雷特氏症候群 for family

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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雷特氏症• 最初於 1966 年由雷特醫師( Andreas Rett )提出

醫學報告,但遲至 1977 年在歐洲經由醫學會的報導後才廣泛引起世界各國小兒神經學醫師的注意

• 為一罕見的複雜性神經系統疾病,好發於小女孩,患孩通常在一歲以後有快速退化及發展遲緩的現象。

Dr. Andreas Rett at his clinic in Vienna, Austria, 1966

臨床表徵• 第一期:早期

– 約在六至十八個月發作,持續約一個月到一年– 患童的症狀不明顯,些微的發展遲緩容易被父母及醫

生忽略。– 患童喪失一些視覺接觸的能力,或對玩具失去興趣。– 坐立或爬行的大運動發展遲緩。– 難以察覺手寫功能及頭部發展上的遲緩。– 父母若回溯嬰兒早期時,會感知嬰兒很安靜、乖巧,


臨床表徵• 第二期:發展明顯遲緩及退化期

– 在一到四歲時發作,持續數週到幾個月不等。 – 無法運用手部做有目的性的任務(如,指東西、拿取物品等),以及可能

喪失口語能力。– 典型刻板的手部動作出現(如,擰、搓、拍手、拍某物體),不自主反覆


– 清醒時,可能發生呼吸節律異常問題,像間歇性的暫停呼吸或換氣過度(睡眠時正常)。

– 有類似自閉症的症狀,如失去社交性的互動及溝通。– 不正常的睡眠週期或易怒。– 因步伐不穩,影響之後的動作發展(跑、跳等)。– 頭部成長問題(頭圍過小)常在這個時期被發現。

臨床表徵• 第三期:幼稚園至國小年齡之穩定期

– 在兩歲到十歲間發作,發作後可能持續至一年– 主要特徵為失用症、動作發展問題及癲癇。– 易怒、哭泣、類自閉症行為獲得改善。– 對周遭環境感興趣。溝通技能、注意力廣度有所改善,


– 此時期可維持相當長的時間。

臨床表徵• 第四期:運動退化之晚期

– 5 ~ 25 歲 – 活動力降低。– 主要特徵為肌肉無力、身體僵硬、易痙攣抽搐、肌肉張力異常

(四肢或軀幹張力過大),以及脊柱側彎。– 原可自主行動的患者可能逐漸喪失行走能力。– 認知、溝通或手部功能退化情況減緩。– 反覆固著性的手部動作頻率減低;眼睛凝視能力改善– 有些因下肢呈強直,需坐輪椅,但認知、語言溝通及手部動作較


癲癇• 癲癇在雷特氏症十分常見 , 約影響 50%-90% 病友 .• 大多數抽搐發生於 2-5 歲 (平均約 4 歲 ), 少部分的人發生

於 10 歲以後 .• 癲癇發生於臨床的第二和三期• 癲癇的病程和嚴重度則有很大的差異 .• 五歲以後發病可能預後較好 , 但也不一定




癲癇的治療• 癲癇藥• 生酮飲食• 迷走神經刺激術

– 改善眼神接觸和降低手的重複行為


• Deparkine:骨質疏鬆或骨折• Carbamezapine防止骨折 .• lamotrigine, valproate and topiramate: 對常見的行

為障礙有幫助 (e.g., screaming, self-injury).

非抽搐的動作障礙• 約只有三分之一家長所描述的抽搐行為是真的癲癇 .• 洗手、捻手、搓手等刻板動作• 呼吸中止• 不規律的呼吸包括過度換氣• 眼睛的異常動作 (oculogyric movements, blinking episodes)• Orofacial dyskinesias• 其他動作障礙 (tremor, dystonia, jerking, spasticity, and

episodic atonia)


Mov Disord 2010;25:282–288.

呼吸方面的問題• 不規律的呼吸有時很明顯,有時並不明顯• 不規律的呼吸包括過度換氣,憋氣,呼吸中止,快而淺的呼吸

• 尤其過度換氣最常見• 這種不規則的呼吸通常只出現在清醒時,


• 起因於腦幹呼吸中樞調節的障礙

脊椎側彎和骨折• 蕾特氏症常見的問題,需骨科或復健科醫師協助治療

• 部份患者於 8-14 歲時脊椎側彎可能會快速惡化• 部份脊椎側彎患者可能需要支架或開刀• 無法行走或早期肌張力低及肌張力不全的患者發

生脊椎側彎惡化的機會較高• 骨折通常因骨骼疏鬆引起,需補充高鈣食物。• 負重訓練和常評估

生長遲緩• 許多患者可能有中度到重度的營養不良• 常導因為吞嚥障礙,餵食困難,或過度能量的耗損,需營養師協助。

• 需評估吞嚥障礙和胃食道逆流

常流口水• 蕾特氏症常見的問題• 輕敲嘴唇外側于以刺激或以冰磨擦刺激• 塗有味道的護唇膏• 若流口水是一嚴重的問題可服以 Artane• 肉毒桿菌素注射• 開刀治療

躁動• 通常認為是患孩無法與外界溝通而引起,需適當安撫,包括洗溫水澡、撫摸、環境安靜、聽音樂、餵可口食物、少量多餐,必要時請小兒神經科醫師協助。

便祕和胃食道逆流• 病童常見便祕問題,幾乎 85% 以上的患者

有過這個問題,會導致病童非常難過• 給予適當之水份,及攝取高纖維食物改善便祕症狀。

• 吞嚥問題 (81%)• 胃食道逆流極為常見• 膽道問題

其他問題• 睡眠障礙也十分常見。有時反而白天睡得較多。 Melatonin 可能有效。

• 周邊血液循環較差導致四肢冰冷• 體溫調節問題導致有時像發燒,卻找不到原因

• 疼痛的敏感度可能不同,有時反而較不怕痛

Main criteria for Rett

• Partial or complete loss of acquired purposeful hand skills.

• Partial or complete loss of acquired spoken language• Gait abnormalities: Impaired (dyspraxic) or absence

of ability.• Stereotypic hand movements such as hand wringing/

squeezing, clasping/tapping, mouthing and washing/rubbing automatisms

Ann Neurol 2010

Supportive criteria for atypical RTT • Breathing disturbances when awake• Bruxism when awake• Impaired sleep pattern• Abnormal muscle tone• Peripheral vasomotor disturbances• Scoliosis/kyphosis• Growth retardation• Small cold hands and feet• Inappropriate laughing/screaming spells• Diminished response to pain• Intense eye communication - ‘‘eye pointing’’

Diagnosis of Rett and variants

• Required for typical or classic RTT– A period of regression followed by recovery or stabilization– All main criteria and all exclusion criteria– Supportive criteria are not required, although often

present in typical RTT

• Required for atypical or variant RTT– A period of regression followed by recovery or stabilization– At least 2 of the 4 main criteria– 5 out of 11 supportive criteria

Ann Neurol 2010

The Role of MeCP2 in Rett Syndrome

• Amir and others (1999)• 90% of patients with RS have mutations in MECP2 • Two forms of MeCP2: 2A and 2B• X-linked

MBD: Methy-CpG binding domainTRD: Transcription repression domain

Rett syndrome and its variants

• RTT variants– Zappella variant (preserved speech variant), characterized by the

recovery of some degree of speech– the congenital variant (recognized since birth and often caused by

FOXG1 mutation– the “early onset seizure variant”- or Hanefeld variant.

• MECP2: Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2)• CDKL5: Cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5• FOXG1: forkhead box G1• NTNG1: Netrin-G1 precursor

Ann Neurol 2010

Epilepsia 2012 SepNeuropediatrics 2012;43:37–43.

平均壽命• 蕾特氏症患者的平均壽命可能超過 47

歲。 95% 的患者可能活到 20 到 25歲, 69% 的患者可能活到 25 到 40 歲

治療 • 相關基因雖已被發現,而其原因及治療對策仍然不清楚;但父母可協助各種照護事宜。

• 物理治療• 職能治療• 語言治療

Cerebrospinal Fluid Concentrations of Folate, Biogenic Amines and Pterins in Rett Syndrome: Treatment with

Folinic Acid


A. Ormazabal1, R. Artuch1, M. A. Vilaseca1, A. Aracil2, M. Pineda2

1 Department of Clinical Chemistry, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Spain2 Department of Neurology, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Spain

Background: Previous studies in Rett syndrome (RS) patients suggested various abnormalities in biogenic amines, pterins, and folate values in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Our aim was to analyse these metabolites in CSF of 16 RS patients (age range: 2 - 23 years). Biogenic amines, pterins, and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate were measured by HPLC with electrochemical and fluorescence detection. Results: CSF values of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate were decreased in 8 out of 16 RS patients (average: 53.6 nmol/L; range: 19 - 92) when compared with our reference values (average: 74.6 nmol/L; range: 45 - 127). These eight patients had epilepsy, while 4 out of 16 RS patients who did not have epilepsy showed normal CSF 5-methyltetrahydrofolate concentrations. Values of biogenic amines or pterins were decreased in four of the patients with low values of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. No correlation was observed between CSF values of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and pterins, biogenic amines, or age. Supplementation with folinic acid was applied in six out of the eight patients with CSF 5-methyltetrahydrofolate deficiency. An improvement was noticed in all cases. Conclusions: An important percentage of RS patients showed 5-methyltetrahydrofolate concentrations under the reference values. Therefore, analysis of CSF 5-methyltetrahydrofolate seems advisable in RS, especially in patients with epilepsy and those resistant to antiepileptic drugs.


• BDNF(腦源性神經滋養因子 ): 無法穿過血腦屏障– sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor modulator (fingolimod)

以增加腦源性神經滋養因子 .– Glatiramer acetate (GA, Copolymer 1, Copaxone) (使用於多發性硬化症 ) 可增加腦源性神經滋養因子 (2011).

• IGF-1 and its tri-peptide form [(1–3)IGF-1]– 腹腔內注射人類 insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in

mice (2013)

• 自主神經功能異常導致的呼吸與心臟的異常– 透過抑制 GABA 的再吸收增加 GABA 的量– 血清素的加強劑– 呼吸的異常 :fluoxetine and buspirone– 透過抑制 serotonin norepinephrine 的再吸收增加

norepinephrine and serotonin 的量 (desipramine)

• 刻板動作– 增加 GABA 的量 , 如 vigabatrin


• The subtle dysfunction of GABAergic neurons• The GABA level and the ratio of GABA to glutamate

in frontal lobe in autism are significantly lower than that of the control group

• GABA(A) receptors are reduced in the brain of individuals with autism.

• GABA transaminase inhibitors such as Vigabatrin may improve stereotypies in autism and Rett syndrome.

• L-carnitine, an important antioxidant that improves mitochondrial function

• 骨髓移植 (2012, 小鼠 )

Absence of MECP2 in RTT causes excessive Sqle transcription and accumulation of cholesterol.

Dextromethorphan and Rett syndrome

• Receptors for glutamate, in particular the NMDA type, are increased in the brain of young RTT patients (<10 years of age).

• Dextromethorphan has been shown to block NMDA receptors and is already used to treat children and infants with respiratory infections and nonketotic hyperglycinemia.

• Dextromethorphan may improve language and socialization skills in patients with Rett syndrome.

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