二、职业基础英语听说实践 版块 3 旅游管理实践教学 project 9 guide 导游....

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版块 3旅游管理实践教学

Project 9Guide 导游


Listening Tasks



Speaking practiceSpeaking practice

• Urban tourism is one of the earliest forms of tourism in history. Capital cities, such as Paris and London, have been drawing visitors from far and wide. In Europe, urban tourism represents 30% of journeys. Why do people visit great cities around the world? The answer lies in the characters of the cities themselves and their rich tourism resources.

Touring Cities


• Most big cities in the world are cosmopolitan. A walk through their hundreds of residential neighborhoods is like walking around the world. Place names like Chinatown or Little Italy can be found on any map of New York, but smaller ethnic neighborhoods also abound. Also, all these groups sponsor annual or seasonal festivals to share their cultural experiences with other people.

Touring Cities

• Important historic sites and monuments invite the tourist to great cities. Big cities have often been political and cultural centers, and are closely associated with key events and characters in history. The well-preserved historic buildings and the restored historic sites are highly evocative of the cities’ past. Landmarks of modern age are also priority spots on the traveler’s list.

Touring Cities

• For culture lovers, big cities have more museums than small towns. A visit to any of these historical, technical, ethnic, or academic museums is well worth the time. Great museums like the Louvre in Paris and the British Museum are always filled with worshippers from around the world. The art, music, dance, and fashion scenes in cities are a Mecca for the young and professional alike. There are enough quality theatrical, concert, ballet, and operatic productions to draw the most culturally minded visitor.

Touring Cities

• When it comes to shopping, cities offer visitors plenty of opportunities to fill the suitcases. There’s a range of bustling shopping centers, major retail chains, brand direct outlets, colorful markets and designer boutiques, as well as exquisite arts and craft stores and duty free shopping outlets.

Touring Cities

• Apart from leisure tourism, business activities make up a significant part of urban tourism. Most conferences take place in large urban areas or coastal resorts. The destination could offer a suitable venue for meetings, sufficient accommodation, and good accessibility to the generating markets. Cities have also attractions for successful social and partner programs for business travelers who become leisure travelers when the working day is over. Incentive travelers and other forms of business tourism also find cities the right destination.

Touring Cities

P 199-201

• Shanghai Travel and Tour Guide

Writing tips

• How to write introductions to cities?• An introduction to cities normally include

such items: the location of the city, its status in politics, economy and culture, the characteristics of its citizens and the city life, and more important, the famous tourist attractions. The aim of the introduction is not only to provide information of the city, but to publicize the image of the city. Therefore, the principle of the introduction should be giving enough information or explanation but without extensive detail.

Sample writing----- Guilin• Guilin lies in the northeast of Guangxi

Zhuang Autonomous Region. The city covers a total area of 565 square kilometers. It has a population of around 700,000. A large portion of the local community is made up of Zhuang people. The name of Guilin was derived from sweet osmanthus. The shrub grows everywhere in and around the city.

• Guilin has a rich history. As early as 111 BC, it achieved the country status. After the Song dynasty. Guilin has remained the political, economical and cultural center of Guangxi. Guilin so to speak has seen a history of more than 2,000 years.

• Guilin has a reputation as a resort town, a vacation hideaway. Spreading in the subtropical zone Guilin enjoys a mild climate all the year round. It is a pleasant place to visit at any time of the year.

• Guilin competes with Suzhou for the title of “Most Beautiful Place on Earth”. The picturesque landscape of Guilin is represented in its green hills, crystal waters, fantastic caves and marvelously shaped rocks. The major attractions include Solitary Beauty Peak( 独秀峰 ) , Elephant Trunk Hill and the Reed Flute Cave (芦笛岩) scenic area. A boat trip on the peaceful Lijiang River is the absolute high point of any visit to Guilin.

Commonly-used sentences and expressions

• It is located/situated/hidden……• Next to……• Just behind……• It features……• It is famous for……• Line the street……• On both sides of the street stand……• The street is flanked by( 两侧 )……• Local residents and tourists…….

• have a population of

• inhabit

• lie in / sit in / rest on / be surrounded by

• be home to

• serve as

• start life as

• be well known for

• worth seeing

• scenic spots

In-class task

• Talk with your partner about a district in your hometown, covering the following points: location, landmarks or architectural features, events, and its brief history.

• China is a country with a history of civilization for about 5,000 years. Rich history has left behind in China many architectural relics such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum, and many temples and residential buildings. Among them the wooden structure, appearing in China 2,000 years ago, is the most widely seen architecture which consists of three main groups.

Chinese Ancient Architecture

• The most widespread residential structure is “the courtyard dwellings”, which refers to the traditional houses with rows of single story rooms around the four sides of a courtyard. They were known as Si He Yuan in Chinese. The name derives from the fact that the four buildings on the four sides of a square area. The courtyard dwellings are scattered among the lanes known by their Manchu name “Hutong”. Generally speaking, the houses sitting on the north facing the south were the master. They are warm in winter and cool in summer. The houses on the east, west, south are for the inferior or children and servants.

Chinese Ancient Architecture

• Palaces occupy an important position in Chinese architecture. Groups of buildings are located in the north-south or east-west directions to form several courtyards, but the important buildings are arranged along the medium axis line. The Forbidden City, the former imperial palace, is one of the world’s largest and best preserved ancient buildings in the nation.

Chinese Ancient Architecture

Background knowledge• Shanxi province is called the treasure-

house of ancient Chinese architecture. Up to present, 106 buildings of wooden structure built before the Song dynasty have been discovered in Shanxi. More than 16% of similar building erected in the whole country in the same period.

Chinese Ancient Architecture

• Characteristics of ancient Chinese architecture:

• 1. Wooden structure falls into 3 categories: the beam-in tiers( 抬梁式 ) , log-cabin type( 井干式 ) , colum and tier beam (梁柱式)

• 2. The courtyard dwellings are the most widespread residential structures in China.

• 3. Palaces’ structures are also important part of Chinese architecture.

Chinese Ancient Architecture

万里长城The Great Wall

紫禁城The Forbidden City

四合院Si He Yuan or the

courtyard dwellings

佛教庙宇Buddhist temples



雅典卫城Acropolis of


西方建筑主要风格及其特点1. 罗马式 ( Romanic ) 是 9 世纪~ 13 世纪初



2. 哥特式( Gothic ) 11 世纪起源于法国, 13

世纪~ 15 世纪流行于欧洲。


Honglou Catholic Church

西方建筑主要风格及其特点3. 巴洛克式( Barock ) 17C ~ 18C 在意大利文艺




西方建筑主要风格及其特点4. 文艺复兴风格

( Renaissance ) 15C 产生于意大利,一般认

为, 15C 佛罗伦萨大教堂的建成,标志着文艺复兴建筑的开端。


西方建筑主要风格及其特点5. 古典主义( Classicism )

流行于 18 世纪后半叶和 19世纪。当时人们受启蒙运动的思想影响,崇尚古代希腊罗马文化。在建筑方面古希腊罗马的柱廊、庙宇、凯旋门和纪功柱成为效法的榜样。采用古典主义建筑风格的主要是博物馆、剧院等公共建筑和一些纪念性建筑。柏林的勃兰登堡门是其中之一,它以雅典卫城的山门为蓝本。 

The Brandenburg Gate

西方建筑主要风格及其特点6.拜占庭风格( Byzantine )

拜占庭建筑的特点,主要有四个方面:第一个方面是屋顶造型,普遍使用“穹窿顶”。第二个特征是整体造型中心突出。在一般的拜占庭建筑中,建筑构图的中心,往往十分突出,那体量既高又大的圆穹顶,往往成为整座建筑的构图中心,围绕这一中心部件,周围又常常有序地设置一些与之协调的小部件。第三个特点是它创造了把穹顶支承在独立方柱上的结构方法和与之相应的集中 式建筑形制。其典型作法是在方形平面的四边发券,在四个券之间砌筑以对角线为直径的穹顶,仿佛一个完整的穹顶在四边被发券切割而成,它的重量完全由四个券承担,从而使内部空间获得了极大的自由。第四个特点是在色彩的使用上,既注意变化,又注意统一,使建筑内部空间与外部立面显得灿烂夺目。

西方建筑主要风格及其特点7. 洛可可风格( Rococo )

• 18C-20C 产生于法国,是在巴洛克建筑的基础上发展起来的,主要表演在室内装饰上。

• 特点:细腻柔媚、精致纤小,但偏于繁琐,常采用不对称手法,喜欢用弧线和 S 形线,尤其爱用贝壳、旋涡、山石作为装饰题材,模仿自然形态,变化万千,色彩上爱用嫩绿、粉红、玫瑰红等明亮的色彩,线脚大多用金色。代表为巴黎苏俾士府邸公主沙龙和凡尔塞宫的王后居室。



8.折衷主义( Eclecticism )

• 折衷主义建筑是十九世纪上半叶至二十世纪初,在欧美一些国家流行的一种建筑风格。

• 折衷主义建筑师任意模仿历史上各种建筑风格,或自由组合各种建筑形式,他们不讲求固定的法式,只讲求比例均衡,注重纯形式美。折衷主义建筑的代表作有:巴黎歌剧院,罗马的伊曼纽尔二世纪念建筑,巴黎的圣心教堂。

Opera de Paris


( Romanticism )

• 流行于 18 世纪下半叶到19 世纪下半叶,特别在英国、德国流行较广。

• 浪漫主义在艺术上强调个性,提倡自然主义,主张用中世纪的艺术风格与学院派的古典主义艺术相抗衡。这种思潮在建筑上表现为追求超尘脱俗的趣味和异国情调。

The Parliament House

The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang

Xi’an, which was called Chang’an in ancient times, once was the capital of 11 Chinese dynasties and now is the capital of Shanxi Province. It is famous for the life-sized terra-cotta warriors and horses. In 1974, some farmers were digging a well when they unearthed some brown pottery fragments in Lintong, about 30 kilometers east of Xi’an. That led to the great discovery of terra-cotta warriors and horses which is a part of the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

Chinese Ancient Architecture

• Qin Shihuang was the founding emperor (255-210BC) of the Qin dynasty. His tomb is located at five kilometers east of Lintong, standing 76 meters high against the slope of Mt. Lishan and facing the Huishui River. The mausoleum was built in 247 BC, when Qin Shihuang was enthroned at the age of thirteen. It is a magnificent underground palace, consisting of two parts called the inner and outer cities. The inner city is a square and the outer is a rectangle, 2,500 meters wide and 6,200 meters long. Details of Qin Shinhuang’s tomb can be traced in “Historical Records” by Sima Qian. According to the book, more than 700,00 people were forced to build it, and the work took 36 years.

Chinese Ancient Architecture

• In 1979, 1989 and 1994, three massive army vaults were officially open to the public respectively. The warriors’ horses and chariots ( 战车 )are arranged in battle formation, 230 meters long, 63 meters wide and 5 meters high, covering an area of 14, 260 square meters. In the vaults 6,000 life-sized warriors and horses were buried. The figures are from 1.78 to 1.87 meters in height. They wear helmets and armour and hold real weapons, such as arrows, spears, swords, lances, and crossbows in their hands. The figures vary from one another in expression and hair-style. Some are standing, some are kneeling. Each wooden chariot is drawn by a team of four horses, 1.5 meters in height.

Chinese Ancient Architecture

• The museum is not only a precious house for the Qin dynasty, but also an important archaeological discovery for Chinese history. They left us important files for the study of the politics, economy, culture and military affairs of the Qin dynasty.

Chinese Ancient Architecture

How to introduce an ancient architecture

• The introduction to an ancient architecture should cover the following aspects: name, location, area, history, characteristics of the main building structure and its significance or functions.

Commonly used expressions• be located / situated in • it was first built in • to the left / right is • it was renovated in • the architectural style is • ….is a national treasure and a

representative work of the structure during…

• It is of great importance for studying the history of Chinese architecture.

• It stands in

• ….can be traced back to …

• it covers an area of

• … are sitting on the north facing south

• it consists of …

• …be famous for…

• it is … meters in height / length

• it is mainly composed of …

Write an English passage based on the information given in Chinese.

Dayan Pagoda

大雁塔位于西安市南四公里的慈恩寺内。该塔是唐朝僧人玄奘建议修建的,用来保存他从印度带回的佛经。于公元 652年修建的大雁塔最初仅有五层,现在的塔是七层, 62米高,形状像个伸长了的方形金字塔。

Dayan Pagoda

• It stands in the grounds of Ci’en Temple about 4 kilometers south of Xi’an. The pagoda was built at the suggestion of Xuanzang, the famous monk of the Tang dynasty, to safe-keep the Buddhist scriptures he brought back from India.

• The original pagoda built in 652 AD had only five stories. The present pagoda is 62 meters tall with 7 tiers, roughly in the shape of elongated square pyramid.

P 217

• Ancient City of Pingyao

• 四川阆中,云南丽江, 安徽歙县• “the four best preserved ancient


• It’s famous for the ancient walls, built in 1370. It’s 3-6 meters wide across the top, 9-12 meters wide at the bottom, 10 meters in height and more than 6 kilometers in length. The walls were built mainly for defence. The walls in east, west, north are vertical, the south winds with the Zhongdu River.

• Pingyao is also called the Turtle City---long-living and as solid as a rock. The outer walls stand with 3,000 battlements and 72 ramparts ( 堡垒 ). The number 3,000 stands for Confucius’ 3,000 followers while the number 72 stands for the 72 worthies.

Choose one of the tourist attractions to introduce

• the Temple of Heaven

• the Great Wall

• the Summer Palace

• the Forbidden City

• Ming Tombs

• the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang and Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses

• P 176, 181-182

Chinese Gardens• Garden building is considered as a chief

component of Chinese culture. The Chinese garden has a long history. It first appeared in the form of a hunting preserve for emperors and nobles in the 11th century BC during the Zhou dynasty. During the Qin and Han dynasties, those natural reserves were made more beautiful and became places of recreation for imperial families. Garden building saw its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan was regarded as the masterpiece of this period.

• Different from the classical European gardens, in which geometric patterns dominate, Chinese gardens are made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale. Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories, namely, imperial, private and landscape gardens.

• Most imperial gardens are located in northern China. Beihai Park, the Summer Palace, the Imperial Garden of the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Imperial Summer Resort in Chengde, Hebei Province, and Huaqing Palace in Xi’an, Shanxi Province are the representatives. Imperial gardens occupy large areas. The

• Imperial Summer Resort in Chengde, the largest imperial garden in China, covers more than 560 hectares. Most of these gardens have three section which serve administrative, residential, and recreational purposes. In large imperial gardens, the main buildings are connected by an imaginary line in the middle of the garden. Other buildings are scattered among hills, and waters are linked by subordinate lines, forming a well-designed symmetry and adding beauty to the chief architectural complex.

The Summer Palace

The Imperial Summer Resort in Chengde

The Forbidden City

• Other characteristics of the imperial gardens are colored paintings, screen walls, stone tablets, bridges, man-made hills and lakes, and ingeniously-designed buildings.

• Most private gardens are found in the south, especially in cities south of the Yangtze River. Private gardens were mostly built at one side or the back of the residential houses. In almost every garden, there is a large space set in a landscape of artistically arranged rockeries, ponds, pavilions, bridges, trees and flowers. Surrounding the beautiful scene are small open areas partitioned by corridors or walls with latticed windows or beautifully shaped doors. Buildings in the garden were used for receiving guests, holding banquets, reading, or writing poetry. The winding corridors connect various buildings and also provide a covered veranda( 游廊 ) as shelter from the rain and shade from the sun.

Private Gardens

• Suzhou, known as the home of gardens, displays the most and best traditional private gardens in China. Among them, the Pavilion of the Surging Waves (沧浪亭) is known for its rustic charm, Lion Grove ( 狮 子 林 ) for its strange rockeries, the Humble Administrator’s Garden ( 拙 政 园 ) for its tranquil waters and elegant buildings, an the Garden for Lingering(留园) for its ancient architectural art and the arrangement of hills, waters and plants. They are the examples of the garden styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties respectively.

• Gardens in Yangzhou are characterized by their architectural style and artistic rockeries, whereas Guangdong style gardens are distinguished by large ponds, brightly colored buildings, and luxuriant plants.

• Landscape gardens are different and are places for public recreation. The landscape garden mainly contains natural scenes, so it looks more natural than artificial. Good examples include the ten West Lake scene in Hangzhou, the twenty-four Slender West Lake scenes in Yangzhou, and the eight Daming Lake scenes in Ji’nan.

• Many famous poets and painters contributed greatly to the development of landscape gardens. They either left poetic inscriptions for those gardens, or designed many of the gardens themselves. In order to commemorate those poets and painters, later generations had their poems and inscriptions engraved on tablets, pavilions or pagodas.

The Garden for Lingering

The Humble Administrator’s Garden

Lion Grove

Pavilion of the Surging Waves

Pavilion of the Surging Waves• Canglangting (Pavilion of the Surging

Waves) is known for its peaceful scenery and simple architecture. It was built some nine hundred years ago by the scholar Su Zimei who had just lost his official position and decided to buy a small piece of land in Suzhou on which to build a residence. That part of Suzhou which he chose was known for its beauty. This garden is a fine example showing how the natural landscape both inside and outside could be merged.

• Long corridors follow the banks of the green water pond just outside the garden. Walking along the outer edges of these corridors you feel as if you were a part of the scenery outside the garden, in which old men fish from platforms at the bends in the corridors. Turn towards the inner edge of the corridors and through the window of the brick wall you can see in the distance waving trees, bamboos and flowers among the rockeries and pavilions inside the garden.

• 望江楼公园在成都东南郊锦江南岸。过去是唐女诗人薛涛居住的地方,今井尚存, 相传薛涛汲井水制笺作诗。崇丽阁是公园的主要建筑,矗立在江畔,故名望江楼,共四层,高 30米,鎏金宝顶( golden roof and yellow ridge ) , 绿瓦红柱 ( green tiles and red pillars ) ,与蓝天翠竹相映成趣。此外还有濯井楼、吟诗楼等建筑。园内翠竹万竿,幽篁如海,有百余品种,其中许多甚是名贵,为国内外罕见,故又名“竹的公园”。


Wangjianglou Park• Wangjianglou Park is located on the southern bank

of the Jinjiang River in the southeastern suburbs of Chengdu. It used to be the place where Xue Tao, a Tang poetess lived. A well can be found from which she fetched water for making paper to write her poetry on. Chongli Pavilion, the main park’s structure, stands overlooking the river and so got the name, “River Overlooking”, Chonli Pavilion is a four-story building, 30 meters high, whose golden roof and yellow ridge, green tiles and red pillars against the blue sky and green bamboo groves present a splendid view. Besides, there are other buildings, such as Zhuojing Tower and Yinshi Pavilion, etc. Ten thousand bamboos of over one hundred varieties were planted. Some varieties are really rare and precious. The place has become a green sea of bamboo and it is also named “Park of Bamboo”.

How to introduce a garden?

• The introduction to a garden should cover the following aspects: its history, area, layout, features, the main attractions in the garden, the transportation and its open time, etc.

Commonly used words and expressionsP188

• 亭• 台• 水榭• 池• 石舫• 盆景• 殿• 阁• 假山• 亭台楼阁

• pavilion• platform• waterside pavilion• pond• stone boat• bonsai• hall• tower• rockeries• pavilion, terraces, and


• 小径• 曲径• 弯曲• 风景如画• 精致的• 与众不同• 屏风• 飞檐• 回廊

• path• winding path• zigzag• picturesque• exquisite• Distinctive• screen• upturned eaves/ flying eaves• covered corridor

Complete the following dialogue with the help of Chinese clues

G: 女士们,先生们,今天我们将要参观颐和园。T: Where is it ?

G: It’s situated in the western suburb of Beijing.

T: 颐和园是如何建成的?G: In 1888, Cixi selected Qingyiyuan as the site of

the New Summer Palace. The name Yiheyuan means Garden of Nurtured Harmony or Garden of Smiling Harmony. She spent most of her time in this place after its completion.

• T: Who is Cixi?• G: Cixi is the concubine of Emperor Xianfeng.

The mother of the infant Emperor Tongzhi. She assumed the regency which lasted about fifty years in the name of the empress dowager.

• T: 颐和园主要由哪几部分组成?• G: The Summer Palace is divided into 3

sections, the hall for political activities, the living quarters and religious buildings. From an architectural point of the view, the palace represents a dream of an earthly paradise.

• T: How big is the palace?

• G: 颐和园占地 290 公顷,包括昆明湖和万寿山。

• T: 颐和园是如何得名的?• G: The Summer Palace lies nearly 11.2

kilometers, northwest of Beijing at the foot of Western Hill. Because of its location, it is usually cooler than other places in the city, hence the name the Summer Palace.

• P209- P210

Occidental gardens• English style garden

Italian style garden

Spanish style garden

Le Notre’s style garden

Renaissance style garden

Rocco style garden

Fontanebleau Palace Garden


• Find information about a famous garden that you are familiar with or interested in, then introduce it to your classmates.

Touring Mountains• The picturesque land and lifestyle of the

mountains contain many treasures for the people all over the world. For centuries mountains have been the choice of tourists and nature lovers.

• The unspoiled beauty is the natural treasure of mountains that has lured tourists from far and wide. The rolling mountains rise to a series of high peaks creating spectacular vistas( 远 景 ) and a richness of natural beauty. Spectacular waterfalls, deep and lush valleys, fantastic sheer cliffs, and gorges carved by rivers are treasures just waiting to be explored. Forests shelter hundreds of species of wildlife and wildflowers, creating a paradise for photographers.

• For sports lovers, mountains offer a never-ending supply of activities. They are dream places for hikers and campers and many areas are also suitable for cliff hanging, rafting and stream fishing. In summer, mountains are a refuge from the heat. In winter, many mountains with long slopes are turned into ski resort, featuring ski lifts (滑雪缆车) and ski trails (滑雪道) . It is also the playground for snow lovers.

• With fresh air and attractive environment, mountains are also great for health vacations. Mountains also offer a change of pace, where people are free from routines and stress. The simple and quiet surroundings are perfect for meditation and exercises. The mineral springs are spread over the rolling hills, which are valued for their therapeutic properties.

• While admiring natural scenery of a mountain, visitors are always attracted by the custom there. Local people may live in a beautiful neighborhood nestled right up the slopes, or in the more remote hamlets ( 小村庄 ) in tiny mountain valleys. They retain a sense of respect and awe for the mountain and all it gives them and their life is harmonious with the nature. The mountain life has given rise to a distinct collection of folk arts in which they take pride. From arts and crafts to music, the mountain heritage is still passed on today to new generations.

• Nature’s wonders, history and heritage make mountains the ideal place for a relaxing, refreshing getaway--- truly the home of mountain treasures and simple pleasure.

Famous mountains• Mt. Putuo, Buddhist Mountain of the east,

Zhejiang Province, 284 meters. Sacred to Bodhisattva Kuan-Yin (观音菩萨) .

• Mt. Wutai, Buddhist Mountain of the north, Shanxi Province, 3,061 meters. Sacred to Bodhisattva Manjushri (文殊菩萨) .

• Mt. E’mei, Buddhist Mountain of the West, Sichuan Province, 3,099 meters. Sacred to Bodhisattva Samantabhadra (普贤) .

• Mt. Jiuhua, Buddhist Mountain of the south, Anhui Province, 1,341 meters. Sacred to Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha ( 地藏菩萨 ).

• Mt. Tai, Taoist mountain of the east, Shandong Province, 1,545 meters.

• Mt. Heng Shan Bei, Taoist mountain of the north, Shanxi Province, 2,017 meters.

• Mt. Hua, Taoist mountain of the west, Shanxi Province, 1,997 meters.

• Mt. Heng Shan Nan, Taoist mountain of the south, Hunan Province, 1,290 meters.

• Mt. Song Shan, Taoist mountain of the center, Henan Province, 1,494 meters.

Mount Tai

Mount Hua

Mt. Heng Shan Nan

Mt. Song Shan

Mt. Heng Shan Bei

Mount Huangshan

• 五岳是远古山神崇敬拜、五行观念和帝王巡猎封禅相结合的产物,后为道教所继承,被视为道教名山,它们是 :

•   东岳泰山( 1532米),位于山东泰安市。 •   西岳华山( 1997米),位于陕西华阴市。 •   南岳衡山( 1512米),位于湖南长沙以南的衡山县。 •   北岳恒山( 2017米),位于山西浑源县。 •   中岳嵩山( 1440米),位于河南登封市。 •   五岳之首泰山,古代封建帝王把五岳看成是神的象征。 •   东岳泰山为五岳之首是名副其实的,中国历代曾有 72个皇帝到泰山封禅。

•   东岳泰山之雄,西岳华山之险,北岳恒山之幽,中岳嵩山之峻,南岳衡山之秀,早已闻名于世界。

•   人们常说五岳归来不看山,也有“恒山如行,泰山如坐,华山如立,嵩山如卧,唯有南岳南岳独如飞”的说法。

• A list of China’s 10 most famous mountains is published. The selection standards included reputation, cultural heritage, ecological environment and scenery. The 10 were chose from a list of 42 mountains.

• The winners are Taishan (Shandong Province), E’meishan (Sichuan Province), Lushan (Jiangxi Province), Mount Qomolangma (In Tibet, known in the West as Mount Everest), Changbaishan (northeast China), Huashan (Shanxi Province), Wuyishan (Fujian Province), Yushan (Taiwan Province) and Wutaishan (Shanxi Province).

• The present world heritage of mountain resources in China includes Mount Tai, Mount Huangshan, Mount E’mei, Mount Wuyi, Mount Lushan, etc.

• Mt. Lushan stands in the northern part of Jiangxi Province and borders the Poyang Lake to southeast. It covers an area of 302 square kilometers. Legend has it that about 600 BC seven brothers of the Kuang family came to live in the mountain. When the emperor sent his man to pay them a visit, the emissary could find no one but the huts they lived in. thereafter, the mountain became known as Mt. Lushan or the Cottage Mountain.

Mount Lushan

• Mt. Lushan rises more than 1,000 meters in elevation. Up in the mountains are towering peaks, steep gorges, overhanging cliffs and cascading waterfalls. The unique remains of the glaciers add mystery to the mountain. Lush vegetation and the wildlife are other natural treasures Mt. Lushan boasts. More than 3,000 species of plants decorate the valleys and mountain slopes. Lovely flowers have been the popular topic for poets. Poyang Lake at the foot of the mountain is home to one million migratory birds. The largest flock of cranes in the world dances on the lake, creating one of the world’s true wonders.

• Mt. Lushan has also a rich cultural heritage. Throughout history some 1,500 famous people visited the mountain and left behind some 4,000 poems, 900 carved sculptures and numerous paintings and calligraphy works. The most famous historic sites are the Dong Lin Temple and the White Deer Cave Academy. During the Eastern Jin dynasty the Donglin (East Forest) Monastery was established by Buddhist monk Hui Yuan. It is one of the eight most famous monasteries in China and the earliest one built in Mt. Lushan. The Donglin Monastery is the birthplace of the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism. It also started a tradition of building religious life in China. At present there are over 300 temple, mosques and churches in the mountain.

• The White Deer Cave Academy of Classical Learning leads the four classic academies in China and enjoys a high reputation in the history of Chinese education. It is said to be the place where Li Bo of the Tang dynasty lived and breed deer, hence the name. During the Song dynasty, Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan expanded it into an academy. Wang Shouren of the Ming dynasty had lectured here.

• Mt. Lushan enjoys a pleasant climate, which makes it a celebrated summer resort. In the last half of the 1800s, hotels and villas were built for wealthy Chinese, government officials and foreign missionaries. Most of the villas are of European and American styles. They were built along the side of the hill, on the slope of the valley, on the stream and beside the cliff. Like an international fair, these villas now make popular tourists attractions.

How to introduce mountains?

• The introduction to mountain landscape normally covers the following aspects: its location, the characteristics of the natural landscape, its cultural tradition, the tourist activities and facilities, etc. The natural landscape of the mountain usually contains its geology, landform, vegetation and wildlife, etc. Cultural tradition can include the cultural architectures and legend stories, etc., sometimes, it also includes the life of local people.

Commonly used words and expressions


lying, towers to the south of, is situated in


breathtaking, abundant, overhanging cliffs and cascading waterfall, lead to, dotted with, scale, wildlife

is famous for, known for, noted for,

abounds in, is home to, a rich cultural heritage

• Mt. Taishan is located in central Shandong Province, just north of Tai’an City.

• Mt. Taishan rises from about 150m above sea level to Jade Emperor Peak at 1,545m.

• Vegetation covers 79.9% of the area, which is densely wooded.

• The flora is diverse and known to comprise 989 species.

Sample writingMount Wuyi– A Natural Wonder in Southern China Mount Wuyi, lying in northern Fujian Province, covers an

area of 60 square kilometers. Most of the hills here are made of red sandstone, very steep but flat on the top. The peaks and rocks of grotesque shapes are girded by clear streams and embraced by green trees and bamboo plants. The Nine-bend River, 60 kilometers long, meanders among the hills, presenting the most charming tourist route in this scenic zone.

Mount Wuyi has a long cultural history. The site of the Wuyi Palace built in the seventh century for emperors to conduct sacrificial activities remains today. It had been an important center of China’s Taoism and was listed as one of the top nine Taoist Temples in the 10th century. The mountain also boasts many other cultural relics including stone inscriptions.

In 1999, Mount Wuyi entered the lists of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Please write a brief introduction to Mount Huangshan based on the following information.

Mt. HuangshanLocation: southern Anhui ProvinceName: Yishan Mountain in the Qin dynasty and was

given its present name in 747.Area: 154 square kilometersNatural Features: majestic peaks, grotesque rocks,

towering pines, drifting clouds and clear mountain springs, wild animals

Forest: 83.4 percentPlants: 1,452 kinds, 203 branchesCultural heritage: a rich legacy of art and literature.

Answers for reference Mt. Huangshan is situated in southern Anhui Province.

It was called Yishan Mountain in the Qin dynasty and was given its present name in 747, the sixth year of the regin of Tang Emperor Tianbao. Covering an area of 154 square kilometers, the mountain is a good place to appreciate majestic peaks, grotesque rocks, towering pines, drifting clouds and clear mountain springs.

Mt. Huangshan abounds in such resources as wild animals. The coverage of forest in the area is 83.4 percent. It is home to 1,452 kinds of plants of 203 branches.

The mountain also has a rich cultural heritage. Generation after generation, people have come to praise the mountain, resulting in a rich legacy of art and literature.

The following is some information about Mount Tai. Please write a logical passage, combing the sentences when necessary.

1. There are five sacred mountains.2. Mount Tai is one of them.3. It is the most significant of the five mountains.4. It lies in the eastern plain.5. It is not impressive in height.6. It is one of the oldest mountains in the world.7. It has had great reputation over thousands of years.8. The sun always rises in the east.9. The sun brings an end to the darkness of night.10. Ancient Chinese held a certain belief.11. The belief is that nature regulated and adjusted its procedures in

the East.12. This may explain a phenomenon.13. Emperors made pilgrimage mostly to Mount Tai.14. When they were crowned, they paid pilgrimage to Mount Tai.15. In their final years, they paid pilgrimage to Mount Tai. 16. Mount Tai is a symbol of loftiness and grandeur.

Touring Waters The Lijiang River

The Lijiang River, known as the most beautiful river under the heaven, originates in Cat Mountain and joins the West River in Wuzhou City. It belongs to the Pearl River water system, extending for 426 kilometers. The most scenic section is between Guilin City and Yangshuo County, totaling 83 kilometers. The fantastic ecological scenery of the Lijiang River consists of emerald hills, clear waters and enchanting reflections, verdant bamboos, and lovely animals and birds. Han Yu vividly described the Lijiang River in his poem: “The river looks like a blue silk ribbon, and the mountains resemble emerald hairpins.”

Going downstream in a tourist boat or on a raft, one can enjoy spectacular views of beautiful peaks along the riverbanks which are covered with lush bamboos and luxuriantly green woods. These hills usually rise up from the ground, some from the river bed, and show many enchanting shapes. The most renowned hill along the Lijiang River is the Fresco Hill with white traces resembling a picture of 9 horses. The folklore says those who can recognize nine horses on the cliff will be the No.1 scholar in the country.

The real charm of the river lies in the joint effect of both the hills and the waters. Along the river, there are deep pools, dangerous shoals, murmuring springs, and roaring waterfalls. The most enchanting scene is the “Charming Reflection at the Yellow Cloth Shoal” which took its name from a yellow stone-slate lying flatly at the bottom of the river. The water surface is as smooth as a mirror and reflections of the verdant hills and fantastic rocks are intermingling with that of the scudding clouds. Yuan Mei, a poet of the Qing dynasty, described it like this. “For certain, I saw tops of the Green Mountain, but strangely over them may boat is sailing.” The Reflection of Green Peaks, and the Piling Verdure of Green Lotus are also excellent places for enjoying the reflections of the green peaks.

One of the highlights of any trip on th Lijiang River is to observe the native people as they go about their daily routines. All along the river, you can see farmers tilling land, duck herders watching over their flocks, fishermen casting fishing nets on the boats and housewives washing laundry by the river bank.

The West Lake in Hangzhou A Chinese saying goes: Up above there is

heaven, below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou. Hangzhou’s fame rests mainly with the picturesque West Lake, one of the most attractive places of interest there. Just as its name implies, the West Lake is situated in the west of the city. And it also became known as Xizi Lake since a famous poet called Su Dongpo, once likened the lake to Lady Xizi. The lake covers (occupies) an area of 5.6 square kilometers, and it is embraced on three sides by rolling wooded hills. Around the lake are famous historical relics, and scenic spots shrouded in luxuriant vegetation.

• On the glassy surface, 3 islands resemble 3 pieces of emerald studding the green water while Bai Causeway and Su Causeway, the 2 man-made causeways that divide the West Lake into 3 parts, looked as if 2 elegant ribbons adding beauty to the lake. There are 10 scenic highlights in the West Lake, such as Three Pools Mirroring the Moon, Lotus in Breeze at Crooked Courtyard, Watching Goldfish in a Flowery Pond and so on. The most well-known wonder here may be the scene Broken Bridge made by Smelt Snow. It is so named because the bridge looked as if it were broken seen in the distance when winter snow covering it from melt. Hills and water here integrate in harmony with colorful pavilion towering pagodas, and delightful paths and beautiful arches.

• All these make you feel as though you were wandering in a Chinese traditional ink painting.

How to introduce waters? Introduction to waters should include: the

origin of the name, its length, sequences, features, main scenic spots and the time taken for the tour and matters needing attention, etc. Then introduce the representative scenic spots, or the ones with the most special features. If there is a summary in the end, it would be much better.

Supplementary expressions1. Look, ….

2. Look to the right (left)…

3. Look ahead (back)…

4. …look like…

5. …seem to be…

6. …resemble…

7. …appear the shape of …

8. …make us think of…

1. clear water2. crystal water3. dashing water4. splashing water5. fantastic peak6. strange peak7. unique peak8. cloudy hill9. foggy mountain10. in misty rain11. rosy clouds 12. setting sun 13. rising sun 14. silvery moonlight15. fishing light

• 清澈的水• 清莹的水• 湍急的水• 飞溅的水花• 奇峰• 怪峰• 怪峰,独峰• 云雾缭绕的山川• 雾气缭绕的大山• 烟雨中• 霞光,紫霞红• 落日• 日出• 皎洁的月光• 捕渔灯

1. Bamboo raft

2. Boat

3. Emerald island

4. Green islet

5. Green bamboo

6. Source

7. Length

8. Cave

9. Cavern

10. Water system

11. Inscription

12. Character

1. Pavilion

2. Tower

3. Pagoda• Peach blossom• Willow• Palm tree 棕榈树• Banyan tree• Carp• Mandarin fish• Duck• Mandarin duck • Egret 白鹭

• Shrimp• Snail• Ferry• Rainbow• Stalactite 钟乳石• Stalagmite 石笋• Cliff• Rock• Mirrored surface of the river • Clear (charming) reflection• Phoenix-tail bamboo

Make a dialogue based on the following information• Huaqing Pool is situated about 35

kilometers east of the city of Xi’an. Historically, the Western Zhou dynasty saw the construction of the Li Palace on the spot. In Qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name Lishan Tang (the Lishan Hot Spring). The site was extended into a palace in the Han dynasty, and renamed the Li Palace (the Resort Palace). In the Tang dynasty, Li Shimin (Emperor Tai Zong) ordered to construct the Hot Spring Palace, and Emperor Xuan Zong had a walled palace built around Lishan Mountain in the year of 747. It was known as the Huaqing Palace. It also had the name Huaqing Pool on account of its location on the hot springs.

• The Tang dynasty Emperor Xuan Zong and his favorite concubine, Yang Yuhuan used to make their home at Frost Drifting Hall in winter days. When winter came, snowflakes were floating in the air, and everything in sight was white. However, they came into thaw immediately in front of the hall. It owed a great deal to luke warm vapour rising out of the hot spring. This is the Frost Drifting Hall ( 飞霜殿 )that greets us today.

• The Gui Fei Bathing Pool was where Yang Yuhuan, Emperor Xuan Zong’s favorite concubine, used to take baths. It was originally built with white jade, and in this center a blooming flower spouted water like a spring. The pool looked very much like a Chinese flowering crabapple. Hence given its name the Chinese Flowering Crabapple Hot Spring or the Lotus Hot Spring.

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