檢視南區欠缺或未符合標準的行人路 identification of missing and sub-standard...

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Identification of missing and sub-standard pedestrian links in the Southern District


Paul Zimmerman District Councillor



CY’s manifesto 2012 : To improve mobility of the elderly and reduce the reliance on transport facilities (where the distance does not justify such usage) and generally for the convenience of our citizens…………. 梁振英2012年政綱: 透過自動電梯及行人天橋網絡,將公共交通樞紐及行人步行系統連接,便利市民,減少對交通工具的倚賴,並方便長者。

SDC Work Targets 南區區議會工作目標

• Enhancing substandard pavement s and connecting intermittent footpaths 改善不合標準的行人路及連接斷續的行人徑

Improving Pedestrian Connections Five-Step Action Plan


1. SDC add section in TTC Progress Report 南區區議會在交通及運輸事務委員會進展報告加入此事宜

2. Transport Department list all known substandard connections 運輸署列出所有未符合標準的行人路

3. SDC members submit missing and sub-standard connections with photographs 南區區議員提交欠缺或未符合標準行人路的相片

4. Government enhances connections when there is slope works, redevelopment, road works, etc 政府於斜坡工程、重建、道路工程等期間改善行人路

5. TD and other government departments report progress regularly 運輸署及其他政府部門定期匯報進展

Narrow footpath – Sassoon Road 狹窄行人路 - 沙宣道

Missing footpath – Sassoon Road 欠缺行人路 - 沙宣道

Obstructed footpath – Crown Terrace 障礙物重重的行人路 - 冠冕臺

Intermittent footpath – Mt. Davis Road 斷斷續續的行人路 - 摩星嶺路

Intermittent footpath – Mt. Davis Road 斷斷續續的行人路 - 摩星嶺路

Lost trails - Kong Sin Wan Village Path connecting Sassoon Road and Cyberport

消失了的鋼線灣村步行徑 – 連接沙宣道及數碼港

Missing crossing for school children Information Crescent

欠缺供學童使用的行人過路處 - 資訊道

Dangerous footpath - Island Road 危險行人路 - 香島道

Intermittent footpath – Island Road 斷斷續續的行人路 - 香島道

Intermittent footpath - Stanley Gap Road – connecting Wilson Trail and Stanley

斷斷續續的行人路 -赤柱峽道 -連接衛奕信徑及赤柱

Dangerous footpath – Shek O Road 危險行人路 - 石澳道

Missing footpath - Shek O Road 欠缺行人路 - 石澳道

Intermittent footpath Big Wave Bay Road connecting Big Wave Bay and Shek-O

斷斷續續的行人路 -大浪灣道 - 連接大浪灣及石澳

Aberdeen Tunnel Road connecting Shouson Hill, Ocean Park and Country Club with bus stops


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