admission assesment

Upload: nyoman-sathya-tya-wardani

Post on 04-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 Admission Assesment


    One day, there is a patient come to the hospital with complaint a hipertermi , nausea, and vomiting.

    She comes to the emergency room with her parents. After that, nurse Ika comes to her and check

    patient conditions.

    Nurse Ika : excuseme. what happen with your daughter, Mom?

    Mother : Please, help me nurse. my daughter was fever from 3 days ago. Not only fever...she was

    nausea and vomitting

    Nurse Ika : oke, I will take your daughters vital signs.

    Mother : yes please.

    Nurse : I will take your temperature...please hold this termometer for 5 minutes at your armpit

    Daughter : yes, nurse

    Nurse : ohhh her temperature is 390 celcius.

    Mother : so, what should I do?

    Nurse : The temperature is so high and her condition is very weak... I suggest that your children to

    admitted in the hospital. Do you agree with me?

    Mother : yes, i agree.

    Nurse : okay i will take your daughter to the Bona 1 Room. Please complete this Identity form.

    After complete the identity, nurse Ika take the patient to the bona 1 room. There are 2 nurse inthat room . Nurse Ika give the Patient Identity Form to them. Nurse Fuad and Nurse Ratna do the

    assesment to the patient.

    Nurse Ratna : Good morning mom,

    Mother : good morning nurse.

    Nurse Ratna : Im nurse Ratna and my partner nurse Fuad.I will ask you and your daughter some

    question to complete this admission assesment.

    Mother : oke nurse.

    Nurse Ratna : Hi girl...what is your name?

    Daughter : my name is windah.

    Nurse : owww...what is your complete name windah?

    Daughter : Windah Kurniawati

    Nurse Ratna : How old are you?

    Daughter : Im fourteen years old.

  • 7/30/2019 Admission Assesment


    Nurse Ratna : alright. Where do you live?

    Daughter : in Indrapura street nurse.

    Nurse Ratna : And then, what do you feel now ?

    Daughter : not well nurse. My body is very weak and I feel had a fever

    Nurse Ratna : how long day do you feel that?

    Daughter : 3 days nurse.

    Nurse Ratna : just that? Any else problem?

    Mother : yes, she had nausea and vomiting too

    Nurse Ratna :okay, my partner nurse fuad wiil take your vital signs.

    Daughter : yes nurse.

    Nurse Fuad : hello windah, i will take your temperature and pulse rate

    Daughter : okay nurse

    Nurse Fuad : First, ill take your temperature...hold the thermometer on your armpit.

    Daughter : yes , nurse

    Mother : how is my daughter temperature nurse ?

    Nurse Fuad : Its 390celcius..its high,,and then i will take your pulse rate..i need your hand

    Daughter : yes, please

    Mother : how is my daughter pulse rate nurse ?

    Nurse Fuad : its 94 x/minutes,,, well done , here are your daughter vital signs . her temperature is


    celcius, and her pulse rate is 94 x/minute. Because your temperature is very high, i will compress

    you. Do you feel alright?

    Daughter : no problem

    Nurse Fuad : what are things that have you do to treat your daughters disease?

    Mother : I had give a paracetamol and compress her but her temperature not decrease. So i went to

    this hospital to check her condition.

    Nurse fuad : are your daughter ever hospitalized like this before?

    Mother : No. she never admission in the hospital before.

    Nurse Fuad : Are one of your family have disease like this?

    Mother : No nurse.

  • 7/30/2019 Admission Assesment


    Nurse fuad : oke, me and nurse Ratna have to go to check the other patient. If you need something,

    there is a nurse Fia that standby in this room.

    Mother : okay nurse. Thanks for your attention.

    After 30 minutes, the doctor comes to visite the patient. The doctor goes to there with nurse Fia.

    Nurse fia : doct...this is a data from this pasien and laboratory result

    Doctor : oke..

    In the patient....

    Doctor : Good morning

    Daughter : good morning doctor.

    Doctor : how do you feel now???

    Daughter : not well. Im very weak doct.

    Doctor : i will check your condition. It is okay for you?

    Daughter : yes please.

    Nurse Fia : from the laboratory result, i think she got a dengue haemoragic fever doct. Bacause her

    trombosit was very decrease

    Doctor : yesss...i think so.

    After check the Patients condition....the doctor give a prescribe to Nurse fia.

    The doctor : it is the prescribe. Please give her this antibiotic and compress her armpit.

    Nurse : okay doct.

    Nurse Fia talking with the patients mother

    Nurse Fia : Mom, your daughter got a dengue haemoragic fever...and this is the prescribe. You can

    buy it to the chemist near the administration room.

    Mother : thank you nurse