a possible theory for particle composition of matter based on only three functional quantum...

A Possible Theory for Particle Composition of Matter Based on Only Three Functional Quantum Particles FINAL CONSTRUCTION E. Markakis & C. Provatidis

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Page 1: A Possible Theory for Particle Composition of Matter Based on Only Three Functional Quantum Particles FINAL CONSTRUCTION E. Markakis & C. Provatidis

A Possible Theory for Particle Composition of Matter Based

on Only Three Functional Quantum Particles


E. Markakis & C. Provatidis

Page 2: A Possible Theory for Particle Composition of Matter Based on Only Three Functional Quantum Particles FINAL CONSTRUCTION E. Markakis & C. Provatidis

OUTLINE of presentation

• Laws in Nature - Motivation• AETHER (ΑΙΘΗΡ): Quantized Premordial Energy

• Cosmology - Creation of subatomic particles• Re-definition of Heat and Temperature• Three particles – Three forces (interactions)• Reaction of dissimilar energy entities• Quantum Gravity – Antigravity• Lines of Resistance of Universe

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1) The Law of Reducing the Complexity

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2) Evolution of Causality

• Reducing the Complexity

• Unique (single) energy entity

• Quantized energy

• ONE material – ONE force

• According to macroscopic experience: the force should be Repulsive

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3) Quantized Primordial Energy

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Homogeneous “elastic” lattice in full order (under stress: pre-stressed AETHER): somehow similar to mechanical strain energy

Energy space

Primordial AETHER

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4) Properties of Primordial Energy

• Nothing moved in Universe (no concept of time existed)

• The temperature was absolutely zero (0 K)

• Complete darkness dominated (no light propagation)

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5) The Standard Model

• 4 subatomic particles: electrons, neutrinos, up quarks, down quarks

• 4 forces (interactions):

– Electromagnetic

– Gravity

– Strong interaction

– Weak interaction

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6) Criticizing the SM

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• 4 subatomic particles, 4 forces• 2 out of 4 particles (up quark, down quark) have

not been yet tracked• Not convincing• Strong and weak forces not associated to proper

particles• Electric charge is fractional and colored!• Our View: 1 Particle + 1 Force (!)

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7) From Primordial Energy (1 particle) to 2 particles

• The transmission from 1 to 2 particles, should ensure the further creation from 23 particles, the latter being:

– Electron

– Proton

– Neutron

• No ambiguity concerning the existence the 3 above subatomic particles (electron, proton, neutron)

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8) Implementation of Transmission

• The only chance (12 particles) is that these two entities have different densities

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9) Densities

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0d d d 02d d d


Primordial energy to produce two types of energy entities.

Density of primordial energy-space

Density of condensing

Density of thinning

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10-1) Basic property of Energy-space

• Does not accept Anomalies in his mass and tends to eliminate them following a certain process (asymmetric oscillation)

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02 0.4mx cx kx kL

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100-0.5








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X [


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Formation of forces of the energy-space along the boundary of the energy entities for(a) condensing and (b) thinning

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Interaction of TWO energy entities for: (a)similar positive energy entities, (b)similar negative energy entities, and(c)dissimilar energy entities

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10-4) DEFORMATION OF ENERGY SPACE from presence of energy entities

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(a) dissimilar energy entities(b) similar energy entities

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Reaction of the energy space in the deformation produced by the presence of energy entities (the forces are directed from the thin to the dense matter)

In addition, an Attraction force appears!

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11-1) Mechanism of eliminating deformations inside Primordial Aether due

to presence of energy entities• In case that deformation of energy-space is due to

similar energy entities, these deterministically repel one another, thus resulting in elimination of deformation (at infinite distance)

• In case that the energy entities that cause deformation are dissimilar, they determnistically attract one another, and as a result, the anomaly becomes more intensive. Thus it is necessary to exert an addition action to remove the deformation.

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11-2) Cont’d

• The proposed theory supports that as long as the dissimilar particles (q+, q-) approach one another, due to Coulomb’s law, the internal force increases, and they tend to collapse.

• Due to this effect, new entities are produced

• In order the produced new entities push one the other away (repulsive force), they must be similar.

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11-3) Creation of Thermions

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Conservation of energy

Reaction of dissimilar energy entities and their scattering in smaller fragments

We support the “revolutionary” opinion that, the produced energy entities are whatever today we call “Thermal Energy”

We have “discovered” a new fundamental energy entity

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11-4) Deformation of Energy-space due to the presence of three energy entities

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, ,q q The three energy entities ( ) and their possible interactions

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• Strong and Weak nuclear forces are not required in the proposed model

• Gravity is the resultant of superposed electric (F1), electro-thermal (F2) and thermal (F3) forces

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12-1) Macroscopic Observations supporting our view

• In the sequence, we will support our view through macroscopic observations– Sparks (lightings)– Electric battery– Mass deficit in exothermic chemical reactions– Weaknesses of existing theory about the nature

of thermal energy

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12-2) Weaknesses of existing theory about nature of thermal energy

• Between many similar examples, we will refer only to one that is typical of the way we proceeded step by step to build our theory.

• Mainstream Molecular Physics suggests that atoms and molecules, depending on the circumstances, may be represented by different models, either (i) as material points, or as (ii) perfectly elastic hard spheres either end as (iii) aggregates with internal structure and movement of its components.

• We believe that, as long as none of these models cannot be met in all cases, all these three should be rejected.

• Thus we have to look for another model which comply with all cases of physical phenomena under study.

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12-3) Cont’d

• As is known, in physics today we have basically two types of laws, i.e. (i) deterministic (purely causal) and (ii) purely statistical.

• However, the deterministic and the statistical method can not be considered in any case equivalent.

• While a deterministic law fully satisfy the causal requirements and simple nature, statistical laws generally exhibit a complexity and can not be treated as final, since is necessary to their reduction to simple dynamic elements of which they consist.

• However, our inability to investigate some of the physical phenomena with dynamic laws, as in the case of a system of many particles, tolerated the use of statistical causality for specific occasions.

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12-4) Cont’d

• It should be noted, however, that statistical methods are “forced” replacement of dynamic theories and therefore can not inspire total confidence to researchers who want a unambiguous view of causal relations.

• In the category of statistical methods belongs the theory concerning the nature of heat as well.

• As known from contemporary Molecular Physics, the current concept focuses on the study of the peculiarities of molecular motion. The latter, through a complicated path which passes through:

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12-5) Cont’d

• Micro-states on the coordinates of the positions and velocities of the particles,- Statistical collections,- The most unlikely and without full proof general axiom of equal-probability, which is in contrast to the basic property of a gas, i.e. to repel each other and occupy the whole space offered,- The questionable validity ergodic hypothesis, also without proof, at least at the level of classical physics,- The kinetic-molecular model for the ideal gas, and the different velocity distributions of the of the gas molecules, which do not correspond to a stationary state, but reflects a transient dynamic state.

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12-6) Cont’d

• After many assumptions and approaches , the study leading to the formula of the velocity of the Maxwell gives us the number of particles whose velocities are in the range of velocities from u to u + dy.

• Maxwell distribution:

• The average kinetic energy of particles, based on existing theory, is found equal to:

• The inverse value of β was baptized as temperature, i.e. 1/β = kT, where k = Boltzmann’s constant.

3 2

2 24 exp 22

dn mdP m d


2 2


3 1

2 2 2

m mdP

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12-7) Cont’d

• Since the velocities of the molecules are distributed according to Maxwell’s law, the motion of molecules is chaotic.

• The definition of heat under the above equation implies that we must accept that this coincides with the thermodynamic temperature.

• All this “distortion” and complexity, we believe, came from the unfortunate assumption that the atoms and molecules of gas moving with a random movement and chaotic moion and that they collide with the high frequency of 109 times per second and exchanging energy.

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12-8) Cont’d

• The need for this assumption arose from the attempt to interpret the standard model of “heat flow”.

• According to mainstream theory, all situations in which one can find a body system, the more likely is one where all the bodies are the same temperature. This event is supported by the law which provides that the action of heat always tends, on average, to equalize the temperatures and directed from the highest to the lowest temperatures (Second law of thermodynamics). To ensure the existing theory, the validity of this proposal met from a theoretical viewpoint, it was necessarydisorder and collision to introduce the hypothesis of elementary of molecules.

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13) Quantitative determination of three fundamental forces

• Force is determined by the volume of each particle

• Extending Coulomb’s law to the thermions (energy entities, similar to the composition of electric ones, differing only in density and volume)

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14) Forces

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1 2Electric-to-Electric: F k q q r

2Electric-to-Thermal: F k q r


1 2Thermal-to-Thermal: F k r

3 particles, 3 interactions

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15) Arrangement of electric energy entities immediately after their creation

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Profile of the electric charges generated by the random disorder, distributed in an extended region of energy-space with a symmetric manner.

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16) Interaction of electric entities

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Schematic illustration of what happened after the initial reaction of opposite electric charges which destroyed a large percentage of high-level electric energy in the Universe.

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17-1) First phase of coiling (clustering) of quantized energy

• Immediately after the creation of thermions, the energy entities start interacting one another:– Similar entities attract one another – Dissimilar entities repel one another

• Thermions are attracted by either positive and negative electric entities thus forming monopoles.

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• The interaction between electric entities is not possible because thermions interfere.

• In this way, dipoles are produced:

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17-2) … Clustering

• Memo: Thermions are met in two types:

– Bounded Thermions (agglomerated with electric entities)

– Free Thermions

• Nature has gifted energy ‘agglomerates’ with such properties so to create larger and more complex aggregates.

• This inherent property of energy entities, from the beginning of Creation, included the seed of Life.

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17-3) Second phase of Universe coiling: DIPOLES

• When the thermion density decreases (universe is cooling), the repulsive forces exerted by bounded thermions with the free thermions of surroundings become smaller.

• So, there will be a moment that these (thermal-thermal) repulsive forces become smaller than those attractive produced by the (dissimilar: electric-thermal) electric entities and, as a result, monopoles approach one another until they are finally joined to dipoles.

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18) Basic properties of dipoles

• Dipole is the building element of matter, because all other elements can be built from it: proton, electron, neutron.

• Dipoles is the “vehicle” for heat transfer, from high to small temperature regions, based on the process of asymmetric oscillation.

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The symmetric oscillation

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000









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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100-0.5








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19) Third phase of “energy coiling”

• The attractive electric forces orient dipoles

• Constructs in 2- and 3-dimensions

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20-1) Nature and redetermination of Temperature

• Thermal energy is an autonomous form of quantized energy and is exclusively the result of electric energy breakup, according to equation:

• Thermions may exist as free ones (under stress) so their density (related to the distance r between them) qualitatively defines, in a deterministic way, “room” temperature.

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12q q k

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20-2) cont’d

• Thermions are also found as bounded, by positive and negative electric entities, so they compose an integral part of the construct and they qualitatively participate in the formation of the inertial mass of material bodies. Therefore, mass “…increases” by heating.

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20-3) cont’d

• Albert Einstein established the relation between energy and mass (E=mc2), whereas Max Planck claimed that heat transfer must add mass (Graham, p.104): Very obvious to our theory.

• In the definition of “thermal energy” and “temperature” lies the big difference between the proposed and the mainstream model.

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Blue: Q-Red: Q+Purple: Θ

The ratio is called “Coherence factor” and determines the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas)


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22) Detailed description of distribution of thermions in monopoles and dipoles

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Representation of (a) monopoles and (b) dipoles at different temperatures (T1 < T2 < T3)

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23) States of Matter

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Variation of the attractive forces (F2) and the repulsive (F3) in terms of temperature T


2Electro-Thermal: F k q r


3 1 2Thermal-to-Thermal: F k r


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Blue: Q-Red: Q+Purple: Θ

The resultant force due to the attractive-repulsive forces between the dipoles at a distance r, is the sum of all interactions.


1 21Electric-to-Electric: F k q q r


2Electric-to-Thermal: F k q r


3 1 2Thermal-to-Thermal: F k r

1 1 21 2

2 2

m aq aq aF k m m r

m q q

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25) Structure of Matter

• A possible model for electron and positron

• Based on – only 3 energy entities (q+, q-, θ)

– and 3 interactions (F1, F2, F3)

• We do not need to use the meaning of the strong nuclear force!!!

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26-1) Structure of Neutron

• Electrically neutral, so along its side (cubic system) an even number of electric entities will be.

• Neutron mass is 1838 times larger than electron (or positron)

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26-2) Co-existence of electron and positron

• In the same manner the positive and negative entities co-exist in a dipole insulated by thermions, electrons and positrons may co-exist, insulated by thermions

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Union of four electron-positrons insulated by thermions in section (bottom left: electron, bottom right: positron)

Blue: Q-Red: Q+Purple: Θ

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26-3) Cont’d

• This particular property of co-existence between electron and positron gives the plausible answer:

“What happened with the Anti-Matter?”• The answer is that it co-exists in nucleus of

neutron and proton and, therefore, in all material bodies

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26-4) Possible model of Neutron

• Since the neutral neutron is 1838 times heavier than electron, and since along each side of the cube there is an even number of electric entities, then along the side of neutron will be (1838)1/3 = 12.2, i.e. approx. 6 positive and 6 negative entities.

• Following similar thoughts, the mass of this model may become equal to the mass of the natural neutron.

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(a) Union of electrons-positrons insulated by thermions(b) Detail “A” of the right bottom corner of section(c) Crystallic neutron, electrically neutral, with each side made of 6 electrons and 6 positrons

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27) Possible model of a Proton

• Based on similar thoughts, we find that proton should have 6 protons and 5 positrons per edge (11 in total per side). Note that, 11 is an odd number of electrons and positrons will exist along each side of the cubic lattice.

• A possible arrangement of 3 fundamental energy entities is shown in next figure

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Crystallic proton, positively charged, consisting of 6 positrons

and 5 electrons per side

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28) Resistance lines of Universe from its self-construction

• Crystallization

• Phase change

• Beta decay

• Fusion

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Manolis MarkakisChristopher Provatidis

[email protected]

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