新课标人教版课件系列 《高中英语》 选修 ( 模块) 9- 3.2. grammargrammar...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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语法精解 1. 表语 Predicative 表语是由系东动词引导的主语补足语, 补充说明主语。常见的系动词有: be become feel grow prove smell taste appear get go remain sound seem stay keep


新课标人教版课件系列《高中英语》选修 ( 模块) 9-3.2


语法精解1. 表语 Predicative 表语是由系东动词引导的主语补足语,

补充说明主语。常见的系动词有:be become feel grow prove smell taste appear get go remain sound seem stay keep

2.充当表语的成分有形容词、名词、代词、数词、副词、介词短语、词组、不定式、 - ing 形式、过去分词、从句等。

3 .形容词作表语,用来修饰说明主语 , 例如 : You don’t feel well today. Are you sick? 

4 .形容词只能作表语,不能作定语,如:

可以说 “ She felt glad.” 但不能说“ a glad woman”.

afraid asleep ready unable alive aware glad sorry well alone sure

5. 名词或名词词组作表语,一般用来确定主语的性质,或者表达主语的看法,例如:

He become a doctor. Boys are boys. He’s not the right man for the job. She seemed an ideal wife for him. 

6. 可以接不定式的系动词有: 例如: They only aim was to get success.She appears to have many beautiful dresses.It proved to be much easier than we have thought.

be appear prove seem

Ⅰ. Tick the sentence if its under lined part is the predicative.

1. Australia is made up of six states and two territories. ( )

2. Australia is a young nation on an ancient continent. ( )

3. After the Second World War, Australia’s economy grew rapidly. ( )


4. Before baby kangaroos grow strong enough, they feed on their mother’s milk. ( )

5. When it turns cold in Northern China, the hot summer in Australia has just begun. ( )

6. If you go near Koala bear, it will get very upset. ( )

7. Australia keeps about one sixth of the world’s sheep. ( )

8. Australia has got the biggest iron mines in the world. ( )

9. At weekends many Australians go hiking and camping in the countryside. ( )

10. The milk has been kept for too long; it has gone sour. ( )√

1) As a nation, Australia has a history of only one hundred years.

It ______________________.2) Australia produces metals, precious stones,

coal and iron. It ________________________.

2. Read the facts about Australia and write an “S-V-P” sentence to describe each subject.

is a young nation

is rich in natural resources

3) Australia has an area as large as the USA It ______________________________.4) Australians mostly use English as their

national language. English___________________________.5) You may find many differences between

Australian English and British English. Australian English ______________


is almost as large as the USA

is the first language in Australia

is different from British English

6) The Koala bear has large ears, small eyes and a big nose.

It ________________________________.7) You may often see Australians drinking

beers or lemonade together. Australians______________________

___________________.8) Most Australians love outings. Outings _____________________.

looks very funny / is a lovely animal

are fond of drinking beersand lemonade together

are popular in Australia

Ex1 in workbook Page 701.The only thing he can do is ______________

as far as possible and never return.

2.My problem is ______________ someone who could fix my computer.

3.Her first job was _______________ the walls in the kitchen.

to run

finding / to find

painting / to paint

4. You can’t to that way because the bridge on highway 19 is ___________.

5. The table at the front of the room was __________ for the bride’s family.

6. In an emergency, the most important thing is _______________ calm.



staying / to stay

Ex2 in workbook Page 70

1. As she watched them arguing , they ________ to get more angry.

2. Please _______ in your seats until the plane stops.

remain keep sound fall seem become prove begin appear be

appeared / seemed


3. I don’t know why I did it but it _______ a good idea at the time.

4. I am sure he will ________ to be an excellent student.

5. Her cough _________ serious and I decided to call a doctor.




6. The room ________ so hot I found it difficult to stop myself __________


7. Playing basketball is an excellent way to ________ fit.

8. Everybody _________ to be having a good time at the wedding breakfast.




Ex3 in workbook

(be ) on a course (be) out of work (be) of interest (be) in one’s 30s (be) with me (be) on one’s hands and knees (be) at one’s best (be) of help

1. 桑迪已经失业半年,没有能力养家糊口了。

2. 这是一本各类读者都会感兴趣的小说 .

3. 如果我能帮上什么忙,就告诉我 .

Sandy has been out of work for half a year and is unable to support his family.

This is a novel that will be of interest to a wide range of readers.

Let me know if I can be of any help to you.

4. 阿瑟已经三十多岁了,还没有开始自己的事业。

5. 下一步把这个放在机器的这个位置。你们都听明白了吗?

6. 我认为五月的颐和园是最美的。

Arthur is already in his 30s and hasn’t started a career yet.

Next you put this into the machine here. Are you with me?

In my opinion, the Summer Palace is at its best in May.

The last time I saw him was Friday night. He was on his hands and knees searching for something in his laboratory.

Cathy has been on a sewing course all this month.

7. 我最后一次见到他是周五的晚上,当时他正 趴实验室的地上在找什么东西。

8. 这个月凯西一直在上缝纫课。

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