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uhc IT.iUi'iai n-tHVFKiuii MOR-VI-VO, in the Third Rlm-y uf tuo J.-i.k iil)j_,turner of M»iu juil Uuru_; tilreeu Co., Kn trance* >n Union street ,ojn»osit( the EZLIFTU B. _d;d.i-or and t'KHMS, $l,5O A YEAH ISi ADVANCE, ADVKliTlSINfJ . One square (12 UneH or leu.-*) oneweek, 60 cents: and S_ iouts for every insertion tlier.uiter, lensthaii thrie uonthv. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1S63. arc 3 months .... *3 _ Quarter col. 1 year $'.' cul'nin Half do 1 year One do 6 moa One do 1year do 6 do .. do 1 ar gq'res 6 nius r »o do 1 J ^r .... „_ ^ ver tlsementR unaccompanied by written orver »i 1 directions will be published unlil ordered out, and lharged accordingly. I.e'-1 advertisements, first insertion, 60 cents per ..Tio- !5 cents l>er folio for eacli subsequent insoitii.n ffha'n » iriitnnnemcnt is added tuan advertisi mrnt th irhole will be 6h*tg«d 'he same as for first insertion. JOB _?:Ri5srTi_xrc3-. Pamphlets. Hand-bills, _1 «ther varieties of 1 BOOK rculars, Cards, r.ill Tickets in and Fancy .lob I'uutirjg .id in the BK8T STYLK. cbnrpe Connected with the OflW is n Bnofc Bindery .f a eompetent workman. County Record. r«urn»l», <nd all kinds of Blsnk tt-.oks m»<l< ,id nfthebesi 'tock. Pamphlets andPeriod. a neat snd du -aM» manner, nt Detroit pnceB In T^nretonindervtlironeh VRiils Office. to ord i'ls bound MrtrtDTn. CaRDS! CARDS!! OARDPI1! yj>e. the of ail kinds i ' Card •Urine urclAsed a 'IDOOU. ROTAKt Pr«HB wilh a fine i.*-tortmi ¥ ni of Oaro t. . Om"'r p Uare,l to print Card, of all kinds in the ' ,,„,, ,V,,,iM,., tvle and »I a l?reat reduction frorr "nrm-r orices.iicludin. Rusine Pf Cards f..r men of il "™»tions .nd irnr-nions. Rail. Weddine. <ind \ isituf HHs. etc.. «tc. Call. ,'ive us yours ordeT* and Bee how it is -one All Losses promptly adjusted. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE GO, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capita], " $200,000. Total Assets, Jan. 1st, 1SI_, *", S ''? R J ?o Liabilities, . . . 1 .6V4.o. MARK HOWARD, PiesWeLt. E. Taos. LOB-ELL, Secy. The undersigned has been apprinted »eent for 'he above reliable Omipa-.y. and will eBect hP-IUC' Eg-ii_atl.>s«i by fire at reasonable rates ^ ^ roNr . J. ii-JNi Agent for the Phoenix lnturar.ee Company OF HARTFOUD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS., COMPANY OF TO.-TON MASS Loses H.nnrably adjusted and pr. mptly paid at this Agency. Office Corner Man and Huron Street, over the Store ofliACU >* l'n us,i>. Ann Aibur. Ann Arbur. ^<-p* 1 '• l** fi 2- RAYMOND'S Photogrsipliic and I'ine Art (.A1XERY Nos. 205 and i»7Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. I.ifeSi.e,folored or plain, cabinet. Im- •hnto^raphs.l.i °l Mlano folorc p , .aguerreotypes, Ambro yp,s, h D ^U Surveyor & Civil Tnghuer. T WEKK^, Purveyor and Civil 1 ngin-cr. «ntin W WEKK. a ues t .o give immerii;ite ateulion V rck-r-.— ; l.i, residence at the corner of Catheime and Office .Layer streets. Ann Arlor.^ept. 10,1862 1.8 9 I. O. «». F. W ASHTENAW UtUGE N'o. orlerof Odd Kellows me< Terr Fridav evening, at t. WCHAKDSON, N. IS. 9, of the Independent ,eet at their Lodg Room, 'clock. .-S. So.vDnKia, Sec'y. \lTniLKSALl and Re' V* Main -t.—sign0 Inn Arbor, L. t-TUBBS. and Retail l*aler inT<;WcoCigar-. fcc • B e Indian." Kr»nklin Bloik . * . . . - Mich 874 THE DHAFT. Now, all of you "men Tolls," 'uvixt ei^teenau.! Ofty, Vhate'er jour pro4M»l«»- J *W l'U-'li-»s >"' cra J> WI.etl.or wcalthyor poor, wl,. ther riultlwi or thrifty. Keep yo.rsiglit wta* >" -1»"; >«* uutfar lh < dr » f " Effcra'niite youths, with Inchon mou<taohios- \\ ho ntuiijjloved humanity alw.j-s kuvu luuglied ; Asyo. brush ir myuur tinest of suck cluth the aslie.i Lro] I ed Ir. m your cigar <ni, beware of UU - i - t t I Vc city breilclerks, m'BM fiwOTOsf eud ranee, To wlmm t-a»h brew, ti.reatt-r.s consumption to wiifs Don't think that weak lungs "ill "ttvet your iouHUP* __i m bei&g exposed iu Lhi. teiTibis d;-a:t. V. bankers and brokers, your trull is no t"»t that vou'i- mJIT i-x.n.pl ln»« liie rest of th« raft— llje prest-nl d mill will auniit of •• n i jr. te*t; " Vo.'ll l.av« io • pr vi-oi.r' tku gunruauut draft. Ve doctirn unfledged, who al sum" country co leje, In one cour.-e of lecture-. ««t earn.nj have q.iatluu— idsl]».iieyourlibati' n "f in il C.I knowledge ; Doctor Lincoln pie.-criU-s you a differe-l draft. V.- stun> Brehrt cs, slrong-arme' "til stout-lianded. Ileip'a »«fc"-m«*0ra j'b uti.ena i nal craft ; Vour serviceo pnthbgly now »ie I:I luaiiiieii, un thia v.B. alnpol MX hundred th_iu»»_ foot draft. Ve tn^ineerf, MulaHocts, builders, design ri, Who can mainifei-. |>B |*J t r. La.se. col.u.n I n . Khaft; fe ariist.i, \e law\er». y pe..uy-a ,.n.is, Vou c-n al; try your h.tn'la at ttiis popular draft. Volunteer while you can, while such bounty-fid o£fer3 Are made to induce, dou'L i-tind there ab.ift; The p ople will, atttr a wh.le,close their coffer;— Uncle Samuel, too,—then look out for Ihe ur_lt ! e N. kiMi i - ii|> the foi- FIVE DAYS IN DIXIE. Tlif> HlHH'illl O.illiS|iiilllielll i t Y W.'rlil, "lio "its rec'-ntlytak live liy trie CTfiifed. rati-s, crivut InvriiK verv nicv dewrii (i»w uf liis e*< ini'iiff in the hind ni Dixie: WIKII I \M-ot. to ymi hist I «'iis a nililess iiivuilvr " ciin peil itt RiwiHM, Miss. I :ttit now ti "ri j liiilile gentlu- Mum jus: re tinted from this Smith." It u! m e in | HSS in this way. On liilny, Si'jiteiiiht r 19, it |iiiiiy «t us rode out from iiar UHinp smiie ini!«8 to lie M't»t It is u ci'iniiimi tiling, this HV dry scorning—iist-ful in its way sinH ot iilwiiYH dnniiiTous. T h e d u y w u s in<_- ui'd thesiin wus settipjt arorgeouslv is we cnteii'ti tho Uwp lino which lotudn from ''Widow Kuete's" toward Rii-nzi. 1IIE SKIHMlSH. Jurt :is \\f pnssed '.he middle nf tiie L-.nt?—it is it liiilf a mile lmitr, :ind ttie fence on cither side eitjht or nine rnils h gli—a puny of irut-ri ilhts gullnpeii in ut i he msii'in ei <i tu ne^t ns HH Imld sc;tii |is us von KVWn;iw t\Aice mil'lit'lo qiisid ir. i.iiuiiier, iiniied wiih donblo- liurreled slmt Willis sind pistols, and «t-ll mounted. You smile sit shot-g;;ns? Let me tell yon that Ht close quarters, <ii h barrel lnurtud with a iim>ket !>all und three b'ick.-liot, they aro very i ffei tive. Mwdesty fortiids me to desc.rih>' min- utely co sriiiill II ti:i"ie. Siiffii e it to s»y tliat the b.illn whisiled merrily, 'ill, in iiboiit two minutes, tho "rtluilile tfeiitleman" mid oneof his wounded companions, II piivute soldier, tihot pnii fully in the face, found themselves center of :in isosceles iriHliglt*, twti •evsrtil hundred millions. How do you intend to puv that ?" "We do not intend to pay it. As noon us the war is ended we shall iv- iiudiitte it." "Will that belionuxl?" "Oertttinly; we own it only to our own puopU", und they muv us «cll lose the principal outl'Lht asto be compel] ed \enr nfter yeur to pny eiglit, per cent, interest on it." Shudei'f Ricardn—here was a new idrfn in |oli.ici! ttconoiny. "Hut," snid I 'would tlrit n<it be nn Uio iudiv duul? Suppcisu j pp your < ntiie fnrtuue consis'.ed^ f i id your iiei«nlior'« leUrtiuie scn|.t, in hind and negrwrtl, would repudiation alh-et y..u b.uh (.lUtef 1 '•Uh, we'll «ee that auoh rn^tn has his proper share of Cnif> dinalo script !" Perhaps vo;i ..ill hir.lly believe lhis r port of "our talk; ii i- nevi rihul.'s> irue. On what a fninda i"ii of p.i'i i cal and efoodiuiital f.il.-iliua is U>is Cou- fedei'iK-y reared li| ! CONCEIIM-VO BOOTS. From tht moment 1 l>. c ime an invi I antary v film in Dixie I found mysell ail olji-et ol Ilittlcsl. O i.-rived wilh re.-qieciful curiosity, BIIIOUI t nj; iu some ca.-es to Hsoil ot revcrenie, I felt a deliulittul vanity, and said within my self. "'U, ltelialile (lieiitleiiieii, you must be a man ot most disiinguished :.pp-ar- ance ; possibly yolii brow U Napoleon- ic, your eye eatjle, \our mousliiune leuitio." AUis for tlie vanity "f v..ni ty. My boots were the attract Km. JNo iual of xrin", or evident shpeiinruy ol mentiil endowment made me ttie cyno- Mire of rebel eyes. Le iher is not in the Contedi'iscy The p;iper blockade oxclnd.-s it. Mv boots were made by Fulton 8'reet Brooks, wero of tlie cavitlry pattern — w ith, perhaps, ten dollars Firstly, my guerrilla fiends desired to Hteal them while I w-m asleep on the first night of my captivity ; so s:iys the the woundtd soldier, who lay awtike and htn.rd them dimcusa the plan. At Baldwin 1 "fficers aid me,i alike wor- shipped those oots, and »are loud in veibul adi:ralion. At Tupelo I WHS offered one hundred dollaiti in Conled- erjite script for .hose boots. Ou the j lurnov fi-iirn T u p t l i to J.i^kson it tall .tform sid<-i« composed third it IHl'lf ot of fence muiiiited 3. G SUTI1EK1.AM* & S< TTHOI.ESALE AND RETAIL Grocen and Commission lY Merchants Kast »ide Main street Ann Art-or * J. M. SCOTT. .MIKOTTPE k PH<rrO«KPH ARTIBIS, in th. room" \ formerlv occupied by Cordley, over the .tore or bperr, k Moore Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. ' RISDON & H"ENDEKS0N7" D EALERS in Hardware.Stoves, honst furnishing good-. Tin Ware .tc. Sc, Ne" Block. Main Street. ' P. D »iLSH in SUple Dry «oods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Heady -Made Clothing, Huron Street Ann irbor- , . - 11I11AM. J B E A K E ? . \ TTORNEY8& CousaElxoRS iT IJW, audSi.liei'orB in Chamery. OIKoe inCity Hall Block, over Webi-ter %Co's Hone Store, Ann Vrlw ucrner, the foen. Will) sixteen nun-barrels pl»\ fully present, d H' one'w breast it is time In surrender The last messiifrc fiom my reUeatm"; foiiipaiiions fiiu:e iu the fonn ot a bul- let lrom u Shalp's fi.lbine. It flew harmlessly over n y head. In n moment more thewounded irinn ses to give up the Btakes. For this 1 d bl l k d hi secoiid-mte gamblrrs lm.k down nil him with contempt. Uu seemed to bo in KOort health, wore u linen c>-«t und s-rt of J{ iwory col i.r and scurf. It was ea>y to Je'.ccl ill hii manner a .7iind ill at ea.-o. VICKSBUita. About noon we 1 oiled info Vicks hili'K and were sent to ihe Washington Iloiel. ihe best house in iho ciiy. There you pay SI per day and livo on corn bread without t<;.lt ii: it. No milk, no tea, no outlet*, no butler, no whe;.tcii bread. We were kimily '.old that it we h.id no C"iitederata moiii-y uur bil'a would bo pai.i iiy 'ho govel iiiiiont. We i nd no ConnfediM'ate nioncy. next morning our tlelivoranuo carna and in company Major Watts, the port Iv Oonhdoralo C'o'umishioner for tho exchange uf prisoners, we boaldt d iho -t inner Paul Jones and saikd to our tiail-nf irnuu Hoi: , wli'.ch lay teveu miles ab.>vo. ILrs iMiuti", eiyrhl in iium- b.-i, hudjust broiiLfht down tho rebel |fi-..ni'i> lrnin Joliusoii'tf L-land, Alom, Camp P'iU|(liih ami Camp LSii lel°. And now, «liile 1 wriie, we aro go. inn very slowly up the muddy Missis- sippi. TIIE sPlrtIT OF '1UE SOUTH. To the careless ose'ver the South lllilfhi serein to be a unit in its plans, bo h for iho presuut and\bt fuiiire. The men who i :iIk with prisoners for Hie most part sii'u; OIIH SO' g " We never will .submit." Yet undeiiieath this external Bame- ness lio the lorces oi dissent und revo lution. On our journey from Tupolo to Vitk^burtr w a twice drank wkli rebel offoerw this t u i s t : " The restoration of the Union." Wo were told nf course that th<»W were no Union men in the South Yet two companies ot Mississippians were la ely recruited and drilled by our officers at luka, aud many u>oro indi viduallv joined Northern regiments. An Illin is Captain, who helped to drill t/iHtn,told ii'e that wilh two hundred ANN AKIiUU. Friday Morning, October 17. PKKMIUM LIST. The following is tho OfEciul LUt of Premi- ums, awai'Jed at the Fourteenth Annual Fair of the W County Agricutural and Horticultural Society, held at tlie City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, Thur.-day, and Friday, September 17, 18, and 19, 1802. CATTLE. CLASS 1—DURHAM CATTLE. E. Wallington, S.iline, Durliain bull, 3 jeai'oold, 2d prem.iun, S3 00 James Sumner, l'ittsticld, Durham cow, 8 years old, premium, 1 00 CLAtS 2—DEVON CATTLE. Joseph Morgan, Saline, Devon bull, y years olo 1 , 1st premium, $5 00 James M. NiciioU, l'itutield, Devon bull, 18 mouths old, 1st prem. James M. ^icliols, PittsfU'liJ, Duvon Cow, 4 years old, 1st premium, I 0. Heiiion, A.'. A. city, collection of towli, l>t premium, 1 60 Benjamin Hry*r, A. A. town, collec- "tion uf (avlS) 2d premiuia, 1 00 CL.W3 l'J—BVTTEn, CHEE3E, HONEY, AND M l - SLGAR. Mrs. J. N. Foster, A. Atown, jar but- ter, l=t premium, 1 00 Mrs. Mary Lei and, Xoithfield, jar but- ter, 2d premium, 75 Mrs. Nancy Leland, Northfield, 10 lb. roll butter, 1st premium, 1 00 Mrs. J. N. Porter, A. A. town, 10 lb. roll btttter, 2d premium, mid tlie were hndclid on and libiriid toward Uie south. 4 TToa.vBTa, Counsellors, Solicitors, and V.tanet Pub- •\. lie, have Boots and 1'Uts ahowing titles ot ml lands h the ^ouaty, and attend tocouveyancineandcolle. tinji )mands, and to paying taxes and school iuterest in afcy »rt of tlie State. Office east si-e of the Square. Ann Ar- " WM. LKWITT, M. D-, riaTSIcuN k SDBfiKo.v. Office at his residence. North " »ide of Huron street, »rd 2d hou*e West ol Mvision Itreet, \nn Arlxir. (.. CO1J.1KH, \ TixmcrcRER and dealer iVl door West of Ihe Tost n Booth and Shoe*, ffice. inn Arbor, Mi M< oitE & icaler in Boot! and Shoes, in .Street, oue door North ol H ixcrACTCRKBH .n-1 icaler VI Phoenix Block, Ma Vashington. A staving ride of nin • mill « hronght us to ihe li.iiplioi.fe ( f Jerry 1-HI1OII, a dtcent old man, who ^iive us a supper, a _»od ed, mid uchin ce lu ii_:i-e my v. oui,dcil mail. A>> we rode up hirt little dimghler look d curiously at me. "Pa. that II Yankee?" "Yen. little dear," sitid I. "and if I had kiiiwii I was coming to make you a vir-it I woiil I have worn my horn*." Wilh ii fair lied ci ol ; ir, and no IIKW quit)**, I could not hut sleep rtriimlly, alht-il ilie room AH8 rnthur urowd.d. ' At lile:iklnst 1 heard :i ph':i>e which is s:.id to lit ci inmon in Mi-sisMppi: 'Will vou haVfouie of t/irm iiioius- «es?" May there not be a certain philologi- cal pl.iloi-ophy tibi'iit tiuit? \\ ho.-lial s:i_V that un l:isses is not, or aru not a noun |.lural V ABobT MONEY. Urewkfiirit dispatched, we nmn rode tell II ilt-H In the southeast to a little station on ihe Mobile Mid Ohio Rail oud, twenty mi.er< southeast ot Ri yoiiig 1 exan sto. d on the | so'iie ihirtv inirmtes and yazed at me with rapt attention. Then he took courage, cmne in, and cat down by my nde. His conversat'ou may be Condensed to thi- : "Fine day Whar are you frr m?— You can never subjugate the South.— We have plenty of arms, plenty of pro- visions, plenty of every thin *, Good Lord ! what splendid boots those are !" "Are boots scarce in the Confedera- cy ?" "I paid twenty-five dollaft, for those shoes." And he pointed to the pair of flimsy putiil s wore. "Why don't vou make leather in the Confvderacy?" I MMI "Don't know how—but they ure'tna- kiiiir clay pipes in Aiabain " Ami this was mid »kh an air of ex- ultati' n, :m it to nii.ke a red clay to bacco pipe wore a ttiumph vt uiechunio art. It si erni« that thus far tie firosecu tion of the WHI' has proved, to the South, a bootless task. Forgive tho fynble j"ke. ire during roy tiji an old fe t hat, the ugliest on this continent, which had been ihrown uwide by my Colonel At Tupilo I Maid Io the genial Captain «h<> enteitaiued me: '" If I had foreseen this visit I would have worn some decent head gear.' "Hi.mph! that hut is \vo;th thirty dollars iu his town " The p'per blockade plays curious tricks. It must be mado of wliat is called cartriiJ^u paper. JACKSON ANDTII.GHAM We reached the c ipital of thi- Bt«'e about tive o'clock Monday af iinio n, uleie wo A ere paraded in tt en t of I e.idquartern and (Jeneral Tllgham, of Purl Henry tame, s-to.id pic urefquely <>II the stt-ps lu receive us. The siih- sc iber happened to be the only officer aiiiunt; the i ri oners, and so totrio sub- sciib r the lovely Tllgham niiide this cavalry it his command he could have gone into th. hill coui.try of North Al- abama and tlieie raise a brigade of f"ur thousuiid mtn. The pia\er of Ni'rih AlaliMina, as of Eusl T>'iinessee has been fr MI) tho beg nil ng " Come over and help us." One thing 1 especially observed in conversation wilh soldiers and jitizoiis —moderate and radical—an intense dt-sire tor pe ice. ' Wneu will the war end ?" was the sad, weary queHtio.i ad- dressed tome a hundred limes. SLTPLIKS. Supplies arestrangolv Hoarce in Dixie. I have spoken of boo s and hats Flour is worth $52 a barrel in Vicks bur_r, bacon seventy-live cenls a pound coffee from $_,50 to §5 a pound, and none to be had There i-« no te;t even for hospitals. All tht. s>il is taken up for the army—so [ was told at head- quarters in Tupelo; yet when Price's forces cap;urod some of our stores at luka, nis men were seen running about the streets with their hands lull of Halt and licking it up like ox.n. Thev also captured tive cases if luoifer ma'ches, and "lie of their officers re narked that thei't) were inorii in those boxes than in all the rent of th<- Confederacy. On tl.e line I traveled chickens sold for a dollar, and watermelons from one to five dollars it piece. A decent coat for an i fficer was worth one him dred and iotty dollars. Bit I *ill n<H tie tedious—»-uffine it to say thai every thng else, pave sugar and iniilttSSM bore a correspond pg i rice Speeiul Dispatch to ih« ujuisville Journal. Gen Rosecrans' OfEtcial Report. ColUNTll, iMlSS., Oct. 4. To Al-ij. dm. V. S Gnuit. i rmeivcd your dispatch telling me t< follow tho rebel. ThU luoruiuu Gen Price made a fii-rce and detrrmined at tack on our left. Tno couteht lastet until half past cevcu, aid wus ver de dly to i lie'in my. They drove in ou centtr. Some ol them penetrated to th Corinth House. Grui.eral H u m b o n via on the muii line of t eir attack, main taintd his ground ita all but o •« position and miki >g mi advance secured the c.n James Al. Nichols, Pittsfield, Devon heifer, 18 months old. premium, James M. NicnoU, Pitt>ticld, Devon calf, 6month, old, premium, CLASS 3—CKOSS OF FULL BLOODS. J. B. Arm-;, Webster, bull. 5 years old, Lit premium, C. U. Andrews, Pittsficld, bull, 1 year old, 1st premium, J. B. Arms, Webster, cow, 4 years old, 2d premium, J. B. Arms, Webster, cow, 3 years old, 1st premium, R. J. Barry, A. A. city, heifer, 2 years old, 1st premium, J. B. Arms, vV.b-.ter, heifer. 14 nio's. old, l-t premium, CLASS 4—GRADES. W. E. Anderson, Pittsiiold, cow 4 yrs. old. 1st premium, James Sumner, Pittofield, cow, 7 yrs. old, 2d premium, Isaac Uimun, A. A. town, heifer, 1 year old, 1st premium, Russel Mill.s, Saline, heifer, 1 year old, 2d premium, CLASS 5—MATCHED STEERS. lussull Mills, Saline, lnt premium, Di A A 2d i 1 00 3 00 1 00 100 w* M.O13ITERMAN& CO, and Retail dealers and manufacturers of Ready Made Clothing, Importers of Clotks, Cassi- oere«. Doeskins. &c. No. 5, -New Rl..ck. Ann Arbor. C. B. POKTEK, SCRC.KON DEVTIST. Office corner of Main and Huron street*, over P. Bach's ktore, Ann Arbor, Michigan. April, 1859, WM. WAG NEK, D IALER in Ready Made Clothing Cloths. Cassimeres and Vostings, Hal's, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Xc. Main li , Ann Arbor. spet eh : Baldwin, | •'Leiitinant, you *i!l go Vicks- BA'Jil __LER» in Dry G o o , , Shoes, &c, Sbin strict, Ann Arbor. D __LER» in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boot, Sh & Sbi t t Ann Arbor SLAWSON & (TEEK, *^1 KOCXBS, PHOVISJO.V Jt Commission Merchants.anrldea j tertin WiTtnLun. LAND I'LASTE , andI'LABIEK or a tw,ooe door East of Cook's Hotel. 0 RLI^S, D SALBEinCIocka, Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, at the sign of the l!ig Watch, No. 27, Phoenix Block J.O. WATTS. D BALXR in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware No 22. Now Block, AnnArbor. Al Baldwin we fir-t met tho motely curreicey of Dixie—Confederate notes, cotton bills, shinplasteis, and, most cu- rious of all, railrond money piinted on second hand paper which had I ee:i used lor ledf^irs and day books Think, ye anti uarians of pecuniary palimps-esls! I said to tho officer of the sruard ; ''You t-eem to have plei:ty of money hereabouts." "Oh, \i-8—all you've pot to do is to piint the head of a woman on a piece of brown paper, aud i will pass." BA.VA.QI! CIVILIANS Such abuse as we received came burtf to-in<Tri>w mornina. In tht. nie»n- tiine you uill have a private room ti te I up for \OII, and \ou mods will be sent to you from the holnl at the eXpen-e of the Lovernmeot, We desim io IIIUKC you as comtortaWe n. pi ssil le." We touched onr :wi ty-tive c"ollnr h«t, and tlie crowd around u* gaped in admiration nf Tiijfhain and ihat frov eminent "Inch, hrotigh him, promised We lit' ed our uh'l ulleriiBte ter v\ ith his two i n d l i l regi nenta.— to pav tor our supper, hundred dollar boots step and marched toward the pri a e room We reached the private room It was socall'd because it coit.iined nine piiv:.to noldier-. In fact it WHH a fruard-Fimm. It was''fitted up *" »;i»h two broken slunters nd a half inch of Colonel ~ullivu.il gave us timu to briu our batteries into notion, and saved tu day ou th t Side. liens. Van Dnrn and Lovell made mo_t determined a tauk on our extreiu rij_ht, on the(JherweiU road, leading tu ait .ck ihrough the nbattil. Two 01 the culuuiii- reiiclied the diteb, and the othe stopped wiihiii fifty pacis at the d tub.— All that grape and uanuist.r would d wasiri';d, Gut when the rebels reach. this point a charge was ordered, when bee. m. a race bevveeu the Suvenf 5 00 100 2 00 300 2 00 1 00 3 00 200 100 50 2 00 Mrs. Nancy Leland, Noi-thfield, 3 loaves broad, 1st premium, 1 00 MM. N Strong, A. A. city, 3 loaves bread, 2d prcmiinuii), 50 Mrs. J. N. Farter, A. A town, 10 lbs. Itoney, It premium, 1 00 XV. ti. DBII, Saline, 10 lbs. maple su- gar, l-t premium, 1 00 W. H. Dell, Saline, 10 lbs. maple su- gar. 2d premium, 50 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. CLAS3 20—CLOTHS, QUILTS, CLOTHING, &C. Mrs. Mary Collins, Pittsfleld, 10 yds. rag-carpet, lit premium, 1 00 MJ% T. Gaines, A. A city, 1 pair wool- en stockings. Jut premium, 50 Mr.-. Hannah l'iiulp>, Dexter, 1 pair woolen stockings, 3d premium, 2 1 ) Mrs. Levan, Northfield, wove cover- let, 1st premium, 1 00 Mrs. T. Gaine-, A. A. city, 1 pair wool- en uiitten.i, 1st premium, 50 Mrs. T. Gaines, A. A. city, 1 pair wool- en mittens, 2d premium, 20 Miss C. Crane, Lodi, 1 pair woolen Roi'ks, i!d prcminui, 25 Mr». J. W. Maynard, A. A. city, kuit quilt, 1st premium, 1 00 Mrs. J. Vandeliaden, A. A. city, knit quilt, 2d premium, 50 Mrs. 11. Levun, Northfield, 1 lb. woolen yarn, 1st premium, 50 Mr-. Hannah Plielps, Dexter, 1 pair linen stockings, 1st premium, 50 Mrs. Hannah Plielps. Dexter, 1 pair cotton stockings, Lst premium, 50 Mrs. Hannah l'kelps, Dexter, 1 pair cotton stockings, 2d premium, 25 CLASS 21—DOMESTIC ARTICLES. E. and J. McXamr.ra, Chelsea, pair Cidf boots, lot premium, N. Ark.-ev, A. A. city, two horse top carriage, Ut premium, Lawson &Wurotw, A. A. city, dou- ble buggy without top, 2d prom. Lttwsoii & \Vur.,ter, A. A. city, single buggy witliout top, 1st premium, Miss Helen S. Delfinator. A. A. city, era} olithic ]>»intiiig, 1st prtmium, 1 00 T. D. Tookcr. A. A. city, nmbiotypea, 1st prt niium, 1 00 T. D. Tdoker, A. A. city, photographs, 1st premium, 1 00 Miss C. Sager, A. A. city, oil painting, 1st premiunij 1 00 Miss Warner, A. A. city, oil paint- ing, 2d premium, 50 CLASS 28—FLOWERS. J. Toms, A. A. city, bust collection of flowers. 1st premium, 2 00 G. Sutton, NorthBeW, collection Cow- er-, 2d premium, 1 00 Mrs. W. A. Hatch, A. A. city, bouquet, 1st premium, 1 0Q J. Toms, A.. A. city, bouquet, 2d pre- mium. 50 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. CLASS 30—GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT. I seutative of the democrat* of Michigan, 1 we are instructed respectfully to ask your aid and co operation in the support of that State ticket i>t the approaching election. A proposition in fffeci lik« that now laid before you, wag, by instruc- tions of the preliminary conference, »•• sembled at Jackeon on the 16th of Sep- tember last, laid before the Republican State Convention, lately assembled in this city. We are mortified to say thai it was ri'puiliaUd by that body. It pr«- ferrtd to Hand by t arrow party creeds. But we are grsititiVd to say that a larg" portion of the republic un are outraged by (he action, and e|judiate it as au iu» suit to their patriotism. The l*e< pie's Union State ticket bean names which, we believe, men of all shades of opinions mny cordially support. It ««8 ii'iiiinatid by a convi ntiou com- posed of men assembled without organi- sation, but of such personal weight us to entitle it to ei'fst rrtpect; of men who represented both politic*! parties; of men who felt 'hat all loy;d citizens should la afforded tle opportunity to unite in giving their wannest and most affection- ate support to the government. The People's Union Convention ainn to form no new party; it asks no iu»u to give up his party convictions, but it reoogiii* a thot there areeouimon grounds on which all 'oval men can and should unite to sustain the government against the rebellion. The Union ticket is pxe- C. II C-uly, melodeon—fine tone and hand- sei.ted as tho representation of that cola- sonic finish. moii ground. case tobacci •T. Newell, water drawers,—well worthy of notice. S. D. Noble, A. A. city, clothes bars—sim- ple and useful. S. A. Speiry, A. A. city, barometer,—di- ploma. S. G. Sutherland. A. A. city. 2barrels salt manufactured by the '• Ann Arbor Saginaw Salt Co."—pure and white—diploma. CLASS 31—LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Miss R. Glazier, wreath hair flowers, 1st premium, Mrs. W. F. Rowe, worsted work, 1st premium," Mrs. M. J. Spencer, scrap pictnro, Schoff & Miller, A. A. city, collection photographs, paintings and frames, 1st premium, , , p , »aac Dimon, A. A. town, 2d premium, 1 00 CLASS G—-WORKING OXtR AST) STEERS. V. E. Anderson. Pittsfleld, pair oxen, 5 y«W* old, lit preuiiuia, c Dimon, A. A. town, pair oxen, 5 year.iold, 2d premium, ruman Schrani, A. A. town, pair oxen, 4 years old, 1st premium, saac Dimon, A. A. town, pair steers, 3 years old, lit premium, _. II. M Markliam, A. A. city.pairsteers, 3 years o d, lid premium, CLASS 7—FAT CATTLE. .mos Mead, A. A. city, cow, 1st prem. . B. Arms, Webster, cow, 2d prem. 4 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 100 2 00 1 00 HORSES. CLASS 8—HORSES FOR ALL WORK. S. Philips, Ypiilanti, stallion, 4 yrs. old, 1st premium, A. Lee, Freedom, stallion, 4years old, 2d premium, V. H. Dell, Saline, stallion, 2 ye-rs old, 1st premium, 'ohn Green. Lodi, stallion, 2 year3 old, _M premium, ). M. Finley, Scio, stallion colt, 3 months old, l»t premium, F. Koll'iiggg, Pittsfi.ld, span matolied hor es, 6 years old, l»t premium, 1. S. Hull, Saline, span matclied hor- ses, 6 yearn old, 2d premium, Samuel Parks, Scio, colt, 3 years old, 1st premium, J. A. diapin, Scio, colt, 3 years old, 2d prejnium, J. M'Intyre, A A. town, oolt, 2 years old, 1st premium, J. V. Gregory, Lima, colt, 2 years old, 2d premium, B. Follctt, Ypsilanti, matched horses, 1st premium, John Howard, York, matched horses, 2d premium, Edward Sumner, Pittsfield, single hor e, 6 years old, 1st premium, T. Sutherland, Pittsfield, single horse, 4 year-* old, 2 premium, L. Davis, A. A. city, single horse, 3 years old, 1st premium, John Howard, York, single horse, 3 year»-> old, 2d premium. CLASS 10—ROADSTERS. John Green, Lodi ; matched horses, 2d premium, Lewi-. Iiurd, A. A. city, single horse, 1st premium, SHEEP. CLASS 12—SPANISH MERtNOES. Thomas Wood, Lodi, buck, 5 year, old, lit premium, Thomas Wood, Lodi, buck, 2 years old, 1st premium, C. Avery, Saline, buck 2 years old, 2d pjemium, Thomas Wood, Lodi, buck, 1 year old, l^t premium, Joseph Wood, Lodi, buck, 1 year old, 2d premium, Thomas Wood, f.odi, 5 buck lambs, 1st premium, George W.Inman,Lodi, 5 buck lambs, 2d premium, Law.ion & Wur.-ter, A. A. city, farm wai>(in. l.-it premium, Law.ion & Wurxter, A. A. city form, wagon, 2d premium, (.LASS 22—FARM IMPLEMENTS. R. L. Sp cc'.ily, A. A. town, farm gate, 2 premium, A. J. Sutherland, A. A. city, patent churn, l.->t premium. J. Volliind. A. A. city, draught har- ue«, 2d premium, J. Volhind, A. A. city, carriage har- ness double. 1st premium, J. Volland, A. A. city, carriage Lar- nes. tingle, 1st premium, lld A A i ' 150 4 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 100 50 2 00 HENRY "WARNER, Pres't. M. II. GOODRICH, Sec'y. 5 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 100 5 00 4 00 2 50 1 50 2 50 J . Volland, A. A. city, gent's riding saddle, lot premium, J. Volland, A. A. city, lady's riding baddle, Ut premium, CLASS 23—FRUIT. R. L. Speedily, A. A. town, 15 varie- ties apples, 1st premium, R. L. Speeenly, A. A. town, 15 varie- tie- apples, 2d premium, J. N. Gott, A. A. city, 5 varieties win- ter pears, 1st premium, Mrs. McOmber, A. A. city, 5 varieties peaches, 1st premium, E, l'ilcher, A. A. city, 5 varieties peaches, lid premium, CLASS 24—VEGETABLES. S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, best and greatest variety culinary vegeta- bles, 1st premium, X. Strong, A A. city, best and greatest variety culinary vegetables, 2d, C. Ilenion, A.A. city, 0 beets, 1st premium, S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, 6 beets, 2tl premium, 50 j S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, cabbage, 1st premium, seventh Ohio and the i>-\ent-eiitli Mis- George W. Innian, Lodi, 5 ewes, 3 T R FREEMAN. B ARHKR _nd Fashinuiible Hair Dramr, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich Hair Fronts and CurlB kept •onutantly on i_ud. SCHOFF & MILL Ell. D EALERS in Hi-eellineouK, School, and Blank Bookp Pta tionery, Paper HangiDgs, &c, Main Stti-ei Ann Irbor. D. DKFOREST. \IT-0I_B_L_ and Retail Dealcrin Lumber, Lath, Shin- »f gt«8. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Water Lime, (;rand River Muter, 'laster Pari«, and N'ails of nil sizes. A full and perfect a<aortment of the above, and all riTh»-r -iads of building materials constantly on hand at the lo*a«t possible rates, on iletroit street, a few rodp from the R-llroad Depot. Also operating extensively in the Patent Cement Roofing. >n combatants, »onien, children, durt lyin* un tf«flmr, The nw.e pri- v;ite. toiiiiurs, C ont derate, wers siun- kintr, chewing, and pliyiujj draw poker. Tho room was nine by »ix> teen Eight o'clock came, but not the sup per promised at the expense of :he gov- ernment. The fact Wiis ihut 'he keep er of the Intel received an order lor It, but, like Louis Napi Icon, WHH not reudy t'i reci»; w< the confederacy. We rose in our wrath. ol the guatd. your Gen- W A S U T E N A W C O U X T V B I B L E S O C I E T Y . l^.rosiIORY of BibleB and Testaments at the SoeieU I' prices atW. C. Worlds'. CHAPIN, WOOD & CO., and the likt*. One of the paitv of cap- tives—ihe list wus swelled as we pro- ceeded— WJIS loudly at tucked with cur- ses bv ii person in Utiifurip, who rrde up to him in the main street of Ink;*.— The Illinois < fficer quiely responded: "What is your rank, sir?" 'First Lieutenant " " in thb QuarlerniUBter's Depart men I?'" "1 thought HO." '•Wh\V •'liecnuse I h:ivp noticed, in both HI mice, thiit the men who ate innst nia- li^iirint towuid prism'1'is are th"se who never get where the bul ets whis tie !" ((ireut dii«conifiture of the Quarter- mtt«t«M", and loud laiis?iiter and np- p'uui-e from fuun the rebel soldi- rs who » c " r " "'«"'> corn-breud.oru^c.fiee, aud Uurn-fed bacon. We le urned to our private room, SU'CKS-OBP To MANUFACT"KKBS OF X*i*i_tiLt, -Qools., AND — COLORED MEDIUMS, W r a p p i n g nEPajao ASS ABIIOH MlcH souri, which proved too much fur t stiiggin d rebul colum-'. Mauy fell down and held up their hands for mercy. They aro badiy beaten uu both points. They left their dead and wounded uu thu S.ld, and aro in full retreat. Our IOHB, though 8 riou*, especially in officer., is nothing to be comparud with the lu_. of the euemy JJng. tfun. Hackelinan full bravely fight.ng at the head nf his bi igada yes t rJay. He was shot through the jugu- lar vein. (J"ls. E. Knby Smith, Gllu.n and Mower were wound.d, but not mor- tally. General O^l.aby is dangerously wound d. The numbe r of casualties I eanrot de- termine. The reb.l killed and wounded are utrewn along the rifctd for fivu miles out, at which tiny hud a ho-pital. V\ e h.ive between suvuu huudrt-d and one eral mud- me tmiiw very ki id proini.-eM, thousand pi isou.rs, uot couutiug their h f d S h l y p , but they are not pel funned. Shoul- der \ our musket and take mo out to eat." He obeyed; we marched half u mile aud got a supper, paying it dollar for it. You pay one doitur per meal all over the (Jonfedeiacy It is generally p lood by ) POLITICAL ECONOMY. ,,;., p , ,, f Wanket f rom t |, 0 Se ,.. Next mornii g we wero dispatchod g ea nt—they have no blankets in Dixie il t T l t il lid i i d by rail to Tupelo, some twen y miles further south on tlie Mobile and Oliio road. y tiptmk of— laid it in a linrner, made a pillow of one ul the broken chuiterrs ! and theie the lteliable Genilomoi, lay I was met at the oars by the Onptain down and slept the uleup of inunoenco c»f Gen. MUMMI'M statl. In conversation wih me he said : "You of the North have contracted nn enormous debt. ing to pay it?" '•Fund it and pay the interest, you of theSontb have a little debt oi liow areyou go And BBBCKlNKItlGE. At the depot, on his way to ji P ice at luka, we i«aw that ohiei of po itiial sinners, John C Breckinridge, tho man who played a game for the JPrcsid'.ncy, got 'jsato, and aow refu- wounded. General McPherson baa reaohed here with his force. VVe move forward at day Tight in the morning. Major-General Hurl but, with a large force, is ou the llatclue river, prcpai.d to cut off their retreat aud follow iu pursuit. W. S. ItOSECKANS. A. genlleir.au who had lost hi whoso maiden name was Little 23 wife, addressed the f> llowing to Miss Moore a lady of diminutive tstuture : Ive lost the Little one I had, My heart is sad and soie, So now I should be very sjlad To have a little Moore, To which the lady bent the following answer : I pity much the loss you've had ; The grief you must endunv— A heart by Littl? made so sad ; A Ilttl* Moore won't cure. 5 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 2 C O 1 0 0 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 100 2 00 1 00 2 00 100 2 00 2 00 2 00 100 C. Ilenion, A. A. city, carrots, 1st pre- mium, 0. Ilenion, A. A. city, carrots, 2d pre- mium, Mrs. B. W. Welles, A. A. city, celery, 1st prmiuui, J. Toms A. A. city, celery, 2d pre- mium, Mrs. II. W. Welles, A. A. city, yellow onions, 1st premium, N. Strong. A. A. city, yellow onions, years old, 1st premium, icorge W. Inman, Lodi, 5 ewes, 1 year old, Ut premium, jieorge W. Inman, Lodi. 5ewe lambs, 1st premium, oseph Wood, Lodi, 5 ewe lambs, 2d premium, CLASS 13—CROSS OFFILL BI.OOD. . B. Arms, Webster, buck, 2 years old, 1st premium, 2 00 '. B. Arms, Webster, buck, 2 years old, 2d premium, 1 00 f. B. Arms, Webster, buck, 1 year old, 2d premium, 1 00 |. B. Arms, Webster, 5ewes, 3 years old, 1st premium, 2 00 (. B. Arms, Webster, 5 ewes, 3 years old, 2d premium, 1 00 T. B. Arms, \Veb>ter, 5 ewes, 2 years old. 1st premium, 2 00 J B. Arms, Webster, 5ewes, 2 jear3 old, 2d premium, 1 00 J. B. Arms, \Veb>ter, 5ewes, 1 year old. 1st premium, 2 00 J. B. Arms, Webster, 5 ewe lambs, 1st premium, 2 00 CLASS 15—GRADE EWES. J. D. Baldwin, A. A. city, 5 grade ewes, 3 years old, 1st premium, 2 00 George W. Inman, Lodi, 5 grade ewes, 3 years old, 2d premium, 1 00 Geo. \V\ Inman, Lodi, 5 grade ewes, 1 year old, 1st premium, 2 00 CLASS 17—HOGS. Frederick Stabler, Scio, sow and pigs, 1st premium, 3 00 John O'llara, A. A. town, boar, 1 year old, l>t premium, 3 00 Frederick Stabler, Scio, boar, 1 year old, 2d premium, 2 00 Z. Bird, Northtieid, sow, 1 year old, 1st premium, 2 00 Z. Bird, Northfitld, 5 pigs, 0 months old, l?t premium. 2 00 CLASS 18—POULTRY. Russel Mills, Saline, 3 turkeys, 1st premium, 1 II. M. lienioc. Pitfcfield, 3 turkeys, 2d premium, 2d premium, S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, red oni- nn-*, 1st preniiuni, Fred. Stabler, Scio, table potatoes, 1st pr.muim, S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, table po- tatoes, 2d premium, S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, summer potatoes, 2d premium, F. Stabler, Scio, summer potatoes, 1st premium, S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, potatoes for general use, 2d premium, N. Strong, A. A. city, potatoes for general use, lt-t premium, N. Strong, A. A. city, squashes, 1st premium, N. Strong, A.A. city, squashes. 2d premium, J. S. Welles, A. A. city, tomatoes, 1st premium, N. Strong, A. A. city, tomatoes, 2d premium, R. S. Smitli, A. A. city, turnips, 1st premium, S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, turnips, 2d premium, N. Strong, A. A. city, lima beans, 1st preniiuni, S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, lima beans, 2d premium, W. II. Dell, Saline, garden beans, 1st preniiuni, W. II. Dell, Saline, garden beans, 2d premium, S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, sweet potatoes. 1st premium, S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, parsneps, 1st premium, CLASS 25—GRAIN, FLOUR AND SEEDS Chas. II. Worden, Northfield, winter wheat, 1st premium, Z. Burd, Northiield, winter wheat, 2d premium, W. H. Dell, Saline, yellow corn, 1st premium, N. Strong. A. A. city, yellow corn, 2d premium, Benj. Pryor Northfield, rye, 1st prem. N. Strong, A. A. city, n e , '2d, prem. F. Stabler. Scio, white beans, 1st pre- mium, Z. Burd, Northfield, peas, 1st prem. F. Stabler, Seio, peas, 2d premium, Benj. Pryor, Northfield, spring wheat, l-t premium, VV. II. Dell, Saline, marrowfat peas, 1 00 50 75 1 00 2 00 2 00 100 1 00 1 00 75 75 100 50 2 00 1 00 50 25 50 00 29 50 25 50 25 50 50 25 25 50 25 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 M. Devany, Ann Arbor city, very superior ' It bears no flag but the sacred flag of the country ; it stands on no platform but tho constitution, and it has ni end but the defence and maintenance of the Union. GEOHQR V. N. LOTUEOP, C. I. WALKER, * WM. T. MITCHELL, II. 0. I.AN'FoHD, SYLVESTER LAKNED, K. II, THOMSON, PUILOTIH IIAVDKN. DETROIT, Oot 8th 1862. V\ litc-li was referred to tUe corumitteo on resolutions. The Committee on Resolution, through their chairman, reported the following: Resolved, That the democracy of Mich- igan, waiving the expression of their views upon questions not rendered im- perative by the imperiled condition of their cuntry, hereby declare: First, That they will continue 'o ren- der the government their sincere and uni- ted support in the use of all legitimate meat's to suppress the rebellion and to restore the Union us it was, and maintain the constitution as it is—believing that that sacred instrument, founded in wii- dimi by our father-, clothes the constitu- ted authorities with full power to accom- pliali sU'-h purposes Second, That by the following resolu- tion, unanimously passed by Con- gress in July, 1801, the government wag pledged to the policy inculcated therein, and which cannot be departed from witli- out violation of pubiio faith, viz : '• [{esohed, That the present deplora- ble civil war has been forced upon the country by the disunionista of the South- ern States, now in arms against the con- stitutional government, and in arms round the capital ; that in this n-tional nergeney, Coiij_r_8. j , banishing ml feel- igs of mere passiou or resentment, will ecollect oidy its duty to the whola mnt'v; that this war ig not waged, on beir part, in any spirit of oppression or )r any purpose of conquest or subjuga- ion, or purpose of overthrowing or m- erfering with the rights or established istitutions of th s. States, but to dc- end and maintain the supremncy of th. oiiHtitution mid to preserve the Uuiqn, vi h all the dignity, equality aud rights f th l S i d and The rernccratic State Convention, The Democratic State Convention was held in Detroit on Wednesday of last week. Thirty iwo countie. were repre .euU'd by 212 delegates. The committee on credentials having reported the names (if delegates mtitled to seats, and the report having b^en ac- cepted and adopted the conveniion per- manently organized by electing tho fol- lowing officers. President- LTMi.it D. Nonius,of Waali- teuaw. Vice Preiidentt—B C. Hatch Samuel Axford, Nathan Earl, S. A. Morrison, 0. B Lyon, and Austin Walos. Fec/elarus— JoLu S. Crelling, aud A. S Butl'T. In tilrrg tl.e ci air. Mr. Norrig ad drcf-id tl.e convention as follows: {JUNTLEMEN OF THE CONVENTION — T l l O honor of presiding over your delibera- tions, ig one wholly unexpected b} me It is an hoinT of which any if ihe younger demociats of our State may well be proud You meet again at u fearful era. Never before in the hi.-tory of the democratic pary have such fearful res- ponsibilities reeled upon them as at this hour weiyh heivy upon thu heart and bruin of every th nking ni-.n. Gentlemen, I love my country ; I love this State, where near tinny ymrs of sunshine andthadow has given me a home. Yec, my lnunc, and I hank (Jod it i" nit home—honored and nnde holv by the heroism of i*s galbuit soldier., bV the Kufferings and death of its deiujcrntic smiii—a Woodbury a Roberts, a Brod- head, and iho host of other brave spirits, Irs. conspicuous, but not less wor'hy Yes, I thank God that as yet [ live in a Mate whose dead heroes, lyiiii{ on every battle fluid of this thrioo iiecuised rebel lion, shed a halo over its home keeping sunn and daughters, in the dazzling light of which the good Providence munt gee • ud mark for desi ruction men in the high places of State and Seuatorial povver, who, " Clothed IDa little brief authority * * * '• 2d premium, CLASS 26—NEEDLE WORK. Mrs. M. J. Spencer, shell basket, 1st premium, Miss M. Bliss, A. A. city, net basket, 1st premium. Miss Helen Davidson, A. A. city, 1 embroidered chemise, 1st prem., Miss A. Schuyler, A. A. city, worsted flowers. 1st premium, Mrs. W. F. Rowe, A. A. city, embroi- dered collar, 2d premium, CLASS 27—PAINTING. AND DEAWINGS Miss Helen S. Detenater, A. A. city, monochromatic painting, 1st pre- mium. Play Micb fantastic tricks before high heaven, As makes e'en arige.s weep." Whether the good Providence indi- cates to usthat he drsires the co-operation of the democratic and Union purti's to consummate his righteous purpose of po- litical death to the radicals, or whether, like Moses before tho court of Pharaoh, he will allow these mou to come again, laden with new plagues for a suffering people, are questions that th 8 day's de liberations will settle, one nay or the other. Gentlemen, the country is now in the eighteenth month of tho most g'tr-mtio and terrible war in the world g history. Thousands of millions nf dollars are fol lowing inswift procession into the horri- ble gulf of disunion. Tbe country is reeling on to bankruptcy. Over a large portion <f this once Lappy land ' grim- visaged war " stalks tiiuuiphnnt— before him a blooming paradise, behind a black- ened" desert. One hundred and fiftv thousand dead, who where onee brothers who stood shoulder to shoulder i round one constitution, benea'h tho protecting shadow of one SHJ;, now " sleep the sleep th-it knows no waking." It must end somewhere. *' Grim- visaged war must smooth his wrinkled front; these bruised arms must be hung up.' 1 Mutual exhaustion, if nnught else can, must end it. Yet we must tight on, for victory does not. yet perch on our banners Aye, gentleman, for victory, because we hope peace will follow. Gentlemen, I trust your deliberations will keep cvtr steadily in view the best good ot our common country; by so doing you will best promote the greatest good of the great and powerful partv you are here this day to represent. Iu dis- charging the duties of this chair, I will 50 1 endeavor plainly and impartially to pr»- | side ovtr _\ our councils. Let them be united, earliest, thoughtful, and the re suit of ihis day's labor will justify the fondest hopes f every lover of couslitu tional ireedom. [ pp'ausc] Mr. LOTHKOP appealed before tbe Convention in behalf of a committee appointed by the Onion Convention held nt Jackson on the 3d inst., and presented the foil iwing address : To the Dmoeralic State Convention By the iiistiiictiong of tho People's Union State Convcn ion, assembled »t Jackson, on the 2d day of October, and in their behalf, we have the honor to lay before you the action of thit convention. I We herewith place upon your tables the address to the people of the State, under which the convention was culled, the re- solutions pagsi'd at that conv ntion. anil the State tiokdt which was nominated thereat; and with the mogt profouLd respect for the great influence and pat riotinn <>f his convention, us thu -err«- 25 50 25 50 60 25 25 50 25, 50 50 25 50 25 50 1 00 100 100 50 1 00 f the several Sta'es. unimpaired, hat as soon us these objects aro lislied th« "ur ought to oease." lUtolved, 'J hat the illegal and uneon- tilutional airest and imprisonment of :tizens of this State are witliout tho ustitication of necessity, and wo de- ounce any such arrest as a usurpation and a crime and that ihe freedom uf tho iress equally protected by the coustitu- ion, ought to bi' maintained Jleso/ved, That it is the ancient and constitutional right of the people to can- vass public mea urea und the in rits of )ublio men ; it is a home-bred right, a ireside privilege; it in undoubted isa the right of breathing the air and walking the earth ; it belongs to private hfo as a r ght. and to publ : c life as a duty Resolved, That we wil., in good faith, support the administration in all just and ooimtitu'ianal measures for the suppres- sion of the present wicked rebelli'ju aud the restoration of ihe Uiiion. Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt thanks to our brave, patiiot soldiers in the n'eld, for their toils and sufferngs, und most diringuiiihed services, and our sympuhies to the friends of tho u noble uieii who have fallen iu tho cervico "f their country. Resolved That we are wiling to act, at the coming election, with all men who desire to sustain the constitution as it is, and the Union as it was. The re olutious were unanimously adopted. Tho committed also reported the fol- lowine: That this coniir ittee has considered the proposition of tho committee on tho pnrt of tho late Uuiou convention at Jackson, undthe majority report that they recognize in thu nominations mada by that convention, men ot known abili- ty aud patriotism, and in the peculiar crisis of this country believe that tho suna may, with propriety aud advantage, be re Dominated by this convention as the candidates of the democracy ot Michigan. [Prolonged applause J The report was aocepted and adopted. The ooinmittee on the nomination of the State Ct-i.tral Committee reported thu following names to constitute such committee: For Chairman, Levi Bishop, Detroit. First Disirot—\\. N. Walker, DeUoit; Stephen G. Clark, Monroe.. Second D strut-H. A. Balch, Kala- mazoo; H. 0. Lybrook, D iwagiao. Third Dkhiet—(). M. Barues, Mason ; L D. Noris, Ypsilanti. Fourth District- William A Richmond Grand Hiipids; Adam 8. Roof, Lying. Fifth District—Austin Wa'es, Ma- comb; H II Harmon, Livingston. Sxth District—Jabez G- Sutherland, Suginaw ; Joseph Goulter, Ontonagon. Also thut the remaining members 1 a "e power to appoint in the places of any who donot serve. The report of the committee w»s then adopted. Tha convention then prooeded to nom- inate by vioa voct vote candidates for State officers and tha candidates on the Jackson Union Ticket receiving a large majority of all tho votes wore severally declared unanimously nominated. The following resolution was adopted : •1 W.

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Page 1: a r cra rmedia.aadl.org/documents/pdf/michigan_argus/... · nililess iiivuilvr " ciin peil itt RiwiHM, Miss. I :ttit now ti "rijliiilile gentlu-Mum jus: re tinted from this Smith."

uhcI T . i U i ' i a i n-tHVFKiuii MOR-VI-VO, in the Third

Rlm-y uf tuo J.-i.k i i l ) j_ , turner of M»iu juil Uuru_;tilreeu

Co.,Kn trance* >n Union street ,ojn»osit( the

EZLIFTU B._d;d.i-or a n d


ADVKliTlSINfJ .One square (12 UneH or leu.-*) one week, 60 cents: and

S_ iouts for every insertion tlier.uiter, lensthaii thr ieuonthv.


arc 3 months....*3


Quarter col. 1 year $'.'cul'nin

Half do 1 yearOne do 6 moaOne do 1 year

do 6 do ..do 1 >«ar

gq'res 6 niusr » o do 1 J ^ r . . . .

„ _ ^vertlsementR unaccompanied by written orver»i 1 directions will be published unlil ordered out, andlharged accordingly.

I.e'-1 advertisements, first insertion, 60 cents per..Tio- !5 cents l>er folio for eacli subsequent insoitii.nffha'n » iriitnnnemcnt is added tuan advertisi mrnt thirhole will be 6h*tg«d 'he same as for first insertion.

J O B _?:Ri5srTi_xrc3-.Pamphlets. Hand-bills,

_1 «ther varieties of 1


rculars, Cards, r.ill Ticketsin and Fancy .lob I'uutirjg.id in the BK8T STYLK.

cbnrpeConnected with the OflW is n Bnofc Bindery.f a eompetent workman. County Record.r«urn»l», <nd all kinds of Blsnk tt-.oks m»<l<, id nfthebesi 'tock. Pamphlets and Period.„ a neat snd du -aM» manner, nt Detroit pnceB InT^nretonindervtlironeh VRiils Office.

to ordi'ls bound

M r t r t D T n .CaRDS! CARDS!! OARDPI1!

yj>e. theof ail kinds i

' Card•Urine urclAsed a 'IDOOU. ROTAKtPr«HB wilh a fine i.*-tortmi¥ni of Oaro t. .Om"'rpUare,l to print Card, of all kinds in the' , , „ , , ,V,,,iM,., tvle and »I a l?reat reduction frorr"nrm-r orices.iicludin. RusinePf Cards f..r men of il"™»tions .nd irnr-nions. Rail. Weddine. <ind \ isitu f

HHs. etc.. «tc. Call. ,'ive us yours ordeT* and Beehow it is -one

All Losses promptly adjusted.


Cash Capita], " $200,000.Total Assets, J a n . 1st , 1SI_, • *",S ' '?RJ ?oLiabilities, . . . 1 .6V4.o.

MARK HOWARD, PiesWeLt.E. Taos. LOB-ELL, Secy.

The undersigned has been apprinted »eent for 'heabove reliable Omipa-.y. and will eBect hP-IUC'Eg-ii_atl.>s«i by fire at reasonable rates ^ r o N r .

J . ii-JNi

Agent for the

Phoenix lnturar.ee Company



L o s e s H.nnrably adjusted and pr. mptly paid at this

Agency. Office Corner Man and Huron Street, over the

Store ofliACU >* l'n us,i>. Ann Aibur.

Ann Arbur. ^<-p* 1 '• l**fi2-


Photogrsipliic and I'ine Art(.A1XERY

Nos. 205 and i»7 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT.I.ifeSi.e,folored or plain, cabinet. Im-•hnto^raphs.l.i

° l M l a n ofolorc p ,

.aguerreotypes, Ambro yp,s,h D ^ U

Surveyor & Civil Tnghuer.T WEKK^, Purveyor and Civil 1 ngin-cr. «ntinW WEKK.

a ues t.o g i v e i m m e r i i ; i t e a t e u l i o n V rck-r-.—; l.i, residence at the corner of Catheime andOffice

.Layer streets.Ann Arlor.^ept. 10,1862 1.8 9

I . O. «». F .

WASHTENAW UtUGE N'o.orlerof Odd Kellows me<

Terr Fridav evening, att. WCHAKDSON, N. IS.

9, of the Independent,eet at their Lodg Room,

'clock..-S. So.vDnKia, Sec'y.

\lTniLKSALl and Re'V* Main -t.—sign 0Inn Arbor,

L. t-TUBBS.and Retail l*aler in T<;WcoCigar-. fcc• B e Indian." Kr»nklin Bloik

. * . . . - Mich


THE DHAFT.Now, all of you " m e n Tolls," 'uvixt e i ^ t e e n a u . ! Ofty,

Vhate 'e r j o u r pro4M»l«»- J *W l'U-'li-»s >"' c r a J>WI.etl.or wcalthyor poor, wl,. ther riultlwi or thrifty.

Keep yo . r s ig l i t w ta* >" -1»" ; >«* u u t f a r lh< d r » f "

Effcra'niite youths , with Inchon mou<taohios-

\\ ho ntuiijjloved humanity alw.j-s kuvu luuglied ;

A s y o . brush ir myuur tinest of suck cluth the aslie.i

Lro] I ed Ir. m your cigar <ni, beware of UU - i - t t I

Vc city breilclerks, m ' B M fiwOTOsf eud ranee,To wlmm t-a» h brew, ti.reatt-r.s consumption to wiifs

Don't think that weak lungs "ill "ttvet your iouHUP*__i m bei&g exposed iu Lhi. teiTibis d;-a:t.

V . bankers and brokers, your t r u l l is no t"»ttha t vou'i- mJ IT i-x.n.pl ln»« liie rest of th« raft—

llje prest-nl d m i l l will auniit of •• n i j r . te*t ; "Vo. ' l l l.av« io • pr v i - o i . r ' t k u g u n r u a u u t draft.

Ve doctirn unfledged, who al sum" country co le je ,In one cour.-e of lecture-. « « t earn.nj have q.iatluu—

idsl]».iieyourlibati ' n "f in il C.I knowledge ;Doctor Lincoln pie.-criU-s you a differe-l draft.

V.- s tun> B r e h r t cs, s lrong-arme' "til stout-lianded.

Ileip'a »«fc"-m«*0ra j ' b u t i . e n a i nal craft ;Vour serviceo pnthbgly now »ie I:I luaiiiieii,

un thia v.B. alnpol MX hundred th_iu»»_ foot draft.

Ve tn^ineerf, MulaHocts, builders, design r i ,Who can mainifei-. |>B |*J t r . La.se. col .u.n I n . Khaft;

fe ariist.i, \ e law\er». y pe..uy-a , .n . i s ,Vou c-n al; try your h.tn'la at ttiis popular draft.

Volunteer while you can, while such bounty-fid o£fer3

Are made to induce, dou'L i-tind there ab.ift;The p ople will, a t t t r a wh.le,close their coffer;—

Uncle Samuel, too,—then look out for Ihe ur_lt !

e N.kiMi i -ii|>

the foi-

FIVE DAYS IN DIXIE.Tlif> HlHH'illl O . i l l i S | i i i l l l i e l l l i t

Y W.'rlil, " l i o " i t s rec ' -n t ly takl ive liy trie CTfiifed. rati-s, crivutInvriiK verv n i c v d e w r i i (i»w uf liis e*<

ini'iiff in the hind ni D i x i e :W I K I I I \M-ot. to y m i hist I «'iis anil i less i i ivuilvr " ciin peil itt RiwiHM,

M i s s . I :ttit n o w ti "ri j l i i i l i le gent lu -Mum jus : re t inted from this S m i t h . "

It u! m e in | HSS in this w a y . Onli i lny , Si'jiteiiiht r 19 , it | i i i i iy «t us

r o d e out from i iar UHinp smi i e ini!«8 tolie M't»t It is u ci'iniiimi t i l ing , th isHV dry scorning—iis t - fu l in i t s w a y sinHot iilwiiYH d n n i i i T o u s . T h e d u y w u s

in<_- ui'd t h e s i i n wus sett ipjt arorgeouslvis w e cntei i ' t i tho U w p l i n o w h i c hlotudn from ' 'Widow Kuete's" towardRii-nzi.


Jur t :is \\f pnssed '.he middle nf tiieL-.nt?—it is it liiilf a mile lmitr, :ind ttiefence on cither side eitjht or nine rnilsh gli—a puny of irut-ri ilhts gullnpeii inu t i h e m s i i ' i n e i <i tu n e ^ t n s H H I m l d

s c ; t i i | i s u s v o n K V W n ; i w t \ A i c e m i l ' l i t ' l o

• q i i s i d ir. i . i i u i i i e r , i i n i i e d w i i h d o n b l o -

l i u r r e l e d s l m t W i l l i s s i n d p i s t o l s , a n d « t - l l

mounted. You smile sit shot-g;;ns?Let me tell yon that Ht close quarters,<ii h barrel lnurtud with a iim>ket !>all

und three b'ick.-liot, they aro veryi ffei tive.

Mwdesty fortiids me to desc.rih>' min-utely co sriiiill II ti:i"ie. Siiffii e it tos»y tliat the b.illn whisiled merrily, 'ill,in iiboiit two minutes, tho "rtluililetfeiitleman" mid one of his woundedcompanions, II piivute soldier, tihotpnii fully in the face, found themselves

center of :in isosceles iriHliglt*, twti

•evsrtil hundred millions. How do youintend to puv that ?"

"We do not intend to pay it. Asnoon us the war is ended we shall iv-i i u d i i t t e i t . "

"Will that belionuxl?""Oertttinly; we own it only to our

own puopU", und they muv us «cll losethe principal outl'Lht as to be compel]ed \enr nfter yeur to pny eiglit, percent, interest on it."

Shudei'f Ricardn—here was a newidrfn in |oli.ici! ttconoiny.

"Hut," snid I 'would tlrit n<it be nnUio iudiv duul? Suppcisuj pp

your < ntiie fnrtuue consis'.ed^ f L«i id your iiei«nlior'«leUrtiuie scn|.t, inhind and negrwrtl, would repudiationalh-et y..u b.uh (.lUtef1

'•Uh, we'll «ee that auoh rn tn has hisproper share of Cnif> dinalo script !"

Perhaps vo;i ..ill hir.lly believe lhisr port of "our talk; ii i- nevi rihul.'s>irue. On what a fninda i"ii of p.i'i ical and efoodiuiital f.il.-iliua is U>is Cou-fedei'iK-y reared li| !


From tht moment 1 l>. c ime an invi Iantary v film in Dixie I found mysellail olji-et ol Ilittlcsl. O i.-rived wilhre.-qieciful curiosity, BIIIOUI t nj; iu someca.-es to H soi l ot revcrenie, I felt adeliulittul vanity, and said within myself. "'U, ltelialile (lieiitleiiieii, you mustbe a man ot most disiinguished :.pp-ar-ance ; possibly yolii brow U Napoleon-ic, your eye eatjle, \ our mousliiuneleuitio." AUis for tlie vanity "f v..ni

ty.My boots were the attract Km. JNo

iual of xrin", or evident shpeiinruy olmentiil endowment made me ttie cyno-Mire of rebel eyes.

Le iher is not in the Contedi'iscy —The p;iper blockade oxclnd.-s it. Mvboots were made by Fulton 8'reetBrooks, wero of tlie cavitlry pattern —w ith, perhaps, ten dollars Firstly,my guerrilla fiends desired to Htealthem while I w-m asleep on the firstnight of my captivity ; so s:iys thethe woundtd soldier, who lay awtikeand htn.rd them dimcusa the plan. AtBaldwin1 "fficers a id me,i alike wor-shipped those oots, and »are loud inveibul adi:ralion. At Tupelo I WHSoffered one hundred dollaiti in Conled-erjite script for .hose boots. Ou thej lurnov fi-iirn Tup t l i to J.i^kson it tall


sid<-i« composedthird it IHl'lf ot

of fencemuiiiited

3. G SUTI1EK1.AM* & S<TTHOI.ESALE AND RETAIL Grocen and CommissionlY Merchants Kast »ide Main street Ann Art-or

* J. M. SCOTT..MIKOTTPE k PH<rrO«KPH ARTIBIS, in th . room"\ formerlv occupied by Cordley, over the .tore or bperr,k Moore Perfect satisfaction guaranteed.

' RISDON & H " E N D E K S 0 N 7 "

DEALERS in Hardware.Stoves, honst furnishing good-.Tin Ware .tc. S c , Ne" Block. Main Street.

• '


D»iLSH in SUple Dry «oods, Groceries, Boots andShoes and Heady -Made Clothing, Huron Street Ann

irbor- , . -


\TTORNEY8& CousaElxoRS iT I J W , aud Si.liei'orB inChamery. OIKoe in City Hall Block, over Webi-ter

%Co's Hone Store, Ann Vrlw

ucrner, thefoen. Will)

sixteen nun-barrels pl»\ fully present, dH' one'w breast it is time In surrenderThe last messiifrc fiom my reUeatm";foiiipaiiions fiiu:e iu the fonn ot a bul-let lrom u Shalp's fi.lbine. It flewharmlessly over n y head.

In n moment more thewounded irinn

ses to give up the Btakes. For this 1d bl l k d hisecoiid-mte gamblrrs lm.k down nil him

with contempt. Uu seemed to bo inKOort health, wore u linen c>-«t und s-rtof J{ iwory col i.r and scurf. I t wasea>y to Je'.ccl ill hii manner a .7iind illat ea.-o.


About noon we 1 oiled info Vickshili'K and were sent to ihe WashingtonIloiel. ihe best house in iho ciiy.There you pay SI per day and livo oncorn bread without t<;.lt ii: it. No milk,no tea, no outlet*, no butler, no whe;.tciibread. We were kimily '.old that it weh.id no C"iitederata moiii-y uur bil'awould bo pai.i iiy 'ho govel iiiiiont.We i nd no ConnfediM'ate nioncy.

n e x t morning our tlelivoranuo carnaand in company Major Watts, the portIv Oonhdoralo C'o'umishioner for thoexchange uf prisoners, we boaldt d iho-t inner Paul Jones and saikd to ourtiail-nf irnuu Hoi: , wli'.ch lay teveumiles ab.>vo. ILrs iMiuti", eiyrhl in iium-b.-i, hud just broiiLfht down tho rebel|fi-..ni'i> lrnin Joliusoii'tf L-land, Alom,Camp P'iU|(liih ami Camp LSii lel°.

And now, «liile 1 wriie, we aro go .inn very slowly up the muddy Missis-sippi.


To the careless o s e ' v e r the Southlllilfhi serein to be a unit in its plans,bo h for iho presuut and \bt fuiiire.The men who i :iIk with prisoners forHie most part sii'u; OIIH SO' g

" We never will .submit."Yet undeiiieath this external Bame-

ness lio the lorces oi dissent und revolution.

On our journey from Tupolo toVitk^burtr wa twice drank wkli rebeloffoerw this tu is t :

" The restoration of the Union."Wo were told nf course that th<»W

were no Union men in the South Yettwo companies ot Mississippians werela ely recruited and drilled by ourofficers at luka, aud many u>oro individuallv joined Northern regiments.An Illin is Captain, who helped to drillt/iHtn,told ii'e that wilh two hundred


Friday Morning, October 17.PKKMIUM LIST.

The following is tho OfEciul LUt of Premi-ums, awai'Jed at the Fourteenth Annual Fairof the W County Agricutural andHorticultural Society, held at tlie City ofAnn Arbor, on Wednesday, Thur.-day, andFriday, September 17, 18, and 19, 1802.


E. Wallington, S.iline, Durliain bull,3 jeai'oold, 2d prem.iun, S3 00

James Sumner, l'ittsticld, Durhamcow, 8 years old, premium, 1 00


Joseph Morgan, Saline, Devon bull,y years olo1, 1st premium, $5 00

James M. NiciioU, l'itutield, Devonbull, 18 mouths old, 1st prem.

James M. icliols, PittsfU'liJ, DuvonCow, 4 years old, 1st premium,

I 0. Heiiion, A.'. A. city, collection oftowli, l>t premium, 1 60

Benjamin Hry*r, A. A. town, collec-"tion uf (avlS) 2d premiuia, 1 00


Mrs. J. N. Foster, A. A town, jar but-ter, l=t premium, 1 00

Mrs. Mary Lei and, Xoithfield, jar but-ter, 2d premium, 75

Mrs. Nancy Leland, Northfield, 10 lb.roll butter, 1st premium, 1 00

Mrs. J. N. Porter, A. A. town, 10 lb.roll btttter, 2d premium,

mid tlie were hndclid onand libiriid toward Uie south.

4 TToa.vBTa, Counsellors, Solicitors, and V.tanet Pub-•\. lie, have Boots and 1'Uts ahowing titles ot ml landsh the ^ouaty, and attend tocouveyancineandcolle. tinji)mands, and to paying taxes and school iuterest in afcy»rt of tlie State. Office east si-e of the Square. Ann Ar-

" WM. LKWITT, M. D-,riaTSIcuN k SDBfiKo.v. Office at his residence. North" »ide of Huron street, »rd 2d hou*e West ol MvisionItreet, \nn Arlxir.

(.. CO1J.1KH,\ TixmcrcRER and dealeriVl door West of Ihe Tost

n Booth and Shoe*,ffice. inn Arbor, Mi

M< oi tE &icaler in Boot! and Shoes,

in .Street, oue door North olH ixcrACTCRKBH .n-1 icaler

VI Phoenix Block, MaVashington.

A staving ride of nin • mill « hronghtus to ihe li.iiplioi.fe ( f Jerry 1-HI1OII, adtcent old man, who ^iive us a supper,a _»od • ed, mid u chin ce lu ii_:i-e myv. oui,dcil mail. A>> we rode up hirtlittle dimghler look d curiously at me.

"Pa. \» that II Yankee?""Yen. little dear," sitid I. "and if I

had kiiiwii I was coming to make youa vir-it I woiil I have worn my horn*."

Wilh ii fair lied ci ol ; ir, and no IIKWquit)**, I could not hut sleep rtriimlly,alht-il ilie room AH8 rnthur urowd.d.' At lile:iklnst 1 heard :i ph':i>e whichis s:.id to lit ci inmon in Mi-sisMppi:

'Will vou haVfouie of t/irm iiioius-«es?"

May there not be a certain philologi-cal pl.iloi-ophy tibi'iit tiuit?

\\ ho.-lial s:i_V that un l:isses is not,or aru not a noun |.lural V


Urewkfiirit dispatched, we nmn rodetell II ilt-H In the southeast toa little station on ihe Mobile Mid OhioRail oud, twenty mi.er< southeast otRi

yoiiig 1 exan sto. d on the |so'iie ihirtv inirmtes and yazed at mewith rapt attention. Then he tookcourage, cmne in, and cat down bymy nde. His conversat'ou may beCondensed to thi- :

"Fine day Whar are you frr m?—You can never subjugate the South.—We have plenty of arms, plenty of pro-visions, plenty of every thin *, GoodLord ! what splendid boots thoseare !"

"Are boots scarce in the Confedera-cy ?"

"I paid twenty-five dollaft, for thoseshoes."

And he pointed to the pair of flimsyputiil s h« wore.

"Why don't vou make leather in theConfvderacy?" I M M I

"Don't know how—but they ure'tna-kiiiir clay pipes in Aiabain "

Ami this was mid »kh an air of ex-ultati' n, :m it to nii.ke a red clay tobacco pipe wore a ttiumph vt uiechunioart.

It si erni« that thus far t i e firosecution of the WHI' has proved, to theSouth, a bootless task. Forgive thofynble j"ke.

ire during roy t i j i an old fe that, the ugliest on this continent, whichhad been ihrown uwide by my ColonelAt Tupilo I Maid Io the genial Captain«h<> enteitaiued me:

'" If I had foreseen this visit I wouldhave worn some decent head gear . '

"Hi .mph! that hut is \vo;th thirtydollars iu his town "

The p 'pe r blockade plays curioustricks. It must be mado of wliat iscalled cartriiJ^u paper.


We reached the c ipital of thi- Bt«'eabout tive o'clock Monday af iinio n,u le i e wo A ere paraded in tt en t ofI e.idquartern and (Jeneral Tllgham, ofPurl Henry tame, s-to.id pic urefquely<>II the stt-ps lu receive us. The siih-sc iber happened to be the only officeraiiiunt; the i ri oners, and so to trio sub-sciib r the lovely Tllgham niiide this

cavalry it his command he could havegone into th. hill coui.try of North Al-abama and tlieie raise a brigade off"ur thousuiid mtn. The pia \er ofNi'rih AlaliMina, as of Eusl T>'iinesseehas been fr MI) tho beg nil ng " Comeover and help us."

One thing 1 especially observed inconversation wilh soldiers and jitizoiis—moderate and radical—an intensedt-sire tor pe ice. ' Wneu will the warend ?" was the sad, weary queHtio.i ad-dressed t o m e a hundred limes.


Supplies arestrangolv Hoarce in Dixie.I have spoken of boo s and hatsFlour is worth $52 a barrel in Vicksbur_r, bacon seventy-live cenls a poundcoffee from $_,50 to §5 a pound, andnone to be had There i-« no te;t evenfor hospitals. All tht. s>il is taken upfor the army—so [ was told at head-quarters in Tupelo; yet when Price'sforces cap;urod some of our stores atluka, nis men were seen running aboutthe streets with their hands lull of Haltand licking it up like ox.n. Thev alsocaptured tive cases if luoifer ma'ches,and "lie of their officers re narked thatthei't) were inorii in those boxes than inall the rent of th<- Confederacy.

On tl.e line I traveled chickenssold for a dollar, and watermelons fromone to five dollars it piece. A decentcoat for an i fficer was worth one himdred and iotty dollars. B it I *ill n<Htie tedious—»-uffine it to say thai everyt h n g else, pave sugar and iniilttSSMbore a correspond pg i rice

Speeiul Dispatch to ih« ujuisville Journal.Gen Rosecrans' OfEtcial Report.

ColUNTll, iMlSS., Oct. 4.To Al-ij. dm. V. S Gnuit.

i rmeivcd your dispatch telling me t<follow tho rebel. ThU luoruiuu GenPrice made a fii-rce and detrrmined attack on our left. Tno couteht lastetuntil half past cevcu, aid wus verde dly to i lie'in my. They drove in oucenttr. Some ol them penetrated to thCorinth House. Grui.eral Humbon viaon the muii line of t eir attack, maintaintd his ground ita all but o •« positionand miki >g mi advance secured the c.n

James Al. Nichols, Pittsfield, Devonheifer, 18 months old. premium,

James M. NicnoU, Pitt>ticld, Devoncalf, 6 month, old, premium,


J. B. Arm-;, Webster, bull. 5 years old,Lit premium,

C. U. Andrews, Pittsficld, bull, 1 yearold, 1st premium,

J. B. Arms, Webster, cow, 4 years old,2d premium,

J. B. Arms, Webster, cow, 3 yearsold, 1st premium,

R. J. Barry, A. A. city, heifer, 2 yearsold, 1st premium,

J. B. Arms, vV.b-.ter, heifer. 14 nio's.old, l-t premium,


W. E. Anderson, Pittsiiold, cow 4 yrs.old. 1st premium,

James Sumner, Pittofield, cow, 7 yrs.old, 2d premium,

Isaac Uimun, A. A. town, heifer, 1year old, 1st premium,

Russel Mill.s, Saline, heifer, 1 year old,2d premium,


lussull Mills, Saline, lnt premium,Di A A 2d i

1 00

3 00

1 00

1 00


and Retail dealers and manufacturers ofReady Made Clothing, Importers of Clotks, Cassi-

oere«. Doeskins. &c. No. 5, -New Rl..ck. Ann Arbor.

C. B. POKTEK,SCRC.KON DEVTIST. Office corner of Mainand Huron street*, over P. Bach's ktore,Ann Arbor, Michigan.

April, 1859,


DIALER in Ready Made Clothing Cloths. Cassimeres andVostings, Hal's, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Xc. Main

li , Ann Arbor.

spet eh :Baldwin, | • 'Leiitinant, you *i!l go Vicks-

BA'Jil__LER» in Dry G o o , ,Shoes, & c , Sbin s t r i c t , Ann Arbor.D__LER» in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boot,Sh & Sbi t t Ann Arbor

SLAWSON & (TEEK,* 1 KOCXBS, PHOVISJO.V Jt Commission Merchants.anrldeaj tertin WiTtnLun. LAND I'LASTE , and I'LABIEK ora tw,ooe door East of Cook's Hotel.

0 RLI^S,DSALBEinCIocka, Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods,

at the sign of the l!ig Watch, No. 27, Phoenix Block

J.O. WATTS.DBALXR in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware No

22. Now Block, Ann Arbor.

Al Baldwin we fir-t met tho motelycurreicey of Dixie—Confederate notes,cotton bills, shinplasteis, and, most cu-rious of all, railrond money piinted onsecond hand paper which had I ee:iused lor ledf^irs and day books —Think, ye anti uarians of pecuniarypalimps-esls!

I said to tho officer of the sruard ;' 'You t-eem to have plei:ty of money

hereabouts.""Oh, \i-8—all you've pot to do is to

piint the head of a woman on a pieceof brown paper, aud i will pass."


Such abuse as we received came

burtf to-in<Tri>w mornina. In tht. nie»n-tiine you uill have a private room ti te Iup for \OII, and \ou mods will be sentto you from the holnl at the eXpen-e ofthe Lovernmeot, We desim io IIIUKCyou as comtortaWe n. pi ssil le."

We touched onr : w i ty-tive c"ollnrh«t, and tlie crowd around u* gaped inadmiration nf Tiijfhain and ihat froveminent "Inch, hrotigh him, promised

We lit' ed ouruh'l ulleriiBte

ter v\ ith his two i n d l i l regi nenta.—

to pav tor our supper,hundred dollar bootsstep and marched toward the pri a eroom

We reached the private room Itwas so call'd because it coit.iined ninepiiv:.to noldier-. In fact it WHH afruard-Fimm. It was''fitted up *" »;i»htwo broken slunters nd a half inch of

Colonel ~ullivu.il gave us timu to briuour batteries into notion, and saved tuday ou th t Side.

liens. Van Dnrn and Lovell mademo_t determined a tauk on our extreiurij_ht, on the (JherweiU road, leading tuait .ck ihrough the nbattil. Two 01 theculuuiii- reiiclied the diteb, and the othestopped wiihiii fifty pacis at the d tub.—All that grape and uanuist.r would dwasiri';d, Gut when the rebels reach.this point a charge was ordered, whenbee. m. a race bevveeu the Suvenf

5 00

1 00

2 00

3 00

2 00

1 00

3 00

2 00

1 00


2 00

Mrs. Nancy Leland, Noi-thfield, 3loaves broad, 1st premium, 1 00

MM. N Strong, A. A. city, 3 loavesbread, 2d prcmiinuii), 50

Mrs. J. N. Farter, A. A town, 10 lbs.Itoney, I t premium, 1 00

XV. ti. DBII, Saline, 10 lbs. maple su-gar, l-t premium, 1 00

W. H. Dell, Saline, 10 lbs. maple su-gar. 2d premium, 50DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES.


Mrs. Mary Collins, Pittsfleld, 10 yds.rag-carpet, lit premium, 1 00

MJ% T. Gaines, A. A city, 1 pair wool-en stockings. Jut premium, 50

Mr.-. Hannah l'iiulp>, Dexter, 1 pairwoolen stockings, 3d premium, 21)

Mrs. Levan, Northfield, wove cover-let, 1st premium, 1 00

Mrs. T. Gaine-, A. A. city, 1 pair wool-en uiitten.i, 1st premium, 50

Mrs. T. Gaines, A. A. city, 1 pair wool-en mittens, 2d premium, 20

Miss C. Crane, Lodi, 1 pair woolenRoi'ks, i!d prcminui, 25

Mr». J. W. Maynard, A. A. city, kuitquilt, 1st premium, 1 00

Mrs. J. Vandeliaden, A. A. city, knitquilt, 2d premium, 50

Mrs. 11. Levun, Northfield, 1 lb. woolenyarn, 1st premium, 50

Mr-. Hannah Plielps, Dexter, 1 pairlinen stockings, 1st premium, 50

Mrs. Hannah Plielps. Dexter, 1 paircotton stockings, Lst premium, 50

Mrs. Hannah l'kelps, Dexter, 1 paircotton stockings, 2d premium, 25


E. and J. McXamr.ra, Chelsea, pairCidf boots, lot premium,

N. Ark.-ev, A. A. city, two horse topcarriage, Ut premium,

Lawson & Wurotw, A. A. city, dou-ble buggy without top, 2d prom.

Lttwsoii & \Vur.,ter, A. A. city, singlebuggy witliout top, 1st premium,

Miss Helen S. Delfinator. A. A. city,era} olithic ]>»intiiig, 1st prtmium, 1 00

T. D. Tookcr. A. A. city, nmbiotypea,1st prt niium, 1 00

T. D. Tdoker, A. A. city, photographs,1st premium, 1 00

Miss C. Sager, A. A. city, oil painting,1st premiunij 1 00

Miss — Warner, A. A. city, oil paint-ing, 2d premium, 50


J. Toms, A. A. city, bust collection offlowers. 1st premium, 2 00

G. Sutton, NorthBeW, collection Cow-er-, 2d premium, 1 00

Mrs. W. A. Hatch, A. A. city, bouquet,1st premium, 1 0Q

J. Toms, A.. A. city, bouquet, 2d pre-mium. 50



I seutative of the democrat* of Michigan,1 we are instructed respectfully to ask

your aid and co operation in the supportof that State ticket i>t the approachingelection. A proposition in fffeci lik«that now laid before you, wag, by instruc-tions of the preliminary conference, »••sembled at Jackeon on the 16th of Sep-tember last, laid before the RepublicanState Convention, lately assembled inthis city. We are mortified to say thaiit was ri'puiliaUd by that body. I t pr«-ferrtd to Hand by t arrow party creeds.But we are grsititiVd to say that a larg"portion of the republic un are outragedby (he action, and e|judiate it as au iu»suit to their patriotism.

The l*e< pie's Union State ticket beannames which, we believe, men of allshades of opinions mny cordially support.I t ««8 ii'iiiinatid by a convi ntiou com-posed of men assembled without organi-sation, but of such personal weight us toentitle it to ei'fst rrtpect; of men whorepresented both politic*! parties; of menwho felt 'hat all loy;d citizens should laafforded tl e opportunity to unite ingiving their wannest and most affection-ate support to the government.

The People's Union Convention ainnto form no new party; it asks no iu»u togive up his party convictions, but itreoogiii* a thot there areeouimon groundson which all 'oval men can and shouldunite to sustain the government againstthe rebellion. The Union ticket is pxe-

C. II C-uly, melodeon—fine tone and hand- sei.ted as tho representation of that cola-sonic finish. moii ground.

case tobacci•T. Newell, water drawers,—well worthy of

notice.S. D. Noble, A. A. city, clothes bars—sim-

ple and useful.S. A. Speiry, A. A. city, barometer,—di-

ploma.S. G. Sutherland. A. A. city. 2 barrels salt

manufactured by the '• Ann Arbor SaginawSalt Co."—pure and white—diploma.


Miss R. Glazier, wreath hair flowers,1st premium,

Mrs. W. F. Rowe, worsted work, 1stpremium,"

Mrs. M. J. Spencer, scrap pictnro,Schoff & Miller, A. A. city, collection

photographs, paintings and frames,1st premium,

, , p ,»aac Dimon, A. A. town, 2d premium, 1 00

CLASS G—-WORKING OXtR AST) STEERS.V. E. Anderson. Pittsfleld, pair oxen,

5 y«W* old, lit preuiiuia,c Dimon, A. A. town, pair oxen, 5year.iold, 2d premium,

ruman Schrani, A. A. town, pair oxen,4 years old, 1st premium,

saac Dimon, A. A. town, pair steers, 3years old, l i t premium,

_. II. MMarkliam, A. A. city.pairsteers,3 years o d, lid premium,


.mos Mead, A. A. city, cow, 1st prem.. B. Arms, Webster, cow, 2d prem.

4 00

3 00

3 00

2 00

1 00

2 001 00


S. Philips, Ypiilanti, stallion, 4 yrs.old, 1st premium,

A. Lee, Freedom, stallion, 4 years old,2d premium,

V. H. Dell, Saline, stallion, 2 ye-rsold, 1st premium,

'ohn Green. Lodi, stallion, 2 year3old, _M premium,

). M. Finley, Scio, stallion colt, 3months old, l»t premium,

F. Koll'iiggg, Pittsfi.ld, span matoliedhor es, 6 years old, l»t premium,

1. S. Hull, Saline, span matclied hor-ses, 6 yearn old, 2d premium,

Samuel Parks, Scio, colt, 3 years old,1st premium,

J. A. diapin, Scio, colt, 3 years old,2d prejnium,

J. M'Intyre, A A. town, oolt, 2 yearsold, 1st premium,

J. V. Gregory, Lima, colt, 2 years old,2d premium,

B. Follctt, Ypsilanti, matched horses,1st premium,

John Howard, York, matched horses,2d premium,

Edward Sumner, Pittsfield, singlehor e, 6 years old, 1st premium,

T. Sutherland, Pittsfield, single horse,4 year-* old, 2 premium,

L. Davis, A. A. city, single horse, 3years old, 1st premium,

John Howard, York, single horse, 3year»-> old, 2d premium.


John Green, Lodi; matched horses, 2dpremium,

Lewi-. Iiurd, A. A. city, single horse,1st premium,


Thomas Wood, Lodi, buck, 5 year, old,l i t premium,

Thomas Wood, Lodi, buck, 2 yearsold, 1st premium,

C. Avery, Saline, buck 2 years old, 2dpjemium,

Thomas Wood, Lodi, buck, 1 yearold, l^t premium,

Joseph Wood, Lodi, buck, 1 year old,2d premium,

Thomas Wood, f.odi, 5 buck lambs,1st premium,

George W.Inman,Lodi, 5 buck lambs,2d premium,

Law.ion & Wur.-ter, A. A. city, farmwai>(in. l.-it premium,

Law.ion & Wurxter, A. A. city form,wagon, 2d premium,


R. L. Sp cc'.ily, A. A. town, farm gate,2 premium,

A. J. Sutherland, A. A. city, patentchurn, l.->t premium.

J. Volliind. A. A. city, draught har-ue«, 2d premium,

J. Volhind, A. A. city, carriage har-ness double. 1st premium,

J. Volland, A. A. city, carriage Lar-nes. tingle, 1st premium,

l l d A A i '

1 50

4 00

1 00

2 00

2 00

1 00

1 0050

2 00HENRY "WARNER, Pres't.


5 00

4 00

3 00

2 00

1 00

5 00

4 00

2 50

1 50

2 50

J . Volland, A. A. city, gent's ridingsaddle, lot premium,

J. Volland, A. A. city, lady's ridingbaddle, Ut premium,


R. L. Speedily, A. A. town, 15 varie-ties apples, 1st premium,

R. L. Speeenly, A. A. town, 15 varie-tie- apples, 2d premium,

J. N. Gott, A. A. city, 5 varieties win-ter pears, 1st premium,

Mrs. McOmber, A. A. city, 5 varietiespeaches, 1st premium,

E, l'ilcher, A. A. city, 5 varietiespeaches, lid premium,


S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, best andgreatest variety culinary vegeta-bles, 1st premium,

X. Strong, A A. city, best and greatestvariety culinary vegetables, 2d,

C. Ilenion, A. A. city, 0 beets, 1stpremium,

S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, 6 beets,2tl premium,

50 j S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, cabbage,1st premium,

seventh Ohio and the i>-\ent-eiitli Mis- George W. Innian, Lodi, 5 ewes, 3


BARHKR _nd Fashinuiible Hair Dramr, Main Street,Ann Arbor, Mich Hair Fronts and CurlB kept

•onutantly on i_ud.

SCHOFF & MILL Ell.DEALERS in Hi-eellineouK, School, and Blank Bookp Pta

tionery, Paper HangiDgs, &c, Main Stti-ei AnnIrbor.

D. D K F O R E S T .\IT-0I_B_L_ and Retail Dealcrin Lumber, Lath, Shin-»f gt«8. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Water Lime, (;rand River

Muter, 'laster Pari«, and N'ails of nil sizes. A fulland perfect a<aortment of the above, and all riTh»-r-iads of building materials constantly on hand at thelo*a«t possible rates, on iletroit street, a few rodp fromthe R-llroad Depot. Also operating extensively in thePatent Cement Roofing.

>n combatants, »onien, children, durt lyin* un tf« fl mr, The nw.e pri-v;ite. toiiiiurs, C ont derate, wers siun-kintr, chewing, and pliyiujj drawpoker. Tho room was nine by »ix>teen

Eight o'clock came, but not the supper promised at the expense of :he gov-ernment. The fact Wiis ihut 'he keeper of the Intel received an order lor It,but, like Louis Napi Icon, WHH not reudyt'i reci»; w< the confederacy. Werose in our wrath.

ol the guatd. your Gen-

W A S U T E N A W C O U X T V B I B L E S O C I E T Y .l^.rosiIORY of BibleB and Testaments at the SoeieUI' prices atW. C. Worlds ' .


and the likt*. One of the paitv of cap-tives—ihe list wus swelled as we pro-ceeded— WJIS loudly at tucked with cur-ses bv ii person in Utiifurip, who rrdeup to him in the main street of Ink;*.—The Illinois < fficer quiely responded:

"What is your rank, sir?"'First Lieutenant "" in thb QuarlerniUBter's Depart

men I?'"

"1 thought HO."'•Wh\V•'liecnuse I h:ivp noticed, in both

HI mice, thiit the men who ate innst nia-li^iirint towuid prism'1'is are th"sewho never get where the bul ets whistie !"

((ireut dii«conifiture of the Quarter-mtt«t«M", and loud laiis?iiter and np-p'uui-e from fuun the rebel soldi- rs who » c " r " "'«"'> corn-breud.oru^c.fiee, aud

Uurn-fed bacon.We le urned to our private room,



X*i*i_tiLt, -Qools. ,AND —

COLORED MEDIUMS,W r a p p i n g nEPajao


souri, which proved too much fur tstiiggin d rebul colum-'. Mauy felldown and held up their hands for mercy.They aro badiy beaten uu both points.They left their dead and wounded uu thuS.ld, and aro in full retreat. Our IOHB,though 8 riou*, especially in officer., isnothing to be comparud with the lu_. ofthe euemy

JJng. tfun. Hackelinan full bravelyfight.ng at the head nf his bi igada yest rJay. He was shot through the jugu-lar vein. (J"ls. E. Knby Smith, Gllu.nand Mower were wound.d, but not mor-tally. General O^l.aby is dangerouslywound d.

The number of casualties I eanrot de-termine. The reb.l killed and woundedare utrewn along the rifctd for fivu milesout, at which tiny hud a ho-pital. V\ eh.ive between suvuu huudrt-d and one

eral mud- me tmiiw very ki id proini.-eM, thousand pi isou.rs, uot couutiug theirh f d S h l

y p ,but they are not pel funned. Shoul-der \ our musket and take mo out toeat."

He obeyed; we marched half u mileaud got a supper, paying it dollar forit. You pay one doitur per meal allover the (Jonfedeiacy It is generally

plood by )


,,f W a n k e t from t | , 0 S e , . .Next mornii g we wero dispatchod geant—they have no blankets in Dixieil t T l t il l i d i i dby rail to Tupelo, some twen y miles

further south on tlie Mobile and Oliioroad.

ytiptmk of— laid it in a linrner, made a

pillow of one ul the broken chuiterrs! and theie the lteliable Genilomoi, layI was met at the oars by the Onptain down and slept the uleup of inunoenco

c»f Gen. MUMMI'M statl. In conversationwih me he said :

"You of the North have contractednn enormous debt.ing to pay it?"

'•Fund it and pay the interest,you of the Sontb have a little debt oi

liow are you go



At the depot, on his way to jiP ice at luka, we i«aw that ohiei ofpo itiial sinners, John C Breckinridge,tho man who played a game for theJPrcsid'.ncy, got ' j sa to , and aow refu-

wounded.General McPherson baa reaohed here

with his force. VVe move forward atday Tight in the morning.

Major-General Hurl but, with a largeforce, is ou the llatclue river, prcpai.dto cut off their retreat aud follow iupursuit.


A. genlleir.au who had lost hiwhoso maiden name was Little

23wife,addressed the f> llowing to Miss Moorea lady of diminutive tstuture :

Ive lost the Little one I had,My heart is sad and soie,

So now I should be very sjladTo have a little Moore,

To which the lady bent the followinganswer :

I pity much the loss you've had ;The grief you must endunv—

A heart by Littl? made so sad ;A Ilttl* Moore won't cure.

5 00

4 00

2 00

1 00

2 C O

1 0 0

3 00

3 00

2 00

2 00

1 00

2 00

1 00

2 00

1 00

2 00

2 00

2 00

1 00

C. Ilenion, A. A. city, carrots, 1st pre-mium,

0. Ilenion, A. A. city, carrots, 2d pre-mium,

Mrs. B. W. Welles, A. A. city, celery,1st prmiuui,

J. Toms A. A. city, celery, 2d pre-mium,

Mrs. II. W. Welles, A. A. city, yellowonions, 1st premium,

N. Strong. A. A. city, yellow onions,

years old, 1st premium,icorge W. Inman, Lodi, 5 ewes, 1

year old, Ut premium,jieorge W. Inman, Lodi. 5 ewe lambs,

1st premium,oseph Wood, Lodi, 5 ewe lambs, 2d

premium,CLASS 1 3 — C R O S S O F F I L L BI .OOD.

. B. Arms, Webster, buck, 2 yearsold, 1st premium, 2 00

'. B. Arms, Webster, buck, 2 yearsold, 2d premium, 1 00

f. B. Arms, Webster, buck, 1 year old,2d premium, 1 00

|. B. Arms, Webster, 5 ewes, 3 yearsold, 1st premium, 2 00

(. B. Arms, Webster, 5 ewes, 3 yearsold, 2d premium, 1 00

T. B. Arms, \Veb>ter, 5 ewes, 2 yearsold. 1st premium, 2 00

J B. Arms, Webster, 5 ewes, 2 jear3old, 2d premium, 1 00

J. B. Arms, \Veb>ter, 5 ewes, 1 yearold. 1st premium, 2 00

J. B. Arms, Webster, 5 ewe lambs,1st premium, 2 00


J. D. Baldwin, A. A. city, 5 gradeewes, 3 years old, 1st premium, 2 00

George W. Inman, Lodi, 5 grade ewes,3 years old, 2d premium, 1 00

Geo. \V\ Inman, Lodi, 5 grade ewes,1 year old, 1st premium, 2 00


Frederick Stabler, Scio, sow and pigs,1st premium, 3 00

John O'llara, A. A. town, boar, 1 yearold, l>t premium, 3 00

Frederick Stabler, Scio, boar, 1 yearold, 2d premium, 2 00

Z. Bird, Northtieid, sow, 1 year old,1st premium, 2 00

Z. Bird, Northfitld, 5 pigs, 0 monthsold, l?t premium. 2 00


Russel Mills, Saline, 3 turkeys, 1stpremium, 1

II. M. lienioc. Pitfcfield, 3 turkeys,2d premium,

2d premium,S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, red oni-

nn-*, 1st preniiuni,Fred. Stabler, Scio, table potatoes, 1st

pr.muim,S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, table po-

tatoes, 2d premium,S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, summer

potatoes, 2d premium,F. Stabler, Scio, summer potatoes, 1st

premium,S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, potatoes

for general use, 2d premium,N. Strong, A. A. city, potatoes for

general use, lt-t premium,N. Strong, A. A. city, squashes, 1st

premium,N. Strong, A. A. city, squashes. 2d

premium,J. S. Welles, A. A. city, tomatoes, 1st

premium,N. Strong, A. A. city, tomatoes, 2d

premium,R. S. Smitli, A. A. city, turnips, 1st

premium,S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, turnips,

2d premium,N. Strong, A. A. city, lima beans, 1st

preniiuni,S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, lima

beans, 2d premium,W. II. Dell, Saline, garden beans, 1st

preniiuni,W. II. Dell, Saline, garden beans, 2d

premium,S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, sweet

potatoes. 1st premium,S. G. Sutherland, A. A. city, parsneps,


Chas. II. Worden, Northfield, winterwheat, 1st premium,

Z. Burd, Northiield, winter wheat, 2dpremium,

W. H. Dell, Saline, yellow corn, 1stpremium,

N. Strong. A. A. city, yellow corn, 2dpremium,

Benj. Pryor Northfield, rye, 1st prem.N. Strong, A. A. city, n e , '2d, prem.F. Stabler. Scio, white beans, 1st pre-

mium,Z. Burd, Northfield, peas, 1st prem.F. Stabler, Seio, peas, 2d premium,Benj. Pryor, Northfield, spring wheat,

l-t premium,VV. II. Dell, Saline, marrowfat peas,

1 00



1 00

2 00

2 00

1 00

1 00

1 00



1 00


2 00

1 00
























M. Devany, Ann Arbor city, very superior ' I t bears no flag but the sacred flag ofthe country ; it stands on no platformbut tho constitution, and it has ni endbut the defence and maintenance of theUnion.



DETROIT, Oot 8th 1862.

V\ litc-li was referred to tUe corumitteoon resolutions.

The Committee on Resolution, throughtheir chairman, reported the following:

Resolved, That the democracy of Mich-igan, waiving the expression of theirviews upon questions not rendered im-perative by the imperiled condition oftheir cuntry , hereby declare:

First, That they will continue 'o ren-der the government their sincere and uni-ted support in the use of all legitimatemeat's to suppress the rebellion and torestore the Union us it was, and maintainthe constitution as it is—believing thatthat sacred instrument, founded in wii-dimi by our father-, clothes the constitu-ted authorities with full power to accom-pliali sU'-h purposes

Second, That by the following resolu-tion, unanimously passed by Con-gress in July, 1801, the government wagpledged to the policy inculcated therein,and which cannot be departed from witli-out violation of pubiio faith, viz :

'• [{esohed, That the present deplora-ble civil war has been forced upon thecountry by the disunionista of the South-ern States, now in arms against the con-stitutional government, and in arms

round the capital ; that in this n-tionalnergeney, Coiij_r_8.j, banishing ml feel-igs of mere passiou or resentment, willecollect oidy its duty to the wholamnt 'v; that this war ig not waged, onbeir part, in any spirit of oppression or)r any purpose of conquest or subjuga-ion, or purpose of overthrowing or m-erfering with the rights or establishedistitutions of th s. States, but to dc-end and maintain the supremncy of th .oiiHtitution mid to preserve the Uuiqn,vi h all the dignity, equality aud rightsf th l S i d and

The rernccratic State Convention,The Democratic State Convention was

held in Detroit on Wednesday of lastweek. Thirty iwo countie. were repre.euU'd by 212 delegates.

The committee on credentials havingreported the names (if delegates mtitledto seats, and the report having b^en ac-cepted and adopted the conveniion per-manently organized by electing tho fol-lowing officers.

President- LTMi.it D. Nonius,of Waali-teuaw.

Vice Preiidentt—B C. Hatch SamuelAxford, Nathan Earl, S. A. Morrison,0 . B Lyon, and Austin Walos.

Fec/elarus— JoLu S. Crelling, aud A.S Butl'T.

In t i l r rg tl.e ci air. Mr. Norrig addrcf-id tl.e convention as follows:

{JUNTLEMEN OF THE CONVENTION —TllOhonor of presiding over your delibera-tions, ig one wholly unexpected b} meIt is an hoinT of which any i f iheyounger demociats of our State may wellbe proud You meet again at u fearfulera. Never before in the hi.-tory of thedemocratic pa ry have such fearful res-ponsibilities reeled upon them as at thishour weiyh heivy upon thu heart andbruin of every th nking ni-.n.

Gentlemen, I love my country ; I lovethis State, where near tinny ymrs ofsunshine and thadow has given me ahome. Yec, my lnunc, and I hank (Jodit i" nit home—honored and n nde holvby the heroism of i*s galbuit soldier., bVthe Kufferings and death of its deiujcrnticsmiii—a Woodbury a Roberts, a Brod-head, and iho host of other brave spirits,Irs. conspicuous, but not less wor'hyYes, I thank God that as yet [ live in aMate whose dead heroes, lyiiii{ on everybattle fluid of this thrioo iiecuised rebellion, shed a halo over its home keepingsunn and daughters, in the dazzling lightof which the good Providence munt gee• ud mark for desi ruction men in thehigh places of State and Seuatorialpovver, who,

" Clothed ID a little brief authority* * * • • '•

2d premium,CLASS 26—NEEDLE WORK.

Mrs. M. J. Spencer, shell basket, 1stpremium,

Miss M. Bliss, A. A. city, net basket,1st premium.

Miss Helen Davidson, A. A. city, 1embroidered chemise, 1st prem.,

Miss A. Schuyler, A. A. city, worstedflowers. 1st premium,

Mrs. W. F. Rowe, A. A. city, embroi-dered collar, 2d premium,CLASS 27—PAINTING. AND DEAWINGS

Miss Helen S. Detenater, A. A. city,monochromatic painting, 1st pre-mium.

Play Micb fantastic tricks before high heaven,As makes e'en arige.s weep."

Whether the good Providence indi-cates to usthat he drsires the co-operationof the democratic and Union purti's toconsummate his righteous purpose of po-litical death to the radicals, or whether,like Moses before tho court of Pharaoh,he will allow these mou to come again,laden with new plagues for a sufferingpeople, are questions that th 8 day's deliberations will settle, one nay or theother.

Gentlemen, the country is now in theeighteenth month of tho most g'tr-mtioand terrible war in the world g history.Thousands of millions nf dollars are following in swift procession into the horri-ble gulf of disunion. Tbe country isreeling on to bankruptcy. Over a largeportion < f this once Lappy land ' grim-visaged war " stalks tiiuuiphnnt— beforehim a blooming paradise, behind a black-ened" desert. One hundred and fiftvthousand dead, who where onee brotherswho stood shoulder to shoulder i roundone constitution, benea'h tho protectingshadow of one SHJ;, now " sleep the sleepth-it knows no waking."

I t must end somewhere. *' Grim-visaged war must smooth his wrinkledfront; these bruised arms must be hungup.'1 Mutual exhaustion, if nnught elsecan, must end it. Yet we must tight on,for victory does not. yet perch on ourbanners Aye, gentleman, for victory,because we hope peace will follow.

Gentlemen, I trust your deliberationswill keep cvtr steadily in view the bestgood ot our common country; by sodoing you will best promote the greatestgood of the great and powerful partv youare here this day to represent. Iu dis-charging the duties of this chair, I will

50 1 endeavor plainly and impartially to pr»-| side ovtr _\ our councils. Let them be

united, earliest, thoughtful, and the resuit of ihis day's labor will justify thefondest hopes • f every lover of couslitutional ireedom. [ pp'ausc]

Mr. LOTHKOP appealed before tbe

Convention in behalf of a committeeappointed by the Onion Convention heldnt Jackson on the 3d inst., and presentedthe foil iwing address :

To the Dmoeralic State ConventionBy the iiistiiictiong of tho People'sUnion State Convcn ion, assembled »tJackson, on the 2d day of October, andin their behalf, we have the honor to laybefore you the action of thit convention.

I We herewith place upon your tables theaddress to the people of the State, underwhich the convention was culled, the re-solutions pagsi'd at that conv ntion. anilthe State tiokdt which was nominatedthereat; and with the mogt profouLdrespect for the great influence and patriotinn <>f his convention, us thu -err«-












1 00

1 00

1 00


1 00

f the several Sta'es. unimpaired,hat as soon us these objects arolislied th« "ur ought to oease."lUtolved, 'J hat the illegal and uneon-

tilutional airest and imprisonment of:tizens of this State are witliout thoustitication of necessity, and wo de-ounce any such arrest as a usurpation

and a crime and that ihe freedom uf thoiress equally protected by the coustitu-ion, ought to bi' maintained

Jleso/ved, That it is the ancient andconstitutional right of the people to can-vass public mea urea und the in rits of)ublio men ; it is a home-bred right, aireside privilege; it in undoubted isa theright of breathing the air and walkingthe earth ; it belongs to private hfo as ar ght. and to publ:c life as a duty

Resolved, That we wil., in good faith,support the administration in all just andooimtitu'ianal measures for the suppres-sion of the present wicked rebelli'ju audthe restoration of ihe Uiiion.

Resolved, That we tender our heartfeltthanks to our brave, patiiot soldiers inthe n'eld, for their toils and sufferngs,und most diringuiiihed services, and our

sympuhies to the friends oftho u noble uieii who have fallen iu thocervico "f their country.

Resolved That we are wiling to act,at the coming election, with all men whodesire to sustain the constitution as it is,and the Union as it was.

The re olutious were unanimouslyadopted.

Tho committed also reported the fol-lowine:

That this coniir ittee has consideredthe proposition of tho committee on thopnrt of tho late Uuiou convention atJackson, und the majority report thatthey recognize in thu nominations madaby that convention, men ot known abili-ty aud patriotism, and in the peculiarcrisis of this country believe that thosuna may, with propriety aud advantage,be re Dominated by this convention asthe candidates of the democracy otMichigan. [Prolonged applause J

The report was aocepted and adopted.The ooinmittee on the nomination of

the State Ct-i.tral Committee reportedthu following names to constitute suchcommittee:

For Chairman, Levi Bishop, Detroit.First Disirot—\\. N. Walker, DeUoit;

Stephen G. Clark, Monroe..Second D strut-H. A. Balch, Kala-

mazoo; H. 0. Lybrook, D iwagiao.Third Dkhiet—(). M. Barues, Mason ;

L D. No ris, Ypsilanti.Fourth District- William A Richmond

Grand Hiipids; Adam 8. Roof, Lying.Fifth District—Austin Wa'es, Ma-

comb; H II Harmon, Livingston.Sxth District—Jabez G- Sutherland,

Suginaw ; Joseph Goulter, Ontonagon.Also thut the remaining members 1 a "e

power to appoint in the places of anywho do not serve.

The report of the committee w»s thenadopted.

Tha convention then prooeded to nom-inate by vioa voct vote candidates forState officers and tha candidates on theJackson Union Ticket receiving a largemajority of all tho votes wore severallydeclared unanimously nominated.

The following resolution was adopted :•1 W.

Page 2: a r cra rmedia.aadl.org/documents/pdf/michigan_argus/... · nililess iiivuilvr " ciin peil itt RiwiHM, Miss. I :ttit now ti "rijliiilile gentlu-Mum jus: re tinted from this Smith."

to tlie il'.'in^i : i f v of t h e s irtisDEioifl istH • nin'ties rif tfti S t a t o toin i'o with <*i>sen al i i nbSi'ii at i n g 011: •Con: ' : ( s t i ve s in t h e Si . . : •

a t t i r e ni'fl i iccra.

T h e Ct .!•.•.••.:iua adjwurn* il w i t h t l ie

st i w a i l i n g a n d u •

i t i c k e t .


A l l L-oomitf1 picc*s wero now in po- i - of s tones sliot from tho . - rater of JE'nn.t ipn a u d t h u i i d u r i n g away wi tn the si,a; p , • A l t e r va in ly e-id' a - ' u r ine t'> s ' o r m t h eq u i c k , d e a d l y r< p a n w h i c h r i l e d L'ai;. j h i l l , tlite shatiwrckl uu.-v.-s of t h e oue.myI'M'I - a l w a y s m a k e . ' 1 ne ra l

T o t h e e x t r e m e left., a n o t h e r b n t d r y MitSliulp-ivyoisd iVr . -v .u i i i ei:nei! lied, and t h e V n r i n y rep l ied .JUst about. ;-n . fnw.i a i i l r ingfrom a t least h i l l ' a dozen different lad foe, w - s m.idu -,:pout i i .ns , and s h o t and <if e v e r y desc r ip t i on I :>n. On,-

flew in all d i r e c t i o n s . T h e e n e m y ' s ifr- lino • b a t t l e in all th s paYl •••;' tho field,

Jf.vn . «•October 9, 1862.

On the inarcil

• ' - . . . > . let : - . , : i G.i;'(-Ho.

The Battle of Porryville,

marcll from Louisville not. aday passed without a skirmish, in whichportions "I our iulvanee were eogagwlwill; small parties of tho cm-rny's uij-vulry,iidd I. am inclined to think Unit those repeuted si;irini-!ii s indueed our lenders tobelieve that they were closely provingihe cutiro rebel army.


On Tuesday afternoon. Gen. Sheridnn'sDivision had the advance in Can. Gilbert'sCorps, Housseau's and Jacks MI'S Divi-sions having previously advanced by w.-.yr>f Tavl'ir.svdle and formed in order ofbatiie; Jaclceon'e Division sotnewhat-tothe rear of Rousseau's, and forming theextreme l*ft of our fine.

At two o'clock on Wednesday morning.Col. McConk began to move forwardwith his brigade, nceoinpauied by Barnet's battery from Illinois. It was near-,Iy dawn when they arrived within sighti,i" the posi'ton they wore to occupy, but,the union ..iuing brightly, andas ihey approached the bottom of the)':ili, they couki distinctly see the rebelpickets upou the crest.TI1B BRILLIANT iOTIOS WITH WHlUil Till-:


Our skirmishers had hardly taken in-tervals before the enemy's pickets openeda sharp fire, especially upon the 85thIllinois Although the first fight inwhich they had ever been engaged, thotroops moved forward at the word ofcommand, an I continued to advancefirmly and steadily up the hill until theyhad driven the rebels from the crest, inHiding upon them a loss so severe thatIn their irritation they determined a ta ' lhazards to recover the position. Thepeaceful moonlight was still slumberingupon the hill when the rebels appearedboth upon tiic tight nml left in greatnumbers planted a battery in front, andeorariVcncod pouring a shower, of soiirap-ncl upon the Thirty sixth. For an hourthe shot wont whizzing over head andcrashing through the Ir'cej, bat pat a manflinched frou his post.

As soon us the position of tho rebelbattery was ascertained, a section ofCapt Barnet"s Artillery, consisting oftwo 10 pounder Parrotts, was brought tothe lop of the hill, and by a few welldirected shots iho rebel battery v.lfcneed. The silencing of the rebel bat-tery sec-mod to check (be ardor qf thebutternuts, and they retired into woodsfronting the po-ition, the S6th remainingin undisputed possession of the cotground.

Brig. Gen, Gay, inspector of cavalryupon Gen. Lfuoll's s't-iff, came up after thenemy had ceased [heir efforts

v seemed very badly nia-.jagod.— had iwjl direction,Their missiles struck everywhere except ranging from North to South, insteadwhere i!,..y i n ' c i d e l them to shik.-1, and frtljii thu Kist Ut SkVext as in the beglll-il uetuai ly peomed tha t the safest point - ni'.vg of the d-.iv. A bnt ta ry which I b owliieli could be selected for a c i rcu i t n| •- as 0-jpt iin 1, minis' , repulsed this

t.Vi) or threw miles were in tho very m'dc-t last assault., j i u t ;hu tiring of ar t i j loi j ' ,our batik-: • • . I coul-inucd half an h nr I:I o this n igh t ,Not n n:ii; I'.iiiched, however , unti l the j . f?riuing n sceuu awfully subl ime. A t

o.;euiy's ba t te r ies opposite .Loomis' and lasl i ts t hunde r e 'used us by mil ual ran-SiinonSOIl's ceased lil'ing en t i re ly . • ' . : ; : 1' i in a; ;ny lay di.wn upon

I t was near ly two o'clock when the . i"s a m i s . w'ii :e ;!i.. rebel ho rdes si lentlycannonad ing commenced wi th terrific and rapidly rcsamed the i r r e t r e a t , leavingfury Hiring the en t i re line. In half an us in i t\i ihe fi.-id of ba t t le ,

and largeW iunded in our l.anu's.

hour afierward the discharges of muske-try were sharp, quick and terrific fromour i ight to our loft, where Jiicksoni's 1 do not believe the enemy's loss wasdivision, now fully in position, was gal- greater, but I \\.\\\i i t was vi(u:i!ly severe,l.inllv sustaining the battle. ! A few hundred prisoners were taken by

It w-as I k vvlien the rebels. <:"!i side. Wo lost seven pieces of can-hitherto unable to oausc even a waveringin any portion of aw lino of battle, eol-lected his chosen hands and, under the ( g«»8 "'ore disabled, aud iuay now bo inletiden-hip of Bragg hiinsi-if, advanced j our ide'erminedly toward our center, in orderto break, if possible, the line which ourgallant soldiers everywhere so stubbornlymaintained. In vain the artillery thun-dered within a hundred yards of u&\ invain their infantry poured volley aftervolley into our ranlc ; in'vain 'heirairy came forward with loud shouts andin magnificent order. Their artilleryWjja Si'DLecd by the murderous fire of ourown batteries, and thuir cavalry advancedonly to strew the ground with their corp-ses, and then retire iu cor.fusion.


But tho attack which began uponJackson's divisiou about twenty minutesafter that upon Rousseau's, was mow.successful.

Here the infamous Buekncr br iugh<an immenso force to bear against the t.wobrigades of which Jackson's division iacomposed.

The soldiers of the' Union fought withcourage never surpassed, and again andagain were the advanoing rebels checkedand thrown into cqufusion. But withover-increasing strength tho enemy con

I tiimed the assault, l ielines upon sloping pround, lthat the whole could fire at

such a w.-iy

Gen. McCiellaa's Congratulatory Order,HtiOQCASTKRS AUR OF Til!-: PdTOJIiO, j

Ocluber 9 - 8 ; 0 I". U. }

The following sjonerul order haa beenissued:

O:V\I-:RALO. : •;-! n r T ! | K


i'oro.MM', IN pAMP NEAR SirARPSBURQ.Md., Oct. S3;—The General Comman-ding extHiids his congratulations to thearmy under his command for the victorits achieved by their bravery at thu P-isscs of the South Mountain, a:id upotl thefluid of Antietam Greek, and the bril-liant conduct of Reno's and Hooker'scorps under Barnside at Turner's Gap,and of Franklin's corps at CramptonPuss, in which, in the laoc of an openlystrong in position, and rcsisUng with obBtinacy, they carried tho mountain and

.:•.-'.! the way for the advance of thearmy, won for them the admiration oftheir brethren in HI I

In the. memorable battle of Antietamwe defeated a numerous aud powerfularmy of the enemy, n a battls despern

placed several t-eb' fought and rcniarkable for its dura-tl»n, and for the-destruction of life wh cfi

,-,.,,| i attended it. The obstinate bravery of

ftgothe 30th brigade, and aJvanciI'avalrv force fij tlie u:rcctio:i [hehad taken, was soon furiously attacked.A battali'.n of the 2Col. A. P. Campbell, was at opco. disMounted, while tho other two werethrown under .- iver of the woods. Thodismounted battalion adv incoil upon thee:xniv. a listed by the.skirmishers of tho32d OTrio, and after a abarp skirmishdrove : in the woods. They soonrail o 1, however, aud receiving some re-itiforccmsiits, they forc.ed ourand rivalry to retire, congesting everyinch of ground.

The fi^lit now became deeply interes-ting- tW e&mc tho enemy, pouringheavy volleys'into the ranks of the 2«1Michigan ;irjd othpr osvalry, and pushingit. gradually back until it occupied theposition from which it first advanced to-ward tho woods, The situation, wascritical.

It was just then that tho Second Mi.-:souri, Captain Walter Hoppo command-ing, a regiment which distinguished itselfat I'ca Kidge, came gallantly up to therescue, and wit; do&feniug cheers advanced upon tho Duoray. The SecondMichigan cavalrymen, reanimated by thisassistance, advanced as •kirojighers be-fore the Second Missouri, and tho Fii-teenthi Missouri oarn.0.as n. support. Invain the enemy opeued upon the advan-cing line a murdorous lire. A continualstorm of leaden hail raged round theirears; tho Seoond Missouri steadilymoved forward, until tho dismayed andconquered rebels broke and ran likesheep.

Thus 6nded, at about ten A. M., thepreliminary battle of this eventful day,und even at that early hour many a braveand noble spirit had taken its departureto another world. Tho 37th Brigadehad more th.--.ii ;i hundred killed andwounded, while the 2d Missouri alonehad lost nearly a hundred more. The'idMichigan cavalry had also suffered conniderably, and the batteries engaged hadmet with some slight loss. But at leastthree hundred rebels had bit the dust,ana we remained masters of the- field.

At about 11 o'clock A. M., artilleryfiring commenced.


Capt. hoomis' Michigan battery pos-ted on a hill which overlooked tho wholespace between our advance bodies andtho wooded hilla where the enemy's le-gioas laj massed, also threw a few shells

rda those bights, and Captain Simon-son (-')tii Indiana battery.) did the same.Hi ' the enemy gave no sign.

I was talkiag with Uapt. Loomis, whostood bofide his guru, just previous tothe cement of the terrible strug-gle w!iiiih*was to drench the ground on

i I stood with blood. Personally'acquainted with every officer, and almostevery man in both these batteries, having

tone with them through Gen. 0 . M.litchell's long campaiirn in Tennessee

and Alabama, I could not avoid a feelingof fcadnoss as I looked around upon them,and reflected that perhaps, ore tho sei-zing of the sun, the mangled corpses of(some of them would bo stretched besidelitiiir gun?. Yet no sadness was visibleupon their countenances. No! Theyhad long ardontly wished the time tocome when they might measure strengthwith the rebel hordes; and now, as thereseemed an immediate prospect that theirwishes miffht be grained theirleaped joyi'ully in their bosoms, and theircountenances beamed with animation.

These were ;•,t once ordered up, theand shull of the enflmy's guns mean-

rime continuing tn plough up the groundin our vicinity and (•) Srash through the'.Urtinohe.s of somo half dozen troei whichwere grouped together on the hill immciiiutcly to the right of Loom.:*' posi(ion.

" ' ' : ipt . i,,,..iiiis1,"' said I, as ho wasviiiing back towaid tho main portion ofULs battery on the hill behind,you intend to reply to, that, lire." "Yes,"fluid he, '"I'll fetch ' em!" Simonsou'sbattery had-opened in tho meantime, andanother "way oil' to the right of the

• • i .

although this arrangement ftnaWed burbatteries to opsrate with more deadlyeffect, it created such havoc in our singleiiue of battle ns no soldiers could endive.A portion of the 21st Wisconsin, supporting Stone's battery, broke and flud.

Our line being thus broken, the entiredivision retreated, perhaps a quarter of amile, where il bulled, and held its grounduntil the b-.tilv ceased,.

The partial success of tho rebels uprinthis division, encouraged t'lem to recom-mence the attack upon Roussoau, andnow began one of the bloodic-st passagesat anus which has occurred during thewar.


The l?th Brigade, Col. W. [I Lyileof the 10th Ohio coininitidilig, formed,as I have said, the right ot Rousseau's

II, and it W.IJ against this that thurebfl leaders dir&sted their ii iroest a--s.iult. Thu Third Ohio, CM. John

y, sustained the heaviest lire, andas long as it remained upon the hill itsranks were continually plowed bv theteri'ible discharges from the enemy's ar-tillery.

l.'-u while it remained there, (and it.remained until a third of its number! strewo ! the il -hi.) it DO rev fr»r an

to 1 h forth a volley of (lameint.. tl; !i••! few, nor could therebel legions, with iill iho'r dt!s:per.iti-);isaiomon couv.ifie to charge it. Liveryofiioor stood like a ro«k to his post., andthe gnllnnt Col. Beat ty , dismountingfrom hi* unmanageable, horso, j

If coojly and calmly in tlie centerof his regiment, cheered both by voiceand example his dauntless men, andseemed to-tajly unconscious that deathwas everywhere iifound a>id about him.

A t last a aholl from tho rebel cannonset fire to il pile of stra-.v, the flame ofwhich instantly communicated to a largebarn upon which the Rghf wing of theThid Ohi ted I l

pThi-d Ohio rested.whole was in a

g gIn a moment tlie; the heat became

intense and unendurable ; and thoiighsome of the heroes stood until their faceswere blistered rather than break th irranks, t!icy wcro compelled at length toretire in confusion upon tlie center andleft of the regiment, which they alsothrew into disorder. Slowly aud reluct-antly tho officers began to follow theirmen dowfi the hill, at the font of whichthey immediately reformed thu torn andbleeding ranks.

All this time tho 10th Ohio werelying upon their faces to the Ic'fi of thulid, near tb ; summit of the same hill,nnd upon the other side of a lane as Ihave before mentioned.

Tin' retreat of the 3d Ohio and L5thKentucky, had left the rijrht wing of thfl10th uncovered, and a whole brigade ofthe enemy, forming in jjiaEs, advancedtoward them over ground of such a na-ture, that if the 10th did not receivewarning from some source, the rebel col-umn would be upon them and nnuihilatothem before they could rise from theirfaces and change front Col. Lytje wasexpecting the enemy to appear in hisfront, over the crest of the bill, and hidintended to have the gallant 10th chargethem with the bayonet.

And they still lay upon tiifc'r faces,while the enemy was advancing upon

tho troops of Hooker, .Mnn.-fiuid audS;:v;ne! ; tho dashing gallantry ot tho-eof Franklin on the right; the steadyvalor of those of Bttrnsi&e on the left-;and the vigorous support of Porter aud

an ton, present a brilliant spectacletH our countrymen which will gwo.l theirhearts with pride and exultation,

Fourteen guns, 39 cojor*, 16,000 standof arms and nearly 0,0.JO prisoners t;i-ken from the enemy, are evidences of thecompleteness of our triumph.

A grateful country will thank thenoble army fur achievements which haverescued the loyal States of the Iv>st fromthe ravages of the invader, and havodriven him from their b ir

WIrle. rojoicinLT at the victories whehIj.ni'.i blessing have crow.cd our

exertions, let us cherish tho memory ofour brave comrades who havo laid downtlieir lives upon the bat: loficld, martyrsin their country's cuuse. Their nameswill be enshrined in tho hearts of thopeople..

15y Command of-MAJ-GKX. McCLKLLAN.

'A. WILLIAMS, Adj.-Gen.

TUB POLITICAL CAMPAIGN'. — It is aremarkable fact that while the country is

• d in a terrific war, the professedtuf>porters of the administration have

I tho people of the North into apolitical campaign, and this peacefulbattle is now occupying a lar-gp portionof the public attention, even to the exelusion of a grout deal of interest it) theprogress of the war.

lint a most remarkable fact, than thismanner in which the campaign is

progressing. A reference to the plat-forms of tho two great parties, which wekeep stand ing before the eyes of ourreader*, shows no great diversity of viewsin the two. and yot there is this vastdifference, that while the Democraticplatform sttands on the Constitution andthe laws, reciting the resolution of Con-gress as the doctrine of the war, theRepublican plan is the military abolitionscheme, which is subversive of Constitu-tion and law, and which is based whollyon the doctrine of absolute monarchy asthe result of a state of war. The con-test is carried on now withweapoussuitedto the two views. On the one side grandprinciples, old truths, long tried and trust-wm'thy doctrines and practices are main-tained and urged with thunderous effost.The conservative artillery is the samethat was uie.il by Washington and be-queathed by him to the uation ho loved,for their dul'enoe in jmt sued times asthese1. The conservative furees arc relying on th so weapons, and their newspapers, orators and advocates consentthemselves with the use of grear. truths,noble arguments, American principles

The radical side of the contest is maintainod solely with tho small lire of callingnames, personal abuse, and billingsgate.The contrast is so great as to leave nodoubt of the result. The radical partydo not pretend to have any principles, orto meet the cotjsf vaitive tire with argu-ments or with truths on their side, Theydischarge a volley of bullets labelled"trai 'o: ," "rebel," "secession sympatbizer," and the like, at the conservativehosts, and then hide tlieir heads, in

Forever jloat Ihut standard sh'tt /

I v c n l l >I| I n t t IB s e v e r a l JL ) ,Mn>i : i u t i e nf l l l

Uniiiu papers of. tins county.Adjourned sine die.

A Q. IJLODGETT, Chn.E. !•'. Oni,, U • , •J . 1 1 . .ilAVNAl!!), )

REPORT OF THE HORSE SHOWl at I'm City of Ann Arh>r, on

Wednetdnt/, Tkvftday and Friday,Oct. 1st, 2d avd 3d.

nusr DAY.Tho ontries for tho first dny were

confined to tho premium for the fastesttrotter in \Va>hten;iw Countv, irrespec-tive of :ige or sox, best 3 in 5, premium

// 'here breathes Uicfue If at falls before ?.'•?? If H).

numbers of their dead and

Wilk Freedom's noil beneath ote fret,And I'/redout's lanner wasoifl o\r us!


For (Jovei'nor,

non, and captured a number of wagonsHI;(I ambulanoes. Several cf iho rebel

<•!-• OAKLAND,

For Lietiteifant Governor,


For Secretary of Stato,WILLIAM R. M O ' X T ( ; O . M E 1 : Y , of

For Stfita Treasurer,CHdRLEd O. TROWbUIDGE, of


For Attorney General,JOHN T. EIGLMES, of Kent.

For Auditor Qaneral,UODNT.Y (J. PAINE, of Berrien.

For Commissioner of State Land Office,C1IAK LES P. 11E V B B M AN, of


ForSdperintendent of Public Instruction,THOMAS II. HLNI-A',"of Calhnun.

For Member of Board of Education,DANIEL E: BtiO.WN, of Geaeaeo.

"For Representative in Congress,


For State Senator,WILLIAM JAY, of Northfltld.

For Representative in .•state Legislature.HIRAM J. BEAKES, of Ann Arbor.

For Sheriff,PHILIP WINL'GAR. of Northfield.

For County Clerk,TRACY W. ROOT, of Ann Arbor.

For Register of Deed*,HORATIO G. SHELDON, of Ypsilanti

For Prr-secuting Attorney.ALEXANDER D CR AN 2, of Dexter,

For Treasurer,HORACE CARPENTER,of Pittsflcld.

For Circuit Court Commis-ioner,THOMAS L. IIUMPIIUEVILLK, of


The eiilrios for the above premiumwci h:

B. 6icon, Ann Arbor, named bl. s. HenryClay, n yr old',

1). O.-eeii, uained c. j ; . Davy, C yr old.F. Hooper, Ann Arbor, named b. m. Lady

Hooper, i yr <>!d.I-'r. Illird, Aim Arbor, named'e. g. Whale-

G yr, old.•I. Starkweather, Sfpsilanti, named c. in.

Molly 8tari£, 7 yr old.

F, Hawkins, of Ypsiknti, entered »pn,te>t ;igiinsl tho entries made hy B,(rreen, the: jidges stsstn'Red tbo pro-test nnd jJavy was withdrawn. Thehorses weiu then assigned (.laces :isfollows: Lady Hooper 1st, HenryCbay 2d, Molly Stark 3d, Whalebone | SPEECH OF Hon. B F. GE&NGER,

l u i u l n n d i n n k u i g li.vi; In him lip i h e

homo stretch'. Ida as before being

: ill liaviutf t rot ted very tiiirly ' lu-

ring the entire heat

3<titial.—This In-at did not diil'-r

from tin; preceding one, and was hvvur-

ded together with the rat:3 to J a c k in

2:49; Tenzol 28, Ma 3d.The IIOI'HL'S entered for the third con-

wasazel \

.-Vn issi:uc a n c enu-,1

whtuh, dwarSug into insiguili- , to tho best and strength,other issues, appeals to loyal and to follow.

forget their party It now r. us to unfurlverywhero to forgedivisions, party prejudices and party lies,and unite as one people, wi li one pur-

baniicr, up n which shallibed the only one sentiment :—

" Uoiistitutioiiiil liberty mid the FederalUnion, aliko inip':risiiab!e and irable "

our: a bnnner bearing

no vain msenpti ty policy, •• buteverywhere Ro^c^ed all o ier with char.

s," inwrought withthe id Stripes, that iiu.

j American:: \ and Union, now and for-

B u t tho occasion fur bids that I should ever, one Under its{.-I, Ida iiud L-niy Hoop r. impose upon jr'oa any lengthy ivniHi-ks. i I us rally f'>r the vindies,inv: ir ;ed the first >>e it in I appear before you in rpepoiwe to the tion of the m\ and the lawg,

notification of \oui eoinmitti-e that y .u and with it I forth to fliu contest,\\.\\M teiuicrcd to me the l.oi.or a;;d re cjulidunt that the God of t ruth anJ rightsp'insilii'itv id1 tin: iiomina: the is with us. and will give us the victory.people have placed at your disposal —

'2:50, tho second and race in 2:52, undIda 2d premium.


The contestants for the prizes underthis enption wcro Mies- llinkley, MiHenion, and Mrs. J.. Taylor. Thejudges are unanimous in the pronoun-cing tho equestrians displayed uponilii.i occasion eqii;i1 to il not surpassingany ovor before wifneasied by them intho Stato. Each ladv sitting on herhorse with perfettf ease and grace, nnd

h i m wi th t in ; u t i i i c s t coiili

d e u c e i ind c o ' . i r n ^ e , tl'.cv w o u l d tl i ' . ' le-

ftJre UIUI L! the (iill^wins nwafds:1st prc'rtitnm, Mi5s Hihklt'y, l^i'ttsfield2d, Mrs. J. Tnylor, Ann Arb >v.3d, Miss llenioti, Ann Arbor.

Kmm the Peoplu'e Cniog I

lth.\st Heat—The horses went oft very

well too ther , Henry Clay soon gainedtho pole and kept it with apparent easeduring the bent, coming to tho score in3.05 and winner of the beat, LjidyHooper 2d, Molly Stark Od, Whale-bone -lib.

Id, Haat.—Tho horses this tune gota very tine; :-tiirt Henry C'ay takingthe lend nnd keepiny it during the heat.Mollv Stark and Lady Hooper hotlycontesting for the second position, andmaking a very fino contest. HenryOluy was awarded tho heat in 3 05,Mclly Stark 2d, Lndy Hooper 3d,Wbalubonu -1'b.

3d Heat.—This contest was verymuch ns the previous one. Henry Claywns awarded iho beat nnd race in 3minutes, Molly Sta'k 2d, Lady Hooper3d, Vvlialkjbono 1th.


Entries for the doublo teams, pre.ni

On the acceptance of the Congressional nom-ination for the Third District, by HieUnion Convention, at Jackson.

Tho cordiality and unanimity of thenomination m:st havo been gratifying:to trie members ol tlie convention, onespecially so t<> Mr. Granger Thenomination u us first tiiudo by the UnionConvention, of which tho Democratic(Convention was informed by a note fromtho President. A vote was tbon takenin tlio Democratic Convention, Mr.Granger having 23 votes, 0 . M. Unities,of Ingbiim, 5, and David Johnson, ofJackson, 5. Tho nomination of Mr.Granger was made unanimous.

The two oovontions having transactedall business requiring separate action,nnd having agreed upon Ihe cboico ofone person ;is their c.mdi latfl for Con-gress, it was proposed to meet i;i j iiatConvention, invite Mr. Granger beforethem, and hu:ir what bo hud to say.

B. Green, Ann Arbor, named bl. s. 4 c. g.

reys, 6

um $-r><\ mile bents, were as follows : ; But Mr. ©range* was not in the pta.v,but was expected on tho emigrant trainthen soon to arrive. Iii> bad ptvmpto-rily doelined being at Jackson on thedny of the conventions, but :\S thodtlogates got. together, it was found thathis nomination was a foro'gone ooticlu-sion, and in obedienci? to a generally

wish bis friends telegraphedhim, requesting hi* presence. Havingno ijaod reason for cTlsohaying the sum-t n o n s , b e a v a i l e d hifiis-jlf of t h e o n l y

i i . a i l a b i o e o n v o y a n o e , a r r i v i n g a t J . i c k -

f n - o ' c l o c k ,

ns ha 'iri '^ in t h e

For ,PHILEMON C MURRAY, of Salem,EDWARD L. BO YD EN, of Webster.

Representative Conventio:i—4th District.A Democratic Convention for the 4th Rcp-

resentativc District will bo KoM at the GodfreyHouse. Chelsea, on Suturiimj Cctotjer 2-3tli,[•863 at - o'i-!(i.-k, p. .M.. to nominate acan-didatc for llepresciiLaiive in ths ,Slate Legis-lature.

By order pf tlie Committee,W. A. .TONES, Ch'n.

October, tStb, 1862.

Representative Convention—3d District.A Democratic Convention for *ths Third

Representative District will be held at. thoJGxehanze Hotel, Saline, on Friday, October17M, 18G2, to nominate a candidate for Reprc-

in the State Legislation.N. CRANCEU, Chn. of Cora.

October 6, 1802.

Senatorial Convention—8th District.A l l ' ' :nt;oD I'm- the

Eighth ppnate district will lie li-ld al the V.\-Obange Hotel, Saline on Friday, October Vtthat 11 o'clock, A. M., to QOmi didatefor State; Senator. The several Towrisliipswill be entitled to tlui same re;>rcsentat;vp.s asin County Conventions.

13 v order ofTin; COMMITTEE.

Dated, Oct. 6. 1868

APOLOGY.—Our readers will bear withus this week for tho small amount of ed-itorial matter. The sickness of the edi-tor is ouii apology.

. . . l i ' l 1 1 I i» I-' i.^. « u \ J . 1 11 . • 1 1 1 1 > * i j i i ( i : | ( I

their flank, stealthily as a cat .teals upon | f} } ^ t h o i ] . ^ g m a l ,her prey Nearer ami nearer they com,! • , | U

y p |her prey. Nearer ami nearer they com,! •(j:cat. He-ivens^ will no one tell theof tlieir fearful peril? Where is theeagle e}e which ought to overlook thofield and send swift-footed couriers togave this illustrious baud from destruc-tion ? Alas, there is none! The heroesof Garnifez are doomed ! Tho mass ofrebelR, which a rising ground just to theright of tht; 10th has hitherto concealedfrom view, rush upon the hapless regi-ment, and from t ic distance of a hun'dred yards pour into it an annihilating(ire, even while the men are still upoutheir f.icrs! Overwhelmed anal cdnfounded, thoy leap to their feet and vainlyL'ndeavor to change fro"t and meet tliOenemy. It. is impossible to do it beneaththat murderous fire ; and for tho firsttime, in its history the 10'h regimentturns its back upon the enemy. Theywill DOt run ; they only walk nway, andthey aro mowed down by scores as theydo so.


While the 10th Olro was being soterribly out up, another immense body ofrebels filed off to the lult. disappearedbehind the woods fronting Gen. Sheri-danV division, and Boon after commenceda desperate assault upon our right amiright center. Hut Mitchell and Sheri-(3(in were 11 aily to receive; them, and the

'.ill to the right of the ro id, occupled by the latter in the morning, instant-ly become a huge volcano, belching forthfrom every quarter volumes of firu undsmoke, and Hinging ir.to the midst of thodismayed and staggering traitors, teuthonsaod projectile*, deadly us a volley

partly to escupc the rebound of theirbullets, which are in this contest signallygiven to slaying those that dischargethem. Here and there a small man, whois of no importance if lost, and of so lit-tle account that he may by his insignifi-cance escape being annihilated for hisimpudence, is deployed to fin; the " rebeland traitor " bullets at some prominoutstatesman on the conservative sido

So the contest is going on — and it is anactual fact that the fate of New York,nnd of the country, is in a great measuredependent on the question whether themere cry of " traitor, traitor! " can driveoil' the defenders of the Union and Con-stitution. The present prospcot in, thatby tho day of election there w;ll not beleft a corporal's guard of the radicalparty : the indignation of our patriotic,men is waxing hot, and the grand oldprinciples of conservative Americans are

DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTIONThe Democratic County Convention

mot at tho Court House in Iho city ofAnn Arbor, on Wednesdny, Oct. 15th,at TJ o'clock.

rlon. A. C. BLODCIUTT, Chairman, E .1 ? . UI IL and J . H. MAYNARD, Secreta-

ries.On motion of W. S. MAY.VAUD, tho

convention adjourned until half paston,: P. M

On as-embiing in the afternoon, Mr., BS chairman on credentials,

reported the names of delegates enti-tled to peats in the convention.

On motion of Mr. DANFORTH. nnd

suportetl by Mr. MCKEHNAN, tho fol-

lowing preamble ard resolutions wereunanimously adopted ;

Whereas, The DemocrnUo StutoConvention, held in the city of D)tr*>it,on tho 8th inst., by nearly a iinunimnnsvote, recommended the State, Ticketpresented by the Union Convention,held at Juekson on the 2d day of Octo-ber, und whereas the Democratic StateConvention adopted the following reu-olution :

'• Resolved. That this convention rec-ommend to the Democracy of tht) sover.-il il -trie's nn.l counties of the Stateto unite with ronservniive men in mini-

6 v-i. old.J. Kellogg, .Pittsfleld, named span

ys. old.

D. M. Ulil, Ypsilanti, named, s. 1113.

The ls=t premium was awarded to 13.(ireen, i:i two straight hentn, drivingIns team tho last half mile at the roteol 3.02.

The entries for the 2d contest, fastestIrottinjj stallion, mile heats, best 3 in 5,purse $90, were as follows:

C. E, flaskins, Marshall, named c. s. Pri-nitis. Ti yrs. old.

Blumingbragh, Birnijliam, named bl. sUl. Basbaw., 6 yrs. old.

(has. Draper, Detroit, named; b. s LouisD'OB6 yrs. old.

B. Givi, , Ann Arbor, named, bl. s. HenryClay (J yrs. old,

1st Hint.— The horses upon beingbrought to tho stand were assignedpositions as follows: Primus 1st Ba'-sh;iw2d, Henry Clay 3d, Louis D'Or• l i b .

After scoring spveral times the hors-es were sent oft". Henry Clay 2i lengthsin the clenr, fccbind, Primus dashingaway from thp others fit a furious rate,Hnshaw next, with IL-nry Ciay uloselit hand and Louis D'Or behind Thehorses keeping this position during thoheat. l>ash;i\v and Henry Clny con-tending sharply for the second positionThe beat wna awarded to Primus in2.-19. Bashaw 24, Jlenry Clay 3d Louis

D'Or lib2./ Heat —The horses trot ft very

fair start off, Primus, as before leadingthe field, Basbaw und Henry Clay oeck

son between three H»iThe two corivun'i

meantime met in joint session, Mr Gmnger, on Ilis arrival, Wns introduced, andupon entering the hull, was received bytin; delegates and spectators with nrising shout that waked the echoes farand near. Ho addressed them as fol-lows :

Mr. President and Gentlemen of theConwntion ! I would imired he inSen-sible did I not nppi'.wiaie, the unusualkindness of tin* 1'uu.eptkm. [ can. In w-c •• r, ouniiicinil tif* lunK"<ttfe ,id«qnal-et o t h e t 'Xpivr.-i ' i ii of m y if i i i i i t i i i lu for i tsm a n i f e s t e n ' l m s i a s i n e a r n e s t iit'.-s a n tsi iCk'iiiy. I c a n on ly 8 .y t h a t I s h a l ln o t s o o n forok't it , a m i t h a t i t will in fut n r o b e m y first d e s i r e a n d c o n s t a n teffort to prove to you that I deseryyit.

Two years ago I had the honor toT<JGeive from a pnrtv oonvention a nom-ina'ioti similar to the one uhic.h, I miliufoi mud, you have just conferred uponme. Since that time there havo beengreat and important changes as well in

Hut, before Accepting thatI dcetti it to be my duty to declare t iyou the views and motives by which I •have been governed in my Congressionalservice, and by which I shall continue tobe governed, ill the event of mytioij. It hashour of tin1

honor to be unsuinl-rstood, but it is

Democratic Mass Meeting in Kew York,


•v York, Oct. IS,Thero is : lie meeting to.oight

d, in tlie even t 0 my re.-elcc a t Cooper 's Ins t iga te , presided over byi u been w. II sa (I that , i..< this 1 I o , . a c e F Ql,, WashingtonL) c o u n t r y . uer - jKi t l s . . o t d i - j ; , t n t . : l l i l l , i t i , . , i . , : s w c r o l l i a d o

ttisudrstod b t n .Spe<

our, J.jhu A'an Bureusrim nal not. to be outspolieo. I propose, , u ; d R i p u q , r d O'Goman. A harge num.tH.-rt-fore to franklv express to you my L\,. o f , :tiu-s were also held.political faith

I believe, then, in tho constitution ofthe United States as the souice of in-tional life, as tho foundation of alcr.il Authority, as the standard of I-','-ally, as the nicasure of. t , ihe ,palladlU.il 01 liberty, and tin; bond otU n i o n . I do not bel ieve t h a t i lmt sa-

sCilnVfted IHat 91 ir 00,000 peoplepresent.

At the Democratic meeting last nightthe following important letter was read

:i Van Bjfren, not however with

end instrument, the product of the put

Washington, March 3d, 1801.Dear Sir -!!•>: tl li in a day or

twe the u«w President will have happilyriotism and w.sdomot our fat]ier8,pqs ttJrWgtall personal duBgersanjs e s s e s w i t u i n i t s e l f t h e c l e m c i r s o t u i . v . , ; , . . , ) , , , „ ...,,- ; , . . . , . . i , . . , ] ..., 1 . _ . . £ j _ „ . . .

solution, or the powersyllable, letter or spirit, either of coptraction or expansion; neither do I he-lieve that wo may at will absolve our-

i from iis obligations, or that, likeJ f h d b

ciemens ot «'•»'.forf himself installed,- an honorable sno-, ci'hcr in word, o e g s o r . o f ,:l0 ^ ^ Washington, with

g ,the by-Jaws of a school house j ^society, it in susceptible, of suspensionupon the demand of the ciprictoas orfaeitious. As it was in the beginning, soit is now, and ever will be, until destroy.-eil by traitors, or changed by the freewill of Ifrepeople who arc its masters.

1 believe, in the Union of the States asthe only source of national jafoty, prospenty and reuo'-vn ; and I believe notonly in the union of ihe States, but ofthe rights of the States under the con-Btitutioi), the great bond of union.

I believe in punishing >.}]{; rebellion bycoercing it into submission by the, mili-t;ii')' and naval power of the govorn-nicnt, exercised according to the us•tge.s ot modern (rarfnro, limited only bythe constitution ; and I believe in punishing treason according to thu jaw ofthe bind, enacted and administer. ! inpursuanOO of all constitutional guaran-tees.

I o':ii:n u 1 i:nui;.mity for eithor rebelsor traitors, but every Immunity for thepoustitu ion which its sanctity, safety,and preservation demand

I deny to the government no povy-.rnecessary for its preservation; yet, I donot, accept tlie modern absurdity that itis necessary to destroy to save; that itis necessary to subvert the consti'iitiouto vindicate its autho-itv ; that it is r.e-ces>arv to demolish the, States to perpet-uate their union.. I believe that the President truthfullycomprehended the pnrpose of thu war iuwhich we arc now >o unhappdy involvad,when he addressed to Congress his lirstmessage, declaring that '" the contest, onthe side of the. Union, is a struggle formaintlining in the world that form andpubst,in,-.c of government whose lendingobject, is to elevate the condition of man ;

clear the paths of laudable pursuitsfor all, and to .ill'.ird all an unfettereds'art and a fair chance in tlie r.i-e oflile. ; ' And I l)cli(ive ihat that purposewn.s fully Set lorlh in ll|e resolution ofMr. Crittcnden, which pulsed, tin; bodyof which I have toe honor to be a m.ntbcr at thu la'e extraoriliiiMry session, declaring " that the present de|,lorablecivil war lias been t roe 1 ap>'n the cou 1-try bv tin;States, now in :iruig

of thui l . e e a p i t . i l ;


a m i n e c k to m a r l y t h e 4 t h mi l e p o l e , , " 1 1 ' M a t n s o t po l i t i ca l p l a l f o r , , : s •,,,

when fienry Clay makes a fino burst olspeed leaving his friend behind, theydidnot change positions during remaindcr of tho heat. Primus wus awardedIho beat in 2 50, Henry Clay 2d Basbaw8d, Louis D'Or 4th.

3d Ileut.—The start this beat wasvery even, Primus Feorning not to likehis compnny very well, shot out of theway am) left Henry Clay nnd Bashawto light for tho second position whichtbuv did nobly, unking 11 very spiritedand exciting contest, Iho spectatorsparticipating in the excitement. Thebeat and race- was awarded to Primusin 2 50, Henry Clay 2d, Bashaw 3d.Louis D'Or 4'.h. Henry Clay andBashaw, pausing tho score in Vttfy.olosecompany.

Tho first premium for single carriagehorses was awarded to Davy, namedby B. Green, and 2d premium to 0. m.named by D. M. Uhi.


The 3 yrs. old colts being called up,but two answered, viz : La iy Good-rich , c. in. named !>y C. E. Haskins

and Black Warrior, b. c.named by Mayor Duncan, Detroit.—i he purse was awarded to Black War-rior in two straight heats, 3:12, 3:15;second purse to Lady Goodrich.—'Theso colts both showed remarkable.The}'reflect credit UDon tho stock ofthe State.

On calling up tho horaea for the sec-ond contest tho following responded:

Jack Rossiter, b. g. named by Demuss,Milwaukee.

1, uly Teazu!, b. m. named by Chas. Draper,Detroit.

p pp us in the condition and pros-pects of our beloved omintry

The prominent issues of that pcivnlrelated to thu prohibition of shivery inIhe Territories, the granting of homesteads to ac u.-i' settlers, the promotionof the industrial ir.'crests of thi.< coun-try by a <lisenmiu:tiin2 adjustment cfthe revenue imposts, the constructionol a 1'iiilrond to the Pacific Ocean, mnlthe security and encouragement ofcommerce. l;y national appropriations in»id of river and harbor improvementsBut, most, happily for a union of .-ontimeiit nnd action, indispensable in thepresent critical aijl most perilous jirnoturc in the history of our country, theissues of 18C0, so productive of fjerue,dissension and rancorous party strife,b-ive ejthe.1' been disposed of I)V publicnational legislation, or aro being force.daside by public sentiment ns unconge-nial and unworthy ol attention amidthe gigantic, struggle now going on fornalional hfi%

The distinguishing features of tho re-publican platform—-pon extension ofslavery, free homesteads, tho readjustnient of the revenue imposts, and the | on questions of mere policy, 1 IKspeedy construction of a Pacific railroad,! pressed to vou frankly my viewathu latter also a prominent plank iu tho one great qne-stimi, which ought ;,

in G»riffr'e*«, (hiwinning thousands on thousands of sup- j'^tinar candideteis for Ki i'lesenlativcsportern from tho ran';g of the utiemies ofthe Constitution. Men of honor andhonesty are ashamed to be ranked withthe low defamers of our conservativecitizens, generals and soldiers.—-Journalof Commerce.

democratic platform—have all been Set-tled by legislation, while other issu.es ofmere policy have ceased to ocpupy pub-lic attention.

The, question to day is not how or towhat, extent, Congress shall govern thenational Territories, but whether weHIIUII continue, to possess any Terri tor ies;whether, indeed, we shall hereafter exer-cise any Federal jurisdiction ovor a singlefoot of the broad expanse hitherto knownas tho United States of America ; notwhether we shall discriminate aj)k> ap-propriate in aid of the industry, com-merce aud wealth of the nation, butwhether, in fact, we shall haye »ry ua-tionel existence; not whether wo shallprovide " free homes for free ljicu." but

I.ady Ida. b. m. named by Win. ],owe, De- whether anywhere, in this land ,of tliefree, the chosen home of liberty, the asy-lum of tho oppressed, we shall in future


1st Heat -Posi t ions wore nssignpd , .,i ,have cither Irue


that, in this national emergency, (!-,igrass baoi.-hing all feelings of mere p is-sion and resentment, will recollect <>niyits duty to the whole country ; that thisw.ir is not, waged, on tlieir part, in anyspirit of oppress.ou or for any purposeof ovi-itlirowing or interfering with therights or established institutions of thoseStates, but to defend and maintain thesupremacy of the constitution and to pre-serve the Union with all the dignity,equality, and rights of the several Statesunim' aired, and that as soon as fhef'o ob-jects are accomplished the. war ou.gh( tocease."

I believe that this was good doctrineat the time if received Congressional ap-proval. 1 believe that it is g 1 doc,-,trine nnv. nnd that it. will continue to begood doctrine until the close of the war

Lastly, I believe in Abraham Lincoln,not as a partisan J're.-iiler.t, not as theennserver of mere sectional or parly interests, not as the " republican of repub-licans," but as tho great head of the na-tion, as the representative of the dignityand majesty of the American pand as the sworn guardian of the consti-tution, laws and liberties of our commoncountry ; and I believe that in every le-gitimate and consti'utioiial cifort. to crushout rebellion aud restore the blessings ofpeate to our distracted land, whetherwisely cho-en or no t ; in short, whether,in our judgment, right or wrong, he isentitled to tne sympathies and CO up,-ra-tion of true men everywhere, and that ,if need be, to the exhaustion of tho last,dollar of loyal treasure and the drain-ing of the last drop r>f loyal blood.

Waving afiy expression of opinion up-have ex-

of the

the present juncture to occupy our atten-tion. Fron: your frequent manifestations.of approval, I have already inferred thatyou agree with me. But tin re should be

'no misunderstanding between us, and ife fully and unqualifiedly

it is best that we should part now andhere. 1, therefore, submit to yot| whetherI am right, or wrong, and appeal toto answer. [Right, right.] Well. Ithink we arc both right, and as we arcnow well satisfied on that point, we willfrom this moment strike hands, and goahead. I accept the no initiation of thejoint convei:ti in, ar.it rctuni you my sin-cere thanks for the honor conferred uponme. I have ofteq felt the utter Inade-quacy of wonisin the attempted e, ;ion of .thought :iml emotiop,; but u'everso much and so painfully, as on this occa-sion. Fain, n mid I tell you how muchand how sincerely i thank you, but every

you as the his Cabinet, Iin writing what I have

before Mid to you orally, thin supplementto my printed views, dated in Octoberlast, ou the highly dis irdered conditionof our so late happy and glorious Union.

To meet the extraordinary exigenciesof the times, it scorns to me that I am

in limiting thaselection to one of

;n. subjoined:1st. Throw off the old and assume a

new designation —the Union Party, and,adopt I ! iry measures proposedby Mr. Crittenden or the Peace conven-tion, and my life upou it We shall haveno new casa of secession, but on tho. 0Qn>tr.r.-y an early return of many, if not allthe State,.-:, which have already brokenof! from the Union. Without someequally bonigg measures, the remaining[Slave States will probably join the Montr

y Confederacy in less than sixtydays, when this city being located in a

; c-iuntry would require a pernia-.in of at lea.-t 35,000 troojjs to.

protect tho Government within it.3d, Collect the duties on foreign jjooda

outside the ports of which the Govern-ment has lost the command, or close suchports by act of Congress and blockadethem.

8d. Conquer the seceded States by in-vading armies. No doubt thi.x might beSone. in two or three years by a young andable General, a Wolfe, a Dcssaix or aIloehc, with 300,000 disciplined men,estimating a third for garrison loss, and

•Toater number by skir-mishes, sieges, battles, and Southern fe-vers. The destruction 01 life and prop-erty on cither side would be frightful,however perfect the moral discipline ofthe invaders. The conquest completedat an enormous waste of human life tothe North and North-west, with at least$250,00t>,000 added thereto cid bono—a

ttfted province not to be brought in-to harmony with the conquerors, but to.be held for generations by heavy garriisons, at an expense quadruple the net du-ties or taxes which it would be possibleto extort from them, followed by a Pro-tector or an Envfieror.

4th. Say to the seceded States, "Way-ward sisters ' depart ih peace."

In ha.-tu. I remain, very truly, yours,V. INFIELD SCOTT,

lion. WM. II. SEIVACD, Secretary of State,

A False Roport-New York Oct 13.

Tho Herald's special Washingtondispatch-, O t. 13th, says: " A rumorhas been current to night that a 1 irgeforco ol rebels bad crossed into Mary-land and been defeated. There is n.ota word of truth in the report."

It is said that thy failure to arrestthe escape of Stuart and his cavalry, intheir dash to Pennsylvania thrmighMaryland, is attributed to the DivisionCommander at Poolesville, to 'vfiominstructions had been cent by MoClell-an, statiny that Sliljjrt would prubublyretreat upon thp line which be ,subst»-quantlv pu-«net1, and suggested a dis*posi'ion ol f i r e s which would, inevita^lily cut off bis p.isd igu aoroas the i-'uUvm.-ic;.

A strict inves ii/- it ion }•) now beingc o n d u c t e d a b uit it, with a view ot fix-ing the g i n k and assigninsr p i in is r .mentwlu ' rc it. is m e r i t e d . F r o m t h e faotaabe.-nlv m u l e pub l i c it is e v i d e o ' t h a t( AI

p( u - n . AI - ( ' I c . ' . i n pnoper ruoasuiva


to prevent tho return o| 8t-inrtt« Yir,ginia, and tho fault must bo with the

linnte offi/jera who failed to obeyl,:sor(|"i's er appreciate bis suggestiorjj

Liu" flow near akin laughter into.•.as shown when Reubens with (\

.-i i;le stroke of hi.- brush, turned achill in a painting, to qn,H

crying; and our mothers, without beingpainters, have often brought us,

in like mannor, from joy to grief by 4sir:s;le stroke.

i\uy.r is the Time.I say, siow is the time to settle

Accounts.AM 'W'fvrm'nc.l for t)u- n -J AM 'W'unsett

weeks to bring "that U A

i:in<s m'.Mi are makinjjI nm i-onip, il.-.l tq

IK- paid, nnti all b ishorten t . i i ' l t l c i i , n m

I u l JI . IV t h e m . j t H ' y d om u s t pass yout- uote with loterestot i fihorl tini,-, :is 1havA t i i . l . i . K A m . i t i i s to p o o r t l i . t t In- <-: iu ' t s e t t l e a n ytime. I • : ; .xu- for p j menuabout iho firsi of October', Uuit t.:n.' !i;is gone by, «D<1bul fcwi.ii-.. re pundod. Mow,ia ouncluaioa 1 MJ to

,-\;.ii iijo^of the ub. vo apmtnd•-.;...:; a Viiit l iu.i l ;k ptOpOC oftioor tk>

teudel the last call,

Ann Art.or, Oct.ilK-r i\ 1869,11. ROOKRS.


Strayed or Stolen.;h,•;:••:,;U.-s of Judge Kinsley, in

the 'own uf 1'ittsiiel.!, on Wudne^dny,Ut, ltLW,


t o t h e h o r s e s a s f o l l o w s : I d a 1s t , J a c k w l l c , | R . r we shal l u n i t e (he pae i ' : o wi th a t t e m p t m u s t I live i tse l f i n to

I i o s s i t c r 2 d , T e a z e l 3 d . A f t e r g e t t i n g tlie A t l a n t i c Stfltefl and biml thoin t o - , these t l i ru? i-.mip i r a t i ve ly e x p r e s s i o n l e s s

Stato Legislature, and County Officers."

Therefore Resnlred, That thomnuraxy «( the C o u n t yl,v its deleffates in this c o n v e n t i o n , tl


bi ' iebv nndoi'sc tbu action of the S ta l eTri^r E.very soldier should keep in (^invention, and do hereby nominate

his knnpsack a card inscribed with hi<* i the Conntv Ticket recently nominatedfull name and address , company andregiment, in order that if suddenlywo m d d or killed, thi'ro may be nodifficulty iu identifying him. Manypoor soldiers havo died without any

b v t h o U n i o n C o u v e n ' . i o n of t h i s i . , i n -t v , a n d p l e d g e t o t h a t t i c k e t a c o r d i a lsupport at the conning election.

On motion of W. ?. M.WNARD, the j

tho w o r d , Kos- i t c r ami T e a z e l left I>ia get her ^by the s t rong bo .d.s of comuier-

and bad a very fine set to for iho po le ,

J a c k finally g u t t i n g i t and c o m i n g t o

yand fraternal bu t » i i e t h o r

the genre in 2:1 f, nnd Teazel olnee up.Both horses trotting fair and squareand not breaking during the heat, Idabeing clearly behind.

Id Heat.—The horses pot the wordat tho first scoring. Jack thinkingthat he could handle tho party prettymuch as lit; liked, but he found that boWas obliged to kee.p stopping to tnain-

yp ;v;o shall preserve tn • »reat union otState- ; nut, whether t;-: or that question

l i i d b h;

of national policy isi I h

by ihed

p y yconstitution; I ut whether that sacred

m e t h o d of knowini r w h o they w e r e , so S e c r e t a r y wan r e q u e s t e d to furnish j ta in bis p l ace , which ho did c o m i n g to

t.> a p p r i s e the i r f r iends . c o p i e s of t h e p r o c e e 3 i n g of Ihe w in . ['Ihe s c o r e in 2 :47, Teaze l p u s h i n g him

and cold w o r d s — 1 thank y..n. W h a t e v -er may be the result of this day 's event ,

il never cea trd it with fecl-ipgs of t he utmost satisfaction and pri-le.

expressioh <>f eoniidenco implied intin: nominat ion , which, wi thou t Boj-icifca-

iiijStruruent, assailed by rebels and men- j t ion, you bki nilVr upon me ,aced by treason both open and poucca 'cd, j s Ono of which anv man Imwi-ii-r hi j l i inshall be vindicated, p reserved and per- pub l i c es teem, hpwever j u s t a n d . p e rpotuated. tory his c la ims upon public Qp

Thi s is the g r e a t ' i s s u e now presented mi<}lit well b -. \ ro; :•!. I accept it, how-to tho Amer ican 'peop le ; an issue devoid (.vvr Q O j ; , s ; i n evidence solely ( l i fViof mere I ' r n i s anil alistr.-cls, ami full of teum for m e personal ly , bu t ra thers u b s t a n c e and v i t a l i ty ; »B issue invulv- t e s t imony in behalf of those doc t r inesing not only the lil'e of the nation, but which I have j u s t enunc ia ted , and wbieh,tho fate ol free in.-titutions m d :he hope j a l n pi-,m ,l to Bay, I b a n 1 I.eivtofore, un-of oivi! l iberty t ln 'uughout ' the wor ld .— j , | e r much abuse »ttJ detvaetioD, uoc i!


Fouryenrfl o ld , Iind n whi le s t r ipe in tjie fncaAny pi rson s'n-inaf mlormfUion where euid

i :i ;i • c may bo Inunl will can for a grea i i'uvoron tlie owner, and bo h l i i a l ' v Awarded fort h o t r o u b l j . J iHN JOUNSQtf .

Ann Aril r, Oct. 8 ,1862 . ' 873w3

SALE.II, ,.ii tea . m u s liinu if kleslrwl

80 Acres (itLand In Webster,tin- fann ia

Hi m, has u frainMi- convenient

a on l i l i<-a o n

I). I I I : N M N C ; .



FOR. Ck/lrtipation, ."i'c-rv9m

of A|.|»i:ti-, Ciimraan C0M8, ilis(-8*i-«ilo.iJaciw, .\ud l-Vvorisb t u t ? 0! tb«

-,-, L

. MW'NAKP, STKHr.'V: WH .SON ami

Page 3: a r cra rmedia.aadl.org/documents/pdf/michigan_argus/... · nililess iiivuilvr " ciin peil itt RiwiHM, Miss. I :ttit now ti "rijliiilile gentlu-Mum jus: re tinted from this Smith."

Mfip !l l'.. It r / I . A N i J ' S (.

wHl ,.,. i t i \ ' • i rev. wt Y. H»w or Bi l l iouaF<Tv. r us •.'•• V as 1G0 i-Vvei> a n d A g u e . I iendIhe ndvpr fUen ien t in pnotliiM- c o l u m n .

. CCT. 17, 1882.

t'ostcfiice Notice.Mnits leaving Am: ArWr Cot tlie East an"

rV. »l .close ;;, follows :r.a.M, »t - - - 4.60 P. 51.

Going V\<si, ai - 9.25 A. 5f-JOHN I. THOMPSON, I'.M

(ii^y S i ! c o VPotniiTl, in :in i c k i n g P»«nl>uoi Grapes lor S p a n s Wliie. It.is iin n<iijii'n't>le "''' ><•><•• USl ' (1 ' " h o s p i t a l andl i j f i r - ' - c «.8S f i ; i . i l i e s i n P » V i « I . ' j t u l o n . m x l

N't w Yi>ik. in pri'taenoe to old poit wine It.i s i v u r i h : i u - m l u s i t s r i v e s •:••••••••' ••>••->'••••-••-



Great Books* in. 3?ress.





or THE





•:-—.E d

s s






H Pi§ H




Of Choi! e OporoUSE, FOH




b<"»o oitif«d b

Jio 37 Pnrfc R<w,*v«vi \ o > U . iioBluu. are our Agent* tin |h« Am o ini , . l ; n ;.• ;: 1 1 : M r . i >• ! '• " • . U

c i i p i i ' n ~ f o i Q S U I " t . i LoxoeM ftoUs.

Apprentice Wanted.

Wanted su tlim i (fine, »n uctive, in.

ilustriotiM and intelligent i>ov, fifteen or \<

t-ixtucn yours old, us an apprentice.

To sucli a lad, and ono who would bo

ufefnll, a gone! opportunity is offered.

! ••iDrvr.— Last M'>r«]uj rnor

our follow townsman ,]<>IIN'

IJKOWX \v:is in the net of fwrting n

horse w;;^ Ricked tflid severely ii jured.

Pavttiftgvi: . - I l l 1

1'rafni 16 n


, . i:,,untr.»n


, \ . I V i i - . u l


it stop at stations vh^reted la tbo t;i.jit-.

Detroit,1 pf i t lant l .Ann Ai bur ,I lpxt i - r ,Chi-i-e; . .Ar. i- •

' n n •

A r . . t ,

G (i ] x i;

(fall i:x.» ii.

• 1 1 ( 1

1 03 ••10 L:1 "

Q - ; N i;

tn .

, - ; .>o "

ff K H T .

. l . i rk . Ac.6 .M P. M0 : 0 "U.C3 "7.:0 • '7 -oo ' '

F. A S I

.1.1 1. »«.

wVera '

figures are omit

N'iehl Fx.ft CO r. M9."i u "9.: 0 '<9 55 "

10 'i "8.1SA M.

' • • ; .

• M .

4 •!•> "6 0", • '

5 : S "6 40 '

Tlie Douglas >,tm<Miul.< d i p l o m a i <>l't'.i I Id n u m o n t

Mho wound is n dunjreroua one, hut , «-„„* ready f« <ii

h o p e s a r e e n t e r t a i n e d o f h i s r e c o v e r y . t n n t . i1 , i » • — l . - i - u -

U K A T H —— l) i ( ." ( ! o f ' i ' v t i l i ' i i i F e v e r , : i ( . miire wtllOB sen t opa of ttfose piploi . iy exo

arsts thato t he A

n . m i - n t Euad. TO a i l

B somewhat protiaoted i,. , n,.,«t h e hosp i ta l Ht W a s h i n g 1 o n , H E N R Y C, wifl !>•• furnl-iht-J gr«:iluouaiy, BesidM tbe ]jij,k.m.i,a



The Heroism of onr Soldiers & Sailors.

1 vol,,larL'c 12 P/-«r, $ 1 S3.

( A t tlie old s tnnd r.f T h o m p s o n jbM i l i e u . )

I am now opening a carefully



hi : , of lie First Jfiphigi.n Oav«lry.-r

HKNRY wns well known to iill our citi

v.ens, and on the bretiklng out of the

rebellion enlisted in the First A iolii-

STH ! JUDGE ro i ' i 'LAS,21 y 17 !n hes, i) Mishi .1 !y M irsb, Roue 5: Co,

r !'uun>- in ",ho sum of on« 6 •'! i r •-» itl bvchms Ufet:i ml) 'rs u! Ihe Doagiaa M-jnuni ti- Aasucidtii n ; in tin,


i !n < r t ventj 4olUAs tiioaorary life t e r s ; ;m-l ii


t a n O t i v u I l ' V , s i n c e w h i c h t i m e h o h : i s t h e s u m »f one h u n d r e d *u41»m, h o n e r M y U

\"evu a m e m b e r o f t h a t b r a v e r e g i m e n t . ' • ' " " • 1 ' *<*•1,1,tM! j I solioitars far ooa tnbuuoa*«re

Jlis body arrived home on MondnV,Bnd the funeral wbioh occurredTuet-ditv WHS largely attended,

jngauthorized in tholoyal States. I'amplilets »ua e'i

on o u l a r s c""1;" ; ««*.*,L a w - , and the Appeal of the Association, *x\\\ ba -^n t uall wlifj will f i n r a r d the i r udure i s . Cuflooiunicatioiiishould be directed to the "Se- . fetary 1). -M. .-s-, 'a, Chica

;iheir dailyitli an occa

sional n ••We• to advance U:r • * . wiU liave torwarded to thiin imi.i "in.is as Honorary LiftMembers cf this* ' : • 'P o r t r a i t , upon thepecc jp t by t he society of a cujiy <the i r paper c t n ' a n i ; • I • i.ient.

WAI .Tn ; B. SC'ATES, Pr.-si.Unt.LI-XKARD W. V O L K . P o c r e t a i j , 86Cm8



/ . regulating and removing all obions, u- iu wi. •

jful as a preventive

The con)bm-it:on of ingredients in Dr. Duponco'sGolden Fills for Females are penVt ly harniUss. '11haeee i n used t&lh« inriTate praetieeof Dr. Duponeoover £0 years ;and thouwin'ls of ladles ean testify tot ' l e i rg ' 1 I Cess tn ahii'.-t everj

iiics. re!'"vm^ painful and:^tni:Uinr,. pnrtic;i!arly at the change of

life. From ii\.- to t in pills will cure that common yetdreadful complaint, the Whites Nearly every femalein the land suffers Pri m tlii^ eomnlixint.

Tiie above Piii lias peri:in:uiitly eured thousands, andthey will cure j ou if you ns^ them. They ean not hairnv.-ii: OM linM'rnirary. l]n\v rf-im>ve fill obstructions, resioie lintuve to its i r ' and invigorate :Uwhole Bvntem. Ladiea whose heal th win not permit ap

• of f.uniiy. \\ill lin 1 these pills a suoi

posing thcu

peeaUnrly s i t o a t ^ , or HiDfif sup-

RO, s h o u | J not us$J,uese l*ills du r ing

t h e nr>t tu ree m n n t h a , ;\< Ihei ia tu pro-

duce Miipr etttr a

f , " a f t e r •..' i l i e n " the pr i ' .no r>y;> in«ibrHty, a f t t o e g h 1 heir mild-

Hfc'-ST Thu \V:;s!iicn;uv County Agr!- g0 iu.»cultural and EJortioultiiral 8 >ciety hus AU'

I w c e ' . ' . v [,i t .- i

bton very sncue-ssftil this year, ;ts the

pett inenmo over ami above nil expanses

is §733. This upenfca well for the offi

cars ol the Smjkuy, when we consider

the ngitQtetl ptute cf the country, when

mnth' is pro'.atning to a^rioulturnl seem

to be B'ffiiUovvtiii up in tbe !tr!.s of war.

C< M M .-Mi > A L DOMINATIONS — T h e

lellowiog jjentlemsn hare been nomi-nated fiT Cunjjrassby the Union party:

1st, District. — E. J . PUD ni man ofWLIVP,'.

;;<J District.—B. F. Granger of Wa«b-ten;, w.

4th District.—T. B. Church of Kent.5th District. —A. 0. Baldwin, ol Oak-

land. _ _ _ _ADMIN1.-1!'!; vroit's BALK.— A large

sale of Farming Utensils, together with

hoircs, cattle, sheep, &u,, will tiike

place on the 30th inst., at the residence

of tho lute JOHN QUEEN, Sen , in tha

town of Lodi. A s there are many use-

lul articles mentioned in the list, it

would b« well for thosy wishing any-

thing in the line of agricultural imple-

ments or stock to attend ;\nd b::y at

their own prices.

Stuarf3 Raid.I lEADQUAIiT lCUS OF G E . V . M C C L P T . L A X . )

r L i : A S A > T \ A T . L p r , O c t . 1 3 . )

The news of the KUccess <>f Stusirt'araid into Pennsylvania, iind tiie re:ir ofthis army has occii-ioned nn untiooBus-iiry exriteinent nmonw thi- tr<iop<.— tr;When it is taken into consideration that x - "—^>cr- «f.n batt emmjirfen of <•...-.« rm,.-the river is [nude fordable by H low t

ptnge ol water at so ninny [Joints, ',l);itthe Army fit the Potommi bus a line <•((ii< kets estendiutf fiom C'liiiIiHrland toWashington. H dj.-tance nf ISO fni{eH, ilmakes it uO etisy matter for a largerelic I force (if CUVa'ry to penetrate it.The moment the taet l i n t the rebels atMcCoy's Ferry became known, evervexertion wu* mule t i n t «-as deemednoceHstiry. The rebels at the month(if the Mono;: !cy at nine o'clock ye.-'er-d»y mominfif had tnaiched 78 mileswih in t«"t>nty-f()Ur hours without achange of horses or pest. At tha t pnirvtwhile utteinpting V< crow into Virginia,they were ivrui'sud and nine of tUen\taki:;; prisoners. The loss nn our si.leW;w oije man woumled Stuar t , find-irt|( i'linselt' un:ili!e to cro-s here, movedthree miles down the river to While'sFord whertj he made go id his exo;ipu.Gen. Pl-.-asat'ton, ivhiie pursuing them,lost the use of <>fijni, his horsus givingotit from exhaUMtjop, It is bilievcd

the man-lies b th rif iho rebels'cavuiry und rmr p;vn nre the must ex-

• r - d i c n f s

i^ th," above i ' l l ls a ro iiiadu Known to e v e r y

Ag«nr, aiii', t b e j will t ' -Hyou t h e y -ire sate a n l frill per-

f' rDi all pl . t ini 'd | o r t ' l i 'ui . I ' r ine ^1 jier box ciold in

ANN ARDOR, In-N - ' v . ' ; i . - -n \ . IVuggis fs ,

w . A. ii I.VC, Urn

:1 $1,0*)

(he A D D .\ • l >• r ' •..- r. ili ••-. c;*n l u v e ' h e [';'.!.;

a l l y ) bij mail, iu a n y p a r t uf tjw coini-

yt rao i -d inarv on r e c o r d , and they s h o wnn st conclus ively t h e perfect fully »iiittetr.ptinff to p u r s u e oavut ry with in-fant ry O r d e r s w e r e sent t ha ditfwreiitcn tnn tnnde r* to in<n-e a n d o c c u p y tiiej i o - i i o n s asx'.jfned, b u t u n f u t u n u t e l ya t this pa r i r u l a r t ime t h e ma jo r i t y oft h e c n v a ' r v force w.is a b s e n t i n impor-

: our livure t't i o i 111 tcli v 1

less a r t cU>. '1 In i of r(»,• ilfer n r you hese Kills for less l*ian 1"\ -i b ' ix .

. i . N me:ivr,itl I'win M p g Narftgenuiao urilofi- th:1 Hi if -. D H0\Vn is i n e\,My

: '•:•' :: \ )i • • n t o f t in1'Ul b t f i t d S

,1'Uls buai coutorfoitcd. Si,

KN.VE& MBLJ« Si lil-

nnd l»y one <Jrutr£ ist in every villnvd and oily in thel"iu:,i,l states, an4by KAHHANU..-HLKI t.Y 4c t'O..Gen-eral state .Agents, I;etioir.

t . 1) ID'.VE, sole!'rr>;.rotnr.807vrs2 _\s«- Vo,:s.



THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMANCmimlly in JUM-JI if g] e \ DM I enouyli to

of t n . i l i r*-;i i i', • • • . , \i !. j c h L w o -

: bjOCt;DR. CflEF^EMAX'SPIT.LS, p r e p ^ r p l from t h e samp

lW W \f. IV,,fl • • for twenty ye ; i r s \-"'•'' --i'u!r\ inan« I rsetice—Immediatelyrelieve without pain, nN rlist irbaacoa of th« pi: ciher arming rrntn reUwaitinn nr

•*i,-)n. They act like H charm in removing \hf pains that(tocrmpany dil ,. roe s t ruatmn, anrl:• r.' i ' i" ->n|v <;i To ;t inl I •.•lyfor frlusben, Pick! i - -1 'M.I IP . I'sii).-: in t!r • • and Sides, Palpitation<>f the Hi'iirf \Tci-\..us Tremors, Hysterics, PjuiBinfl,BrokenHe°p mil oti^er unplM^afif and dftD(r<»r<Hifl effectsof an uniiafinit condition nf the S>-\VCL1 fuDctmna inthe irorst ca^csof Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect anpeo'ly cure.

To WIVES and MATRONS.E E K \ r v . V S I ' l l . I S s n . .n 'f . -1 =< t h e o n l y s a f e

Uint du'.v at u) > g r o u t tt d i s t a n c e tti beof a n * use in oha«infir S ' nuc t . O n anou,'.ttsion of ihi-i k ind infant ry , no t be -i n g ub!« to m a k e it letlffthy rii) iroh, i.t of "»aD8»» r™«riii»iat«m1pt«4mBO»traati<m; ba?.

• . • • .. LA.D1KS MUST BKIR I \ WL"'no prHuticnl use , e x c e p t m cut t rd ina; _ . ,.furd-i nea r tit htind W h e n S t u a r t : nn, r.,,,,,,,,, y,,,? producing * r

ThtMHditlon xfrrredtu i' PBKQHANCY—MISC* I!I'1 IA(! 12. Stir.!ti< tin: irxuintiMf

I I fa efforts tnrcprodiictix-i t.'iwi'r

Ii llii

prosped at MCOOV'H Perrv, ho hud freshhorses thev havini; 1 n senl to that,pedut in advnnua ilis nroveinentn sifteriirn.-.-i'if; were rapi.l. He marched hisforce ninety two miles in twenty-fivehi IMS To sfcomplish this, he hadthe fresh horwes taken troin the citizensrf L'enn.••vlvani i, from the time GeneralPlo'usaAton. c<nniri;ii,ili.SLT a brigade ofcavalry and one battery left his catnpuntil he Crime up

The Indiana Eleetion.Indianapolis, Oct. 14.

The vote polled hero to-d iy is inijch.Inr^er than W:H evsr pulled in Hiitteitv.The Union ticket will have },2ttO ma-jority, which is a small gain,

Terre ffautOjCJtygives Scott Union,for Congress, 1,920; Yoorhees, demo-ciat, 1.175, gain, \< r Union tijljet.

Returns received up to eleyt'n o'clocljindicate ihe following result for Congress : First. Distriol, Law,;dcitioei'at ;Second district, Craveiw, di'itincrat ;Third District, Dunn, Union, pniliaiily.very close ; Fuiirth District, tjofrrian,democrat; Fifth District, Jutiun,,Union;

District, Indaintujolis District,lier General E. Dumont, Union,

bv 1.000 majorily; Seventh District D.W. Toorheen, l iemoornt; Eighth ] J i -triot, Orili, Union ; Ninth Distrust, Vo]fax, I 'n ion; Tenth Dwtriot, Mili-hell,TJnion ; Eleventh l>i.stiict, b!;ai,;>,Union.

The State ticket will be elosp. TheUnion men claim a Rrnul) tnajorrtjP.

nnmal mwiition., rl<at evenof nature ctijtlint rptiist it.,

'Elii din. I | ' vith l H t h Pi O Dlvnt be. with eicli ,—the Price One Duilav each

Bm, r.dntttiuing 50 Pill:A \ i L., •:', i. • !',i u p h l c i t r - b o h a d f i , , : 1 o f t b e A g e n t s .

' l !ild

ppromptly, hy jirice to anyi p p y , y

A g e n t . Bold by iR. B. HUTCH1XGS. P r o p r i e t o r .

Yk•Fqr P a l e V MAYN'AItn• iRENVII . I .E k .LI.1.1 R.

T pI York.

E r m i X s & WILSON , a n d




Two centuries ngo not one ina [luudrec^woj'Q Btocking^, Fifty yeuraOg*i not a l i iy m u t h o u s a n d W«H JII-lowed to i uu at h i ' g e iif t?i<LTht. Fit' yVrtniM n$n i-o) ntn jrir! in u t h o n ^ n dpi a cle a waiting muid of bor rncitfaer —AVondei ful iin[<rovemen.a in tiiia wontfefftr!

A P R A C T I C A L , t a p i 1, . H i j i a a t , 1 •'. ••nincliiii'-, .i.'a;il.-l to a large proportion of lamily

sewtDg, or for minufccturin . It is highlyental, nnil no liulit and [iorta{iio, fwo'gh. • ptiiini) that it can be conveniently carried in

tin- pocket or reticule.Its < p'i a;» ji t-• o vt ry siynple that it requires but a

. .'•

By ih11 siinjil.' turning <.l a cranfc with one hand, and(raidingthe wojk wifh tbe otlipr.i t sil-ntly yet verv

lleinakt-s the rinining stitchlike the hand seWfng. onlj more perl

It will hem, gather, mill", shirr , tuck, run uptir. a iiiis..•!.-.. •.*;• i :, ftinjda '»" douhli ihraad ..o any

t'st an I tli:nu." -t I;|I to I .oi I iv -ilk. u a i l y t h o raost d i t l i r u l t t o

s ' i l . 'h liy ofher r:i i. hi;ii-;, b i . ' i.c oa-i ,-t.—1 - ' :.!il c l i i l ' ln-n ' s njTpare), a n d o t h e r a r t i c l e s

l i . h t fabr ics , it vvili t h e r e t u r o hv loin.i uv i l ua l i l c .

b i rd , anilt on or

such a marv . I .

f.illy.It is p.,t nf Jill l isl '

If i» pUt Up ill :. II ll b0Swith full a n d explici t dire'cliou . . a n d tweQty-five need! < • . . .

; .ti receipt nt




and everything that is kept in a

Sent to any a nitf!y a f p n t g on reccip* tn n n rlor, incltwin? iW»m<>unt , f r m a j 1

' •

Llbfrfl! ' iner »n«l I.ady should

l i a v i ' i . n e o l t ' l 1 • ; • •

Artdi • MME m WORK T4 3 Broaifway(K Y.

also a flue assortment of




A full stook of

GEOCERIESconstantly cm hand.


Bern girt and Sold,

Thankful to old friends and customersfor piist favors, I hope to merit a shareof their patronage, by d<.;ilii,g justlywith all.

C. B. THOMPSON,(formerly witli 0. H. MilKn & Co)

Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 87gif

I am B;ui:d for

Dispute the faot it' yon can.It tak-B thuTAtLoU ^tiera

a j .

I t q Iieai:uico to tliu outer man.

If you w U h to njipenv wel lY"U must acc(ii(Jiiigly Dt fg i VVel!,

in to BI. Gu t e r r m n & Co'Sj."liere yon will fi id things exactly SO.

^CNDHEIM alwi.ys ready to takeyour measure,

iUITER.UAN will sell you GOODSwit]) great pleasure,

A.t figures LOWER than you will Iindin he State,

J'ake heed—CALL EARLY, else you aretoo L A T E .

riie IKDUOEMENTS are now greater thanever,

Our CLERKS you will find obliging andclever.

We wiil show you good CLOTHINGof our own GETTING UP,

rilling our-Store fro*l BOTTOM TO TOP.

STUDENTS especially will find it toT H K I K A D V A N T A G E ,

For it takes but L I T T L E MONEY toreplenish.

1500 0VERC:ATSof Cloth, Beaver,and Jiear,

Warranted for almost ever to wear.

COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of ourOH I) I M P O R T A T I O N ' .

forwarded through our New York re-lations,

from England, Belgium, Germany andFranco,

Such as you can STAND UP JH, or \VEAR,at the dance.

Fantfi ! Pants ! ! Pants!!!

ancy OASSIMERES and DOE-SKIN of everv grade,

We sell them Iroin ONE DOLLAR upto EIGHT.

E^TS, &C. of every description,You will tinu it so without fiction,


This is all w e say nowr,therefore v/e make our bovsf,

Yours tru'y, ever so,i i G'JITLliMAN. ft. Co ,



B \C11 & 1'Ann ArborOctiVjiM 1 , 1 8B.

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral1>ER?OXS «*1JO wibii if buj he bes t roak^r

be bli"We Low they c m s a v o a b:lll'^^uI^^• Bum , o,-. .• a i t | LI v iiridr.-ss I J ^ N D , c a r e J t n r ( nl

The c^itlor-f And t h e publ ic w * rlftlit in p red ic t ing th f t tt h l M w* 1 ] 1 - u i ' ^ ; i , - s , i n ^ r u p l l l c l i ; t i I"; {lVYt I v. 1 1 >t B g i H ^ l P S t ,

a J i M i - i i , - \ ' j p< I'M h i i i\\ , :L i n t h e i J H ^ T I M U. * c i f l i l t W f i rf i l l 1 t h e L ' W < i Q U s U u n i : ; w i ! i t w t i n * l i e I d i e d o l i n g , | J i l -

! i t - i i t , s u i K . r >.,$-. ; i i i < l b a i f - b r c a l i t i c i t | i s i i i i r M p ] H i i - r . s

ami Nuili i , . r • . . . . lie UICUMJ o f e o u *verdd i- n at wi iwa t i c rabk i firevides I'm \ .•.-:). t>> r< t a t , i twill e«iitH i ' ; i iu (U'tajlB, Hi'1 pliMo-

• v r , b y -T H N

LnUi'f<-ii' . u i i . i . Y . 1,1. D , Auth«»r ul " T h e K »e « | t b e[ t u t o b s; - • E. i - J 11 <•." o*e.} tin >i lea ol HM tin- t n i | o i t a t i t

i m tli • .'••! n I3i « n r>; «', a n d tin n c c u i, , . c . L i i i o l Ute p r ioo i | j » l b^ttlo.-*, w i i h e u g u -

O n - t h i n l tin1 proceedft of nil Subscr ip t ion* pc;nt dirccLto u> will tie tiiVcn to] i«' ] l lef of LI Dbled B«I« if*8,I^III'I a l l purrtou.-i who wisli a c I i irk, i inl HIRO

l!';i" s,:-hon11 : i-:il (fiorf r^uiic and lid-4rej*s a t <<nop Altm, n « y iffl . . ()1- person ia;my M'uHen nl tlie c o u n t r y , h a v i n g knowl**rtgft of n, lie-rti <• »c1 or a t i r r iug incidclj t , wifl uLli^o ua b,v sen

• i : i ( t ' l L .

Books*] en , rv>s1m%st(*yK, " u l Pan.T&9KUsg Agents willbe fin ui-lii-! witjj a dubscriptioui I'roapectu*,on applicft-tinu to tbe- Ful i. •

fr*», A librml nniml-' a« agents tu takings

soldiers desiring to



Rj-I)r. J , I . E ^ N D E R Hi -HOP. 2 v o l s , 8 vo.Yol I, uow r e a i y , Vol I I . n e a r l y leaily,

Tlii.H is probably tbo largest unJ mos t iu ipor tar . t 'now in \\\G Ajftuiican

Clocks, Watches,


If so, porch* of i . E, Cl:ampion'«


Gf£r v^f-ft" - •'• •.'.:*;•"*'*•••

Silver and Plated Ware,


We have ftl*o j^rfl pubilsbeJ n---\ pdltteni oi tha fol-lowhig a loki:

The Business Man's LegalAdviser;

Or, Row to 9AVP ifonejj ''V Conducting Business accor-iVngtol nded b j tlic Best and Latest An-thofitiea, 400 pu , sheep, 1'rice J I ,


or, A Thousand Chances to Make Money,

Cloth, SI Tiiis has been ropublislicd in England,

Every bu I&IPSS manand t'loik ebjould have thwfebobks.Thcv n'ill pa j the buy* r n hundred lukl. Every parentf-huulu ^L't tii^in U4" tbt;ir aOfii*.

All these books are milled, p ^ p a w i , nn reoetpi of]irke. We p«y i» -rtioul.-r atfentitHi to mailing books,wrapping them cmefulty, and will procure and s-cn^,postpaid, any book anywhere, on receipt ot paWteber*1

i>ricc, Adcir<--=b




C L O T H I N G!


F AX BOW n])n;iin- n hire" nnd varied.s, fmgan iSammarUoods , no I :» vicn- of the

,-,,,, , n h . "fill nffurtbem tonvmil custom, t - a t the very lowest H?urea f'>r C'asli.—'fhnse it) want ftf ;t Bupcrioi article of Cloths, Cassilacrcs. or

Beady-Made Clothing,will oall r n -


FRECULKY & CO.,T r i b u n e Bui ldings , Keff York .


Prepared from a s improved tecipe Uy the proprietorof tha l l ;.'>ni>iiii K ,II>N\I!IA.\ POUBJH," i« certified by nil:he leading N. >v York furn i ture Dealera and Pianoforte M-ii-er* to oe the be*i in the wotld for RvmurinffScratches, Marks, aud Dirt, ana r«atur,ing a higb BI}0

loss tu ill kinds (ii' Varnished work, from 1'uvrii•tUre tu Leather. It i- i better tha Van i sh .lrie- immediately* «a l I ^ M - I , applied. W t h apiecejf Canton l"ij nnel »ru) •••n<\ « b ntle or two of this NEWFrnsiTrKK Po] e*per c^p w ork m;igic in thelirnituie of a hun-u and kebp it looking tike new. Now8 t h e tini(i f t ' • slii:i<- ni>'- y\mi T iWaV, ' lu i i r s , Dfeakfi,'! :t n ci - . i'j.jt ui (• ]-'i-1 lues Carriag**^. f c , ; m l toike t h ' j moiik . r0 ];!.-]• c • M n n r a y . J""r

-ale1 bv »• a r n i t u r e I r a i l r - ; n 1 i^ to!ekeeper§-gtf l r a l l y . —•r i t e Lfl :-,nd 50 ••v\i: - a hui ii«t. In-put No. I ripruce s i ,

New Y . n k . .-iHT^al .\ r eo ta W a n t e d . Adil^ea , B»3|197'J. N e * V m k I' 0

T h e Hun i>l,i-c|iurV XL'W ! n it ' L . -• ! ' ' : ^ h is for haluit Ann r

. WAGNER,who has just returned from the Eart, wi<h a large

SPRING & SUMMER GOODSwhich have been purchased at thelat«

er ti'-nii-.1 t h a n ev<r before.Among my Assort m e n t m a y bt' fuund



cf nil jescri|jtions, togetll' r with a superior assortmentol Kcntl}—Mu<lc UlOtl l ls ig ,


F h i

TCv«y irt, *ln ukl ass tbepAMBCCl WINE,

llcinnl anJ biqunlitic • • i :••'i<t'.c ntil 8ud< ride, higlilv epteempd In i inurn t pbysieianfl, ust-d inKuro] i-.r: niiivl Amencfi n iI'• s j:-i 1 n IP , and by some of tbefirst J a iu 11 j t-s cf Kurii; o. and America.

i no equal, cam n - n n q j ] rtito anrl building upnl (r.f !-y-\> m being u.tiru^" u pure wine of a mostvaluable- f; uit.

AS A im:ru.Tic,.]•)•. a iK'filtliy actj'Jii to the Glands and Kidneys,

nn<! Uriuaj \ Org.i IK-, very beneficial in lU'opsv, Gout, amJHl\eumatic ofie&l


[s no) article, but is pure: I t-'atnbilcdsgrapB^ouUn nte<

in New ,!( rsi y .;(<••. r. Q .aid I'hysioianapei ; ' ' r i u e n v otli?r

use, and a. i i cle for all %vcak amidebilit:i" ;"_1 t)ic api'O iind infirm, improvingthe anp'- t i ie , «ud b'j:^-ii ing l^d M and children*

A LADIES WIN'K,Becaasr it will not mtoKieate as oiher vino, as :t

eontainn lew atiti ;;ro of spirits i r liquors, nnd is aduil• . . . ami mitiitive propertfot,

, tone to tbe dlgentiTe orgncs, and ablooming, soil nnd liealtliy skiti and com[jlexion.

•\VK r.I.WJi TOA few well known gentlemen and physicians, who have

• Wiu< :—rV.Wilwn.Xlthat., N. Y.r>r. WaH, Nevvftrk, X. J,Dr. DoiifrHert v, " "i)i-. Parish, 1'biladelpliia

Cm. Winfiefd^cntt, I(i«.v. H p m n , N.Y. M« oDr. J U. lUiirtftu, N. •* • I

tor, N Y. City. •Dra Qarej and N'ic

.\'t\Muii, x . ,i !Aii.l mnnj • mt to ptibfl&h,

Lho piguatttta of "AT.FHFDI ,'' is over the cork of each bottle.

\i:V OSE TRIAL 6F THIS WINK,lie by iMoyna ic l , S t e b b l n s & AVUson,

Ann Arbor.Trade supplied In CatroH by II. k L. -"IMOXEAU.

A. SPEEP, Pioprietor.VINI fi : ' ; !' • ic, New J e r s e y .

!•. ; 08 Broadway , N . Y .

JOHN LA FOV, Pa1 is.f-31m6 AgKut lov Trance and Germany




n's Funiishiiiij


BACH ^ PIERSONHave just opened n



Or €> €> X> yfor

Ladies' and Genllemens Weni1,

Biso a stnclk of

Best Family Grocerie?y

which will bu sold

CHEAP FOR CASH,ld, received nt 16 per cent. prom.

Silver, " " 14 " " "

Janada, " " I t " " "

Old demand Treasury notes, at 10 perent. prein.


Ann Arbor, Sept. 22, If C3.

ltiile Factory!

Benller & Traver?[ S u c c e B j o r 8 t o A . .1 S i ' i i T i ; i n . ]

Miinufacl,urera of and Deai«ri in

Guns, Pistols, Ammunition'lasks, Poiiiihcs Game Bags, and

E v e r y o t h e r a r t i c l e in t h a t L i n e .

me at the shorti&t notice, and t ^ t h e bast nianut

full assortmfut •i'.^-:,y - kep! on band and made order.tj ft yhop uii Huron --ireet.Ann Arbor,Uct. 8, isQt. 873tf

T VI E Ci 111? A T C A USB O P

HUMAN MfiSERY!Just Vublish'.d, in a Sealed Envelope. I'rict

Six CentsA l . F . n r i : i ; n Y 0n .< r i \ i .uwi 1,1,, o \ THE UAU.5K

JJl) Ci ' i ! : ' '•' •, ' '• '- 11 1 1 1 | A ' " i i , M . n : i Ii c a l I K - b i l n y , v , . r \ t u n - - . l . p i l ' j i v . [ m p a i r e d

' . i t n l i i m i i l ' t i l " ; ) . . ' l y . l l a w i t i i P , W . M k n i v , , , , f 1 l , c I . n i O ~n d t h e D u c k , H I N u p e s i t i ' n i n I I n c i j i a c i t v t o n t u d j » n J

• I ! 1 M " - > o f A [ i p r e l u - n * i o n , l . " - - n t ' e m t r y , wr s i n u t o X K H - l v . L ' - . \ " o l t J u U U d S , l i i n . i l i i y . : ,-:'l D i : -n i . - l , D i / z n i f . - s . 1 1 - n i ' . i ^ l i ' ' . A l l . c ' . i " n s . f I n " [ £ y e * , I ' i i n -

• •. l u v u l u s t i i r y l i n i •t i a c i l y , U u ' I — " 1 Y u w i h u l l u d l ^ c r e t i i i ; ,

SEPi: ns admi rab l e Leclni'<* ctoarly proves thn.1 tbo

,;-..• e n " . ' • ' '• • i ' ' ' v ' - • l n ' •! " ( i ' T . 0 IOI1 . . 81 ] I

i . v •• . -r y v o u t . ) a a 4 e v e r y t u . u l i l l 11:0


vt. in a plain enve lope , t o a u v I K M I P S S ,(il bix 0"Hii«,or two yuntn •

• ! A^ .!. c. K:.IXF.,127 r i iw-^y Ni iv York l"<i«t Off iceRoi -'.'ffi



Orders left nt thfl Argus OfficeTomptly

with numniouB other articles usually found in similarBitakdishments. As an


thi- i<ul]snrihc'r (Jattershimself, ' h a t hla lop? e^perlcnoe. ,[ . . liible him to givi- tbo gteatwt

satisfaction to ah wbomaj lus t hipi iuiUev. aj ol

t 3 ^ Manufacturing Garments t.o order.WM. WAGN'ER.

Ann Arbor, ApJil 9tl- 1S62. M i if


News from "Dixie J"

The Rebellion about Crushed !


CLEVELAND CLOTHING HOUSEKcUiu their sincere thanks to their nutuerous


For the liberal manner in which they have hereto-tofurc pattoBiiol them, a ml beg Ipave tu

iinuuunco thai tUe^ tu e


With a Large and well selectedStock of



Hals, Caps & Trunks,

w h i c h t h e y will hell a t

Astonishing Low Prices !

Fpr further pnrtipulars

C a l l cixxcaL So©for your se lves , ami you will no t go a w a y dissat isf ied,

A. & C. LOEB,

Huron Street, a few floors west of Cook's Hotel.Ann Arbor. May, i8<«. 8m83l


T IIV FIRM 'IF C. II. MII.I.EN' fc CO.', It this <lav iliasolved by m nt. C. H . SCillen la au thor -

iied to .-i n i " all busineM rclalintj I i widfirftL,

C . B , THOMPSON.Ann Arbor, September 1.".


HiAVINft purchasec the inteuMi of C. B. Th'_ In t h e l a t e a r m o f C . H. Millen fcCo., t «hall con-

t u n e it t eold - i -n , I'logting aa fat stt-m "f doing bu TnanHnl for pn^t patI hope 1" merit a continuance ol tbe

patronxsq heri ' 1 . Persoua imicl.ted to• 11 i.lease call and settle inr.no.lialely.

f7)wB C II M1I.I.EN.

Oval Pictnre FramesA L I . ' I Z B S , STYLES a n d TOICFS j u s t Moei»ed a n d

" • i C H O F F & MILLKR'S.ISnO.''ec.ai) "Sl1tf

Demand Treasury Notes^F o r whicb we pay

M. (JIJITKHMAN & Co,Ann Arboi OctoVr 3,13 B,

Ayer's Ague Cure,


6-rass Seed Sower,Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio.

r p H E VEHY L « E S T IMrr.OVr:M':NT, and better thanJL all otod tu sowing \Vheat, i^\e, Oals,

1ft. It lias a Rotary Feeder.2d. Will sow all kinds of Gsain

and Grass Seed,ad. Never hunches ihe Grain4-tTi. Never fypeahs the Gmin.5th. Soivs Grass Seed broadcast be-

hind the Drill.Grh. Has high wheels and long /Iocs.7th. /la'ilj/i./ ' el pu'mts-Sth,: It has a laid ineasure or Sur-

veyor'.Qth. It Aw dotihh and single rank

dr'lls.10th. It has a self adjusting sliut off


\% is neatly pnjl substantially made.

There is hardly a Drill offered in the mirkut but canboast of nwie ^r lesfl

PBEM1UMS-"They a r e n b ^ u t a s indi ci '-m'.••• telv bes towed &< t h e t i l loof •• /'< • ' xo t h e'•fiddhr*' o r *•* bootblack.11 %h£j cttfuo to c u u \ e y tbeictea cfnerH.

Tlw i- has bet-n on Exhibition at quite anumber of btajLti and Cpsiwty l-'ui is, •xnd witho. tfavor at ihe han Is of any Committee, has rpceiveJ iiofull share of Premiums,

We give the followin . i Few Farnurs hi tb : sicinity wjo h*vc bought arid a.it-d the BucUeyu Drill:

Godfrey Miller, kW©.

J e o b ^ q i p e r ,

J o h n t!rnU;l'.V,ClirutiuD K-Edwi t rd !!'•;• '•,i tne i'l•• iflvytllj

J o h n U. IO. A. dial's,i,ii!,L- t-dmou s,Qoorge C r o p a e ^



Saline.Gr i uOuk , Liv.Co.

Wo are also Agents fot the

Ohio He ape r & Macknowledged t> be tho very bes t iu uac .

Wo MIe just iu receipt of

100 Gram CradlesWiiiiii we will sell Cheap.

Also a large assortment a

Grrass Scythes.And t he la rges t and bes t selected block of

BENT STUFFFOR CARRI4GESey< $ In tb.ia m a r k e t .

We aisy kei-j* a t**g» smd i'ull

KAIL-, GLASS, njrry, r.uxr, a^amiaESj) OIL,

A cumplotc a s s o r t m e n t of


AND EAVE TROUGIISalways on Hand anO p u t u p a t t he



Musical Instruments,Strings Sf Bnokt fur Instrument},

SHEET MUSIC,CC'MBS. and a g rea t varx-ty of


nf t h e k indL'nitecJ s t a t

:.. tUe Kroiu•mJ f a n s it ia in u , . , .


INVIOORATOR ! Ia a Beautiful. V.\ toothing, yet Stimulating


He would call particular at tectlou to his large stockfof

of Gold, Silver, Sled, and Pitted, with

PERISCOPE GLASS,a superior article. Atao Huntmgton & Plai t ' s

colt brat ed

CALENDAR CLOCK!fmltsble for Offices, Counting Rooms,Halls or Dwellings.Cbeu cloolu are reifable time k«epera and ( ieoinbiiuvl. and require the winding of the time move

• red changes at in id; oving the day of the w o k the montl: arid d'\

of tliv? nrtntii, hicki'lin^ the 29th of February of Lsaiyear. Hte goods are mostly <if recent purchase fromVtw York and the miiuulactureis, and will be sold toS"ilt the times. Persons having difficult watches to fi1

with glasses can be aoootooetated, as my stook id Larg<.uu1 coflaplete,

P. S . Particular attention to the

Napoleon's Hair Toilet!. »0 t l . e F i e n c h people t U t

••'••• ••i '- i lot b e i n B t n . u -

li i i - i / r . i k . t m » » t• n l l o t l i e n e w r .,nVr«d t «

••• • - ! : • ! ? t i n . . ! , - c o a n .itfrompraetieiiliw

THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILETi r. STRAIGHT Ilunii-. Soft, Saien.Plotrint Curl.

ninshapeftrouediyorcne u.ck If4«-s i r« ,or S nytn! lirectiona are strict!*

1 in-II n roilet does !••>• in any nwnnnriBfprftre »itk.Unit. It npiHiur s c o r ' h i

"•'••^•J '- 'l:" I»aii a soft, thrift, anpenr-

f S t a J U J ! 0 ' T " ;1" h:iir fr'm fam"g "aud

THE NAPOLEON HAIR TQIXETHas been bcforotluj puMc but a ah. rttimo, nnd lias-al-rqaJy been tested bj over one (UousanJ persons I a . J ,

:iv that the N'apoleon Hair Toilet la die ere ' t -Imc-riwp people.

Tojjreventth . coftitad«" lm-n-e 4o not olftril for»*le

Lariy or Gentleman oft.Xuxurtant Hairor llountaclie can

procure the Invig»rator or Ti lc t , either one for on«• 1'jlliir enclosed in u (otter, with their address. Ad-dress,

G. P. SPEKY & CO.,Hoi lS3,Collinsville,

Hartford Co. Con4>And it will he carefully sent by return mail.

of al l k inds of fine W a t c h e s , such as

Making and Setting new Jewels,Pinions, StnJJ's, and Cylinders. Also


neatly repaired and warranted, a t his old standeasi4Ue of Main Street.

C, BLISS.Ann \rbor, Nov. 15, 18C1 B26tt

"Provide for Yo r Family."

LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY.Weste rn off ice ,^ir igsbary IHock, Randolph St. , Chicag* .

Assets Jan. 1st, 1802, $276,223.44.

Policies a r e ilansfl upon the lives pf i eb to ra , a n d 0ill bu.-*in*esd pi'ifposes, cl thef fcr lite or Fur a t e r m •vfar? . on an far<>ri}b!fi te r ras AS by a n y o t b i r Company .

Marri< I • '• of the i r hiaccord ing to a law of the S ta t e , MCC I inj; t he araouu* o)tbe insurance to themselves or thi i\h--, clainas <if their Imsbauds' creditors ; alnu, mEni"i<u3ladie« can toaura thttir own lives For (he butefit of theiichildrt-n or truate* 8,

Policies on live.-, are issued for any sum not eseocGin-t | I 0 0.

By tho terms of the charter , this Company i^probibi-ted paying mo.ia-tlfaA 7 Jiercea'fc anpjalJy in 3ividen*1son its capital to sioekhoMcrs ; a n l it i eceives that au*iin inteiest foy the use of its capital, the Burplu ilirlded among the Mutual Tnnurers; hence it will ap

pear that ii c< i ;ea of a Mutual willsIn* security nf a stock Company.

When the prt-inium nfiaounta to S40 or oTer a nnienay be given fur. four t*JQtha of the amjutit. Rates a -

low ub any oihergood company.

^Noiy i? the time nf s '^ure a competency far y<<\\)ainiiy should dauth fin.1, your hoBt&stead eQCumb«r<HKI busiaesf involved

ERASna I .VIAN, Prealdent.Gro F . SNrrrfCT.S-cyB. F. J u h n ^ ' n . Vice President and Manager of W e s t

•rn Branch oQice. ChicagoE. B. POND, Agent.

WM. LEWrrr.M. D., Medical Examiner.

Dr. Win. B,




Curing Toothache & Neuralgia.

Do y^u WISH" to be blessed with and admired for PKAH-_.- WuiTKand Soqnd TLkTHf l\c p r . W. Ii. HDRD'SUN HVALLfcD TOpfH POWDER, warranted free from

cid,n Ikali, or any injuriquii ^ijbbtance. lJricu,25 cent aer box.

%^. Beware of the ordinary cheap Tooth, Powdsrs'hich whiten but destroy.

Do you wiah in bo certain that your BREATH is pure ,sweet, an agreeable to husbmjd pr wife, lpver atriends? Use Dr. HL'KU'.^ Ll-XKURAllO) l l o p l t iIf ASH, Prte», ^3 cents per bottle.

This astringent wash in also (he bost remedy in thevm-M fur CANKKR, B&D Bur;A'n;; HLPI;CINU (iutts, SouiiMourn, eW. It has cured hundreds

Do yc>u. or your cl.Il.hvn sutler f:om TOOTHACIH,'- G< IDr. KURD'S MAGIC ZOOTHACHJS DROW. Trice, 15cents pei UoUk. ^

Arerou afflicted with NEURALGIA? Get Dr. W. B.qUXD»rt NK0RAU3IA PL%tSTLBS, The most cfiL-otivc

ud dvliglitful remedy known.

They do not adhere nor blister, but sopthc- and cfiarm)nin away. Try them. Price, \S and 37 e«ata.—Mailed on recuipt ol [ rice.

Do you wish a feomplete Ret of DFXTAL RKMIid a TttuTitqi ON : KEii>RvisQT*KTaT UetDr. Li

CENTAL TRJEA-URY. the n n t m t m.-d moat Taliwblt

For sale at all ;lu best storys tkrougbout the ecu -•U-

CAUTION1.—A< there are dealers who take advai,. impose npnn the!*' customers in

e i'lreii by an e x p e n e n ed «na . - c in Sici r c a ^ u r t J «.r tbfl New York S ta l e 1 &nti«t ' i t i

BOciatU-n.aijd Vice Pres ident of iho Now Xork Wtjf Den-.<iy.


WM. B. HIJRD & CO , New York.

j ^ Dr.Hurd's Dental RemedHa a n for nale in Ann

;:;I:.\VILLF: & 1'L"I I IB. bGJtt

Howard Association,rillLADKLI'lllA.

F<ir tJ"1 relief of tht Stclt and Diatresnai, nffiictrj withy,rli:,ir. . • penally fur the

! lie Acting Sur-

STOLRN FPOM the Bu1>pcriber on SurtUny 1hp 17 Iiii! t"i i : ,» light-buy mnro, ii'n.ul 14 ii baft Is high.

all four Kirs wli u . whitt atiij ,• in the i:u-e, 10 nr 11y«ara i>ld, carr e.< h»r head v.-ry lov

I.Uickt'p bnf,q;v, wuo*<B«xi»ltj»«, <'!"•" rfhnt,closed eat, II ll vfitb proman 1 yelli(MISIIMIU and se»t tcimti^ed vritb m •cd cloth.

The nian cslled hiin«elf Jant» • dr. hf is abnnt 2,I whlsketJ an

i »,,iaia. c ,11 and small poodjoi

, . r l nill b e p i i J !••>• the arresl of tliethii'fand p r o ^ r t y / o f any Infbrm^tioo that will Wnd t"heir rfcovi ry.

JOHN BBQWH.Ann Arbor. 1S63.

IBLE KFi'nl'.'i'J on S| ermaiorrhoea • »nd nt'jpi, . . t h i • • • ! '

! S K U X I S HOUGH-l ' i i \ i; i Lfttloo, No - .?. Ninlli Ft., l'lii'

F tor ra

VOl'JCF.hhei • opf l r tm-r*N bwit ifoie I 6*jr'« "t Joha

jnd William *ii» Mm mutual, ., . , . . ,.{ Irom the mi d

Srm wiauthorii il to _fc


«tlu:it--<l in ' •U»ivi r.-i!v. nrtjninftl lh<a c r e s und'tv i m | i n >•• " ' s l : m

t l . r fallen- r.-a.K .-.r »b«.i

oh i i rA •


F o r t l ie ppeedy c u r e of

Cough*, CoUs, Influenza, Croup, Hoartenm,Jlrvnclritis. Pneumonia, Diseases of the Bow-

els, arising from Cold, Incipient Con-sumption, and for the relief and (if

at all possible) cure c/ Patientsin advanced stages of tits

latter disease.rilHE Balsamic Cordial is entirely a Vegetable produc--L li011 combining the heal •. J propertiea ni the B»l-••"', "''•• ••'•- ln»igor&ting qualities of a Cordial, pro-

, ti '! to the iiurpjosesiotended, 11.at thi re are but lew cases of disease t\'Wcliwill not, at an early |>en.,d, sutfui^b to its heal iugandlife g-ivii.

the tceatment of pulmonary disenses' portion nl tbe attention of the

scientific of the tnedipal lyorld, but none acquired morei Rse». than the

• -Ifbr.acj.l f 'mtaian. I T . Hoofland, the orignutoi i l limBalsamic Cordiiil. His life was devoted tu tiie jiroduc-l i o n °* ' would stand ufarirailed. rloWiwli be has suoceeded, the American people are able to

y ai : t, that 1.0 pvepnrationaihai lnv,. i fer been placed b fore them, have conferred

• Biountol bienetttn on juifering humani ty , orhave elicit.-.1 ',o many commendations irom all classesui society, a^ rheret^bdles of Dr. lioofland prepared b j

Jarknoa i; Co., of rhiliidflpliiu. *The Coi ; ^f oispases mal4

gewtfa) and more fatal than any other to which the.eople of thia Country m e subject—.those spiinging

from a "slight rold.'~ That eminent authori ty, Dr.ill notsay that Colas are to our inhab-

u and Ydlow Fr.nsT are to thoseol other countries; but I can uv cr confidently tha t they

.i disease of greater ^complicity and mortalityilian tLeiel i i t tsr ."

Entirely Vegetable. No AlcoholioPreparation.



D S C. M. JACKSON ft CO., Philadelphia, Pa .•,tLi:illy cure | i UXT, DYSPEPSIA,

JAUNDICE,Cliforiic or Neivoua licbiliiy, Diseases of tha, and »!l diseased arising froiti a disordered

Liver or Stomacb,Such as Constipation, Inward Piles. Fulness or Blood

to t in: i • ' - > • i , \ > i ••.•:!, Ik f t r t -I ir the Stor^i-

• aUoi)>, Sluking iir Fluttering a t the PitHead, Hurried and

Difficult BiwUhing FI ii tbe l lea i t , Chokinga •. ing pasture, I)in^-

:jci3 oi \ •• ht, Kt\ur andi'ull Pni i • piratio^, YeJ-:owri-s nf t'i*' • ' • in in the Si'l«, Back,Chest. *Li esof Heat, Burning in

oga <>! evil, and great De-• • vt&y breveat YEL*

:, BlLLloL rSFSV£E,4*.Che Propjielor in calling the attention of the public

ntfc a feeling cf UM utmostain !:.) v;-.'-: • i •'• adactation to tbe diseases

new asd nqtried article, but one tha t ha«' Ainpr-

. . • unitvailed• iy ui;y • 'lit. The testruionjfn i t s lavorgiven t>y i'-" nip/5jpro^aineni and wcll-knovi-q

tmlstiiall partpof'flie country iy. :.r.<l :i car ful \ crui>al ol the Almanac, gvih-

j by tbe Proprietors, nnd to be had gr»t(8uf any oi thi-ir afy the most•ibeptVpi , i ••\ ing the great

ined.Jlcnd tUe Evlcien«»9

Prom J. Z*C4£io7i Brawn V. D., Editor of the EncydoiniimICncicktlge.

AUhor i recommend Patentust of their iugre-

: reaspa whyho believes hi'uself

to have Weeived troia any girnple'preparation, ii{'"^|ip.ui ' juto iu the heneftt of

•ithe raoro readily in vft^ard to ^-iloofland^a. ! . Ufa, ol this

.-ity, brc:i'.sse 1 • I is1 them for years ,. iv*ere chiefly au alcohol*

• i.-. 1 am intJebt^d to aiyJfriead Robert Shoe*:n!'.ker, Epq ..for the pfemoral of this prejudice by proper

i o t ry them, when fuller-ing from great B . oi;e<3 debility. Tlio use of

•s, at the beginning <jf the> .;\r, i'. n* d:\'r: • ..-it relief, and resto-

ration 1D a degree 11 bodily and montal vigor which 1 hadand had almost despaired;

of regruuing. l hank God and my friend fagi i r t c t ingmeto the Use of them. J . NEWTON Bl iUV

W-z-i what the eminent Gla iturer,H. WIIITAI.L, says of the CALSAM1C CORDIAL.

DR. C U. JACK . \ Having for a.Ions tlnn • . rtrtnes of thy Ba!.'

rditil in Co« ., Enfl«n>mfttf<ffl of the,; c. I thus fr< I • iony to Eta eflicacy.for MveralyeoM I ha*« oever beeo with'ont it in myfamily It 14.41 . thtt Iuscl it witheniire success in the treatment of 3Cpnaptaints. Thy^rtead trUW.

JQHN K "WHITFifth luo. 3^,1863, 1 ", above" 4tb,

These medictrrta ar» !"• r saTp by .'til respectable Pr-up-gista and dealers iu med'cinei i, Brit-ish Provinces, aud West Indies, at 7S cents per bottle —l-,e sure;' :• iiiine, with the signature of C. M.JACKSOH on the wrapper uf each butlhi; all others atf

Office and Manufactory, 41* ArcfeStreet, liiiaaclchte, P«, S20yl

Notice of I»oor.

il to

I E PftR«<W« hnvm- tMH)H to be nn lifefl VJ1 B^ar-Iof S u - ^ r i n l - n i ' '

aso liJir,,1: th' m tn eith-r . • a or be



>JL9, AMI NEW CK1 SSWIi K.F i v m veceni sm-vr-ys, completed Aug . 10, 1?62 ; coat

tini".Suin-r:, r to any $16.] !' I ton or Mitch-

ell, and .Ity cents ; afO.OOftI p thi.s map.

It is notynly & County Map, but il i:; nl>o a,'.'.' ANJ : KAIijiOAD MAP

of tu0 UnlloJ ;. las eombineel ijfc.>rit. givingIII ROAD STJS.TIOK

t and dJstftn^es between.GIUTM tan or v a n t S to 96 r.cr day. and

wMl tftke b t£k uli DMkn« that cannot be sold an-i refund;the in

r SI worth to try.1 Instructions how tn canvass well, furnished,

e Agents for our M-ps eroryHtatc,t'ftUforatH, Oina franco a n l Cuba,

ith a few huudrcd dollaricapital.

J. T. L1.OV1', No. 161 Brodwaj, Newto**. .

Tl|c W u - Departineui I p if Virginia. Mary..*nnsytvania, cost $100,000. ill which i^

. . tn-iport Ferry,1 th< 1 a on the Poio-

CJWC, an ! every j.'ldi1'- in Warytantlj Yirg uta, \v.-\ 1'i-nu-sylYniU or v a L 1 n ft;


OHIO, INDIANA, and ILLINOIS,isthe ontj the War Dc-

. on« Anding an erior

»YD'd MAP OK v n ; . ; \ [ _ \ . vuKYI.ANP ANTiLVAXIA,— This Map\K .-ery large ; i(- c(»1 i«

• [Pi f RIVER—f and \V"ui. Howin,

1 ihowj oveiv

', r-liinrt,

. i1.; in fin btn,.50 op l.iiuen, with r ''.>r-.

.T , 1?«:

Map of th't URear-Arfatf-

• JS roauy as uro io«

ii72wJ OH f IhoXavT.

Aye/s Sar

Page 4: a r cra rmedia.aadl.org/documents/pdf/michigan_argus/... · nililess iiivuilvr " ciin peil itt RiwiHM, Miss. I :ttit now ti "rijliiilile gentlu-Mum jus: re tinted from this Smith."

jK;r&Igaa"jrps.! PBINTINGFrom the Richmond Examine, 0c< G

The Financial Condition o. t eTlie great dubjectB of revenue and

•a are nrtw before Congrene. Tlieintellect of the body is at a low ebb if thohill now pending shuli be only ono pro-jujscd. A device so sorry and abortiveus that is hardly fit to be respectfullyconsidered by intelligent pttbtio men.—Tii bill proiOiC> t° >'t'S'"r'L e'-'er.V ttltiuH to

. :i,i ijpvernmettt out-fi/th if his gum•', iind to rrceire in <ick>inwled/i)lrnt

' per eeul. hands oj theThis is neither a tax

!'UI unbraces tho wor.it features uf bath.U!' sill lourni those at eight |>er OtJi t arethe worst. Of all taxes twenty per eeut.g-A.ai ineomo ia tho mu.-t opprrssu e.

Si.ine ii;v nuts are all profit. Smiieincoinbfl du not afi'iird ten per cent, profit.In s&iuc cases capitals is rualiaud and rc-iufpftod in :i few u.onths. In othernessesit is a permanent investment, and only its•:0t profits aie realized. A tux on thoi^ros incorue is in one case a tax on c:ipi-\i\ and profits, in the other cane s» taxprofits alone. A tax on gross a munireceipts sviil impo.jo ;i burthen te i tim sas bcavj ei! crme persons as :n borne byothers employing just as much capital.

'J bis project is a forced loan, and th«win is as sliallow as the dupi\s for whomh". seeks if b<? expects it to be regunhd•tlierwiss. Congress strikes aheavitr bluivat our ere jit than the public etumg, svhtD itthus puts upon the statute bunks tins• Seetive publication, that faith in onrcredit is goiie. Mo::ey abounds, seeking,investment in pubtij securities. Virginiasix per ceut. stocks are at par—a pointto which they have not ut'ained forseveral years. North Carolina six percont. Btocks are twelve or tituen percent, above par. Money abounds seekinginvestments in stocks, because at presentit can Snd no safe investment in largebusiness enterprises. In the undst ofthis redundancy Congress proposes anunactiueut which declares want of ootififlenee in Confederate stocks, and tberwbyinevitably occasions tho want of i;o:ifi-dence which exists oi:ly in the itnagi iat'.on of the timid minds that purpose l\\ sp ringe scheme of finance. L?<>roe Con-fed :rataeig!:t per c -tit. bonds on I honewi o only take them bi'Ciu«ethc lawcompels it, and you throw npi.i the mir-ket at once a horde of bondholderslooking for purchasers of what they holdonly because the law has forced it uponthem. How can the govenrnent go withits six per cents iato a market which itwill have already filled with ea<rer andexcited salesman of its own eight perceuta? When one class of the holdersof public securities are thus in the mar-ket, looking i'or purchasers ot the highestgrade of Confederate securities, whatmust bu the effect upon thoso who holdthe lower class of those securities

The government has com nitted finan-cial blunders enough to ruin .ts credit, ifthe confidence of the pubho were not sowell suppo-ted as it is.

The scheme just before Congress is asoppressive as a tax, but without its advantages. If the people were requiredto pay this amount of tax and did to, itwould cxhib t a will and a purpose whichn ijht give streugth to our credit. Butit in not a tax. It is a loan forced uponpeople, who are supposed not to want it.No me looks lor serious taxation in themidst of such a war as this. The pro-ducers arc in the army. The whole powtrand enterprise f the country is in the grri.tstruggle. The caus9 for wh ch we strivjis the cause of many generations an Jthey must pay their share of its cost. T<postpone taxation until soeiety resumesits normal condition, nnd when it canemploy tho revenue powers in fatstrength, is the acknowledged law o:finance in such periods.

If indeed there be want of confidencein the permanent value of Confederatesecurities, it is easy to restore it. Leiit be declared that we are ready at anymoment to call in oar loans, and nonewill be presented. Stop the issue otoight per cent, bonds. Put out none busix per cent, stocks. This plan has beeitried, and experience approves it. Othe bonds convertible at ihe pleasure 0the holder, how many hare been offuretfor conversion ? We hear of person*every day trying to get these seeuritieiin vain. They are absorbed and out nthe market. The debtor wha is alwayready to pay at call is rarely called on tipay. I t is difficult to estimate thtun.ount of investment which would sei'l& six per cent, stock, convertible ut thwill of the holder iuto currency. JConfederate bond would then be a* smuch cash in the hands of its holderwith the additional advantage of reoeiviDg interest on his own cash in his mvhands. At his option his bond could bconverted iuto currency. Tho binewould then be as desirable as currency iill respects, with the additional advantage of the rate of interest which it bearsThe man who would prefer keeping casin his drawer to investing it in such bum;would indeed be blind to interest, ondoaf to the voice of avarice.








We have recently purchased a

AXli &&aufkctaccr«la New anil Complete stuck o1

LAW & MhUMAL i>OOK»3School Books,

Miscellaneous Bonk*,Blank Books, dan

ST A-TIONEIl Y!Wall suit! Window l'iii>»>r,

Drawing an«lMUMIC, Juvenile l.ibruricft, lltiv

S C i i O M & M I L L M i\ RF.STII.l.OXIUND ul HlAlrtlUl Stand,

No. 2, Franklin Block,with tbbflsost complete assortment ot

Bocks and Stationery,PERFUMERIES,







Ever offered in this Market !



:; a :i n r o a d w a y , S e w V o r kI'i'.blUlit-r of Music ami Mtitflc Itoolts


Meloileoiis, Alexandrar;m Accordeonw, Mtirtinrpcted und other GuitHTv, Violins,

Trnor Viol?, Vioiirweltus,Flulinue,s, Tri-

;lcs, Clan mt'tts, Tuning Foi Us.PipesrlHnmmer*>, Violin BOWR, bent Ital-ian String, B;iss Instruments.

for Bunds, Piano Stools,and covers, ;uui all

kinds <if Musical

anrt tl.ey would h tothoae in pui i f anything In

. Inks and CtuUt*

A JV T A OLA US' L 1 $ E

Double Christmas Present

by purrhanlng fr<'in tlit*«!tick, a* eacb purchaser fft-an -ulUiiiuiKi. prwrnt oCJowrlry.&c.,

New Business for the Corn Exo'iange.A good thing cutne oft i>ii Tuondui

when tlie Corn Exchange's lust eorjleft Philadelphia l<>r Harriabnrg-r-Among the mnn wns one who hadvoung wile, While ihey were Wfittinlor the order to march, the young \v,lwas taking leave <>f her husband, in acoenta broken, nnd eyes that lay bedewed in tears, like violets in u HUiomefihovver. Tiio man ciitres.-ed her, bitha te >ra still started; he told her iihe patriotism and munificence of thCorn Excbtinge Assoctrtion, yet thcrystal* continued to full; ho told hof ihe couniry'H danger, but her an</iiish wufnot soothed. At ia.-r, w«urof his endeavors; he triedunottur ttiyk"'^ally," snid he, "quit nlj'ing, ~\Mf>e wh:it the Corn Exchnngu has dontThey've paid you my bounty, utu-J inout, nnd everything."

" Yes," Hie nirl sobbed, "br.t"'—" B a t what?"11 But if you got killed—what then?"Why"—thu m:m besitatedi'lur a mo

ment until a lucky thought struck him—"Why ihun the Corn Exuhaugu vsillfind von another husband !"

Tholudicrou^neKs of tho idea changedthe currant of the girl's feelings, nnd HHiniio wreathed her pretty mouth suicl<Jitriples in a manner tli..t was pluutuiitto behold. Tiio last tear liilled away,tind ;>s the word "iorward" was given,KIMJ gave the young recruit a la.-t kiss,and deported in good ciiuer.—Philadtlpliia American.


and have n.Mc<\ thelnt'Bt styles of CnrdType, which enables us to print





n tlie neate3t styles, and as cheap as anytbet house in lUe State. We am also pru-urcd to print






( hic,jg» book Tiai'e.The .I'lme to Bvy bdiool 13co7:t>


Book & Stationrij HfltTse

S. C. QBIGGS & (.0.1 tiil.isli

Sanders Progrfssive Readers,K'iwly Electroi.vju'd, wiiLnen and ongkialH well as the Lust books extant

it * :ir'is, G in a set, $ ;<tch' I Clwrtb, 8 on 4, eards, 1 ft



©y- Thi»ytruHt tha t t h c i r l ' n ^ enpariO'tcegoo«ls ft*: thH miirket anil stt-ici nfentu-n loOf r'u>touierK, may unLitle them t*i a libell'»tronj*K«

Ann Arbor, He". 5. IStTO

GOLDAnd all other kinds of Pen* and PenciU Hanging invulue from 50 ote. tt* $i

\Vi:nl(i\r Conne r , HIiadfiD *n«1 I'lXtur^-,

POCKK'l CUTLERY]]Andoverythhii: pertaining t<> tlie trad*, m»l more to

vhlch lhe j wt>ula lr»vit# tliv attemlofloi i h* oountr/i

In conducting our lnnim*ss. wv -*hall d • :iU 'bat runhe .loue.su tlfttt U'.t icas(*u;ilil«- man. wuiiiii-. in chiM >hallfiii'i any fault.

We posfcOMfl faotHtfea whicli will enable UM to aupjilyour i iomrrt at tin*

TiOWost Possible FljSfUraAiWe propose tofldtfor READY PAY, at:t smalt ad ranee

\\V oxpvot a profit <>n our goods, but

Cash Sales will Admit of LowFIGUUrS.

T}-\e "KMI'IRRTVOK Sroitr/'is mannwl by n %nnA 'crew,'nd they will always bt» found OD ik« "quarterdeck,*1

ready :nni willing to attend to alt with [tleoduro, wl»o willfavoi them with n cult.

Etemernber ihe ''Empire Book Store."JAMES R. WEHSTER & Co

Ann Arbor, Htty,18etf. "Jr

LIFK. II\SIThe Cornecticut

s irancaAccumulated Capital,

\ V

Life Ii>


from Jill t he [ m b l i A w i in t h t - 1 ' . S., ]',--it'.n\'- l lun( i r r» .;ni.i Mu lerii Sclion!, aud .til klndfl oi InHtrnctton JluDkKfor th* aiioMr mntruioeuta; Chui h Uiwic Books; ttmtjeelegantly bouud; Utuia papvr, and nil kiuda uf MusicMurchaud.s*,

A t t h c L o w e s I P r i c e sN e w I* . a u n s ,

At $175, M 0 0 , 1525, $860, ami up to *S0O. SecondHitnrt Pianitu twin $'ifl up to >H00; rf»w MvliKJeomii 445,"$G», >T6, 61 rm. mid up to $200; Second Hand M.-N-LU-OU-ir in S^0 to WO; lUxandM Itntaail, wltti live - i - .ps . $K ;(i,n i l * s tops , K ieSand &^&; ih i i ieen -.lops. * 6<l, *-_'TS a ml|800i BftwB Stop*1. WS0 and 9376: A Liberal discountto C'.eiinnn-n, < hurclll'JI, IfaDbAtll Schools, ^eniinaiiesund Teju-lnrK. Tho rJ ra-ie KUppUed :it the usuui t rade

'!'« s of the Il«»»ni«;. i-11 ,M <•)mIcon

W n « i r » IMnnos

U in charg* of a









AJI<1 Manufactured in BUT BTTLB at

New York Prices.

Periodicals of all kinds


Old Books Ee-Bound.

All Work warranted to give entiresatisfaction.

E. B. POND, Prop r.

Office and Bindery, cor. Main 4 Huron Sts.

uiv mu*t in-itutiiuiI. < ; I IHUTS ' .\ • j ' l n

It. BaudeiB' TrioiiirIII da-ndtrt*1 Jr.maiy s'pelltng BookIV SaiKl"i-h' Ni-w -j.eitei1 and iJ t f inei , 35\ Iteodf B' A:ii V>ISof KngUnh Woidw, . . . . SoVI Sjiii-:t-r".s I'jci- r.:il I'l jiier, ( bound) . . . . . . . 12)^

VII Snndera' t-ei man and hugliuli 1 rimer '.tVIII 8an3w>' Nwt Fir>t Header U

IX Sanders#Xew Second Bendei, MX Sander^ New Third Reader, 4i

XI. rt*ndMa' NYw fuurtfa Reader UXII. Sunders' NVw l i i i l i l w i m r If

U l l . S a u d e n High t«cbi ol Keadei- *XIV. Stu iera \eanfE kaidten1 Keaaer, 88

X\ . ."•«ni1rr>) >cln i>\ .^iH-akfi,., . . . .XVL SftaUeni1 LI» cutiiiiu r . Ll i i .n , .

riief« ie;id4'i-s a r c distinguished fi r thf i r ntrictlv ; « • -frtimrc character and pract icaladAptalu i.to Ibeyt iuDf .Thcv Imve L«*fji received with unpr tcedonled li.vt r aiidby no class m>>re favoraMy t h a n by Practical I V a c b t r swho hitve tcfte^l t l n ' i rm- r i t s iu t t .e «ch<»>l rw ttt.

obiusoifs Course of Mathematics.BY Ut>KATI'» N. BOBIXKlN. LL 1».

I^te rrofeasorof Muih^maiico in tli« U . S . K a nI Robtosi'ri'K irofrnKsiv*-1 r innry Arfiliiuetlti,

II. Hobinscu'tj ProurowlTA Itncllt'ctuiil Ariih.IU Robin."<»D!s Hudinu'nts «>t written Aiith. 5IV. Bobltuon'sFrogre*BnrePractical Arith. 0V BobiLrfouV key to Practical * ritbm^lic, 50

VI. KubinMinV l'r giPMivi• Higher Aml.nn tic, 7ftVII. R iblDMMD B Kiy to Higher Ar.1 l.llictic, 75

VIII. KobitisonV New Kitmentdr.w Algfbis,IX. K b.nsun'a Key tn hlementav.v Alutbra,X. Robinson1* University Algebra,

XI Etiibianoo's Kt-y to l.'nivcrsity Algebra,XII KobiBsonN.UHometn and TrlouuometrT

XIII Kob1nnon's?turTV>-inffaDd Nnrlgatloii,XIV Rob m>on*fl AunlytiCiil U6umetry and C'unic

sections, i 5)XV Robinson"*-1 ifTercntial and Integral Calculus i ;-0

XVI Rob iiboii's hlemt Mary Airtroa mv, ",5X \ I! Koblbfon'u X. njvethit_\ A.-timx-my, 1 ( 5

XViJI UobiiKon'fl Miith< matical GpenrtibliB, 2 %&XIX Kob D M P ' K Key 'i» Algebra, OVomeiry. Pur

vexing, He , l 5ii

Forming a FULL MATHEMATICAL r o r R S E , em-bracing Arithiiu-tic and T»H Bon* in tlj.- Kighei l lath*ematicit. Kor t-xteal itf research, facility rfnd ap tuess ofil luntr«ti"n and praotleai use-ulnes-*, the a u t h o r o\ thissprien isKurpasn'. l b \ no m;i'In n.aticnl wi-iti-r ir. tfa||c o u n t r y . Thin Mrien lia- b w n reo»miQ6Oded by the bt-8t

.iin.i in all «i'ctinnN ot tbe c t iuu t iy .

i . L . N b l K L LI \ ' t> lOJ ui.v :nnouiil not exotwlrii*$ ili» whole l enn •••'. Ufc urfoc n Wrm 01

a.rs. uu tht- EHAnt faTorablc tuiius.H. B Tbe *'cjini-ii!iy i>t pun-iy n..iti;;il and the pftHc;

holder* get ull the surplus nvcr rtieet«ct'c<u«* **f insuiance It aoooniudaVet> the EDsnred in the st'UU'ineul mtheir pivmiuuu* ON I-TKK I*O1,1C!K.-, if Retired, by takin.a note f»r one lutlftue amount,^eari-ig LUUTCNI at :per cent, per annum.

Dividends are Declared Annvnlhj!and Eince thi y now Hinotait to FlFrt per trout «n tlie [irpiiiiuci ?:ihh ,'inJ note, an«i u n incre*wingthey may beupplie - to cancel ibe.»o4«iv.

45^* The rateit <>i inmuiamx : ^p:l [OK US itn? ntner reSBcuititlcCompany and thflurge accumulaied luni <flUjduOfOOffU sbcarelyftiTCsted w t n a i b* weaby.refrr<etcw to the statement made acoordingtn tnw, no Rle i;iihwofficeoftheCuunty CIcik.fti Ann Arbor.-%«

J.\MKS UfJOlAVIN, erftst.GUT B . I uKir.-.Sccv.Kor (.aiikulars apply to JAME« C. WATS*W,703>l Agent at Ann Arbi 1, N::cl..

Great Reduction ia the Price cf

SlNGKK & GO'SStandard Machines.

Well known In be the [Srst tor Mm-ujacturi,ig I'utposei.

No. 1, St:iii(!;ii-'l Sliutilo iM:u;liitip, for-merly sold »i 890, red need u> $70.

No. 2 of suine kind of Machine, forinerly sold in $100, reiluced tn S75.

SIX G EIVS L ET r ERAJI AC 111X EIn the best Machine la tho world f. r Family &%wing nodl.iglit ManufauturJnv,' PutpOWS: iicitn Ilrmucr,) andbtiiutifuli^ ornameated *•''".

Tin* No*. 1 aii'i * Machine* a rc of groat capaci ty :i adniH)pc;ition for man tucturiny

N M l Apeci

Joliq Hewet t , of Cnrthayf , N'frw York, who linn hadcuic ul tin- HurnctWater* I'Uinoa. writ**t*ju! roUumi;—

" A friend of iiiim* winhsx un- to parebfuu- a piaou oiher. ^hf likca Lliv one you Kiitd me iu I PComVr, i86.".M\ |iinn<i ht occoiiiiu^ po|>i]',;ir in 1 his pbtco, and 1 tliii.k Ic.-iti hi tnuluct ' <>nc or two more ; they will ln> m nre popu-1, r than ;u>\ »lh«r make. "

'•We linvf two <•! Walom' 1'ianns in use in u'jrsVini-i u r \ '-nc *>f which l ias tweo severely tested fnr t i i m^t*;ir>. mi we can testify to tli.-ir fpnui quali ty nnd durab in t s . '—Woi [1 v ui<-y,<ii\, Mount Carroll, 111.

•'ii. M'aterK, E*m- —1'BAH 3 I H : Havinjc u »• •• nne>>f y«*oiI*ittw Kcirt*1* for t» 'oyean» pa*t. I Lave f«»nu-l il a verjsuperior fu$t&tmt*t. Aunttt* <;K.W,

Principal Brooklyn heiehu /btmtuary.llTh«* 1'iiiii' I receiTeri fn in jftm conttnuon tn give tmi

.(tfiiction. 1 regard it a* ope •>! 'In- In-.-' iniU nuiifi i ts lit tin,:.,,•-•. ' UMW U riAKKB, f-l>arlr*tm,, Va.

'•The Mi-l«nlcnii htifl twMy a r t n wi. I feel ob l 'K^ h» y«ufury our tiHenil dli>cpirat." Rev. J . A!. Mi('ORMirk.YartfUtsvilUS C.

Mlu- [tin un WHS dn 'y reeeWed. Itc:inif In excellentcondit ion, and is vorv much ttdmired by my numoruu*iiuuily. Acc>'|'J mv Uutpkri for your pr ptues*»."—KmiKKT C'WM'KB, tt'firrcihawi, Tirnifjord Co. Va.

' •Vour piano pluaneti u* well. It is T 11«* be.<i i>ne in ouvcpilMfy.1 .—* 11 r iWaS A. I-ATBAW, ravrtlheHtoitt Ga.

l t We ; i " - V'i i much uhlipt"! to y«u fur hftvtnjF feniN^ci> " ftne lintrurtifliitfnrS-50.*'—UI:A.VK,IIKI.I» . Co , ,lli/fali) Democrat.

"The liorace Waters Ptanoeare known asRmon* tin-..-i Vf« arc ubirbled tu kpeab o r t b e k e lontru-

nii'ii1^ witli confidence froni personal lt«owU*djt*' of tht*irexif i lont tun and dur»»bl«- q i n l t t y / * - - N . Y Frnmr-.liM

'l\\'o oftii -;]u*ik iif Ilie raerftfi uf Uie Horace* Waters pi-jinosfr-"!) i»T-"ii;il kuowledicei H» haling the vury ti;nsiquality-"— Christian Imrifigencer.

*-•,.,,• I [..i•.(. •• W'.LTII - |u.iiiM> i«re oniIt of the be«it andin.,.-! [boruu^hly •«u*onO'.l najiteriaL \Vehe%e n a d o a b ith.it b u y - w c u n ' l" ; ' s w*ll,ii«'h«pi* better , *i (hff>thni) a1any **''"'' Si^iM ' " l ' ' '" Unloo," — AdsniBM*. a-id Journal.

Vttiiter-' | i i-"-- und melodoonn challenge compariiMtnwith th. .,;••-. rna e a n y w h e r e in the c*mntry,'1—JiomtJournal

'•Hornce SFatwi*1 PI«no Forles :•'»• of full, rich andcv.-.i ti.M«-.;i'i-1 |,..w«-i-fii— .V. Y. Wnttcat R r t ' w ,

' • o . r fri,Mn1- will find at Mr. Walvra1 sir.iv ilir verybt*«l MiKoVihwni of MUKIC and of Pianof) to be found inthf fnUed rtiate*,nnd we nrce our Mitthem nnd westernfppndn to rive hina a call whenw-ei they go toNYwY«rk.**—Graham** Maamine

Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y.

Sa b b a t h S c h o o l B e


1859. 1859

In thisOity,;ire now being offered at tlio

CHEAP. CLOCK. WATCH, &J o -w to X i*"V S t o r e -

11U '•'. Subscriber wonfdasf ia tie riHz«n*nl Ann Arhoi i pRrtlcuW. Hnd (hr ro-t n( Wn«hlrn»w

Tnunf InBenorol. llml hehacjiut 1MFOK I'p:D Dl-RKOTLV fr.mi KtJROPK.i

Trcinenitoiis Stock ofof w h l r h !)<• binils h i i m . ' l r f wl ] CHK M T I i than

van b*»bfiask1 **•*' o1 h v » Vork C' ty .«n FHCI- Cyllritit r \V«"-|i,.f l i rtunn Ho LY-ver d » do

.i« ('«».• 'ii do HoH C l l J d do

» dorln Ho CyllnJer do

• ;••!•) WMrrlwF fromI ) BVC also too

yg*» tn &]0

^ to ?l14 to X.9 to 2lUU to 150

CFA.KlUi \TKI>AM E l l 1 C A N vV A T C I I K S .wliich I will <f*n 11 r %'fr. Kv-rv vv utrh wnrrnnt* d t(.perform w. l l . «v thfl in'»n«-y iftunHcd.

Clocks.Jpwrlrv. 1'UtoJ V.'HT'*,

Wnnry G<»ot« flold ' v n » ,tfutlcni I'lRtrutneiiti* dud -trhiL-B.

Cutlfry, A T . .find IP t'urt ft vari'-ty ol'i'Vi-rv niTiR HpH»1tS W"|i* jy Jew

e1*tra can bo Vi'>usrht*'o»' he ur>xi f in^tydayi* ni v D

O W N i' U I G E S !Poreoup huv inv ^dv th ine «t thin w«-]l k n o w n pfltnh*llMhtfifi til Pan r«4j UIKWI ^ R t t l » | un<i'l- nx iu i J MM m -n%i>i'tit H, n r t h f m- n**y rflui .rfrd. r a l i t t a r l v »nd w>e u r o th» best hnri ains »vrr uti'm-**- h> ihi t y

On** word in rpjrnrd in J&rpmi IM- :VVr nr>- p**t*paFf*d 10 mnkp «nv m p n l n oi fin. or Don•nnn Wnwli.»ji. . v i> t. rn kif.; i /t-r r»t« *j|tfr< \* nx, t: r a f f t c a a r y . R * p H j n j | B r-r n o r k i » " * i * w . . > v ...ngimt ilnit111* nfwn"fi"'tnrli • rti F; ' v( ; - ' RRf lOr i l -or •i(iy'hi-»i' H..«Jrpf1. f*nmCa\\f rni» GoW o»> »1> rt • ,M'***. Eni'MTifc In «llit« rancb*'*fxnfQted will nmn^i*^ and <]if pntch.

J t \V • TT.- .Ar.« »rbn .!*•• . 'JPTh'^riH. 7!-Iw

Important National Wcrks,Publinfaed bv I». AlTI.lToN a . o . ,


l l .OOO Istced In tm



1 ?51 <-01 501 5U

Gray's Series of Botanips. six books.Hit-heck's Scliool Anatoniy and Plysi-

olngy, SI.Hitchcuc-k's Geologj, one book.Well's (jranmiars. two bunksWell's Scientific Seriep, including <"hem-

i.stry, Philogopliy. uto Three bonks.Wilson s Series OT Hrr'tories, five bo"k»Fasqiirlle's French Si' ics, eiclit b<ioks.Wootlluiry's (JiTinaii Series, seven books.Uryaiit & Stnitt-Mi's Series of Book-keep-

ing, three book*.Spenserian Sjsttni of Penmansliip. nine

books.And Man}' olliir Vulanblc Book*.

No. o Maobinea art* BHpeciall> adapted to all ki dnof light and bvavj Lmther \ork, ha Oirria .«• i i im-ming. Boot and frboe Uttklng llHrniHM Vakm. , f t c . , e l c .They art1 of ex 'n i alie, nnd with n arm long enough tocake under it and stitch ihe Largwi dizv4»«At»8 L'hereis scarcely any part ol A Trknmeiw1 stitching tlmt cannotbe bftivr donti with ttavm than by li&nd ; >«>, loo thesaving ot time nnd labor is ve-y j m t . l*belHbl«ofthese inacli.iii'B is 24 mclu's Inng. and tlie all uttle willbold six tunes th t usual quantity'"! ihrend. '1'heUir^e <-<>pi--machine works asfa>ta^ small ones.

We would auk for eu r • <-i<e«" A Machines, theap*>cialattfiitioii of Vi*>t Milker.-, nnd l>rcss MaikeHI and alltbose who waut Machine* for tig lit ma uafaeturiujt pur-pustM. Tfcfry embody the pridcii-i».» of the standardmachintt*, making like them tbtfi Diet linked Kitch.nndare di*»tiuod to be aneetebratad for FAMILY SOWING nrdlight manufacturing uuriHixes as our stnnrlard ma-chines ar«-for munutaciuriug purpose i» Rfneial

We have alwayson hand, MKMMIM; djinnu.wiKiro>«TI.INK.N AND CuTrO.V THKKAD, ON SJ'uULS, BE8I HAOUINB Oil mbottles, etc. , etc.

W'v manufacture our own Xeodles.ajd would warn allpenton- uisin^ our machineK not to buy any other-. Weknow that then- are needles -«uld of the mott 'n.frrinrquality at higher pr lou than wecliwrjj l for the Aasf.The aeedlen m»M \a u* art* mannlkfturen '^pediiH* fi»roar ma I tow. AbadntedlfmayTcnd.tr tht Sent machinealmoft unfits*.

dar customer* may rest a-sured t ha t a l . ur Hranch(J^O«iar«furnUb«d with t h e - ' ieDuinaactii*^ "

In cas.- of small parobawaw, the m ne> may b.- sent inPOittaf*AtamntS or bank notes.

CorrespondentK will ple!ti*e write their names disti- ct-ly. It itf all ntportaiit t h . t we should, iueaencaM-,knn* the l'o«V Oflice, County, and Stale.

A.I penwDi requiring iDfoVmattoO about dewingMaeblnea thei size, prices, working capacities, and thubest methodb of [ tirchas>nfr, can obtain it by .sending to

ny of our B'-incbOlfice^for a copy «.f

unprecedented sale of this book has induced theer to add unoie o(> new fcuoMapd hynuiM to Its pfe.--, with-iiit fxini ehargOiexcept on theobeap edi-

tion* Among the. in any beautiful tunes and hj Bins addedmay be found:—"I onglit to h.ve my mother;" " 0 I'llbe a good child, indeed 1 will." These ami eight othersfrom the 1VII, were sunjr wi the Sunday Seh<>ol AnniversarV '»1 the M. K. Church at the Academy ot Music, withgpwi applflU««* The J"!ell'nit.tiiin> neariy 'JUO Kinon anil)i vniiK.and is one of the best eollecttoilfl ever ismiedPric* I8c; H0p*rbttndrwl.ponta(re4« klegantly bound.emboit-tfid nHt, *>'• i" " i'er lot» Ii luu Vna [utftiduoedinioinanyof the Public Sc* Jls.

The f la published in in ill numbers entitled Anni-versaiyand Suiida\ SL-hnnl Masfe Bnok«, Nbs. l t % 3 , \4, in order to aecunmodate the million; price $'J & its perhundred No. 5 will noon be is-ued— coinni en cement olanother book. Also, Revival Music B«W«5 No, 1 * - .prit»- SI & $2 p«!r ion. pn^age lc . More tl iaj 300,0(»i»

i f tlie above bookp ha\p been Issttsd the p;tstmonttiB, and the demand is rapidly increasing

U0RACK WATER!*. Aj^ent,3^3 l(r.-adway,NT. V.

Publised by Horace Wate r sN«». 333 Broadway, New Y'ork.

and ITetail Pur

S?" A Mrs. D<>hh tnndo hvr np-b f h D f i O ipeuruuee beforo ihu Drnfiing Oiimmis-

tiioner <>1' P'»lk oonnty, Inwu, recently,Iw i t h t w o

y yml;.n x In hor tirnis, Hiid

h hifollowed by fuiiitoea other ohiidren i>iv;ii'ii>u.s ajifBH und tizus. She said shemid her ftUildron hail mme to |>luuc! forher hi)Mo;ui-.'s eXemptiop from draft C>Daccount of (iisal)ility. The Coiiiitii.1-'-sioner bdbMuly Miygestod thut herlurgo lamily w:is not very > "od cvi-denco of disability, wid declined togrunt her requeBt,








KTNA. T.K Tooi,KHINHUKUIl, 2197 Ton«.KAN(iA»U 1KH "


•2367 Ton»i. GLASGOW,' 19 2CITY OV WASHINGTON, UOdl'IlURUS, 44d

2380One of the above qtearaers wiil leave Sevt York ev

crv aAlL'Rl>AV, nt noon, from 1'ier 41. N. R.; andLiverpool every WttUNKtiD&Y.

liiitoa or Passage.URST CABIN,'io UVKKfOoL A Nil cuRK, $B5

" *l •• LONDON, 90» « '• PARI-, HAVRK.II MBURGand

IJKEMEN, »6CABIN PAPSFNtJKKS have mthing to provide for

tlie voyage, und are allowed 20 cubic teet of luggage• ; " .

STKERA6U TO LIVERPOOL AND TORK $35" " LONDON, (by rail from Ijrerpool,) 3H• • '* 1'AKLS 43" " HAVRE, HAMUURGaiid BRKMEN*, 4o

These Steamers aie built iti water tight iron ,-ections,arc Hiipphed with patent tire annihilatom, and carryi-xpiTi'.'nct*d SiirKi'OiiH. Iheir aveiu^e pusMigc acro»Hthe Atlantic in from lOto 1* oayc.and the accoinnujdation -'.-id attendance \t equal to tha t of any steamersafloat,

* 5 ^ TICKCTS SOU) for both way*, byK . B . W I N D ,

At the ofioe of tk«aMi9hifkn Argus.


Will nni)»t our »1on-<»-iT fourThnmnd .liffcrent »r-Hclon of Slaliiiiii-ij- ana T i m e l lnn . l i c l Thousand Volunies ol book-, h i m ivl.ich t. m:il:e the i r r d f c t i o ncompriMii . n a««ir in. . I nut rivaled \is anv o ther bocahuu»e in tht- Lui 'ctl i ta to- .

s. c. c;i lows & co.Are Sp.-ciiil A^.-nt. lor

Messrs Harper & Bio's Publication*." I). .\ppl ton & (Vs "'• Tieknor & Field's <•'• Gould & Lincnln't "" J B. Lippincott & Go's "

Ami furnish all their Hooks at Intern pricos f..r ci«h.

Note Papers Li tter Papers and Cap p a .pers, Blank Books Pass Books,

And all k nJs of ~T <TI>\'1J<Y, at the lowest prices.BL .ThS by Hie diiunor case

«r5_Slraiif;pr«ant trtvelera rhltlng ChlOkgo will fin.in inttre-tiiigto linger for an hour amid tl.t> iulermiQablepilea of literature atb'J ami 41 I tku street

I. M. Singer & Co'- Gazette,Which bi a beautiful Pic'oiiiil Paper entirely Uwoted tot h e aubiect— It will be Bent grnti*.

\ V h l t lwh h the two-fell i view nl henetii iitff ' h e puol c and ou tKt>l\ed. The public have been swindled \>\ spurious ma-chmt-H made in imitHtion of our - . T e 'metttl In t h e m ,(nun the iron canting t<> the -nmlli-si [irirr, i>o punrqua l i ty Their mal.erh bttVe BOt tfce means Ut (Jo t.h-iirunik \vt*'l. They nrehid away In secret pluien. wht'ie itwon!*' be impoainble to h.«ve :it tin ir comnumd t'ie pri)p*<pr merhanicH I appUaoOM. It is i<ni> by doing « (ir**a<bbninMti and iiaTing p i t e n m n mannEacti inng establish-njenio. ' h a t iro<»d m s c h i n w can bv mad**at tnodefat-pricen. The best IfcdgOed mich inea , BAl l .Y MADK, ..realways liable |o pet nu t uf order , and a r e n u r • lo oosiconsi'leTuble t rouble and monp\ to keep them in !V[>:iire

The qualitif-8 to be looked for in a Itfaehint* a r e ic i-ta ip ty of co r rec t ac t ion a t aTl paten ot >(pced,<<1ra|ilicttyof cons t ruc t ion , great durabi l i ty , and rapidi ty ot »\n--r a t ion , with t h e le;(st labor, HaglilneM to combine tln-spessential q'ialiti.-.-, r.m.-1 lie m a d t o f t h e b6i*t me al&n.lfinish d toporf 'Ol ion. We huve ihe way aud m e a n s , O Ja grand scale, to do thi*,

th i ' purchaser*of machines , whose-laily bpitlld it nviyc>i:c« r n , will Iind tha t thoM> hnvirir 'h>' nb* wqual i t i eBuot only work well at rapid a> w« H as nl«w ••iiteRt.f•peed ijbut last longer in ' hn tine-1 possible wosking 'trdt-r.Our machines , as made by us, will earn m «re m 'iieywith l»•s^ labor i h a n n n y o them whether :ii EmtiOtioDo our« <»r o n . In fact, they Hie cheai-ei th:i n mv other

45S Proadwi.y N-w York.

« y I etroi t Office. 5** Woodward Avenue . (Mtrril lBlock.) R i ; t f

M. II.

Voc:il."Kiii 'l Word R can never d i e ; " " T i e Angela toldm«> 8d:M "Willis of the W<-st;" " T h o u g h t s of flod; "» (iiv-i me back fliy Mountain Home;1 ' '*l»ay Preamn:••Munilv Cock Uobin;" " I ' m with thee BtiU; '*Petnames;""There ' s no durilng like m i n e ; " u &aiah J me Lee;1 '"Fiv-er "f ther : ' " " I ' m leaving thee in rforr<iw:" *'Birr*r.i'iiiity;" ' 'Hum* of mir b i r t h ; " " f l r a r s t f ReaaboU'1 and'W'.il.e, tody, wake, * price *2Sc each.• INSTRI'MKVTAI.— l 'Palace Uarden, or c i nc ing BirdPolka, 40c. "Swimrimr Schot t i sche :" '*M1 rebel Schot-t l s c h : " 'Tlioipa> ttaker 's .^chottischp;'1 ••I'iceoloi1'olka, :;5 c(*ft- each. The above pieces have beautifulVlgneite* "Wfliner Po lka ;" "Arab ian Wai cry Harclithe vcrv l a - t ; L*YassoviupnH IKmiells Mazurka; ' ' R e a l :Injx Polka; ' ' ' '( 'riiioline Wal tz . " an<i "1 j incern' Quadrilli*,'1 2Bc each, ' 'The Empire of Reich's Quadr i l le ;" aru-w dance, and "The Hibernian ( J u a d n l l e / ' Sficeaeh.Many of these pieces are played by Baker 's oelebratec©IchfM rn with great app l ru se . a iy ' Mailed free. ALancelot nf Foreigo Music at half pr ice.

The Horace Waters ! ' i : tnosand Melodeoni, for dejithpuri ty oi" tone and durabi l i ty , art* unsurpassed. IVicPi\ e iv low *«<oand Rand Ptanox and Uelodeonjifrojn $'.*5 t<9160. MaiicaudMusfoi 1 Instruction* of all kinds, a t tinloVeiti prfeea QORACR WATERS, Acent ,

Vo. :j;i3 Broadway, V. Y.fKsTi»f»MAtH;—"Tlie Horare Watew I'ianoH a ie knowt

HR unoir.' t heve rv ln*^t.' —PrtvngfJmt,' W e c a n apeak of their m^dta fn»w p e n « n a l k n o w l

,..5p-(i."—Ckrf*tfPi\ tntrlufcvcer.

••V<tt>r,n^at the Fair liitplaved greater excelVnce • ' '—

iVati-!*.' I'lbtiOR and Mm..irons chal lengecomimriwitli tl"- iln-jst made a i iywherein tin- coun'ry. '"—Horn


The following worku are Heat to Subscriber* m nnv par'u tli • country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by m.iir Hxpram. ppeiiald:T H K 1VHVV A M K K I . W f• Y C I . O r J E I > I A • .

opular I'ictionary ot oenen I Knowledge. Edited h.HO. UJI'I.KV itnd CHARLES A. IUM, aided by a Dnnn>ron*>'•iiii corpH of writer.- in all branches of Sciences, Ar*nd Mterpture. This work i-- being published In aboir

\iFf£i ttCin f« vo!i.ni('>.ea<'li i-nri1;iiiii]i^ Tfii»i Wl>*GoIUQIfp a g e a v«- :s . I . , n . , i n . , i v . v . v i . v n . n i l . , * I S

ijnw ri'inly, each containing near 2.r><i0oripin.il a n. AM a*iriiltonal volume will be publwhad ouce ii

.bout three mon'h«.Price,io CWth, 9S\ Sheep. $^.5i); Half RuMia,*4 00ich.T\n? N't'w American rycloptDdla is popular without bv

np supei *i;-:;ii. U--iiii.il wiiliuui IM-IUJT pedantic, comprrien>ivi but sufficiently detailed, free from iiertKUial piquino i»-i i'i> pi'cju'lii'r, fresh and _v«*t nccuraie. It is J.• impleip sih.eiii'-ni of all iliat is known upno every Imnri.,n' topic within 'he >uope of human 'iiielligeinc.—tTery ImpAHftnJ nrtlcte in it has been KpedAll) untteior i*» pageit by men wboare^au'iiorilieg upon thetopdm which they -peak They are required to bnnft Hi.uojpct up Ui the present moment; U>4tateju*1 now >1tan<U nttto. AH the rtatlatical Information U from tinate*t reports; theaeogrmphiCM) aootmntx keep pace witli

bkteid expinr«tion»*; bitttorical matters include thie t just views; Ihe biographical notices edg ak imt

Oily of the dead butuUoof the living. It is a library" "t.-elf

A R I D G K M K V T O P T H K D E R A T E S O Ft O . V U K E S S Heing a Political History of the Unite.States, from tb<» urganfnation of the »rM Federal Coo-

rewin ITS" to lS5ri. Mi t^hmd compiled by Hon. THOAKT BRNTOS,fr>mi the Utffcial Roc«»rd* of QosfreM.llie wrtrk will be corb|>ieted En 10 royal octavo volume^

[ 780 .pageseaoh, 11 of which arr now ready. An ad>litional volume « Iii be published once in three months

Cloth. $3; Uiw tideep, $3.50- Half Mor. ,$4- Hal•:x\f. S4.50 each.

A WAV OFl'i;-HL"iM\-(;TIIKCVrL(HM;nIA()RIiKB.\Tl->',,rm a **lub of four, um! remit the price of four books-

und live copies will be sent ai i h e r e m i t W a exwnM'fo]carri;ige, or for (en subscribers, eleven couie.s will \>*-

uut at our expense for carnage.

T o A a* i ta .No other work will su Hbon»Uy reward the exertion*

•f vwt'»ts. AN AIJKNT WAXTKD IN THIS CofNTY Termsm»'if nnown nn uppTlcatinn to tlie Pnbllaben.

Ann Arbor. Vlurch. 1853. «002aoit- * » Bev TOO*. WRU.IIT, agent a t Kiune & Smiths

3ouk Store, Ypsilanti.

IVaekwuncTs MagazineAKD THE

Brilisli Iteviews.


£ fiiCOTT & CM., NKW Y' lKK,cont inue to publisli thtfollowiuy leading British Perodicais, vix:

1V QUARTERLY (Conni rva t ive) .

2THK EDINBUItftH Kt.VlkW ( W i i i g ) ,




The i r e -en t aritloftl s t a t e of European affair* wiliremlor ihese publications unusual ly IntweMtiag daringthe firtlicom.iiK ye»r . They will occupy « mi«1dnground between the hastily wrttteii n e w s i t - m - . rrudispecula t ions , HI.d liyin^ rumors of the daily J o u r n a l .and t b e poode(OU-4 LomBol t h e fu ture Historian, wr-ttei,aUer tue living in teres t and e x c i ' i m e n t ol Hn* frrealpolltleal ovi-u1> of the t ime -hal l have pHMed awav. 1U t o tboae Periodical* tha t ie»der« mu*t look lur nonly re illy intelligible and reliable in- toiy ol currt-nevents , and as SMCII in addition to thei* wt* l-ealabl.»heil i terary , sc e: titic. and t h e u l d g l n l c h a r a c e r , we utg<

b e n upon t bec n- i t e ra t ion oi tin* reaiMng public.Tb» receipt i»f A * l v a n < c s i n < t > * ir >m the Britfah

publirhcrti KIVM aUnJilunal vah.e t.i thexe Rej>rlut».in:»Ninir*has they c-'iiimw he placed in the liaudr- olsubncribei." ab i.t us soon a- the original edl IOOB,



And for the Hputdy euro of the following r«mi|»hUntaibcrofulit and S r i o f u l o u s AftV» t l o u s , e u « h

a * T i i n i o i s , l i l t i i N , b u r s t , I £ r u | f r t l 4 > u 4 |1*1 in p U - s , l*u s | II If«), I t ! o t t !»<;», lti»i I -*,I J J a i i i - , , u i l f l u l l .S.kin O i b c u i i v s *

OVKI.\SU, Iud., 6th •Inn?, 1359.J . 0. ATKR tt O>. (Jutits: I u-vl it my dmy to ac*

kstfwlailn vvhat yntii .-HI>;t|-;uilt.t b u donu lor me.Iliujiu inhcilti-dH ^cn»fuli»u« iniwcti u. I havo ninerudfrom it In vtu-i(jii8 ways toe yet in. fctunwliliiM It hnratout hi Uleein en my hundH and a r u u ; HIUIWUIUVA ftturned inward und diities^ed moat llwntoUMOfai TwoyeaiK ago it bn>k* <>ui <.n mv head ninl cut* reU mv madpaud tmn wiili »a« w n . whu'h « u prfdnfuJ DIM! loatltwuiiebeyond dt»criptiuii. I tritd many UleUloJuefl and ••-vnull>liynlei<iiiH, but williont much rultef IPHU any thin^. Infart, the di.v.n'.ti>i gruw nrurne< At length 1 WIUI t'ejiftcwlI u r e n d I u l ira Otnipt*! M e w e u g u r U w l y o u l i a d p n ; - Imi JtlttMiilivi; (Sain;tpiu iiliu. 1' r I ktti'W limn yulir ri'lfUIH-tl'lM lh.it liny th l iu you UVtl- UllIKi be ^-vll. I soul toClndniuUl an.I gni ir, and iiHud it till it cured i m 1 tonkit, us you advlnv. in Mnmll daawal a twuipunnrul over alil 'Ultl. and itit'il ulnio>L lliico hullk-s. .\<\v HIM) UwUlnybkiu HMUI ttwtfn to toiiu uiufvr MID uvub. whiih ufier awhilo f.-:i 6B1 .Uy skin is now A « r , and I know i,y myfiraJhjgH Mmt the IIIHVMH ban m»m from my H ^ H M B . V O «Can MffH iK-li.-vc Mi.U I fad «!,»[ | „,., nt)Jug wilVIl 1 telly<-u. tha t I hold you |«> | » uiw uf I U« a|nMtlo<i of ihe ag**,uii'l uuuain over gi.iU-luily. Vt>|in*

ALKKi.l) Il .TAtT.KY.St . A n l l i o n y ' « F i r e . H o s e o r ETrvcluela*!

T c t l t - r u n d S u i t I t l i t i n n . Bc-nld l i « a t l rH i n g iv o r m , S o i c l O j t b , Dio t i - . ) .I>r. Itoliert '•'. l'rebl« wilieti from Salem .\. y.. li'th

Sepf. 1 >fVJ. ihiir lit? has cured an liirpterata c-iuto atprmpap. wMrli tliraat*Ded to tenuinatu titiallv, by thopij -i-veiinj< UM nfour ftwcffMirftlM tumi ui>o u nuujrt-runiitalt'tjtuiut llrif ifudtlM I*V lnrK*> d(MM ' I ' ttiH MUiej «»>"•ho curei tho omiiunii FrttptianM by it constantly.B r o i K l j o i c I c , G o i t r e o r S w e l l e d Nc<-k./rt.ni.ni si.,,n • i |-M.V|>M i. Twum, wrlta* : -Tan* bi*

tie* of JfflUr SHrwi|nilill;i rilled HW fmttl n *•• i r-' — :i lij.Ueoim Hw.-lliu^ on the iiwlt, which J IIH*I iunomU ftuiuover two years."J . r i M m i i i i r n o r AVIiUt-M. O r n r f n i i T m t i o r »

U t e r i n « l i l t f r n t l o n , I ' N - I I I H I C D i ^ c a s c x *Dr. .1. It. S. rhm.hiiiK, i.f New Vork ( i iy mrlUtti - I

ntokt i-lieeifiillv cnni] Iv wtrh )b« r » | I of your Hft»*nJ inMVIUK I have r<< ml vonr Knr-n|«rlH« • iinwt —r.-Mentalt>-r.-iti\o in ill- ininien n<i n ini lai i i ls for w Iii'It >VQeinitlov mull a rt'iii.dv hut Mlw*i*|ii|Jy in Witi"'* th'mtseiof thn Srvrifiilt.tiN ilfnlli NIH. I IMVK «ir.-il tunny jiiTeler-nlf I'uscs of I,i-iH(.ii hii-.i I'V It. mill xnnic wht'ir- lh<- coin-plaint V M tmn**t\ by nhvmtpm rtf |JH> rifera*, 'I h- ul--er-ati..,j ItfM-If was s«».n i-iind. N«ilhiii- within niy knowl-edge eipmls it f..r thi'-.f IV-rMjil" il.-nuiy in"tit« "

KdwHnl S MJIIH W. of Niml.iiry. \\n.. wiir.K. « A dun-t*mwt'TUITION tttmor»n on*» «f ihe feinalw in mv fiuiillv,Will-It had ilfflwl nil tl,,. H-niedU-H «i» n.nl.l 4-m'plov, IfHfat l-Mik'th l.i'fij eniiipl.-lelv tuii-il l y y n r Kxlntel of Snl-MfMlillm <>nr I'hyxii'iiiTi t h -uzh t i i ' lh in . ' I ut »xHrpa*tion oniiM nfloi'l ivHef but IIH n<lvi.«ed Hie I rial •( \oi irBarMpertUti an tint Inut t-^.tt I..•(.»]« CUIIIUK. mid Itproved efTtHitiml. After inking your rcntuity t igh t vveckiHo nyrnptoin of UIH fhtmtiW i*-mjiinft."

Syphilis II ml Blercurlnl Olscnnc*NKW Oltl.KANM. Willl AllJCICl. \*&9.

Vn.J.C. Axr.nt Sir. 1 eh.-erfully r..iu;.ly with ihe re-qnwn cf your »atn*t. and rennrl to vn KOIUO of Ilia eSeetlI have r ea l l iH wjlfa your •S<r-u|<iuilhi.

I b;rvi' N iml with if. in niy practice-. in<mt of |1ie rnTll*phiiutti fur whiih ir i- re<oniinen<lHi|. RIMI Imve Aniud its

] efT<'<-tn trnlv wnndfiTut i " llw PHI* "t* I V m w f tttiti Ufar-, curi-'t RisriW. 0 | ic nf my piitienU hint Syphilitic nliyraI In his throat, which were roimt I tiling his pnl.itu Mini tho

top of In- mouth . Your Httraupitrllla, MMidtty tnkeit,cured Iiim in Rv« wwrita, An»iii.-r wtw HiiHckMl i>> w-c*ondaty ttynipt-nim in his IHJMV. nnd tin- ulcHiRtltm hudetttrn away a coiiMit.-nii.lti p»rt *.| it, M. I IIH I 1 Mit-Vu iliadbe rde r w«40d noon rVHOh nU hr«iu ami kill him. l u i ityielded io my udliiintrtii-itliiiii nl Jfuur Mir«a|.inil,ii: tht)UlcelH hriHlwl aiul lie is WWI UtfUll liol ul O.OIM WlUlUlltKHtltl dUli^UIHtitJtl to his f;KV.t iea i rd fnrthtt HNIU«illMDnluifrom this p-'isnit in i,i-i ImuomBltiVu Iu tin; wtiiiti.-r [lint on n damp dny idw KUUvrjml ex-Crucltttlufl pnin in littr j . i i i u Hiitl btmra, Mie, ii o, wasCHied eidiiely l.y yi>ui .*«!wipaiilia in a few Wtt-kK. Iknow Hutu lla ti.nniilft, whi .h ymir Mj;oiit gav« lite, Iliattins Proitarittiun fiom your libnmitii-y mitKi IM<» tcpuMreuifil> ; ri»neM|iieiilly, ihma iiuly rvriuukabU) ie.-ultsWith It liilVo u,it M|rpij»t'd lut;.

KraluniKlly >OIIIH, G. V. I.AKIMKU, M. P .

I t i i c i i i i i i i I In i n , G o a t , L i v e r C o m p i n i n t .

IffUSPftHBldlOK, 1'itihhJii (.:«.., Va.. t l h Ju ly . lr.;,'J.DR. J . C. AVKII: Kir, 1 liava Uw-n allllcied wUli a pnln-

fnl d i roulc WintmntwH fora long time, wlildi tmllltil iheskill of phy-i fin lift, and Murk t<> mv in »|Uta ol 'all thoreniedlvN I cntld Iind. until I IrltMl your Bami|«rl) la . Unebottle cmed ura in two weefcirana rtwttirwl my K^nernlheMlth 8u nuu'li tlmt I u n far lull I than I'll'i u- I wasatUcktfd. I think il a * outlet 111! tne>li. inu. J . Kith AM.

Jutes Y. (Jetrhell. of St. 1,'tiiK. wr i tes : " I IWTC l>ienntllii ttil for yeam with un uj^rdhm ff the J.ntr, u]i]t-hdeBttoyed my lu'itllli. ] Iliad every llijtifi, -iinl every Ihii Kfailed to relieve m e ; itnd I have Iweu » iMntirlwhiWII UUinfur fiointj yiMii* tn-ni no elder tmiiMi th.-m an: uyetttn t**f,Vtt Livrr, My livlo\>d pjistt.i. the Lev. >.i. I.spv. nd\ l>et|me tu try your Harm|iecSlbi. lnmiiiHi he MI id In- k i»w y u,and any tlllliK yttii made UHM wuitli l iy i r j : . t y tin- l.'li>n-ill K "Hind it hHH nil'i-d nit!, a Ull |||M so purified my I'l"1 tlas to nmke u m w innn of me. I fad TtmttfC aptflt. "1 l:ob'-nt that can Im WIMI of you in nut Imlf'^ood t-uoo^h."

S< l ) l i r u » , ( a m i r ' [ ' t i n i i n - . K l l In l i r e III c n t,l-lf t-ri* I i o n , C u r l c v n n d K x l o l i a t i u u o ft l i e I t f t n r . s .

A git*at vaiiety of rHseit Ii;ivt* been reported to n« whereCUltM* of Unite foimiiial'li' CbluplnlntN have Itmulted fn'intlld UM i>i' thin leiiinly. I.ut our BMCV hvtt: will IMI li'tmttthem. Some of them may Ix* found tn our AineijdiuAlmnnac, which the, ugciits belitw uaued tiru pk-aM'd tufin nifdi gratis to all who call for Ilium.

DyapepslH, Ilenrt Disvasr, Fits, Epllcp-a y , M t i n a t l i o l j , , \ t u n i l j ; i a

Many iviiuiikiiiiU* < w>>- of lh«H aOwtli-un b a r e beenmarie by the i t l l i ru thc |n>wer of r hin ineditine. I t hlllilO*lat.-fl thu vital fnm-li"iiK into Vl)p>ruUH ncti^ii, nnd t h u sovercoinei di-suidtis which w«uld be nt|*po»w| liey>ml itsreach. Such a inuie.ly luw IUIIK l*eu n ^ i t i n d 1-y the ii9-ce8Mltieg of thn people, uml we nic euilfideilt thut tliiv willdo for them all that medicine GUI do.

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,FOR T1IK H.M'in CIHK OK

Coilffllftf C <»l»ls. 111fl in-117n, I IOI IVMmv.* . ,C r o t i p , I t r o i n Ii i I is . I I I« l | ) t« i i t ( o i l *

ai i iui»t loi iT mi l l f o r Hie l U l i c fof < 'oi iNti t i i | i t l i e I'i» ( i t-nt»

i l l n d v n i i c c d S t u p e so f t h e I ) i M : i M - .

Thin Is a ntfirdy wi uni\eiMi!ly biHiWA :<> wrpaiw nnyother for the cine of ihn-at nnd lung riitujilaliilv. iliat itit nut-leu lure to pHlHbh Ihe HTMOI eeof its trlrlUf*v. I tsunrivftlled uxci-ltence for toughs tind roldx. ni.d its dulywonderful Cliret of pulinon«ry dfcraM, liavu made itknown throughout the civilized nations of the eai th.Few Hie tlie comnuinitieR. or uven famine*. nninUfC lli< Hiwho liar* not some personal expfrt<-iue uf ith ell'e«t.°-^•ome living tro|>hy in their midst of its victory over lh«aul'ile mid datlicenilM disordt-rx of the thronf and IntiV'S.As ull knnw the dreadful falalily of these dii-ouN'i>, nndas they kin-w, too. ihe t-fl'-rta nf tlti^ ifiin'ily, «v n< nl notdo iwiif than tn UK-tire Ilient Mint il has iv w ttll the vir-tue* that i: did Imve when inui Ing I he r u n * whiih ImveWon so Rlrongly DpuM the couttd< lire of niailkllld*

Pi< ared by Dr. J. C. AYEE &, CO., LoweU, Maa».

Chuucery Notice.QTATKOF MICHIGAN,Fourth Juri c'nl District of theiT> >L,t-of MJchi-.ii-, Kult pendinjr in i h e H r uit Courtfoi Wft.htennw County, in Chancery Wi'lfem H Wan-t\•, c MI,pla nant. and tlnry Ann Want' , 'eft n !.-»nt • *%Ann Arhor, on Ihe eighth <!av t.l oct< i,,.r, A D . i'fi2i •••'• !•• t ' "• Hi IL I- IJI w n nee. ut chi-nil f r« . It apj..»r«

ili'iav t thai Miry Ann Wanly ia no' * re^idrut! Hichtgnn N i t in a resident nf the Hi«te

of 111 m i < . <n motion of Tmichel l .V Vntn Rolldtofl(i r r- mplRinxnt, it i- ordered Hm( the vai.i Mnrv *n*Wintv )ipp»arin thi> C W M nnd n innrt tt.e BHI*wfN«.plain tin rt»n «i i lun six week* from ine ilite< f thiaor-d-i, ami rhat this > Her b:s published us r«q tired by ta«rin the Bmchlgait Argu*.

K. LAWRIN "F. Circuit Judjf«.TwtTriiF.M. k Fn : gm, "'oiicitorn lor Co:

Sate.ICE, and by vi r tue of a rlpcree of t h e

j I C i n u . t Coart for tn- County of W««hUna«r , ia•• nM the fourtfeiit . day oi 'July, A I I . ,

[ 18 2, in tt certain cauxe there in penning, wherein' eurjrc \ . H Iteuwick iv ennipUim n t , and Albert F .VHII VI orhft*. and Kebecea K. Van Yoftibci* hi t >»ff?(

ebr h I v.. nit. [jnrento l>. I'erkin.^ and MeUa I 'erkins, ; i wjfertlnraBj8 ffoeilworth, Israel h . 1'acknrd, Au-xii

: J o n Keebienand Thomas K. Leonar a r r d i -fo'danlii: >otici- is hereby given ha t I shall rell fct

io<a« n to the burbe*l Wdder at the South door• •I ilie Court llmis ip ihe city of Ann Arbor . WaOitfl-n ••• County, j . n l RtiOe ol M. ib ig .n . on KrMay tfaB- B iHy ! i i. [.;• r n e x t . n t ten o'clock m th fnn'n ••m

(J -.i.l day, 'lu- Following de ci-ibvi parcel of Uud to-, wil : All (hot c r aio t rac t or parovl of (and known

and >l •-.: rilwd ntt fctUrV, Bo-Wrt: ftr eeu acres fiom t h eftouiA'Wcsi corner of ilio e«j*t ball' of the iouth*eoslqua r t e r pectfon I j f iv; i , t he<as t lmlf of the n>)rth eas t

•I' tvp' ion No . twenty t*wi, and the eaet half of»(.»« h-w,s t qusr*er of tbe no r th e**fft q u a r t e r of H»idsection i w ^ n t y t w e ; i n l tue w « t hall of the u » r t b -. ' -: 'i l a n e r of -**-<-ti».u N .. twen ty - th ree in Town one

• nth - f lansre >r-n-n *-a.-r n th i Stnt« of Michigan,n-r ' p hundred and ninety-live acre*, bfl i h e

sa no m <re or le«H. or tu uiucii the re . f H* m .y be nece*-• ••\ io --•» ti - fy t b e u>crce iu \li\s cau>o with in teres t•i i . coiitu.

fireuit fourtCoiumiaAioaei W**sht*-n*wCo^ Mich,n J. .;KAKK--. -o'i.-k,,r for CuiwlaiBaat.i :ii-!..-eni n i-i;ii

Mortgage Sale,gha- been made in the condi-

n '.- n ure o > « ^ j ex.1 ,ut 1 tl ty* d tv x,f, \ .,f -»lt

t i

UjID'l 4 l|d II'M

•M- - im o r»• ' I | H \ II 11 . # • «AV * 1 ^ ' -'/~f V.F g . IIS I I I H I ! , I V ' V ^ i n

.• mrgi*- l u i a i u t f : i - y ' Fee, and no auit a t law-1 iit> h.;v,i>- ii •• , .iisiitut.-d tn recover the sa<ne o ri iy p . in tliL-rcul, now therefore, not c« ii lu rebv ^ivea

t .at in Virtue ol ii p >w, r •( s;i'e i: n t i -n-- I m a -id in t r t -j; me. 1 .-ilirill s>-l1 a t UtioJtc auuti*»n t » tlie highest b. Idw• >;t Saturday the *>xth \<v ..i I) C M U ' I - T rtext, a t 12. *clo-k at no-m of *ind d i y , a t the roo t do>.r ol thof o u n t y i*o i t il • < •*• In t v C.ty »f Ann Arb -r In >ai.iiViihiy atid t i t " , ' h e pi em -•- •\r-cr In- 1 in -tSjid inori-r;f.'i'. to w : t : AM Mi it |iart of t,.e n » t f t h * m t q n n r t e r• I >*pct nonti in Uwrn>hip fo r %ctith of range five cas t ,nnd !» uu i- l m IOH.HVH, t-.-^.i : On the s.»uth b- tu«

;;I!T ^ r n : rcR^rve, i u che w«a: and nnrh bv lamlsown-• •1 by I- . no the oa*l by l«ndn owned byl"h.-r-'i i For t, ^jj)Oi-*e 1 t'i e.'>'it iiii t l lTty tw > acre t ofI n l in in-' i^ the ;••• v r :y (in which the ^ c h u y l t *Mil.d a i e loo.ited.

CW.KB V\S IIL-AN', Mortgagee.W M . * \ \f >->n", Atl 'v f.r- ! u t 3 ' . i ; eo .I • l e i . DP roii, >.-pt. h. liters

Mortjra<re Sale.A wniium uHo hud bean

'lliey hail berome KUl

Price* )Fur a n y ni-of the fi.nr Rtrlew*,Kur Hnytwi. o rberbui Rrrltiiia,K»ir imy i lncf ft ilje mir Kt-uewifu r nil four ol tlie Reviews, .Fur Blackwuotf'% SJ guz.ne,I-1.1 Klaclofoud .ml o n U w i . w ,




LoomiR.andClnpin, Tripp * Loomis

Agent, Ann ArH«iT-,


S. C. 4JRIG&S & Co.Agents Wanted.

tar For a l ' c.Ktly iin I raliuUe >ul>. cription Worksoi a u j nnbk- w.,rk i i i:..|,g,.,,,, I.itwruture, s c i e n c e , mArt , VUilre.-isS. C.GHlGiiS .M CO.

PLEASE KKMEMHERThattli'Te i/, nn buolutore in this country ketpiogi bet<ter nr more exteual?eMx irtment than id alffurs f«undat ir9 aud 41 Lake street.


Tlial Public nr Trivnte Libraries 0»n bo aupplifil wilhdr«t class Mnnda.,1 WortK by B. 0 . 0 fcCo. upon buti-rterras tlian lo m d i KSI HI,, m y Iri'ijfht

« a . W M l « r n Literary and Prof<M(lon>) men.Tf«rlipr»,r-eliolars Iu all dftMtnn uttot ut tlM world of letter*ar- mvit.-.l to nwka 9 41 l t t a lrwt tiKMr plac* olar- mvit.-.l to nwka 9 n


S C GRIGGS& CO,Wholesale and Hei;.il Bouk>elt«M and Stat iooon

•'9 .V 41 Lake Street CblcUFDB. c. oai;;r,s Utoni v L UXS»

W. S. SAUiMDERS< flfci'8 hi8

Homestead For Sale.\Vill be in Ann Arbor tho last week

in September,Prioo axicJ Terras

Gin be ohtaihed hy call<n<r at thisOffice. ^ _

1862. leoia.

NEW FALL GOODS!Now opening, a dpienrti'l stuck of Sen Goods for the

Kail Trade at


Ann At'oor Sep icmUr 16, !852 STOtf


MOU'KE & LOOMISAre now receiving a large aKsorlmcnt of Bcolf. nndShom and

I ^ I I I V I » I 1 I > f~** t

Which they propose to sell

60 per cent below forwrr price! for cash.

nl.-n's good Kip Boots, from fl.'O Io$3fi0

Men's (food. Tliiok Boots, from 2 00 to 3.0(1

Men's good Calf Boots, from 2.50 to 3 75

Boy's Cnlf, Kip and Tl.ick Boots. 88 to 1,75

Ladi's' Gniters, from 44 to 1 25

Ladies' Morocco Bootees, from 75 to 1.25

And an endless variety of tfmal Shoes from

Fancy Balmoral* to Infiinis' CreepingSlmos.

A\'e are also rVfaitufnt-fiiiiiig nil klticls of


Mens Fine French Calf UoolsJ'rgged nnd Sewed.

So givfl ua a call before imrchaftinff elsPwhero. us wo arebnunH not tn be undersold. IjaPltKI'AllilMi DUNKON SlIuKT N O T l C K e a


1HEahovi» lirin of LiHimlBftTHpphnvinj; purchasi-<tin fntin* interest of tl ip-former Gampfctt:*ii wil]

oontliini tin- busineas at th«oM • tamls , <rh»re they willlie rf*ady, on the rilortwH uotirf , to till itll orders iu th*line ot

Castings and Machinery,in t h r mufti Wtirkiniinlikc niatnn*]-, .tit'I nn U liht>ratcrm^ »; nny oth«r f«h«p in tho State,Ahnmiff tht r»rl(Mif •(rtirlfniiiintiiaci i.n-<l bv us , \vp vonM •'minterft!*'

-TKAiM KNC.INKSof all kiiuls; Mill (Jenring AW\ P i x t u m , vroufthTandea*1 all tin* v«ri"ns c.»stu]Rsf«>r mnkiikK i m r-|.»irinc:

FIor6« Powero & Thiwhjiig Machinessuch ^ ar* ut present , or h.ivc fnrmcily hpon in i:se intl.ih part of theSt i i t c , us well us Jilt t he v;iriotin kimif* "fciistincf!- iiinl DiHOhiBe work oitUedfnr by farm<jri> andRidcltnnfrx Inthln fteetfAn of Ui# r*>>in ry

of a l ' tli*1 various pntti m s , Q]i in sizesHiiil |irict'K. will he1.-.-J.'.:uii<t:uil!y ou h;uiii, ^'ot thy most m<,dcrn and im

ThftnKfu1 for former pat ronage to the f>ld firms, w-wel l ' ->hcit a conlinujiiirf from old friends,;in<i atr ir tl,v ill wishing foranytUinp i n o u r l ineof hunuesi*.

LOOMIS Jc TRIP1".Ann Arbor .Vav 18 th . 1S59. 697t.f

I'er imi>$:; oo50! 0>00: 050• o>Boo

10 00

F.Tl!:ack»t, , , .bin.l 'hrei - I 'evicws. . .For Black woorljinl t!ie four He vii-ws.Moneyenrrtnt in tht Statr. v>k re. issued will be rc<-eiv?a

at pur.

I'OSTAI; K.The PfiSTAfJKt*. nnv part of thft I'-uied St.ite* will b«-

bu! T M M i j ' - f « u r < V n « 4 a year Cor '• BU kw..od.'ari'l hut F o u i t t e n C«ltti« u y«ar for Meh <>f the

M the above prices the I'erii dicaU w.ll be f a n u d u ^lor l862,


Pr^muin to N w Sub?or b3rs>the \ o s ol ' t l ies .nne 1'eriMilic . H for IS 0 tflllbefUlUMfieiicmpUr t f . without additional rh-'me.

Lnuke tin- m u r i e, ht-uu-Dtl UiigaylnM of the day ,tlu'M* Iv imiiejiih U,si liltU b> a*e. Mencc. H full y»«iof t he Nos.for ititiO. iiiity lie regarded nearly us valuableas for 18 .'2.

M:b-ci"ibers Irishiag »l-o the V(..>. fur W- l , will beMi iij. I f i at tilt MhowingKXTMXAIB: V LOVRATSS.

Splendid Oflers lor 18G0, '61, & '62Together.

For BlackwoM'n Usrgulu*, the three years, $* 00

Stebbius & W.ison;•IIKLEY ft id . , 1 eiruit

J H BuHKlLL. Trarellinfc >cent.

NEW GOODSFor the Spring,

Slain St . , Ann Arbor, Mich

Arbor City Ine House fur SaleCheap.

THK subscr iber offers fi>r Kale his Tce f louT , v i i l i Stabie* and-he-1 a t t a ched , hia Dwelling Huus>. awl

ftbout 2 • I'crca <«f Jiind adjoining, tog«tlier with Hordes,Wagonx, Tools , kc., Terj cheap .

Bu t a small proport ion require<l down anil tlio bal-ance i"1-" ipinain o c t ime .



Nichols & Sheppard,fiat tie Creek, Mich.

Improved for tha Season of 1862In th is ^ep' irator the (JT uti l8|«pA,rat»d fr »ra the s t raw

Iiy ni'-an-; uf HftfDgffngarB] tha t t*pss llic >li;iw up :iinJilinvii wi. 11 JI -ml'li n moiion from the time it lenve (hecviiinVr until it uarnen t<> thestackei", and tire ffniln f;ilihroiigli a bottom m a d e » i s l a t s , c lea r from ' he <-traw.I he M I ' S ciiiraiiiiLif the-ii* flnsjtn and tha 'ijchthot;• 1:1 : n v i m ! - i i , v:drjite r .rt-iu^ bac «w»ra ;m<l f«c-wnnl , wii'cu vrorkfl i l l" »traw lo t n e s t i c - t ' r nnd tlij j iMir i 'o tho MI'VCS lln* Mi^enonty <jf tlim machineov»r nil other-- consist*, in f*

Gie»t •linplicii.v hav ny: no |4ok*r»urbfWtern to cl'>fcup, .ui'l le-iti machinery than nny o the r much ne now

Great CJipncitv, aa i t w :ll not wss te when crowde'l.pprfeci ch-aner, hftvlng l.u((er seivt-R tluin »ny ' i ther.lljisy d i u i t , better con.-truciwl. simple and Oumble.

Pehnsjlvania Iron Horse Power.W:trraniii<l to !><• t he best II >rse Power in use. Made

wilh ftltird <•! in.11 f rn i i - U pn-fcrtWlK; i rmcr-uml I l i n s h c r t ol Miclniran I W e offer you

t .e Bfc-T M . V i l l N K J s UrtE. Betto: t h a n . ' i t i 1 , Hal l ' sPuff '•< iv : l le . nr any machine bui l t no Lheir p: inciples

If yon intend buying a IIKIC.-IIK- ol ajnjr Ictad fftl •p;tif.piilpt *»f us or our Ag*nt. and PtatWf j o a n a l f1'amphlet soot f ft*. Call and aoe, or ad ireuR

Or M. ROIER^, or MTftON BA3R, Agtn*«. AnnArbor; or I. V. W'AKHMA.V, aRent, Dexter. 850.n3

Kloney to Lend.r OAW FURNI-H MONEY on n-HKrinable terms and

lung tirav on^oodFa- in securi ty .,MORGAN.

Ann Arbor, July M2, UG%. 862tf

508 00

1 MO, i o >

lr> 00l i ml17 00

f I T i l l l V L I , * ' U . ' V L . - W ,

Forn'oy iwolu-vit-ws, - . "For HlHCkwood mul one Review, •'For Blackw«od ami two Kevii-ws, "Kor three tteTiew*. . . . "Fin Iihickivooiiniid '.hree Reviews, •'For I l i i ' lour l levievv. - - •'Fur ISIackw •o.l i i n . l t he tou r Reviews,Anyi.f UieabnY*irnrfcRwill»bm be furnished to Nrto

Subitcribtrs 'of the V &r 18IW -\ , tf. and ",

At One Ilaif the Ri-.i; il:u- SPrices.

Than a New Sttbtcibrr ..my obtain tbe Reprints of thtFimrKevk'ws ami Mack wood.

Seven Consecutive Tear fn*- $37!!!Which i^ but little, mure tli&u tho price of the original

woiks lur ntu- y«ar .A* we >h«ii hfiV'Tftgiin bu likely to offer such induce

meitfct as tlo'^e h e n presonled

Now is the time to Subscribe!!{ jgr* KtfinlUAUOW mu-it, in all ca«> K, lie m u l e direr!,

ta tfi. Pali ixhers, I'or u t these prices no cuminiKsiou cantWaUuwfel Ul auouta .

LB>SABl>BCOTT*CO,No. M Ruld street New York

Ann Arbor Marble Wor«s.

3D- O - I3<iitola.GlcaL©X'i i AS on hnu.l a line itssortuiunt ol Auiericiiii and

ITALIAN Mk li B L hwhich ho is prepared to manufacture into

MACK & SCIIMIDWould resi>cctfully announce to th* CUizen- of

Wushtena v un 1 adjoining Coantks

that we arc now rcci*iv ng

Direct J rum thr Ea*tvin Rfark-ls,

A full and c >mplete supply of

«.xa.dL F a n c y


Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes,

I lil'Al'I.T having been ivade in the payment of a/ mnn it m.iiiey tcui v l by it luortgjige t»xeoute*l by

uhn ^v. d iv ..via i;i I U.»ry I. his wnt , lo-Charta S.i c ' , ...ii,- i the n.titu t i i j of Decem »er, A l». 1-459,

•ilu«i in lh» uffiCf of the. Ragtei r r ot f> «,U ofthe C»uUi) ol W'a-hii-n.i w in lno M a t e uf Micmgan, iaL.bi r No. .C of tf-iitinged »t pa«e 792; ob tlie eievi-nthlay oj' April. A. IK tti 0 nl twenty mmulMS pant ono

i**cli*ck. iJ M.. by wh.c.i ' lefauli t . e power ot n*h- c o-*;> n d in -Jii'l iiiotl^.ii;e hecame opei a t i ve ; and no su i tur i r weeding baviotj been lUKiituled at law o n coveriiieilelH tetui.eil t h e i e h y , <r any pnrt lh*trei>f; a a ii lie, -utn of live th>iu<:iud ;ind th i r ty -eUht dolUrd bf-m^now claimed t*> be dua t i .e teon. Notice- is ibemforalieivbv given t h a t ^ai^l mortgage will be lou-cloded by *-aie of Hie moitSiiixe'l p i ' - m s e s , viz : "Al l thonw cer-i.u;. piet-u. ui pHroeJii ut lyn-1 s l u a . e lying nnd beiujf inthe I I . ol Ann Arbor, t u u n ' y of Wa>ht«niw and

M eli L, .II . ii unrted and described MM nllowa^t >-*• t: Cutiino"ucln^ one hundred sixn- n feet »m 1 oneh ! i nmih r-'in the i-outh-fast corner of biock No one( I i north 0) rang" th ree V3) cast ihenci- weal one hun-.ri-'l iin t Wi, ti t i , t in nee uor lb tif'et n BDd a half feet,

hi the si H I li line DI lot No. vigbi ("J iii said blockt .<-i.ee v.esl I'hiity IVi't to tl.e »e - t !>ne of SMld tot ,I In nee i ortli nine and i half feet, tbenoe easi along t h e-M.UII line oi ('batter, ^ b u y e r ' s land, mid al«-nj? t hesouth line oi Cl^nl^s r fcyer'i* s!*>re In Mundv'j> bloukto Main s t r ee t , t h e n c e Mouth lo t h e place of b.^inuin-fHHdescribed bj 'ii-ed irom J«»lw I«ck«r>Hid and wile t >.Jolin W. Mayi'i-r•. ; plifu •• tolkm n< de-cribed parcelof Inn1•: l(pg>aolrK at the ceQire of the hurbwuyv. h,eli runs on Die enst line of the lir>t laid out viliHg«61 Ann »rb*»r, a t (be m-ttli-west corner of the home!• t formerly oc:4ipi«-d by (iewr^e W J t w e l l and u<>*owned by r . WeUi*,aud thence nor th to lh# nouth westcorner r t" H loi of land bee n^inj; to Tan 11. Miller ninerml> ^OJ Iheiice e a s i r l v on said Miller's line t w u t y -twnI ( K K ( 2 ;, Tie'me s n i t n e r l y pamllel with said highwayn i u e r . i d - 1 9 ) , thence westerly paial lel to said Mil.tr •l i r e twenl \ two ro. > (: 2) eoi.ta.i;ingr one acre of land,be ln ; tb« tHjaiv lot *.t Inu i o . i v . y e d hy (ie<-rge W. J e » -••' t an 1 wife tn .Join. VV Mayn r I b j l>e«d bearing dateDvo. . ' I . 18 <7." or hinie p in t t hereof, t public venduna t l h e i o u r t Mou-e in the City of Ann Arbor in «uo*cou : i ty ,ou the eighth day of ^'ovember np.\t at noon.

d l A R L t g tUriLR,Mortgagee.GEO TAXFORTH, Wr¥.l»«ted, August 1 4 . N a. afiSM

D EFAULT Iiasi ig bten ninde :n the condition of A•DortgHgc, execute » t y Janw* HalTt-y. of Freedom,

>it lh- Ctuirii y ul W'a^hte uaxv, KIHI Sl.»te of Michigan,in liuuifl 1'. lv«r\es, of Li t in , County nfuresaid, bearing•late tlie i9 h day of Match. A. H. if 58, nnd recordedi he tame iuy in the K'-ui^ter's office ul wild county, ati,1, ..VL'ck. I*. M., in Uber IS of Mortgage*, pug* ^Gi,nnioh ftatd iB»rtfraj[* WHS ruiv ansigu«taJ by ihe »*idI amt'i P. Ktym to 'I'hoinas II ff y on tbe 18'h dajf »f

uf Miiy. l t t f . a t 1 M o'clock, A. if in I.iber 8 o!MortgMfces. pMirf 2 5, und at terwtrde awilgQfd by llw w*" lhillVy to MargHMt H.iley, «n the I4tli day "f July,1 58. and r^corrfed in the R e n t e r ' s offict of Wanhten**County aforoaiil . on tn - Tlh day of April, *i86'2, At -0>*ocl"Ck, A. \! . , in Liber 18oi MorHrapen. pape 2(S, oawhich s:vio in"it^a^f thtr-' is ditimttl to b<* Aav ai thed»t« lu r - t ' l , three hundred anc tbiriy*one dolb-r- and4fxfy-tour cenlfc, and n•> suit or prowt^lJngs a1 law hav-inif been instiiut*"! t > recover the debt Don (fiw or aiifjui-t tLereol aud ihe jwwer nf (tale in «a!«l m• rtfi«i?o• iHTi' v l" <•• iiji- i']-r[;iiivc, Notiro is hereby fjivt-n th«t•»n Ou 35 h'tay of (Vi -b . r , 18 2, at 2 o'clock m tl.onfterno.n tt s j . i d d h j . a l the from door ot the CourtHnum in ilie (\-iiMy <if Wam tenaw, iird State utMichipr»n, ilit-re will bt- M«M j , t public vendue to 1i»«hivrl-.e.-.; b idder , thelandndi ier ibanfn said m<*it£&?•*. o r

so m ich I bere if an tn.-iy b-* ni-ces-ary to mttafV theHIM i juldueal t b ^ d a t c f thin notice, with theexi'»'n-iM-i* of «al«*, Ti7: All that cfrtain siece or p.iicel of lendivintt >n the town of Freed..in :;fn;>-sniri, vrA described»s foiliiw-^, v'z: Hit* went half <-f the north-west quart<r a aett on Numhfr five township three southr i t ' ge four t t ' t , cootaln n^ fiftj-aix nciov aud thirtyeight bundredthri of nn HCIP.

M \K-JARET HAFPTT, Assignee.J . 'HN N. GOTT. \tioin>'y.

l'Uled, Julv 2 i , IS' $*

CluiiicerY Sule.I "! V V:KTUF of a tfrcrelal *ord<r ma(*e in the Circuit

i t'iMiit ].>r ill*' ('• n n t y nl Wnshtetifrw, t i t t i rp : •Chain cry, in tlie CJHIL- wherein lr;i J'; fhfr IK II ni) luin-HU ;i:i.; \U-nr\ Hiu l i u g h . Maria C. l iHu^augh , ( l.ur'esK t" ••*!». BB .Same- V. .\-vry m e def« ndentp. I f\,»]\ M !at public •' -• t ;i i»- Ii" fr1 nt door of Ihf Court House,Iu fl e c i i y o •)!!. r : » ' r . m the c o u n t | afuresaid on thett-nih d a j oi K «ntbi*i A. I), t igh ieeo b u n - l n d and> x</ i1.". it in o*n ock in the forem-on ol that rf»r,alt hut ct'J'in n ii not • r parcel of land d- icftbeu iu snid•i*-crel»l . r ' ( I na foil* « : "Al l tl<t t C-tt- D J1*'1 "fI; c ' of mud. to-wit s i ' i a e n th cont t1' ol W i ' l e-naw «ii-l ~)iite« l \li '-liigan, k i ,o»n aim rfe.-cr.bf-d a« ioi-I t , N i w : i.eg.iiii n-f fit t1 e q u a r t e r \ ok\ *ittween ^ee•

i (iu t. \e and fix. i l ence n r l h " •'•^rerit ea«t ? » •ch-. n n l e!gl . t -Mi(J8 UnkK, ihVne* nor th Bftj ibreaj^5 i i ' i ' ; r . r > n Bft»«n m ntitfS east cigl.tcen c L a n g ,i j . f t v Mm : Ii n ree rhnin" »nd ctx'y iin»*. ih» nc*' « « i t(i -• oiniiii* mi'l 111 i;y t v... I :n^- (32- , Un n6v BMQIII i'< ' T *• >in g •• > i u 1 Inrl •' ti^t- m nu*«f «c>t i it •• • *n 1')c:i i , i> D (w.-.M ( I . ) .nL>. l h e i c e - o u ; i ' t w e :»n<i • n«ha.i ( % i H.-yr e- en^t one -ba ia i'nd seventy ifaiMI n ! . , in Ibe iflace of be^inn 'ng, b t ing a ps r t nf thesmi th . wi-?.t q t j i r t e r of tht nonfa-weti quar te r o1 si c-tion V .. (ive[oj in towns4i>|i No .me south ot range N'o.six [fijiM-e, m l «xc«ptin^ iind reserving therefromannul • ii" (if'h of an ;icrt» nf ta-d heretoii.ri- rte»'de<t byAlhrr t h.eijb*1!^ l o JoHopI) Hareiian tngt her with th«lier. ' l .tiuneiils md ; i p | . u t nin-jus thu teuu o belong. na*or In juiy wi*e ai pi r alu.nv.

P. P.JTT1TCHKI L.Circuit Court Q ihmttwii nor f- r thu C o i . n y ot Waaeh-

o UAITKI.NK -- llcih.r f. r Complainant.Ann .'.rb r , t c p t t - n i l e r ^ - . lbtji. 8™",td


Pur tha^ed by one of o\ r firm for c n ^ h . a n d uotivilhstandIKj; theluLiiit.mui) wesitaii cunt inue tu

Add Weekly Additions

To our stock in order

To Accommodate our Customers/

with everything they may need to a k for.

And wo will farther pledge ourselvos to sell as cheap


and which is atwitys as

tlie Lowest.

Ac, (be.n n l l ' h o l r TMletlOT.»nJ In H WORKMANLIKE milnn«r

laviuL' h.i'l gnulMeewMg expericne*- in tlio buHinemli<» HmtteTfl liin.^L-lf t h a t he will be able to pleaseall who may favor me with the i r or^er*. His price*

T o W AS T TI F L O W E S T .[hose wUhino: any thing in my line are rewpectfulin 'ited to call V. 0. BATC11ELDEK. *

Ann Arhor. May 20,1861. 801tl

At the sam^ time wehopeour friends iml custom-arvwti.bflftf m miud ihat the times compel us to bellour guuds

For Cash or Ready Pay.

Ann Arbor, March 28, If61. 8JMf

TO LET.r llf" BRK"K HOUSE a m l R i r n now occupied by Olney

Hawkins , K-*n .. on Detroit street.. Ann Arbor, pos-CKKion given ilif 1 t of April

A!<o several RtrfkPn :tnd rooms in nuehoz ' s Block toet to good steft'ly t enan t s a t a very low r e n t , immediate

iisosBion civoE. I nnu i r eo fL .K . BUPHOZ.

Ann Arber , Murcb 28, 1S61. 815tf

Fruit and OrnamentalTEEES,

^^T T-,O^KT PEICES-H1HK St'BSrUIHKH^ are now prepared to receive or-J. d i T - t o r m l kn.d* uf Ffait au-i Or iarafiit.il TrW*,Shrubs, PlanU, Flttuart and V in-* of erery descriptionami variety, for thu Full of 18 2 nn>i Spring of isrtii.—We have a Urgp stock now growlog* sn«l inten-1 tomnlte liirgu importations from time to tune M Ui« wai^Hof tfa« oouatrjr d e o lod. W« Inviu the people to m..ketoMnnelvM :tci[iiuinti-(l with our facilities '"or 4*»log bum-n»*«R, before jtnrchjmiiifr »b>»wher«. We waiMDtiul v».riftiort to Im true to n t m e . nm\ U» he vigorous an«ihealthy tp^cimenK. Ailoomtn inlcatiop* will be prompt-ly responded (o. Our office :•< i" Kogeis' A^ricu!tm»lStore, Detroit St., Ann Arbor, Mioh.





ha8JaM4 retQrmd tnm the I-ji->tern Citios, with a l.arg*and ilt!i»ii;iMi' stuck ut'


Gr O O 3Ow'»icli hr- is now oCTering at unimually


Araung tm Arirfortmcnt may be tuuod



of a'l descriptions, especially for

FALL AND WINTER WEAR!which he is cutting an<l miking t" order, in the latest andbest styles, togBthtr with a •apWUtt a^ortmt-nt of



Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,

with numerous other urtxlen usually found in similarestablishments. ^


Ann Artor, Juno 24,1862.DuBOIS, CARR & CO.


the aubKcrlbur fiutteis hiratflf, that his long expfrleuc"and (cenera. succe»s,will enable him to give the groutentmitisfaotion to all wlio way trust !:imia the \iij of n»»a-ufaeturin;* garments tu order.