Post on 14-Aug-2015






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;* 20 20 , [] CC T , 21 1956, , 25 26 , 1949. 20 , , , , , , .2 . , . , . , , . .3 20 * , , , , , . , 2 ., , , 1991, . 528. . 1. 1 [] 21.2.56, , (.), ( ), , , 2003, . 59. . , , , ( ), , , .., . 196. 2. . , , , , (.), .., . 119. 3. . .. , , , (.), .., . 73.



. (14-25 1956) , , , 1934, 1936-1938. 5 1953, , .4 , , (The Thaw, Tauwetter, priodededgel), 1953, 1954 . , , 1954, , .5 , 6 1955, 17 1934 Pyotr Pospe lov, 1953 .7

4. 20 , , . Brown, Archie, The Rise and Fall of Communism, London, The Bodley Head, 2009, . 227-255 Taubman, William, Khrushchev. The Man and his Era, new edition, New York, Free Press, 2005, . 270-300, 310-324 Zubok, Vladislav M., A Failed Empire. The Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev, Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 2007, . 101-105, 165-172 Service, Robert, Comrades. Communism. A World History, London, Pan Books, 2007, . 310-313. 5. , , , , . , . 6, (.), , . , ..., . 362-364. . , Brown, Archie, .., . 237 Daniels, Robert, The Rise and Fall of Communism in Russia, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2007, . 288-289. 6. 1952 19 . . Daniels, Robert, .., . 275. 7. Brown, Archie, .., . 240-241.


, , , - 1953 ,8 1954 .9 , , , . , 1953 , , , . , ,

8. CWIHP [Cold War International History Project], Virtual Archive 2.0, Collection: Germany in the Cold War: USSR Council of Ministers Order On Measures to Improve the Health of the Political Situation in the GDR, 2 June 1953. . www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?topic_id= 1409&fuseaction=va2.document&identifier=5034CC66-96B6-175C-984F23CB463D1BA6&sor t=Collection&item=Germany%20in%20the% 20Cold%20 War CWIHP, Virtual Archive 2.0, Collection: Germany in the Cold War: Speech by Georgii M. Malenkov to a visiting government delegation from the German Democratic Republic (GDR), 2 June 1953. . www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?topic_id=1409&fuseaction=va2.document&identifier=3A A1C330-CBAB-7BAD-6B7B93AA06394B3F&sort=Collection&item=Germany%20in %20the%20Cold% 20War. . , Filitov, Alexey, Germany Will Be A Bourgeois Democratic Republic: The New Evidence From the Personal File of Georgiy Malenkov, Cold War History, . 6, 4 (2006) 549-557 Roberts, Geoffrey, A Chance for Peace? The Soviet Campaign to End the Cold W ar, 19531955, CWIHP Working Paper #57 (December 2008). 9. FRUS (Foreign Relations of the United States) (1952-1954), vol. V, part 1 (Western European Security), Washington DC, Government Printing Office, 1983, . 487: Editorial Note .. . 488-489: Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs (Merchant) to the Secretary of State, 31 1954 Salisbury, Harrison E., Soviet In Bid To Join NATO; US Says No; Offer By Molotov, The New York Times (1 1954) 1 ( H. E. Salisbury , 31 1954).


. ,10 .11 1955 - , () . , 1956 . 20 , 5 1956 . . 187/12 7 1956 [] .12 , : 11-12 1956 6 , , , 13 10. , , . ;, , , , , (.), . , 1945- 1949, , , 2002, . 161. 11. . : 6 , 9 1949, , (), . 7, 1949-1955, , , 1995, . 813, . 13-19 3 , 1950 , [, , (.)], 3 , 10-14/10/1950, , , 1988, . 331-342. 12. . , 5 1956, , .., , , , ., , . ., , . (.), 1953-1977, , , 1999, . 58, . 265. 13. , , . 8, 1956-1961, , , 1997, . 927, . 15-16: 6 , 1956.


, 18-24 1957, 7 , , , .14 , , , .15 ... :16 , . , , 1945-49. , , , , , .17 , 7 , , []14. .., . 966, . 176: , [ 1957]. 15. . . 7 ( 1957), [, , (.)], , 1957-1967: , , , , 2001, . 80-82 . . 7 , .., . 126-127. 16. , , , 3.5.67, , , .., . 237. 17. , ., () 6 1956, , , (.), .., . 105-368 () 7 1957, [, , (.)], .., . 21-140 () , , . 8, .., . 927, . 15-16: 6 , 1956 .., . 928, . 17-23: 6 , 1956 .., . 933, . 42-57: , 1956 .., . 932, . 27-41: 6 , [ 1956] .., . 935, . 59-65: 6 , [ 1956] .., . 964, . 156-159: 7 , 1957 .., . 966, . 173-176: , [ 1957] . , [, , (.)], .., . 147-163.


. .18

1948 . , , 14 1950 , . , 1945 , , , : , . , .19 , 3 1950 , , . 2 [ 1946] , [] , , , , , 18. , , . 8, .., . 966, . 176: , [ 1957]. 19. , , , , - 1956, , , 1986, . 47-54 . 51 . . , -, , , , . , , , [1977], . 27-30 , , . , , , 2004, . 149, . 83, . 353, 355-358. , , , , .


, : ; , , [ ] , 1949 , 1949 [ ] , [ 1949] , [] .20 ,21 , , , , .22 , 1957 1967, 11 . .23 , ,24 , 7 , 1964, . [] [] ,

20. , [, , (.)], .., . 223-226. 21. , , , . 5, , , , 1992, . 429-450. 22. .., . 430. 23. 11 , 1967, [, , (.)], .., . 219 . . , . 11 , .., . 181-217. 24. Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Philosophical Investigations, ., Oxford, Blackwell, 2009, . 15 .


. , , .25

1973, , : . , .26

, , , , , John Foster Dulles, , , .27 7 1957 .28 , , , , , 1948 29 1950,30 25. . , [, , (.)], .., . 162, 163. 26. , , , , , .., . 498. 27. . 7 , [, , (.)], .., . 38-39, 90. 28. , , . 8, .., . 966, . 175: , 7 (1957). 29. , 15 1948, , (.), , . , , , 1978, . 19-28. 30. . . 7 (14-18/5/1950), [, , , (.)], .., . 374-392 . 7 (14-18.5/1950), .., . 393-396 , .., . 397-403. 3 ,


6 7 1956 195731 7 1964. , , . , 1945, . , , , , , , .32 . , .33 , 1945 1947 , .34 , 1945 . , , , , . ,

1950, , . . 3 , .., . 74-80. 31. , , . 8, .., . 928, . 17-23: 6 , 1956 .., . 966, . 173-176: , [ 1957]. 32. .., . 932, . 30-31: 6 , [ 1956]. 33. .., . 30: 6 , [ 1956]. 34. , ., , 1945-1949, , , 2001, . 61-72.


. , , .35 . 1956, . : . . . . 1945 , , , , , . , [] .36

12 25-27 1945, , ,3735. , , . 8, .., . 932, . 30-31: 6 , [ 1956]. 36. . .. , , , (.), .., . 77. 37. , , , (.), . , , , 1999, . 2, . 45-46: 12 (25-27 1945) [], , 1935-1945, , , 1945, . 272-275: 12 , , . 6, 1945-1949, , , 1987, . 706, . 32-39: 12 , 30 1945.


. , ,38 29 1946.39 . , , , , .40 , . , . , . , , 1947, , , .41 , 38. , , . , , , 1999, . 80. 39. , [KKE], (1946-1949), , , 1998, . 585-597, . 596 , 30 1946, , , . , , , 2004, . 25-26. 40. : - 1944-1949, , , .., . 453-454. 41. , 18 1947, 23 28 1947.


. , , 1946, , , , . , 1946 , , .42 , , , . 25 1956: 1945 . . . . . .43

, , 1946, , , .44 ,45

42. , ., . , , , 1997, . 298-300. 43. . .. , , (.), .., . 79. 44. , , . 8, .., . 932, . 31-32: 6 , [ 1956]. 45. .., . 966, . 175: , 7 (1957).


. . , , , , - . , , , , , .46 , : , . . Konstantin Rodionov , ,[] , . , , , .47

. 6 1956 ,

46. , , , , , 1978, . 199. . , , , (.). .., . 122, . 235-236: Lavrischev Molotov , 23 1946 Banac, Ivo (.), The Diary of Georgi Dimitrov, 1933-1949, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2003, . 396 (9 1946). 47. , , (.), .., . 123, . 237: Rodionov , , 4 1946.


. 1946, .48 , , , , , , , 30% .49 6 7 1956 1957 : , 50 , , .51 , 7 , . , , : ; ; 48. , , . 8, .., . 932, . 32: 6 , [ 1956]. 49. 1946 , . , , . ;, , (.), 1946. , , . , 2008, . 113-115 , , . , 1946-1967, , , 2001, . 77-85, 86-94 , , 1946. , , , (.), .., . 116-149 , ., , .., . 178-182. 50. . . 6 , , (.), .., . 244245, 7 [, , (.)], .., . 45, . 51. . () 6 , , (.), .., . 212-213, 7 [, , (.)], .., . 72, .


.52 , 1948, . . , , 7 1957 , , .53 2 1946, , , 1947.54 1948 2 , , , , , .55 .56 , 3 1947 .57 , 1945 1947,

52. . 7 [, , (.)], .., . 59. 53. . 7 [, , (.)], .., . 85. 54. , , . 8, .., . 932, . 32: 6 , [ 1956]. 55. , 15 1948, , , (.), .., . , . 19-22. 56. , ., , .., . 200-201, 243-244 , ., , .., . 65-68. 57. , 15 1948, , (.), .., . , . 22-24.


. , : 1945 1946, 1946 1947, 1947 1947, , , , 1947 , .58 6 1956 1947 .59 , 1947 , 1947 . 1947-48 , , 1945 , , .60 1948 , , . ,

58. , ., , .., . 103-104. 59. . , , , , (.), .., . 126 , , . 8, .., . 928, . 18: 6 , 1956. 60. , ., , .., . 86-102.


, .61 7 1957 , , , .62 , , .63 . , , 1948 : T (UNSCOB), . , , , , , .64 . 1948, , 1945-46. ,

61. 7 ( 1957), [, , (.)], .., . 109. 62. .., . 120. 63. . 7 , [, , (.)], .., . 52. 64. ( . , ), . [] 31: [ 1948].


. . , , , . , ,65 1948 . , . , 22 1947, , : [1947], , : . , , . 100 . ( ).66

, 1948, John P. Leacacos , , , , , .67 , , , 1948.6865. , . 32/1: , 5 1948, . 4064. 66. , , , , . 29 (13 1996) 35. . , , , . . [], [], 2.5.1947, , 21 , . 11, , 22 1999, . 12-13. 67. , . 31: ( ) , John P. Leacacos, Staff Correspondent, 22 1948. 68. , ., , .., . 427-431 , ., , .., . 96-100.


1945-49 5 1949 .69 , , . , . 1948 , .70 , . , . 1947, , , : [] . [] , . . [] , , .71

[...] :72 1945-1949

69. , , . 6, .., . 793, . 325-340: 5 , (30-31 1949), . 337. 70. , 15 1948, , (.), .., . , . 27-28. 71. . , . 23: , , , 25 1947, . 516783. 72. , , , 11.5.67, , , .., . 240.


. , . , , : , , , , , . , , , . , , , 1946, 1956 , , . ( ), 1940-1950. 1956-1957, . [ ] 1968 3 1947, [ ] , [...] [ ].73 , , , ,74 73. , , , . , , /, 2005, . 29. 74. .., . 30.


, - .75 , , , : . , , . [ ] , , , , . , , , [] , , .76

, , , .77

75. , , , , .., . 62. 76. [] []: , , . 35-36-37 ( 1988), . 48, 52. 77. , , . Alexander Dallin, Causes of the Collapse of the USSR, Dallin, Alexander Lapidus, Gail (.), The Soviet System. From Crisis to Collapse, ., Boulder, Co., Westview Press, 1995, . 692-694. . , Lewin, Moshe, The Soviet Century, London, Verso, 2005, . 387-390 Daniels, Robert, .., . 34-41, 412-413 Poe, Marshall, The Russian Moment in World History, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2003, . 91-104.


. : : : : : : : : , : , : : : : : ...: CWIHP: Cold War International History Project FRUS: Foreign Relations of the United States : North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( ) UNSCOB: United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans ( )


( , , , ) , . , . , .., , , , ., , . ., , . (.), 1953-1977, , , 1999. , , , . 5, , , , 1992. -, , , , . -, , , [1977]. [, , (.)], , 1957-1967. , , , , 2001. , (.), , . , , , 1978. , , , , - 1956, , , 1986. , , , , . , . 6, (.), , . , ... , , . , , , 2004. [], , 1935-1945, , , 1945. , , . 6, 1945-1949, , , 1987. , , . 7, 1949-1955, , , 1995. , , . 8, 1956-1961, , , 1997. , , (.), . , , , 1999. , , . , , , 1999. , , , , , 1978. , (.), ( ), , , 2003. , . [, , (.)], 3 , 10-14/10/1950, , , 1988. , , . , , , 2004.


. Banac, Ivo (.), The Diary of Georgi Dimitrov, 1933-1949, New Haven, Yale Uni versity Press, 2003. CWIHP [Cold War International History Project], Virtual Archive 2.0, Collection: Germany in the Cold War.www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=topics. home&topic_id=1409 FRUS [Foreign Relations of the United States] (1952-1954), . V, 1 (Wes tern European Security), Washington, DC, Government Printing Office, 1983. Salisbury, Harrison E., Soviet in Bid to Join NATO; US Says No; Offer by Molotov, The New York Times (1 1954) 1. ( ) , , . , ., , , 1991. [KKE], (1946-1949), , - , 1998. , , , . , , /, 2005, . 23-30. , , 1946. , , , (.), 1946. , , - . , 2008, . 116-149. , , , , (.), . , 1945- 1949, , , 2002. , , . , 19461967, , , 2001. , . , . , , / , 2005, . 57-65. , , , , . 29, 13 1996, . 30-35. , , . . [], [], 22/5/1947, , 21 , . 11, , 22 1999, . 12-13. , , . ;, , , , ,


(.), . , 1945- 1949, , , 2002, . 143-161. , , . ;, , (.), 1946. , , . , 2008, . 91-115. , , : , , . 35-36-37 ( 1988) 36-71. , ., . , , , 1997. , ., , 1945-1949, , , 2001. , (.), 1946. , , . , 2008. Brown, Archie, The Rise and Fall of Communism, London, The Bodley Head, 2009. Dallin, Alexander, Causes of the Collapse of the USSR, Dallin, Alexander Lapidus, Gail (.), The Soviet System. From Crisis to Collapse, . , Boulder, Co., Westview Press, 1995, . 673-694. Dallin, Alexander Lapidus, Gail (.), The Soviet System. From Crisis to Collapse, . , Boulder, Co., Westview Press, 1995. Daniels, Robert, The Rise and Fall of Communism in Russia, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2007, . 288-289. Filitov, Alexey, Germany Will Be A Bourgeois Democratic Republic: The New Evidence From the Personal File of Georgiy Malenkov, Cold War History, . 6, 4 (2006) 549-557 Lewin, Moshe, The Soviet Century, London, Verso, 2005. Poe, Marshall, The Russian Moment in World History, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2003. Roberts, Geoffrey, A Chance for Peace? The Soviet Campaign to End the Cold War, 1953-1955, CWIHP Working Paper #57 (December 2008). Service, Robert, Comrades. Communism. A World History, London, Pan Books, 2007. Taubman, William, Khrushchev. The Man and his Era, ., New York, Free Press, 2005.


. Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Philosophical Investigations, ., Oxford, Blackwell, 2009. Zubok, Vladislav M., A Failed Empire. The Soviet Union in the Cold War From Stalin to Gorbachev, Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 2007.


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