презентация наг(субтитри)

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Наука от бабината


Grandpa, I’m back!

Come here, I have to ask you something.

While you were abroad, did you see someone make gaitans like we do here?

No grandpa, they don’t even have a chark, when I tried to describe it they stared at

me cluelessly.

But tell me grandpa, why didn’t the gaitan which I tried to make work out?

Well it’s not an easy job boy, why don’t you check your measures.

But that’s so strange…


When I’m measuring, something doesn’t seem right... I must be doing something


Every cog in the wheel seems different.

This shouldn’t be working, in university they taught us,

that everything has to be in it’s place perfectly and has to fit with the parts.

That’s true, even with the wooden charks it was like that. Now even the metal


I assume, that the wooden parts were breaking fast and that’s why the masters replaced the

fragile wood with solid metal.

You are right, I still remember the old wooden charks and how fragile they were.

Every day something broke on them…

I think that with your english chark, the way of the stitch is also wrong.

Основно уравнение на динамиката на въртеливите движения

Постъпателно движение

Пълният момент на всички приложени сили към АТТ, въртящо се около неподвижна ос OO е равен на произведението от инертния момент спрямо тази ос и ъгловото ускорение.

Резултантният вектор на силите, приложени към МТ е равен на произведението от масата и ускорението.

Въртеливо движение

To the front part of the iron plate 1 square whole is cutted out,

From which the so called “paths” start, on which the iron reels are set in motion.

The paths cut through the whole gauge of the plate and have the shape of two

bended in the middle elipses,

which cross each other almost perpendicularly.

The iron kalem is also complicated, it consists of 5 parts.

So the chark can be productive, the gabrovoer sets it in motion with the force

of water.

The chark adjusts itself for a mechanical motion of water like this : the iron axis of

the big iron cogwheel

is extended from the under the seat of the chark to the under of the wooden floor of

the room.

This extension is called mahal.

The mahal is ingrained and hooked with a iron ring in a wooden axle.

The end of the axle underneath has a conelike iron piece, called „оgribka”.

Above it, in the thicker part of the axle, is a clutched wooden hub,

with ingrained carved from one side wooden flappers called „spoons”.

The charks don’t work in the winter, with the exeption of these,

in the mountains, where water doesn’t freeze.

This gaitan is too simple and ordinary.

It isn’t good when it’s white, if you go out it will get dirty in no time.

Give to us so we can dye it, like we do.

Dyeing is a complicated process, which results in the gaitan being coloured.

If the process is executed incorrectly,

the materials whiten when washed and quickly lose colour when worn.

I suspect, that this goes to the fact,

that wool is a thready material of albuminous origin

and is coloured relatively easy.

In the albuminous molecules of the keratin of wool there аre basic (amino),

and acid(carboxyl) functional groups.

Because of that, with basic dyes the wool reacts like acid,

and with acid dyes - like base.

In result of these reactions matter is formed,

wich strongly hold the thread together with chemical bonds.

Does any of you know how and why we see colours in nature?


Simple. The light wich comes from the Sun

is a mix of radiations with different lengths of the wаve.

In it the yellowgreen colour is prevailing, wich we apprehend like colourless.

Бежово От листата, клоните и кората на мушмулата и липата. Жълто

От люспите на кромид лук, близалцата на шафран, цвят на млечок, кори на киселица, пожълтели есенни листа на черница и пипер, листа на праскова и кайсия, цветове на жълта лайка, корени на лапад, цветове или стъбла на вратика, листа и стъбла на кукуряк и корени и клонки на смрадлика.

Медено От кори и листа на дюля.


От стъблата и листа на домати, от цветове и листа на сърпец, стъбла и листа от коприва, кори от млад дъб, клончета на зеленика, листа от чемерика, мъх или листа и стъбла на зелениче.

Кафяво От листа и черупки на орех, кори на глог, листа от дюли и мушмула, корени на здравец.

Черно От кори и листа на елша, кори на смрадлика, мъждрян и елша, стъбла и листа от бабук и лютивец, сажди, от цвят и стъбла на риган.

Розово От кори и клончета на синя слива.

Червено От корените и листата на брош, цветове от риган и мушкато, сухи жълти листа от киселица, лишей от камениче, кармъз.

Dyeing has it’s own technology, you know. It’s easier said than done…

Well it’s not like a simple process such as dyeing is as hard as a matriculation test…

It’s neither complicated, nor simple – it’s a handcraft

that takes skill and dedication. .

You first leave the blossoms in water for a night.

Then, on the next day heat it up, and then insert the wool,

which is first soaked in water or alum,

so the paint can evenly dye it and leave a lasting color.

Alum? Ah, yes – I know what that is...

It’s a process that consists of soaking the materials due for dyeing in an alum

solution –

most often with blue vitriol(copper sulphate), green vitriol (iron sulphate),


When treated with the different alum solutions the same plant dye

would give off different colors in the end.

We use blue and green vitriol.

And so we get different colors…

The wool is put in the container until the water boils.

It is then left for another 30 minutes so the dye bonds well with it.

After that the wool is taken out and rinsed with cold water

and then it is left to dry.

And so we are able to make any color we’d like…

like a rainbow…


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