agi chen: artists at glenfiddich 2013

1 Agi CHEN Glenfiddich Artists in Residence 2013

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Suspending on the Surface of Speed 16 November - 14 December, 2013 Solo Exhibition at IT PARK


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Agi CHENGlenfiddich Artists in Residence 2013

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A Solo Exhibition by Agi ChenSuspending on the Surface of Speed16 November - 14 December 2013

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Working Process of "Rotatory Portrait of Dennis the Menace"

in studio, 2013

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今年夏天在格蘭菲迪酒廠(Glenfiddich Distillery)駐村期間,我常在超市買一本每週發刊至今七十五年的漫畫“Beano”,閱讀中發現倫

敦的 Southbank Centre 當時正舉辦 Beano七十五週年紀念展,於是我前往對這個充滿歷史感的漫畫特展。其後,又透過藝術村負責人

安迪‧費爾葛瑞福(Andy Fairgrieve)的安排去丹迪(Dundee)參訪發行 Beano的出版社 D.C Thomson。在 D.C Thomson近百年的檔



除此之外,從安迪與我探討 Beano在蘇格蘭的出版歷史發展,以及其與各個時代之間的意義連結後我意識到,有別於函數色彩系列作


使我著手收集 Beano古董漫畫書,想以一種具有手感與物質性的創作去探索七十五年間 Beano漫畫角色的色彩訊息的演變。而其後與


度平面上進行一種動態的肖像繪畫(The Rotatory Portraits);一方面透過機械性的運動狀態展現抽象過程。我選擇出 Beano漫畫發行







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Suspending on the Surface of Speed By Agi CHEN

During my summer residency at Glenfiddich Distillery, I often bought issues of Beano, a weekly comic publication. Flipping through its pages one

time, I discovered that an exhibition celebrating the comic’s 75th anniversary was being held at Southbank Centre in London. I decided to visit and

learn more about this historic comic. Later on, Andy Fairgrieve, the person in charge of the residency program, arranged for me to visit D.C Thom-

son, the publishing house for Beano located in the city of Dundee. Going over almost a century of history in D.C Thomson’s archives, I witnessed

the evolution of the comic’s color palette over the past 75 years. The experience was akin to watching history come to life. And, this piece of living

history alluded to a message conveyed across generations through a process of evolution.

Furthermore, in discussions with Andy about Beano’s evolution and its historic significance for Scottish publishing, I discovered comics that were unlike

the material I had previously used to create the Function Color series. Comics serve as a material of mass media. Their readable and static images

lead viewers to the formation of visual memories. This discovery inspired me to begin collecting antique Beano comics. Through textured and tan-

gible artworks, I wanted to explore the message behind the evolution of color palettes used to design the characters of Beano. After discussing the

works with visiting artist, Chi-Tsung Wu, we jointly developed a rapidly rotating device that makes images of comic characters appear to be concen-

tric layers of colors. On one end, the device creates a type of rotatory portrait across the surface of speed. On another end, its motions reveal a pro-

cess of abstractification. For this work, I chose the classic characters featured in Beano over the past 75 years to allow the resulting rotatory portraits

reveal the evolution of the comic’s colors over the years. This serves as a way to evoke the memories of its readers across many generations.

In short, Suspending on the Surface of Speed depicts a rapidly rotating motion that forces colors to reveal a message conveyed across history. This

message no longer just comes from signs that linger across our retinas. Instead, it is a body searching for messages along the surface of speed that

transcend space and time. It is a chemical reaction produced by a series of chance encounters with people and objects during the residency pe-

riod. It is also a path that is opened along a process of temporal displacement for the creative context of the Function Color series.

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Rotatory Portrait of Danny 2013, Acrylic on wood, Diameter 40cm, 2013

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Left: Rotatory Portrait of Minnie the Minx 1950s

Right: Rotatory Portrait of Minnie the Minx 1960s-1970s

Acrylic on wood, Diameter 40cm, 2013

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Left: Rotatory Portrait of Minnie the Minx 1980s

Right: Rotatory Portrait of Minnie the Minx 1990s-2013

Acrylic on wood, Diameter 40cm, 2013

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Left: Rotatory Portrait of Dennis the Menace 1950s

Right: Rotatory Portrait of Dennis the Menace 1960s

Acrylic on wood, Diameter 40cm, 2013

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Left: Rotatory Portrait of Dennis the Menace 1970s

Right: Rotatory Portrait of Dennis the Menace 1980s

Acrylic on wood, Diameter 40cm, 2013

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Rotatory Portrait of Dennis the Menace 1950s

Acrylic on wood, Diameter 40cm, 2013

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Rotatory Portrait of Dennis the Menace 1990s-2013

Acrylic on wood, Diameter 40cm, 2013

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Visiting D.C Thomson Publication in Dundee|參訪D.C Thomson出版社

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Function Color- Beanotown,Laser photo, Anti UV membrane, aluminum frames, 2013

Installation View at Glenfiddich Gallery |展出現場:格蘭菲迪酒廠畫廊

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Color Lines-10 Oil on Canvas 150 x 245cm 2012

Rotatory Portrait of Dennis the Menace, Acrylic on wood, 2013. Installation View at Glenfiddich Gallery |展出現場:格蘭菲迪酒廠畫廊

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The most impressive point during the residency for me is the spirit of “historical inheritance” in Scotland, and I had this feeling starting from every de-

tail in whisky tour, ceilidh, and highland games. Joining these local activities made me feel I live in a living history with kindly local people. Besides

the local life experience, I got further understanding from Andy’s introduction of natural, agricultural, geographical, musical, popular cultural things of

Scotland. The experience makes me believe it’s the way of how history becomes a collective memory that is shared between different generations.

In addition to the inspirational thoughts from historical inheritance, I really enjoyed the peaceful and natural environment in Glenfiddich, it provides

me more physical sense to make something by hands, no matter in daily life or in my art works. The influence on me to live and work in Glenfiddich

Distillery for three months is much further than my expectation before I arrived. This project not only integrates me into local life smoothly, but also

inspires me a new angle for my art works in the cultural way of Scotland.

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Something Red in Glenfiddich

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Something Green in Glenfiddich

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Something Blue in Glenfiddich

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Symbol-83 Oil on Canvas 90 x 90 cm 2012

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陳怡潔1980 出生於桃園,台灣2012 國立台南藝術大學藝術創作與理論博士班 博士候選人

駐村經歷 2013 格蘭菲迪藝術駐村獎助,格蘭菲迪威士忌,蘇格蘭2007 台灣與英國國際藝術家駐村獎助,英國文化協會 / 文建會,英國2005 亞洲文化協會駐村交流計畫,Arcus 藝術村,日本


2011 神戶雙年展-貨櫃藝術競賽獲獎,神戶,日本2006 世安美學獎,世安美學基金會,台北,台灣2005 台北美術獎首獎,台北美術館,台北,台灣

個展 2013 《懸置在速度的表面》,伊通公園,台北2013 《The Beauties》,非常廟藝文空間,台北2010 《關鍵影格》,布查當代藝術空間 ,台北2009 《再造物語》,伊通公園,台北2007 《訊息人》,伊通公園,台北2006 《啪》,關渡美術館,台北


2013 《凝視自由:台灣當代藝術展》,弗伊弗迪納當代藝術館,賽爾維亞2013 《交互視象》,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣 / 中國美術館,北京,中國2012 《2012關渡雙年展》,國立台北藝術大學關渡美術館,台北,台灣2012 《首屆CAFAM未來展》,中央美院美術館,北京,中國2011 《KIRA》,神戶雙年展,神戶,日本2011 《二十一個房間》,白南準藝術中心,韓國2010 《台灣藝術新世代》,上海美術館,上海 ; 今日美術館,北京,中國2009 《急凍醫世代-2009 醫療與科技藝術國際展》,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣2009 《激情心靈-十七位台、日新世代藝術家錄像展》,台北美術館,台北,台灣2008 《家-2008 台灣美術雙年展》,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣2008 《ART IS NOW-2008 釜山雙年展》,釜山,韓國2008 《泡沫紅茶:台灣藝術.當代演繹》,捷克國立摩拉維亞美術館,捷克2007 《Frolic: Humor and Mischief in New Taiwanese Art》,2x13 畫廊,紐約,美國2007 《迷離島-台灣當代藝術現象展》華盛頓藝術科學宮、溫哥華當代亞洲藝術國際中心,國立台灣美術館等巡迴展2005 《膜中魔》,台北當代藝術館,台北,台灣

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Agi, Chen 1980 Born in Taoyuang, Taiwan 2012 Ph.D Candidate of Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory Department, Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan

Artist Residence2013 Artist in Residence at The Glenfiddich Distillery, Dufftown, Scotland2007 Taiwan-England Artists in Residence program 2007, Loughborough University, UK2005 ACC Residency Program in Asia, Arcus Studio, Japan

Awards2011 Art in a Container International Competition, Kobe Biennale, Japan2006 S. An Arts award, S. An Culture Foundation, Taipei2005 Taipei Arts Award, Prize Winner, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

Solo Exhibitions2013 Suspending on the Surface of Speed, IT Park, Taipei, Taiwan2013 The Beauties, VT Art Salon, Taipei, Taiwan2010 The Key Frames, Butchart National Contemporary Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan2009 Reproduction, IT-Park, Taipei, Taiwan2007 Messenger, IT PARK, Taipei, Taiwan2006 Watering, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

Selected Group Exhibitions2013 Gazing into Freedom:Taiwan Contemporary Art Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Surbia2013 Inter Vision, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan/ National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China2012 2012 Guandu Biennale, Guandu Museum of Fine Art, Taipei, Taiwan2012 CAFAM · Future, CAFAM Art Museum, Beijing, China2011 Kira, 2011KOBE Biennale, Kobe, Japan2011 21Rooms, Nam June Paik Art Center, Gyeong-Gi, Korea2010 New Generation of Art in Taiwan, MOCA Shanghai, Shanghai, China2009 Freeze!-2009 International MEDTECH Art Show, National Taiwan Museum of FineArts, Taichung, Taiwan2009 Mind as Passion, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan2008 Home-Taiwan Biennale 2008, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan2008 Art is Now-Busan Biennale 2008, Exhibition Hall of Busan, Busan, Korea2007 Forlic: Humor and Mischief in New Taiwanese Art, 2x13 Gallery, New York, U.S.A2007 Taiwan: From within the Mist, Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, Canada2005 Membrane onto Magic, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan

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Summer at Glenfiddich 2013|格蘭菲迪 2013

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陳 怡 潔 懸置在速度的表面

展覽日期 2013年11月16日至12月14日

開幕時間 2013年11月16日(星期六)晚上7點

展覽地點 伊通公園

作  者 陳怡潔 設  計 蔡 雪

英文翻譯 一元翻譯

出  版 伊通國際有限公司


電話 (02)2507 7243

傳真 (02)2507 1149 出版時間 2013年11月初版

贊  助 格蘭父子洋酒股份有限公司

特別感謝 陳慧嶠、吳季璁

Andy Fairgrieve

版權所有 ‧ 翻印必究

Agi Chen Suspending on the Surface of Speed

Exhibition Date 16 November -14 December 2013

Opening Reception 16 November, 2013

Exhibition Venue IT Park Gallery

Artist Agi Chen

Designer Tsai Sheue

Translator 1nt word

Publisher IT Park Gallery

2-3 Fl. 41 Yi-Tong St. Taipei 104 Taiwan

Tel 886-2-25077243

Fax 886-2-25071149

Publishing Date November 2013

Sponsor William Grant & Sons Ltd.

Special Thanks Hui-Chiao Chen, Chi-Tsung Wu

Andy Fairgrieve

All rights reserved


Special Thanks to William Grant & Sons Ltd.

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© 2013 IT Park Gallery. All rights reserved.No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any mannerwhatsoever without the IT Park permission.


Dufftown: the summer of 2012

© 2013 IT Park Gallery. All rights reserved.No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any mannerwhatsoever without the IT Park permission.
