英検準1級 エッセイ ライティング対策虎の巻

Post on 08-Jan-2017






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By Value English

(16年度からの新試験についての対策法 )

1. 準1級ライティングについて1.1 求められていること1.2 時間配分について

2. 構成と要素2.1 書き方1:パラグラフの構成2.2 書き方2:パラグラフの各要素(イントロ)2.3 書き方3:パラグラフの各要素(ボディ)2.4 書き方4:パラグラフの各要素(結論)

3. 1文ずつの英作文について3.1 求められる語彙の難易度3.2 求められる文法の難易度


1. 準1級ライティングについて

1.1 求められていること

16 年度改定は IELTS/TOEFL を意識



今まで これから

100 語 120~150 語

1.1 求められていること

に使える時間最大ライティング 20 分


文法・語彙(15 分 )

長文 (55 分 )

ライティング(20 分 )

20分で書くには…内容推敲 2.5分執筆  15分チェック  2.5分

2. 構成と要素


(参考)日本英語検定協会 HPよりhttps://www.eiken.or.jp/eiken/info/2015/pdf/20151225_pressrelease_1601renewal.pdf

【出題】Write an essay on the given TOPICUse TWO of the POINTS below to support your answerStructure: Introduction, main body , and conclusionSuggested Length: 120-150 words

TOPICAgree or disagree:Small, independent shops and businesses can survive in modern society

POINTSCost / Customer service / The economy / Traditional skills

賛成? or 反対? ( スタンス、主張 )




【模範解答】 I agree with the idea that small, independent shops and businesses will be able to survive in modern society, and I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, the service at small, independent shops is usually far better than the service at  larger businesses and chain stores. Independent shops are usually more closely connected to their communities, and their staff members often know their customers personally and have a good idea of what they are looking for.

Secondly, many independent shops are responsible for producing traditionally made goods. The skills to make these products have been passed down over generations, and consumers today still appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of the goods that these businesses sell.

It is for these reasons that I believe people will continue to use small, independent businesses.


2.1 書き方1:パラグラフの構成

【模範解答】 I agree with the idea that small, independent shops and businesses will be able to survive in modern society, and I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, the service at small, independent shops is usually far better than the service at  larger businesses and chain stores. Independent shops are usually more closely connected to their communities, and their staff members often know their customers personally and have a good idea of what they are looking for.

Secondly, many independent shops are responsible for producing traditionally made goods. The skills to make these products have been passed down over generations, and consumers today still appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of the goods that these businesses sell.

It is for these reasons that I believe people will continue to use small, independent businesses.

合格点を最短・最小の労力で狙う =考えよりこの型を使う

パラグラフ1 : イントロ

パラグラフ 2: ボディ1

パラグラフ 3: ボディ2

パラグラフ 4: 結論


2.2 書き方2:パラグラフの各要素(イントロ)

【模範解答】 I agree with the idea that small, independent shops and businesses will be able to survive in modern society, and I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, the service at small, independent shops is usually far better than the service at  larger businesses and chain stores. Independent shops are usually more closely connected to their communities, and their staff members often know their customers personally and have a good idea of what they are looking for.

Secondly, many independent shops are responsible for producing traditionally made goods. The skills to make these products have been passed down over generations, and consumers today still appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of the goods that these businesses sell.

It is for these reasons that I believe people will continue to use small, independent businesses.


パラグラフ1 : イントロ

 (1) I agree with the idea that small, independent shops and businesses will be able to survive in modern society, (2) and I have two reasons to support my opinion.

  【型のポイント】(1) 必ず自分のスタンス・主張 (賛成・反対 )を明確にします(2) 次のパラグラフへのつなぎ言葉やテーマの背景について1文入れます(準1級では例のようにつなぎ言葉を1つ覚えて常にそれを使う =語法・文法ミスを避ける)


2.3 書き方3:パラグラフの各要素(ボディ)

【模範解答】 I agree with the idea that small, independent shops and businesses will be able to survive in modern society, and I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, the service at small, independent shops is usually far better than the service at  larger businesses and chain stores. Independent shops are usually more closely connected to their communities, and their staff members often know their customers personally and have a good idea of what they are looking for.

Secondly, many independent shops are responsible for producing traditionally made goods. The skills to make these products have been passed down over generations, and consumers today still appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of the goods that these businesses sell.

It is for these reasons that I believe people will continue to use small, independent businesses.


パラグラフ 2:  ボディ1

(1) To begin with, (2) the (3) service at small, independent shops is usually far better than the service

at  larger businesses and chain stores.

(4) Independent shops are usually more closely connected to their communities, and their staff members often know their customers personally and have a good idea of what

they are looking for.

  【型のポイント】(1) Firstly, secondly等パラグラフの頭に構成を示すつなぎ言葉を入れる(2) Topic sentence: 4つのトピックから選んだものについて理由を明示(3) 分かり易さ重視で、トピックから選んだキーワードは必ず入れる(4) Supporting detail: トピックセンテンスを経験や例などでサポート

ボディ 2 のポイント

2.3 書き方3:パラグラフの各要素(ボディ)

【模範解答】 I agree with the idea that small, independent shops and businesses will be able to survive in modern society, and I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, the service at small, independent shops is usually far better than the service at  larger businesses and chain stores. Independent shops are usually more closely connected to their communities, and their staff members often know their customers personally and have a good idea of what they are looking for.

Secondly, many independent shops are responsible for producing traditionally made goods. The skills to make these products have been passed down over generations, and consumers today still appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of the goods that these businesses sell.

It is for these reasons that I believe people will continue to use small, independent businesses.

ボディは 1,2ともに基本的に全く同じ構成で良い

パラグラフ 3:  ボディ 2

(1) Secondly, (2)many independent shops are responsible for producing (3) traditionally made goods.

(4) The skills to make these products have been passed down over generations, and consumers today still

appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of the goods that these businesses sell.

  【型のポイント】(1) Firstly, secondly等パラグラフの頭に構成を示すつなぎ言葉を入れる(2) Topic sentence: 4つのトピックから選んだものについて理由を明示(3) 分かり易さ重視で、トピックから選んだキーワードは必ず入れる(4) Supporting detail: トピックセンテンスを経験や例などでサポート


2.4 書き方4:パラグラフの各要素(結論)

【模範解答】 I agree with the idea that small, independent shops and businesses will be able to survive in modern society, and I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, the service at small, independent shops is usually far better than the service at  larger businesses and chain stores. Independent shops are usually more closely connected to their communities, and their staff members often know their customers personally and have a good idea of what they are looking for.

Secondly, many independent shops are responsible for producing traditionally made goods. The skills to make these products have been passed down over generations, and consumers today still appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of the goods that these businesses sell.

It is for these reasons that I believe people will continue to use small, independent businesses.

ボディは 1,2ともに基本的に全く同じ構成で良いパラグラフ 4: 結論

(1) It is for these reasons that (2)I believe people will continue to use small, independent businesses.

  【型のポイント】(1) 解答例のようにパラグラフの頭に結論を示すつなぎ言葉を入れる(2) イントロでも触れたが、再度自分のスタンス・主張 (賛成・反対 )を明確にします


1. 型、つなぎ言葉、構成を丸暗記2. 日本語で、型通りに書けるか?確認3. 制限時間 ( 20分 ) 以内で英語で反復練習

3. 1文ごとの英作文について


3.1 求められる語彙の難易度準2級レベルの語彙を「使いこなす」ことが重要

(参考 )Word Level Checker  http://www.someya-net.com/wlc/index_J.html

96% が準2級以下1. 基本 1000 語 :75%2. 2~3000 語 : 21%

【まとめと対策】• 基本の語彙ですばやく文章を作る力を鍛える• 瞬間英作文の反復練習• VOAの記事をまとめる練習



3.2 求められる文法の難易度

【模範解答】 I agree with the idea that small, independent shops and businesses will be able to survive in modern society, and I have two reasons to support my opinion. (28 words)

To begin with, the service at small, independent shops is usually far better than the service at  larger businesses and chain stores. (22 words)

Independent shops are usually more closely connected to their communities, and their staff members often know their customers personally and have a good idea of what they are looking for. (30 words)

Secondly, many independent shops are responsible for producing traditionally made goods. (11 words)The skills to make these products have been passed down over generations, and consumers today still appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of the goods that these businesses sell. (28 words)

It is for these reasons that I believe people will continue to use small, independent businesses. (16 words)

関係代名詞 (that)や等位接続詞 (andのみ )で 1文平均15語



オンライン英会話Value English 学長

堀場 英雄


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