· • ' ....

' . ' . I -,,,_' . ' . ' ' ' . I . 1J ' ' ' ,. ' .' !!' . ' ' ·, -. . ' 'll' ,, I) ,. + ... . ·, ' - ·•': .. ·, . ' . . ' . ' ' ' . ·, ' ' . . . ' . - •. ' ' ' . ' •• ; ' ' ' ',. f.-' . • I. ' ' f: ' ' ·' , ... ') .;--' !_I . . ' , ' .·- -, \' ' ... _f " - ..• ' ·. , '''' , ... --- __ , ------- r ,. ,, I . . I ' r, II i\ l. ,, .... - ('I ' ·.·· - ... - ..• · •. Ne\ft, Vol. 31) .. . CAltRIZO.ZO, NEW MEXlCO, •. 29,l848.- " NUMBER So ' ·':': s '(lob WITH the Men In Service . ' :.· o.f Victory Twcl)ednctible from Weekly Wages of Selected nnd Amount of Net Victorr Former Carri:l;ol!lo Boy Mitting in.Action -.. ,_ \a -\ -Jb .IJ.;'?":;;. =-""'" · Tax After Deduction of -'Credits Sgt. Robert Ransom, con of .. Mrs. R. L. Ransom, of San An· V;J .. 0!'1:i.- __ ifu::-_: ..,. ;., - ' ' The Woman'(3 Club qf r------------1 zo met January 22nd at ComPiU• Sgt. Theodore Hobbie visited : Qrcu ; ; ' ,,, Sln911 Net aa;-ll•, , 0 Cvntt1r Club his piuents at Ruidoso the first : ! : : 1dent, Mr11 •. W.A. N1cbolas. pre;nd· of last week. He lift last Tucs- ....... tonio, Texna, has bflen reported · ... misting in action 1omowhere in ing, Thirty membets were pres· day for San Franeisco, California J5 $ .15 $ .11 $ .69 $ .08 ent. to bring hl.s wife to New Mexico. 20 .40. .30 · .24 ·= Europe since January Srd.. Robert n. A. Wnlkcr, fa a former Carrizozo boy, having FRIDAY & SATtmDA y been born hero and Jived hero un- .i '; . . ) .After Salute to the Flng,"God He hns been transferred to tho 30 .oo .G8 · •. 54 .50 s::: ;::. !! · i:*. · t:: til about five yearo of ago. He. is A DOUBLE FEATURE;- Petty t>l&ying tho aceom· on the .7tb··of December 1941, dur- · '10 2.90 ·:us 1.'14 l.OZ Fiigbt Enaincer in tha Army Air Van BolOn; Marohn Hunt;' Lee Corps. · Bowmliln, -panhnent. ing the Jap nttnck. After ·long 80 3.40 · 2.0-1 1.90 Bride and Groom Vitit -In- , " Mri •. Gallacbcr, 86 cbutrmaQ weeks in the Army hospital In 1 W 00 3 00 2 · 93 2 18 .# tb c,...,. s n ced :.. 4 40 3 ' 30 va 2 46 "Kid Glove K•.ller" ,or e 4'1 I upper, an oun Hono,ulu, be was rolea!ed and · b <:!SA 00 h d b 1 d The credits may be ta!tcn currer:tly or otter tho wor. Tho31 amcunt to Mr "'nd M'"" Elb"rt Dudroy of t '*'. ·a. , . . eon .c •• . t.ook port in the. battle of Wake 40 percent ot the tux tor married, pcr.oona, 2S percent tor oirig!o u ,.,. " The nommntulg commlttee,Mlfm Ioland. Junt before Ch.riatmaa he and 2 percent tor each dependent. They mar. tic toltcn currcney nnd wm Deming spent Monday night and Tho!' - .. <> Whit.", and Mead. ames, Willi nent bnc'· t.o the Qtateo nnd 0$ bo.ned on (a) payments of prGmiumll on life inouruncc pollclca In torco TuesdiJ hero with Elbert's par· --PLUS>-- "NIAGARA. FALLS" w.. .,., ... u. .. on September 1, 1042; (b) poymentn of old dcbtn; (c) net purchoco of P. C. 0. Davis, M. baa been in San Francisco until War Bonda, . . · u.s. Tri:m.ey D•Pa••r:•nl erits) Mr. and Mro. Bort Dudroy V. and T. E. Richard re- lost week. . · "Mooagr", as he i11 popularly A Teohoicolou picture featuring · Mojorio Woodworth and Tom Brown. ported on ticket for election of MINUTES NOTICE OF SCHOOL tailed bare at home, ltole a me reb officers tbo following: Earl Dow. son .. of Mr. and Mra. BUSINESS MIN'S CLUB BOARD ELECTION on cvteyone and was. married laot L - k H SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUE3DAY . President, Mrs. Clifton Zum· Gene Dow hno volunteered for tho wee e and hlo brfdg woro on· walt. Nnvy and ia waiting t.o be called. Tbe membert of tbo Buslneas TO WHOM IT MAy route to Tueamcarl, whoro bo Clarlt Gablo, Lnnll Turn or, Robt. 1st Vice Prtsident, Mra. W. S. This will be the fourth eon to en· Men'• Club c()nvened •* tho HI· CONCERN: will bo operator for tbo Stirling, Patricia Dane, · Norman. lbt in the Navy. .Mr. nnd Ml"!!. School il! the gueata cf the Oar- ·Notice 11 herebr given th"t a Sou,bern Paclfli"Company. They _in_ 2nd Vice·Presidcnt, Mrn. M. Dow nlco have two lilono in the rizozo Sctmol faculty at 7:00 ·;I>, llebooltltatfon will 'be beld In Dla· left hcnl Tuoaday night on Ne. 4. U. Finley. Army, Sgt. Gene C. Dow, Jr., and M., January 27• 19113. Twenty· trlct number 7 Lincoln County Treaourer, Mrs. R. E. Shaftr. Corp. Orville Dow. Mr. and Mn, two membera went back to New Mexiao 'februry g 1 94 3 \Vondera Have Ceated Sccrotary, Mm. Felix Ramey. Dow celcbraled their 82nd Wed· with Proreasor Rn. Klauen be· fdr &be of two "Somewhere I'll Find You" )t"' Parliamcntar1Jtn, Mrt. W. A. ding Anniverc:uy Friday of Jant the ctunce eap to all member• of the Municipal No obo oxprcued aotonishmont Againo' Net'1 Yorlr, Indo.Cblnn, Nlobolaa. week. They oro Juotly proud of members with bf1 catchT EJUJll!l. of Education te fill two and only mild aurpri!o when tho Manila and Bntoan, this colorful The Prcaidont announced a thoir manly and noblo oono. P!aee card a wert hand drawu 4c- thereon. Place, Communttr Hall, newa was flllBhcd around tho yarn ot a war bta picture show to bo given in March . ·· p1ctin1 tbt boslnvu of the per11on New Mexico. Po!JJ world that our own Prooldtnt of brother ond tho ono gnl, bns all it with Mm. n. A. Walker as chair· Instructor Ballio of whcao plaet it marked at the din· 1 9 00 A M to 6 00 p the Uglted Statco bad b<'tD in» to··cntertoin you. man tbo Deming Air Field visit-ed Rul ocr table Note boob were at ;:mr 1i i · h. b. Cnaa .Blanca Nertb Afrlta coo- ·AL90 • following proaram on Home· doao and Fort Stanton lnat .Mon· · plac'e fiUcd. wJtb tho program 1 0 0 fra tl. 1 0 n lerrina wltb Winston Churchill 1\'' arab of Tlmo, and Vie· ...... '"as given t""ra. Eaker. Ho is a con of Mr. and Mr8. and m•nu. Remar'·s . h"ard 6" l'lMom_ nnW (dan c cr . o e tc on: d th I d w.,.to n B. "v} G J' ·o 0 van" gh f rm"'•l'l'l' Of " " . " ra. ar , an o er war en oro. An air· tory Vittloo" Rc!ldmg • ., · ome ,, .&llugar · nest, tmmt· a ... u 0 '-'A " crowd departed wert "more M n Alternate, M r 1 . plane trip of such extended milo· ----:------- by Mrs. Dowey St.okcs with . Fort Stanton Marino. gatherings Jiko th•t and moro or· :.rna. ago and a aafg return Ia on oc· WEDNESDAY THURSDAY . no accompaniment by Mrs. Hta mother: Mrs 1 0 Cava. tea". PP Judgeo of tho clcetion compJlilimcnt wblch puta courogo loy. '9 wen ° Teachers, "Thanks for a io our own hcnrta and has un• Lupo Vel(lz, Lt>on Buddy J.>.aptr 'AJfi, liJ., k e r. Jn tbo St.ate Ltgul• p!taaanl . .... ,. , PadUla, dcabtadly built up tho moralo of Roncro, l.!}llt!atctb Riodon, I Piano Duot, 4 'Slcigh Rid£/' by ttlturc. I'ELIX RAUDY, Mra. Berry, . Ollf men in all tho far Bung nooko - lo - Adeline Stokes and Ann Eaker. . . Secretary. Llttlr?ton, Alternate, L. A. and corners of tho earth. "M . ,... f• Tho refreshment aommittco, Lin B. Cooper, fOUDgtlt IOD of - WbJttal,cr. " extcan tre Mmcs, Lemon, Norman, and Me- Mr. and Mro. JJm Cooper o! An- "Let'a Talk About Coiled thin the 7th dar of Jan· MRS T J GRAFT S . GL . t'' Kinley ocrvc!l gingorbraad and cbo, io now 00 Clvillu Your Income Tax" uo.ry, 1943 at CrmiiOIO, N Q w . .• ..: ...... ON e(_}S a ll!OD spiecd ten. Inslf'Uetor WJtb tbG Ryan '-"' Mexico. Mrs. Tom J. Grafton, ago 67, The nboot doeon't bnv" o chonce Mra B s BuntM School of Aeronautil'11, in Calf· Wm. W. Gallaebtr. paucd away at ber homo in Lin· when Lupo bcgino to Jooa her tem· Club ' lorni•· Lin iEi n native of Lincoln A pamphlet ''Let:,s Talk About PrEll. of tho Boarclol Edatatlon wln WQdng,:day afternoon of 0 p:ur. County and attondcd tho sehool!J Yonq Ineomo)'ax recently Janos. Turner, bean ailment. Mro. Gmlton lo Weddincr in Carrizozo, been prepared by Mr. M · Clerlt of Board or. Education. survived bt one daughter, Mrs. , . ., . ., , in 0 , Hauke, of the New Momco Ex· J 29 F b 5 Heavy Stewart and by ono son Qut" Kado and. I o P? r, El . f th f 1 Luaio VIdaurri, aon of Mr. and tenaioD Servico. The circular n ao · • t Mr. Hugh Grafton, ' "Baby Wcmto a Bottlcolup \YO are m rccoapt 0 0 0 Mro. Sabino Vidaurri hill rce€lnt· prepared to SE!iot farmero o.nd Mra. T. J. Grarwn Jived An· .,_ __________ ..., Jowwg ly jeined tho Navy and oxpcllts to rancher! in doterJDing tbcir DP& Wedding- Anniveraary . gua many years, during tho lifo CA R.D 0£•' TH A NICS Mro. .. obort • • 1 an be called soon. profit for h:acome lax purponeo. It of bor husband, Mr. T.J. Grafton. nouce mnrnogo or daugb. dQ!eribu in detail tho receipt for Mr. and Ben Stimmel t.QI Arter Mr Grafton's dcntb sovorol . tcr Marilyn June, to Wilham C. . ineome tu allen It dcmcribeo ebroted tbotr 67th wildding •nnl· years ago, Mrn. Grafton and bor Wo WIDh to PnC'h ?nd Barn bill, Stafl·Sergeant Air COrp3 A Cadet 1 0 dotail·tla:::'ei tl. and ex enoen veroary I ant Tuesday• Mr. and son, moved to Linen ln. Sbo everyone or our frwndo fur trmd· Army of the United States Satur- mnn wnsto town Stmdny t.o vlaJt Pf b P Mro Stimmel are old timera In was kind, a!mritablo and a dovout nc--..!1 thour,htfulnegg ond oyropa- , ":- h ·· d M H taat are neeesurr or t os<\ wbo · Ch · ti · · ' · · t da;; tho ninth day of January, uw pnren ... , an r.. 0 .Dr1' - Lincoln county hoviog be£n mar- rw an m evary conca or tbe' tby extended durmg r ur rPrr n 19 43, io El POBo, TexruJ. Hoffman. Harold £:1 now atatnoD· tl!t their on tbo cnn.b re- riel! at White Oalro when that Her quiet example will bo I boreovement.. Alco Cor tbo beau- cd at the RoowoU Atr Blie. He ceipt nnd basta. d Th ml!:So by a host of lriands. I Uf I floral oficrinno. .. . . . . wno occom anioo b another ca- Frtt oopnt!l of tlae circular may in ita palmy &J!!. eJ Funeral sl:rvicc3 will bo bold u Sugcant Bnrnhlll and MiSS d f . p d H be obtained at tbeCounly Agents have hvcd tbl3e many yean, this afrornotJn ak Angtm oehool Mro. Jamcn C. Jolmonn snd MaeyUn Hom p b i 11 wero et, 0 sa name 0 man. Office. . ba.vo reared their family hero and hotEo ioflowM by Interment in! Violo Fay. nUU'ritd at tho home of Mrs. Tom Carl P.lladelifl are among Carrizozo's beat rea Angua eorueteey. Mr. ond Mm., Wo:vno Jollnson . Gentry on Montana atreet, il Senmnn 2/c Sam J. Dow, wn County Agent. opcctcd and moll highly rcaarded . and fnmily. Paso, by tM Reverend J. L. Car- of Mr. and Mrs· Gene Dow, 1.3 at· . eltizeno. Congratulations are ex• N•t Campbetl .. ya: It you boor M d M Jomeu E Stone. pentet, former paatQr, aJld friand tending the Cbiengo University. pf 1 l Yoar VICtOry ,_ 1 r.tnn •ow tended by tbeir many trienda. a knoclrin' t b is country r. and r ro:Jy ot the family-. They wcro at- Sam is making aood nnd likt! tbe 'II Ur; n - malio bam tell you C\f n b::Jtter ono. mnn nn omt Douglas Hoi· Naval training be i3 receiving. . Jllorn in San Diego, California .. ·· Us. and Mw. Bro'!ll. Th• . SetreLar.v Is urgma 18,..1943 .&.7illOUOd d&igh• BANKS AND- mt WAft .. bmlu gLven m b7 Lesnott Andenon, 1on of Mra. people grow a Vi_ptory garden Ler to Mr. ad Mra. Frank Vigil. hcrtathe!, 1111'. R .. Edith Crawford, wbo volunteered th'- · I he baa titen M a r 1 The:br1de was wruwaa. lor the sea Bse• lut Novtmber In order to autat the Esther. M u. VfJd W'U the 1 · bhiOIUit with brown. &CCNioriel; fait firat of the monib tor with their J&rdG problema, former ,.11 13 Dolores of bet coratgo. rose- Willilmsburg, Virginia, where he BervJC!I, ln Carrizozo. buds: ... For oid tile wu waa aworn in Januaty Gth. WJt!r the Hltol'! of the local papt:Jr, · .. htr. motller't engage• . . wiiJ publlah a url11 of timely art- . ls Mn Sam ment . · o.a JbC bow to prtpare,plant, RGctlnt renewa · are ' . ten daY• ape•t it h . Sanehez. son ot Mr. and ealtit&tf, frtiptt; ancl care• for Nielro!s,. Mt!. May of groom's Mta. Ben Sanchez wbo is now in · Watch ror the fitlt Dan Ttfl$DY of r. B1g Spr1ngs, Stanton ... and · . the Navy WI! ti'anarerred ltom . .. The Seed Bed;' Pat Dolan. Tueumean, Mn. John land · Texae, they are at home · b . ·. 'h• ·. N . 1 B · · . .. . . . .. · • . · L L · · Olmarton .. the 'lJra:ttitrorn .apartment. on t e !:)an uwgo .. . uo to whie1l1r11l bt pubbahtd in •. aweon,_ •. . . Nortli EU'asO> atreet. tho Norman, Oklahoma .Naval (Mue ef thi• ,ap•r. Mr. Hatt1 Btralet of Ancbo Tho btide ha• Machiniet Mate rehool."' Mr. an• Carl P.ltadcliil, mado e plea!tnt call to tb• Lin· !or c . . hue two ether Coilatr ixU••ioil Agent. · OountyNawaofiiM Tu-.d•7· in theSuPtrmtendent'• · . ·. M:tll also in Nl\-vy, Albert aafl .. ===· Tile bride iJ th& wiotomt · . ·· of whom art Ju.tlyl: . dlugbttr · Mt .. Mrs. R, o, HemphiUf- .1r•e Carrizozo, but now • . 'the groom: · Bliellillrtdi& bit lrienda in The Lintoln , . T ...... D.:Paytttof A11tbowu the U. S. •rtntit · eec*fi: 8,1042 .. Kr. 8 wa1 Uanatened to. tor& .. .r:t - lot tlie *r1f!it'1>r information leading ,to the fiVfLITTlf WORDS ' THINK of tho mogie in tho nvo little word• "Pay to tbe Order Of." They cause oeoret of bllliono of dollars to cbaage hands. ·They P!Y tbo nation's wages,. buy tho naD tion'slood, help )trodueo tho nation' a goodo and help flgbe the war. They aro tbEi koy word• on tho fllco of b a n k and chfoks are ti!!ed in·makintt 90 por cent ot till payments in Alllcriea, You can Ct!Joy tho modern con• venlenee o1 paying b7 eheek. AU you need do fs come tet tliil bank and start an aecount, ' t t t l LINCOLN COUNTY AGENCY,. !L:' · Join• their many · :.. ltJI' them tht bttt · · · . Betitlin.r,. Gem·•t•, attu bS. itt• 1u11l ia attaehed WRt ot ·tbe· ;perton ot peraon. rtttJOti•lblt lot tbt .. matiliOuil ot tlut butlclinr ltate Bink of Vaughn, ' · · . Mt. P.atntw•• • · th• tl'ob' .choola. llr;. · fotm•rJ,. Mi• Jttria.t&t ¥ Aleh• and if tbt (Ctllitt...- C)li.p_. •> ' ·, ,, . Oil JjfJU:rJ 2Gth 1941. . , · , PtttY'5·· · e. . . ' ,, . ' ; ":;, . flo •• I • ' ,, _ lr, , ,._ ... ,. ,_.,.·, ., •• ,,. I ' ' ' ....

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VOLU~!:· ... -..• · •. ~1£7""[1~1ln't~zo Ne\ft, Vol. 31) .. . CAltRIZO.ZO, NEW MEXlCO, F~l:,0,A,lY,l4N· •. 29,l848.-~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~. ==~



·':': ~-woman? s '(lob WITH the Men In Service

. '

:.· Amoim~ o.f Victory Twcl)ednctible from Weekly Wages of Selected Amoun..t~ nnd Amount of Net Victorr

Former Carri:l;ol!lo Boy Mitting in.Action -.. ,_ ~ ~.!>.J.: \a -\

-Jb .IJ.;'?":;;. =-""'" ~ ~~ · Tax After Deduction of -'Credits Sgt. Robert Ransom, con of ~ :d'Cl~ .. :~e.-lltr~ ~

Mrs. R. L. Ransom, of San An· V;J ~~, .. 0!'1:i.-__ ifu::-_: ..,. ;., ~-- a.:~ -

' ' The Woman'(3 Club qf C~rrizo· r------------1

zo met January 22nd at ComPiU• Sgt. Theodore Hobbie visited ~~·g~ : Qrcu ; ; ' ,,, Sln911 Net .Vlrlc'It.;:~i:~·r aa;-ll•, • N~lt4.. , 0

~i~y Cvntt1r uit~ t~9 Club pr~s- his piuents at Ruidoso the first .~~:, : v~~~~~ ! qa~~:;:=nra· : ;:o-~;~;;,;nt• : two':.':.~ 1dent, Mr11 •. W.A. N1cbolas. pre;nd· of last week. He lift last Tucs- -..::$~12::-....--..,..o;;:-....-:......;:. ~:;;;;;;;;;;;.;..--.,~;:;.:.;.;:;=;;;.....;......-;;,;;.;.;;:;;;.;: .......

tonio, Texna, has bflen reported ~-~ · ~~-\• ... misting in action 1omowhere in ~ ~

ing, Thirty membets were pres· day for San Franeisco, California J5 $ .15 $ .11 $ .69 $ .08 ent. to bring hl.s wife to New Mexico. 20 .40. .30 · .24 ·=

Europe since January Srd.. Robert n. A. Wnlkcr, M~. fa a former Carrizozo boy, having FRIDAY & SATtmDA y been born hero and Jived hero un- -·--~----·--·----

• .i '; . . ) ~

.After Salute to the Flng,"God He hns been transferred to tho 30 .oo .G8 · •. 54 .50

f;l::~ t!~~!:a:;ea~:;, s::: ;::. :i~:~:~:~n~~~ ~~0~ea~8i!~~; !! · i:*. · t:: ~:!i ~:. til about five yearo of ago. He. is A DOUBLE FEATURE;-

\~alpb Petty t>l&ying tho aceom· on the .7tb··of December 1941, dur- · '10 2.90 ·:us 1.'14 l.OZ Fiigbt Enaincer in tha Army Air Van BolOn; Marohn Hunt;' Lee Corps. · Bowmliln,

-panhnent. • ing the Jap nttnck. After ·long 80 3.40 · ~.55 2.0-1 • 1.90 Bride and Groom Vitit -In- , "

Mri •. Gallacbcr, 86 cbutrmaQ weeks in the Army hospital In • 1W00 3•00 2·93 22.·~~ 2•18

.# tb c,...,. s n ced :.. 4•40 3'30 va

2•46 "Kid Glove K•.ller" ,or e 4'1 I upper, an oun Hono,ulu, be was rolea!ed and · b <:!SA 00 h d b 1 d The credits may be ta!tcn currer:tly or otter tho wor. Tho31 amcunt to Mr "'nd M'"" Elb"rt Dudroy of t ~t '*'. ·a. , ~. . . eon .c ~are • • . t.ook port in the. battle of Wake 40 percent ot the tux tor married, pcr.oona, 2S percent tor oirig!o poraon.~1 • u ,.,. "

The nommntulg commlttee,Mlfm Ioland. Junt before Ch.riatmaa he and 2 percent tor each dependent. They mar. tic toltcn currcney nnd wm Deming spent Monday night and Tho!'-.. <> Whit.", and Mead. ames, Willi nent bnc'· t.o the Qtateo nnd 0$ bo.ned on (a) payments of prGmiumll on life inouruncc pollclca In torco TuesdiJ hero with Elbert's par·

--PLUS>--"NIAGARA. FALLS" w.. .,., ... u. ~ .. on September 1, 1042; (b) poymentn of old dcbtn; (c) net purchoco of

P. M~~QbDio'n1 C. 0. Davis, M. baa been in San Francisco until War Bonda, . . · u.s. Tri:m.ey D•Pa••r:•nl erits) Mr. and Mro. Bort Dudroy V. Finl~y and T. E. Richard re- lost week. . · "Mooagr", as he i11 popularly

A Teohoicolou picture featuring · Mojorio Woodworth and Tom Brown. ported on ticket for election of MINUTES • NOTICE OF SCHOOL tailed bare at home, ltole a me reb

officers tbo following: Earl Dow. son .. of Mr. and Mra. BUSINESS MIN'S CLUB BOARD ELECTION on cvteyone and was. married laot L - • k H SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUE3DAY . President, Mrs. Clifton Zum· Gene Dow hno volunteered for tho wee • e and hlo brfdg woro on·

walt. Nnvy and ia waiting t.o be called. Tbe membert of tbo Buslneas TO WHOM IT MAy route to Tueamcarl, whoro bo Clarlt Gablo, Lnnll Turn or, Robt. 1st Vice Prtsident, Mra. W. S. This will be the fourth eon to en· Men'• Club c()nvened •* tho HI· CONCERN: will bo operator for tbo Stirling, Patricia Dane, ·

Norman. lbt in the Navy. .Mr. nnd Ml"!!. School il! the gueata cf the Oar- ·Notice 11 herebr given th"t a Sou,bern Paclfli"Company. They _in_ 2nd Vice·Presidcnt, Mrn. M. Dow nlco have two lilono in the rizozo Sctmol faculty at 7:00 ·;I>, llebooltltatfon will 'be beld In Dla· left hcnl Tuoaday night on Ne. 4.

U. Finley. Army, Sgt. Gene C. Dow, Jr., and M., January 27• 19113. Twenty· trlct number 7 Lincoln County Treaourer, Mrs. R. E. Shaftr. Corp. Orville Dow. Mr. and Mn, two membera went back to New Mexiao 'februry g 1943 \Vondera Have Ceated Sccrotary, Mm. Felix Ramey. Dow celcbraled their 82nd Wed· with Proreasor Rn. Klauen be· fdr &be purp~ae of cltttl~~ two

"Somewhere I'll Find You"

)t"' Parliamcntar1Jtn, Mrt. W. A. ding Anniverc:uy Friday of Jant ~towlnt the ctunce eap to all member• of the Municipal No obo oxprcued aotonishmont Againo' Net'1 Yorlr, Indo.Cblnn, Nlobolaa. week. They oro Juotly proud of members with bf1 catchT EJUJll!l. of Education te fill two and only mild aurpri!o when tho Manila and Bntoan, this colorful

The Prcaidont announced a thoir manly and noblo oono. P!aee card a wert hand drawu 4c- thereon. Place, Communttr Hall, newa was flllBhcd around tho yarn ot a war correo~oop2nt, bta picture show to bo given in March . ·· p1ctin1 tbt boslnvu of the per11on Carri~ozo, New Mexico. Po!JJ world that our own Prooldtnt of brother ond tho ono gnl, bns all it with Mm. n. A. Walker as chair· Instructor Ballio Cavan~1ugb of whcao plaet it marked at the din· 1 9•00 A M to 6•00 p the Uglted Statco bad b<'tD in» to··cntertoin you. man tbo Deming Air Field visit-ed Rul ocr table Note boob were at ~~~~ ;:mr 1i i · h. b. • Cnaa .Blanca Nertb Afrlta coo- ·AL90 • Th~ following proaram on Home· doao and Fort Stanton lnat .Mon· · plac'e fiUcd. wJtb tho program • 1 ~a

0 0~ 0fra fa~• tl. 1 0

n lerrina wltb Winston Churchill 1\'' arab of Tlmo, No~tl and Vie· '~~•n'·i ...... '"as given b~ t""ra. Eaker. • Ho is a con of Mr. and Mr8. and m•nu. Remar'·s . h"ard 6" l'lMom_ nnW (dan c cr . o e tc on: d th I d .,~~ w.,.to :·~· n B. • "v} G J' ·o 0 van" gh f rm"'•l'l'l' Of " " . " ra. ar , an o er war en oro. An air· tory Vittloo" Rc!ldmg • ., · ome ,, .&llugar · nest, tmmt· a ... u 0

'-'A " crowd departed wert "more M n Alternate, M r 1 . plane trip of such extended milo· ----:-------by Mrs. Dowey St.okcs with . th~ Fort Stanton Marino. gatherings Jiko th•t and moro or· p~· :.rna. ago and a aafg return Ia on oc· WEDNESDAY ~ THURSDAY

. no accompaniment by Mrs. Hta mother: Mrs1• L~~uo1 0

Cava. tea". PP Judgeo of tho clcetion compJlilimcnt wblch puta courogo loy. ~augh was.~.~rmcr '9 wen ° on~.. Teachers, "Thanks for a ~ery io our own hcnrta and has un• Lupo Vel(lz, Lt>on ~rrol, Buddy J.>.aptr ·~l{oq_~('/' 'AJfi, liJ., k e r. tcprct~nta_tsvo Jn tbo St.ate Ltgul• p!taaanl ~tning." . ....,. , A~v PadUla, dcabtadly built up tho moralo of Roncro, l.!}llt!atctb Riodon,

I Piano Duot, 4'Slcigh Rid£/' by ttlturc. I'ELIX RAUDY, Mra. Berry, . Ollf men in all tho far Bung nooko - lo -~. Adeline Stokes and Ann Eaker. . . Secretary. M~. Llttlr?ton, Alternate, L. A. and corners of tho earth. "M . ,... • f•

Tho refreshment aommittco, Lin B. Cooper, fOUDgtlt IOD of - WbJttal,cr. " extcan ::"'pn~ tre Mmcs, Lemon, Norman, and Me- Mr. and Mro. JJm Cooper o! An- "Let'a Talk About Coiled thin the 7th dar of Jan· MRS T J GRAFT S . GL . t'' Kinley ocrvc!l gingorbraad and cbo, io now cmp!oy~d 00 Clvillu Your Income Tax" uo.ry, 1943 at CrmiiOIO, N Q w . . • • ..:...... ON e(_}S a ll!OD spiecd ten. Inslf'Uetor WJtb tbG Ryan '-"' Mexico. Mrs. Tom J. Grafton, ago 67, The nboot doeon't bnv" o chonce

Mra B s BuntM School of Aeronautil'11, in Calf· Wm. W. Gallaebtr. paucd away at ber homo in Lin· when Lupo bcgino to Jooa her tem· Club Rep~rter. ' lorni•· Lin iEi n native of Lincoln A pamphlet ''Let:,s Talk About PrEll. of tho Boarclol Edatatlon wln WQdng,:day afternoon of 0 p:ur.

County and attondcd tho sehool!J Yonq Ineomo)'ax b~o recently Janos. Turner, bean ailment. Mro. Gmlton lo --Also~ Weddincr Announe~d in Carrizozo, been prepared by Mr. Art~ur M · Clerlt of Board or. Education. survived bt one daughter, Mrs. , . ., . ., • , in

0 , Hauke, of the New Momco Ex· J29 F b 5 Heavy Stewart and by ono son Qut" Kado and. I o P? r, El

. • f th f 1 Luaio VIdaurri, aon of Mr. and tenaioD Servico. The circular n ao · • t • • Mr. Hugh Grafton, ' "Baby Wcmto a Bottlcolup • \YO are m rccoapt 0 0 0

• Mro. Sabino Vidaurri hill rce€lnt· prepared to SE!iot farmero o.nd Mra. T. J. Grarwn Jived 8~ An· .,_ __________ ..., Jowwg ;nnoune~mc~t: ~~f· an~ ly jeined tho Navy and oxpcllts to rancher! in doterJDing tbcir DP& Wedding- Anniveraary . gua many years, during tho lifo CA R.D 0£•' TH A NICS Mro. .. obort • • em~ 1 an be called soon. profit for h:acome lax purponeo. It • of bor husband, Mr. T.J. Grafton. nouce t~o mnrnogo or daugb. dQ!eribu in detail tho receipt for Mr. and ~ro. Ben Stimmel t.QI Arter Mr Grafton's dcntb sovorol . tcr Marilyn June, to Wilham C. . ineome tu allen It dcmcribeo ebroted tbotr 67th wildding •nnl· years ago, Mrn. Grafton and bor Wo WIDh to t~onlt PnC'h ?nd Barn bill, Stafl·Sergeant Air COrp3 A vfatto~ Cadet ~nrold Ho~- 10 dotail·tla:::'ei tl. and ex enoen veroary I ant Tuesday • Mr. and son, ~ugb moved to Linen ln. Sbo everyone or our frwndo fur trmd· Army of the United States Satur- mnn wnsto town Stmdny t.o vlaJt ~.. Pf b P Mro Stimmel are old timera In was kind, a!mritablo and a dovout nc--..!1 thour,htfulnegg ond oyropa-

, ":- h "~r ·· d M H taat are neeesurr or t os<\ wbo · Ch · ti · · ' · · t da;; tho ninth day of January, uw pnren ... , 111.~.r. an r.. 0.Dr1' - Lincoln county hoviog be£n mar- rw an m evary conca or tbe' tby extended durmg r ur rPrr n 1943, io El POBo, TexruJ. Hoffman. Harold £:1 now atatnoD· tl!t their re~om on tbo cnn.b re- riel! at White Oalro when that "'?~·d Her quiet example will bo I boreovement.. Alco Cor tbo beau-

cd at the RoowoU Atr Blie. He ceipt nnd dt~bur!ement basta. d Th ml!:So by a host of lriands. I Uf I floral oficrinno. .. . . . ~ . wno occom anioo b another ca- Frtt oopnt!l of tlae circular may torn~ ~aa in ita palmy &J!!. eJ Funeral sl:rvicc3 will bo bold u

Sugcant Bnrnhlll and MiSS d f . p d H ~ be obtained at tbeCounly Agents have hvcd b~ro tbl3e many yean, this afrornotJn ak Angtm oehool Mro. Jamcn C. Jolmonn snd MaeyUn Hom p b i 11 wero et, 0 sa name 0 man. Office. . ba.vo reared their family hero and hotEo ioflowM by Interment in! Violo Fay. nUU'ritd at tho home of Mrs. Tom Carl P.lladelifl are among Carrizozo's beat rea Angua eorueteey. Mr. ond Mm., Wo:vno Jollnson

. Gentry on Montana atreet, il Senmnn 2/c Sam J. Dow, wn County Extt~t~fon Agent. opcctcd and moll highly rcaarded . and fnmily. Paso, by tM Reverend J. L. Car- of Mr. and Mrs· Gene Dow, 1.3 at· . eltizeno. Congratulations are ex• N•t Campbetl .. ya: It you boor M d M Jomeu E Stone. pentet, former paatQr, aJld friand tending the Cbiengo University. pf1l Yoar VICtOry ,_1r.tnn •ow tended by tbeir many trienda. a r~!lor. knoclrin' t b is country r. and r ro:Jy • ot the family-. They wcro at- Sam is making aood nnd likt! tbe • 'II Ur; n - malio bam tell you C\f n b::Jtter ono. mnn nn omt • t•nddh~Cilrparal Douglas Hoi· Naval training be i3 receiving. . Jllorn in San Diego, California ~~--, .. ~=~-~~ ·· ,~~~ ~-~~ Us. and Mw. Ma_~ine Bro'!ll. Th• . • SetreLar.v Is urgma 18,..1943 • .&.7illOUOd d&igh• BANKS AND- mt WAft .. bmlu W~ gLven m marrlag~ b7 Lesnott Andenon, 1on of Mra. people grow a Vi_ptory garden Ler to Mr. ad Mra. Frank Vigil. hcrtathe!, 1111'. R .. C~ ~empbdl. Edith Crawford, wbo volunteered th'- 7t~t. · I he baa titen llame~ M a r 1

The:br1de was wruwaa. pa~tel lor the sea Bse• lut Novtmber In order to autat the Esther. M u. VfJd W'U the 1 ·

bhiOIUit with brown. &CCNioriel; fait tb~ firat of the monib tor with their J&rdG problema, • former ,.1113 Dolores rora7t~ of bet coratgo. w~s ~1iaJ:WID rose- Willilmsburg, Virginia, where he E~tlntlon BervJC!I, ln cooporat1~n Carrizozo. buds: ... For 1ometh1a~ oid tile wu waa aworn in Januaty Gth. WJt!r the Hltol'! of the local papt:Jr, · wearan~ .. htr. motller't engage• • . . wiiJ publlah a url11 of timely art- . ls Mn Sam ment tltii~ . · o.a JbC bow to prtpare,plant, RGctlnt renewa · are ' . ~ncr ten daY• ape•t it h . ~& Sanehez. son ot Mr. and ealtit&tf, frtiptt; ancl care• for Nielro!s,. Mt!. May Jorda~,. ~··

m~mbc~a of ~h• groom's Mta. Ben Sanchez wbo is now in · Watch ror the fitlt Dan Ttfl$DY of Caf!_iz.o~o, r. B1g Spr1ngs, Stanton ... and · . the Navy WI! ti'anarerred ltom . .. The Seed Bed;' Pat Dolan. Tueumean, Mn. John land · Texae, they are at home · b t<~ . ·. 'h• ·. N . 1 B · · . .. . . . .. · • . · L L · · Olmarton

.. the 'lJra:ttitrorn .apartment. on t e !:)an uwgo .. a'i7~- . uo to whie1l1r11l bt pubbahtd in •. aweon,_ •. . . Nortli EU'asO> atreet. tho Norman, Oklahoma .Naval (Mue ef thi• ,ap•r. Mr. Hatt1 Btralet of Ancbo Tho btide ha• Machiniet Mate rehool."' Mr. an• Carl P.ltadcliil, mado e plea!tnt call to tb• Lin·

!or tbtSout~erl1. c . . Be~ Sartch~-~ hue two ether Coilatr ixU••ioil Agent. · OountyNawaofiiM Tu-.d•7· in theSuPtrmtendent'• · . ·. M:tll also in tb~ Nl\-vy, Albert aafl .. ===· ========~~:::;:::=========

Tile bride iJ th& wiotomt ~and · . · · of whom tb~ art Ju.tlyl: . t.U~cti\'t dlugbttr · Mt .. Mrs. R, o, HemphiUf- ·!.~ .1r•e Carrizozo, but now • .

'the groom: ~tlo,ntd · Bliellillrtdi& bit lrienda in

The Lintoln

, . T ...... D.:Paytttof A11tbowu

the U. S. •rtntit · rorc:~_,o eec*fi: 8,1042 .. Kr. 8 l?ayt~e wa1 Uanatened to. tor& •

.. .r:t -

lot tlie *r1f!it'1>r information leading ,to the



THINK of tho mogie in tho nvo little word• "Pay to tbe Order Of." They cause oeoret of bllliono of dollars to cbaage hands. ·They P!Y tbo nation's wages,. buy tho naD tion'slood, help )trodueo tho nation' a goodo and help flgbe the war. They aro tbEi koy word• on tho fllco of b a n k cbe~b, and chfoks are ti!!ed in· makintt 90 por cent ot till payments in Alllcriea, You can Ct!Joy tho modern con• venlenee o1 paying b7 eheek. AU you need do fs come tet tliil bank and start an aecount,


t t t l LINCOLN COUNTY AGENCY,. !L:' · Join• their many ·

:.. ~ ltJI' them tht bttt · · Jife~ ·

. Betitlin.r,. Gem·•t•, attu bS. itt• .du•ti~ 1u11l ia attaehed t~

WRt ot ·tbe· ;perton ot peraon. rtttJOti•lblt lot tbt .. matiliOuil ltl•~:•xntilt ot tlut atJ;~rt butlclinr

Citiien~ ltate Bink of Vaughn, •


· · . Mt. P.atntw•• • · th• tl'ob' .choola. llr;.

· fotm•rJ,. Mi• Jttria.t&t ¥ Aleh• and if tbt (Ctllitt...-C)li.p_. •>

' ·, ,,

. Oil JjfJU:rJ 2Gth 1941. . , • • • • · , PtttY'5·· ~enertl. · e. .

• •

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., ClrH IJwls

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or ,.. ' . ' '

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"II wu easler to teacb the bone to ktleeJ Ulan 1o teadl Baek to mount pro~rJy·J"

LALA PALOOZA -Rufus Has Company



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NO, "''l.LO,

YOlJ v.z;AN-

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NOW t.(l.T M!l Gt!!t

you e:Te '(OUR FING!JRNAl!.~,.!

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: ~=~[~~~=~ '; .. 4 . .

Qeqera~ ')np~ .tbat ~ m; e~ ~{C~ ~~• . ·be Wo')D just bY· ~lYJnl QD luck. Vio­

to!'f will be· •ch!eve!l by caretuJ strateBY and reJeptlel!~ action.

· Neither eq fa..-,e~J Wfo tlldr tbare ot· the •~: • - · pmJJ•· ~IJC(loa ._ their •4a" .. .... 4ilctiqn JJJJ~Ji 1:1~ plauect ffr \'lc­to.r;. Fatm etrAtep 11 ,...,~cl • IJa[pclo&' ~tpat 10 ••· to t~~Ql· out t,he rich~ thlpp !l& the rip& time thr~H~Cb eftlelen& . uc of American farm reaaurc:es,

' _ ~~~Y believe .Amerlcu lms' f' of good farm lnnd. J,Jut EIU'VCYB 11how thaL good crop Janda are ~ -limited. Of the presl!tlt a.rca of 530 mll_Uon acrco avnllable , for c~ on1JI.S40 mllllcm acn-11s can be classed DS really soo4 land. The rest 1s too atcep, too.).'OUgb.ltoo Jbqllow or too infcttne tor profitable cultivation,

Labor, machinery and materiW. "i{i;[tf~l~~~~~ nrc short now, too. These conditions ~ ts W.o!W1iDI -mnl,tc f.timpofative tot: wl»'Urne l')gri­

cnlturo to adJust ltcelf to vroduclnl needed crop3 with mnximwn ef· fic!cncy, . V. S. (unnora c:on't o.iford to grow

lt}rgc qunntit!ro o! crop3 not vltallJ' needed. With pl'C.';cnt acreage and tho lnrgc carry-over ln f!torogo1 there lo nn nbundooeo ot wheat, ror rn. otance. Boo::;ting the wheat output now would not l>c u coQtribuUon to tho naUon'o war Ellortl- Coru:cqucnt. Jy pl'aductlon goab for wllcat eal!ed tor o 1% per cent dci:rcoce .jn aero­age. Ltmd thu;~ rclcn!lcd- from wheat

DairY prO\Jacts, es.PtclaJJy mJUc btiDr bydtatt4 fot shlpment aU over the •otltt, £s Bpratl~et, "pnurfnr" from miWons of U. B-. farms.

ron ~ ~d tor !ood at:1 illx!r mare urgently t:ccdcd. ·

More nillk !!rot1Ucl9, cueo. ond meow ~ro vitally nccca;::oey far war nccdn cow. 'rha ~ool tor milk lo on fl par Calt IJlczoroco.

llepotb ftom farmers IDdfcate they •W probably met1 filt~ llf0-dllctl6n t3b llasat on aaUclpt­

-~ ttttt'fs of thell'lliltd Statesam'l the t!allttt Nat!tms. Some Jlant­IDJ* may faD below to:&J tents, u fD 1he ease ol 11nmats Ul faueed for llut b Jl&rlfaJI1 o1f fly s eaa 11 t-ittp fD ae ieab. 'filb adjtntmcnt ttl wartime necll

a 15 hcing accmnplli:~cd tmcngb e.mre-• 1 ne;o · cilllltmd:ltl, mnrkotfug ~1as,

__ trinn pogrom t:::lYlDcn".!!, enmmod­ity Inrut:~, od tann Fil:a C'Jp1)0m po-v!t!cd ty tho dcprtmc:nt cf agri. cmlfuro.

Mtcr the war, tho fa.nm pcgam mathlnOfll onL~ bo gcarca to: tful ~·wtll" !;lre1::icl:n!l cf ogrf~turo to pr<>fuct fotmcrs frcm WI! gigantfo ~.ttP!~~. clQ;l'C!s.t:l pied!, aruf wt<!!csalo ta"'krut;tclt$ whltb tor. lnwed the: l*st Wc:rtd war •• -- · _ _ _ ____ -----H-~-=~~~~c;j~.:ia:: - u --~ m J;-cact~ as ttq. ar-c _ dGbll lM!lt' tor ovfctnry-. - ..

~· ~' -- -- - . - ---


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.AJW•'Sw!!llt. , . · ...

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· .· · om~ ·~opl!i haw, iltcJucllc:~: -we ll~yo · c:op.~UQJ!lt-(ip!l-I),PlptQPJ. ·J",.....,..o;;..;·..,..;;.;-'·~ .. :•· .-.,. •. ;,;;-·..--";.;.'.;;.· ;.;.;..;;;;;;;;;.;;.;;.....;,

l)o,.•, ti!U .(Hf ,.PIP' 'lftllreti 11#1~· ,_.~ , "AL~ 'Wmcuf;u t. , •• , .. ., .nn .... .l •h Jhmn "• t lufJ' _.,,, Coatfn,.t~ U. $. D

1 1Ui4'& /alj. · in . '

YoiU': .®g ·.m· wUlln~. tQ go to tb!! ~.a__.;..;.,_ ..... ~--:-~--_. pleat~nnt duty es he stood ~ ,. pre~- ""'-'~*'· , ... 111- ~· lli•J~C•<. mtr~IIRt r• !flll ~rt 1\it" · G AnY W® pertq~ . S IP' \ltk

~entbs f~>l' ""P. u'·instead Qf tzy.inC . .. . · ._ tb · doo'"'"8"' nf OUv~ a .. to'"~•-.-1-.. :·y~"-~r'' lnt()·anothe~ _ ........... ,~'""" lt.,n• WllieJJ-· -... e · .. " " ~· · ·

klnli~T; pe;cC~D· w· E01 .. ·~Hoi•LD KNOW .. 1•0 h~~~to take you back:•rt~e lm't Tlaat 'r® Bad · . . . .·.·. ,;; ,., ·. . . wna s~g. "U'e dange~:ous tor a · · S woman to f!lay alone up here. Tlu'ee · ' We love t!il)Se whom: we help, ABOUT THE JAP : convictslt{lvebeenreportedesca~d \Jut 'DOt alwaya: those who help us, tbe rood .camp. ~~ DelrqqU\ •

T.b"e men who IJaellevo there . ·lly Jamea R. Youn1 · They're despEtt:~te. men. , llbo1aJc1 be a tu on IJachelora u,. Flw JFpJ3. fur• u. Tokyo /or INS. Olivia ueJae4 her brows. /( lanlfa'~b·. ~ea. cllnt or aqer wa• Jn her e1~•·

MAYLING SOONG FOUNOATJ()N, •CJ)ancerous1"' •ll• "'tauestlonea •.

J · h banorlng the Fiflit, t.ady Of, China, "With the: forest. aemce so ~!lr ·St ·o· .·sep · established by her many trlends lri .,11.. . . . this country, bos been given further . •t.rbe forest 1e"lee"• dadlea

ASPIRIN · Impetus by WeUesley College alum· clon't l,nolilcle Joo!dnr -'ter ~ · 'W~OII~.Q'I:~, I,.I~~=•:GI~I~T~·~~~~:::::•:.!'"::.".;::,_ JUle on her nrdv~ }!ere 25 :ve~ aft. lirb who ran away from home. ~· .,. . er ller graduation. ,.

Nbae-Leaf Clover A. An:hcr llcrrick of Saco, Maine,

('1 b'u succeeded in growing a nine­V' -~nt cliJVer; H.6 n!So has a collee>

• tion of four, fiye, &lx, seven and efJht.leo.lf clovers.

Few Cldnese Words In tho Chinese· spoken lm!guage

thoro oro comparatively fow worcb, but each boo many dlflcr­ent mcnnlnga.

TWO JAPS, former students In the United ~tea • .-re reporlctlllandllng tbe lZ,OOO man Jap lnvaslQn army units In Northern Japan. These men would specla11zo In .a follow up, after combat troops, In commandt:crini radio ataUoll!l, telephone switch· boards, ·gasoline Btatlons, highways, raUways, bus lines amJ poy.rer hoUBes. Ono fs Lieut. Henry Shl• manouchl, a former San Francisco resident, and as of Dec. 7, 1941, In charge of Japan's so-called cultural aoclety In Rockefeller Center. The other, Copt. Frank Matsumoto, was athletic director of Wosedn Univer­sity In Toeyo who entertnlned vlolt. lng American college ond profcs. fliorml atbleUc teamo.

A .,IOYCLE, the chief means ot trml!lportation In Shanghai, now• co::~ts $10,000 In Chlneoo currency. 'l'he Jap:J, vro-Penrl Mnrbor, were the world'o largcot bike manuf.actur· ero, maldng them from prccC:Jscd

OUvla loolted upon him sco~UJ • The sray. of tbe son flannel sbfrldlnaho wore . and tlie · whipcord ,rl i breeches matcl\ed her eyes. ''Wlly not wait until the silly girl, as you call her, collclts the protection Q.f the torcst service?" Her tones were cutting.

Gary shrugged hfs ahoulderl. 4..!You'll have to go back," be re-peated stubbornly. '

OUvia laughed. "That's absurd. ThfB 1s my crunp, and I'U stay here If I lJke. Would it bo aoking top mucb If I suggested leaving me alone?"

••rn so out and saddle your horse. That wm givo you tfmo to get your thlnga together. Picaoe bi,UTY ...

He turned nnd went out. Uncon· trollablo anger wcUod up in 'Olivia's brcnot. Rage oei:cd her. She fiUllll open tho doo.r nnd l'UBhed after hfm.

•'J•n oot roJ" ·•he cried. "I'll not! 'l'hls Is m1. camp and I'D StaJ u IO.DI u I like-"

American ccrap at $3 apiece and Gary tightened tho cinch on her f>clllng them on a one year lnotaU· bay and turned. "Tlmo'11 short," bo mcnt plan to tho natives or Indo- said curtly. "Plcaoo hurry." China', · S!am and • Maloy a. In the Ollvia wOB beoldo heroolt with drJvo on Sil)gaporo, Bonglrol~ nmJ tu:ey. Tqo coollru:olcnco of tho man !Umgoon, tho Jop3 acll:ed the b!· cyclco and lltcrally peddled their ' .. ~ t 1 way through the J)cnlnBuln. Tolcyo 1' il ..., 1 hoo an cotlmoted ~.Zll!l,OOll bleyclco. 1

.., ' I Jl(lw hove coootcr brakes, wblch oro the co::~tllcnt part. Tho lngcnlull!l Jop • • manulacturoro dccldcd to leave oU \. tho czpcruJivo part-if yau want to ~,;, stop. faD oll. ...;;;--Ill

TillS WU."TEB Shanghai <:.ill wit. HOUSEWIVES: * * * noes hundred!l ot deathfl from trcc:z·

Your Watt• Kitdam Pat• fng ruul lntumc.IC,nt fottl. -rho Etlro. · . pcan . .tdugcc , oolany, numbering

.,.,_ Nusl~d fo:r J#plo.W••, swttal ttoua:ut'do, will cuffcr, too. TURN 'EM IN!· * * * · 'lhtt Jars. Jo~l Winter, colttd on

· DiamODd Mam•nt 'l'ho word "dJmnmui" WO!:I de­

rived orfglnolfy from tho Greek ••adtnOD,~ mcnnfng odrunnnt.

Life S~ of G,OIMI Wean Tho &to r;p3D or tho Giant &!­

Q'Wlfa fttro b hcllcved to ho S,!JOO )'Car&



h·. ~·

~ •i "


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·'Vw'Mat nnd rh:o, cm:l ccnkd Red Croe!l cuppUcs-not cno ounce or a ~lng!o botllo 6! mcdlclno woo per­mitted In ucc. Tho JaP:J p:rctcr to luwo thotcJonds: dlo !n Shanghai' a be­low :wro t'Jeafucr than curvivo ond rcquJro to t;n fed.

CWL~S nro bomg told by tho .Top ambru:!lodor dGWn there that If their country brcoko with tho Axio, Japan will bomb tho lang chctc Une. Japan for yeats WO!I cno ot Chilo'o greQt nitrate lnlycm In return the Chflerum obtained Jap•ootkm pkeo goOO!J, pottery, rayon, unlfomw ond mOitnry equipment. So:lUoodo of Chilean nilrote, cold by a Britinb controlled comp:my, went to Jap:m in return fOT' munU!ono and agr!eul· ture. Now wo mU'Jt ucc nita-ot.o on tlla Japs In tho!. Juot ao our oll ond gacolino bove toltcn tho JoP:J to tho Solomcas a.:.:d tho Alcutfonn. Or, oo Dr. Lin Yutnng cxpfu!M the p:Jrodox, we cn!rlllia J.ap:J Uta Ninth Avenue Elev.atcd EO they ~u!d moho b.illcb. Nuw we have tam un-.JD tho ~ccn!l Avenuo Elevated to moho bullet!! to Oro bock at tho Wntb Avc­nuo troin.

'· I· • •

' l . ', . .. ~ • • •. . ·,• , . •

•. ' . . . • . ··I f--..--_............,_ _ _,..,....-~"'""'

. . . .

'lewtu Clt~Jt Needleeran Dept. U'f ~~~~ &t. Sao Francueo. ClliJI.

Encii)SC liJ ~nts (plqs one ccnl to CQ.11Ct· ~~~ Qt malllilll) for Pattern ~0. ...... ,. ••••••••

Nan--• •••••••••• , •• •·•••••••••••••••• Ad~ •••,•••••••••••••••••••••••••


No. .Railroad 1n Iceland Although Iceland nos a normal

population ot 120,000, there is 110 l'all?way there. .

• And Gary ~bed on. ''It was

wbeD 1 saw. 1011 comlnr ctowu tbe stalrll-dressed u a clrl should be dressed: In thlDJs that are becomlnr to you. I bate women who wear men's glotbu. I Ulolllhl fOil were one llf that kind. · I wouldn't let myself be­Ueve that I loved you becaii.Se of that." Suddenly OUvla woo ..omillng, as

If what he hal! cold had oxplalncd thlngo sho wanted to know. "So that was It," oho oo!d, halt to her­oolt. "Than you didn't know?"

"Dldn't fmow wbnt?"

..... ~

393...,~< b

'•pEE~ A. BOOI" nays bunny from among colorful Joey.

daisy flowers' - a charming and caolly embroidered decoration lor boby'o carriage or crib cover, Just tho thing !or that now baby!

• The Qaeafioru



"Didn't know that ll' wao because ot you l.rooe up to camp tha morn• ing. !Ucnuso after that ftrst time, I wonted to ceo you again, and I know that you'd fin4 mo ~t tho camp. You didn't guCD!l I wore tho!lo clotheo becmmo I wanted to tcok Uko tho cort of girl I thought you'd like."

.,Olivia!" She nodded bopplly. "I bate

brccphca," oho oofd. "llato men's clothcn. But I would hove worn thom-dld In fact, bccoU!lo I thought they'd molto you lllte me ...

1. Who ore tho bol polloi 1 a. What ldnd of on onlmol lD a

!oggcrhaad? 3. What city in tho United Stntco

u::co tbo oamo namo twlco?

Gatber Your Scrap; * * Throw It at Hitler I

Sho might havo aald more, but Gary took her in hltl ormo. "Darl­Ine," ho wblopcred, "I wonted you to te otr!ctly feminine. And-" he paused to brU!lh tho tcoro from har cycs-"yO".J are."

-----Minneapolis Handicapped

Jobleaa Now Beioi Aided VocaUnnol gu!danco piU!l wor

manpower demands spcllo now op­portunity to phyoleally handicapped ond other jobles3 In Mlnneopol!a.

A vocatltmol r,uldaneo clinic, op­erated by tho Minneopolfu rcUct do­pnrtmcnt, tovcoiD hidden oblllt.l~ of many of thccc men and women; mo.npn'I.7Cr dcmondn of tho war pro­v!clc opPortunity to troln and put tho focUIUco to work.

An o rcnult, about C.SO men and t'<"'m<!n, lncludlnc more than lOD peyo!l!nlly ban!licopped, have been plocctl In fobJ olnco tho clln!o be­gan opcrot on In the oprlng of 1041, according to Information to tho Amerlcoo IPubUo WcHare =neie· Uon.

4. What lD the total contlnc,ntal area of tho Unitad StotcoT

o. When lntoet how tnU wn. the Groot Pyrtlmld {)f Oll:ch?

(), Ho'l.·i great in air prcs=uro ot ceo level?

7. Wbot ~ tho dlflorcnco ·be­tween a fog and o cloud?

D. Who woo tho flrot admiral ot tho United Smtco navy?

o. What "•"'uld you flU a barrel wlth In order to malta it lighter? 10. Wbot to tbo flrot nnmo of tho

prince of Walen? . ---1. Tttd moc:::co: tbo pt~puJacc. 2. A largo turUo found ln tho

Atlattb ocoqn. 3. Wona Wallo. Wooh. fJ'l'ho area Ia 3,02!l, 7CJ cquaro

mfl(!o, 62,62!1 of which arc water ourfaco.

li. The pyramid woo 401 feet taU. 6. More than a ton to the cquoro

fOtJt. '1. It 19 11 dlflarenco of height

from tho eortb. Fon lo a cloud on earth. It cloud lD o fog In tho olty.

a. Dovld Forraaut. 0, lio!OD,

10. Tltcrc.ID no prince Qg Wnloo. Only tho otdcnt mm of tho reigning kina boo that tiUc on~ ho rocco lliot title when he hccoml:!nl!ing.

Ot unuouol lntcrcnt ID tho fact tho clinic boo fc=J jobs for o hiahcr porc-cntagc of hondlcoppod than oblchootcd porotm!l. More than llO per cent of percnnn with pltydlc.ul defects cachlng oo:Jbtanco d ~o ,. · ; · · I clinlc have been vtocca in Jobs, Cl5 Bi. rd .~lay. gr. Oli7Ul compared to on over-all ovarogo o! . . . 4!) vcr c:c:r.t. '--=-...... ~--------~

"Frequently, In the Cot:O of a A tmiquo oobit nmong bircJ,!l l!J bnn!llcnppcd percon, the problem 18 tho lnilldlng ot a bmvot or play- , Shl Knows. • net ro much \.--oeaUonol gWdo.nco e ground by the bG;vcrbh'u cf Aus- Claltlter CJrl ha

1 ....

j&h ploctmtent, ooentt!la many ver• tralia, aaya Coll!ar'o. Ullf!JUO al!:O btn¥ t'- ••ntt,•ti t~-' .Ylitb .PJl.stmcnl dcfact& lmvo no. Is the- habit of dc_c:f}rnting it ...vlth t. J~j~(;jJ"!n illf~itv Wlnt ,.*'" conflllcnco that their services are stolen att!clcs, nll of a C(lttafn .,., ,._.Mil YMrf. o. •

•:llcab!o,'•· nccurdlng to officials fn color. cbargo ct tho gu!d_ruico ocrvice. O!lc 8Uelb bower, evJdt!'ntiy con-

Origjilally tho clln!a handl!ld Wily structcd by a bird thai liked blue, relJof client!, but a year ago the contained, among many otltcr blue state vecational rcbabilltat!aa bu• attlclcs, a blue hnlr ribbott, a bluo reau arranged for lncluslim of aD rallroad ticket, a etdng ot bluo lumdtcappt!d pcrsaru~ in tho Mlnne- glass beads an~ 1'78 bluo bn~, apoll5 area. Glnec tho clinic .was bcltmglng to a near-b;' ,laundry. started ln Mnrcb, 1041, wltb WPA co-OP'l!ratlon, moro than 2,'000 ~ OOU!J have been lntcrvlawcd and • !Cores trained.


OUt f'QR '*" .... WlfH HO­Ifrl Mfi.DfiiU. THERe$

NQ SPIWNG, NO wAste. P.A. ·f$ CRIMP CVt T(J"LAV ·' RfGHJ; MU. fA:$Tt .


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Cnt11ratt M te!:o~<11'<1Jnoo n::atw ltl!t. w, &8~11\ Ul't ~ ofllco ~~ C~. Uuw llo#d>, 11)llh!r tD.f'.lct "' Jauob o, wu,

.JOa:E BARELA PORTILLO,) Pll\iutltl )

. · vs~ > !habacrlpti®i In advance, $2.00 par YiiU· OA'l'ALINA MONTOYA )

A4t1Jtl01111 1WA Fualdol •• llc;<~a~ PQRTILJA>, Impleaded with) the foi!Gwlng ll.nmed dafcn4· ) ant agalll!lt whom ouba~ltutcd l No.49!lB,

FRIDAY, JAN. 29, 1943 service hi hoJ"oby oouaht w be ) --··-------- obtolned, to-wit: Co.tntlna) ltrJ, Era 8. Bmllb, 61SIItr and l'ubll,lltr Montoya :Portillo, )

. '

. ..... .

I • •

. . ;. l ..

' . ' . . . . ~· '· -·· (· _,


' '

. .. Wbcn You Ctm·Get .· ·. · Better Servi~e· .. ·'

Quiqker ·Cleaning · -AT 1:Rlll,-·. -

. N•· Way ClefltJt!r~ · Pcllvl!l'Y Jind Plckup ~e,Vleo Phone ~ • • • .... 81

. . "- ... r

' ' '


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" . ·.• .

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: .. "\ ' . ·-·"-.' . '

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.--.. Wollldit't· ' . - . '

- ~ It

• . t en- way

Pcfondnnt, ) --- ~--- _ .. _ NOTICE oF PENDENCY OF SUIT · E"'*"' H~~at Cl••nlnc and R•·Blockina , W•r Board Plan~ 1943 Pro~r•m THE sTATE oF NEw MFJxxco: To t=;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~t

• •

Evcey one of u8 wants to do his best the abovo named dofcu,dlUlt, GREE'f• ;::::

. -ING: At a recent meeting plano were ll'otloo in hereby given tbat there' ts

made by I he USDA County War pending ago.lnat you tn tho above named Board for oponooring tbo 1943 Coutt nnd enu!l!l, n Camplaint filed J)y Farm and Ranch Progro m. Jo~o Unroll Portillo co plnlnt!fi; that tho

Achieving the War Prcduetlon g1noml ClbJcct of enid a.ctlon to for an Goalo will be the rhief objectivt nbaoluto divorce lrom you 0.11 groundoof

f 19A 3 D . th 'h f '•~l!rtlon llnd nbandonmoot. or '* urlfng e mdon .. 0

, You nro further not.ifled tkl.t un-

We Handle aJJ Kind• of Stock & Chicken Feed

Also • few canned 6oods & 6ro(eries .

...... , a .,, ,...._, =•• " r 4Mt , .,. .... ~· :'¢ . ...-

to s.peed VicJory~ Your telephone is a war weapon. Ygu can help by using it thoughtfully - not uinking

• unnecessary calls to btm.y war. centers.

F~bruary each nrmer ao rant•IJ lc::.:J you enter your opPC;:~mncc fn wdl bo contacttd and advl••d u tal<l cauao on or before March 5, Tl£ MQIMTAJII STAlES 1£lUieME l tlU,llfl Cl to what Ia desired of them in th ID4U, Sudimcnt will bo rond. •=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~S~

" Vf6A fffD STORf

. . . )

way of War l'roducLion Goal• tor ert41n,.ldcuuecngolllllt)'oubY.dclault =.::;==:=.;::;:::=:::=;:=:~=~=~=~~;:;;~;,;;;;;;;_;~:;: llllii:ii:;;;;:";: tbio yenr. Tlla& the n11mo of plaln'tlfi'a nttornQY

At tl c time of the farr., vl•t• ... hi• poot office addrco~ ,I:J John E 1 Hall, Carrl110zo, t.low Mexico. the operator will lw anlted 'to tllb· WlTNESS my band and the cenl o mi& lnformatiowtliat will be ..... tald Court tblo llltb doy of January ~d by tho War B()ard in ob&aiAilt 1043. aiel on ouo~ prof. lomo .,. la~or aborta&tfl, • ) ~ ·,;' • · :o! ·a &aaebl•·

(0. C.) (Boa I)

Felix Romo;v Olotraet Court Clcrlt. Dy: Evolyn Orcor,

Deputy. ery, fl~~or ~ 1 • · · ·.- • no us other problem· L ·J 'o • . .,,.,J .• ur•. DtJt to 9-Ic. ; '!J:. ,no~cu es6 attd

for tht h~mci!,Dtu "''wni•l ef tbe 1943 ProJtam, V1<'lo~y Co\IICil• men and ro(Jreoont.ativeo of the vorioua 1ovcrnmcntal tgenclca will be &Jl!e(l to aoslot with tho mcetloga and in malting indivi· dual contaet. of tbo fnrmero and ranchcre.

Carl P. Radcliff, County E&tcn31on Aucnt.


for More


-- ''~---.'--=-=-

-=o : w::ar z: ~ Jill!::c:oa

fisher lumber <o. Phono 18

Palnta, Vamiab, Oil All ki~d• of Building


C:apitan, N. Mmt. -


JZZ.Fob. 12.

Local Churches --------------·------· ...

Church of Chrilt --- ......_ ---


Located at Carriiozo Bdwc.

Bib!o S\udy • 10:00 A. M. Wcrabip 11 A.M. am5 7:al> P.M. Nld·wttkStudy, Wed. 'l:lif.l P.M. Prtleilng at Capitan 2 P. M.

Co Va;lltbt uvmg time Avla e. WiJgins,

• lliniJtcr. PHONSe8

Santa Rita Chmch DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH Ca.rri!uzoSuoday MGC33:00 A.M. Coalora Lodge, No.lG

" 8\1Dday Mll!:'il at 10 A. M Mttling dltct- ~lid and 4th Rov. Salvatore.. Wtdnlldara of ueh mnnth

~~~=·----= . :: ... o!tZ::I at 'lp. m. Chana" in tim~ 'OfSmk• K&JatOr•iaen, NobltGrlt1un fen· Firat Dt!ptiat Chur • BitdJ• Wllktt, !Secttta.f1.


(War Time) -=-"""'O>"" '"""" Sunday ®ehool. . . . • • 0:4!11 A. M. M•thediat Chut•h M•mlna Worn hip .•.• u;oo A.M. ltatajt S•b.olaJitJ a. 1»-· B. T. U •.• • · ..... ... . 7.00 l\M, rtokAdam•


Eventna Wcrnblp.... 6:00P.M. Mol'ili'l WttabitJ 10 &'11a;ld. w. ~f. 11. Wcdncsflq ll•Ob P~M. l••lor•1,oo P~·m. Pta'er MteUng,Wt4. iftiO P •. M~ llVtQIMStt:vict 1:15 p, •~

N. T. JtUnlf.l'Mkltn ' 11Wu •. ~i••n ....... ,*'# ... ,,.,u . · '~ 1"'·.. fitit I&J•••r .r tver' lnt~th

-"' Co=altl: 411• W• tti\U'. fOU I .....









• TO THE •



. ----------------REV.N.T.JAM£S,PASTOR----------~----

... ............... , .. ,.._-•

Mornin1 Services .

Sund~y School • • • • 9:45 A. 1.1 (Enroll next Sunday hi· one of:the Bible Classes)

Morning Wottll.ip Stttiets ~ • 11:00 A~ M. Setmon • • • . • . • • By the la~t~t

Mid:wMk Prayer SerV'ice WtdrttsdaJ : " · • .. • • 7:CU P .. K. , Bibt~:study • twrspitation .. Fellowship

WOMEN•$ MISSIONARY:UNION,~tUES. 2:00 ~. ht .. •

' . •'

• • Evefting Set'fieea

· Baptist 'l't&ining~Uniou • ~ · •· A. U. lor all Aclolts


. Young'Penple'• Union ..• · • Ace• 17·24 Intwntdtate:UntGn • • AI•! 13·17 •

·· Junidt Union .. • • Ajtl 9-ll Story Hour~ . • • • Aaes 5 .. 9 We welcontt1you ttatttnd Ul(n•e:pte&rtm~ ttesent­ed t:aeh IS'Wld•y Ev-•ubig ht ftht BAftiat Tmnln1 Urtion. GOSPEUSONG SIRVlCE EVANGELISTIC JmiSAGI

• •

• 8:00P.M . • • By:Pa.at6r


.._............,..,:(JS_rflli_,.......... ................. ,~ ....... -~h"t .,, ;·stfucilrlir:-''4soirl;t...,_.'iriritiijlltan·MI ... ss' ··c ·; i ;liut&t'ri;f \.4'17 •it{ Mfll'ldi'..._Miiif ... ti~siw'r -.• -,..-.,•-._1Jr:i{ti--,......,_, .. n tt

·we extend:a •JMeial inYitation to our men in the SerYic• to . attead our :. Sertices. You will find a warm, friendly . · .. · . .:6rettlt1Jt ltf ~llst . · . · . · · ·

·~ kat•• &; W@•if( --~ ,........,tr;.lm:t\a• ,., -Jjint IV' ,_.,~:u.-.·;,_i·-.••,,_..,••--.ti a(P...,...,t •• u-,:-j"~ .,,.. -, ., • ..,.:., _, ,( Jrtr 21t'll:1•••••n•~'-<av .• .....,q r i Mt¢n1abl•••


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CARPfftlfR . iHOP·



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.FtmernJ Director nnd •

Licensed Emh~lmer

Thono 33

1 Carrfno~o : : : N. Me:s Cardzo;;co A11embl)' No. 7 I -----

Rememb1r Bala«ll lm.'6!1

A Dime One of Ilvuy DnUnt lo

U.S. War Bonds


Order of Rninbow for Girls. Mcotinga 2nd,lltld 4th Fridaya.

Worthy Ad\'icor-Shirloy Rea PhipPJ

Secretary. · Jneltio Db;on.

Nora. Pbipp:J, Mother Advieor

' '

·Will Appreciate ' .

•• '

The Home Town •


' . • .· .

A Subs(ription To Ibe lin(ofn <opaty News .. Is On~ $f.OO Per Year . · .

'-· .. •·' ·"~· .. ~- '~''"' .... , ,..._ ..... _ _,_ - --.t..:..-.,..•!tt.) -- - .::...· , ....... , ........ - pt~· ---- ' ~"'- __ , -- -;·· -~ ~ ~ - ..._._ ~- ~-...,..., - ,._.... :.!-"·· ' ... -.=:. _, ____ .... ~- .,.,. - ~ .... _..: ~' _.. .... , - _.

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* * 'kllmt'IJoo Butj IJI/ttlr- i · ~ \VAll BnlWDS : * *I

When the l'.'iorlnrn aet UJ[>lr cct'll· ko ;J::Jil'!I, there I!J h;c:ludcd therein D bricht clliny fwt"l r:lmvcl mse<l \n o mu!ll:n rorrkr. Th0 cbJVC'l cfl'ntn CJ ccntn ord the co rr .<·r :>J ccran, or ~Url for tho cn::t>mllif'.

' . '

• ...

I ~· ;!.' ' , .. r ~ .

• ' ' '

B•t due to t~e war we ha,en't lte•n ablt to buy any ganncnt hangers ftr the past few months, our supply ia now txiaust~d, so-it becomes nec:eisary to ask you to bring or send hangers with tach cleaning


order. AU extras rou caD apare will be . appreciated. Tbanka.


' ·•Jil ·~···k .. . ~. ·~,~ .. ~. t ~ : t - •

' •

• ..

It's tonga to loae o pet, a wall•' tr &nJ lind of nluabla. But •on't &lYe 11p llope until you have tried an ad I• Uae LIN­COLN COUNTY NEWS to kelp 70u tt· eover yout losg, • • • • •

Office Phone 14 Residence Phone 35

I I &alaz:t=~_.___..Jt:ez=> ;~-~=-a.~v

q ~ ~~""""""' ==- ~ - ~ ...,_ ~···=====>-'=='==•" =~----== ...... -.· g ~'blt ........... &.A-.a·-=---=:=c:· .• :=idll I--

1. 0. 0. F. •




Meets on tho fuit Tb~1 lneuhmon&

VtJitirlg Stan tnrdfall~ invite~

Mo. Matti• EtUoy W. M • .JC!lDllletU i.£mnn, S~

·'·~ -. = ; le' '=awF :i ==~ !='¢ I ••• , ,

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·•·· .· : · ... · ... w••h·a~.mtu.,o~ : ~-:~:~:~aJ~~~~m~»!i= . ' . . BEVIS»' WJU:t$,mp PJlANS ·· ·. Ham llft Xott~ &t~l' mofi:l 11r~t · ))ue .. Jn P\lft · ~ the fAct 1\la\ the :~~~~Mel~ ·~~r uu.~ a 11/ft 1

11, $, JlayY h:Jd DO\ b. Q.U O.PPQ.ftl.m~fu lliOMJIAAilf11Cmte~· cl t«\PcJ) l~t.IJW!~e,..

Japan's Secret Weapon

By Robert BeUalro

('JVHU ,.,,ur.......,.luqulb •p•clol lfUI•f1J•PI wilt Ct;lll•l"• Wfd:ly)

~~ " fr •" rl I' "of IIUlll pfodtU>Uon, IOI' 1¢ 1!1\li n ._.,1\lt' ' . - ·I»"C•~t om ... e e.xpe en9e ()~· ~- ~>lltll>b ~:ondt~ <'9d~ctof,!!Yc;" I!Q ye11tw" · . 81li{,ing in .any mo)Of t>Attle:t =~11Jh~' ~ 1· ·pJ3~~'l;:·t:r~~ })(ltwepn 1812. :nn.d 1~, soil\~ of oiU' tna .awc~nUio red, fll:m'eJI:JIY euUedo\. • .biggest QIJd fastest shlps now un~Jcr if %=V~.w'n'!a ~fA~Iil10U'~~ · · ¢onatruct.ioA arc. being xevlse!f, ~ ~~l1.&o. ~i~i::tt:r~:~:~ · · 'l'be mnfi.l t11ctor being cbangecl lllimp~btrcl'.l _..o~;g,;a UA'tfiB~Rl\', •11

. In the __b!aepr.lnts is extra precau· _s~-"'-fl ... '-·· ... »~•-;t;_ .... s ... ~·-R ... •t_•~_•· .. "'-•·,...· ~--"' ... !' ... =.._'"...,.' • .,..!',' • Uon fire. . · ._, • · ..... - "77'' ',, ··· .,.., • . • . . -!lJ

Thls fa the lesson learned fr6m BABY CHICKS·· ~e alter aft C:t:lrrien~ Wasp (lnd Lex· ,.. ' •· ! ....... ~.: "'" • · • ... ' • ''" Jngton, -ahd the cruJser Boise, aD EJ~D.'I:O ~'ED BU'J CQIOEII swept by fite mter the direct dam· ~ ~~ !Q~~~~ ~=l~Jl ~~· age of bu••lA. !I!J' j>ow. Wrl.te tot U!tlr!\.t'Ur@ I;IO.d pJ'!cu, .. •• "' ~~U-QVAU'I'J' Q'I()DflJ''f, Wra,, ~

Since then the bureau of s~ips · · hao modo u otudy of ·fire bozords. ilnding thnt. even an all·steel vessel c;an bo. swept by fire wl\en t~men.

• dous bent ts enscndef.'ed, as from· ex-Shown above are three mm whose aomhtaUoDJ to hfr:b pqst• wero sna4e bf Ptel!lctettt B091JeveU. Sbou . plodlng nheUs QJl(i burning oU and

All the Japoncco people hava.bccn tought that morale, tho wiUlnsneoo to ancrlflco, wUI win tho war. They believed It before Pearlllarbor, Bod what bas happened nlnco han con• vlnccd them. This conviction, a na· tlonal faith ln morala as dlatln· guitlhed from blind eonfldenco,. itl their "oocrot weapon," and every Jap, from tho younccnt ocbool child to tho oldcot peaoont, lo onncd with tt.

Ho Is undergoing, with ocorcely any complaint, dlocomforto and prl· vatlor.s which would brine yelp:J of anllulob and indlanatlon from almoot any other country In tho world. Toke n brief look at tho Jopaneoc atondord of living, which hM do· cllncd to o mere eub!llotence lovell, aQl1 compore It wltb our own pam·

at left ls WlleJ Rutledrt~, or the Dbtrict or Columbia court of appeats, 11amed to ht' an associate jusUce ()f gnopllnc. the tJnlted States .Supreme~ eoart, to ftD vacancy caused bJ appoblhu.eltt of James J!. Byrnes to tbc omee ot. New plans call tor ICllminntlon of Economlo Stabltlcatloo Director. Thill Is tbc elghtb appnlnbnent to ~ tribPnal mnde by J!resilltnt Roosevelt.· linoleum fiooring, substitution or Center: Edward J. Flfll.ll, retlrlnr cha,Jnnan of the Democratic eomJ.Dutet', named for omce or minister to spun g)os!l f()J: cprk In lnoulntlon, de­Australia, to sueeee4 Nelson Johnsoa, wllo b retiring from tbe cllplomaUc tlZrvlce. Rlght: J.>rent~$ l\1. Brown. crease In p(l}nt, ond eliminntlon of former 1\Jicllllan senator, nomlnRted to the oftlcc of Price Admlnls~rator to nn posi Jnade vacant by reslg- interior woodwork. A.Ico, there will nation or Leon llendenon. All '4bree nomb:lmUous were sent to the senate for eou11Jma1lotl. bo larger fire boac ood be~cr fire

ilghting cauljlmcnt gencrnlly.

porod cl> "ll•fW<'. · Jopancoc LIVillano are caUn(l one­

third ao rouch oo they did ten yearo oao. AU food b ro\loncd at that lovol. Somotlmoo hounowlvco mWJt walt olx and ciaht hourn In Une to got their meaacr rotlono. Tr.ln Ia not GO much a mattor of foorl ohorl­ogca In Japan. EocentlaUy, 1\ b a mattor of conccrvln!J by CO por cent tho manpower and tronoportotion fa· cUitlco which would bo required to bring food to clvlliatltl,

flow Clatbes Artl f>llldc. Tho manufacture of civilian clollt·

lng from wool, cotton, linen and oven altl1 la forbidden by low. All clo\hlna mWlt bo modo of oufu-or· tfficlal motorial derived chcmlcolly from wood pulp. Thlp clothtna lo rationed t!j tho polnl ~:Jboro tho av· CfajJO Ja~cnc OOfoly IDODO(!Cil to hoop clothed. lt In not altraclivo. It Ia not oven durobto.

Tho officltll Domd nowo ancncy rot:Ortod rcccnUy that \be ~troonhop­portl woro eating ohlrtn of \hiD mo· tortal rlaht off tho boclm of Ulo tormorc In tho fl.oldc Dut \hiD cloth-

. lng hao p~rmlttod J op::m to divert Gil por cant nf hot vuot toltti!o lndun· lJi' to tho production of war rna· torlols.

J ap::mcoo chaco oro now modo of cacrdooard and rationed al tho rota of ono v.:.~tr JmT year. They will wcnr ooout Cl month. Whon thoy oro scno, c·ullilng Is ovolloblo but "~••nadcn choco nrtd arwo c.andolo .

.lapanese Transportation. Tho w:o of privata outal{lobUCD for

any IUUl aU ~OS bas ~en oOOI· tcllcd. Dw:cs omS ctrcotcorn havo been rodu~cd tn \ho potm <:Jhcro only hoU tho city worttQro nnd olu· dont!l con rlao to tho hl~rlas and cehoota. Tho olhcra wolk, often claht to ton mliC?S • d&y. A govammont p:~rmlt l!l required to buy a rallror.'d Ucltct, end tho Journey must b-a nee· co:JOry.

Tho Jop:mcco worltor novcr hotl a 49-hnur week. llo hod o '11}-h!l"Jt week, but n!lw It to a D:J.hwr wool.t, t7llb cno C::!r.:!ny u!l cocll month. AU wcrkcn are !ioatstorcd. They aeco~t aolgnmcnl!l fllr trolntna o.n:J duty cxac;Uy lUI lf they woro ln tho rosu!!lr army.

Jr.p Bnt BatL"l!l!lr. 'ftl!!l wbtcr, tto Ja~oncao ctvfllon

will he ratL--n~ c~ c.~usu char· cool to hoa\ hl!l tlo::no C:Jrt ta lui"Jro. no Is adv~~:1 w U$D thb fuel two hnutll dally aurmg tho two ~!'Jt'l\ wcolta c;i thCJ wt:1tor.

Office tmi!.:'lL'1gs cm:l g.,vcmmon.t •tructura have had t::> !'.!:a\ to: aov­erol voo.r& Trab wiD r.:-:1 tv hoot­ed. r::o: will t;-.u.,,... Ja~a..'l hu tt.& .-00'3 t(} «odtlUI- fllOOlb c.~rcr.:al t::t atl. ltul that tf'D'Jltl tat..e t1"'.?~• me~ Ull trlfJl)ottat!;;n.

1.'l'.e ~~ or cu. water &!.'.tl tltttddt:t M tUit~tt t~~ ho!;h t. ~t bY' taw, at • l'lttd nta o1 abo<.lt 3.Q .PQ ct:nl c! PfO.WU Cl:ln• 1'-.Unll\lon. U t!te- qtli>tn are e.xceed. ed, • ht&~ &e a lm~td.. If the of!tns& ll r~peatt!l!, tho cl!el&n 15 pun!lhed ~ havt!lJ an bts publlo­UtUU.y fadlltlea ~ut oft.

Japtl'IUe atudtl\ff b1'a n~ lels<Jre ttm• whatuer. All ant re&l:!terd by tht tov~nunen\ .m Wl&n\1:1 to war Wtnk a1'ttt ae~l h!J>Jtt: aud durlnc eumma ;aeaUma. '.\:hey woclt 1!\ tacfol'le•, en tums;un S:{l!.\1 buUdbtf, tl!l· thtl dodtJ, an~ u f..l ·:IX•. I Waey P'!llte «Uld ftttmeu-whttet:et tbef ~· l'l:}')ltttb oti!er row· \Vh'iJ ean join the srmy, drtve• tn tlp!ln

nat motelJ a tnatter ot delll~ w•rage. and l)asements. .

£vtb doottnuba •nd acrtePS Volf.Wteeta · · aumr the att1!ttcat: a..'ld tll\llWd tra(b with ma&ntt! atta<:hetl t() th~ t!\!b cf {lOltt to ~UtcUhttiran d~.!t ~· the taU!. 'J'tom .&:) m ruu ttb\ ct alfall'J tn~f ~ts h\tti Wt.t ~~ llnf $!ld -~\\\s.atf {}CStal QVMJ!,. · .

U. S. Soldiers, He~pers, Train for ,Arctic. Fighting ' .

• •

·-' "

'Good' Japs in. New Guinea

-.J = •• - ; ... I J ··;•+ :oi'M'''; t\:"m::;Q #to'¢··'' 07'd'b;J' ,...pJ F/ ...... 4 - m· rm= b'i '• 'miq 'm T 'hlj·m;i,_· '4 ·' 'tti ...... • • . j' b±

Nnii P~er Brass Hat in Tebourbt

,'1 -

NOV)'· hopco w put an end to tho grJef of loolng nhlp:J by fire after they have ourvlved the battle.

Note: In tho War of 1012, fire wos o rcul hnzord to wooden ohlp.s. But In the ClvU war tho only real en­gagement wao between tho Monitor and Merrimac which were not much bigger thllJl modern cccort vcoaclo. In lho Spanloh·Amerieon war, there wore no rcul naval botUco nnd only one U!c was lo::~t at SanUago. when on American nuUor fell dovm a hatch on the Tt!~lltl. Jn the World war, the U. S. navy got in too lntc to portlct. pato In any naval oeUviUeo other UlAn convoy worh. ~ . . .

JOB, Rtnn wwmn U'1!Ml& fttdl'~ tmlD Nnr '!tel•

OU.'II'Cf ll

Ecmso ~ cot. tr ~ tlccll a. ~.

IlJl!::i:O ............................ , ..... .

At:t:.:rc::.t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

R•li•v• Mi••rrof


'11\& Japamse lb ttet toftl!det *hl Ute t•$e!\ttitll0' d"iU:.\f\ mt>t•ltt • Wilt't!Me• All fti~hl tlubt •. UH ..... tc. titlltlt\1. Bttt: Ul til.,. UoMil ·~. ·tbel· po!ot •htrt~ t11n c~


-. ''* M tw • tflrte :nrlbt~ ~~tt •••Jf. ........ •~tM ..... 6~Jodt, ,, -




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Stock \VUh Rim "I em(!{) loved o al;l t<:ho mc.dc

o comploto fool o! mo." "Who\ o loo\lnlJ lmprc..'"::llcn come

alrlo moho."


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an ~tla• ~Wf&rlte~ ·. ber b;r.,~ld.Jo A~e •. ~el'a t,.9nl Mian:d# Ariwn•, · .·. ilt~&~lO~ KO;f3, f()r. her ~$lay . •· L~9· vmtmg ber .patevQi, Mr. and . . . . . · colo c~,~ncy . J"QUIB' the. V}e~.., B. A. Ptldtf;y ~P..d 1uar father .an~H Parade · wllfelullo entered_1n tlic motbefloiq•l .. w "t Anebo. . · .. · BRING HOME



· COCA·COLA"' \, '.:

conteit /Qr tbc program"Tom4nce · and Lincoln CoJJntf~AJ ft.t War.r' Mrll. B~~eJll nnd babyllon wel'e T~e ~¥lobe and .. atlaJ l~ ,e,ond Roewell 'Visitors Jast Monday pr1$.r,, but·we are proud of]e~Wno, · . .· · .· · .. · · · · ., and wilh her more luck 'Jl~Xt~iQ19. A recent ietter from Mt•, John

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JHfJfJSWORtft CO., INt .· . ' . ' ' ' . . - ' ' .

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·w· · 4·· · ! e~ .re

MEN'S' WORK CLOTiliNG and LADIES· WEARING 4Pl'ARBL Mie ~etty Beck h$•· returned L, Lawson w,bo · .recently · m.o'V~d. .

to liohool beret aCter b .e i n g in to Oimmntron stt.tefi· tb•t · 11he ifl . AI h h.·- · Bolyoke,. CoJo.ri}do, t~inee Sept- the society editc>r ·tor tho Cim• so ave 'IIO$t'of gtoceries~eeded, whi~. ·· we · eDber. Bettj.'is a weicome ad· arion sun, an ·up·.to·date little Iff#.. are selling in Jhnitell quutitic:a and iUbject to · · dition to tbe ubool . body, aJl!) weekly paper. . government restrictions. r our patronage is solicit~a.. ~ i'l


Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Company Coco-Cola Dullding Yandc)J Blvd. at Dlrcb EJ Pano, Toxos

_,_,._ -- ---·--- ---. -

Jet'• bope sba atayf:!, · . . . After winning the garne from Mr. T. D. IHckey of Oipltan ~

Corona, tbt Carrizozo J:oopstera was . in Carrizozo Jast Tuesday ran into tougb luak at Capitan antl·wbile hero ttubacribed tor the two week• ·. liO· Though they Lioooln County News. played their bardel!t, the Capitan Tigert defeated them 41·3. The Mr. nnd Mra. Gto. Goodaon · Grizzlies juat couldn't get that Ancho wero her~ last Tuesday. pill go into the basket, and our . . three points were made on free Mro. Beula Hartley and her throws by Ernest Mirando. Ear~ litthil grandson spent several daylil 'W.t!"(

Brown aod Seldom Burkea here this week wJtb her mother, were higb s~:ore men for Capitan, Mra. Anna Brazel, each scoring 10 points. In tho third quarter, Capitan put their Mr. and Mrs. Clay Goldatog third etring in. still Carrizozo tail• vioited friends In Carrizo:~o Sun·

Notice of Hcarln; of Final Report and Account

ed to score •. Tho Uno up:J wel'o aa da)'. With The: Men in Service followll:

- ·- Carrizo"'o Mr. Carol C. Jobnaon was a <Continued From Pacro 1) Ward on ............ ~ ...... Center Carrizozo bunineaa vlaJtor from

In Tho Probs to Court of L!nroln County ter of Mr. and Mro. Bryan Hfab· Mirando. . . . . • ....... , ... Guard Three Rivero laot Saturday, and ~t tltoto of Now Monico tower. Woodard .... , . . . . . • •••• , Gutlrd Incidently to visit tbe homo fo!kl

In Tho Motter of Tho Eotato) Mlro Rhoda Freemon f(]CIIJivcd Moni&on .. , . , ...•.. , , . Forward too. • of Shirley Phlpp!l, ) No. Mll a mcllaago from tho parento of Vega •••••.......•...... forward

Ooe<!acod. J Mr. Gone Lconord, wbo Jlvo in Ca itan Mra. Tom Shields and children To Nora E. Pblppa, widow, ~orrl~{)~o. Morchflold, Wioconoin, tbnt. th~ir P oro ot .home after a plel!!ant boll·

No'"' Monl~o, Oh•rley Roo Ph 1 P ,, 0• oon bad lont: bio lifo In tho service BurltcQ: ·' ··· · · · · · · · · · ····Center day trip to Yutoo, Arizona. daucrht"r, Cgtrh:no, Not>/ Moxlro, Folix 1 bin t t i t : Burleson . . . . . ..••...... Guard RamPy, Gu!lrdlon Ad LitL'm, eorr;t:J1::o 0 coun ry 0 como 1>0 n •D R 1 G d

' N th Af 1 unnc s . . . . • .......... · · u1r '"' r R. C u ompbiJJ wbo .. -.,, NC>"I Molllco, ond to all unllnOt'lll hclnr or u r ca. . . . U.L • • Q ' -

or tho nahl docodoot, and ol' unlmou-n Farrar· • • • · · · · .. · · · • · · ··Forward been ill in Hotel DicK ftr about JY.Jrooco l'lolmlha any l!rn upun, or rlabt, Robt>rt Shafer lo In San Diego, Brown ••.• · · · • · · · · · • · • · ·Forward two weeks bu rcebnred Jtdfttient• tit!o, or lntcrc.:~t, In or w, tbP cotntt> of Colirornlo,ror volunto17 induction Friday, Jan., ?.2nd on o w n ly to return to bl5 hom~ at New· tbo aold dctcdQnt, and to \7horn It may into U. S. Naval ccrvfet Ho •ao floor we pJaued two Intermural mao, Toxae. • concern: ' " ' " ·

You, oc<l C'arb of you oro hrroby llllti· uroduotod !rom tbo Carrizozo gamea. Tbe combined Frcabtnan --fled, and not101 In hmby ~rh'I!D, that high cchool wltb the clU!ls of 10~2, and Sophomore• played the com- M ro. Jimmie ~aRue amd infant Nora E. PhiJrJrG, Mmlabtrotria of t b tbon attended tho oummer acaaion hincd Junior and 8en£ora. Tho dau1bter, Claudta, are here from catoto of !lblrloy Phlppo, dcco=d, hllll ot New Mmtieo St4lto College. Junl011 and Seniors woo tho first ~lbuquerqae tD YiJI& Mra. W· flttd In tho obova "oth!f'd Court h~r Hv Is tho oon of Mr. a.,.~~ '"'r "'lime 25 10. Tbey then plnucl Ruo's parent3, Mr. and Mff!. Wm. Oocl f(!JtOrt opd nc:rrount !l!l Ollrll Ad. uU lU e. 0 , , N .. . d b ' • t . u mlnbtrofrht,Md tho CourLb!l!l owoint Roy Shator. the Upper lf&di. tUm and beat Ortnrln ail er I!!W tr, .,.,.rg. cd Monday, tho lllb doy of Morch. 1048, ~~·- ~ ~- tbom 50·40. \V1tb tho gu fll• Edith MciOnJay, ot tho bnur of 10:00 A.M .• ~ lllo baur nennio Bornatt, Pbo fc1incd tho tioning, wo will mort than Ulitly --

• -'

Our. Price• Are Recraonable. . • • "q • •' .

• •

The Titaworth Company,_ Inc, .

Capitan, N. M.

Na.,, ... • ' ' "~ -'T es•as aaesamsT&•& rss•sssi•lt•s-- I &llT.a•· 1t 14 I II M.h-.--·---·--..... , ........ __ .., ............ __________ . . .


nnd day o1 hcariocr or obJactiono, u onv Navy, pnc:!:d through hero r.llis have to play quite a few such . Mr. Daniel!, printer from AI· thrro hr>, to tho opprovnl nnd ~llkmr.nt weelr on a train loaded wjth mil· game. but tbgy are enjoyable to omogordo U, aaniltlns at the Out- ====r:=========;:======:::;;~:::;;;:;;;;;: Ofll!lld £leal report and Ot'CUUOt, O!ld lllf' 1. d ( 1 t t 1. m I. ". . . dt:rnarce of Lho enid NMa F;. PhiPJ•o , 0 oro uouo or tho conot. oil of tho atudentt, oo lot a ha ... "ll OOIJ. o · tO wet~:~. nuch Admln!otrotril, nod ot tbo hour 110 another ODt StlOD, ''

tho day oamo:t tho l'roboto Co:.~rt will .Mr. ond MTB. ~· C. Hinc:J ro· Tbi& friday oiabt, wo have a Mrs. CJeata M. Prior lc!t YO· proc::od to detcrmioo tho bolruhlp of I COIVCd a letter thiD wcc!t f r o m gamo witb Corona thcrf. It. will ~rday momio~ for L~• Al!lae!t~, oG!d dc~doot, tho Ot'iOCfli!Jip of Mu oo!d tboir con Lt. Aubro'"' Hines who L..bJ t b ,. ibl f California whoro. abo will enend ~11ltG and lbo lol.otc:Jt of each rca~cti\'o • ' . • i? ' prou.. y no 0 pn:s tl or many .. dBlmant 'hereto ocd tl:orcln nnd tht> j io 10 North Afrtea. of tho etud~ntl to attend, ~ut II several wccb. pon:na cmtlllcd . to tho diatrlbutbn yon pt:!!lbb can, try t.o go u tht . ---tb~f. d "' .... Lt. Gardner Picrco wbo i.t eta· bnya will ntcd somo eopport. Mn. ChM. Littell was fn rown

a uo an Jl'l:l1 O•t•('Q Oauro:::l of i Wb• 0 ~ d d • tho attomoy for tho Admiootro1rb1 Ia tloncd Pith tho U. 8. Armed fore- Totals of atamf}!l and b o n d o rom ate l!r.!l y{'ater ay omg Joblll E. lln!l, Carrino.:::>, No~ r.1aslco. ccJ in Afriea flndo eomo aimilarity bought by Carrizoz~> tehool stu• oomt lhopping.

Wltce::~ tho booorab!o i'oulioo ll.l<loll, witb tbo NoP Mexico climate. donta sinew Cbriotmug arc ns fol· --Judtio of U:o ao!d Court • and U:o c~ol Lt. Plcreo en yo tho Amh:J ar(> in· lowo: Dohhio St. Jobo, IOD of Mr. ttcroof, tbb lOtb day d JMuoey, 11)48. • 1 . d h €J .• ·

Ii'BI.lli n.umv torcJtms pcop o an t st bo uods Farat wul.t ................ $21.70 Mrs. M. C.St. JoJm flu betn C!r1tt. ' qiJito a blending of lh~ ancient Second week .......•..••. 18.85 out cf a:iliool tbi3 wtcko:n&ct::omntJ

Dy Evdvo G~r. nod modem in their citiCJ. Third week ................. 25.80 ilillC23 D-.p,uy. J:i'ourtb wcatr ....•••••..... 'SO.CO (Jllilli'ab. Ill.)

------ Seaman Charlo Snow, wbo fa Special drivo fo: Mac-Married In Laa Crucea utationcd nt tho NGvan training Arthur's birthday ......... 173.15

hntn in Willinmeburg Virginia fa --·~\Vla!ks to town most l'itrt daJ" On Janaary 20, lO~D. M i o o an inatrnct'i"lr for tho Se&hct!. Total.· .... •• ~272.()3 · . · · "tuKaiat •. uuatd'

Myll'na Bre~ster of El Paso nnd Hl_gb sctmnl otadenta on honor ADLilRlK~. C:lntllu J lan~Ytt

"MAN AGE · 94

Rolland's The Oldtlt and' Best Known Drus Firm in 'fM &uthwm.


Mr. Elbon Du!1rey of Cnttizozo Pvt. Jco CbavCJ who fuad bcon roll for mid·t<:rm ara ag ton!owa: len- qruck hZ~wtn ••tf~tl, with G wcro unletd in marrrlsgo ot Lna stationed at Madbm, Wh, was Nova Rae Gtmi!on, . euminativt!! !1' r~lfaY*II! ps!tl!. -::::::=::::::::::============:::::::::=::===== Cruces. The bllidt i!lan op2rnt~r trannfcntli 00 t>omvcr, Co!~rado Ho~gnin. Gd ADLElUKA tql1'&7. . -

. . '

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for tbe €oatham Pac1fl~, u ia &f!:l} · Students with honor rolngradea -l'lc:luii'•DrotEt~n. tb.o ironm._ · · --we are to re~eTpT-ora no o · or"tifdy tfom · · · · · .-;-~· · ··-· tompl!ahd and popular ~~nng . Mra. Clara B. Walker of E! Jeanne Hair, QuetneU Ganison. · ···· · · · · ·. ·

--- -~--"-"""---..:-------"--""-- -~----"'"-""=-----------~--·------------- ----~


penple and bno tho he~\ wrohca Pa!~Jstating that her !tm. llab! Jane(;aJiaebet Dm-otb~ Jonu. tJl WANTID: of their ~~ny fd~.n~e:. f•• • lJ alAt~eu, Georaia in tbo Naval Honora~~e , mention: PbyJHg ~ StnAP lRON. •

· Air Corps, Sbenid bcr •un, Sat. Norri!, Hazel Cbapman Dorothy . trbe. Tltewctth Coro~>Ur, me. lllt:l ~o cyJoa ro;r the Foot U. D. Walker ,bad aot b~n lt,•rd . . . . Viola John!on, s .. a t a Capitatt N. U. f:e~~ms., ~etta:: 'f: g:ul from lately. Mra. Walker ill mak• Lou Means, Tom Zumw•U• · ' War. B6rm~-vf~~ for ..r3 ing bet Mtnn with Mr. and Mr1 Woodatd. 11~, ~·rr .-r.PJ• Dutter W'lllket. Tho teach~ra entertained the .

==~~ ' ;:; ~ -' ~ , ~:: ::= ~ . nuailltfl Menta Club With l ba~

Itt (irriZIZI BfillY SbOJfe •. , = ...... OP.t:~cnt.tenam •. , ........ .,. .,


' fC:iUdL'.-_PRtlft_,_-ilt':l ___ liiCfT ·rJt% l_"7ttt-'4 H; .·-1 .. -Ti:E"; 'dditii' --- tt

.f:liil _-, . ., ct·ltJlitz A· ! . ·c.pml:fl· iJ:tia•··: · t' _ ---71-_t··r,ra·- 'i:':ntw

We . .Apprttia" 'f~ P•trOhge . '

MAatll KteL'IQ, OrJOtA'NJt


Wtdrttl!day cveningt J•n., · Aa the lnvit•tbila to tho neu men ~ad: ,

"JJackwatd turn baekw•rd .,t,kt·ofiau on their llamet or oo• Oh, thnt, i~ 1o11r fiiabt: : • cuplthnl!. · Ootne'batk totehoobrain. Whl!e thfl ~u.-tt tllj()yed tht Ntxt Wtdn~J(lay lligbt''" , delitioua dintt :ptepartd • 1' d

tne tehool•l'OOitl. idea WQ t h iltrvtd by the Ito Die' Ee., d•t~•rt· . tbear of the bln(laet with . . thttliang 1thotl .

.... ~J. and hlllt aa the e .o 1 o tbt pltdgt tl.) th• 1lar, . tveA ttl\tmt. 'th• Clbla wtre a tett aivtn by Ptott••or

!Orateu· witb litttt rtd Glontth Slot• .. 11101•. 111. IH cl\ltim tt ·ll.,a. · · · •uttr cf ttrt•onlM ttllidtd

blaaboatdlrM•al'rtUtaloftht · · t9 aelao.l·r.tll Yttf: rap. . . li~~t. red tclool hoUH Dl~ U~OI tl I~' • . tolotl<tthalk. f.llt . llMl

Wtrt to 411<1 thtlt plae.t b)" n.. u.lllld WI ·. ·t~ cknr p1~Ct>tarcl


Both .of them;.. wear · •


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.LEE WORK. . . '


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