administration · administration hon. gen. sec. (central enquina) mn m. 1110.while col !aft...

B. S .B.l. NEWS f<!lltd by EOGAR 0. II ICG!i'S C4o.l'Uiw• F1rm, Fdi.Ur., .... , , Softolk lPII 9 RO A AI , A. f1111thlum uru--..m Law 8. X•nJh/um fP/NIWfl L C. XonthAmr •mbrosloUtJ Ilook & Am. . / Decembe r 1981 No. l9 cm C.)I .S.. Lu ). @Scpt 111111 CudJobutn f\<lrrthluml (t« p I Jl

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Page 1: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

B.S.B.l. NEWS f<!lltd by EOGAR 0 . II ICG!i'S

C4o.l'Uiw• F1rm, Fdi.Ur.,....,, Softolk lPII 9RO


AI ,

A. f1111thlum uru--..m Law 8 . X•nJh/um fP/NIWfl L C. XonthAmr •mbrosloUtJ I look & Am.

~-. /

December 1981 No. l9

~ b.

cm C.)I.S.. Lu). @Scpt 111111

CudJobutn f\<lrrthluml (t« p I Jl

Page 2: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110. While Col !aft

Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG.

BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and chanF or lddress). Nr M. Wolpolt,68 OuiWOOCb Road ,


{Piea1e quote membmhlp number on coo •ospondence concrmln& mrmbcrahlp ot subtcnptlons).

HON. FIEl.D SEC. Miu L F1rrdl , N.C.C. P.O. Box 6, Codwin Ho-. G-... Sum. (lnform1tlon on Rare Plan la, F1dd M .. ttnp etc.)


NOTICE TO MEMBERS l'loml1111lon• f01 ...:ando on Council, ID wrillna. slped by IWO mem· ben of lhe Sod<IY and IOCOmpanltd by lllC wrinm collt<ftl or lhe candld.a•• 10 """'"· If elec~od. &hould be JCftl 10 the lion. General S<crt11ry, While Conqo. Sbllfold. Hoalum. Wm Suwx. to ...,,.. BEFORE FEBRUARY In 1982.

MEMliERSIIJP usr Tlwlks 10 lllflllbtll 11;1!0 rtplled 10 1he enquJry on lht Mrmbfflhlp Llil (BSBI

N""'~ 27 p. l). Toralllna lhe ••pllts,lddlna thole mombon •bo YOted ID pc~ at lhe AGM. aho addlna mcmbcn or CounciiiiJki Commlttm fot "'hom a !m Is of coune eucntill - and a!IO'klna 1 few exna ro. those momben who Intended 10 tend 1 P.C. but did nOI ICtu•Jiy do 10, we have finally I nlll<lmum ur I ()I; o( Our tolll mcmb<rship opllnz for lhe Mombe11hlp UJI . lt Is propcmd 10 prod~~« • U11 u d•uply u pos;slble 10 cover the~ rcqulremenll. •nd lhls wW be offered 10 mcmben at a nondnal sum 10 rover coslt. Meanwhile 1 booklet Usllng theaddr<ss<Jo(Offieon,Commlllr< S.cretules, Yiee<ounly Roauulen and Rcroroes and Spcclallsu will be pubUshrd and dlllrlbuled 10 all members - lrpoulbla whh thl• mailing (or with the nexr rnalllnaln Aprlll.

Cli ANGES OF V.C. RECORDERS 011 R.E. niOMAS vacat .. WEST l>f!RTH (v.t.87) bul llk<t ovtr MID-PERTH (v.c. 88)

MRS J . CLARK£ u lw ow1 rtspon111billly for rhe ,..holo or MID-EBUDES lndudlnJ N ull(w.t. 103)


BSBI /'IEWSJO Contribut ions lntmdtd for publianion in lhb lssu~

must rucll 1he Edilor


Page 3: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

MAJU NGS To enable memben to check their receipt of malllngs, the curront BSBI mailingJ

sclledulc, md from whoRl posted .Is u fo llows;-! . utc Deeombcr/urly January Field Moctlngs l'rognmme.

2. Jam:ury or Fobruary 3. Aprll 4. July or August S. September

Calend11, Oecomb<r BSBI Ne-..•s (HonJum) II'Qtsonla (Dirkonhud) Annual Report BSBI Nn.>1 etc. (HanJum) Wanmrla, BSBJ Abmacu (Birkonhood) Exhibtuon Notices. BSBI Nn.>totc, (HonJuml

Wbile wo cannot promise to keop euctly to thb tlme-uble (many arc tb< possible delays throusJt the ammbllna. printlna and/or po5tin&). this scllodule may !aktn u a &enoru guide.

Memben who faD to recoh« a maOJnaJhould notify the T.......,..,, BSlll, to whomllll chan&ct of addreu should also bo sent .If powblc quotlna membtnhlp number, 68 OurwoodJ Road, Looahborouah. Ltica, LE II 3LY.

A point to be remembered la that addrt~Kd lab<b are sent out from the membtnhlp office ~ml weeb before • m~llins Is despatchod. If • thanse of addrtS$ Is roeol .. d afttr the lab<b hi\'< b<en aent to the prlnten, then that m~ Ulna wiU be delivered to tb< old addreu, olthousJt the new addrns wUI then be on the Trenuru's upchted lilt of membtn. Members ore aometlmes puzzled by tlus app>rtnt lack of communlcauon if a mallins Is wra"B!y addrtiJed just after a notifkatlon of chanacd addreaslw been aent ln.

Another point which con CIUJt conlwlon Is the offer ol books at a pte-pubtication prict. There olfeJ• are sent out In tldoa""e of pub!Jeatlon (and art made pcmible by the guarantoed sales and odvanllt payments whkh onablc the publisher to offer 111 rodulltd prict), O.lays m publieotlon are not Infrequent . and membcrt may dan be worried by the non-delivery or the book. We hope tO cloriry future notices of tbtae orrers by ensuring rb•t the •nUdpated publication ditt IJ mted, and by onnounclng ony un· expected delays In the rouowing lutJc or OSBI Ne-..••.

APR IL 1981


'<lCim' lOll

NA"lltMf ~~,.

A reminder that in April 1981 the SI'NC reeoived • Royal Chortcr to b<come the Royal Sodety ror Noture Conserv.ttlon. This >erslun ol the SP (' omblcm ~topping fo......ard' to theit new title or RSNC was drawn by C.E.R. Coltman. Warden Sussex Trun for N~turt Conremrlon and it IJ rtprodur:td by kln.d pcrmiuion of tb< STNC rrom thdr Newslener No. 74 Springl981



Page 4: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and


We are plnled to wolc<>mo DIYid McCOih u the new Soaewy of BSBI l!ttotd1 Commmcc , tnd w1Sh lum y,-.:0 in llm new oiTitc.

AI !he amo 1Jmt we >end OUI 11>011 plttful thanks IO !he rdlMJ acrctary llt Ftuldya l'urlow. •1>o hu >e......S lllb Cotnmlttro wrD IUIC< 19S8 (whm 11 wu dw M.lJll Commlllte, lilt prcauoor of the pretttll Rn:cxoh Commit~)- At lllb Umo FHP, with Or Max Wall on (rofemd 10 at thc Celebration Dinner u !he -Maa F .. tor '1 aduCT<d the major proj«r of orp..Wna rho r..:ordrna for, and pubiUhma. the Atlizs o/ tN British Flolv In 196:!. Tlus Arlu nor only pion«rod dor-map reccxdlna and tell he paucrn for rho production of similar Allua for many orhor bloi0Sic2J JIOUpl, bur also d&nlflanrly ale nod uaro the dlmlnbhlnaapcclu. Thb In rum ltd 10 the Jptdtlrec:onllna of 300 ocle<:rtd rarat Britbh planta, which made pot&lblc the publlatlon of the Brirblr RtJd Book. Vacrdcrl'f61111 19n. ""h LyMo l'arrell u eo4u1hor.

FHP, once dcxribcd u "'the IIWI wrth a ntw idu ne.ry .. -.a - or -timu moce fr<qucnlly"-hu pidtd the Society throusb rmny MUdq pfOJtd$ and th< BSBI haJ oa W:ry mtJry O"""V""'s bendilltd from F rtllkl) n '• ldru and bls enlhluimn ln lnlJ*­IDtllUIII thae. I would add prnorully my thaw f0t the pnctical bclp pn to the Sod<ty on many proj«u. We tiWI mlu hh CIUipt and pwu but we shall not 1-toudr .. -w. FliP u the Pcrrinl f~mily dl<tributa BSBI PubllealloM from Dundk ~&• lltd we woah hun wdl wrth hb newer rnpoiUibUJlln with RSNC.


We tend our bur wilhosto Ann Farm ond conararulalluns to Tony SchJUina. Depuly Curaror, Royal Boranlc Cardens, Kcw, at Wa~ehunr Place, Anllngly, Suase~. on tho!r 11111rla1• In Octob<r. Thdr honeymoon wu 1pen1 retraane the roure of Sir Jot-tph Hool:-tl In e. Nepal, lbe lllmalaya belli a I pltl of I he ..-orld which they bo~h lmo ... and lo•-, wrll. Mn Schflllna. who Is beutt k!IO*n to BSOI me~n undtr tht n&JIIC of Ann DaYia, rhroulh het btJudful illua1111iom rn rho BSBI llandboola llmbdll/m D/tlu> Brltblr /JitJ end Dockland K1101WM/• o/thr Brrtblr JJio, lolls me thlt In fururt she wUI publl\h Iter bolllnlcal drawlnp under he r mtldm 1111110 or Ann Farrer, A$ Ann b the JIUI-nltee of rhc famow plilnliman Rcalnald farrer. wand Tony ha\'t dccldtd to prtier.., lhb bollnleol llnk In l1er work u a boranlc:alonlsr.

Or her membcn who may bo fonunare In ha•ins the opponunhy ro eo ro rhc lilma· ltya wOI be lnrcrosrtd In rheso rn:ent publlarluns by BSOI membet1 , Or K.M. Mmhew SJ . or rhe Raplnat licrborium. Sr . Ju,.ph'o C'ull~. TiruchlrapaiU, TM Flo"--ffl"'l Pl~nu of KuntVtfl This lltnortrtd cheek Uu , the rnults of an uplomton of !M K1111<011& JUbdJ.WOn of the DatJUiina dlsuie1. Wnt Bmplllldia. ,.i!J be lnnlutble to any members tra¥t!hna to that rOJ*I ol rho l;.urern Hunalaya; RO) LaneMLcr hu Wnlltn an -·t or his trtftk In lfMlllllllllllfJ Ut ,,.,., ud th< publication lt ...... mnlclpared of 1-"Jqo.yn ofth~ 11~ by Olti 1'1\iunin ~ad Adam Stain loa, ID whkh .0 the dn,.lnp are by Ann Farrct Ann acco~anlod oDe of Olq ·, llimlllayan upedi· 11011& u boiJniealantu


Page 5: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

PawefOtpth .. The Kctpet of Bouny, Bnllill Museum lm a pasta 111 his offiec whiCh ~..u

~VE YOUTHAI'<KED AGREENPLANTTODAYl I In the NMIIII o( lhls Society ~f)' mud! • 'D•l Is p•·rn b)' member., ID offico, cm

oammiuott. OIJlliHtlll 01 lcadm& meounp. idmtifyutJ spccttna~~, trnm!IY tdftlllll oo planu. maillna book ordm and I}'PII13. lbr £dnon of out Jouma!J, A bJTIIICU and the BS/11 "'"'' • t~ authon of BSBI ltmdboola and othot puhllcallont, all Jbtwnr: thoir Kmoa to the Sodot)'. 11 Is not alwt)'lapplttlated how much lln10 and woll< this in¥01•o Poulbly membon ahould oa:asionaUy think:


Pmpapllon of Sorh111 tormltllllit 11 number ot llltlmbm hale m<onlloned d[fficultl•• whh aermlnallon or SorbuJ

tonnirw/IJ and Or lluah McAIIill<t hu kindly ><nt the rollowina note; "1\'lwl shed in the autumn the .-Is m donnantand requhe cold truunent before

they can &mniMto lr only a frw ...,eh are anllable, <h<K should Ont bo cleaned from lho frulu,tbcn pltccd on mobt bloiiJn& (~K fdttt} PIIK' in a cow m! dish In tltffiloratOJ (0 - SO(') •nd Lr:ptthere until "'"f)''Ub~ ~ lmp:nnlnatcd - but cue fully romcmna with fo'"P" any ) ouna KcdHnp.. (The aecdJ muJl bt kr:pt mollt and should be out of lho 'fndp fot t~ nununum umt only - lho eold III.IA be COilWtuo111, any ~J allowed to warm up dunna tht Pncklna out a/ alrad} &m\'irurtcd aecdljllP "" bkdy to btcomo rully d«m1111 ~~~~ IC>qlllrlft& I rllflhtr J lili)filhi eold.)

1r a larp numbtt of aecdJ are lnilable it could bo sunpklt 10 IOW 111 autumn for •priJll prmlnatlon" lluaJt hn not tried this latrer ldl1'6df with S. tonrtiMil• but teUs w th1t ll b effecth'f with other Jpta<S of SorbuJ 10 ahould &Jvo 1 rtuonoblc clOp of 1Ccdlutp1 Our in& thc $. llmmmrliJ JUI'\"Y the al>Knco of >rtdhnaa Ill aome area WU con~pltuous. In Kent and S~x In almost evcf)' c;IIIC the yoruta aapllna• nnt thoustu to bc s .. duna• pro .. d nu mote C:llefuJ inl'l!<ligatlon to be derl .. d from tucken. lluah r<porn•loo that fnlhrwb1S the llltuplontln& of s· highS. tr>mrlt111llsand dctlvcd 11pornlctlc mlerospeeles such u S. drwmltllsiJ, broken roots rcrmrlnlna In IIIo orlaJnol llte wnt usu11ly product ahoon. IUQUtlng lhltt ro111 cutlinp miaht be 1n efrccllve moons or propoptlon.

GUII.on Oantr nuted •~ry few t•/abl< KCdJ In pthrrlnp of S. rorm/""'u lrultt from East Kent In I '180 - unl~ 1 unaJI proportion of the lttdt wete fully lonntd and of ~ .. only one prmiNttd

Rcducod 'Ubk teed ptocluciJDn m Scrius ll1mliMla can be c1UJcd by a Ked wup T"'J._J dtv,_..m. whldl a bowu to mffSl shr teed1 of -ral Sot6cls •pean (and IS aho louod Ill appla). I am pattfulto Gilhan for draWIJII my llltntlon to 1 rq>on on thb by Dt T .C \\1ntn A tt'l1l - alfl!Ciiii!J IM Wild Stmtt 7n~ (S. tomundb), published by DOE Atbdl!t'Uitwal 1\dnsmy and lnfonnallo• S.nlar Atboricatlru~t Retratcb ' a" Jn81 t m Sr:pt 1978. Sillct ~ •-rltina of hi> PIIK'· Dt "Aint•• wgr:ru that tho ou4 ..... 11111 not the onlY cauae or poor &"l'tnlnJUoo rates In 1~ wild. ntn In the wrld

Mary Brigs


Page 6: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

A mUIIon !p<'CiH are lllctly 10 bux11M1 1nn1y yoan from now • • • ••• •

~Dijon Ecolos~et CoDoqu"'· orpnutd lnconJuncllon wrlh I be Counal of l:.urop<. reoultd 1ht .,....,,Y o( 1be cJCJiallna da~ .,.,., done 10 mot1 or tbt na1ural cn"flron· mtnu In our blospbtrt Thb dranullc prouu b duo 10 the IMobtmlq' or lhc nrlous ""-lopnwlll polldot, USIIJIIy lruputd by Ill< putSUll of qodck proflu. A dlfTcrml OUI• look.UnnJ lhlnp Orn , rrspctt for mlnorllltl,COIIJ<fcntlouund rtSJICifiJ(ble ftWII&<IDClll of Mlural r-..tcn wtrc 1hc condiWI>M reochcd by ooer a bundrtd up<ru from ....,. Europ<an counlriH

Good Luck down undtr

Our BOnd wbhto so wllh Anhur E. Wadt who hat recenlly cmlpltd lo New Zealand. Now an Honorary Member of 1hb Sodrty. he hat b<cn a member \lnct 191S. Authot of lhe F7nnt nf Monmm•tluhln and fOf many )"ears ~COtder for •D lhc WdJb riec· c:ounlia untU local rr<:Ofdcra were found, Mt Wade hu b<cn one of our R<fctcet fOt Symp/l)llllm and Myosotll and it aho an tnuncnt lidlcnolopJt In acncllna warm thanks to Arlhur Wade ror hb nluabk conulbutlon 10 lhll Sodcty lhn~~~Jh the )"tan ... acnd him aho, Fad wahcs from hb many frltnclt ancllhc hope tlu1 hr ba ttnbuktd 011 a moot rtWirdlnl n.,. Ufeln ltlllnew bomt ·~-~~~·. Ills nrw acldma now b.·

A .E. WADE. 281 Molfroy Road ROTORUA. Snl Zealand.


Thlllkl to the mrmber who wrote to lbc Edllor tayfnJ how mud! the enjoyccl BSBI N_, and I hat tilt hat "lc11nt 10 much lhrouJh het mcmbcraldp" - wry pktslfll fot us 10 hear. A IP«Illl areelmB also to the new member who, on Jomrna. doscribtd hi..,.,!( •• • "chocrf\11 tan(lr•onUJ", we hope 1lur1 he , 100, will llnd hi• mcmbmhlp lntcre.clna. cnjnyoblc and rewarding.

The linn. Gen. Sec rccclvOJI ouort cd 1cqucS1t. lncludtd recently W&l ono from Canada aJklua fnr a lliOUcul apeclmcn of Bryortia dlokD for I he bedroom of 1 b•by dougluer chmtcrtcd Ooynny

Cern EJplan IUppllcd a spray of While Oryony from het chalk downlllnd "flllq< of Am~tley. Suuu .. thls Wll pruttd and pautd on to Oub1opbt1 Chua who then created 1 plclwo whlcb WIJ ... u tecdoed In Can.da.

Another reque<~ from the Coutal 1-orca .U.OCWIOn llkccl m to trace 1.1 John Saond.crt of the Royal S.vy who wa• r.klppcr or \fTB 'liS 4unna lha lu1 ....,. Or Norman Rob lOCI lcJicw b eL Saunclrra u a fdlow alll1cnl in Abcrd- •bo af1cr IJidu· atlotl went 10 Klwtoum to -k for Eatpirc Cotto" Boatd • 1 cytolopst. tbct> to Upnda. Wt h ... 1101 y.t 1.-.1 his pr~nl wbtrulrouu.

We .. .,. 1\- able to ofT et an Olc.mdct from Mrt t:..C _\1 1\"llllamloft and an u,.. brtiJJA I'Wit from 'In Jcanttlt KlruciJJA tu Alcx.andn l'.alaoor Pllm Court 111 1nporu< to tbtrr rtant rtqutit for pllm• or "mll:u slice! planlt IBSB/Nr.-.,18 p. ~I).


Page 7: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

Colour Pborognphy The occuncy or I he colour reproduction or plan! phorogrophs iJ con!lnuolly contro•

verslll. I wu surprised by crirlc:llm or "wrona colour" roferrina to the dust jacker lllunra!lon of Cyprlp«Jium on Oavld l.Jing's Htld Guld< to rh< Orchids of JJrlraln. Surely the colour Is correct for an 'aplrut the IIJbt' view when th< sepals or< totally different In colour from thot u seen from above? Possibly the dlfficuhles are p:utly due ro the reproduerlon beana Oar on a page compared ro rho dlfferan aoglcs from wbkb •c:~ual growfna nowen aro seen - and rhe eolour musr be pmly In rhe eye of the beholder? I am reminded or 1 phOIOiflpher who wu pmleularly arudous ro reconl the eucr colour of Erlrrkhlum '"""'"' nowers JO brouJhl an RHS colour guide for insum all.tde idenriRcatlon - but we were unable to Ond 1 precise much among the many offered blues : nowen crowana Jl \'lried •oaks on the •euJhlon' or or different age, lhowed u different sluldes or blue!

M.m.R...-Our thaokl ao members who wrote to MP's In support or these raena in response

to the request in BSB/1\'ews. noe Government did ytnt thb lmporunt conczmon •nd some marine areas, acnously in need of lepl protection. wUI now be desrgnored u Racrvcs.

Suggestions for ssocato bo10nl011 replies (lff BSBI Nn<'f 18 p.5). have corn< from Mary McCaDum Websrer: "Mind your ''"' feet" (which ~buy •u&&esiJ lhould co•10r most rcqUOIIs?). and from John Norm•n: "Refer C.T.W."

CATCOTT HEATH APPEAL - BSRI News No. 26). Members wlll be glad to know thot the above oppcol reached iu t"'Sel of £.18.000

within rhe yell, ond rho! the Somerset Trusr can nuw buy thb Important wet!JuJd. The B.S.B.J. conrrlb uted o subllontlol•mount rowardsth01ppul - congrotul•Uonseveryone l

FLOR£NCI! CRA VESTOCK. 8 Cronlelgh Cord ens, Stoke Bishop, BRlSTOL 859 lHD.

IIR ITISH LliJRARY (LENDING DIVISION) The very ln(<>rmotlw orrtale on the obove, whklt appeared In the lilst edlllon of

BSB/ NI!WI (No. 18, p. 28) was contrlbured by Mr Gnham P. Cornish, the Ubouy's Special Projecll Officer who rella us ht: will he quire pleased to recrlve enquiries from BSBI members. which he wUI either dui with pcrwnally nr pus rhem on ro the appro· pmtcofncrt for action. Ills •ddrus: GJ>. CORNISII. British Ubrory (Lending Division). llosron Spa. WETHERBY. W. Yorla. LS23 780. (Tel : (0937) 843434).

BSBINEWSJO Contribu tion.~ intended ror publicntlon in this io;sut:

nrWit reoch the Editor



Page 8: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

ALIE~S and A OVE~TIVES ADVENTIVE NEWS 21 eompllal by El ic J . Oemcr11

NOTES ON SOME ALIEN PEPPERWORTS T .D. R)"'es' OXC4ll<nt paper on U,ldhmr In k'Dtaont.l 11 C•> 367.312 (1977) neecb

Uttlt update. On p. 368 there ate two enon (eonun. TBR) - L drmrux/1 Thell. 11 ml11p<ll (umc ermr In Prob11 , 1949) and the lllcub cllmtrulcmt of L a tb-um wero .....,!Wd - S-6 x 3 .S mm "''" tntmdcd Craham Euy hu 11Jppllcd UJ • 1th 1 opknclid &btch dtpic:lh'l IOmt o( the nnadon m loaf anciii!ICWI slu:pe "'1lhln the 1cnus; two of the chotm spcda (A and ll}artaddnlonllto R)"'eS ( 19TI).

A. L miJfiOp/ocoftlrs F M~~<ll . On r;,.r shlnp. Cal.ublda (RoxbWJh). Scpt 19TI. Mn O.M Stewon. Oct EJC. ht record for Br (lt Eutope?) ThJJ loeal, Austnllan sp. can be keyed out by ltJ unique fruit, wnh the two acute and eonnlvent lobes at the AJmmot A low. tnnu1l plant wllh lllbroua, IIMII and aJJ enure tn ; pei&IJ ilOK nl ; summ•4: S«d 1 mm lq, wln&cd-

8 L .rfnmt Typk:aDy • ll••lCIMa Of pnd- pWII , tomtumtt to the paint of •I'I'Uritll quite • hlte. IUid one tlw mtmbtn often fall to Identify t ¥te to the reaus' 8oth CTW:! and Fl Eur I art nthtr unrcll.>blc m details re this reaus .•t this op. often ftUs 10 key out rn tllclltror. dclllllndinl'"ltluJI the upper coulinclw Un<11 and cntmo". They art , quite typleslly, ternatc or lobed, •• shown ln Butehcr's tUuatrauon, vol I. p. 281 . Out thoro Is 1 rare varl<ty with the lw all unlobcd, thot I ha"' met just onO<' dirT top. Eastbourne (1!. Su .. u). May 1'176. MO\ A .M. Bouchcr. I lb. A.MB. Det. EJC. Nowhere In Br is thh 1p "'natunllud~. u clalmtd In Fl Em. I l.ll , allhcqb >iahle lied b oflcn Jet.

C. L r,P.kum. A typlal pl.tnt IJ illustrated . other n nants MCrn, IO mc,10 mcriJ< Into L dtmiflorom. Very rarely L ri'flnltvm mlahl pe<JUt, fot 1 whllt, '" Or - •-&· on dlluscd railw•y sldlnp between Worluop1nd Retford(Notu), Junt 19n. J.Hodason . Conf. TRR. "Abnut 6 planiJ. on clndery around or pH 7.S, sdjt eent to a dt rcUct Jlllton or aoociJ depot, bUI no Other tUcn.s were un rby. tllhoutllt 11 the other lido of lhe mtlon Vulpi: IIIJ'U"'' and AP<ro fnttmqlr~ oecur.~

0. /. dtntlflonull . Vanous. aclf.perpetutllna (i~. Klf1)0llinated) racn IJliiCil 10

Ubi Extreme forms or thll tpeeio:s ... nllcJ ,_ lltJliiClunt Th<U •• In .. hkh the upper lea"" 1re linear , {•ub)ernlrc •nd W1thout I at m I "'"'· but I l'aU,ll did TBR, to ~CC aey doar-cut. dcDWeotlon line . Ouv!Jncaud &: Uunblnon dlJafiT« In DunttJtrkm 2:27·32 ( 197$): Oocy provldr a<IOd dr•wlnp ond 1 key (In French) eo .. nna the I- rudtnrlt group in Oolgium.

E. L rudmle. TBR foraeu to say ·•ameU hi" App21ontly,lt Is separable from all ha many tlllea by Ita dbtlnct,nthor foetid odour,l d111actorlostln the herbarium llJOod lldd noto:s ue not oppendtd - not• «ntl Fl Fut I llrmu the fnlltlna peclled qth 10 2 • 1.S mm: but l -1 mm IJ oqllllly Ukely In Bt In 110n..nd hlbiWs. I doubt. too, whether 11 IS truly 1 Bo llllllvt

F. /. c(.pinllllrlfo/um Ltdtb ThiJ punloo11 plant , r<Kmblona L rudtrrrlr .If eorreclly namnl , would be new to Dr. h waJ c. lfl tlll , with an erect1nd stlmy branched lubh . upper lw untoothed: •lllculae small. orbicular, completely unwlnitd and opmely balzy : accds unwl"'ed. CMSE found se~nl plantJ on empty &ludlf bedJ 11 CamhridJt S.W.,. Fann m 1976 Typ<Cii L fiJdmt/t wu c1ow by. Sadly. only"lu\'e bun pr<KtWC!ta llh. CMSE&IId llb. I:JC


Page 9: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and



A. L mofiOplocorda F.lotudl 0 L Sil l/rum L C. L rf>rl•lcwn L D L dt:IUI/Icntm Schradrt ll. L. rudttiJlt L P. L cf. pflutttrl/iium Udtb.


(/ y F

C:.M.S. F'"sy o


Page 10: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

Tbt .. I)' dbllnctm l.. pufoi/Qrwm continua 10 ~rop up occa.Wnally (cf. BSBI Nrws 14. p. 11). Two 111010 te«ntttcotdJ follow:

(I) On • roJd ""~ ot loiJtlock {D<tbyo). 1m. J. Uodpon. -c. 12 planu. muoduca! wuh 1t1J1 ad. but appur1111 to be peniuont ot l..,.t in the tllon tcnn:·

(ll) Nnt t lll.puk . Foont of Dnn(W. Cioi).1977. J Ounstcd Ill. TBR.A cluster of pbuu ""on bote plt whc~ lhc Commltllon ho-e '"rccblmcd' an old eolllCI)IInto a ea­park to sun an oflldal Foow Tnllot 00/6261)97. Tbt1t won noiUIOCWcdallcmoo otbtr c:ku irldkllllon of how 11 JOtlntloduttd.-

MIX£DBAC Jlf1111GIIIJ mond/1 L. . Oxford rip. 1970. Do IU.M. Bowen. 11 ~e:~rcc podon pbnt.

1st record on my Rlu. AntmOM bi#Jd# Sthou A Kouehy . Onlantbonl:bdowprden,Stlbome (N.,

Apt 1981. Comm. Or A C Lall• Shown to an LNiiS MoetlnJ uA •I"'Mhrr ,but wu mud! d-r to A.. blllnJa, u all lhc prdentrt pldellt wore quick to pablt out. A IUI· prbin&Jy '1st Bo reCOfd.

BtrbnimnS. 1)-:lprhn~ (Steud.) Fernold : Barry Oocb (Clams). July 1981 . T .C. E...,. A A.L CronfcD Coni. EJC. One plant. 111 emU: m cont~to. outude flour tnill. powwll wnb Tnrbm 'P Tre-E .... Jdud the OJ'I)CHtUOh)' 10 pcwtny Lbis "'')' 111<

CliiWI for "' The annual rooutock. slltcle. ftrtlle Oortt per spllcekt and smallaolhea (c. I mm) typblly •;wate this tuoo from lhe YCI)IIimllar B. nw(/Mnh (L.) 11o<t which Is • peronnial. llrith l ftrtllc nouu ood aothert c. 1..8 mm IOIIJ.In splu of thew ml funhcr ci1111C1crt dc!aUcd and dcptmd in Cmaw l(IJ):ZONII (1967),1111111: plt nu I nut flnd • dlfl'oc:ull 10 Hll&n to either speaa. both appc:ar to be .. noble. and ttno.lnly both can ho .. tomcwhat pubctukntlcmm:u (eontrary to ft tllr. S) The only Br recoub known to Cl:! I w~oe (c:omm. 0.. J.C.f. llubh•rd) 11 (oUowo.

N01{ollt: ll•tfor~ tlp.I'172. 11.C. uwaon&: A. Copplna S.c TtunJ. Nt"f. Norw. Nat. Stx. 11(6),1973. Glatnr"ffl/1: Splan, Cardiff. 1926. Hb. Mclvlllc • • 'i(lmersct : lied m !Inter. OriJtol. 1922. C. & N. S.ndwlth. Glouttlttr: St l~tll lpt M•r•h . Drlnol, 1916. C. S.ndwllh , Bucb: Nc11 U•bo ld!~ (Mddx). 1911. J.E. Cooper. ( IIM ap•clrnen oe-det. Do A.

Mcldcril. 1956. rmon 8. trrtcl{orm/J). AeeordinJ to CEll. true 0. tnrd/tmnls lt .,.., ttlll (allhouaJt lt 1ppears In Oruce's

BPL , 1928): Glourotn: A\'Onmouth Docb.l930. C. Sand,.,itlt .

Bnriift 1111lrloth0 (luck.) Slent um>t fltltl. Uule Shclfcud (Cambs). Oc1 19SS. Ma IU'. Boyoft CCE. Ott. Cl:li.Thh S.Afneonsrus,.oullluurat<d.(romthlsspedmtn. Ill BSBI Nn.~ 27 p. 19 (the &•nua •-u mlttpcll In the capuon). bccaw.r 11 ru<mbl<d. IUpetlldaUy, one or the Edunodlloa spp. wl11ch were undtr dtXIWIOn. 11us new CMSE dnWin& acruall~ rcpll«d the promittd on< from Ttwm. Km~ FlddO.b (1977). thll w:u mhlald. 'la Br r<COid The only other Br fltltlr<COid known 10 CEU (Comm. JCEU) wu from Blld<moot (N. lbnu). 1969 - tot h'.rtJO.U. I O(IHS (197~). Tbt UsuJe h rcpretontrd by a fMI" of hairs In this plant : In all our Ecbilw>t/I/Qa a~em (ex«pl t:. ltolkbll - w11h nnly ont rKOid for Br oec o!rm -161 tbtrc h no met of any li&ulc


Page 11: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

........ .....


del. T.C. Enruo 1981 o


Page 12: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

IIIU}D orlmtalb lAm. lJ. glnnduloSJJ Wffid.): Box HUI Comm.on (N. Wllu), ST/835.692, AU£ 1981 . R.O. RandaU. Hb. EJC. ~L OMtC. "With dumped garden JOu. where 11 looks Ilk• hOClOmmaemblishod."

LllnlcmJ nltld4 WUJOn: Roadsldt, Knockaunrot (Co. Om), June 1978. Or J .G • .t C.M. Dony 'Tbllsp. b. lnereasins)y, bird-40wn from prrlens: I willslllrlll1IJiu, nallon· wlcU, lll records fot tllis sp.ln 1M next Nt!Wt - 11< there any more re«<lds fot me!

l,ychnls C'MIIUri2 (L) OeST.: Wwo poun.d, nru Scout Rut, Groby riiiJP' (LdQ), 1978. M11 E. tl-llfea\'01. DeL EJC. Sauln u "CornCoclde!'', wblcb it doa ruemble. Seeds very readily, and JO Is 1101 nre ouuldt of prderu..

Mlt:trmr6Jm dfunJ.{olium (Willd.) £. Copol. (Polypodium dt.mlfollum WWd.): Two p.ltchea, natur:Uiud In wood•. Trcr.c:o (Sellly). MA)' 1971 . J.R. I'IImer. ~~. OMcC. New to Jl!L'a FI/Jro.

Ndl/14 Jln~ns/1 OU"'r: S. of brld1< betw~n Llmlash .t Btodlclc, Amn {Xlntyno), June 1969. M~& O.M. SW~~an. E.

P~tnslttJ piJ/IfUJtw A. Gray : Ill copte, CaJiton Road. Tunbdd£< Wd.IJ (W. Kent), • t9SS~. Or C.A. Staee. tlb. CAS. Cood patcb. o r female plmt, in presumably old. rqleciecl woodland p rdm. Site d011royod -n oiler 1960 by buiJdioa. Onlowly, thiJ ob-'ou• onumental•ppws In no prdenlna lltmtunol I~ Br ream!.

Pr11mtfll4 cinDft OWx ex ViU.: One plant. on stone wlll, Olvt Vale, tlutlnp (E. Sussex), Apr 19110. A.E. Moon. In Oower, aplll, Ap; 1981. Dct. Dr S.M. Wahm. "ltfnnJ o f l.ntroductlon unknown." Veryrart1y11own In modem gardens! Ill Or record.

Seoblo111 C181auiar Bleb.: RefUS< lip, W110rbncb (Cambs.).Septi970.G.M.S. Euy. 1111 record ou11lde a san!en. Mn F. lioUJCman abo found lt ,ln two Yorbltlrc loeallllu: IOtdt!de Hr. Knlresboroul!h 1nd at Norwood. nt. H.mopte. Bollt wm rellm of plantlna?

Scutt/1/IJ'IJJ althllt1111 L : Small colony. well •"'•Y from llabiUltlon, on U~e maraln of l'lsture Wood, liolmbury SI Mary, nr. Guildford (Surrey). June 1972. K.W. l'lac· Olmm. Or A.C. l.alie. Still there in June 19110, and slowly increaDJlll. tlb. ACL.Illl<· wltere I know of lt only at Mdls (N. Sttmenct}, where it b con'rindnaJy aawlln 1

wooded 11vlne: lt b fir from ob'llow tlw the cdltlly Ita imrnecllnely below 1 hldd~n. p r;Jen•Nbbbh cbutr. hJ&h,.. the lite!

S<IIC'do t/lur.l[ollul Lf~ non Roolc. r. (S. UlodM Schllld:}: Shore end or the p1lb ocrou the dunet from Tres<:o Abbey to Pftltle Bay, Tres:o (SelDy), Alii 1971. Miss O.M. Youll. RNG. Oet. EJC (pre'lioutly mbdct. J liL. u "AJtu sp."). 1st Or record. M11 M.C. For.tet alto found it. Independently :u 1 pn!cn ete~po :u Tresco, June 1978. rcfcrrlna h provtslon;aUy to '"!Ch/ylllnth"''llllrt hybrid'", Hb. EJC. Thb S. Afrlc•n perennial with yellow disc noreu and purpleoplnk raya, In heads llns acmu. dota not (aupernclally) took ScntckJ~Ike.

SmmaJm pa/1/da Rose: Reading tip (llerlu). 1973. Or HJ .. M. Bowen. In Or record. "An extraordinary. purple, fro•t-tendcr plant ·ln c.bmmcllt .. cfflc. kept goln& by me for c. S yean In 1 ~nhOUJe.""

S4Ymb'*'m rundJwwm 1..1&- u DC.; &pann llUl alien . GUMdbrfd&e (Fife), 1960. Miss E..P. llutiJCL RNG .. DeL EJC. 1981. Mlo-det. JEL u "£tw:ruiJJ!" and "near to /14pisrrum~. Also round at Cllimsitle Piper Mm tip. Chlrmidc (Berwklr.), Nov 1961. Mn Robson. eo nun. Mm M. McCallum Web5ter. CCE. K. No more recent roconb ~~? lkwart of how the yeUow potah (ado to while in the berbarlwn In thl$ and 101110

aUiod spocta1


Page 13: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

Srlpa artmdfllllcm (Hook.) Benlh. (,1penz arund!Mcm Book.): M.ny seedHngs on sloping, stone retaining-wall orgatden,Trengwalnton Nat. TruJt (W.CornwaU), Apr 1974. J.R.. Palmer. G.S. Thomu In his very soond book, Pul!llltial Gtorle11 PitJJUS (1976), mentions the wne locality and uys it "will s"<'d it.self in he1vy soU. :u far north u Yorkshire." Is this tall (3·S ft), handsome, rhizomatous, New Zcolond grass 'countable' elsewhere?

Vibunwm fa"ui Ste'lrn (V. fmgnzns Bunge, nqn Loisel.): On dJu:h bonk. near Parkgole Bowe, Barn Common (Suney), Apr 1981.Dr A.C. l.eille. Hb . ACL One bush, freely suckering nt base, hidden behind dense .scrub, growing with som.e bulbous nliens, buLno other nlien shrubs.

COCKLEBUliS IN BRIT AlN Three speci<:s or the onnlllll genm XDntilhun regularly occur •• cuuals In Br. They are

so eully named on their clwllcterlstlc leaf-shapes lluu no key Is requited -a glance at Grahnm Euy 's fine cover drawing <Uffices. The two spec! .. with trilld, yellow spines at their tr bases, X. spintuum L. and X. ambros/oldes Hook. &. Am~ were m:ently re.argued by Mr• 0. Love to belong to a separate genusAca111hO¥antlrium (DC.) Fourr.­seeLDgusetJiiD S{I):SS·71 ( 197S),butft Eur. 4 remainscoruervatlve.The X. flrui7Uirium l. aggregate never has spines.

In Br, X. ambroslqldes, the rarest of the three, has alway• been restricted to woo.l waste (unlike the other two spp}. where 1t has occurred in vc's 12, 16, 30, 37 and 63 -see vouchert in BM. LTN and RNG. And thJs as the only spec:les that hu truly shown slgru of becoming established (although Dandy, 1958, lbu the other two species!). C.C. Htnson reported lt u ~st\<tl'lll hundred plwm" Ill 1975 Ill A Wldy ,mttket prden field, neor Flitwlck (Beds). 11 has been there ror at least 1973-31. but seleetlveo weed· kJller spray ihls yeas has npparently rcdw:ed IL to • dozen or so plants: our lltustr.Uon shows part or one or these. 11 doet not reature In FL Eur. 4: Love desr:nl>es it as a "decumbent annual with thin, weak stems and branches, not more thon 20·30 cm taU.; 1>'1 about rwrce u long u broad, plnnattnd ; male flowers wllh a stlpll~te floral bract with a roundJJh Wn!m; rn mlllll, 7-3 "3·5 mm. Endemic to Pat>gonbr, Argentine."

The polymorphic X. srrui7UiriuJJt (soe BSBI NI!WI 9, p. 17) Is ueated dlfTerently In every Oora. The mole Oowe" consisting of a cluster of S stamen• (so• fig.) are con•tant, but the female burn v.lry gteaily in size, armature ond indumenturn, and bave given rise to many specific epithets. Two representative wrlonu are Olustrated: al rrom Wlcke.n Fen (Cambs). 1952, and a2 rrom Beeston {Beds), 1950. I hesitate to give them even subspedllc OJUIW. Each vnrinnt breeds true, bw professional deu are not 10

invariant or so decisive! E.g. fruiting specimeru In B.M from Kew, Surrey, 1864 IIJlll 1866. and Acton Green, Mddx, 1900, were recently (1974} det . by P.W. Michoel •• bavlng "affinities with both X. $tlt:chamrum WaUroth and X. /tal/cum Moretti."

Spiny Cocklebur, X. spillosum, show• rather llttle morphological varlntion, esp. $0 in the bum. Beeston (Beds}, 1950, provided the Illustrated matetlal orihls very l}'plcol wool allen.

''Enough!'' sa.ys the Editor • •••• but please continue to send In rec,ords on S x 3 Ins slips, queries, etc. Thank you.

ERIC J . CLEMENT. 13 Shcllord, Burritt Ro•d . KINGSTON·UPON·TRM1ES, Surrey, KTI JHR.


Page 14: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

TRACJIGLIUM CAERUU:IJJI L (ThllMIIWOtl) ON TKE BRITISH MAINLAN D On 21 J..81 w/dlc wllklfll aCroiS mown graulanU near O!U Bexley. W. Kent l•.c.J 61

I nolleed m1ny turn or leal'es of a plant I did not recognbc. growinJ on the sunlta focc o( an old bnd: wall. AntmpiJ to p ow the plant on from omoll pioea w1cd corn· and therdon h wu r..Wted more than once, until finally on 12.8.81 11 hod produced at lean one hundred la,. &howy corymb1, up to s· oaot~,ofbriJin blue llowcn. h ..... rkurmln<d by EJC u tht abow spcc:iol,llltbc,rto rceanled u nlablilhcd In tht Bntbb IJJe:s, only tn the Ch:lmd IJIIIIW.

The w:.llll about 8 feel hJah wuh pu&land ICadliJIItO lu foot, and thaJ pall O(lt ..-here Tlrlt:/rt//um JtoWS, fomtl the wall Of I belied 11eenltooR brnh on the other lid<. Thh wnmth may hoft ensured the contlnu.- of the, plant on a waD with • NNW aspect . The tpeclcl cl<tcndJ for 10mc di111nct on the face or the upper pan or the .. ..uo and the number of mature Oowcrlna planntot<ther whit the piCICnco of ~Unp lndiCilCI lhll 11 hu bun ellablhh•d there for JOmc ooruldtrable lime. wfy Oower ~tcllll up to 2 feet Iona arc produced to project upwanb Into the surultlneo There arc no rc~ldcnual ora• narby, but thert art public pnlcns within a rnr lwndted yardJ. I did not we the pwn there 01 •• the grccnhou• on the other old< or the wan.

StaJT In the peenboux told me thal they had tried to lfOW the pbAt In pou 101110

•lmt 110 but with peat dlllk:ulty and little - · They did oot know bow or •hen h hod appeared on the wan. D. WcCintod: tells mo that lit thc C1wmd IJbndJ h bat bftn known f01 l ecntury, only OD wtJh and not In ID)' othc1 babuat.

Coto,_.w ulldii Sdmddc< ll&lunli.t..S at W. Kmt On 14th )by 19790 I notlecd '"""Y larp ~llnp (dct. EJC) of this Ollnetc specks

bud-aown on an old wall nt:u a cat'91tk tn Crnnond, the source bttnl from pubUc prdcru pearbyoOn a (uflhcr Yjl(t ln lly I'IRI,I di~l'tJC4th>lthc~qwy'l!!ll~ widely eat~blbhed In the arm In o thort while I ubscr..,d at leut thlny sccdllnp or varinu• lit<t, un old waiiJ and grwy banks, accompanied by SOftral other apedct or 0HOIJtGlftF.

C. ubdU 11 a medlum .. lud dtdduous shrub wuh orchlna brown nriate htirleu <tellllo whlte.Juuy ihoouand 11<1 year 'I IWipnlll hairy but oUvcgccn lncolouro ThcoYlll, siJahtly m~Ktul\lltc lave:s are rounded 11 tba bo•. mJd-jTCCn and hlblcss abaft, but paler ud d<nwly whii<.Julry bcncatlt, 2.S cm lor1a x l o75 cm wid< on O.S cm •Ltlb. The small plnlcbb nowen •ppcar In \by with uprialu petals, and .,. foUowrd by plnkbh o downy obovold frulu.

AI (ar lJ Is known.thb b the Om ttcotd of C :obtlll bein& nllunfi"'d In the Bnt!th files.

J.R. I'A.LMI!Ro 10 Water MW Way, S. Otrcnlh, DARTI'ORO, Kern, OA4 98Do

NEW I BRA PUBLICATIONS LIST 1981/82 The lnttrnatlonal Bee Research A•>eb tlun hu )U1tluue4 a new I~ cataloauc

for 1981/Al KDOWn 1J IAI I . 11 CO¥<n pubUcouol\l on b<tkeeprliJ uduuques. bft br<edtnto

bee bthavtour and •natomy o bft (O<Wfe and poWnaoon, hi.., prodlleiS and bft dbcua. IJII I . wt.lch ~~ om C)() bookt. rqutnu and blbJlasnphlos. cm be oblllncd

free or dw-Jr from; IBAA. IUU llousc. GERRARDS CROSS. BucoSL'I ONR



Page 15: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and


Thb. patly of twc:nty-cwo mnnb~u led by Muy Brig.,. Fmnkl)'b aod M.up_ret Penina, tt'!l orr on IS AprD eo spend 11 week in the oorth--c:ut ccu:ou of thb Balleade lll:lnd famed for its Mdti.,., endcm.l.e pb.nlJ. Thb Uaht-heutcd ac:toun.t ol ow' wnt, of couoc. be followed by • more .:ic:ntlOc report ln Wt7tJOtJia.

Oaplle lhrea11 of indu.strW 11.ctlo.a Ill Heathro•, ou.t rn.lln dell)' wu the ludy 1ppeanncc the! re of our pWICI from r 1lmL Our lnte evmilll ur:ivlll •t tbt Puetto PoUenu Ho·td. foUowcd by .amc bec:dc mldqbt aortlna out of room docat.lonJ, meant Lhlt h o.·u Cldy morn.lrll before we were flnalJy Installed. NocwhhJundint its idioJ)'ncr..dc: plum bin& tho bold Wit comtorublc, with plenty O( hot 'ftl U. Cold Wllli!U, broo&ht by tWO YJolct\1 o.IJtU lbUt:ldClJfOtroS penetnled through both shuucn and ruof, thal from buer c-.uadlna: ln1o one member's w.;rdrohe. JOOlldnt hu clothes..

To off~t mbhapt. our botd proptidor - the: IDCIJ mayor, no ~•• - and hb ttlaH could tJOl tuavo bctn more btlpful. Wlta1 he thouJht of thh curious bunch of dfva.sely 111tlted poople who dep~rred eacb morn.ln& booted . equipped with optical appam1us.. duu:htnc-thelr hotel-packed luneh­bna• only to return at dinner rim.e and tpend. lho ennfng ~rdna IWI'It:S to tho UJarted vqrd11tion they eoUeeted-. be: w•• too polite to tn'C'Il. We !.lined at two lot~~ t:obl~:~alona which the hclld waJter noted our rwnca and n::scrvrd our ~CalL AUto no a'Vllil The poor man was qulle dbc:IOUl'IJed by our changina p IA«"J r or every meal.

0Ur requcJt fM a (Cnu.lnc llacOJi With S~pil he Jrcd~ with C11thutiaJm:, 110 much tO tlUitllftet a IUJ)<'tllttl~c mnl, the cher WJ.J p~Wded In to recoiYo our CO!llflltulltlons... Not to be outdone:, our Mayot/hoJC rtt:pOnded by treadrw; ut to champ~ with our OnsJ dlnnu .

The dlUy c.xcun.ions took Ut 1-0. wide nricty or h:abl~ll. many domlnl.ted by pbc.nomcflll limestone JCC11e:r)'. ~;fttfwhert. we r:m:ou.ntc:rcd a wide dlvocnity of s.pccl"'-t 111.1cb that b)' the end of lhe w-eek our taJiy e:c.c:eeded rrve and fifty. cxdudfrw._ lld1enJ..

Our ln'PlrinJ and lndcfatipbk k:adcu had done thch homc·wark tbomuahfy. They $tOppec101e bw :u prc:-dc.tumincd Joc:ltiuns. :and LOI there wol.llil be OphrJ•Jiuttll Ot .ume otbcr UtiSUrt. srowi,. u if by order-, and rcuJ.y poacd to be photosnpllcd. Olhcr- - unscheUubl - •tops were DU&dewhena shzup eyc._tpoU.c:d aomc ncWd.bC'OVCJy, hcmhl«< by aid a( 'Stop the but- Oroblnthc~.

On two ar the days we divided lnto 'hllh"tnd "low' p;mles taXLna. rapectlf'C:b-. to the hiD! or to man: Jcbu.rety toutes. which included slops 11 wayside bars.. Here the locDl cat• enjoyed more protein tcx lunt:hu, than l.pPCHcd to be In lheb· normJl dJct. Triumph lOt the •low• plny cunc with fiDdlnl Unwdorum t~bortirum In flowct. an C\'Cnt "''hich prompted tome. 'hllh' puty phocogaphc.u t4 mAke a dtJh to the the. b)' t.uf.l.n the bsl hour bcfote. IC2Yi."' to at~h the pl#nc home.

Inevitably ~acne blatant bird " '•tdtlng CK'euned - Q\Icr c4ht)' '\' bdna fKOfded: lhe hi&hU&hu being o.n Osprey O•hfna. a.nd 10mc "'ery pink Fbmfna-ots.. An unforaeuable JPCCUde 'A'IJ t.hc Good FridAy corchlicht procudon In PoUcnsa foUo\loed 1"'0 day• bte:r b)' a vblt to the Sund:ll t mukra there. whue. mmot1&Jt all the JICionmin.tomc forty dU'f(Kill fn1il:J were displayed ror sale

The wutbcr w:u mb:c:d: ln Rrftaln it teem~ to hsve been b~llcr tbJ n in the t.tcdltcrntnan thJH wcetc. On Lhc one cby lh111 promiJc:d to M rnlly hol aod jgme mcmbcn were lured lmo wcuinc shorts. we. wet~ s.ualled by .udden tu.U. dum:ICI-t ti.Dd lotnnthl rtln. Thtn on 11~ tw drlvt Jcro..._ the bland to t'llm11 ror our return fl4ht we drowc lhrou&h cxtcnJivo Oood• and unprocede.ntcc:l lllmlll< ihtl IUII!d tui! .. of 11 .. local p1ven.

No .llpDIOJln (or any o~'Cr~ptul!ls on food a.nd cruturr cnmforu - lJiC'e JIUt.-mia for th~ rd e­vanl botany) w Wd1 contdbuLo 110 much to an U~rfll:"lk anil!Ut'!Ot:.\dUi tour.

CELlA JARRATT.40 HUbldc,IIORSHAM , W. S.....,. RH 12 I NG.


WESTWARD PIIOTOGRAPIIERS ASSOCIATION (Phyl Toyh>< • nd JO>n Tubbl), Theoc 1wo USUI members anno.unce lht phulo,:raphk' eour'IC)un Nalurnlllbtur)' dcbllN belnw. : L~U!S 01' SCIU.Y 6-13 MllKb - JdfCilkrfn,;05 fonhc w.-.1.. Wl LTSIIlRE (MU M•l·lboroul'h) In deliJ titfuJ tb:atdu:=d eutll2J.C (IS pC!-t weekend..

Dai<J - 16-13 Arrll. 3H July • I AUJU<I, IS-17 Oclub<r DARTMOOR - ndli J.IUd)" ccnuc ~~ CalehAto l•ouk tlutcl.

Oa1n - 13-10 Augu,t. 1:-t Stpianbcr · I October 1:urtbcr detail• from; 9 Ridatmount. t:U2 S n-1 . r~krhrmt 1114-Kl) 7JU9U


Page 16: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and




Addtt .. IOIIJIIC $ p<lfWQr1 Alpine Alpine:Genllan Alplnt Sow-chhlle Alplnt Wood m Hcdllnw Kroomnpe Hlu.e licath b.rown C•U~J~ Chcdd>r Pink ~Bdi .. Pinlt Dlapcmi> Okkle"t BLidderfcm DoweyW001od-1 Droopq Su lfnp Early Spldn orchid t-mOrcldd Fm Vlokl Fldd Cow-what Fldd Ery,.o FJdd Wotm•'OOd GhOJ< Orchid Gra1cr YclJow.atUc Jmey Codwotd IUlbrney F' ern l.arly' .. stlprcr Late Spider« chid Le:u-1 Lcuuc:.. UmeJtanc Wounthto'Ort Llnnl o~~w M Dituy Orchid Monkey Orchl~ Norwrel•n Sandwort Oblo011 Woodll.o OX,Oil;JUC: Broomnpe: Percnnbl Knawd t•tymouth Peu l'urplc Spurr< Red llollcborlnc Rlbbon-luved WatcropW1taJn Roc:t CinqucJoil RoUJ.h Mar.tMn.a.Uuw Roun~·baded l.«k S.. Kno•cra» Sea l.nmdcr Sktlc-lel"td'Har Small A lion n Smallltuc'..,., SrMJwdon Ut)' Spilrod Sp«dwen Spn01 Ccnliul St.arfru£t SI- Wood ...... T....UI<S.odwocl

R..nutteuiiU opllloflonifo>lhu 1.1<1rlllulpiM Gmt,__ lflr.tu Cl«rtlr•lrlpiM h'oodrio •ll'IM On>k..W -yop~r,o-. l'llylodl<t tMYVltrl f:YP<JVJ jluau Diallrur ,.rllrrtopollwrru ,..,~ ,..,nrilil ~l.,.ar~b Cyrtopt<ril rlldtl.,.,.. S.«<tfl ,..,..,.,., S.ul/tql«,..• Oplr'T' Jp/rt'IIQda 1./porbloodl/ Vlo4o P<nidfo>lltr Ntl.mpynun .,.,_,.. &yrqlltm wrrpatrt Art,,_. (':fntpa:tri;

Eptpop;m <PIIY"'M Rllllflllllltutltf'Oiiluu G110p/ro/Nm lllt-lbiUft Trkllotr~~~tKr JptdoJUm Cypripcolt..m t lri«<Ow Op/lryl {Ut;(/lt>IO /.Jrttu., ,.,,,. Srac.llyr •fpftw Jllm:tntotlolfJim Jt/rdmun Orthb ma/t•rlr O.dllllinW .,.,,.,., nonrrk• WottJ&ID Ut'tmlJ Orohoftt.h~ lotfar~ Sde10nthuJ ~rt.MlJ Pyru1 ~ordlli• 6'ilp/10fbt. ptplll C(pllrlllrnthmr "'"'• A tll.tttl 6"-tnlittum Pmmti11tl111pt¥1riJ Alth- hlrwt• AIINm rphottOC<p/IIIIOfl JtJ/ytotwm mD!fthrulm Umomum IMf'lldo~m. Ltmortillm rtCU~n~m /Jupl<flrvm ,.,lliM AI)'IAim lrly,..ldrr 8up/~IIN.WI NJiJtJU~ L/otdt. 1m>tiM Vm>.,..rplco• Catr6rrw mrw 0.lni.JI)Iti;M al/11fU Orra d.,._.,. Mhl..rl. Jtric,. (aJ~Atinucd an aa.t p.-)


Page 17: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

NTRYSIDE ACT 1981 With the poama of the Wildlife and Countrydde /\Cl this Autumn , the law In relation

to the protcellon of our wild pillnts hu bftn su•nathened ond lht number of l'uDy p!Oltned planu hu betn lnc:uutd from 21 to 62 . h remaw IlD n«moc for 1nyooc, without pcrmlllloo of the OWIICt or oocupltt of the hnd,or tbdup1. to lntrnUoaaay llptOOI aJ11 phnt 11 IIWJl be cll'IJIIIuiM'd thlt this a<n<nl prO'risioo !dates just to up­rootq and doa liCit stop the ptddna of •'ild fruit or Oo-'UJ. ~~~.the Aroaacr amtrolt o.., the Jixl)' Wllla UJted In tho tehedule alao remt~t~ - lhcae canDOI be pltkod or dtntoytd as .....U as uprooted and fm the nm time it it an offence to trade In thcat spcclel Ubwbe an •llmJPI to do any of the tbiQp aboft also constitutes an off•-· lio,.ewu, an offmc:o Is not commllled If tho action is tak<n (Of ttl<nllllc: or educational purpoott or for the conservation of I apeci<S,IO Iona u I u ... nce is obtained. The terms of the Uoei!CCI can be wried ac:eo<dlna to the drcumsllDCCI, fot oumple, the pcnoru in.-olftd, spccW conditions. aru etc. The pooscuion of anytltlna wtdch os capele of bclna Ultd for commllllna an offence b al10 an offence .

The IICW AC1 clwlps the criteria Ultd for the ldtcuon of the sdledulcclsptdn. ln 1975 a apcda could be .dded that had "b«ome 10 ruclhatltulatusas a BritiJb. pbnt (wo) bdna coclutpted by sa aroon dCII&naltd u 111 ofT....,. .•••. : ·but now 1

pbnt an be odded tf u ~,.m dil1&<r of unnctlon or ~kcly to bccomr 11> •••• unloa c::onart11lon mcasura an: um.· which mablea "nnlnetable• u well as •md.&ncmd• specla 10 be added tO the schedule. The Scctetary or Scare .... for the ""' lime also add spcclt1 Ulnply to meet an lnt<matlollll obl)&allon.

Thc new Act silo ..,...,. tho dlffirult neld of wtldUfe Introductions - • a<ncrll pror111on to 1ry and 11op aD dcllbcr~tc wdd plant lmroductionJ WIJ scmlbly rtmol'fd durina the poJAac of thc BW u bclna unworkable. But t his rtlll leoves a smalltehedlllc of planll, lnc.ludlna Jsp2ncsc S...w~ . which h lt an offcncc to plant en "othecwl~ CIIUIC to arow In the wild".

More detalled provisions oppc11 In the Act relaUna to cnfor~ment. for eurnple. In tcl•llon to teardtlna premises ond the pctlod wnldn which prococdlnp art brouaftt. 1t os now PC~Qible,lfh WJse~r thouaht ntcca~ry,snd If the Staeury o(Sute wiShed. to cslllbllsh an adri.tofy committee on planU.

The NCC rcmalna the body dlarpd, at lcut ..,.ry ~ )~M>. with echiJina the Sccrtuly of Sute uf any plant whlcb should be added 01 tanoYCd from tlae sdtedule. n .. """ fot bre>kliiJ the law has lncteucd from !100 ln 1975 tO .000 todoy.

T .S. SANDS, RSNC. Thc Crecn, Nelllchsm. LINCOLN LNllNK.

Tldoll< BIOOml>p< TriM,pbr t'to"-"' Tolled Sa• f.,.. W.ata("...-.-. ..... looiSo-·..-t WldCo~m •·~o~Gbolk>.,, Wood C'\.bm•l

On»<<- ...... ... Sdt- ,,., ... ,,... SUI,.,. .... t_ TtWIIIUIIIt'lltffHIIW IWJx .. tmkflt,.. ~w ..,,ll"' L· Glolol.ooloor .,_ (')...., .. ,. ,,_..


Page 18: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and


HIERAClA STUDY CROUP [Jt view of the dlfficuhy mOSt Of US have With tile hawkwccdl, and the OClf llnpo$­

libUJty for the bezinner e,..n to approach detennlnlng a specimen, the Recorda Com­rniuce hu deo:ided to .. , up a group for thote nudylns the senus on a rqlonal bash. The alrn Is by disc:uuion, comparison of speehnens ond liddworlc to widen and en!Jrge the lcnowiedge of l"'UP rncrnbe11 and thus lcnowled&e of the aenUJ within Bduln.

As no referees are yet IVIilable , lt win be appreciated that specimens cannot be accepted for detcrrniruUon, but wiU those mterated m J0'"'"8 the new group p~ apply to ill Stcrttary: JIM BEVAN, 23 Priory Stroct.CAidllRIDCE. CB4 3QH.

An albioo foml of Ep{ptJttis htlkborlM (L) Ctana.. Ourins e111ly Augwt this year, I revisited a colony of EpiptKJu htlltbonn• seen ~n yean prCVlOUsly at Himley Wood (u:. 39) In West Mldlanda. The colony now much reduced in qu;,nllty and vigour consllled or cl&ht Oowcrins individuals in mod.,.tt shade. Three or these planu were almost entlrcly white, the only exception being the Item and the lrulde or the hypochlle, these bein& 1 pale pinlc. A typical pant ,... 300 mm ulJ with l<vtn nowen .. .., 10 mm ll<:rOS$. the lowest bBct 3l x 6 mm; the seVI!n 1 .. ..,, broadly lanceolote, the lowest polr opposite, .. eh SS x IS mm. 'nlese pLtnts covercd a level area aome 6 x 3 metra under a canopy or BtJU!JJ pendu/4 and SDfbt capr<11, the spom ground Ooro conslsllng l)( Rubus {rutlcotus ogg., l'o<1 trivitzlls; Stachys sy/o!ut/ca; Urt/t4 d/Dk:a ; F.plloh/um ,lil/1/JIIWtn & Torllls japonlcJJ.

The colony is near • disused niJiway. In the vounds of a former colllery/btlckworlcs complex. The 9011 lsa hc1vy block mull of pli 6. 10 at I 00 mm depth.

Have plonu of thiJ descnption been seen elsewhere In this country? A rccord for Canada, where the species Is presumably Int roduced, Is to be found In Codfery MJ . (1933) Motrogrt~ph & lconogrrrp/r o{ Natf~ /Jrlrfllt Orrlrltla~cat, p. 63.

B.R. FOWLER. 84 Woodthome Road South, WOLVERHAMI'TON, WV6 8SL.

Old Bo1anical Books for ale Babmgton. C.C. Mllrw!J} n{ British 8(Jfany. 9th £dn . 1904. Hooker.Sir J.O. Snldmt) Flora of the BrltUh Islands. 3rd Edn. 1884. Hooker. Sir WJ. & Wallulr-Amoll, C .A. The BritUh Ffuro. 8th £dn . 1860. (Bound

in le•ther). Joncs. Rev. J.P. & Kln&~ton, J.F. FI/Jitl Do'Onlrnm. 1829. (Spine damaged , otherwise

good condition).

Offers should be mode duect to htm: E.N.MASSON PHIWI'S,ChCSinut Conase. MiudUn Road,TOTNES, Oe>'On TQ9 SEX



Page 19: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

DRAWING FROM A HERBA.RIUM SPECIMEN Titls Lithe second port - by ROJtmary Wise - of the anicle on

" /low to dtvw plali/J"

I work in • herbtrium 10 I am able to look 11 sc""ral examples of tbt sanx: species. I decide whlch pans of .. eh herbarium specimen ""' I he most lyplcal for thar species.

Nexl , I make sure of rhe predst slu IliA! I ha ... 10 work 10. Moll publllhen prefu artwork to be one and a lhlrd or one and a half llmeslar&•r 1han this measurement .

I drow • ree!Ingle of lhe calculated site In pencil on good quallly card. Thon ltne< outlines of the pans ro be Ulusrn1ed onto separa1e pieces of uadn& papaer. I draw flowering and fruill"l! habiu.,and <nltr&<mn<U If ne«ssary, burlns in mind tbe magni· fautlon afltt reduction. If the Oowenue smoll .Ills ntttssary to boO lhtm in wtltr for a few minules. When vle..-od und<r a dissecting microscope or hand-letU, &he tlrw:turc should become apparenl . (Pieces or nowerins muedal can be liken from tbc lust noticeable pan oflht herbarium lhotl).

The OlW:t sh1pe of lho leaves can be traced dJ...cdy from tbc herbanum specuncn provided that pcrft<t l<aYOJ are subnltuled for any damasod ones. Sometimcl the ftOJtlon ml)' be all lmporunt 10 distlnaulsh on< spedcs from •nolhcr so on one leaf I do a ""IY d<talltd st<tlon . An I CCUntle lmpraslon can be achl<..,d by placlnJ 1 pie« of traclna paper over lhtleaf and rubbing VERY GENTLY wltb • soft pencil.

Whe,, I ha .. all my separa1e 1racinp ready. I spend 1 while •rnnams lhem witbio tbe recttnBJe. I try to produce 1 fairly dettlled dnwmg In pencU before mkrng m, p•yi"l! particular attention to the width of llerm, lensths of petioles. haln, pettls and other measun:menll.

l'or the ln1cingln, I use Rolling pens in nib sir.u from 0.15 to 0 .4 mm. I use • Lug•r silt. for Otshy or ltJthery lea..,s lhon for more doUtal< ones. I prefer 10 stipple for sh:rdina. usuolly with 1 0.2 mm pen, as hoachlns ean be conrusod with ham or veins. The ""'Y mlnimum of wading lhould be ustd . Too much ink in 100 smaU an arel doesn't reprodu« very well.

AlteratiotU can be made by painting 0111 with correcting Ould and redrawing when it Is dry. If a eomplere part hos to be redrown. it cun be done on a sepll!ote piece of card which is then trimmed 10 siu and stuck on . Tho edge does nol &how in lho prinling.

!loch drawing should haw • ltolf or onc·lnt h bordcr. ln thLJ space (or on the b3tk of the drawing) I write <leorly I he name of the planr , rho colleclors' names and the magnl· neat ion of the diiTcronl p>lll.

Rosemary Wise


Culrldp P>f"" 0 rklal CS 10 p>pct CS l bootd Trac:il'll PJPtr <le.

""-odh C2B. HR.llfl "'=lllhupencr

Sofi. C'lon rubbN

KolrlfW pens in Jitn 0.1 mm U.LS mm 0 .1 mm UJ mm 0.~ mm

Muler n .. tble rvlo l"rt!nr:h ~rns

I Ylri-"'t • tOfft('th .. flu ill U~cn·JOuxhc(tJM"Whttd <I C.


Page 20: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and


Official BSBI notica

SEDGES (BSBI Handbook No. I) - 2nd Edition There hu been IOm< dolly In the productlon of thll publication and it is now ex·

peered ro appeu ar the end of January or early In FebtU&r)l 1982. WUJ those who how placed prei>ubllatlon orden, pleue exercls< a little funher

puience and not write or phone the Treasurer with enqulrla.

INDOOR M£mNC IN LONDON The BSBI and The Fauna and Flora Pt ... rntlon Sodety arc joinin& fcxc:a for • day

on Saturday 27th Mtrch 1982 11 Rrttnt'sl'llk London. and an amJI!inla me<!tln& tc> consldtr Endlft&ered Fau111 ond Flc>ra ; H.abitar ConRnarlc>n In Briuin and Europe. A prominem conRrvotion supporter from the House of Lorda w1D chau the meetins and contn'butions are expected from spcaktn or nttlonaltnd lntcm:niontl rqrut<. Tht .u lndusiv.: price of about !5.00 wW towr coffee, teo and a buffet supper foDowed by a toplc:ol mm. The meeting wW comm<nc:c ofter lunch . For further dei.ID.s ~ btlow.

OlTTDOORS NEAR PARIS The Meetinp Committee Is deU&hted thot Or Fronds Rose.outhOt of 'The Wildfk>wer

Key published ln 1981 hu agreed to lttd allcld meetlngln the Fontolnbte.u area next summer.

Provisiollll dates are 18th May to 7th June and accommodation will be ai'IIIJiblc at • Oeld centre and loeal hotels, The lnt<ntion ls to make this an Inexpensive foreign •~curtfon , so travcUin& ond livlns expenses wiU be kept to a minimum compolibk with mulmum enjoyment or the loeollty ond the cuisine!

The Fontainbleau area, just lOUth of Porls hili the richest nom in Jow!Jind Fmnce. Within the Forest it Is clolmed that there ore I 100 Yllscular plants. Close by ate ex­rcrul"" ploteaux of ocld sandstone, heaths. bngs, damp roeky rovlnes. clllcareous fenJ and limestone outcrops. The Jpedes Usu supplied by Or Rose are mouth·watcring and this is • chance to sec many of Britoln'1 rarer plonts In relative abundance.

Anyone Interested In joining the excursion party, (which wUJ be Umlted to 25 pem>ns) or the Regent's Pork meeting (abo"') sJoould cont.act me attbc Annual Elthlbl· lion Mectlns on 28th November. or by post before the end of Jonu•ry 1982. MISS J. MARTIN, Calthorpc House, Cahhorpe Street, BANBURY, OX16 SEX.

Other notica

TltEI! PI.AHTING AND PAIUitNG PRACTICE This o~y collkr<nee "'W we plica on S.ounlJoy, 23rd January 1981 In The Buelwwt

Tbu..t.R, Unioo Sltftl, S1 AnclzC"WJ from 10 b a foUow~n Csom 1he: ~ -rroes ID the Fife: t..aad.JC:ape .. oonfttcnce ht.ld ln 1980. and wDJ how trut •c an lmparwn 1nd lnoCIDI.,., otf~prxtlco.

Anddp>lod oounc rec. £5.00. FwtM dadlt and f'tl':lln:do.n ronnt from: Dtp"' of Adult £.4DCation and Ex-tn MlilnJ S1v:dia.,

Unlm'lityofSI Andr....._J Sr IUry\ ,._,ST ANDREWS. rife. Tclqobooc: OJl" 7616t , cxL SS! .


Page 21: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

An S)'lnposium on the


will bt hdd at

Edinbu!Jh uru~nity Bouny Depmment and Royal BotamO <Ardcn EOINBURGII, SCOTI. .. AND,SEPTEMBER 12- 16, 1983

AccommodAtion at tht l'lillock I:Wb of Rtsidenoo

Propoled ktWIC t.btmu ·~klde; "'CytOIOI)'. Oenetks and 8reedtn, sy.rr:ttn ... •oworptiosenr .. ds"', "Spoc:l&tlon", "£l<pcrimcntol Eool"'l'"· Plenary tcSdons o n moj<n topla, with ohort<t lettto<<t o n aurmt ruarcb. •Ho p01irr demondtltlon•, euur:dons. informal dl.ctudon\.

S/'O'UI>f&: Tile llritlll1 Pt<~ldlll"'loaJ Sodety, The LIM .. n Sodety o! I.Dndon en~ The Royal Society or l?dlnbut~h.

For furtbct dctaOJtiVIlllble AUtumn 1981) epplr: Tllll EXECifTIVS SECRETARY, Tllll !lOYAl. SOC:IIrrY OF EDINOURCII, 12·14 OI!ORC£ STRI!ET. £011'/BUROII, EJU 11'0.

ST ANNER ROCkS NNR In K'IIIOfl~ 13{4):256o270 (1981) "'frrmce wu made to cho lntrldllna bolanlcal

fOQfily or Stanac:r Rock, Radnor , Wllg, BSBI mc:mbm DIIY wllh eo know illlt thll locality compruln& ml.xed woodland and grusland on touth<ast fws dolorlte dlfTs Is now a Nature ~. Tbt silt Is of peal lmportanoo for the OCCUIT<ftCC of "'""nl plant specks, rltt In Britain, wltlch are of a continental European or Mtdlltr· rlft<ln distribution (lndudlna GllJ"" bohmrlm).

Bt~ouio nf the n1ture of the r~rrain and the prcacnce of wlneroblc 11re lf"!Ciea on the main ptlh up the cliff•. arxao to the site is by permit only.

Applleo~~tlona (or permits 1hould be llllldo to: Asll . Realonal Ofncor (Ridnor), N.C.C., Uysdlnam Flcld Centre, NEWBRIDGE.ON· WYE. Powys LDI ONO.


BSII - otc lmltcd ro ........ • oitll 10 Du- Bltd 0-0<)'. wltldl p_, •If-aUrin~ -d tn>t iQ:OOW odatlon. ltlo litdy 10 lx folly -...s du~ lbc moiw ll'rilll•ad aol8ma bltd mfpatloa, borl dv!boJ tlw ,....,., rh= loa --boil-..,........, A ......S pl&aiiiJ& wll-dy lxanllabk -~ilc"' C«-ia..otdctaillof-atlontolhc".wkta: (wlllu .. a..r.plut,) Ill II.A.A. ('AWKI!l.l..) ~~~ luJY'lCop. llVE. ._.. s--Tll)l ?SIL

A Yau&b 1-IOUtl ftDI 1-tnttfotd_... A.ho a«cn dmpk ta::JO•bb prtced alCCA!IUnod.lltlo-. la .-~~er COIJIII lllCO lnt<m~lnc ltOtaalally, Thb IIOJ&d ""llicb hau l'omlly An""'t Dlf<dnc FIIDi)y Rooms b lld:l door to c.he H.Jtlunal 1'art lafotm:JJ.ton Crnttr: •hkh hn Ywdt rootnL. f1unhr:r drtalb from the V/a111<n: cwhb ..... ploJo..) J.A. OA~Illl. Tile Youth ltoaul, ho>ld tt ...... HAVHRI'ORDWI!ST llyfed SA62 JIH,


Page 22: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

PROFILE Coronwy Wynnr

The Chllinnllll of the B.S.B.I. Cornmlller for Wolrs b .. rt • splrndid W<lsh name whose correct pronounclalion defrots all but the most proficient.

Born In Flintshue in 1930, of Welsh sproklns parent& whose ancestort were them· selves oflocal otipn. Coronwy b well known to those members of the B.S.BJ. fortUJillte enousb to hue ottended the 1981 ~cotdert' Conference at Canrene College, Wmtharn, for it was he who erranged lhJnts so splendidly for UJ.

In hiJ early years he was not espeelally Interested In plents. his main hobby being bitd "''>!chins and for many ycan he was a keen and knowledpabl< amateur ornitho­logist . His fint job. u a BlolO&Y teoeher In tlolywdl Crmmmor School. wu a temporary one u a replactnwnt for a slck teaehet, but lasted fot 12 years. During thil tlmr he came to realise that h would be but to speclallse in some upecs or Nst11111l History and, fortunately for us. decided on Bollny.

From llolywell Grammar School. Goronwy mo•-..1 to Canrene College. Wrexbam where he is now Director of Sludl<s ln the School o( Natural Science.

His social life b centred around traditional W<lsh social actlvnles. Muslc and the Church. Ills fllll lensuaae u Wtbh and spoken exdUSIYely at home. His wif< Dilys. allhousb not herself musical, sJves every encouraJement to Coronwy tnd thelt three dausbters. Ulnas. Bcthan and Rhtannon. All three are aeeompbshed harplsu and lave won many prizes at Eisteddfods. The tlliO younger Jirls. Bcthan and Rhlannon en· clanted us one evening aftrr dinner 11 the R<COrdm' Conference when they played some tradilional Welsh airs.

Goronwy has been associated wilh the Trclownyd Malo Voi<c Choir for many yeau, ilrst •• a sinscr •nd (or the lost 12 yurs or so 11 the Conductor. The Choir has some I IS members, !as vlsrted C.noda and Germany, besides givtng conecns tn mony pans or tiro United Kingdom. lt IJ • very time con•umlns hobby, involvlna, as well as the aetual concerts. 2 rehear~ala every week nf the y .. r eKcept during August, for while a chorister may miss the odd rchC4rlal the conductor cannot. The Choir hu also sung on Rlltiio, Television ttnd hu made four recotds. Due to prusure or work, Coronwy was faroed to re51gn os Conductor this ycttr.

When he started tak:lna an active Interest in botany In the 1960's, he almost immedl· ately joined the B.S.Il.l . (In 1963) and toon ofier was lnvhed to ta~ o .. r the dutlos ofvice<ouuty recorder for Fllntihlro, v • ..:. SI. For se .. rnl y .. rs nothing ltappened.lte rccel .. d no records or lellets about the Oorn of Flint. E .. muolly con.~<:ience go• the btu er of him ond he decided to prepare a specfe• 1111 or Flintshire pianll. Firod with new.found enthUSI.iiSm he went to Monks Wood to see Fronldyn l'cmng and tell htm the good news. Fr.tnklyn llsten<d pollt<ly and then told him In no uncen•in tmns not to waste his tlme on a checklist but to produce a ~proper Flora". Somewhat defilled but still enthuslutlc, Goronwy '\n bllssfullgnormnce" went awsy having agreed to start work on • County Fiorn, ond he tells UJ thot he nUl wakes up at night in tt cold swe>l wnen ne tlunks about wlut he had taken on. Work s~aned in 1972 with many helpers. but like most Flora projects the numbers soon dwrndled to the fanhful row. The end "now In Jisbt and the field work et least should b< completed In a yur or t .. 'O.

Amongst Coronwy's other intrrcsts IJ vlutlng Fteld Sludles C.nucs. He hu himself <tudied in 9 of them In addhlon 10 takin& his own studenu on eourses. tie hu boWIIud


Page 23: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

oxtcuuii'Oiy In Britain from Cucnucy to Shet land and from tbe Nocfollt cout to the w<ll of Ireland. lie aiJO traYI!IIed from Alub to Mexico. colloctlna planu olol\& the woy,aOer a year tuchin1in VancouYI!r on an ud\anp ad~emc.

TbJs then ll a tlloct promc of out much-travclfecl, much llkecl and pally rupocttd OWnnan oflhe Commht .. for \\'ales


Notn 10 bt rrctd In Mft/UitCIIon with lht &IIHY /Omt ( tnc/OJLd with thb lsJut)

Obj<dlve of l'm)«t The ob)ccti>o Is the fdtcniflauon of the botanfc:afly ~ valuable lOS of church·

yards or othu burlaiiJOllnciJ In each county, and th<lr notirocalion to the opJ>IOPfbtc Nature Co•mnlon Tnat. The Tf\IJIII>ouklthtn !M aoUd to 11D1kttake tbc prq>atllllon Of I M>napmcnt f'lln in colfabontJon wltb the outfloritcs in dwtl",simplc e110tqllto be aatcd outloally under tbcir~.or by mcmbcn ofth< Tf\IJI•ho &vc locally.

OrputJo" h b propocrtd that tbc BSBI Recorder for each YIC.-ty conU<U tbe Other

members of the BSBIIn that atea and deviJa a provamme "httcby the majority or the churchyards and bwialpounda ate S\11\'eytd If the Rccorclet eannot spate the thnc to orplllle the survey, perhopt another BSDI member can bt penulded to undernkt the talk. A churchyud survey f'OIIP may be >cl up One member of rhc lfOUp would be rctpQnslblc for collarlna the returns. chccklna tht aucssmcnt and pmlna this to the local Natu~ Conocrvatlon Trust. Exc:unlons by the1roupasa whole could be a conacnial mcihocl or cartyln1 out the sucny?

l'rq>-tlon for •hit Before wilitfna a churchyard to conduct a '""">'• pnmlulon should be JOuaht from

the minhtct In chl,.. , and details or the current man ... mont o( the churchyard, and who b r~fe,&SCCilalned. Atlhcthnr. of the 'ridt contact with lhbpcnon(penona miJht be made. If the churchyard Is of COilMl"lltion lmpotWtoc the collabonllon of all tl~ae people will be eSStntlll. 11 Is lmponant thol mcmben tlloufd contact the lncum· bent when carrytna out a survey; he may well bo ob le to IIIUl by ll""le ... the oc:ruge, 11nd Information on the prcxnt mon~aement, If ony I.e . traditional or unusualt limcJ o( mowlna • .,.. nf herbfcfdet etc. Alrudy completed suMys or chuR:hyardt hove Indicated ihelmportance ofvWtln& e~rly ln ihc yca1, ptefollbly befo1e the flni mowlna.

Othtr botnkal features C.... tncludc plant• of focal unpoltlnco or cotuplcuous abundsncc wluch do not faD tnro the "known from IS or f<'*tf focaiJU.." caltpNy

AJ churchyards uc a partlciiWI) impathnt habltal ror llcmns. llabon wttll tbc Bntith Ucheo Sotxfy has been orpftbtd and the B.l.S. •'il be inf~~n~td or ow rc:suhs so t1111 tbc ch11rchyarda pct1C11brty ndl ra Oo-rrinJ pbnu can be dJccbd also for IJchcm..


Page 24: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

Tho ool>-botankll r .. tum Can include e.g. birds, bats, bees a.nd bun er Olcs. If cxperu In these aroups can be

persuaded to visit the mou promlain& churchyards this could help In the preparatlon o( a lllllnagement plan.

Aaossmonr Figures from the 6 sources or information from the IUI'q' sheet, when added to­

gether, provldo a slnglo figure which can be eompatod with those from other church· yard& In the county In maldna 1 ~election for the N.tture Consem~Uoo Trusts. liowcoer. lhls selection a!Jo nceda to llkC ICCOUDt Of the IOCIIJOO of the cfturchyltd. Some Jn urb1n ltf:IS may bo Important simply bct~use they are there.

Ad<Dowloda<mellt We gratefully rceord our thanks 10 th- who hue spent co.llsldcrable lime deviJln&

this auney •nd worldna our and 1dYisiDJ on the suMy form. partlcul.vly Jbn Blnaley, Atthut Chator, Franklyn ~ITinc and John Trln . We "'"Ould also Uke to thanlt memben or the Surrey Flon Comnnlllcclnd the Sussex Botlnlc:al Record in& Society who carried our a tml of the draO su..ey form under the dlr<ctlon of Joycc Smith and Cillian Batter.

R-od bool<kU iad loolltU:•

CM.A. llarlur, Wildlife O>,_.dolt 1ft rlt4 Olrto{C!Iurdtn•NI C!lurd!yvdr . Chul<h tn(orm>~lon ORlcc 19n.Avallabk from Oundle Lodp LUO pAp iodudcd.

"" C!lurd!ym!tU.IIlfboot, Chu..:h tnform.tllcn,l. tlt76. From bookshop$. C!lurd!yrttrlr horld< • hfut.t fa< Udt1111. BnlW. Lichen Sod•ty . .ltr. J.ll. LtuJidon B.K. (N>L fllg,) Dopr or Botany,"'"' pie~~


Thill yesr ( 1981) !tu boon on excellent ono for OrscrriD <11ropom providing me with the right opportunity during August and September for stuuylngtllC host plants or this curious, totally pamsltlc onnuol herb. I mounted an exhibition on the subject at the DSBI Rccorden' Conference at Wrcxham In Scptomber and b«:ause many memb<rs expressed lmJUnK111t at the number nr host plonta r<corded. l 1m prompted to send short account of my obseJVItionJ In the hope that lt miJ!lttston an intere•tlng corres­pondence in BSBI News.

ThJs •natioruilly IUtriCtcd' Species iS m•lnly I plant or nvcr 1nd dJtch bankf in Southern England, and In Cloucestenhlrc follows the line or the Rivers Scw:m and Avon. where ills known from some nine iltcs.

AI flU .. I am IWir< there h.u been no published Usr or host species for c t:Uf'OptltD. An corly reference comes from Cerarde's HtrbDI (1951), p. 462 - * it groweth .. ry ptenllfully In Sonuneraeuhiro upon nenlos". The Flon of Worcartnhfrt (1909), p. 258. gi>u "hedges and bushes 1nd damp herb•&• .•. >etches boln& the commonest host • • •• raro". Cbpham, Tuun and Wt~bUtJ In the Floffl ofrht BrlrW. Isles , 2nd Edn (1962), p. 667, 1ivo "'n Urr/ea dlob, 1/umulus. and rarely ¥lfious other plants", and the


Page 25: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

Flnra nf Gloucurershfrt (1948), p. 347. - ~l'aruhlc on neules. hramblu. lblno11um and hop,acnerolly neoo Streams and ri, •• •••• • rarc",later mentioning Filipe11dula ulmaria and lhinlc 01 spedfu: sltes. The Roro of Bristol ( 191 ~). pp. 424 - 42.S, si~ more detalled information on lh< IQJll-eslabllihed sites on the Avon berwecn Bath llld Brislol - "Patuulle on mllnY hert11eeouupmes • ••• a rore pllllt", llld U.U lbc bosu as Sinapu nipiJ, Conlun~ Galiwn molillffJ and So/Juwm dulc1111U1Ta~ and ~Blow ~rb. )'ltTOW, JICII btndwecd, comfrey, fi& .. 'On, &fOUnd 1\'Y and bUI-feed, but chiefly OD lbc common nenle" lt also recotds C eJiroprzm on OudiiW cnspus, C arrmsis. etc. ar another spot mentlonl111 that ~~~ had own got up Into the poiLud willows, and wu hJnsin& In rr-. from their bowls".

I found thtt at oil the sites vll.lted ln GJoucestel1blre, 1/rrlcJJ dlolta wu the primlr)' host. Therufter C nuopam sewd upoo my plnnrs ovoUoblc. tlombcnng up the sterns of th< hom In on ontl-clockwise mouon until lbe top wu ruched , fimlly spre•din& out amongst the planu or alons the top of a low hedge in a conspiauu"" jungle of crimson ond yellow JtemJ like • tongled J kein of thre11d. The nuwc11 oceur profusely In ~ense alobulor cluuer• along the entwining sterns fes toonlng a dnb nclllc or hop with lillructlre pink blooms, and producing WSI qUJmtlllcS of fruit.

Tloe nineteen host plon11 observod at Gloucestenhh~ sites In 1981 were. besides Unico dloictl:

Apopyron rrpe111 A nh<nalhtlllm tlatluJ Bryonia dloiC'JJ Ollynqfa uplum CiniumrtrRIUt CotwOirulus tm<nsU Cmtgqus moqyna Epllobfum hr"ta~tum Fil(pertdula u/ltiQria

FlrDCinuJ actlslor (young shoot In lAyered hedge) HumuluJ lupulus PhDIJUis arundrf!IK!e/1 Pturrus spfno111 RoSll can/no Rubus frutit:osus Sc/ll1Uim dulc11:n1ara St«hys pahutriJ Vft:la trocca

Such a unlqu< plant u the Gr<3ter Doclder would obviously .. ru local names and amongst thoso given to it ate Dev!l's Guu,ll•ll-weed and Srrongle-weed ,

If BSBI memben can supply m• woth rurther hoJO planu. I would be sl•d to h .. r ftom them,

For 1h0111 unflll\illu whb thla. pn~;~J The ked o( Outcut11 acrmlnuct to OJ on the pound t.nd produces only 1 ll1ort rOOI-IIke p~

t.rubcranec to Jk"'t h a hol4, and a A.endu thrud or Atm whl:h 111 once betlM ro ~•ttp round In all d.lrectlom In •n ttl(.mpl 10 Ond 1he fi&.ht «pede• ofho't planl. 1-hlt tw:don may JO on for tcVcnl cbys., the ltuad lt:ncthc:nlnt to enable h to rnal:c: wick:r "''"P'- If lh~ nutriment ln the sc:rd '' ubtUJled bc:foR a l\lltlbk: <rktlm Is found, tM-n lht J«d~ ~lnHI •lthc:tt a.nd cUcL lhU lf the rcvoMJoa rh~.t hnuh,. tplru1 • plu>J or rh< ngtu tpedrs.l.<. U. dlohln th< caocor c ,.,,,_._ tbc thnad 11 once mtka a t.l&ht c:oll around tbr bOlt and tuUrH lu hold by dl't't:topln& • aackcr wlll<h I• rhruu l•to the aao or Ios 'Jjdjm. Th< root-like lhoor rl!ar ..,.,ln, .... od only ro p.. the ~ subi!JJy. b no 1...., needed, ., 1t a1ulod> and th• a.,.,.,. tooc:_, whoay dq>mdrnt •poo oo• hor<. I myod( ...... obocrnd lu lluea4-lilt< .,.,.. 11pldly l..,.._ In .... tb mt...UU.., iLKlf tJ&.Iuly tounct the hoa pl.lm. deft.lopina rowt of umll t11c:ken ( a row of kat on the \lnd:tnldc:s of the- Slmn "-bkb emhlH h 10 obtal.n an food utppl) horn the a:ap of lt.J ho•• If the t.tmu of C. truo{J«6 are putted aWJ)' from the h011 pLun. a row of inc:hfonJ ln the tum or 1M hou an caarly be: lU:D with the ak1 ot • poe"tl henL.

SOI'.'IA HOLLAND, 64 All Salnu' Road , ClJELTTh'l-IAM , CI.S2 ! HA.


Page 26: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

CRASSCJLA aff. P.ADICANS (Haw,) Dlerr.ln Jmoy. An olien C'trzSillla found growing on the QuenncYllb, Jeney , on 24 May 1970 by

C.P.B. Manin wu provlsionolly Identified by J .E. El$1ey and A.C. L.uUe in 1972 :n ' • •••••• do .. to Orzml/a ITNilcalll', a South African species, and thb provisional deter­minulon stUI stands.

When first found, the plant was a comp1t1 ho.lf Circle about 25-30 ems In diameter lt the fOOl Of I 1J11nlte boulder focina SOuth•WtSt OD I IIDdy hillside sloping 10 the oouth west . The boulder Is about 120 ems h!Jh, plane·faccd, with a sllsht ovcrlung. The sloping bUWdc has an open ~&clition contalnlns VlofiJ ldtafbdlltll4, Sllxl/rrzt;rl rrldttcty-1/ta. Mfbonl minima ond Cmmlum sp. with llunted brocken. mamm and bumct roJO binding the soU. The Orznula has no shllde apart from that of the melt In the early momin& and thb year, but not prcvlowly. some panial shade from a few bnadten fronds. Such 1 hlbitll is dearly very different from lhll afvcn for C frlllians by Harvcy in FIOfJI Olpmsis, 'Woody pioces near the Zwartkops R.'. 11 may be that the rodt crcates • witable micro habitat round its base.

The plant survived In 1976 "'hen h was baked aU day Iona for months on end In one of the wom drouJhu ond hottestlonaeatsummers Jeney has ever known. By 1978 the patch wu • stagling open rt<tanaJe rouahJy 80 x 40 ems wnh the plant In sood condition round the edge but lt had aone from the middle. L.ea\'Q at the tops of the lhoou wue bloclci:ned by • frost of a few devees in winter 1978/9 but there has been no extreme fro11 since the plont.,.s found. l.r:avcsroot where they faU and now in 1981 thue •re Oourishlna planu boek tplnst the roek face and iJoloted ones 40 or 50 ems away from the rook. In the wild, all leaves turn a deep red in summer. This is thought 10 be caugd by shortage of water beau>t, In culuvallon with similar uposurc to the sun, , .. ,,. of plonts grow!na in dry piiiCCs are completely red but plants with moisture 11 their rooll hne lui'H whleh are still mtlnly arttn. No ~d appu" 10 bew.

In 1979 Mrs LA. Morris of the Bounlcal Section of the Sod~tE Jenlahc which has been monitoring the plont's progreu slnec 1970, found whll teemed to be a simll11.t plant growing as • hnutc'(llant In JarJOy and pieces were dillributtd for comparison. EJ . Oement considers it the nmc species but a dlfferont clone (IK\e below). This piWlt had been brouJht over from • nursery In EnaJond. I sotherod some or t.hc fallen lea'"' of lh• 'wild ' plant and now ha>" h growing In my garden. If •ny n~cculent enthwilut would like t.n grow the plant experimentally I 1hould be huppy 10 send them o tmllli piece. Comments on the ldenttncullon would ulso be vary welcome

MRS F.l.r: SUEUR. l.r:s Hotlvieaux, Val del• Muo, St. Ouen. JERSEY. C.l.

------·--- ----------------On • visit IO Jer,.y In 1976. I WIJ shown the 'wUd. Oruwl• arr. frllllt:anJ and sent •

plea: to EJ. Oomcnt fot his conuneniJ. ltbo took a piece to cultivate and it is from tbe culUnted plant Miss Wendy Og hu provided the ueeOent Illustration. My plant hu thrived wdl an being kept in an unheated porch o"'r the wintet months and plunged into deep grnd outdoors for the rest of the year. I. furthermore • ..w what ap(>CIIed to be the Identical plant under glass In the Royal Botanic C.rdens, Edinbu.y.. In a 'Crassulo corner' wltc!rc it wu named C ITNibmt.

In spite of thJJ, I:JC wrote (1..8.81): -rhc white pettb. erect 1nd in tubulor form, cach with 1 tlarsal oppencbge "'ry ciOJt to the opcx. clearly put the Jersey plant into the Secoon Clobulm (l'bw,) llarYey of OuJuiJJ. But cvco with the recent monogaph


Page 27: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

by H.R. Todkm, ~A r~n oflh• genusO...aul.t In Sou !hem Africa~ (1977), I .:annot Alitfaaon1y key it out. The mWI (<I cm), abomela...,. whlch ue mlnut<ly puba· oont and dilate dolo< to thdr b..., only, appear to defy tbe clwlflarlon pro(>004'<1 for a complexity of wuiaUon. Indeed, Jn 1975 Toelken propoJed lht name cb.Julp to C>auula prtbesc~ns TilUnb. up. radiCil/11 (Haw.) Toelken. ond declued C prtbi!ICtns to be ''extremely'' voriablo". Our plont iJ opporamly not the plont normully in cultivotlon IU C rudlcans. which Is Ultutrot<d In colour In "CrrZJJulaslnCIIrh'tJtlon" by Vera Hlghu (19&l). Notcworthlly. this spedn la not .... n montloncd In the 5 •'Ob (Inc. tupp~mont) of lht RHSDktlotwyo{CIItdmfnr".

11lb anlde upduu lh• prellmirwy tq>Oil by Fl<S in Soe. Jentue Ann. BulL ll IJ):2S4 (1979).


(ml nowcr (bl pttal (c) C'Jrpols

Orr.aut.t .rr. rorJiourJ 0 Wcnlly 0g, 1 'Ill 1


I I mm


Page 28: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and


Some years ~go tile Yorbhlre NaturaUm' Trust was oblc to oblllln on llcenee, <~rtoln rlghiS at Salt l..okt Quany, lngleborouglt . Tills was on the undenundlog that there would be no public ocees.s and Indeed thot such viJitors u there were would only be allowed 10 visit by permit ,

Over the lut two en three yeau, voluntcen wardenlna the quany for the Trust. have reported an lncreulng number of visitors, often from 1 Ion& way away, of whom hardly any have talccn the trouble to apply for 1 permit . When challenp, their all!· rude has rmgtd from tlte apologetic to tltt bd!Jgerom. Equally , a number of otltc11 h .. e opplled for permits 1nd have grcarly apprecllted tht &ulded v!Jiu which tlte Trus~'s volunteers have been able to sh·e them.

Reeently four visitors wit hour permits, when ehallel\&ed. uplained tltat despite hning climbed o\'tr tlto stile ntXtto which Is a notice statln& that all visitors must hliVe permits, they tltou&htit "''Ould be all rl&ht since thty had been Jh'tn tltt arid rtferencx of tltt quarry by a BSBI member who had henelf •idLed tltt plac<. Thoy wrre unaware of tltt physical danger io tltc quarry to life ond limb, they ,.._,. unaware therefore of the TI'IISt's ilUWllncc consldtratloru. Furthermore, they wore unoware of 10me of tltt bomnlcal interest thm whleh they mi&ht eully have danused by t11l1Dpllng on during the roune of plloroanpblna rhln&J.

Oeuly you cllllnot exotc:ise ronrrol over, nor take responsibility fot, tlte behaVlDuc of your Society's memben any more than this Trust can for iu mcmbersh1p. tlowevcr, I shouW be grateful If yuu could either print this letter In your bullctin, or abridge h :utd inform your membership tltltt pcrmlu to •lslt Salt l.alce Quarry are n<edcd by all lntendlna visiton . Application should be nudebtfortlumd to the undersigned:

s.w. WARIIURTON (Field Offaeet), Yorkwlire NaiUralbiJ' Truu Lid .. 20 Cutlep~e, YORK, YOI I RP.

Editor"s Not:e Thr taho~ cotttribur(Qn trin(tllt:n tilt .,.,,.,.,ltl Jh'tn by Lynt" Fi:trdl In our lm lnu.e (BSBI

Ntwlll'o. 18, p, 9}. Th/• /1 • urlorJJ rrurtttr anti membrrr should rtt thlft thty cottrply rrrl~tly 'ft:ltlt 11ll tnrtrucliotu

r(p.n/inz tret'tn to rtJurra find f'uurt thJJI lnfomuJrlotl cM tht, wlltrtllboutl of Jilti ll not CO'* '"unlcauJ ro third {NUtltl

Lynne tub thllt Oil« #pi,. there rl1or~ld bt m~ IIC«JI to thl C'yprtdfum resm·~ (~n BS/11 NtJ\4 27. p, 9).


One of tht Soeltty's orlglnol Council Members, :I Dr AeneuMelntyre .ehose Euphrull for the nume of one of his daufl}tters. A bter B.E.C. membe1 chose Unnaeo for his ­though IS he himself wu named Unnaeus (the choice of his botantsr fa ther, WWJam Cumming) we cannot be sure In her case tltll it was the pion! that she wu called aft et.

Here b s tradition that today'• memben ouJitt to bt keep!nJ up! Somt possible candidates are l.iJnlcers, C.mpanula, Till a, Allsma. ~Wva. Ccnbra. Gqca. PtuneUa ot­for tltr dau&httn of the more critical Akllcmilla lllld Mentha. S...ll. C1wnomillll. St<IJJUII. C:ulina snd l'!l)•llitls are altenum·es for tile les.s adventurous.

D..E. All.EN. Laney Cottage, Mlddlt Rood, WINCHESTER. 5022 SEJ.


Page 29: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and


t.ou of hablt~t b oflrn mort subtle llwl we rWbc. 11 b , noDCthdm, ultimately u clalructhoc u thr ,.h~ P""'hin& of a beath or daJnln& o r a RW'III.

Tbc ro.dJide .,.,... and liJ IWtllllftdlnp aze lmdn ~re 11 ~~CYCr bcfo~ lllmtcn· •wly.fatmtd ana moa of thr hcciJn ~ lfllbbcd ow an thr 60's and 70's, and tbc Cr:w hlbtiiU that rellllln are therefore of n><>n unpctfUIICit. Tbc foUoonna not~ W'tft

compiled om the period 1971-1981 Ill m area of tilt ~1tham Fc:n and fen~ ooulh of Lincoln

HiiJtMy loyout In lhb azta b fairly <llndaJd : a m<Wled t~rlp ll· IS 0 wtdt, with 1

pua .. ,... 10 ft wldo on elthu lide.. A ditch of J-6 fl In dopllland altedJC. forms the boundary. The total width from to freld-edi" u tho~rorc 60 (l on'"'""'·

In 1 ono·mile uretch,ln 1971 !litre were 127 cowallp plant1 counted, In 1 976 th•~ wore SO and In 1980 only 7 could be found. The I ut plant or O.n~JDnula rutrmdl/olla wem under the cncroachlna plouah In 1979. OnotriJ lllitrofll ami Gallwn •~lllm , onco quite wlduprctd , h••• dboppcortd, and TlulilcJnw t f/ltl!um ond lriJ fiJtwiJJcorul Ire down to 1 couple of plamuach In the lan·remllinlnJ dilch.

nto foiJowin& 'U60S' for road .... rges hne been noted In the aru IUIWCytd; they arc wonh rocordlnalf any allempt b to b<- Dlllll• to con .. ,.. such habltau

I. tleodl.uld hod.,.. and Ilea have b«o "'mowd and ditch~ nllo4 ill, The vcrp1 ~ tbm f'loulhcd. ofltn to willllo a yard of the road.

l. Wbcrt dttcha lit IeO, they are dreclpod by madunt.lftd tho fPOII dumped Oil lilt ..,.. llallk-mowtn <ut low and before~

J . Tht nvWicd roed bcma runuw. 1'dudos part and pa oo tht .,... • and tmn fthida .... h to CO!Ift)' hoa'J' and ~ matbittrry, kadlzlato eomptctlon of lhc tOil

4. on .... wpr-bcd .. clantd and loaded on the 'TIJC. and lhc >paill•fl bchilld and rprad

S. IMU~>p from rho rood surl'ICC -on« tiTtered by hond<Ut apade""'<'th tbtnntll or inrtrnlo. Tbu it now done by mctor and buc.ktt , ond .,.. .. of up to ono yliJd squ:ue hn't btcn dua out.

6. Some rurn•rt UK the wcrse for Oiling alld clnnlng or rpraylng equipment. nlerc I• ntddcntal or dellbon~ic ol'eaproylng from the Oeld.l.

7. The herbage la cut fot hay, u1ually twice • yrnr,mnrl u•n•lly 110 timet hot bmrecarth is In potdtol. 11oete Is nrccreep also, from 11raw-burnlng.

8. Verges 110 frequently for burying t.tlcphone and clc<trre ubi••· water ond pr nrlllnt. To nry knowltdae the authorltles curyina nut thne work>. make no drccu with loa! Nature or C'orucmllon orpnisatlons before emborklna on whot de•'<lup Into quill tJCttnJiwc optrallons.

9. uJI but not lcut, conc<ntrltlon or leitmt -w< OW1n&to th< 11111 or footpotha k>ds to an tnanM rn ~r1>ldr.r,. and ranonl o f wholt pl:anu

BSBI members • ould do wonr thm to Uq> 111 er• on tholt local wrp• and rttotd .., ml.tuw. pobllcisiq 011)' illlmmtdlstt ~r.

J.K. OCXE.\'OUol, Droobadc,)b:ldk SI""' · Oumton U 'C'OI 'I I "-' :t"W


Page 30: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

RSBI!tlnnhnlleodlna panla abra.d In 1981

We hi"' bftft notified or the rouowtn,c botanical hoUdayo Mn Mary Bra> ltl8t1

CYPRUS (Paplle~t) March 12 (2 wlu) - an <X<IODcnt buo for cxplortna the rocky eceJU and plnt<lad mount:aans (C A K).

CRETE (OI&nla .t Stallt) Mud! J I (2 wlu) - 11 two cenuo tnabUna a brp area OamllcaDy and hhtodcaUy rich to br. co•'<rcd (CA K).

MAJORCA (Pucno l'oUeiiJl) April 23 (I wk) - ttpeatln& lbt BSBI't 1981 Y!slt (CA IC).

SPAIN (Bcrdun) May 17 (2 wla) - the footluiiJ of lbt l')'r<n ... and viJiu 10 the: ltl&h mountain pUlura (CA K).

YUCOSLAVIA (Bohlnj .t I'Utviet llkt~) June 17 (2 wlu) - '"'0 etnua al\'lnc tc<W to laka, mountabu and watcrfaUa (C cl K).

SWITZERLAND (Wenam) July 5 (2 wlu) - wonderful ...,nrry. colouJful plmt life. "'fY com(onable hotel (C cl K).

SWITZERLAND (Onot} July 26 (2 •la) - the famo111 alcl r~l In the Cauom, equaUy rrnowncd roe planu In summer (CA K}

~. £ri< Clanmt CRETE (C!wlla A Stalit) April 28 (l "'la) a tbo,., bw with a m<'mb<t 'ftlt biOWII

for his ldentlflatlon of "atim planu• (CA K). Mn l'llyl Taylor

SPAIN (Bcrdun} May Jl (2 wla) - tped•Hdna on pllotosraph) of the -.y, Ooea and fauna of thiJ rqlon of the l')ltrncu (CA )..1

ISLES OF SCIUY J.- 19 (I wk) - H!'iori"'thc aatwal hhto.y of both lnhabll<d and wtlnlublted bl.utd.J. with photoppby CC cl K).

DrSU.nEdm CRETE (nr Hfraklton) Much 11 (I wk) - (T & C) PI!PI.OI'ONNESE (Tolon,Arsoltt) M&Rh IS.27 - opuonaltoun ror •ulna no .. tra

In the Ar1olld Plain) (T ll C). Dr Huanphrcy Bow.n

CRETE April <I - ( I wk) 11 for Or &len.abo ... (T & C).

For further lnformotlon Toun m~rkttl C cl K: Cox & Kirlllt Tra\'tl Ltd ,1\6 Mon.hall Strcel, London W I V 2PA. Tnura marked 'I' 41 C: Town & Gown Ltd. 40 South l'onde. Summcllon, Oxford

OX2 7JI'.

NOTE BSBI """, does not tc<tpt ad~nblJa&, \l<mben wu.hln1 to d~ or old, rare. or out-of-print pW!IIcalio,. may oubmlt dnaUa o( wlul lhc:y hau to offer 10 the Editor ..,ho wnl tndt.1¥0W to pWIIldJc them. Similarly. mtmbcro lcodlnJ recoanJt<d botanicll toun tte ln"'ted to nollf)' tile Edttoc wtll on advan« of the tchC\Iulcd dcponurc datc


Page 31: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and


Your eorrespondent, Chril Hemingway, wrlllng In the last nunther, b quilo eon<et in ebo.llen&fn& our statement tlut this work J.S the only fully detall<d county non d .. ot<d cnurely to funsi. This ought to luvt been qulilfi<d IS rtlltlna to modem times. The 190S Furrsrn f'1<ln of Yorlahirr , to wblcb lie refers, wu, In fact, o,r. look<d, u it h•d been su~<d by the more r-nt ( 1937) Olta/l)pt of Yulahirr FUlfil wbleh. u we knew, wu simply a clteek-list sbowln& presence or absmeeln eoeh \i<:e<Ounty. The I 90S Fun,rw FIMD wu on tndltioral county flora un .. : full delllls of habhau,loealltles etc~ were &lYm for Ill but a few of the species. 1t did, howc.,r, ha.., llule In the way of lntroduetoty information wllereJS our F1or1,llb most county Floru of flowering pbnu does Include clupten on melhocb, lllllory of myool"')' In the oru and features of the county, etc., as well as lntroduciJons tO each group of the fungi doLling wllh special features of tlte 81oup and lu rccordlna.ovallablellleratul1! etc.

MAI.COLM C. CLARK. I Dluell Lane. Bornt Green , BIRMINGHAM 04S 8NS.


OO<IRDINATtNG I.F.M . Canncm (/km. S«.} D.R. Dooald. R.IC Bnunmlrr. M ... J lolartln. DJ. M.Co"'-

CONSI!IlVAnON D.R. Don.tkl (Hort. S«.) Nb> R.M, H>dd..,, Mln J NonJD. Or SJU. V.'oodtD,Min L furtD. Dt AJ. Sllvtnlck, SeoiiJIIII. P J . Wmsull, Dr P .M. Wo<k. Ill" IJ. G,._,odt, Dr H.A. MoADhtu, Dr P.E. Hnuldham, O.T. Calm" R.W. DaYid, ll.T. Mabe)·, R.C. V.'ood .. WalcL ~.ll. B~tm.on (/JrlJUJo l.khto S«kry}, C.D. BrieltcD (Royiiii/Oirkulrolfll Sotltry}, Or O.£.G. I!Yinc (Bririllt l'lt)wori<lli Sod<ry/,Or P.D.Cota (Brlrlrlr Bryolollui Soti<IJI}, A .C. l<rm)' (Btlrllh &ol~ Soc/<tf}, Or F J ·l, l'crrin& (Ho)wl Sotltty fot Noron 0>•· IUVtJ/JonJ.

M.EEn.NCS Mbs J , MorU. (lion. ~<;/ Mb• 1.. Fancll, (/km l'ldd ~<.} Dr N.K.U. Rob!On, Mn A. L<o. MIJo f~ Rich, MuU!n , Mn U.\ t.S. Pruton, Or l.L.Muon, S.A. Renvoi ... Or IIJJ.t, IJowen. Mn J.M. MuUin. Mlt.:• E. Youna. Or P,._\i, Wade, A.L C~en(cll, R. Smith.

PUBUCATIO~ Or RJC. Bnunmin (/loo. S«.} Or $ ,\1, F.clco, Dr N.K.H. Robton. Dr C.A. State. Or D.L Wla,ton, OJt Kttu , EJ), Wlafru. Or ~.H. P=i.,, I.F.M. C&nooo, A.O. Chatcr, Or P.F V eo, EJ.Cl<mcnt, A.C.Icrmy, Or SJ..Jul)'.

RECORDS DJ . II.Colilr (/loo. 5«.} Of W.T. Stcao, E.C. ""'""­D.E. Alien. E.G. Phllp, Of I.K. ftfiiiiOO, RJ. Paoldnnu. Ml• E. lli Lamlula, lrcla1>d J. B<no, R.G. EDb. WakL Dr AJ. SU-. Scoll&rlll. PJ.O. Td\1, Or $,\1, lldCll, Or Q.O.N. Kay, T.F. IIocld, T.C.E. 1\tUt.O.A. Wdb. Or C.O. Pr<>lo., ll.W.0..-14. M. Booby (Brll&lr 1'1<1~ St/dlry}.

The Pre1ldent. lton. TR.uurer and Hon. Gen. Sec. are a offkfD mcmbtn of 1U I hot Jbmecommltl.con..

3 1

Page 32: ADMINISTRATION · ADMINISTRATION HON. GEN. SEC. (Central Enquina) Mn M. 1110.While Col !aft Slldold, IIORSHAM, W~ s-x RH13 7RG. BON. TJl£ASURBll. (l'ar-n• or Subscriplloou and

CONTENTS LlST AJ>MINISTltATION nominahOn• • , , •• , , • , , , , , , , , , , , • , • • • , • , • , •••••• • • • •••••• 2 )tttn.bctJhlp llil . . • .•••........ . ...... 0 •• •••••••••• 4 •••••• • • • l Chanaa of Rec:ordtrt. • , • , • • • • • . . . • • • • • • • • .. •••••• ••• •••••••••• 2 .lltJJlnc.o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • )

RSNC. • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 3 IION.GEN.SEC'SIIOTES ••.••••......•••••••••••••• • , ••••••••••• , .~

Coloou phorosnphy • • • •••••••• .•••••••••••••••• • •• •••••••••• 7 M.IJ.inr rt:.e~Tn • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , , • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • 1

Caacou Ho.tb Appcat rcall • , •• , , , , • , • , , , •• , , , , •• •• , ••• • ••• , •• , • 1 Britbh Ubmy L<ndht& DMdon •••.••• , , , , , •• , ••• , ••••••••••• , •••••• , • 7 AUENS ...S AJ>VEo;TTVES .. .. ......... . . .......... . ............. a

Adftfttive Nrw•ll .. ••••••• • ••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • a Somellir:npcppc:i•\WU• , , , , , , , , , • , , , •• , , ••• • • , • , • , , , • , ••••• , I Ylud I»& ..•••••••••••• • •••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Codtlcbun In 8riuln . • .................................... 13

Tt:tlldium t«N/('IIJJt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J.C """Bee R..atd> pablbtloM . , , , ••• , • , • • • ••••••• •••••••••••• I' BSB I VWito Mljorea 1911 • • • • •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• • IS "''ac'tr2td Pho1op'1phctl A~ toun •••• •• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• IS WILDLIFE •od COUNTRYSIDE ACT •••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••• 16·17 REQUESTS • • • • •••••• ••••••••••••••••••..•••• IS

lllmoda S1uclyG10up •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• ••••••••••••.• 18 Albino form of Eplpoub htlltboronr , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 18 Old hot>nl<>l boob fo1 ,.k •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• 18

Drawirq: from • hab:ariu.m ,pe.c&nen • • ••••• ••••••••••••.•••• •••••••• 19 NOTICES .... • .. • • .......................... ......... 20

Sedf" handbook lnd Edn. .. .. • • .. • ............... .. ..... ...... 20 Joilll RSBI A PFPS m<ell,. . • • • • •••• ••••••••••• • • •••••• . •••• 20 Fontalnble:au tour • • • • • • • • • • ••••• •• ••••••••••••• 20 Tttt planUna I< flml"' praC1kc(Conf.l . • ••••••• ••••••.••• , •. ••.•. ••. 20 Blol"'Y of Pttridophyl<s (Sympoduml • • • • •••••• ••••••• •••••• •••.•..• 11 Stm.nner Roe:k1 NNR , , • • • • •••••• , •••• • , , , •• , •••••• , •. 21 Dun&cncu Obtc'MIOI")" . • • • • • • • , • , ••••••••••••• • , •••••• , ••• , l t H~a,t:tfotd\lorClt Voulh ho..cel • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• , •• , ••••. 11

PRO FlU - Goronwy Wynne. • . • •••• , ••••• • ••••• ••...• , •.•••••.•. ll Churehvud• nee-work re1earch prole-cl •• , •• • ••••••••••••••• .....• , ••• . • , J3 L£rrERS •• 0 ••• 0 •••••••••• 0 • .. 0 • ••••• - ••• - •• •• • •••• • • • •••• '2-C

Holl pltnu of OJJCutll tfiiO/Nltc , • • ••••••••••• ••••••• , ••• • ••••••• , 14 O.sru14 afr.lfldbns In J trwy • , •••••••••••••••• , •• , • , , ••••••• , 26 Pcnnilt . • • • , • • ••• , • , • ••••••••••••••••••• . ••••••• ._ 18 NomW ccna:lca COn.c'f'\llnda . , • • , •••••• , •• , • , • , •••• , •• , , , , • , • , ••••• , 28 Ro1dddo habi111 dcwuc-don in Lincoln ••••• ••••• • •••• ••••. • ••• , . .• • ••••• l9 BSJll mcmbtn ludlnJ panlottb""d .......... . . ........... ............ 30 a:Uf'IIUS Oora o(Wa,..,itkthire • • •••• ••••••• ••• •••• .. • • • • ••••• )I p..,.,.,.., Worklr,. Commllloe• 1981411 • • • • • ........ ................ l 1

AD tcxla-.d illurtndo• ~ala BSBI Ntwrv~c.opyrilbl ud DO noprodunioa in ID)' (onn may be mada wldtoul wrillm pmnlMon rrom the Editor.

"8SBI NeM .. CISSN 0309830Xtlt PUbllthtd by the 8os.n,k:.ll Sodny ot the Oritktll..,_.. Enaulriitt conc.ming tM Sod .. v"t;tln •NI ~ntuo lhoukt bt 8ddrftltd to~·

n.. Ho,. Gen. S.C.. clo 8ot:~~ty Otot, Britlth Mu-.,m CNat. HlaJ. Cromwd Road, London ~sao.

Pnartrl br SUf/i>l~ 0/Tf<l, JO I ~et-Slr«r, F<Urrow. Td· 77117