actividad 13


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Act. 13 : Contents Quiz # 6 Grammar / VocabularyRevisin del intento 1Principio del formulario

Final del formularioComenzado eldomingo, 10 de agosto de 2014, 17:49

Completado eldomingo, 10 de agosto de 2014, 18:27

Tiempo empleado38 minutos 23 segundos


Calificacin22.5 de un mximo de 25 (90%)

Comentario -Felicitaciones! Su aprehensin de las temticas es excelente.

Question 1 Puntos: 1 Unit 13. Present Perfect and Simple Past.

Select the best option to complete the dialogue: Mother: ______________ your homework?Daughter: No, I have just come home from school.Seleccione una respuesta. a. Have already you done

b. You have done already

c. Have you done already

d. Have you already done Correct! This sentence completes appropriately the dialogue.

CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 1/1.Question 2 Puntos: 1 Unit 5: Word Order - Sentence Structure

According to the picture, chose the best option:

Seleccione una respuesta. a. They singing a song together

b. They sang a song last night. Excellent! This is the correct option according to the picture.

c. They are fighting on the microphone.

d. They song a sing together

CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 1/1.Question 3 Puntos: 1 Unit 8 : Talking about Burglaries and Breaks-in

Choose the correct option according to the definition: Person who steals valuable objects from other people.Seleccione una respuesta. a. Butler

b. Lawyer

c. Butcher

d. Burglar Correct! Burglar is a person who illegally enters a house to steal things.

CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 1/1.Question 4 Puntos: 1 Unit 6 Past Porgressive Vs Simple Present

Select the best option to complete the paragraph: Robin Hood usually robbed the nobles they were riding through the forest.

Correct! This is the right answer. CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 1/1.Question 5 Puntos: 1 Unit 8 : Talking about burglaries and breaks-in

Choose the correct option according to the definition. Adjective that describes an object that is extremely useful, important or represents a high cost.Seleccione una respuesta. a. Antique

b. Cheap

c. Valuable Correct! Valuable is an adjective to describe an object that is important or has monetary value.

d. Priceless

CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 1/1.Question 6 Puntos: 1 Unit 9: Accepting ad Refusing invitations and suggestions

According to the picture, what is the guy saying to the girl in a very formal way?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. Would you like to marry me ? Excellent! This is the correct option according to the picture.

b. Wanna go out tonight?

c. Want to marry me?

d. I was wondering If you like to marry me?

CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 1/1.Question 7 Puntos: 1 Unit 12. Present Progressive with Future Meaning

Select the best option to complete the dialogue: Jim: What are you doing this afternoon?You: ___________________Seleccione una respuesta. a. I am working at home now.

b. I will travel to Cartagena next year.

c. I am going to work. Correct! This sentence completes appropriately the dialogue.

d. No, I am not.

CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 1/1.Question 8 Puntos: 1 Unit 7 - Modal verbs of obligation and advise.

Select the best option to complete the paragraph: So you have breakfast every day. Correct! This is the right answer. IncorrectoPuntos para este envo: 0/1.Question 9 Puntos: 1 Unit 6 - Simple Past Select the corresponding question according to the picture making use of simple past.

Seleccione una respuesta. a. Have she cook the lunh yesterday?

b. Have she washed the dishes yesterday?

c. Did she cook the lunch yesterday? Excellent! This is the correct option because it is making use of simple past and it is according to the picture.

d. Did she wash the dishes yesterday?

CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 1/1.Question 10 Puntos: 1 Unit 6: Phrasal Verbs

Select the option that describes the action according to the picture:

Seleccione una respuesta. a. Robert asked lorena out.

b. Charlie spoke up to the public.

c. John turned the car on.

d. Joel's car has broken down. Excellent! This is the statement that suits to the picture.

CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 1/1.Principio del formulario

Final del formularioUsted se ha autentificado como DANIELA FERNANDA SALAZAR (Salir)