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ABC Tietê Book Julia Jacob

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ABC book sobre o rio Tiete


Page 1: ABC Book

ABC Tietê Book

Julia Jacob

Page 2: ABC Book

A é para ...

Água ( water)

A água é uma das coisas mais importantes para nossa sobrevivência, mas,

infelizmente, não estamos cuidando dela. Temos que conscientizar as pessoas da

importância de não se desperdiçar água e muito menos de poluí-la.

Acima temos o rio Tietê em Salto, onde o rio é muito sujo e abaixo o rio Tietê em Barra Bonita, que é limpam e nos deveríamos tentar manter o rio deste jeito.

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B é para...

Barra Bonita

Barra Bonita é uma cidade no interior de São Paulo onde o Rio Tietê é muito limpo. Nesta cidade, ainda é possível pescar e nadar no rio. É um lugar onde as pessoas não poluem e cuidam do Rio Tietê.

O Rio Tietê limpo faz uma paisagem maravilhosa, esta foto foi tirada por Julia Jacob enquanto o 5˚ano estava em um barco navegando pelos caminhos do Rio Tietê.

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C é para...


Durante o percurso do Rio Tietê, pudemos notar muitas cachoeiras. Elas não só embelezam a paisagem, mas são muito importantes. Por seu movimento constante e ao desembocar no rio, elas ajudam na oxigenação do Rio Tietê, tornando possível a presença de peixes.

Esta foto foi tirada em Salto, neste lugar a cachoeira tem água poluída.

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D é para ...


Doenças são fáceis de serem contraídas por pessoas que moram tão perto

do Rio Tietê na cidade de São Paulo, onde o rio é mais poluído. Principalmente pelas espumas que flutuam no Rio, na região de Pirapora do Bom Jesus.

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E é para...


Eclusa funciona como um transporte. A embarcação entra na eclusa, e as

portas são fechadas, e aos poucos água entra neste espaço, permitindo que o

barco suba ou desça para depois percorrer pelo Rio Tietê .

Nesta foto o barco está pronto para sair da eclusa.

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F is for...


Along the Tietê river, in different areas of the state of São Paulo, is possible to see foam floating. This foam means that the river is really polluted in those areas, and it is dangerous because it comes from all the trash and chemicals found in the river.

When we see foam resting on top of the Tietê River, that is a hint telling us that in that area the river if dirty.

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G is for...


The Tietê River is really gross in some areas.

There is too much pollution and trash. Most of the

drains are emptied out directly into the river,

causing more and more damage to the water and

the population.

This picture shows how much trash and pollution there is in the Tietê.

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H is for...


In Barra Bonita, the Tietê River is not polluted, so it does not affect people’s

health. In the other hand, people that live by the polluted areas like São Paulo,

Pirapora do Bom Jesus and Salto, can get sick because of all the bad quality of

the river and get their health affected.

The picture above shows the river in Barra Bonita where the people who live there are extremely healthy, and the picture below shows the river in Salto, the people who live there are not as healthy as in Barra Bonita.

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I is for...

Interesting Information

● Tietê in Tupi-Guarani means: True Water

● The Tietê River measures 1.136km

● Soy is the product more transported by boat on the Tietê River.

● The Tietê river will end up and meet Parapanema River

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J is for...

“ Just stop Polluting!”

If we stop polluting the river,

good things will happen. For

instance, São Paulo would have

a new sight seeing in the middle

of the Marginal. The cities would

look nicer, smell better and we

would have visitors coming. We

would even be able to swim on it,

to fish, and be proud of it.

If we keep polluting the Tietê River the hole river, even the clean parts are going to become all filled with foam, trash and lots of other things.

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K is for...

Keep trying your best!

Keep trying your best to

remind people the importance of

keeping our rivers clean. We need

to do what we can to make sure we

protect our environment.

This is what we want our river to look like.

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L é para...


Em algumas áreas, a limpeza do Rio Tietê está sendo feita, mas não é tão efetiva porque o rio está extremamente poluído e quase morto, sem oxigênio, então é muito difícil conseguir recuperar e limpar o rio inteiro. Como são poucos os lugares em que o rio ainda é limpo, temos que tomar cuidado para não poluir o que restou.

Na foto acima mostra um homem pescando no nosso Rio Tietê.

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M é para...


As margens do Rio Tietê foram usadas de guia para levar os Bandeirantes

até as principais cidades. Se não fosse pelo Rio Tietê, os Bandeirantes seriam

obrigados a desbravar as matas (abrir novos caminhos), e seria muito mais difícil

e demorado.

Aqui mostra um dos caminhos que os bandeirantes navegaram.

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N é para ...

Natureza/Nature Em alguns lugares, a natureza ainda é respeitada e conservada. Isso

reflete no rio, que ainda está limpo e com vida. As pessoas sabem da

importância de manter o Rio Tietê bem cuidado.

Na foto acima mostra que, em alguns locais, há natureza nas margens do Rio Tietê.

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O is for...

Oxygen The river’s amount of oxygen varies from area to area. In some areas,

where the river is not polluted, the oxygen is vital for the fish to survive. In

the areas that are polluted, there is little or no oxygen, so there is no life.

The picture above shows the river where there is still oxygen, and the picture below shows where the river has a

small amount of oxygen.

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P is for...

Pollution Pollution is what we see the most in the Tietê. All kinds of wastes and

chemicals are thrown in the water. People need to learn how to keep the

river clean instead of using it as a big dumpster.

In this picture we can see all the pollution of the river, but being there we could see it and smell it.

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Q is for...

Quick moving Quick moving for a solution is what we expect from authorities. They

need to be more effective in charging fines on people who do not respect the


In this picture we can see that the water in Salto was very quick moving.

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R is for...

River The Tietê River is one of the most important rivers in the state of São

Paulo. Unfortunately it hasn’t been treated with respect so part of the river

is dead. The Bandeirantes guided themselves by the Tietê River.

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S is for...


Salto is a city located in the country area of São Paulo. In Salto, the

Tietê River is as polluted as it is in the city of São Paulo by the Marginais.

By this picture you can see that the Tietê River in Salto is very dirty and polluted.

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T is for...

Trash All kinds of trash, such as furniture, chemical wastes from industries

and plastic bottles are thrown on the river everyday. People need to know

that the Tietê River is not a trash can.

This photo shows a very small amount of the trash thrown in the Tietê River.

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U is for...

Under the Water Under the water, at the bottom of the river, a lot of trash is also found,

not only on the surface. Even car wreck can be found under the dirty, dark


In this photo it shows the Tietê River in São Paulo.

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V is for...


I believe that, the same way students go visit the River Tietê’s path,

from where it starts, adults should also go and understand that something

needs to be done to stop the pollution.

Here shows a group of kids visiting Barra Bonita.

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W is for...

“WOW!” “Wow!” is what people should say when looking at the beautiful Tietê

River in the not polluted areas. “Wow!” is what we should feel if we ever get

to see the Tietê River clean in São Paulo.

The image above shows what we would like the Tiete River in São Paulo be like, and the picture below shows what the Tiete River is now.

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X is for...

Xtremely smelly Since the Tietê River in São Paulo looks like a big dumpster, it is true to

say that the smell is also extremely bad. People that live by the river are

the ones that suffer the most.

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Y is for...

You can make a change! You can make a change on your habits. Start recycling your trash, teach

and encourage others to do the same thing as you. We need to be self

conscious about the environment we live in.

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Z is for...

Zigzag river From where it is born, the Tietê River makes a zig-zag path until the

end in São Paulo city. In this zig-zag we see lots of trash and wastes, but

also, many beautiful areas with fish and waterfalls.

In some areas the river is like the picture above, and sadly in other areas the river is like the picture shown below.