ambilan ogos 2018 / august intake 2018 - umcced...1. diploma eksekutif pengurusan (pentadbiran dan...


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    PUSAT PENDIDIKAN BERTERUSAN UNIVERSITI MALAYA Aras 9, Wisma R&D, Universiti Malaya Jalan Pantai Baharu, 59990 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-2246 3600 Faks: 03-2246 3627 Laman Web:

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    Senarai Kakitangan Pentadbiran 7 - 8 STRUKTUR PROGRAM

    Maklumat Am 18

    Kalendar Pengajian Ambilan Ogos 2018 19

    Senarai Penawaran Kursus Mengikut Semester 20 - 28 LAMPIRAN

    Lampiran A (Caj Yuran Pengajian dan Yuran Pendaftaran) 29 Nota : Maklumat yang dinyatakan di dalam buku ini adalah benar sehingga ke tarikh cetakan dibuat. Sebarang perubahan akan dimaklumkan secara rasmi dari semasa ke semasa.

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    Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya atau University of Malaya Centre for Continuing Education (UMCCed) yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 1998 merupakan sebuah pusat di bawah Canseleri Universiti Malaya yang menawarkan program-program pendidikan dan latihan khusus kepada golongan bekerja pada peringkat Diploma, Diploma Eksekutif, Sijil serta kursus-kursus pendek dalam pelbagai bidang. UMCCed juga merupakan satu-satunya pusat di universiti awam yang mempelopori perkhidmatan dan latihan coaching yang ditawarkan khusus untuk para eksekutif, pegawai tadbir, usahawan serta tenaga pengajar dan perunding profesional sebagai kaedah efektif dalam meningkatkan produktiviti serta mencapai kecemerlangan organisasi. Di samping itu, ia juga menyediakan peluang latihan kepada peserta-peserta antarabangsa melalui bengkel, lawatan sambil belajar dan kursus pendek serta menjadi urus setia dan penganjur dalam pengurusan seminar dan persidangan untuk pelanggan-pelanggan dari dalam dan luar negara. Berteraskan prinsip pendidikan sepanjang hayat, kebanyakan program yang ditawarkan adalah berbentuk separuh masa dan disusun mengikut keperluan individu dan organisasi korporat. Kelas yang biasanya diadakan pada hujung minggu atau selepas waktu bekerja memberi peluang kepada warga bekerja untuk memanfaatkan masa yang terluang secara lebih produktif bagi meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran mereka secara berterusan. UMCCed telah membuktikan kecemerlangannya sebagai penyedia latihan terkemuka di negara ini dengan kejayaan melahirkan lebih 17,000 graduan yang terdiri daripada warga bekerja pada peringkat Diploma Eksekutif dan Sijil dalam pelbagai bidang. Ramai antara mereka telah pun mengecap pelbagai kejayaan sama ada dalam kerjaya atau pun melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat lebih tinggi. Pencapaian ini juga memperlihatkan kepercayaan, keyakinan serta pengiktirafan sektor korporat terhadap keupayaan pusat ini dalam menyumbang ke arah pembangunan tenaga kerja mereka. Penawaran program-program yang berkualiti melalui UMCCed ini adalah bertujuan memenuhi hasrat Universiti Malaya untuk menyalurkan kepakaran serta memenuhi komitmennya untuk memperkembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran kepada segenap lapisan masyarakat. Usaha ini juga adalah selaras dengan aspirasi negara untuk mewujudkan ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi yang mampan dan inklusif melalui Model Ekonomi Baru serta menempatkan negara pada landasan betul untuk mencapai status negara maju menjelang 2020. Lokasi Strategik Kedudukan strategik UMCCed di Wisma R & D Universiti Malaya memberikan kemudahan akses kepada orang ramai melalui jaringan jalan raya utama dan juga pengangkutan awam.

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    Kemudahan UMCCed juga mempunyai kemudahan pembelajaran yang selesa seperti perpustakaan, bilik seminar dan makmal komputer untuk kegunaan pelajar-pelajarnya. Kemudahan lain seperti kafetaria, surau dan tempat letak kereta yang luas turut disediakan. Komitmen UMCCed sentiasa komited untuk memberikan perkhidmatan berkualiti kepada semua golongan pelanggan. Peranan yang dinamik ini akan sentiasa ditingkatkan bagi menghasilkan warganegara yang berilmu, sesuai dengan keperluan pembangunan negara. Visi Menjadi pusat kecemerlangan dalam bidang pendidikan berterusan. Misi Menyediakan peluang pendidikan berterusan kepada masyarakat umum, sama ada dari dalam atau luar negeri, dengan menawarkan kursus-kursus dan aktiviti yang bertujuan mempertingkatkan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan ketrampilan individu dari segi profesion atau pembangunan diri.

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    Pada masa ini terdapat sepuluh program yang ditawarkan oleh UMCCed seperti di bawah :

    1. Diploma Eksekutif Pengurusan (Pentadbiran dan Operasi) – UFA

    2. Diploma Eksekutif Pengurusan (Sumber Manusia) – UFB 3. Diploma Eksekutif Pengurusan (Perniagaan) – UFC

    4. Diploma Eksekutif Pentadbiran Perakaunan – UFF

    5. Diploma Eksekutif Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak – UFD

    6. Diploma Eksekutif Kaunseling – UFE

    7. Diploma Eksekutif Teknologi Maklumat – UFH

    8. Diploma Eksekutif Sains Siasatan – UFG

    9. Diploma Eksekutif Pengajian Syariah – UFK

    10. Diploma Eksekutif Pengajian Usuluddin – UFL

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    Timbalan Pengarah (Akademik)

    Prof. Dato Dr. Mansor Md Isa

    Dr. Haslida Abu Hasan


    2246 3633

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Ketua Bahagian

    Datin Farinda Abdul Ghani

    2246 3459

    [email protected]

    Pengurus Penolong Pengurus

    Eksekutif Kanan

    Mohd. Nasran Abd Halim Maryam Ishak

    Nor Adilah Mohd Nor

    2246 3632

    2246 3631 2246 3624

    [email protected] [email protected]


    Pengurus Program : (1) Diploma Eksekutif

    Pengurusan (Pentadbiran dan Operasi)

    (2) Diploma Eksekutif Pengurusan (Perniagaan)

    (3) Diploma Eksekutif

    Pengurusan (Sumber Manusia)

    (4) Diploma Eksekutif

    Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak

    (5) Diploma Eksekutif

    Kaunseling (6) Diploma Eksekutif

    Pentadbiran Perakaunan (7) Diploma Eksekutif

    Teknologi Maklumat

    Halimah Abdul Sukor Noor Sharizan Ismail Noor Sharizan Ismail Nor Adilah Mohd Nor Nor Adilah Mohd Nor Noor Sharizan Ismail Halimah Abdul Sukor

    2246 3625

    2246 3625

    2246 3625

    2246 3624

    2246 3624

    2246 3625

    2246 3625

    [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] diya_adilahmnor@um. diya_adilahmnor@um. [email protected] [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]

  • 8

    Pembantu Eksekutif

    Siti Hamizah Samingan

    2246 3624

    [email protected]

    Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian dan Operasi)

    (1) Shaidatul Hanan Mohamed

    (2) Norkhuzaimah

    Kudus (3) Wan Nurul Huda

    binti Wan Hassan

    (4) Nur Ainoon Jariah Abdul Hadi

    (5) Muhamad Shah

    Izzuddin Fadzil

    2246 3624

    2246 3630

    2246 3624 2246 3626

    22463 631

    [email protected]

    [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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    1. PENDAHULUAN (1) Pelajar dinasihatkan supaya membaca maklumat tentang pengajian melalui Buku

    Panduan Program Diploma Eksekutif dan Buku Kaedah-kaedah dan Peraturan-Peraturan Universiti Malaya (Pengajian Diploma Eksekutif) 2012 sebagai pelengkap kepada Buku Panduan UMCCed.

    (2) Pelajar perlu mengambil perhatian bahawa penawaran kursus adalah berdasarkan kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan pada semester berkenaan.

    (3) Bilangan pelajar untuk sesuatu kursus juga adalah tertakluk kepada kapasiti bagi kursus berkenaan.

    (4) Maklumat Am ini hanya terpakai untuk pelajar kemasukan sesi Ogos 2018 sahaja. Buku ini hendaklah diguna pakai sepanjang tempoh pengajian pelajar.


    Tempoh minimum bagi menyempurnakan sesuatu program pengajian ialah empat (4) semester dan maksimum ialah lapan (8) semester.

    3. PENDAFTARAN KURSUS Pelajar dikehendaki mengikuti dan memenuhi jumlah kredit keseluruhan yang ditetapkan bagi program pengajian berkenaan seperti mana yang diluluskan oleh Senat.

    (1) Setiap pelajar hanya perlu mendaftar sekali sahaja. (2) Pendaftaran kursus perlu dilakukan selewat-lewatnya dua minggu dari tarikh permulaan

    sesuatu ambilan program pengajian. (3) Pelajar yang tidak mendaftar selepas minggu kuliah ke-2, dianggap telah menarik diri

    dari program berkenaan sekiranya tiada apa-apa pendaftaran telah dibuat dan tiada apa-apa pemberitahuan diterima daripada pelajar berkenaan pada tempoh tersebut.

    (4) Namun, bagi mana-mana pelajar di bawah kes khas atas kelulusan Pengarah, boleh diluluskan untuk mendaftar lewat tertakluk calon memenuhi 50% daripada kehadiran kelas untuk sesuatu kursus.

    (5) Pelajar juga boleh mendaftar serentak untuk program pengajian lain yang membawa kepada penganugerahan sesuatu sijil/diploma/ijazah di Universiti atau institusi lain.


    (1) Pelajar dikehendaki mengikuti sejumlah minimum 90 kredit. Komponen kursus yang

    melayakkan seseorang pelajar dianugerahi Diploma Eksekutif ialah: (a) Kursus Universiti

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    (b) Kursus Teras (c) Kursus Elektif

    (2) Pemindahan Kredit

    (a) Pemindahan kredit bermakna pemindahan kredit bersama-sama dengan gred yang diperoleh bagi kursus yang diambil oleh pelajar selepas diterima masuk untuk mengikuti program pengajian di Universiti.

    (b) Dalam proses pemindahan kredit, kredit yang diperoleh bersama-sama dengan

    gred dan mata gred bagi kursus berkenaan akan diambil kira dalam pengiraan PNG dan PNGK pelajar. Kebenaran untuk pemindahan kredit antara lain, tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat berikut:

    (i) kursus yang dipohon untuk pemindahan kredit mempunyai pertindihan

    sekurang-kurangnya 75% dengan kursus yang ditawarkan di Universiti;

    (ii) gred atau mata gred yang diperoleh untuk kursus berkenaan adalah tidak kurang daripada C atau 2.0; dan

    (iii) kursus yang dipohon untuk pemindahan kredit hendaklah merupakan kursus dari program pengajian yang setaraf dengan program pengajian yang sedang diikuti di Universiti;

    (c) Walau bagaimanapun dalam keadaan istimewa, pelajar yang diluluskan pertukaran

    program pengajian, boleh dipertimbangkan untuk pemindahan kredit tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat di atas.

    (3) Pengecualian Kredit

    (a) Pengecualian kredit bermakna pengecualian dari pendaftaran dan mengikuti

    kursus yang ditetapkan untuk sesuatu program pengajian berdasarkan kursus yang diambil oleh pelajar sebelum diterima masuk ke program pengajian di UMCCed seperti mana yang diluluskan oleh Universiti. Kursus yang diluluskan pengecualian kredit akan diberikan gred K dan kredit tidak diambil kiradalam pengiraan PNG dan PNGK.

    (b) Bagi maksud pertimbangan pengecualian kredit

    (i) sekiranya permohonan adalah bedasarkan kelayakan peringkat Sijil

    Profesional/Diploma pelajar hendaklah mengemukakan salinan Sijil Perofesional/Diploma yang telah diperolehi. Kursus hendaklah dari Sijil

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    Profesional/Diploma yang dianugerahkan dalam tempoh lima (5) tahun dari sesi kemasukan pelajar ke UMCCed; atau

    (ii) sekiranya pelajar tidak berjaya menamatkan pengajian peringkat Sijil Perofesional/Diploma maka beliau hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya telah mengikuti kursus berkenaan dengan jayanya dan mengemukakan slip keputusan peperiksaan atau transkrip separa bagi program pengajian terdahulu. Kursus hendaklah diambil dalam tempoh lima (5) tahun dari sesi kemasukan pelajar ke UMCCed; dan

    (iii) Permohonan hendaklah dikemukakan dalam semester pertama pengajian.

    (c) Syarat-syarat untuk pengecualian kredit adalah seperti berikut:

    (i) kursus yang dipohon untuk pengecualian kredit mempunyai pertindihan sekurang-kurangnya 75% dengan kursus yang ditawarkan di Universiti; dan

    (ii) gred atau mata gred yang diperoleh untuk kursus berkenaan adalah tidak

    kurang daripada C atau 2.0.

    (d) Dalam keadaan tertentu kursus yang tidak diluluskan untuk pemindahan kredit boleh dipertimbangkan untuk pengecualian kredit tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat di atas.

    (4) Permohonan Pemindahan dan Pengecualian Kredit

    (a) Permohonan untuk pemindahan atau pengecualian kredit hendaklah dibuat

    dengan menggunakan borang tertentu yang boleh didapati di UMCCed. Borang yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Pengarah tidak lewat dari minggu kuliah ketiga semester pertama bersama-sama dengan:

    (i) Bayaran yuran proses atas suatu kadar yang ditetapkan. Yuran ini tidak akan


    (ii) Dokumen sokongan iaitu hasil pembelajaran kursus, silibus dan skim penggredan kursus yang dipohon untuk pemindahan atau pengecualian kredit

    (b) Jumlah maksimum kredit yang boleh dipindahkan dan dikecualikan tidak boleh

    melebihi 50% daripada jumlah keseluruhan kredit program pengajian berkenaan kecuali program profesional yang tertakluk kepada keperluan badan profesional berkenaan.

    (c) Bagi pengecualian kredit, pelajar hendaklah telah mengikuti dan memperoleh gred

    lulus mengikut skim penggredan Universiti terlebih dahulu. Pelajar yang tidak

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    tamat pengajian hendaklah menyertakan slip keputusan peperiksaan atau transkrip separa program pengajiannya terdahulu.

    (d) Pelajar akan dimaklumkan secara bertulis oleh Pengarah mengenai keputusan

    permohonan pemindahan atau pengecualian kredit yang dipohon.


    (a) Pelajar diwajibkan menghadiri semua kelas. (b) Seseorang pelajar yang tidak dapat hadir kelas dalam masa Semester perlulah

    memaklumkan kepada Pengurus Program. Pelajar yang tidak hadir kerana sakit, perlu mengemukakan surat akuan doktor ke UMCCed dengan seberapa segera yang boleh.

    (c) Mana-mana pelajar yang mencapai kehadiran di bawah 80% bagi sesuatu kursus tanpa

    sebab yang boleh diterima atau tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapat kebenaran boleh dihalang daripada menduduki peperiksaan program pengajiannya oleh Ketua Bahagian yang berkenaan. Pelajar akan dimaklumkan secara bertulis oleh Ketua Bahagian Program Akademik sebelum peperiksaan bermula sekiranya ia dihalang daripada menduduki peperiksaan sesuatu kursus.


    (a) Gred rasmi Universiti serta maksudnya seperti berikut:

    Markah Gred Mata Gred Maksud

    80-100 75-79

    A A-

    4.0 3.7

    Cemerlang Cemerlang

    70-74 65-69 60-64

    B+ B B-

    3.3 3.0 2.7

    Kepujian Kepujian Kepujian

    55-59 50-54

    C+ C

    2.3 2.0

    Lulus Lulus

    45-49 40-44 35-39 00-34

    C- D+ D F

    1.7 1.3 1.0 0.0

    Gagal Gagal Gagal Gagal

    (b) Selain daripada gred-gred seperti yang ditunjukkan di perenggan (a) di atas, gred-gred

    berikut juga boleh diberikan kepada seseorang pelajar untuk sesuatu kursus yang


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    (i) Gred H, diberi bagi kursus di mana pelajar yang dihalang menduduki

    peperiksaan atas sebab tidak mencukupi peratus kehadiran yang

    ditetapkan. Kredit tidak diberi untuk gred ini. Pelajar dikehendaki

    mengikuti semula kursus berkenaan dan perlu memenuhi syarat

    minimum kehadiran untuk melayakannya menduduki peperiksaan

    kursus berkenaan.

    (ii) (A) Gred I, diberi apabila –

    (aa) pelajar tidak mengambil peperiksaan bagi mana-mana

    kursus atas alasan perubatan (sakit), atau

    perikemanusiaan (simpati) dan gred itu diperakukan oleh

    Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa Kluster berkenaan; atau

    (bb) sebahagian daripada keperluan kursus masih belum

    disempurnakan atas alasan di luar kawalan pelajar yang

    boleh diterima oleh Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa Kluster


    (B) Dalam keadaan di perenggan (aa) di atas, pelajar dibenarkan

    menduduki peperiksaan khas kursus berkenaan tanpa

    disyaratkan mengikuti semula kelas kursus tersebut. Pelajar akan

    dikehendaki menduduki peperiksaan khas untuk kursus

    berkenaan yang diadakan dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan oleh


    (C) Dalam keadaan di perenggan (bb) di atas, pelajar dikehendaki

    untuk menyempurnakan sebahagian daripada keperluan kursus

    yang berkenaan dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan oleh UMCCed.

    (D) Dalam kedua-dua keadaan yang dinyatakan di perenggan (B)

    dan/atau (C) di atas, pelajar tidak dikenakan sebarang yuran.

    (E) Gred I akan digantikan dengan gred sebenar apabila pelajar telah

    lulus peperiksaan khas dan/atau telah menyempurnakan

    sebahagian keperluan kursus berkenaan. Gred yang diperolehi

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    akan menggantikan gred I pada semester di mana pelajar

    mendapat gred I tersebut.

    (iii) Gred K, diberi bagi kursus yang diluluskan pengecualian kredit. Kredit

    akan diambilkira dalam pengiraan kredit dapat.

    (iv) Gred P, diberi pada semester pertama pendaftaran bagi kursus yang

    dijalankan dalam dua semester berturutan;

    (v) Gred R, diberi bagi kursus yang didaftar oleh pelajar untuk mengaudit

    sahaja. Kredit tidak diberi untuk gred ini;

    (vi) Gred S, diberi bagi kursus yang prestasi pelajar dinilai hanya dari segi


    (vii) Gred U, diberi bagi kursus yang prestasi pelajar dinilai hanya dari segi

    tidak memuaskan;

    (viii) Gred UR, diberi bagi kursus yang didaftar oleh pelajar untuk mengaudit

    tetapi tidak memenuhi 80% kehadiran;

    (ix) Gred W, diberi bagi kursus di mana pelajar telah menarik diri secara

    rasmi dari satu atau lebih kursus dalam sesuatu semester;

    (x) Gred W1, diberi bagi semua kursus apabila pelajar telah menarik diri

    secara rasmi daripada semester;

    (xi) Gred W2, diberi bagi semua kursus apabila pelajar telah menarik diri

    secara rasmi daripada program pengajian Diploma Eksekutif;

    (xii) Gred Y, diberi bagi kursus di mana pelajar yang dihalang menduduki

    peperiksaan atas sebab tidak menjelaskan yuran pengajian kursus

    berkenaan. Kredit tidak diberi untuk gred ini. Pelajar dikehendaki

    menduduki peperiksaan setelah menjelaskan bayaran yuran tertunggak

    tanpa disyaratkan mengikuti semula kursus berkenaan.

    (c) Gred lulus bagi semua kursus adalah gred C kecuali bagi kursus yang dinilai hanya dari segi

    memuaskan atau tidak memuaskan.

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    (a) Pelajar dibenarkan mempertingkatkan gred kursus yang telah lulus kepada satu gred yang lebih baik bagi mana-mana kursus sekali sahaja sepanjang tempoh pengajiannya. Gred terbaik akan diambil kira bagi tujuan pengiraan PNGK.

    (b) Bagi tujuan mempertingkatkan gred kursus, pelajar diberi pilihan untuk -

    (i) memenuhi keperluan kaedah penilaian kursus berkenaan dengan mengikuti semula kelas; atau

    (ii) menduduki peperiksaan serta memenuhi satu kaedah penilaian berterusan

    khas yang ditentukan oleh UMCCed tanpa mengikuti semula kelas. (c) Dalam keadaan di atas, pelajar dikehendaki mengemukakan permohonan kepada

    Pengarah dalam tempoh dua minggu dari tarikh keputusan rasmi dikeluarkan.


    (a) Kaedah Pengiraan PNG dan PNGK

    (i) Prestasi akademik pelajar bagi sesuatu semester ditunjukkan oleh PNG dan PNGK.

    Contoh Pengiraan PNG:

    Kursus Gred Mata Gred

    Kredit Kredit X Mata Gred

    K1 K2 K3 K4



    C+ B C

    4.0 2.3 3.0 2.0

    3 4 4 4


    3 X 4.0 = 12.0 4 X 2.3 = 9.2 4 X 3.0 = 12.0 4 X 2.0 = 8.0 PNG = 41.2

    15 = 2.75

    PNG ditentukan dengan membahagikan jumlah mata gred yang diperoleh dengan jumlah kredit yang diambil dalam sesuatu semester. PNGK ditentukan dengan membahagikan jumlah mata gred yang diperoleh dengan jumlah kredit yang telah diambil mulai semester pertama sehingga semester terkini bagi kursus di dalam program pengajiannya.

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    (ii) Sesuatu kursus yang diikuti oleh pelajar di luar daripada struktur program pengajiannya tidak akan diambil kira dalam PNG dan PNGK.

    (b) Keperluan minimum program pengajian

    Untuk memenuhi keperluan minimum program pengajian, seseorang pelajar hendaklah memperoleh PNG dan PNGK tidak kurang daripada 2.0 pada setiap semester sehingga tamat pengajiannya.

    (c) Tempoh Pemerhatian Akademik dan Amaran

    Mana-mana pelajar yang memperoleh PNG di bawah 2.0 dalam sesuatu semester akan diberi keputusan Pemerhatian bagi semester berkenaan dan diletakkan di dalam Tempoh Pemerhatian Akademik dalam semester berikutnya. Tempoh ini akan terus kekal sehingga PNG pelajar tersebut mencapai 2.0.

    (d) Gagal Keluar

    (i) Seseorang pelajar boleh ditamatkan daripada program pengajiannya sekiranya:

    (A) memperoleh PNG kurang daripada 2.0 untuk dua semester berturut-turut;

    (B) memperoleh gred D dan ke bawah sebanyak tiga kali bagi mana-mana

    kursus; dan (C) gagal menyempurnakan keperluan program pengajiannya dalam

    tempoh maksimum yang ditetapkan.


    (a) Peraturan am

    Mana-mana pelajar yang tidak hadir pada mana-mana kertas peperiksaan dianggap telah gagal bagi komponen peperiksaan akhir peperiksaan kursus berkenaan.

    (b) Tidak hadir peperiksaan atas alasan perubatan/munasabah:

    (i) Pelajar yang tidak mengambil sebahagian atau keseluruhan peperiksaan atas

    alasan perubatan (sakit), atau lain-lain sebab yang munasabah hendaklah mengemukakan permohonan bertulis kepada Pengarah/Ketua Bahagian. Sekiranya tidak ada permintaan bertulis diterima, pelajar dianggap telah gagal komponen peperiksaan.

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    (ii) Permohonan bertulis mestilah disampaikan kepada Pengarah/Ketua Bahagian tidak lewat daripada dua (2) minggu dari tarikh peperiksaan kursus berkenaan.

    (iii) Permohonan hendaklah dikemukakan bersama bukti dokumentasi berdasarkan


    (A) perubatan (sakit); sijil sakit yang dikeluarkan atas nama pelajar daripada pegawai perubatan yang berdaftar; atau

    (B) munasabah;

    (aa) satu laporan daripada pegawai daerah dan/atau pegawai polis; (bb) Sijil sakit dan/atau laporan perubatan daripada pegawai

    perubatan berdaftar yang dikeluarkan atas nama keluarga terdekat;

    (cc) Surat majikan tentang arahan bertugas pada hari dan tarikh

    peperiksaan dijalankan.

    10. RAYUAN

    (1) Rayuan Terhadap Keputusan Kursus

    (a) Pelajar yang tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan kursus boleh merayu untuk semakan semula keputusan kursus berkenaan. Rayuan hendaklah dibuat dalam tempoh dua minggu dari tarikh pengumuman rasmi keputusan peperiksaan. Tarikh pengumuman rasmi adalah tarikh di mana keputusan peperiksaan dimaklumkan kepada pelajar oleh Pengurus Program.

    (b) Rayuan hendaklah dibuat secara bertulis kepada Pengarah dalam tempoh dua

    minggu selepas keputusan dimaklumkan kepada pelajar dengan mengemukakan resit asal bayaran yang ditetapkan untuk rayuan ini. Bayaran ini tidak akan dikembalikan. Sila rujuk Lampiran A.

    (c) Rayuan tidak akan diterima oleh pejabat UMCCed sekiranya:

    (i) dikemukakan selepas tempoh yang dinyatakan dalam subperaturan (a)

    di atas; atau

    (ii) tidak dikemukakan bersama-sama dengan resit asal bayaran.

    (d) Gred terbaik akan diambil kira bagi tujuan pengiraan PNGK.

  • 19



    Pendaftaran Kuliah Ulangkaji Peperiksaan Pertengahan Semester l Cuti Pertengahan Semester l Kuliah Ulangkaji Peperiksaan Semester I Cuti Semester I / Peperiksaan Tambahan

    6 minggu 1 minggu 1 minggu 2 minggu 6 minggu* 1 minggu 1 minggu 2 minggu

    20 minggu

    11.08.2018 21.09.2018 02.11.2018 16.11.2018 23.11.2018

    07.12.2018 25.01.2019 08.02.2019 15.02.2019

    - - - - - - - -

    28.10.2018 04.11.2018 18.11.2018 02.12.2018 20.01.2019 27.01.2019 10.02.2019 24.02.2019


    Kuliah Ulangkaji Peperiksaan Pertengahan Semester Il Cuti Pertengahan Semester ll Kuliah Ulangkaji Peperiksaan Semester Il Cuti Semester II / Peperiksaan Tambahan

    6 minggu 1 minggu 1 minggu 2 minggu 6 minggu** 1 minggu 1 minggu 2 minggu

    20 minggu

    01.03.2019 12.04.2019 19.04.2019 26.04.2019 10.05.2019 05.07.2019 12.07.2019 19.07.2019

    - - - - - - - -

    07.04.2019 14.04.2019 21.04.2019 05.05.2019 30.06.2019 07.07.2019 14.07.2019 28.07.2019


    Kuliah Ulangkaji Peperiksaan Pertengahan Semester III Cuti Pertengahan Semester lII Kuliah Ulangkaji Peperiksaan Semester III Cuti Semester III / Peperiksaan Tambahan

    6 minggu+ 1 minggu 1 minggu 2 minggu 6 minggu++ 1 minggu 1 minggu 2 minggu

    20 minggu

    02.08.2019 20.09.2019 27.09.2019 04.10.2019 18.10.2019 06.12.2019 13.12.2019 20.12.2019

    - - - - - - - -

    15.09.2019 22.09.2019 29.09.2019 13.10.2019 01.12.2019 08.12.2019 15.12.2019 29.12.2019


    Kuliah Ulangkaji Peperiksaan Pertengahan Semester IV Cuti Pertengahan Semester lV Kuliah Ulangkaji Peperiksaan Semester IV Cuti Semester IV / Peperiksaan Tambahan

    6 minggu^ 1 minggu 1 minggu 2 minggu 6 minggu^^ 1 minggu 1 minggu 2 minggu

    20 minggu

    03.01.2020 28.02.2020 06.03.2020 13.03.2020 27.03.2020 15.05.2020 05.06.2020 12.06.2020

    - - - - - - - -

    23.02.2020 01.03.2020 08.03.2020 22.03.2020 10.05.2020 17.05.2020 07.06.2020 21.06.2020

    Tertakluk kepada pindaan

    Kelas/peperiksaan dijalankan pada setiap hari Sabtu/Ahad kecuali di Kampus Akademi Pengajian Islam Nilam Puri kelas pada hari Jumaat&Sabtu

    Cuti Umum * Krismas (25 Disember 2018), Tahun Baru (1 Januari 2019) dan Thaipusam (21 Januari 2019)

    ** Hari Raya Puasa (5&6 Jun 2019) + Hari Kemerdekaan (31 Ogos 2019), Awal Muharram (1 September 2019) ++ Deepavali (27 Oktober 2019) ^ Tahun Baru Cina (25 & 26 Januari 2020) dan Thaipusam (08.02.2020) ^^ Hari Pekerja (1 Mei 2018) Tarikh kemaskini : 19.07.2018

  • 20





    Kursus Universiti

    GFG 1011 Tanggungjawab Sosial 2

    GFG 1001 Pengajian Malaysia 3

    Kursus Teras & Elektif

    UFC 1002 Prinsip Ekonomi 4 UFB 1002 Tingkah Laku Organisasi 4 UFA 1002 Metodologi Penyelidikan 4

    UFA 1001 Pengenalan kepada Pengurusan

    4 UFA 1004 Pengurusan Kualiti 4 UFB 1001 Pengurusan Sumber Manusia 4

    UFF 1001 Pengenalan kepada Perakaunan

    4 UFA 1005 Pengurusan Perolehan 4 UFA 1003 Sistem Maklumat Pengurusan 4

    UFC 1001 Prinsip Pemasaran 4

    Jumlah Kredit 16 12 17 45




    Kursus Universiti

    GFG 1004 Kemahiran Penyampaian Berkesan

    3 GFG 1003 Bahasa Inggeris untuk Komunikasi

    3 GFG 1008 Asas Keusahawanan di Malaysia


    Kursus Teras & Elektif

    UFF 2001 Pengurusan Kewangan 4 UFA 2006 Pengurusan Operasi 4 UFA 2002 Pengurusan Logistik dan Rantaian Bekalan


    UFA 2003 Pengurusan Projek 4 UFC 2004 Strategi Perniagaan 4 UFA 2005 Pengurusan Pejabat 4

    UFC 2002 Pengurusan Perkhidmatan 4 UFC 2001 Etika Profesional dan Undang-Undang Perniagaan

    4 UFB 2002 Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan


    Jumlah Kredit 15 15

    15 45


  • 21



    1. Yuran Pendaftaran – tidak dikembalikan (termasuk dalam yuran pengajian)


    2. Penangguhan Pengajian *

    (a) Kali pertama

    (b) Kali kedua

    (c) Kali ketiga

    (d) Kali keempat dan seterusnya

    (*tertakluk kepada jangka masa maksimum

    pengajian 8 semester)





    3. Kelas Ulangan (per kredit) 100.00

    4. Peperiksaan Tambahan 150.00

    5. Pengecualian / Pemindahan Kredit (per kredit) 15.00

    6. Mempertingkatkan Gred 150.00

    7. Semakan Semula Keputusan 150.00

    8. Caj Pendaftaran Lewat 50.00

    9. Penarikan Diri dari Program

    (a) Yuran Pengajian

    (i) Permohonan dibuat sebelum hari

    Jumaat minggu kedua kursus

    (ii) Permohonan dibuat selepas

    minggu kedua kursus

    (b) Yuran Pendaftaran

    (i) Semester I & Semester II

    (ii) Semester III & Semester IV

    30% daripada jumlah yuran

    kursus berkenaan

    100% daripada jumlah

    yuran kursus berkenaan

    30% daripada jumlah yuran


    100% daripada jumlah

    yuran pendaftaran

  • 22



    AUGUST 2018

  • 23




    List of Administrative Staff 33 - 34 PROGRAMME STRUCTURE

    General Information 36 - 44

    Academic Calendar for August Intake 2018 45

    List of Course Offerings According to Semesters 46 -52 APPENDIX

    Appendix A (Tuition Fees and Registration Fee) 53 Note : The information stated in this book is correct up to the date of printing. Any

    amendments will be officially informed from time to time.

  • 24

    BACKGROUND OF UMCCed University of Malaya Centre for Continuing Education (UMCCed) which was established in 1998 is a centre under the University of Malaya Chancellery offering training and education programmes specifically to working people at Diploma level, Executive Diploma, Certificates and short courses in various fields. UMCCed is also the only centre of a public university pioneering in coaching services and training which are offered specifically to executives, administrative officers, entrepreneurs, trainers and professional consultants as an effective method in increasing productivity and attaining organisation excellence. In addition, it also provides training opportunities to international participants through workshops, study tours and short courses as well as acts as secretariat and organiser in conferences and seminars management for local and international clients. Based on the principle of continuing education, most programmes offered are conducted on a part time basis and arranged according to individual and corporate needs. Classes which are conducted during weekends or after office hours provide an opportunity for working people to productively make use of their time in order to continuously enhance their knowledge and skills. UMCCed has proven its excellence as a well-known training provider in this nation by successfully producing about 17,000 graduates which consist of working people at Executive Diploma and Certificate levels in various fields. Most of them have been successful in their careers as well as in pursuing their studies. Such achievement exhibits trust, confidence and recognition from the corporate sector on the centre’s capability in contributing towards the development of their human resources. Offering quality programmes through UMCCed is with the purpose of fulfilling University of Malaya’s aim to channel its expertise and commitment in expanding knowledge and skills to all levels of the society. Such effort is also parallel to the nation’s aspiration to create a high-income economy that is sustainable and inclusive through the New Economic Model as well as to place the country on the right platform in order to achieve the status of being a developed nation by 2020. Strategic Location

    The strategic location of UMCCed at Wisma R & D University of Malaya provides easy access to the public through a major road networks as well as public transport. Facilities UMCCed offers comfortable learning facilities such as a library, seminar rooms and a computer lab to its students. Other facilities like cafetaria, prayer rooms and ample parking space are also available.

  • 25

    Commitment UMCCed is always committed in providing high quality services to all levels of clients. Such dynamic role will often be improved in order to produce knowledgeable nations, on par with the country’s development needs. Vision To be a renowned centre of excellence for continuing education programmes in the country. Mission To provide learning and training opportunities to the working public in order to upgrade their knowledge and skills towards the development of human capital and the nation.

  • 26

    There are currently ten programmes offered by UMCCed as below:

    1. Executive Diploma in Management (Administration and Operations) – UFA

    2. Executive Diploma in Management (Human Resource) – UFB 3. Executive Diploma in Management (Business) – UFC

    4. Executive Diploma in Accounting Administration – UFF

    5. Executive Diploma in Early Childhood Education – UFD

    6. Executive Diploma in Counselling – UFE

    7. Executive Diploma in Information Technology – UFH

    8. Executive Diploma in Investigative Science – UFG

    9. Executive Diploma in Shariah Studies - UFK

    10. Executive Diploma in Usuluddin Studies - UFL

  • 27



    Director Deputy Director (Academic)

    Prof. Dato Dr. Mansor Md Isa Dr. Haslida Abu Hasan


    2246 3633

    [email protected] [email protected]

    Head of Division Datin Farinda Abdul Ghani

    2246 3459 [email protected]

    Manager Assistant Manager Senior Executive

    Mohd Nasran Abd Halim Maryam Ishak Nor Adilah Mohd Nor

    2246 3632

    2246 3631

    2246 3624

    [email protected] [email protected] diya_adilahmnor@um.

    Programme Manager :

    (1) Executive Diploma in Management (Administration and Operations)

    (2) Executive Diploma in Management (Business)

    (3) Executive Diploma in

    Management (Human Resource)

    (4) Executive Diploma in

    Early Childhood Education (5) Executive Diploma in


    (6) Executive Diploma in Accounting Administration

    (7) Executive Diploma in

    Information Technology

    Halimah Abdul Sukor Noor Sharizan Ismail Noor Sharizan Ismail Nor Adilah Mohd Nor Nor Adilah Mohd Nor Noor Sharizan Ismail

    Halimah Abdul Sukor

    2246 3625

    2246 3625

    2246 3625

    2246 3624

    2246 3624

    2246 3625

    2246 3625

    [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] diya_adilahmnor@um. diya_adilahmnor@um. [email protected] [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]

  • 28

    Executive Assistant Siti Hamizah Samingan

    2246 3624 [email protected]

    Administrative Assistant (Clerical and Operation)

    (1) Shaidatul Hanan Mohamed

    (2) Norkhuzaimah

    Kudus (3) Wan Nurul

    Huda Wan (4) Nur Ainoon

    Jariah Abdul Hadi

    (5) Muhamad Shah

    Izzuddin Fadzil

    2246 3624

    2246 3630

    2246 3624

    2246 3626

    2246 3631

    [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]

  • 29



  • 30


    1. INTRODUCTION (1) Students are advised to read the information on Semester System in General

    Guidelines for the University of Malaya Semester System and University of Malaya (Executive Diploma Studies) Rules and Regulations 2012 as a complementary to UMCCed Guidebook.

    (2) Students need to note that course offerings are according to courses that are offered during the semester concerned.

    (3) The number of students for a particular course is subject to the course capacity.

    (4) This General Information is only for students of August 2018 session intake. This book is to be used by students throughout their duration of study.


    The minimum duration to complete a programme of study is four (4) semesters and the maximum is eight (8) semesters.

    3. COURSE REGISTRATION Students are required to follow and fulfil the total of credits prescribed for the programme of study concerned as approved by the Senate.

    (1) Each student needs to register only once. (2) Course registration needs to be done no later than two weeks from the date of

    the commencement of the intake for the particular programme of study. (3) A student who fails to register after the second week of lecture will be deemed

    to have withdrawn if no registration is made or notice is given by the particular student during the said period.

    (4) However, under special circumstances on the Director’s approval, a student may be permitted to a late enrolment, subject to fulfilment of at least 50% of class attendance for the particular course.

    (5) A student may also enrol concurrently for other programmes of study which lead to the conferment of a certificate/diploma/degree at the University or other institutions.


    (1) Students are required to complete a total of minimum 90 credits. Course

    components that will qualify students for the conferment of Executive Diploma are:

    (a) University Courses (b) Core Courses (c) Elective Courses

  • 31

    (2) Transfer of Credit

    (a) Transfer of credit means the transfer of credit and grade obtained for a course taken by students after their admission into a programme of study in the University.

    (b) In the transfer of credit process, the credit obtained together with the

    grade and grade point for the course concerned will be taken into account in the calculation of the student’s GPA and CGPA. Permission for the transfer of credit, among others, is subject to the following conditions:

    (i) the course for which the transfer of credit is applied has at least 75%

    overlap with the course offered by the University; (ii) the grade or grade point obtained for the course concerned is not

    less than a C or 2.0; and (iii) the course for which the transfer of credit is applied must be a

    course from a programme of study that is equivalent to the programme of study pursued at the University;

    (c) However in special circumstances, a student who has been approved to

    change the programme of study may be considered for transfer of credit, subject to the above conditions.

    (3) Exemption of Credit

    (a) Exemption of credit means exemption from registration and attendance

    of a course prescribed for the programme of study concerned based on courses taken by a student prior to his admission into a programme of study at UMCCed, as approved by the University. The courses approved for the exemption of credit will be awarded a grade K and the credit will not be taken into account in the calculation of GPA and CGPA.

    (b) For the purpose of considering for credit exemption,

    (i) if the application is based on qualification at Professional

    Certificate/Diploma level, student must produce a copy of the said Professional Certificate/Diploma which was conferred within five (5) years prior to the current intake of the student to UMCCed; or

    (ii) if the student did not complete his Professional Certificate/Diploma, the applicant should at least produce the examination results slip or a partial transcript as proof that the applicant indeed attended the said course/s. Course/s must be taken within five (5) years prior to the current intake of the student to UMCCed; and

  • 32

    (iii) Application is submitted in the first semester of study.

    (c) The conditions for credit exemption are as follows:

    (i) the course for which the exemption of credit is applied has at least

    75% overlap with the course offered by the University; and

    (ii) the grade or grade point obtained for the course concerned is not less than a C or 2.0.

    (d) In certain circumstances, a course which has not been approved for

    transfer of credit may be considered for exemption of credit, subject to the above conditions.

    (4) Application for Transfer and Exemption of Credit

    (a) An application to transfer or exempt credit must be done by filing in a

    prescribed form which can be obtained from UMCCed. The completed form must be submitted to the Director latest by the third week of lecture of the first semester together with:

    (i) The payment of a processing fee at a prescribed rate. This fee is non-

    refundable; (ii) Supporting documents, i.e., learning outcomes, syllabus and grading

    scheme of the course for which the transfer or exemption of credit is applied.

    (b) The maximum number of credit that may be transferred or exempted

    should not exceed 50% of the total credit of the programme of study concerned, except for professional programmes which are subject to the requirements of the professional body concerned.

    (c) For exemption of credit, a student should have attended and obtained a

    passing grade according to the University’s grading scheme first. A student who fails to complete the study should provide examination result slips or partial transcript of his previous programme of study.

    (d) A student will be informed in writing by the Director of the result of his

    application for the transfer or exemption of credit.


    (a) It is compulsory for a student to attend all classes.

  • 33

    (b) A student who cannot attend a class during a Semester should inform his Programme Manager. A student who is absent due to illness should submit a medical certificate to UMCCed as soon as possible.

    (c) Any student whose course attendance is less than 80% without valid reasons or

    without permission prior to his absence may be barred by the Head of Division from sitting for the examination for the programme of study. The student will be informed in writing by the Head of Division before the examination starts if he is being barred from sitting for the examination of a course.


    (a) The official University grades and their meaning are as follows:

    Mark Grade Grade Point Meaning

    80-100 75-79

    A A-

    4.0 3.7

    Distinction Distinction

    70-74 65-69 60-64

    B+ B B-

    3.3 3.0 2.7

    Good Good Good

    55-59 50-54

    C+ C

    2.3 2.0

    Pass Pass

    45-49 40-44 35-39 00-34

    C- D+ D F

    1.7 1.3 1.0 0.0

    Fail Fail Fail Fail

    (b) Besides the grades shown in paragraph (a) above, the following grades can also

    be given to a student for the course enrolled:

    (i) Grade H, given for the course whereby the student is barred to sit for

    the examination due to insufficient percentage of attendance required.

    Credit is not given for this grade. Student is required to retake the

    course and needs to fulfil the minimum condition to qualify for the

    course examination;

    (ii) (A) Grade I, given when:

    (aa) student does not take the examination for any courses

    due to medical reason (sickness), or humanity

    (sympathy) and the grade is acknowledged by the

    Cluster Examiner Committee; or

  • 34

    (bb) a part of the course requirement is still not completed

    due to situation out of student’s control which is

    acceptable by the Cluster Examiner Committee.

    (B) In the situation as in paragraph (aa) above, student is allowed

    to sit for a special examination of the course without the

    condition to retake the course’s class. Student will be required

    to sit for the special examination of the course to be held on

    the time determined by UMCCed.

    (C) In the situation as in paragraph (bb) above, student is required

    to complete a part of the course requirement within the period

    given by UMCCed.

    (D) In both situations as in paragraphs (B) and/or (C) above,

    student is not charged with any fees.

    (E) Grade I will be replaced with the actual grade when student

    has passed the special examination and/or has completed a

    part of the course requirement. The grade attained will replace

    grade I in the semester whereby the grade I was obtained by

    the student.

    (iii) Grade K, given for the course approved with credit exemption. Credit

    will be taken into account in the calculation of credits obtained;

    (iv) Grade P, given in the first semester of registration for the course

    conducted in two consecutive semesters;

    (v) Grade R, given for the course registered by student to be audited only.

    Credit is not given for this grade;

    (vi) Grade S, given for the course with student’s performance evaluated in

    terms of average only;

    (vii) Grade U, given for the course with student’s performance evaluated in

    terms of below average only;

    (viii) Grade UR, given for the course registered by student to be audited but

    does not fulfil 80% of attendance;

  • 35

    (ix) Grade W, given for the course whereby student has officially withdrawn

    from one or more courses in one semester;

    (x) Grade W1, given for all courses when student has officially withdrawn

    from a semester;

    (xi) Grade W2, given for all courses when student has officially withdrawn

    from the Executive Diploma programme;

    (xii) Grade Y, given for the course whereby student is barred from taking the

    examination due to inability to pay off the course study fee. Credit is

    not given for this grade. Student is required to sit for the examination

    after the arrears of fee payment is settled without the condition to

    retake the course.

    (c) The passing grade for all courses is grade C, except for courses which are only

    evaluated in terms of satisfactory or unsatisfactory.


    (a) A student is permitted to improve a grade for any course he has passed to a

    better grade only once throughout his duration of study. The better grade will be taken into account in calculating the CGPA.

    (b) For the purpose of improving his course grade, a student is given the option

    to -

    (i) fulfil the requirements of course evaluation method by repeating the class concerned; or

    (ii) sit for an examination and fulfil one special ongoing evaluation

    method prescribed by UMCCed without repeating the class. (c) In the above circumstances, students need to apply to the Director within

    two weeks after the official result is released.


    (a) Method of calculating GPA and CGPA

    (i) The academic performance of a student in a particular semester is indicated by GPA and CGPA.

    Example of GPA calculation:

  • 36

    Course Grade Grade


    Credit Credit

    X Grade Point

    K1 K2 K3 K4



    C+ B C

    4.0 2.3 3.0 2.0

    3 4 4 4


    3 X 4.0 = 12.0 4 X 2.3 = 9.2 4 X 3.0 = 12.0 4 X 2.0 = 8.0 PNG = 41.2

    15 = 2.75

    The GPA is determined by dividing the total grade point obtained by the total credits taken in a particular semester. The CGPA is determined by dividing the total grade point obtained by the total credits taken from the first semester until the current semester for courses in the programme of study.

    (ii) A course taken by a student that is not in the structure of his study programme will not be taken into account in the GPA and CGPA.

    (b) Minimum requirement for a programme of study

    To fulfil the minimum requirement of a programme of study, a student has to obtain a minimum GPA and CGPA of not less than 2.0 every semester until the completion of his studies.

    (c) Academic Probationary Period and Caution

    A student who obtains a GPA of below 2.0 in any particular semester shall be given the result Probation for the semester concerned and be placed under an Academic Probationary Period in the following semester. This status shall remain until the student attains a GPA of 2.0.

    (d) Failed and Terminated

    (i) A student can be terminated from a programme of study if he:

    (A) obtains a GPA lower than 2.0 in two consecutive semesters; (B) obtains grade D and below three times for any course; and (C) fails to complete the requirements of his programme of study

    within the prescribed maximum period.

  • 37


    (a) General rules

    A student who did not attend any examination paper shall be deemed to have failed the examination component of the final examination for the course concerned.

    (b) Non-Attendance of any examination on medical/compassionate grounds:

    (i) A student who did not take a part or the whole of examination for

    medical or compassionate reasons must submit a written request to the Director/Head of Division. Where no written application is received, the student shall be deemed to have failed the examination component.

    (ii) The written request must be submitted to the Director/Head of

    Division not later than two (2) weeks after the final examination paper of the course.

    (iii) The request must be appended with documentation related to the


    (A) medical ground; a medical certificate issued to the student by a registered medical officer; or

    (B) compassionate ground;

    (aa) a report from a district officer and/or police officer; (bb) a medical certificate and/or a medical report issued to

    the immediate next-of-kin by a registered medical officer;

    (cc) a letter from the employer regarding the instruction to

    duty on the day and date the examination is held.

  • 38

    10. APPEALS

    (1) Appeal Against Course Results

    (a) A student who is not satisfied with the result of a course may appeal for the result to be reviewed. The appeal must be made within two weeks from the date of the official notification of the examination results. The date of the official notification is the date the results of the examination are notified to the students by the Programme Manager.

    (b) A written appeal must be submitted to the Director within two weeks after the date of notification of the results together with the original receipt for the payment prescribed for the said appeal. This payment is non-returnable. Please see Appendix A.

    (c) The appeal shall not be accepted by the UMCCed office if:

    (i) it is submitted after the period mentioned in paragraph (a)

    above; or

    (ii) it is not submitted together with the original receipt of payment.

    (d) The better grade will be taken into account for the purpose of

    calculating the CGPA.

  • 39



    Registration Lectures Revision Mid-term Examination (Semester I) Mid-term Break (Semester I) Lectures Revision Final Examination (Semester I) Semester Break

    6 weeks 1 week 1 week 2 weeks 6 weeks * 1 week 1 week 2 weeks

    20 weeks

    11.08.2018 21.09.2018 02.11.2018 16.11.2018 23.11.2018 07.12.2018 25.01.2019 08.02.2019 15.02.2019

    - - - - - - - -

    28.10.2018 04.11.2018 18.11.2018 02.12.2018 20.01.2019 27.01.2019 10.02.2019 24.02.2019


    Lectures Revision Mid-term Examination (Semester II) Mid-term Break (Semester II) Lectures Revision Final Examination (Semester II) Semester Break / Resit Exam

    6 weeks 1 week 1 week 2 weeks 6 weeks ** 1 week 1 week 2 weeks

    20 weeks

    01.03.2019 12.04.2019 19.04.2019 26.04.2019 10.05.2019 05.07.2019 12.07.2019 19.07.2019

    - - - - - - - -

    07.04.2019 14.04.2019 21.04.2019 05.05.2019 30.06.2019 07.07.2019 14.07.2019 28.07.2019


    Lectures Revision Mid-term Examination (Semester III) Mid-term Break (Semester III) Lectures Revision Final Examination (Semester III) Semester Break / Resit Exam

    6 weeks + 1 week 1 week 2 weeks 6 weeks ++ 1 week 1 week 2 weeks

    20 weeks

    02.08.2019 20.09.2019 27.09.2019 04.10.2019 18.10.2019 06.12.2019 13.12.2019 20.12.2019

    - - - - - - - -

    15.09.2019 22.09.2019 29.09.2019 13.10.2019 01.12.2019 08.12.2019 15.12.2019 29.12.2019


    Lectures Revision Mid-term Examination (Semester IV) Mid-term Break (Semester IV) Lectures Revision Final Examination (Semester IV) Semester Break / Resit Exam

    6 weeks ^ 1 week 1 week 2 weeks 6 weeks ^^ 1 week 1 week 2 weeks

    20 weeks

    03.01.2020 28.02.2020 06.03.2020 13.03.2020 27.03.2020 15.05.2020 05.06.2020 12.06.2020

    - - - - - - - -

    23.02.2020 01.03.2020 08.03.2020 22.03.2020 10.05.2020 17.05.2020 07.06.2020 21.06.2020

    Subject to change

    Classes/examinations are only being held on Saturdays/Sundays.

    Public Holiday: * Christmas Day (25 December 2018), New Year Day (1 January 2019) dan Thaipusam (21 January 2019)

    ** Hari Raya Puasa (5&6 June 2019) + Malaysia’s National Day (31 Ogos 2019), Awal Muharram (1 September 2019) ++ Deepavali (27 October 2019) ^ Chinese New Year (25 & 26 January 2020) dan Thaipusam (08 February 2020) ^^ Labour Day (1 May 2018)

    Date of updated: 19 July 2018

  • 40







    GFG 1011 Social Responsibility 2

    GFG 1001 Malaysian Studies 3


    Teras &


    UFC 1002 Principles of Economics 4 UFB 1002 Organisational Behaviour 4 UFA 1002 Research Methodology 4

    UFA 1001 Introduction to Management 4 UFA 1004 Quality Management 4 UFB 1001 Human Resource Management 4

    UFF 1001 Introduction to Accounting 4 UFA 1005 Procument Management 4 UFA 1003 Management Information

    Systems 4

    UFC 1001 Principles of Marketing 4

    Jumlah Kredit 16 12 17 45





    Universiti GFG 1004 Effective Presentation Skills 3 GFG 1003 English for Communication 3 GFG 1008 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship in Malaysia



    Teras &


    UFF 2001 Financial Management 4 UFA 2006 Operation Management 4 UFA 2002 Logistics and Supply Chain Management


    UFA 2003 Project Management 4 UFC 2004 Business Strategy 4 UFA 2005 Office Management 4

    UFC 2002 Services Management 4 UFC 2001 Professional Ethics and Business Law

    4 UFB 2002 Occupational Safety and Health 4

    Jumlah Kredit 15 15 15 45


  • 41




    1. Registration fee – non-returnable (Inclusive of tuition fees)



    Deferment of Study * (a) First time (b) Second time (c) Third time (d) Fourth time and onwards

    (*subject to the maximum duration of study of 8 semesters)

    100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00


    Repeat Class (per credit)



    Resit of Examination



    Exemption / Transfer of Credit (per credit)



    Improvement of Grade



    Review of Examination Result



    Late Registration Charge



    Withdrawal from a Programme (a) Tuition Fees

    (i) Application is made before Friday of the second week of the course

    (ii) Application is made after the second week of the course

    (b) Registration Fee

    (i) Semester I & Semester II

    (ii) Semester III & Semester IV

    30% from the total course fees 100% from the total course fees 30% from the total of registration fee 100% from the total of registration fee