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  • 8/10/2019 ABSTRAK s3 revisi



    Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Kimia pada SMA Rintisan Sekolah

    Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI) di Provinsi Bali

    Masalah yang ada dalam pengelolaan pembelajaran kimia di SMA yaknipelaksanaan praktikum kimia tidak sesuai dengan yang direncanakan. Guru

    mengalami kesulitan menanamkan konsep kimia dalam pembelajaran, tetapi nilai

    kimia dalam ujian nasional sangat baik. Penelitian ini mendekonstruksi pelaksanaanstandar proses dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan pengelolaan

    pembelajaran kimia, mengungkap faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap

    pengelolaan pembelajaran kimia, dan menjelaskan dampak serta makna pengelolaanpembelajaran kimia pada SMA RS! di Pro"insi ali.

    Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan

    paradigma naturalistik. #empat dilaksanakan penelitian adalah SMA $% Singaraja

    dan SMA $ % Gianyar. &ara pengambilan data dicari dengan metode 'a'ancara,obser"asi, studi dokumen dan sur"ei. #eknik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis

    diskriptif kualitatif interpretatif.

    (asil penelitian menunjukkan, bah'a aspek perencanaan pembelajaran kimiadia'ali dengan sosialisasi oleh kepala sekolah, workshop, bimbingan teknis, diskusi

    antar guru mata pelajaran, dan menyusun perangkat pembelajaran. )alam aspek

    pelaksanaan pembelajaran, diketahui ada guru yang mengajar tidak berdasarkan RPP,tetapi menggunakan buku teks. Pembelajaran menekankan pada latihan soal,

    sebaliknya praktikum sangat minim. )alam aspek penilaian, diketahui lebih

    mengutamakan ranah kognitif daripada afektif, dan psikomotorik. )alam aspekpenga'asan diketahui, penga'asan internal berjalan cukup baik, namun sebaliknya

    penga'asan eksternal belum optimal. *aktor-faktor yang berpengaruh, adalah guru,kekuasaan, penga'as, dana+ekonomi, dan pola berpikir. )ampak positifnya adalah

    peningkatan 'a'asan berpikir, peningkatan kualitas administrasi guru, memberikanimbas kepada guru lain, peningkatan moti"asi belajar sis'a, serta peningkatan

    disiplin guru dan sis'a. )ampak negatifnya, adalah sis'a tidak memiliki pengalaman

    belajar yang lengkap, perkembangan potensi sis'a terbatas, perkembangankecerdasan sis'a tidak seimbang, gagap menghadapi masalah sosial, kualitas

    pembelajaran guru menurun, dan profesionalisme guru serta penga'as menurun.

    Makna yang diperoleh, adalah keteraturan, peningkatan moti"asi, profesionalisme,pola berpikir pencitraan, dan hegemoni struktural. #emuan penelitian, yakni

    pengelolaan pembelajaran kimia belum optimal, paradigma berpikir guru bersifat

    pragmatis, dan pengembangan kompetensi peserta didik bersifat parsial. )isarankankepada semua pihak agar dalam pembelajaran dan mendidik anak-anak senantiasa

    untuk mengoptimalkan seluruh kecerdasan sis'a, baik intelektual, emosional,

    maupun spiritual secara seimbang dan proporsional.

    ata kunci pengelolaan, pembelajaran kimia, SMA RS!


  • 8/10/2019 ABSTRAK s3 revisi



    The Management of !earning hemistr" inSMA Rintisan Sekolah

    Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI)in Bali

    #he problem 'hich occur in the management of learning chemistry in Senior

    (igh School is the implementation of practicum 'hich is not in line 'ith 'hat has

    been planned. #eachers ha"e difficulties in deli"ering the concepts of chemistry in

    learning, but the students score in national e/ams are "ery good. #his studydeconstructs the implementation of standard process 'ith the aim at, describing and

    e/plaining the management 0uality in learning chemistry, disco"ering factors that

    influence the 0uality of learning chemistry, and e/plaining the effect and meaning oflearning management in SMA Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI)in ali.

    1ualitati"e research 'ith naturalistic paradigm is used as research method. !t

    'as done in SMA N.1 Singarajaand SMA N.1 Gianyar. inds of data 'ere in form of

    0ualitati"e and 0uantitati"e data sought by inter"ie', obser"ation, document studyand sur"ey. #echni0ue of data analysis 'as done by descripti"e 0ualitati"e

    interpretati"e analysis.

    #he result of this research sho'ed that the aspects of lesson plan, cogniti"eassessment, internal o"ersee had a good 0uality, 'hile the aspect of learning

    implementation, affecti"e and psychomotor assessment and e/ternal o"ersee had lo'

    0uality. *actors 'hich influence 'ere 2%3 teacher, 243 leadership+authority, 253o"erseer, 263 fund+economy, and 273 thinking 'ay. #he positi"e effect that occurred

    'ere the de"elopment of thinking 'ay, impro"ing the 0uality of teacher

    administration, gi"ing impact to other teacher, the impro"ement of students learningmoti"ation, increased teacher and student discipline. #he negati"e impacts 'ere

    students did not ha"e a complete learning e/perience, students potential de"elopment'as limited, students intellectual de"elopment 'as not balance, stutter to face socialproblems, the 0uality of teacher learning decreased, competence and professionalism

    of teacher and o"erseer 'as decreasing. Meaning obtained as follo's 2%3 the

    meaning of regularity, 243 the meaning of moti"ation is impro"ing, 253 the meaning of

    professionalism, 263 the meaning of imaging mindset, and 273 the meaning ofstructural hegemony. #he findings of the study 'ere 2%3 the management of learning

    chemistry 'as not optimal, 243 thinking paradigm of teachers 'ere pragmatics, and

    253 the de"elopment of students competence 'as partial. !t is recommended to those'ho associated 'ith education in learning and educating students to optimi8e the

    entire intelligence of students, such as intellectual, emotional, and spiritual e0ually

    and proportionally.

    ey'ords management, learning chemistry, SMA RS!


  • 8/10/2019 ABSTRAK s3 revisi



    The Management of !earning hemistr" inSMA Rintisan Sekolah

    Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI)in Bali

    #he problems 'hich occur in the management of learning chemistry in Senior(igh School is the implementation of practicum 'as not as planned. #eachers ha"e

    difficulty to deli"er the concepts of chemistry in learning, but the students score in

    national e/ams is "ery good. #his study deconstructing the implementation of

    process standards 'ith the aim to describe and e/plain management of chemistrylearning, disco"ering the factors that influence the 0uality of learning chemistry, and

    e/plaining the effect and meaning of learning chemistry management in SMA

    Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI)in Pro"ince ali.#he research method used 'as a 0ualitati"e research method 'ith the

    naturalistic paradigm. #he place conducted at SMA $ % Singaraja and SMA $ %

    9bud. #his data collected by inter"ie's, obser"ations, document studies and sur"eys.

    #echni0ue of data analysis done by descripti"e 0ualitati"e interpretati"e analysis#he results sho'ed that the chemical aspects of lesson planning

    begins 'ith sociali8ation by the school principal, 'orkshops, technical assistance,

    discussions bet'een subject teachers, and de"elop learning tools. !n theimplementation aspect of learning, there kno'n teacher 'ho did not teach based on

    lesson plan but using te/t book. :earning emphasi8e on e/ercise but the practicum

    'as minimal. !n the aspect of assessment, kno'n that the cogniti"e more priority thanaffecti"e and psychomotor. !n the aspect of super"ision kno'n that the internal

    controls 'ork 'ell, but instead the e/ternal control is not optimal. #he factors that

    influence 'ere teacher, authority, super"isors, funding + economic, and patterns ofthinking. #he positi"e impact 'as increase in "ision, impro"ing the 0uality of teacher

    administration, pro"ide electrical current to the other teachers, increasing studentmoti"ation, and impro"ing teacher and student discipline. #he negati"e impacts 'erestudents did not ha"e a complete learning e/perience, students potential de"elopment

    'as limited, students intellectual de"elopment 'as not balanced, facing a social

    problem, the 0uality of teacher learning decreased, and the competence and

    professionalism of teacher 'as declined. Meaning obtained 'ere regularity, increasedmoti"ation, professionalism, thinking patterns imaging, and structural hegemony. #he

    findings of the study 'ere the learning management of chemical has not been

    optimal, teachers 'ere pragmatic paradigm of thinking, and the de"elopment oflearners; competence 'as partial. !t is recommended to those 'ho associated 'ith

    education in learning and educating students to optimi8e the entire intelligence of

    students, such as intellectual, emotional, and spiritual e0ually and proportionally.

    ey'ords management, learning chemistry, SMA RS!
