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  • T W IVpLTJjfejJy

    Fi^iteMy;iaborU-BbQiii "I

    ... CBd'.lt k0eb>0TU0bBt,faUU:rllis'pri>: ^ , . daer.irtU : 0t.tIis:i& ppl]r4etfralu;B teut^(b AX

    . ' r-: m ia u lu ^ T .W r o b u'I sasaci^agagag^

    : :,}.*g|S;;rAVSs?|

    . /H w S o a :< x ;v n in ^ '.? ir ifp j^ ^ {-t -;'-'Sn-dIi'pqUli?.'or:t&ti nklnr;CblB'ns; b c rh u - w band .wheBaheVwaiMJ.ysin pld-(or "

    V.Tbat i b i nTidrltb'm r'D ntlbi^^ 91

    iti;irleka'.biBiiel(M^-lbit;:bi' rbpra- H teBtod blmitKlobbSI wben Ib t Biar. eeried h la :hea .(a-rs tllv ho * u 4t, (r sBd'tbat.ho .ther.woQldbeiubJcettodetar,. ncanlne Dial tbe Souihera l>a- ' clQc wllt'KuaraBlee no dellolts

    arrlral and tho paiienten g . niifatand anr axira Mpeale , Incurred br iliem In'ihe w ay i 1 o( meala a result: i 1 o( atiy Itrike tle-iip. , ,i. Twia I-'alli, ana la fact lho - eailre lalermounlala country/li i t Ibua cut off (rom paiieatier a ir- I

    Tlce 16 Um; Antetri and olber I I loulbera'Caltfomta potau. '|

    S l il i i l lAlleKed',;-VIpont,;8toff# .s ib b w

    ' Sitftki'from'.OeU b n t & n 'O fcrtdkta b7 '.Bnllet from Ooo '

    . of.'T k ilo r; DeptiUied to -Oet I H im .-- '- ' .. .

    nUPEIlT,; Idaho, Auff;-15.7-HarTy ,0 W!fmaa;''aliesed .Viporit'au'i# rob-' J bar, U' rtitlag well la .ialirbept ibd * BBnlBt Ibe WouBd.ln'btiiufllctid'br o

    ggSgMS2iii^iati.4-,b;clock;lut sTeuIng-afltr'h i| ? ^e'eapl'ura,' ikirl froter.'whp-wai hlii eelf.nata, abd/alleietl iiaiuer.' ln ^ firins also aoBibt lo eiea'pa aad waa IIeipturtd; i'- - -.......'.'Foliowiai' Ihb.eaptttrs.'loC-.wbrlii ' mall >etenliy.,bt wai .lodied: In'lall > wjib :? 0Mr*, wbo,:re(u*ed lo a rT . i i ' tieipewhen'.WorkBai)Badibli,orli> nal.ttcapt.', Tbe.Dien' dug.tbrougl) lba.}aU,'.walI.BBd,taa away,;.Tby ' w ira.itea Jiy'Depaty. Sbrrltt Thnup- MB who''a(arted.lD\panut(.".T>mB)p. >

    o.'tak;.:Worknab..-Pra*ltr.'brdbriBB u Uii:(lee(Bg''iBBB:;to..baU aad>^ben 'u h i ; r th ttd ., to; do .ab, lea l ',a- baltet

    i* Convention Here m

    -'-f-pi' r ei

    imblt'htrs.',thUr.B(ttrabba,'-^fTho el

    u tuaacU ata ,i^b tbalt i^ tb tchair.' to

    j ^ c ^ t lB i)bmlBaUoa;aBd th't-(orai> 5 '

    k-iTi'..firbgriiilfM' iit---|B -'tibbr, m Jtnpitt>B d;w trt calltd- to; ordir by

    S''Klaii)^eMiUtBt4'nbt-.iMl(tfrot:',Uw 4,

    I to ra ii had^ r 2 & ,

    S I).:>AHC); .TUESDAY, AUG

    l | i lSton# 0 ^ Back Tniimn#n

    and .Te^^Tbeni l ] u ( . Oonpo. i i l u ; Ib v f . .B { jb t to BetiLlii

    ' G a ^ f s ^ p a t h y Strike WUI '.Wot B:.'MeraWd, '

    CfilGAob;; Aw, Ifr-Slrlklng'lratn- men OB iba.SaatB Ke wore onlered to rttara-lo wark'loday Ifflintdlaielr |>y .unloi:thIt(i;'- . .. , .- H-.Warrta- a ; fitoae, -preiideBt o( the englBetrt,'

    l i O M i S I l ;:'.'BAN.DIGQO.'Bil'tr-'Aug. IS-U bn' ii 4er-b*s]4e. a-mooaiblBt a llll-ia-thi t nafin(ajiii.'aLmldiiUlit. a flghl wiib cloba-uatll-ont mio waa dead, a SC r ytiir;bld':glrl looklag oa,.and 'laler u miietediy attauittd by the rlclar- ia f, msttlghl-thoM w trt tho Iblap ti wbieh lifted a bitbtTeaaeiiesmoan' c 'u liia 'aero titbt'coBtlnenl'lo Sia u Dftro-lbday. - , i ll;>DiuBroment as lo 'how long t ii btUl^otrmoonsblRe niaah bad'beeo;. MUM^wu tbs cauao.of tbs tragedy, n

    '-'iTbbniu K b a te r ; 'a ^ . 40;'WM''l^e' ri jhtoUlIitl,':>JobB l).-iltDdrIeks; agM: E^Vhli;:paTla^ lina) Uken to lhe 0 .^ly;W |.-to ,;bb^cbarged with.Ibt n,.-diBd body, tr H i^rlek t, atcordlBg.lo'tht coroatr: m ^ tunu^lo lb iK taraaaaB rT tB dm d tt ^Heatwe ibol waa f l r t d . . * ;V^,ttrJietd.orbla'a>nd bi aald Ktad- or rldtt'ikplalatd (o b ta in tbe d t i l ^ re

    & ^ b . ' J I e l id r t d ^ ^ g m v I ' dbarf*i'tbilt;bt-.bad.mlitmted b ir i ; ; .>V rt.;K i(ltr:w u'.laktBi lo .a labl- lUlbn today,ta:ncoT tr' (n)m ..Ult w, iboek .lo 'h tr etrrbaa.ayaltBi: ' iBb'e ^ lnld.lhai:oni(tn(..thal ib t two abB y . ouirnltd aad,(ouy IlntlM Mlne\\rorkrn lale ledar

    algned the. peatt affrKinrnt de- ' It elded upon by ibe polley' cen> : i millrM et lhe dlupBlanlii. I

    JehiLL.' LenU, niaer Ifadrr, , I a lgatdler lhe mrlken and T. K,II H aher. pnaldcat bf. Ihe Xaher le ColterlM compaay and chitnuaa

    of Ihe riOBfr^cBr algn'rd (or the i ..oiierator*. ' / .

    NBW -KBNaiNOTO.V.' Pai. Aug. IS , Actual mining' of coal itarted to- S day In tbe KImloch and Yallcy'Conip

    mlnea'ot lho Valley Canp Coal cum- : paay. , ,

    ;Copl ^ultera wero Wdercd Into lhe iJ mlnea by orden ot the company In - ^ AfiUclpaiton of tb algnlng. of Ihe < agreemtnl between mlaen and op- lj eritora.ln Cteretand.

    It cLBVEUNi), Ohio. Aug. IS-Mtn- i cro( the nalJQB'a coal (leldii'"illcktd , r Bp-tlwtriW H'-iojay'ai-mlne-unlon a leaden, and coal operaton (rom lix d itatei.mel lo ratify a tentalKe waIt agreemeBl-reached .hero ibortly nder e midnight. - ^ !' 'The'mtnenlnltao'alKilalti-Ohlo.V cmiral and . weattnj Peiiniylranln.: Weit-Vtrglali. Indiana, Michigan and ' tlUnotiwill enlCT'the pita inmorroB

    or Tbiinda/, ll woi intlmaled.Amtd with Ih'e VaBt'icale agreed

    1 uron.ihd'unlon.leadenwlll.gotoalt - coal operaton'o( (he eountry luid of-

    . (arloMlgaup. lt;u:xpecle.l that a ' :argo.majority;ot-(he.operaton wtll b ilgn; Uiarbby eBdtn'g;Uie oiUon-wldii C :bal ilrlke. e((ctl iw b t^ d

    r retuuV ortbtmlqer;''ag'rte ;to' arbllraulbo eotn>riny,.bxpect ,Mlcbaei aaltigber/prldeoi;o( Ibt " C PUlabargh'.teta.-operatonM. auocti* a. t Uea,.4iBd-ehalrmaii of thi'wags COB- ; I' fennct, .waa'ibs-.flrtt lo m'edtatblf'iliitbd'T.tC-Mafaer, prtil- tl

    . Tbo.poUor cm am e.tosBUrtha'plti-at',a'm o^ raaal'aiflBtlca,'

    Tb^BM g'aUMivd.Ibllrtbeii-'and * ,taBlpnibtirni'i< of n miinlc liittrLC-tDr ami rnmpvner al llie nnke. unltcnliy tisro canm to

    Hrfil Imlay.- - - .......... ......, With ili4- nrrr.t of Walling- I (uril lllcgRrr. vliincr ul a }C00 n lirlse offircd by Ijdcrnwikl,U limt an nlli'cot ruiifviinluii mailv I tu Chlot ot Iollco llainmuinl.

    Dm MiiIiim iiiiil."rhl^- i>" .i thry tiud IdeniKtcd lhe "oudo liieitinc" wliu Ima

    id women {inil glrli here Inr nrr- .eral moaihi.

    illeFKer'waa piirlly clail, ll l*- )e mill, when lie kui arrolnl

    wnlklni; ilnW lh r mrci-i. |[1. waa npproictilng- a Kruuj. of

    atria irnltliia ot n rnr Ilns nn , tho -ir'ei>l al.te,

    He will lakcn tn pollie hra.l- ' quarier* ami ijueHliiii.'.l.tiy ilm pliliro chtr( ond ClilcI |if Du: ioctltren Tom i'etlil in nliniii bo la nllrgni to hnte mlmltttd

    'odienliirei In neBllnec."

    E F fo il :

    : j p i\ Union.Fiicifio:8etUcs M th .S hop-^I men at- San .Bernardino; Sltua- Pr tion . a t Las V ega; C r itica l;",, F ifty Fauengon Deserted n t >

    j' Qnmd O^nyan of Oolonulb. b

    1 . SAN FIUNCI8C0. (Sit.. AUg; 16.- fi I Hellef.accmed ai baud In the irano- r . cantlRe;ital railroad tl-up tixtay. p t ' Announcement ih a l. a letltement li I ilid been reached at Saa llernardlno. a Q Cal. wllh Uclon. Patlflc' cmployea u

    olbtr than tbopman' who w en 'bo li itrlketh trb ai'faUbwed.l>'an- I nouBccnienl by 'the Bouthiru. Pa- r dlle al SsB Prancltco ibal ibe a i brot)iirhd'"membeVs-wbo were-:on U

    'ilrlke' at'RbieTllleV CaU wert roil iuralng.lO'rork'tbli'morBlBg.'| - ; P Thli;elenra all of our.Ilodfe-,WIUiitlii'

    a s a & r j n a s !

    Uot'of, lhaVTIme^'glfnd*a'."TbnB. :

    1eoaubl.otthe paptr woaUl'raTtn o back to Ibs'-Ji'altor fabillrifroiniwhon k?

    i^^naporU'or ,reir,'agft'lhitv;3ohB f t Waltir .ina g lna tt,000:|iooaiii fe>

    ...... .... ..........

    O OLD VOL. J U n - N O .- 6 8 .

    ' l H l fe i e s i LO N p

    P re ild e n t H a rd in ? H na K o t Y e t . ' .D cc ided -on W h a t to E eooni.. m end b a t W iU L ay W Eola ' .

    'M a tte r B efore L a v ^ k e n a s d S t ir Pii^iio O pinion. . '

    WASIIt.VOTO.','. D. C.. Aog. 16. 'Ir|!i>liIi'Mt Ilnnllng will appeac bcfnrv canirrK.within the next

    hmin to dellKr .a menace on thv rail atrlko iltunilon If wm - - . annuuiicml. at tho Whlto Honie';' ludny. , .11 vua uttlclBlly itnted thal Ibo

    Irnldciit iilniii to plxo the-ea- lire atrlko iliuatlon bcfon con- grfna. At the uime timg It i i ' Pijirrtcd llial he wliriuggcil the next mnre that muit be made by ilie-rgniernmenl lo n llK s lho altuatlon. ; ' ' '

    Juat whal .recomminilaticna -llie ciecuUra-wlll make Baro not U'cn deiermlnod upou. tt w u aiaicd nl Ihe, While'Home, ;but -

    . It wai apparcBl that he hai few '\ nlicnialtui teti uttier ihiii Mo* . oik apj>roral.(or acliiire o( the

    ] rallroada In lhe erent ot a .n o n lertoui Ueakdown In lho InBi- pnnatlrtn ayitem. ' llardtng wilt mako.bU mowite lo

    , ccyarem n alatemenl lo lbs peoplo I* t)f the;conm rrouttlntBg-tbo-prtacl-'~ - i . plen Intolied-'In tha atrlko dlapnla

    arid hll cflorlrlp briBg tbool peice. ' Kail rc e lo ittar. '

    i t ' iH lhts manner be bopM'tbat Ibe full lorce of public oplbtea'- may b brought to bear to force an tadlng tn the..nlt airike,bfon'tlM>(tdiral" gnmnmeiit Ir forced: ib 'UfeToret.

    - (ut tueaiurca-llach'ai'ielxun ot tho .-I I. ral)rfxiili. Aanouaifemnt.'lbitr tba|w|th- -

    1. which iheyf.ebarg ld .lha t-Jb tm il- ' i 'v 1-. .rwdirhauienbarlild'oaVlTial'optn le shop drlre and doi got waat'to AtUa . ./ilsspsssian Wetakgs wlft1>i;puijijq'p,)nfKmav . . - j

    I'l tacgoii..flnrt8?,'l^vlM

    ilrlk ti :wblclv:-oirwjlaBdiiMt.^'/ compriilB(.;tba moil iulUeariB'dBt- .'; '': .* trial iltuUoB;ta'Uit!latr'dtdiii;-V'::'.'::iTI-A knulirul inerelni;' Jiriin I Mldlo| iwk plue Monilar m il>< 'llin

    , boma Df Mr, nna Nn, J, K: DeWllI llio i , onr,'SIUli ATnuu iimiU. iUq i MIki

    daU(bIr cf ibe houip. Mlii t-'nliho Iiir ni /u a irr ln l to Keaniih Muore. th

  • T ^ T jo ]


    of ft .ulor'im blD i:ti)f niJor.'iMsut 1 tAllpUyRi lui'bH B lura4 q#Mo

    IUmi*d;rJi^CBOtioii.. MUMki:*' *t- ,lonn r'ind !fpnrier'.pl)riir,;lt..wM

    / . . m ' . ; .Thv.'w6rlt;-or,ofwolnuon

    vtlopod lo-a.poloi wbro pncilcally n n r JWb'lB'U.#:Wo mUor loasiiM

    . aadismni:or'Uia:>ilBor.Ici(uet,arc

    'MkRl.anBoii llo,; ttW ;tar;U4'Jiot1t : C omnlBlloB,fti preI( b^Bi4..or. ibt.Unit'.lBToUtil la'tN*

    . auctiuon'or (lio dutici ot tborri...........r hinnuiafitd'Mfjrs'-OBlr' u . lKBi:ad-

    . , U.E.xlollf>ibckx.tiU f t

    Un;- >i. _. lo ''tHtf;uaMittt'(br.tI|b tvn wJDTtM *:

    , ' . . TUESDAY, y\uaU 8T,15.;102

    xfthe Igpi' I p E i S F

    fiiia;f ^ B tU o 8 t;8 a K ta l t i ' ' j AfSan-rraocUeo: ' n.II.E.

    S a l t ^ n i ^ i _____ iJ___ 1 B 0' _ a 0, 1N . lUtiarlfr-.U^b';iaDd: Jenkins;; Koio^triichiduia^^^^

    ^ T H E ^ 'S C O R E B O ^ ' filnillM-'vV.rkror,j 9'W m ii;: and

    Terry, ieoritwoTUn ta iba'ninth1 innlot Bnd' tav:tho Cuba'an'S lo B !; Tjcidw 0w U)B COfdl. ;

    >** Afior. balpt ahui.ont.for llro''ln- |r niBsa. tha {,'Mmn cana to llto u d . ,, 'poandad oul b 1# ttf 1 rlctory orar

    itba r i r * t ' ' .. .

    8P0KTTAU8 ;,IIAJlTFOIU). C onn^ln i Thorp*. tndlaB^aiar lblala. auiptndeil loder-

    lnllalr;br; tlio . llarUonl Eaiiam , Leosiio club for broaklBC inlnlnn, bai

    Vl boan-^proaaniPd la Ih'a.'WorcMtar club.' No moBej''or, plajM;wr* Jn*JJ .. . ,

    ;.V NBW;voIlK -^nly two-|anM:b#- K fnif .playrt la tha tnhJanUajuai/.BD,

    hoRi-nin'war'Bdded In lba btc Hit, J'J for Iha'tlrat-llm* ln'niBBy..wka;;,|

    >* I NEW VYOIUC ila^oW) a r.Jaanin,'P; Qrooklrn uUllty lBflaUlarrteantlyro-V IMiMl lo-lbe ColQobus.American,Al*=>> aoclatioB olub ba'a;btn-declara;;n. -I.oldoai!' by, Priialditit Harillar; and'* haa, ntuiadvui,report to Columbua.^ nnrtI|h Qr1mn;aB*ptadtd DrooUyn

    pllcber,'>a* relnitnte

    . 1 vlab to any to yuu ibal 1 wlilidniw ' Ibo atalemonU I mado a'ninat you. '" oecuain? you wim hda* . InUmato

    wllh iny,,wlte,';, lhe.letlei*. nl e|ie.'r.o( about toriy

    7 boya. will-leare |hlo am .'ar for Ilanaen ;brli''l tUaV siTiaahnp-

    lr.| 'l3lmia'R a).(crnlB|.yeat;.i.

    d -iR^jry'.'l'ar FoandlTho^C'nliaeni. to'iT U ,ro ll,d .th r,,.m lln iduiIi ta ,^ /lo ire . to Jv .. uuil,niii|iwl.- .. ir'.

    r W l N F A L L S D A I L Y i . i T i :

    = J t SCOUTS 10 Hi1 iKHIBIim'FllER2 ' OOigEM_ ''A i 'i i ruioiil iV'iliiR i>( Illl. diiii.

    J miiitiiTd held In iliu ('Immln'r vi ('(iniitierve hxmm, imiatlvii plona wrr< mndfl for n Uir .iiuut 1

    L J Elvnii at lIi,i'ouniy flr at HIit 'an Dorman JuUnauii waa iiiiiiuliili'il 'l[l chalrniilii ut Um conimllicu tu inak(

    nrraniicmeulji ;fur the e'xhlhll,(Ins , Amonir other liu>lnni;itil al ble- Ihe meellii): wna iliu iclei:tl alal Him.r !l ahld Ihul ruiilw ot

    >..loc.-il paper whlih havu tit'i'lvcd iheIr'ertli- have btrn circiilaleil in

    "fk varJoui Mnwaa fur ,Hh> purpono of on' errnllni: aemimvut aRnlnat niphali' np- pavlaC. . but'.with llllle elfecl, | ^ 'Mr. aiaaoiletl nrirland for Caiper

    iiiday via Ynllowatuup park, arconi- paiilud by hla wlto* whu will return uere lo ihulr liomn xnin.- The War-

    f' ren uimpan)'-mia. guarded a lurve I'uiitrail'for WabiHllo haae-and lop jinliti: In C'aaper thla week.or --------------- -Dkby-'Firtlren 'Moro Thin Tey.

    ; _ A 'hahy nallren- weluhliis oiprtly. ,n I'M lajumlTini unly provld.-a lliu llllk'

    ore tnullii'n" ulili an liiri'iiilre In Imlulee L're In iiidmiry ut un >-nrly uri-, hut It la *1- uaeful for llshl prr1ng uml llnserlf.

    Inn-K and Iiamlki-rrliU-fa. Tli Irun la >re vtry iiaofiil for inivrlliiff. li'.Taow of

    lla IlRht U'l'lchl nud IU nniiiuK-lmiui. II uiwraiw on Iraa limn l.H) vidln'und is K|olppl wllli

  • PSSlRKmiMi'i'HM....

    THE TWIN'. .C iu d i iv H ew ipapir of tbo OU7

    . Z0Uib*4 XtZ VrtBlni Exetpc Bondi ptnr. Twin F

    t t t M i f lT E n n ---------------------i n

    ; ' , .

    . : . Fallii liccniui'e* 0 / iU vast iinri'lian'H i Iiripf* o f H int ini'tiil w ill ko n | ' nml

    tlioKe'of liin st l)C tlovolOpcil,, .. . , . .Tlic inm ajie ill llic ilfniiind for

    I in cV.iiknl fm m iii'Vrrul rxri'rplD tii ' ! tlic NjiUoiinl Cily bnnk of Yor

    ..Jnpaii ix Ihc oii> imiiorliinl con .. our 1 9 ^ , 'tra ils nhotrfl nn iiii'ri'

    ! w orU in tlic ()fM y m t ' (fonnj,Cjly, liniik o t Npvv.Y ork, (tlimv

    tfiiile from ' Jupnn iilonv, onr iin'pori ; eriit.' Tim 1022 cxpoflH in lln wiiok

    V pcr ccnt In vnliio wliiffi'^liiiM io .ln|i ' cent. Tile iniportx. from (

    from tim Mrilie,'' ^'lien Ilii' li'nilerd ol ' of the linionn rniled lo n'ecept l]u< fal

    . ^*inj{, 111' hoiil(i hnve nctcii iil,oiifi- iminiiiR. them nn In; hud 11 Ivuiil rl^hl

    . lo piiM IcRinlntion rcKnrilinK iiweMw would jirobalily jirovc very ini'ffici loeomqtivi-s, niid.wliile thin, i>iirl of

    'incfrvctive, it Ih to lie lin|n'd Hint tin ilii|ilieatrd .elmvlu-ro' and tliot the

    , frtiit wiil mnkp 'fi|e expunlive' of tlio ready in.llin lionilx.lo nd an inlolpml

    . . (Illl lie imrMrontf for tlu' "m iltaw ' men on Irninn, rnllid in o|ipositinii Jieiids of the lirotlierlimuk To liold responsihlc Ii'ifiilly iik seeiiieil In In-

    ' uenernl will servi no [joid jiiir|KiKe. tint "iinllaw fi' tihoiilil lie nni'pted 111

    ' _ emi be indiieed lo lu-l. .The interveiit M'enw, III hnve beeir I'ffeetive in rcii wliere Hie lieadx of tin- Sonlherii inc

    'cKenUiv-suin- M i r r tlw i

    Bankers to Have Low Fares to Convention i,j

    in Ni .Y. in .October biu.. i'

    - NEW YOUK. AUK. 14-All of lh oxpKtnt 7.SO0 itelcxnlc-t. Includlns

    membtre o( ilitr (ainllln. i ilir *ivt foH7-lililh aiiniul cenrrnllon nr lho Amtrlcan Uanken' BiRDclatlun 10 be Jiolil In Ker Vork Oi:io1>cr : in C r 'l'

    , th li7car MTltt cem to llic mtirn[inU> 'no ai'rciliicn] hre. 'sru Ami nnc b ill for lh* return (flp h* been smnieil

    ..^_jhrcshcmi.iJiB4jaUeiLaialci.aniLCaiu _ 3 nda will) the vxctplloir'or tim e roni>

    Inc fror^ l>lirom[A enil S'vvada slid _ from Ortiroii throiiili Cellfomla. Del- f, cokle* from thli im liof)' iiuy b ii

    : ib em ulrn ol Uie ren te r inurlal fare **' < . wblcli le A reduedon of u ln u t ' i :^ >U<

    per cent belpw fnll b re ixxn u tn a tr uioclailone 10 c n n t llie

    'fareraleerellibNerI-:nElantmc ccmuh

    J ___: nad will crant fare and one-luilt .. wllh Uie eieeptfooTi n"8(mlBl)0Te; *'

    . . Tha.tare and.on*-hair;rale In ihl eaa* will apply bnly.frwn Oreion and

    WaihlBiton br d irrtt roulea Ibrouib

    LS DAILY TIMES It7 m d Ooimty o t Twin Falli

    n d ir br Tb* TlBi^ Fabllihlnf Coa- FalU. Idaho.

    ^ 'e u Becond C l iu U itU r u a Otll> AprU 11. 1111.

    IO N RATJJ3......................................... .........|i|Hr , w hii'b nieiiiiH ihn l Ild Ihnt KrenI eojiper ilrpimilH like d.fn r iiielnlx jirod iie rd in thin h tuln

    tnkeii from Ihe trn 'ile r e n i r d 'o f Iork,' relenne'd todfiyiV ;.Io in ilry o f .l l ie w orld w ith wbieli^.e. O ur iliipo'rlN fro n i.'l l ie wIiiiU' lyy llie .T^l^e U ceonl o f th e Nn- Kiw fl fall- n'f rt' p e r cen t in value torlH kIiow nn iiien-ane o f IS p e r ^ lo le .w orld Nlnm' n rednu lion n f .4 2 Injinn iihow liii iiieriaNe o f .'iO.per lln> Hhi-hI y eu r 1!lil2 'ap |irox in in te la

    .in -Ih ll. f iw ii-y i ir -1 0 :! J ,-a n a - tlic w ere u |ip r(ix im ntely !>;l. iri,()0l),000 f

    illiii{ yeur. T his eKliiniito f_tl|i. r rrn ile 'ileeord , iM,li;ified nimn offi- * liiiHe o f Ih'e tm d u w illi th e w hole nru official. _ H to .iMjian in tlie 11 laonllin of ilelnilH u re nniv iiviiilali.le nri! over Kl' l m llinn a lin lf m illion in the :he finnnllty in 1!>22 is H7JHHl,noiJ in Ijie preeediiiK .vear. O f Inm lier

    nm athu o f l!l i n re \id n e d l J*' nuainxt on e .n n d one-hiilf. niillimi

    in lity :i*l!,00(l J I 'feet nKnliiKl' -I.'..: anRreBflln in, valne iii 1922 np- , iminiiDiiuil. - fivMn|,Tiiiii will rt-qiiiro valhia- . Ilou In Xcw Vork liy aEciila of tvrm- ^ Inal llnrt liere.

    Plih eiory.

    eila, aeed flre. waa dulns conldcrnbl,c erombllns about n oiui>1p of lnei lliBlt dmpUo l r mwlier:*' oinlloii; w trt In lier porllon.' lMltli.'s{,Ttl alx, lUtrDrd 10 llmrlcttn for a^ine t|me nltbnui tonimeiit. Tlicii; autldi-nli,he tiunit out. jwdene# liavIni; ariar- er.tty reothMJ Iis lliiilt! rt'o r fuodr.ew' takr, lIiDricits, Jon'C (um K)1 Qod put ctn Uierol* - -

    -lJR br-t-lli(>-iuan-^li,tborre-.

    byiarUn collcRe for .Iba.istaad. em- ' plrc.'ComlnR lo SaleaiJrllb bar people

    abe ipecbillud lo KnXllab nt'Wlllam* etla'lTnlverally, takloK nil lha'work offereil ln. (lie compMltioK.rbetorlc.-

    . llteraiure.JoumalUm'aBd ahorl alory wrfUnff. H'Alle a aiudan( ibe.iauKht , ta (be Salem blih tcliool.'UBtll Rradu*BlIOD, tben after'recelvlns'faer de* - sree', *li4 .continued'.her'/'aiudli^la

    ; Mrliirb'ab* received her maater'deRWe.Sha bUq lautbl tosllaU'land lUUla ,

    ' hialory (or iwu yean ai Wlllanella.' - In npracilcal wny Wib'bpa,acted aa

    roiw lcr'fdr .lhe .SpoVeinSt'Review.contrlbutlse abort tiurlea- and num-

    ' vruuajioemn tnr newipapen nnd mas- ' ndnea. and. ba'a-wrltlen nte)(l book

    (or colleitf*. Enlllled. "I'oota nC (be WMI, nnw bulnc preparetl for publl-. cadon.- i. ' Hlie.Wlli (aka up her.wirlt a('Odod- - . Inc CotliRo Beplember, U, and l(b: Ihr Valley o(h'.\loon/lbff Ice cavei,

    tito aiwiooili '.ifaunulna'' Shoaliona Vnlla. Ttiouaand SprJnjK.^DIue.Laken,

    . hnd oXher icenlcaitrBCtloni'of Sontb* ". erriMdiiho, wlll-tiava alnvlo oppor- ' tulilly to continue the lUeirary .work

    n'n which abe bai'maite lurb n aplen- - (ltd bcRltinlng; In canneeil6i(,'wlth bnr al Ibta'-popular llltlo

    ' Mllecu oC (be lii(.erm.ountalivpNp1*. '

    ' ' /! , -Hew. Ute far BIftttlclly;,

    .A fonlln|rtnlil^;Nlflacl

  • " TlffiSbAT,;'AUOUST ]!5, 1!122.-

    " l " i o o Q ^S>J " :ers to saiJi family; th:

    . i:S advertisement, you t j:.':. hayg ths largest SWO]

    . jgejp Wanted jI IORTEn WOnK 1VANTEU. Call

    ~ h, ' C ini'6m lc MutnliiRtlun* AuRuat' li

    .BtpiBta^r.- VbmucIm, ll!i) motillily. " ^Re. 18, upwanL i:prlai)co UBtiec' ^

    M(T. f'dr rre ( pojIUnoi now' open, wrilo J, Uonint (furuitr Civil ' Servlco,;MBtnlatr). 1K9 ,Eau)laUI 'I

    . iM i;; WiaMi.mi., II. "

    ^SvAJfTED-An office Rlrl tonnBer "phttBB ana,.irlio toUar*. Adnim I'ro- ducp CO; U4'i1.4tli avenue Kouili.

    Sitiiatjon Wanted' - , BMIU)V4tEXT wanted ' Iiy tlnl-

    ' . clBii aleUD enRine .aaUnopnratar ' in#n. Lonn experience. Ilione 116, 3- Tyln-yalU.-.

    Wanted-Miscellaneous i,u.WANTED .TO IfOY-Bccotiit liunU 2!

    turuUiire. rhoao !HW. .________ '

    , CREAM,CnEAJI,"cnKAJil: Oream !iS . ' . ll what .fe want and mean. Erlcsun. I

    KoUan*nick'i'(iian,.buri cream flow cli and all Uiii ilme^nelgbbor of CUuaea. b i lhe Onjcer. ,lalo flouili. .

    I am iQ'Uie'nBTkat foran uullmll* aii ed amoanc ot uaed Fordi. Will pky soi apol CMli.- 'Cn(ral Oansa. 31S Sbo- ~r


    tloa for,Ibla larrliory. Addr'eta U (ib R ^derw eod." Bill..Agent. Ourlay,

    ' . WIUTTiai-To n i l n in t.'ind b | . 2 . lOmlBO.-- land a palatal' and Mtlnulo your w ort Wa will #ava you . I

    m aaay/J-m aa.S. Mooa'i flbap. and

    :FoKgflIer^,jd,'E3tate ^

    . a g t e i s & a i T

    . *Bd.iW ^i. ;Jehhioti Hanlly Co. jm . .. Mala-ayue am . Phone 787W.

    WIlUtlYouns, box e , Twin Falli, > 'haaB[.7-nirmni wanilngMoanB lind othi

    . beU ^pfica appllcailon Hdaya prior OBd ' to tb ft.nM ,^m oaer. J. W. McDow> fan

    eiij -B ^ a im ' NaVi W '^ B d - J i a a d elolblog !i!

    to a g iit . j d a o ) fe ^ ,f / ,n . ,> ';i ,v : - ,--n

    ^*HBl1i nBo Ioaar. S'-''Died planoi bougbl'aBl ioU. P. a ^

    Dpi g Q g < ; P h o a a \

    CarUiu Watbed. .or,B(relched- ' iU ll'orden. 44S 8oaUi')lalo. Ihoaa

    HAMMOND'S BLUO SHOT,;'OETS CAOOAQB WORMS. Nolhlag aqual to 1C- U rraw Oro. Seed ft Sarply

    ,CaTheIn g00fl-tatBrla8 , land-bnir^ 'on'df'itrtflftb 'D f notln' -

    t t ittx'WllR* 'Cffr fadar nprwloa.".

    scribera, read your Wam T issue.. If you. takcian a ftiS'Would m.ean 1 6 , 0 0 t I take no chances.with Ti rom tircUation in .Twin E

    For Sale MiscellaneouB V) Irrca luur cherrtcn juil ripe. Uul 'I

    huty, laen. Coma and pick tlicm lur lu per pound, I'lione. ilO:[.

    FOK aAl/K-MiJnllc rangu. Ilouml' l Oak bMirr, 3 burnrr nil iiu rr with oven, flcclrlc grill, lllirary Uitilu, kll* ,. clieii Uble. book m e , wrlilnR deik, ; chlld't-play pen.. ( irn

    ' APniCOTB FOR .8ALB-4C pound, * Iloy U Wrlghl, Knull,, Idaho.

    FOU BAL&-rinie canarlea. Spe- clal pMcaNia^g^dblrdi, m d y to T

    .CUCUMBERS FOR SALB-AU De alitt. Al Palmer PUce, 400 Jerfar* n>aon. Pboae IMW. '___________ __ - J

    HOUSEHOLD ^n;RNITUnE FOR nm SALE-Iiicltidlng living room, dining eaj room, bed room aad kllcben plecea. Storei. Breryihlag goea. Cull ul UU . ' Cth areaue ea it ' ip

    SherwlB-AMIIUms FLV SPRAY. Beil by leill" Diamond Hardware *

    - ................. : ' .............. hoi. OEE BUPPLIES-Bupen, Sections roo and Fouadallona. Dlamoiid Hardware wet Co. ____________, n:

    r a i l SALE^Ono No. 0 lllrdiell huller InA-fdhape'tor-HOfl on'eaiy _ lensa. It la in U.'I. Carman'a n ra ,n a t Nuruugh.' I. A. Ilerroa, UubI, Idahrs owner. i , . ; l_'

    yXllt 8AU >llerrycu|n, crnlenand ~T bee luppllM. I'hoae C. Mooo'a Bbop; ,

    FOR SALE-Palnl. IIM per ! "I lon, KaUomlae In bulk. AUonlarge J ''" iloclTof wall piper. Phono No. 6. l Moon'a Shop. : . ' _

    FOR BALB.OR EXUHANOB-Hay loader dad ilde delivery nke ,- alio A ither farta ImpIesieBta, aew aad ieo> on ]Bd haad.. Bee .ui If you have aay lout larm linpleDieati lodlipoia of. Idtho ngii Ildw. ft Imp; Co, acroii front d re trail JlflUoa. a t ;

    -FOR:BAI.B-Falal 11 per gal. Uied y> 'rall'Jan'chiip. Idaho Ildw.'ft I a ^ rnm X 'Phene .671. . . Ter;: M R BALB OR EXCriANOE-Sei. md .haad . criim. leparaton, plowg, il'jei larrowi, .ipreader*. wagoni, cnlU- : iacken,;mower.anil w lw i.. Idaho "o' Idw; *. Imp. Co. Acroai from fire

    ' ____ XFOR aALB^Hudion Deeder nnd -ly

    |illlvnt6r,:gooil AS new. Call at 4EI d m III avenue'eaiL . ; T"

    j'or Sal'^AuCompbiles 9\. FOR BALE-One OverlamI 4 car In .J ood eondllloa.'1Uono a c 'o r H7H.

    'PtJu ^fEPT wa -CTSr,the'C ylla- W er. OrlBder^ ateaae north, enrii

    ; . and Found ; S ;':.^lU.YED^^ifromiOrauyJIIll roah _ ^ arw s or e yeari old, welgla betWeen lOO'anil 1809,pbBBdi,.Had on'head- , lairiialter. Been alRoieworth Jnly * Mh. Ftnder plMM'holiry ^ Mr'WIl- . * ja; to'.7,~Fller-and receive reward.' U>8T-Sar dapol''6f' . on', iraln, P

    andbak'coaUlnlag some caih'.and Pren ro Ucketi.-neward |C.- Leave at 1&-IC imei. :--, -. ' . Wl

    ' -------- ----------------------- Merei - . - , ' . B B *

    Whtn Heme D'lekens.te Pa. .. Pic If .Ij li 'canjlng'.lbe, babr ho li Dn ody lOWf hone.'.'lle telli wlfcabe , , IB. gel llie balance. Of lhe tblng* to- orTOw^fert Worth/Sur-Telestuk

    D O IN G .S O F T H

    j /o u y iA ,i jp tc l;;R > ,T H E K i':,V .1. >. iMeBV0U3,,AB0UT, ." .- 'J '

    ^ I T W I K P

    mt- Ad" in this paper average, of four read-

    00 readers for your Times Ads., .since wo Faljs Counto;,

    1 ' WAXTtrr TO IIENT-4i'C or G ' riuin nuxtcni linuir, l>>- i>urmaiieni

    rriiipr who d n lrn liiimolluie poiniifl*: ulun. A'lutma Ilox C. t t . cnro .'I'liiici. .

    n iu lil':.S'T-Mn.lorn'l rmm (ur- iilibi-d biiusc, I'luno In. 4U3 ^ml avvnue m t . . .

    ro ll ItENT-IloimoliccplnR ' nii .

    THUKE itooM HOUSE ro i l rent! 'Veceiable Rarden. Hiiiall ri-nl.,Atau room nimriiiient for IIrIiI liuuiekevp* .Ing. .A|iply 403 2nd avenuo norlb. ' J^X)R .nm--Flve room moderndwelling, 4l-0lb avenue norlh. Twu . .block!' froni hlgli-'icbobl, 'cooking '"atore;gotswlihhDUae.'Cali:H. ;

    Two' room collage'lurniihed.for, ' Iwo prtple. Phono S7J4.

    : B.lKEirTlOis ^Out In. the air. ond quiet Balh :iie. .

    Uedi 2Ce. Itboms Uc. AUo ahack tu rent;. 4 Soulb'Mala.TfOiT ' IlENT-Ugbl' houiokceplag ' and aleeplng rooms. H i Clh avenue eaiL Phone 762R. _______

    FOR RENT-Three room furalihO aparlment, , rtuooable; , Boagalow Aptt., Clh a t aad Secoad avaaBe R

    ro n RE.VT-llouao keaplag apart- miBU; eompliiely lufalibed for llgbl ._ houaekeeptng,'oae,'two';asd 'Uirea r roona, close la, asd Jow ralei, by | ^ek or month. Tbe Oxford, 42S Main

    Board and Kooni' , )BOARDEnS WANTEDi-Room and V

    board In prlrale bome. Balh. Cloee T . In. X l Fourih west. Phoae r a l S(c

    S 'banged at 36Ho and doled up He. 5J*u

    CHICA'OO! Aug/"li:.-Wliftit-Nd. >r 'm l, il.OOH: No. r hard, IL09; I'V

    fo. 3 bard J1.03H.:-

    . . MONKV JIARKBT. . o f .NBW.YORK, Aug. 14on eady bad.Ihelr vacations are iIuIhr, Steer he repair-while Uie'olher*'aro'rtf- Cowa ecelvlng ihelr.vncallorii ihls week hn CsIts all time.' . . . . . UvaTbe new wheal b axpecied lo be- Duck;

    In comlag Ib lhe end ot ihls week. Tcrki nd Ihf mill Is scheduled lo resume Hem peratloni next^Monday. . Sprln, Themlll.grlndi'one.hundred bushel MatU

    r wbeiL per bour and Inm s oul six Lkmb Jnd red .bar^ i ol tlour every iweniy- w rhoan .., _ BbUs

    : ------------------- lu a c tFor ratB lti.tir.Tbi 'rime* Vaal A4 Crean *-. . . . - - - .' Eggi^

    0 Way to Build a Lake . ,

    " . S ' . h e l p ! ' ) / h e l f

    ' .. V H E i ; p ; ! ^ , A ^

    ) WN' - . ' if

    . . Y n o - n o i-------- 4 SAY T IC ,.


    . 'll

    roPA Y - ^

    - TW____________: ___ B

    3.i iK iim (avi;x ix t u k d

    HIKKillT lUTKH O.S TH|; ' .\)iAr.(;.tJi,tTi;ii pktitio .v ,

    A rt'lialc rm ticesslvo frclRlil rniM nt nirtV- lhan IIUOO wi.s ordered W.Miii|ilajr by Ihv public lilllllirs cum- iilsalrin 111 rniiir ^ 4t^NSn ciiiiipany iif Twin Fiills. Tho j; ^rder- waa formal, na the OregonShorl Line ItnllrMil cumpany m'os- unljcd Ibe .cxcMslvo rhargc. Tlie i -* Miinuni ol Iho relnio was ilD7S.dl.rhe nvercharges , weru mado Iasi ,twinter,'when ibetiicinry raii oui

  • t i is i i i ic is 2: O iiil-ID ^

    i l i E i w sClly SMle> Ubi ol Onlfrj Xtn t i n

    ApiMintuii J . turcba>li S n rn I i\ jI'bBBRn Hil la Hprlnkllam IIIII iHoard (VDUIIon I'omldmd. ,hc

    At th i mcdlns o! tlio Mniiiil1un* i m lioW'Jbi cTenlni! K, II. Dooltr

    w tl nulaed u eliy clienilil aiid bac- I: . tvrloloilil Bt iB lirr u( i::i> Pr

    nionUi. Ur. J. W. VIih*r1i bhl wai Ji ' > ; ; .Ttio, Opcl(lMlloM of the Ilte


    r, lloirtnl B. SblD.'re9rHntlO|! (ho liojr Scouu and nex Thomas, In be- I balfot.lhs cltr bud , ppar - . ndIo BtbrtAlnneai*.. Each onaiilu- ' '

    tloa U'.io:rctlTo rrom'ih# cliy }3C " ' pr coacn.*vlth Ibo Upiibllon i^al

    . the ptid ndio eoaearta mutt b equal ' or btlU r (haa tbo Isit concert Rlreii . bjr th leouif.'' Tba cllr band will

    coollaut (o-ronder Ita conceru 'oti , T h n n d v m nlag, wbllo'_ Ibe Dor ' ,,

    SeoaU'wlililvp tho radio ngmbera on Bundir. aftonioon. whkn-iaule o( o

    ucrod. naiuro.'li' broadciiied.

    ' , McAuIer,. l lm t . commliiloaer, lhe council retuied (o allow (he clelm of

    U I t JckUnf.'.H7. OarliId,' fois b ^rtc iprl|ik|ln|. rebate'of t.S. A iliuilar

    -clBl(a.put.tD bjr JBUM ntmeralit WBO ' '

    . .A-'peUlIoa iltaed l>r John C. n-nci, 'h*----- .Wi'UBrntllOB. Bad ibe Keel. Wll- .., r :,,kUon.-8trenU Lumber compaar for

    . lha .dlicmUouuco of iprlnkllnB er- ' f' vJco.ed' B.ilrlp ot Bbout al*-bndreil ;-- flJnJetijfi|> oD Locut iireit wm/ .Wdron-tbo f ib l# . / . ' . -'Thi'.'.commlialo'aeri ,reduced tho , C. -'bofld-wflnlr^i-of.tba eprliikllni! con- [

    .. t r u lo n fn m t i m .00 to |MfO, ' ^ V FlPb^eiallled.

    , - 'U lU Ooodflch appeared and aakcd .rtnltUne;ot lha (lao paid br him on

    .. jBlr'JO ror-tetTlni hit car parked -. orerolfht la 'tha cltr Jtret. lloberia e Uken In ~ n ia rd Ifl Ihe elecirle alnni. The mal-

    ler WM referred lo 'ihr rily allorrer _ u who wai directed lo look up etlitlni!

    = ro r t ln .i . . . o n n a . t t t ,tlnr* Adtflllonal Vtre Apiuintni ,

    ' Al the refonimendnllon nt the Urf / , Chlor, Ihe council purrlmre.l t.'o : " '

    .n llo n -flreloam" extiniuliher* m . ".i'- im lallr deilentd (on Rarollne and ull firei. Tbe.ielMman, whn wm prce- ___L

    em. loId Ihcm:In llio city for 120 I ^ H I ' each. All, enl lhe onlr dIicBllnK

    Toie In (lie matter nt ihe pnrthiie.Rralci Oul nt (Irder

    All reporled Ihat the rlir acalei . i , were oul o[ holnnre anil ihat the

    . Dritilni dfrtc* otien falW to prlnl - lhelJKiltt:ai"35iJnik(id.lhBl.lljernm.

    tnln'oncn auihnrlie Ihelr rrpalr. Tho '.t .j ' r lir clerk wnn rflrerlM in n^'ur* ih '

    . aenlcM .nt sn einert to h a lW ibe i' ectfle.1, hiil., lb nwnmbiilonrri wUb ' ' Ihh ewefttloa ot All. fnrorcd Hie par- , (ll ehMrtnninent of Hin prlnilnt de- -Ji ''Ico and steepted a bid frmn Harrv. ' ' .1 K|tiir lo print len. ihnuinnd

    woIih lieVeli for, 7.S0, Atl wnMed ', Ibe purchaie on lhe *rouni! ibal It

    " t

    Incurred nn unsicaury expenio to Xtho fiir. I*

    a. a Darla, cliy. Bltuniey, lulimll- l i Ul) lhe coniraci draws up br hlm'fijr ^ Ihe audit (o be made by Jobn U'oiren- den. Tha marur lUned. The bond for,the Job. n i l i i nt |:00B,

    A claim by / , A. Blnclair for tho tffund,fcti paid In oxceii, wnn rx'ferrcd lo.Ibu clly rfcurdi, -

    IIIIU Aliened Tho rouucll ttllowrd llie fnllnwlnji

    bills; Oeneral obllsallnn, tlUl.yo; iprlnkllnn, IICS.OB; walirworki, ' 143.U0; total tl.U I.:i. '

    Ttie commlulourr acrced thnl In 1 Ibe future eacb i-nmml>>laner would i IV'k. llle bllla of hli (lc|iarticni prior to Iho council meellni. (

    Haolp'r I HuMalned. (m Diirlnc the dlicuulon of a wrek Mii

    eeo lha tiinlomenl ol Cltr Cbemid An ll. Dooley Ibnl f l u i t i were bai

    ntceiMry. WOB quritlaned and ll.wni l8 tiileri.ed Ihal ibrec were lUlflcleiiL nm Tho rotwri of tbe 'itale thcmlm, ot aiked by iho cltr nu.ialned the poililon.of.lbe cltycbemlit. lic

    , . lw,I _ of

    P E R S O N A L S I '" I' 1;;;;

    Mr. and J tn , H. R. UoiiikIi and Mr. and Mn. L C. Border ar.n apend- In* lha week In Slanler,batlu.'.tUU- V.'fJ Inn Mn. tinrdor'i brother, - J.

    '.Mr. and Mn. It, 1). sinrer nrc:ainplni[ aC cd-nBb bkci; t____ . , rcm

    iln . I. M. qiord and dauKl.ter !"*.\delalde, ipcnt Mondoy In Twin C !:Falli. rtturnlug to ,Murlnui;h lail iJlSrenin*. . / * '

    Mr*. >earl Ituiiell of Murtauth r i i la *Twln Kalla rntenlar rltlllnii ler'dtughler at ibo .fioipliBl.

    Mr*. A.- U Jarman relnrned ' lu ll a luhl latt orenlnx. .8ho nllended the Ufl eanlpn of ibo Munn famllr held at rfU irtealan fiundBy_^Uwhlch'about. 100 iersoni wore preient. ' ' fS r

    Mn. L. 6, -Wrlrlit of n'uhl *poni W ' tondar In Twin >>illi. relurnlnit on l l . be afternoon m ln. /

    Mra. n.-B , Tvldki^k relurne.1 to 'U liBrtauiih Mondar etier vliHtlnR ber l iIller, Mn. Uarwin llarroy of thli ' . Hr. alnce.Saibrdar. , .

    C. A. Iloblnion relumed frnm Ilur- ' **" ly re*lordny -whero be- wai called r courl mallon. __ oihei

    Mra. Loul* Dorlei.flnd child left e londar (or Vnnkton. S. 1). They to been TltltlnB John Schalt and

    to"inoS{br*'" *''* *"* Mimi. . beforMn. M ,M, Turner and child,re- o irnid to llanteri lait erenlnt a/ier .idlns; M o n d ^ T w I n .W li.

    Joaepb Wrin ,'lofi Mnmlar erenlns >')' r llia bom# tn llald.lck. Matt, ll! for tl It'beeu tho Thouiand* >Ir ir ing .ja ro . ; ; ........... . _ Ins^i

    Mra. U' P. Kelly of llanien ipenl I Ionday In Twin Pntli, . , Ihl*

    ' . AmDarld Alrord It vlilllns'wlib Dick I'lm* Ing la Uolie, lie expeci* to ro-rn Thuradar. wlifc

    ------- lor (n. & DrMtard.' local larm buroani|ireionlallo. Ii in lhe lluhlfcoad iweerMowortb country on huilno*|-oflbe J-rm bureau, ile will return lomor- MundIW, . . and

    ------- llniKor W{iralwrlghC inaniiser ot lhe dor3lie branch of the II r . Ooodrlch rd IrrJsnllnn Mpu>- ,V

    In? Klertlen, .

    Chsrgc* Ibal Ibo peiliinn' calllnn [j!' for tho lubmlMlon al nn electloo nt J tbo quetilon ot .formatlcm of the American' Kail* irrigation dliiirlct n i haU been chanced nfler ll hnd been U ilgiird by lhe landhnblen nffecled 1 I nnd before ll waa llled 1|> the otflce o t thn couwy cotawUiluneni h,er, wero made by-A, I., ilougbtclln, Bliokeinian fnr a group of prominent l(4;al men. a l an (ntormal intellAS nf lliat bodr yeiierday allernoon. '

    Tho clifef objecllonii tn roilns on llio ot creatl*f lh 'irlci wern .Ihat iomo\ot Uio unre- . claimed land wa* ,wroiAfu1iy includ-

    pMl dlilrlcl nnd ihar I conireci nilsbl bo made belwre,n Ihe Idabo ' I'ower.tcmpanr and.the itclBmatlon * lerrlce, wblch would. It wa* ihoughl, serlouiiy .affecl lho waler riahta.. r . AuRvat !S la tbe dUo net .br tbe boa rcmmlialonert for the- rnblle bear- Ing ot.lhe.pellllnn. At Ihli tlme'ob. at lertloni to Hie-crcMlon-cl lho die- lait trict wlli bo beard and tbe probable nil elecllon dale delennlncd. ot;,

    U . I'Pown, C. 0. OruoM. B. J. T Mnlone, Dan Della and Thomaa Co*- oi elio wero among the ' prDlcttun of : tended b r . Hougbtelln. Clnl

    . . ^ l t c (

    iEPORHO.FOfiii i l G l l l ?

    .. ;____ (he. . for

    Hardware dealen tcjioftevl ji ruU IntK fl . punhBiei of- ammiinlilon' and ibrr Iher bunting ' equlpnieni,. n ibn lowi

    cUy jsialit prtpar*. bord 'OM* retlorilay (or the opening 0( and iio ange.lien leaiiui lotlar., Tho lutei tnaoB opened aH--.oier th* ao Uue ilb liie oictption of . i''ninklla (art! uiiiy, Ibit mornlilg nne-balf honr trnm eforo lunrlte. and clotea a t auntet tor > 1 lhe orenlnr 'of Hepiembor ICih. mllo bu bag llmll U ilx blrdt. i:n.