вл.зони испания

Post on 25-May-2015






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“How schoolchildren can contribute to keeping the planet

clean and green”

“How schoolchildren can contribute to keeping the planet

clean and green”

Comenius project 2010 – 2012

13 – 17.02.2012Castilleja de la Cuesta (SEVILLA)



2nd February – The World Wetlands Day2nd February – The World Wetlands Day

Bulgaria is among the countries which first joined The Convention on Wetlands of

International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat – Ramsar Convention

(adopted by participating parties at a meeting in Ramsar, Iran on February 2,


This is the first international treaty for

the conservation of biological diversity.

The goal of the Convention is conservation and

wise use of wetlands as waterfowl habitats,

recognizing them as an international


Nowadays the Conventionhas extended its scope towards wetland conservation and wise use in all aspects, giving a definition of the basic directions for actions on a national level and international cooperation for wise use of wetlands and their resources.

At present the Convention is adopted by 158 countries having in total over 1770 sites of international importance with aggregated area of 161mln. h. in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance.

Pursuant to Decision № 389/18 November 1974 of the Council of Ministers Bulgaria has signed The Convention without obligation to ratify it. It enters into force on 24 January 1976, amended with an Protocol which was signed in Paris on 3 December 1982 entering into force on 27 February 1986.

The Ministry of Environment and Water is the National Authority in charge for the implementation of the Ramsar Convention and for the elaboration of policies on protection and sustainable use of wetlands.

Wetlands are ecosystems where water is the primary factor on which the environmental conditions and the relative species of animals and plants depend.

Wetlands are among the world’s most efficient ecosystems on the Earth. They provide

fundamental ecological profits and services being regulators of

water regimes and biodiversity sources at all levels – species, genetic, and ecosystem.

• “Atanasovsko Lake”,• “Belene Islands Complex”,• “Durankulak Lake”,• “Ibisha Island”, • “Lake Shabla”,• “Poda”, • “Pomorie Wetland Complex”,• “Ropotamo Complex”,• “Srebarna”,• “Vaya Lake”,

• "Karst Dragoman marsh complex"

In List of Wetlands of International ImportanceBulgaria is represented with 11 wetlands, covered 35 273


In List of Wetlands of International ImportanceBulgaria is represented with 11 wetlands, covered 35 273


"Karst Dragoman marsh complex" with a total area of 14,967 ha. Has the largest area of wetland of international importance for the country.

Within the "Karst complex Dragoman marsh" last fall protect karst wetlands in Bulgaria. Wetland is unique of its kind in Bulgaria and rare in the Balkans.

Wetlands and tourism"Tourism in wetlands: A great experience."

Wetlands and tourism"Tourism in wetlands: A great experience."

In 2012, the campaign's theme is "Wetlands and tourism." World Day on February 2, e titled: "Tourism in wetlands: A great experience."

Wetlands and tourismWetlands and tourism

Приходи в световен

мащаб – около 2 милиарда

долара годишно

Уязвими екосистеми,

които изискват грижа и


2012 година –разумно и устойчиво

ползване за целите на туризма

В глобален мащаб - 35 % от Рамсарските места в света декларират определено ниво

на развиване на туристически дейности

В глобален мащаб - 35 % от Рамсарските места в света декларират определено ниво

на развиване на туристически дейности


Здрави хора


По-силни икономики


Процъфтяващи екосистеми


Устойчив поминък.

ползи на хората и дивата

природа на местно и на национално


• информация за туристите за значението на влажните зони

• добре управлявани устойчиви туристически практики

wetlands wetlands

wetlands wetlands

Сonservation of all wetlands in the world

Гарантирани дългосрочни ползи за:

Гарантирани дългосрочни ползи за:

Местни общности


Биологично разнообразие

Дива природа

The World Wetlands DayThe World Wetlands Day

Влажни зони в БългарияВлажни зони в България




Световният ден на влажните зони бе отбелязан от децата от ОДЗ “Първи юни” и учениците от СОУ “Пейо Яворов” във Варна. За най-малките, училищното ръководство и учениците бяха подготвили презентации за влажните зони в България, животните и растенията, които се срещат там и начините за тяхното опазване. Децата от детската градина рисуваха на тема: „Влажни зони”. Представители на РИОСВ – Варна подариха на децата и учениците книжки с екологична тематика.

Публикация в сайта на Басейнова дирекция - Варна

Публикация в сайта на Басейнова дирекция - Варна

Students from 8th , 11th and 12th grade, participants in the Ecology Club at our school with their Biology teachers celebrated the World Wetlands Day.

They met the children from the neighbour kindergarten and showed them a presentation about the wetlands. The little kids were told the story of the red-necked goose – one of the protected birds worldwide. The younger and older ones did a puzzle together and found out about lots of water inhabitants.

The event was supported by the Regional Agency for Protecting the Environment and the Water.

Екологични организации в защита на влажните зониЕкологични организации в защита на влажните зони

L/O/G/OThank You!Thank You!

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