, van, S. J. L., & Graaf, de, J. (1984). A fundamental approach to the generalized eigenvalue problem for self-adjoint operators. (Eindhoven University of Technology : Dept of Mathematics : memorandum; Vol. 8401). Eindhoven: Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven. Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1984 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: www.tue.nl/taverne Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: [email protected] providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 17. Jun. 2020

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A fundamental approach to the generalized eigenvalueproblem for self-adjoint operatorsCitation for published version (APA):Eijndhoven, van, S. J. L., & Graaf, de, J. (1984). A fundamental approach to the generalized eigenvalue problemfor self-adjoint operators. (Eindhoven University of Technology : Dept of Mathematics : memorandum; Vol.8401). Eindhoven: Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.

Document status and date:Published: 01/01/1984

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Department of Mathematics and Computing Science

Memorandum 84-01

January 1984




S.J.L. van Eijndhoven and J. de Graaf

Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands




S.J.L. van Eijndhoven and J. de Graaf


The generalized eigenvalue problem for an arbitrary self-adjoint operator

is solved in a Gelfand tripel consisting of three Hilbert spaces. The

proof is based on a measure theoretical version of the Sobolev lemma, and

the multiplicity theory for self-adjoint operators. As an application

we mention necessary and sufficient conditions such that a self-adjoint

operator in L2

(R) has (generalized) eigenfunctions which are tempered


AMS Classifications: 46FIO, 47A70, 46E35.



Commutative multiplicity theory

Column finite matrices

A measure theoretical Sobolev lemma with applications

The main result

Generalized eigenfunctions in the dual of a countable Hilbert space

- 2 -


A natural problem in a theory of generalized functions is the so-called

generalized eigenvalue problem. A simplified version of this problem can

be formulated as follows. Consider the Gelfand tripel ~ c X c~. in which

X is a Hilbert space. ~ is a test space and ~ the space of generalized

functions. Let Pbe a self-adjoint operator in X. and let A be a number

in the spectrum of P with multiplicity mAo The question is whether there

exist mA (generalized) eigenfunctions in ~.

Such a problem has been studied by Gelfand and Shilov (cf.[8]) in the

framework of countable Hilbert spaces and also by the authors of the present

paper in the setting of analyticity spaces and trajectory spaces (cf.[4]).

Here we discuss a more general approach. In a separate section we show how

the theory of this paper fits into the functional analytic set-up of a

special type of countable Hilbert spaces. In fact. this set-up is a gener-

alization of the theory of tempered distributions.

The present paper is built up in such a way that each section contains

one fundamental topic and finally those separate topics culminate in the

proof of the main result in Section 4. This result can be loosely formu-

lated as follows.

Let there be given n commuting self-adjoint operators PI.PZ ••.. ,Pn in a

separable Hilbert space X. Then there exists a positive self-adjoint

. -I Hilbert-Schmidt operator R . such that the operators R P R , 2. z: I, .•• ,n,

2. . -I ·

are closable. Denote their closures by RPt

R • Then to almost all A =

O' I, ... ,An) in the joint spectrum a(PI .... ,P) with multiplicity mA there

exist mA vectors in X, say eA

I, ... ,e, such that , 1\, m


- 3 -

where j = I, ... ,m and i = I, ... ,n •

The proof of the above stated theorem involves three important ingredients,

discussed in three separate sections. In the first section the commutative

multiplicity theory for self-adjoint operators is discussed. By this theo-

ry the spectrum of a self-adjoint operator is split into components each

of which are of uniform multiplicity. In the second section we show that

there exists an orthonormal basis in X such that each operator of the

commuting n-set (PI, .•. ,Pn

) has a column finite matrix with respect to

this basis. Section 3 contains a general Sobolev lemma. The greater part

of this section follows from our paper [5J, but also some new results

are derived.

As already remarked the last section contains a discussion of generalized

eigenfunctions. It is worthwhile to mention one of its consequences here.

Let T be a self-adjoint operator in L2(~) . Suppose the operator


2 H-(J.T HCl is closable for some Cl > 1/2 where H = - -- + x • Then T has a com-dx2

plete set of generalized eigenfunctions in HCl (L2(R) ) and is closable in

H(J. (L2

(lR) ) c S' (R) •

1. Commutative multiplicity theory

This section gives the commutative muTtiplicity theory for a finite number

of commuting self-adjoint operators. In the case of bounded operators the

proof can be found in [IJ or [9J. The unbounded case is a trivial gener-


Throughout this paper n E N will be taken fixed.

- 4 -

Let ~ denote a finite nonnegative Borel measure on mn. Then the sup-

port of ~, notation supp(~), is the complement of the largest open set

in lRn

of ~-measure zero. It can be shown that

supp(~) ~(B(x,r» > o}

where B(x, r) denotes the closed ba1l {y E lRn III x - y II ~ r,}. For the _ n

proof of this statement, see [3J, p. 153. As usual, two Borel measures

(I) (2) (I) (2) ~ and ~ are called equivalent, ~ - ~ , if for all Borel setsN

~(I)(N) = 0 iff ~(2)(N) = O. The measures JI) and ~(2) are disjoint,

~(I).l~(2), if ~(I)(supp(~(I» n supp(/2») = ~(2)(supp(~(l» n supp(~(2»)=O.

Now let (PI, ••. ,Pn) be an n-set of commuting self adjoint operators in a

separable Hilbert space X, i.e. their spectral projections mutually com-

mute. The notion of uniform multiplicity for (PI, ••• ,Pn) is defined as


1.1. Def inition

The n-set (PI, .•• ,Pn) is of uniform mUltiplicity rn if there exist m finite

nonnegative equivalent Borel measures ~(I) , ••• ,~(m) on lRn and a unitary

operator U : X + L2

(lRn , ~(I» ~ ... ~ L2

(lRn , ~(m» such that each self

adjoint operator U Pt U , t = I, .•• ,n., equals m-times mUltiplication by

the function nt

: x ~ xt

in this direct sum.

In a finite dimensional Hilbert space E each commuting n-set of self-

adjoint operators (8 1,82, ••• ,8n) has a complete set of simultaneous eigen­

vectors. An element ,\ E lRn is called an eigentuple of the n-set

(8 1, •.. ,8n) if there exists a vector e,\ E E such that

- 5 -

The set of all eigentuples of 8 1, •.• ,8n may be called the joint spectrum

of (8 1, ••• ,8n) denoted by O'(81

, ••• ,8n). In order to list all eigentuples

in a well-ordered manner one can list all eigentuples of multiplicity

one, two, etc. In fact, this is precisely the outcome of the following


I .2. Theorem (Commutative multiplicity theorem).

The Hilbert space X can be split into a (countable) direct sum

such that the following assertions are valid

The n-set (PI, ... ,Pn) restricted to Xm, m = 00,1,2, ••• , acts invariantly in

X and has uniform multiplicity m. m

The equivalence classes <~ > of finite nonnegative Borel measures cor­m

responding to each X (Cf. Definition 1.1) are mutually disjoint, i.e. m

for all ~1 E <~1> and ~2 E <~2> we have ~I 1 ~2' etc.

In this paper we always consider the following standard splitting of X

wi th respect to (P l' ... , P n)' As in the previous theorem X .. X.., ~ XI ED X2 $ ..• •

In each equivalence class <~m> we choose a fixed measure ~ • By U we de-m m n n

note the unitary operator from Xm onto L2CR '~m) ~ ... ~ L2(lR '~m)

(m-times). Then U (P n ~X )U* equals m-times multiplication by the function m '" m m

U) Let (fA )AER denote the respective spectral resolution of the identity

corresponding to P£,o Then we define the joint spectrum as follows

- 6 -

where 0 denotes the null operator. We mention the following simple


2. Column finite matrices


U m=1

supp(~ ) . m

Let L1, ••• ,Ln be n densily defined linear operators in X. Then we define

"" their joint C -domain as follows.

2. I. Definition

{ V E X I V V :N : SE:N rrdl, ... ,n}

(The set {1,2, ... ,n}:N consists of all mappings from:N into {1,2, ... ,nl-;

D(L rr (I)L rr (2) .•. Lrr (s» denotes the domain of the operator between ( ».

For the commuting n-set (P1, • .. ,Pn) the joint C""-domain is given by the

i ntersection C""(P 1) n ••• n C""(Pn

). Hence C""(P1, •.. ,Pn) is dense in X.

2. 2 . Theorem

"" Suppose that C (L1, ... ,Ln

) is a dense subspace of X. Then there exists

an orthonormal basis in X such that each operator L£, t = I, ••• ,n, has

a column finite matrix representation with respect to this basis.

- 7 -


• 00

S1nce C (LI, •.. ,Ln

) is dense in X and since X is separable, there exists

an orthonormal basis (u 'k)kEN in X which is contained in Coo(L I ,··· ,Ln )·

We introduce the orthonormal basis (vk)nEm as fQl1OW~.

Set vI = u l • Then there esists an orthonormal set {v2' ••• ,v } L vI with nl

n l ~ n+2 such that the span

There exists an orthonormal set {v I""'v } L {vI' ••• ,v } with nl+ n2 n l

n2 ~ 2n+3 such that

In general, for k E m having produced {vl, ••• ,vnk

}, ~ ~ k(n+l) + I, there

exists an orthonormal set {v I""'v } L {vI' ••• ,v } with nk + nk+1 ~

~+I ~ (k+I)(n+l) + I such that

We thus obtain inductively an orthonormal basis (vk)kE:N' The basis (Vk\EN

i s complete since ~ E <VI""'V~>' Furthermore, by construction

i = I, ... ,n, the matrix «Lv.,v . )) . . lO.T is column finite. J 1 1,J E ....

for each


The n-set (PI, .•• ,Pn) has a dense joint ~-domain. So by Theorem 2.2, there

exists an orthonormal basis (vk)kEN such that the operators PI""'Pn have

a column finite (and hence row finite) matrix representation with respect

to this basis.

We define the positive Hilbert-Schmidt operator R by RVk = Pkvk where

(Pk)kE ~ can be any fixed i 2-sequence with positive components. Then the

- 8 -

-I I operator R PR, R , R, .. I, •.• ,n is well-defined on the span <{vk k c }ij> •

-I -I Let t .. 1, ••• , n. For the domain of R P t R we take D(R P t R ) - R(D(P R,» •

Since R is injective and self-adjoint, D(R Pt R-I ) is dense in X. Further,

-I for all f E D(R P t R ) and all k E ~ we have

Hence, the adjoint of R P R- I is densely defined. Recapitulated t

2.3. Theorem

Let TI, ••• ,Tn

be n mutually commuting self-adjoint operators in the

separable Hilbert space X. Then there exists a positive Hilbert-Schmidt

operator R -I

such that each operator RTtR , t .. I, ••• ,n, is densely de-

fined and closable.

3. A measure theoretical Sobolev lemma with applications

Our paper [5J contains a generalization of the well-known Sobolev lemma.

Here we use the results of that paper in the following concrete case: the

measure space M is the disj oint countable union of copies E,n of lRn , p

co co

Le. M = u lRn; the nonnegative Borel measure on M is given by v = ~ v p . . .. p=1 P p=l

where each v p

is a finite nonnegative Borel measure on Rn. We note that co


(M,v) = ~ L2

(lRn ,v). p=1 p

On M we introduce the metric d as follows

d«x"p),(y,p» = Iix-yli n lR

Now, let B«x,p),r) denote the closed ball in M with centre (x,p) E lRn p

and radius r > 0, and let B(x,r) denote the closed ball in lRn with centre

- 9 -

x and radius r > O. Then from [6], Theorem 2.8.18, we obtain

3. I. Theorem

Let f : M + IE be integrable on bounded Borel sets. Then there exists a null

set Nf such that the limit

f(x;p) = lim v(B«x,p),r»-1 f fdv r.j.O

B«x, p), r)

exists for all (xIP) E supp(v) \ Nf • Moreover, f = f a.e. (lJ).

(For convenience we note that f = (fl,f2, ••• ) and f(x,p) =

over, lim V(B«x,p),r»-1 f fdv = lim v (B(x,r»-I r.j.O B«x,p) ,r) r.j.O p

f (x). More-p .

f f dv .) B(x,r) p p

Let X denote a separable Hilbert space and R a positive Hilbert-Schmidt

operator on X. Let (vk)kE~ be the orthonormal basis of eigenvectors of

R with eigenvalues Pk > 0, k E 1N Further, let U denote a unitary operator

00 n from X onto p~1 L2 (B , Vp), The series

follows that L"" P~ IUvkl2 E L1(M,v). K=I 00

Following Theorem 3.1 there exists a v-null set N = U N (disjoint union), p"l p

i.e. each set N is a v -null set, with the following properties. p p

There exist functions !P k.p E (Uvk\. k E ~, P E :N. such that

3.2. i)



2 l!Pk,p(x)I

lim v (B(x ,r»-I qO p

-I lim v (B(x, r» NO p

f CUvk) p dvp'


3.2. iii) v V PE:N XESUpp(\I) \N P P


- 10 -

These conditions onU N lead to the proof of the following result. P p=l

See [5J, Lemma 2.

3.2. Theorem co

Let P E :N and let x E supp(\I ) \ N • Set e(p) = P P x

L Pk ~k,p(x) vkand k=l

e(p)(r) = \I (B(x,r»-l I Pk

( f (Uvk

) d\l )vk

' r > O. x P k=l B(x,r) P p

Then we have

e(p) e(p)(r) are members of X , x ' x

lim ~e(p) - e(p)(r)" = o. o x x X r+

Let Q£, t = I, ... ,n, denote the multiplication operator, formally defined


We recall that nt denotes the function nt(x) = xt ' X E 1Rn. It is clear that 00

Q£ is a self~adjoint operator in ® L2(~n, \I ). So p=1 P

the operator

is self-adjoint in X. The follQwing lemma says that the . vectors

-I candidate eigenvectors of the operator R P t R •

3.3. Lenuna

Let t = 1, ••• ,n. Then the linear span <{e~p) (r) I r> 0, p E :N, X.E sUPP(\lp)\Np }>

is contained in D(RP R- 1). Further we have for all x E supp(\I)\ N t . P P

II -


Let p E N and let x E SUpp(V ) \ N • Then for each r > 0 the series P P

00 00

1. ( f (Uvk)p dVp)vk = L (f n (t~~p(~ r) (Uvk)p)dvp)vk represents the k=1 B(x.r) k"l lR •

elements U*~~~~.r) in X where ~~~~.r) denotes the characteristic function

of the ball B(x.r) as an element of L2

(lRn .vp), Hence U*~(p) E D(P o )

B(x. r) ~

and e~p)(r) RU*~~~~.r) E R D(PR,) = D(RPR,R-I

) for all R, = I ..... n .

Next we prove that lim (RPoR-I)e(P)(r ) -x e(p)(r)=O. Then by Theorem 3.2 r+O '- x R, x

the proof is complete. To this end. observe that for all r > 0

= kII Pk(Vp(B(x.r»-1 f (YR, - XR,)~k'P(Y)dVp(Y»)Vk' B(x.r)

We estimate as follows

II (R P R-I)e (p) (r) - x e (p) (r) 112 ~ JI. x R, x

~ (Vp(B(x.r»-1 f lyR, - xR,12 dVp(Y»)'


The first factor in the last expression tends to zero as r + O. Because

"" of assumption 3.2.iii) the second factor is bounded by L P~I~k (x) 12 + I

k= I .p for sufficiently small r > O. o

- 12 -

4. The main result

In the introduction we have given a non-rigorous formulation of the main

theorem of the present paper. The results of the previous sections culmi-

nate in the proof of this theorem.

Again, let (P1, ... ,Pn) denote an n-set of commuting self-adjoint operators

in X. Following Section 1 there exists a standard splitting

and disjoint finite nonnegative Borel measures 1100

,11 1,112"" on lRn

such m

n that each X is unitarily equivalent to the direct sum ~ L2(~ ,11m), m j~1

Furthermore, the n-set (P1, •.. ,Pn) acts invariantly in each Hilbert summand

Xm and is unitarily equivalent to the n-set (QI, ... ,Qn)' Here Q~ restricted m

n to ~ L2(lR, 11 ) is the operator of m-times multiplication by the func-

• 1 m J= tion llJl.'

Following Section 2, there exists an orthonormal basis (vk)kE~ such that

each operator in (P1, ... ,Pn) has a column finite matrix representation

with respect to (vk)kE ~ • Let R denote the positive Hilbert-Schmidt opera­

tor defined by RVk = Pkvk where (Pk)kE~ is a fixed sequence in Jl. 2 with

-I Pk > O. Then the operators R P JI. R are closable in X for each JI. = 1, ••• , n.

-I We denote the respective closures by R P JI. R •

Following Section 3 there exist Ilull-sets N ., j &:: I, .••• ,m, with respect m,J

to 11m' m = 00,1,2, ••• such that the limit

(m) (jIk • (x)

,J lim 11 (B(x,r»-I

m nO J


- 13 -

(m) ( (m) (m) (m)) m n (Uvk ) = (Uvk ) I , (Uvk ) 2 "",(Uvk)m E ~ L2(~ '~m) •


In addition, for all m = 00,1,2, ••• and I ~ j < m+l, the series

(m) e . =



f B(x,r)

with r > 0, X E supp(jJ ) \ N ., converges in X. m m,]

By Theorem 3.2 and Lemma 3.3 it follows

4.1. Lemma

Let m = 00,1,2, ••• and let j E ~ with I ~ j < m+l. Then for all

X E 8 upp (~ ) \ N • m m,]

lim (lIe(m~(r) - e(m~ II) = ° r+O X,] X,]

For each R. I, ••. ,n and all r > 0, e(m~(r) E D(RP n R- I ), and X,] '"

Since the operator R P R-I

1.S closable, we obtain from the previous R.


4.2. Corollary


Le t m = co, I , 2, • •• and 1 e t ] E "N, ~ ] < m+l . Then for all X E supp(jJ )\N . m m,]

and for all £ = I, ... ,n

- 14 -

(m) is in the domain of R P R- I e . x,] R.

R P R- I (m) e . x e(m~ R. x,] X.J


We observe that for each m = "".1.2.. • • the set N = UN. is a m j=1 m,]

~ -null set. Now we are in a position to formulate the main theorem. m

4.3. Theorem

Let (PI.P2 ••••• Pn) be an n-set of commuting self-adjoint operators. Then

there exists a positive Hilbert-Schmidt operator such that the operators

R P R- I are closable. R.

be the standard splitting of X. and ~""'~1'~2""

be the corresponding multiplicity measures. Let m = 00.1.2 ••••• Then there

is a ~ -null m

ther e exist

(m) e .



set N with the following property: for all x € supp(~ )\N m m m

m independent vectors e(m~ € X. I ~ j < m+l. satisfying x,]

(m) = Xn e ., t = I, ... , n.

'" X.J

Th e proof of this theorem ~s a compilation of the results given in the be-

gi nning of this section.




Le t P be a self-adjoint operator .in X and let R be a positive Hilbert-Schmidt

-I -I operator such that R P R is closable. The spectrum of R P R can be larger

t han the spectrum of P. An interesting example is the following. In ~2(~)

d . -TH I 2 d 2 take P i-d ,then a (P) = lR. FurthertakeR=e with H = -(x --+ I) and

x . 2 dx2

T > O. Then RPR- I = i cosh T d~ +i x sinh 't. Each A € a: is an eigenvalue

of this operator. I ts eigenvector is x» exp ( - ~A x --21 (tanh Thlh which is an cos :r

L2(lR)-function. This continuous set of eigenvectors is closely related to

the so-called coherent states.

- 15 -

4.4. Corollary

Let R-1(X) denote the completion of X with respect to the inner-product

(u,v)_l a (Ru,Rv)X' Employ the notation of the previous theorem

Each operator P~ is closable in R-1(X)


R-le(m~ = I ~(m~(x) Vk

E R-1(X) is a simultaneous generalized eigen­X,J k=l k,J

vector of the n-set (PI, ••• ,Pn) with eigentuple x = (xI' ••• ,xn) where

P~ denotes the R-1(X)-closure of P~, ~ = I, ••• ,n.


We only prove the closability of Pt. We define the domain Dom(Pt ) of the

operator Pt in R-1(X) by

Further, P~ F = R-I(RP~R-l)RF, F E Dom(P~). It is clear that Pt extends

-I I in R (X). We prove that P~ is a closed operator in R- (X). To this end

-I let (F) .... , be a sequence in R (X) with S SE JL~

lim F = F E R-I(X) and lim P F = G E R-1(X) • s s

s~ s~

Then RFs -+ RF and (R P~ R-I)RFs -+ RG as s -+ 00. Hence F E Dom(P~) and

G = P~F, because R P~ R- 1 is closed in X.


Since for the eigenvalues of R any positive t 2-sequence can be taken it

is clear that the improper eigenvectors of the operators PI""'Pn lie at

the 'periphery' of the Hilbert space X.


- 16 -

5. Generalized eigenfunctions in the dual of a countable Hilbert space

An application of the previous sections is in the field of generalized

eigenfunctions and countable Hilbert spaces.

As in Section 4, (P1, ••• ,Pn) is an n-set of commuting self-adjoint opera­

tors in X, and R denotes a positive Hilbert-Schmidt operator with the

-I property that the operators R Pi R , i al, ••• , n, are closable in X. The

countable Hilbert space ~X R is defined by ,

~X,R =


n s=1

where in each RS (X) the norm is defined by II QJ lis = II R-s !pIIX' QJ E: RS (X) •

With its natural topology, the space ~X,R is a nuclear Frechet space.

The strong dual of ~X,R can be represented by the inductive limit


-s s Here R (X) denotes the completion of X with respect to the norm IIR wll,

w ( X. On IjIX,R the inductive limit topology is imposed. In [2] a set of

seminorms has been produced which generates a locally convex topology equi-

valent to the inductive limit topology. The Gelfand tripel ~ ReX c IjI R X, X,

places the theory of tempered

-I work. (Take X = L2 (:IR) and R

distributions in

d2 2 =--2 + x .)


a functional analytic frame-

From Corollary (4.4) it follows that the operators P1, ••. ,Pn

have closed

-I extensions in R (X). Also, it follows that to almost each eigentuple x =

(xl'···,xn) E: o(P1, •.• ,Pn) with multiplicity mx there are mx simultaneous

generalized eigenvectors E (m~ X,J

-I j = I, ... ,mx inR (X) C IjIx,R' i.e.

- 17 -

supp(lJ ) .m

and that a(P1, ... ,Pn) \ ( U m=1

(Cf. Section I).

supp (lJ » ·has lJ -measure zero, m = "",1,2, ••• m m


The generalized eigenvectors E(m~ as constructed in this paper can be X,J

embedded in a trajectory space [7J. There they constitute a Dirac basis.

For these concepts and for a rigorous foundation of the genuine Dirac-

formalism, see [4J and [3J.


A self-adjoint operator P in L2([-I,IJ) has generalized eigenfunctions

which are hyperfunctions on [-I, 1 J, if e -tL P e tL is densely defined and

closable for each t > O. Here L denotes the positive square root of the Legendre

{ d 2 d}! operator, i.e. L = - dx(I-x )dx ' Cf. [lOJ.

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[IJ Brown, A., A version of multiplicity theory, in 'Topics in operator

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