alhambra 2, spain (西班牙 阿爾汗布拉宮 2)

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2 (Alhambra 2, Spain)

Alhambra 2Granada 2changcy0326 Auto page forward

Alhambra ticket office and exit gate

1 Alhambra Slideshow is divided into two partsAlhambra 1 : Palace of Charles V and GeneralifeAlhambra 2 : Palacio Real (Nasrid Palaces) 2 ()Ticket office and exit gate

Palace of Charles VGeneralifePalacio Real (Nasrid Palaces) ()

Photo from wwwGate of Justice The Alcazaba15 minutes15

Walk from the exit door to the entrance of the Alhambra "gate of justice" , take about 15 minutes. 15

'Gate of Justice' is the entrance of Alhambra

Patio de los ArrayanesPalacio de Comares ()Salon de EmbajadoresPatio delos LeonesThe Palace of Charles VMexuar The AlcazabaPuerta del Vino ()Gate of Justice Plaza de los AljibesThe path with many twists and turns get into the palace , the main purpose of the design is to slow down the speed of the intruder.

Plaza de los AljibesThe Alcazaba

Palace of Charles V in the Alhambra

Puerta del Vino ()

Palacio de Machuca

Palace building materials samples

Palacio Real (Nasrid Palaces) Complex of palaces, the residence of the kings of Granada. Its construction was started by the founder of the dynasty, Al-Ahmar, in the thirteenth century, although the buildings that have survived to our time date mainly from the fourteenth century.

The walls of these palaces enclose the refinement and the delicateness of the last Hispano-Arab governors of Al Andalus, the Nasrids.

Three palaces form these premises: The Mexuar [Executive Office]The Comares, or Yusuf I Palace [Reception halls] Tower of Comares (Torre de Comares) Hall of the Ambassadors (Saln de los Embajadores) Court of the Myrtles (Patio de los Arrayanes)The Palace of the Lions, or of Mohammed V [Harem] Hall of the Two Sisters (Sala de las Dos Hermanas) [North} Hall of the Kings (Sala de los Reyes) [East] Hall of the Abencerrajes (Sala de los Abencerrajes) [South] The Court of the Lions (Patio de los Leones) [Center]

Mexuar The ComaresI Palace Palace of the Lions Garden of Lindajar and later habitation of the Emperor Lindajar Court of the MyrtlesPatio de los LeonesTower of ComaresHall of the AmbassadorsThe ComaresI Palace Palace of the Lions Garden of Lindajar Sala de Dos HermanasSala de los ReyesSala de los AbencerrajesMexuar




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Alhambra 2 : Palacio Real (Nasrid Palaces) 2 ()

Palace of the Partal Photo from wwwAlhambra sectional view

Mexuar entrance

The Mexuar hall is the oldest part of the royal palaces, where the council met within the square formed by the four columns to decide upon important judicial matters. At the door there is a tile which reads Enter and ask. Do not be afraid to seek justice for here you will find it. Some people consider this hall the ugliest room in the entire Alhambra!The Mexuar

The interiors of palaces are decorated with arabesques and calligraphy.

Coat of Arms of Charles V

Detail of Arab pillars

The ceiling with geometric patterns carved into the dark wood, was the first thing to catch attention.

The tiling on the walls feature the geometric motifs that were typical of Islamic art.

Very elaborate sets of XVI century Morisco tiles

Mudejar style windows of the Mexuar

At north end of the hall there is an Oratory overlooking the the Albayzin of Granada

The Albayzin of Granada

Close-up view of moorish arches of the gallery with faade of Comares on the opposite side.

Courtyard of the Mosque


Art aisle walls and ceilings

The Arrayanes courtyard(Patio de los Arrayanes)The Arrayanes courtyard, also known as the Comares courtyard. It is a classic courtyard in a Arab-Andalusia style, with two porticoes on its smallest sides, a large a-birka (pond), where the constructions are reflected, surrounded by solid arrayn hedges (myrtle). - ()The Comares

Ambassador Hall(Salon de Embajadores)Solid arrayn hedges The Arrayanes courtyard (N)(Patio de los Arrayanes) ()Comares Palace (Tower)()

On the north side there is the biggest hall of all the Alhambra; the Embajadores Hall, the throne rooml. This hall is located inside the Comares Tower, which is 45 meters high and is the biggest of the whole fortress.45The north porticoe

Arch of the Hall of the Boat(Sala de la Barca). j

The reception hall at the Hall of Ambassadors The throne of the sultan was placed opposite the entrance at the central window area.

Light transmissive window

The cedar ceiling, on which the seven heavens of the Islamic cosmos are represented, which the soul of the believer must travel until it meets Allah. The hall is completely covered by decorative inscriptions

Decorative inscriptions

Alhambra Arch

Detail of Islamic calligraphy : "God is the only Victor"


A double arch connects this hall with the Hall of the Boat (Sala de la Barca).


There are two marble basins that pour the water in the pond.

The Arrayanes courtyard (S)(Patio de los Arrayanes) ()

Over the south porticoe are two floors, the upper floor has a gallery over the courtyard. The rooms at the south porticoe, got destroyed when the Charles V Palace, which is joined to this construction, was built.The Charles V Palace The south porticoe

Islamic text engraved on the walls


Court of the Lions (Patio de los Leones)

Court of the Lions and fountainThe Palace of the Lions

The Court of the Lions (Patio de los Leones) is an oblong courtyard, 116 ft (35 m) in length by 66 ft (20 m) in width, surrounded by the galleries supported on 124 white marble columns. 116356620 124 The Court of the Lions (Patio de los Leones)

Hall of the Abencerrajes (Sala de los Abencerrajes) ()

The corridor of the Hall of the Abencerrajes (Sala de los Abencerrajes)

Looked out from the the Abencerrajes hall

On the south side of the Court of Lions is the Sala de los Abencerrajes. In the center of the room, beneath a mighty stalactitic dome, is a twelve-sided marble fountain.

"Honeycomb," "stalactite," vaulting in the Hall of the Abencerrajes. It illuminated by the light that filters through 16 latticed windows.16

The Hall of the Abencerrages derives its name from a legend according to which the last sultan of Granada, having invited the chiefs of that line to a banquet, massacred them here.

Fountain of Lions In the centre of the court is the Fountain of Lions, an alabaster basin supported by the figures of twelve lions in white marble, not designed with sculptural accuracy but as symbols of strength, power, and sovereignty. Each hour one lion would produce water from its mouth. At the edge of the great fountain there is a poem written by Ibn Zamrak. This praises the beauty of the fountain and the power of the lions, it also describes their ingenious hydraulic systems and how they actually worked. Zamrak

The Hall of the Two Sisters (Sala de las Dos Hermanas) ()

The Hall of the Two Sisters (Sala de las Dos Hermanas) On the north side of the Court of Lions provided lodging for the women of the palace.

The ornate tile work and stucco decoration is among the finest in the Alhambra. The hall is called the "two sisters" because of the two large identical slabs of marble in the floor.

A dazzling honeycomb dome represents a remarkable work of Arab stalactitic vaulting with thousands of intricate details.

Arabesques around a window

The Albayzin of Granada

Look the window from the outside

Garden of Lindajar

Garden of Lindajar

Palace garden

The Palace of the Partal was built in the early 14 century during the reign of Muhammad III. Only two components of the original palace are extant : Tower of the Ladies with portico and a wide pool14 Palace of the Partal

Tower of the Ladies Wide Pool Palace of the Partal

Palace garden

Back to the exit gatePhoto from www

THE ENDMusic Ketelbey - In A Persian Market