accompany ngata toro, kualalumpur 2004

REPORT ACCOMPANY NGATA TORO COSTUMARY COMMUNITY RECEIVED AN EQUATOR INITIATIVE PRIZE 422 FEBRUARI 2004 In Kualalumpur By Ir. Helmi Lore Lindu National Park Jl. Prof Moh Yamin No 21, Phone/fax (+62 . 451) 457623 Palu 94113, Central Sulawesi Indonesia Mobile Phone: 0813 4111 2323 Email: [email protected]

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4–22 FEBRUARI 2004

In Kualalumpur

By Ir. Helmi

Lore Lindu National Park

Jl. Prof Moh Yamin No 21, Phone/fax (+62 . 451) 457623

Palu 94113, Central Sulawesi Indonesia

Mobile Phone: 0813 4111 2323

Email: [email protected]

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Basic: 1. E-mail UNDP Equator Initiative January 13, 2004 and January 28 addressed

to Naftaly B Porentjo and Rukmini P Toheke to come to Kualalumpur,

Malaysia from February 4 to 21 2004.

2. The parties agreement in Palu, January 20 2004 to decide the right hand

person is Ir. Helmi of Lore Lindu National Park

BACKGROUND In the middle of 2003, Garry Shea, got the information about the Equator Initiative

that consulted afterward to the team. After passing through some process which

involves many parties, a letter addressed to Naftali informed that Ngata Toro is

invited to accept the prize in Kuala Lumpur. The journey to accompany Ngata Toro

customary community started here then.


Materiel preparation to be taken to Kualalumpur such as; presentation materiel in

English version and Indonesia version in CD form; English and Indonesian leaflet

in CD form, „kulit kayu‟ handy craft production. Administration support

preparation for passport applying of Naftaly and Rukmini addressed to Head of

Immigration, Palu; Administration support for a request letter of permit to

accompany Naftaly addressed to Dirjen phka; Statement of Companion requiring

preparation (January 13 to February 1, 2004)

Parties meeting to decide the right hand person of Ngata Toro customary

community who is going to Kualalumpur, Malaysia (January 20, 2004)

Visit to the Governor of Central Sulawesi province, Prof (Em) Aminudin

Ponulele to handed over the invitation of Equatorial prize for Ngata Toro

community with Mr. Helmi from Lore Lindu National Park as a right hand person

( January 30, 2004).

Jakarta Bogor

Ngata Toro presentation at PPLH , at Bogor institute of Agriculture, Bogor

(February 3, 2004)

Administration, transportation, accommodation handling etc at Jakarta UNDP,

Jakarta (February 4, 2004).

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ACTIVITY in MALAYSIA To put in order the Ngata Toro display in “community Kampung Putra room “

World Trade Centre; acquainted meeting with delegation team of South of

Africa, South of America and Asia; acquainted meeting with Initiative

Equator organizer and facilitator colleague; unity improvement of the equator

community people; document management handling and the status to follow

all processing during the COP7 coordination; communication with the parties

to get the Ngata Toro supporting, to translate, interpret and communicate

Naftali‟ and Rukmini‟s statement during the dialogue going on; technical

supporting, skill and communicating related to transportation, accommodation

and budgeting of Naftali and Rukmini (February 4-9 2004).

Presentation of Equator initiative participant. 25 of 26 finalists attended.

Dialogue of local-global leader policy; attended the meeting and launching of

variety themes; protected area, bioperacy access, local community tourism;

interactive dialogue on local community strengthen forum, working group

discussion; prepared the speech on the award extending; to make, multiple

and distribute the Ngata Toro community presentation hand out, translate,

interpret and communicate Naftali and Rukmini statements during the

process; to arrange the Dero dancing including its interpretation meaning,

communication with the parties for Ngata Toro community supporting;

talking with the minister of Fishery of The Republic of Indonesia , Mr.

Rohkmin and the Fishery Directorate General, Mr. Widi ( February 9-19,


Ngata Toro Presentation

Naftali, Rukmini dan Helmi presented the initiative of Ngata Toro in the

theme of “Biodiversity and Reduce poverty” by wearing Toro Kulawi

traditional dress in the presentation time. The Indonesian delegates attended

the presentation among other; LIPI, BAPPENAS, LIGKUNGAN HIDUP,

Department of Forestry. And from the NGO‟s are; TNC, WWF, KEHATI,

WALHI SULTENG and the Indonesia students in Malaysia.

Ngata Toro presentation can afford the arouse the audiences. This was

expressed in the words such as : Ngata Toro wisdom and tradition surprised

the neighbor country which has already lose their individuality; Ngata Toro

give the inspiration to find the ancestor heritage values through the human and

nature relationship ; arouse the spirit of gender struggle .

(February 13, 2004)

Award Ceremony

Ngata Toro get US $ 30.000

(19 – 20 Februari 2004)

Palu, March 5 2004

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We, signer hereunder, have to submit the very important matter referring

to our participation in event of Equatorial Prize 2004 in Kuala Lumpur-


What we need to submit to you is:

1. We require Mr. HELMI to companion us in event of Equatorial

Prize 2004 from date of 4 – 21 February 2004 in Kula Lumpur –


2. We require Mr. HELMI do not simply to assist in communicating

but more than that, HELMI is one who we precise approach to

assist us in submitting what we think and what we wish, HELMI is

one who have a lot of assisting our project from early, therefore we

really need HELMI and we very happy of you can provide the

facility for Mr. HELMI.

We very complimenting and esteeming if you look into Letter as

STATEMENT from us.

Palu, January 29, 2004

Your Faithfully


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NGATA TORO COMMUNITY Our Philosophy: Mahintuwu mampanimpu katuwua toiboli Topehoi which means to protect and

preserve together our life and environment as bestowed by God.

The initiative:

Foundation Phase (1993 – June 2000)

Toro customary community explored and documented its indigenous knowledge, customary laws,

tradition and customary area as an important foundation for strengthening the relationship between

Ngata Toro community and its natural resources. The outputs of these foundation initiatives, among

others are:

1) Create a Lobo or Toro customary house

2) A Document of Toro‟s indigenous knowledge and customary laws

3) A participatory map of spatial use of Ngata Toro customary area that reflect indigenous

knowledge of the community in sustaining use its natural resources

Acknowledgement Phase (July 2000-October 2001)

This phase also denoted the period for creating and establishing new community-based organizations

dealing with woman and economic activities. The remarkable outputs of this phase, among others, are:

1) Formal acknowledgement from Lore Lindu National Park Administration of Ngata Toro

indigenous knowledge and customary area. Because of this, Ngata Toro community now has

access to, control and use the park resources based on their indigenous knowledge

2) Toro community became a good and attractive case for other customary communities, such as

East Kalimantan (Dayak), Katu, Toli-Toli and Da‟a communities who want to visit and learn

the Toro initiatives

3) Established various nature-based business units (fresh water fish pond, animal husbandry and

bamboo, pandanus, rattan and tree-bark based handicraft)

4) Established Ngata Toro customary woman organization (OPANT)

Dissemination Phase (November 2001 – present)

After almost 10 years implementing the initiative, Ngata Toro peoples began to share and disseminate

its experience and indigenous knowledge to neighboring villages and extend the partnership to

international-based academic/research institution. The results that have been reaching so far are:

1) The Ngata Toro initiative has inspired community of Sungku village, OO village, and Kulawi

to revitalize their customs, traditions, and indigenous knowledge, particularly that relate to

sustainable use of natural resources

2) OPANT movement and activities inspiring woman of Sungku village, Bolapapu and Mataue

village to revitalize their roles and rights in community life and natural resources management

3) The forest ecosystem of Ngata Toro began to be intensively monitored and protected from

degradation through regular inspection by Tondo Ngata (Toro‟s forest rangers.)

Poverty Reduction

Since 2000 there have been many initiatives to develop economic enterprise based on natural resources

working with NGOs and Government development programs

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Nama tarian ini adalah tari Dero.

Tari ini berasal dari masyarakat Ngata Toro, Sulawesi

Tengah, Indonesia.

Di desa saya, dimana saya lahir, tari ini umumnya

dipertunjukan untuk acara-acara khusus.

Dalam acara yang khusus ini juga, tari ini sebagai simbol

kebahagaian dari suatu kebersamaan dan untuk

menyatakan komitment kita bersama.

Tari ini bercerita bahwa ini suatu kebahagiaan untuk

dapat membangun hubungan dan kerja sama diantara

masyarakat dari sekitar khatulistiwa untuk bersatu dan

berjuang untuk visi dan misi bersama.


The name of this dance: The Dero Dance

It‟s from Ngata Toro, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.

In her village, where Rukmini was born this dance is

normally performed for special occasions.

And in this special occasions too, we perform this dance

as a tool for reflecting joy of togetherness and for uniting

our commitment.

This Dance says that it is such a great pleasure to be able

to build relationship and alliances among communities

from around the equator to fight for our collective

mission and vision.

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In front of Ngata Toro display - Putra World Trade Center

Maturation consolidation of Biodiversity Conservation and Reduce Poverty

presentation flow

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Naftali explaining Ngata Toro community initiative

African delegation is asking for Rukmini’s explanation on gender strike


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Award Ceremony attending by delegation of 5 continents respecting on the

equator countries initiative

Naftali, Rukmini, Helmi

Step forward to welcome congratulation

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Ngata Toro – Central of Sulawesi

Reflecting Indonesia in the world performance

Ngata Toro inspiring the how to encountering to recognize ancestor life values

through human relation (ancestor) nature (conservation)

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Dero dancing guided by Rukmini followed by all delegations

The meaning of The Dero dancing: “A symbol of happiness of togetherness to

strike for realizing vision and mission with”

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Feast with Sea and Fishery Minister of the Republic of Indonesia,Mr.Rokhmin

Thanks to Ngata Toro for given the light to world

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Over 20 years of experience in the forest and national park conservation and



Bachelors of Science in Forest Resources Conservation, Bogor Agricultural

University (Institute Pertanian Bogor), http//, Bogor, West Jawa,

Indonesia, graduated in 1987. In 1986, received a research grant from World

Wildlife Fund for conducting a thesis on the Behavior of the Malayan Sun Bear


2006–present: Taka Bonerate National Park, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Head of Taka Bonerate National Park

1998-2006: Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Serve as head of the Conservation Department of Lore Lindu National Park since

1998. Manage a staff of 20 peoples

Coordinate park activities and serve as a liaison officer when dealing with all

relevant government institution as well non-governmental organization such as

The Nature Conservancy, CARE-International, Customary Law and others

interested individuals

Make plan for development of protection, preservation, and utilization of the park

and its ecosystems as well as the publication and information

Advise whether the management plan recommendations are in line with general

policies of the national park

1988-1998: Baluran National Park, East Jawa, Indonesia

Was appointed as manager of Alas Purwo area (approximately 43,420 ha) during

the year of 1995 through 1998. Managed the area based on the conservation

principles and the prevailing law (enforcement, research, information, tourism,

and recreation services). Implemented a development program which comprised

of preservation and conservation of flora, fauna and their ecosystems. Managed a

staff of 55 peoples

Was appointed as manager of Baluran area (approximately 25,000 ha) during the

year of 1993 through 1994. Managed the area based on the conservation

principles and the prevailing law. Managed a staff of 67 peoples.

Accompanied Prince Akhisino of Japan during his two-hour visit to the park

Served as a liaison officer when dealing with government institution

PRIVATE CONTACT: Jln. S. Parman 40, phone/fax (+ 62 . 414) 21565,

Benteng 92812, Selayar South-Sulawesi, Indonesia

Mobile Phone 0813 4111 2323, Email: [email protected]