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RINCIAN ACARA PENGAJARAN PROGRAM STUDI D-IV AKUNTANSI (KELAS REGULAR) MATA KULIAH SEMESTER : : Akuntansi Manajemen VII SKS : 3 @ 50’ TEMU KE- POKOK BAHASAN REFERENSI METODE PENGAJARAN/KEGIATAN/TINDAKAN KELAS 1 Basic management accounting concept: introduction: the role, history, and direction of management accounting HM Ch 1 Introduction Lecturing Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 1-2 management accounting versus financial accounting; 1-5 current focus of management accounting PR: research assignment (siswa diminta mencari kode etik yang diberlakukan di perusahaan komersial) 2 Basic management accounting concepts HM Ch 2 Siswa yang ditunjuk memaparkan research assignment temu ke-1 Lecturing Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 2-7 product and period costs; 2-12 cost of goods manufactured and sold; 2-22 income statement; cost of goods manufactured PR: research assignment (siswa diminta mencari laporan keuangan perusahaan manufaktur dan perusahaan jasa, lalu diminta mengidentifikasi perbedaan dari segi produk, biaya produk, dan sistem biaya yang diterapkan) 3 Activity cost behavior HM Ch 3 Siswa yang ditunjuk memaparkan research assignment temu ke-2 Lecturing Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 3-9 cost behavior; 3-13 high-low method, service organization; 3- 17 method of least squares; evaluation of cost equation PR: group assignment #1 (kelompok meresume dan akan memaparkan managerial decision case 3-28 suspicious acquisition of data; ethical issues)

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    SEMESTER : :

    Akuntansi Manajemen VII

    SKS : 3 @ 50


    1 Basic management accounting concept: introduction: the role, history, and direction of management accounting

    HM Ch 1 Introduction


    Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 1-2 management accounting versus financial accounting; 1-5 current focus of management accounting

    PR: research assignment (siswa diminta mencari kode etik yang diberlakukan di perusahaan komersial)

    2 Basic management accounting concepts

    HM Ch 2 Siswa yang ditunjuk memaparkan research assignment temu ke-1


    Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 2-7 product and period costs; 2-12 cost of goods manufactured and sold; 2-22 income statement; cost of goods manufactured

    PR: research assignment (siswa diminta mencari laporan keuangan perusahaan manufaktur dan perusahaan jasa, lalu diminta mengidentifikasi perbedaan dari segi produk, biaya produk, dan sistem biaya yang diterapkan)

    3 Activity cost behavior HM Ch 3 Siswa yang ditunjuk memaparkan research assignment temu ke-2


    Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 3-9 cost behavior; 3-13 high-low method, service organization; 3-17 method of least squares; evaluation of cost equation

    PR: group assignment #1 (kelompok meresume dan akan memaparkan managerial decision case 3-28 suspicious acquisition of data; ethical issues)

  • 4 Activity-based product costing & Activity-based management

    HM Ch 4 & 5 Paparan group assignment #1 (hanya satu atau dua kelompok yang ditunjuk secara acak untuk memaparkan)

    Lecturing ABC & ABM

    Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 4-10 product costing accuracy; consumption ratios; 4-13 resource drivers; activity-based costing; approximately relevant ABC assignments; 4-15 activity classification; 4-23 approximately relevant ABC;

    PR: 5-14 activity analysis; activity drivers; driver analysis; and behavioral effects; 5-15 kaizen costing; scenario (p. 165)

    Next meeting quiz 5 Budgeting for planning and

    control HM Ch 8 Quiz: materials undercovered : konsep biaya s.d. ABC-ABM

    Pembahasan PR scenario (p. 165)


    Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 8-24 operating budget; comprehensive analysis

    6 Standard costing: a managerial control tool

    HM Ch 9 Diskusi pengantar standard costing: scenario (p. 367)


    Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 9-14 materials; labor; and overhead variances; 9-20 basics of variance analysis; variable inputs

    PR: questions for writing and discussion

    7 Cost-volume-profit-relationship HM Ch 11 Lecturing

    Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 11-1 basic break-even; 11-17 sales revenue approach; variable cost ratio; contribution margin ratio; margin of safety; 11-22 multiple-product analysis; changes in sales mix calculations

    PR: group assignment #2 (kelompok meresume dan akan memaparkan topik ke-8)

    8 Quality costs and productivity: measurement, reporting, and control

    HM Ch 15 & HDFRI Ch 19

    Overview quality cost and productivity

    Paparan group assignment #2 (hanya satu atau dua kelompok yang ditunjuk secara acak untuk paparan)

    Tanya jawab/diskusi

    Review/ulasan pengajar UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER

  • 9 Relevant costs for decision making

    GN Ch 13 Lecturing

    Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 13-1 identifying relevant costs; 13-15 make or buy a component; 13-20 dropping or retaining a segment

    PR: 13-23 relevant cost analysis in a variety of situations

    10 Lean accounting, target costing, and the balanced scorecard

    HM Ch 16 Lecturing

    Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 16-9 life-cycle costing; target costing; 16-11 balanced scorecard; classification of performance measures; 16-12 cycle time and conversion cost per unit; 16-13 cycle time and velocity; MCE; 16-22 MCE

    11 Segment reporting, decentralization, and the balanced scorecard, include transfer pricing, service department charges (1)

    GN Ch 12 Lecturing

    Pembahasan soal (suggested exercises & problems): 12-1 basic segmented statements; 12-8 evaluating new investments using roi and ri; 12-a1 transfer pricing situations; 12-b1 service department charges

    PR: group assignment #3 (dibagi 5 kelompok, tiap kelompok menyiapkan topik yang berbeda, pilihannya tentang (1) pengendalian dan pelaporan transfer dana perimbangan (mengkompilasi bahan sendiri); (2) balanced scorecard case study JEL code: m49 (journal: using the balanced scorecard to improve the performance of city and county councils); (3) rivenbark & peterson balanced scorecard sog article (4) the balanced scorecard for public-sector organizations; (5) balanced scorecard Kemenkeu (mengkompilasi bahan sendiri)

    12 Segment reporting, decentralization, and the balanced scorecard, include transfer pricing, service department charges (2)

    Topik pilihan, JEL; R&P; RK

    Overview transfer pricing dan BSC

    Paparan group assignment #3 (kelima kelompok memaparkan, waktu dibatasi)

    Tanya jawab/diskusi

    Review/ulasan pengajar

    PR: group assignment #4 (dibagi 5 kelompok, tiap kelompok menyiapkan dan akan memaparkan topik dalam (1) buku public sector performancethe critical role of evaluation, dengan pilihan topik (a) the role of evaluation, (b) evaluation

  • capacity and the public sector, (c) Indonesias national evaluation system, (d) where do we go from here? (2) journal public service performance evaluation -Peter Jackson)

    13 Performance Evaluation WB; PJ

    Overview performance evaluation

    Paparan group assignment #4 (kelima kelompok memaparkan, waktu dibatasi)

    Tanya jawab

    Review/ulasan pengajar

    PR: Group assignment #5 (kelompok meresume dan akan memaparkan Business and Society - Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy ch 3)

    14 CSR L & W Ch 3 Overview CSR

    Paparan group assignment #5 (hanya satu atau dua kelompok memaparkan)

    Tanya jawab/diskusi

    Review/ulasan pengajar

    PR: Group assignment #6 (kelompok meresume dan akan memaparkan Environmental Cost Management HM Ch 17)

    15 Environmental Cost Management

    HM Ch 17 Overview environmental cost management

    Paparan group assignment #6 (hanya satu atau dua kelompok memaparkan)

    Tanya jawab/diskusi

    Review/ulasan pengajar

    16 Quiz & Overview - QUIZ

    Overview semua materi



    Lecturing: pengajar menggunakan media infocus/LCD dan papan tulis, di sela-sela penjelasan bisa diadakan tanya jawab. Pengajar juga dapat mencari file video yang relevan dengan topik untuk ditayangkan

    Pembahasan soal latihan : siswa tidak sekedar dapat menjawab, tetapi juga memberikan analisis why, when, how, dsb.

    Pengerjaan tugas dan PR oleh siswa ditulis tangan (tidak diketik), kecuali data hasil Research Assignment (dalam hal ini, kode etik (temu 1) dan laporan keuangan perusahaan manufaktur (temu 2)

    o PR dituangkan dalam kertas HVS A4 lalu dikumpulkan

  • Pengerjaan group assignment diketik di komputer, tiap kelompok diminta membuat paper dan bahan tayang (power point) dan mengumpulkan paling lambat sehari sebelum tatap muka agar pengajar dapat memeriksa/memberi catatan

    o Pengumpulan berupa hard copy maupun soft copy (diimel ke pengajar) DAFTAR REFERENSI 1. Don R. Hansen dan Maryanne M. Mowen, 2007. Management Accounting (Eight Edition). Thomson South-Western: USA (HM). 2. Ray H. Garrison dan Eric W. Noreen, 2008. Managerial Accounting (Twelfth Edition). Irwin McGraw-Hill: North America (GN). 3. Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar, George Foster, Madhav Rajan, dan, Christopher Ittner, 2009. Cost Accounting: A Managerial

    Emphasis (Thirteenth Edition). Pearson Education Inc.: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey (HDFRI). 4. Anne T. Lawrence dan James Weber, 2008. Business and Society - Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy (Twelfth Edition). McGraw-Hill, Irwin

    (L&W). 5. JEL Code: M49. Using the Balanced Scorecard to Improve the performance of City and County Councils (JEL). 6. Rivenbark & Peterson Balanced Scorecard. SOG Article. A Balanced Approach to Implementing the Balanced Scorecard (R&P). 7. Robert Kaplan. Article Reprint No. B9911C. The Balanced Scorecard forPublic-SectorOrganizations (RK). 8. World Bank. 1998. Public Sector PerformanceThe Critical Role of Evaluation (WB). 9. Peter Jackson. Public Service Performance Evaluation: A Strategic Perspective (PJ).