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Post on 03-Jul-2020






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' H u t b r i o a l S o o .b lO N i. J u l i a DCv-ls O r .B o lo e . M « h o ____::'______ :......... , ....

■ ■ '. \" ■' ■■ / ' / v ' -■•;■ '•■ ■ " , . J ' ' ' : ■■/ •■ ■ .

-“Wa/iof sirorges tEvening-N ewspaper„TV y | N F A a S ,J p > H O , THURSDAY, M A Y 6, 1971 TEN CENTS

BONN (UPI)-The West Ccr- government said today It

wds postponing ltd decision on the noonetary crisis involving marks and dollars until it could

“ seelrjfilnl action “wiUT^'rance and the other four members of the European Common Market. . Ibe money crisis spread to Japan where banks suspended trading in tho German mark becauso of its strength against tho dollar. Between |3W and 1350 million flooded in to buy Japimeso yen and tho Dank of Japan Intervonod witli i.*dsaivo purchases, jo keop tho dollar

within ono per cent of tho official exchange of 360 yen. Tokyo's foreign exchange banks awaited g o v^m e n t guidance- on whether to resume dollarexchanges FHday.

Government sources ex­pressed peasbnlsm on changes of Paris-Joining In a cotnmon nu>ve^m tho flood of, dollars Inundating Germany.

gSnd other West European nations. Kranpe under Charles do Gaullo attacked the dollar but in reccnt months has tried to support it.

Official money markets in-

Germany remained closed for the second day. Unofficial trading in dollars was sparse

'and nervousrcommerclal banks reported. At y o n a.doUar was,

trlnging only . 3.57 marks

connpared with the official fixed^exchange rate and letting

dlscusscd by the Common Market mhlsters of cconorhlcs and. finance In Bru.<}.scls on SaturdayT*

TheThe Bovemment was Inclined s towards ending the mark's

exchange rate of .3.66 marks. This meant a mark was worth 26.2 cents instead of 27.3 cents.

Initially Chancellor Willy Brandt’s government planned to make and announce a decision after Friday's cabinet meeting.- But spokesmen said the cabinet would meet instead on Saturday or Sunday after the crisis is

it hoat to. lts natural level as at least a temporary way out i f the crisis, parliamentary sour­ces said.

Government sourccs said either an uptvard revaluation of the mark to a new fbted parity,, or some .form of exchange controls wa.q not excluded.

C r o w d c o n t r o l

D iss id e n ts exten d a c ts

MOUNTED POUCEMEN wield dght sticks as they break up unruly aiitl>war demonstnitori in Sau rraucisco's finaocl^ district Wednesday. An estimated 1,000 persons staged the *'May Day 1971" rally as an effori to shut down the district and builaesses whldi ‘‘profit" from the Vietnam war. (UPl)

M i r Bombers

1\ftw p la n

Rogers carries Egypt proposal

TEL AVIV (UPI)-iSecretary of making peace." of State William P. Rogers flew He l^ft immediately for in from Cairo today with a new Jerusalenf and talks with David Egyptian peace plan and told Ben-Gurion, one Of Israel's the Israelis they had tnet the founders, and with Prime agonies of war and now must Minister Golda Melr and other meet the agony of making Israeli leaders, peace. Rogers., carrying a letttf

It was a tough statement farom Nixon to Mrs. Melr, said from Rogers who had conferred he was convinced there may

.earlier in the day with not be a "better opporti^iy for Egyptian President Anwar Sa* a long time to come" to settle

'dat, and he quoted President -the Arab-Uraell conflict.NUon as saying Israel's aectiri^ Nixon's letter, he said, ty c«n come finally only t^om ‘‘statM his conviction that

. peace with the-Arabs. Ivrael's security In the long runThe Israelis were being can only come from a bind^

equally to u ^ in their state' peace > settlement with menb. Tel AWv newspapers her Arab neighbors ...

n ff lr lw la ’ m n H fl tnr

ALBERT CARLBEN Idaho Power Chairman


to head

Albert (A1) Carlsen, president and chief op ia ting officer of the Idaho Power Co. since early 1967, will be the new chairman of the board, the Tlmes-News learned today Just time.

The selection of Cdrlsen to. succeed the retb-ed T.E. Roach was to be announced late this afternoon at a directors meeting in session at Boise.

inWASHINGTON (UPI)-AdU- urged protest leaderswar protestors, rebuffed by tho meeting Wednesday night tocourts in their efforts to havo continue the demonstrations toarrests at tho U.S. Capitol free 2,000 "political.prisoners"

--- declared bivalld today extended hold at tho District of Columbiatheir "spring offcnslvo" for Jail and ,the Washington Co­marches on tho South Vlotna- liBeimi?^ ■ ■ . mcse Embassy and tho Metro- Hours after the meeting, the H I t n O polltan Police Department. D.C. Superior Court met in a &

The 17 days of domonstra- rare post-midnight session. In a

tlons planned by the May Day decision returned shortly hftor__yfj^SHINGTON(UH)

TWboandtho^^Pcoplc's Co^ltion 1 a.m. today, Judge Alfred J. than « 0 FBI agents and local Jun^ile^nceHled North Vietna-'

FBI seeks 1 5 0 f o r

Israel would resist any effm-ts llgoers made to soften Israel's policy toward 'the Canal and other issues diirin^this last

.. crucial stage of his; SAIGON tUPI) — Thailand- Middle,East m i s s i o n . ______iMsed B52’s of Uie Strategic Air - “brael has exper ien^ and

be" the central theme of the talks I look forward to having with your prime minister, with Foreign Mlnister (Abba) Cban

members of the Knesset." I expect the talks to be

needs d ra i t-h w

Cdmmimd bombarded Commu- mat ihk chuUenge and agony of . __

nlat position! around Iho A-waging^'war,",he «ald In an~ft’anl( butfrlBidly.'Shau Valley In tour new raids arrival alatement In tho 80 Tlie «ecr»tary came awaylate Wednesday night and early degree beat at Lod IntemaUon- from bU visit With Sadat saying•<xlay. al Airport. " I am confldent that In a departure statement Egypt. . .. Israel will equally itneet the and Israel beld “parallelIn the « hours jndlnff ^ chall«igeandlndeedthe agony vl.wsJ'

____ dflwn today, the eight-englned " .rMorc,lStratofortross®«— had— pAsted-

___ military manpowerSenate Armed Services Com- without the draft in the nearmlttee p r^c te d today that future’ are likely to beattempts to end the draft In the unsuccessful."near future would fall because in addition, the panel esti-of a striking and serious mated SO p ^ cent of those whodeficiency in Army combat volunteer for any militaryvolunteers. service are motivated by the

The committee opened the draft.

for Peace aiid JusUco had tocn BurVui throw out an A m ^ca n poUce began a roundup today bi iwse base camps and-supply—

S t n 1 nrT its avU Ubart es UlUon chaUenge Michigan of 161 persons incfud- dumps with more than 500 tons

l ! t S T o T t ; ? s “or“ ^ ofe^Soslye, in seven s e n a te"Ttio court finds It would

Capitol Wednesday prtmptod have to try tho case _to tho demonstrators to stage adequately decidc. the matter,"

^othor,round^LPctlYity.----------Burka^uled-iyu.Uifl_ACUL'a,' '*Y> — - l_ .... CAE fUUV ___I I__ _

and 15 policemen indicted on raids, military sources said, federal gamblbig charges.

Attorney General John N. Spokesmenr for, the Army of

War toll upSAIGON^ (UPI>-Sliity-eight action, ipokesmen said, and

Amerlcans.w^idlled in action 5,tt7wer^ wounded. DQFIHg'lIte last week, the h i ^ ^ death-toll s ^ e period last year, —

- - - Rennie Davis, free on 125,000 motion for a wr|l of habeas-jnchii^an cities,'Including'Debond after bolng arrested on corpus for immediate release o f .................... _ . . .conspiracy cluirges by tho FBI, Uiosuspectq.

oha^^unoed-actlo^4^^37,^helRepu^ifl-^So^^thV-Vlflt^^in....ffU f ' .■■W j6)^.■^the■-I l■.S,,^e^ ; 7 ^ ^ iUhat^^p.ri»

rDe--nam~(AnVNrwid more than 'o im m and announced today-It-and-W,lM Wounded.*


case for a two-year extension of. the draft as the Senate plunged into a debate over conscrip^n and the Vietnam War-~a discussion that could last all

‘■Bprlng.- ..The panel, headed by Sen.

John 0 . Stennis, D-Mlss., filed

Three members of the committee filed a minority report disagreeing with the conclusion. • -

Sensi Stuart Symbigton, D- sMOj, Richard Schweiker, R-Pa., and Harold Hughes, D-Iowa, said the draft.- should be

m ^ ' Vietnamese and

Gem court hears ^{i^urchrtax appeal '

COEUR D’AIJENE (UPI) - In 1063 the Kootenai County The Idaho Supremo Court heard assessor, placed all 105 acreg of arguments on a district court tile camp’s except the small ruling exempting taxes on 11.5 portion on which the chapel wasacrcJof(Jhurch^wncd property^ watedronthe iax rolla;------on Coeur d'Alene Lake today 1ha-£^>iscop|l Churches aiv-

— d u r in g ? final dajrorit^ throft-" pealed to“the countyBoard irf' day stay hero. - Equallxation asking that the

In its arguments, Kootenai acreage exempted be increased-^County conteiuled the lake prop«-to Jl.5.acrca. ’ — !--- --------

erty in question la subject to . The board ruled adversely taxes since it is not used ox- and its rulbig was affirmed by cluslvely for religious purposes. Idaho's Tax Commiasicn.

.. . -Ttie North Idaho Jurisdiction _ However, on appeal to district of Episcopal Churchcs.'lnc.. "court, the churdi .gr^up von a owns the property-in question reversal from District Court at McDonald point 10 miles Judge Watt Prather, south of here as part o f .a The county then appealed to church camp. the State Supreme Court.

Road link setWASHINGTON (UPD-'Hie recently considered almost

United States today signed an Impassable by highway, agreement wtth-Colombia andr— TVAnsporUtlon---,aec«i|iry.-

Panama to construct the final John A. Volpe said comiMtlon link In Vthe H.OOO^nlle P an . of the U nk‘‘will benefit all the

Americao Highway which wUl. Americas," and will allow a connect Alaska to the southern motorist to drive fr«q Falr- tip of South America. banks, Alaaka to Tteira del

tlie agreements call fo r ' Kuego, Chile. - (^ trucU on of a 250<nUe Under the agteement, the

• itretch across the Darien Gap United States wUl furnish $100 in Colombia and |>anama. The miUlon and Panama and

.. Darien Gap b a n area of f o r ^ , Qplombla 150 miUlon for the juhgliw“ “and~BwaffiiH~imtU ■ ronstroctlon p r o j^ r

\Toit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, 10,000 South VieFlint, Saginaw, Battle Creek nearly 4,500 American troopsand KalamAZOO. remained poised at rear bas^

Mitdiell said a federal for a drive Into tho 3Smile long"strike force" in Detroit valley 375 miles northwest of

coordinated raids. The opera- Saigon.tion was described as o m of th^ largest on record In term^ of

' the number of arrests in a single round-up.

a lengthy report warily recdm- extended for only one year and

«aid 5&2 Americans were But last week s death toll of ralae military and pay benefits.' an all-volunteer Army by nextwounded. / 68 was the heaviest since the The administration hopes the sum m er'

TTieconunandaald continuing week ending April 3 when U wUl -produce enough the three senators said

U.S. wlthdrawaU. coupled with Airoricans w o t kUW . volunteer, to end draft call, by tordng low^anklng wrvlceroenVletnamliaU6n o( the ground 'hie casualtle. suffered by mld-WTJ. -But the committee (o accept low pay rates, waswar, had cut the American U.S. troops 1 ^ week puAed reportwwiikeptlcal. “Imposed a heavy hidden tax

^ casua tyratetahaW . Uie total fo j the V le t n ^ W w It w ld only 4 per. cent _pl „ our young men at the reryVietnamese ample Umo tbljulld During the first four months to 45,087 killed and 298,881 Army combat OIs are volun- time they are fprced to carryup their own forces In the of this year, 879 'American wounded since Jan. 1, IM l, teers and It said this was a the burden of comlut."valldy. servicemen were killed in spokesmen said. major reason "why attempts to ^

This has given Uio North

G ian t cave^ in p r o m ^ t s ^ e x o d ^ s

s r . JEAN VIANNEY, Que. Tliree penoni) have been ■ (U p n ^ T ^ ^ « n c h '^ e d ■ | r '«s im T O*an i»«arT rT w ~ itiii ' “

tho Riviere des Tfrrea mlsalng and mori Uian i;OM Rmnniieft-Uie River of Broken reddent. of the northern

Today It la the land of Quebec town were evacuated.

broken Uvea.'

Reddenta b y Uw hundred., with mattreaaeti televUooa and even baby t r lc y ^ irtrapped on lop of their cara, the area, »qw Mbbing when told that SI ct their nei^bon m (eared dead. M uy u id they never would corod bafki -


Ihe slides continued through Wedneaday nlghl and there was the poaalbility of more.

Royal Cariadlan Air Force v offlcUl. Wedneaday ordered the evacuation from the so^allad. ' “new town,- a section constat- ing mostly o( relatively new lour<oom bungalows Mretchad in row. acrvs. a .treet which ,hruptly ended In a SWoot

my cUkken In thla rotten ahya.: . loWn,” u id«r (or tbe . ooidal. o ld that in all^ Aluminum Co. ol CuMda, one protabllUy the evacuee, muld d the major emplpyerai in the not be allowed back taito the area. town, about >00 mile, norlh.of

S t Jean Vlanney, « quiet Queb^ Qty, (or atlaart lour of IfiV ) o t n m on ■ monlha-U i t all. TIh tnxibla d a lo ^ the rin r , ha. a-wa. not over.' Small Iteinon

' of lanU ld ... But the tfU 'mrebdngfrtta ' 'I I^Kadqr nlfhTiraa t b ---------- .

m r A 'I I cTMtad ■ p(t a nlla or MO IM t ,ol tha tpwa m ar " aoo fatt 'daap an*



3 ^ m M - N « w i , T w in F a l l f , Id a h o T h u r t d a y , AAay

-i.... —

) 9 i \--V....

Starving’ baby now healthy

because of Mothers M ilk Bank

Kimberly senfor banquet slated -

SAN FRANCISCO (DPI) — cannot obtain it from their m ilk bonks here and In donor nuthers* homes_ byWilnUngton are the only centtra volunteers,

newborn, aon, > Jonah, was Dr. R ichard JUeonacda.yB . la the country.where human ■ Mrs. Bes„ .r•

” llt6I«^y^K ^lH ff^^^rat 1 t n ^ e “ 8arr-Franct5CTrTwdiatrtcian--Tnllk“ lB“CDntlmiBll7‘T jrDceB58d'^6r^tcslln^'lV' • ‘ mefllcal advisor to and available. ' Francisco Departr

KIMBERLY - Graduating seniors of the Xlmberly High School honored In

Holland Houlburg will be master of ceremonies and

Lewis .porter,.^ chamber .■Mr, and)MrSi-Richard Brown’s mothers. - .............. i^tutui^jwuwo umuiuy vuiunieera. ,• “r — ,■ ............. ...... ■-— — 1— I. Dr. R ichard JUeonardfl.,a Ui the country .where human Mrs. Desk prepares sam p les- .^^^^^—9j!-

hospital. , and , ____, ____The doctors tried everything tho'mllk bank, explained that Mrs, Helen Fell, a past He Health and for

they'kn'ew to ovofcdm? the human m ilk Is often the only intestinal disorder which made food which can be assimilated

pres iden t o f t^ o n i l lk b a n k h e ro seve ra l hosp ita ls

t . ., m vw u .ia iu ia w .u v * ........ .........— — ------- ------- an d One o f Its ifounders In 1M8, schocls .

----l l ^ — ll . lm p o s a lb lo fo r- the In fa n t lo - b y - a f lm fe - fl ic k - o r- p ro m a tu r o hopes — th e — S a n .- F ra n c is c o .

d iges t an y p re p a re d fo rm u la . J n fa n ts . ‘ opera tion can serve a s ‘ ‘a « a r e Uie o n ly fu llt lm o palil^

B u t ’J o n a h con tinued to lose "S o m e in fa n ts a re so h ig h ly m ode l foi* s im ila r cen te rs ‘bm p loycs . Tho m ilk b a n k relljis"-

w e ig h t a n d s tre ng th . A ft^ r a a l le rg ic to o th e r types o f . across the c o u n try ." on vo lun teers for m os t o f the

month and a half he weighed proteins that they can td<Jate Mrs. Sophie Besk.-the-milk dav-toKlav work^ _____ - ;----■ ' - - --- ~ *n . .1 D an k 's 'fu lU lm b nurse , h an d le s

the re fr ig e ra t in g , 'S tr a in in g , D u r in g Its.23-year existence,

-i>,^- *^fi—sore3=1^'5gnipbn—banquet—arrangements.— Denartmentof Pub- Friday at 7:30p.m. in th«J'gradS~’memljersinclude PhilipiAnwld, ^ S ' ^ ; " c ^ W - h o c l » ^ t o r i u m R o b e r t B r . d . h . w , C h . r l . .

mivHrn! r Featured-speaker will be Johnson and - Mrs; ’ Don- Larry Klssler, Boise, president Whitehead. Tickets are

Xha nuTM and a sMrctarv >Jorco, who will speak on available from chamber

? V e T n f v f u l S "'®"'>ers _ and^* Kimberly^

than five pounds. only human ureasi milk,'“He’ couldn’t absorb any Ixon^rds said. "Some prema

food,*’ his mother recalled, ture babies usu "

"But after we irtarted getttnr^t^® '' O" breastthe breast milk , from, the any otherJormula.Mothers’ Milk Bank he started -who have gastrointestinal sur-getting fat and healthy.” gory seem to do better alsb.

Jonah, now five months old,. “ Babies who arc on breastIs only one of more than, 1.000 milk generally hnvo n higher

■ healthy, happy children, some tolerance for Infectious of whom .would not have disease.’’survived if It had noT been for Human milk contains not only

■ the human breast milk donated the • baslo-nutrlenU,- vitamins

.through the San Francisco and minerals ready for Im m ^' Mothers’ MUk Bank. T ' ' diale absorption, b u f l t p'-''

igenlcs,’’ the science of using extreme cold In food processing, farming,,^aero> space and'elQctrdplcs.

Klssler’s .f lrp i suppliesa. ooiiiH piwim- me retngeraung, -sirauimg, LAirmg iis.z,>-ycar oxisience, »-rr-—usually progress pooling, pasteurizing, freezing the bank has helped about 1,350 medical gases, wfety equlp-last milk than on and storage of the milk-which babies with milk donated by ' industrial gases andmula,.and Infants isOirought to the bank,from the more than l.OOO mothers. ‘ . welding prodi^cts to the local

Idaho’s share in

revenue plaiutoldl

area., In laddition ^ Kimberly

seniors, the chamber of com^ merce will honbr Supt. and Mrs. Olnton Dugg,and principal and Mrs. William Box and Mrs. Mao Oiattertoni class sponsor.

Families and-friends of the

Booster.Qub members.

Seen..;Sally Molyneux talking about

“taste and tell” salad luncheon . . . Virginia Loughmlller preparing dinner after at> tending meeting . . , Don Youtz' delivering news release . . . Mary Jo Cahill walking to work . . . Marie Cain discussing golf event. . . Mary Louise Seamons waving to passing friend

Shaping up

, class members arc urged to. Mayor Frank Feldtman en-, ____ __ _— WASfnNGTOl'nDPI)'=rnc^Ieiivo~hls~Wa'sHlngloirDrC7”nttcnd-|md-partldpat6“ in-lho~t8rlng-real-T!iitat»-o«lc«-rT^-^

Modem medicine does not'yet contains dlscas^flghtlng anti- James A. McClure, R-Idalio, office for Portland, Oregon, and tribute to graduate, W illiam L. (B ill) Chanceyfu lly u n d e rs tan d the re m a rk a - liodlfis, said the doctor, who said today Idaho would recolve Boise, Idaho as a mohber of a • ' explaining his daughter p icked

ble health-giving power of predicted that more mothers’ nearly million tn'tcdcral .congresslonaltaskforce.HowllI out hU shh-t and his wife pickedIreosV milk, but the'doctors milk banks will appear across funds under the Nixon Adminis- be In Boise May 7- to explain ,w out hla tie . . . Ed Woodsan d B aren ts o f c e r ta in o rem a- the country In'comlng-months. Iratlonrevcnuesharlngproposal. the effect of the Nixon revenue- . j , standing hi county commissiontT e '^r slric lb te T w h S have “More than »20 million of this sharlngplan. McClure said there TWIN - Magic m c . . . . D ick and Joy Walt.,

been s4 vod by It know the value '"There has been'a major would be new money without wouIdbeareceptlonattheHotel Jerome, making plans lor—of s u d organliatlons as the swing frogi formula feeding Blrlngsatlachcd,"Mcauresold. Boise Friday evening followed vacation flight . Ivan Un-Mothers' M U k Bank hero. back to breast feeding," ho "Local units of Bovemment will by a dinner meeting start i ng. ° ^ coin; Salt L ake a ty , visiting In

The San Francisco milk bank, said. “» share' in the distribution ot7:3Jp,m . ' p.m. at the hospital. Twin Palls . . . Blair Osterhoutp.m. at

_ _ , . like o lim ila ro no in Wlmlng- Although numerous hospitals W th Boise city receiving nearly The congressional team is one, loading bulidhlg supplies, ta-THENK'TVP-TECHBidWlligdtth»Ci)llegiriifaiiiilhenrldalio-— tonrDel;rprovldes pastouriied"have—collected—breast mlllr-1700,000 i^nnually." — ----- of 17 that is criss-crossing the—l ‘ u n e r a l 5 C r V I C C S " ' ' “ '*l'’8 U’* y*^*'“ ' ' ’ l''k,- hilo

beidnl to lake ihape, u workmea « r « t vertical forms for breast mllk->for babies who when it was needed for McOuro made the announce- counU-y to discuss the ndmlnls- truck . . : G«ne White exer- ponrlng concrete waHi. H ie horlioniid wires to the form are need h u m a n m U k to survive but emergency cases, Uio mothers' mcnt as ho was preparing to traUon proposals, • 'K IM B E R L Y -1 Private ciaing bird dog . . . Zella Rutter

' ^ w n ^ w i r t , j ^ l c h j d n M d J h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ----------^ ---------------------------- — -------^ -----------------against the pressure of the concrete, This room will become the mechanical headquarters of the new boilding; containing beating and ajr-coadltionlag links with the rest of the ca^pos. Regional ObituariesMagic Valley Hospitals I. Fergusson Bessie Benson James Wolff E. Pelerson

Magic Valley Memorial• Admitte<L

Mrs. Rob iiyHw rts . Kathy Weaver, Jam ff Wolff, William

Cassia Memorial^ ,

Admitted Ann Holyoak and JL e o n ^

Peterson, both Burley; MayDietz, Matthew Gregory, Nellie pouiton, Oakley, and'Mrs. Ben Oslo, Norway. She was raised in Kan., and attended school InO o r lr nnrl V lro ln ln PlifOM. n il wv. i___/ _____ / ' “ ■ AlnDira nnrl nnH nMAnrlAfl n iln if nn/l Hnl/lttfln Ifn n


aark and Virginia Riggs, all Herbert Twin Falls; Mrs. Norman ’

Walker, Wendell; Elsie Bahner ]^s George Woodall, Rex and Tamara- Schwar*. both-gtanley, Howard SheU,-Mrs. Eden; Darla Graham and Tina MarkShockev and dauiihter. all McRoberU, both Buhl; William - - - -- • • • • Barkely, -Theodore Lockwood and Joseph Lockwood, ^11 llansen; Mrs. Fred Prcsllcka,Heyburn, and Mrs. Allan Humphrey, Kimberly.

DlsmlsBcd Mrs. Willis D. Smith; Mrs.

Olin RylUng, Jack Rawson,Paul Gerhart. Mary E: Pauls,

-Mrs^Robert Woodbury andson— Hospital'of'H'long-lllncss:"

GOODING - Mrs. Ingaborg WENDELL ~ Besaie laio TWIN FALLS ><- James C. Fergusson, 84, died of a.short Benson, 78, died Tuesday in tho Wolff. 71, 535 Jackson St., died

.illness Wednesday at Gooding Gooding Memorial Hospital , curly Wednesday In Magic Memorial Hospital. following an Illness. Slie was Valley Memorial - Hospital

She was bom May 29,1886, at bom Aug. 14, 1B92 in Riley, following on Illness.” “ ................ He was boro April 22, lOOO in

Asscns, Denmark, and camo to

TWIN FALI^ - EUiel M. Peterson, 78, 260 Jefferson St.,

Helen Thomas will be held at 11 a.m . Friday at Sunset Memorial Park under tho direction of

.White Mortuary. Memorial sendees will be conducted at 4 p.m.’ Friday at tho Kimberly United Methodist Church.

TWIN FALLS - Services for

clothesline and gathering dark clouds . . . Capt. Dean Bennett leaving office to keep ap« pointment with fellow state officer . . . and overheard, “ If you did as'much planning ahead on your work projects as you do that vacation you'd be company president."


Burley; Mrs. Emesto Alejandro and daughter, Hoybum.

Agnes HogganBURLEY - Mrs. Agnes

M aria Gordon Hoggan, B2, longtime Burley resident, diod Tuesday &t Cassia Memorial

Mirs, W a i^ d Hohngren, Jayne Funeral services wTfl be •s. M'elvin Fischer

Alaska and Seattle and attended Riley and Baldwin, Kan. ^ school in Seattle. She also at* On May 10,1010, she marriedtended Seattle Business Allen A. Benson, in Ottawa,College. Kan. He died Juno 5 ,1{)41B. Tlioy

After graduation she worked moved to Idaho in 1013 and ’ niarried to Bertlia M. Larsen Inas bookkeeper for a largo settled In Buhl. In 1021 they Twin Falls Nov. 30, 1033. Hogrocery store In Seattle for a moved-to Wendell where slienumber of years. She was has since lived. She was amarried to Anson Ferguson in nuunber of Uie Star of Tho Westthe spring of 1009 at Seattle. He Chapter 35. OES; Past Matronsdied In the early 1930s. ' Club, Rebekah Lodge 06; Rebe-

She lived In tho San Francisco bekah Club, Legion Auxiliaryarea , for a short time. She 41, Methodist Church, WomanVworked for the Safeway stores Society of Christian Service, tliewhile in San Francisco and later Relecta Club and .............moved-to-Berkeloy^hcro-Khe—Q

died early Wednesday in Magic Mrs. Anna Lloyd will be held atVafley Memorial Hospital after 2 p.m. Saturday at Twin Fallsa short Illness. ‘ Mortuary Chapel. Final rites

Slie was! bom April 25,1803, in will bo held in Sunset MemorialFremont, Neb., and lived in Park. Memorials may bo made

Uie United States In 1020. Ho Omaha most of her early life, to Uie Idaho Youth Ranch.

moved to Twin Falls from Michigan In 1031. Mr. Wolff was

worked in a greenhouse and was a gardener for several years.

J. MitchcII■ BURLEY - James MltclioU,

infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Halph M. Mitchell, died Wed-

Sho attended school tliere. She moved to Idaho and married Oscar Peterson in 1036. She has lived in Twin Falls since that time.

„ . Surviving are her husband; a

Ho was a member of Our Savior niece, Mrs. William Hunter, nosday at birth at Cassia Lutheran Church. Hollywood, Calif!, and several Memorial Hospital.

Surviving arc his widow, two nephews in California. Two Surviving,besldeshis parents sons, James C. Wolff, Jr., s[Bte'rs and two brothers are a sister, Siianna Mitchell, MarcoUus, Mich., and Harold preceded her In death. and' a brother, MichaelR. Wolff, Osceola, I(id,; a Graveside services for Mrs. Brangham Mitchell, both

Health' daughter, Mrs. Gordon Kortn^ Ethel M. Peterson will bo held Burley; grandparents, Mr. and

Saturda/Tit-3T30p:mrin-Sunset-Mr8T—Morris—W ~ M itcho ll7operated a boardl^,house for Surviving are a son,'George Einil Wolff, Alabama, and six Memorial Park by Rev. John Burley; Mr. and Mrs. George

^ n c e r , Mrs. M'elvin Fischer conducted at 1:30 p.m. Monday college students. Benson,— Wendell; fivo grandchildren. Two brotliers Garrabrandt. Friends may call Branham , Logan,and Mrs. Car] Kobe!,'all Twin in Burley LDS Second-Ward Mrs. Fergusson moved to daughters, .M rs . Norval ind one sister preceded him In at White Mortuary Saturday Funeral services are pending

Falls; Kris Hansen, Hoybum; Qiapol by Bishop Lyman L. Fresno, Calif., _wherp__8he {D b rb thy )__ R u th e r fo rd , death. -- v ----untll-3.p.m.Martlndale.Friendsmaycallat operate a drlve-in restaurant, Shoshone; Mrs. Grant Funeral services w i l l ’ boMrs.-Ralph Skinner, • Mrs^

Lauren I.angdon ^ d .son and Clurle Baggett, all Buhl; Rulon Budgp,' Burley; Mrs. Henry Chavez and son and Harold 0. Hove, both l ib e r t y ; Robert Stokesberry, Hazelton; Mrs. Ruth Colo, ShosKone; Mrs. Dick Stump, Jerome, and Kim Lels, Juneau, Alaska.

BerthsDauf^hters wre>bom to Mr.

and-Mrs. Robin Roberts, Twin Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. LoRoy Ulrich, Paul. A son was bor^i to Wllla Black, Twin Falls.

Miiiidoko Memorial

- at Paynd Mortuary, Burley.-

McCulloch Funeral Home.


M'otfmip g e t s soiled \aiter than a lyhifc lie.

Sebastlnn Perez, Rupert. >Dismissed-

Gregory Kowltz, Declo;Marcella Cottom and Dolmar Mudsen, both Rupert.

(hooding County

AdmittedMrs. Sam BLshop, Bliss; Verl

-Pope, Gooding, and Mrs. Frank— , r Mink, HIU City. ,

DIsmlBBcdJoe Mni'sh Jr.. Boise: Gerald za«^d for the season"

Duncombe, Ilagerman, and " do»v’t llvo where wo do.

Mary Siilltock, Gooding.

and in 1964 she retired and (Geraldine) Zollinger, Wendell; moved to Gooding. Mrs. Scott (Lucillo) Gullck,M rs. Fergusson was a Jerome; Mrs. John (Joan)

niomber of the Gooding Gates, Collego Place, Wash.; Assembly of uod Church. Mrs. Duane (Norma) Johnson,

Surviving-are a daughter, .Gooding; a brolher, Walter I ^ ,................. .. "Mrs. LaVerne Burke, E l Colorado Springs, Cola; 14

died Tuesday at his home. 'Cerriot, Calif.; a son Fillmore, grandchildren and two great J^iincral ser^ces are pending at Fergusson, Tonu River, N .J.; grandchildren. In a(jdltion to *“ ■ threoalsters, Mrs. U ly Winters, her husband, one sister

Gooding: Mrs. Anna.Hook. prcccdcd her in dcatli.Seattle, and Mrs. Marie Balch, Funeral services will bo Vacaville, Calif, and three cojiducted a t .3 p.m, grandchildren and a great- tho United Motliodist Cliurch in grandson. Wendell by Rev. Woodrow^ '

Throe sisters and two Harris. Burial will bo In tho brothers p re ce de d ^ In death. Wendell Cemetery with rites b;

■'"T’'nif6¥ h r 8er'Vn:e8“* ^ n i oe “star"of the “west“ Chapter '3B "toriddctM 'firT tn iinM darB t™ DESrT hT rT flW lly^8Uggti6t

John L. Parry

G O OD IN G -John L. (Jack) Parry, 62, Route 1, Shoshone,

*niompson Qiapel.



There's a great past ahead ~for. tlia 4{uy.y h o-bragg-ab6u t^ -,an-asfiurod-(uturc.----------

conducted at 1 p.m. P'riday In tho White Mortuary (3iapel by Rev. Eugene TJarks. Burial will ^ I n tho Sunset Memorial Park and friends m at tlie mortuary until noon Friday.

Denver, Colo., will be tho

alto, of the 1070 Winter


Ilcy AkerACEQUIA - Mrs. Hey Aker,

88, Acequla, died Wednesday at Minidoka Memorial Hospital of a sliort illness..

Funeral services are pending at Walk Mortuary, Rupert.

Tho township as a unit of local government began declin­

ing In Importance In the second half of the 20th century.

Q Q iorizfii


Ma ic Valley Over 40 Years

B e n n e t i ' s


GIASSIPAINTIK 6 2 VilJltoM V > rn u rK .

Twin l'«ll«. Idaho

Thompson Chapel, Gooding, by memorials to tho Metho<list Rev. Robert Slagel. Final rites Church. Friends may call w ill bo at the Elmwood Thursday and until time of

People who say "Thank Cemetery. Frl6nds may call at services at Leeper Mortuary In goodness. It’s tho last bllz* tlio chapel from 5 today until Wendell.

. time of services Friday.


I N - H G A I r H O M t


S U a iC tlll* TIO N M A Til


It. Ilutclnson____ MALTA - Robert—Nisli-

(Bert) Hutchison*--77, Malta, died early Tliursday at Cassia

just Memori^ Hospital of u short illness.

Funeral services will bo An is a lellow • cvtducted at 1 p'.m. Saturday in

---the-Maltg LDS>Wttrd-Oup^rJuid a-coupJc-u;oo/t:r;/-o«ti— -SViemls-may-oall-at^loCuUooh (urn tweeters, you owned pimei'ol Hom« Friday at-

u e s t io n .

I am caring for my granddaughter bom out of wedlock to my daughter wIm), was killed In an automobile acc id^t. Is it tru'e'that illegitimate


n s w e r . . .

There was a time in several states- when tho right to sue for damages In

the wrongfiU death of a parent was based upon the legal rather than biological relationship they bore to each other. In these states an

. , Ulegltlmato child was denied tho

t o ^ o for dama^eiir^

Tw in Palla, ld»ho'Bv C « r r l » r

P*f Month (D a ily iS u n d t y )

By M « l l 'Paid <n Advanc* .(D a lly t Sunduy)1 Month SM ontht 4AAonth» '1 V * » r ______Mall lu b tcrlp llo n i acc*pl*d only •

Miitfa ca rrla r d a llv w y l« net malnlalnad.


. to rtarvle a on • PapM- D a llv w y

tU)o pooclics nud a brace, terhoon and evening and at theof canarics. ■ ^


U75 %1.1i



— C a ll y o u r c » r r l w —p p 7 M - o » 3 1

B.MvAp.m.dallVM' b*4ert tOa.rfi. on Suhdaya

P H p ^ E 733-0931

---Or. UM Dur. toll.frM numbera...



YEAR - - ....... ........... . -* FLEXIBLE BANK FINANCING _ _ _

Thei^n^otorsTha •oiiasf p/ac« In world to.huy a car, ond w^ar* — _^ou.ihou/c/i)U)r-you/-n«xKai/.condi<ion«c>-------:

^Q1 M q ln A v « : E. . 7 3 3 -7 7 0 0

i i


As a result of a 1966 Supreme Court

_dedEion-lhiiLwaa.chanfled.Md now all states hav9 been made u n i i ^ . Justice Douglas delivering the majority opinion for the Court Bald,; '‘llleglllmate children are not non persons, they are humans, live and have their being". , |

Some state laws restrict the right of , |

illegitimate children to inherit from , 'Jtheir parents, veiy possibly , the |

Suprerpe Court's decision .will now ^equalize* their rights with those'of |legitimate children. |

I I .

feature high quallly rnpdular construction . . . compUjfe with carpet, cabinets, and total electric convenlenceji \valt? You can, have Initqht^

TsHp'w lthyPHAT^ATTjr-

<tonventional-financihc| todoy.

iBa'dey-Roberts-Realty ProjectlV t R Y B O D Y W l i l , C O M < -t O i p K r o i l T H I

W H ITE"ThtChaptlbiihtPtHt" 136 4Ui AVI Eur-IWIN FMU



V ixo nin o re ^

ManacledNO MATTER WIIAT the ilgn lay i, Ihla U one demonilrator

wbo U out of action after being manacled to pole by police duriog the antl*war rally Wednesday. Over io penong were arreited from an estimate 1,000 marcbert In San Francisco who com* mltted a variety of acta of vandalism'bnd failed In attempts to

- 8hut.down thcllnancial district of.the.dty,.(UP.I)____________ ___

mocratlc economist Arthur M. tax cuta ^ c h are scheduledOkun Mid Wednesday that If for 1072 and 19 v. h President N/xon wants to pull ‘nto^i^rie^-.wlil IncfMse the

-unemploym^t below 6 percent personal eiempUon to |750 and

... hy~the-.time .the-1972-electo.thQ-Btandard..deductl9nrolls . around he roust now per cent by< 1973., Ihe ezemi>-declde to tax less, s D ^ ^ p o ^ Uoh was and the standardand damn the deficits^ deduction was 13 per cent or

Okun, the chief boonomlo 11,400 last year. • . advisei* to President Lyndon B. A one^hot. tax cut, OlnmJohnson, offered his advice at a te ^ed ,w ou ldbe "seU4|iiiiUnghearing of a subconnmittee of and self-terminating" and thusIheHouse-Smate Joint Economy wquld not "become an engine ofIc Committee, whose Democra- inflation In future years" whentic majority already Is ,on unemployment and bosincasrecord recommending almilar sluggishness , is no-longer theP9 lic i^ . problem.

President Nixon hinted Satur* In recent days, [)emocraticday that he may adopt part of Sens.HenryM. Jackson, Wash.,Ojun’s advice, n^lch has William Proxmire, Wls., andbecome standard liberal econ* Walter F. Mondale, Minn., also(ynic dogma, have called for immediate

He told a news conference at enactment of the future tax "•SairaementfiVCallfTiMflr If th«“ cutffrratep tharwouldTequlre-

economy does not show a spurt congressional a i^ov a l.In May, Juno and July "then An IncreaM In spending, awe will act <-on the tax b-ont" tax cut or both would .add-hinting that ho had a quickie UUions to the $11 billion deficittax cut in mind. ' ' Nixon projected in January for

Okun said the government the new fiscal year beginning inshould pump up to |10 billion July, but Okun and othersInto the economy by. spending argue that the stimulation. ofIS.5 billion mora than was deflcit spending is what theplanned'Tn January find by economy now needs. ^ puttin(( into* Immediate effect

T.F. garage gets

truck franchiseTWIN FALI.5 — Aco Hansen duty truc^ manager for Stod-

Chevrolet of Twin Falls has jla n l Ford In Idaho Falls for 15 . been awarded the hcaVy duty Vcara. will bo manager of thb ' lrli^^rancliIso''for“lH l^reFby d ^ c f ^ p 's new line.Chevrolet Motors. Hansen said truck sales for

Aco Hansen, owner of the the present will be operated at ~flrm,-announ<!€d - that-Wlnston-2I3-Flfth-Ave.-W,r-separate—

Morris, who has been heavy from the car dealership on Main Avenue West.

Ace Hansel^ Chevrolet will start construcllon on a nowbuilding within a month and will COEUR D’ALENE (UPI) — Industries, Inc., a Small east- be operating “Out of the new A stormy meeting of the share- em electronics finn. which Al­location by October. The holders of the Sunshine Mining tschul claimed had a "negative location-Is on Blue Lakes 'Co* ended,here late Tuesday worth of several million dol-

' Boulevard North, north of the the board of directors re- lars."

Mining firm Jias

stormy session

Holiday Inn.


H a lf masl.

jslocted to their positions. "What a bomb to buy," Alt-I r ^ n P. Underweiser, New schul said. "It resulted b slg-

York attorney and president of nificant dilution of our stock."Sunshine, said 3.9 million of the Company officials reportedcompany's 5.3 mlliion shares first quarter output was 68,000wero voted In favor of the pres- tons of silver ore comparedcnt slate of officers. with 65,100 tons for the same

Q-lcsofmlsmanagementwere period last year,hoard from dissident sharchold' Marvin C. Chase, Xellogg,ers including former President vice president and general man-Tliomas F. McManus, New ager, said comrietion of theYork, who. was ousted last nowll.SmtHlonantbnonyplant

, last month will ralM the firm's

TWIN FALLS — Stephen output of that metal from twoTtampson, Australian student vest<ir.clalmc<lthomanai(cment muilon to 4.S million nonnd.

who is studyUig in Twin Falls as



taMcs to


B O I!* (U P rt- G o v . Cecil D.Andrus authortod Idaho’s four ... .

-lnstltutlons-«l-higher-learnlni!—Wednesday to fly American . Thompson told of tfie 1

and Idaho'llags at'haU^lla(f. ' Australian continent, the I. A spokesman tor Andrus said miUon's history, and about the 1

— all four'lnstitutions asked per- He' also .mission to lower tho flags In compared the American and |

commemoration of the deaths of Australian systems of govern- k

, four Kent State University stu- ment. ' Jdents a year ago. Madrigal singers from Twin |

Iho governor's office said An- Falls High School presented |drus sbnply reacted to the re- several tiumbors at tho Iquest and gave his pcrmls- meeting. Tho ensemble was |^on and that the Idea did not Introduced by John Lawronce,

j j i million to 4.5 n ^ o n pounds wnoissuiayinsm iw u ira iiaas wasting w d dissipating per year. Sunshine already la

an American Field Sendee ' “ '*‘ " 8 onttaony exchMBo student, described his « “ *■ I > U r c l ^ J ( J l ^ i™ e l^ p , ^ „ ^ , _____________ _

’" “ day."'! ■ ‘

originate with him. principal at tho school.

Record price paidNEW YORK (UPI)-The-erocker;--------------- __

American record for a single— Even auctloneer-Poter WU- i session auction of art work was son, who conducted the Simon | set Wednesday night when 73 sale,lost his usual British cool. |

n a h t fafer^id"aa ilptui-erfrom^He-hHd-«)iiw-fi^ nr Lbmton-io - f Iwoi Angeles tycoon Norton conduct the sale which the amon’s'*~oollecti(m- !w!d- 'ft)r~gall«y»fl experts had esthnated$fl,506,m ......... would b r l^ a little over'|5

The sale at Parke-Bemet million. ' galleries set a world auction ‘'We went way above 20 per record of 1360,000* for a cent more than tho estimate," sculpture—a Degas brorize of a said'Wilson after the sale, ballet— danoer—and— another- ‘‘'nils-really-demonstratas-the-w^

world auction record of 14^,000 strength of art at a time when for a Gauguin oil, a self- tho world monetary market Is portrait painted Just before tho still questionable. It shows tho

. artist left Paris for Tahiti.Ihe pre\dous auction record,

set last year, was $5,852,250 for another-734ot sale of the .same IMh and 20th century masters at the same gallery. It also featured works from a west

faith people have in investment in nrst rate art."

Ihe price at the sale was $1.2

million for Van Gogh's "St. Paul's HosplUl at St. Remy," where tho artist was a mental patient in 1889. It was a «

San Francisco banker. W. WT~auctlon price for a Van Gogh, iBut the sale set world *

records for paintings by Boud-In, Signac, D a i^ e r , and iDelficrolx and sculpture by IMatisse-.' ^


for past I

governorBOISE (UPI) - Former Id»-

. ho Gov. Don W. Samuelaon la be named Ihe top U.S. Transportation department oHIdal in the Padftr-North- toest, the Idaho Stateniian re-

“ portedtoday:— :--------- :—1(1 ti rtory from its Waahlng-

' ton binau, the newspaper said Samuelaaa. vriil ba named r«-. gionalfrepreientatlve of the traiuportiUooieciitlnryatSeat-

. tie. Die mute Houae it expect­ed td announc* the apiiotalmentby the end .n l G O U i E N

_ ......... r aaldTheSert-'.tieport h u been'vacmt tlnoe

~ f c r n w l^ * i ^ P f w r i< u r i i u p r E n

be 'w u .m am d . to . ChtclURiJS.

Gift MotherWith Her Families

Birthdate Stones In Jewelry . . .





l l : ^» y . « . •. !•>:

I t e i

^ c o o m Q ' } t 4 * r t o : f » f n f a s h i o n *


e w sD e p d t e d T o T h e - C i t h i e n t O f M a g i c G a l l e y

Waste O f F x i n d s B ^ ^

--Thuf*d»y,- May A, 1971 - ^ A l W .d « a t .n . Publlth. -I>H0NE-733W31-

—OfflclatCNrwtfCowitVNrpwpniw ............ ........P u n U M i 10 S Ktlon «o -IM Idaho Cod«. T h u rid a y It h

-M m tM ro (A u 4 ltp « r M U o fd lrc t J lM lo n ft n d U P I ' ' d M Iho d a ^ o M h t W H k on Wtildi

WASHINGTON (NEA) - Not ■^many ]>eople pt tnfluence in

Bovemment l Uie cities wiUi m o n ^ any nwre.

Undaay caUed on Mliin. Hio cliainnan asltedi


■nio stunning tiling, lie In. , dicated. ia that na^e-rea liy .

, 1 'iw o y w a T in la c l . Its s ire n g til

i ia s been ebb ing .

the desperate cities of needed funds, it is liiatead hurting tlifini.

lasol notlcM w ill bo publltftod. Publlihod dolly ond Sundoy, oxcflpl Solurdov, ot 133 TJilrd-Slroot W m I, T w b i POIIB, ld it io .lS N 1 ,b v M o g lc VollovNoonpapoTB/lnc. Entorod o ijo co n d closo moll m o K o r A p ril I . lt l l.o llt io p o tt o H lc o lA T w tn F o ll« ,ld o h o ,l3 io i ,u n d o r lt t o o c t o r M o rc h l ,1 l» .’

Yoric City 1300 ■ m illloh toiowsnhattheseprograxhsare of the. several states'gave In- We get back always to theThat's the overriding reuon tomorrow, w h a f ’assurance accompilshlng.-In other words, creasing support to-revenue- critical reason: Hie cities ai«

why proposals to have the could you give us that the there is ' iw gauge at all on sharing. Yet by their mid- seen by many today as misty.,federal government share moneywouldteallybe spent for whether the raoney_ls being winter conference this year, swamps where money dIsap-revenues with tlie states and the city's pressing needs?” effectively spent. many had turned off on It. pears w i^u t 'tra c e or effect. ,

oltlea-ar* stirring-such-con— MUlshadlnmlndtheproapect -Hiese^sodea polnt-np-thr— F'or-long-years-before-lh»— Econonilst-Paui-Sammbffltr :--------troversy-today.--- ----- ,---- thatsiconslilerable-part pf such_huge_dilemma-that-und«rlle»-goveniors-generally ,wtre-al-—dlanlsses^aa a-J'soitlmentM— .

In the next month or more, » sum might be deflected Into the controversy over revenue- tending .to their -urban notion" the Idea that the grass-powerful Ways b ia l

a n S M e a n i hlgherwagesforcltyemployis._sharlng.. MIl'is a n d 'o th e r probiems.thecountry'smayors roots governments are most lalrman Wilbur T lD Is ^ ^ y TOe ^Ivate word Is that he Uwrnakers know the cities need came to Washington jrith direct efficient.

Not all Vietnam veterans took part in those get-out-of-the-war demonstratilins in. .Washington, either in person or in spirit. .• "Having just returned from 14 months of duty in Vietnam it is agonizingly depressing that the great sacrifices made by so many may yet be negated,” writes an ex- G I n a m ^ Jeffrey B. JSayner of


come up with a plan .which fowd-Lindsay's-assurances. more money; But .they have-iio appeals to - Congress inoney -'-'Every-..fact- we,-know b --m ight , be loosely labeled uniwnvinclng. faith in the'cltles'present ways grants and were rewarded. Now against thbt," he says. "The

'U inm l7j i t ln n -i ''■'o''enue<haring.'" It is not At a recent conference hero of spending it. many lawmakers In both broom- that cleans Is thei l i u l II ■ , . , — •filkeiyloresembleanyprogram- deallnginpartwlthdrugabuse,---Poptheadvocaiesof revenue— parUesare oooi, , ' federal government."l i l e r e a l ly im p o r t a n t issue thus far preseiited. , a participant ticked off a sizable sharing, this situation provides I t Is hard to nail downNhe H iU view is broadly shared

— DurUtg a descent-of mayors list of remedial programs which a painful twist. On the surface, turning point. The cities' and growing. Ilie old call to getupon Capitol Hill some weeks have boen launched In states the Idea has seemed to :be miserable performance with goverment back to the local'ago. New York Mayor John arid cities with good financial coming Into Its own In the pait money has built a cumulative scene"wHere people know the

being decided in V ietnpm is whether we as pmple have as much fortitude in pursiiing our ideais and, beliefs as do the Communists in’ pursuing theirs.

“ It wotdd be especially tragic if

our open sbcicty, by ex^s ing us daily to the horrors of war, should -

Brecksville,-Ohlo,-Jn- a. letter.lo.a.___ ihereby-cause-us-tn refuse toJialtth'e“ advance of-a rigidly closed totalitarian society."

This is only one veteran’s opinion. Or is it?

local newspaper.President Nixon, he says, has

been wise in ignoring the pleas of his critics and courageous in continuing his program of gradual

Hipp ie StylesTaice a second Ioolc~at. that

disgusting, shaggy, unshorn, socialpara^fte of a Hippie you just passed” on the street.

That’s no hippie. That’s a fine example of affluent modem youth, a solid, free-spending American consumer.

If you don’t believe it, consider tho hairpfor instance, writes Barry Newman in the Wall Street Jour­nal. . . .-It-may loolc unshorn, but that

young fellow just paid a razor-, wielding tonsorial.artist $7.50 to get. every strand carefully whittled into ' the right degree of shagginess. Then he sprayed it with a $1.50 can of stuff guaranteed to leave it looking as if nothing had been put on it. '— ------ “

As for tho clothcs, if you check the label you’ll find tho “surplus” jacket just came off a rack at a hip

. little boutique. The tie-dyed T-Shirt

pretattered.Those Army boots were never on

any quartermaster's inventory, and t^ose sandals that look as if Uiey had been cut out of an old tire cost $10.

For tho girls, there are whole lines of "natural look” cosmetics, whose main appeal is that they are invisible. And for both sexes, there

. has been an avalancho of products like leather goods, jewelry and pottery that look rough-hewn and handmade but are,actually mass- produced by machiiics.

In short, the moral, says Newman, is that once again in­dustry hs figured out how to profit from a trend. This time it just happens to be a trend toward-an=

timaterialism.All of which must be quite up­

setting to genuine hippies ' and bonafide members of the counter­culture. Their'life-style is begin“ \---

impression. Revenue-eharing problems'"doesn't have a very undoubtedly got a big negaUve strong ring today, it is a^eed shove when proposals began to they may lmow.the problems. In bicllide the pro^so that 50 per grave question Is whether they cent of the shared monies be know, how to spend i ^ l y tho

] through"-the-states-for—money,— they-^-need---so—IhKdlroct use Of cities. desperately.



In ShockDear Dr. Thostcson; In some

accidcnta, tho aftermath • of ahock U a contributing cnU5o of death. Would you explain how a layman can dotermine ahock.

and what ho ml{{ht do to help the victim until professional help

arrives? — V..S.Shock is serious. It may be

piore than a "contributing

to some infection, c£m cause abnormalities in the cells that are examined in a Pap test. It "doesn'l necessarily mean cancer.

But still, abnonnaiities also may bo detected before they have ({Qne so far as to become cancerous. Tho main reason,for the Pap test Is to detect cancer early.

ifljifiW,^too^and-cost-$2jnore-thiin___ capitalizcd-on-by_the-vcry_sodcty-

cause.” It can, In faqt. be fatal, ..................Butltisalsoaconditioirwhich—^S o go-back-for-your-next rest

a layman cannot bo expccted to ' ' diagnose, - nor can ho give specific treatment for it.

Ho can, however, suspect it — and give appropriate first aid.

There aro various causes of shock other than accidents, but in accidents shock occurs from extensive blooding (internal or external), extiremo pain, head injury, or sheer fright — or some combination of them.

The victim Is dazed, his skin pale and moist, pulse rapid and very weak and thready. Blood pressure is low, but this cannot be determined j tUhout in-


You may find things returning to normal. If abnormalities aro still present, It may be wise to continue frequent tests until tho true state of affairs becymes definite. Contraceptive pills can produco "abnormal" cells but not cancerous ones.

Dear Dr. Thosteson: Please tell mo if four highballs, an ounce and a half of bourbon each and water, is too much for a mild , diabetic In his 50s to drink each evening?

, Ho never drinks anything else, is not on medication for the diabetes, only diet, and tries to

the regulrir kind. The jeans are also brand-new, and you have to pay extra to get them prefaded and

they reject.I t ’s enough to make you turn In

your peace pendant.R A YC R O M LEY

Space Lead


the way of first old,- but what there is can bo Important. Keep tho patient lying flat. Keep his head down; even'^elevato foot and legs a bit.

Keep him warm w ith a blanket. Jacket, or anythingthat's available. - _______ ___

___ D o _not_try _tO _g lvo_h lm ___ ounces of whiskey every_the anything to drink. n l^ t? Yes, It’s toomuch. It also

WASHINGTON (NISA) - push rapidly aliead on a wide tho more distant planets.Sovidexperimentswltfia space range 6f~|^actlcal ecotibmic * It could load

station bring to mind how projects in geological ex- development of intercontinental if his breathlng is impah-od,Moscow—made a mammoth p .lo ra t io n , o g r lc u ltu r a l , m issile systems capable of his tonguo may havo fallenstrategic error in deciding to go monitoring, ------ 1—n--. . . .. ...........................

eliminates sweets altogether.His blood pressure recently

.has beeh high, but the doctor will not prescribe anything to lower It, and says it will go down if he can lose some weight. He is about 30 pounds overweight — - Mrs. J. M,

is helping to build up those 30 excess pounds which he ought to

_ _ ... communlcallons, evading U.S. radw for crucial back. Gently roll his head to one lose both because of theto the moon by way of earth water use and flood-control— portions of their Joumey-and-so-Bide;------ ^ d i a b e t e s and his blood pressure.orbit — and thereby lost tlio weather prediction and accurate In delivery that they Do not try to move him cjtcept ----race.’ education. could make obsolete the new to got him to’ safety from somo How does VD start? Why arc

But that error, in turn, lod to It will make possible more superhardened U.S. Minuteman real hazard, le .j fire, moving teenagers among its most the space station — which may efficient unmanned 'space ex- missile sites — tho ones Just tNiffir, rtc. ~ frequent victims? Will it cure

' ....... ...X- . ................ itself? Dr. 'put Moscow ahead In' the . practical uUlization of space

and could give the Itusslans a boost toward ■ _n^isalIo

’ Buperiorlty. • ___________ifa in fiu i sfiouid prove true. It

would be'tho second time In tills generation that Russian mlsjudgment led to a major

Soviet leap forward in missile* space toco log y . '

The first instance, of course, was tho deviclopment of the giant Soviet

ploration to Vonu.9, Mars and ■ now being built.'


Those Girls

If you must move him at all, do it gently, but bo careful to keep him flat. Obviously, professional help should bo

suinpaanfiiL ^ 0 earlierIreatment for shock begins, the better the prospects.

WASHINGTON - Somo of chores that Lenin described In r e S y h S a ‘pap°t^*t"Md those- girls who havo been 1919'crush, strangle, stulUfy result said,-’Abnormalities demonstrating against tho war and degrade her . . . present." I am to have another(and practically everything Lenin wtas talking about test taken. What can this mean

and an edge-olso) actually look like females women under the czars, of except tho Dossiwuty of cancer? in thb space race. This booster, and might even get invited to a course. But with a few «»•’ — Mrs. R. S.

was developed becauso tho prom If they took a bath and ceptions,his words apply to the Various things, from o — -r_____- .........RUiBlans-fQund it technically combed their hair. But Uiey all of Soviet women today, temporary hormone Imbalance whenever possible.Impossible (or impractical) at need a crash course in cdh-'

Latest statistics show that, as in tho United States, women outnumber men in the USSR

Itself? Dr. Hiosteson has tho. answers In his convenient, layman's-langua^o booklet, "Venereal How-to

wpy write him in care of this newspaper, enclosing 35 cents In coin and a long, stamped, * self-addressed envelope.

Dr. Thostcson welcomes all reader mall but regrets, that, duo to tho tremendous volume received dally, hb is unable to answer individual letters. Readers’ quoations are in-. corporatod in his column

that time to achieve a small practical nuclear war warhead.

Tlio Russians were forced, therefor^,, .to build' a huge booster to loft their large jsarhcads^

temporary Russian life, lest they do sorhething rash. .

For, almost unanimously, these somewhat overripe tomatoes spout the conventional

■ ■ ■

by about ll.S mUlion bodies.Unlike American girls, most D t . n V 'D 1l|n| | II

Bridge, Bridge!This, dear readers, is a pictui‘e of

n bridge. Right now it ain't much because water is going Qver it as w a i as under it.

Murtaiigh bridge arc both main­tained by the M urtaugh and Hillsdale Highway D ia^ict because

. he has s«rved on the board of the

.printed the got his- wires crossed and had it

'going trom the wrqng plaCe to the wrong place.

Well, Mrs, Alton Hansen, who lives on Route Two at Burley,

■'wrote in to tell us we were, wrong.. And she pointe<l out that the bridge,

' wias, in fact, in Cassia County. We ■ believed her and published it.

T tien w e re ce iv ed a no te fro m

. T ed S d iw & rtz , o f E d e n . H e ^ i d

th a t s om eo ne go o fed a g a in .w h e n

. th e y l a i d th a t th e l ^ e r b r id g e i i r .

q iie s lf ix i; w a s a t t th ta tn e d "b y the ~

g h H ig h w a y D is t r ic t He

“ lir id g e ar id the

Johnson, secretary of the Mur­taiigh Highway District for 34 year, sent her a map of the place so she would know that the bridge is in Twin Falls County.' C • -—Falls' county.

Well, like we said, we went down and took anoiher picture of the M dge just, so yoii dear readers would know the one we — all o f us — are talkhig about. • ■. "

We hope that the matter of tjie, bridge and it's whereabouts and who takes care of it are now settled

“ tecauSe"' U h l^ ~ th e ’^"thlng"gets " washed: away, we are not going to mention it e v ^ ^ g a in I . '

_ il»n .f«ni«l«« Jo M.lhay Amerlclin sclentUtji, ahead In mu<;h')>i!ttilr the Soviet Union told by men. Of the ap-

the expertiie required to build treatsmembersoltlieir seiand proilmately 60 million tromen small effective warheads, had how bully It would be to live In the’Sevlet labor (orce, tour- no need then to develop’a huije luidbr the ayatem Installed by flrtha a^e officially adm itt^ to

'booster. So tlie Russiam forged Lenin, Stalin and Co. Itiey've be eng^ed In physic^ labor, ahead, for awhile. Catching up got to be kidding, because Moreover, Jobs performed by proved a major task. a lthou^ everybody Is enual in women Include some of th^

The space station resulted that slay paradise, hien arc most arduous and disagreeable, from anolhei' Soviet mistake, more eqtuil tiiatMBumen. ihey mine coal in vioUtlon of a

In calculating how to get to H iat is not what tte Soviet 19a labor co ^ . They sweep the

shovel snow, haul diiches, coIIk T

y bricks. Ihey do,----------- -— , r— r---- — r ----- . ------ ----- w .. , , .unskilled work input the utronauts and their these rights Is assured by heavy industry. Itussla's own vehicle into an earth ort)lt, then women l>elng accorded an equ^< propaganda handouts praise blast off for the moon In another right' w ith . meii to work, women as constituting the

payment for work, rest and r j iha natinn'd

leisure.'' label those .words Catch No. 1.

vehicle. A brilliant, new ap­proach, <^lrcilng tile moon and then descending to the lunar aurface In a separate landliig

vehicle,led to U.S. victory. . _ , _____ _____________________The Russians, usitig less highly educated women, plus Uilnk twice, or even S3 times. As

" , stuck to the orbit those who know some m a n 'a n "Unskilled worker, the

backbone of the nation's un­skilled labor force.

Femllfas tempted to run away In fact, eicept for Some ar- froin home to seiie opportunity

lists, some highly skilledand bytheforelockin Minsk should

earth-orblting approach. In' rather well, women In R u s ^ Russian woman is lowest on the doln^ this they.forged ahead oL. lead Uvea that would.caiise the pay scale. Both the straw b o ^thaUniledStatealntbeirabiUty American female w U li^y to and the executives In thatlo .prodtice, an eartli.<>rbitlng retire to one of tboss unsanitary singular citadel of hypocrisyspace station. • loony bins Moscow 'qiiriiilalils are mostly still malesi while

’Hiat ip«c t station has many .(or folks who take Uit Soviet one out of every t in workm In-^advantogM which the Russians iittroUy. Mor*.^Uie|iiduatrid (or«els a wonan,—

certainly will not be slow to th fn 60 yeara aRer the oqly m e ofit of every atvin

c m iW l» b n , ^ revolution, the m ajority of |,«conie» » fotwnan or shopI^w lil enable the Russians to R u a U u h n u O M v e la ib ^ t a ' le a d t r , < ' w'

J. lu i w uu,

"Whal woM t* youf nacllBn U I fold you > wmt 16 in. »/*« Bu»dlo Bob and,Howdy.Dcaly (0 rte WWft Houijr

eating swordfish,

.S. government Warns—WASHINGTON (U P I)—In a fears W«re raised, BwQrdflah is . Technically. 8wordfl«h within

v lr iu ^y unprecedented warn- a'lniiior Item. F IM ITO meratry safety lim it sUUIng, the government. today -.swordfUh consumption totals can be sold, althoo^ fte FDA advised Americans to stop . about 26 million pounds a year, 'Bckpowlcdged It was unlikely eating swordHsh because of or two ounces j>er person. such nsh could be found. "Htewidespread merdiry contamln^'..... PDA'Commissioner Charles agmcy offered the possibility rfw

Latlon,______________ _________ LC.-£dwBrds.expresaed-regcet_BWQrdfishJnUht.retuni..i( tbeu ^Hie Food and Drug Admtnls- for the swordfish Industry Industry can work out a safety

Which Wai'dfeidgmiea"alfIcUm“ certification syBtenrsatlsfactS^ of "economic disaster" by the ry to the goverranent.SknaU Buslhess Administration. PDA .^Mkesmen 'said the M avil because of the mercunL.I^®”*“ L 5 §nil?'g,.against_coi^

' * ■■ samplion of a p ^ c u la r 'fo o d

; tratlon' (FDA) ‘ announcemenl also singled out swordfish as the one item to be eliminated so far from toe ^ e r lc a n diet as a resuir of the mercwy Boaro.which surfaced a yearago and prompted crash testing . , .programs by govomment and above the FDA’s safety limit of

• Indufllry,.--______ . ^ . 0.5 parts per mllllcm mercury,Compar^tJ with tuna "an d ' with (he average more than

other seafoods about which double the limit. ,

problOT.~ * som^ , _ ...—But-Edwards said 811 of 653 was unprecendented except for swordfish samples tested were a warning of several months

duration g a in s t cranberries in 19^. llte (Tanber^ h aza^ was' c a i t ^ by a'haiardous weed' killer, use of which iqulckly was stopp^.

Agnew promotes

Thursday. AAay 6, 197V Tlmet-Nawt/Twin RalliT’ldsho 5

A in e r ic a h to u ris ts


V ra w s cheers

NASHVILLE) Tenn. (UPI)— today for a similar appoaraoco Vice President' Spiro T. Agnew before the North Carolinastumped for the Nixon dmlnis- tratlonis revenue sharing pro- granri in the &uth W edne^y and took potshots at w^r

-protestors and segments of the national nows media.. " I 'm not here to be a slick huckster," Agnew told the -Tcnneasec_Logl5lfllure,.J.‘rm

legislature.• The vice president called on Tennessee lawmakers to urge the state's congressional delo- gation to support the program and try Ao got It approved by a reluctant congress.

'*We want to give you tho reMUKes," he said, '!but we

THOUGH most of the demonstratoni at the U. S. cspltol were wung,-white and with long hair, there were exceptions. This little old, grey-hak-ed lady, who gave her age as 84, drew a duster of cheers from theantl*war demonstrators when abe^as .arrested. (UPI)

L a u n c h in g

LONDON (UPI)^WhUft the European cold shoulder' to U.S. dollars hit many American tourists In their pocketbooks. most were easily able to overcome the dlffioulUes. Their prfdesufferett-the b luest blow.

I t wa9 'inconcfilv^e to many Americans' flooding European

capitals at the start of (^e - heavy - tourist 'fieason - that

Europeans were rolling in the welcomo mat for the almighty dollar. Sojne.i;eacted with open resentment and anger.

"We may cut our trip short and may even be prepared to say to hell with Europe and

'God bless America," Ted Markovic, a 'film editor from Glen Rock, N .J., said \n Paris.

While banks in Paris and London continued to accept doUv^r- their counterparts -in-— ' West Germany, Switaeriand, * tHe^NolHerlBnds, Ausb-ia, Bel* c glum and Portugal closed their doors ■ to American money. Some hotels also refus^ dollars.

But Americans ‘ generally were able to make other arrangements with sympathetic hoteliers.


4-PtY NYION COKD. _______ . , , <ould b« o»l<«d loipopulofprkad i nybn <otd ^

l o w P . o f l l . > 3 S

Safety Con^ l i y r

lour Shooldari t I N t .

r Your BUCK makes more CENTS at

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2 5*39.95Hut.2.17F.E,

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ATTtKlV'’ ^


1115 BIUE LAKES BLVD. KORTH P H O N E 733-5241

(o p e n 8:30 A .M .lTo 9 :0 0 P.M.

Explo rer dies'T ” <rA*> 'T“ ; E“rN T T R ^''unro iiw ca"ru irds 'f6eTciuies-*

MUCKELSEN, Danlnh arcUc aoo, allowtag Gov. Wlnflcldnp Io K r uid outfcor who Joined Dunn and legislators to esla-hla Unit eipedltion al the a|jo of bllsli Uiolr own priorities on19, died In Copenhagen IMoih how the money can beat be

day. He was M. (UPI).

m a rk s d atehere to e*plaln*lhis |M-ogram us are losing iH& ^ight uhtess w6

best I con." . can dramatlu the InHo said revenue sharing greater fashion."

would mean |67 million lil At a brief airport news

~confdr6h'eo folIovHng hUairlVal CAPE~KENNEDY"(UPl)-' fVom Washington, Agnew called America , marked the’ lOth antl'War protesters in tho anniversary of its first manned nation's Capitol ■ "outrageous spacefliglit Wednesday by

and Juvenile." launching a new spy ^te llite“ It’s harmful to tho point of designed ,to flash an eariy

view they are trying to warning of a missile attack ejfpresa," he said. " I'm tired of from Russia or Rod Oilnu. demonslratlona. I would like Tho new breed survcUlanco rational discourse."

spent.Agnew spent more than an

hour wIUi tho 87th Tennessee general. assembly "Wednesday and was to loavo for RaleighGOP gets

blame on Senator punches

railroads police in hassle

spacecraft was expected to give tho nation's, military forces more time to mount a counter

and a pretty good looking bird and ... r was really getting nervous," u ld Shepard, who was commander of the nation’s last moon flight. ^

The spy satellite launching on tho anniversary of Shepard's 15- mlnute hop Into space was a coincidence. T^e mission was classified secret and the Air Force refused to acknowledge that It was preparing a rocket

strike in tho event of a missile 'for flight oven th o u ^ tho big attack. Informed sources said It Titan 3C missile was Illumine

CORRAL. Idaho (UPI) - Do- mocratic State Chairman Joo McCarter charged today that It was a "boycott of Republican membersoftheSenatewhlchsold

track In I d ^ . 'McCarter said a proposal by

Democratic Senators Frank

. ated like a-huge neon sign before.blastoff.

The l,80(H)ound satellite was progranuned to maneuver Into a stationary orbit 22,300 miles above Southern Asia and substitute for a sister satellite

also will able to monitor Soviet anu Chinese rocket testing.

Six hours after the pre-dawn

WASHINGTON (UPI)-Iscn. pollccmcn . grabbed Motcall'a r"?Jr^ld“io ulS" t a ' o l ^ K d

IJH) MetcaK, D-Mont., B robust arms and s ta rM leading him tho nation’s llrst spacenight on . uu»u.ul»60 years old, punched a toward buses where demonstra- May 5 1951 reminisced that was lelt In the wrong orbit

poUcoman In tho chest Wednes- tors were being am sted . . 5 5 ^ 0 o{ those that made It by rocket (allure last Novemday when he stepped him from "You assaulted an officer, poaalblo. A recording of the ..........crossing a police line during they said to him . “ I'm not Uunch countdown was played antiwar demonstrations at the going to stand Metcalf refurbished block-

Capitol. Mid, Ws voice qu ivering .'T rn .,„ ,,uo and a replica of the slim_______ Two other city police otncem a United SUtes senator." Redstone rocket and Its Free-

Church-o(-ldaho7 ->nd-Mlke— grabbed MetcaU alter ho threw---A»-th«y-w «lk«l,-how ever,- j„^Y- jop^,PTrtood-in-lhrMansneld,ofMonUn8 ,toeitcnd his straight right to the cheat of 'Capitol Police Chief James bjckrirolind.__I I _______ ________I-. 1 1 nf IUarail passenger service In Idaho Uirough December of this year

officer M, J . Van Fossen, but 'Powell became aware of tho “ When they were playing that tho chief of. the Capltel police commotion and hustled over, j jookod around and saw

that cherry picker (rescue tower) and the original fire

•truck and, pardon the eitpres- r there.

ber. The outcome of Wednes­day's mission was not known, but sources said the early stages of flight appeared to go well.f~The^hot-wiH-be-followed- Saturday night by the launch of tho first of two space agency television satellites toward the plan6t Mars.. They are to attempt to orbit the red planet next November.

was In effect killed when Uie Interceded on his behalf and recognized Metcalf, and or- Senate could not nVuster a they let the senator go. dered him to be released.quonmi for the vote.. Metcalf shouted that ho was Metcalf, still enraged and ™ „

M ct,^ter8ald "tho figures tell a United States senator and face flushed, grabbed a UPI sion, tho ambulance overthe story, Fifty per cent of all couldn't be prevented from reporter by,the arm to get his - ^ ^------

-Democratic flenater8 were-pre-—golng-anywherfl-on-the Capitol—ear.---------------------- — I 1 * 1sent .when the roll was called, grounds when Van Fossen, “ My name is Lee Metcalf. "

Only 27 p«r cent of the Senate's wearing a riothelmet and I ’ve been stopped." He then PITTSBURGH (UPI) - The The naU7n'a“ larcest steel Republican members were pre- holding a nlghtsUck with both qJlckly left without comment- u s s ^ i the m- S L J said W ^ e S a v S» n t tor the < ^ la l roU caU:" hands, told could ,« t- ln » o a J .l^ im i.

McCartersaldthoboycottwas- cross the Une of poUcemen. Fossen.............................. ..... e ^ - . l l e r l e i r i n ^ ^ .triTproducUwoiSd go u^'"obviously a concerted effort" on

thepart of the Nixon Administra­tion to get Republican Senators

Metcalf then Jabbed out his rlghttU tand hit Van Fossen in the left upper chest. Ttie officer

'-to-defeat-Uie*proposal"by not— took-the punch easiIy-and"dld~'and~the“T)ther"T0fficers"lU)trt6’

being present foe a quorum. ‘ not swing back. But two other discuss it with the press.

I n J o l S f p r i c e of the Steel used In autos, M.M to 113 k ton, begtanlng

S S ^ o V s h T v ^ F a W llB ^ o ^ o n d other durable <rith dUpm«,U June 16 and

AticE ho$kin?1stmT ® ^A N T IQ U E S & C O LLE C TO R S ITEM S

A U -C T IO K •locaUd ot lK« 4-H dltploy boildlng o> County Fai>-

IdolM f


FURNITURECurved China Clottel with Lion h*odl decoration and clow ie«t with bevalvd glait (o baauty)—-Very jgood Pump Qrgon with high back— 1900 Wick«r Boby buggie with narrow iron wh««tt— Edlwn phonograph with horrt—>4 Clocki— Magoxlne rocl<i-rOld odd cholri— D^ettari— 3 g io ii »hov/cawt— Pol b«illad itove— 2 oth«r phonograph* (1 vlctrola & 1 Bruniwick)—Wick*«r bock choirt—’Coffes and end tablet— Rockirtg cholrt-^Trunkt—-Old Hard-

wood pool cue racle •

GLASSWARE ITEMSCorrvival v a iii Ironilon* chInn Vcjiolln* olau Milk gloit Pilchff & muo Ut Sugar & CrWomiri BuHtr d lih ii Ctiino T«o S«l C W k dith.i DelU8.doll lurnituct U u oi boltitt O ld PaHarni

P«w*l«r wor«Bavadan L AutWion CKinu Avon collatlion D«««rt qIoii FinO»f noil •3T*o S«tiC>Mb pluhtf and lolltr Condy iori^ ' Condi*ttick'»Condw & i«w «l b o i«t

- Frull io (» (old onai) <' lotg* cotl*<4lon ft( Seoki oi

ol*>f library

Black milk glou Hand poin'vd Nippoi Boiavill# pottary End o> thf Day diik CompoU Co<oo S«l Vn»«i

« M (Coy gloit wott BookCtloid u*Iniololort

T»Iv*'u lock t Kay colUclio^ DoobU >r««i ‘

3 umbrallat ToboCcojor 6 lompj

O THER OLD JTEM SBuggl* wraneh Clarlnai ond SoKoph^n*

>ond n'Oaog/ophlc Magoiinai . Hikfilrt pott ^Thundafmug / Corn grin'darChu»ni I PUiun & piclut* IromaiFloHroni 3 tall ol BlockiDInnar Tri-ongU Hommafad Iron IlgMBall • ” ■ . Othvr liamt.

HOrf: inipeftlon 4 P.M. Saturday.lo Sale Time— Thii Ii the colieclJon of the lote Alice Hoikin*: Alice en|oyed colldcling end enjoyed the oudloni and I'm lure you would oppre- elate having tome of her Itemi in vour collection.

----------------------------T i R M S : C A S H — T " ~


SAIE M A N A O g ? BYMeSSERSMITH A U CTIO N Se«V1Cf •' jiM MtsranSMiTH — - - m v iim u n -------- -joHM.vii i i t----

J . , . m . - 3 J 4 - S m K lm l » r f y -4 1 J - S 0 4 3 i u r f .y - 4 7 t . 9 7 J 5Sal* CUrlied By J. W . A»*u*rtmlth OI 0«m Stale Rtolly, Twin Eqlli

A id to ve W proposedWASHINGTON (UPI) -Sena.

Len D. Jprdfm and Frank Oiurch We^esday Introduced a bill to provide more equitable treatment to veterans enrolled. bi vocational education courses^

" It has been brought to our attention that veterans studying under tho G1 bill are spbject to being counted absent'^onxtheb: courses on some days when the sd)ool bi not b session/'Jordan

. 6 TimM-Nawt. twin Falls., Idaho Thur»dsy« Ma



slated' WASHINGTON (UPiy

government KaT decide io impoMTflcttl •mrtnffTluotBrOTi- contractors with federal con­struction Jobs in Chicago, St.

: Loula* ..San, .Pranclaco,, and , Atlanta, Labor Department

sources said Wednesday.First adopted in Philadelphia

and Waahington, the quotas

would require contractors on' government projects to meet minimom levels within specific timetables for hiring blacks and

• other minority group members. The quotas would apply private worV they were doing as well as> to those Jobs

•,..Jnvolylng.fc<Wr8 l funds__ _____Contractors who failed to

—— make-a-good-fBlth-effort-to- ' meet the qiutas could be

barred from future federal ‘ contract work and their current contracts could be taken aw ay..

Assistant Labor Secretary Arthur Fletcher, the depart' meat's highest ranking Negro official who Is in-chargo of federal contract compliance, made the decision to Impose the hiring plans,"the sources

taboratory findings sparli Sp^mlalion abput Mark J

CAPE KENNED? (U P I)- '' mosUy ot carbon dloilda with a uprtag and summer.Recent laboratory findings have little water vapor, and its poles The two. Mariner satellites

_»dded f u d jo the intrtgulng are capped with-what appea r s s w i n g into Mars orbit In , s<^enUflcspecuIaUonlHalearth~l6 be^T^^lw^ rNo>fember ,ai)d one of their .' isiu)t alone In harboring living Since Mars Is farther from main objectives will be to map things. the sun than the earth, it Is the Martian surface and look

If there is. life elsewhere in cooler. But scientists'say it is for the most promising a ? « ^ to

.ouLflQlar.ayatfim, Bcienllata.aay_nol_too. -cool„ln—equatorial.-be.a»i)lDrpd hy. the, life-hunting— the plannet Mars U the most regions for life to survive. Viking robots.

•nie chances of p r l r ............


Hie first opportunity to on Mars bnproved with a'' . search for^Iife. there will.come -’rtport.ln-March that tests at - in 1076 when ,twO--Yikina _the Jet Provulslon Laboratoiy*.

' , ^ce c ra fta re scheduled to land Pasadena. Calif., showed that

STHATEGIC Bomber B1 ahould be urapped, Up4rU»im on Mara Wlh biological detec- organic ^ a te r la l may be co«UUoDof delenie criUciha>'recommended, adding that Air tlon'Ihatniniiintl. produced by sunlight on Mars.Force Iliould go b»clito drawing-board and plan (or Biibaonlo____However. new_clucs to the "H ik is the mpat favorablemlssfle latincfafaig platfom . First of series of reports' on major ^sslU lity of life forms on the Indication for a Martian blologi-

weaponi systems said plane could cost up to |76 billion without improving national security. (UPl)

Public a g e n c y Bond plan, ^ — r; Y ------- voted dowi

W in s 4 picks atS^ h n ^

Red planet may be forthcoming late this, year from two new Mariner • television satellites scheduled to be launched toward. Mars-:one Saturday, the other 10 days later;

'Hiree U.S. spacecraft already

LOS ANGELES (UPI)-Four Q ly and County of Denver Vs.of the five nominations for IB70- LaUrcn R, Watson," directed by SALMON, Idaho (UPD—Pos-71 Emmy Awards for directing Robort Krcscd and : Dennis Blbly the largest turnout ofachievement in * news and Sanders.' voters b the history of thedocumentary programs went to PBS and CBS shared nomlna- Salmon School District reject-the Public. Broadcasting Set- Uons for "Outstanding achieve' td an $800,000 scliool bond pro-vice. ' ment by individuals in cultural posal for a now high' sdiool

The fifth Went to CBS, documontory programs," PBS Tuesday,according to Robort F. I^ewine,. for "Gertrude Stein; When This Supcrlnlcndent Robcrt Banks

president of the National You See, Remember Me," said tho turnout-was the lar-

cal evolution that we have had In the last five years," said Dr. Norman H. Horowitz, one of three biologists who Issued the report.

llie recent detection of anilno---------,_______________ _ acids in a meteorite also

— iiave.explored Mara from afar :.lncreased the.probabillty-that- y U l C t l photographs showed a life forms can evolve elsewhere


acids are.the building blocks of Ufe. . .

One o/the phenomena on Mars 'that has l^cn - considered a possible sign of vegetation js a wave of darkening that spreads from tho, polar regions to. tho

•Martian equajor during the

like the moon.- Mara, however, do6s have an atmosphere,

— — a ---Academy of TeUvision Arts aml'-direoted by-Perry Miller Adator-gest he-has won Jn-any-school-

. . and "HeUnHayea-Portraltof elKlton at Salmon, a d M «contractors, labor unions and minority groups had worked out

-.voluntary --'hometown— solu-- tlons" for the hiring of more minority group members, but these plans have not . been effective, Labor Department. officials said.

As for San Francisco and Atlanta, months of negotialions on voluntary hiring plans have been .unsuccessful.

Failure brands

Is tl'',ere a weight control

program tliat reully


\ \ fe ig h ty /3 lc h e r ^

isTcoming:At lost.

' w(idn> wiTcniHk

Noniinatlons announced Tues^ an American Actress," directed possibly was caused by the fact day Included two categories in by Nathan KroU; and CBS for that ^v^ryone^ and not Just which PBS films were tho only '.“nie Eskimo; Fight for Life," properiy owners Muld'vote. cand idates: '^Outstanding directed by Robert Young. Banks said tljo vote of 615 for achievement by Individuals in tho winners will be an* and 741 against was pretty de-

nounced May 7 during twin dslvo to show tJio community Enuny Award banquets here docs not want a. now high and in Now York. ~ school. But bo said within o

There could bo one award, nO year tho school district will award, or multiple awards in [have to look for temporary each cfltcaory. 'classrooms somowhcro In. tho


LOS ANGELES (UP I)-Yoi r:By United l^ress Intematiooal Today la _Thursdov._Mav. ’

magazine-type programs" for “The Great American Dream Machine," an animated film directed by Elinor Bunin; and "Outstanding achievement by individuals in news documenta' ry programs" for "TVlal; Tlie

-7.y(!ar-old-boy-Dr-BlfI com cs- ilj^i jsth day of 1971 with 23» U)home from school and says, follow.

"Mommy J.failed." . Hie moon Is between Its firstCould that mark tho child for quarter and full phase,

life if it is repeated as it is m . morning stars aremany times in schools through- Mercury, Venus, Mars andout tho nation? Jupiter.

Dr. William Glosser says tho .n,o „vonlng star Is Saturn.

Soap opera actress happyHOLLYWOOD (UPI)-What

ever happened to Anne Jeffreys and Robert Sterling, the charm­ing ghosts of television's "Topper" scries way back in- 195J44?

Sterling took some smart pills and abandoned tho acting d ^go to become a singularly success­ful buMnessman with diversi­fied interests in computers m d manufacturing.. ^

Anne has chosen to stay with _greasepaint and currently 1

s larringTnhe daytime serial, "Bright Promise."

When other performers ask in shocked voices why she is appearing in a aoap opera, Anne responds; "And. what w e

telo\dslon, but there are other oonsiderations — her husband, three sons and family pets.

" I lovo tho theater, but my boys need a mother right now,"Anne said. "Tylcar 13 *11, Robert 12 ond Jeffreys, 10. Then- Uiero’s tlie parrot, the cats and tho dog.

" Ih e nice thing about work­ing In Ihls scries Is that I go to the studio only twice a week.Tlje rest of tho time I shop, ,_______cook, clean l> and look after founfkr. my f ^ l ly .

" Ih e show is on tho air five days a week, but wo have H running diaractcrs. It's some- thing like 'Peyton Place' inasmuch as it's tho'story of a town and all • tho people*you working in?

Other Cottsideratloas Involved iiT 11.— Anne-could' eam~as~much"— " lb keep the ahowBUspense-’

money in eight weeks in rdad ful they leave tho audience company tours of plays as she dan(^lng a day or two on the ,does in a full year of daytime adventures of the various

diameters before returning to a dramallc situation.' Some proUenis kq on for nv>ntha.

"I've WHtched other soap operas and Uiey do the same things. I just hope we d> them better."

In-Between Hole Anneflndsherself somewhere

1 the vague category between leading lady and cliaracter actress. On tho NBC series she l^ays tho window of the town

-With--a_2I.ycarM)Id-, dauglUer. Predictably mother and daugliter aro ready to scratdieach otliersdybsout;. "My character was Intro­duced last March." Anno said. "Dana Andrew bt^an with the series pioro than a year and a lialf ago. Ilo's loft the cast and others hhvo come and gone,

.Anno looks os youthful and beautiful as she did when her television.hours were devoted

answer is "yes" and he is on a one-nian crusade' to get rid of the "failure" label in schools.

Glasser, in his mld-4Qs. started In Cleveland to become a chemical engineer' at Case Institute, switched to medicine at Western Reserve University, specialized in psychiatry at

UCLA, and has wended his way bto education.

.Ho has put his thoughts and


to liauntlng "To

Television Schedules)per" and ____ ..

Bernard readers

Tht)r»d«v«M«v — • - Al 7 p .m .o n c h a n n e l» }b . 9, «n d II

- Movia “ The D«H le of th t Villa F io rlia ." (IDAS), a tiic k u a p o pw a About l h t a f ( « l r » o l « dlplom at't w U « *nd *n KAilsn com p ot«r. Filrpcd In

M«ur«*f> ' and .Ro»wnoOr«i2l bre lh« i t v t .

IJiM —2il — A\>vi« "D r . T «rrer'i H o u w o l H o rro ft”

- liM '— AAovI* “ El*ph*nt Walk"

7«l r-Wathlnoton: We«k In Rtvltw world. -> I Room (or Gr*ndd»dd/

f<rld»v.M»vMtn iiMA» lp.m.o nc chawtli 3ij_and 5 -- 7»l — NET.PUJ^oih«

preventing her” St. Bernard readers in your class. We wouldfrom RUizling Martinis. not say, ‘you failed.' We are not

"Best of all I have a career going to rate you at the age of•withoutTjrrasurcs;"^nB“e6n- seven as a failure and T dud.eluded, “And I ’m not trybig to “Schools have no right to

On.t|)ls day in history:In 1816 the Amorican Bible

Association was organlied in New York Qty.

In 1935 the Works Progress Administration (WPA) was set up by Congress to provide work

for the unemployed.In 1041 Josef Stalin replaced

V. M. Molotov os premier of tho Soviet Union. ‘

In .1060 Princess Margaret

pr'acU cM M M e d S r b i t o a

book called "SchooUi Without “ “ commoner, Antony W

Falluro,"andhe also addressesPTA and similar groups on the t" ”Kiblect. BaalcaUy, he tells his monthaUter. audiences Of mothers, fathers . • ■ '— ~ „ . and teachers, children don't ...A ' f , ‘‘“y;like school and d ro p out-Washlnijton Irv ng sold, "Abecaus«- they-aro-m ode- lo- tee l-W ““ ™ f- » h “ ',“ llte U a-hlstory.

worthless, thoy aro made to alfecUons.

feel unwanted.

•Another point ho makes is that he feels the schools stress too much accumulation of someUmes useless information and they-do not do what he fe61s-ls-lheir_No.l-l .-rjob-to'

teach a child to think;. In discussing his own method of teaching, he says:---"SuppoM at.tho.wid-ot. thQ

js8 rt.ycto .au ..Dt-thc.lmc.•slnyoi

THRU 19th

JOHNNYMANN’S"'Stand up and Cheer”

A stirring,musical tribute to Amorica

. 'i t



NOWA T V ilS f .M .


bocome the biggest star In the make a child teel'badly about

himself. Tho schools should say.

b o W U C O l B S flllia i ■TAM PS This W««liaiKl on dll ordan o< *20.00 or mor«

P O U B K Your savings at Marty’s BERTIES PAN R U D Y


C \

' □ P h o r e r v r a s r

u c f o o k e d

n i a i i r »

NEW v io M (UPI)-TJ.S. Gteel Corp. Wednesday In­creased Us prices for large volime steel sheet and strip

Thupsday, M a y 1971 Tlm e ^-N a w i, Tw in Fall*, Idaho 7;

Steel maker boosts pricesAug. 1, steel industry offioUls

...................... epfic

In Washington, a spokesman IS days, reportedly, at the _ _

for the President’s Council of request of the auto makers to haveeror^Mliedthirthrpfrce Economic Advisers ^ Id the give them more time to lay In boosts ^sted so Uar are a

____ . price Increase _ ^ e ' "not stocks at the_pld prlcfl,__ ________^caldUng.up^:-Qi>eratlon-«td-. r.50 to *i3 a tWJ, partlcalfin'/sUrpfising’"andlh> ^though the ^ e l Industry is are not designed to compensate

with shipments June steel industry "apparenUy con- preparing to negotiate new for any additional wage cost July 1. siders this their anniia) , in- wage pacts with the .United increases they may incur,increases, which U S . c r ^ . V - . , aeelworkers of America to Steel producers this year

, . , _ , . »ct-««pWnR—already-hnvrlncrea5ed prices ■products used by • worry to economic planners Is . . . . . . .

the auto. appliance and other' the “ possibility of further, , industries. They'generally had btcreases ' this year tQ offset :.' been e x i t e d tecaua« the 8 ^ 1 higher wage costs.___•industry r^h'as - bwan-boosting’^--The price boosts m ■prices on most of its products products are close to the level thi^ year as fast as the 12- >N^ch'the Nixon Administration

for ._railroad . steel .products.

S a f e t y w e a rHARRISON SCHOOL studenti. Jay Dodds, otf left, and Dana

Scheokely model new Safety Patrol capes and hats, purchased by tbe Harrison PTA as (U 1970-71 project. The PTA. headed by newly elected presidents Mr. and Mrs. Kermlt Lelr, also pur> diBsed ao-oye^ead projector for the schlpol. Other olflcei^ for the 1971'7Z school year are Mr. and Mrs. B ill Lay, first vice presidents. Gene Sturgill, second vice president; Mrs. Larry

_CaU,.8earetBry,-and.Mrs^Claylaa Jludd,-treasurer.------- r--

month price freeze guarantees - attached lo lhe 1070 price hike

round expired. **

Maturity extension


.. _..found_acceptahlB- construction steel pro­

ducts went up last March. One producer had posted Increases of 116 to 117 per torf on construction steels, but later

'- subsUtiited 'increases of |9 to (12 per ton after U.S. Steel came In at that level.

Th'e price freeze guarantee on most riat roUca stoel products was^ue to expire Juno 1, but

-major pro^cersexttodod It for-

W L n '^IVind S o n iv f i tm f

Life term

pronouncedB O IS E (U P !) - Fourth

District Judge Marlon J ,____ wvv.vv-4 . Callister has sentenced Robert

COI^nADO SPRINGS, Colo. Tuesday. volved use of a 40-klloton nu- indicate it Is safe for use and Hardin and Director Truman A. Atwood, 24, to life Im-(UPD— Natural gas produced 'Hiomas Pelican,'president of clear explosive deep under- he predicted a_jnarteilng pl^„Cunningham.of-tJie-oilseed.and-prisonmenL£or-lhe^death~o£. from-the-Projecl-'Rullson-nu--Oolorado Interstate-GHsrsald—groundrThrcxplb^bnrw hlc irw urdlw ready by fall. The En- special crops division of the John WilUam Jacoby, 21. ' clear test experiment on Colo- his Arm now was working with was touched off in September of vironmental Protection Agency Department of * Agriculture Earlier, Judge Callister sen rado's Western Sope will be AEC irepresentatlves on a mar- • 1009, loosened up tight n>ck,forz_in-Waflhingtan-wiil-inakfl-aJinal—asl^-for-a-akiay-e»tfenalftn:— AWnHWTnpBnfnrrM*-

y ^ foi-commercial-usc i r ^ e kotog^^lfln'fOTKs sale.. mations. . roviow to determbie whether to Arsteln told newsmen'he had chael L . Williams, 21, to life In

Atom blast gas marketing plan studied by AEC, firm

BOISE (U P I) , - State Agriculture ' Commissioner O ^a r Arsteln asked the U. S.

•Agriculture Secretary today to extend the maturity date on Commodity Credit Corporation loans on dry edible beans. '

ArsWn_sCTt_ wires both to_ Agriculture Secretary Gifford (brdin and Director Truman

Atomic Energy Conunlsslon gives approval, an official said

Hie Project Rulison nuclear test near Grand. Valley in-

L a s t l o g d r i v e o f f d o w n r i v e r

LEWISTON (UPI) - The For this reason, the companynation's last whitewater log said, It began seriously dumpingdrive is underway in north Ida* logs into the rivers in a control-ho several days ahead of led riianner Monday and put aschedule. 2<^«ian rearing crew to work at

Potlatch Forests Inc., officials Isabella Creek about 90 milessaid Tuesday tho firm's 40th east of here to make sure alland final annual log drivo on the thelogsaremovlngdownstream.north fork and main clearwater H ie company said it expectslUvers in northern Idaho began the drive to move 61 millionIn earnest Monday. Some srnaU board feet of logs to its ponds

Hie blast carved an under- go ahead with the sale of theground chimney, 270 feet high gastand 140 feot across, and cop- Tbo busine^nun said currentable of holding more than 200 plans call for the Austral Oilmillion cubic feet of gas. of Houston, Tex., which did

If the gas Is harvested. It will the drilling for the project, tomark tho first commercial ro- sell the gas to Colorado Inter-turn from Ihe^AEC's Project state. Colorado Interstate in

Plowshare—a- program do- turn vriU wholesale it (or retailsigned to uncover peaceful uses distribution by Rocky Mountainof nuclear energy. Natural Gas.

Pelican said tests on tho gas Pelican said the gas would be

received wires requesting such action from representatives of the Farm Bureau, the Farmers Union and tho National Far­

mers Organization."We feel this will prevent a

market drop and create a more orderly marketing clbnate for Idaho bean stocks on hand," Arsteln said in his wires.

prison. Both pleaded guilty to murder charges in the Jacoby death.

Police said that Jacoby was killed after he'sorprlsed the two burglarizing his apartment.'-Of- fleers said Investigation alleged­ly disclosed that Williams wield­ed the knlle and that Atwood helped subdue'the victim.


OK ’s bonds

used only in the bnmedlate area because there was not a suffi­cient production for shipment elsewhere.

Earlier this week \n Los An­geles, Austral president C. War­den Leisk said more than 400

MOSCOW/UPI) — Voters in million cubic feet of gas had « « « « , . . ^ 0 Moscow .School District boon released safely from.the

IwowcoksbutnomalormounU 18 hoiu-» to travel here from theh a dboenM n to n th e lrw ay to .»r th to rko (the aearw .te r . lh» flrm ’s mill hero. H ,l« year', drive wUl mark

Tile main drive had not been tho end of, the clasalc way of n itunl)) nintnfi<nan(.Aschcdulod to start for aeveral moving log* becaiae by this fall

<!ayOL«t,Jhoyjid,Jffl^^_jhtbyp«rt^^forced by rising water in the Dam on the north fork of therivers which threatened to wash Clearwater will be c l o ^ as the


Albertson sets marksBOISE (UPI) — Albertson's Ho also said the sales bi-

Inc., experience both record crease was hampered by thesales and eamhgs for the fiscal closure of 11 older stores duringyear ended April 3, 1971, the year.PresldentJ.L.Scottsaidtoday. Eamlrigs (or the 53 weeks

Scott said the bicrease in totaled $5,276,000, or' 01 centsearnings waa significant bi light per share, an Increase over the of the hciavy writ&off costs same period last year, assoiiated with the conversion Sales of |487,932,S57 for the of a numtMT of stores to a full- year represented a nbe perdiscount operation. - cent rise over last year's


P R I N C E M A T C H A B E L L Ith e fragrancv c r«o t«d by Prince Motchabelll lo dlffuie dlHerenlly on every w om en who w e a n il, W IN D S O N G w hU peri a lingering and memorable meitage . . . Y O U •

C O L O G N ESPRAY M IS T .......................-^5 “C O L O G N EPARFUMEE. , .......... S300.S600PERFUMED .D U S TIN G POW DER

away tho decks of logs and pool behind the giant dun Is filled.cause ams.

P ol icy opposedWASHINGTON (UP I)-Uw - Under Hart’s bill, bodily

■ yers Who - earn their living Injury claims would be paid byfighting auto liability cases in the insurance company whichcourt argued today against "no covered the injured person or

vote-and’a 'th iw rn ill' ivy for school buses, equip­

ment and remodeling was ap­proved by 75 per cent of those BOISE — A competitive casting ballots. examination has been ordered' The Whiti Pine district got a by the Slate Personnel Com-, resounding 90 per cent favor- mission for a liquor store able vote on Its 34.mill mairiten- manager at K imberly and ance and operations levy. -. American Falls.

PersQnnel Director George ^ Murphy said the examinations

i j O n d S p a s s are written, and a physical cjiainination.may b®. required..

- v n l ln » nnnrftUoH O nrnrvicjwl i1 . tn f 1 /ill/\r> o in ra rlArlra in »h<*which ln«iir«l Ui« Voting approved a pToposodH,- for liquor store clerks In thothe person foimd a«5,l)00 school bond Issue for the Idaho Uquor Dispensary,

acddfiu^^— — “ ■-“ “-Merid)an-&hool-t>lstrlcrm«TT«u?pfiyiadT^^mliitriS‘u .w 41.1. - I____<*»>’• any combination of education

Mondav-from-tho-bonds-Blll-aiid experience equivalent to

coatu Broiuation from high adioolcosts, faster payment , of high school.and a new elSmen-- ' ' '

In testimony readied for tho ^n a to Commerce Committee.

I f i e lawyers, t h i^ u ^ ' their

professional organizations, op- -posed a bill by Sen, Philip A.

f a u i r T . 1;;? high school and a new elimen- Sild two years of "sales ornatow lde n ,. fault ‘“ ' ^ v S w u t y V C a n c e clerical «perlence._ AppUcants

--■ M -r — .....— --------- relief of comtxongeatiuii. — .... '

See And Ride The 1971

Suxuki TC-90R BlazerW ilh T h n e Better Features:


O DoubU Cradle Tube _&am#/Skip-Rlafe-


® High Clearance Fenders

o 18" Knobby TIrei

9 Posiilye-Adlng Brakes

• o -Power Tuned Exhaust

O 11 H.P. High Perform- pnce^Engine™


M i l t G M m l M H098 SPEEDS; 1 I3L,


t T|m M N « w i/ T w ln Falls* Idaho Th u rtd a y . A^av 6. 1971

In v e s tin g ru le $ ske dVeteran aid bill offered

BOISE (UPI) — State Treas- law, they must be disbursed,urer MariQrie Ruth Moon has During the interim the treasurerasked the attorney genera! Investsthe.en/3owment earnings

whether she or the Endow- and the Intbrest goes to the gen-ment Fund Investment Board erdlTundl ' , 'has the constitutional respcmsl- “ Itie board contends the In-biUty for inyestlng endowment come should go to tho ^dow-

■ fund earnings. ment and not tho general fund/’______ At-Uie Mian Mnffn MpKlrinwney sa n.__________

asked n^iether endowment funds . He 6fiid tho board rccognlzos~are ’’public funds" within the that an immediate change could *

— meaning o fa state law limiting.- work.ahardshlp.on. somethe maturity on time c ^ f l- agendes if It were tried at acatotfto’ HThtnlmunrof'M'days; timtrwheirgeneraHtmd budgets-

Miss Moofl 'raised the ques* already had been set because It_ ___ tlon^afteracomerence^^aot- would deplete general fund rev'

' . < ing State Finance Commission- Tom McEl(iowney, a -deputy With th4t In ^nlnd, he said, ho9tloniey‘general and^ther of- has been working through the.facials. budget office so It will not have

McEldowney said the invest- an adverse effect on y bo dy ."ment boprd wants to set up a "We’re trying to s ^ this, uplong-range program whereby It so we can change over a year^ Invest e a i^ g s ,o f the en- from now," he said, adding hedbwment funds until they are to was working with the Educationbe disbursed to tho schools or Deprtment to determine the

' inistltutlons for which they are best time for disbursonen^.earmarked. " If we only disburse U to the

:....EQidowment fuhdS earnings at^'publlc schools once a-year-we-present are placed in the gen- could increase their income con-eral fund and.held by tho treas- servatively |20,000 per year,"urer until the time'When. by McEldowney said.

Miss Moon said she felt the^itro general investment duties of **pnrpose Is quite laudable — ihe state treasurer. > they want more Interest for tho If it -falls wlthlp the duties of

endowment funds.", the Investment board, she said,- “ Butto-do^t-^heyrwould-be "She also wants to know wlieUwr taking interest away from the that law giving the board that general fund," Miss Moon said, authority Is in conflict with the

She also contended that in- constitutional duties of the st^te vestment‘of .the income from treasurer. ’Uie endoi^ents,. now'pUl Ifito • In asking abounnvestinent. of the goteral fund, was a constl— endowment funds b time cer- tuUonal duty of the tr6asurer^ tlficates Miss Moon s^d she

"and Cannot be usurped by the a practice of -invc5tment-l)o&rd>-~.-.Mi>-.--.— the boQrd fomff fup'^*

In Q letter to 'Attornoy Gen- intoSO-daycertiflcateswhenthey eral-W.-Anthony -Park,-Miss can draw more that w aythan" Moon asked whether ‘‘all bi- thrbuglimDinercial paper.

- come for'any fund in the state ■ Other funds of the state she treasury ipust be deposited to said nriay not be invested in any the treasury immediately upon time certificates with les9 than receipt, or whether It may bo 60 days niaturity. held and reinvested by tho do- McEldowney said he feelsthe partment or board involved and board can Invest In 3(Way cer- only deposited in the treasury .tlficates because "they a^e not once or twice a year at somo public funds." He said public specified period." . funds as those arising from tax-

S ip also asked whether the ation. > . . ..Investment of endowment fund Tho endownicnt. funds don’t

-lnterest-faUs-withln-thc-dutica_lcvy-any-taxes,-he-sald._______of the investment. t>0Brd as . ,

spellcd.out In the code or who- t h b r e »s a r e a l b u y for you in ‘ ther that Investment Is part of bd»v‘» w « n t a<ji.

" It has been brought to our which do not* consist solely of attention that veterans fltudylrig weekeniQ and holidays. Hence, under the Q I Bill are subject to; VeteraiTBt a ir t iu t l^ o ir fo r r

WASHINGTON ^ A bill to provide^ ihore ' .equitabletreatment foTTeterans enrolled . , _ __________________________In vocational,education courses' being counted absent fi'om their tw6-week vactition period Iswas introduced Wednesday by courus on some days when the allowed at Christmas time maySen. Len B. Jordan and Sen. School Is not In session," jQrdM ; be given unexcused absences

..F ta jltL ^urch^____ ________________________________ . . u p to 'lQ_daya_for,i ’. 1 Tne present law provides that vacation," Jordan said;

1 1¥ 1 m u m T P- n vocaUonal students may have “The bill which Sen. Qiiirch A 1 1 I 1 I I U 1 1 1 ^ C : U 3Q j j j y g Q j eicused absen<ie and I are introducing today is

K N n Y v n i ir T « n n n iP i i— during a l^month period, pot designed to correct these

T e n n e y reported Tuesdaylays

tliBv havrf in immii- or siato laws; If the student Is their country just as weU as

nlrtog V hamsters' and mice those enrolled in academic• • • * - he does_,not receive com^gpurses. and_ Bhould_UQt_b^ "

perisalion-during-the excess objected to this'unfair treat-"'

period;'.--- --................— ment--a8~th«y—pursue -their''The difficulty is that most .educational goals," he added,

schools have vacation periods, ' . . .

by feder^ yocatlonai courses have served^., student Is their countrv iust as well M- -

and mice -forms, ofagainst several

cancer.“ Dr. •Jose^A-H.-Cogginrthe- head of the team of researchers

presented their findings to the American Society for Microbiology, said they worked on the theory that cancer cells are forms , of adult cells reverting partially to the fetal. stage.

P A IO TI]\G Sfrom»5’®

Buy A G ift For M ofher's Day



HMUSKAtGReeERIESTh is w e e k 'l l N A T IO N A L M U S IC W E E K w ith a h a p p y th em e ''J o y of Service Th ro u g h M u sic" a n d S w en sen 's M a g ic M arkets are dellgh te a to celebrate m usic's a n n ive rsa ry w ith som e m o n e y ta v la g prices th a t w il l m a k e yo u w a n t to sing w h e th e r yo u like music or not, •• 'No one kn ow s just exa ctly h o w b id m usic Is: som e sa y m usic b e g a n w ith B eethoven, but others say m usic b e g a n even before th a t. Som e authorities belie ve in a m usical theory of evolution a rid th a t m u tic b e g a n in C entra l Africa - eve n before B eethoven.

........................... i p l ' * ' A- ' •

O th e r people believe the A n g e ls h a ve been e n jo y in g m usic for m illions of years even before Africa w a s In ven ted or Beethoven w a s b orn . Th ere a re people to d a y w h o listen to th e radio a lot w h o s w e a r that m usic is extinct. S W E N S E N 'S M A G IC M A R K E TS A F ­FIRM: M U S IC IS N O T D E A D — . For Proof T h a t Q o o d M usic Still A b o u nd s, S w en sen 's M agic M a rke ts Invite Y o u to A tte n d A n y of the Fine M usical Productions D u ring N a ­tional M usic W eek.

ki \ ii. t

_ M A Y 6th15th A n n u a l

S y m p h o n y B an d


C.S.I. Audit. 8:00 p.m .


C.S.I. Audit. 7:3 0 p.m .


OF CHOIRSHigh School Gym

7:30 p . m .


l.D.S. Tobernadeon M aurice St. Nor^h

8:00 p.m .



MARGARINE MINUETT a s t e w i i r " ^

1 lb. packages .

RADISH RHAPSODYaccompanied by






rHAT S A L0 T:< OFGRUB<^ .

. . . . comment .uitored by Dobbio

1^300,00 first p n z o ’ A YFAP*;

s u p p l V o f g r o c e r i e s in .h i ■ G R EA T GR O C ER Y G l ? l W a Y


Mi'RE W E l^ '‘=ToTG'|"TiR

TrniSAi O f ADDI-r-^pw a?>P/!v°'5P‘ ERIES being

d u r i n g A S S O -


W e tte rn Fa m ily 303



DINNERSChlckan, Chop B«*f, Tqrksy Salisbury, M«at

Loaf, Haddock Italian SlyU, M ti^can, B««f Enchilada, Chlck«n Chow Main, B««f Chop Su«y — n to 16 ox.

eoSweet Succulent Ham for less than

the price of Ground Beef

Bannock Brand

HAMSW h b je o rH a lf . . . . . . .

.Western FamilyH m « I Q«Mllly S U («I Vaiuum Padiwl

4 9 £BACON



. Morrell ALL M EA T


Bannock Brand



Vets-------DOG FOOD

Cklckon, Rogular, Varlaty

loTi*Banquet-8 oz.

MEAT PIESBeef, Chicken, Turkey

Garden Seeds and

Seed Potatoeti available


S O U T H PARK Juil OCTOM lh «

STORE HOURSl t> .m . Id p.m. M ON. Thiu.SAT. O O S ID IV U Y SUKDAV

thur«d«y, May »,;i»7 rT lm «»-N «w . Twin FtlU, Idaho f

............ , V



1 1 O Z.





SUPPLY o rre& SEfiS£E! a — IM D W t tS S*C0ND ' “ M '" 'ilS m H r- W o w ® .

b S ! S 5 » S " »1V A L U E D A T » « . 0 0 . ,

n B S iy s sI I t ' i a o t y l o a n l a f . » ”

^ i t ' p u l h o - n a « ^ n r , y w j 1 3 I

tie one of the marvy-— IT n r K Y W I N N E R S i l '

Um «r-


25lB:ilEDR0$EFLOUR .. . . . .






24 0Z.CRISC0~OIL. . . . . . . . . 5 7 'ISOLDUNCItNIUNES




$ ^ 9 8



l lJ K M d H l W I T H ~ O t fiGROUNDBEEF Z / '


NOODLES 3 § 8 9 *




' W IN A Y E A R S S U P P L Y O P O R O C lV l lB S ‘ ]





m 5i 80*



-*-AlUs»ores-are-hom e-ow.ned_with_a_workina_kno»J^edge as to thre customers wants, needs and desiretsi

*-This means all excessive profits are passed on to- the most important person in our bpsiness,— Y O U , OUR CUSTOM EIfttn r:;

* We own bur own^Whpjesale House (Associated l^od __!^c e s ,Jn £ 4 ____— 1-------------- !____ _________ !— _ — ' ■






a A R K Ik MAIN DffClO.

-TRIELtS-t h r i f t w a y

h /m4 y , , ,r — — IDOHp J

PIK 4 PAK;M i o y n u N P ;



• M N S T M tT ,421 SOUTH U N C O M U O > H O iW O |« ST. S .,k ITC H U M j ; : JIROIM I^IOM fO. TW Iftr/U U

JA Y 'S SWENSEirS TH R im W A Y -"

M U l

10 ■nmM New«, Twin Fall«, Idaho •'niurjday, 1971

Area ProdwceYesterday’s 3 p.m. Prices ;

Awards givejti at annual

event of WendelFF

CHICAGO (UPI» • Wholiwit AilMng p rU n rtport*d by USDA:

Bullcn PrlCM.paid Oallv«r*d lo Cni c«QO » ] icor* 47.ri4[ f } uort

.. « N uora _____Bofli* Pfic*» paid a*l(var«d to C»»le<i9o

Unwtn*<i; Cffit« p«r Ooitn <M p«r ttni a,

•rl* J» J*'»J Urg* UU

, I '

WAroitCkjtnB U H L

i)«»n Crov'sra■— Ref\oe«r»nc:----- -----


B U R L 6 Y (lean C ro w w i F-e«Jer( Grain

-----------U n lo n -S c ill-


I Darley, 0 « t i Mixed Grain

_ N Q _ N Q 3.70 }.}0






N Q I 3.10 7.00

P ln > o iG r«a t Calif. Small North Pink* Kads NO


,N Q - _ . N Q 3.JS 3.SO




7.7S— BM~ 7,35 J.1S N O NQ


P A IR P le L D - Camas i ’ roirle G ra in _________

E D E N-AAaro*n.Llndtav.................. ‘

. P IL E H_ » r « n Gr*^wpf»

C h w lo r 'n .’ tlrown O. J. CtiNdi Sood.Idalto Doan A ltlu n .P M d Mill

G O O D IN G . Oankon Octan

H A rB L T O N Mean Grow ort Conlda W rhio.

JE R O M E Dean G row ofi M arihall W rhtot. MoroAn-LUuUav

.k lM e e R L V -H A N S C N Uean Grow ort M anun l^arm ort lilov.Magic Valloy (loan Co. AAofonnLlftdiav.

— »,39— NO':—NO---f^Q-

- U i.

1.39 :

I J 9


-. N O ”


:.3S ’

N O -


2.25 . .

- N Q — ^

1.39 '


■ ' N O NQ Aq

I.M NQ n o ’ , NO

1.3H N O • NQ NOV3BI.3i

7.)S J.30 3.15N O NO NO

).3B N O NO N QV3B 3.15 3.30 3.30NQ N O NQ NO1.3S N O NQ N O ,

7.35 9.35 7.35 7.75


P A U LMorgan-Llndtav'

R U P B R T Chttlor Q, nrown rioyd E. Idle W rhio.

S H O S H O N E ■ |\oAkon (loan

T W IN PALLS GJoba S««u a. f-'e«d I ktoan C row e ri Haney Sood Idalio Dean a. Clov, Intermtn Dean South Side Dean Co.T , f . Feed ft Ico

W E N D E L L -_WfQ{<i?!t-amr___ _______

J E R O M EC. J. M arUiA ll Produce

K IM B E R L Y— Uanry-VP roduco-----------------

P A U L .Magic Valloy Produce

R U P E R T Rolland Jonet Produce M av Herbold. Inc.

T W IN PALLS Carl Glib Co. li, S- Harpor


Wft ' ktrt

WENDEU. — Fred, Black- room. ' Scholarship w|nner for Goodingbum, -flon of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gwrge Ambrose was glyon' County. ,George Blackburn, ' watf the Star Farmer Award by Dick Chapter farmers Were presented a watch from the Beck who represented the recognized, Including Kent and Wondoll bnig7 tho'Dcknlb SBBd~WeiidflllrGrangirSu]^lyr-Matt—Kurt-BensoprMBlyin* Matklnr Award and the Gcrtude Bunn was voted Star Greenhand ' Rickie Adams, Pau]-Hendrix,

IVfcGlnnls Schoiarsbip and by his (eliow students. Jon Hockstra and Matt Bunn..named the outstanding senior '---Jo l^ Connor, area farmer, Debbie Bcheer, clfaiiter

toy In the WcndeUJ3iapterJDf_flnd _ ^ ClydBJ____Pctersen._BweethBart._wa8 ._prc3ented-e^y n 9.V) ■ 7.35 . 7.7 ' Future Farmers of America at businessman, were made trophy In appreciation from the

‘ ’ - Uie ahnufl'awards banqiwriif**Twnorary chaplcr members arid Cltfipter.’ , ’ • the Elementary All-purpose were presented pins by Tom Benson Served as master of

— p,so— Harr i s, _p^sldent *of__the ceremonica and, introducedchapter.' Certificate of merit speclar guests who Included

_Jawards were presented, to.Kent _ Arnold U iy iy^, chairman of tho_ Chandler, Paul iHulot,.Paul Advisory council; Supt. and Hendrix, Kent Benson,. Tom Mrs. Uwrence I^Rue,-Prln* HarrtSi Earl Jones,’—Tom clpal and Mrs.-Will SpaltUdg,'

,Harrls» , Ja t T. Roe, J im Charles Miller,, sponsor.,-Mr. , Barkley, George Ambrose, 'and Mrs. Harry Frith, advisory

Keith Connor, Fred Blackburn, council; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larry HashmAn, Melvin Ircton, sponsor of a special MalkTn, Matt Bunn.. oward; Dick Beck and Oydo

Greenhand awards were Peterson, award sponsors; Mr.■ given to Mike Barkley, Kent and Mrs. George Blackburn,

and Kurt Benson, Matt Bunn, advisory council, and Mr. and I^rry Hashman, Paul Hulet, Mrs. Earl Schrenk, honorary Melvin Matkln, Brad’Ijinf and farmer. Each menibpr In-

“ D ayc Pliant;— '— ------------troduced— himself—nnd~hls“

Pins were presented to Paul' parents. , \.Hulet, livestock farming; Kent . Invocation was given by Fred Chandler, dairy farming; and Blackburn and the opening George Ambi'ose, public ceremony was condubted by the speaking. officers. Jay T. Roe gave the

James Benson, chaplcr ad- wolcome and his father, Joe. visor, awarded perfect at- Roc, gave the response, tendance pins to Kent and Kurt There were ovoc 100 guests Benson, Tom Harris, LoRay present. Dinner, arrangements Johnson, Melvin Matkln, Grady were under the direction of Parker and Dave Pilant. D o rfithyB orn tj advisor of.

-^LeRay—^Johnsoru.___ was-Euture-,l-HQmem‘akcris-recognized as the Union Pacific Tomorrow..


NO NO 7.35 9.50 7.35 7,75

NQ - N Q - NO n o '• NQ NQ

NQ NQ 7-35 9.35 7.35 7.75

. 3.35 3.35 3.65NO NQ. NO NO

« NO NO N O NQN O NO N Q . NQNO NO NQ N Q .7.35 9.35 7.35 7.75

3.30 3.30

_ 2 J 0


L 7 i


- B E N E F IC lA L 'S r N E W E S T - O F F IC E


PHONE: 734-2750

Loans up to ^ 000Soniol»iinK nuw hns hoon nddod to tho local sc o n «l l t ‘5 n «n o fic ia rs now office rinlit lioro iti I0 w » ~ m o do fn , . conifnrtnblo, cooyoniont — Iho lalost Addition to the w orld 's lnr(20ot t;y&tvh) of nfliliatod fin.inco offices ~ ro.idy .to «iy o y o u‘s ow n kind of cash lopfi n o rv ic o — Donolicinl's (JiK O .K . sorvicol

_lQ lum 24flt<liallyJi!vilc(LlQ.t:Q/iiajn-and.ecLflCQUainled.- M o n t llin M n n n jjo r n m j hi& ^

TRAN'Sr>0UT.\T10N userb’ prohlcniB are now the con- coni. of .Anionlnii t'ccello, »ie« (llrcctor of the U’.S.T r u II K4> 0 r i u t Icui— Dopart— )nent's OfTlcc of Consumer AITnlrs. • ■

Stnff. Y o u 'll find tliA l □onoricinl iG .1 (iood noif^hbor. n (jood citjzoii, and a (jood p lflc« to Rot money!

Call u p o r c o m o in and sol nunoficiAl's f iin io ijs 'D t({ O .K . for cash. H o w m u c h c n n 'y o u USD right n o w ^ W o'rn huro tc fiorvo yo u . . . toUnyl

Bene£i<$ial-i:iNANC8 CO.OFTWIN»ALLS-----

QUOTATIONS ARE provided ns a service to both farmers and buyers. Quotations ore Kivon tho Tlmc.s-Ncws dally by euch buyer. Tlic newspaper, In addition, ro-checks each flnn twlce-wockly. Responsibility for Oio price listed is solely Uio btiyer's. NQ Indicates Ujo buyer docs not wi.q}i to quote a price.


OMAHA (UPI)-IJvestock: Hogs 6,000; ban-ows and gilts

generally steady; 1-3 195-240 lbs 17.50-18.00; U 240-260 lbs 16.75- 17.50; 2C0-290 lbs 16.25-17.23 ; 3-4 200-310 lbs 16.00'16.5d; 3KW340 lbs 15.50-16.00; sows steady. In­stances weak to.25 lower; 350- 650 lbs U.50-15.25.

Cattle 7i000, calves none; slaughter steers steady; choice and prime heifers mostly stea­dy, weak to 25 lower; cows stea­dy; higli choice and prime part load 1125 lb steers 94.00; same gr^de nOO-1275 lbs 33.50-33.75;

ChQlcfi-875-13Q0.lba.3125 -ja.24L- mixed good and choice &50'1250 lbs 31.50-32.25; good 28.0001.50; high choice and prime part load 1050 lb heifers 33.50 ; 950 - 1075

Jbs^W;75?33:35;.chQlcfi.850-vl050_ lbs 31.25-32.75; mixed good and choice eOO-1000 lbs 30.50 - 31.50; good 27.00-30.50; (^ws utility and commercial 21.00-22.50, few util­ity 22.75-23.00; canner and Gut­ter 18.00-21.00.

Sheep-500; not enough slaugh­ter lambs or ewes sold to estab- liali.aprlcc.trend______

Produce Prices> ICAI?Q H J P I I -T .PfQ.lllf ___

DENVER (UPD- Livestock: Hogs 700; barrows and gilts,

steady, l-2s 17.75-18.00; 1-316.75- 17.50; U.S. uUlltyl6.25-l!7.25;2-4 16.25-17.25. Sows steady, l-3s ot 12.75-14.50. --- --- ----

CHICAGO (U P l) — t>u«tlock:C»nl« iM i trMlno on lm »ll luppiv

tUuuliWr »!••<«. knd (ow* talrtyixtiv*. tliftily >0coupl* l0«(i» hlult t h i i f *nd MSrlb. 14 3J.3J; tIaughiM’ law loadicholct W 0f;s lb. 17.71 )).3Sl cowl ulll- Ity and conimo/clal JO 00 }].SOr law high Oratilng ulllllv }}.M OO; cannaf and Cut- far tl.M Jl.JS.

livestockJEUOMU — Fal hog« toliJ tlrong 10 SO

canlt lilgliar. lowi fully llaughlirt>ulU fully (laadyand tlrong urllh

l « il waak.Holtlain laadar »l»ar» war* «l«id y lo

waakon haavy walgKK, ttrono lo SO hlghir on light waiglili. Cnolct laadar tinari. waak lo U lowar; common tiaart, itaady lo ilronu; ctioka (aatiar l>al«art, fully iK io y ; cnoicf tiiar and haitar calvai, acllwa and ilrong wllh oood damand.

Pal bogi. I l .u U .U ; vow» 9.0).)] 00. commarcTal and uflUly ballari. }).00 It.OO. commarclaleoMt, 3I.OO'}).Mi utility cow».

-J0.60.3».Wi eannaf and eullaf'towt, W 00 MOOj Vloltl-ln la«<tar »i*ar> JP OOX OO; lluhl «U a n . }«.00 It OOl-<hoUi laadar »!♦•/» lOOO JJ.OOi (o.«nion ilaart «0 0 31.00; cholca halfari. J9.M.1I.0O; commsn halfari. n oo » . 0O/ ctioica tiaar c«lv«i, sr.00 4S.00.' common'itaar calvai. 00 MOO; ctMic* liallar calvat, 33 00 37 00. tohimon liair*r«, W 00 3J.OO.


$ lU. t>rocailad loaf i O ' i i ^ i i . - n . muanilar <h»d-

u«r ilngit daldat iS< i lt : lonof^rni iV ',. 4 «rw It) block! «0'< U ; iw u t (wliaal*) too Uw loraporl, lblo<kiM 100 lb. I gr«da A U ' > ?4’ I. grad* D U 'l 7 ]'^; orada C i) 'l l7 > i

•pan til«h taw I t M l ailal Llva Cattli

Jun- • i j fj j ; j } » i j t7 31 *7 3S7 *ug J1 JM S 3VI7 31.U }l M MIoci . 30 n v ) } i u i ; 30 ir } i0«C j v n H V U t l ■>913 10

Frtian Perk Balllal May » 60 i t }1 W }1 U )f >0 ^11'Jiy }».io .11 } i v o j » . i ] « uAug j j 10 ,3$ Ji V J117 3i4S 4S0

t'Olaln*i Toiai thIpmanU arrlVali 34; irack i ; . tuppllai light. Uamand markai l>rm.

Track taiat 1100‘i U S. lA I; IdaHp rut lal * 11 4 Ji. M(m..u>la Norih Dakota rad rivar v*May rouad r»<li I 3S I 7)

Onlani Total tlilpm*nlt U ; arrlvalt 13; irittri*;~ibp.)llat oood,'"«»nfina"u<»fl^ market ttaady to tlfongar.

Track talat Taxat yailow u'*noi I I I ; yallow vrana> lumbot 1 7). mtilluni and praAckt I.Hl.VO. wlillai no tllat r» porlad,

IJnole'iffn is mnd^^roin^ c and linseed oil. '

Now !--------



I I I O h ^ - W a y ^


[ O N E w n r ) ^

Tatte Iho l b «a lt the e th«ri coldt


Bottled by , P flp il’Colo ' BoHlino Compat>y of Tyrln FdIU under oppolntmanl

-jfopi Poptico, loc^ ......

I'.' - •.


adoptedYouth canh seek o f f ice

ByLEETTREMAINE —ltroe«-News-Writ«r— —

TWIN FALLS - The three-yonr-old Ml ^ _____market may lii J wpardyr^nd many Itldho potato growers

__ faco heavy losses from anjqjparcnt attempt to manipulate— the market, according to In-

-formod'BOurcear----------- • -

’llio reports have brought a promise of federal action and a - request by Gov. Cecil D. Andrus to postpone delivery of May contracts, due ,May/ 31, until June 15. Gov. Andrus forwarded a request to the Chicago Mer- cahtllc Exchange on Wed' .

nesday. requesting lm>___Immediate action. Idaho potato

futures are traded on the Chicago Exchange. .

Idaho Sen. Lcn B. Jordan and Hep. Orval Hansen, contacted by concerned growers and shippers in Idaho, contacted the ruling Commodities Exchango AuUiority,''an arm of the U. S. Depftrt'mcnt of Agriculture, for

action.Tito nuUiorlty hos pledged to

. keep n ,"close eye on the May* — -— futures--- tradlnRT^^— ^the—

Congressmen said.Hie futures market gives the

potato grower a . chance to "h^dge" by contracting to sell a given amount of potatoes for a

. ■Ic-price-at-a-futUrfl-date.— u lould the irlce drop, the

hedger stands to gain, as the contracted price will guarantee

: him’a'profit. Howevw*,-should---the pricfi Increase, th'e farmer clan stUI seU his potatoes at tho~/ ~ original price if he can deliver

•them' to' the marketplace s.s called for in his contract.

Informed . sources say the— market In In Jeopardy .becauso of a reported “power play" Iti - which certain buyers have contracted for delivery of more potatoes in the May lO-ai period

_than . can be physically dcllvel-od'by sellers.

In the event the channels of delivery are choked by mor6

potatoes than can bo processed « and delivered, the person selling the potatoes can bo forced tA make very expensive settlements in lieu of delivery.

Should such a situation develop, as some, fear, the Idaho potato hitures market could bo damaged as a usable tool for


vestlgation by the USDA follow­ing reports that the "powei- play" was (teveloplng...

---He-'told -members—of "the ,Oongreasional delegation and

, Go\ Cecil Andrus that there is "strong evidence of market ■ manipulation;"-'—-----------

He urged an investlgatloh of trading practices to determine if there N ^e current violations of USDA trading regulations affect% speculation,,-

The USDA limits a speculator to 150 cars in market trading, whereas a person wlu) either, grows or buvs for use has no . .such carlot limitation. ~PoHowing*High^ T c q u c s t i — Son. Jordan and llcp. Hansen said In a Joint'statement, that they had been'ossured that the

. USDA would investigate the Idaho futures situiition to "keep a close eye on the May futures market durbig'the last contract week of May," which ends oh

. Monday.Sen. High said ." I am con­

cerned that the Idalio futures^ market, tnust operate Idgolly

danger rather than a help to Idaho farmers and processors.

"If It cannot be properly— controlled/Lha-sald^JJI. would . - • favor elimination of the Idaho

potato futures market."

Andrus,.who said he was try-- - Ing to-lmprove th0.p0 tat0-m0r-._ . ket, for Idaho producers, said

the two-week extension will per- mlt them to sort, load and deli­

ver spuds at today's favorable ‘ price.

That way, he said,,they will’ not become "victims of the po­tato futures speculators who attempt to control the potato market in the Unlted’Statcs."

Artdrus' wire to President ............ »'0^ th« '^

HANSEN - Tbs' Hansoli

E r S £ i P ' ‘■ • w . . . . . .

the bidget breakdown Ul

“ A d m ln W lv a w sts ;» lB iO T rInstructional costs, »135,B73; removed (romtra n ip o r ta t lo iT ,. $11,300 th iie said.

y . . . • .♦ ^ d been nominated for the post Barnard said the fact that.

by, students. Gunter wears lonu hair was'not

related to the Rchool's aotion.'student's good grades, he had The elections will, be heldbeen prevented fi*om seeking Friday.

operation of plant costs, |H,720; maintenance, 111,340; fixed charges, |7,700; food seryjce costa, i l v ^ ; *,t:apltal outiai' expeses, 14,175, and secondarytultlon,-»l,OW.------

Supt. Barnard said although , the budget is up nearly eight per cent, the m ill levy has been decreased from 37.68 to 35.S mills.

3 youths

Sen. Richard S. Hi«h, R - Twin Falls, requested ^ e in-

undcr estibllsliM rules and” regulations. Otherwise it Is o

tilo Exchange said he was en­couraged l y the current price of $5.55 per sack.

"The Idaho potato farmer has a bumper crop of these fine Idaho potatoes," he said.

. In asking for the extension he said that "a favorable decision on your part would greatly help tlio depressed farm economy in our state and give millions of

_ American s , . t ho.....fldUltionaU— '•chance to enjoy our great pro­


Trail group

joins councilTWIN FALLS - Members of

the Ma^ic Valley IVall Machine Association v o t^ unanimously Wednesday night to Join tlie Idaho Public Land Resource Council, Inc.

The council was formed about a month ago in Gooding and included on the board are members from all facets of land users in the state.

Rep. Vernon Ravenscrbft^ park In the Sawtooths; Tuttle, one of the organizers of the council, was at the trail machine assocl^Uon’s meeting

- In Twin FalU Wednesday to taUc

Victor Dcahl, newly elected president of. the association, said the land council's ob- .. Jectlves regarding multiple use of public lands are In line with the feeling of his group. He said that the two groups can work together to promote multiple use of Idaho’s public lands. The trail machine association op­poses creation of a national

lYie land resource council was set up to promote the general welfare and property of the

about the councU and to accept . . membeni and aU puUlc land the assoclaUon's memberahlp u «r« ta the slate; to promote

charged in caseJEROME — Three Jerome

youths, ranging in ago from 13 to 15 years, have been petitioned Into Magistrate Court here upder the youth

iiii-rehabllltatlon'Bct-as'Bresultof-' ' an Investigation Into a series of

break-ins and burglaries which officers say extend over several .rponths.time

B la in eCamaNCassia

E ln o reGooding


Minidoka Twin Falls

i-M agieValley

Thursday, AAay 6, 1971

g w e n —

P a u l G O u n i & i lThe th^ee were arrested after officers set up a stake-out at a bam located on West F. Street.Officers said the three arrived PAUL — Dale Mltton proved a.moUon-that if the cityat the bam with a golf cart, presented his plans for his latest was going to annex block onewhich had been report^ stolen, subdivision, Lucille's First 'into the city, all roads wouldand were attempting to get it Addition, at the Paul Qty have to-be curbed and guttered,

through a narrow door when Council meeting Wednesdayarrest^. evening. , ,

U o t from- numerous He told the council he wanted

burglaries including several ^ know exacUy what the cityhomes and one school has been would require of him b thisrecovered, officers said. subdivision and if It would

It also agreed the city would cut the alley ways and gravel

them;City attorney Larry Duff was

then authorized to work up an igreement with Mltton to

Police Chief C.H. Puntney annex one block of it Into the , enable him to proceed on ^ s

said petlUons will probably bo city at this time, filed In the near (uture naming ' ThUsecUonolthesubdlvljlon

several other young people In the area.




Is bordered bn the north by Idaho Street and by North Fifth Street on the west side. There are 12 lots In thb section and 20

In the part that will be developed in the future.

M it t^ told the counclUnen he wanted to know exactly what was >T*q\dred of Kim on the streets...He said he was prepa id to cut the streets and Install the sewer and water lines. '

" I feel 1 shouldn't have to

JEROME — Petition^ for a curb and gutter the existing Baccalaureate services are vote to establish a Regional roads bordering the property,"

planned for 2:te p jn . May 23 in Airport Authority in eight hessald.. - ____________ _Burley High School Gym- Magic Valley counties are now The council, however, didn't

one user group against another School. Wayne Blauer has been naslum. Featured speaker wlU being distributed \n Jerome, quite agree with him. It ap- bi manipulating public lands, named the class salutatorlan. ' be Dr. Floyd Peterson, dum ber of commerce officials

and to refrain from p a r t is ^ - Miss Searleislhe daughter of University oMdaho, Moscow, d isc li^ .to d ay , ' politics, but to support Of cir- M r..and Mrs. Orval Searle, Commencement exercises The petitions represent the

• -cuUte the views of any elected Burley, and Blauer Is the son of will be at 8 p.m. May 26 in the first official step toward con-

- Area Hquor or appointed representative mt. and Mrs. Harold W. Blauer, Burley High School Gynl- struction of an 18-milllon

State liquor law changes reviewed

broad-based support for multiple use as opposed to specif or single use; to Inform the people of the state and the nation of the ulUmate value of public use; to resist attempts by govenunent agencies to play

Burley high’s top

scholars selected

circulated on airport

BURLEV-Peggy Searlo has been named valedictorian of the senior class of the Burley High

subdivision.If this agreement is fulfilled

by Mltton, his'property wlU be annexted at a later date.

In other business the council: ■ —Authoriied Floyd Clark,

maintenance supervisor, to get quotes of costs for laying sewer

and water pipelines the city plans to In s t^ . '

—Agreed to estabUsh- a ’ hookup fee for Irrigation water

lines." —Authorized the city to purchase a transit if the pur­chase price is under $100.

—Sold an old truck that would no longer work for Ctt.

-Accepted the addit of the city as presented by Helen Cannon, Twin Falls.




retailers and Jeromo Police whose actions are consistent 'O ilef C.H. Puntney met-Wed- with the goals of the council, nesday night in Jerome with Ed 'Robinson, 'liquor law - en ­forcement officer. Department of LowTlnforcement, to rb^ew changesiirstate'liquor laws:^^"^“ Robinson'told'the' group thtf law which becomes effective May 19, allows the sale of liquor by the drink during con

Burley. naslum.

namedRUPERT - Steve Balch has

been named valedictorian of the Minlco High School Senior Class and Sharon Phillips has been named salutatorlan.

Ventions, receptions and similar large gatherings. This will ndt require any major change in tills area, he said but added officers and retailers should be aware of all provisions of the new regulations.

Richfield*" i r •

Shoshone buys

Cassia clean-up

' plans discussedI. i

new car

Pelley• SflOSHONE - A new police

car is being purchased by the city of Shoshone. • '

At the -Tuesday night city council meeting, the bid of

, Ilarbaugh' Motor was acceptedRICHFIELD— Albert Pelley for the purchase In tlie amount

He also noted the law now. has been re-elected president of ^ |i,905, Otlier bids were makes it permissible for . the Richfield Uons Qub. New received from Bob Reese and

-Balch-is the son of Mr?-and-™V®**^[*»« of age and-offioers were named during the Ijjo Rice Motor Co— — —Mrs. Robert L. Balch, Rupert, older to provide entertainment club's Tuesday meeting. Burrell W illiams, Lincoln

• ‘ • -........................ In an establishment whereand ^ i s s Ph illips ' Is ' the daughnr of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phillips, Rupert.

Baccalauroate services will bo'May 23 In Minico High School gym. Guest, speoker will bo

Leigh Ingersoll, former prix- ■ “ClpaloftheMirtlcolllgh'School.

Ingersoll Is presently counselor at East Minlco Junior High School.

Commenpement. oxerclses will bo May 24 in the school gymnasium.

Child hurt

regional airport in Jerome County near the Snake River Canyon and Interstate 80.

Petitions were given mem-

B l ^ y - F indWednesday In Jeromo. Oiuck Uio Cassia County clean up ^Won area will be taken to theHossman, second vice president project were discussed TuesJay ^ g e gravel^t new Maltj. AUof the South I d ^ Chamber of In a meeting at the courthouse, other a re ^ will bring their carC^ommercfl. presented the Tlie J o ^ y Horizon Cassia bodies to Burley. A company

peUtloiu; He la id live per-cent Ooimty.cleanup project wUl--------------------- of the feelstered votiin In each under way a t «;30 a.m . Jwilea, so tKey wttHw lM iJeaTr

and Wilson Churchman will nartidnatinfl county in Mafic Saturday in all parts of the [he lot on the southwest side ofselect a director for the Little valley must be obtained on the county. the city of Burley's landflU. .

^ a g u e ^program. ,»?.yor T l « project, 1. b e N dlrect«i

M r i T H d c l ' b . ' ^ " ^ B i S S f l i la l . county ^ £ L t S S S c ^ d w a r i

'” l i S ? S 1 . 3 d l ' “t i n c l a l . “ ™ ^ ‘‘>"“ ‘ W ( l c o ^ o r k . r . „ e < , J ^ . n t

responsibility for the r e g l ( ^ Lewis Martindale, BLM .airporthasbeencalculatedona director for the Project.basis of percentage of ttaninded area coordinators a i J !population and proximity to the list of the number of w orkm In

’ Councilnien Paiil J a ^ b s ^

Elwood R. Werry said. As recreational committeemen, they will also select a.chalrman for the summer swimming program.

' Police Chief Jerry OonUln re-

llquor Is sold.


gets jury

--------- ^ ---- uuttu ii ported the past month's ac- popuiauon anu urmuiiuiy ui uk> ustui uw iiiuuuo-ui wv«m <bu (other officers elected were County coimnissioner, met with tiviUes and a toUl of 1112.50 was git«. CounUes would each area U needed so the food « up we county.

Melvin Pope, first vice. ,the council to discuss the received from the Magistrate ^ cent details can be completed. Hotpresident; U'le Piper, second problems at the sanitary land- Court of C. M. Wilson as the Jerome County; B per cent, dogs, pop and potato chips willviee president; Charles Butt- m i . operated jointly by the ----* .............— .... ........................ r ' r »r . ..

cane, secretary; Carl Paulson, county and city. NoUce was

t r e w ^ r ; John l ^ o n , sight ^ d o Umt the garbage and Police OUef CbnUln report^ Goodingi’ 2 per ^ t . 'L in c o ln ; Each coordinator will be -and civic committee chairman, (rash dumped there is covered a bike safety school wUI be hold 15.5 j>er cent. Minidoka, and 45 Mapbrislble for drinking water K f i H f ! h 4 > t t d > T■and Norman" 'Albrethsonr nn/wi «Drtr*^mAV~htit-thmi(Th~at Lincoln school within the next per cent, T ^ Palls. ■ 1- ui_

two weeks.

L^uri Of L. M. Wilson as ine Jerome County; 6 per cent, dogs, pop and potato chips will _ •city a share_ot tines Md, costa j r cent. Camas; H.6 be aent to each area (or the. n i i1 e >

(“ f <:«"*• ® !>«'■ u l u e

. pi:ocedure

[ FALLS - One minor Injury was reported In an in-

- tersekion collision Wednesday afternoon In Twin FalUi.

Q ty police said a car driven by Alice May Hlne, &0, Twin Falls, and one driven by Steven Glenn' Davli, .14, Twin Falls,

-collided—at—^ s h o n e —Street- . West and Fifth Avenue West.

-Police , la id Davis was traveling east on Fifth and Mrs. Hine was traveling south on Shoshone Street when the ac­cident occurred about 3 p.m.

O fficers' said . Davis was

^nd~ N orm an '~ 'A lbrB thBon, -Qnce eacirtreckrbut'thoughchairman of the tree 'and there is improvement from thecom m un ity beau tific a tion former meU»od, prior .to. the

projects. I UndnU, there Is a problem of

JEROME - Mrs. Ella Me- b low ln/^aw ay w hen^T dnJVey, Jerome County Clerk, dumped and also a problemannounced today , she has getting the general public to use

received an orde^ fron, the “ " S of « « landflU »rea.Idahq Supremo Court amending Suggestion was made by thepro(3duresofJury.elecUonM t^e public put their

& L “. 2 a a 5 r i s S s T S Swould meet all requirements, H W ^ y M to be given by Mck

iitA wansom. material such as papers, blow

aWay and are causing trouble

In his area.

The orders received y e s te i^ state the list of register^ voters-must-be-supplemented by driver's license holders over voting age, and .public utility customers.

Therefore, 1 . said, no one wlU be relieWd of the op­portunity .to serve as a Juror. ________

Mrs. McVey said once the lists , Falls club, charged with f^ u re to yield the are p re p a ^- th e y will be UttlaHLeague.r i ^ t of way. subroltted to the Juror Own- A work day 00 communi,ty Th® iiummer recreation

IVad Hine, S, Twin Falls, a mission who will review the Usta tree project Egs_set for Moo^ ^n^a i] iild include softball passengertn the Hine vehicle, and names of qualified Jurors day. The 441 clubs also wOl. & g irU 'U leaders cotlld be

received minor.Mutkabul.WBft-wlUJwi)lBcedJpjLjuiyj«hMLto..flol««, ...^ lty ,..„ tru ta .- o b ts l^ ;~ tl^ .~ a ty- o£ac ia lsnot admitted to the ho^lt^. be drAwn as neeided. bairels It that time. noted.

~“ I ^ e 'Piper” was named to this legislators concerning Williams said he and Garyplacement of road signs at the Klnghom wU be in charge of the

Ice caves and in Shoshone. , Pony Xeagde7recreBtlgnBl~It was noted the Boise Lions program this summer. Vem

hfid stolen the Richfield club Johnson will have th^ Legidngavel and had ^ven It to the team tojUrect and directors and

. ~' coadiM m needitd (or the

BURLEV - Rex Stanley, Burley' city councilman who,■was-mjured-in-e-metweycle---

accident March 12 which claimed the life of Dennis Jackson, is'now. home.

Stanley was hospitldizad in Twin Falls for about' a month before being transferred to

Memorial .Hospital. He ; wan released from Caisi# ; , Memorial Hospital Wednesday. : , :

He is however, stiU confined • to bed at home, doctors said.

Richfield 7

tutor quitsRICHFIELD - H w :

mlgn«tlon of RldiBaUI Hl(h i mitli and cfaonlitry:

tn d M r ,0 v y K li> k r ,h u ta i« i '! '

raportod by Supt. An:')’' drtiam.




1? Tln|iei.New». Tw in F a lU , Idaho T h u r ^ a y . d, 1971


is su er

aired-BURHEY - ' Tng—DUrley

—ToBstmistreasGlub^ondue^... _'Sympoflium—on_the_pchool,

situation in Casslt^ County Tuesday during Its meeting at Unity IJght and Power'Coo;

. fcrence room. ___ ________Pane! n\cmbcra were W a .

. Dlalnc Jensen, who was assigned the topic (wo high

. B ch (^ in (he county; T. Wayne

..Woodland spoke on mnlntalnihg the schools ns they arc with Improvements as her.assigned topic, and Mrs^ Wallace Sharpies, decons^^lidatlon of th^.

.district as her topic. Mrs. Ilarlow Cheney was moderator.

Mrs. Jack Box was table topic chlerman, using a subject of psychiatry. Mrs.- Manning was la'^TinbpTc winner.

Mrs. Wattor Povlsen,, repor(ed slate of officers for the

nominating committee and officers will bo elected May 25 during regular meeting and Installed in Juno.. Mrs. Manning remiii^ded members of the Council Seven Toastmlslress meeting May 22

'■which will be hosted by the Burley Club. Mrs. Box was

—appolnted-cbalrman- of-the arrangements.

The Burley Toastmlstress d ub will meet with thd Mlnlco

Toastmlstress Club at-g p.m.


"V *'’ • P ' " ! r*m»lndBr of y# ir. ceih oN0TIC6 OF PUBLIC HtfARINO -- - — . .........—• — rvmainasr ni y»«r. v«iN O T IC E . IS O iV B M by» Ih# C lly «>» b u ,| n „ , m |*. balanc* In foflv UO)

Coonell o M h # c riv of Twih Fall*, »a id within lour monlhi i n i t d l lm U i al t U pircehl• • • ..k.11. .j.l*. 1. . AflM* tk* Itv** !•» -ivxr. ..

day of courtroom, of ttia . abova • •qtllltdannual Court, at tt>« Tw in F a lli County

w v w , . ^ . . -- . ................... ......... .........- ,n.i.iim*ni. «I •.» (/•■‘■V" J«dlcl»l BOIIdlno. Twin Fa lli;T w inIdaho, lhat a public tiaaring Will ba tfi« iir it publication of . Falla County. Idaho, hava batnh tid btforaia id Councll at I i0 0 p .m . , , each biddtr liraqulrad to maKa a a<>polntad by tha ahowa .antltladon Jone„-7. IW1. In lh a , Council . PATED; TKJi 4lh day-of AAay. btpcmi with tha *alllno »Ol»nt ln*the court a t ttia t im * ’ and ptact ofQ tam bari of tha City f^all, M l . i»7l. - • ' amouni of 10 per cent of the ap- haarlng said patlHon. wftan andSacond Avanoa Ea*t, Twin Fa|l», BARBAR^A C. HOVT . _ oralMd viituaorthB land at or bafora whera any parAn Inlaratlad mayIdaho, to con ildarlha application of ^ MAROARBT ANN'-thvow^ f lr in jld , a i a appaar and*contait th a .ta m a andAudray .Walton, to ram na fromRaildantlai Low O aniity Zona fo ■ ......................... ............................... ......Raiidantlai AA^ium D » n » l t y _ ^ . a _ _ , , , , J - Cawanaoh, d«caa»ed.. pTn »"T«H O W IH 0 ^ilW lB a d proparly I Qf.iald land »ccordlno.'to tha larm* w n .

^ ____________ __ u id a rw tilch It H o tfa rad l f t W « d - ■«. E V E L Y N M . H IN T 2 B^ tract of land commineing at a u o T ir R n P a p p l i ^ a t ih m ’ vartlMmanl for ta la by lha State of Deputy Clerk

point *1006 leaf Eatf of tha Northwatt FOR WATER PERM IT ‘ ldifK).'"Should the iucca»»fui bidder AAAY, AAAV, BENNETT B, SUD'

0°: a ‘ K : ? . ' ' p " r a I « . ' ^ t ; ; . " . n d T , ' 7 h ' 2 m j . m a v ........

guarvtteelhat If ha i» tha luccetsfui m ow cau»e, if any ha h a i, why »ald bidder he will execute with the Stale petition thould not be granfed.

................................ia_L_DAT-ED-1hU -3ah-dny-of-A4wII, - --

fin AVrli \9ii. aV. medlatelv declared forfelfed to the R«<dlng at Twin. Fall*., Idaho•picnfe?nqori77TTrrdrni‘ p l r f f n T T r " ^ » ’D riO B norw m ^ lunnerTic-approDdate O.TS cubic feat per ' ‘O" o” P“''* 'be State, a i PUBLISHf May i, 13, » , >v;t

• - r . . ""■■'■'• ed damaoe* tor «ueh faliura•iplele the *at». tiepotlli of untuccetsful bid-

WE. D.M., Twin Fail* County, to r*»urnod on day of for a publlj: road. •«. WE. D.M., Twin F< '

„^r'^.”h r d ' " . n r s . ' r , SD A T E D th li, l- dd »V o f AAay,.->971. S.M

If . Issued, Ihls permlf will be

I ) lo Nov. 1 forihe i acre* within Ihe

lOS, P. WE,

L atiaa 't Imprbvement*. If any, 1 I ^a ld W-<«r full on day of »*!••


tnjhe Matter of the Application of ^ O R d G O R V JA M ES L E G , For


JOHN CLARK and Ray Grlffen, from left, both Mlnico High ' School studenU, hold wrlstwatchea they won for their Joint In- diUtrlal arts project at the Second Annual Induatrial Arts E ihlblt at Nampa. The two designed and constructed a house.

All mineral r ig h ti. Including land. gravel and pumice are reserved lo

. II .... . n . lasueui u ii» u n in ii win uo - tbe Safe of IddhO'i.*• F R A N K H, P B L O T M A N »l>bleci to all orlor water r io h li. AJl *ale» kre rhade *i)0|ect lo any of Name.

Cjfy o ( Prole tti aoalnit the arantlnu o fihe valid Inferferlno right* which mayTwin F a ili, Idaho M rm it m utt he fllad with tha tddho ^ave exitled prior lo date of tale A petition by G re g oryJa m e a Lea,

P U B L IS H ! AAay 4, >3 and 30, i v n . D e partm ent of W ater A d -' M cepl fhoie for wMch allowance I* . born June 3«, 1933,- J f ElKhorn,— — --------------- ---------------------------;---------------------- m ln lU ffctln n StatehouKB ttolte. made herewllh. • Wl\con*ln, rojw r*»ldlng at Tw in '

O R D IN A N C E N O . isor Idaho? 63707 on or before M ay 34, B Y O R D E R O F T H E S TA T E Falit, Idaho, propotlng a change InA N O R D IN A N C E. O F T H E C IT Y or before M ay 34, o o A R O O F L A N D C O M . nama to Gregory Jama* HlrteT hat

O F T W IN P A L L S , ID A H O , p k E lY H H IG G IN S O N M iS S IO N E R . ' been tiled in Ihe above entitledH O Z O N IN G LOVS 1 A N D .3 , O F F ' B lV « lo r * G C. T R O M B L E V Court, the r .a io n for the Change inr A M V ^ r ^ l i ' i i w . Publlihed In Ifio T im b i Newi, Commlisloner nam^a being that he ha* been twown l-A L L S C O U N T Y , IP A H O ., -tw in Fall*, Idahoron M a y 4 and P U B L l^ h ; M ay 4, n , M «, 37, 1971,• 'b y tbenam eof Gregory Jama* HIrle

AAav 13: 1971, among h it friend* and acqualn-’ lancettince Ih a m a lorlty ot h itwhereat application Kavlnu been

made, to reipne from ComfnerclaU STATE LAND SALE NOTICB OF PUBLIC HEARINO reci^d* and paper* are In the naJne.................................... ................ ...................................- ■ Ja m e t H I r le ; ta ld

a I M I c u M n w 3M t.B n u i i b B v»" r u p i . i w -----NOTICE IS H EREOV GIVEN NOTICE IS GIVEN by the Zoning

to enter the Armed~---- •

Minico students get 5

awards at Nampa show

InstructorRUPERT — Sfudents from turning and ono first place In Clhrk and Fred Surr.

Mlnlco High School have open class and a fifth place-In WillJam ^ny ton ,relumed wlth fivo‘prlzcs"ftT)m master,products. * ’ an'd^advlwr of’the class, also

. Students who attended and attended the exhibit,paid their own expenses for the John Clark and Ray Griffen

__ i ___lu J r i c r « c u , i / . v i i n r*w I I b c 19 w i v c n uy IIIW <^IUIW ”— THAT-thefol|owlnode»crlbedtfBcf-CDmml*ilon-Ot^th»-Ciry-Of-TwltT-P**“ ^ * ^ -

.5^ '0 ' '“nd belonging fo the Stale of Fall*, Idaho, that a public hearing Service* ano w iwa* lo nave m%and tliualed In E lmore and will beheld before*ald Commlttion name ctiangad. to Gregory Jam**

r i l l i l . r ' l - Pall* Coonllet will be offered af 8 :M p .rti.on AAay U , 1971, In Ihe * ? ' "■T’* “ fo t l ^ received Jor tale at public auction at th^ Twin Council Chambert of Ihe C il/'H a li, b« . wHIIoner't father I* Elwood

^ u ^ w r o r A ^ T h ! , f'^.. ,-ii Pall* County Courthou*e, Twin 331 Second Avenue E ati; Twin PaUt, U e , W e retldence 1* DelavanhiiH l i . « f=allt, lUahb; Friday, M ay 31, 1971, Idaho, to c6ntlder the application of pefllion' will be

having held II* public hw rlng a* j;oo p .m .. M ounta in Daylight Audrey Walton to re »n e from heard at tuch time a* tha Court mayrequired by law and contlderlng all Saving Time. • Re*ld«nflal Low Dentlly Zone to appoint, andobjectlon* may be filed

..w ____ Retldenflal AAedlum Denilty Zone ‘>V can. In *uch' t l ? Thai Dorilon of Ihe North Half of ttie following detcrlbed property; oblbctlon* Ihe Court a goodP f the North naif (N '/,N '/,), in SacHon • . . . . r.flaion agalntl tuch a change In

THE CITY OF TWIN F A L L S ,. sj^teen (\4), illuated North of the a . j ------------- name.>DAH0-. King Hill Canal, Townthlp SIk (A)

^ South, Range Twelve (13) Eait,That Ihe follow ing described oolte AAerldian. containing Thirty

prooerty t luated wllhrn the C lly 'of (jo) acre*, m ^ e or ie it: No leuee .YwfT Fallt, Twin Falli Counly, lm prov«ment», ’

—ldJUK>rU»'and-lha-t*me-li--‘--- -------------------------- -

“ Tuesday, a l Ponderosa Inn. Tfie” two clubs will work on favors for tlio Snake River Regioriiir Toastmlstress Conference planned for June at Twin Falls.

Nampa where they exhibited projects In the Second Annaul

Industrial Arts Exhibit. ' two-day exhibit were John entered thblr Joint project of a There were 50 achools— dark ,—Ray—Griffon,— Dorian—hous^nd Dorian Duffcnentered-

rapresent^ and 365 entries, In Du/fln, Ernie Tuckness, Tom a water pipe system In which allNlcHols, Dan Dennis, Jerrald received Uue ribbons and eachAnderson, Ken P(ncock, Joe rccolved a wrist watch.

pofnt'7o«lort*E2ito7thrNorfhvwt1 w W n ESS MV HAND'AND SEALcorner of the SE'X»SW'/j, Section 10, of *aid DItfrlct Court thl* 3rd day of Townihip 10 SoWh, Range 17 B.,D .M ., Twin F a ll* , 'T w in Fall* H. A. LANCASTER

Countv<Jdahoj-»henctt-South-331.5 • — tn-TTrrxf-a-feet; Ihence Ea*t 3M.5 feet; thence W X V 7T w X V 7 ^B tW ¥ T rNorth 331.5 feet; thdnce Wed 338.5 WEEKSA PP RA ISE D PR IC E : »3,180.CK ---- ----- ----- -------- -----

No one Individual, company, or feel to Ihe point of beginning except By ■*■ GOLDEfJ R. BENNETT . . . . V corporation may purcha*e more a *trlp twenty-five leet wide along Attorney* for Petitioner ’Lot* One (I) and T\w than 330acre*0f public *chool or In- Ihe liorth tide of la id detcrlbed Ra*ldlng at Twin Fall*. Idaho

Tract, Tw n F all* , Twin F all* lieu tchool land from the Stale. Thit properly for a public road.County .-Id aho.____________— _ ............................... . . . --------------------------------------

throe age Classifications.Mlnlco students' entered 11

projects and returned homo, with three first places in wood

.......... ........... .. .n oport-porch*trof“PAQ .;rn n v r u n r iT v r^n i.i/- ii andowment lahd* I* an ab- Aflyper*on Inleretted may appearw a V 1 ^ and be.hefird at said hearing.5 ?rk iP n n vY U B A.iivr^u «u»AV 1 Individual, company, or corporation 'S IGNED OY THE M AYOR M AY 3, intending to bid al th li ta le will be

required to tlgn an affidavit to tha


________ _ w, - n o t ic h t o c r b d it o h s

DATED thl* 3rd day fal May, 1971. IN TMB DISTIHCTCOURTOF THG

M i n i - C a s s i a

Rupert’s Fourth

of July plannedRUPERT ~ Plans for the

annual Fourtli of July at Rupert arc being outlined and com­mittee chairmen have been named.

Ken Roth will bo the chair­man for the rodeo. Other chairmen are Marvin Heinrich and Clyde Kendoll races; Gary t^ewton, and Gay Gentry, pari­mutuel room; Larry Halstead. Larry Edgar and Gale Hymas, parade, and Tex Rasmussen, queen contest.

Evcnls~wnPiricludu rodeo, horse racing; parade, quocn contest, guest riders and car­nival which arc all traditional

...for— the— Fourth— of— July- cclebratlon.

Special events will Include Rhomda Schgwich from Montana will accompany the rodeo aclloii wltJi organ music.

The 25th Army Idaho National

Guard Marchixig Dand will be marching in the annual parade and during the afternoon tlie group will give e concert in the. city square park.

FlreworJts have been added and will go up at the rodeo grounds. ■* ■

The rodeo will be held July 2, 3 and i and will feature the HI Capa Riders from Boise. Other guest riders will bo. Minidoka County V^ranglerg, the Silv«r Sago Riders. Pocatello, and Cassia * County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse.

Stock for the rodeo will bo. furnished by Del Haslam of

&0M Triangl9_Ranch.


Allett:GDYTHC D. K00NT2 city Clerk

PUBLISH: May 6. 1P71,



NOTICE IS HBRCPY GIVEN to Ihe creditor* of and all pertont having claim* again*! Ihe *ald decedent to evhlbll them, with Ihe nece**ary voucher* to Ihe un- dertlgried al Ik e otuce ol Parry

effect that they have not exceeded thIt acreage limitation by previous

— purchatet from the Stale, nor will they If Ihey arethe *ucce**ful bidder at thl* *ale. Alto, that Ihey are not attempting lo mai(e any such pur- chate for, or on behalf of. any person, company, or corpor’atlon which w ill. If the purchaser, exceed Ihe 330<acre . l im lla lio n : Those contemplating bidding on thl* tale may determine Iheir status on thl* matter by contacting the Boise o f­fice of the Department of Public Lntltli.iifl'leasl *even day* prior to Ihe sale date. '

, JOHN A, ROSHOLT Chairman,Zoning Commission '

p g oL IS H : May 6. 13 and 30, 1971.



Deceased,Notice I* hereby given by Norma


IN T H EP fST R IC T C O U RT OF T H E W. Robertwn, Executrlif of IheFIFTH JUD IC IAL DISTRICT OF above estate, lo the creditor* of andTHE STATE OF IDAHO. IN AND all person* having claims agalnltFOR THE COUNTY OF TWIN John B. Robertson, deceased, or hi*FALLS estate, lo extllbit them wllh Ihe

MAGISTRATE DIVISION necestary vouchers, within foor•In Ihe Matter of Ihe Estate of months alter ihe first publication ofLAURA IVY JEN SEN , Deceated. tlils notice, to the ta ld EMeculrIx al

the o « k e of Parry. Robertson. OaWNOTICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN, B, Larson, Idaho First National Dank

That AAelbourne H. Jw *«fl h a j filed- nuilding, Twin Fa»*/ 5 i» i»o f !d«hp,In this Court tils petition for the Ihl* being the place fixed lor tt»eprobate of Ihe will of Laura Ivy trrintacllon of Ihe buslnett of said

---- ------- Je n ia n , deceased, and for the estate.above, and no bid of less than Ihe Issuance o f Letters THlamentary Dated April 13, 1971.appral*ed price will be accepted. thereon lo the *aid AAelbourne H. NORMAN W. RODERTSON

. . . . OneTenth (l- lO th lo tthepurchau Jentan, and Ihal Toa*day. the Mth PUBLISH-. Aprit 15, 31. 59. MayRobertson, Daly L Larson. The price and Intereil al tlx percent dayof May, 1971. at thehour of lOiOO 1971,Idaho P in t Nflllonal Dank Building, on balance of p r in c ipa l fo r o'clock a .m . of la ld day, a l the No. Si


This land to be sold in unit a t HMed

Pari-mutuel horse racing Is being planned for July 2 through 5, beginning at 1 p.m. dally. The Inla;id ElmpIro Shows'will set up

Jhe carnivaLand.rldes,________. Tina Dells is the reigning Rodeo Queen.

ExhibUor;sTWO ARTISTS who will have e jh lb lu In Hit D«icrt Art

GuUd'iart IIIOH, which opmitodayat llilg h i MoU>r building, are Mri. Ocea Collrlii, Burley, leH, a r ilil of “Old Soger. ItoBo" In ' the Little Basin near Oakley, and Mrs. Flora Trantham, Ruperi, ttrilit of "Navaio Jewels/' two Indian glrl«.

A ri show set’ BURLEY - .'nie Desert Art U’ls winter In special classes.

Guild la sponsoring an art show I'hcrc ere 67 plc'cca of pottery on

today through Monday at display.Haight Motor Corral, comer of Tlio exhibit In open today and. West Main Street and Oaldey Monday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,

: Avenuc.Llhe cxhlbltls freo-imd ErldayrltiwlU-be^open^from-lO- Is open to the public. a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturdiiy

There are 165' paintings and Sunday, 2 p.m. to lO.p.m., exhibited by the 45 members of according to officials, the Desert Art Guild. Members of the Desert Art

._For-the-flrst-time-the-GuiKl-GuUd-ro«ld0 -ln-Uie-Mlnl^siJla-

members also are displaying area.pottery which they have made The exhibit also Is being held

In connection with the National Music Week which Is being

sponsored by the Burley Music Qub, locally.



J A N U A R Y 1 T H R U AAARCH 31, 1971Mercenl

Revenue Reed Csllmatod to3.J1-71 Kov, Heed.

Estimated lf71 Bxpendllures

G E N E R A LRevenue

— On H a n d --------Trantlers 'Total

. Personal Service* Maintenance CAnital Oultny Tolfli

On Hand Trnnsfer*TotalPertonal Sorvlcos Mnlntonance Capital Outlay Total







101.439.00 -


^ o t i c b o p 7 u b l ic h h a b in o

NOTICE IS GIVGN by thff Clly Council of Ihe City of Twin Fall*, Idaho, thal public l«i«rlng wltl be held be fore ia ld ^ u n c l l « l 1 :00p.m . o n . June 7, 1971, In the Council Chamber* o f the City Hall, 331 Second Aver^ua Gatl, Twin f^ali*, Idaho, upon Ihe ap^lcallon of Ihe Twin Pall* Couoty F^arm Bureau for a variance Id permit expanalon of the present building on the JeHerton Glree^ tide to the propertV line thereof pertatnlno to the following de*crlbed property:

South lio 'f**! of Lot 4 and Lot S, •Block-»,-Twtrt~Pati* New ' School' Addition, Twin Fa ili, Twin Fall* Counlv* Idaho.

Anyperson Interested may appear ' t la id mi ■'. It'd day t _____


. . ___ ______ ________ jy a p pand Im heard at la ld meetlno-^

DATGD thl* 3rd day bi A ^y , 1971.


EATINQ LUNCH al the Salad Bar Id the Idaho Bank u d Tnul building b Burley are Mrs. Arva Olson and Mn. Nucy Au> dersoa, foregoiBd fhuo left, and Mr. and M n. Eldon Wood, background. The aaljKl bar luncbeoo Was ipooMred by Barley

\ Music aub for Itii scholarghlp fund.

Salad bar luiicheon heldBURL^-r.The annual salad All the various aalads were

bar luncheon was held Wed- prepared and furnished by nesday and was sponsored ^ .members of the Burley Music

’ the ^ l e y Music Qub In the dub. conference room o! Idaho Bank Persons attending served and Trust Co.. , . themselves from^the buffet

Proce^ from the annua) table and were seated at tables *hinghaan ar<i imod hy thw r ln h _CQVebfl<*-with-,whHfl-olotha^

\ for scholarship. ■ centered With musical symbols

- \ I • ■: " '■ •.

flanked by red geraniums.Mrs. Gerald Mitrchant served

as cashier and Mrs. J.W. Young, president, was generl chairman of the e\wnt. Others assisting with the a e rv ^ were Mrs. LaMar Nielson, Mrs. Edward-QIbby-snd'Mrsrffltoft- Hatch. ■ . .

AAayof. Clly of Twin Fall*. I d ^

. PU Q LU H ; fA»y &. M hnd 30, 1971.

■state N«. 4)N O T IC S T O C R ID IT O R f



AAACISTRATE DIVISION In the M ailer of Ihe Estate of JOHN

.P . M B R C 8R , Dece«*ed.

NOTICE IS’H eR E B Y OIVCN By' the EKeculrlK fo the creditor* of and all person* havlnfl claims aoalnil John P, Mercer, deceated, or hi* estate, to eKhlbll them wllh ttia nece*urv voucher*, within four month* after the (lr«t pubi cation of thl* Notlce/to tha EKeculrlri of said M tate at Ihe laM office* of Rayboril, Rayborn, Webb-S, Ptke, P. O . BoK

,331, .Twin Palls. Counly of Twin P a llt , Stake of Idaho, thl* beino the place f iKed tor the transaction of Ihe bualne** of M itt e»taf«...

. 0«r*d May 4,1971. ' V . . . . NORMA-H^W ILDE - .

TotalPersonal Service Maintenanco Capital Outlay Total

-- -----10,4U.OO~ 136,975,00

io!4i4;oo60,083.00 43.B





____l i L - .STREET LIGHTING^— ----- — ^ — ----

' Revenue On Hand Total

51,000.00 ■ 181,00


34,174.00 ■ 181,00



.46.0 51,499,00 13,390.00 33,7

LIBRARY Revenue On Hand Total

109.939.00 13,571.00


43.535.00 ■13.571.00 54,104 00

39,4 •

45.8. 133,500.00 34,830,00 30.3


TransfersReserve • . Total

334.400.00 .00

— --- 459,843.00684.343.00


459.043.00 '513.335.00

33,8 .

-<J 100.0 -___ 75,0_

303,318,00 — 381,934.00 ■■ . M4,343 00

. .00 ,00

■ 38r,93i:oO 301,934.00

■■ ■ 160,0 ■■ 55.0

WATER L 5GWGR REVENUE nOND INTEREST A, SINKING FUND Transfers 100,000.00 Revenue 15,000.00 On Hand ■ 358,050.00 Reserva . 80,000,00 Total 553,050,00




18.4 100,0 '• 100,0 7V.0



■ 937,00347.070.00 00,000.00 '

437.997.00 77.0

L I D GUARANTl-E.Revenue


1.500.00 ■ 37,059,00

38,559.00 ■



95,1 38,559.00 37,174.00 95.1


RevenueQn-HanilS,Ro(orwo '•Total- — ---- ------ -----— :

151.469.00 10,000.0040.974.00

330,445,00 ■■


48,974.00■ (19,518,00


. 30.1-




55.445.00 07n4/:oo • ■


100,0 - 37.8

CAt^lTAL IMPRO^/EMENTS RevenueOn Hand . Total






10.330.00 •18.330.00 30.0

L 1 D No. 9* CONSTRUCTION On Hand ' 13,394,00 13,394,00 100.0 13,394,00 .00

196$ WATER nOND CO’rtSTttUCTlON Federal Grant

• On Hand■ Total ' .

101.771.00 49,443,00


101.771.00 49,443.00

151.313.00 •

100.0 .

100,0.. ■ 151.313,00 .00-

FCDCRAL AVIATION AGENCY PROJECT 9 100 003 7011 On Hand 1,170,00 Federal Grants , ‘J ,000.00 Total S,lj0,00

■ 1,170,00

. 1,\70,00 — 5.UO.OO • .00

1971 TRUNK SEWER CONSTRUCTION transfer Slaleof Idaho .Federal GrantT o t .l • ^ ■

150.000.00300.000.00 300.000,00 .00


DOWNTOWN IM PW OVEM ENt TransfersUrban Renewal Agency Off Street Parking Corp.U liilly Company Contribulions Tolal

13.394.00 141,000,00 Il4,f00.0041.100.00 •

• :<70,394.C0 .00' ■ 470,394.00



iw w tjir iic a rfh * r i f a le of John p . Mercer, Decea*ediw* sfvnn r* wvri,vr, L/vceewoi

P.UPI t « H , Maw 4 n . 9T. 19^1 «


I, Ja in e i R jB ^ad 4 jrx o a iu rc r .o lJh < X U M - Q L .lw ln ,f iaU a .^ ( la h o /- . herttb'y c e r llfy ln o n U toregoino report Is trtie and correct to Ihe best of

■ )e and be " ‘

Notary RufJlic _______ ___ _______...... -Resldfnfl at T w m P S litr FMHO . •*'

A R N H A R T^ .Tre a s u re r • PUBLISM i May i . I9U.

. i r

M a r j t e t R e v i e w

ThuruHy, M*y 1. 1,*7I TIiTltl.N**™, Twin Fall*, Idaho 1J

■ r

NEW YORK (UPI)-SUJclu urere; m l i n d ^ talrly^ heavy trading n ium tay.

Near I.IS p jn „ th« D ow ^„ .„„„ Jon^g Industrial average was *’<1 chg.

. . a h e a d .a V i.p o ln U a t .M 3 .4 4 ____Of the 1,595 Issues traded,

however, 640 declined, whUe 6 » advanced. A three;boUr tumov-

lliSM.OOO .shar^ ' W

iia.m...... nv.isNoon ........ ♦ « . « m -M lU .W JU.Wt p . m , u i . n m .« tw*o >u,4»NtUhg....... +3.JI -0 .4J -O .M +0.Q*

N«»Ofna« .8

il I.M

. +OJJ -o . i » -o .M 4 0 ,0;

Ntvw*<rv .NBnoEl I.M NiMWo t.10 Nt Indutt \NorfolkWi i N»A Rk \.tO

.HoNIOl 9.M)..................................................f.w

!J “ 2 " S S2 .)* <x<idp.ifi

- ■ -i.Daco. ;;

n i n«i iiH liw- It:’j ss as saiit41 m t . nv« SH

M> 1*44 UM UW- Um nv, m»~ h ir rvi% 7t


V a lle y f f e a th e r R e p tir t;

0 ««r« &Co } • 0«IMn( MO D«flnl»n .40 DtlEdll DUm thm 1

ncsdflv jju-Motors,

m 111 iiui )iH+ W -M irj». UVi. • w nu jjH jiw*-

uty 34W 84W4-

' M JJ -

r«lrHII .ISb' FAlrmonl I ParkhMr .44 r irro Cp .10 PIfMin >I.U

and gold mining stocks declined, but olb and steels attractetj demand. Re­public'Btcel, the nation’s third largest steel producer, an­nounced price Increases averag­ing 6 ^ pef cefU on big volume

-fiat ro lled '^d 'produbts lised by the auto makers,- appliance nnanuracturers arid . a wide range of other Industries.

The Increases, which take effect with shipments Juno 16

and July 1, follow the pattern established by U.S.,Steel Corp. and announced a day earlier.

Amon the day's most active rupvfr t u Issues were General .Foods—

"Corprup ■%“ 0n'405,7{Xraiar6Sr''!;w.

Alcan' Aluminum ■ off Vt oa -218,700 shares, American Stan- dard.down % on 167,600 shares.Eastern Air Lines down % on 127,400 shares, and Qreat Western Financial off a full point at 121,000 shares.

Du Pont rose more than 2, but Dow Chemical lost 2 after, spurting 4 Wcdncsdoy, when It declared a 3-for-2 stock split'


g:cri'.'S nriii:'sS'ir’”'Dyn«m(c Cp

; .U R ,

W n s + ’ i i Ow*nl|jt.J5-

BMci>cp .» n*’ni* j4m»‘ j»h +‘ J4 I «.BiHtfn Air tJW Ji H P«LlC UO

EIPa m NO )

E m ln t I.K

J* 4JH 43H 4)l» ,. I*«cl*wf t.H PCTI.T J . »

” P:^LS7r''.14 W ]**• M W - U._ J . im - >.

74 U «« M U .- Hi i r V 4$ 4$»*+ H *U Wt lOVt tftV,+ M,)] t;u, ink wu.-u

” r S " K l i s :S .i !!„ s .. LV- i; ES'iSlVS• »H» 1JH U '.f ‘tr '.w

}• JO J*V>- W f*n 4*IV 4»U 4*14+

J> >014 MW» 4|l« 411 4l«<ff Wtr )tU >fUi JtW-f HJ* 4JI.;, 4U-J 4114, J$4 UW i3W *3 W - H

*1M 'JOV -JO— JOW,- Wi ; »U| KV. » t 'l4M »H MMi MW ...

.« nu iiv, MU+ K.4} M> 1«U )fW4- U|

(k•' ■ High U w Pr.; 'AberdMn 63 42 T.

*T-BeflrLak6 • - 48 <3 -.04 '> Boisf^ 68 SO .A2. ^uhl 64 43 .021 Burley------ 61 4B.T.

. Emmett 74 60: Fairfield 62 40 .06»“ Gooding" ; ----69-46-04-1 Grace 50 -41 .22; Orangeville 59 43 .12• Idaho Falla 60 36 .15

. Jerofne - ’ 65 ” 46 .02' Kimberly 63 43 .02


14] « SW ’ *

For Mck .M Pr oiAAn W Pru*ho» l .?0

GAC Cp .10 CAP Co -.40 O.m Sfel.JO OanntH -.41 CnAOII .409 <>#n Dynam On ei*c 3.40

•CnFood 1.40 0*n Houcp Q»n Intir }tt CtfiMIIU .U GmUo4 .»U> 0 PuliU t.40 Gn SiMl In4 G T E ».SJ

145 r»H 4tH >OUi+ HU OW DU. DH-» 14 »«<.. 74

«l UV| 14W u'<4 ...44 }>H S9 1«W 'V H

410 itv , J4W Ht n 41 44U' 4S14 J3li JJl^ JJ 'X .- >M

14? tr M -341' )tW I I W - U3J m « J4W J 4 H -

in MH J»N JOW+*jj toiw tojH-i33 UW UW 341^»- H



<vBy United Preu iDlcnMonal

lllgb Low iPcp,AUanla cy----- 78 - 58 “ ~Bostoh cy 70 49 .... Buffalo cy , 60 45 '

CJlwleston S.C. pc76 - 65— Chicago pc . 58 44 1.05 Collimbiis’U r

Lots of storm s.

SHOWERS and thunderstorms are forecast from the Ten­nessee Valley to the mid-Atlantic Coast and over California, Nevada, the Rockies and In North Dakota. Temperatures will be cooler in the northern plains and upper Great Lakes with HtUe diange anywhere elser(UPI)

40 JUW 30»% 31 — IW

U 4JV. 431 4JU+ V.

?) 43V, 4JW 43V. *' H Sin in 1 ^•f 3tW 30»4 3UV *” '

W4 tt>A 31 3 IW -4 4r'4 4T 4t — •/«

----.. . ' Jl' tlW IIW UW ...Purolat 1.40 4] ?l .90 ’ .fOW t- V.

-B.*— ■ ■tif J3W 3JI-I 33W+ '4334 4J - 44W 44W4- U44S 3fW 3«W M W - ^

Fair, a little warmer tomorrow1 •

• ; JIW *»*• ai'1+ '» D«ulonli\r 1\91 13)W IM U i « « » - iu J ,

40*1 371. 3 m V fk i \k S I ; i ^ , , T S17 MW JOW » W - W S r ^ ^ p iS

'5i J!X J!5

;s s a ?!S,R(KkWirl 1.4

111-30 '3«U 3«'104 74'/. 75 7S‘n ' -U ‘i 100 WU 45U. 44

Twin Falls, Northslde» chance of showers becoming it Burley-Rupert area:*

Synopsis: weak surface high pressure.A surface low pressure center High temperatures yesterday

over southern Idaho will move were mostly In the 60s and low '

SeatUe pc Spokane cy Washington cy Wichita c



1.70G« Pac .t«g C*rb«r 1.M Gaily 1.l3b GllUtIa 1.40 GI^^AIdan

urIey-Rupert area:-. . mosUy fair tonight and Friday.^ cloudy.wlth a slight Warming trend. Highs near mid ________ __________ _______ ____________________________________

*3 il'^ chance of showers becoming 60s Friday. Overnight lows 33 to southward and weaken as 70s except over extremes 3»u 5)'i 31U mostly fair tonight and Friday. 38. another upper level low center southeastern Idaho where they T j i ) i n f P n t t a

” 3*w sJw+'ii,'“ Wanning trend. Highs 67 to 72 Central Idaho Mountains develops off the southern wer6 in the low 60s. Highs will a ’ a iC Sf^iday-Ovimlghtlows 35 to40. south of Salmon River: California coast. Partly cloudy-warm about 6 to 8 degrees on' TV>»m - .^V

i?tobBblllty :oLm ea8 iirflbIe__Partly-doudy-with^-ohanoe -skies and a ehance-of-flhowers-^day* U w s be in the mid . A J ^ ’ ^ p e r a i U r e S . . .^..

34W 34W 34W - } « l l 3tW 3 «W - W .

...........17 - W

13 UW Ui ; ________________________ _________________________________ ________ , ______ ____________________________________________________________ _ ________ _____ _

Ro«icc .“ n Jiw 3Jw=i; precipitaUonlO'per cent tonight of showers. Decreasing clouds w ill decrease tonight and 30s to mid 4to Friday morning. M- Jlw “ w «evaiD .Mt> ^ « '•+ ’’• and near tero tomorrow. to n l^ t becoming mostly fair become mosUy fair Friday as Outdoor acUviUes should not

34* 44'IS 43W niil+V *' • " Canias Prairie, Hailey and Friday. Warming trend. Highs the low moves southward to be be too unpleasant unless youM3 iiw ii'.<. 11W4- w ___ i2 _ ^ J J i ' jL ” ’2 l:uJ[2w er W o^Jtee iL y flU eys_^60- to40 Friday.-Dvernight lows-replac«d-ov®r-80uthern-Idaho^w«^

AcmaMkJg Adrau .300

.. Admiral Cp Air Prd ->og Air Rad 40t) AlcanAlun 1 AMaoCp .30d AllcLud 1.40 Alla Pw 1.34 Alld Ch 1.30 AllladSI 1.40 Altll Ch .10b Alcoa 1.10 Am H u .07b Am Alrl .W ABrand 3 30 A DrctI 1.30 Am Can 3.30 AmCyan I'/i Ameiac 1.70

AmMolil .40 . A Homf 1.70

AmHoip ,34 AMalCV t.40 Amar.Mot<»r AmHGl 3 30 A Small 1.M Am (land 1 Am TI.T 7.U Am £l(v: Co Amalalt .40 AMP Inc -*0 Ampait Cp Amilar 1.70 Anaeon .3W ApacoC .131) Armco StI I Arm i Ck -lO A«hl on 1.30 Aitoc Tran* AIIHkhdd 3 Alla« Cofp Avc® Corp Avna< Incp

ftabl.WI1 .10 DakarOII .70 ILanoor PunBath Ind .30

Sala«(hdt) H l y Low Latl Cho-

7» 'SOV. M'4 SOW-^'^•44 43U 4IW 41WtlW40f 11^ 17W , IIW f i/f3$ S*'/< $4*4 * 5 4 t.- WS3 3SW 31' 3SV,- W

3313 33W 33 3 3 % - W34 U t , 14W 14W - WU iVJi 3« 3*

S34 3 3 X 3IW 3lW— WM* 33W^1 33 +1%3i 3SW 34V. 3S - W

111 I7W 17W 17% ...143 i4W i4 li 44 -fl73 «•% 47 41 -I- Vi

33J 34»i 34 14W *- W331 tt 47W 47W-V- 'U

SI 471J. 44% 47t4»-IW77 40% 39W 40 W

70! 31% 34W 3SW— %304 3«»< 3«W 3«Vi ...433 13^ I3W I3 W - W44 14W I3li 14 — %

-l i l -7 » 'y i 7 i b - 7 l U - U .W 34W 34W 3 4 W -W ... . . w,.v...

104 37% 34W 37%-t- V, H«l Inni ,3SM iv, ill. 4V.+ W" Homatik .40

GracaW 1W Grand U .M Granl W U'j GrlALP 1.30 GINNak 1.40 Cl Watt f<ln C« WtUn .W GraanGt -V4 Grayhd Cp I Grumman I GuKM 3.»0a Guir on iw GulfiW i .30

Harri* Inf 1 MaclaAAn 3k Halm HJ 1 H»rcula -S«) lUrihy 1.10 Haublain .11 Hauilll P .30 HlllonMoll 1 Kobari 1.30 Hoarnar 90 HoM Glacin

ai i l u 5au s lw + 'w *»'><iaf'Am o 170 3JW 31W 3 1 ''i -V .

337 37W 31W 33W «-

Partly cloudy with a slight 2& to 33.'

-4 3 - SOU S0<1| M'4- SI it\<, 4IW filV'

- 3iW 37W ■■

S«P Ind 1.40 Sctinlavr 1.40 SOiarPIo .90

a. .M , ...7 S3W 53W S3W+ W

1347 3J'l JJW 34W-1%41 3II» 3IW 3IW— »»10 3JW 3 «a 3SW - W

313 31 TOW 30W - W13 30W l»W 30 * MW W M % +

3M 311:. 3IW 3 IW - %14 31V. 3«W 3 i % - %

Scoll Papr 1 Saart 1.30a ShallOII 3.40 SlarraPc .10 SlonalCo .40 SlmnCo 1.40

143 37% 37 . . .310 34W 31V. 3SU ...

l U l 34W 3S 3 1W - ft1013 a w 47W 41 . . . . .

9 iW 4W iW + WII 17 UW 14W - W

113 J4V-, 3SW 34Wt- WU t 31% MW M % - I

IV 43W 41W 43W ...333 33V. 33 33%+ W11 13% 13 13 — W

431 31% MW 31W-«- W30 3t 37W 37»4- W

331 3SW 34V. 31W4- W4 13W 13V. 13W-I' %

133 71% 71W -7SW ...33 3W 3% 3W t- W

331 40W 40W - 40W «- W40 39W 3«% 3«W'»-1%9 14 13W 13W ...

70 33% 3IW 33%+ V.

Honywl 1.30 Hoovar 1. » (louiLP 1.30 H«wmal ,70-

IdahaP 1.40 IdaalBat .40 IlCanIn 1.14 II Mwr 3.30

parlal Cp K Cp 1.40 I Hand 3 and Sll 3

InlHarv 1.M Inll Mining InNlckI 1.40 Ini Pap 1W Int T i t l .U llak Corp

'Jantian .40- JallPllal M

.A •> «AI,. I Jon«'Jn.*lBaachAr .40 ftalltMM .WBandlk 1.40. . .-jftnc- Balh til 1.30 BlacklO U Boaing C ,40 B«lt«Cai .3} B«rdan 130

SI 30W M % 30W «4« 44 41 4<%-t' %

J4V, 3*W

434 34W 3 ^ 34W . 13 77Vi 74W 77%-fl

JanUoon . . Jona« L .3U> Jodant .70 JayMlg t.40

37« 34W 33W 34W+ W333 44W 44% 44 W - %341 3*W 3<W 3* W - %U 3>W 3)W .3 \ W - W

V 3«W 3tW U W - W3 11W IIW IS W - W

334 13 I3W '13W— 'W4 43 4U-I 4 H 1 - %

141 UW 4iW a w -f W«4« I4W 13W 14 + W

1 3 * 3* 3* — %?7 31 ’ MW 31 -f W

10« 31V. 31% 31W ...____ ___ _ 44 13% I3W I3W— W

-------‘ -B«l«vaW -.40-------W -3 JW 7 M ------W --------WJr l . . a r l l , . « ,

BMlfld 3.34 B«urn« Ibc Branlll Airy Brloo* I 40a DrItMy I.M BrOPai .30t) BrnlhM IW Bruntwk .13 Bucyer I.M ■ I Comp

KaUar Al 1 KC So Ind 3 KanOC<4.44 KanPLI 1.31 Kay»arR .40 Kaliy.H 1.30 Kannacoll 3 karrMc 1 '^ KIddaW 3W1 KImbCI 1.30 K IM 3.33d Koppar 1.40 Kratlce 1.70 Kraioa S .10

JCrootf— IJ O -

30 34W J4 34 — W 34 41W 41W W

131 34% 3J 31W— V,31 4JW 43W 43W+ W

Hl34 4* 41% 4IW+ W4 3*% J«W 3*W+ %

170 SO 4«% 4 « % - %137 4IW 40% 40W+1W14 4tW 4«% 4IU .. .K3 54 S3V. S4 + W4J »tW -»*W » W — %34 11% 14 14W - W

434 44W 41W 44%+ %447 MW 3«W 3 «W - 'tot»3 IWW 107% 10«%+ V.

4 31 31 31 + %S4 44W 44 44W -IW

M 3-M W - 30 JOWI- W

41 MW 30% 30 W - W70 IIW II II + %34 40W 40W 40W~ W

3S4 37W 37 37 - W374 14W 14% 1 4 % - W33S 41 47W 4 7 U - WU U S3% S3W+ W

101 31W 3 IW ,3 I% ...14 4IW 43 43 — W

174 3MW 313% 314% + l%134 34 37% 37U+ %t4 UW U ‘ 14W - %

4*3 3*W 3«W 3*W+ %344 3«W 3«W 3*W+ %

••3»3 44% 43W *4 - W140 4«W 4>W « W + W

1S4 M l i l «% + 4%33 UW 13% S4W+IWM 14% 14 I4 » if W

107 34 33% 34 + Wl»» 14W S4%- S4W— W

-»K.K--41 34% 3*'-'» 31W-1

’11 41 40% 4 0 % - %IS 3JW 3<W 3JW+ W41 31% 31 9t - W

3 37% 37W 37W - W• 3? 41W 40% 41W ...

I3> 31W 3JW ISXit WSO 133 131' -133 + V.74 31% 37W 37W - %

*44 31V. 3$W 3SW - W31 4IW 47W 47V>7- %

'3 4 34% 33W 34%+ WO 41 4 iW \ 4 4 W -W

134 10% 7«W \7«W-r W _Ji_43t»-43'.^-'43W- %-

SmlHiKir- 3 SoCalEd IW SMJlhCo 1.34 SoNatC 1.40 Sou Pac 1.W .te haklw 3 SowilPS .74 SpRand .31b SouraD .lOa Squibb .37b SI Drnd 1.40 Sid Kolltmn

SI 3JW 3*% '34W+ >»33- 31 37W 37U+ W

1S3 13 . II • !%+ W■«4^}0W1M I30W ...343 3IW 31% 3IW+ W133 3SW 3SW 3 S % - W140 *0% t*% •*%+ Wm 47W 47% 47% ...37 IIW IIW I I W - W71 17W 17W I7W ...11 7>W 73W 73% * W

131 4*% 4«W 4»% + WH374 11% MW SOW- %

91 MW SOW M W - W731 3JW 33W 3 3 % - W43 40% S9% S « % - W70 41 1 40% 4 0 % - %U 77 74'% 7 4 V .- Vi35 I3W 13% I3 W - W

343 31W 3SW 3SW - W43 31W 34W 34«» .. .13 71W 75% 75W+ W

113 4>W 44W 44 W - %34 low low l o w - ««

and east central Oregon by under one of the showers.

Yesterday I^ t year


High U w Pr.67 44 .02


Mutual Funds Successful InvestingLEGAL NOTICE

Naw Vork (.UPl) P ID K LITy. ' MuOm In 11.0S 13 01 SIOMA fU M D Il-PollowIno l» • llll OBOUP: MuI Hhra 17.33 17 31 Cap Shr 10 31 11.14ol bid and ailiad e«i«H 14.«514.34 Mull T r i (|1 <ll Inw ll.t4 l3 0S

r'lcat on Mutual Gvar«l 13 17 15.14 NaMndu 11.74 11 74 Tr«l t.3ll014undi at oMlad by PId Cap 13.1*14.43 NAY M C S i r i Smim B 10.43 10 43

me NASD Inc. Conira * 77 lO.a .Ralane 1 l .)3 13-37 Sw»l Inw • 43^40D n i 7 .5 3 .... Aond Sr 101 S S3 S-/ln«; O 7 . 3 < ^

May 3. U71 Pund 14.1111.45 Dlvldn 4 41 4 U Sovr In I3.*t 15.33•U A U PdTffM i3 4 ,«3 «.it Pral S1W 1-S3 » 33 Spatlfa 1*5

Abartl ADlUl... Crwlh

. Incom Iniurn

AdvliarSid KBl tmn 34 lOW lOW 1 0 W -»« p h ,n l i n iA b uSIC1IC.I i.w - 111 »44-jon- j ; >’ ']

sis: s s • : w m“ 3 : s : s -im'

1.S3 « .33 Spailra Incom 5.5* 4.11 SlalaPm $03 S03

. . . Slock Sr |.&4 *.331141* Slr4*.i;SO I3 >.41 1.13 PINANCIAL C r«th *7* 10.70 ITIA D M A N POI>4 44 4 17 PHOORAMSl Nal Gwh 10.00 1017 Am Ind 4.37 4 U

10.14 11.11 Pin Oyn 4.47 S ll NBA AAI 11.10 11.33 Ai m Pd 1.31 I SI 5!I3 4 34 Pin Ind 4.04 4.41 Nau Cant 4I7 -7.SI PldUCy 7.51 133

“ In Inc 4 13 4.70_N*U«lh 11 *< » "O B PCS.

SIdOhIo 3.70 StarlDro .M SlaswWn 1.10 SludaW 1.30 Sun Oil Co I iufAhUn .53 Iwlll Co .70


70 IIW IIW I3W+ W 134 4SW 44W 4 4 % - W17 34 W 37W 3IW + IW44 UW 44 U % ...II U 55W U + «•

\6? UV. 1S% \»%— W71 40W MW 40

-------T .T 13 73W 73 73

154 3IW 31% 3 1 % - W1 « 3«W « % 3 i % - %440 3>% 34% 37 - W173 44% 43W 41 — W105 37 W 37W 3 7W - V-i3«0 3IW 3IW 3 I % - WSI m w «3K^ I3 IW -I%4 M 1*U 30 - W

113 54% S7 S7W - W' 44* 3IW MW 3IW+ W,

30 IIW 11% UW + W 34 34W ^4W 3 4 % - %‘31 }»W 37% saw— W 4 43 43W 43 — W

173 I7W 17% 17W+30 4S 44V) 44 W - %

37* 33% 33% 33W-1'^31 10

Tanaca 1.3J Tauaca 1.40 TtK BTr 1.53 TaOaaT 1.53 iMGuSul .40 Taklniir .M Tn PLY .SOb TawUtll l.*3 Taalron. .*0 YhloLol .40 ThrHlyO .70 YImkan l.tO YranaCo .90 ■Tranum .11 YranUn 1.30 Yra n iW A ir

30lhCaft PoM

U A t-lM orp — l3 »lliflW M - M - V.



Q — I would a p p r e ^ te your cou ld experience s ig n ific an t u t il it y ba? emen° / in^anaJysu of General Dynamics recovery this year. Since the p ir b s id e . su b d jv is io n , twin

which has fallen to about 27 and- company anUcIpates that write-

d r o p ^ the dividend.“Is there offs this year will be either convevancb th b rg o p to

any hope for fuU recovery? - Insignificant or offset by claims p r o p b r t v

against the government, a w hereas , a tirMt riohf of way- A — As 1 am sure ’you are sub^ntiarearnlnBS rebound Is b«iie*t*d in ih« Piat of Puddy

aware, the aerospace..Industry,- expected. Stack h^s recovered f f l ' v ' i K iS 'u r mI‘ orihVl?:.was one of the sectors hardest nearly 51 per cent since its sobdiviiion wtiich twaniy fiwa foot

hit by the economic slowdo^. DecemberlS70 low. However, aS ,’ SL rX T tS lS General Dynaniics derives the fuU recovery appear^ some sobdiviiion. wtd r*Q«)«*t having

.major portion o( Its tales from dlstanMawny.this area, IhuB It was nok 8ur-. Q ~ My husband wlU soon be rJoh» o< way BdiacBnt io u u

dlgtue to p u rA a * hU com-company »aies.«Bniliig» ana me paiiy's stock. can Invest ,wbiieaood.ruiwiii««oinocisn»»stock's market value. between 2 per cent and a per » "SV " K 'iS * ^

Baud on a prelim inary omt of Ms salary *1th the m ayor A N o m v coUNciL of"report, skies for 1970 declined company contributing 50 per ''’h e c it y o p tw in p a l l i .,------

n.4pff cent troni thoseot 1969. cent of nwlchlng hinds. We '“i? ,? ;,,. ri,»iri.hto(Earnings results were severely have 115,000 in savings and way hfrvinartar.dncribad b« and.hampered by substantially some utility stock. How much vaeat.d, lo win 'lower billings from the Quincy would you advise that Im In- Th* Meriham poriion o< • ss fooi

4 13 4.70 N,uwlh n * <3 05 lYMtW NOS «<DI>4.71 S.U N*wton ii>3l7 .l* Balane 11.33 31 33

V a ll.t7 13.01 Naw Wid 13.43 14.M Caplll 10.14 1014P IR ir NIcMaa 14.7t 14.7* Slock 15.11 IS.ISIN V ItY O H li Na«t Ivir 15.40 >5.40 l i t OKOUPIDllC f>d 1.34 *.14 OcMna 13* I 3* Qrwlh 7.*l 147

Amcap P 4.44 7.34 Grih Fd *.*310.17 Om*aa 4*0 7.03 Immll 11.45 13 77Amr liua 3 0 3.71 SlOCh f 10.15 11.13 O Nall Id IS-lf H-1* TacKnl l-l* l .»3 -Am Dvri 11.4S )3 S1 Ut UulH *.|7 10.03 lOQ Pund U.tO U.I7 Svnt'o ^ ** UAm Eaty 5 41 4.13 U l Nal 7.10 I.S3 101 Fund * 41 >0.50 TMR Ap 14.00 11.30A M l X P d l t l l»l Slarr 41.13 S3.77 Ooa Will 14.31 U 3I Yaathra 11.15 1141■■UNDIi PItchr C 4.43 . . . . Dppanh I t* *.73 TacKncl 4.01 4 31Caplal *41 10.31 Pllchr f> 5 .1 3 .... Cop A IM 13.33 I4.S4 YampI O 34 51 3«.««Incom *.45 10.55 r>la Orth 4 34 4 14 oYc Me lO.tO U .M tMraf C 5-M 4 41Invilm * 3* 10.11 Pdn Cr 4.*4 4.43 Patt t<d *.4l 10.31 Tran Cap 1.10 I.MSpacl *.74 . . . . liO UND aHI Paul Rav *.44^0,34 Yravl ■ « 10*4 II.MKlo<k ' *.U 10.47 ORo U P i Pa Mul 1.51 S SI Yudor M 13 *4 U 14

Am Cftti »,0f 7.74' Crwm 14 4411.31 P«nn Iq 1.44 1.44 30tN CO 3.14 3 44Am Invtl 5.IS 5-*5 InCMTi 14.15 1S 44 Hilla Pd l ! . i« W.4I 30fh Cl 4.11 4.MAm Mul * 4*10.5* P Mlu«l *.M 10.14 Pllorim lO.aO 11-37 Unlllad 11.33 l].3a AmNI Or 3 45 3.»* l< Spacll 11.17 I3.*7 ' Pina SI 13.57 13 57 Unlltmd II.IS l].l*ANCHOH PourM 11.4* I3.U Plon Bnt 1.37 * 04 UNION SIHVICROBOUPl f l A N k O U Plonr Pd 13.55 13.73 OIIOOPiCaplal *01 *.17 CUITO O IA N i Plannd 11.57 13.44 Brd S Iv 1113 U 53

niSISi? ?V i« S<JwV.’“ ' shipbuilding''division, low'er F- w’st?":: R. LT’ ^

4!,;!5J;I? S rH ^ .IS :« ? J:ftu rvL 'V uV ir n i^ve nuM .a 120million after A - In your case, the S.43. Pd Ml. dp 11.0511.01 . H I tax reserve for cost overruns on maximum. A very |UmpIe ^

__4iw 47%_ + w ..L*lllof>C .40 Lahm 1.17b

453 3IW 31 3 1 % -%14 74W 74W 74W - W Lba Uw 3W

?«* ?». “ >• Li~ "mco

I I 13W 13% I)43 UW 14 U W - W44 IIW 17W 1IW+ % 34 IIW 50% S O U - W 17 7W 7W 7W

UnCarblda 3 Un eiac 1.31 Unocal 1.40 UnPac Cp 3 Unlreyal .70 UAIrcr V U UnBrartd .30 Utd Corp .50 US Gyp4m 3 U S In ^ l .40 USPIvCh .14 U lim ll .SOb USSIaal 3.40 US Yob I.M UIdUtllll .*3 Uplohh-l.U UtahCon .40 UtahPL 1.*3

Varlan Alta - VandeCo .iO VIclorCC .50 V«eiac1.13

S* IIW 14% 14WJ . U -

3*3 50% **W131 ItW )*W KW ...•5 40% 40W 40W ..

I4t -54% 55% U -f W103 31% 31% 3IW— %l i t 43% 43W 43%-i- W335 3IW 3IW SlW'f W

30 *W *W *W + .W"11 43W 43 43%-1W344 34W 35W 35W - W7 1 34 33W 33W - W35 SOW SO 30 — W

335 35W 34% 34W+ %34 31% 34’.'4 M%-f|I I 3IW 3IW J l W - W

T43'5iW_57W 54W+ W113 70W WW 70W+'Vi43 31W 3SW 35% ...

~_v.v—33« 17- .. U % . . I4 W -) .

i « W ^SW 14W+ W147 33W 33% 33%— %343 31% 30W 3 0 % - W


Slock "A x « Scl nabunBayrpc „ ___Baacn Ml 11.43 11.43 Can

Impac *.13 f.H Inaui »r 13-70 I4.?7 Plk.1 1.13 I.M

-U Galawy 10 44 11.3*Sa< 10.50 10.50 Grwth

.CaffJwC '.u___ *4. -JJ-H J 7 W ^ % ^ u l ^ In a w — m - 2 w '» w = i — J i - J i

ijgSoHxoH,- k ; ' i s a i c ^ !!:■; thesund.rd i S T . program ^ S r o I J 'w S i Z w i iy t b ;Pund B 1.15 i »7 Comm ^8 3711.33 “p ? 2 S * lT r ^ t i t iu 2 _ i V » .» —Widlosstf incuiTed In computer Investln’g 8 per cent your UEaitaoiMAAaridian. city of Twin

...................................................K i s r '!:Ji ';:S AU-tf.tta.eiactorj_bu.b-nd. 1., - aulomaUc.Hy-Bquiii. l u >11 v«Lu.uN« roil resulted In a net loss of 18.5 electing to raise his salary by 4 hiiowti

.31 yai »pc 4.34 4*5 management pany^s-very generous con- eomwofurXaiockiofiha pwwy.43 1.33 focusing on expanding com- trlbution. .......................sobdiwi»ionwhichitth#fry#^miof

s!u 141 merclfll activities and im ” If this is part of a retirement--SVkwtM ---- -proving profitability of--*lantKSFQwrelarrobablyatax ne cornar oi Lori,aeti-ospace shipbuilding aheltex^volved which would be operations, General Dynamics an additional incentive to take

full advantage of this op-

poHunity.(Mr. ^>ear cannot answer all

mall personally, but will answer all qutftlons posdUe In his

SMiten 3. T)ia« »h« M a '^ ,«nd

Baacon 14.*«14.H Olbri C r 1.15 133Baraar k ( i l u i OROUP I I C iHarkthr 7.10 7.74 Apa< P M*.OI MSRondttk 4 *3 7.57 Bal Ptui M«.0< *.*3Botl Cm 1.43 «.3I Com&lk .Boal Pdn 13.00 13.13 MI3.43 14.47Itoil Pnd 1.41 * 33 Glh PAM *.04 *.*0Brown . 4.01 4.31 Crlh Ind 33.41 33.41

Guard 37.34 37.34BULLOCK HmH DA 4 *3 5.37PUNDK Ham Or |.35 *.03

. Bull Pd 1S.|] 17.33 Harbor 1-73 t.S3Cdn Pd l*,47 31.54 H*rl«Mi )3.*4 13.*4DIVShr 3 *3 4 3* Harl LV 11.3*11.3*Nalwd 10.14 Hadbaa 154 I 5«NV Van 17.53 l*.1* Hadoa 13.3* 13.54

-B rn h m -.13.34 134* Harllff* 3.73 3.**Buim Pd I.OI U S Horae* U .U 17.SICG Pund'10.44 11.31 Hubthrt 3 74 4.11Capamr 1.33 f.l3 ICM Pin 1.13 I .H

lew t.53 f -U Vackca l.iS IQ.UVilla P l.*5 *,71 VodfbllVoyao 7.*J I .U Vanprd

Ravara P I l . i i 13.4* Varlad I . .Rlnl(l U.Si U .U Vlkng Gr 411Ichuilr 17.53 1*.U W«ll S » v ‘I.M *.>«S C U O D IR P O ll Math Mu 13.34 14.47Inir Inv U 04U.3I W ILLIN O TO NBalarve 14.37 14.37 OROUPlCom 11.01 n.OI Hvplor 33.45 33 WSpaCal U 0*34 0* lua«l 17.19 11.7*

l ie U H IT V P D I l Moron 11.411347. EQUltV 3.*3 4.30 Tchnlv l.*0 . . . . .

InVBft 1.45 *-34 Truil 1317 13.3(1Ultra P l.3« *.0« Walily 13 35 13 50

lal Am I0.3J 11.30 Wallin I M ) i],34U l tpc 17.4* 19.13 'Vjndir 10.11 IM 3ianllnal *.30 10 00 W»t< Ind 7r07 7J3tanlry P I4.S* I5.«S WIrvcap S *5 4.50lhamrk I3.»7 13.17 Wjnl dih 5 3 flhr»n-*o 33 4I-3J.4J Wlaconi ' * *»

O v e r T h e C o u n l e rQ u «|a !l* n»fr* m N A S O at

CalanaM .Canll taya 1 CarroC .lOo CarlalnlTS Catana .40 CPItlaai .10 ChmlPII.30 OutuMan 3 Chaa Ohio 4 Chrlt Cralt Chrytlar .40 CInOat 1.U

T Pin I.M) 173 45% 44W 4 4W - %

Clly Invt .1,ClavaBI 3.34 CMaCal I SO Colaala 1.40 CoHln Radio Collnlil 1.40 C B S 1.40a Cel Oai 1.74 ComSelw .40 CmwB 3.30d Comul .50 ConiSd ^.»e ContPd 1.30 ContProhl1 CentNO I U Contm Pw 3 Cant Alr>Ln CoflCan 1.40 ConllOll IW Conlrl Data CornOj 3Wa Can tffi - CI»Clr^ . - Crana 1.40 CrowallC 4k . . . CwwnZ 1.30 - 44 )7 Cudahy 5k 1i 1\ Curllu WrI Cyprut Mni

51 77 74W 74W+ W rn II I 35% 3SW 35W -r-W --r

'S !!U iSS35 33% 33W 33W ... Lou Nath 4a54 35W 35W 35%+ W i u tk«i *ta34 33% 33W 33 + % ' L u k „ !? , ;^

l a 34W 34W J4W+ W Lvki v L If l3* 54 53W 54 “ % * ^***^7< 4IW 40W 4IW— Vi Macv H H I40 IW 7W I + % S udVa 'J J ,

405 31% 31 . 3 I % - W u ia n .u 'lM14 37 3iW 3*%+ W M ir Oil I M- ' K r c v ’ “ -

» W 33W 3 3 % - %44 37 34W -3 4 W - % i in

VIS-*7U *7% * 7 % + %10 47% 47H 4 7W - % m T J d I I M15 IIW IIW IIW + %

-I* 34% 33% 34%+ W355 45% 45% 45%— IV T u K ^ .*1 35% 34% 3 4W - %*

345 37i* 34W 3 4W - W•1 37W 37% 37W+ % JKSuji37 7*% 7IW 7 IW - W J s P 'i "

, 45 34W 34% 34W -.W41 44W 45% 4S%— W44 35W 35% 3 5 % - W Z u , ,? ’ , «43 39 % 39%. 39% - , . L ”57 33W 33W 3 3W - W i m43 UW 17% I7%r- U \ \\334 43 4IW 43 + U 71\Ziai i S43* 34% 3SW 3 * W -W551 WW 77W 77W-3 Jjwbliol 3 40 '


53 3IW' SOW 3 6 H - W3*. 31W 34W 353« 133 Il'lW 1334+ *** 45 44% 4 4 % - W

43 33 31% 33% + 1%713 .13% i m I3W+ W

— M.M--SO* 45% 41W 41W - Wa* u w 1>W 1 3 H -40 50% 4*W 10W+ W

104 40% 39W 3*W - W55 3IW 37W 37W - W37 37% 34W 37W+ W73 31% 35W 35W+ W

314 31W 34W 34W - W31 IIW 11% I1W+ W

IM 43% 43 433 30% 30% SOW ...

3)1 37W 37 3 7 % - W31 34% 34W 34W+ WU 13U 33% 31W+ W13 40% 3*t« 39W - W

190 3i 33W 3 ) % - %34 41 43 43 + </»IS 33% 33W 37%+ W

104 41 40W UM,- W331 now 101 U 0 '+ 3 %

t 34W 34W 34W - W300 33W 33W » W — WII 114 1I3W 114 + )%33 1*U l*% 19%

- I -75W 7SW 75W - W103 57% 57W 57W - WU 35W 35W S5W+

W aihW 1:34 WatlAIr lOK WtBanc 1-30 WUnkwi 1.40 Wa«tei l-M Wttvae 1.05 Wayarha .aO .WhalPIII til wnlrlpl 1.40 Wh Can .400 WhItaAAolorWhiilakr Cp WlckaaCpI WlAnDst f.4l

10 3J% 33W 3 3W - W13 33W 33W 33W+ W74 31W Si% 3IW ..•I 4]Vy 43 43 . . . .

147 *3W *IW *3%+ %. 143 34% 33% 33'W>- W

«4 57 54 54 - %14* 30% l*W 30%+ W15 w % aiw • * % - %aO 34W 33W 34 - W

337 34% 33% 3 3 % - %144 13W I3W 13%

W all Street

Chatter1U 39. . 47W 47W 47W

m 54% 53 53 -1 % — XVX—

4*4 109% lOIW IO«W+ W14 43% 43% 43%+ W3* 41W 45W 45Ut W13 49W 4IW 4*%+ W

Aaro|a»--5._ Xlld Conlrol

. Am Pal .55b

CanI Ih l 13.5114.14 IncldAm 14.41 U .UCHANNiNO Ine Botf 7.1* 7.UPUNDti ' Ind PAm 5.73 5.34Balncd I3 U 13 39 Inlaoon 10-11II OOCom (Ik. 1.54 3 01 InV C»«A.)4'14 15.45Grwlh 5.M 4 55 |nv Quid ».»/ V.77Incom 7-93 1.47 Inv.Ba* 13-03 14.33SpacI 3.03 3 33 INVB5T O R O Uf i

C H A U 101 NW 5.34 5 70BO ITONi IDSPr 4,13 5.34Caplal ».31 t.61 Mutual 10.3711.37P<>d BM 10.44 1I.U tiMk 30.a33.44 Pronir *4.31 M.IO' sal«el *.37 *.*7Ih Tr B» 13.39 13.14 Vaf-Pay 7.*3 1.41 . - . __________ ______ , _______

_ , . ^ i u ^ i u , , ^

Si'S: IJJ 1:K iwrfimcton;i>uNDii Yrii Ut 3.37 . . . . performance from, now on,

V iX " : » » ! Spear and staff, inc. bOUeves.

a - {:S,J:7r!i''''H:^?^ H i !:Sivaniur S.44 4.14 johniin 33-43 31.43 Jonefl IndustHal average may

“c O T in .w . !* advance •‘only'* 100-200 pointscu»t gj 19,34 31.M over the next 20 months.

Cut) Ki roi rH "Stocks...will have their ups

i m a l * ly n M N .A l lb y « a r « l n l* * M . colunui.)• t I>(d4. In U rd M U f , qu a la H M * 49n»t Indii^a 'rvibn' 'mmiVdoWft •rtammluUit. YhaM «!>•(•*I i« n i « i « |h *v U m I b y I . W . M(R*W<•ft! A C * .'

Block 1 e l Ihfl P uddy Subdivision r Thanca South I f dagraM 30 mlnutaa E«>t a dlit*nca or 35 (a « f ; ttianca South 0 daoraai 3S m lnutat Watt

. alono th f WWt Una of Lot 31 e l th o - Orchalara Subdlvialon • dUtanca of 3M-7S f t «t to • point; Thane* North W d a «rtM M m lnutat W ttt • dlitanet e( 2S laat to tha trua point e l bafllnniog.

1.44 i.u . 1 3IW saw 3 « w - • J ' ' ; ; f i 2 i\Z

33 31% sa s*%+w ZS17-I, S*11 h i; ^ .T C ii'.ts

45 13'i. 13W 13W - W ’ ■**17 37% 37W 37W» D .O

10NablUO3.30 NalAlrl .lOh •

^ NalCa»h .73

. . . . 45W+ %. . I3W 13% I 3 % - W 35 41% 40% 4 IW -.WU 33% 33 33W - W .

104 34 35% U % + %--N.W~

3a 55W 55W 55% f Wa 37% 37W 37W - W

i43 43% 43H 43W+ WU l UW u h 1«W— w

ArhLaO 1.30 1 44 34W 35% 25%+ W C ' I.M 1.95 Cuil K3 5.70 434 . - J rlAomri k itt t n r ______-«________________ __________________BavariyEni 3U I5W u u Comp A i lo.u 11.13 go*, n i,.*Mi.a* «>wns, DUi....ior seconoary

34 UW IIW UW + % CompCp 7.37 I.M Cutl 13 11.04 13-11 g to c lu t ' •• •14 3<W 34W 34 W - W Comp M *4410.10 Cutl 13 i.4a *.53 j ‘

Clrcla k Co - 14 33 - 33 13 - Comp fd 10.41 11.33 . Cm l W 5,33 ( at a d vanO eSClary Carp 11 7W 7W 7 W - % Cam»lk 4.57 4,** Apallo 11,37 13.44Compulatl " 7 |4W 14% 1 4 % -W Cancrd 130*13.0* M a r t 4.37 4 47* P*^®<UCtt.- --------a » - i 0W -»* W -»W -* -W -««> n a ‘n ^ » t « 1*.»J-KnlcW-------- T Tf* f.»r -----------------

34 41 43W '43I4-3W Cnain gw 7.)* 7.*7 knkr Glh 10.44 U .U

Bid . AskAmer.Biocte. • 37.50 28.00Bank ofAmer. 67.25 67.63Vi

EiquityOU ■ n .63^ . 13.00First S«c.C. 43.75 4 4 ^GsirwtlFV.^ 30.50" 32.00

Idaho Pwr. 53.00 58.00Ida. 1st Natl 32.50-' 33.50Itrnn.Gas 13.75 14.13^KeUwood 40.29 40.75M..Knud. .19.25 lS.63MiPac. Eng. 3.00 3.35PaC.St.Llfe 5.50 5.71Rogenliros. 17.25 18.25Rolls Hoyce SierraUfe


: i 7 " ' 4.00 .

Surety m e:. 4.00 4.37^


K I M 8 H L Y , I D A H O ^ ^ 4 a 3 - 5 5 U


2 9S .4-..IN UNIT o n 50

t A C H .

A O O O P S i U a i O N M V O N U iM M R

-aty a a rk a u d lre c ta d to i x K U ls ,a ^ quit claim d a « i to teltf % « : « t t d rh h t. of w a y to tha e w n a rtx f Le tt S, * « t d Sef Block I . Puddy Subdlvltlon of Lot I , PIroilda Subdlvltlon in Lot 90, O rc h a lv a Subdlvltlon. Tw in F a litr Tw in Fa|lt County. Idaho, rM *rvlno « howavar, • parmanant aatam fnt lof widaroround vtllltlaa' within tha 6 M t tan fa*t of tald

'“ p u s d S ^ t ^ j y COUNCIL M»y X 1?7t.

SI ON e o b V T H e A U V O R M ay )«n.

P R A N K H . P B L D T M A N ■. AAoyor

Atta«l I ’E D N ^TH E D . K ^ N T Z oty Clark

)> U » L t8 H : M « y 4, l»71. ;

T h i s a n n o u n c * m « n t Is i w l a n ftffe r t o s * U w a

s o lic it a tio n ^ a n o H o r t o b u y l l| O M ji o q i H l f f ^ T fto o f f o ^ f > i i r ' l s 'm a c l ^ n f / l ^ p fo sp o cfw s ^

Damon Cp Day Mlnat Olnlyn CoT’p Eau Co .ftSd Pad tfnour Palmant OH


-------- --- '•/» '•« Knar otri lo.aa ii.aa _ . u . . *■I3W 13W i3w-.% c<«Mi |n iu I.U Lanx I'd 7,33 7-»* • Tho market's cUmb to theI3W 11% 13W Canlrali 10.75 10.54 Lax Ortti 10U U .t i

H i t u ! t % + % ^•*OI»MI .*0 lai law 14W 14W— wH u l i t W Nal Can .30 370 HW 37W 3«% + IWi . icii. iii7 JIu .1 U ><**0vp t.05 . -l7 7 -3 3 W -M W ~ ttW + -Wi4 35W 35% 35W+ w Nalllaal SV-i 33 45% 44% ’ 45% + IU.

. . . __Jw+’w Corp Id* 1434 ir*o CIS Siiii ir ii 1170 '‘difflcult 9504WO area'! on the

■j , r ,i“ .S“ = 5 i r t f i W ’JB t l S « J j r i : S

,i ’!s ’i2 ' I ' t z ' i45 SOW 3*w 3*wt-% oooupi 4,ing Pnd Ml , ,. up»u™i Bccordlng to Hafrls,

*50 15% j4% i4*C-% L^M 'I Uohaih & Co. Ttie company '

- . . . ___________ ________________________ it"tKntirom5"ytiortn~33W 33W 33W .., JaVaoh M 4I7I.U Cap l>V 13.3113,31 1QM I- « „ t « R »34l{ 34 34 - H DodgCx U.55 U .U AAulual 1 5 ,u is !u l H 6 4 S .0 n i y & I10% 10


Cominodity Futures1 1 a . m . T o d a y

May Idaho Potatoes- May Maine Potatoes June U v e CatUe Oct. U v e Cattle' ilayEggs^May Or»m May Wheat MaySUver

J u ly ^ v e r

.PREV .C L O S E H IG H U ) W 11:00 a j n

IB .4 9 IS .7 0 15.48 16.60' 3 .M . . S . » ' m t n - i

S160 S165 a.40^ “ 8 1 « ------------- ^- 30JW ." 30.15 -J0.06 3 0 .U .

. J910 \ 3 »4 5 .2870 .JSSS143' 144H 14SH 1 43% /160% 161H \ m 1 ^

170.10 170.00 168.70 168.M 17130 17140 170.60 170JO

.............................................. r f % »>•''*' •“ U »»•« l A V L S l l-K > t«w -trr3 «— w 4 -iiM r— T j* * -3 < -- -\ » -o a t t » -T r -t .o * -» » 4 — a w a r ^

klrbytod .M ......... ............. u ............... - --LaaSnl .SOb

Nall Cp McCulloch

a s n 'S r iNawParkM Ooitlae 3.10b .PacNW 1.04 ^ l a tt .40 Pnaum Oyn PutocoPI .15 RtC lr>d Inc ' lhailuck On ’

' lalllran D«v Itatrwm In* tynlta C .40


riW 33W ..: S»Vaoh M 4I7I.U Cap IM 13.31 13,31 iivmi |-34 - H DodgCx . U.55 U.U AAulual 15 ,u is lu l » 8 4 a . . , _ .IQ ^ W ‘ •*145.45 I5.U' Lord Abb 11.00 , . . . a w a v ' *^AIfhniiffh t h « IfMn Ijtvatt

Oraytu. 13 03 14.37 Lulharn 1* 7713.Miaw-% S vJ* Lw 15.U U4I M|ina fM «.*o is likely to tw bsttved duflng

7* W 'Ji; 3!vi% ^ 7 1 IhU .bu)} nmket U. wotiM

— *** ■ minor correction tbe

3W 3W ■ 3VV- W

1.33 4 . 9 3 ........................... ...

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33 U H UW UV»+ %


J C ? remarg

C v m p la le

' S a le c llo n


(/»• yoor Bonlt Cofrfs

R E D 'S "!*•

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0,3*14.03 . 13.77 14.n Matt T r i t 4 S 11.41

’ M a tttiv 443 4 « « j ( 7.3S Mamar U JS l4 4 tJ

I3.M U.94 Mid Am t.11 *40 t.7i 7 Jt M dy-tCp 13.M13.M

Quofotioita from Looit N . Ritten Twin Fallt

N B W TO C d M E D V

HOtLVWOOD CU P IM Jllii. lo O u n iu u i ', I n i i b u i d ' < ( A i m . H « r U A U m t h a t t l , p ro d u o e Scnea dona ' n m ta lT tdn i- • b o o o in e A r . 1 ^ , ' '

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. 4.M • .» M IF Fd *.34 V,«f

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b y .

; - Jas-W H Sr"

l i e m n D ^ s n i D S E E D , in it lK in a n iiu

O iw ' ^ tlw VERY IcW abwlutaly daanJ

M 0 0 > 0 0 0 ® “7 % ^ Yr SiJinrifcintfil# . . V 11 ■ wUmWi-UHICI%v V

Debentures. Duf May 1,1974'

INTEREST PAID OUARTERiyC o p y o f prbipactu* b « o b ta in ^ ‘

f r o m i " ,


14 . Tlmet News, Twin Falls, Idaho 'niurtday. May 6, 1971 > ' '

Jerome and Wood River

to battle for South

Cientral Idaho ero iw ii^^

Stars rip Colonels for a b a lead

■ 7 W S T t A t ^ s ^ f ^ e w s .


Ik l4 41 U l - *t**— t il

» Comb*« . ^ . . . . . . . Munltf 0 3 ? J eoon*C e n te r Z e lm o B « a t y b u c k e te d simoo » r i » stoo.

40 p oints W e d n e s d a y n ig h t t o ’ Teiti." p a c e the U t a h S t a r t W a l 3 5 - I » ' « ; , 7 « »

w in o ve ^ K e n t u c k y to g iv e th e thf..poini c«rfi*f u j»cii»on

. ^ S ta rs a 2-0 b u lg e in the Pow.ii*. uoof> y lu ti--------- . ............................................................... ' ______ _____ _______ _____ . _ rh n m p fftn a h tp ftniitii ' n f ’ tha 1. O*mo\»< i. C»rri*f 3. UuM*f 4.,%in\on

_ G Q Q D I N G _ = ^ j n i & ^ e r 9 m e _ t e f l m r a c e fo r th e Sou t h J M t r a l _ i j p . m . F Y ld a y w it h fie ld e v e n ts A m e r ic a n b a s k e t b a ll A s s o c la - jK k w n *; Comht 4, Hoftn* S. Moot 1. T i g e r s a n d W o o d R i v e r Id a h o , C o n fe re n c e t ra c k a n d , a n d Ih e r u n n l n ^ f I n a ls w i l l b e tion .W o lv e r i n e s , r w l t h " nfia y b e fie ld • c h a m p io n s h ip F r i d a y - a t h e ld im m e k U a t e iy a ft e r .— ^ S h o o t i n g ' S s l a l l n g 57 p b r ce n t M o jm ^ ln 'H p m e a s a d a r ic h o r s e , the G o o d in g lU g h S ch oo l t ra c k . W o o d R iv e r goes Into th e ■ f r o m th e f ie l^ , th e S ta r s b ro k e a re e i ^ c t ^ to sta g e a t ig h t T h e c o m p e tit io n w il l b e g in a t .t h in g w |th ^ p o ^ b l l l t y o f n o t ^ o m a 6 5 ^ 2 h a lft im e advan<

g c ttm g .ik f i r s t p la c e , b u t . f r o m . ta g e b a n 68r7Q b u lg e w it h 3M1 s e c o n d to f i f th s p o t re m a in lr fg In the th ird p e rio d .

f Idaho signs Brown, Dennis; lS l«5 «V IiU e r«^o fi^

Padres and Braves ^p^lit doubleheader

the Wolverines are going to be in .Beaty, running more than he the thick of It. Conversely, has aU sfiason, balanced his Jerome will have tohave-a scoring in 'each of the four

■ --------- - i - - ------------—



forgblf lille

SAN DIEGO (UPD-Wlnnlng pitcher Jim Nash and Glh Garlrido each slqglod in a run In thb sbcth Inning ■ Wednesday night to give the a Atlanta

* Braved a 9-1 decisloo over San "Dlcgo'tn th* second'RHmo'ofH"

doubleheader after the Padres

captured the opener &-1.

----------, (an Dlwd•b rtib l s b rh b l

tKkvC rf 4 0 10 H*rn*rtdl u 4 0 I 0C irr \l - 3 0 1 0 Cjmp6«ll :t>4 M 0 „

■ Mlll»n >t) j » » 0 C*»lon cl 4 J J t B*{k>ri }b S I 3 0 Rotw*)) }b - . . -Williams lb ] 0 I 1 Coltxrl 1b 4 I t 9 BWIIIIsmt II 3 I 0 0 Marihall rl 3 0 0 1A»roo p«i t 0 0 0 Orowo tl 4 t 1 I Unlo Jb 3 » 3 3 JonM II 4 0 10PrltWv p .O O O O S Ia h lll 4 0 1 1 Calll»«n rl S 0 1 0 Krantpol lb 4 3 3 3Boyvr )b 4 0 10 Cannliiar c 3 0 I 0 Pvpllont )(> 4 0 t 0 Aipromnl lt>4 0 I tJachwm cl 4 0 0 0. D*»n Jb 3 0 0 0 MIckman lb S 1 I 0 Fell lb ‘ 0 0 0 0DIdltf c 4 0 0 0 Rob«rl» p 3 0 ) 0 OrtU (f 0 0 0 0 Crolf C 4 0 1 0P*rtl tl 3 0 0 0 S*w*rln»*n pO.O 0 0 OBraacitn C 4 0 3 3 Hahn cl 3 0 0 0NItkro 0 3 0 0 0 J*nkln» p 4 0 10 Slnqlvton ph I 0 0 0

.Oaffldo ph 10 10 . McAndrcw p I 0 I 0

Sirffmr 10 0 0

Aiiania U ylo r p 0 0 0 0fan DI*9« - I l i l S e t — S ph I 0 0 0

E 'P «r»i. OP'AllanIa I. San Olaoo V YoUll ) l I 13 I T*UI« 'LOB'Allsnta 4. S*n-Oi»I^ S- 30'Wllllaml, Chlcags

Idaho and Idaho State signed them," llcndron said. "Brown Bcnglils will ever meet and(our top athletes out of Magic (a 6-2 and 185 pounds with all (rostaen are now allowed toValley Wednesday which was that speed and Dennis Is fast participate on the varsity level,"national letter" of Intent flay with good hands and gobd slie Facilities, reputation and

throughout the nation. and has proved he can run with logic dictated Miller’s decision University of Idaho. Iho ball." to go with ISU and decline

. roprcsfintcd by professional Hcndren also npted Dennis is scholarship bids from Arizona

blerid'brflrsls'vrtUi ‘its 6ther p ^ r i ^ r " .... ........ " Ed and.-Jim PurveV moved ' spllfend and holdor'or mosfofb igger.'faster find'hfld'bettcr-and,Coloradoplus;fwler3 from'

iwlnts as the Tigers haven't t h e D ^ . Iasel matched Beaty's Into the Anals against John the Vandal receiving records, grades than Hendren In high several national, tracks powersdepth Coach Bob Shay can output by .scoring 40 points for Rosholt and Bill-Crow In the Jerry Hendren, sltJned Kirk school and predicted Dennis Including Kansas,muster. the Colonels. Blue Lakes men's spring best Dennis of Wendell and Rich could break a lot of his records The mlnldome gives Miller

The conference meet will be a Utah moved out to a 37-28 ball tournament. Brown )>f Glepns.Ferry. Idaho at Vandalvllle. year-round training artdgood indlcaUon of next week's lead at the end of > the first Purves and Purves defeated State inked Stove Torlx of Torlx, who is 215 pounds, practice facUlUes.'Idaho StateA-2 district finals. On the basis quarter. But the Colonelscame Jlarvy Schlagenhauf and Jack Mlnlco and polo vaulter Billy played defensive tackel for is sufficiently track conscious toof the fiv e local teams, favorites roaring bapk In the second Qalbom 2 and 1 while Rosholt Miller of Twin Falls. Several Coach Corky Hill at Mlnlc<vand provide funds that will enableare quite clear this late In the period behind the shooting of and Crow shoi a string of eight other boys already had com- alotofldahoState’scxcitement him to compete at every level ofyear J)ut ‘ the addition of Darel Carrier, Issel and Walt' birdies at Charles Cosgrlff and mltted. “ , In slpilng the young giant In hU competition his , eventual Mountaln~Homdrwhlch-hasn't-simon"to“ tako"tho-lBnd-40^--Gordon'Edgarto-win-flve-and-— The-fllgnlng-of-Brown-and-youth. Torlx Isa year behind hls_capabllity-wlll-carry-him.-And_

w * ’ j • j j j B- _____ appeared in this district yet, >vith 8:55 left before'Intermls- four. Dennis by Idaho kefips together graduating class In age and In the event his promise of at-, XI uP^ui m ik ^joiild throw the usual balance alon. • The consolation pairings will a lifelong tradition. 'Although won't turn 18 until next October, talnlng world class'W vaultingJ e n k ^ with ms mth iriumpn . The score then changed hands send Bill Peters and Ed Harper they ’ certainly wouldn't Although ho has slimmed Is never reaUzed, he already

ot ine season. ^ couple of thhgs will in- seven times and was tied four against Jim Sinclair and -Dr., remember lt; Ilich and Kirk down, some for track and has achieved a level that will,b r h w Ui r h bt fluence the Jerome-Wood River times before Uie Stars began lo Frank Carpenter In the top were born the .samci day, Aorll wrestling purposes, Torlx give him success on the con-

! ? 2 raceif Itbecomesasclosoasis pun away in the final four ’ semi-flhal with Bob Latham and 17, 1053, In Gooding Memorial played at nearly 230 pounds last fercnco and ISU level.possible. H ie first key will be minuted of the opening half. .Bill Cook go against Dr. Glenn hospital a few hours apart. B<)th year and should get easily Into M iller's taste of nationalthe physical condition of Filer's Utah moved steadily ahead of Hoss and Dr. WllIard.Poterson have spent their lives In their that weight class with another competltlCn akeady Is set upJim Daniels, who would have to -the Colonels bi the second half in Uie bottom bracket. . homo towns where their fathers year or two of maturily. the youngster receiving bids torule as the hurdles favorite, tightening Its defense and In the first flight, Glenn Trail are In education. They have Miller will l»-lng Instant help participate In the Golden WestDaniels Injured fils'back two ahulUng off the Inside shots of and Joo McCollum have moved been strong on4he-fleld com- to Idaho State, his 16-foot track meet bi San Francisco bweeks ago broad|umplng flnd_f»an-i?r Into thft hy Hf*f<»pt|ng,Al_peti>or8 froni junior high school vaulting.alrefldv-Qn,fl,par-with June andln the U.S. FgderaHnnaggravated the wound last Carrier and -Simon each Westergren . and Dick Se^a up,'HbtB towns being In the most of the conipetlUon the meet later In the summer.

' CubB 5^ M els 4 NEW YORK (UPI) -Dan

Breeden’s two-run single cappM a four-nm fifth builng We^esday night that carried the-Oiicago-Cubs-to-a—5-4

victory over the New York

Carr, U«»n.

NIthro L 3 ]PflddV-t>ot>*/UW33‘ ’^tv*rinun I

Sava ■ S«v«rlni»n ‘ (SI. nobarU.T-M}.

' S#cond gam*Allani* Ian Dl«f«

a b r h U • lir h b tJacktM cf S 0 3 0 HKnandl it 4 0 3 0 Carr II 1 1 3 0 Campb«M 3b3 0 0 0 Aaron lb 4 0 3 1 Cation cl 3 0 10 Mlllan 3b 3 13 0 Co lW I lb 3 0 10 King C 3 0 0 0 BfO-,^ rl J 0 0 0 Uum rf - 4 10 0 Slahl II 4 0-1 0 Wllllamt te 4 0 0 0 Barton c 4 13 1 Carrldtf 3 O 1 I 0«an 3b 3 0 0 0 Nath p 3 Q. t 1 Wabtlar ph 10 0 0 Upthaw p 0 0 0 0 KIrby p 3 0 0 0

Laxlan p 0 0 0 0Kandall ph 1 0 0 0Sanlorlnf p 0 0 0 0Murr*ll ph 10 0 0

33 3 10 3 Talalt 33111

3 0 0 0 0 3WP - Prldd»f, Janklni W J 3


IS!Tafali Allania

------------ -------e-Daan, &UHI. or’ -Allanta 1. LOB-

Allania I, San Diaoo I. 3II Jacki«n. HH- . Barton (}|. SB D«an. S Upihaw,

Ip b ■‘ •r bbM V Nath W 3 3 * * 1 1 3 3

Upthaw 3 3 0 0 1 1w Kirby t 03 S23 I 3 3 3 4

t.a>ilon 1 13 3 0 0 0 0- Unlortnl 3 0 0 0 1 1' Sav> Upthaw <31. HBP-ny Klrtiy •j U ln « l. WP lClrl.y- T-3i3f. A

? H e a s 8 , L . A . 4

? I ^ ANGELES (UPI)-Tony • : Perez hit a tie-breaking three- > run homer and Lee Ik^ay added

a solo four-bagger in the, • • ' Mventh inning Wednesday night

: to pace the Cincinnati Reds to : an 0-4 win over the Los Angeles

■; Dodgers.

week. If he is unable to go In the scored 25 points. Willie Wise while the other seml-flnaUs not same athletic confcrence.

ei*ft4*M»-i Jerome’s anticipated &nd Glen Combs hit'2S and 22 completed. In consolatrdn, Hendren, who plays wide . . . . . -jM**J«i*-4-polnt-take-wUl-increase-wlth-points— r4st>ectlvelyr%for-the-Kneeland-and-Unger-meet~r©celverfortheDenverBroncos—

r.rbbt* N^'’ vor*k'* ‘’'“ ’ JimMecfcjand Roger Campbell stars. Mechl and Sc^eberger for tho and Is assisting In coaching

3 3 0 0 ~krrnaw*N*ff*"B-j“o;r L‘ H^^ tho helrs apparent. But thcro Is Kentucky's U s Hunter fouled right to play Winston Jones and wide rocelvera this spring, said• • - -K*utnoar.sF-Marth°?N, * anothcr stcp. Mcoks had to outearly In Uio fourth perlM. Bill Koch for the tlUo. They currently the Idaho staff plans

^ Vli**? 13 forego competition- last week Kentucky managed to connect defeated Dr. Georgo Davis and to Install Brown as a runnlng-• ? ? i due to Illness In the family. If ho on 48.5 per pent of Its shots Dr. McKain. back and Dennis as a wide

0 igp't there. Jerome will lose fron) the field.' Ken Brown and John Davis, receiver. Both went both ways’ * ccrtaln points and Wood River two clubs now movo to who defeated Qlff. Fallis and for their Wgh school teams,

will benefit. ' • Louisville’s Freedom Hall for Qlick Hiatt, will meet Jolm Brown as a llriebacker andBut what Is hurting Wood the third and fourth games Detweller and Don Zuck, who Dennis as safety.

River's chances most Is' Jer- FVlday night and Saturday ousted Fuz2 Connell and John "We believe l>otli men have aome's Randy Suter who figures afternoon. Johnson, In the third flight tremendous future ahead ofto take the sting out of the Qojc finals. Dr. Dean Affleck andWolverines'usual power plays x*ni«kvM3U^ ^uiah<mi^ ^ ^ John Soden will play Emery

in the mile and two mile. Suter Pow*ii i 13 ir wita v no i* Chaffee and Frank Cook forshould take both and although J consolation honors.Wood River will take two or oampi.r $ 3 3 13 jackwn 1 3 s u sterling Vaughn and Frankthree of the next four spots, the. .......

c. Wllllamt I. 0-1Taylor ........................

, McAndrtw pIKhati lo 3 ball*/l In llh. i WP-McAndraw. T -3 ;4 J , A-31,4J7-

E x p o s 5 , A i i t r o s 1

MONTREAL (UPI) ^Ron Hunt homered In the first Inning and scored another run in the second Wednesday night as the Montreal Expos defeated the Houston Astros, 5-1, behind the Bix4ilt pitching of Bill Stoneman.

Feldtmah have tho second flight tucked away, defeating Charles Coiner and Bob Vouree 2 up.


S A W T O O T H W ILDERNESS C A M .P ,2 5 M l. N o . o f S u n V a lla y , Id a h o *

W e w ant to teil our curriculum of camping, bocltpock- ing, flihing, cooking, basic lurvival skills b «fo rs be* ginning regular sessions. A rare opportunity for you to send your son (or newphew or grandson) to the W hite Cloud Mtns. Base com p at remote lake in Sawtooth National Forest. Three>week sessions, June and July. Vpurco>» Is only $100.00, Write Box 153, Sun ValUy, Idaho B33S3. -

Hautlan Manlraal I■b r h bl 4 0 3 0 Hunt 3b 4 0 0 0 Slaub rf I I 1 0 Dallay It)

k b rh b l S-3 4 IMaligir It

Moraan 3U Wynn cl Watttw lb Manka 3b Alou II C«d*ryi rl Gdwwdt C Howard c RIailnoam i

PCaronim ph FOfMh p 0 0 0 0 AAarll»wj ph I 0 0 0 Crillln p -0 0 0 0 ChllM pt,' 0 0 0 0 larhatlar p 0 0 0 0 .Talalt 311 «Hm i ImMantraal _________ .

DP— Houiton 1, Monlraal 3. LOn.— Mauiton S. Monli'aai 10 ,

3B-Stw6bada. Balaman.tHn-Hunl (U . SD-Alou, Wynn. S~Slonaman. S F -

4 0 10 Swoboda cf 3 1 1 03 0 0 0 nalaman c 4 0 10 3 0 0 0 Hoccaball 1b1 0 0 03 0 0 0 Fairly lb 1 1 0 01 0 0 0 Ltboy 3b 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 l<alriV II 3 0 0 0

>0 0 0 0 Wathort li o 0 o 00 0 0 0 mrt4 I I J 0 3 t 10 10 Slonaman p 3 0 1 1

Tigers' bonus 12 will hurt.Injury continues to plague the

A-2 circles with Buhl's Ben Allen not going in the halfmlle for sure. However, Day of Mountain Home, who has ji 2:00.3 to his credit, was the favorite.

if Daniels Is back, Filer will probably get the- most first he and Llerman make tho Wildcats tough In five spots.

I TalaltI I ; |3 lit4 ^ M «»M e 4 l— T 3UMMX—*


. . RMf r» _ • • Cllna cl

B»nch c P*r»i lb May 1b

H.' Gibbon p Carbo H Haimt ia

Lot Anaalaia b rh b l M r h b l.4 10 0 Wlllt I I 3 0 10 3 3 10 Crb/kwti 31)3 I 1 3 ' ■ - ■ - - - SOSO


0 04 0 1

S I 3 1 Davit S 1 3 4 Allan II 4 13 3 Parkar lb 0 0 0 0 Slmt c 3 0 0 0 Suriakli c

- - — J 0 1 0 Garvay 3b — Concapcn i » 4 0 1 0 flucknar rl ' Slmown p 1 0 0 0 Rutiail rl

Wllcon p 1 0 0 0 Slnoar p Slawarl ph 1 1 1 0 Moallw p Woodwfci 31) 1 0 1 0 AAola PM

Houoh n Talalt 3* I 11 ? Talalt CIncliiitallU « A>HHl4t ----------------------. .

I: Carway. DP Clnclnnall 3. LO|t. CInclnnall I. Lot Ar^jilat 11. .

30 Banch, I'arat. Stawart. HU.Parai (]>. May (I ) . sn-Corvcapclon, Parkar. S- Cltttion. Slngar. Wlllt.

I Ip h r ar bbSImpton 3 0 3 3 1 3WilcOK W n . ' 4 3 1 1 0 3

Ip h ra rb b ta 3 3 1 3 1 3 1

U- 3 -> I I 0 I 3 4 3 3 3 1 3 3 0 0 0 *

Blailngama I. 3 3 Ray -- Month CrilllnLamatlar . . . » . .StonamanWJI » * » > J 7

H B P -b y Blailnoama (Slaub». W P -B a y 3, Crillln. Slonaman. PO-Ciiwardt. T - 3 :» . A -#,3i3. -




C urd s S , P hils 1

31413 .

—craftoay:--SIfvoK t 3*.....................*33 » i I ' i .S MM lUf-.............................1 13 1 0 0 o 'l liouftn...................................... 111 1 0 3 1

SImpiCK) pll(h»<J to 3 lialtari In Jrd- SavaOrarHiar {31 UOJ- By SImpion

......... ........... ................. >l|.

StandingsAtnatlctn Liaoua Slafwilnai

HV Unllad P riti IntarHallahil .Bail '

lu t .notion Halllmora Wau>it>oion Patrol!N«w York Clavalano

PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - m»M4«i-i Lou Brock and Jose Cardenal

hlt~elghlh^nnlng~hbme runs Wednesday night to break a M Ue and lead the St. Louis Car­dinals to a 5-1 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies.


Oaklanil Calllornia - Kaniat Clly Ulnnavila M.llwaukaa: Chicago ____

11 I .*!3 -

19 H .iJJ -14 13 .m 314 13 . i l l 3

-03 14 ,4*3 In 13 4 » S10 U

O'Leary's track tcam^ made, a sweep of tht annual Red.- White and Green-White com­petitions Wednesay, the boys taking an a&^2 decision ond the

-glrls-winning-62-Sl---------. The O'Leary boys got a sprint

double from Pat K ^gan and good distance effort from Mike North who won the mile and was second In the half. GUlenwattf

-aided flfaart's^ejfert-brwlnning- the pole vault at a sub-par 3-0 and nmnlng on two winning relays.

For the girls, April Arrington of O’l^a ry won the 50 and 100-

- ---- son took the hurdles and won the

broadjump In.B. district best. of. 10 feet, 10 inches. M iu Tlckner paced Stuart a win In ^ e 7&-yard dash, second iri the 60 and a leg on tho winning medley

relay team.KoV'tDivltlaH

T»«m tcorlfto - O'Laarv H . JIuarl S3. Shotpul ~ Ward, Si Maallng. 0/

F'Inlaywn, 0.1S 3.»ilqh hurdlaa - Haniirlcki.Oj Ballon. S;

Ward, 0. I I 4.iM yard ralay Sluarl. ITuckar,

MacHamar, Mlllmkn, Clllanwatarl. '100 yard daih - Kaaoan. Oi Ward. O;

- T u U w . — — - i , ----------Z i -

a b rh b l a b r h t S i l l llowa tt S 0 0 0 Alou c\ 4 0 1 O.Doyl* 3b.^ 4 0 10 UaUnuii Cl 0 1 0 0 Monlanai ^1 4 0 0 0 SImmoni c 4 1 1 0 Jotu>U)n lb 3 1 1 0 Torra 31> 3 1 1 0 AAcCarvar c 4 0 I 0 Cardinal r( 4 13 3 FraM fl ' '3 0 0 0 ' llurdl lb 3 0 10 Monay 3b 4 0 3 I SUamOra 7t) 3 0 0 I HItlfl II 3 0 3 0

Hoarnar p orandn p

33 111 ToUll

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I II nTeUli

SI. LouU Phlladalphia

DP.Jt. L6ult Phlladdphli

Alou. HH.Ilrock (31, Cardinal (3). Torra. SP.jliatnora.

it b K a rb b uClaval«nil W 3 3 V 7 1 1 3 SWUa 7 4 1 1 3 3Moarntr L 1 1 0 3 3 1- 1 0•• 1 1 1 1tirancion • 3 3

}. A10.II4.

C in iils 2 ,'l*irnU -s 1NallOHtI Laioua Slandlngi

-KV.Unltfd rra ii inlarnOlouU. «a tl

Naw YorkAAontraaiPlltiburoh

.' Houtlon Clnclfwail ' U n 01*40

13 H .4*3 7' 10 14 .417 •' 7 19 .3*9 13'

SAN rnANC iSco (Up d -

. . .L i . _ — J 440.vardda»h“ *AcOonald, 0 ;M a »lc a ,Oi Harnandai, O. S9.4.

Low hurdlaa - Botlron. I i Handrlcki, O. BalhM, t. 33.1.

IM yard run - tartan. O ; Nerih, 0; PltHtf. a. J.3J.4.'

Two m lU run - Cuallar. Oi Maad, O; (Chntldl. S. 13:30.1.

330’Vard dath - ka*oan, Oj Andarton. O i Clamanlt. O. 3S.1. u

Ri>ta«4li'Mor«*ni MlllmanI 4i03.0

B L C C w o m e n

g a i n f i n a l s

‘J Mary Cook and Gall Jones and Helen Edgar and Bo Hat-' ting moved into the final oT the

u '* i '« r •*» nins witli a single and Infield10 J Mt i'> out and Juan Marichal stopped11 !J i;; 1 Pittsburgh on.thr^e.hlts Wed- ‘i ,’J ? nesdoy. to lead' the San

, Francisco Giants to a 2-1

so*" 7 ' ' ‘ctory over the Pirates.J4 J4 _ Joo_ * ; i____ A Hingin h y »A1 n a llnahaf^

sacrifice "by Marichal imd Henderson's single lied the scoro at M In the fifth and the Giants came up with the winning run bi the seventh on a double by Bobby B o ^ , a short slnule to left by Chris Spelar and Hendet'son's tap to the mdund. , ; •

(an rrancftc* a b rliM a b rk M

c « h }b 4 0 0 0 Bond* rl 4 11 naonar 3b

Blue Lakes Women's sprbig; 4 o o oK ..II ^ i ? ! 0 MfCovav lb 4 0 I 0> best ball tounuuneitt.

Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Jones ousted Jane Purves and Betty McRoberts and Mra. Edgar and

i±,' Mrt:‘ l^tting topped VI Coiner £ «im1 Evelyn CbrUtofferMn.& . In cbnaolatlon play, Shirley K Bttg and Mildred Scran, who .. . .

! !114 0 I ]

- .1 « u I g Mccovay ib 4 0 I 0Ollvaf cl 10 10. DIallC 3 0 10 Noba/tin 1b 3 1 M< II 4 0 J 0 Unool1l*n c 4 0 0 0 f uaniM )b S 0 0 0

l*ola vault — OUlanwaltr, t ; Andarion. . OJ Harnandai. O. 1.9.

Oltcu* — Plnlayton, O; Ward. Ii Haallno. O. 100 3. ,

O lrUO IvllUn v Hurdla* - Thompion, Oi Xfchar, Oi

»vrn, I . IM .Sholput - Wllllfemt, t l Warran,. I i

'*A*(HI«a«, O, J M , . . . . .3f0.v»rd dMh — Cook, l i Bnolahafl. Ol

Smimi I . >•.>.• W yard da*h — Arrir^jlon/0 ; Tkkna^,

I J NudolpH/ >■ T.*.MOdard ralay lluarl (Oallowav.

Veutt. Hammond, Halayl. lioi.r.100 yard daah v . A/rlnoldn. Ot t l

Rudolpfi. S. 11.3. .4«.V*rd dath ~ Orlgibv; Ol Andarton.

Ol e«>rn. I . «S.f.

- / -r lluaH (TteliMf. Malay, J, Hantani 3i0l.9i. i tfath — Tlchnar, l i W*«k«r, Ol


, Mf/lthsl W 4 fby WKlchel

T.JI03, A.I.3II.lOllvnr), WP'W«il(«r.


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CATCHER’S MITTFits the hand perfectly

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Retail $15.00 TEAM PRICE


Spalding and Dudley — The Answer to your TEAMBat Problem . . . Fully approved by Notion- __ ^al Little League . ■. PRICt




- -L y n W o e d S h b p p in i^ € e n tc irT O P E N ; M O N D A Y ^ A N I H : i H D A ¥ ^ T I t 9 H > 7 M -

F a lls jfavo red tore p e a t as S IC

The Twin FaUa Bruliu waited 20 yeara for a Southern Idaho Conference track and^fleld title Iwfore abcompliahlng 11 in 1070.

-When thrleagOT ge ts 'tog^e r -agalij -Friday- n lj it . at Bruin

Stadium, the Bruins will probably make It two straight.

Coach Jerry KlelnkopJ's charges lead :;n number of cntHeS'and should pull polnta out of 13 of'the 17 events and maybe M. Overall the Bruins

a^u ld score.- from- 60. to - 70 points while Bora^ and High* land look like 'the teams to

battle it out for sccond, somewhere In the 40s or high 30s. '

For the first time the Sid will s{»'eBd ltd championship meet Into sufficient, t|me to let qualifiers and field men rest up. 'niepfclim inaricaforthehurdles

and two shorr'dahscs wilPbe heldat 3:30 p.m. All field events begin at 5 p.m.‘ and the runnUig

flnais will start at 6i30 p jn .Only two Individuals are

returning., as defepdlng champions. Paul ^ b e r . Idaho

share of tha hurdle record of- 14.8,. is back in the highs and s

/ a v o i^ to win both tim ber. events. Hie other Is Twin Falls’ BUljr Miller , who b e ^ e the best junlor pole vaulter in the nation in this meet last year when he soared to a record of 15 feet, 3 Inches. Miller eclipsed; that by one Inch last week for a n ' all4ime Idaho best and this week'has been working ex­tremely hard on his pull ups.

Other records that ai;e bi Jeopardy come in the 880-yard relay where Twin Falls, Borah- nnd Highland have been-at 1:32 against 1:31,8. Twin Falla has

jbM fedJtsjiuartet_up_ .by In­serting senior'sprinter Robert Worner and ahould, with any kind of,weather, top the record.

Brewers lose row but beat Senators

easily. Beating the other,two m i^ tb e harder. Highland and

,Twln F'oUfl have. bettered the 3:40.6 medley mark with

Bruin Mark MiUer-has b ^ 22.1 in the '22d*yard dash against the 22.3 stahdaird.■ All the races wlU feature great duels. Miller will bo fneetlng W ice of Caldwell, Wakeman of Borah and Didst of Skyline in the c«itury with the Bn iiirttcker being 'sophomore' Bill Woodson. Miller and Reece pose a toUgh Britin duo in the 220-yard dash with Woodson also along. The quartermile will pit WUcox of Mlnlco who had 50.0 against Orcutt of Meridian

■who turned in a 50.3 Wednesd^ night. The halfmile could end up a two4eam duel among Birins J ack Cooper and._so(dM^ore Gary SKars~lnd* Saul ’and' another Highland Ram.

Ihe mile could well be the poorest race of the night with Gillette of Nampa a heavy favorlis. But the two-mile has four 8ub>10 minute men In Stan Doten of Twin Falla, Simmons of Borah, Towle of Boise, and Parker of Idaho Falls.

v The individual winners and times include high hurdles. Wren. Borah, 15f2r -«80->terd' relay. Borah, 1:32.3; 100-yard

T W i7~Prlce,'"Caidwell" 10.3;- •Mile-run,-Gillette,. Nampa, 4:34.4; 44&-yard da«h^'Orcutt, Meridian. 50.3; 440-yard relay, •Borph 44,3; I/)w hurdles, Wren, Bora.h. 20 .9 ; . 880-yard run, Fender, .^am pa , 2:03.5; medley, Boise, 3:48.1; 220-yard, dash, Marks, Borah, 32.1; two

"mlleTTowle, Boise, 9:45.9; mile relay, Borah, 3:26.9; ahotput, Girdner, Boise, S2>2; discus, Glrdner, Boise, 1634W; high lump, Precht, Caldwell, 6-0; long jumpr Perry, Borah, 21'0V'«, and i^ le vault, l^dey , Nampa,

14-4. : ___________ V — —

T>tur»d»y, Ma> 4.1971 Tlmti-Newi. Twin FalU. tdaho 15

Pro cag^ merger talks resume today ■

^ N E W YORK-(UPI)-Merger. created when fans h e v men- For a time, the Boards of_poalUve viewpoint today ow £ji_ : co^I^hltteea of thB'Natibrial and * Hon oFticket price IncreaMs to O b v ( ^ f * of both le ^ iies"w w possible merger. He<Jid say^ “ I American'3ask(itball Aasoola- make up the deficit bi the club fearful Congress would be have always felt that a tions.met separately today* to treasuries. sympathetic to the players' consolidation of the NBA anddiscuss the .feasibility of ait ' Sam Schulm^n, owner of the chak^e and if the situation were ABA * was., inevitable and I

.. immedifltfl-amalgftmatinn.that_Seattle—SuperSonlcs—and -a-^presentedbeforet)w legislature anticipate-a move- ln - that- could end the escalating money member of the NBA merger It would not grant b i^etball direction in the near future!" war for college players. committee, has been predicting the immunity ;from anti-trust An Indication that merger

An NBA co n ^ tte e headed all along that a merger was laws that pro football and ^m m itteM jin.WPrking OVer:L. by Abe PolUn. presldenl bf the' forlhcdmlng, now and not in the baseball enjoy. . V time toward a common solution•BaltimonrBnlleta,^nd-ita-ABA^-tli8tant-fttture:----- r:-:------- Appar^ntly,-the owners-i<fe-was empt>asiied-fay-BCT~Kgr»~counterpart,dialredby Wendell A lt the ABA owners are for risk congressional- oei;, o ^ e r of tht-old St. Louis Cherry, Kentucky Colonels’. th < consolidation that, If disapproval since it may b? Hawks,~ who said he had bk

'ovmer. liave been meetii^ for effected, would create a 28* their only chance tor many ofthe last fourjnreetu in ^n effort. team league —17 from the NBA them to emerge from the red,iU) secure the pros and and j l froni the ABA. Only a few of the NBA clutwpresent a united front that "Frankly, we're nc^ far apart a ^ said to be‘making, money,

< ^ rtp n ity to buy bito one of the, top attendance-drawtng . NBA teams \ut shelved a deqisloh because, "If a merger

would bid for congressional from that I hear, said an ABA IncMding ^ e New York’l^lcks pomes about,. ! .may. not .want.ap'proVal of a merger. spoke^an. * and'- Milwaukee' Bucks who any part of It."

It was reported several weeks The one huge roadblock that'p layed before sellout crowds all ‘i f 1 ownitd a franchlse,'*rd“ago that all but two of the NBA must be circumvented is the season. The ABA" is hurting, vote against the merger,"owners were gung-ho, for a players'feelings that a merger too, at the gate and trying Kerner said. " I just can't see amerger. Their pocket books would cut into theb-chances for desperately to recover through 28-team league."were emptying because of the fat salaries. The NBA Players the signing of big name ' In addition to paying bigtelephone number ..contracts Association contends a merger collegians., prices for college players, bothbeing signed and they are all would be an nntUrust vlolMlon ' ABA. . Commissioner Jack leagues have been hurt byaware of the uproar that wJU be . and injurious to their livelihood. _Dolph_Cflfuaed-Jfl-.DQctcay-.a-,Dlavar-.lumpinflfc— --------- .

ivoi ? v 8Eu Su 'b S y i i

IMILWAUKEE (UPI)-A bo- boosM hU record to 7-1 with Twin Falla HgurM heavd y In

..wa-toadedBlnglobyplnch-hittar hta tourth ahutoUt In^-UioAndy K is«rinTr1i!It)FrlSllKI reftTrVililo slrliig In which b""! In theTialf andMvcnlh Inning propelled Uio 21-ycar^)ld has not allowed mile qu^le la . T^e omcr realyMilwaukee Brewers lo a _ M m o r e than W xh lls ln a contest, competition ^ should come

victory over Denny McUIn and Blueslruck out 11 a n d lr a l lS a r '" ^ ' ' ! ; '™ " wth-Bolse-the Washington Senators Wed- four-rccordlng tlvo of hla sending a g ^ mwfley crew,

nesdaynight. atrlckouta In the first, and ^ " ' ‘"I VKosco's hit came after fourth Innings. j

Browers’manager Dave Bristol o u n d . , , „ iw-n Twas elected from the game for' S ' *5'.",“ ^

- . . 9. . 4 , , , Normrup 1b 4 0 1 0 and discus. Steve Torix of

S r , ' ; t t ' , 1 l i ° l Mlnlco and Mike Ifeegan o(ntndo v> c < 0 0 0 Twin FsUs In the shot, and TlHx

B I G O S a v i n g s

potesting too vehemently when homo plalo umpire I>ave Pi)llllps refused to allow Bristol to re4nsert starting outfielder John Briggs into the lineup. Bl-lstol had announced' Kosco was a plnch-hjtter for Briggs and whcn'Washlngton manager Ted Williams switched pitchers, Bristol, attempted to have Briggs stop to the plate

anyway.Bristol claimed timt Kosco

liad never been in tho batter's box and after being thrown out.

AAondiv c( 4 0 0 0

DIUi p] I 0 0 Brinkmtn »J 0 0 0 Chtn<« p

p 0 0 u uC»U> ph 10 0 0 HI*k/o p 0 0 0 0 ColIlM ph 10 0 0 D*o*hv p 0 0 0 0

T«l«li } l l l 4 Tslall OikUnd H IDtlrall M4 • « « « « » -0 -

U-MoJflou#l. DP-0*(foll J. L O n - Okkltnii ). U«lrcll f.

jn -H u d l. S n -J««k w rt 7. CarnpiftwU. S— Dlu«. MlnchM.

If kl riirbbu Hiufl w n ? 4 0 0 <* L 0 J N J 1 J S 3 J J « Scti*rmin n I 1 0 0 0Nitkro- 7 I 0 0 0 1'D«n*liv 2 1 0 0 1 )

IS 0 0 in the discus, siwuld battle for I two and three with Torlx I holding the edge. I

Tho fickle broadjump could I bo won by anyone but Bruin I Junior Alan Conner sailed 21-B I last week and Highland had 21-5 to head the_ efforts. Allen of I Borah w ill lead the west division attack.

Hie polo vault should see fifth I I o»n»i>v J I # 0 I J place cleared IM — and It was I

^ only sH years ago that the SIC* ■ • meet became tho first In Idaho

T w in s S ,Y u n k s 3

” • ” BliMMINCTON, Minn. AlthoughU«IndlvlduBlahave ' oSoo (UPO—ShortstopI^Cardenas been qualified down to the final 3 1 00 ^ov e Id all five Minnesota runs 12, all teams will bring a relay.

Wednesday night, three on hla ihese will be divided bito heatsfirst home run of the year, to «ith the three fastest from each

\ 0 0 give the Twins a 5-3 victory side competing bi the first and ,over the New York Yankees, six slowest in the second.

J im Perry went 7 2-3 binbigs Borah won ^ ^ e s t division {for^ Minnesota ■'before' being title We^esday night, with 80taken out for Roy Corbin, points, followed by Nampa 48,Perry struck out one and Boise 41, Capital 38, Meridianwalked seven for his fifth win 30V^,.and'Caldw«U-S0^---of the year against two'defcats. . '

After Steve Braun singled to | left and Brant Alyea walked, - Cardenas homered 387-feet over

-------------------------- j i 6 0 0 j ^^Gri*nda piuhVd Jo o n r 1" th; “Twlns oHead, 2^, in the second.

.....— - * * . r h b lUnuf cl 4 0 0 0 Utrptf H) * 0 0 0 Cull*n 4 0 8 0 M#0ir> )t> J 0 t 0Cp4l«ln lb 4 0 0 0 l'«na 1b . 0 0 0 0 McCraw rl 4 0 0 0 Hrlou* 3 0 10All*<t 7t, 4 0 0 0 KftMO Ph 1 0 » J Schalnblm 111 I 1 0 Samj*ri p Pranch e 7 I 0 0 May cl Ofjmda p 0 0 0 0 Vou rl Jan*«kl p 0 0 0 0 Kublak :b MliKJIabror pO 0 0 0 Hodfloual - • - - . Harrah t% J V M Wickaf p*i 0 0 0 0 McLain p 7 0 11 Thwbald pr ISna p 0 0 0 0 Hool c . . . Caiacviva c I 0 I 0 AuwbaCh t* 4 0 1 0

Uckwood p 1 0 0 0 Saviot II 1 1 1 0

WaiMnklaitMllwaulaa ‘

DP Waihlnolon 1. UOll WaihirHltWi J. Mllwaukaa ’

jB Hiffah, Cawfwva, Haoan. MH VokH III . S'Kublak'

McLalnL14MinaOriaMaJan*«klUI(l(ilab«ro*rUKkwood W 31

— a plUhad . . .JanaUI pllch*<l to on* hallar

Savt SanUari 14). WF’ McLain. T l it l - A' -4 ,m .

“ R o y u l ^ s Inc tia iiB 2

Nm i Vefh MIm « m Ua b rh b l a b rh b l

ci»fk« lb 4 0 10 Tovaf H $ 0 0 0 Olbbl c 4 0 ) 0 cartw Jt> 4 0 0 0

Murcar cl Calar lb Alou rf Kannav J'j Michaal II Bahni*n p Lyltia ph Jona» p

4 0 10 Killabfaw-lbl 1 0 05 1 0 0 Rm «« lb 0 0 0 0 4 7 7 0 Braun lb 3 7 3 0 10 11 Alyaa II 1 I 1 0 4 0 11 Moll cl 10 0 00 0 0 0 Cardanai t i 4 I 1 )1 0 0 0 Mlllarwald c3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 P«rry p 3 0 10 1 0 0 0 Cerbln p ■ 1 0 1 00 0 ----10-10 0 0 0 0


OKs long

RairrpHcrCLEVEUND (UPI)-Amos

Otis smacked a two<un homer to trigger, a four-run sbcth inning and Dick Drago picked j,,,,-,-

- up his fourth victory with ninth- - waiiawiti p Inning relief from Tom Burg-. meler Wednesday afternoon as the Kansas City Royals defeat- Minnauia

-od the Cleveland Inmans, 4-3.* Naw York ij- Minnawia . i j i. # *1. » * I•njo Royals, who were hold to be ore tlw start of

only -one hit iver the first five bb « the IW l season and lh*« ,had |

innings by Cleveland starter. St^ve rhmnlngrbanged out f i v e -----

hits to wrap up the game In tho »J ‘

sixth. Sav*-Cofbln <1).Joe Keough led off with a t - j ;4o. a -7 , o« .

bloop single and Otis belted his fourth homer of the season over tho centerfield fence. After Ed Kirkpatrick grounded out, Bob Oliver singled, took second on Carl Taylor’s single and scored ,■ when Cookie Hojas doubled to

left. .. Kanui CIIV CUvaland

- .ky k hi.

LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Roman Gabriel, star quarter­back of the Los Angeles Rams, Jmslgncda-four.-yearj^ontract, with th6 club, assistant general

i4 iMTaiaii HUM manager Johnny^tuider^.an> nouncedWednesday^ r-i..

Gabriel's old conb-act would

....j.a.o 0 O' 0...elcct-to_play-Out..his.-Dption.-M 3 ) 1 > ? > Infilead he will start his 10th T 11 1 0 0 0 0 year with the club under the

now long term agreement.

I’alak i ( 4 0 0 1 Maldamnn iiS 1 1 0 Kaouoh rl ' 1 I I 0 Laen }t) 10 10 Olll cl 4 1 1 3 ford rl 4 0 0 0 KIrkpalrck c i 0 0 0 Plnuxi cl 10 0 1 Qllvar c< • 4 1 1 0 roua c 1 1 1 0 Taylor II 4 1 1 0 Natllai lb 4 0 0 0 Uolai lb 10 11 MarraJm lb 4 0 I 0 (chaal lb 1 0 I 0 Uhlaartdar IM 0 1 0

‘ DraOo p 1 0 0 0 H^lan pA 10 0 0 Burokmair pO 0 0 0 Dunnlnu p 10 0 0

MachiMauo* ph I a 0 o Pauuai p 0 0 0.0 Bradlord ph I 0 1 1

■'■NMaU J1 4 7 4 Talal» M l 11 7 K a n u i Clll/ »M W 4 M * -4(;iav«l*nd 1 I00 000 00l-j3

BDoftnlftg,KaouflhrLOa.KantHCHv,k. —

71 1 0 0 .0 0 -t-l l . t 4 4 ) 4

1 1 8 8 0 0 0

Or ago w4 I Buro«maUr DtJ~lllA« I } >U.nao<l M M h^ahlPauual 4 I u w < <

U v .B o r»* ««* l./ lJ> .T -M JA 1 .0 U .

A’s 5 , Tigers 0


\ • . pitched a four^ilttw for hla seventh straight ^ctory «i>d

I lion Mlncher’a suicide squeea--- caooed ■ (our-run fifth bming_______ ' .W e A ^ v nigh? as th^ Oag"

- Ttgers, M ..

te rSrrtstart o f l i jt » a » n w

k o|)«iiiig <i>y lO'

e v e f y o n e

No Down Payment No Finance Charges

No Annual Interest Rote(O N A PPROVED CREDIT)

We Welcome... Your

— BanhCarUs




Knowlhes. Best"

•TW(NfAU5... y lw '.;. r) , l.M ' 1 ^ '. , ,1 . V

_ O r H * r . E o r l y ~ ~ ^

P H0Ne7S3.SI6>4

B ig a g sh o w planrie^^• WASHINQTON (UPI) —_ Tlie official said farmOT7~ J?e nation’B consumers, AdmlnUtratlon farm offlcUiis farm leaders, agri-business economy and eni^r^hment and don’t like to talk about it, but , ofQcials and their wives, along to world food n i ^ . ' they will spend |75.d00 to set up .' with several media represen- Som9o(the21se^entsdfthe an eriilbit • -r. Including hogs, tatlves, have been Invited to exhi)dt will include livestock ^M 9p <md T steer - on the attend moat segments of . the ah9tfing, .re8Ulls _of.__br^ng. White House lawn this week. 'May7program—not60couples improvement programs pnd

The unusual exhibit, with as had been announced earUer. machinery labeled to show how some of e trapping^ of a Howevey, only half the ^ u p *nuCh farmers have to spend on sm a li^^e county fmr; wiu of 12Q couples were invitM to' tn<>dei‘ri , equipment. Oiie

U T lm M -,N « W i, T w r n f a l l l , IcJsBo T h u r K ia y , * * » v >w> , ’

_________________ prime item on the program segment will h i^llj{ht thenobel— ~ ^ M a rk t in gf thft pr<»P»arinn<ng »hfrSt—ty^^ irtg

program President Nixon will White House Friday night. work of Dr. Nonnan Borlaug,stage May .7. , The 60 guests and wives who. who will be specially honored In

Agriculture : Department didn't get the prized dinner bids the program, officials, at a briefing for were invited, with some other A gri^ture bepar^mentnewsmen on plans for the salute gu&ts, fc^ifter-dlnner music <>fflclals . IndlcatW they w fr f

----events-TS\esday,iW^ away,. Program, White House planning a heavy publicity p u ^- from anyestlmate of the exhibit lawn fe a tu r ln ^ ^ ^g e r Glen in connection with the salii(e.

--- costs. But O the r government “ Campbell.--- — r----- Special press, radio andsources confirmed the depart- Plambeck said the White television arrangements arement which Is paying for the Housei did not plan to release being made including-plana; toshow-wiU spend about 176,000. any of the guest list until tape a series of radio progroks

The day-long salute program, Friday, a lthou^ portions of It' for mailing to stations.' Including briefings 00* domestic already have been disclosed by

and forelgn affairs by top ad« people who received invitations. .--------------ministration officials— was- Plambeck said NUon would

announced Nixon as a move open the program In the ' * u i t i i . u c . a ^-Ifl.get national recognition for Agriculture Deparirhent's , n

_____th« oontrihutinp" ny agrlpiilbirfl-BudltQrlum-Erldav-inQrning— : (>jP I)r :to the nation's well-being ' Later, the guests were id hear Up{^r VaUeK dvin i-dlls and

' Herb Plombock, . an .brieflngs by Atlornoy General ,A gricu lture Departm ent John N. Mitchell on crime and Demand good, myrket spokesman, told newsmen narcotics attd on foreign policy stronger,^Russets wa^ed, two Nixon decided on the event after by White House Advisor, Dr. inch or four ounce mbUmum 100 staging a 's im ilar tribute to Henry Kissinger. 111080 talks POU"*! “ cka, U.S. Number Ono labor last fall. Plambeck. In were to be followed by a lunch A 3.2M.50 occasionally response to questions, said-hr"at- the— StBtfl— Dtpaftm ent Wghcr; six to fourteen ounce did not know whether the farm, featuring speeches on rural low 4.25-4.50; ten ounce event was proposed before or revenue-sharing by HUD mostly In mixed pack

after last fall's Congressional- Secretary George Ronmey and mortly 3.00-3.15,' efectlons in which Republicans on agricultural exports by owaalonally 2.70; ILS. Number

iR itfe i^ a series of defeats Lrf Agriculture Secretary, CUffort J ^ ' s l x quncoTiilnimum J.7^. rural areas. ^ ' M. Hardin. ‘ ~ 2.00 occasionally hlglier; 50 lb.

Administration leaders and Friday afternoon, the salute C6Hgrg8slgira!~RflpUb»eany~gue8ts-weicrto-tom-tho-Whito-~i°^^4.M, ooMsiwally 5.50;40-

fipom farm areas have been House lawn exhibit now being sacks, baled, per 100

concerned since then with constructed by the Agriculture Improving the GOP’s popularity Department. That show was rating In farm areas. Some designed to show American GOP lawmakers h^ve praised agriculture's contributions to Nixon's salute plan as a good ~ 'step In that direction.

Some phases of the festival U n t l A r X r F .jy jyc: program remained vague, but Plambeck - ^ e i^ y filled In a

to sell good used cars. when highway maintenance

-was-done like this

number of details.

Produce PricesCHICAGO <Up1| '•'PrM ocf:Ch»*t« } Ik). p 'M M lvd lo«(

b/kk 40-10'Ai mu«nU*C M?9' ch»<ld«< ilnol«(Saltl*t lonotutrniUiD U^'iJ*0 lb. biMki «(>;. u 'ii; twlM IwhM li) too

to rcpofl: (bloekt M1D0 Ib.l orad« A U ‘ i or«d<^l! U '-j .n '-j i of»6« C

. -.... • ■'--------- hl«h Uw U U tI ( » lHLlvt Cani*

BuO*r; PrkM paid d*llv«rtd lo Chi' caoo ilM d vj » ] ic o n ir.f$4i 93 icora U.JU i *0 «cor« 47.1U.

Eoo«: PrlcM iMid d«llv*/^«d to Chi- C*oo p«r doitn (M par<*nt A Of Jumbo too ftur lo r§-port: •u(ra Itro* whil* ] l - l } j laro* wtill* > t 'i Jt; madlumt 35 34; ilandardt >m law lo rapofl.

PHc»* lo raUllari (grade A, In car- loo«d«llv*r*d); lulra laro« largaU VV,) m»dlumi S U i.]].

GrainJun.Auo Jl.t*.... ....................0<1 «,U »,J0 50.1S JO.JO 37D«C 3 f.ll3 f .K lb 3 fllM .M b T

. . fra iM Park M lilM Mav 3) to .45 34.1» 35.40 35.*5 U3jly 34 or-3S.M 34.40 35 40 34 37 1}I5fUB 3S.3J..53 M->0 3J.53 M-SO 04

PolafMC Tolal iMpmanli 3M/ arrlvaU 3«J Uack ISi dtmand pood lof b*tl mar- !>•> %lronQtfi lor olhvrt marh*4 ilaady-

Yrack u l « « (loo'i U.S. lA ); Idaho ru*- Mf burt>*nki 4.U S .00; MlnnMOlt-Norlh ^ k o la Rad Rlwar Vallay rownd rad* 3-M-

Oniona: Tolal »hlpm«n>i m arrival* t i . track U;d«m andm od«ralam arka{»bM l

tlaady.Traeh u la i: Taxat vallowo«'»'«

llclant le quela; yallow oranax jumbo hallcai’ 1.M, car 1.45, madlum pr*pack«

SEArnJE(UPI)-Gralnf.o.b. SeatUe:Soft white 1.81 White club 1.81 Hard winter 1.74 Com 63.0(W4.50 Bariey 57.00-58.00

PORTLAND (UPI) - Cash grain, Coast delivery basis: White wheat 1.S3

•Soft white no bidWhile club no bid -----Hard red winter no bid Oats no bid Barley 57.00

wt U.S. Number One size A 4.15- 4.05, mostly 4.25^.50; non size A 3.50-4.00, mostly 3.75-4.00, oc­casionally 3.40.


, C o n ta ct l h « T im «s > N a w s Farm S a l« t d e p a rtm v n i- for c o m p l« l« a d v v r lU ln g c o v «r - opa of y o u r fa rm m I « , h a n d b n U , n a w t p a p a r eevaraga (o v a r 7 0 ,0 0 0 ra a d a ri In M a g ic V o ila y ) o d v a n c a b ill­in g . A ll a t o n a .tp a c la l le w ra ta . E v a ry «a la I l i U d In T h i« F a rm C a la n d a r for 10 day< bafora ta la .


AdvaitlM manli May S . AuOlonaaiti Wai», tH*M,

W all & M anarim hh


HOSKINS ANTIQUES Adv«rtli*m«nli M dv6

Auciionaarti Wart. ElUri, W o llA M a tM rtm llh


AdvartlMmanli M dy^■ AuctisnMri Harvay C- Ivaiaon



— ^ S A T U R D A Y ^ M A Y 8 -------S T A R T IN G A T 1 2 :3 0 1 .U N C H O N G R O U M D S B r R E B E K A H LADjES

Located 6 m il«t East of Fairfield on H ighw ay 68 and then Vx mile South, or (rom where the G ooding H lghw oy Intersects with H ighw ay 68 two miles East end W mile S o ith . '■ '

3-TRACrORSHD5 Allic-Cholm eri Growler Tractor with Anieco Angle Doxer. This. Unit completely over­hauled the past season— W D Allis-Chalmers Tractor )gas)— Ford M ojor Diesel Tractor, 3-. Point— N o . 60 O liver H a y Baler with motor— N e w Holland 4 b a r side rake on rubber*— M asiey-Harris 7-foot Dina-Bolance AAower, with 4 slcides, 3-point, like new— 22-ft. baled hay.looder with gos motor— M ossey-Harris U -f o o t .W ) special Draper Com bine— 9-Inch Powers 5 Stor Posthole Digger, 3 'pt-^John'Deer^'3*Bottorti Ort»-W<iy Plow — O nS l3 -lo o t“ G rohm -H om m e Plow— 6>s«ctlons steal harrow with folding pipe d ra w b a r— 3-sections har­row with wdt>d d ro w bo r--2 -1 2 -fo o t.ln tern allo n a lw e ed e rs . used 01 on# unit— 2-8-loo t In­ternational tondew discs— M O -fo o t IH C tandem d is c -M O -F o o t IHC G ra in Drill with gross seeder, with a set of discs ar>d hoes plus an extra set of hoes— V4 horse electric mo­tor— 200 G allon Fuel Tank— 1 Yellow W heeled Freight W a g o n — A go od one. Don't miss this--2-sec1ion spring tooth ha rrow — 2-8-foot horse discs— 1 horse draw n mower— Black­smith forge— Pedol G rindstone— Antique-f-Log choins and grease guns— 1-7-foot 3-poInt b lade— 1-Sterling Plano

THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMEMT BELONGS TO JOHN BAHR^l ;^ 2 !? ;L w i‘i L i l s e l > f h e e l i = I H C . N o ^ 0 W l r e .T U -B < i U r r n e W ~ - - -

1 M.v. -HcKond Hoy-Bdler. w ire tie, used 3 seasons— U -f o o t John Deere Homemode wheel disc, a good one— IH C side delivery rake on rubber— 2-2 C q w Stock Trailers— . Chatlin ditcher with steel w h e e ls -1 -^nnls 8 -foot Pick-Up for. Cohiblne— 1 -IN C 8-foot Pick-up for C om b ne— lO fpot Tow ner O ff-Set Disc— 8 - f ^ l towner offset disc— Por­table electric W elde r mounted on rubber o x le --8 .fo (A M t4 .4 * '° ^ d p lo w — IH C trail m o w y 7 .f o o t - I H C quick detach mower, 7 .f o o t -C o b fo r^Jaterp lllar t r a c t o r -2-

l.H o rd w o o d ilock ro tli (o r W Ion Pick-up, wide box— H o rdw oo d ilock rock (o^ «ton Pickup

SPRINKLER PIPT22 I.C I oni o ( M o n U n j P ip ., ^ In c h by 3 0 -(o o l long with '^.Inch r k . r i — IH C crgom

— M p o ,o l o r , l o j o . U . . - 2 2 . S . c l l o n . o l M o i n , l l „ , P ip ., B-lncb by 30 -(oo l lono w ilh ,4 - rch r i w , . - I H C c r.a n , wparcrtor N o . 3 . l . c t r l c - H . o v y du ly conlroclor'i .u r ..y ln o

li .i ln jm .n l with Irlpo d 4 rod c o rry ln o .c a «— Form lypa iu rv .y ln o ln tlru m .n l wilh Irl- p o d t , rod corrying c o .. .____________ ^

JOHN BAHRrOwner- TERMS: CASH DAY OF SALENEWELL BRpOKS, OwnerS6/c n ianag«c/by Greof W » f« rn Aucfion Service ' >

~ S»ll'mglSQjin9fhing.som9whBr9 for someone 6fmosf every day , .

- a u c t i o n e e r s - , - C l S R K - r

<-»T6aTyotbwK*" ■ * — ' lucyotl»i[na>^—

B v t ry effort is m s d » loeiim ina t* ' f i l l* sno 'i^ iitM a itx i B d v a rllt ln g . A d s th a t in-- convenience o r d iu p po int reader* have no piece in these columns.

___in lha event o l'e rre r, rw tlly-iheClesilfled Department at onca.

- A.dvertlMra a re aMpeeted-ta-«He«k' the t lr il Insertion. Nevrtpeper Wlii

the lirsiWhen phoning In a Ciessitlad Ad

alw e yi asl( <or Ihe wording lo be rtpeAt*db«cKtoyoUi Be certain to check the t in t day ad appears to make sure It i i r lo ht. g s o edallv check phone number, end eddress. •Aii ‘Help W anted" a d i musi

state Ihe nature of the' work. "Saies H e ip " ads must name Itie product TO be »oto and If the pay i f saiary or commission or both

T h e p u b lish e r assum es fina ncla i res p o n s ib ility typographical errors, e rrors In duration of publication, wrong classillcallons, Ihe omission* o( copy (p a rtia liy or compietely> or complete omlssloo.of me totai ad In either the ciassKled or display ftdVertlsIng sections of the paper. Liabliity for errors or omission shali not exceed the cost-4o Ihe 'advertiser ol that portion o( space occupied-by such error.— Ctatm s"Tor“ a d|u stm e n t-D t-th » cost ol Ihe ad rnust bo mBda.wlthln 10-days ol publication. Credit It Allowed for first Insertion oniy. Receipts mgst be prosontod for cash relunds-

Lo»» ond Found

• Litlie white dog, browri earS/ rlflhl eye mlaslng. 'Answ ers to ^ T i i ^ ^ ' Lost near D evil's Correl,

R E W A R D for return of Penney and 410 packages losi AAonday In ailey - behind P e n n e v trC a il-n a J M ;:--------

.0 5 T : On d h Avenue E a st, smaii poodle, tu rn in g s i lv e r . broWn collar. Name Gidged. Reward I

to il oiCd Found


n o Q o oR E W A R D '

755-2341m__ i _ i

D O N 'T T O U C H those drapesl Lei 5' . Point Cleansrs do II all. We take -Ihe m -t down. - clean - them .— and

re h a n g ' the m , ida ho 'e most complete drapery -service. 7)3 *•05.

D O N 'T MISS “ - F I R E ^ S A t E ! -

C .C .-A N D ER SO N BLDG. O N T H 6 M A U ■


U N W E D M A T E R N I T Y C a re , doctor, hospital and living'plan in Mountain M anor. Inc.. P. O . Box 310, Mountain Home, Idaho Phone S8^5IJa. •

l a t e s t P A S H IO N S In lingerie by LeVoys, Call £herLKoniCfih,_??3-

E y E R C iS e the new w a y. Rent eksrclse and health eaUipment. spsed bike, massage roller, belt vibrator, aclloncycle. B A N N E R P U R N IT U R S , T33-143I.

A L C O H O U C S A N O N V M O U S rT w ln -


P R I\ )a TB Investigetor — 7* Hour Service. All confjdenllal. P h o n ^ .. m w\ - nlgtM 733 H T3. . '

•CMRI6TIAN H O U SB H O TU IM E .JA 7 Blue Lekes North. Phone 733-MN.

■ q b y S lH t w — C h m C a f 16

B A B Y S IT T IN G , m y home, w w k - days by .Crook, 374 « I S .

B A B Y ,S IT T IN G In m y home. Ad- . d r « i .a c r o u . lro m .th e ..K e liw o o d _ -. Company. Cali 733-49M,

JA C K , J I L L Nursery, Lictnsed-T f itttf -T e Tv r-c r ittd n n -> W ---------pre- r

school. 1104 lOth Ave, East. 733- - *44;.- ■ -1 . •

C H IL D R E N 'S V IL L A G E child Care. L icensed. 9 V i,' up. 441 N orth

Emptoymont 17

.SECRBTARIAL-SeRVICe.Com-. p a ny, o tte rin g p a rt -l im e and .temporary olllce help. Phone 733- 1904 or 733-439I.'

P E R S O N N E L S E R V IC E of Magic Vallay, 634 Blue Lakes North. Phone 733iS5«______________ _____

JO B O P E S R S A H E .P L E N T i r U L In loday's Went Ads.,

H o l p W o n t ^ IB

SARAH C O ^/E N TR Y has now Im- - p r o y ^ - e i l - p e v * p l e n * — H eve—

openings for 6 lashlon show directors In Magic Valley area. Samples supplied tree. Call 733- V361 morningSi

T W O E X P E R I E N C E D m ilk e rs , men or women. Modern new lacH Jtles, R tle re n c e s re q u ire d . Also, feeder relief m ilk e r. Housing, allowance and other benefits. 733-714a.

0 N 6 lull'tlm o m aid, day shill. Apply at Im p irla l 400 Motel, 330 Main Avenue fiouth.

T -T lM t -b F P IC E h e lp j-T n e le— le m a le . -M u s i— have *generel

knowledge df bookkeeping. This Is not a secretarial position. Reply In

lur handwrlllng to. itox J.R, c-o

It ’s no different today. People are still drawn to the magic of the Classified Ads and will let no obstacle stand

the way of their finding what they are seeking.

i -


Accessories & Repair AoeniS'Saieim en nanieo A lrc ra lt lo r Sale Anim al Bi'eedlng AntiquesApartm ents-Purnlshed

■Auto«>W«nted -A u lo sto r S a le -.-—

Baby Chicks R a bvSm e rS 'C hU dC a re Beauty Salent

-B lhH & M o ta r.S co ote rs Boats lor Sale Boats Wanted Building Materials Buslnesi-Otfiee Rentals

'tauslnetsOpportunltlts Business Property C «m e r«'P tta te Supply

- a W f i s n s -CaHle Cem etery Lets Cut Plo wereEarlti Moving Hqulpment em ploym enl Agencies' Perm W o rk Wanted Fa rm s for Sale Perm s for B e «l

Perm SeedP e H lliie rw d S e e d 'PlerlstsPoreign CarsPue) end WeedP u m ltu re e n d H H O e e d s

Help Wanted Heetinfl Equipm ent Homes I V Sele Heuses'purnlshed Heuses-Unturalshed Insurance

Light Industrial equipment Llvesteck-Acces series Livestock Wented

-tostwdPeWtt---- :--^Lots and Acreages M isc e ila n e e u sf^ la ie Miuettan'eeus Wanted Mlweltaneous Service Mobile Hemes Mobile Hem e Perking Money Te Lean Money Wented

Music Lessons Ottier ln*ktrUctleh - Ottier Real Kstete otfw rR e n ta is .Ottier Livestock O u te lT o w n Hemes PersonalPets and Pel Supplies Pouttry and Rabbits Radio and T V Sets Real Hstate Leans

• IM 1U U

Roems^Beartf « RetfM---------Sclwols

SruCtoerV'Planta-BulbsSpecial aassesSpecial NoticesSpoHlngOeedsSnewmoMleSfw lnaTVM Spertatlon-Car Peols TrucksU tllttv Tra lle re

______MRant#erft W—»e;d .

FAST W O R K IN G W A N T A D . . .

PHONE 733-0931OR C A L I 1 O F TKESE


Buhl, C ottleiord

---------- D I A r ^ 8 ^ 5 ' ^ 2 ~ "Burley, Rupert, Declo.

Paul. N orlo ndDIAL 536-2535, .

W endell, G ooding, Hogerrnqn, Jerome.DIAL 326-5375 . Filer,«HoUUt«r,.

Roberson, Jockpot, Nev.

,9365 SI7ES 1, 2 , 3 j n .

■ C tiu rn iln K . fnnlilnH nliln w « y lo look u n t il h o b y iirr lv a u . flow title M n u H ro -w u lB lo a dniHH w lih rultluti o r ' liiiiio n o d

.jiluovoH Jn o otln n .P r im e d P iiH u rii 00(12: N E W

Mlam m ’ H Ikuh 8, 10. 12, H , Ifi, H U o x * 3 (liim t S 4 ) in i ilo rn lty «lroea tuknii ■t\i»yurtlii Sfi-lnoli.


34 X 41 Pictures with v e rlo u s i subjects end assorted frames, ' .

R E O U L A R L Y I19.VS INOW . S9.V5 >

Assorted group ot pictures 11 M 141 R E G U L A R L Y StS.M . |NOW ‘ S y.»5 I

. W ILSON B A TE S ' ■T win Palis. Jerom e. Burtey I

■t r

ON’ K .\IA IN '-1 * ,\U T— iilim il (10 (iilniitoH lo wtil|> iii> tlilu \vri«i>'ll' llo HiniHllIl! Hi'U' II.HUIUIUlM'-riil III ih iiik 'l l' d ry riibrii'n in liolkii doiH. itrliiiii. 4'ltockw.KilKn w ith d iitiily n ill ll i iK .

. IV Ii iU ‘d Pi«tt«M-n ll.Hin; NEW T « d « U « r H li.m 1,. 'd. 3,- Win*

_____________________ tiikoa l ‘. i y iirdu ais-lncli. ‘ .

SEVENTY-FIVE C E N TS for each paHorn — add 25 c«n!s for boc Ii poHarn ‘ or ^ Ir M ail and Speciol H a n d llrio .-5 «n d jo ^a rla n Marfin,

- *“ Time»*News 395, Pattei^n Dept.,232'W est 18th St., Mew YorkrHl. Y. 10011. Print NAM E/ADDRESS with ZIP,

. • SIZE and STYLfNU M BER . 'Swing Into Springl New, New Pattern'Gatalog has separates, juni|!)suits,

s)ln)ming.>hapdt, free pattern coupon 50^. ** ~ • IN S TA N T S E W IN 3 BOOK sew today, w ear ton>orrow. $ 1 j.lN S TA N T ••

‘ D-AcLi(rtki nf ffuhion fqcti. $1 . !


' 1

H . l p W a n t . d '

P A B T-.T IM E O F F IC E c ijtk and (« ln w D m «n .m a in ly for S«yurdavi and A V nd a yi. Apply at W M larn Auioi Twin F d llt, .

T R U C K D R IV E R S for 0 l H « U U t « Kvettock hauling. Y «a r aMund work. Replyfo Box J-7,cc T lm a t- Naw i.

W A N T e O ; M «n with m f d iin t to *hea^ im a ll,J }W ic h « of. *hw p. C .M . E i t a i , Sox. W r B a l ll t

c o m m u n i t y a c t i o n Agtncy hai opanlno ’ tor E ducaMonal

— owvwtopOT fDT WMO s n r r p ro o ra m . Contact n a a rv il

. p«varTrTi«nr~oi~tmpfo’ym*nl. ,

C O M M U N IT Y A c t i o n.................. D for

Aoancy hai ■ Nead Start

D ire cto r, , T rl-C o U n tle s . tu p«rvlieem ptoveei of.Haad S ta rt-

_ n r o o r « m . - - M u » l — hava ad* m ln l il ra t lv a a x p e ritn c t and backflroond. Qood rapport with p a rvn it and children of the un-

_ rf»''prlvlltflcdj,_plui ..aulomobllB. S a la ry open. Contact ne a re it Department of Employment bn or before AAay IJ, —

E X P E R I E W C e o P U L L -T I M E w a ltre ti lor evening th ill. Phone a lte rn oo n i o n ly , ;33-757i, Ipr appointment. ___

_ A C O U P L E T O relieve manager In mOte[ w e ekendl and tom e eum lnoi. No children. Phone 733-

P A R T -T IM E retired handyman lor — itorw“ ir^ara~W)rk7“ MAYes'

F U R N ITUR E.733-4010.

H E L P .W A N T E D : Man to work lull ' time In (a fm tuppty il6re. E x ­

perience helplul. Knowledge of Ih it a re a 'i fa rm ln o Vtvedi etientlal. M u it be agq re «»lv», neat.'pe ru n a b le . Write age and quAllflcatloni In handwritten reply to Dox J-9, c-o TIm e t'N e w t.

H v lp W a n U d 1 0 W orkW onUd

G G N E R A t: FAR M worker with txperlance In Irrigating, row crop work, and catllt feeding. Year around lob. u la r y open to the rlfih( m an. Riferanctt rtaulretf: For m ore In^rm allon write pox 131, Buhl.

W A N T E D i'P w l-tlm e man, 2 0 hoi>r« per week. Contact I .T .T . Qon- ,tlnM lal 0 )m p a n y ^ ^48

F.ttlti. An Equal

R e l i a b l e l a d y with fenced yard to care for 9 children « d a y» a week. Reply to Box J-A. c o T im e t Newt.

E X P E R IE N C E D M AN for w w l ce iilaM on w o ^ . Chance foFT m a h a g ^ 'a |ob. Oean cu t.n o other

k U N I T lum lihe d mobile motel. All e lectric, electric heal and electric air conditioning. Can be m o v i^ lo

~ Myf6e»f»n rpricMTg'rar7Ff>gw<~ , H am m eM , _ f o r _ l n - _

-T E E N A G E R S 'T O -g r a n d m o lh e r e > — take - o r d e n 'fo r Studio— O Ip I-

Coim eflct and hair fashion. >No territory r*itrlclloni. We train you, PlK>ne 731A31t o r Phone. to llIrM , MO-431-400S. anytim e----------

E X C E L L E N T B U S IN E S S o p- . p o rtu n lly ln fam ous Sawtooih . . v a l l e y , For In fo rm a ilo n , call — W a y n e r P a t -P e n e r v n i-R k a l lo r r — LV M W O O O -IW A L T-V ^/ —

Slanley. Shown by appolnlment only.

I R R I G A T O R . E Q U I P M E N T operator for remote Nevada cattle

grade tchool child. Small hou»e. Utllltlei. meal and m ilk p lu i good wage*. Call collect Alder Creek N o .-V Alder-Creek R a n e h ,-0 «n lo ,- Nevada.

D O N 'T MISS -P IR E -S A L E I -

IN -D E C L O .-lo u n g e ..c o lf e e »hop. — dlntrvoroem rand.touf^partm enter-

good going bu iln e tt. would con- •Ider lultsble home In trade. 6S4- 9U\ or C .M . Parke


Form W o rk W o n U d

P U L L ’ T I M E pay lo r p a rl-t lm e work. lOladlet needed who have 13

■ • lo 15hour.ja w e e k.N olnve »lm e nl. no d e liv e ry . Ca r and phone nocoiiary. For Interview call 6410.

, T W O -C O M O IN A T IO N lecrelarlei nnd receptlohliti. II you Ilka people and can type, th li l i Ihe |ob lor you. You m u it be neatly

_____and groom ed. Apply al a4jOluo La k iii N d r t h T S e e ^M r'.' W llllam i between 9 and 5. Th u r- ida y, Frid a y, and Saturday.

L A Z Y S A L E S M A N wan’le d . No oxporlence n ecetiary. We Iraln. Opportunity galore. If you would like lo earn H,800 to M.SOO per

your proipecti come lo you. come and tee me between 13 noon and 3 p -m .T h u r id a y . Frida y, Saturday. See M r. W lllla m i. 343 Blue Lake* North.

C O C rX T A IL W A IT R E S S needed. ' Contact John Snow after S p .m . at

K a y 'i Supper Club.

F U L L E R B R U SH Dealer! needed lor M ln l-C a tila area. Phone 4 U - 4391, evening*.

R E S I D E N T I A L B U I L D E R — Or younger man with llghl con- •tructlon experience. Write 1539

- Verm onl. O o lu , Idaho I3 7U . '

O X P E R IE N C E D F R Y cook. Blue Cro**. Apply In perion at the Rogerton Rettaurant.

F A R M E Q U I P M E N T o p e ra lo ra : Year round, good working con­dition* with opportunity for In- created reip o n tlb lllly and a d ­vancement. Phone 43^'i411 day*; M r . Edward* at A7a-SU3 or M r . Greenwell at 533-413B. morning or evening*.

full or pari time. W rite Dox nos. Tw in Fall*.

D IS H W A S H E R W A N T E D , apply at Koto't in perton, Shoihone Street

•Norih, • - ---------------------------------------- - r -

C U S TQ M R O C K picking w llh An- derton Rock Picker. Call Brent Bower, 543-4725, Buhl.

A I . R C U S TO M F A R M IN G for all type* of farm work. Phone 334-40Sa or 334-4S5S.

C U S T O M -R L Q W lN a .^ d l»d ria ^ a n d-.p o la to . -teed h a u lin g .

Schaelfer< 4711494.

C USTO AA m a n u r e H A U L IN G . Leo'* Cu*tom Farm ing, Filer.

W A N T E D : Cuilom plowing. Ground working equipment. Art Peterton,

.Phone 534'3253,.Wendell.

6 A (^ D ^ N >tOTO T IL L I N G . John M cDonald phone 733-34S3.

C U S TO M F A R M work, plowing, for SOOto 400 acre la rm t. Phone 137- 4400, Hagerm an. ________ __

H O U S E R B R O T H E R S C U S T O M rolo'tlltlng and 3U3, 734-3444.

G R E E N H A Y j n d corn chopping. Wllh or ' without pre*ervatlve*. L IL L ID R ID G C C U S TO M F A R ­M IN G , 733-6343.

W IL L L E A S E Mlletlone 73Inch teed cutler or do cuitom cutting. Call 7BS-4579 DIackfool, or 333S43I Pocatello, or wriia Box 406U Pocatello.

W ork W a n ta d 34

R O T O -T I L L IN G . Sm all garden*. Phone 9:00 a.m. lo BiOOp.m. Chrl* Janclk. 733-9)09.

G A R D E N P L O W IN G and roto- lllllng. Phone 334-4431. Denver F ine, F ile r.

H O Y 'S C U S T O M T ra ile r* and welding. Farm iqulpm eni, trOck* and c a rt . Phone 73l93i8.

H«lp W onl«d 18


For Hazolton Area, f Good Profit for time involved.

'~"~nnieresieti parties call

TIAAES-NEW S_ 733-0931 — Collect

n C S T-L -IN E DIttrlbulort needed. See bur a d ve rlite m e n t.

— H6ar*w8r#rTetairrV«ll6U/l

MoblU Hem«i

74 Horn** For SaU

7 Y ^ A R S experience retail grocery b u iln e u . Phone 5J7-9»3$ or wrltei

C A R P .E N T R .Y : p a n e lin g ; and

D E P E N D A B L E B O Y will do lawin ' mowing and yard work. Phone 733-


Butinait Opporlunltl«» 30

G ROSSlNG-SjiO pBr.monlh. 4 hou*es on lUi acre*. Room for expantlon located touth of Jerome. S TO C K ­M E N 'S R E A L T Y , ' 400 South L in coln . . Je ro m e , 334-4B4S, evening* 334 3430 or B25-SS73.

S T A T IO N ^ FO R L E A S E In Twin Fail*, excellent location. 3 u rv lc e bate, 7J3 0 U J.

H E N R Y 'S L A K E Sub-dlvl* len. Already planted and ready to go. Buy the wttole w o rk to r buy by Ihe lot. Lot* ol polenllal. Cali Joan SwartlB35-S4M,or L A N D O F F IC E O F ID A H O R E A L T O R S 733-0714.

U S ‘e a r M 6 o l l a r r U « N EW D IS TR IB U T O R S H IP

Are Y O U Inleretled In a genuine butlne** opportunity with tpare- t lm eor full-lima incom47 This I* a ’

t i n r - T im r - o T T t i a m a iln g new hom e and automobile product*. Low cott and high conium er demand make high earnlrtgi pottlbie. Beginning In-

-Veilm«nLof_l3W ,?5,_t_ellored up­ward to Ifl territory and InVarttory” requirement, Company provide* e tta b llth e d account*, national advertitlng, proven ia ler'm ethodt- and field direction. E X C L U S IV E P R O D U C T S — E X C L U S I V E A R E A S .Call or write;

M r. Kelly G a rild e Electronic*, Inc.

i :4 0 E a tl Vine Street Salt La k r City, Utah B4131

Phone; (801) 363 377"

Other Intlruction


G R O O M h iG S C H O C u3 S O )O V E R L A N D R O A D ,

BO IS EHat opening for 3 dude n tt IB or over tor the profettlonal cour*e. L ice n te d . q u a lllla d In it r u c t o r i . For Inlormalloo write or pivone,


Hornet For Sale 50

4 R O O M H O U S E and 3 corner lot* for tale by owner. Phone S34-347S.

-Wendell. Idaho.

T W O 3 b edro om , ho ute*. good condition. 113,500. A C E R E A L T Y . 733 53)7.

T A S T E F U L L Y decorated 3- bedroom brick and aluminum tidino home In ekcelleni kscatlon. 1* bath*, b u llt ’ ink, ip rln k le r ty ile m , landtcaped ya rd , large recreation make th it a beaulllui and liveable home. By ovwter. 734- 3)43.for appointment.

y a rd , fire pla ce . Exce lle n t location. Pnone 734 3133 after 5:00 p.m . weekday*-

S A LE by b\wer. S3B',}00^ -L a v e t y all-electric,- 3 b * d A o m , 3>

bath home wllh ofllce- Built-In kitchen,cutlom drape*, carpeting,

'p a n e le d la m lly room w ith fireplace. Fenced ya rd , covered p a llo . N ear high *chool and

-e olleg e .-A * »u m e -4 -p e r- cent-loan.- Inqulr* anytim e al 1534 Fail* Avenue E a it . Tw in Fall*, or 733- 1713.


B U IL D IN G L O T FO R S A L E : U t No. 6, Block' No. 3 South Park a d d itio n . T w in P a ll* . A p - proxim alaly 50* x 135'. Shade tre e a , all a a rv lc a t. a va ila b le . U c i ie d between No. 17} and No. 190 Alexander Street. Price 1750. W rite Box l-)5 , c-o Tlihet-N ew *.

H e m * t Fm So U 50

1B0. Han*en area 149 Irrleatad. JDit • oood place. t95,000. G oo d > »rm » t o ^ l t r b n g ' B U W . ' ‘ 4 7 3 ^ 0 7 M O U N T A IN S T A T E S R E A L T Y

R E A L C L E A N 1 bedroom hom*, iu rn U h B ii_ i« ilO O „ u n :.

14.300. Im m ed le te

ID A H O R E A ilT O R S 733-0714.

Eunice Cftoper 7J3-4940 o r -L A N D O P P IC B Ol^ ID A H O R E A L T O R S ,

fenced yard and garage. t )9 . F illm o re *treet. 733-5974 M O U N T A IN S T A T E S R E A L T Y M L S ...................... -

O W N E R B E IN G tra ntle rre d , m u ti tell 1 acre. carpMed 3 bedroom home lutt dUttlde c liy lim tlt . Large living roOm, fireplace, 3-car garage. L^M/. taxe*, low Interett

' lo a n . '7334557. '

3;BEDROOM~h6mi~7'Batnr.—3 f ire p la c e * ,'c o m p le te ly finl*hed ba * e m e n l, n e w ly, c a rp e te d , drape*, covered patio, nice ya rd . Tw o block* from O 'L e a ry Junior High, Telephone 733-4801,

N O R T H E A S T3 bedroom*, 3full bathi.nrtain lloor fam ily room. 3<ar g arage, lull

-b a te m e n fr -O w n e r -le a v lf tO -tta le ^ 134.900.

G E M STATE REALTY633 Blue (ol<*t No>lh 733-5334 Ditk Meturtmilh. Bfokcr 733-9069 Hm.0i3O-4iOO Sal. Q.00-4,00

W E L L -B U I L T m odern, 1-bedroom beginning o r retirement home, large lot- Call 433-400B.

N E W C U S T O M B U IL T 3 bedroom hom e, 4lh AtNnue E a d , Wendell, La rge living room and bedroom* carpeted, Ha* pantry an 'F H A financing avallal houte. M a y 3. O r call '

- M r w T T ^ t T i -------------------

ana oeoroom* y a n d carport, allable. Open all 534-ai7fpr

M O D E S T 3 bedroom ho'mf with garden area, g at heat- M,300. F E L D T M A N -R E A L T O R S 733- 1988

K IO S W It:L L O V E T H IS Suburban acreage w llh *pack>ut 5

bedroom brick home, garden.

T H R E E -B E D R O O M , 3 b a lh l, full batemenl,1400 F a ilt Avenue E a tl, 733-4035, 133.000.

You 'll m arvel al Ih lt tu xu rlou i 4 bedroom bilevel home bn large lot, a lr condllloned, tirepiace all Ihe feature* lo r peaceful co u n try tquire liv ing. 534,500. F C L D T M A N -H B A L T O R S 733-19*8

S P A C IO U S 3'bedroom home, living roo m , dining ro^m , cenlral heat, garage. M u tI tell, atking 17,000.

other building*. 1 acre garc *pof. orcha rd . Atking 114,900.

C H A R L E S P, H A W K E R . R E A L T O R , 1B35 Kim berly Road. Phone 733 5533, or eveolngt 733 7879. 839-5935.

For bragging, but w e feef . . ih o u ld . about .th a w ^.axQullltaly• built home*. Both are w o nd e rfu l- fa m ily unit*.

S U N R IS E N O R T H , 3 b e d rp 0 m i0 0 . first floor, 1 1n finlthad batament. 3.000 la u a r e laet of a re a . Everyth ing you want, even a ir - condlllonlna. t3r).50p.

M A P L E W O O D DR iV E , 5 beautilul bedroom * on m ain llo o r . Everyth ing here lo m ake a fa m ily

-h a p p y .— a n d -re a »o n a b ly - priced. U4,000,

LY N W O O D R E A L T Y4)0 Blue Lake* North

______ __________ n i w i l _ _____ : _____A F T E R HOURS:R.J.Schwendlman - 731-7100 Herley Mather* 733B473

64 Mobil* Home* 64

For A N e w M o d e ra te ly

Priced H o m e Approved lor PHA,< 01 . or. con­ventional loani, contact AAark Ko it, S T A R C R A F T H O M E repretenfatlva. .

WENDELL REALTY.......1 ..4 ?5 5:.|doho


N E W L IS T IN G S:s B E D R D b w n r tC R ~ B n ~ M O n T f - Vitfa. bath*, fa m ily room

'OinWfl f'obm. 3 Iii'epl»C *l.~~---------

'4 • B E D R O O M Ofi La 'rktpur, 3 flreplacei..

4 : b c D R O O M : brick o n - De*erl ‘ -V ia w -fiu li-ba M m e n l, 3 fire pla ce * ^

B R A N D new 3 bedroom piu t full b a te m e n t. N orthe a it loca tio n ,' _Choot*.your*own carpel n o w ... .

c a l l : ; r t ^ j ' " n T r r ^ ~

Lean, 7 3 3 .» 3 4 0 ^ y 4 M 4 W 5 £ ^ X V Foooy. 733 40)4

-Tony. 433.J4M- Eerl, ^JS)043 «lli»* j m

- 7:'■-i t e a m s '

D O N 'T


Out of Towr» Homos

N IC E S M A L L houte In Hagerm an. ’ firat time lltted. Priced to move.

H A G E R M A N - R E A L T Y , John LeMoyne, B37-4443.

condition and location. Call LA N D . O F F IC E O F ID A H O R E A L T O R S 733 0714.

U fa oi»d Aenag—

B E ^ L -N I C E 4t b «lro o m -h o m e In Bieii. Good location. Lolt of home for under S13.000; Call G ena Hopkint S43 4445 or L A N D O F ­F IC E O F ID A H O R E A L T O R S , 733-0M4.

------------J H O M E S ^ K T M B E R L Y ' ^3 Hom et on 1 lot. Live In the 3. bed/ogm home w llh 'b lg ki|chenj and rent the 3 bedroom home lo tupplemenr your-paym ent*. Bolh heve gat fu rn a ce * .'b n iy » ) 0 ,000.. .........T A Y L O R A G E N C Y -

• o fT w ln fa il* --------------“ M L S ‘*S

Donald Ta y ld r; Broker 433 5J89 E V E N IN G S :Ron Ta ylo r.............. ................ 4^3-5403Ma*on Smith 413 5717

Formi 1‘or Sol* 53

JO S T L IS T E O I )4 / a c re «, full Tw|n - .r a i l* water p lu i Irrigation well -i (o p e n -w a ia r ) . T o p 'r e w c T b p far'-

m in g fo llow ing good- rotation p ro g ra m . 3 m o d e rn home*, garaget, machine thed and thop. Granarle* and new feed corrait. Shown b y a p p ointm e nt o n ly . W E S T d N D R E A L T Y . 130 Broadway South, Buhl, Phone 543-

B O A C R B S W IT H 3bedroom modern home. Now railin g hay, grain and

''b e a m . Excellent location. U4.000, M U F F L E Y R E A L T Y A N D IN ­S U R A N C E , 934 4781, Ken Malona 934-50)0,

4 B E D R O O M , 3 up, 1 down. 3 balh t. 3 fireplace*. Hug* fam ily room. Lot'* of room. A lovely ho­me. 8 year* old. Priced right.

T R A N S F E R R E D .- 3 bedroom , 3 'balh't, full batemehf. O w na rw ant«~ a«tlon. Make offer.

A L L E L E C T R I C , 3 bedroom, balh t, ,)arge corner lot. Brand- kpankin' new. Ju tI m ove right In.

3 B E D R O O M ,o n ly 1)0,000. T e rm t.

W E S T E R N ' R E A L T Y C O .

733 3J45 444 A/laIn South

A lt.h rt ,G e o .G o u ld 733-9443

)30 A CREST In Hagerm an Valley w llh a g ra vity tprlnkler ty tle m , lota of spring water, and a t m i i l ' hot tprlng*. Id*ai retlrem enf t M l , 175,000. H A G E R M A N R E A L T Y ,

— John-LeMovne.-l37.4443----------------—

Y O U D E A F ? O p p o rtu n ity It knocking I This Income property with 3 rental u^lt* m utt be told lo tetlle estate. Good location, clote- In lltted at 19,800. Saa thi* today.

N E A T 3 bedrbom home with 3 balht for only 1)3,500. Spaclou* living room and dining rocm. B a um ent and garage. Thi* won't latt.

R E L A X IN T H IS lovaty brick home on the idge of T w in Failt, Huge carpeted living room wllh a da)iillng clone fireplace. Large kltct^en with every convenience. Recreation room, 3 bath* and 4 bedroom*. The bett value In Twin Fall* for 137,900, C A L L NOW I

N E W L IS T IN G . O nly 5 m liet Irom Tw in Failt. 40 acre* with Twin F a il t w ater r l£ h t - L o v e ly 3 bedroom home. I'/t bath*, carport, oarage and out bu ltd ln gt.-lf told Im m e d ia te ly c «n have tp rln g po*«e«»lon. Call Harold Kelthley 733-3400 or L A N D O F F IC E O F ID A H O R E A L T O R S 713 07)4.

m ,


E A L T YDi>v« HamUll. Siolier

H io ie coll 733 4079 (onylimfl. . Ann Hollma((«< 733.38)0 (Kom «l...

O u t o f T o w n Hom e* 51

L A R G E 3 B E D R O O M hom e, Ceramic tile bath, 1-9 batement, fireplace, *ummer entertainment cenler-, garage. BOI Y a k im a , Filer. 1)5,000. Ha* large existing loan.


E S T A T E S A L E : Cabin located on river frontage at AAacka Inn. 1* acre, 3 levels, 3,300 »q- II- i bedroom*, 4 bath*, 3 . fireplace*, w a th e r , d ry e r , d la h w a th e r,

~ refrig*r^tor,'fraeierTW r'ltrHarold Boncl, 785 North Maddux Drive , Reno, Nevada, or phone 703-7I4-

MoblU Horn** 64

B U H L 40 acreir lull water, good iocalion. 1) acre* In hay. 131,000. 14,000 dow n.- . F A R M E R 'S R E A L T Y , Buhl, 543-4450 or 543- 4)80.

30 A C H E S hay and patture, plenty of Irrigating water. Fencing very good, 4 bedroom modern home and other Improvement*. Trade on hqme In lown. 134,500.

D R Y D E N A G E N C Y334-5333 433 S. LincolnEvening*; 334-4B33or 534 3404

J E R O M E , ID A H O

130 A C R E ttock ranch, m o itly In patture, wllh nice home, full baiem enl. IS3,S00. . . , . ,

A LS O have 3bedroom home In Jerom e, with </i acre land. Only 111,500,

L 8. N R E A L E S T A T E _334 4100,311 So, L ln c o lW ^

Jerom e I E V E N IN G S :

D Ick G re go ry 733 T307Bd Stockton 334-4180

Thursday, .AAay\4.-1971 Timos-Newi, TWin Falli, Idaho 17 r '

Farmi l^ r Sol* ■ 53 Comp*r«'^

^ A C R E S Between Wehd4ll »rid Jerome, Lovely new ail electric

) home <iylth nice view. 134,000. T e r m t . P E T E R S O N R E A L E S T A T E . )M » 7 t , wandqii,.... .......

V A C A T I O N , T R A IL E R S and, camper* Quality for let*. We service our taietl Kit. P ro w le r.. W JL K IN 5 .-TR A IL E R _.5ALBS.,... Gooding. ’ . *

L A R G E C O U N T R Y loti. Beautiful v ie w o l Tw in Falls and rhoVntalnt,

.. Phooe 733.SS57.......... .. - . .

P O N S A L E : Laroa lot Ide al’ for apartm enti, duplexet. o r --t «m e with horse patture. Near Sluart Junior High and C.S .I. City w aler. sewer, 543 5733. •

4 AC R E S ,_ 3 bedroom home, out

4 B E D R O O M brick home', carpeted, P»»'t b a ie m e n t . ' - , \\h. b a lh l,

:i lir e p J a c e .-^ - -3 -a c r e s .- l3 * ,S 0 0 .- ™ 5 IA C .K M E N 'S _ R £ A L .X Y ._ 4 0 0

Souty Lincoln, Jerom e. 334-a45, 334-3430, B35-U73.

ftuelrMBS Proporly-

6 UN IT.a p a rtm ent, S33S Income, Sth ■ North. 1)9,500. A C E R E A L T Y , 733i - 52)7. ---------------------

C O M M E R C IA L B U I L D I N G With •large lo f for rent. Downtown location. Phone ;33-4783,

A P A R T M E N T H O U S E , excellent lo c a t io n -a n d -o c c u p a A c y — W ill consider tom e trades. No ^ o k e r t , pleatel Cali 934-4731 evenings. '

Comm ercial PropertyA s p e c i a l t y

Feldtm an-Reallors 733-19BI

S M A L L G R O C E R Y S TO R E FOR S A L E , inquire at S3B Blue Laket Blvd.

VocoHon h«p*rty 51

F O R S A L & . Small cablri and boat house at AAagIc; Re>ervolr. Clear

_!lll«Jo-OfDBe£ty_lI.»Q*J«IILain:-slder trade for tm a l house I r a l l^ , 334-4139, e ve n in g s, S a tu rd ay, Sunday,

L O G C A B IN wllh 118' frontage on Wood River near Hailey. L^rge living>6om and fireplace. Also 18'' t ra ile r home under c o v e r. Everyth ing goes (Including fu r­niture and dithes) for only 1)4.000.

C O R N E R L O T In Lake Creek sub­division. 3 mile* North of Ketchum on Highw ay 9). 14,000. ,

C * fn * l* ry U l « 5 9

F O U R lot* In Lakevlew area of Sunset AAemorlal Park near Ihe Bronxe Bible- S150 each Include* Pe rp e tu a l C a re . W ill sell separately or a t a fam ily group. Call 733-3713.

6 3 .

S M ALL C A M P IN G trailer. 8 ■ 4>/r, 1300 Has butane stove and sInK. Call Kim berly, 433 4)»3. ;>

OLDER MODEL s«urtiyi r»ru!{r- kup camper. Iceboi. gas stove, tieept 4. 1500, 733 05)5.

L A R G E F O L D -D O W N ca m p e r. Small alum inum teardrop.' 17 h o rM po w e r— eutboaro moror7 almost new. S34>34 alter 4

R E S E R V E Y O U R modern rental'• vacation trailer or c^mp*r now.

Clean, com p le te ly se rvice d . W IL K IN S T R A I L E R S A L E S . - Ooootng; — ■ ■— --------------

B U Y T H E B E S T. All models TreVel Queen campers. Nov/, in stock

a - ' - ' ' * ” ’ '"*’" ’ '--

MoUl* Horn**

N EW 1 2 'W ID E-- S B id r o o m Delivered and Set Up

/C^f7\ u\ Term s A/ranged------------I Kim berly Rd.

734-3440— Tw in F ills Open 7 Days 9 To 9


1 2 'x 6 0 'AS tow AS . . . .^4995

d t liv t r ^ d & le f -u p locally


Thi D^altr -,p»h Jht Mon ttpm im tt

■ S>ngl« W nU» onVJ Oouhl« Wio«t nl Well

O p «h 9 4. unUit *3/ Phon. 733-6’ 4 -‘

B R O C K M A N 'S T R A IL E R S ALES -------------Your-Greal.LakisDealer------------

IN S T O C K19M Great L a '-n

443-Bedroom ). Furnished I. Carpeted3. Alletectrlc4. Double Insulallon5. Storm Windows


5 8 ,9 9 5

■ B R a C K M A N l S


TR A IH .E R S A L E S 'eiSM aln A ve. South 734-3)47 nth 1. Overland, Burley 478 7574

R*ol lEstot* W a n te d 6 3

W A N T T O B U Y iicreaga with v,^ll In > < ^w in Falls area. Ptxsne 733-5173,.

C o m p * r«

F O R S A L B i I ' cam per, toOO. See,


M O TO R HOM ES" Powered by Dodge


. H & W '

■ Trailer Sales •259 Overland Avenue, Burley'’,

P hona67B-96M

litm p a p K e jrP o la ir 'C a m p e r* a « lo w 'O l . . . $ 1 0 9 5

B A N < F I N A N C I N G

F E A T U R E SRounded lop>no iwo^ Foom Intlulotlon Klo cVner Mamt to ieoii fiut-typellanred v.i|ndowr S o U ^ gtoH

East 5 P o in ts -Tw ln Foil*

L@©K- 2 IN STO C K

7 0 'X 1 6 'BIG SKY

MOBILE H O M E S , ■Show models

Both 3 Bedroom ‘ "V " Wat $U ,900 . r


mA G IC V A l lF f '


M ^ D R O I ^Open Weekdays I 0 -7

SAies — BEMTAIS O p < » S u n d o y s Z iP .M .

Mobil* Horn*! 64

‘^he DeoUr wiik 1h« t AAotl Enpe«Un<e’' '

Single V A iu ond Ooi.ble Widei X 3 1/4 rfiiUs Wetl o( Wetl S Folnti •

Open 9-4, unU«i by odvonc* v Qppolntmfrtl. P ^ n « 7 3 3 -4 t ^

n>)one 733-.1413.

■ M E N lF R E E T O ' T R A V E L - B A S T C O A S T, W E S T C O A S T . H A W A II. A N D R E T U R N . All Iransportatlm

'lurnlshed with Immediate cash drawing account. Above-average earnlngt. Able to drive car helpful. Doing p u b llih «t» ' contact w r k .

'No previous experience required. See M r. C reoo ry. DeLuxe AAolor Lodge. lOlo 13 noon. 4 lo 4 p.m . N O piione calls.

L A D IE S !F R E E T O T R A V E L B A S T C O A S T, W E S T C O A S T. H A W A II, A N D

■ 7

R E T U R N . A il tra n s p o rta lld n furnished wllh .Immediate cash drawing account.' Above-average

FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and SUNDAY (M ay 7th, 8th, and 9th) _______

ea rn ing s. Doing p u blish e r* ' contact work. No prevtous ex­pe rie nce ' re q u ire d . See M r . G regory, DeLuxe W d o r Lodge'. 10 to 13 noon. 4 lo 4 p .m . NO ^ o n e calls.

-------- A O t O M O B lU E --------------M E C H A N IC

i,-l>up«r-lancad.<only. for a shop overflowing w llh year round work, vacation pay. holiday pay. laun­d r y . iTiedlcal ■ ^^j^jnjurance.^

- J O H N - C H R I S M Q I O R ^401MalnAva.B. Tw InPails

J/2 BEEF. J. tu '^ a n d W rapped

(rom Albertson's b y r a a «t» rJn o d ur-"Ing our Open House this weekend. Re- gisler all 3 days, you need (tot be.

_ 'present to win. Draw ing to b^, hold, Sunday ot 4 P.M.

Help us moke (hli O pen House ' the biggest and belt yet, bring

the whole family ond ^pend the d a y . W e have sIk acfet ol

-w.W TTiraarofidTtiW li^iiier-

m obile homes, travel trollaif,

and plcl(Up compers to choose Irom . I ‘ ’*

6 Cases Gaii Goods. . . Given

—i way:&arh f“ The 3 DaysCheck dt office for detailsl


Po*ltlanl tavalliblt, for quklifl*d ■ . m e n . w llh Established F a rm

E q u ip m e n t. D e alership. Ideal w o rk ing conditions, Paid V a c a tio n !. P e n ilon P ro g ra m . Hoipllalliation P ro jra m and G ro ­up Lile Insurance available. W rite Tlm es-News. Box l-14.nw ln F a ils ,. Idaho.

s' W A N T E D PM E A T C U T T E R

E n jo y good w a g t s r v i c k t l o n . re tire m e n t p la n , and m ed ica l Insurattce w h ile w o rk in g for g ro w in g , a g g re s tjv e co m p a n y .

Apply In peraon at -

SHELBY'S M AR KETlP .m .to 3 p .m .'

, ’ A^day.AAeya:

' Dean Fenstermalcer's


' See o gas iurhoce In operollon, m* the lat­est in recreational television, se* on olr'co o l'

.er In o p y o tlo n , tear o cpmplete lin*, o l po/ti ond'~dc(esiortes lo r recreotignol vehicles ortd mbior hom^s. Proffesslonol odvise ond cellant service at G otew oy's Servlc* Deport­ment.

Blake Street At Addlisbn ' Twin Falls

Phone 733-2410

. 6

i q e l ^ n t q s a - j :

ip o i i t ' 6 i i ; iK e 'f iq i

• o f : ;

I - ; ) , i j M f i r l a l e r ^

1 8 T lm M - N e w t , T ^ ln F*H»> Id a h o T h u r t d a y , 6 , 1971

MoblU Homar 64

FOR S A L E : 19&0 Skyline, tlvlng -ro o m , t i n o u t , 3 bedroom t, e x ­

cellent condition. 733-9M7.

X 94 M O D E R N M O B IL E H O M E . I I ^bethi reM p e ra tofr O**

renee en^ furnece. 73VS941.


W a t c h F o r

G A T E W A Y ' S "


A A a v 7 , B « , 9 -

MOBILE HO M ESM(i>UM»'C«nluiy>-T<imaio(l>-SI>«ll>)'

TRAVEL TRAILERSTidVflfli* • tmtiy ■ Roaii(Ui>na> ■

olio Ranltil UmiU



----------------- T H C L A S T I --------


Mobil* Homat' 64

1969 13 >I M .foot M O B IL E H O M E w llh 14 loot i»p o u t, cerpetino « » d air fcondltlonlng. ISOO .down ar>d take o ve r p iv m e n la . BA>-3333. O&kley.

T n A l L E R S iftle . U n iquedouble wide, older tra lle ri. «2,B0Q, Located In Keictium. Phone 736 SBU.

' S i M P S o N ‘5 ^


M o v in g .PARTS' ■

5 A I E 5 --------------------------

O C D E S TD E A IE R ---------- "“ T ;— ^N » w/A ui»<J M o1).U Hori<»t A

Service a. repair

Wh*i« pticvt u'a liorn (it«l

SIM PSQN Mobile Momos 434-4744 '


A|>artm*nU>'FurnUh«d 70

H ouU t— Unfurnithad 74

0 U 6 lor appo|nlmenj.

N tC E S B E D R O O M hom e. Large I yardf fenced back yard, garden ‘ y » t . tnqulre at 1445 M Avenue

d a tt. /

3 'B E D R O O M ho u tB . w a te r and lanlljrtlon paid, carporl. Q»r»abf waAier anii d ryer hookup, .inquire

- ■f,1}3*’ 6 Vflng« Dr/ve. •

I. B E D R O O M deluxe t^ome. EK- ce lle n i loca tio n . L Y N W O O D R E A L T Y . ;33-93n,

T W O -D E D R O O M .d u p le x , co m - pleloly carpeted, electric heat. c a r i » r i. bulll In nppllancei.> |13S per monlh Includei w a te r. 0A>'' uaue. *nd M n '*«tlon pickup.

G t M S T A T E R E A L T Y /m BlueLaRee North 733 5334 D Jck M e u e r(m lth .B ro k e r 713-9049 H rt, 0:30.4:00 5 «t9 :0 0 4 :00-

Rooms— B6a/d and Room 76

OR U N t-U R N lS H U D : 3 roo m i and -b a t h , m aluro lad^ p re (e rre d ,.Ju »L

A Mefe Inn. 733-9344.

L O O K IN G F O R an apartntwU or • hou»eT Call Quillcl. 733 2940.

F U R N IS H E D bachelor apartment -A lr~ C D n d ltlo n e d . Fenced b a c k ­

ya rd . Inquire at 1445 H d Avcpnue Eaif.

F U H N IS H H D 3 room modorn houte. Call 733 JflSB alter 5 p.m'.

AparlmonI*— Urtfurn. 71


fiiih ■ Supplin ■ Stivict


L O V E L Y apartment. Hvlno room, kitchen. 1 bedroom, bath, water and heal lom Uhed. t7Sper month. La dy p re fe rre d . Call H a ro ld Kelthley, 733 0714 alter S p.3400.

. 733-

3 • Tref>(rC0M , ’'iuMV'’ 'c » rp e t e d . •Townhouie Apartm ent. 130 M artin Street No. 37._ 733 33SO alter 5 p .m .

L O V E L Y , L A R G E 1 b e d ro o m , ne w ly d e co ra to d . c o n v o n U o L location. All utllltiei except llot»l. 733 9S31.

Houm s— FurnUhad 73

T H R E E RO O M S and bath, d o te In A dult* o n ly , Social S e cu rity preferred. Reference! required. 733 S399.

C L O S E -IN . . C lean, excellent iloepinu ro o m i. Private entrance. A ir ^condltlonlnu, 137 4tt> Aycnwe

Farm Implamanis 90

W E B U Y , tell or lell lor you all kinds of Oted farm machinery. M O L Y N E U X M A C H IN E R Y , 19S3

-P lo r B l -A v ir — 753 75477— :------------------ f

Form Implamants ' : ,90M X Chd^PPfiR With 3-royv'cofn

head and ha y p ic k u p . Oehl

B A L E R , IniamallonaJ 5A.W. Wir* tie. Good condition. 543-49)5.

Ughi InduHriol Iqulp.

- u s e d i n d ,o s t r Va i -' — EQ U IP M EN T — >....

•CASt W ODKl 1300,. 4 wh#.l dnvt S31.-000. •

m e MODEL 4100.1 4 .w K 4«L.^ilv«,

full Imw o l n,w John in th i

E L U O r T 'S111 Ovarlund Av* , Buflty, lJutio

Pl.on» 470-5305

Hont. Pl.on. 733-14VO

M O BIlt PHONE hurUy Ar«o Twin Fulit Ar*(i A7fl.35l9 734-3331 - .Unit 3157 • Unii 5157

I m p l a r n a n t f

Good Used BuysO n -G o o d Equipment

— Used Tractors-2 — Fnrmnll 540.Di*i«l

I — John Do«r« 730 Oiticl

— OTHER EQUIPMENT—I — Uiacl Model 40 4 row Acmi

polaloe plonlar. ntarlv naw ' - i l i e d j f l l i f - -

1 — Formoll 504 Oiatnl

' l — Allii Cliolm«M XT-190 Dio will) Cab.

pololov plonlau *1 .— U iaJ IHC i (ow polnloa

plonlarSavarnl good utad Jolin Daara

Modal 70 llav plonlart

GEM EQUIPMENT, INC.Twin FalU, 733-7272 — Bulil, 543-4392

CliBf Sl<aralli. 733-5240 ’ Daa RuMot.. 543-5453.• Rooar Hawlon, 733-2604

FOR S A L E : M F G lo w b e d trailer. ■Ingle drop, double axle. 900 x 30 tire t. Loading iklds. Phone 7U- 4053 or 7 U -36U.

ID A H O T R A C T O R salvdge. Caih loi' .Uted tractori. ,UM d p a rti at big d licounti. 733 IR93.

W A N T T O T R A D E : 15' beet bed lor ipud btJk bed, y to na 334 3144.

I.H .C . 14" jb o lto m . 3’Way plow. T rip beam . i39S. Phone 733-B334,

-IWO-fNTeRNpVT-IONAb-traetei^ AAodeL 440, .with- backhoe and loader.- Good ihape. 934-43 59.

hlEW IH C.3.boliom plow..WIII le llo r ' u/lll 'ir*Ha Inr CAmn lrBllar^ 934-

FOR S A L E ;. 1970 John/Oeere dietel 30-30, uted l«ftl th m 3S0 hourt.

— Phone-934-5143rGoodlnO'-------------------

FOR S A L E : D 8. W 4 row cup potato planter with applicator. Nearly

>. Odell Smllh.S31S53l. Rupert

s p r in 6


'n i A C T O I I f1— M a iie V Ferguion 3S

g a i, power ileerlng . overhauled. . -

1— M a*iey Ferguton 145Handard dleie l. Independent

. P .T .O .. low hours. (Repo)1— M a tie y Ferouion-14S •*

hl-arch dietel.1— AAaiiay Ferguton 4S

dietel; overhauled.1— M a ite y Ferguton 175

dietel, with cab. 1-lnternatlonal D-37S

dietel, A-1’ lHape.1— Ferguton TO-30

g a t , overhauled.

•I— Mlchlgan 4 wheel drive thovel- loader, AAodel 75-A. complete

- motor overhaul.

0 0 0

Below you will find many services available from Magic Valley Businesses. Check with our Service Directory when you're in need of a professional. The firms below offer the finest in service and quality products^ Chock with one and see!


R E F R I C e R A T O R S , W D .I t .r * , d rye ri. ranget, Reaionable ratet.30 y e a ri experience. Call Stium- w ay Ajjpliance Repair, 733-4147.

E U G E N E S M ITM .w a th e rt .d ry e rt, rangai. d lipo talt. dittiwaiitert. 34 years experience in Magic Valley.733 0038.


•— RePfTroVRATORS. " Preeier's7- ranget,-wattiert> d r y a r t -V E R N 'S —

A P P L IA N C E R G V A IR . 733-5444, 875 Filer Avenue W ett.


H a r v e y — & — G a r v ’ i — auto - b o d y — - re p a ir in g and p a in tin g . Top quality work and tervlce. Fre o e tt.

' Orchard D rive . 733 435B.


■pretH il'w ablle Uutchbrlng

Carpenter w anlt w ork by hour or •■ job. Ramodellng « tpeclaltv^.14B

Ta ylo r, 733 0049.


A L M A H A R D IN • Chiropractor. 157 Norlli Wathlngton, Tw in F a lll. PIvone 733 4741.:

C U S TO M e O U IP M B N rW O R t<

C U S TO M manure hauling with new large equipment. G e rry and Wally Pickett, 334-S307, Fllor.

C U S T O M ^

M O U IL U .tU a m cleaning. T^iA>><t, farm rti^ichiniry, road equlpi^etiK. c a n . Call 734-3494 lor eUlmate.


T O R G IN A L IS BACK-. Stnm leit lloorlno, bathroohii. Free etiim atet. Phone. 734-3495. 733-49M. .


Fuller Druth com mercial product! now avallable for Cattla-Mlnldoka countlei; Phone 434-4391. Rupert.

H O M E M A IN T E N A N C e

- Roofing, painting and home repalrv- Complete home maintenance. Put yourtell In good handt. Prompt reliable tervice. 543-5454.

H O M E R E P A IR S '

H om w Tep a ir»rn «w caD iM # Tr'N o ’ |ob too im a lt l Phone /734-30t9 eveningt. ’ ____________



P a in tin g -D o c o ra tin g (In te rio r • liK tb rlo r). Call Doan M a v t, 733- 4740.


H U G H E S . Mobile Hornet. Locally owned, intured ca rrie r. Local and long dltlance. 733-3773.

P E T T I C O A T P A IN T U R S (gftlt w4»0 need a job) Cuttom w ork at low- low prlcet. Interior and oxierlor. 733-0513. ___________ • V

T E T 2 P A IN T IN G . Commercifil and re t id e n t la i p a in tin g . P a rk ing itrlp ln o . ro o lt. Ptione 734-3701.

E X P E R T Painting • • • Interior or Exterior. Fre e e itlm a la i. Phone 734‘3744,


Valiev r i l l Clinic -N o r t h , yWHBW.

-P o u ltry -p ro c e tiln O ‘-3 l3 S lh-Aw anu#-

e V B R O R B B N S B R V tC B

Evergreent. trim m ing, Irull treet, treet and.rotet. Floyd Swan, 733- 9353. Free eitim alet,


S H A N E 'S Siiarpenlno Service, 543 5th Avenue Norih, >33-3454.

S B W B R S B R V iC B

R O T O R O O T E R tewer u rv ic e . Sew er lln e t and septic la n k e l i d i n g — A lif li_ a lU v p * t o l ex cavatlon. 733-3541 or

C R A V E N 'S Sewer Service: SepllC la n k • sewer line cleaning. Power equipm ent, free Intpeitlon. 733- 3053.

S H B B T R O C K IN G .

_ S H E d T R O C K I N G , T a p in g .: - : ; plaiterlng and acoutllct- Phone^:;: 733 0B79 or 733-1409,

SICK R O O M E Q U IP M B N T . iij;

H O S P IT A L b e d t, wheel c h a ir t , e xe rclting equipm ent c o n . valeiceni a ldt — Duy me or rent me. Cholottom y appilancet lor tale. K ln g tb u ry 't Medical Center,733 9114; Kingtburvi.-PceiccUiiJoa-.:::;-. Center. 733-4574. .,X;


D O R M A N T S P R A Y IN G , law n rejuvenation and lertlllzallon. roo t'lv lesdlng.. ty tle m lc leedlng and :vipraying.

— G E M S P R A Y i N C S E R V ic i r — :;:r 733-4304


nill't Tree and Lawn Service, ijt — Prune -lop)—and-remave—Ire^t.

T rim th ru b l.A d a w . trim and clean y a rd t . Seventeen y e a n e x - porlence. No [ob loo tmall or loo x large. Call 934-4394. . .

K O N IC G K 1 R G E S E R V IC E .i i ji


________________________ ; i _

FO R e xperienced tree s e rv ic e , .j:- topping, trim m in g, removal and t liru b b e ry w o rk call D A L E 'S T R E E S E R V IC E . 734 3187. Free


eillm atet.

TR A S U a Q A R B A O B S B R V IC B ^

P AR KS A N D SONS — 7Jl-444\. \ Com m e rcia l and re tid e n tla i > hauling — container! ~ tpeclal \ hault — Intldo or oultlde city ilm llt.

U P H O L S T B IlY ____________ ____ i

tto rtie y 'i pool table recovering and i "■uphoiiierlno“ Ph onr-7J4'»7n.------------i


V A C U U M S E R V IC E Center, parts, ! repairs on K Irb y compact. AAoit : olhert. Tw in F a lli. 733 4041. \

C ALL 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1T IM IS -N E W S C U S S iriE D W A N T AD DEPAQTMENT

•i; .

’ W E OFFER - 24 HOUR SERVICEIf the telephone of. ahy advertiser in this DIRECTORY not answerecf, DIAL 733- 2386, Telephone Aniwering Service in

I Tv/in. Falls, Doy or Night. The advertiser will be notified ttf coll you.


a, IM P L E ^ E N f “3030 Kim berly Road

Hay, Grain and Faad

C U S T O M S T E A M g ra in ro llin g ^ mobile — m o latte t. Al Hatkell^

■ 433-^80, K Im U rlv

W A N T E D T O D U Y h a y. M c K ltrlc k 'i, Uellevue- Ptione 7 U - 3381, m ornlngt or eveningt.

FO R S A L E : 3rd culting hay, mixed g ra in , t i r a w . Phono 839-5090.

' Haiolton.

GilllaL O N G Y E A R L IN G S Charolals bull*

ready |o go jo w ork. Tw o wett ^w ay 30 toulh % w e tt of:. . .. -------

BuQ L^Larry Finney.

F R E S H or^Sprlnger cows o r helfert. Guaranteed, Buy or trade tor tprlngers or beef, Hap or Clyde tiu g h e t. Buhl. 543 S825 or 543-594?.

V G A R L I N G H E R E F O R D b u ilt .Edw ard C . EaKIn S. Soni. Jerom e

- «4.S44e; ’------------7

Good baby and p a tlu re calvet lor tale. All klndt. Phone 334-4143 or 334-^38. Jerome.

Local calves for tale al all llm et -ha d-all-of-lhelit-tholt.-ready lo-iH>'-

Tv«> Wetl Highw ay 30 */j South Vt Wetl of B u h l.,L a rry Finney.

13 T.v^O -Y E A R b y lli , Domino .a n d Au k IdIv nreedlng. not lorce

- fe d ^ 4 3 -i4 * rtV C ir rt r^ t l. ---------

FOR S A L E : 3-year old regltlered Herelcvd built, polled and horned,

-•H oy-Jetter .-733-1347.— ------------

R E G IS T E R E D A N G U S built, yoart and older. Dick Howard. 543- 4915.

R E G IS T E R E D Q U A R T E R ho rie t ttarled geldlngt, m 4ra «n d ebll. tmooth mouth gelding. 5-year old m are, well broke, lop barrel racing protpect. Robert Schutte. Curry 733 3978. .

W A N T E D : Tep quality dairy cowt Phonej>34-4110, Jerom e,. . ,

O U Y C E R T I F I E D P o rlo rm a n c e te tto d C h a ro la it built'. Cash, contrAct o r lea te . Do n't buy Charolait built jutt bocaute they, are while and cheap, R o tt Parker, Hagerm an. l(Jai>o S37-4S48..

100 to 150 Holtloln he lle rt on hand Weight 1.000 to 1.350 poundt. two wayvifl llnance. One to lour y e a n Cowt Intured againtl death. Al h e lle rt g u a ra n te e d . E U G E N E H U G H E S , 324-3415, Jerom e.

t n n i v x p x s T a f n r a r ^ f e s‘ Available al all llm et on u rder. We have Ireth a tuoply of top quallly Iwltleln heifer a n d -btill • ca tv«l. S a lltfa ctlon g ua ra nte e d delivery. Top p rlcet paid

Jy iiiifiln jR d n o e cJie U fiu .all&43-474'Pleate cairi43-4744 or 543 4013, II

no antwer call In the eveningt. Mike-Neah I'.'y’mlles W etl ol-Uuhl.


Call o r W lt o :

H R D L IC K A BR O S- , Woule7 •’

Chlppuwa Falls, W itcontln .O lllco : '715.733-1171Re&ltloncc. 715733-9158

Sw/ina 103

M O R E L A R G E weanort. Ready,

F O R S A L E : 400 balet Itt cultfng hay. Phone b; 9-5447. Hajelton.

C E R T IF I E D S E E D polatoet. Can deliver. Call Lyiin or Tod Roihwell 588-3383 or 5461313-

F IR S T year out, new ground, clean Reading, In liolaled area. Trade tack for 1'/> ta ck t In lall. Odell Sm llh, 531-5531. Rupert,

H A V E S P U D N IK . etjulpmenl to load, haul your tp ud t. A lio ^cu t your teed. Georg* Clark 543-5453, D ennlt Clark 543-5473. .

C E R T I F I E D 8 B C D potfltoei, dea n Calllornia reading, no tproult. Carey, Idaho. Phone 133-3843 or 833.3311, alter 4iOOp.m .

FOR S A L E : Certified teed polaloet. „.clean. dlteate Iree. 13.00 tcooped

M ackny after 4 p .m ., 588-3409.

130 S A CK S certified North Dakota Noroold teed polatoet. Excellent ttock. 334-4873, F ile r.

F O U N D A T IO N -te e d polateei. Call Worth ivle. M ackay. Idaho. 588- 3395.

S E E D S P U D S_ F .IR S I_ v f ia i:_ iro m — cerJIIlca tlo n -

crown In an itolaled area.

W IL U F IN A N C EPhone: 7J3-3719

Day or night

Animal Branding 1 0 0

A R T IF I C I A L breeding to ADS great proven sires, n a llo n 'i highest type production tire s. Alto all breeds of beef available. Ouhl, 543 4103;

- Jerome,-334-34S3; SttoitiQhe, S84- 7587; Durley, 47893531 Haiellon, 839-5303.

S E L Q C T tlre t Incorporated. All b re «d t, da iry, beef W.-;iicr Leltch. 543-4458.

S T U D S E R V IC E , PInlo ttalllon. Vt Arabian. Dred for color. Coll lo Uiow . Ptione alter 5:30. 334 5139,

Auellonr’" 101

E A R L Y-------C O N S IG N M E N T S —

T ^ F T f T t S S V M A Y 7 ■

100 Head good sleer and heller' caivel40 Head yearling steers and hellert 7S H ead good H o itte ln and crottbre<l tleert and hellert 40 Head tto ciie r.fa l and feeder calvet.

^ G O D D i R G T i v e s r o c i r ^

C O M M IS S IO t^ C O . ."Wfiere ConipeliliVa lil(/(/(no

n iiu x i lop

"In fitnri o/ Ifi* good g>o(i counlry on th» U.P. Mdi'niine."


TLE lt4THEN0RTHWt(^. ,

Phone Youf ' '

Illy,Jock Claw.^Giw Ino* «T'53P0

OFFICE-? 034-4343V - - . ___

1 0 1Co HU

C A L V E S Daby and grass c a lv e t. Wl kinds, W

w e s l,.W south of Klhiberly. 433- 5134, o r 433 H09. B I . B CalMe.

POR S A L e i as he «d W hltf face

O U Y O r tell your ttortet where you're treated right. Ptione 334- 5143. eveningt.

A L L T Y P E S o lh o r t e t , bought, told, traded. Plenty ol ranch geldlngt. Ren Haley, 733 4055.

H O ft-S E S H O E IN G , trlhtTftin ir 'ltnU groom ing, Ptjone 334-4431. Denver F ine, Fllor.

R E G I S T E R E D A L L A ra b ia n . i » r v jM 'i3 5 , call after 4:30 p.m,

3 -H O R SE T R A IL E R lor tale. Good Condition. Phono & fl«r 4 p .m , 334- 3173, Jerom e. '

Pat« and Pat Suppiiat- 110

4 M 0 N T H old A K C ro g itle re d -Q r itt a n y tpanlel puppy. Clear

Laket Power Plant: 543-4954; Uuhl.

A K C G R E A T D A N E S . Poodlet. N o rw e g ia n E lk Ho u n dt. S a m o y o d t. D r itla n y s , G e rm a n Shoplierdt. Gorm an Shorlhnlrt. English Pointer and Shorthalr

, Cross, W ill hava.Ueaglot. M A C 'S K E N N E L S , Wendell, 534-3317. ^

W A N T E D : Home for Diue Point Siam eie mal9 cat, lV i years old.

R E G I S T E H ' E D . B L U E A U S T R A L IA N shepherds phone 543-4094.

C H A M P IO N S IR E D m in ia tu re Schnauier pupplet, Roatonable, H . Q, Hall. Roule 1. Heyburn, 478- 3893.

S T . B E R N A R D p u p p ie s . A K C registered. 734-3381 or 733-3193,

R E G IS T E R E D P O O D L E pups. 3 black females. 1 apricot m ale. Nice pot quality. 478-9331.

DOD'S K fc N N E LS : Oun dogt - O bedience t ra in in g . B e a rd ing. Have tom e dogt for tale . 733-3330.

K A M A U K E N N E L S , poodle p arlor, boarding, slud service. 733-1195.

P O O D L B G R O O M IN G , ttud ser­v ic e , pup p ie s . C h e rl 'M llfe r. Kenpeli. West Redcap corner. K im b e rly . 4234104........ - ........... - -

P R IC E C U T on registered toy ••poodleij-leadtng b lo «J Hnet; A IM

ItO iTTervlce. -

A K C R E G I S T E R B D * G e rm a n S h o r t h a ir t ' and W Ir* H a ire d Pointing G r i l lo n t . L A R R Y 'S K C N N C l. Phone 733 3443. '

R C G IS T B R B D T I N Y While loy lemale poodle • w eeki. M5. 1 Reoltlered-whltefovm ale poodle 3 ye a rt. US. 1 O ra y jih -b la c k jo y

R B O I S T H R B D F E M A L E Labrador, 10 m onthiold. good retriever. ^ I thoti andllcente. 145. 733-1430.

Uvallocli W 114

P ,0 R . P I? 6 M P T P I C K U P O F D E A D A N D v - U S E -L E S S AN IAA ALS C A L L


G O O D IN G 934-MI4

._ lP a h o h i d e a n d IT A L L O W C O .'

Appllanutft HH Equip.. 110 Sh.ubbary,'Manta, Bu IIm 136

N E W A N D U S E D appllencet. Hatl of A ^ i lc arff Appliance, 733-4931.

S A V E O N R E M O D ^ IF ^ G o r dolng- h-ydurtall* Tww -com plete sals bathroom fU lu re t, 4<^-loot tubt, ta vilo rle t, and tollelti Perlect condition. T m > electric bathroom healort. two windowt' complete witti fre m e t ready to tet. Other a p p ila n c e t and fu rn itu re . 303

-Te a le r-S tre e t 6 a t l, Kim berly. 433- 5393,

F R IG ID A IR E ' wether end dryer, pair, reconditioned and guaran­teed, S199 at Ca ln 't 73i-7111.

ToTNCH'crEn'anoSraeiuwrwocBr;rocondllloned an ' ' ***

■ ^ T 'C S ln ’i n m ^ l l

W E S T IN G H O U S E 40 inch range. W 9 ;S 0 .-9 0 d a vw a rra n tyrTe rm t lo suit.

B Y G O N E S ' OR D O G -G O N B S . alw ayt In t t x k . Pete Johntton, 304 South W aihlngldA 'IA irpori R O M ).' 733 3345.

ALC> T Y P E S antique fu rn itu re , c lo c k t, . tom e g la ttw a re . Reetoneble p rlc e t. S A L L Y 'S

-A N T t O U B 6 r 4 » - » » . -----------------------------

-A-CHAWOiNOtroCICTOtatiTctihier— K N I G H T 'S A M T I Q U I T I E 5 . 341 Polk Street E a tt. Kim berly. 433- 5343,

MiKallanaout Fof Saia ' 140

M"& Y ELdCTRiC 444 Main post

S P O T CASH For Furhlture-Appllancei

Th in gto f Value D A N N E R F U R N IT U R E

137 %\d Avenue Wett >33-1431

W B S T IN G H O U S B Space Matei wather and drye r, only 35" wide. Doth for only 1149.50.

W H IR L P O O L 30- Inch range, Clocl(. tim e r, tiorage drawer, 1174.50. .

S e eih e m a r_________.

M & Y E L E C T R I C 44rAAalnEast .

Fu rn llu ra & H H G oods 132

E A R L Y A M E H IC A N Sola, twin tlie box tp rln gt .and m a llro tt wlih metal -fram e. All In excellent condition. 733-3443.

T A B L E , 3 leaves, cutlom pad, 4 chalrerchlna and buflet. Excellent condition. 1930 vintage. ^350. ^33- 4073

M O D EH N -T.U B Q U O lS e-n a u o iliyd * - toffl wllh built.In end table. S78 al Caln't 733-7111.

C H IN A C U P B O A R D S , unfinlliied, varlout e liet and modelt, Danner Purnllure. 733.1431. . "

P R E M IU M S P A ID for round dining tablet — roll top desks.— O ra u Dedt — Oilna clotelt — baby things. H A Y E S F U R N IT U R E .

U N F I N I S H E D F U R N I T U R E , highett quallly, good teletiJoiu. M ary Carter Palnlt. 1934 Kim berly Road, 733 3493.

F A C T O R Y C A R L O A D S P E C IA L I G enuine naugh yde covered r e c lln e r t . lifetim e guarantee. R egular *79.95 AAolher's D ay Special (49.95. Danner Furniture. 7331431

W O O D EN high chair, w lllw ul tray. »3. Catt Iron bathroom sink wllh lix tu rM , attaches to wall. tIO. Cali 733-3713.

Muilcal Initrumanft 124

JU S T R E C E IV E D . Large UilpmenI Fender guitars, b a t u t and am - p llfltrt . Including new addllkxit. C L A U D E DR OW N M U S IC A N D F U R N IT U R E .

V oKgultare end ampllfTert. KLH tlereo record playert. Warner M u ijc , I jr S io th o n e North.

P IAN OS — new arrival of W urlltiert •■^0(Vl*t475:'M ATONER'S'M 'USIC.*

Tw in Falls. -

.. . ______ _uy 01M u it be In good condition. Phone 7M 4404.' • "

Radio and TV Sal* 12S

R E P O S S E S S E D P H fL C O Color te le v lilo n . D eaullful M odern i t y l in g . .S a v e »350. T e rm t , w iL S O N D A T E S .

_ L ’ _ . in c h Z E N IT H portable T V . rKo ndlllo ned and guaranteed. 188 at Cain's 733.7111.

18 I NCH Cu rtit M alhet T M color TV (re p otte tte d ) 1 year guarantee on picture tube. <338 at C a ln 't 733.

R A D IO A N D S TE R E O S FOR car and home. :N ew and uted T V 't . E xc e lle n t b u y t . C A M E R A C E N T E R .

T .V . P A C K A R D D E L L . Dig Contole. ~ T li)e »k e r 'e a c h ' tid e ."E V c re lrtn T

condition. 734 3171, alter 4 p.m.




Oaraga Salai~ -1 3 0

Y A R D S A L E , F rida y and Saturday, O ld lurnlture and mitcellaneout item t. 1904 Sherry Lane, 733-0538.

Autoi For Sala

G L A D IO L U S B U L B 3 cenU end up,Leon W riohi, H South o fM o to r. • - Vu Corner, 733 7473,

S E E TO D / .Y S .W A N T ADS for the - belt bijyt Irvlown,.

A n l l q i i a i 139

T I l i E D O F M O V IN G H 0 S B 7 Inttall an underground .lawn tprlnkler, , free etllm alet, call Jim Orawley

-.-7 3 3 -9 4 3 3 -o r-T r i-V a lle y -irp lo A lk > n - •534 3393,

TW O A l p ' C O N D IT IO N E R S , *110 > volt. 1 Seart 4.000 D T U , 1 G ,E , 4.300, Like new. Give reaionable otier. Phone alter 4 p .m . 733-4708.

U S ED S TE A M clean*rt for tale, high p re ttu re w a th e r t, call Speclallied Equipm ent, 733.3034 . dayt or eveningt.

10 IN CH Rockwell ta w , 7 y e a n o ld -'' New D ergertraniltand meaiuring


I .40GALLON water tank, uted 1 year. Sergem llker bucket unit, italnlett tieel. Lar^ect^rome dinette lable,4 Chairt, 733 3531.

TW O reach-ln boxes with coUt, 3 large. 3tm all doort. No unitt.'SiSS

. each, 1350 bolh. Mug Chiller. t75. Three boolht- 734-3559 after 3 p.m,

M A N 'S DLA C K tult. like new, Siie 30w altt.34long.37iacket. PerlecI lor the graduate. 543-5370. {luhl,

F R O M wall lo w all, no toil at All. on . carpe_lt cleaned_wlLh_DJue_Luifre^

-~ R e n t e le ctric tha m p o oe r <1.. K H E N G E L 'S .

IT 'S terrlllc lhe way w e ’re telling DIue Luttri< lo clean rugs and upholilery. Rent thampooer I1.

~ G R E E N a W A L T 'S . _______________

P IC K U P C A N O P Y , like new, 3S Inch t h o r l -w h e e l b a te .r wide -bed. W erner, 433-S449,

P IA N O . A M P L IF IE R . 3 loot tioolt. a ir conditioner and ttand. Phone 733-7348,

19 IN C H ‘D E L U X E -La\ mower, excellent conditio at Caln't 733-7111.

FO R S A L E : Wedding d re tt, slie 13, alto veil, phone 534-3354.

N E W H O S T lett you walk on carpel riohl after cleaning. No wetting. Ren machine t l . W ILSO N B A T E S , Tw in Fallt and Jerome.

W O R L D BOOK Encyclopedias and other Intlructlonal materials. P- 0 . Dox 914. 733.333) after 7 p.m .

F O R S A L E : J .C . Higgins camping lent Irailer, Wooden barrels, 50. gallon and 15 gallon. 434-4389. Rupert,

W A L N U T C O N S O LE stereo, A M - F M radio, excellent tound, 1335. GIbion 13-tlr.lng guitar. 1350. 733- 4948. ■

S A G E D IV E Stwp. New opening. U .S. D ive rt and Scubapro. Salet and Service. 334 5814.

M U F F L E R S Initelled while you■ 'w » lf ;- -0ompl*1 * 'w i> ffle r - tervice

Including cutlom duals (or cars ' and pickups. A D D O T T 'S A U T O S U P P L Y , m Stiothone SI. South.

P IS H IN G P O L E S , r ir ils i rarge selection, low p rlc e t. R E D 'S T R A D IN G PO ST. 315 Shoshone Street South.

W E R E D U IL D liydraulic laekt at A b b o lt 's A u lo S u p p ly . 305 Shothone-SI. louih. _______

9 u 13 L IN O L Q U M 'ru g t . auorted patternf, |4 ,? 3 .-8 A N N B R F U R ­N I T U R E , Tw in Falls, 733-1431.

STOW -a-w ay bed lor rent. U.OO a. week. Danner Furniture, phone 733-1431,

CU S TO M P A IN T IN G . C a rt, trucks,— -p icku p s. dents — re m o v e d —

rea son a b ly . T ra c t o r t , tra ile r houte. Ptione 433-5434..

D O N 'T MISS" ~ ™ e s ~a t e i “

C .C . AN DER SO N BLDG. ON tM em alu

- L

MiKaltanMUl Want«d 141

— CASH FO R S C R A P M e T A l ; - Copper, Brau, A lum inum , Radlatort, Batlerlet, Etc.

H . K O P P E L C O .IS ] > id Avenue South

200 Auto8 For Sola


Buy a Top Notch Air Condi­tioned Autom obile from •

“ Y n o r e e ^ o t o r C o T "

■ 1949 COUGAR. , . W 49j} (l()or Imrdlop. power ittering, la(lo>y nlr condilionlng, plut niony olliar line leoluiei.

1966 COMET, v . . $1195Cniisnie 3 <loor <onvirlibl«, loc iQr)^ oi( conditioning, powar llaiiinQ,

ItPrO Volkiwooen . S2395 1949 CHEVROIET ,. J2395u on bo <l.-loci«>iy-oli-condl.---------- Walibu-i*-door7-v ;n yl fo ol,-n lr—ninng, radio, plui many oilier (laaluat.

1965 CHEVROLET . J1095Impola i door hbidlop, power tlev^tng, power brokei, Inc'iory nir conditioning, excelUnl rub­ber.

1964 LINCOLN . . $995'~^ontip»nlal 4 door, full power,

(adory o|r conditioning, good rubbar, thorp.

coridilioning, poWer (i««ring.

1965MERCURV . , . $795Monlerey 4 dodr, Dreeiewci^ ilyling. power kl«*ring, power biniiei. nir (oniiilionirio. i

196a FORD. . . . . ST795Galanie 300 4 door, power ileer- ing, (oclory o ir condltloninQ plui many olher (me iealuret.



YOUREE M O TO R 'C O . -.644 Main-Avenue-South^— ------ ------------------ Tw iafalls-o Kelly Houk o jpck Cox o ,Dol«-Sorenson

' '>■ '

MlKiilaiwMMWiintad |4I Auiot >of Sol.W IL L 0 U V '< « r * 1 o r Aucllorf y iw r

(urniiurt-^ppllanM -odda & tn d i Sntk* Rtvftr Auction. 7»-77S4.

N e e p ^ B W or u H d g rtttlno car4 r « ^ . C «(i Jim Ja ck tm at 733-

r«M landW o«d 143a S T 'V O U R o rd a rt fit now lo r vowr

J l r a ^ , Can 5J7.«3«.ftd aiMfSr,

34,000 m l l t i . Slaal cab.

• ■ «7 t o r s ; S V I ow5*'

/o A N K ^lE T O S S E S S lO tl. I W D o J g . . Po lara 4 d oo r ha rdto p , v - i , automatic, powar itaarlng, powar bf«ka*. Ptiona 9)4-44aS lor d ^ a lU o r InMwctky. .

m i C O R V E T T E , oood running ««ndll*on. M u it -M ll. tSOOor tiaft'

, oHer, 754-3050.

200 AutotForSaU-^, 200 Aulot For SoU ^ h 2 0 0

0 0 0 0 C L E A N 1 «d ) C h avro lat B licavn*, ttraloht i . Phona 9M> S i q Gooding. . ,

im CHEVELLE N7 tfbtomatl7. ctiroma ravarta Mtiaala. aKeallant eondllton. t1400. 7M M70.

1940 E L Ca'AAINO ' n t V-%. ovaT' d riva . axca((ant condition. «70Q. 3U-4921 a lt a r .4:00 P 'n .

We Lease For Less

S f M r t l n g O o ^ t

jU A K E a P .£ A R E — tm llln a -M e t o r r modal 406, U9.95. P E N rJY -W IS E

-O a U O A ^ — Lvn w o o d — theiCantar,

D E L T A ' A N D BR U N S W IC K poOl • tablaa, and a ccM iorlat, 733 S40I ■' avw ilnfli, Ja m a i C/arK.

Aircroft For S<iU

'P O R S A L E : Partially built Bwitan-:_GyfOcoptor_.u»m>--«nolna-oc.

caujorlai. 4 7 i-iw S o f w e »i1 «th .

> W C H E V Y C O U P E , .vna ll block •al up-, C h e vy V -« , S a rlo u i

- ln q y tr la « -o n lV . ^ its e .-ia s j Itti Avanua East.

Boots For SoU 169C H R Y S L E R b o a ti and m otor*.

.....Stfrcralt^boaia. Campar tralt*rsH a rla v -D a v ld C o n m otorcvclaa.

;• J E R O M E I M P L E M E N T S. < M A R IN A .

1971 N E W A R R IV A L S : Plbortorm ■ and Sldawlnder boali. dvinrod®

:_ a n d .M e r c u r v -m o J o a -B U O -A N O -M A R K 'S . Y o u r E v ln ru d a and M trc u rv Daalar. BIua LakM N orth ,•733.1194,

F dn SALE! IM o u lb o a rd /yWptfv m otor, 9.Btioriapowar, Ptiona 733-

, Y3]0bafora 3 p.m .

B O A T PO R S A L E . 14' Wolvarlna boat. 10 h o ria p o w a r. Johnion motor and trailer, tu o . 9J4.4t09.

FO R i A L E : I I fool IM K h cra ll boat w ith 30 ho rte p o w e r M e rc u ry motor and trailer. 340 Fillmore.

1970 14' P IB E R F O R M , 135 horta- — p ow e r.— r M » r c u r v ~ ’ 'o u ib o 8 rd r

Co m plete w ith m etal-riaka upholitery. Ca u flH and canvai cover. 733-3195, avenlno*.

iT R A D E your old outboord •ngln*_ for o n«w J0Hh4S0N. We u m J ouiboord ■naln«i, HIGHEST lrod« ln

. ollowonce now. Cthtury Aulo Machine ‘ In Century City, W ^il Addiwn. 733-5070.

MotorcycUa 180

,19V0SUZUKI 90, axcellent condition W3J. P»>one 734-34M atter 3 p.m.

h O N D A CL4iO, 1970. 4300 m llet.Candy Appla-Oranga cotor. Call

• 733-S493. •______

1943 T R IU M P H 4S0CC, engine nawly rebuilt, « i d let up for dirt track, 733-5104.

Y A M A H A 90 m otocroil. Regular p ric a 1499, (p e c la l S37S. E R IC K S O N M O T O R , 733-40M.

CU S H M A N M O TO R Scooter. 1943, 3- tp e «d ,tl7 9 . E R iC K S O N M O TO R S . 733-4000.

M IL L E R H O N D A S A L E S . Irttr^uclriii tha all new Tra il fdl

Honda g a n a ra to r i. a lio >u to m o b lle «, pIcKUpi, la le i, p erti, .tarvlca. '

' M IL L E R H O N D A ^ L E S Hanian ___•433-5179 •


Tra it and oompalMlcin bikea In »*osk. - / r O i v

r a "WWfOOTH“7 « S K: : ^ ® _ . . M O T O R (j -

- 0 Pty>na: 7M-3314

_Truck» 196

" l -T b N P O R D Slaka truck, 13' ataat ' ' bad. Good ihapa. U75. Phone 733- _ 4151 or I37-4931.

-'^-i> lckupi-44w haal-dflvarnew K « - " " bucket le a ta , CBrj>etlna> 4- cylinder, (uat overhauled. tSOO.

- Phona S43-SZ34, alter 4 p.m.

1944 J E E P P IC K U P ,g o o d condition.____.4 '**»ee( dflva^ locVoW tiub i.O w n c f-

leavlng tor lervlce. Phone 733- >341,__________. _____________

1944 C H E V Y 3ton,14loof van, claan. «U 7 S . 733-41Sdor 137-4931.

S i^ 9 is D O D G E Vi ton pickup. Runi “j . oq<Hi>000- or bait o iler. 733-7533 or '.H ^-^taa at 415 Polk.

■ 15’ O M A M A S T A N D A R D bed. Complete cattla, hay, grain. Greg O w «n , after 5 p .m . 543 5S47, Buhl.

195$ C H E V R O L E T Vt Ion pickup. Raal good condition. Pitona 733- 3147. ,

1944 PO R D <^-ton pickup. V-lSOOOon 11 fthort block*, 3 ipaad. 1975. 733-1144

alter s.

135 I N G E R S O L L G Y R O L B air com prtHior. Good condition. A lio . 1970 Datiun Pickup, fully aqulp- pad. EMcetlent condition. - Phona 733-413I.

^ P R I L S P E C I A L ^

■ 1971 G M C 2'/i Ton Truck '

350 V>S fnglne^ 3 ip ««d Irnnimli, <«lon, 3 tp««d r w r aiil«,'035 k 30 10 ply ti(*i, 30 H 6 U Budd Uud

, w hetli. ipoie, tochomilar. W ell , Coo»t MIrroM, full lo<irn_iaQl, low

hooii, 8,000 pound IronI tprlnQi,I 30,800 pound rto r iprlngt, auK- ; lllory leor ip>lno>. Ktl 'p'ke 5MQ3.40

; k W . " ........ M 995

: J O H N CHRIS ; M O TO R Sj 601 Main Avenue Eqil 733-)B33

.! Aulea For Solai

I 1*51 C H E V Y , In oood ihapa^ 391 ,.i Polk SIraal. K I m W ly , 4b-S3W,

\ >967CORVETTeconvar1lbla,UBadI for ciSorch w o rk . Day* 734-3750,< avanlnot'734.3044-

! I9i4 V O L K S W A O e N 3-boor tadan< ■ T ' kKcillahl.'^bndltton', ‘T a K a 'B V t f I pjiym anta. 334-304I i to 7 p\rH.

W4« C H E V E L L B SS *394'. factory a ir, vinyl, top. M u it tea to ap- praoiata. Alto ,' 1970 VojViwagan, automatic, taka over paym enti. 733-74B5 or 733-SBItaiK for Wayne.


1947 M E R C U R Y C O M E T , 4-door Station wagon. Large 6 aul6m al(c. Roal Clean. 1 owntT. >1395. 733*

..J731,.*oi W a it -A d d lia i. ..........

hat a g>«ot buy'for you on on ei- <«pllonal uied <ar or a new 1971 Oidimobll*. Billet or 0'p*t. . . Fropi—

ABBIE U R IG U EK I'713Moln Avenue South___733.8731 .

' Come in ahd get the facts!:

i H i j f l S I N G

Bill Workman Ford»»<3 Bl^e lo U 'i Blvd. N . .

Phon. 733-51 10



"A L TilS E C TC M S 'A R TTR A O E S lS N 'A M E R lO T

1968 LINCOLN ..................... $3295C o n lin e n ia ) 4 d o o r l e d o n , lu ll p o w o r , ' (o c to ry o lr c o n d llio n in g , v e r y t lm r p .

19A9IM PALA...........................$22954 d o o r io d o n , V -0 o n o in a , a u to m a tic Ira n * ’

m itt lo n , p o w a r t io o rin g , lilt tio o rin g

w h e e l, tike na w .

1966 M U S T A N G . . . . ... . $1295 .HardtQ p.coupfl..V j£.ongin0._4.SM Qdjriini:^

m ln lo n , a raol nice Qno.

1 9 7 0 E L C A M IN O . ............... $2795P icku p , V -8 o n gin o , o u to m a lic .. t ra n im ii* .

-»ionr-|>«w«r-*laarino>^0 ,0 0 0 —mllat—n-

c a r w arranly,til<a n o w .

19A9EL C A M 1 N O ............V . $2295 “■ P ick u p , V -8 e n g in e , a u to m a tic fra n tm it-

l io n , p o w e r tta e ring.

J 955 C H E V R O L E T .....................$404 d o o r (e d a n ,V > 8 .e n g in e , js u to m a lic Ira n im itt io n , for p a r lt .

1967 E L C A M IN O ..................$1795Pickup w ith fo cfo ry cover on bed/, V*0 e n g in e , t ta n d q r d t r a n t m it l io n , p o w e r steering , ih a rp .

1968 CHEVY V A N . . _____$1595V '8 e n g in e , ( lo n d q r d t ra n im iis io n .

1964 F O R D ................................$595F d lrta h e 4 'd 6 d r i f c S f lo r T ^ g o n , V -B e n g in e ' s ta n d a rd t ro n im ittio n , a n d o ve rd rive .

1963 IM P A L A .......................... $595

t ro n tm iti io n , p o w e r ste e rin g.

1961 C H EVR O LET................. . $1954 d o o r stotion w a g o n , 3 4 8 V -8 e n g in e .

1961 F O R D . ............................. $1754 d o o r‘-s ta tio n w a g o n , V -8 a n g in a , a u to ­m a tic lra n sln i(s io n .

ACE HANSEN CHEVROLET3 1 3 Main Avo .W . Open Evoniiigs Closed Sundays 733-3033

m S T r



1970 C H eVR O LET IM PA LA S E D A N . . $2995 .1 9 7 0 CHEVELLE M A IIB U SS C O U P E . $2895 Factdry air conditioning, -power itearing, V -B Pow er'dearing, and broket, turbo hydromo* angina, turbo hydromatic Ironsmiition, new tic transmission, new tires, balance 5 year

_ Ji'’« ‘ /_whi!c_^lh_fQurquolse lntB rior,_balance_-=-50,000-m ila_W Q rro nly,_o ne owner.— _ — 5 year 50,000 m ilowarronty, one owner. ' ’

1969 CHEV ROLET I M P A L A ...................$2395 • 1^66 C H EV R O LET IM P A L A ..................... $1195Custom coupe, power ileering, and b ro ke t,- Sport coupe,V-8 engine, turbo, hydramatic

'V^B~englneV furoo”hy3m m ^tlc~tranim isilo'n, tires,one owner. '

19 A4 D O D G E 4 4 0 .S E D A N .' . / . - ; . . $ 7 9 3 6 cylinder engine, s tandard tra nim iitfo n , good tires, economical car, clean. .

1966 B AR R A CU D A C O U P E . . $1095V -8 engine, 4 tpaed transmisstpn, white In color.


i ' 9 « ‘ciHEVI10lET C A P R IC E ...................S edan, pow er steering, and broket, v in ^ lo p , lurbo hydrmotic tranim ltilon.

Station w agon, V -8 engine, fqc* ! tory air conditioning, power i steering, outom otic', trahsWiis-j sion, chrome lu gg a ge rack, ; lo co U a r.

^ 2 9 5

M A N Y O TH ER S T O C H O Q S e F ^ {O M See Ed S fu dda rd o r Kurt. Hall

Bes^ B u y A u t o S o le s“ 60r2nd7^yenu8 Soulli Phone 733-9100

A u l i f For S a lt 2 0 0 Autoa For Sat*

FO R S A L E or trade. Raal nica 1VA7 E l Cam lno. V I . auto(i(\«tlc tra n - tmlaalon, low mllaaoa, n a w tlraa.

; 4U.)040. s

R E A L S H A R P m O F ord pickup Ranger X L T . Autom atic, powar (ta a r ln Q , pow ar b ra k a a , low mllaaga. «3,S90. 733-4$M evanlnoa-

m o F O R D G T , M2 V I , automatic, power sltarlna, torakat; 19.000 mlla*. Lika naw, naw rubber. 734- 3S45.

V E R Y N IC E t?M M e rc u ry ‘ Mon- la c la lr 4-door tta rd lo p . P o w a r itaarlpo. Powar brake*, factory air cond lllo nm g i, all yinyl Interior. « 1 ,0 « . 7S3-1I04. - ...................

. Pontlac-CadlllacG M C ' 7 “ '

Rupert, Idaho. 43A!]47a

P O N TIA C S........ — B U I C K S - - ...........

C H E V R O L E T S O L D S M O B I L E T " '

^ - 1 . - . . A T ..... :_________L 6 0 R IC E M O TO R S

Gopdlno, Idatv)

Thursday, 6. 1 71 ‘ Ttmes-Newa, Tw in Fotl», Idaho 19

A u lo s For^SoU

n u P b N TilA C Bw hfcvnit, 7-door hardtop, k ir , p q^ar alatrlng and

;b ra K a «. r i4 :4 3 # 7 > J14.M37. .•

or a i l ^ a it O Siraat, Shoihona.

2 0 0 A u l « l For Sat* 200

NO GIMMICKS!'52 clean cars in top condition.


HARBAUGH MOTORSD R iv e A u m e i s a v e a t o n

----------0 3 4 4 4 4 2 . G O O D IN G ---------------------------------


Th a n k s .CUq Hum ptiray'bock after hU ihod illnaii and. would Ilk* lo toy Ittonki lot Ih* mony'cordi and flow iri h«

yow'v* woiJinQ tor Cl«0 to do your (roni *nd olignmtnK; b(ak«-work.;i\(It In loc]oy.H «'l m ih# lum* p/o(« h«'l b»»n lot (fit loll 35 y»aii . . , Mofoii. . . 70> A,to;n Av«nu« fo il . . . 1h»

i«»t plo<« in wofM lo buy ci


1 9 7 0 FU R Y III 4 doo« hordlop. R .c.iv. Ih. b o ln nc.o l 5 y o r SO <X>0’ mil* wooanly. fo d o'y Ait Conditioning — Radio — Whil* tidvwoil ti>*i — Pow#» itttring — V-8 — Automoiit lionimitlion ■ ■

5 p « l a l , ..................... .................... . ‘ 2 9 9 3 ;

M O T O R ■^ ^ 1 1 n A K t CABSC O M P A N Y

T f l f uri<niiTir« I rpfoc* lo ii.

TheB e s t





excel-.lani tram portotlon.

NOW.......... ...... *6901968 TO Y O TA

,2 d oo r hardtop, Rodio, keot* ar, bucket taalt, 4*ipaad tront-

'Tnlfjloit:--------------- '—



/daho's o/c/esf -JdOia/lhMBfCury-Dealer-

:V J V 7 1 B U IC K E L E C T R A 3 M ~lo<ufy ho»d*op- (oup«, ihn <n,, hoi 3.900 miUi, ol court* "il ii lno<i,d, . baaulilul d*«p m «loH« blu* lii«tW with whil* kinyl top, wi»* '.-h ,,!<onnot tall it bting oH tk* «ho«roo'n

Th e lta n Priced . . , SAVE

O nly........................7M 2962 M O TO R BIKES

IWAVomolio , ‘ 1 951935 Yamaha . . . . ^.1 4 5

1965 CHEVROLET"^•door ledan. Radio, haoiar,

tiandard trantmlttlon.

o n l y . . : . .............‘ 6 8 5


Full pow ar, avarylhing and th arp ,

N a w , , , ; , , , . ‘ 2 3 9 0

1964 V A LIAN T Signet2 -d o o r h a r d to p , r a d io , ha a ta r, •4'ipaed.

N o w ^ 6 9 31968 MERCURY

2 -do o r hardtop, iwap'tback, V 'B , radio, haatar, powar itaar- Inq, outomatlc.-

O N L Y . . . 5 8 7

1969 PLYM OUTH4*door, radio, haatar,' powar itaarino, pow ar dlic bra k si.

W ho l.P rU . . ‘ 1 2 9 6 i

" 1971 A M E m tA N M O TO R S GREM LIN

6 c y lln c ia rt, r a d io , h a o ta r, pow * a r itaa rSn g , (o c to ry a i r c b n - d it lo n ln g .

o N iY .................. * 2 4 9 3 .

1969 JAVELIN"3 * d oo r h a r d to p , r o d lo , h a a ta r, V-B , 4>tpM d,

* ^ 8 3 -

1 9 6 5 M U 5 TA N G2 -d o o r h o rd t o p , 'r a d io , h a o ta r, d o o r ih iH .

1970 M E R C U R Y M d n I .g o MX4 cinor i.dan, fn.ijiym blu* -hit* toy, b'uml. n«w whiiawall «(on- ownol V B •nytn*. tjutomanc irunvmmion; pnw*r »l**fingr-B<l~»rtitttk,t, ........—lotlory <Ji» tor'ditio'iing

Thflliart Pricod . . 1 . . S 2 4 B 8

_ i | 9 4 ? ^ E k U R Y - M O N T E R E Y _______4 door t*don, 1 own*,, m«diurr gr«*n

. Ilniih, whll* iQp, lodory olr (oml>- lior\ing, pow*r |t**rtng, pox*, biokti

T h a lia n Prlead . . S2595. '

-1 9 6 9 L IN C O L InI c o n t i n e n t a lCoup*', ttriking r*d wtih blo(h r<nyl

. top. ol <ouri* (omplal*!^ *quip()*ij o t- yoo would *«p*ct, l*a<h«r iolitios. hrond n«w tir*t, lotol ) ow«*f. \

Th a iia n P ric e d .....................SAVE

\ 9 7 0 D L O S 9 0 Lt)X U R 7 SEDANe«auli<ul light y*llow. b'own .Invl ’ .

-lo p ,- lolly •quipp*d,' » 5.000 ,-.1*,, - • onolh*r I you connot 1*11 from b'ond - n*w.

Th a lia n Priced . . . . . S4995

_ 1 2 A ^ M E f iC U f t .Y -M O W £ 8 iV -_________Cuttom ttalion wagon. btlbnQld lo locol butin*(|mon, w« lold niri, q | court* •ic*ll*nt (ondition, luliona <thit* with ail vinyl inUrior. vucaiion

T h . i ia n P r i c e d .................S2788

1968 F O R D G A L A X IE 5004 door hordipp, toft whit*. Ion nnyl intarior, (odory air conditioning, n«w cor Itod* in, thil i| o ni<* on*,

Th a lia n Priced . . . . . . S1895

1 W 7 L I N C O L N C O N T IN E N T A L '4 door udon, b*longid to-locol Doc­tor. w* lold n«w and trod*d badi lor. you rnuil II* to appr«(iol*. Am«ii<o‘i iinall iunury car. li^hl gr**n m«lallic linilk

T lia iia n P r i c e d .................S2595

196 8 M E R C U R Y M O N TE R V4 door wdon, n*w |lr*«, pow«i (tear­ing. powar b>oh*i, factory ai>.(ond‘i- tioning, b*Qutitul lultano whil* wiil matching ligkl blu* iobric lnl*>ior,' •conomlcal 300 3 V regular lu*l«ngin«.

T h e lM n P r ic a d . . . . . $ 1 8 8 8

W 6 7 C H E V R O I M —4 door ladon, bvoutilul bilgM bli>«, <oclory oir conditioning, powir |l*«r- log, pow«r broil*!, local I ownir.

Th a iia n P r i c e d .................- S 1 7 9 5

1 9 6 6 P L Y M O U T H VIP4 door hardtop, factory air c^Adilion-Ing, e «w * r- krdli**,------------• nCvlUnl whit*wall llr*(, (iniiKtd In b*auti(ur'tilv*r glai* m*lollic, Uocli vinyl lop, alt vinyl lnt*rior.

T h a iia n Priced . . . . . . $ 1 4 9 5

• 1 9 6 6 L I N C O L N C 0 N T Ih 4 E f lT A l -C » » p * ') ....... ur.*d b>*r<i * -------------

lie ifltarlor,. ond ol (ourw coi


Thaiian Priced $1995

1965 BUICK W ILDCAT4 door hordlop, local I ownir, ihit cor koi had-aKalUnt car*, low mll«- ao«.-M lch*lin llr*t, fabric Inlirlor. tott ol driving l*il In Ihii on*.

-Thatian Pricad ■ .- $ 1 0 8 8 - -

1969 M ERCURY MONTEREY4 door i*don. light v*ilow, dork g itin ’ ^ - vinyl lop, pow*r ti*«rlng, pow*r b>ok*i, lobric lnt*rlor, feiiC*ll*n« tlr*l, locol ,

TovnwrJ------------ ;-------------------------------------Thalian Pricad . . . $2595


1V60 P O N TIA C BONNEVilie4 doai wdon. funt good, oood 3.d(o,.

T h . l u n P r I c .d ...................$ 1 8 8

)9 6 3 P O N TIA C BOHKIEVIILE3 A tf t hordlop, V>8 *ngln«. aul«ma- Ik tronimltilon, power tl**rlng, thit Ii o nkt erwr't

T h .lu n P r lc .d ............ m t 3 8 8 .

l9 6 4 B U IC K S K Y tA IIK4 door Mdan, lmol( V-fl angln*, owto- motk Ironimltiion.

T h a iia n Pricad $ 1 8 8 ..

1963 M ERCUAY C O M ET4 d « « f M ^ n , 'M ^ m i c o t KttU 6'cy^ ' lmd»r «nglr»*. llondord •rpnirnhdon •iic*ll*ntgo«inll*oo«.

Thaiian Pricad . . . . . . $ 2 6 8

1 9 6 3 F O R D G A L A X IE 5004 door Mdort. bclga U color. taMt*- woU llrM, imoU ,V-8 Im , ai)lo«flli( .

Pricad . . . ._._._S38B_ 1 9 6 4 O L D S D Y N A M IC Bfl

4,doo/ fd o it , wnoil V - l OAglA^wta*

blualflcolw. '

MOTORGO.254 4rtiAvanua.Wait- . . lhadC4in. a3*tto»hpwaSt.Wa«t-.-. U tfiC d n

W A N t A D S


T lw lH n P i i c t d ...................... S4S8


C A L L 7 3 3 ^ 0 9 3 1T iM I M it W



Your Twin Falls merchants' have gifts galore to tell her how much you care.Big things, little things.

For every Mom, every budget. Shop nowy right here on this paige. And, think Mom .

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New Store Hours:

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M any Beautiful Gifts For^That Special L a d y .. .

Designed tor elegant tastes and everyday budgetsi





Hardware Cio.- __ 147 Main Avo. West

Phone Collect 733-5477


D R E S S S H O E Sby Beverly & Perionalify

T R l l P A R lJ E W E L R Y

The very newest for Spring and Summer from the Premier Jeweler — Trifari . . . Earrings, Necklaces, bracelets, pins, etc. . . . all nicely gift boxed 8 . gilt wrapped

Last Minute,

M o th e rs ^ S p e c ia ls

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CASUALSReg. to S A 9 0$13.99 . . . . . . . . . . - W

Shoe Department

O P E N M O N D A Y S & FRIDAYS ' T i l 9 P.M .

OPEN M O N D A YS 'T i l 9 P.M.


Ay ,

Wonderful key cases, billfolds, French puneii' etc. . — All In new, attractive designs and colors.' Perfect gifts for Mom. G H I w r a p p e d ,- 4 i f o l

Full lino of Vista Sutiboam Appliances

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2 0 % o .

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•Plclurai, Plaque*, andoil W a ll Decorationt ('111 S o l . ) . . .

V^fundredt of Lorrtpiiricludmg new a rriva lt ('III S o t.).. .

. $ U 9 .9 5 C h a lr *C h o k e of iwivel rocker*, etc . . . .

Frlgldalre Cuitom Qelux Front lo o d ln p D libw aiher Reg. $299.95

C uito m Dalux Tp p Loading . . .

$ 2 4 8 » o----- •««a.oo

F O R M O T H E R P a n g b u r n ’ s

CHOCOLATESM ode with Milk and Honey.


( S o n n e

1 0 0 6

LO TION Reg. $5.50

M a in A v e ; N o rth

j n e g .

i • •PAN 1



I L , » % m■•(.U3M . O

Shof/ jar t ^ r \

]Smutt„JolU C tin a S t..,, ji

' 1. uijl fl*mi over lOQpaMerns j{ to chooso from - j

ii —

A Lovelier You ' f

IT GOES TO YOUR ^EAbBy Miiry Sue M iller f

Be-It' satin-smooth or a toss, of curls, your hairdo is ■cortain to gain point from a 'b it of adorni^ent. NoW hair aCccsBoifics'aro really n ifty and, what’s more,_ they give

• a sneaky assist to tress control' Whcn summer breezes. '•■■■........ ' ‘blowy;" ................... ' ■,

. Buttcrrlles flutter byIn ha ir fashions as In all others. One goody locks a topknot in place With a giaiA butterfly buckle barrette of brightly col­

ored mock torfolse. umollpr versions there

. -mo .'-cowhide— flittercrs threaded QD,clastic braid to clinch a little tendril

' - at the oar or a fot braid — .down-tiio back.

To fit a niche, an Indi. vidual one in your hair­do, b u c k le barrettes cqmQ in all shapes and sizcsrAnd to w m p lim cnt

whut you wear, malcM'jals ranijc throufih woodrlcnther

and reptile for day, through Kpld and silver after dusk.Added to the largesse are “ llebhcks” and bows of love­

ly ribbonS'Trperky tuffctaii and'surahs, cotton brocadcs, sheer embroiderict; and glowing metallic cloths; Enjoy-

~ Ing ft fovivnlrflowers tolosso.m-ns-hairraccrssoricsrA'Hin- gle carnation, rosic or gardenia worn at the eyeline is a come-hithcr Kccrot of the ’U0« glamour girU. And worth

-repetltionrthGy-dld fine.----

. ~niuridBV. May 4, 1971 Timea.Ntwii'Tjyin FaIli,. (i**ho .

Placed low, a posy w ill even fit w ith a hat. W hnt an

eye-catcher when the hat comes off b u t not the flower! A ll those little touches that go to your head are on the feminine wiles side.

TEEN TRESSES. MODEL TYPE I i your lia ir a |irol>leiii, M i u TeniiV T lie n t fiid for i»y leanel, T E E N

T K E S S I '^ , M O D E L T V I ’ K. It telU how to correct lucli ailm enli «■oily hair and ilnky ic a lp ; fly>away, iiiimanageqltlr. lacklutlor locka,

~inclirdBtJrltKr,“are MyHnj: tipi imd wod6l»gV**mlin{-«|iilokJ«*.-l-’<»r -yftwr -co|iy wrilfl to M ary Sue M ille r in ca r« of tlila newipaper, e iicloiins a long, leU -addrettfil, tiam ped envoloiio and 10 c«n lt

1071. I>u|iIiBiim-IInll Syndicate

DEAR ABBY; I am writing this, doubting that Til over

mail It. It’s been on my mind for 18 years. Before my

-husband and I were married, he was married briefly to a

raving beauty. They had one daughter. There were a lot of

hard feelings, and he didn't see his daiighler unUl she was 10

^ a r s old. She's a grown woman now.

My complaint: My husband has a large insurance policy.

The beneficiary is hU daughter. For the first IS years of our

married life, the beneficiary was hLs first wife, then he

changed It.This Jii»t eata me up. have a family of our own,

Abby. What about thena? And what'about me? When I

mention this to my huabaAd, he says, "Don't worry, you’ll be

taken care of." I know better. Wo don't own a business, or a

house, or even a car.

I have tried to be big about It, but I can't. If I were to

make a acene and force him to change the beneficiary, he'd

do M only because I f o r ^ him to. So what would I gain

except the money? SAVANNAH

DEAR SAVANNAHt What do yea mean U you fo^ed k lu

to cbaage the beneficiary all you would galo is ‘'iaoBey” y

flu it feosaey is the ’ fere iice beiweea your belag left a

widow wttiwot a dime or one wbete bssband bas left her and

her family ^ v ld e d for. If I were yea. I would make •

ic«ael Yoa're eaUtled to I t

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I' have beca happily

married for oyer a year now aod-we'love each other very

much. We have.B;go^ relationship Wlth.6a^ in-laws consider’

Ing we are both only children and live In the same town with

both sets of parents.

My problem Is a bad habit my mother In law has. She is ■lu/iiyn-talking y hnt wyhiiahflnd did when hq was

^b y , the cute things he sakl, the' toys be lud, and even We

cute clothes be had. J realize tliat those chlklhood memories

are ph>clou8 to her, but she bores mo and everyone else to

death with that kind of talk; ' -

I don't want to hurt her foelit^s by asking her to cut It

out, so maybo if you print this letter she will see It and it will


DEAR BLUES: If she doesn't see this, or U she sees li

and U doesaH hit borne, don't worry. Yoor prableus will

solve themselves as aooa as YOU have a baby. Tbea tbe’Q

bore everybody with talk of her graadcbUdi

DEAR ABDY; My husband and I have i Tied for

five months and the only p i^ le m we have is with our

landUdy. She lives-downstair) and says she has to have ■

k<iy to our apartment in cate it rains while we are gone and

the has to cloae our windows. Or if she smells a^gaa Uak or smoke from our-’apartment. ' '

JVell, we have proof that she comes in and anoops around

tn our'drawers~and closets.' She y v e r rlngs~the bell'or

knocks. She.Just lets herself In with her ovm key. Several

times jihe scared me half to death because 1 didn't even know

she was in my apartment until 1 t u m ^ around and saw her.

Our door key fits our m a lll:^ , so now she brings me my

mall, saying she wants to save me the trouble of getting I t .

my^lf. A ^ , to get:my:own-malll____—Once ahe Ik herself ,ln and ^opened our bedrooiq tloor

when my huabaud and I were IN bed. Can you believe ItT

What do you advise lU to doj N0 1 >RIVACY

DEAR NOi Have a chaia loek pat «■ ybar door M (hat abe caaH eatei^ wUle y«a are laalde. H iat will lasar^ prt-

vaey. Chaage (be lock on yew door aad dok't give her a key.

TeU ber y^ 'U close (be wlndewa before yea leave, and If alia

amells gas or smoke from year a^artmesi to break (be dee#

down wUb an av aad yM'U pay


OVBR**i SUieow lmplaa|(a ^aet lii)nrt|a«s] are legal m (Hs

In fobulouB Koralron* Franbljod. Ths oasyjMre (abrlp lhal'iiaplutes II all. 50% Daoron« Poly«»lBr, 50S. CoMon. Thaw «ehMilonal »eparal«. machine wa»«, tnachlne dry and jievorhevornoed Ironing. Sun luncoloraandsophlalloalad new atyllng. Tuned to spring and deallnid lo carry you through igmmer. A winning comblnallon. Fashion by KORET OF CALIFORNIA and easy care Koralron* Franclaca. The basf In active sportswear (or your own speoltl way,o( ilvlhg....

NAVYb r o w n :

eonntry, and (beie are Maay flaie flasde sargtwu wha

perfom (bla type eperaUaa U r w m n nffce wish «•

.Inenaae (be alse of (heir breaats. U*s ealled Maai»ary m te ry . IManye— Mer »boelby ................ .

WluU's year preUeMf'Ym *11 feel Mttar If yM gat It off

♦LIGHT BLUEcherrv^ ed :

yimr cbest. Write (a ABBY. B m UavA i^ites, taL

•M il. Fer'a pariwaal-NHy’ «artaH :’aljMiapM,‘~^il dw ii i f i~'''


.. .

22 tlmes Nawt, Twin FalU/ Idaho TViuriday, May 6, 1971 ‘ ' ;• Mrs. McBride.TWIN FALLS - Mrs. Ray

McBride was installed as • prealdent'Of ttie Ladies or the

Elks of Twin Falls during ^ dinner Tuesday, night at the

. 3 ExfJlorer Scouts will .GO m pete i n h atfe rta I rdlly

TWIN FALLS ’Hvee Ek- During the, cUnlc each driverplt^er Scouts from Rupert Post was given an opportunity to Elks Club.1S3 will be competing for an take part In a mlni-rally; _ Others in s ta ll^ were Mrs. H.opportunity to go to Dearborn, ,;pier34xars,each with« thraie E . Cheney. prestddnH l^ct;.Mich., in October for the Grahd man team, left Saturday from Mrs. Duane Serpa, second viceNaUonai Rally, a safe drlving 'T h r ^ M e of Southern Idaho president; Mra. Davidprogram sponsored by the and followed a prescribed M c K ln s t e r , , r e c o r d in g

~ U n e o ) n < M e r o u r y - D l v l B i o n ’ O f - c o u i ' s « - S a t u r d a y ^ o c - e ] a c h _ s e c i s t a ^ ; . M r a . I U k y - m u n b l l a S t ^ {Ford Motor Co. and tho Boy minute the car arrived at the corresponding secretary; Mrs.Scouts of America. Burley designation either late G. Lee Gates,' treasurer; Mrs.

The Rupert teiam consisting of or caHy, one point was deducted' Gary Roland, historian; Mrs.Steve ‘Young, driver; Ray from his score. Larry Groves,' auditor, and

— Voungr«avlgatorraiul-IUchacd— llieiUipertti^acore.wilLbe-::..M™! W®yLBurgea8_fin(l_M|‘8,;'Hansen, observer, Onishipd in sent to North .Bryns^ck, N.J., Don McKinster, directors. Mrs.nrst ptace Saturday in a road where it will be lUted with o th ^ E. M. McCurdy is outgoingrally In the Magic Valley area In s^res from throughout the president and Mrs. Weldon

__which-24 a/ TTYjitnrwr tftp fiasklns__aHd Mrs. Edwin

■ Scouts competed brt a 123 m ile" will be 'sclocted for invitation to - BarJwr are cirry-over dlrec-course between Twin Falls and Dearborn, Mich., In October for tors. Mrs. John Lclncn wasBurley.- the Grand NaUonai Rally. Here Installing officer.

Tho local rally climaxed winners will have an op-, Mrs. Don McKlnster servedseveral weeks of training and portunity to win a college as toastmistress and Mrs.preparation to develop safe scholarship, travel as a "youth Domer Bertsch gave Ihe in«driving skills among Explorer safety sppkesman" for Lincoln* 'vocatloniScout In the area. The Ex- Mercury and drive a Mercury CVeam the Impossibleplorlng Committee of tho Snake product of their own for one Dream" was the theme of thoRJwr Arfin Bov Scouta and v e a i . ________________________ evening. Mrs. Alfred Empey_

Uncoln-Mercury Division, Ford Secondplace winner here waa j^ayed backgrbund'mdslc ahd.

ies of Elks J a y c e e s p l a n d a n c eGOODING - TTie Gooding

Jaycees wlU sponsor a dance

Mi^y i at the National Guard Arrnory, 'according io Brent Brocksome, Jaycee treasurer.

Senior c*tl*ens will be ad­mitted to the dance free and a. western band will provide

music. Proceeds will go toward

purchase of'a sigh proclaiming "Gooding High School Senators SUte Baikethall Champions.’' Any additional money will be given to the high schopl athletic department.


\ 9 S

InstalledMotorCo.,'bcgan the program Post 10, Burley, Robert tables were decorated with M ay’with a rally clinic held April 2fi Sorensen, Driver; Navigator, poles with featured coloredand 27. Drivers were required to Jim Bunn and observer, Kevin ribbon streamers with flowers. . - . .

participate In one of the two Hamblla. In third place was ot the base and small rosettes i B Q C l P rdays. Here they learned rules, Post 60, T ^ ^ Falls with Mike on each ribbon.

, regulations, driving techniques Cook, driver, Dave Kleslg, A large May polo with _____________ ;andbasic road rally procedure, navigator and Scott Hansen, streamers leading to each of-

In Addition, a rigid vehicle^ observer.

“ lA d fS OF.SLKSl^rw n M s cers Tuesday high! during an insfallalion dinner of ■ Ihe Twin Falls Elks Lodge. From lefi are Mrs, Ray

McBride, president; Mrs. E. McCurdy, reliring preS' ident, and Mrs. Ji^n Leinen, insialling o///cor.




Theisen Motors”T/t« t a t l t t i p la C 9 in i h » w o r l d i o buy a c a r , a n d w h trs

. you ifioo/d buy y o o f n#*/ oiV c o n d (J io n »r .

|701 M a in A ve . E ._____________ 733-77001

fleer waa centered

Inspectionnas conducted by tho Hio DLBF (dead last but Each olflcer carried a white D , | U | r ^ ^ ‘ r ^ r i c Idaho Slate Pollco and Joromo flnUhod) award went to PosHS, caniBe which was lighted ns she D U l l l g i U t l i ■police officers, - ■ ■ Rupert. was presented with her Jewels

.oLdfflco- set-Joly-




ValleyLivin g

Officers who served underMrs.'McCurdy wore given glft-s .1>y tho past president. IVfrs. r o i i n i r \ n

_McCurdy_waa-Rlvcn-ji-siIvcr * C;U M IU 11


HAGERMAN - Student body

tray by Mrs. McBrldo oh behalfof thd member^. .....................BUHL — 1110 Buhl High

M iss Twin Fa lls , Farlfl School groduaUng class of 19MMcKinney, and her moUier, ^Plo[min« Its 35Ui class reunionMrs, S, n . McKlnnoy, were ^ hold July 3 at the R and RBucsts. Miss McKinney sans Cafo and LounKo.several songs and Bultar player Members of the planning

Mike Norris playod and a groupof elglith grade girls, Susan Rutherford, Noel Brittain, Mrs.Bonoflel, Judy Jenson, Jan Madno Kollcy VanOstran, ^ s .Casperson, Laurlo Beal, Kay ^ * 1 “ Gannon, Oydo Co«,niompM n and U i Russell, all PolsV J “y“ Con, Glen 0 .of Robert Stuart Junior lUgh g ”'''*'. Mrs.- Joan MocKaySchool, gave a song, and dan?o Thompson, Mrs. Manlneskit from tholr forUicomlng vanPatton Pockhort, Floydlalont show. Dalss and Wayne King.

Mrs. Roy II. RusacU was Master of certinjonles for thochairman of tho event' She was *'ounlon will bo Qyde Cox withassisted by Mrs. Sam Huck and Mrs. Gannon and Mrs.Mrs. Qaronco HoUlfleld. VanOslran reading lottors;

JEROME — Iho latest in speaker. Mrs. Glenn Is-a pianist Door prizes were donated by Brittain conducting Uicfashions designed, made and and also is In demand u a Jensen Jewelers, Ju an ’s memorial service, and Glenmodeled by area women vvlth vocalist. She Is the jnother of Holiday Inn Beauty Salon and Gould, Mrs. Vanpstran andtho newest In fabrics will be the five boys imd one girl. Julies Flowers and Gifts. presenting awards.s>ecla\ feature of the Christian Reservatiqns can be m a ^ by _____ Decorations for tho reunionwomen’s luncheon May I I , at 1 calling Jerome any Mnko n ninv tnhln fnr «nv handled by Mrs.p.m. at the Turf dub . Twin time, before May 10. . tots from a discarded card P«c*^art and Mrs. Patsy Cox.

- For free babysltUng, caU 423- Uble. Cut U jo lees down to sire 'Hio next planning meetingJoanno Glenn, an amateur 4091. and tin rwi n nf w ll bo held at'B p.m. Monday In

artist, will be the featured , w ^ l i e , WglU plaSTc IJ Cafo-

nominated by' class meml^rs according to sch^V^fffclal^ '

Candidates for studontlwdy president are Douglas Butler, Lorna Butters and Vornon Gilmore. Vice president can­didates are Tom Bennett, Matt Dalton and Gilbert Hafen; Shell&y Turner, Mike Brown and Cindy Grimes, Treasurer, and Ango Robinson, Shane Dean, Rhonda Koopman, Kovan Nicholas and Becky *hipper, secretary*

... Elections will bo held Friday.

Fashion show slated

E N R O T J N O WFor the rewarding future in a coroer.that ■’ - pays largo "diviiSbnds now is to onrotl''. . . Scholarships available during tho ny>nth of M ay.

SCHOOL SPECIAL- M o n d H y r T iir R iln jn tn ii W cdnrnilrty d u r in g liic M n n lh o f M oy

P E R M A N E N T W A V EwithF IIE E M A IN IC U H E . . . . . . . . . .

$ 1 0


5 0

l.'I.'i Main Avc. Wt'SI Twin Fnlls, Idiihn


N a t i o n a l o f f i c e r

p l a n s t r i p t o T . F .

, . TWIN. T K U £ FranK Wood, national aaslstant ad>Jutant will be in attendance during thb^ three-day Depart­ment Disabled American Veterans convention June 17, IB and 19 It was announced today by unit.offlclala.

The ouncem ent was made to auxiliary members during

-thelrApril-mecting-at-theDAV- Hall. There wUl be a work day

. May 2S at the hall to prepare the hall for the Flag Day Tea and convention.

---Oj^enln^KfiyerwarglvcnbjrArthur Patterson and the

pledge led by Mrs. Rolland _Chrlstensen. Mrs.___Add!'

Radakovlch was in chargo of the business session.

Mrs. Ruth Slevcrs thanked the auxiliary for the flowers sent her when she was In the

•hospital and it was announce a wedding gift will b« sent to Mr^. Jackie Smith, the former Jackie

. Uehwalt. • ‘ •

. It was announced tho chaptcr and-auxUlary-held-a-surprlsc-.

houMwarmlng (or Mr. and Mrs. FVank Horejs In their now home In Filer. Tho evening wa^s|Jcnt. playing cards and \^sltlng.

Officers elected for 1B7U72 Include Mrs. Patterson, com­mander; Mrs. May Gardoskl,

. .._8cnlor_vlcc..commnndpr; _Mrs.. Holland Christenson, Junior



vice commander; Mrs. Alta "WTQueen, chapialh; .Mrs”

Emma Stone,‘.treasurer; Mrs. Myron Barron, historian; Mrs. Horejs« secretary adjutant;

Mrs. Ivan Waters, sergeant-at- arms; Mrs. Radakovlch, c < ^ guard; Mrs. Slovers, patrlJUc Instructor; Mrs. Carl S'ut- torfiold. conductress; Mrs. Slovers, conunltteowoman with

,_Mrs!_Jo]uin|pjy^rk aa alternate.

Commlitoes will be named by tho. new commander In Juno after tljo Installation. After tlje buqlnoss-mooting, auxiliary

members joined- the. chapter-

fpr refreshments ami a social


Sale results announced

N ew m e iT ib e rs

honored by

W Q T M circle, TWIN ...FALLS - The Friendship Cln:le of the Women of the Moose met at the home of Mrs. Charles Mattice for the annual Friendship dinner for the new members coming ihto the circle, It*was announced to ^y .

Mrs. Gene Hamilton, friend­ship chairman, presldend

“ during '■ the ~buslness“ inoatingr with Mrs. Jack Atkinson leading the flag salute and Mrs. Paul Carlson the prayer.' Circle members voted to buy

“ enough’ palhriorodccorato'the kitchen cabinets at tHe. Moose

. flail and to purchase a large -coffee,-- pot_foc_the—outgoing,

senior regent__________'—A gift will be presented to

Mrs. Virgil Malono as she is going to M o o^eart to receive her cap and gown In June.

It was anno weed members of tho friendship Circle will serve

both meetings In May.foi^Moose members and guests. The Ring Ceremony for now Friendship

_Birlfl-ls-sctJoLMny-ll.--- -—Mrs. Uoyd Kelley gave the*

household, hint and white elephant gifts were received by

_Dorothy McGinnis, Betty “ Grecnup"and Glorlji Hamilton.

Hansen TO P S

conveneHANSEN — "B«causo you

Magic Valley. FavoritesMRS. DOBERT PARIATO

934 Sunrise Blvd., Twin Falls

' Thurtday, AAay A, 1971 Tim«t-N«ws< Twin Fails, Idaho 33

9 valley ISU students recipients

RASPBERRY DEjLIGHT S^mnce package rasp- j ;

berry g e l^ n ....2 cups boiling water2 packages frozen raspberries, thawed

1 can pineapple tidbits,

drained . 1 cup diopped nuts3 slices bananas .

jll:icuiLCold.wat?r_______ ______\ pint sour cream

remaining gelatin mixture over sour cream. ChlU. Serves 12( *

The Tlmes-News will pay t5 each week for Magic V ^e y Favorites. If you have a favorite rtclpe, just mail It to the' Recipe Department, Women's Page Editor. Ihe recipe becomes the property of the Tlmes-News and cannot be

-returned------- — ------ —

olve gelatin In boiling water. Stir in remaining Ingredients except sour cream.

.PouT-half. of-mlxture into iriold. and chill until set. Spread sour cream evenly In mold. Pour

' Put . adhesive tape on. the soles of new shoes to prevent falls when walking In slippery :'shoes~on—B~hl^ly'"pollshed


IDAHO STATE UNIVER­SITY Nine Magic Valley students at Idaho Stattf University have received awards and scho la i^ps during the coUege’ii Annual awards ceremony last weekend.

Cindy Anderson, Filer, was presented the Dean pa ra Ot< ness outstanding sophomore award and the Evelyn Young activity award for the most

-WtlV!fi«Eh0JBor9_B0m«l._.^ Marilyn Henning, Twin Falls,

received the SV(AG outstanding service awara; Clyde Gooch, Shoshone, receive an Alpha

.Kappa.P5l.a^ard,.and Undsfly. G. Crawford, Burley, received the Wairstreet Journal award.

. Kathy nowers, Burley, and I^ecelvlng Turner House M a rg a re t H en d r ic k so n , women's residence hall

each received a scholarships were Margaret

’•-Gabardi. Buhl, and Reginarlson House • women’s - G a b a rd i,____,residence hall scholarship. Teasley, Twin Falls!

M I N K CORSAGES f o r n O T H E R !

M I N K T B I M M K O 'R O S K C O n S A G K . R . . l i . l l c O r tk ld lU m . There U ju ti ihe color you need.

Priced at only, $ 7 .M .

AUo. M a n y M I N K ACCKSSOHlKS tor m en & w nm en.

PHONES: 733-IM3;73M319; 734-373*:- ■ -------------— “ — (llup «t4 3M «S 4)

set May 10TWIN FALLS - Dcntlllno for

applications for tlio Idaho State Finals of Uio Miss Amcrlcun T e en ie r Pageant hns been move<l up to May 10.

All Interested girls botween Uto ages of. 13 and 17 are

•eligible. Entrants must be no older than 17 by Sept. 11, 1D71. Contestants will bo Judged on scholastic achievement, civic contributions, polso,. per­sonality and appenranco.

Tho winner will bo sclectcd June 25 and 26 at Uio grand ballroom of tixe Boise Hotel in Boise during tlio state pageant.

-Tho -wlnncr wlll“ rocelvo an expense-paid trip to tlie grand nnals in Palisades Park, N.J., bi September.

Applications can bo obtained by writing to tJjo certification

‘ lieadquarters, 12fl Bunn Drive, Rockton.-ll., 61072, or by con­tacting tlio state chairman, Mrs. Jerry Gonzalos, IflOBMi'

North 30tli St., Boise. Her telephone number Is 343-6706.

Losers namedT *IN PALLS - Best losers

for tlie week for Ujo Tfils Twin TOPS Dub are Shelley James and Ella Orr it was announced at tho group's Tuesday meeting at the YM-YWCA.

Shelley James 'watf crowned "Queen of the Montli."

Margo Ward was assigned for Ideas for contests for May and Pat Wolfe spoke on Ideas ob­tained from tho convention.

Guest speakers are scheduled for noxt week's meeting. Tlio

_ group noted a loss of 16 pounds.

despair. Tlie sun sinks/every night but rises tho next

U.S, Smrlnss. Bondj . ^ P S - ^

■ TWIN FALI.5 - James S.

Announces sales - results March.

meeting at tlie homo of Mrs.

They «ro Dlnlno County.Everett n. Toylor, chairman, w°“

cl” ™n,” n ‘ annofnco^^t^^^^^

rnoSn rlnfmiv roriiM V An' contcst of tlio moasure-ups will

r ' c ! : “ i™ r n ' M M M r r L a t 'a n d Mrsa iL itS C S r “ ir chnTr- ' ' ‘"V-rd U«J for "Queon

Sid SmlUi, chairman, $1,364;

chairman, 18,608, and Twin Falls County, Patrick J .

her status.Mrs. George

% t l “c " v a r X \ c S — o 'jS a n a n iL . : ."31.45 per ccnl ot lU 1071 Bonl o( '’““‘I “ '‘“‘ o'

^ ,M p e rc e „ to r it . ,u o .a .


opens.SEA rrLE , Wash. - TJio

Henry Gallery In SentUe opened last Saturday for an exhibition by nortliwest craftsmen for a

run Uirough May 27.Featured in the. nearly 200

entry show are works by aHlsts from Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Montana and

Alaska. -..... ___Thirteen of tlio entries were

awarded prlzesrThoy Include

works by Linda Coghlll, W. Ron Crosier, David K. Frank, Paul K. Hoffman. Harrison Jones, Karon Kaufmann, John and Nancy Kozlkowskl, R ichard Marquis, Patrick McCormick. Rut!) Ponlngton, Sara Sanford, Kennetli Slwres and U la Winn. Cash awards totaled |1,000.

W ith each shoe purchase of $20 or more, you get

0»i$ woekond on/y. M a / 6 fhrough 8.

Mrs. Price heads local auxiliary

TWIN FALLS - Mrs. Jean Price was elected and Installed president of Auxiliary of tho VFW Post 2136 during tho unit's Tuesday evening meeting. .

Other officers Installed in- elude Vlckl Vanek, senior vice

-president; R p ^ K a y Win- terbottom, ' jun ior vice president; Bernice Van Patten, treasurer'; Mrs. Sally Rowe, chaplain; May Gardoskl, conductress; Nell Vlssor, guard, and Avema Jackson, patriotic Instructor.

Mrs. Roma Messenger, Jerome, was appointed secretary. Addle Radakovlch Is outgoing president.

34 Falls,JdahoThi

V d & e ^ & i e f sS u m m e r c a l e n d a r o f f e r e d

FILER - Ti\e Twon and *Ooimtry K ( ^ Extension Oub will meet at 8 p j iu May 11 at the home of Blra.' Harold Brown, i^th Mrs. Wanda Kohntopp as auistant hostess. Mrs. ^ r e n . Anderson and MnT Jolm Orthel will present the less&n on '"nie WalbrAround Us.’’

:PILER--^.TTie-FlIer-Hlgh- School band and chorus will sponsor the annual awards concert at 8 p jn . Friday In the

high kihool auditorium. Tickets -(or-studei)tarWults-or-(amlly~ tickets m ay tw purchased at the^door. Activity tickets will admit students free.

night^ at the CSi. Fine Arts ' Center by the Twin Falls. H l^ Schoof . band Is not blelng sponsored by the Twin Falls Music Club. The club Is only sponsoring Mt^ric Week._____ ±


• O U T G O tN G PRBSIDENT of ihe Twentieth Century

C lub , Mrs. 0 . A . Jackson, right, presents the gave l to

the incom ing president, Mrs. Roy Painter, center, w ith

Mrs. R. T. C am pbe ll, new first vice president, looking

on. The officers were installed during ceremonies

Tuesday a t the Turf C lub , with Mrs. A nno Hayes af-

~ installingofiicer7

T ^IN FALLS ~ ■n»e Pops concert being given *niursday

RUPERT - A covered dlah dinner Is planned (or 6:30 pjn . Friday a t the Grange H ^ l by

-the-Rupert Orapge, -Alyln-

Holmes, master, said tmay.

TWIN FALLS - Royal Neighbor Lodge will meet at the

-IOOF-HaUat8 pjn,E>idayrora-

busineti meeting.

BURLEY - The Senior ■atl»iwGoldfln Gleemaub-will: have a dance from 9 p.m. to mldni(^t Friday |n the Burley.

Odd Fellows Hall. •

TWm FALLS - A dance will be held from 8 pan. td Vusn. Saturday at the T«Hn Falls Moose Hall for Moose members and guests, aelland Cut-Ups tm nd^U I f oyide the jnu^c . _

TWIN FALLS--- Twin F ^County. -Pomona Grange will meet'at the Buhl Grange Hall

•Saturday-at-8;30-pjn. - ITuwe • ^ t t i^ d ln g 'lu ^ asked to bring

.sandwiches, cakes or cooki^.

TWm FA L L S-T lw islngle- ItM-dub-Will'have-a-danoe- Saturday at the Odd Fellows

lla ll. Twin FaUs. ’niere wiU be live music, for dancing from 9

-pjn; to 1 a.m> All single persons-

between the ages of 30 and 60 are welcome.

BOISE — The summer Idaho “Calendar of EvenU" for May through August is now available^ b the puUlq through local chambers of .commerce or by writing to the Idaho Depart­ment oi Commerce and

Development.Events for the Vacation

‘season ^ ^ “lislca for-tho"con-'

venlence of Idaho’s visitors; Each listingw as. ipeclally . ielicted to provide Idaho’s guests with some place to go and JKimething. unique to see during their visit In the sUte.

‘Hiis publjcatlon for the first timd lists Mntlnuing suinm^ activities as mine, lumbermlU,

» t t^ #orks and^tate eapltoi

from • 5-Buy A Gift For Mother’ a y



M r s . Pointer Heads Graduation

20th Century ClubTWIN FAIJLS,r~“ 'Mrs. Roy flnaiiclHl secretary; Mrs. Joe

Painter .was installed president, fhclby.nutlitor; Mrs. Marjorie of the Twentieth Century Club Hawes, real estate board and during the Ins^llatlon luncheon board of control at largo, Mrs.

■ ~T\iesday‘ al"the'‘TUrf Club:-----W rO .“ W nlt5rM r8-JrT .* A n^Other officers Installed by dcrson, Mrs. Grccta SmiU) and

Mrs, Anna Haycs lndudc-Mrfl._Mra.-Ralph-Rauch.:____________R. T. Campbell, first vice Mrs. D. A. Jackson,


etiquetteINDIANAPOLIS, Inc. -

Springtime-means - graduation time In high schools and collcneg. But Herff Jones Co.. a ’loaHw’ in c liss rings and graduation products, points out ■that— receiving— an—_an-. nouncemcnt is not a solicitation

J c e s l ^ J ! t ; J t o i > l f t r lQ t t < L l4 n k i _ p M a i d c n t . J ¥ f l a J iL d u i r g C L Q U h Q _ f o ^ a -g { r t - I n .n o -^ a y -s h o u 5 d - t h e ------------^ n d vice president: M rs ._ ^_s ln ^ ‘w _ !n «e tlnU ...- W lU J_ .M u ^ .._ ^ the an.In/.v A ,<n/</\r/l In (f rV/\riit V n i i t v nt) n rn rfp n m ■ ' .Jack Ainsworth, rocordln}{ HDorls Yout* «s proKrom ■ secretary; Mrs. Wllford chainnan. Mrs. Youlx H e rre tt , c o rre spo n d in g presented the winners in the secrj)tary: Mrs. John Peterson, recent sdiolarKlUp audition!), treasurer; Mrs. Irvin Hansen, sponsored by Uie Twin Falls

Music Qub. Those appearing on tiio program Included state srfiolarfllUp winners, Sue Ann Johnson,pianist; Patty DcGlco, violinist; Jo . Ann Vincent. FJutist. and UUah Thomock, modern dance. National scholarship winners Includo Joyce Guycr, vocalist, and Kim Toomer and Kevan Nathan, boUi vocalLnts from the Idaho State School for Uie Deaf and Blind, G oring .

M rs. Eastman recommended fo r office

TWIN FALLS - Mrs. Frank E^astman was recom­mended for district deputy president when members of ^ e

! MotPrimrose Rebekali Ixd^e Tuesday night at the lOOF Hall

It was reported 25 members q ; visited the Buhl lodge for a O l X ' Q W O i O

surprise visit durlnR the April ................................. - indod20th meeting and 48 attenc the "Come as Vou Are" May Ireakfast. Prizes were awarded for the most unusual way tliey were dressed. Prize winners Included Mary Steams. Mrs; Kenneth Dameron and Isora Kevari.

Evelyn Atwood and Freida

Melton were in charge of the • program, a costume party. Game prizes were received by Margaret Watts, Mrs. Jake Roth and Mrs. Calvin Hoffman.

Member^ of the hostess coinmitteo Included Mrs. BUI - Couberly. Mrs. A. S. Henson and Mae Chatterton* ----

U was announced all officers are asked to meet at 7:30 p.m. May 16 for practice.

finalistsa n n o u n c e d

MOSCOW — A total of six finalists for tho University of Idaho Motlicr and Fathor-of- the-Year awards were an­nounced today by commltleo

- iltTi,

nounccmcnt feol obligated to send a gift.

For sthe graduation an- nouhcemcnt is Just what Its name says — an announcement that an acquaintance is being graduated from school. Since this event is one of the most Important in a person's life, he wants to share It with others. Tho announcement is a perfect way to do this.

If tho graduate is a relative or close acquaintance of course, you may wish to send a gift. For a high school graduate hedded for collcge. a typewriter, pen and pencil set, alarm .clock, luggage, and similar school and travel Items may be handy. For n college graduate, practical tilings for setting up living quarters may bo better as gifts. In either case, savings bonds, stocks, or casli are always nppreclated.

Graduates receiving gifts, of course, should acknowledge Uiem wlUt personally written, hand-addressed thank-you notes as soon as possible.

Chairman Susan L. Smltl

Carlsbad, Calif.. Selectod-os flnallsta for MoUier of the Year were Mrs. Evelyn Eberhard, Blackfoot, sponsored by Farm House FVatemlty; Mrs. Margaret W.

sored by Sigma Nu Fraternity.Finalists for Father of .Ujo

Year are Jack Newell, Twin Falls, sponsored by Sigma A lpha Epsilon F ra te rn ity ;

............. .. .. , „ Marcus J . Ware, Uwlston,FosborgrMoscow^DonsQredby sponsored by Delta Delta DeUa

Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, and John R. Wood- Sororlty; and Mrs. Marie H. worth, Boise, sponsored • by Scharnhorst, GeneseQ, spon- Aoplia Tau-Omega Fraternity.

S a l e o f


S p r i n g S t y l e s - a n d C o l o r s

, j r # i n n n c t ? n i T W A


....Mn The —

^ ^ - r X | ^ n « 0 o o d l -

That's why Ihors'i only on « Supp-how . Ilfere ', nothing dlse quits Ilka It. For. looks. For fit. for feeling. Come In for Supp-hoss, There ore soma things about It you |uit can't to); for any othar panty hoia and itocklngs.' And that','JI - uiy thay're oreat. from t4 .9S to-$3:93;— ^—

I N T H E - t Y N W O Q D

-o P b N M p N D A Y N i g h t ' n r ? p .m ;

e m e m o e rtF O R H E R D A Y ,

S U l ^ D A Y .

M AY 9,1971

o i n e r \

If i T l i X ilF TS FR O M

M ake this her^happiest M other's Day!

Jusf Arri\/eid^^

BEDDING PL ANTS•Petunias •Asters • Lobelia

•Dwarf Dahlia ► l o m a t P f t ^ P e p p e r i ^


ladiesGOLF CLUBS3 wopds, 0 ironj & puMor

Stool shoflwilfi S20 Qolf boQ

MOTHER’SDAYs p e c ia l . . . . . . »8 9 95

:■ ■)



^ a e l l e i

Reg. $9”





........... ■, :.-.w_u5- ias iaS

f jo f i t a l ic p m a f e i i i o i i

€ H I]\ AO ur Salo 2 year SAVEwarantoo Dish woshorproof from tho froozor * . O r t Q /


to tho ovon

Reg. $8 .95

S-piece place setting .$ A 9 5


IIK G IS TI'IK KO I! GlilCl!: D H A W IN G S 0 1' V A I. U A li L K M K K C I I A N D I E


S e t s H a i r D r y in

J u s t M i n u t e s !



I g , . - .

3 3 4 -4 6 0 0

-?„i,VGIFtS BOORSLynwood------------ - - i- J-




BANrCAIipS WELCOMEO P K N 1 0 :0 0 T O 6 :0 0

M O N D A - Y - O P K iN T I L L 9 : 0 0 P . M .

Ladies Casual ShoesReg. $10.95 to $15.95

$ 9 9 9


Give Her a Wig or Fall

u ' T lm M N c w t, T w in F a ll i , Idaho

Th u rtd a y , Atoy 4, IW V /



^ B E R K E L E Y . C a l i f . - N o t fa r ^

f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y of C a lifo rn ia , w h e re SO y e a r s a g o a te a m o f sc ie n tis ts used a n

. " a t o m s m a s h e r " (0 d is c o v e r the — - M t h t t l a m e n t ^ a - t a a j n 'o f -h l g h -

scho o l stu d e n ts h a v e b u ilt .t b e lr o m t “ a to m s m a s h e r ” In t n ^ ,

~ h f t c l t r o o m o r a scho o l p h y s ic s

l a b rWhile the three young men

may not discover any new elements, tholr work Is no small thing.. It was 30 years ago that the ' present chairman of the’ U. S.

.Atomic Energy Commission, ■. Dr. Glenn T. Soaborg, and hls associates Arthur Wahl and

- Joseph Kennedy discovered

element M In Hoorn 307, Gilman "Hall, Berieley-Campus.”

Uslng a 60-lnch cyclotron — commonly called an "atom smasher" — Dr.'Seaborg and his team bombarded uranium with accelerated sub-atomic particles. The • result — plutonium, an element which promises to reshape society. Used as a fuel it may someday supply clean power to light homes, recycle wastes, operate artificial hearts, and power spaceships to the stars

More recently, at Lowell High — School— San—Prandacor^Jeff-

Fox, A1 Czerwlnski and Jack Qoldstone began bombarding copper with sub-atomic par­ticles from an accelerator they built themselves.

According to a veteran engineer from the AEC'a L a w r e n c e R a d i a t i o n Laboratory, Berkeley, the hom em ade a c c e le ra to r ,

although not too attractive. Is a major achievement. It Is capable of accelerating atomic- particles to over 100,000 dec- b w volts, which is not too much lower than the levels Dr. Seaborg's team achieved when they d l^v e red plutonium.

It wasn't an easy task for the Lowell trio, but with persistence and ingenuity, and a little help from the staff at the Lawrence Radiation laborato ry , they built theb* nuclear machine from Bcratdi for less than 4200 . . Needless to say. it was much to the surprise of their skeptical friends and science teacher.

Spearheaded by Fox, tiw group q>ent their nights and holidays looking for castaway equipment. From the L'HL Bevafaron facUlly, they picked up some equipment and tools, but perhaps, more important they got some valuable advice

from Robert Richter, a veteran engineer at LRL. ‘ — - • '

They continued to scavenge parts, collected old capacitors from local private industries, and even rebuilt an old vacuum

-pump to complete their nuclear— machine.

The three boys will leave LoweU. this spring headed for separate engineering schools across the nation. And, while they made no e a r th ^ k in g discoveries with their nuclcar machine. It is no t. hard to

_ Imagine that the bigenulty they _

— sbowftd-at-lxwell-mlght-l sign of th ln^ to come.



•?set meet. TWIN FALLS - Six legislators from Twin • Falls County will be guests of the

- League of Women V^terfi'at a

' nieeting scheduled for 7:30 pjn . the Colonial House.--- ^^’ lIusbaiwL v f'*'ieHguenr~and~~

^r.g\ iests wlli be bivlted to nwu’ the legislators comment on the re c^t session and ask

________ pertaining to Initiated

Mrs. Steve Smith, league president, said Mrs. Laird Noh, legislative chairman, wlll-

-jporUoa-voters-aervice-in— formation which has been cooduded for the school boani election Tuesday. .

Final plans will be made for •election of delegates to the League of Women Voters state convention In Coeur d'Alene May 14 and IS.

Housing upD E T R O I T ( U P I ) - H » D o - ,

trolt Boiulng Coininl»«lon pro- vUad low rani hawing to 1,47«

ffmilhta ffairlAg 1970j an in c n u e of (bout 17 per ceW

over lan. Tin oooimli»lon noW, optnta mora than >,000 low not dw^pus In » boiifing

_ i)n «k ip in ^ .'

p m c e si p i i i p p l W

M rs, / Tim es-New s, Tw in Fa||i,>ld«ho 71

Thuriday, May 6. 1W»

T O tN FAttS^STORffi-OPEN 24^«OVJRS ANational Music VVeek

.... 5 / 2 -;5 / 9 :,:...’ Jo y o f Sarv/c* Through M uiic .

Village I



ROAST7 4 ^

’ r, —



U S . D . A . C H O I C E

-B tA D E C U T —


4 3 *— Pound

— -




STEMS8 8 . t

O M #








4 4 clb

SLICED'4 9 £


'i' •'

~ l l A M E T O N _ V a . _ i U P I ) ^ A _

r . ....




ONWHS3 BUNCHES . . . . . . .





OLDf a ith f u l


iL i.D ^ .A a :H Q IC E




.............. .

B l lr KING SiI e

i T 9 *

« 2 BARS

3 4 «

PEASORCORN6 1 ^ 1 ® ®

f l o w e r (SIrF

49‘B A N Q U E T”

M U T K S ^

*1.03 SIZE

S & W

3 LB.



S G G S t

m o r r e 1 l s i>r id e


^ c u t u M m 7 A t

^ u i n i i s . . I V

UMIUIMO O l 1 OIAVYBIOW M . # 1 OflONtOM . . . l b A .

. .h i i o s . ' A T A c M i n i m i A ' \ n f y .

' i i s . m i . . V 1 '

rA ttt iiB i n r AS r t A Y IU IC M I Mt| 0 2 ...................1 V

« nllV IIO N M ir ^■ t m i i M i . . v w "

tCNlUtMO M A. B u a r i m i A f H

J M IT L IS S i C Q ( rAM UlfSt 7 0 U I IK r iN l t M f» 0 L ................. • 1V

primitive Indian' village and an aerospace missile face each other across b»uy Mercury

-Ooukvard here.-Togethef-they -- “ r-

"Span-the hlstory-of the oldwt-;------continuous Engllsh^ipeaUng' communlly in the United

, States.» ,"^TTie vlUjiKe is one of 12 m ajor'

attractions on the well-marked auto tour of Hampton laid out by the local tourist office. It Is . a re-^eallon of a Kecoughtan

. settlement that stood here when' the first visitors, Capt. John Smith and his colonists, stopped,— by on the way to fouiwl Jamestown In 1607. _A_few-came-back.in_lfllO-to_settle -here.- Jamestown war. _ ____destroyed but Hampton sur------—viveil the -Revolutionary War, •


and Is now a thriving city of abdut 115,000. It played about 500,000 visitors last year.

Next door to the IndianviUagC-la. Uie Syms-Eaton...,..........

■ Museum, where e ^b lts trace the history of Hampton from Ittf - founding. The museum is named after two colonists who , established the first free public schools In America (16H-1695)

. for the “poor children of the— parishr^^-------------------------

Across the boulevard, 20th century. missiles, rockets and jet planes stand b) the Aerospace Park surrounding

. the Hunpton Tour. Information Center. A special ‘ bus-a

U ndon— doubkrdMltfir— = __ : .leaves from here lor tours of ijie NASA Research Center and nearby Langley Air Force Base. (Fare |1 adults, 50 cents for children under 12).

America's first ashronauts trabied at the Langley-NASA facility. This year the restricted

• area where they^pracUced for

their space flights has been opened to the public for the first time.

Langley Is the nation's oldest active .nUlitary base. It was from here, In 1921. that BUly . Mitchell proved airplanes could

sink battleships with bombtv Now, the world's most modem military Jet planes seen rooming off the gigantic

runways.Eicept for ,NASA and Lan- ,

' gley, tM other attractions on the Hampton Tour are reached by car, with spKlal d istinctive strMt s i g n s w a y .

Eleven are open year-round.One of the most popular, begins operating bi April and continues into the early (aB. - •This is the Klcotan Clipper,flagship— of the one-vea«l---- -Hampton Navy, owned and

-— operat^-by—tbe-dty»- (Faw — —

$1.25 for adults, 75 cdnts for

children M 2).(The crtiise through (he bus]

Hampton Road Harbor, with Its— warshfpsrfre ightersandlliW ng- —

— boats, takes Jibout 90 minute*.----- •




honoredT W I N ^ A I X S - A p la m n

recognlilng 10 y w r t ot lenHc*

In th e T w i n F a l l i P q l l M D e p a r b n o it w u p m e n t e d to D a n v l C u n e r o i T u n d a y n ig h t d u rin g ■ r a g u U r n i M l l n g oC I lH T w i n r t U i P o U c * D e p w tm e n t

B o w f l l A B M c U t lo n .

O iiH ron ,w l»w u iM < V **»t ' . on thg forc«, m ltp w l aboiit two

WMki * tn to ucctfl * podtlo) ^ t h UtUril«li t * « l i

' J t i m i I to i w l l n - t r M th< luocU tlm , laid lb« plaqia w>i (rgm all roonben of tb^

T h a .n a d b lo c k p r i c t lc * b d d

In M w c V a l le y w a s d l m a M d d u r i n g t b a T u M d a y n i g h t m t o t ln i^ . M t m b e r i o l . t h « a u o c l a t l o n a la o p la n n e d a

--------------------- p I C M f f T o r U i l n i i i i i i m r T



Store has ;

tools taken't W I N F A U S - T w i n M i a

P o lic e In v e i l ig a U iK . t l W . . I b e t t « f a n - i m d e t e n i l i M t , , : n u m b e r e t t o e U f r o m . J h * :

FbMtoaeStoiegiilttlsmim^ig d u t h l n . M a N U ' ; :


h' ' ' ^ ^ __L . , y ' ' '

» TlmM, Twin F»Hi, Idaho Thurxlay^ Mty 6, 1971

B R ID G EPy Jacoby

. Professor Springs Exam


N O RT H 8

A K J4V 7 n 2 .

____’n i--------------*.Krt4

W K S T . ’ EAST

* f l 7 Z ' . 4 ] f lO n A .1__ ___♦ . K J *. ♦ 1 0 8 (J :i

■ * X i o 7----- —

SO U T H (D )


, V A K fl

----- ♦“A-fl 2--------- —4 iQ«)Sn2 .

Uotl> vulnerable

W c«( N orth East Kouth

1 4 .I V 2 * PflKs 3 N.T. I'ltM Pans I ’uM '

Opfln lnu l«nd— V Q

luck of clubs was Tonync.' II wasn't j'olnR to t)o worth anythlnf* ii loft in my hand nnd mlylit uclimUy koop my purtner-from the* extra cn-- try he would need to ostob-- llsh hJs Jjonrts. On the other hnnd, yo(j had « cinch for

-y o u r-oontraot i^-you- lmd- - p la y t id - c o n ’f ic U y .~

Do you SCO wiicre the slu*. (lont tnado his m lstuko? At

trick throfl ho cauW 'hnvc — flt)oiled-t)M>-|>n>I«KKor-s—fun

if hu just playo:! » low c lub, from dum n jy .

K ast would hove to w in

thn trick and could m nko no

hotter return than a d ia ­m ond . It would t)Q up to tho student to w ith tho nco

and cluar his club su it. Tho

Ilv Oswnl.1 & ,I.imc« Jncoby • . . . . , ' h o a r t , o ab d fa m o n d a n d tw o

— ^Thc_5lii>InnL'lucl<nc!_!to__.clubv^buL.Uie-sluilcnLwould. first honrt, but liml to w E co llcct.lhu nine tricks ho llio sccond. 11 was nccossary ._,icodod (or his conlrncl. to d eve lo p , h is c lu b s so .h e ru tV n p .n . Vlo d a c lu b to w a rd d u m m y at tHrtnPBisi a» n.»

- tT ic k - th rr fr rW c s t- p la y e d - th e —

s eve n a n d d u m m y 's k in j!



EN r c n A fi OMlLOrtEi'l LE/\ve .

wns p u t . up. The professor

w iio sat r'.ast-dropDcd tiso Jack. When tho student led

- a sccond club from dum itiy . West was able to w in the

•Irick w ith the 10 nnd lead a th ird clcttr the suit

: . . w hile he -Still held the acc, of clubs,

The student looked adniir- infjly at tho professor. "I w ould havo m ade the hand

V + C H K D J i > / » / f 4 #

fl^aUisPaifmreniTiyono'irlKoi— W hat a b r illian t p la y !”

“ Not at o lU " replied the professor. "The p lay of .tlic

•*ASK YOUR Love tnd Ww min w h if i the qulckeit w»y to turn off I boyfriend," wrilei ■ feminine CaOfomitn. All ri^t.-he^Myf, ibeae three technlquei, aometlmei employed by dliconiolite girli to moVe their loveri off the lot, rarely fall: 1 . Chip his wood chisels. 2. Undercook hla eggs. Buy him pink iheeta with daisies thereon. If.theK do not drive him iw»y,

-bett^ mirry the old.boy. He’i.lj) lov9 .___-_____________^

VUGOSLAVfAN businessmen ordinarily schedule their first appointmenta of the day at 7 a.m. . . . IN THREE out of

_four Jbtnk'VxJpfilesp'thi Wp^d^Ut debTi"~lnctudB~Heavy— sch'eauWs-ordoctor bU !rYoinay7 ou knBw that?-r7-rAFTBR~ THE AGE of 40, It's now known, about twice as many men ps

Women get married. ^ '

— TO WRITERS who get knotted up with thalr own words at— the typewriter: Get a dictating machine, then transcribe the stuff yourself in longhand; Such is the council of a highly successful fiction man. That way, he says, you not only catch the original sparkle - wheel - but you capture (he final shrine ~ smile . . . NOTE IT CLAIMED again the best Way to locate l^ood eating spots when on the road Is to. look for restaurants where truckers stop. That's wrong. Trucks pull oyer where they find parking space. Food has little to do with it. Way to track down the best cafes is to look for those surrounded by

-licalliccnse,plates.— ___________ !_____ :______ :_______________

A UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS scholar uys he has turned up a curious consistency among girls who wear miniskirts. Their- handwriting, he says, tends to be cluttered with curlicues. With some exceptions . . , . WATBE'~^OD’RE ord~enoUgh~to ' remember when a certain sort of automobile was called a roadster. Dut sur«ly tiot when a certain sort of horse was called a roadster. Couple of centuries B8o^i^ was. An ordinary animal without much class-

CUSTOMER SERVICE; Q. "What’s the difference between- an African rhino and an Indian rhino?" A. African, one horn. Indian, two horn's. . . ; Q. "Quick, name the only two

pRepublican iPresldents ever to ierve’"two'Tull’ term8?’'~A.’ I ^ y , T Grant and Eisenhowbr. . . . Q. "How many new car buyers pay cash?" A. Three out of 10, or thereabouts.

~_^MAIN REXSON more men than womelTsrt6yrin»TOr«nnBffr t ^ n women sleep on. theix. b|cks. Why Isn't clear. Dut studies show the rmOority of women pirefer to sleep face down, or nearly to. With men, it’s the opposite. This is only true of grownups, might mention. Before girls reach th« age o f ' motherhood, they sleep every which way, and so do boys.

A BRITISH DOCTOR contends that chlld“described as a backward reader most probably has a highly neurotic mother. Quite.« charge, what? . . . . WHAT HAS TflE U S VEGAS BOYS gay they’re looking for in the perfect showgirl is a 33-year-oId woman who stands S-feet inches tall, weighs 134 pounds, and tape-measures 37>25*37.

Your questions and comments are welcomed^ancl will be used In PASS IT ON wherever possible. Please address your

\ ^ ters to LM . Boyd. P.O. Box 17076, Fort Worth. Texas 76J02.

A round tho W orldAntwir ig Pityieui fuiil<

A C R O S S 1 Carilibtan island

5 Arabian B«iU0 --------Ve«a»,

Novada ■12 Alaarian

■eaport - 13 Aaheii H Japanosoi^QKli Jilio tlL

.tlanu)31 Identical 23Tiie sun 2 tC alhw lra l —

church 27Klml aO r la n la J

to o diU ill 32CKarm o(a

to r i 34 Saalanaw 30 W liltdraw

34IIolfa'stm lan Sn M atcullns'

nickname 37 Great Lake M Shower 2DIJIti#r vetch no Iln itar 01 OdierwUe


1 M altaw aiu2 Bovietatr«am

3 h la n il In Indies

4 Peruvian mounUlns

5 BraxUian

wallalui (fSKortU'eaiJlirr

fo rtlabbins 7 G ir l's name S ne(]ulremeiil5 OLeaat

(requeiiled 10 Kncoiirage U T a i l c i

■Hithlly lO Expuniter 20 Juniper 22 Motorist's

lodRlnfl place24 S hort ilarb25 Sheaf ZfiChanBei2fl M o u n ta in -------30Span[ah home

31 EnUmilaatic'■ iTdor-----33CIUUJ fruiU ,35 Taro roots 4f)Moleit 43 M eaiur«of

capacity45 Nicer (colt,

var.)46 Cheat rattle 47Mlmlcker iS Koman

emperor50 Genuine51 now er52 Anslo-Saxon


■(pharm )

1 2 3 4 ' B 6 7 B 9 10 !1

12 13 U

|g 1 17





2A •2b ■ 30- 3t

n 33 35


38 ■4^ 43


46 47 50 61 62

63 g r 65

b/ t>0

59 60e


W«5tu IfU«r WAtfK OUT NtCtS AWP- 'UerrV/ t'LL WJep— i T H fi H o t fe O t l ‘£ M UJMlUe M3U U J^ 'TM6 ^ P f ^ L G C / WMA.rrAVA' 'pidtiue PUM


w h a t t a y a t H im k -n4ifi A BAPTPtPr Wi3 COUUPA

M At>6 t j A A T M U C H H G t C f lM * - A PA#»6 PBOV/TWC ,

- H AP • tfo - MUCH - COUfiU-T>W— ^ eVGM TWe coeffve'




Thurftday< M « y 197» T w i n F a ll* , Ida ho 39


Vtrar* 9* Im o t i c h t o c r b d i t o r s


M A O IS T R A T E D IV IS IO N In th* Mattar of tt)« E tla t* of

C A R R IE M . A R M E 5 , D «c ta s«d .

N O T IC E I S .H E R E B V O lV e iT B V tti« undtr»lon*(l *><acutor to tht cradllorwof and all p trto n t having

, ctatin* agalntt Carrla M . A rm a «, d K « i i « d , or t w n tm tf. to ^xMblt

■ thtm with n « m v V WOUchar*withm.four: m o n lh i.a ffc fJ h c J|ri! p u b lka lifinol'th lt n o tle rto th* t a ld - •xacutor at th* o lflc* i of R a ybw n ,

- Rayborn, W*bb.and PIk*, Bank of Idabo eidg.. P . O . Box 331, Ih lh «

> City of Tw in F a lli , County of Tw in F a llirS ta U aM d a ho , Ih it balno tha

___plac* fiKvd (01* Ih* tra n u c lib n of |h«•builnaii of M id

ca»a No. 49N O T IC 6 T O C R B D IT O R S


M A O IS T R A T E D IV IS IO N In fh * ,M B lla r of the .E tia l* of

JO H N E . W A IT E , D«c*ai*<l.Notlc* It h»retiv‘ given to Ih*

credllora of all perton* having claim* agalnil John E . W all*, t^c*a i* d , o r h li •tlal*, to *Mhlt>ll lh «m with th* n K o tta ry vouchars. Within loor month! aft*r tha t in t publication of jh ls n o tic * ;.io th*- OndartlgnMt EKeculriK a l Ih* offlc*

-M -P a rry . Robertion, D a ly .S ^ U a i^ . -Th* Idaho First National u n K Building, Tw in Fa llt, Idaho, thi* uelhg the place lined for. th* Iran Mellon ol tti* builneti of u i d *«t<

D A T E D ; April 11 A L I C E O O W M A " '

G xeculrlu

C a w No. «N O T tC B T O C R B D IT O R S

IN T H E D IS TR IC T C O U R T O F T H E , F I F T H JU D IC IA L D IS T R IC T O F T H E s t a t e o f ID A H O , IN A N D F O R T H E C O U N T Y 6 f T W IN F A L L S

^ O I S T R A T E D IV IS IO N In Ih* Mailer of th* E ita t* of

R O S E B E L L E M A Y W R A Y , •ometlm*« k n d w n ^ R D SE /W R A V , 0*c*aM d.

E S T A T ^ .O F R O S E B E L L E AAAV W R A Y , w m a llm ti known a t R OSE W R A Y , D E C E A S e O ,

N O T IC E If h«r* b y-a lv«n b y >h* und*r*lgn*d. Admlnlttratrlx lo th* —<radllora o l ^ all p a rta n i'h a v in g . )9n «a t

re ta tm i aoatntt— r o s e b e c l e ' « » th* c ■WRAY, tom e llm n known a t R O S E ' W R A Y ,de c * a »«d , o r her ail

E ifa f* No. t4 ■N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N

> O P T H B T IM B A P P O IN T E D F O R P R O V IN G W IL L . B T C .


M A G IS T R A T E D IV IS ld N In the Matter of the E tta l* of CO RA J E S S E R , D*CM t*d. .

N O r iC l l O P T N B T I M BN O T IC B O P T I M B A P P O I N T B D . A P P O IN T B D PO R P R O y iN O W IL L

P O R H B A IU N O y P O N P E T I T IO N I N T H E lD I S T R I C T C O U R T O F T H E N Q T IC B P O R O R O n O P C O N V B Y A N C B P l ^ T H J U D IC IA L D IS T R IC T O F IT H t lC T IO ^_______ . _ _^.'bS"

T H E S T A T E O F ID A H O , IN A N D NotK;* || nar««>yg|< FOR T H E C O U N T Y O P T W IN pro|k>ialt <or -


Purtusnl to an order bf ta ld C M rl mad* on the U lh day of A p ril, l> n ,

N O T IC E fS H E .R E B V G IV E N , hat Tuatday, t h e lt t h da y ol M ay,


In the M a lla r of th* E it i E L I Z A B E T H D*c*aiad.

Pureuant to an ordar of ta ld iCourt.mad* on the 73 day of A p r l ^ H m , , ----------- ------------notlc* It hereby givan that Tuetday, propotalt will be publlcl) th* !• day of M a y . m i , al 10:00 and read, o'clock A .M o f thaf <iar> a» th* Court - Tha H o rk c o n ta m p la ltd c o n iltfi^ . Room of ia ld Court, at the County inttalling approximately 1 &S le*t of

r*plac*ment o l th* otannt F*rry Siphon will b* fK * lv * d by tti* Board of D lreclort of King Hllj Irrigation D Itlrlct i t th* ofllc* of theDIHrlct, at King H ill, Idaho, until 1:00 p .m ., Mountain Daylight Tim * on th « 4th

. day of June, llm * tald

lO PGR COM. O R D IN A N C E N O . i m■^'O rdlnanc* of th* City of Tw in

fa ll! ..Id a h o . accte tlng-S tTM l a n d - Utlllly Right of W ay in Lott 1 , la n d 3 ^ FIretlde S ubdlviilon..Tw ln F a llt, Twin F a llt County, ibaho, and temporary ttr**t right o l w ay In Lot ' '” r*tld* Subdivisions Tw in Palit,

' otennt


M A G IS T R A T E 'S D IV ISIO N ,In tha Matter of th* E ita le t of H Y R U M L O W E L L H U N T E R and A D E L A I D E J A N E H U N T E R .H utband and W If*. D*ceaied. .

Purtuant to th* O rd * r of Ihe Court «nt*r*d fh* } n h <tey o l ^ r ) l , W K

r i MW Mill o « r « ' nnof, N O T IC E tS> H E R E B Y O lV E N Kwom o? •*ia u i w i . ai in « M u n iy •pprgKimaieiy ia» ie«i oi fw.\»(nnit, nutoand and wi_ 'c lo c k a .m .o L u id d9 y i ; That th* 23tti(tfy.of MftVi 1971i ai th t . .Covrl Houte In tha City qI T w in 4 -In ch concrtt* cylloder plpa.Mnd conviyid .to .lh i C lly o f tw ii

Court R o o in 'u f -v a ld X o u i^ t - 'h e v r -o f 't :3 0 -o ^ t o c l ( -a .m .( -a t -t h * — Falla, C o u n ty o ^Tw ln -F a ili(, filat* o f-S 7 0 -la* t • o f -M in t h -a la e i-p lp e r -^ r lo h l-o f -w a v -t o r -p u W k r t tr v a r -a n d the Court Houm In th* Clly and Courtroom of th* above •ntltied Idaho, hat ba*n appointed a t tha tog*th*r w ith n a c e tia ry a p- ' utility purpot*t and that Raymond County ol T w in F a IIi, Slat* of Idaho,. Court In tha TwinI F a llt County' tlm* and plac* for proving th* W ill purtanancat. H. Puddy and Ada Ma* ^ d d y

TW b F a llt County, Idaho.W H E R E A S Raymond H . Puddy '

and Ada M a » Puddy, hutband and wife, and Wllaon J . Abbott and BattV J. Abbott, hutband and wile, and Lincoln W. McClnnIa and Angefin* M cG lnnit, hutband and wife, hav*

■ ■■ ‘a i i i a „

•JohiExecutor of the E ita l* of C a m * M . A r m H , d*ceatad. , — _

P U B L M W ; A p r » . » . M a y < ,-JJ

j i iH M t . i . — Jb it tham w llh the nec*tiary b«»fn ip p o ln l* d a t th* llm * and Judicial Ann*x In Tw^n F a llt, Idahi aio w ia te,. voueh*f|, .within lour.m onlh* aflar -olace lo r p ro vin o -Ih e -W ill, ot u I d hat bM n appointed at tite time and

_____ fhW lrit.p u b ilca Ion of Ih it notice to Cora J t t ta r , daceatad, and for plac* for the heanw i upon Ihithe tald Admlnlitrafrix at th* o f;~ * w ftr^n p -lh * -a p p H c«tlo n -^^— p a lllio n -o f -M vrn a -H ..-B a ll_ fo r.Jh ' fleet of S TE P H A N , B A L L G IS E N «. J «H e r lor Ihe Ittuance lo him ol Itt

---------------S L A V tN rA tto n n y i a t 'L e w ,- p . -O r - la lta m e n ta rV f-w h e n -a n dBox K3, Tw in Falli, County of Tw in where any pertont Inleretlod may F a llt , State of IcUKo, ihit being Ih* APPear and conletl

Cof ta ld E ll ia b e t h C . P o w e rt, Plant and tpeclflcallont m a y be hutband and wife, and Lincoln W.deceaied, and for hearing the a p -' o btalnedatlheofflceoflhe King Hill >McOlnnlt land Angallne AAcGlnnlt.plication of Fre d A. P6 w e rt lo r the Irrigation DItlrlct at King H ill, hutband ahd wile, have conveyvd tiIttu a n c e *- ‘ --------- ------------. . . . . . . . ---------------------------- ---le t t e r ! ide ho jp re tthe o fflce of McCarter •• the City of Twin F a llt a temporary

if an Order for ConveyatKe lettam ehlil'V .'W nan in d where-epv— Tu H e r.'-C ontu lling -E nQ ln ea rt. 3W._^Jraat_rlght of w a y for' - - ---------- . . . . . . . . . . non b e -^ T _ O R D A I ^ --------------

No. I

N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R SIN T H E D IS T R IC T C O U R T O P T H E F IF T H JU D IC IA L D IS T R IC T O F T H E S T A T E O F ID A H O , IN A N D ’ PORl ^ T ^ E c o u n t y O F TW IN

M A G IS T R A T E D IV IS IO N , Ih* AAaltar of Ih* E tla le t of H Y R U M L Q W E L L H U N T E R and- A D E L A I D E J A N E H U N T E R , Hutband and WIf*, Dectfated.

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N lo Ih* credltort of and all pertont

place fixed for thtlrartM Ctlonol Ihe Datad Ihit ISih day bf A pril, \7\.-SuaJneta o / e a W e ifa f e - --------- ----------------^ W .-A .-L A N C A ir .f ia ---------- -

Clerk of the D ittric t Court Dy S A D IE D a G L E E > D eputy.Clerk

P U B L IS H : A p ril 33, 39 & May A.

D A T E D Ihit l]th daV of AprI »9M.

t t JE A N A. W IL L IA M S AdmlnltlralriK of the EtU le of

. R O S E B E L L E M A Y W R A Y , tom etlm et known a t 'ROSE W RAY, Oeceatad.

P U B L IS H : April IS. 33. }9 L M a y, i.

- . '* a l-'p ro(> e W y-'P u r«ua n t^lo -a n~ .p e rio n _________exlitlno contract concernint) the conteil Ihk tam<above' entitled ettale, whan and .......................W h * r* '«n y .p * rto n lnl*r*tl*d m ay

and^coniai^ the aa/n*.----------ted thit 3 »h day of A p ril, 1971.

R E E D P. M A U G H A N

Dated thli 23 day of A p ril. 1971. S A D IE D e O L E E ■hall be d r a

ureal.. Bolta..ldaho.upan- ' UO.OO per w t . ^ e

'< form and

l N E D ^ a Y ir .T H E i Y C O U N C IL OP T W IH F A L L S ,

PU kpr. 7 9 ,M » a . 13 a. 30,N O T IC B T O C R e o iT O R S


M A G IS T R A T E S D IV IS IO N In the A n tle r of the E tla le of C E C IL

^ 'n o t i c e ^*^HE*REDY O lV E N lo » h e 'c r e d lW t of*’ a n d ’alT 'p e ra o n t N O T IC E O P T H B T iM B ------------------------- ---------------- - - - .___t h * -c ra d ilo r t -o f -a n d -a l l-B * r »o n »— h a u ln f l_ c l* lm i_ «a m lf\ » i_ ih * ..^ d A P P O IN T E D FOR P R O V IN G W L L Idaho Slate Oar, Succettor T ru ile e

h'TvIn" d lllm \ .1 o Jrn 1 l* C E ? rL “ S ‘ -^c iS ^n tS 'to w ^ i b K m , w VhVhD E A N , Deceaied, or hit ettale, to -n e c B S t a rv v o u c h a ri to the u n- ^ I ^ T H JU D IC IA L D IS T R IC T IN al public auction to Ihe hlghetl

— e x h lb ll-lh e m with the n e c e tta ry^^e rtlg n e d at 751 8nd A v e n u e -N o rt h , - -| H E _ S T A T B OF . I D A t i a IN A N D _ b id d e r, lawful monex ol .- Tw in F a llt , Idaho i n o i , which It her T H E C O U N TY O P , T W IN the United, SIj

N O T IC E O P T R U S T E E 'S S A LEOn Monday, A u gu il U. 1971, at Ihe

Itour of 3:00 p.m . of tald day at Ihe Shothona Straal entrance to Ihe County Courlhoute. City and Cognly of T w in F a llt. Idaho, Stale of Idaho, H U G H R E D F O R D , a M em ber ol I

H E P W O R T N U N G E S T E R S. F E L T O N Allorneyt for Pet|tlc«er Bank of Idaho Building" Tw in F a llt, Idaho 13301


---------- M A C lt T R A T B D J V I t lO N -------------Ihe M Aller of li>e Etiate

W A L K E R , of Ihe d e p otltw llibere lu n de dlf u id p la n t and tp e ciflc a tio n t are relum ed In oood condition within lltteen (IS ) dayt after the data of the

• - Ud'tipeolno.Each p ro p ota l th a ll be a c ­

com panied by an acceptable U B L IS H : A p rils? , M a y 4 and M a y propoial guarantee In Ihe form o f .

13, 1W 1 . ca ih ie r't c

volichert, Uillhin ' month! (---------- ifpubilcatlonof th itn o lic a n o Wace of b u tin e u In all m atlert ................

— the .ta ld -E k e c u lo r,C la ra n c a -D e a A ,— Q )n n «:le d -w lth -ta ld -e * la le «.-w llh ln ___ ,___ ,M A G tS T B A tE -P IV .IS IQ N .at Ihe office of Roy E . Smith. A l- <our m o n th t a lta r the f i r it I" AAaller ol Ih e -e t la l................. ‘ publication of Ihit notice. W A L L A C E D. W IL K IS O N

Dated thit 37th day of A p ril. 1971. Deceatad,I -M Y R N A R. B E L L

Adm lnlttratrlx P U B L IS H : A p r. 39, MUiy 6, 13 a, 30,1971. ■ I

____________ lalet, all payable at Ittime of tale, th* foilowino detcrlbed

L IN D A L E E R A C E / aKs L IN D A L . XCB,-Oec*ated.'N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N b<

th4 undartlgned lo Ihe crac ll

N O T IC e O F T A X S A L BNotice It h*r*by given , that th<

following parc*ii of r*al prop*rt^ 'h«r*ln«rt*rd*tcr>b*d wllf b* aofd ai

Public Auction to the hlghett bidder purtuant

-C o d e 'e a -

bid bond payable to King Hill Irrigation D ittrict,K lr«H ill,Id a h o ,in an amount not latt than five per cent (5 per cent) of Ihe amount bid, at a Duarantee lhal If Ihe propotal It

M A Y O R A N D CI1 T H E C I T Y O F ID A H O :.•.5ectlon-)^tJia)-tbai:Joht.D!.wayJor_ pobllC itreet and utliily purpotet tat forth In the conveyance above mentioned to the City of Twin F a llt, idaoo. It hereby accepted a te public ' itceet andJJUiily r l g h t o f ^ v In the

i - t > f o p e r l y .

A parcel ol land In Lot I o l Ihe PIretlde Subdlvltlon which it the- Puddy Subdlvltlon and Lott 3 and 3 of the PIretlde Subdlvltlon of Lot 30 of the Orchalara Subdlvltlon In Ihe N E*^NE>^of Scctlon I , Tow nthip 10

, _ R a n o * - » - E a i t — Bol

tornay for the E i^ c u lo r, In Ihe A ilu ra t Bldg., T h ird Avenue North, In T w in F a llt, TWIn F j>Mi

- County, Idaho, th li being I fixed for Ihe traniactlon butlnett of tald etiate.

Dated April 13, 1971.I t C L A R E N C E D E A N Exaculor of the E tta le of

Cecil R. D*an, Deceaied.

properly, titualed in the Counly ol >ne unoari.gnea lo me craqiiir” Twiri"Faiiir^TjTr^r7Mnirnin{f-^;-*'

daicrlbed a t lollowt, to-w ll:

" V '" ,

P U R S U A N T to an order of tald Court, made on the ISih da y of April, 1971, notice it hereby glvef

a nth da y of AAay

L o lt n and 13, Block 1] ol H A N - S E N T O W N S I T E , T w in F a llt

that County, Idaho, according lo the ^971, official p la t-the reo f) recorded Ih




agairfit Linda Lee Race, a lio khown a t Linda L . Race, deceaied, or her etiate, lo exhibit them with Ihe n e ce ita t^ vouchert, . w llhin lo u r ' nrtonlht alter the f lrt l publication of Ih li notice, lo the tald undartlgned A d m ln iili^ to r at Ihe ollice of h it a llo rne yt, M a y , M a y, Bannelt & Sudweehi, A llo rn e y t a l La w . at i l4 Second Street E a tt , P. O. Box 105, T w in F a llt, County of Tw in Fallt

the contract and file an acceptable AAeridlan. City ol Tw in Paflt, Tw in , - 6e<llon 3’ l - » 0* ,-Id a h o Ptrlofm ancaandlaborandm aterlal Fallt Couniy, Idaho, more fitr-m e n d e d .-T h e -f« llo w in 9 — n )n d -w U h ln .u v a n -l7) davk after thB— UcularlV de tcrlb e d .a tJo llo w i:_______eel property It located •wjird o l the contract. , ^

m u tt be llceniad at Commencing at the >JE corner of • “ _ L o l-4 ,-B io c k -1 -o f -lh e -P u d d v -S u b ~

T W IN P A L LS l a I T O W n S S

Lot 7 OSBORN S U B D IV IS IO N ISO-Mh AvenueW eit M a r y E .A d k In t

Lot 17 Block iS O U TH P A R K A D D IT IO N3i3Ramage Street Ethel Huddle

» courtroom ol ta ld Court, in the Twii Judicial BuKdlna o< the CountyC o u rtK o u te ln lh iC ltyo f T w in F a llt , Said tale w ill be made without

■ C Q U N T Y O F T W IN the Will Of tald Wallace B. ta litfy the obligation tecured by and for Ihe J r a n t a c l ^ of I h ^ . Ta O 'tlrlp of land. . . V ,-* w llklto n , deceaitd, and for hearing purtuant to the power of tale con-

liTTm ------------------------------------------------------------ 1^ ih l »PPllcatlon ol Jane B . W ilitlton ferred In Ihe D e e d ^ T r u t I executedN O T IC B T O C R B D IT O R S ^ t p w a g t ^ l «U a n c . to her of LaJtert by R O B E R T IR W IN P E R R Y a n d JO

Cbntrac«or« LIcante Act ol the Idaho Code.

The contract will , be let lo Ihe lo w e tf retponilble bidder. Oalad Ih it 4th day of AAay 1971.

B A R B A R A CR A N E Secretary of .King Hill Irrigation Dlitrlct

P J JB L IS H : AAay 4,13, 30, 37 and June

livltlon Mttlch It Ihe true point c.. beginnings thence North 19 degreet lOm lnutei Weit along Ihe North line of laid Lot 4 a dltlance of DO.a leal lo Ihe N W corner of ta ld t j ) l « ; thence North 19 degreet 30 minute* Watt a diitanca of 135.93 feet to a point on the We«t line of Lot 3, PIretlde Subdlvltlon; thence North •9 degreet 30 m lnulet -W ett a dlitance of 130.00 leel to a point 5.13 feat Eatt of Ihe Wait line of Lot 3,


M A G IS T R A T E S D IV IS IO N in Ihe A U tle r of the E tta le ol C O R A V . O A K E R , Deceaied.

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , by . the underiioned Executrix to the c rM lto rt of and all perio hi having

- a p p lk -------------------for tt>e Ittuance to .. . _____ ................................................................Tetlam entary,v,hen and where any AN N P E R R Y , hutband and wife,.per4oo-lnlareilad.may_aD0flar_flnd_Crjint0t*JftJW-UJlUfiJJ,jaNC£HI|_,„.».^”

• • tam e. a i T ru ile e for the benelll and ------------- ^d m ln lltra lor ol

^9D A T E D Th It 13lh day ol A p ril. p a IR B A N K S S U B D IV IS IO N

JJAA G E R A L D "K O EP N IC K LS<S|“ s i r e e l G . W . Falrbankt

tim e a ln t i Joi

- c la lm t agalnil Deceaied, or her etiate, thei^, with the necettary vouchert, w llhin four m onthi after the flrtl publication of Ih it notice, lo Ihe tald Executrix at the olflce of R o y E . Smith, Attorney for Ihe Executrix In the A liu ra i. Dlda.. at \U T h ird Avenue North, In the C ity and County of Tw in F a lli, Stale of Idaho, thit being Ihe place fixed for the trantacfJon o< fh* buclnetc of ta ld

- e t l a l a , .......................... -Dated thli 7th'day of A p ril, 1971.

I t D O N N IE O. J O R D A N '■ EXecuiriX^onhe'llilale

of Cora V . Uaker,Deceaied.

P U B L IS H : April IS, 33. 39 8. M a y 6,


A N D B L B C r iO NN O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N ,

That the Annual School m atting and Election of Murtauoti J t . School D Itlrlct No. 411, Counllet of Tw in Fallt and Ca ttia , M urtaugh, Idaho will be held on Tu a id a y, the lU h of

Stewart, docM tod,~or h li eitate, lo exhibit them wflh the n e ce iia ry Vouchert lo the tald Executor at Ihe Dflice of H a rry Turn e r. Attorney at La w , T w in F a llt Bank & T ru it

------- D A T E D AprlM S,-1971, -H . A . LA N C A S TE R Clerk

(S E A L )By S A D IE 0 * G L E E Deputy Clerk

P U B L IS H ; April 33, 39, M ay

at ta ld e lK tlo n thall be open bet- ween the hourt of 1 :0 0 - -

— P.M .- w n a l d -d a y jeiactlonona ( D l r w l a i . ---------------term ol three (3 ) ye a rt w ill elected In T ru ite e Zon* No. 3 and one ( 1 ) tru ile* lo tarve for a term ol Ihrea (3) yaai't in Tru tla a Zone No. S. Nom inating petition*giving name or nam et of all ca n d ld a te i.Jo r elecllon of tru'iteei. together w llh the term for vOiich nominated, thall be Placed on file wUh the cte rk o f the Board of T ru tle e i at leati.ten (10) dayt prior to lt>e day of eiectiori, excluding Ihe day ol election.

E L L E N F . S T A R R Y ,Ellen F . S tarry, Clerk of tha

Murtaugh Jt. School D lilr lc l No. 411, Twin Fallt and Cattia Countlet,

M urlauoh, Idaho.P U B L IS H : April 33, i9 & M a y 6 .197J

Cate No. 57 • N O T IC B T O C R B D I T O R S



E S T A T E O F H O W A R D E . P E ftS E ,

Baker___ B uilding,' Tw in F a llt, Idaho, thit' .exhibit being the place llxed for the tran. uchert, taction of Ih e b u iln e ito f tald ettAle.IS ilrs l Dated th it 13lh day of A p ril, 1971.

F R A N K R A Y M O N D 5 T E W A R T

E xaculor of Ihe E tia te of Joteph Frank Stewart, d a c e a t^ ,

P U B L IS H : April IS, 33, 39 of 197*1 and M a y 6. 1971.

- Bttete N o t. 14-431 and 14-S34 •- N O T IC E O P E X E C U T O R A N D



M A G IS T R A T E O IV IS IO N - In the AAaller of Ihe E tla le t of A M E A L H A N S IN G and S T E L L A H A N S IN G , Both Deceated.

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N That the undartlgned Executor of the E t t i t e of A m e a i H a n t ln g , d e c e a ta d , and the u n d e rs ig n e d A dm ln lttrato r w ith W ill Annexed of tha E t t a le of Stella H a n t ln o . deceaied, w ill tell at private u l i

N O T IC E OP T R U S T E E 'S S A L EOn Wedneulay, Ihe 7lh day of

Ju ly , 1971, at ihe hour of 10:15 o'clock A .M . of u id day, a fthe Tw in F a il! Counly Court Houte, County of Tw in F a lli, Stall of Idaho, T W IN F A L L S T I T L E L T R U S T C O M ­P A N Y , an Idaho Corporation, at Iruttee, will tell it public auction, lo the hlghett bidder, lor ca ih , In lawful money ol Ihe United Sla le i, all payable al thi time of tkie, the (oiiowlng detcrlbed '^eai properly, tllualed In Ihe County ol Tw in F a llt. Slate of Idaho, and detcrlbed at followi, to w it :

.Lot 44 and Ihe South one hail of Lot 45 In Block 13 of B L U E L A K E S A D D IT I O N W E S T , - T w i n F a llt County, Idaho, •ccoV'dlna to the plat Ihereol recorded In Volum e 3 ol P la it, page 30, reco rd! of tald County.

Said tale will be rhade without covenant o r warcaniy regar^ina title, p o tte ttio n o r^cu m b ra n c e t to ta tlify theoblioiilon tecured by and

tecurlty of the A d m ln l..Veterani' A fla irt , an Officer or me United Stalet of Am erica, svhote principal- office and Pott Olflce a«<drett(i Veler'ant Adm lnlifraK on, Wathlnolon, D . C. 304M, and hit tu cc e iio rt In luch olflce, at tuch, at Beneficiary, recorded October 33,

-1949, at Initrum ent N um ber 449943 Ih Book 308 of AAortagei, page 194, recordtof T w in F a llt Counly, idoho..

The default lor which th it tale It lo be made It the falluce lo:

lorneyt for A d m inltlralo r tiding at T w in F a il!, Idah

P U B L IS H : A p ril 15, 33. 39 4 . 1971. — - .


Lot 1 Block 40 ’F A IT S U B D IV IS IO N900 Block ol•fh North Haf


-lhe-Ba<'ate ‘e ,___Subd l v K io n j theiW IN IF R E D L . W ILS O N . Deceatad. 3® rnlnuTel

k'O. W eaver

(1) Make ttionlhly paym ent! ol principal and Inlerett In the,amount of SI33.S0 lor the/nonth of October, 1970, and tubiequeni hiontht.

(3 ) M a k e ‘p io n th lv ra te rv e paymenie lor lauet and Iniuranca In Ihe amount of 134.10 for Ihe lante period,

and II eow lno I. . . . obligation tecured b’.Deed ol T r u i l It *17,340.14 with In- lereit at 7'/) par cent per annum from October 33, 1970.

D A T E D ; A p ril 3. 1 p 1 . .H U G H R i D F O R D 'Succettor T ru ile a

Attorney t o r T r u tle e :Albert E . T rim m in gVeferant A dm initfraflon CenterSih «, Port SIreettDolie, Idaho 13707P U B L IS H : A p ril 15, 33. 39 L M a y 4,1971,


I N -T W B D I S T R I C T -C O U R T -O F T H E F IF T H J U D IC IA L D IS T R IC T O F t h e s t a t e O F I D A H O ,-IN A N D F O R T H E C O U N T Y O F T W IN F A L L S M A G IS T R A T E D IV IS IO N

In tha AAatter of the E ttale of L O L A M U R L S T U D E B A K E R , Deceatad. .

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N T>iat on and after June 1, 1971, Ihe undertioned Executor of the E itate of Lola Murl Sfudebaker, Deceaied, will tali M private tala lo tha hlghett . teid be lt- bidder. lUblect to con ­firm ation by the AAagiilrate Court.ol - T w ln Pfellt County, Idaho, all rig h t,

of th li date Hlla and Inlerett of Ihe etiate ot tald

ilock 40

Lot 5 Block 40 F A IT S U b O IV IS IO N . 900 Block •th North

N O T IC E (S H E R E B Y G IV E N By Ihe executor h> the creditor! of all p e rto n t h a v in g c la lm t againtt W ln llr t i L . W ilton, deceatad, or her eatate to exhibit them with the n e c e tta ry vo u c h e rt w llh in four

' m o nlhtatle r January 14,1971,tothe--------------------- la id -e xe c u to r-a U h e laM .oHlcet of' &. Weaver K ram er, Piarxkey, Smith L Beekt,

• . . 310 Sixth Avenue E a it , Clly of Twin • F a llt , Countyof Tw in Fa llt, Slaieof

Idaho, th it being the place fixed for . the trantactlon of Ihe b u tine u of

R .C .F a lt ta ld etiate.Daled Ih it 30 day ol A c rll, 1971.

t 'D A L E B. W ILSON Executor

P U B L IS H : AAay 4, IS, 30 I . 37, 1971.

d M feet 3* inlnutei Wett a dittance ^ 50.00 tael lo a point i thence South •9 degreet 30 mlnutet Eatt a dittance of 130.00 feet to a point on

Eatt line of Lot 3, PIretlde ic e South ^9

............_ . . . B l « n r B t i T a n c e -of J9 S .I3 feet to a point on the Eatt

decedent at the tim e of her death, and ail right, title and IntereM In her atlale hat by operation or oiherwlte acquired other lhan or in addition lo thtft of the decedent at the tim e of her death, In and to that certain real property located In the County of Tw in P a llt, Staleof Idaho, detcrlbed at fo llow t, to -w tt:

Tow n th ip )0 South, Rwtge 14 E a tt of the Bolt* AAerldlan, Tw in F a llt County, Idaho.

ctlon 13: T h e SV»NWW.,

Said Public Auction It to be held al thehour of 11:00 o‘c l6ck A .M .. on the 35lh day of AAay. 1971, at lha Eatt.Front Door at the T w in Falla Counly

. Courlhouta in Tw in Palls. Idaho, lhfl . _ N O T IC B T O B ID D B R t . . . . te rm i ol tald tale lo be CAS H / th it Tt(e Stale Purdiating Agent, will .Ekiacd. of County Com m lttlo n e rt receive u a le d blot at h it ottlce, reie rve ttha right to reject any and Room 305 Matehoine, Bolte, Idaho, all bidt made lor tald property) until: n : 3 r * j n . • AAay 17, 1971 for each bid m u tt be accompanied with the foilowino-. Re<tulililon No. I0& the additional turn of 11,0 0 (or , lor rough lum bar tor Ihe Stale Flih recording Deed at provided by laW. and Game Department, at Salmon,

Any oblectloni to u i d tale will be Idaho o r Bolte, Idaho A ll'B id t will heard by ttve T w in F a llt CaUnty be publicly opened and read a* th* Com m lttlonert al their office In the above tim e and place. Forma. Tw in Pallt Counly Courttvoute. T w in ttatlng the condltlont, muet 'Pallt, Idaho, al Ihe hour -• ---------0‘clnck A ,M ., fAay 34, 1971,

lO A R D D P C O U N T Y

DepaiP U B L IC S A LB

and e ttale of Ihe u i d Am eai H i tin g, deceatad, and Stella Hantlng, deceatad, and all the r ig h l, title and Inlerett that the u i d e tla le t have of. In and to fhat certain real properly t itu a le d -In the tald T w in F a llt C o u n ty ^ - S tale of Id a h o , and detcrlbed a t followt. to-w lt:

purtuant to tht power of. tale con- l ^ r e d In the deed of iru tf execuled hi/ W A Y N E U. B A R N E Y and

M E L F . B A H N E Y . hutband and “ W IN , F A L L S

M M PAN Y, a t

nl P IB S T F B C E R A L S A v f K l o s '^ p rovlilont of 43 U .S .C , 1? o l N ” M S ^ O a S ? I O N ® S F \ ^ ^ ....... ..F A L L S recorded December 5, 1949, “ ?d

l S 4 o T M i ‘tgao7“;ec?rd't T r S u . p ,m .-o n -W .d .

ThedefaullfofW hich Ih ltta le it lo ® ^be made It failure to pay:

E X C E P T at p a rt of the

p M at d T ito - ‘ wblect

- .............................. - . . M u . . . ! j % '| ^ i V ° V B 0 E R r u S M

P A L L S ^eeo?Sd*D!21'm Sr h|'ohetrbld<ir* blit T t n o 'le ^ ^ poinj iS fM’t Ea'ti of ta ld Canal on’ l i " ' »ht • P P r.iM d value, at a public tale H?*., .S o u ^ bound_ary.. of _ t . ld

, B o lu , U h d e f and 43

w ill be offered to

S W W N w iAdetcrVbeJ* t at the Soulhwett corner of the tald SW'/<NWU<, of tald. Section 13, thence

North'On Section line lo a point IS feet North of the Canal crottlng tald Section; thence In a S outhaaitarly- diractlon parallel to tald canal to


(Seal) W m . L.Chairm an

A T T E S T :H . A . L A N C A S T E R Clerk

if 10 :0 0 w cu ra d before b id in g , the ta are available from the state Purchatlno Agant't Office.

T E D C R A M E R Slate Purchatlno Aaent

P U B L IS H !/ A a y 4, 7 4 V. 1971.chancet '


f R lC T.U B U S H , * P ,„ « , « . v n 1

P A L LS . A A A O IS TR A TB D IV IS IO N .IN t h e M A T T E R O P T H B

E S T A T E . O P S A D IE R . L E V A N -

■ following tra cit

portion of the N EU iN W U i,d e K rlb * d at fo llow t: Beginning at a point 734.0 feet W e tle rly along the North line of u i d N EUtN W Ut from the'N ortheatt corner of u i d N EUtN W Ui, Thenca W e tle rly along the North line of tald NE*/(NW ‘.<( to the Northwett corner.Theni _ __ line of u i d w e ll corn e r. Thence E a tle rly along Ihe South line of u i d N EUtN W Ut to

( n in i la l im in tt lor O cto b e r, N o v e m b e r. D e cem ber. 1970, January and February, 1971, In

- amount ol $94,00 each.• (3 ) Collection charge of 110.00.

and the balance owing a t of Ih it dale obllgatlorf tA u re d by tald

Ito lu ,Iw d :

Land Detcrlpfion; T . 13 S., R. 14 e ., Bolte AAer., I d ^ o .

Sec. 17, SE'AS W U j.Sac. 30, N EU tN W ',^. -•0 A cra t, A p pralM d Value, S3300,

E tt lm a le d C b tt of Pu blica tion V5.00.

N o'b ld will b* accepted for le u than Ihe appralted value. Tha above

S W U M W U i, t>ianc* due Weet aJong the South line of u l d SW UiNW 'A to the point of beginning.

B id t or offert are Invited end m u tt be In w riting and m a y be delivered to the tald Executor pertonally or to the law office of Jonet and Jonee, P .O . Box 1003, B o lM i Idahd, 13701, or 1411 W . Jefferaon. Bolte, Idaho, K373, or m ay be filed In Ihe office of the D l i t r lc t C o u rt , M a g lttra te D Iv ltlo n , Tw in P a llt County, Idaho, a l an y tim t

N O T iC B O P P U B L I C H B A R I N O n » K.anN O T IC E IS G IV E N by the Zoning n e o r i W i T i ^ n

S h t'^ id S S ? fh lt? u h ik h M ? fn f7 w m P o rtu m tto a n o rd e ro fu ld C b u rf , On the 3rd da y of AAay, 1971,

behe ld before ta ld ttm rn lu to n at l i h*r*hvnlu«n ih «t Tu*tdav,•:00 p jn . on AAay 34, 197Y, In th«Council Cham bert of th* City Hall 331 Second Avenue E a tt, Tw in F a llt Idaho,.Upon the appllcalkm of thi Twin-Fa||t Counly FUrm Bureau fo<

notlce It hereby (livan that Tuetdav, the 3Mh day of ^ y , 1971, at lOiOO o'clock a .m .o f u l d day, at the Court Room of u l d Court, at the Cour- thouie. In the City of Twin Fallt,

• “ State of

o reTm t bulidino on the Jefferaon U !

r-,< lu Ilia i.inrv*. vw n*i , . 1#. ... r_ men in* appr aitvo vaiue. ii>»southerly alonoM ha W e tt— ‘‘• • ^-o»-‘ f u » U i l*0.fl44JX_plut in. publication eott m utf belid N E'A W W W to fhe South- «he bid at c u p a ra le

a-m a k lng-o f-i

South line-.of u l d N EU tN W 'it from , the S o u th e a it c o rn e r o l ta ld N EU iN W U t, Thence North Odegreaai.

D A T E D : AAarch 1. 1970. T W IN FALLS T I T L E « , T R U S T C O M PAN Y T ru tte a — y j By t t AAICH/Ie L p . G R A

P e a u ,Ettale of Steward wtu>u full nam e li Peate, Deceatad.

N O T IC E It hereby given by the undertlgned Adm lnlttratrlx lo Ihe credltort ol and all pertont having clalm t agalnit Howard E , P e a u , deceatad, or h it eitate. to exhibit them with lha necettary vouchert, w llhin four m onlhi after the flrt l publication of Ih it notice to the u ld A d m ln liira lrix at Ih* law offlcet of Stephan. Ballelten and Slavln. Tw in F a llt Bank and T r u i t Com pany. tJldg., Tw in F a llt County of Tw in F a llt, Slate of Idaho, thit being Ihe place fixed for Ihe fra n u cflo n of the ^ t ln e t t of ta ld eitate.

D A T E D th it 13lh day of A p ril, 1971.

F L O R E N C E E . P E A S E Adm inlilrAtrlx ol Howard E . Peate, Deceaied.

P U B L IS H : A p ril, 15, 33, 39-B, M a y 4, - 10M , - — I--------- ■ V • ■ ,-------

. . . . and condltioni of ta le : Ca#i In lawful m oney of the United Statea.or part cath «n d part credit;If on credit, all deferred paym enft to d ra w Inlerett at the ra te o f t lx (4 per ce n t) per cent' per a nnum ; the te rm t

------------------ . , « , u . « . . . u . o ftu c h cTOdlf 1 0 beaccaotabletothe• *4' BB!tn'ttt.'9SfeeirTn*nC*'Nortti t « -^ P A lH * y 7 -^ »O B E R T S O N r -D iA .Y j -l- -r * t w T / * t lo n — of— eli— oH— a rtd - oaa— •’•P«'W «nl*tlw*of-«ui u l d e^a t«i-tfl;

degrees 59 W a il IS,0 feel. Thence LA R S O N : ^ o o i l l l to the United stalet under wrtt: T h rE x e C U fo r artd to ttfe Court.N orlh e rly along a line parallel to the , A H o rh fy t fo r^ lO IT f# ^ ^ ^ I K e Act o n u l v n T n V T T -----------------------------rm r ^ W vm n .\ - * » • ------------

. E a t t line ^ tald N EU tN W U t a Retldlng al Twin F a llt, Idaho The Bureau of Land AAanagemanl dittance of 430 feet to the point of P U B L IS H : April 15, April 33, A p ril hat.not tbarched the county record! beginning, Togelher w ith water 39, and AAay 4, 1971. lo aicarlaln Ihe exialence of a n / r ig h i t — a p p u rte n a n t— Ih e rlo — a a ------------ ■ ~------------a d ve rU c la lm t. Bidt m ay be made

amount; If the bidder, petitioner tor tale , he will

'req uire d to pay tuch ooit latt any amount p ravioutly depotlled toward publication c o tlt. ' ''

The landt will be told tubject to

the pretent bulidino on the Jefferaoi SIreef tide to Ih* property lli thereof pertaining to. the tollowli detcrlbed properly

South 110 feet of . . ____Btock 3. T w i n -F a l l t NeW -School Addition. Tw in P a fU , T w in F a llt Counly. Idaho.

Arty perton Inleretted m a y appear and heard at u i d hearing.

D A T E D th it 3rd d a y of M a y, 1971. t-John A . Rotholl C h alrn>an, Zoning C o m -

» U a U ^ M i AAay 4,'^t3~wd 30, Wt T *

lim e and place for proving the Will of tald Sadie R . Lavwider, decaated, and lor hearing the application of

I >.1 J I ..I ( sJaekH .Levanderfo rlheitto ancelo .n t Taelam enlary Mtien

a n d "w h a ra -w y -p e n o n - m a y ^>pear and'confett the u m e .

Deted M a y 3, 1971.(S E A L )- '

t.Sadle DeGlee O e rk

P U B L IS H : AAay 4. 13 I . 30, 1971.

• r N o f I C B <T|£fH B T ^ M i '

line of Lot 3,' PIretlde Subdlvltl Ihence South t9 degreet 30 m lnu tH E a it along ihe Souih line ol Lot 4, Block 1, P u dd y S u b d lvltlo n a d iita n c e of 75,04 fe e t; thence Southeatterly S4.3I feet along the are of a curve lo the right whote r a d lu t-| »-^ 5 ;S 7 leet“ » n d - w h o u tangent It 35.74 feet and Whole Long ChordlaSouth 44degreet 34m lnutM Eatt a dittance of S0.44 feet'to a point on the Eatt line of Lot S, Block 3 of Puddy subdlvltlon; Thence North 0 degreet 31 mlnutet Ba it along the E a tt line of ta ld Lot S a dlilance ol 3S.74 feet to -the N E . com er of ta ld Lot S; thence North 0 degreet 3t m lnulet E a tl along the Eatt line of Lot 4, Block I, Puddy subdlvltlon a dlttanca of SO (eat lo the true point of beginning. -

Section 3. That the conveyance to the C l ly o f Tw in Pa llt of a tem ­porary tireet rlghl ol way tor cul-de- tac tet forth in the conveyarKe above mentioned It hereby accepted on the tollowing detcrlbed real property, to-wlt i

■A parget ot land In Lot 3 ot PIretlde ^b d tv lt lo n .o t Lot M o t ttte O rc h a ta r* a ubatvlalon In the N EUiN eUfo/Section f . Tow nth ip )0 South, Range 17 E a t t . Bolte AAerldlan. City of T w in P a llt, Twin Pallt County, Idaho, m ore par>

-,.tlcularly detcrlbed as followt:

Commencing at tt»e N W corner of L o t '4, Block 1 of the Puddy Sub. dlvition of Lot I of tald PIretlde ' S u b d lv lt lo n ; thence North «9 degree* 90 m lnutet Weal alono the < North line of the tfreef r ig h to l-w e y a d ltta n ce of 135.t3faette a ^ n t o n the E a tt line of U t 9 of the PIretlde . S u b d lv lt lo n ;- thence • N orth *9 degreet 30 m lnutet Waal atonp the North line of the itreet rtg h t-^ -w a y

■ a dittance of 43.40 feet to the true point of b ^ ln n ln g ; thence 341,10 feet alono the arc of a SO foot radlut curve to the left whote rad lu t point It South 40 degree* 40 m lnutat W etf •.

dittance of 50.00 feet from the true ilnt-of-baglnnlng. to a DOlnt-Wtilctt— . South 0 degree* 40 minute* Wett a

dittance of SO.OO feet .from the true point of b e glm in g ; ttience North 19 degreet 30 minute* Weat along.Ihe South ttreet ripht-of-w ay Una ........................... jf .fe i* ■-dlttancfl.-of. M .s fJe tt ..!

thence l4orth 0 deoreea Eatt a dittance of SO.Ojoint on the

fe e t-fo . i -p o ln t i_ .eea 31 minute*

. SO.OO feel to a line of the street

Whence South

. _ repretenled by S4.31 tha re t o ilHoward E a rl Capltaf Stock (n the Tw in Pall*

Canal Co., being about S7.70 acret of land, and together w jlh all Im - provem entt titualed Ihereon.


To w nth ip 10 South, Range 17, E .,B .M .: Section 10! N E '^ N W * ^ E X ­C E P T the SV^NE<ANWUt and theW *t1435 lee t of t he N W Ut N E N W Ut.Together with water rights sp- Qurtenant thereto at rep re u n te d by 10,S4 th a re t of capital itock In Ihe T w in F a llt Canal Co., being about >0. IS acr«*c o f land, and together w/lh all Im provem entt tlluated thereon.


Lot 35 In Orchalara Subdlvltlon,T w in F a llt Counly. Idaho, according

• to th a . plat thereof recorded In ...______

rights a t rapreaented by 13.30 tharea of capital ttock In -Tw in Palls Canai Com pany, being about 10 acre* of land, and togettier with all Im'

i titualed "

by the principal or h it agent, .. . oertonally at the u l e or b y m all. R IV A T B Bidt m utt be tor all the landt. If Ihe

> land! are not told on the above data, lha tale w ill be adjourned until tha

............. ................. . . . _____________ >axl Wednesday al the tam e hourT H E -S T A T E OP ID A H O .' IN A N D w d continued on each tucceeding

C a u No. 4N O r iC e O P S A L B O P



' M A G IS T R A T E O IV IS IO N -in theAAatterolIhe C uardlanihip of H A R R Y M . BEAM , An incom peUnt pertoh..

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N tliatthe undertlgned Forreet C. Tow te, . . . ----------------------------- - - ---------------- -Guardian of lhi|>eraon and etfafe of icheduledtettlonsprovldad theland

Mednatday, until the landt are told X- until the tale It term inated. Bidt lent b y m all w ill be contldered o n ly f received at tha Land Offlce,'B olt«, Idaho prior to 1:00 p .m . on June 3, 1971. Late filed u a l M bidt and u ale d bidt not received for coh-' (Ideratlon at one tettlon will be held

Ion at tu cce e d in g

_cconnpany the o ffer and the balance to be paid upon con. firm atlon b y Ihe u l d Court. Texes, rents, operation artd m a^tenance expenses to t>e attum ed by the Purchasers, and prem ium s on In- ■uranc* acceptable to Ihe Pu r-

, c h a te rt are to be prorated at lo the data of confirmation of the u le recording and conveyance. Pu r- c h a te rt will re lm b u rte u lle r for the following Item s: (1 ) water m alh- tenance. (3 ) seed and flK tliiie r, (3 ) and cath expended lor 1971 crop.P u rcha tert to receive Seiier't tha n , of cro p only »*ilch It subject to le a u lor 1971 to C .M . Rum felt, u I d le a u expiring N o v e m b e r.1/1971.

Seller to furnish title Insurance or abstract oftllle u p o no o nllrm a llono r. tha u la ,

.> «i. r»i iiivuf.i IW.H, rw- . - . . r ... .............UhdeTsigned E xe cuto rw n i’w ) tTie 10th d a y ^ M a y!'iw 'l7 w '' m I already twen’ toFdr Bl'dV'tant by »he right lo reject any and

. . . . ----------J ............- - ,10 the mail m u tt-b e in u a le d envelopet w.*.

C a te N a .T4 * P R O V IN G W IL LN O T IC B O P T IM B A P P O IN T B D IN T H B D IS T R IC T C O U R T O P T H E

FOR P R O V I M o m t P IP T H J U D IC IA L D l i T R iC T ININ T H B D IS T R IC T C O U R T O F T H E S T A T 6 OP ID A H O , IN A N D



E S T A T E O P L U R A E L S IB H A N E S .Deceaied. — ......... -

P U R S U A N T T O A N O R D E R of -1971. notlcu l d A A ^itlra ta s Court, m ede on the T u e w l a y , ,---------^ .................- • ■ ' “ 1971, notice Is al 10 i00o 'c l o c t A . ^ ; 6 r^ u ld d a y ,a t

Tuesday, th* 29th the courtroom ol u ld Court. In the icTiDO o 'clock Judicial Bull<Uno of the Countv

P U R S U A N T to an order of u ldCourt, made on the 3rd day o l AAay.

-1971. notice It harafay given that trates Court, m eda on the Tuesday, t h a . ^ j a y of MsyV 1971,

H a rry M . Beam, an I for which any bid Is submitted hai

» d day of AAay, 1i hereby given that Tueday ol M a y . 1971, a l _____________ __________ ----------A .M .o lta id d a y. In the Court Room C o u rlh o uu In the City ol Twin Falh of u l d AAaalttratat Cburt In the Counly o l T w in F a llt, Idaho/ hiJudicial Building In the O t y o f Tw in bean appointed aa the lim e and p iK e Palls, C b in fy o fT w ln F a JIt, M ate of lor proving the W ill of said CtorothyIdaho, hkt appointed a* the M . Bond, deceased, and for hearing

thereafter, sell i l p r iv a te , hlghett and b*tl bidder,

.te rm s and condlllons herelforth and subject to conllrrnatlon by d rafit, or i the above namtd D Itlrlc t Court, all payable to

accompanied b y money o rder, bank

' or c a ih le rt ' checkt made the ' Bureau of Land

. N O T IC B T O C R B D IT O R SIN T H E D IS T R IC T C O U R T O P T H E F IF T H J U D IC IA L D IS T R IC T O F pro vem enlt i T H E S T A T E O P ID A H O , IN A N D IF O R T H E C O U N T Y O F T W IN F A L L S

M A O IS T R A T E D IV IS IO N --------------------------In the AAatter of Ihe E tla le of m ln ltlra to rw lll _______

e s t a t e o f E V E R E T T 0 .H A G E R , w h ote fu ll n a m e It E V E R E T T G R A N T H A G E R ,D E C E A S E D .

u l d H a rry M . Seam, In and to Ih*following detcrlbed real p ro o erly : --------- -------------- ------------------------- -----------------

• --------

■ { i d i f p f u t ^ S i ^ J t l S ^ ^' iho un above. Ttie envelopet

J thereon.

All b i d ! -o r offars must be In w rilln a and w ill be received tfy the in ders lgnad E x e c u to r and A d -

......................... h Will Annexed at lha

Real eilata illuate In Tw in . Counly, Slate ol Idaho, to w it:

Idaho, hat been appointed a* ine m . oono, oeceateo, ana ror neefinutim e w d place for proving the Will th* application o l S. .Wallace Bendof Lure ^ t l e Hanat, daceaaad, and tor the luuance to him of LaHers for h e a ring Ihe a p p lic a tio n o f Teetem entary, wAten and where anyHerbert H .lTanas tor th* Issuance to perton interested m ay appeer andhim of Lallers Teatam entery, M*ten contest sam f. end where any person interested D A T E D AAay 3, 19M^ m ^ a ^ » r _ y d _ c ^ t e « l ^ ^ e s a ^ H ^ A .

I .H .A , Lancaster . _ Daputy O e rkClerk o l the D It tr k i court - (S E A L l ......... ............... .

l f r T H B T > l 5 T » y i c r T : D U R T - 0 » ^ n iS n P S M tr W O t * * ----------------------— P U B U lS r t t -M e V -V t t -a n d -M r -m i— accepted a e a j— .......... . _ ------------------------------------------------------------------ “ --to llo w in g

all bidt.Daled th it 3Mh da y of April 1971.

R .J . M I N S H A L L , ■Executor

P U B LIS H :.A A a y 6 I . 13, 1971.

“ civ iiN e .'jf l'a a ’' A N 0 TH B R S U A 4 M 0 N S

r ig h t-o f -w a y degrees 30 m lnutfa East along the North r lg h to f w a y line a dittance of 14.40 feet to the true point of


C IL AAay 9. 1971.S IG N E D B Y T H E M A Y O R M a y X

1971.F R A M K h . p e l d t a a a nAAayor

A T T E S T :E D Y T H E D . K O Q N T Z City Clerk “P U B L IS H ; AAay 4. >971.

O H D IN A N C I N O . ISM An ordinance o l the C ity o4 Tw in

Falla, Idaho, accepting d ^ l c a l l « t of public street right of w a y from Volco Builders Supply of T w in P a llt, In c .-

W H E R B M - V o lco B u ilder's Supply of Tw in Palls, Inc.. a cor-

Cation, has conveyad to the City of in Palls,ildaho. a right of w a y for

public street p u rp o u a *nd it ap- peers lo r the best Interests of ttM

^ | T w i n Palls lo accept u l d

BE I T ' o R D A IN B D B Y T H B M A Y O R A N D C I T Y C O U N C IL OP T H B C I T Y O F T W IN P A L L S . ID A H O :

That the' dedication and «o n ' ^ance b y Voice Builder's Supply i i i r r P aiti,'in c.7 t < a r t » » Btiu n .m -

— City of T w in Falls, ldatw.,.for public strea)

►40TICE Is hereby oWeh by, the un d a rtlgn e d E x e c u trix to Ihe credltort of and all perton* ttaving

- f l i i m a ra a iT n a l B V E R E T T - O . , ^ ^ E R , deceatad, o r h it estate, to exhibit them with the nacewary vouchers, w ithin fo4>r months attar the first publicatlert o fth ls nollca to' the u l d Executrix at the law offlcet of S T E P H A N , B A L L E IS B N A N D S L A V IN ,T w ln Pall* B a r ^ . l i T ru tt C o m pany Bulldlno< T w in P a llt , '’ C t ^ l y of T w in Palls, Stale of Idaho, ^ I s being fixed lo r .the tra nu ctlo h of t ^ business of u i d aetata.. D A T E D this .J7th. day of A p ril. 1971. - '

*• S U O tE a . H A O E R Exacutfix « f the Estate

> ^ J v e ^ O . Hager,

the u l d AAaglstrate Division at any tim e after Ihe first vpubllcatloff of this Notice, and before mAkIng sale; and that Ih* u l d u le w ill be made o n o ra «ta r

a f tealed bidt Have b*en opened w id the highest u a le d bid announced. The hlghett bidder declared at the

Together with all and singular Ihe u le will be raoulred to P»V Im - te nem ents, h ire d lla m e n ts and mediately the full a m o u niW the bid,'

•ep«ort*nenc** theraunto b e lo n«iA or-too e lhe rw ith thacoil.of.p6bllC*t»on.Th e term s and conditions o l u l e *nV adverse claim ants of the a ^ y *

a re a tta lio w s iC a s h , lawful money oescrlbed iM d ^ I d file their of the United State*; Ten percent of cla lm t, o r objectloni, with the un- th e a m o u n tb ld lo b e p a ld a tth e tlm e dertlgned on o r before the tim e ofacceptanceollhebld/thebaiance deslgnaled for the u le . Any con- on confirmation of tale b y u l d tlguouso\w»erclelmjng apreference ( ^ r t ^ e a l d pfop^fty w llj be told

1143, Sale Hald June X 197K" Oral T H E P IP T H J U D IC IA L D I& T R IC T ’ Deputy Clerkbids will be received at the u le attar O F T H E S T A T E O P ID A H O , IN P U B L IC H M Uy 4, 13 •> 3b, 1971.

..................................... . . . A N D F O R T H E C O U N T Y O P T W INP A L L I

B E T T Y E L K IN S , N a lntlff, v t .Jam ee Elkins, Di '



w/1 « . d . m i . policy w ill ,

T H E S T A T B O P ID A H O S EN D S O R E E T .IN a S T O J A M B S E L K IN S , T H E A B O V E -N A M E D D B P E N - D A N T l

Y O U A R B H E R E B Y Nolitled that

you In ihe W str I d Court of the*FI?th JOdiclal District, el tt>e 'Slete of

■ • T w m Palls County

-a n d -tti* -5 e lle f* - -w l l l-lu m ls h -t lt le Insurance, Including O rde r COn- lirm in o Sale.

A su m equal to ten per cent . (10 percent) of the amount bkt must accom pany each bid as aernest m o n e y .'Th e Executor and the Ad- m in ls tra to r w ith W ill Annexed reterva th* fight to reject any andall bids. , • - ..........

Dated] A p ril 34, 1971. .R O B E R T 'E . H A N S IN G '

• EMecutor of th* Estate of Am eai Hantlng. Decaased.

R IC H A R D H A N S IN O Adm inistrator w ith W ill

. Annexed of the-Estate of . Stella HansJng, paceated,

P U B L IS H I April a f jL M a y 4, 1971.

. r- - : V . J

----------------------------Wuranca^poMcv’ w ili m e n c in g o n t h e c ia y a H a r lh e ^ u o f ________be d e ffve red .fe ftia purcha*4tr bidding and the a n o o v n c e m e n to fW a m d p | «

N O T IC E o W i M B ’ a p p o i n t e d IN T H E 'O l V R i C T C O U R T OP T H BP O R P R O V IN O W IL L P IP T H JU D IC IA L D IS T R IC T N


S n d V ”o®r t h V c o S n t y 5 p ^ J n ' a a m i s t r a t e d i v i s i o n . ■

s'p^'vsK s .) !’H*iK';.rKSioSs,K5;-3:

'■ P U . W A N T - U P U R S U A N T T O A N O R D E R Ol O B u rl,m a d e o n tfte j^h d a yo l AprH*

le W t . natlea is neraoy oiven m ai . It T u a id W , m e 3 «h day of M a y , i m ,

____ m t - I t A.ML e l saM at

r i s r . i ^ 5 f s £ ! ! : - 5 s s s r 'atea dsurt In m * ^ '

I abova^tamad pialntIN an4 u i d AAaglitrates Court, made on th< a hereby directed to » d day of M a y , m i , notica Ilaa/^to m a M M CbmplaJot hereby o lv m tfta f Tuesday, l f i « 2 m

SW U iN W ia m o re p a rtlcu . described aa followai Gammanclna et ttta N4rthaaat corttar of aald sw UtNW Uti thenca West along m a '

- rw. wluB lit T w i n ^ iw «li________ - ....... -w riting and. dtllvared to -th e un- rjecelved. Por reim bursem ent to appear and plead to u l d O h ,dertlgned Guardian at m e oHIce of owneraof a u t h o r l ^ im pfovam anls w ifh lntha tim a ^ a l n speclfled.m AP . C . S h e n e i^ e r , Bank ^ Idaho on the land* and o th «; ra o j^e m a n ts , plalntllf w ill taka judamant apalnst~ no. Tw in Pallt, Idaho, o r m ay u « 43 C P R Z7i1.t. Th e , andf yob as p ra ya tfin said Com plSlnt.

- ■ - ---------* — - -• Y o u are further iwtKled that m eO m p ia in t filed ageinst ypv U for

BUildlno .'_____ ______________ ____ba f l M in the Office of m e Clerk . the above entniid Court at a n y tlm<

“ , r ,.......... .. .................... ... . . . . . J , hat

i ia ta o f beanappolntadaam atlm aandplaca aa m a 'lv p f v v k t o f f t * W ill a f M id O a m ^

lace lo r proving m a .W ill .P . Knlg^a* ^* <M fa<i« .M d

D A T E D )971.

F O R R E S T C. T O W L E ’ Guardian ef m a parson and estate of H a rry • M . B a a m .ta in-

P U bT . 1W I

.IStti 'da y o l Ap **!!'

described tn this n o tk a iha ll ba lagregated from ali form s of ap* p ro p rla tio n . In ciu d in o location Divorce.

o f T w in Palia< Watio.of^Twin Palis, H a te of b a a n a p ..................................

___________lan appointed aa m a ' I o r p iw>e and place for p ro vtn s m a .W ill , P . K n l . . . .

of Earaati 8 . L a n c ^ a r .^ la e a ia M / tiaw m g t^a

ifd ln g ln m a C lt y e f T«yln CtouityPails, Countyof T w in Palh ----------------------------------

I bain --------------

o l K n lg ^ forth a ls a iN n ca te La w re n caM iy % l? ia b e m L a iv c W Jr t l T l h a M lo S a of 'Tert» w y t <ry«

N o rm iln a o fs i_____menca soum • d w iEast, ahM s m a ^ w i t . ------------------ _La^uM a tra a t4 M ta a t* e m a p o lA to f bevmnlnat m aiK * W M t p a ra iM ito

p ^ a ila i to m a Baat bpunBarytsf aald m N W ^ M f M U m a n c a . ' l M t>NW t t Maf; iMnca.‘ lMi\

W v W ’& l S J n U i

m tn lM law* from m a data b lk a tlo n o tm is n o tlM . Por tha i

^ A p ril, \w f,

rntperaoh.Aprll•3^ M t M a y 4,

Faderal B u lld in e .U D W .P o rt Street. B o lw , I0atio i o t Si •

■ O R V A L O . H A D L B Y AAanHget*, Lend Office <

P U B L iS H i A p ril 1 ,0 5 , ta . I f and M ay 4 , 1V1. ........................

W iT N E S S M y hand and maaaal of District Courts this 2 « h da y b l I I, m i .H Jk . L A N C A S T E R aark • 'a -C L B O R D B IN IO N '

P U B u f H i ^ la y ’*, w , ao i . w i .

lu u a n c e to he riM w .n i . . IV . . . . La tte r* M w i a i^ whara any parson In* T e a la n > < y a n ^ ^ a n ^ tereslad m a y appear and ^OQtest

f it M a y , W H . ° { i t ^ l j K c A r r E ” * '^ ' r‘“^s H J ^ . Lancaeter'

, a t r k a f m a O M rlc t court By a sadia DaOlaaDeputy O artt

P U B L IS H 1 M a y ft M , m i

' By 4 - S A D tB O s O L B I , '' ’ Deputy a e rk (S B A L ) • ■P U B L IS f li A U y 4. IX and M , m i .

P A S S B D B Y T H t f C ( T Y COUN* C IL M A Y ],* m i .

t lO M E O B Y T H t AAAYORi iw i* ,

. - - . - . [ n m K K - A w t i R i o .

A f t ^ C . . '■'•'v' .

, P U B L I I ^ i ^ ^ ^ ' - w i .

30 TlinM Novw, Twin Falta, Idiho ■niurid»/,''M»y 4. ><'!

Ceylon ch ief face danger matter course takenCOLOMBO; Ceylon <UPI)-

Prlme MinUter Mrs. Sirlmavo' Bandaranalkestands at a perilous crossroads In Ceylon and pondem whether to turn left or right;Qr try the middle..She faces d ^ e r and almost

insoluble problems no matter which way she goes, and thcro

-that sprang from further to the loft than any of them.

Youthful Marxist rebels rose in -conccrted anger AprU 5 against the^.slowness of Mrs. Bandaranalke'SJnarch toward

a Socialist future.*Unsatisfied with a cradle-to-

grave socialism on a scale that

towa(d Uie middle road. At the the not entlr.ely . unpopular pounds of rlto plus the right lo very . least, the ^y lonew position .h^r youthful enemies ^ ^ b n o th e r two pounds, at a

government wiU be forced to have adopted. , price of leas than

—cu n m ly ^b r tiium a ahead for-:not even, the rlohost-countriis

the IS million people of this’ In the world could affordi Island in t^eJndlan Op«an.. youngsters opting f o r .^ even

For the past month Mrs. "purer Boclaliam” took to the Bandaranalke's government— Ijunglea to deslroy-a-leadec.ffbo Itie lf a coalition of leftists, already was moving in their SociaHsts, Comhuhlst's - and dlrecUon aaquickly as possible^ IVotskyltes—has been fighting “ The'resulting crisis threatens for Its life against an encmv to force Mrs. Bandaranalke

ave HOOpWM. , ' OUUOIU14CUreduce Socialist benefits in No master wMich w«y'she five cents,ordertopayforltsdefenses. At goes, the people of thin Every citizen is guaranteedthe most, the womw» prime resplendent but--poor Island that his children ^ 111 receiveminister who , always has nation could be in for months absolutely free an education upbelieved in 6 Socialist solution or oven years of ' tunnoU, to and including college orcould be pushed into a rightist Instability and civil war. * university level,

partnerahb—with- chief ._For_alinQaLi5 years Ceylon-.-From.these.two guarantefis. defcnderfl7 the army and pollco“ has offerotk'lts jcltizens m o ^ spring most of Mrs. Bandara-establishment^. benefits per capita thian any nalke’s present difficulties with

■Hie only-'other of her possible other ttatlon in the world. U e her couhtrymcn and their

routes, would-. be_for .Mrs- benefits include free fo<xl, free children.Bandaranalke to move over to rfudatfon', free health care and ” She won office in IOTO;^on'a

- lh e - v e ry - e itr e n iU c f t .a n d jm f lh _ Ju b 3 lfe iL t r ,e n 8 P Q il._______________^ “ ve M v ^ th M her

Ceylon Into Peklnl • brand Every clUxen Is guaranteed d coallUon almost WTper cent ofcommunism In order to co-opt fk-ee weekly ration of two-the ISl-seat parliament.

Bandaranalke fulfilled her foreign policy campdign promises to the letter — breaking relations with Israel, establishing firmer relations with the Soviet Ui^on anid Communist Chlria and new relations with North Kored and' North Vietnam.

~ Before thr.election jihe;«)oke: glowingly of how Communist nations would*be happy to leap to Ceylon's economic rescue

with m illions of dollars In badly^teeded foreign aid.

irHM 'bflcn~nirddwnhlirf her ever since.


iV O T IC KRunning irrigation water or waste water on Highway right of way, other than rti legal­ly established ditches, is in violation of Ida-

.ho..Code #18-3907. aad is subject to a, $300 fine7 , - ............. '

■ W .G ; Kinyon .Pt'esident

Skylark BreadFrench R e gular o r S e io m e Seed


Hershey Instant


FROZEN FOOD DISCOUNTSFrozen fooda wo 6oll aro harvontod, procosaod and quick-frozon n t ponk goodnoflK. And y»o mako nure they ntny th n t way for you l Thoy'ro ruHhbd to yoiir SnCowny in fr o o z o r trucks, thon whiskod into Htorngo or displny cahoh whoro tomporoturea nro alwnvfl kopt under rigitl control. Constnnt vigilnnco on tho part of our people, working w ith cnre- fully-maintQinod, modern equipment, helps uh mnke Hure you tnke homo tho very finest every time you buy frozen f o o d s a t Safeway. W e mako sure y b u h h v o money, too. Just

check our low discount prices!

Bel-air Pour *'n StorePour.-What-You Need . . . Store Tho Rost

VegetablesMixed VegetaBTes; Green Peas,

. G o l i j p n C o r n o r P e q s a n d C a r r o t s . . - -

StrawberriesCalifornia — Largo Fancy

2 8 ‘

Fancy Bananasjco . . A iw c

1 2 <

S afe w ay Produco . .■. A lw a ys Best

1CPotolott 10<lb.

U.S No. l'» Boa



SealRichs CoKee Rich Devil Food Cake i

Heafh Bar I;:"" Frostie Dogs Green Peppers Bel-air Onion Rings Tafer Treats


ilolliinil Moul*




rend French Fries

Idaho "Ausset Red Leaf Lettuce [<3 Golden Carrots Navel Oranges Beet Greens iZI,





Jumbo Paiscal Celery 28 Yellow Onions C 46'Large Avocados “ “r"- 22' Orange Juice fot.”?:. o E 94" Breakfast Prunes L";''” Il'S 68"

PotatoesIdoho^Russot — U.S. No. 2's

2 0Seedless Raisins Evaporated AppleSSu VC 48"

-lb.bog 8 2


Mouii 78"


Bel-air Vegetables Banquet Fried Chicken John's Pizza Bel-dir Sausage Pizza Meat Pies Banquet Buffets


Raisin Nut Bread siu!"' Hot Dog Buns SrX' Barbecue Buns 1,':?!“;'“ Skylark Buns

Oalmaol. Suoai^ O V t l l c S C>>o(olol« Ctilp, Coconuf

Graham Crackers .’“Ii;,L*mon rill«d

Cinnamon Rolls , Nabisco Cookies Nabisco Fig Newtons




Uk. lp„l

I-lb. loaf

8.«eunt Po<b


|.<ounlPm Ii

M b.

K g .

I4 .« l. H#,


H b.


Safeway Discount Stores In All

Off These Towns:*Boite. *Jeronio *Payelte *Pocatollo

Welter Gooding - Rupert - *CaIdwoir

Burley *Nampa


*ldaho Falls

M o nlpelier

*Tw in Fall*

*Mtn. H om e


Prune Juice llZ Prune JuicT '^;; 7“ Chili with Beans L"".". Starkist tuna s T

A n d J 'O n ta r io , Oregori

Lasaone o.«r 40hii. - Can m .

Lucerne Yogurt OuoH

, Cnrton



RavioliSpaghettiBeefaroniSpaghettiBeefaroniCbili Con Carne

“c"' 79" ” 'c;; 37"


82" ^Whipping Cream!lu<*rne .NAn«.B4ilU/:__ I,SU 9t-


0*nnli«n't Wllh ft,ani



Bounty Stew Miracle Whip Gold 'n Soft Margarine

. C h e e se JS p r f ia d - .,': :" ,; ,^

Mazola Margarine s',’ u '”' ' Toothbrushes Toothbrushes Toothbrushes Dental Floss i : ; * '

Thil AdvartUement Effective Thru Next Sunday, May 9, 1971

*The«e Stofe* Open Sunday



Ivory SoapSoa Camoy Soap Col

yest Deodorant Soa| -Lava-Hand-Soap Comet Cleansert l A U f M I # SafUntrl / o w n y Sp,,la| Patk

Top Job liquid Mr. Clean Liquid J L 'r " Biz Pre-Soak


B PRICE - PRICE ■ ^ PRICE PRICE bKP a r Detergent

» F re «'Jo E n i/ m e t

6 6 *

P ho ipho ta Free N o N .T .A . or N o E n i/ m e t

m i



English MuffinsMri. W rlght'i Brand

■ X

Motor OileP Brond - 20 or 30 W .lflhl

: i r :

0 purchot* of 131.13, my gro<*flil <o«t t3r40 l«i|

' n a) onolktr tttajor food Slor*.

Mr*. Sandrd Eoff G ra ng er, U t a h ' r

SKoppIng Tilt Auth»nll<al*d An

Mdapandcnt Rctvaith firm. , «i



Lucerne YogurtFIflaan Fruit Flavori

Hair-Plnl 2 4

' 1

Romania remains nation of contradictionsT h u rs d a y , AAjfy 6, 1971 T ln i| n -N « W » , T w in F a lf i, ldahpr< 31

By PHIL NEWSOM 'UPI t^orelgn Newf AnalyatBUCHAilEST, nomanlfl -

Herib iii this capital of . Communist Romania, the youth

dancing the fnig alre 'Just 'as disjointed, the music just as lou<l, the.beat as relentloss as. anywhere In tho Wdst. Hie mini

In the warm spring oycnlngs, window shoppCTS throng -the' streets and at ihe, ^nd of a holiday, automobile headll^ts

- gleam: In _ a -secmlngly.endUess. -strlng-along'the-narrow hlgh-'

way leading across the flat

plain lo Buchar^t ^rom the without missliig a b ^ t , Jusl as resorts in the'TransylvanU •In''th^. past they balanced moimtalnfl to the north. between occupations by the;‘ -'It is the fbok of-ease and> Slavs, the Austro-Hungarians' relaxation, and even of prosper- . and the Turks. ( !

■ Ity. , ■ ’ ' . The Romanians are .used toIn this country of contradic- outside rule and to sacrifices.,

tions, it is a picture neither Today’s Romanian rulers wholly true nor wholly false. have for a decade presided over

— In mor«'than 2,000-y«arS'Of—a-determined'de^RussitloaUon- hlstoryy the J to n x a n l^ haye^ which has achieved an le a rn t to live with circumstan* Impressive bconomlo growth- ces, to switch from fascism . rate and a large measure of during the German occupation bdepondenqe.

_under_HlUer_to_the_ Uuasian___ Yet.as_th9:Ilomanlan_econq-

■ communlsn|“'0f Josef stalin my'hna advanccd ofTaTr^to'irf' after World ^Var I l almost around six p ^ cent per.year.

the komanlan ■ people ,have‘

existed pn^ one of the lowest s ta n d a ^ of livtng' Withln the Europew Communist bloc.'

3 ut as. the government has jessed Its c ^ p a ig n of inde­pendence from Moscow, it also has paid in ^ a s in ^ attention to the problem bf popular support.

— I f - l h ^ - a r e ^ a i 7 - o f - e t p r e s 9 ' ‘ ing a political opinion, l^ma-

-nlans at least no longer fear to .visit with an American.

For a decade there |tavc.t>een j lt lc ^ B l_ ;8 h 0 v r .;tr la ls ..a n d

released. Police* cohl?61s h a v e ’ S h aken by-«TCnta In *P o land . strikes and the fa ll o f the

become lefts obvious. ' where labor unrest led to Wladlslaw Gomulka govern­ment, the Romanian' regime'

_ ' ' . ' has promised its workers a 20

Blockade hearing orderedSJ,en!l!mm.Vrl*Z!an Increase In family and other social allowances' ' and an Increa i^ voice for labor In the !management of.lnduatry.______

BOISE (UPI) - Idaho's Pu­blic Utilities CommMon has ordered a 'public hearing ;for

'May M in Sandpoint bti a com­plaint Uiat Burlington Northern, Inc.7 "m a y b o blocking })ublic. hlgliway railroad grade cross- InKs. • , ,-The PUC Issued tiie complaint,

to begin at 10 a.m., pdt, at tho , Washington Water Power Com-

pany. building, in Sandpoint... J

It took the action after prod­ding from the Governor’s office . on complaints from Sandpoint citizeng that long freight trains

block grade_crQS3lr





Odrinaa (an K«lp you iK«tom ilim parton /o« wont to b« Odrinaa ii o tiny IqIjUi end «ot- >ly twulloMfd Conta<ni no don' ytrout dcugt — No ilo<»«g 4o ' tptcidl 0 * 1 lid o* •**•« •lot und li«« longer. Od«m «« iKoi ' b««n gt«d tuc^aiilull/ Viy Ihou' MiMilj oil ov«r lh« <ount»y lof ov»f 1? yfl<ir\ ' Odrinva <o“ ' n .3S pim- »«iii on[| ''tK» Iqi■jnnomu p[ii» H ii~miiil'lol* uoly jgl 0' V°U' mone^

'Will.b# I«<undii4 bV~yoor «j7ug- ,'uilt. N a i|u«tl>ont (Iikod A ((tp i

no «ubtlilul«t. Sold iwith IhiiQuiiront** by<

C R O W L fY -i .W A t M X C r ~ •T44M AIHAVP&: '


Fancy Fryers.A . Inspected holosomonoss

3 2 *

U .5 .D .A . Inspected For Wholosomenoss

W h o l o .


Ground Beef■Package “Y o u -I 'rlco Per PoundsaBuy A n y SIrd Package “Y o u -N e e d

A t 'This Prlco Per Pound

PonRtodyFryer Drumsticks

Fryer Thighs Fryer Breasts chunk Bologna Rib Roast SaUwa/ Tflmm*d I . 1.19

. 56 56 76-


Beef Short Ribs t r r . . 49- Chuck Roosf Round Steaks c

t. 69"______________________oJ.29-

Freshly Groun^Chuck u, 73-Baron o' Beeff....... .I U.S.O.A. CUI(«


Sliced Bacon Sliced Bacon ItS:.', ., Sliced Bacon

LitiU S illU ri

Ben«l«ti & Koll«< Pork Boilon BuMi

Link Sausage Party Roast


Mother's D ay Layer Cakes

T w o M o lit & Light L a y a ri of W hha Cake C o v e re d W llh Duttorcream Icing a n d

Do corafod W ith C oco nu t & S ugor R o ie i

Dial AerosolA n ti P e rip lra n t


2 Layer 8-|[ich 1 . 4 8

Fresh Strawberry Pies 1.48 Cinnamon Rolls ,“X ' : 12,.,68'‘ Butterilake Dinner Rolls ,„i. 4- Chocolate Eclairs ...i, 18- Fruit Pies


French Bread Oven Fresh Hard Rolls Coffee Cakes Sugar Doughnuts Glazed Doughnuts

t ’Ib.Uaf 38-

4- 76-5-'



Jell Well Puddings Z



U .« i .


Nalley's Lasagne Jell Well Puddin Figaro Cat Food Friskie Cubes Dry Dog FoodCalo Cat Food ‘""■Vets Dog Food'



Friskie Cubes L f ” 50 4.96rood

Friiklai , Cub« « r Mix


Th it«VarUllai


ISW el.


15-.1 0 -



Van Camji Pork & BednsT/; 30-


Water Soften* Klnp.

Shredded Wheat Campbell's Soup Stuffed Olives ' Maniuiii|lu Mandarin Oronges w i. IWaxim Coffee Crisco Shortening

Z 1.14

. Fam ily Pack — First 8i Center Cut

l . “ ‘6 aCanned Hams lH;:;!;' S:l‘-„4.78 Boneless Ham SZl.,.r «. 1.69 Fish Sticks .11. 64-Turbo^Fish Fillets 1;:; '' ib 59-

FrankfurtersSlerling Skln le u

5»*M b . fkg.

Top Sirloin Steaks cm..'" it 1.69 Top Round Steaks Chol(« iL 1.39 T-Bone Steaks 1.49lego'lambS; ,t;r

Mb.Pk«. 64- Lamb Rib Chops U.S.D.A.

C h «l(« 1.19


Milk Bone for Small Dogi 44-Pigin sr ledlitd


Toothpicks blomend Krond 7S(P<aun( 13-

Close*up ToothpasteS pecial Pack

4 .6-o z.Tuba 6 a

Pla lW M d PUkt .r « d a e «

Facial Tissue T u . 24?Disposable D ia p e r s ^ t / ^ r Disposable Diapers VV,' 93- Disposable Diaper$;:X'.‘ 93-

Marshmalldw Puffs

TYPICAL SAFEW AY DISCOUNTSSuperChrom ium^ SdikklnjectorBlades

$Mpe Mouthwash ‘f ' Johnson Bahy Oil'^ Fasteeth Denture Adhesive

7 9 t



' ' X 9 9 ^

6 3 ^

I KWmdo» C le « i« : : ,r ” 'S 52' "Oven Cleaner '"•M.14Woolite Powder


1.17Liquid Floor W a x , / t ”: 1.46 Purex Liquid Bleach 24- White King Soap ^»t1-35

’ C d k ^ M l X 6 S ~ A l l loyil*MlM.

Candy BdrsCharcoal Briquets 86-

- ’•'ic 30- 76-

MublicoC .i.a l



Charcoal Briquets Tortiato Juice Juice Cocktail

Hord«0M l>


T*wn Hdui* ' VtgotobUt*

^ “• .1 .5 6

6Jr.‘ 45-6ir:53-

t> 'H .

% 34-C«it

10^ 1.J«r


1::; 1.24C .n T9


Fam ily Scott Assorted C o lo rs .

Assorted Color*

‘W Bathroom Tissue @ Scott Paper Napkins # Del Monte Pickles'Ckt T P l f S W a n i o n F r i e d C h i c k e n , T u r k e y , .I V UinnClS M e x i c a n o r B e e f E r i t h i l o d d

4-roll pack

“ ISxS u 5 2 «1 2 -0 *.

pkg. 56rS A F E W A Y LO W S A F E W A Y LO W S A F E W A Y L O W S A F E W A Y LO W S A F E W A Y LO W I


S o va O n La u n d ry .N e e d i G allo n

Cheddar CheeseBatt Buy M ild lo n g h o rn .

3 7 Lb.

Oatmeal BreadS b y lo rk Sliced

Crest Toothpaste■ R agular'tocJjAInt — S pecial Pack

Beet Sugar

■ - r ■.......


Rover ASTRONAUTS David Scol^. rigtit, and Jamcfl Irwin take;' - M c t lc i d r iv ca .^ rd lu na r rover they will use to ex^ore Moon

. w _ Rorface du rios ApoUo set for la u n d T T u Iy U . Car Ifll * l f l O I * S electrically powered and w ill be taken to moon aboard Apollo

' ' ' craft. IVlp will be most cxtensii'e of terle* of mlsiloiu. (DPI)



News O f Record

no rightny LOUIS CASSELS - UPI Senior Editor

. WASHINGTON (UPI)_=rHie Constitution guarantees my. right to dissent from the policies of the U.S. government.

It docs not give me the right to Inflict h a r ^ lp otv Inconve­nience on you in order to dramatize njy discontent.

This Important distinction was overlooked or Ignored by the people (let's stop calling > them "klds”~tho term is wildly Inappropriata )tvbo made an abortive attempt this week to shut down the machinery of the federal government.

These people believe that the war in Indochina Is a wicked waste ol human.llfe. That is a perfectly legitimate point of view. It is shared, according to tho latest public opinion polls, by a clear majority of Americans.

Tt»ey also feel—with reason— that iVesldcnt Nixon has been unresponsive, and even openly contemptuous,-of peaceful d e ­monstrations of opposition to the war.

So, thqy say, the time has come to resort to direct action to disrupt the functioning of the government and compel it to halt tho war.

It is this third step in tholr logic which calls for careful conflldorotlon.

There certainly may bo c lrc i^ lanccs In which moral

’ Buly may drivc 'a "^ rso n to ' ^^ko.hostile .action against his

govcrnmentr d ir'fo re fa thers felt that such circumstances

* existed ln l77C, and most of us would-bo-hlghly- sympathetic - with any Russian, Czcch, Polo or'Mainland Chinese who felt that such circumstances exist in his county today.


Helen WlUiams,Shoshone,$17; Beajrico_Jphnson, IMlss.

“ John Yore, Gooding, ilTSO; Dennis Summers, Gooding. I22T.50; High Somerton. Boise, $2^ ; Rose Hooper, Rigby, |25; I ^ n C. Lelunann, Wendell, 122.50, and Albert Veenstra,. Wendell, W7.50, all' speeding..

Alson Thomas Morris, Wendell, 127.50; David W.

' Sutton, G o ^n g , .12150: John Howsden, Wendell, 117.50; Gregory Nicholas, Hagemian, 122.50; Jack Dlepersloot, Wendell, 117.50; Cari Aslimead, Gooding, $22.50; Robert Kistler. Gooding. 122.50; — Martin Levings, Gosling, (27.50 and |2S; Barbara I^lco, Caroy, 12150; Ellis 0. Siegrlst, Arco,

$25; Judi Hannah, Vancouver, Wash., $17.50; Loluso Rutherford, Bliss, $27.50, and Spencer Toone, Arco, $25, all Bpeoding.

Ralph Tolbot (Wendell Grange Supply), WendeU $10; George Erick^n (L. Meyers), Wendell, $10; Froelen-Barnes, Ilflgerman, $10; Charlton Cross

'(Dana Gilmore), $10, and John Donahue, Hagerman; $10, all failure to have safety in­spection.

---Mark-Lee,-Gooding, $7.50;Audrey M. Harrington, Hsgennan, $T:50;..BUJ Cwpbr, Wendell, $12.50; Connle^Brown, Bliss, $12.50; Harold WarUuft, ' G o ^ n g , $12.50, and Douglas Schrenk, Wendell, $12.50, all stop sign and yield tho ri{^t of way violations.

Eunice Richmond, Walnut Creek, Calif., $25, passing ln> no^passlng zone; Ellis Gooch, Shoshone, $12.50, and Helen (3elsky, ..Gooding, $lZ.50r both" turning from wrong' lane; Sharon J . Wood,-' Gooding,-- $12.50, and Roy A. HcrrOa, Blackfoot,. $5, failure to stop. DoneUa'M.'Bartlome, Qppdlng, $12.50, following too closely.

John Schubert, Gpodlpg,'' $12.50, failure to display two • '

Ucense plates^ John Madarieta, -

Hagerman,- i lO lw , drunk driving. Ray U Jan, Wendell.

driving with suspended or ^ w l ^ license ^ stop and yielB v(olatlons.‘-&en|am1n

Bailey. WendeU, $15, turning In e m e rgency tu rn a ro u n d . Maurice W lldman. Gooding, $12.50. failure to renew registration. Leslie Lynch, Hagerman, $12.50, registration

violation. _ , -A marriage lipense was >

Issued to'Jimmy Wayne Rob­bins and Qieryl Mae' Frokes. Divorces were granted to Oilie Todd from Rebbeca Todd, Jessie Nlciiolas from Thomas C. Nicholas, Robert D. Pugmlre from Stiaron- Marie Pugmlre, Barbara B. Rasmussen from I Ronald S. Rasmussen, Orville Hosford from Barbara Hosford, Sljcrry Rushing from Jolm D. Ruching and-Marvin Allen Schroder from JoAnn K. Schroder.

Divorces were also granted to I Gordon L. O lpo from Kay A. Crlpb, Karon L. Stf icWanil from Ernest D. Strickland, Melvin M. McGhee from Linda Kay McGhec, Rea M. Hill from Glenn Illll, Patricia B. Lewis from William R. Uwls and David H. Evans from Frances

Evans.Betty Jo Rifter from James

H. Ritter, Linda D. Anderson from Jim m y C. Anderson, James M. Beck ,from Emily Bcck, Lavern L. Jones Jr., from Glnora F. Jones and William E. Von DoWater from Elcanore M. Van DeWatcr.


„ BAMD WAGONBvy or Soil

N O N - p O U U r / N G

BESTUNEH e u M K «ld a C o m m e rcia l


P H b N E 7 3 3 -d 6 4 2


UP TO . .Hundreds o f Patterns to Choose from

Pdbco Semigio^s

Acrylic Enamel_.

Reg. $ 1 0 .8 0 $ 1 ^ 9 9

NOW Uool.

' - “ O p e n F r id a y E v e n in g s ' i

SrAfEh A rdvvare

I j;.49 Mlgin Ave. East Tw in Falls}

i " x i o D f t : ......VV4''xi00ft. .....i '^ ' 'x io o lt i .......

'xlooft.SO^LB. AMLEE NSF

y2''xiooft. 3.25y4'/xiooft. j 4.49 PLENTYV”xT00ft i».95 or!'/4"xl00ft. , . 1 1 . 4 5 FREE j1'A"x100 fti . I5 .t5 PMKIMG!! 1-2iixl 00 ft; ; aT:!»5 -

• V

iT w in Falls i?6o Kimtwriy toad, , Phone 733"73043 M IS E ,7 1 Q N .O r c b < ir d , N A M P A , 8 ^ 4 C U v B la n J Blvd


top related