· web viewrevise the active vocabulary and give...

Post on 03-Feb-2018






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Брянский государственный технический университет


Ректор университета_______________А.В. Лагерев«_____»______________2009 г.


Методические указания для аспирантов и соискателей

по подготовке к кандидатскому экзамену по английскому языку (для всех специальностей)

Часть 2



УДК 42.07

Английский язык: методические указания для аспирантов и соискателей по подготовке к кандидатскому экзамену по английскому языку (для всех специальностей). – Брянск: БГТУ, 2009. – Часть 2. – 32 с.

Разработала: Е.В.Брылева, доц.

Рекомендовано кафедрой «Иностранные языки» БГТУ(протокол № 3 от 30. 03. 09)

Научный редактор Г.В. ЦареваРедактор издательства Л.И. АфонинаКомпьютерный набор Л.В. Гореленкова

Темплан 2009 г., п.

Подписано в печать. Формат 60х84 1/16. Бумага офсетная. Офсетная печать. Усл. печ. л. 1,86 Уч.-изд. л. 1,86Тираж 50 экз. Заказ Бесплатно.

Издательство Брянского государственного технического университета.241035, Брянск, бульвар 50-летия Октября, 7. БГТУ. 58-82-49.Лаборатория оперативной полиграфии БГТУ, ул. Институтская, 16.



Настоящие методические указания предназначены для подготовки аспирантов и соискателей к сдаче кандидатского экзамена по общенаучной дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)».

Целью работы является ознакомление обучаемых с разнообразными материалами общественно-политического характера, основной общественно-политической лексикой, оборотами газетной речи и с некоторыми стилистическими особенностями англоязычной публицистики.

МУ состоят из двух частей. Во вторую часть включены темы: “Visits, Meetings, Congresses and Conferences”; “Negotiations, Agreements and Treaties”.

В качестве учебного материала послужили аутентичные тексты из различных источников средств массовой информации с наиболее распространенной тематикой: визиты, встречи, переговоры, договоры, глобализация, экономические отношения.

Предлагаемая система упражнений включает: задания, направленные на проверку общего понимания событий текста; работу с вокабуляром для пополнения активного и пассивного словаря; речевые задания творческого характера, позволяющие развивать навыки устной речи, высказать свои соображения по проблемам.

Представленные тексты можно использовать для перевода, реферирования и аннотирования. Их главная цель – научить читать тексты общественно-политического содержания, самостоятельно вести поиск информации, уметь обобщать полученную информацию, вести беседу в пределах данной тематики.

Все тексты снабжены переводческими комментариями и вопросами, способствующими выходу тренируемых языковых и речевых единиц и явлений в соответствующие виды коммуникативной речевой деятельности.

Материалы общественно-политических статей быстро устаревают, но действия и события, происходящие в одних странах, зачастую повторяются в других, поэтому представленные тексты можно использовать для отработки навыков перевода и аннотирования по данной тематике и привлекать новый материал.

Ряд текстов МУ может быть предложен как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы.





Words and Expressions

to be on an official / unofficial visit (to)

- находиться с официальным / неофициальным визитом (в)

at (on) the invitation of - по приглашению to accept / reject / convey an invitation

- принять / отклонить / передать приглашение

an exchange of visits at the highest (top) level

- обмен визитами на высшем уровне

an open / confidential exchange of views

- открытый / конфиденциальный обмен мнениями

gatherings with professional colleagues

- встречи с коллегами по профессии

to establish / set up a society - основать обществоto give a warm, cordial welcome to a delegation

- оказать делегации теплый, радушный прием

to tour the country / to make a tour over (of) the country

- совершить поездку по стране

itinerary - маршрут, путьto express warm gratitude (to) - выражать глубокую благодарностьto express one’s satisfaction - выражать удовлетворение to express unanimity of views - выражать единство взглядов mutually beneficial (profitable) contacts

- взаимовыгодные контакты

in honour of - в честьon the occasion of - по случаю on behalf of - от имениto make the acquaintance of smb.

- познакомиться с кем-л.

to get acquainted with smth. - ознакомиться с чем-л.to arrive in / at - прибыть в страну, в большой

город / в небольшой городto leave (left) smth. for smth. - уезжать из / откуда-либо куда-л.


a (forth)coming / an annual conference

- предстоящая / ежегодная конференция

to summon / to convene a conference

- созывать конференцию

a public meeting - открытое заседаниеan opening / a closed sitting - первое / заключительное заседаниеsymposium (pl. symposia) - симпозиум, совещание по какому-

либо научному вопросуa press briefing - брифинг для прессыan item / the draft of the agenda - пункт / проект повестки дняto give / to deliver a report to the congress on smth.

- сделать доклад на конгрессе о чем-либо

to ask for the floor - просить словаto have / to take the floor - выступать, брать словоto deliver / to give / to make a speech

- выступить, произнести речь

to make / to advance / to put forward / to introduce concrete proposals

- внести, выдвинуть конкретные предложения

the discussion / debate / dispute on the report

- дискуссия, обсуждение, прения, дебаты по докладу

a nationwide / fruitful / round-table discussion

- всенародное / плодотворное обсуждение / обсуждение за круглым столом

to submit / to table / to present a resolution

- представить резолюцию

to carry / to pass / to adopt a resolution

- принять резолюцию

to amend / to make amendments in (to)

- вносить поправки в …

abstention - неучастие в голосовании, воздержавшийся

to abstain from voting - воздержаться от голосованияto arrive at / to come to / to reach a conclusion

- прийти к заключению

to resume work - возобновить работуto be accredited to - быть аккредитованным, иметь

официальные полномочия




I. Put in the missing preposition wherever necessary:1) to be … a friendly visit … Hungary; 2) to give a warm welcome … a delegation; 3) to tour … the country; 4) to get acquainted … some places; 5) to arrive … Budapest; leave Budapest … home.

II. Give some information on the delegations that have recently paid a visit to our or any other country.

1. A delegation from … (Country) arrived in … (City) some days ago (1).(1)

at the end (beginning) of November (December, etc.)early in April (May, etc.)

2. The guests (2) were met (3) by officials (4).(2) (3) (4)

the foreign visitorsthe scientists from abroadthe members of the delegation


the mayor of the citywell-known public figurestheir colleaguesprominent scientists…(Names, titles)

3. The heads (5) of the delegation exchanged views (6) on nature protection (7).

(5) (6) (7)leadersmembers

expressed their opinion

space explorationagricultural productionnuclear energeticrobot making

4. The members of the delegation toured the country (8).(8)

made a tour over the countrygot acquainted with … (Cities)made acquaintance of (Names)visited (Cities. Places of interest)

III. Speak on the contacts of our country with foreign countries.


1. Russia promotes exchanges in the field of … with foreign countries. (экономика, техника, культура, наука).

2. The heads of … (countries) exchange … (дружественные визиты, мнения по различным международным вопросам).

3. A number of intergovernmental agreements provide for exchanges of ... (делегации ученых, специалисты в различных областях, туристы).

4. … help in understanding among nations. (визиты государственных деятелей, обмены парламентскими делегациями, встречи с иностранными коллегами, различные выставки).

IV. Speak on the visits paid recently to our country.1. …delegation has recently paid a visit to

our country.What delegation?

2. The delegation arrived … When?3. The foreign guests came to Russia … At whose invitation?4. It was a(n) … visit. What kind of a visit?5. … headed the delegation. Who?6. The visitors were welcomed by … Whom?7. The members of the delegation

exchanged views on…What problems?

8. The guests visited … What places?9. The delegation left for home … When?



I. Give some information on the conferences (congresses, meetings) that have recently been held.

1. A world (1) conference (2) of … (Participants) was held (3) … (Place) … (Time).

(1) (2) (3)internationaltwo (three, four) – dayall-Europeanscientific


was conductedtook place

2. The delegates heard (4) a report on (5) … (Subject).


(4) (5)a) consideredb) discussedc) advanced (put forward)d) approved (supported)e) passed (adopted)

a programme of (a plan of) …some problems connected with …some questions relating to …some proposals on …a resolution (a decision) on …

II. Paraphrase the following sentences using the words given below instead of italicized ones.

to take the floor, to settle, to face, to participate, to chair, to put forward

1. Twenty delegates had the floor during the morning session.2. The discussion had been rather heated before the question was solved.3. The conference confronted many acute problems. 4. Professor N. was the chairman of the sitting.5. All the Northern countries took part in the conference. 6. The delegates made a number of very important proposals.

III. Give information on the coming conference (forum).1. The sponsors of the conference (forum) ... (пригласить

участников конференции, обсудить повестку дня, провести брифинги для журналистов, внести конкретные предложения в проект повестки дня)

2. The delegates of the … conference (forum) will discuss a number of vital problems. (предстоящий, международный, общеевропейский, молодежный)

3. The participants of the conference (forum) ... (принимать повестку дня, прослушать доклады, рассматривать ряд вопросов, обсуждать новые предложения, принимать резолюцию)

IV. Speak on forums (conferences, meetings) held of late.1. A broadly representative conference …

was held … What conference? Where? When?

2. It was attended by … delegates from … How many? What countries?

3. The sponsors of the conference were … What organizations (states)?

4. There were … items on the agenda. How many?


5. The delegates discussed … What problems?6. The participants adopted … What documents?

V. Get ready to be interviewed on your participation in the work of a conference (symposium, meeting).1. What conference have you attended?2. Where and when were the conferences held?3. Who took part in its work?4. What items were placed on the agenda?5. What report did the participants discuss?


Words and Expressionsto travel abroad on official business

- ездить за границу по служебным/ государственным делам

the State visits - официальные/государственные поездки/визиты

on the advice of the ministers - по совету/рекомендации министров

commonwealth countries - страны содружестваHead of State - глава государстваto carry out some of the duties - выполнять некоторые обязанностиthe informal Europe-Russia meeting

- неофициальная встреча стран Евросоюза и России

to form a united front - создать/сформировать единый фронт

to stress common position - подчеркивать общую позициюto gloss over differences - скрывать разногласия под

внешним лоском/блескомto gently steer smb. toward greater democracy

- последовательно/постепенно направлять к большей демократии

the relationship between Russia and all of Europe

- взаимоотношения между Россией и всей Европой

the keys to peace - ключ к мируto brush over toughest subject - обходить молчанием острейший

вопросto raise protests - вызывать протесты


to prepare for a larger summit ahead

- готовиться к расширенной встрече на высшем уровне (в верхах), готовиться к саммиту

to elicit change - добиваться измененийnuclear cooperation with Iran - сотрудничество в ядерной области

с Ираномto sign a nuclear fuel agreement

- подписывать соглашение о ядерном топливе

to take a similar position - занимать аналогичную позициюto withdraw troops and intelligence services

- выводить войска и разведывательные службы

in accordance with a UN resolution

- в соответствии с резолюцией ООН

a statement - заявлениеto call for - призыватьwithdrawal of armed forces - выведение войскto dwell on ... - останавливаться на...respect for the internal politics - уважение к внутренней политикеdefense officials - военное руководство“outstretched hand” approach - подход «дружески протянутой

руки», дружественный подходto accept an official invitation - принять официальное

приглашениеofficials - официальные лицаto resume talks - возобновить переговоры

I. News in Brief. Translate into Russian.

Overseas Visits

During her reign the Queen has frequently travelled abroad, almost always on official business. Apart from the State visits which she undertakes on the advice of her United Kingdom ministers, most of the time the Queen spends away from Britain is on visits to, or stays in, commonwealth countries, particularly those of which she is Head of State. As Sovereign she must have a base and that is, obviously, Britain, but as, for example, Queen of Australia, Canada and Barbados she must also spend time in these countries and this she has always done. When resident in a Commonwealth monarchy she carries out some of the duties of the


constitutional Head of State and she acts as far as that particular country in concerned, on the advice of her ministers in that place.

A Trip for Diplomats

On Saturday the UN organized a trip to the Afghan capital Kabul diplomats who work in Pakistan. Diplomats from the US, Denmark, Britain, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Japan and the European Union became acquainted with the programme of UN humanitarian aid in Kabul. Western representatives have promised to go on allotting financial help for such aid programmes. The diplomats also visited the worst-hit regions of the Afghan capital.

II. Revise the active vocabulary and give definitions of the following word combinations.

Страны содружества, to travel abroad on official business, глава государства, to carry out some of the duties, добиваться изменений, next Thursday, переговоры (возможны варианты), to prepare for a larger summit, занимать аналогичную позицию, to stress the common position, взаимоотношения между Россией и всей Европой, treaty of friendship and cooperation, сформировать единый фронт, to raise protests, добиваться изменений, to withdraw troops and intelligence services, уважение к внутренней политике, “outstretched hand” approach.

III. On the bases of the article explain that the statement “Cooperation, not confrontation, was the theme of the informal Europe-Russia meeting in Paris” is true.

Four Leaders Gloss over Differences

The Associated Press By Angela Doland

PARIS – The leaders of France, Germany and Spain formed a united front with President of Russia.

The informal talks and dinner were a chance for the Europeans, led by French President, to assure that Europe wants good relations with Moscow and to gently steer Russia toward greater democracy.


“In the relationship between Russia and all of Europe, we see the keys to peace democracy and the rule of law taking root definitively on our continent,” French President said.

At a joint news conference, the leaders brushed over the toughest subject – the war in Chechnya, which raised protests from human rights groups.

Cooperation and gentle persuasion – not confrontation – were the themes of the meeting to prepare for a larger summit ahead between Russia and the whole 25-nation European Union. The leaders hoped to adopt a “road map” for better cooperation on questions from economic ex-change to human rights.

France sees the outstretched hand as the best way to elicit change in Russia, especially with Russia now at the European Union's doorstep. Eight former Soviet bloc countries joined the EU.

While the United States is worried about Russia's nuclear cooperation with Iran, the Europeans said they were not. Iran and Russia signed a nuclear fuel agreement paving the way for a 1,000-megawatt nuclear power plant.

There is no contradiction between the Russian position and the position that Britain, Germany and France together are negotiating, trying to negotiate with Iran to ensure it is not building the bomb.

German Chancellor took a similar position.While Russia is aiding Tehran’s civilian nuclear program, Putin drew

a clear line. “Iran must prove that it refuses totally the acquisition of a nuclear weapon,” he said.

The leaders did not dwell on Chechnya at the news conference. Spanish Prime Minister said he “of course had respect for the internal politics of each country.”

The leaders also had a one-on-one lunch – a potential chance to press Putin discreetly on issues like democratic reform.

IV. Render the newspaper item without referring to the dictionary.

5 Caspian Presidents Meet to Divide SeaBy Sebastian Alison

REUTERSASHGABAT, Turkmenistan – The presidents of all five states

surrounding the Caspian Sea will meet in the Turkmen capital on Tuesday


to try to settle a decade-old dispute on how to divide the sea, including its gigantic oil and gas wealth.

But while the fact that President Vladimir Putin and the leaders of Iran, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are prepared to meet at all is seen as a step forward, not everyone expects a dramatic breakthrough.

The Caspian has existed in a legal limbo* since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Until then, a 1970 agreement between the Soviet Union and Iran established exactly who owned what in the priceless waters?

But the emergence of three new states, each desperate to use the massive hydrocarbon resources of the Caspian to boost their infant economies, has increased the urgency – at least for them – of drawing up a fresh status for the waters.

That the sea contains huge reserves is not in doubt. Multibillion dollar investments have already been made in sectors claimed by Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

“In 2010, we estimate production of the Caspian area will be about 3.8 million barrels per day – that means about 60 percent of the present production of the North Sea,” said one Western oil executive, speaking on condition of anonymity at a recent World Economic Forum in Kazakhstan.

He pointed out that this would raise Caspian output to well over Iran’s current 3.4 million barrels per day, and would give the region 50 percent more output than the Gulf of Mexico.

But with each state holding widely differing views on what represents an equitable division, progress on dividing the sea has been painfully slow.

Iran wants the Caspian divided into five equal chunks, but analysts say it might have to settle for less.

Turkmenistan also complained bitterly to Azerbaijan over what it saw as illegal licensing by Azerbaijan to explore in a disputed area of the sea.

Legal experts from the littoral states met in Moscow to try to bring a deal closer, but left empty-handed.______________________*legal limbo – правовое забвение

V. Turn to newspapers and prepare a report on the theme “Visits, Meetings, Congresses and Conferences“.


1. Find some articles describing visits of statesmen (public figures, delegations etc.) to this or that country. Comment on the article.2. Look through some fresh newspapers and find articles on international conferences (meetings, forums) recently conducted in our country and abroad. Give some information on the article.




Words and Expressionsnegotiations / talks - переговорыto hold / to conduct / to have negotiations (talks) / to negotiate

- вести переговоры

confidential / bilateral / multilateral / (un)official / round-table talks

- конфиденциальные / двусторонние / многосторонние / (не)официальные / за круглым столом переговоры

to initiate / to interrupt (break) / to resume (renew) / to complete talks

- начинать / прервать / возобновлять / завершить переговоры

Negotiations ended in a failure. - Переговоры окончились неудачей.The talks were a success. - Переговоры прошли успешно.a working / a consultative meeting

- рабочая / консультативная встреча

a new round in the Russian-British dialogue

- новый раунд российско-британских переговоров

a constructive / a frank, friendly and informal dialogue

- конструктивный диалог / откровенная, дружественная и неофициальная беседа

preliminary / regular consultations

- предварительные / регулярные консультации

to focus one’s attention on the way of normalizing the international situation

- сосредоточить внимание на путях нормализации международного положения


on the initiative of - по инициативеto come up with a new initiative

- выступить с новой инициативой

to express / to declare one’s readiness

- выражать / заявлять о готовности

in the atmosphere of respect and mutual understanding

- в атмосфере уважения и взаимопонимания

to make / to advance / to put forward a proposal

- внести (выдвинуть) предложение

to arrive at a solution - приходить к решениюto give a new (strong) impulse (impetus) to smth.

- дать новый (сильный) толчок чему-л.

in the spirit of cooperation - в духе сотрудничестваan approximation of view on matters concerned with the maintenance of international security

- сходство взглядов по вопросам, связанным с поддержанием международной безопасности

to reveal an identity or approximation (unanimity) of views on a wide range of international issues

- обнаружить идентичность или сходство (единодушие) во взглядах по широкому кругу международных вопросов

to conclude / to sign / to ratify / to violate a treaty

- заключать / подписывать / ратифицировать / нарушать договор

to come / to enter into force - вступать в силу (о договоре, соглашении)

by virtue of a treaty - в силу договораintergovernmental / long-term / ten-year agreement

- межправительственное / долгосрочное соглашение / соглашение сроком на 10 лет

under the agreement - по соглашению to reach / to cancel an agreement

- достигнуть / аннулировать соглашение

according to / in accordance with / in conformity with the agreement

- согласно (в соответствии с) соглашению



I. Read the following international words and compare them with the Russian equivalents.

Dialogue, consultation, atmosphere, initiative, impulse, position, result, identity, normalize, confidential.

II. Give some information on the talks conducted of late.

1. The talks (1) on … (Subject) between … (Participants) were conducted (2) … (Place).

(1) (2)negotiations were heldround-table talks were resumedconsultations were reneweddiscussions

2. The leaders (3) had confidential talks (4) on the most urgent problems of our time (5).

(3) (4) (5)the participants in the

round tablea frank discussion the arms control

questionsthe partners in negotiations

friendly talks the ways of improvinginternational situation

the ministers for foreign affairs

an informal dialogue

both sides preliminary consultations

3. The friendly (6) talks ended in (7) signing an agreement (8) on cooperation (9).

(6) (7) (8) (9)round-table completed with a treaty tradethird round of summit

contributed to a contract exchange of experts

bilateral a protocol research in the field of …

Russian-British, etc.


III. Say the following in English. Use the model.Необходимо, чтобы переговоры по разоружению в Женеве были успешными.It is necessary that the Geneva disarmament talks should be a success.

1. Необходимо, чтобы участники переговоров за круглым столом имели идентичность взглядов по основным международным вопросам. 2. Важно, чтобы стороны возобновили конструктивный диалог.3. Необходимо, чтобы переговоры о сотрудничестве закончились успешно.

IV. Give information on the coming talks.1. The talks on … will soon be renewed. (научное сотрудничество, техническая помощь, экономические контакты, разоружение, ограничение вооружений, запрет ядерного оружия)2. In the course of the … talks the sides will consider some important issues. (двусторонние, деловые)3. The sides will … for mutual deliveries for the coming year. (заключить соглашение, подписывать контракт, подписывать протокол)

V. Speak on negotiations recently conducted.

1. The talks between … were conducted … …

Whom? Where? When?

2. Both sides discussed … What problems?3. The partners in negotiations focused their attention on …

What issues?

4. Both sides agreed upon … What?5. In their speeches they exchanged their views on …

What problem(s)?

6. The two sides also expressed their intention …

What intention?

7. The talks resulted in signing … on … What document?What subject?

VI. Make up a story on some recent talks using the following words and word combinations.


a) The beginning of negotiations:to hold (to conduct) negotiations (talks), (un)official bilateral (multilateral) talks, summit (top-level) talks, talks on the level of Foreign Ministers (heads of governments, Ministers of trade, etc.), talks on arms control, etc.

b) The course of negotiations:The subject of negotiations was … (economic, scientific cooperation; disarmament problems, etc.)In the course of negotiations (during the talks) the two sides (both sides) expressed deep concern over … (the tension in the world, international situation, etc.)The two sides expressed their readiness (their will, identity of opinions …)The leaders of the delegations (strongly) condemned (supported, welcomed …)The sides did not come to any agreement.Negotiations faced serious difficulties.The main obstacle to an agreement was …

c) The completion of negotiations:Negotiations were a success (a failure).Negotiations ended in (resulted in) signing an agreement. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the results of the talks.The sides arrived at a solution to strengthen friendly contacts …Negotiations gave a new impetus to cooperation between the two countries.

VII. Get ready to be interviewed on negotiations.1. What negotiations were held in our country?2. What problems were discussed in the course of negotiations?3. What documents were signed as a result of these negotiations?4. What do negotiations contribute to?


Words and Expressionsgreenhouse gasses - газы с тепличным эффектом,

тепличный газCarbon Dioxide - двуокись углерода, углекислый

газ, углекислота


over the next decade - в следующем десятилетииthe agreement - согласие, соглашение, договорcarbon emission - выделение / выброс углеродаto come into force - вступить в силуto be dealt a severe blow - подвергнуться сильному ударуa scaled-down version - взвешенный, заниженный

вариантat climate talks - на переговорах по климатуthe treaty - договор, переговорыto buy emission credits from others

- покупать у других квоты (допуски) на выброс

the revised treaty takes effect in 2008

- пересмотренный договор вступает в силу в 2008 году

industrialized countries - страны с развитой промышленностью

the world’s biggest polluter - самый большой загрязнитель в мире

the revised Kyoto [ki'outou] agreements

- пересмотренные Киотские соглашения

to exacerbate global warming - усиливать глобальное потепление

watered down provisions - смягченные/размытые пункты/предложения

to set a timetable - устанавливать сроки/времяglobal warming - глобальное потеплениеto study the pros and cons - изучить доводы «за» и «против»Norway’s Environment Minister - министр экологии НорвегииEuropean government figures - европейские правительственные

деятели, руководители правительств европейских стран

to work behind the scenes - вести закулисную игруto sabotage the treaty - саботировать договорto derail the entire process - подорвать весь процесс, пустить

под откос весь процессto urge Russia to immediately approve the agreement

- убедить Россию немедленно одобрить соглашение / договор

international observers are puzzled

- международные обозреватели озадачены


“spare” pollution allowances - «дополнительные» («запасные») квоты (допуски) на загрязнение

a letter of intent - протокол / письмо о намеренияхto yield benefit - приносить / давать выгодуunder the invitation - по приглашениюties / relations - связи, отношенияto open a summit - открыть совещание на высшем

уровнеto hand over power to an Iraqi government

- передавать власть правительству Ирака

two days ahead of schedule - на два дня раньше запланированного срока

to surprise insurgents - чтобы удивить повстанцев, преподнести сюрприз повстанцам

to pledge more help - обещать больше помощиfledgling armed forces - зарождающиеся

/формирующиеся вооруженные силы

the alliance - содружество, союзinterim Prime Minister - исполняющий обязанности

премьер-министраa military presence on the ground

- обоснованное военное присутствие

to join coalition forces - присоединиться к силам коалиции

to use tear gas - использовать слезоточивый газto throw fire-bombs - бросать зажигательные бомбыto be firmly resolved - быть полным решимостиto confront risks and threats to our security

- противостоять риску и угрозе нашей безопасности

well beyond NATO’s tradition zone of operation

- далеко за пределами обычной зоны боевых действий НАТО

to confirm the decision - утверждать/подтверждать решение

to assume a major military role - взять на себя основную военную роль

to deploy large numbers of - разворачивать большое


troops количество войскthe implementation of the training program

- выполнение программы подготовки


I. Translate into Russian the expressions using the active vocabulary.Long-term economic agreements, to come into force, the revised

Kyoto agreement, the bill becomes a law, global warming, to sabotage the treaty, to approve the agreement, international observers, to urge Russia, to yield benefit, a letter of intent, to pay off one’s debt, to explore national resources, to impose sanctions, mutually beneficial ties, working behind the scenes, watered down provisions, to open a summit, interim Prime Minister, to be firmly resolved, to use tear gas, to deploy large numbers of troops, the alliance.

II. Translate into Russian the following sentences.1. We are always ready to sign agreements on mutually acceptable condi-tions.2. The delegations signed a treaty of friendship and mutual assistance.3. The delegation headed by the State Secretary arrived in Tashkent.4. France and Britain are expected to sign a trade agreement at the end of the talks.5. It is reported in the press that the US delegation will be headed by the President.6. The talks were held in an atmosphere of cordiality, mutual respect and understanding.7. The British Defense Secretary held talks yesterday on military coopera-tion in the United Arab Emirates.8. Long-term energy cooperation between Britain and Russia will result from an agreement signed by the British and Russian ministers in Moscow.9. The agreement also envisages joint projects and technical exchanges, visits of specialists and organization of conferences.10. Russian-French cooperation covers economic and scientific spheres of space exploration, electronic equipment and machinery.III. News in Brief. Translate into Russian.


Russia, China sign deal to develop civil aircraft

Moscow (AP) – Russian and Chinese aerospace officials signed a deal for jointly designing a new generation of civilian aircraft.

The agreement was signed during an aircraft engine exhibition in Moscow by officials from Russia’s state-run aerospace agency Rosaviakosmos and China’s Committee on Defense, Science, Equipment and the Defense Industry. The two sides are to work out a specific cooperation plan within six months, the report cited Rosaviakosmos officials as saying. No other details, including the value of the deal, were released.

EU Mideast Talks

Valencia, Spain (АР) – Foreign ministers from the 15 EU nations and Israel and its Arab neighbors gathered Monday to help forge a cease-fire and revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks that are key to the success of the European Union's multibillion-dollar economic outreach program for the region.

The agenda of the two-day, 27-nation Euro-Mediterranean gathering was officially devoted to economic cooperation, but true to tradition, the annual event was overshadowed by events in the Middle East.

Talks in Japan

Representatives of the USA, South Korea and Japan have concluded talks in Tokyo on supplying the KPDR (North Korea) with modern technology for nuclear power engineering. A spokesman of the South Korean Foreign Ministry reported that considerable progress had been achieved in solving the problem, including the establishment of a consortium, which would concentrate on supplying nuclear reactors of a South Korean type to the KPDR.

IV. What’s your opinion on the problem raised in the article.

What is the Kyoto Treaty?BBC News

The Kyoto Treaty commits industrialized nations to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, principally Carbon Dioxide, by around 5.2% below their 1990 levels over the next decade.


Drawn up in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, the agreement needs to be ratified by countries that were responsible for at least 55% of the world's carbon emissions in 1990 to come into force. The agreement was dealt a severe blow in March 2001 when President George W. Bush announced that the United States would never sign it.

A scaled-down version was drawn up four months later and finalized at climate talks in Bonn in Germany in 2002. The treaty now only needs Russian ratification to come into force. If and when the revised treaty takes effect in 2008, it will require all signatories, including 39 industrialized countries, to achieve different emission reduction targets.

With that aim, it will provide a complex system which will allow some countries to buy emission credits from others. For instance, a country in Western Europe might decide to buy rights or credits to emit carbon from one in Eastern Europe which could not afford the fuel that would emit the carbon in the first place.

The US produced 36 % of emissions in 1990, making it the world's biggest polluter. The revised Kyoto agreement, widely credited to the European Union, made considerable countries like Russia to offset their targets with carbon sinks – areas of forest and farmland which absorb carbon through photosynthesis. The Bonn agreement also reduced cuts to be made to emissions of six gases believed to be exacerbating global warming – from the original treaty’s 5.2 to 2%.

It was hoped that these slightly watered down provisions would allow the US to take up the Kyoto principles – but this has not proved to be the case.

Russia is facing criticism from around the world for refusing to set a timetable for ratifying the Kyoto climate change agreement. At the opening of a major conference on global warming in Moscow, it was said that the government was still studying the pros and cons of ratification.

Norway’s Environment Minister said: “Without Russia, and when the US and Australia is not on board, there will be no Kyoto Protocol. And climate change is taking place.”

Some European government figures claim privately that the US has been working behind the scenes to encourage Russia to sabotage the treaty.

The environmentalist group Greenpeace warned that “[Russia’s] stalling could now derail the entire process”. UN urged Russia to immediately approve the agreement.


Our correspondent says international observers are puzzled as to why Russia has such a problem with Kyoto since, on the face of it; the country has secured an extraordinarily good deal from the agreement. Under the Kyoto system, this leaves Russia with “spare” pollution allowances which it can sell to other countries to help them fulfill their own.


1. Русскому слову «договор» в английском языке соответствуют, в за-висимости от контекста, разные слова: contract – контракт, договор; agreement – договор, соглашение; treaty – договор; pact of peace – мирный договор; lease – договор об аренде, что необходимо учитывать при переводе.2. Не следует забывать, что слово «декада» в русском языке означает 10 дней, а в английском decade – 10 лет.3. Главы государств – Heads of State, где State используется в един-ственном числе.

V. Translate the item and express your point of view on the problems discussed in it.

Iraq Talk Dominates NATO Summit

The Associated Press

ISTANBUL, Turkey – NATO leaders opened a summit Monday dominated by the situation in Iraq as the U.S.-led administration handed over power to an Iraqi government two days ahead of schedule in an apparent attempt to surprise insurgents.

The NATO leaders were to pledge more help for the incoming Iraqi government, including training for its fledgling armed forces as it struggles to contain a wave of deadly insurgent attacks.

In their first summit since the alliance was wracked by bitter divisions over the Iraq war, the 26 leaders were set to agree on a request from Iraqi interim Prime Minister for aid in rebuilding Iraq’s armed forces.

The number of NATO instructors to be deployed and the timing of the operation were unclear, but the move will give NATO a military presence on the ground in Iraq for the first time.


On Monday, police used tear gas to stop hundreds of protesters from approaching the conference center where NATO leaders were meeting in Istanbul.

The protesters threw fire-bombs and several police and protesters were injured and were evacuated to local hospitals.

The leaders prepared to confirm the decision on training Iraq’s forces. However, the decision falls well short of U.S. hopes that NATO would assume a major military role in Iraq.

Opposition from France and Germany has ensured that NATO won’t deploy large numbers of troops and differences persist between those nations and the United States over the implementation of the training program.

VI. Turn to newspapers. Look through fresh newspapers and find some articles on negotiations held recently. Give some information on the subject.




Text 1


№ 43/ 31/10-6.11.2008MOSCOW (AFP) – Russia and China on Tuesday signed a long-

awaited deal to build an oil pipeline from Siberia to China after talks between Prime Minister Wen Jiabao and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

The leaders watched as Chinese state energy major CNPC and Russian state pipeline monopoly Transneft signed the deal to build the pipeline from the Siberian town of Skovorodino to the Chinese border.

The pipeline agreed on Tuesday would have a capacity of 15 million tons of oil per year and would be a branch of the main East Siberia-Pacific Ocean trunk pipeline, which is still under construction, officials said.

“We should deepen cooperation in the energy sphere. Long-term cooperation will help economic development and stability on world markets,” Wen said at the opening of a Russia-China business conference with Putin in Moscow.

Even after lengthy negotiations on energy ties between the two neighbors, Russia is still only the fifth-largest exporter of crude ой to energy-hungry China, despite being the world’s number two producer after Saudi Arabia.

Amid lower energy prices, analysts say China is now seizing its chance.

“We have to aim for real results. We’ve discussed this for many years but the results do not correspond to what they should be for two neighboring powers,” Zhang Guobao, China’s top energy official, told the conference.

“We need to build oil and gas pipelines, increase downstream and upstream cooperation and increase cooperation in the nuclear sphere,” said Zhang, head of China’s State Energy Bureau, speaking through a Russian interpreter.


The length of the pipeline to the Chinese border would be around 70 kilometers. The pipeline is then planned to link into the Chinese pipeline network to reach the oil hub of Daqing in northern China.

Russian newspapers on Tuesday also reported that talks were underway for a multi-billion dollar credit from the Chinese government to Transneft and Russian state-run oil company Rosneft that would help boost energy exports.

The Vedomosti daily quoted Sergei Sanakoyev, a government expert, saying Moscow and Beijing had agreed a contract to supply China with 15 million tons of oil per year in exchange for up to $25 billion (684 billion rubles).

Rosneft, Russia’s biggest oil producer, has been hit by the financial crisis because of a slide in Moscow’s stock markets and its massive exposure to foreign loans that it has used to expand the company in recent years.

During his visit, Wen also said that Russia and China could help boost global economic stability through greater cooperation.

“Russia and China are growing economies with major influence in the world... They can help strengthen the world economy,” Wen told investors in Moscow.

“We should strengthen ties, look together at anti-crisis measures and coordinate macroeconomic policy,” he added.

Text 2


№ 42/ 24-30.10.2008YEREVAN, Armenia (АР) – Russian President Dmitry Medvedev

said Tuesday he will host peace talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which appear willing to negotiate a settlement of their 20-year conflict over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

But Medvedev’s announcement also appeared to reflect a renewed Kremlin push to win a stronger influence in the energy-rich Caspian region.

Nagorno-Karabakh has been under control of ethnic Armenian forces since a six-year conflict during the waning years of the Soviet Union.


Some 30,000 people were killed and about 1 million were driven from their homes before a cease-fire was reached in 1994. Sporadic clashes have continued, and international efforts to settle the conflict have failed.

Medvedev’s efforts follow a recent statement by a U.S. diplomat who said the United States also would step up efforts to help settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

During a visit to Armenia, Medvedev said talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia about the complex territorial issue have reached an “advanced” stage. He added the two neighbors appear ready to “search for a solution.”

Medvedev would not provide details about the negotiations or say when the Russian-hosted talks could take place.

He referred to Russia’s war with Georgia in August, saying it underlined the need to settle regional conflicts through international talks.

Along with the United States and France, Russia has been part of the so-called Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe which has tried unsuccessfully to negotiate a diplomatic solution with Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Last month, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Bryza said during a visit to Azerbaijan that it was more important than ever now to resolve the dispute, pointing to the war in Georgia. Bryza promised that the United States would intensify efforts to help settle the conflict.

Russia has maintained close ties with Armenia and has a military base there, but it also recently stepped up its efforts to improve relations with energy-rich Azerbaijan.

Russia has been courting Azerbaijan by offering to buy its natural gas for shipments to Europe. If Moscow succeeds, that would strengthen its monopoly on gas shipments from the former Soviet region to Europe.

Text 3


№ 46/ 21-27.11.2008UN (RIA Novosti) – The UN General Assembly on social and

humanitarian issues has adopted a draft resolution proposed by Russia on


tackling a rise in the glorification of Nazism and the desecration of WWII monuments.

The draft resolution on “combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,” is aimed at tackling the practice in the former Soviet republics of Latvia and Estonia of honoring SS veterans who fought for Nazi Germany during WWII.

“Nazi monuments are unveiled in a ceremonial atmosphere and the dates of liberation from the Nazis are proclaimed as days of mourning,” Russia’s UN representative, Grigory Lykyantsev, told the UN, adding that “this attitude towards anti-fascist veterans plays into the hands of those who call for ‘a pure race.”

The resolution was passed with 122 countries voting in favor, while 54 delegations abstained, including Ukraine, Estonia and Latvia. Only the U.S. voted against. The resolution is now practically guaranteed to be adopted at the next UN General Assembly session in December.

Parades in honor of Waffen-SS veterans, involving veterans from the Latvian Legion and the 20th Estonian SS Division and their supporters, are held annually in Latvia and Estonia. Russia has repeatedly criticized the Baltic States for allowing these parades to take place.

Another former Soviet republic, Ukraine, announced plans in July to erect a statue in Lutsk, western Ukraine, honor of Stepan Bandera, a leader of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) that fought against the Soviets during WWII.

The resolution also raises Russian concerns over the dismantling and desecration of Soviet-era WWII monuments and the “unlawful exhumation” or transfer of the remains of those killed in the fight against fascism.

The dismantling in Tallinn of the Soviet war memorial, the Bronze Soldier, just before the May 9, 2007 Victory Day celebrations in Russia led to street protests in which over 1,000 people were arrested and one Russian national was killed.

Relations between Russia and Latvia and Estonia have also been strained over what Moscow calls the two states’ unequal treatment of eth-nic Russians, the alleged persecution of Soviet WWII veterans, and the apparent revival of nationalism and fascism.


Text 4


№ 43/ 31/10-6.11.2008MOSCOW (AP) – Russia’s parliament on Wednesday quickly

ratified treaties cementing close economic and military ties with Georgia’s two breakaway provinces.

The State Duma, or lower house, voted unanimously to endorse the friendship treaties with Abkhazia and South Ossetia which were signed in the Kremlin last month. The Duma, dominated by Kremlin-controlled parties, threw their support behind the government proposals.

Russia recognized both provinces as independent states following its war with Georgia in August. The treaties envisage the deployment of 3,800 Russian troops in each of the two provinces.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a letter to lawmakers that the treaties were necessary to create the legal basis for the deployment of Russian troops to the territories. “The Russian troop presence is necessary to protect peace in the region and ensure reliable security,” the ministry said, adding that the treaties envisage aid in case of aggression.

Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin told lawmakers Wednesday that the troop numbers could be reduced in the future, if the security situation improves there.

He criticized Georgia for deploying Special Forces to the areas near Abkhazia and South Ossetia, saying that creates an “explosive” situation in the region. Georgian officials have said they can deploy police forces wherever they deem it necessary.

Russia has said it fully met its commitments under a peace deal brokered by French President Nicolas Sarkozy which obliged Moscow to withdraw its forces from areas outside Georgia’s breakaway provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The European Union deployed its monitors to the areas after the Russian pullout.

But Georgia has accused the Kremlin of breaking its commitments under the peace deal by keeping large numbers of troops in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and failing to withdraw from areas which had been under Georgian control before the war.

The war in Georgia has badly strained Russia’s relations with the United States and the EU, which have criticized Moscow for a


disproportionate use of force and its decision to recognize the independence of Georgia’s breakaway provinces.

The war erupted when Georgia launched an attack to regain control of South Ossetia, which broke from Georgian control in the early 1990s. Russian forces swiftly repelled the attack and drove deep into Georgia.

Georgian officials said they launched an attack after the Russian troops had moved across the border – a claim Russia has denied.

Text 5


№ 48/ 5-11.12.2008NEW DELHI (AFP) – President Dmitry Medvedev was Thursday to

arrive in New Delhi for a visit expected to see Russia agree to build India new nuclear reactors and give its backing to the anti-terror fight after the Mumbai attacks.

A cornerstone of his visit to New Delhi, whose strong ties with Moscow date back to the Soviet Union, is to be the signing of a new accord for Russia to build four new nuclear reactors to generate energy in southern India.

Defence ties will also be discussed in the two-day visit, with Moscow keen to retain its position as India’s main supplier of weaponry amid increasing competition from the United States and Israel.

The visit is taking place under the tightest security. The credentials of staff at the Sheraton Hotel where Medvedev is staying have been checked and Russian secret agents are already in the city, the Hindustan Times reported.

The Russian leader; whose visit was planned well before the attacks, is set to be the first foreign head of state to visit the country after the bloodshed in Mumbai. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited on Wednesday.

Medvedev is due to meet figures including President Pratibha Patel, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the head of the ruling Congress party Sonia Ghandi.

“We are planning on Friday to sign a bilateral agreement foreseeing the construction of four new reactors at Kudankulam and also cooperation


in new areas,” said Russia’s nuclear agency chief Sergei Kiriyenko, according to the RIA Novosti news agency.

Moscow is already building two 1,000-megawatt light water nuclear reactors at Kudankulam and can now construct more after a group of nuclear supplier states in September lifted a ban on India shopping for nuclear technology.

Russia is the only foreign country working in India to expand the country’s nuclear energy programme.

The continued strength of ties between Moscow and New Delhi con-trasts with the sometimes prickly relationship between Russia and India’s longtime foe Pakistan.

Adding another common element, Medvedev is a keen exponent of the Indian art of yoga.

Trade is also strengthening, with the two countries increasing trade volumes by a third each year and on course to reach a 2010 target of trade worth 10 billion dollars.

But Russia, which accounts for some 70 percent of Indian military hardware, has been concerned that its slice of the defense market risks becoming leaner amid disputes over costs.

The sale by Russia to India of a refurbished Soviet-era aircraft carrier, the 44,570-tonne Admiral Gorshkov, which has been marred by a price dispute, is set to be discussed during the visit.

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