amanecí contigo


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Post on 28-Jan-2018



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Page 2: Amanecí contigo
Page 3: Amanecí contigo
Page 4: Amanecí contigo

El paso del tiempo a veces nos traiciona y ante un nuevo

amanecer creemos que todo aquello que un día nos acompañó

se supera, pero no,

hay cosas que sólo quedan en nuestro interior, recuerdos de vivencias

con las que aprendemos a vivir, como retazos de sentimientos que

nunca nos abandonarán, aunque sean dolorosos.

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Esta mañana me levanté mirando el nuevo amanecer, sentí en la yema de

los dedos la presencia que se apoderaba de mis sentidos,

sentí la dolorosa realidad del recuerdo haciéndose patente en mí,

con embriagadora y dolorosa alegría, paladeando a esa persona perdida

hace años, aquella con quien hubiese seguido compartiendo todo.

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La melancolía se paseaba con alegre

desenfado por una mente a veces baldía,

cual remanso de sueños enturbiados por la

presencia que amalgama todas las fibras de un ser

que pese a todo, aún vibra.

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Esta mañana amaneció con tu presencia,

por compartir.

una nueva promesa de sueños por compartir, lágrimas por derramar,

aunque sea en ausencia, aunque sólo quede tu recuerdo aferrado a

todo lo que queda por llegar,

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I miss youAs if stranger the nights without stars

As miss a beautiful mornings Not to be with you, for God, as it hurts me

I miss youWhen way, when I cry, when I laughWhen the Sun shines, when it´s very coldbecause I feel you as something very mine

I miss you As the trees miss the autumnIn these nights I do not conciliate sleepYou do not imagine love, as I miss you

I miss youin each step that I feel solitary

Each moment that I am living the daily oneI am dying love, because I miss you

I miss you When the dawn starts to give colorsWith its virtues, all its errorsBecause you want I do not know, but I miss you

The passage of time sometimes betrays us to a new day and we believe that one day everythingaccompanied us is exceeded, but not, there are things that are just in our interior, memories of experiences with which we learn to live, as remnants of feelings that we never abandon, evenpainful.

This morning I woke up looking at the new day, feltin the fingertips her presence that came over my senses, I felt the reality of becoming patentremember me, heady with pain and joy, savoringthat person lost years ago, those who had followedall sharing.

Melancholy was walking with joyous abandon bya sometimes uncultivated mind, oasis of dreamswhich sometimes marred by her presence thatamalgamates all the fibers of a being that despiteeverything, still vibrates

This morning dawned with your presence, a new

promise of dreams for sharing, even in theabsence, if only your memory remains clinging toall that is to come, for sharing. - [email protected]