al wird al maymun english2

The Litany of the Blessed al-Wird al-Maymun JIK The Dīn Series Zawiya Qadariya Dedicated to our beloved shaykh whose love and efforts illumine the heart of everyone who meets him and of everyone who hears about him. Without doubt the awliya of Allah stand alone with only Allah and the Messenger of Allah as their guardians. They never tire in their efforts nor waver in their love. ﺍﶈﺒــﻮﺏ ﺷــﻴﺨﻨﺎ ﺇﱃ ﻫــﺬﺍ ﺃﻗــﺪﻡ ﺍﻟﺒﻠﻴــﻎ ﺍﻟــﻮﺍﻋﻆ ﺍﳌﻨــﻮﺭ ﻜــﻞ ﻗﻠــﺐ ﻋﻨــﻪ ﻳــﺴﻤﻊ ﺃﻭ ﻳﻘﺎﺑﻠــﻪ. ﺍﷲ ﺃﻭﻟﻴــﺎﺀ ﺷــﻚ ﺑــﺪﻭﻥ ﻫــﻢ ﻨﻴــ ﺑــ ﺎﷲ ﻭﺭﺳــﻮﻟﻪ ﲨﻴــﻊ ﻣــﻦ ﺃﻣــﻮﺭﻫﻢ ﻭﻟــﻦ ﻳﻘﻔــﻮﺍ ﻭﻟــﻦ ﺟﻬــﻮﺩﻫﻢ ﺣﺒــﻬﻢ ﻳﺘﻌــﺮﺝ ﻫــﻮ ﻭﺭﺃﻳﻬــﻢ ﺍﻟﺴﺪﻳﺪ ﺍﻟﺮﺃﻯ.

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The Litany of the Blessed

al-Wird al-Maymun


The Dīn Series

Zawiya Qadariya

Dedicated to our beloved shaykh whose love and

efforts illumine the heart of everyone who meets him

and of everyone who hears about him. Without

doubt the awliya of Allah stand alone with only Allah

and the Messenger of Allah as their guardians. They

never tire in their efforts nor waver in their love.

ــوب ــيخنا احملب ــذا إىل ش ــدم ه ــغ أق ــواعظ البلي الــور ــل ل املن ــب ك ــه قل ــسمع عن ــه أو ي . يقابل

ــاء اهللا و ــك أولي ــدون ش ــم ب ــغه ــوني اهللا ن بــوله ــعورس ــن مجي ــورهم م ــن أم ــوا يف ول يقف

ــن ــودهم ول ــهم جه ــرج حب ــويتع ــم ه ورأيه .الرأى السديد

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spiritual seeker of the Real, herein are the litanies (awrad) of the Tariqat al-Qadariyat al-Kamilah (the All Emcompassing, Complete Qadari Way) as the Sultan of the

Gnostics, the Crown of the People of the Dīn, our master and spiritual guide, Shaykh Muhammad Ahmad al-Mahi (may Allah sanctify his secret) ordered us to perform them.

The Wird Following Each Obligatory Prayer

or 200 times 25 بسم اهللا الرمحن الرحيم

or 200 times 25 استغفر اهللا العظيم

or 200 times 25 اللهم صلي على سيدنا حممد و آله و سلم

or 200 times 25 ال إله إال اهللا

or 200 times 25 اهللا

or 200 times 25 يا لطيف


The Lesser Daily Wird

The daily wird is recitation of the spiritual exercise (ratib) of ‘Abd al-Baqi ‘Umar Ahmad al-Mukashafi (may Allah cause us to benefit from his knowledge), recitation of a portion of the Qur’an that is easy to accomplish, and praying for our master and beloved, Muhammad (Allah bless him and grant him peace), according to what one is able to perform on a consistent basis. A little done consistently is better than a lot begun but not continued.



The Ratib of Shaykh al-Mukashafi

نا حممددي املرسلني سفرش على أ والسالمب العاملني والصالةر هللادماحل نفس م إليك بني يدي كل إين أقدم الله. عنيمجبه أح وصهوعلى آلحولمة ولحطظة وطرفة يرا أف هوكل وات وأهل األرضل السم

. هدم إليك بني يدي ذلك كل أق. أو قد كانن علمك كائشيء هو يف» اللهأم نتإال أي ال رب إله لنخ قتتين ورقزوأنا على ين وأت كبدنا عهعوو دكماع ٱ دكسطتأ. عتبوذع من ركش ا صم نعبوء ل، أ ت ك» تن أوب إالن الذرف يغ الهنإ لي ففرغيب فٱنذ بوءب وأعليك تمعبن . )مرات ٣(

Praised be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds; blessings and peace be upon the noblest of the messengers, our master Muhammad, and upon his family and all his companions. O Allah, I offer to You what I have, each breath, glance, moment, instant which are introduced by the host of the heavens and the host of the earth, and everything in Your knowledge which exists or existed. I offer to You all that I have. [O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no god but You; You created me and sustained me. I am Your servant and it is upon me to fulfill Your promise and Your contract according to what I am able. I seek refuge in You from any evil which I do. I recognize that Your blessings have come from You, and that my offences are my own. So forgive me, for surely no one forgives misdeeds except You. (3 times)]

» وب إليهت وأ هو احلي القيوم إالإله ذي ال الظيم العر اهللافغتسا « النيبدنا محمالونا ومدم وبارك على سيل وسم صلالله «. )مرات ٣(

» هد كمال وعالكمك لةهاي نما ال كهحابصأ وه وعلى آلالكامل . )مرات ٧(

[I ask forgiveness from Allah, the Great – there is no god but He, the Living, the Self-Subsisting – turning to Him for repentance. (3 times)] [O Allah, bless and grant peace and barakah upon our master and guardian, Muhammad, the perfect prophet, and upon his

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family and companions as there is no end to Your perfection and the enumeration of his perfection. (3 times)]

الرمحن الرحيم هللا رب العاملنياحلمد ﴿ الرمحن الرحيم اهللامسب الصراط املستقيمدنا ها إياك نعبد وإياك نستعني مالك يوم الدين

. ﴾ ين أنعمت عليهم غري املغضوب عليهم وال الضالنيصراط الذIn the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds The Beneficent, the Merciful Master of the Day of Judgment Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help Keep us on the right path The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors. Not (the path) of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray.

ريب فيه هدى ذلك الكتاب ال آمل ﴿بسم اهللا الرمحن الرحيم ة ومما رزقناهم الذين يؤمنون بالغيب ويقيمون الصال للمتقنيمبا أنزل إليك وما أنزل من قبلك وباألخرة هم والذين يؤمنون ينفقون

وقيئـول أ وننم وألكن رم دىاملفـ على ه مه ونئكلح ﴾ . In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate Alif Lam Mim This is the Book; in it is guidance sure without doubt, to those who guard (against evil) Who believe in the unseen, keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them And who believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed before you and they are sure of the Hereafter These are on a right course from their Lord and these it is that shall be successful. (2:1-5)

﴿ كم إلهواحوإله إالد حيم ال إلهن الرمحالر وإالال اهللا ﴿ . ﴾ ه إله ومالقي يالح والالهة وسن ذهأخا تم له موا في نمات واومفي الس

يديهم وما خلفهم بإذنه يعلم ما بين أ الذي يشفع عنده إالرض من ذااأله السماوات كرسي بما شاء وسعون بشيء من علمه إال يحيطوال

. ﴾ يئوده حفظهما وهو العلي العظيمواألرض وال


[And your God is one God! There is no god but He; the Beneficent, the Merciful. (2:163)] [Allah is He besides Whom there is no god, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot comprehend anything out of His knowledge except what He pleases; His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory). (2:255)]

رض وإن تبدوا ما في أنفسكم أو في السماوات وما في األما هللا ﴿به اهللات كماسبحي فوهاء خشي نلم فرغاهللا فياء وشي نم ذبعيلى كل وع

ء قديريه مءا شا أنزل إليول بمسالر نونممنؤالمه وبر كل ن نفرق بين أحد من رسله وقالوا كته وكتبه ورسله الئمن باهللا ومالءا

صريالم كإليا ونبر كانا غفرنأطعا ونمعال س كلفا إالاهللا يفسن ا أو تؤاخذنا إن نسينها ما اكتسبت ربنا الما كسبت وعليوسعها لها

ين من قبلنا ربنا تحمل علينا إصرا كما حملته على الذأخطأنا ربنا والنا أنت موال ا واغفر لنا وارحمنا طاقة لنا به واعف عنتحملنا ما ال وال

م الكافرينلى القوا عنرا ال ﴿. ﴾ فانصنبا رنتيدإذ ه دعا بنزغ قلوبت ابهالو تأن كة إنمحر كنلد ا منلن بهو ﴾ .

[Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is Allah’s; and whether you manifest what is in your selves or hide it, Allah will call you to account according to it; then He will forgive whom He pleases and chastise whom He pleases, and Allah has power over all things The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the believers; each one believes in Allah, His angels, His books and His messengers; We make no distinction between any of His messengers; and they say: We hear and obey, our Lord! Thy forgiveness (do we crave), and to Thee is the eventual course Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability; for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned, and upon it (the evil of) what is has wrought: Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake; Our Lord! Do not lay on us a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Do not impose upon us that which we have not the strength to bear; and pardon us and grant us protection and have mercy on us, Thou art our Patron, so help us against the unbelieving people. (2:284-286)] [Our Lord! Make not our hearts to deviate after

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Thou hast guided us aright, and grant us from Thee mercy; surely Thou art the most liberal Giver. (3:8)]

لعلم قائما بالقسط ال إله لوا ائكة وأو هو والمالشهد اهللا أنه ال إله إال ﴿ . ﴾ مسالإن الدين عند اهللا اإل هو العزيز الحكيمإال

Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, and (so do) the angels and those possessed of knowledge, maintaining His creation with justice; there is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise. (3:18-19)

قل اللهم مالك الملك تؤتي الملك من تشاء وتنزع الملك ممن تشاء ﴿ت نم عزتوء قديريلى كل شع كإن ريالخ دكاء بيشت نذل متاء وش

تولج الليل في النهار وتولج النهار في الليل وتخرج الحي من الميت ياء بغشت نم قزرتو يالح من تيالم رجختابور حس ﴾ .

Say: O Allah, Master of the Kingdom! Thou givest the kingdom to whomsoever Thou pleasest and takest away the kingdom from whomsoever Thou pleasest, and Thou exaltest whom Thou pleasest and abasest whom Thou pleasest; in Thine hand is the good; surely, Thou hast power over all things. (3:26-27)

وكيل وال حول وال م العنوبنا قني وأنت حسنا وأنت خري الرازرزقهم االلظيمقوالع لية إال باهللا الع .

O Allah, sustain us; You are the best of the providers; You are our sufficiency, the best of guardians; there is no strength nor power except by Allah, the High, the Great.

الرحمان الرحيمسم اهللاب

رض وجعل الظلمات والنور ثم ذي خلق السماوات واأل الالحمد هللا ﴿ طني ثم قضى أجالهو الذي خلقكم من م يعدلونالذين كفروا بربه


في السماوات وفي وهو اهللا وأجل مسمى عنده ثم أنتم تمترون . ﴾ رض يعلم سركم وجهركم ويعلم ما تكسبوناأل

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. All praise is due to Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light; yet those who disbelieve set up equals with their Lord He it is Who created you from clay, then He decreed a term; and there is a term named with Him; still you doubt And He is Allah in the heavens and in the earth; He knows your secret (thoughts) and your open (words), and He knows what you earn. (6:1-3)

ما عنتم حريص عليكم لقد جاءكم رسول من أنفسكم عزيز عليه ﴿حيمر ءوفر مننيؤإالفإن بالم بي اهللا ال إلهسا فقل حلووه تليع وه

تلوا وما تكون في شأن وما ت ﴿. ﴾ توكلت وهو رب العرش العظيمال تآن وقر من هل إالمنمع لون منمون فيه عفيضا إذ تودهش كمليا عكن كبر نع بزعا يمالواء ومال في السض وة في األرمثقال ذر أ من رغص الذي لم الحمد هللاوقل ﴿. ﴾ في كتاب مبنيمن ذلك وال أكبر إال

يتخذ ولدا ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل . ﴾ وكبره تكبريا

[Certainly a messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; to the believers (he is) compassionate, merciful But if they turn back, say: Allah is sufficient for me, there is no god but He; on Him do I rely, and He is the Lord of mighty power. (9:128-129)] [And you are not (engaged) in any affair, nor do you recite concerning it any portion of the Qur’an, nor do you do any work but We are witnesses over you when you absorb yourself completely into it; and there does not lie concealed from your Lord the weight of an atom in the earth or in the heaven, nor anything less than that nor greater, but it is in a clear book. (10:61)] [And say: (All) praise is due to Allah, Who has not taken a son and Who has not a partner in the kingdom, and Who has not a helper to save Him from disgrace; and proclaim His greatness magnifying (Him). (17:111)]

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لحمد في وله ا حني تمسون وحني تصبحونفسبحان اهللا ﴿يخرج الحي من الميت رض وعشيا وحني تظهرونالسماوات واألالم رجخيوالح من تي األيحيو ونيجرخت كذلكا وتهوم دعب ضر ﴾

. )مرات ٣(Therefore glory be to Allah when you enter upon the time of the evening and when you enter upon the time of the morning And to Him belongs praise in the heavens and the earth, and at nightfall and when you are at midday He brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living, and gives life to the earth after its death, and thus shall you be brought forth. (30:17-19) Recite 3 times.

﴿ كبان رحبصفونسا يمة عالعز بال رسولنيسرلى المع م ننا الذين سبقونا خواربنا اغفر لنا وإل ﴿. ﴾ رب العالمنيوالحمد هللا

ا غالل في قلوبنعجال تان وباإلميكا إننبوا رنآم للذين حيمر ءوفر ﴾ . )مرات ٣(

[Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honor, above what they describe And peace be on the messengers And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. (37:180-182)] [… Our Lord! Forgive us and those of our brethren who had precedence of us in faith, and do not allow any spite to remain in our hearts towards those who believe; our Lord! surely Thou art Kind, Merciful. (59:10) Recite 3 times.]

عا من خشية اهللامتصدلو أنزلنا هذا القرآن على جبل لرأيته خاشعا ﴿ الذي ال إله إالهو اهللا مثال نضربها للناس لعلهم يتفكرونوتلك األ

حيمان الرمحالر وة هادهالشب ويالغ المع وه وإاله اهللا الذي ال إله اله لكالم الوالس وسقداربالج زيزالع منيهالم منؤالم م ركبتالم


سماء البارئ المصور له األ الخالق هو اهللا عما يشركونسبحان اهللا حبسى ينساألالحات واوما في السم زلهالع وهض وركيمالح يز ﴾ .

Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, you would certainly have seen it falling down, splitting asunder because of the fear of Allah, and We set forth these parables to men that they may reflect He is Allah besides Whom there is no god; the Knower of the unseen and the seen; He is the Beneficent, the Merciful He is Allah besides Whom there is no god; the King, the Holy, the Giver of peace, the Granter of security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of every greatness; Glory be to Allah from what they set up (with Him) He is Allah the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner; His are the most excellent names; whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise. (59:21-24)


Surat al-Ikhlas and the Two Surahs That Seek Protection

لم يلد الصمداهللا أحدقل هو اهللا ﴿ الرحمان الرحيمسم اهللابولدي لمو دا أحكفو له كني لمو ﴾ .

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Say: He, Allah, is One Allah is He on whom all depend He begets not, nor is He begotten And none is like Him.

من شر ما خلق قل أعوذ برب الفلق ﴿ الرحمان الرحيمبسم اهللاقبغاسق إذا و رش منم وقدوفاثات في العالن رش ن رش منو

دساسد إذا حح ﴾ . In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn from the evil of what He has created and from the evil of the utterly dark night when it comes and from the evil of those who blow on knots and from the evil of the envious when he envies.

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إلـه ملك الناس قل أعوذ برب الناس ﴿ الرحمان الرحيم سم اهللا ب الذي يوسوس في صدور الناس من شر الوسواس الخناس الناس

. ﴾ من الجنة والناسIn the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of men

the King of men, the God of men from the evil of the whisperings of the slinking (Shaytan) who whispers into the hearts of men from among the jinn and the men.

وإليك وتم نكيا وبح نكنا وبيسم أكنا وبحبص أك بمهالل « . )مرات ٣ (» النشور

O Allah, with You we enter upon the morning and the evening, we live and die, and to You we are gathered (at the resurrection). (3 times)

الكدح وكنم فكقل خن مدحأ بو أةم نعن يب محبص ما أمهالل «رشليك ل فكاحلك ولم دكمرات ٣ (» رك الش( .

O Allah, neither I nor anyone rises in the morning with any provision from Your creation; it is from You alone, without partner; so to You belongs the praise and to You the thanks. (3 times)

شك عرةلمد حه وأشدكهأش) تيسم أوأ (تحبصي أ إنمهالل «كئالومتكو جمعقل خإك نأك اهللان ل إ التأال إه نو تحدالك ر شيك . )مرات ٤(» كولسر وكدبدا عمح منأك ول

O Allah, surely I enter upon the morning (or, evening) witnessing You and witnessing the carriers of Your throne, Your angels and all of Your creation; surely You, You are Allah, there is no god but You, alone without partner; and surely, Muhammad is Your servant and Your messenger. (4 times)


لسوالك زج العن مك بوذع وأنز واحلم اهلن مك بوذعي أن إمهالل «» جال الرره وقين الدةبلن غ مك بوذع وأل والبخن اجلبن مك بوذعوأ . )مرات ٣(

O Allah, I seek refuge with You from worry and sadness; I seek refuge with You from impotence and sloth; I seek refuge with You from cowardice and niggardliness; and I seek refuge with You from taking the dīn lightly and troubling other people. (3 times)

و أمل أظو ألمظ أو أ أزلو أزل أو أ أضلو أضل أن أك بوذع أمهالل « . )مرات ٣ (» يل عله يجو ألهجأ

O Allah, I seek refuge with You from leading astray or being led astray, from causing others to stumble or being made to stumble, from oppressing or being oppressed, from leading to ignorance or being led to ignorance. (3 times)

ه مسق تري خليبا يف كصا ونظ حكدن عكباد عمظع أني منلعجٱ مهالل « رزقوها أشرن تةمح رو أهي بهد تور نن مهدع وفيما بموييف هذا ال

تبطسأه وض رفشك تأه ذو بنت فغرأه شو ةدت فدأناع فو تةنت ها أفرصو ربنا مهالل «. » دير قءي شل على ككن إكتمحر ا بنم تمعافات

. )مرات ٣(» النارذابنا عقة ونس حةرخة ويف األنسنا يف الدنيا حتءا[O Allah, place me among the greatest of Your servants with You (who have) a share and a portion in every goodness that You destine this day and after it of a light by which You guide, or of a mercy that You spread, or of a provision that you extend, or of a potential harm that You reveal (before it can harm), or of a sin that You forgive, or of an affliction that You repel from us, or of fitna that You avert, or of the dispensations that You confer by Your mercy, surely You are able to do all things.] [O Allah, Our Lord, give us in this world goodness and in the next world goodness and save us from the punishment of the Fire. (3 times)]

» يلمن عي مدنى عجر أتكمحي وروبن ذن معسو أتكرفغ ممهالل « . )مرات ٣(

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O Allah, Your forgiveness encompasses my sins and I place more hope in Your mercy than in my action. (3 times)

٣ (﴾ دانا اهللا هن أ الو ليدتهنلا ذا وما كنهدانا لي هذ الد هللاماحل ﴿ تنال أ إهل إ الن أدهش أكدمح وبمه اللكسبحان «. )مرات ٧أو لت سوء وظلمت نفسي وٱعترفت بذنيب عميكل إوبترك وأفغتسأ . ) مرات٣(» ت إال أنوبن الذرفغ ال يهن يل فإرفغفٱ

[All praise is due to Allah Who guided us to this, and we would not have found the way had it not been that Allah had guided us (7:43). (3 times)] [Glory be to You, O Allah, and with Your praise I witness that there is no god but You; I turn to You asking for Your forgiveness; I have done evil and wronged myself; I confess my sin, so forgive me, surely no one but You forgives sins. (3 times)]


What Is to Be Recited Seven Times

الرحمان رب العالمنيالحمد هللا ﴿ الرحمان الرحيمسم اهللاباهدنا الصراط إياك نعبد وإياك نستعني مالك يوم الدين الرحيمقيمتسالم غي همليع تمعأن اط الذينالر اصرو همليوب عضغلم النيمرات ٧(﴾ الض( .

Recite al-Fatiha 7 times.

إله ملك الناس قل أعوذ برب الناس ﴿ الرحمان الرحيم سم اهللا ب الناس الذي يوسوس في صدور من شر الوسواس الخناس الناساسمنالنة ومرات ٧(﴾ الجن( .

Recite al-Nās 7 times.


من شر ما خلق قل أعوذ برب الفلق ﴿ الرحمان الرحيم سم اهللا ب قبغاسق إذا و رش منقد وفاثات في العالن رش منو منو ـرش

دساسد إذا حمرات ٧ (﴾ ح( . Recite al-Falaq 7 times.

لم يلـد الصمد اهللا أحد قل هو اهللا ﴿ الرحمان الرحيم سم اهللا بولدي لمو دا أحكفو له كني لممرات ٧ (﴾ و( .

Recite al-Ikhlāş 7 times.

أعبـد مـا ال قل ياأيهـا الكـافرون ﴿ الرحمان الرحيم اهللا سمب وال أنا عابد ما عبـدتم وال أنتم عابدون ما أعبد وال تعبدون

دبا أعون مابدع متدين أن ليو كمدين مرات ٧(﴾ لكم( . Say: O unbelievers! I do not serve that which you serve Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve Nor am I going to serve that which you serve Nor are you going to serve Him Whom I serve You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion. (Surah 109) Recite 7 times.

ي نوم له ما ف تأخذه سنة وال هو الحي القيوم ال إله إال الاهللا ﴿ بإذنه يعلم ما بين الذي يشفع عنده إالرض من ذاالسماوات وما في األ

بما شاء وسع ون بشيء من علمه إال يحيطم واليديهم وما خلفهأ﴾ يئوده حفظهما وهو العلي العظيميه السماوات واألرض والكرس

. )مرات ٧(Recite Ayat al-Qursi 7 times.

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» بواحل اهللاحانس مل إ وال هللادك أ واهللا اهللاال إهبوالر ح ق واللو ال إةو . ) مرات٧(» ظيم العيل العباهللا

Glory be to Allah, all praise belongs to Allah, there is no god but Allah, Allah is great, no power or strength except by Allah, the Exalted, the Great. (7 times)

ت على يل كما صنا حممد سيد وعلى آلدمنا محدي على س صلمهالل « وعلى آلنا حممد وبارك على سيدنا إبراهيم سيد وعلى آلنا إبراهيمسيد يف نا إبراهيم سيد وعلى آلنا إبراهيم كما باركت على سيدنا حممدسيد

العاملنيجميد إن مرات٧ (» ك محيد ( . O Allah, bestow prayers upon our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You bestowed prayers upon our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim; and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You blessed our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim in the worlds, surely You are Most Praiseworthy and Glorious. (7 times)

» ماغالله فروللم ييل ولوالد ملسواملني لسواملمات مؤواملنني مؤنات . ) مرات٧(» واتم واألمهن مياءحاأل

O Allah, forgive me and my parents and the Muslims men and women and the believers men and women, the living and the dead. (7 times)

» ماف اللهم عاجعال وآجل يب ونيا واألخرةينال يف الدما أ والد نله ت إنك غفور حليم جواد كرمي له بنا موالنا ما حنن له ألعف وال تلهأ

رحيم مرات٧(» رءوف ( . O Allah, do with me and with them, now and in the future, in matters of religion, this world, and the next world what is deserving of You; don’t do with us, our Master, what is deserving of us; surely, You are the Forgiving, the Forbearing, the Most Giving, the Most Generous, the Compassionate, the Merciful. (7 times)


» مناصر الله قبواخلاتم لما س دنا حممد الفاتح لما أغلقيصل على س املباحلق احلق واهلادي إىل صراطكسقدره ومقداره وعلى آله قيمت قح . ) مرات٧(» العظيم

O Allah bestow upon our master Muhammad—the opener of what had been closed, the seal of what had been revealed before, the helper to the Truth by the Truth, the guide to Your straight path—and upon his family, blessings befitting his vast worth. (7 times)

» موال اللهميع األهجينا بها من جنالة تدنا حممد صيل على سص وتقضي لنا ا مجيع احلاجات وتطهرنا ا من مجيع السيئات واآلفات

وترفعنا ا أعلى الدرجات وتبلغنا ا أقصى الغايات من مجيع اخلريات . ) مرات٧(» ياة وبعد املماتيف احل

O Allah send prayers upon our master Muhammad that will deliver us from every terror and ruin, provide us every need, cleanse us from every evil, raise us to the highest ranks, and cause us to reach the utmost goal of every goodness in life and after death. (7 times)


» ملاللهدنا حممد صيعلى س لييب النصنا أن نترل على كما أمعليه وص النيب عليه وصل على سيدنا حممدغي أن يصلى كما ينب النيبسيدنا حممد

عليه بعدد من مل يصل النيب عليه وصل على سيدنا حممدبعدد من صلى عليه وعلى آله كما تحب أن يصلى النيبنا حممدوصل على سيد

ليما مثلوصست لمبه وسمرات١٠(» ذلكح ( . O Allah send prayers upon our master Muhammad, the Prophet, just as You have ordered us to prayer upon him; and send prayers upon our master Muhammad, the Prophet, just as he should be sent prayers; and send prayers upon our master Muhammad, the Prophet, as great

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in number as those who send prayers upon him; and send prayers upon our master Muhammad, the Prophet, as great in number as those who don’t send prayers upon him; and send prayers upon our master Muhammad, the Prophet, just as You love that he be sent prayers upon him, and likewise bless his family, his companions, and grant him and them abundant peace in like measure! (10 times)

السابق للخلق نوره ورحمة للعالمني على سيدنا حممدهم صلالل «هظهور دع ،دم ى مضن مقين بوم لقكن خوم ن عسمد نهموم ن

قشيسالة تص الع رقغتحيطدالة ال وتص ه غاية هلا وال باحلدتنى وال م تسليما مثلم وعلى آله وصحبه وسل صالة دائمة بدوامكءضاانق . ) مرات١٠(» ذلك

O Allah, let the blessings upon our master Muhammad, whose light precedes all creation, whose appearance is a mercy to the worlds, be as great in number as those of Your creation who have passed away and as those who remain, as those of Your creation who are fortunate and as those who are not, blessings that exceed all enumeration and that encompass all limits, blessings with no utmost limit, boundless and ceaseless, blessings that are eternal, as long as Your duration, and likewise bless his family, his companions, and grant him and them abundant peace in like measure! (10 times)


Allah’s Most Beautiful Names

ألكإين أس مالله يا ر نمحيا اهللا يا ريا سحيم يا قدوس لكيا ال يا م م يا خالق كبرتيا م اربيا ج زيزيا ع يمنهيا م منؤيا م ورصيا م يا باري

غفار يا قهار يا وهاب يا رزاق يا فتاح يا عليم يا قابض يا باسط يا يا رافع يا خافضذل يا سيا م عزل يا مديا ع كميا ح صرييا ب ميع

لطيف يا خبري يا حكيم يا عظيم يا غفور يا شكور يا علي يا كبري يا


يا واسع جيبيا م قيبيا ر ليل يا كرمييا ج سيبغيث يا حفيظ يا مح وكيل يا قوي يا يا حكيم يا ودود يا مجيد يا باعث يا شهيد يا حق يا

حميد يا محصي يا مبدئ يا معيد يا محيي يا مميت يا متني يا ولي يار يا مقتدر حد يا أحد يا صمد يا قادواجد يا ماجد يا وا حي يا قيوم يا

اطن يا وايل يا متعايل يا بر يا مقدم يا مؤخر يا أول يا آخر يا ظاهر يا بيا تواب يا منتقم يا عفو يا رؤوف يا مالك امللك يا ذو اجلالل واإلكرام

مانع يا ضار يا نافع يا نور يا هادي يايا مقسط يا جامع يا غني يا مغين …صبوريا بديع يا باقي يا وارث يا رشيد يا

O Allah, surely I ask You, O Allah, O Merciful, O Compassionate, O King, O Holy, O Peace, O Guardian of the Faith, O Protector, O Mighty, O Compeller, O Majestic, O Creator, O Inventor, O Designer, O Forgiver, O Subduer, O Bestower, O Provider, O Opener, O Knower, O Straitener, O Expander, O Abaser, O Exalter, O Honorer, O Dishonorer, O All-Hearing, O All-Seeing, O Judge, O Just, O Subtle, O Aware, O Forbearer, O Magnificent, O Forgiving, O Benefactor, O High, O Greatest, O Preserver, O Nourisher, O Reckoner, O Glorious, O Generous, O Observer, O Responsive, O All-Emcompassing, O Wise, O Loving, O Majestic, O Resurrector, O Witness, O Truth, O Provident, O Strong, O Firm, O Protecting Friend, O Calculator, O Originator, O Renewer, O Life-Giver, O Giver of Death, O Living, O Self-Existing, O Present, O Most Glorious, O Unique, O Eternal, O Able, O All-Powerful, O Expediter, O Delayer, O First, O Last, O Manifest, O Hidden, O Governor, O Supreme, O Good, O Acceptor of Repentance, O Avenger, O Pardoner, O Gentle, O Eternal Sovereign, O Lord of Glory and Nobility, O Equitable, O Gatherer, O Self-Sufficient, O Enricher, O Giver, O Withholder, O Distresser, O Favorer, O Light, O Guide, O Originator, O Everlasting, O Inheritor, O Guide to the Right Path, O Patient …

. الذي ليس كمثله شيء وهو السميع البصريHe like Whom there is nothing and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.


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The Seal and the Du’a

هأن لمإال اهللا [فاع مرة١٠٠(آل إله ( . [ Know that [There is no god but Allah. (100 times)]

له ريكال ش هدحإال اهللا و ي آل إلهحي داحلم وله امللك له ، . ) مرة١٠(ويميت وهو على كل شيء قدير

There is no god but Allah, alone without partner; to Him belongs the Kingdom and to Him the praise; He brings to life and causes death; and He is able to do all things. (10 times)

. ) مرة١٠٠(آل إله إال اهللا امللك احلق املبني There is no god but Allah, the King, the Manifest Truth. (100 times)

. ) مرة١٠٠(سبحان اهللا العظيم وبحمده Glorify Allah, the Great, with His praise. (100 times)

شه ومدادرة عفسه وزينلقه ورضاء نخ ددده عمحان اهللا وبحبس . ) مرة١٠(كلماته

Glorify Allah with His praise in number as great as His created beings, in pleasure as great as Himself, in weight as great as His throne, and in ink as great as His words. (10 times)

. ) مرة١٠٠(ال حول وال قوة إال باهللا العلي العظيم There is no power nor strength except by Allah, the High, the Great. (100 times)

. ) مرة١٠٠( اهللا توكلنا حسبنا اهللا ونعم الوكيل وعلىAllah is enough for us and the best Guardian; in Allah do we place our trust. (100 times)

لمبه وسحيدنا حممد وعلى آله وصل على سص مالله . )مرة ١٠٠(

O Allah, send prayers upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions and grant them peace. (100 times)


. ) مرة١٠٠(جل اهللا تعاىل اهللا Magnify Allah, Exalt Allah. (100 times)

وميا قي يمرة١٠٠(يا ح ( . O Living, O Self-Subsisting. (100 times)

The Du‘a Arranged as a Poem According to the Alphabet

O Allah, I ask you by the alif of Your ulūhiya (divine power) تك يوهلف ألك بألهم إين أسأالل

To accept our du‘a, O Possessor of Majesty and Highness ذا املجد والعال أن تقبل دعانا يا

And by the bā’ You created the creation by providing us with نا حبقوبباء بدئك للخلق أن ترزقthe Truth

,Of Your Chosen One (Mustafa) the best of the Messengers مصطفاك خري املرسلني الكمال the Perfect Ones

يا تواب وبتكأء تب علينا وأمنحناوبتت And by the tā’ of your tawba, O Tawwab turn to us to forgive us and give us

نوي تك الترأسرارا الع الق Secrets by which you illuminate the people of intellect

نا على وبالثاء ثبت أقدام And by tha’, thābit (make firm) our footsteps on

راط يف يوم الزلزال الص The Sirat on the day of the earthquake (on the final day)

And by the Jīm of Your jamāl (beauty), beautify us in speech وجبيم مجالك مجلنا لفظا وحسا ومعىنin sensory and meaning

Our offspring, and Our tongues with Your dhikr, jubilant هلال ك ترنتنا بذكتنا وألسنأج

And by Hā’, O Halīm (Forbearing), protect us from falling into حليم أمحنا من الوقوع يف وباحلاء يا

The abyss of the lower self and unpleasant desires فس واألماين املخذال نهاوية األ

And by Khā’, O Khābiđ (Abaser), prevent my eyes from وباخلاء يا خافض أغضض مقليت looking at

The forbidden and everything worthless عن احملارم واألمور الباطال

And by Dāl, O Dā’im (Always), grant us success in دائما وفقنا على وبالدال يا

Your dhikr whether in private or in company ذكرك يف اخلالء ويف املالء

,And by Dhāl, O Dhā al-Izzah (Possessor of Honor and Glory) ذا العزة أعزز وأكرم وبالذال ياhonor and be generous to

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Our spirit so that it may perform the nawāfil وافال تقوم بنروحنا ل

وبوبراء ربتيك يا روف هب لناؤ And by the Rā’ of Your rubūbiyyah (lordship), O Merciful, give us

Mercy for Your creation and goodness رأفة لخلقك وحسن تجمال

And by the Zā’ of ziyāda (increase) for the people of Your وبزاء زيادة أهل فيضك فض عليناoverflowing, flood us

From their [spiritual] openings so that we may join them ال هم لنا أوصكليف سمن نفحاتهم و

And by the Sīn of Your sanā’ (exaltedness), exalt ائك إجعل لنا سنا يف وبسني سن

Our hearts so they become like suns, clear and bright ل شمس تجتال نا كمثلوبق

,And by the Shīn of Your shukr (thankfulness), O Appreciative شني شكرك يا شكور إجعل لنا وبmake us

,Thankful so that by it we may thank you, O Allah, always دائما مكمالشكرا نشكرك به يا اهللا completely

And by the Şād of Your şidq (sincerity), O Truthful, make our ك يا صادق إجعل لنا وبصاد صدق

Footsteps sincere in secrets most precious قدم صدق يف السرات الفضال

,And by Đād, O Đarr (Distresser), harm our enemies: the nafs عدونا هي النفس ضار ضر وبضاد يا

The dunya, Iblīs, and destructive desires القاتال والدنيا وإبليس واهلوى

And by the Ţa’ of Your might, O Dhū al-Ţawl (Possessor of ذا الطول طيب وبطاء طولك ياMight) make good

Our changes and our destinies, in the end and in the متقلبنا ومثوانا آخرا وأوال beginning

And by Żā’, give us żal (shade) on the day when there is no ظل فيه إال وبالظاء ظلنا يف يوم الshade except

Your shade when the affair becomes very difficult ظلك إذا األمر أعضال

And by ‘Ayn, O ‘Alīm (All-knowing), teach us useful عليم علمنا علما نافعا مقارنا وبالعني ياknowledge relating

To the fear [of You] while our tears flow for love of You للخشية وأدماعنا على حبك سائال

And by Ghayn, O Ghani (One Who Has No Need) of other واك غين عن من س وبالغني ياthan Youself

Make satisfaction our greatest dwelling زال ـننا القناعة أعظم مل لوأجع

And by Fa’, give us fanā (obliteration) in You and cause us to وبالفاء أفين رسمنا فيك وأذقنا حالوة taste the sweetness

Of Your closeness which has no likeness أنسك الذي حال ليس له أمثال

,And by Qāf, we follow the traditions of Your messengerصلى ثر رسولك محمدوبالقاف نقتفي أMuhammad, Allah bless


Him and grant him peace, his accurate straight method ومي األعدال ق عليه وسلم وجه الاهللا

And by Kāf, O Kāfī (Sufficient), make us sufficient in من أمهنا كايف أكفنا ما وبالكاف يا

Our affairs, in secret and openly, and hoped for أمورنا سرا وجهرا ومأمال

,And by the Lām of Your kindness, O Laţīf (Subtle and Kind)لطيف أجد لنا كل خري وبالم لطفك ياfind for us all good

And keep away from us stinginess, bad desires, and trials الء هواء والبوأصرف عنا الشح واأل

And by Mīm, O Manān (Generous), be generous to us by منان من علينا جبذبة رمحانية اوبامليم يmerciful attraction

بها وجودك يان ال شهدذا الع By which we witness Your existence, O Possessor of Loftiness

And by Nūn, O Nūr (Light), illuminate our innards ر أحشاءنا نور نو وبالنون يا

And remove from us the sins that weigh heavy ثقال وحط عنا األوزار امل

And by Ha’, O Hādī (Guide), guide the one who has shown us هادي أهدي من عادانا اء ياوباهلenimity

Pardon him for what he has said behind our backs whether قوال فينا وتمنأغتاب و وأغفر له ما true or false

And by the Lām of alif, give us company among وبالم ألف إجعل لنا إلفة يف

The most exalted host until the day we depart نرحال األعلى إىل يوماملأل

And by the Ya’ of Your calling to Your special ones يتك دائك ألهل خصوصوبياء ن

Show us at every moment in wakefulness or sleep إجعل لنا يف كل يقظة وحلظة ونومة

محمد صلى اهللا عليه وسلم نقابالوأرنا وجه نبيكThe face of Your Prophet, Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, for it is a true meeting

The End of the Ratib by the Praise of Allah


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The Prayer of Glorifications

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, gave this prayer (şalat) to his uncle, ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him. It begins by saying:

وتعاىل جد كماس كباروت دكموبح مالله كبحانس وت قكدست كاؤأمس كغري وال إله .

“Glory be to You, O Allah, by Your praise; Your name is made blessed, Your work is exalted, Your names are made holy; and there is no god other than You.”

Each raka‘ah in this prayer contains 75 al-baqiyāt al-salihāt which is the following:

حول و ال قوة إال مد هللا وال إله إال اهللا واهللا أكرب والسبحان اهللا واحل . باهللا العلي العظيم

“Glory be to Allah; the praise belongs to Allah; there is no god but Allah; Allah is great; there is no power nor strength except by Allah, the High, the Great.”

The prayer is performed in various ways, but Ibn al-Mubarak in The Enlivening of the Sciences of the Religion (Ihya ‘Ulum al-Dīn) preferred it to be performed in the following manner. It contains four raka‘at and the mentioning of the dhikr, al-baqiyāt al-salihāt, 300 times. After the opening takbīr say while standing al-baqiyāt al-salihāt 15 times, then the Fatihah and a surah, then al-baqiyāt al-salihāt 10 times again. Next, bow in ruku‘ and say al-baqiyāt al-salihāt 10 times. Then stand and say it 10 times. Next, go into the first sajdah and say it 10 times. Then sit up and say it 10 times. Finally, in the second sajdah say it 10 times. In each raka‘ah do the same. After finishing the salat, make a du‘a using the following hadith:

اللهم إني أسألك توفيق أهل اهلدى وأعمال أهل اليقني « بلة وطيش اخلله أد الصرب وجله أمزهل التوبة وعومناصحة أ

، اللهم إين ملع وعرفان أهل العرد أهل الوبعوتأهل الرغبة أسألك خمافة تحجا عن معاصيك حىت أينز ععمال ل بطاعتكم

ك يف التوبة خوفا منك وحىت استحق به رضاك وحىت أناصح


خالق األمور كلها حسن ظن بك سبحانأتوكل عليك يف . » النور

“O Allah, I ask You for the success of the people of guidance, the actions of the people of yaqīn (certainty), the sincere counsel of the people of tawbah (turning in repentance), the resolve of the people of sabr (patience), the earnestness of the people of fear, the entreaty of the people of longing, the worship of the people of scrupulousness, the gnosis of the people of knowledge; O Allah, I ask You for a fear that will keep me from disobediences to You until I act in obedience to You worthy of Your pleasure, until I am sincere in my intentions towards You in tawbah in fear of You, until I place my trust in You in all affairs, in good opinion of You, glory be to the creator of light.”

This du‘a raises anyone who performs it to the maqam (rank) of those gathered with Allah, the Exalted. The virtues of salat al-tasābīh (the Prayer of Glorifications) are more than can be counted. The righteous make it part of their spiritual exercises. Whoever does it, even if only once in his lifetime, will enter the Garden of Paradise without reckoning. You can perform it at night or in the day, at any time, and it will be accepted as a nafilah (supererogatory work of worship). However, the best time is before daybreak, especially on Friday, and particularly in the month of Ramadan.


Magnify His Greatness The Silsilah of the Tariqah

by Shaykh al-Mukashafi

جل جالله ال له شريك وال له مثال اهللاMagnify His Greatness, He has no partner and He has no likeness

ماهى جبالسداحي األرض أرس ناهاله بندس يفوق يف مجبت كسى له كالسأنزل قطر الن أرسل رسله بصدق أقوال ال له وجوب عليه محال أبدأ آدم من صلصال عاش يف الدنيا نشر أنساله

He raised the Heavens, flattened the Earth, and fixed it by the mountains He caused to descend raindrops to grow green plants more beautiful than green silk brocade. He began with Adam created from clay, who lived in this Dunya, and from whom all mankind spread. He sent His Messengers with His true word, without compulsion

مثال اهللاجل جالله ال لهريك وش ال له شرعه الباقي فقط ال يزال ليوم احلشر والزلزال ختم الرسل باإلكمال باملختار املايف مثال

الفاروق الدين رفاه عثمان تايل السبع بفاه قل يا فمي فوق خلفاءه الصديق حنيف يف وفاهHe sealed the Messengers with His perfection, by the Chosen One, for whom no one can be likened Only His Shari‘ah remains until the Day of the Earthquake and Gathering.

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O my tongue, you must speak about the Khulafah beginning with al-Siddiq, the genuinely loyal; Al-Farruq, decisive in the message; ‘Uthman, whose tongue recited the seven readings; and

جل جالله ال له شريك وال له مثال اهللا رحمه سنني يشري لشأنه به الدين تعظم شأنه كرار املعظم شأنه بناء الكفر هدم حيشانه

نشره طيبنا يفوح كاليح ونشرةيرد احلق علينا بأصحابه الكرام العشرة نلقى م حسني البشرىAli, the tenacious warrior, with the greatest status, destroying buildings and armies of kufr His sharp lance reflecting the greatness of his position, by him the Dīn became great. And about his noble ten companions who received the good tidings, along with whom we also get the good news We receive the Truth, which we must spread, from us its scent filling the air like ??

جل جالله ال له شريك وال له مثال اهللا د يف القرب أبا حنيفة نذوق الشرببإبن حنبل نزي مبالك حنمد ريب بالشافعي اللينا مريب

عن اهللا عز وجل عن جربيل فهو وحي اهللا عرج فاهي بالسلسة األسانيد من غري علةWith Malik we thank Allah, with Shafi’i, we are raised up With Ibn Hanbal we get closer to Allah, and with Abu Hanifa we taste the drink. O my tongue, turn to the faultless chain From Allah, Mighty and Majestic, to Jibril, through whom came Allah’s revelation.

جل جالله ال له شريك وال له مثال اهللا ع اجلاهإىل احلسني ألهام يف اهللا زين العابدين رفي لقن ملختار اهللا عنه علي أسد اهللا

إىل الباقر وسيع الدروس إىل بصرينا مدير الكؤس إىل الكاظم أستاذنا موسى صادقنا ذاك رئيس الرؤساHe passed it to Allah’s Chosen One, through him to ‘Ali, the Lion of Allah To al-Husain, the enraptured with Allah, to Zayn al-‘Abidin, the one with the high status. To al-Kathim, our teacher Musa, our Sadiq, the one who is foremost of the chiefs, To al-Baqr, possessing vast lessons, to our (Hasan) al-Basri, who passed the glasses around.

جل جالله ال له شريك وال له مثال اهللايدا ذاكر القيومإىل الكرخنالقوم ج يروس ي يا قيوم يتموم شراب القوم يا حم يا ريب أروم م

يا طرطوس بالنور جلينا بأيب احلسن القرشي علينا يا عجمينا ويا شبلينا يا متيم التفتوا عليناTo al-Karkhi and al-Junayd, the distinguished among people spending the night in dhikr

O Lord, O Ever-Living O Self-Subsisting, by all of them, I wish to have the complete drink of the People,

O our Ajami, O our Shibli, O Tamim, look at us O Tartus, purify us with light, Abu al-Hasan al-Qurashi, our ‘Ali.

ه شريك وال له مثال اهللاجل جالله ال ل يا اخلليفة نروم أسرارك حممد الكرم صار كارك باملخزوم دوام نتبارك اجليلي البريق أنوارك عالء الدين الذاكر املفرد كمال الدين بالليل يتسجد يا أمحد ويا حممد ألفوا الفي خطاه تعمد

With al-Makhzum we always get barakah, al-Jayli, your lights are shining O al-Khalifah, we want to know your secrets, Muhammad, all generosity is your business. O Ahmad, O Muhammad, rescue the one whose footsteps falter ‘Ala al-Din, the Dhākr, the unique, Kamal al-Din, making sujūd during the night.


جل جالله ال له شريك وال له مثال اهللا أحمدهم فذاك األشهر كالطود حممد أظهر جالل الدين مع سيدي أصغر أكرب أكمل قدرهم أفخر كم أرشد ملريدا حائر يف امللكوت رأى شيئا باهر مجال الدين الصائم وذاكر سهر الطرف يف الليل الغابر

Jalal al-Din, with my master, Asghar, Akbar, Akmal, I am proud of the status Their Ahmad, the most famous among them, like a high mountain, Muhammad Athhar. Jamal al-Din, the şa’im and dhākir, he spent the night without sleep

How often he directed the confused murid, who saw something wonderful and amazing in the malakut.

جل جالله ال له شريك وال له مثال اهللا من اهللا حمروس بالعون يعطي احلرف الكاف والنون اري ر بنوره الكون جاب بالذبح طريق الصون ن عنه الشيخ دفع اهللا سرت أسراره يف اجلد أب شلهتلق حبيب اهللا مع عبد اهللا إىل أبو إدريس أويت سر اهللا

Buhari, whose light blinded the world, with slaughtering he took the road to faultlessness With Allah’s aid he is protected, he gives both letters Kāf and Nūn. Habib Allah, with ‘Abdullah, to Abu Idris, who was given Allah’s secret

From whom Shaykh Daf’ Allah, Abu Shilla, whose secrets spread in serious situations, got his lessons.

جل جالله ال له شريك وال له مثال اهللا للوز مكاشفي ظفر مبقام احلوزبسر اهللا فذاق ا ورث لمقامه إبن العجوز أعطى النيل ملك لكنوز قبض األمر بالتأكيد وكل واحد يف مكانه رشيد حظي مبقام عوض اجليد إىل ود ريا الباقي فريد

Ibn al-‘Ajuz who inherited his maqam gave al-Nayyal, the king of Kunuz Allah’s secrets, so he tasted the sweetness of almonds, Mukashafi has now achieved his desire He is fortunate to get the maqam of Awad al-Jeed to the status of Wad Rayya, the unique He certainly held the matter (al-maqam); everyone in his position is wise.

جل جالله ال له شريك وال له مثال اهللا ا املكاشفي ينيل إمداد واإلسالم يف كل بالد إهلي بغري اعداد على املختار وصحبه أسياديصل يا

O Allah, uncountable blessings upon al-Mukhtar and his companions, who are my masters With these blessings al-Mukashafi always gets help while Islam spreads in every country.

جل جالله ال له شريك وال له مثال اهللا


احلمد هللا رب العاملني أوال وأخرا وظاهرا وباطنا وصلى اهللا على سيدنا وحبيبنا حممد النيب األمي وعلى آله الطيبني الطاهرين وسلم تسليما

. كثريا

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The praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, first and last, outward and inward. May Allah grant blessings and abundant peace upon our master and beloved Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and upon his family, the good, the pure.

وباهللا التوفيقThrough Allah is success.

مت حبمد اهللاWe finish with the praise of Allah

ه١٤٢٦يف شهر رمضان املبارك In the blessed month of Ramadan in the year 1426 after the hijrah.