専任教員の公募 このたび甲南大学理工学部物理学科では、下...

Post on 09-Feb-2021






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  • 専任教員の公募


    1. 職名 教授、准教授または常勤専任講師

    2. 募集人数 1 名

    3. 所属 甲南大学理工学部物理学科

    4. 勤務場所 〒658-8501 神戸市東灘区岡本 8-9-1

    5. 専門分野 宇宙物理学の理論的研究

    6. 職務内容 独立して研究を行い、学部・大学院教育と組織運営を既存の教員と協力して行う。

    7. 応募資格 博士号取得者か着任までに取得見込み者で、新規研究分野の開拓に意欲的かつ本学


    8. 着任時期 2021 年 9 月 1 日

    9. 勤務形態 常勤(任期なし)

    10. 待遇 甲南学園規定に基づく

    11. 提出書類 次の(1)から(8)の書類を 1 つの PDF ファイル(20 MB 未満)にまとめ、

    添付ファイルとして: koubophys-theory@ml.konan-u.ac.jp に送付してください。

    (1) 履歴書

    ・連絡先明記, 要写真

    (2) 研究業績


    (3) 競争的資金の獲得状況

    (4) これまでの研究概要(A4, 2 枚程度)

    (5) 着任後の研究計画(A4, 1 枚程度)

    (6) 教育に関する経験および抱負(A4, 1 枚程度)

    (7) 本人について意見を述べられる方 2 名


    (8) 主要論文 5 編以内

    ・各主要論文について ADS (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/classic-form)で


    12. 送付先および問い合わせ先

    甲南大学 理工学部 物理学科 主任 市田正夫

    E-Mail: koubophys-theory@ml.konan-u.ac.jp

    電話: 078-435-2468


  • 件名に「宇宙理論教員応募書類(氏名)」と明記してください。



    13. 応募期限 2021 年 03 月 14 日(日)

    14. 選考方法 書類審査の後、面接(プレゼンテーション)を実施します。




    15. その他 本学では、男女共同参画社会基本法の精神に則り、積極的に男女共同参画を推進し


  • Konan University invites outstanding candidates to apply for a tenured Full Professor, Associate Professor or

    Full-time Lecturer in the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Engineering.

    1: Title

    Full Professor, Associate Professor or Full-Time Lecturer

    2: Number of positions

    One position

    3: Institution

    Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Konan University.

    4: Work location

    8-9-1, Okamoto, Higashinada, 658-8501 Kobe, Japan

    5: Research field

    Theoretical Astrophysics. The successful candidate is expected to promote innovative research that opens

    up new fields of natural science.

    6: Description of the institution

    Konan, founded in 1919, is a well-known private university of roughly 10,000 students and located in a

    neighborhood of Kobe.

    7: Qualifications

    (1) Ph.D. or equivalent qualifications in Astrophysics or related fields.

    (2) Understanding of education in private universities and high motivation for teaching and research.

    (3) Sufficient Japanese skills for teaching.

    8: Starting dates

    September 1, 2021.

    9: Employment status

    Full-time (Tenured). No fixed term.

    10: Salary

    Based on the rules of Konan Gakuen.

    11: Application documents, application method

    The following documents (1) - (8) should be prepared in PDF format and then merged into a single PDF

    file (up to 20MB). The merged PDF file should be submitted to: koubophys-theory@ml.konan-u.ac.jp

    as the attachment of e-mail.

    (1) Curriculum vitae, including contact information (e-mail address and phone number) and a photo of the


    (2) Publications list (Separate refereed and non-refereed papers.)

    (3) The list of acquired competitive funds

    (4) Summary of research achievements (ca. two A4 pages)


  • (5) Future research plan (ca. one A4 page)

    (6) Educational experiences and aspirations for the education at Konan University (ca. one A4 page)

    (7) List of two references, including the name and contact information (e-mail address and phone number)

    (8) Selected publications (five papers or less).

    including citation count of these papers in ADS (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/classic-form)

    12: Contact information

    Prof. Masao Ichida, Chair of Department of Physics, Konan University

    (E-mail address) koubophys-theory@ml.konan-u.ac.jp

    Phone: +81-78-435-2468

    Notification of receipt will be sent within three days. In case you do not receive a notification,

    please contact the faculty office(terao-m@adm.konan-u.ac.jp).

    13: Deadline

    March. 14, 2021 (JST)

    14: Selection details

    After the review of documents, interviews (presentation with slides) will be held.

    15: Additional information

    Konan University complies with Equal Employment Opportunities Law of Japan and is committed to

    promoting gender equality. We encourage application.


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