地方志发展概况与名称种类 a historical overview of chinese local gazetteers, names and...

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地方志发展概况与名称种类 A Historical Overview of Chinese Local Gazetteers, Names and Types. 中国地方志指导小组办公室 张英聘 Y.P.Zhang The Office of Chinese Local Gazetteers Derecting Group. 一、地方志发展概况 Overview. (一)方志的起源 Origin of local gazetteers. 一、地方志发展概况 Overview. (一)方志的起源 Origin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


地方志发展概况与名称种类A Historical Overview of Chinese

Local Gazetteers, Names and Types

中国地方志指导小组办公室 张英聘Y.P.Zhang

The Office of Chinese Local Gazetteers Derecting Group

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(一)方志的起源 Origin of local gazetteers

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(一)方志的起源 Origin 1 .商代甲骨文说 Originated from Shang Dynasty oracle bone 2 .《九丘》说 Originated from Jiu qiu 3. 《山海经》说 Originated from Shan hai jing 4. 《禹贡》说 Originated from Yu gong 5 .西周说 Originated from Western Zhou

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(一)方志的起源 Origin 6 .“百国春秋”说 Originated from “A hundred countries in Chun and Qiu Period” 7 .“土地之图”说 Originated from “Map of the Land” 8 .《国语》、《战国策》说 Originated from Guo yu and zhan guo ce 9 .《汉书》说 Originated from Han shu 10 .《南阳风俗传》说 Originated from Nanyang feng su zhuan

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(一)方志的起源 Origin 11 .《越绝书》、《吴越春秋》说 Originated from Yue jue shu and Wu yue chun qiu 12 .汉代图经说 Originated from Han Dynasty gazetteers with maps13. 《畿服经》说 Originated from Ji fu jing 14. 《华阳国志》说 Originated from Hua yang guo zhi 15. 六朝说 Originated from Six Dynasties

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(一)方志的起源 Origin

16 .唐宋说 Originated from Tang & Song 17 .多源说 Multi-origin theory

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(一)方志的起源 Origin In summary, there are a number of views on the origin of Chinese local gazetteers, ranging from earliest Shang Dynasty oracle bones, to latest Tang & Song Dynasty, which is about 1,200 years apart. All these views show that there is no one theory agreed upon by all scholars, it is an ongoing debate.

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)方志的演变与发展Evolution and development of local gazetteers

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

1 .秦汉魏晋南北朝时期的方志Local gazetteers in Qin 、 Han 、 Wei 、 Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties

一、地方志发展概况 Overview(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

1 .秦汉魏晋南北朝时期的方志Qin 、 Han 、 Wei 、 Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties ( 1 )郡国地志和全国性总志 National, county and kingdom gazetteers( 2 )地记的繁盛 Flourishing of geographical gazetteers( 3 )图经的兴起 Rise of gazetteers with maps( 4 )内容较为全面的方志 Comprehensive local gazetteers

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

2 .隋唐时期的方志Local gazetteers in Sui and Tang Dynasty

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

2 .隋唐时期的方志 Sui and Tang Dynasty( 1 )官修志书的出现 Emerging of local gazetteers compiled by government( 2 )图经的发展 Development of gazetteer with maps

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

3 .宋元时期的方志Local gazetteers in Song and Yuan Dynasty

一、地方志发展概况 Overview(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

3 .宋元时期的方志 Song and Yuan Dynasty( 1 )官修制度的发展 Development of the system of government compilation ( 2 )全国性总志的编纂 Compilation of general national gazetteers( 3 )定型志书的出现 Emerging of fixed types of local gazetteers( 4 )续修形式的确立 Establishment of practice in continuation of local gazetteers

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

4 .明清时期的方志Local gazetteers in Ming and Qing Dynasty

一、地方志发展概况 Overview(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

4 .明清时期的方志 Ming and Qing Dynasty( 1 )明朝皇帝下令修志和一统志的编修 Compilation of local gazetteers ordered by Ming emperors, and publishing of national geographical gazetteer( 2 )清朝统治者的重视和《大清一统志》的三次修纂 Qing emperors on local gazetteers, compilation and revisions of Qing National Geographical Gazetteer( 3 )明清方志的发展 Development of local gazetteers in Ming and Qing Dynasty( 4 )清代学者的修志与辑佚 Compilation of local gazetteers by scholars and editing of scattered works in Qing

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

5 .民国时期的方志Local gazetteers in the Republic of China (1912-1949)

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

5 .民国时期的方志 Republic of China (1912-1949) ( 1 )中央政府下令修志 Compilation of local gazetteers ordered by the central government( 2 )学者参与修志与方志的进步 Participation of scholars in compilation of local gazetteers and improvements

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

6 .新方志事业的发展Development of new local gazetteers

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

6 .新方志事业的发展Development of new local gazetteers( 1 )新方志编纂的几个阶段Phases in development of new local gazetteers•1954 年至 1966 年“文化大革命”以前1954-1966, before the Cultural Revolution•1966 年至 1978 年停滞时期1966-1978, a period of stagnation

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

6 .新方志事业的发展Development of new local gazetteers( 1 )新方志编纂的几个阶段Phases in development of new local gazetteers•1978 年至 20 世纪末“首轮修志”First phase: 1978 – 2000•21 世纪初至“第二轮修志”Second phase: 2000 ---

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development6 .新方志事业的发展Development of new local gazetteers( 2 )首轮修志的特点 Characteristics of the compilation in the First Phase•普修面广 Wide coverage, every county•机构组织健全 Well-organized and systematic compilation•良好的工作机制 Good working mechanism •注重培训和理论研讨 Training and theoretical research•统一的修志规定 Unified rules for compilations•志稿评审制度 Review system established

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

6 .新方志事业的发展Development of new local gazetteers( 3 )二轮修志的特点 Characteristics of the compilation in the Second Phase•制定规划 Well-planned ahead•全国地方志工作条例 Guided by National Regulation on Compilation of Local Gazetteers•注重质量 Emphasize on quality

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

6 .新方志事业的发展Development of new local gazetteers( 4 )新方志的价值与问题Research value and questions about new local gazetteers

一、地方志发展概况 Overview

(二)演变与发展 Evolution and development

In summary, publishing of Chinese local gazetteers has gone through a long and slow evolution process. It began with simple geographical publications, and has evolved and developed into a comprehensive and systematically published collection that records history and educate future generations.

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types of Local Gazetteers

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and types

(一)方志的名称 Names

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(一)方志的名称 Names

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(一)方志的名称 Names

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(一)方志的名称 Names

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(一)方志的名称 Names

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(一)方志的名称 Names

二、地方志的名称与种类 Names and Types

(二)方志的种类Types of local gazetteers

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(二)方志的种类 Types

二、地方志的名称与种类 Names and Types

(二)方志的种类 Types

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(二)方志的种类 Types

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(二)方志的种类 Types

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(二)方志的种类 Types

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(二)方志的种类 Types

二、地方志的名称与种类Names and Types

(二)方志的种类 Types

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