Дочь Земли

Post on 13-Feb-2017






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A long-long time ago the heroes lived on the Earth. There were kind heroes as well as evil ones. Evil heroes preyed upon people, terrorized them and initiated wars. And kind heroes protected people from evil ones.There was a Forest hero. He was able to stop an elk on the run with a single hand. With both hands he could easily throw a bear over the whole taiga. But he had never harmed anyone. He was a cedar-tall man with curly hair and his blue eyes shined like stars.He had a gold-plated sword, red-hot arrows for a bow and a faithful horse. But once upon a moonlit night the evil heroes raided on the hometown of the Forest hero.There were many of them. They killed forest people and the Hero tried to protect his people. The fight was long and all of the attackers were defeated, but the Forest hero got wounded too.The bleeding Forest hero went to the distant woods. He won all the enemies and fell exhausted under the cedar on the glade. He felt himself bad, and his soul was leaving the body.

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He didnt hear an lady walking gently among the trees. She was Daughter of Earth. She came out to gather some firewood for the hearth and accidentally saw bloodstains on the grassAnd finally she came to the glade with a huge cedar where the dying hero lied.His face seemed to be illuminated by the moonlight. His eyes were half closed and did not shine anymore. He was still holding his gold-plated sword, but the forces left him.The girl bent over him and touched his wounds. The hero opened his eyes and saw a bright face, sky-blue eyes and two blond tails. Daughter of Earth was a beautiful girl. She was going to pour the blood in her hands onto his wounds, but the drops of blood turned into gemstones.The hero threaded gemstones and made a magic necklace. He put it on the girls neck and said her that she had obtained a magic power, if she touched a necklace, no one could harm her and whatever she wanted would become true. These gemstones are made of pure blood and have a just power. He asked her what she wanted. She gazed at him with her blue eyes, and he got emoted.He continued that she could ask whatever she wants no matter what it could be wealth or turning into a bird so she could fly. Daughter of Earth confused and answered that she wanted his wounds to heal so his forces could be returned. The hero drew a sigh and said that the necklace was not able to help only the water of life could help him. It flowed far from here far beyond the dark woods and deep rivers. The wounds had to be washed seven times with it, and the hero had to be become stronger than before. But it was too late

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The lady said she would touch the necklace and turn into swift-winged bird, and then she would reach the water of life and heal his wounds.And she touched a necklace and turned into a bird.The evening came and the hero heard wing-beats Daughter of Earth appeared holding two baskets of bark containing water of life.She washed his wounds seven times.The hero breathed, got up, raised his head and made a bow to Daughter of Earth.He thanked her and asked her if she would become his friend forever. He loved her kindness.She agreed and said she loved him at a first sight.The hero proposed her to come with him. Her face marred and she started to cry.She said she could not go anywhere with him. Her mistress Daughter of Sun would not let her. Her mistress would look for her when the morning would come. The young woman said goodbye to the hero and promised to find him tomorrow.She gently walked away to the east.The heart of the hero ached and beat fast. He lay down on the ground to rest.

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The dawn flared stronger and stronger. The skies were burning like a pyre until the sun showed above the woods. When it got higher and illuminated the earth, a shining blond girl descended from it standing on the cloud. The sunlight was coming out of her. Her name was Daughter of Sun. She got down on the glade where the hero slept. Daughter of Sun took a look at him. She saw his golden curls, wide chest and mighty hand with a sword.And she fell in love with him. She bent over him.

The hero opened his eyes and saw a sunny girl. She offered him to fly to her father Sun. The hero got up and looked at the Daughter of Sun she was beautiful, but she called him to leave the earth. And he answered her that he could not leave the earth he was in love with an earthly girl who had saved him life. Daughter of Sun asked him about the name of this girl. The hero named Daughter of Earth. Daughter of Sun flew into a rage. Her bright eyes fired with lightning. She used to think that people had always been worshiping sun they adore sun for its warmth and light. She told the hero that she would destroy her maid - Daughter of Earth because he had denied the offering. The hero laughed out loudly so the cedars shivered. He said that no one could hurt her because she was under protection of love and necklace from the drops of pure blood.

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And Daughter of Sun could not do any harm to Daughter of Earth no matter what she tried to do.Fiery beams of lights missed, lightnings changed its path and could not reach Daughter of Earth. The night came and Daughter of Sun followed her father to the blue down. Daughter of Earth came to the hero and they decided to escape to the seaside where Daughter of Sun could not reach them.The hero called his loyal horse, mounted it and rushed to the seaside through the woods and valleys with Daughter of Earth on his hands.Daughter of Sun came to the same glade in the morning, but she could not find the hero. The cedars did not tell her where he was.Daughter of Sun turned into a swan and soared into the skies.She looked at the ground from the sky and saw a black horse behind the distant woods, lakes and rivers the hero and Daughter of Earth were heading to the seaside.Daughter of Sun flapped her wings and chased them.The horse was fast, but the bird was even faster.

, . . . . . , , . . . , . . , . , . . , , . The hero did not care about himself he thought about Daughter of Earth, held her with the magic necklace firmly.The swan reached them but could not do anything more.The footloose horse was running through the forest and the swan was chasing him. The forest was getting more and more dense that was the last belt of taiga. The sandy coast was further along the path. The endless sea was on the horizon.

The hero and Daughter of Earth were already about to break away from chase as the huge precipice appeared in front of the horse. The horse reared trying to stop at full gallop and turned back to the woods. The hero and Daughter of Earth did not manage to duck to the horses neck and flied out of a saddle. The hero collapsed down at full gallop. He hit the ground on the riverside so hard that turned into a mighty high cliff.Daughter of Sun soared into the skies in fury.

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Daughter of Earth loved the hero. She threw away the magic gemstone from her hair, screamed that she would not live without her beloved and would be faithful to him.She fell on the ground and turned into the cliff near the hero-cliff.And the faithful black horse of the hero turned around, shook his mane to throw off the magic gemstone and became the third cliff

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Faithfulness is strong like a cliff, it cannot be damaged neither by waves or winds nor by storm.And treacherous Daughter of Sun had been whirling in rage above the cliffs for a long time. But nobody could answer her furious screams.She remained lonely for the whole life.And the cliffs are standing at the same place nowadays. They remind people of love and faithfulness.


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