ЗАЯВКА на размещение информации в...

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на размещение информации в образовательном портале КЭУ

Структура/Кафедра Кафедра иностранных языков.

Автор(ы). ст. преп. Жолдошбекова Э.А., ст. преп. Садирова И.М.,

ст. преп. Алымкулова Г.Ж., ст. преп. Асанова Д.К., преп. Сыдыкова Н.А.

Название материала(работы): Учебно-методический комплекс. Вид (тип) материала: УМК

Для направления/специальности: Экономика, Менеджмент.

Профиль/ специализация: Финансы кредит, Бух.учет, Менеджмент в гостиничном


Для размещения в базе данных портала:

Краткое название материала: УМК

Данный УМК является первой попыткой подготовить комплекс для обучения

студентов неязыковых ВУЗов по Болонской системе обучения с применением

современных инновационных интерактивных методов.

Задачей УМК является развитие профессиональных знаний и умений будущего

специалиста, совершенствование иностранной речи студентов в различных сферах

коммуникации (разговорно-бытовой, общественно-политической, учебно-

профессиональной и социально-культурной).


Автор(ы) : ст. преп. Жолдошбекова Э.А., ст. преп. Садирова И.М.,

ст. преп. Алымкулова Г.Ж., ст. преп. Асанова Д.К., преп. Сыдыкова Н.А.

Первое издание + Переиздание-

Руководитель структуры/Зав.кафедрой : Исабекова Б.А

Дата : 28.02.13

Визы :


Министерство Образования и Науки Кыргызской


Кыргызский Экономический университет

Кафедра иностранных языков

Учебно-методический комплекс


Бишкек 2011


Караева З.К. – профессор, д.ф.н., директор Института иностранных языков

Шаршенова Р.М. – профессор, к.ф.н., заведующий кафедрой английского языка и новых

информационных технологий КНУ

Исабекова Б.А. – профессор, заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков КЭУ


Преподаватели английского языка кафедры иностранных языков

ст. преп. Жолдошбекова Э.А.,

ст. преп. Садирова И.М.,

ст. преп. Алымкулова Г.Ж.,

ст. преп. Асанова Д.К.,

преп. Сыдыкова Н.А.

Технический редактор: Бакаева Ж.К.



Пояснительная записка………………………………………………………………………..4

Рабочий план (силлабус)……………………………………………………………………....5

Lesson 1………………………………………………….……………………………………6-9

Lesson 2…………………………………………………...………………………………....9-15

Lesson 3…………………………………………………...………………………………..15-20

Lesson 4, 5, 6……………………………………………………………………………….20-28

Lesson 7…………………………………………………………………………………….28-31

Lesson 8…………………………………………………………………………………….31-34

Lesson 9…………………………………………………………………………………….34-38

Lesson 10…………………………………………………………………………………...38-44

Lesson 11…………………………………………………………...………………………44-60

Lesson 12………………………………………………………...………………………....60-65

Lesson 13…………………………………………………...………………………………65-77

Lesson 14……………………………………………………...……………………………77-88

Lesson 15…………………………………………………….…………………………....89-100

Использованная литература …………………………………………………………..……101



Пояснительная записка

Данный УМК является первой попыткой подготовить комплекс для обучения

студентов неязыковых ВУЗов по Болонской системе обучения с применением современных

инновационных интерактивных методов.

Задачей УМК является развитие профессиональных знаний и умений будущего

специалиста, совершенствование иностранной речи студентов в различных сферах

коммуникации (разговорно-бытовой, общественно-политической, учебно-

профессиональной и социально-культурной).

Цель комплекса – дать студентам знания и умения по английскому языку,

необходимые для успешного выполнения профессиональных функций в сфере

менеджмента гостиничного дела, информации и рекламы в туристическом бизнесе,

организации и рекламы международных конференций, организации экскурсионных туров

на местном, региональном и международном уровнях, государственного регулирования

индустрии туризма.

Материалы для УМК подбирались в соответствии с принципами целесообразности,

актуальности, современности и интересности. Авторы рассчитывают на то, что изучение

этих материалов даст студентам возможность ознакомиться с состоянием данного бизнеса в

Кыргызстане и в некоторых других странах мира и повысить свой профессиональный


Достижению этой цели будут способствовать и образцы реального делового

общения, иллюстрации, заимствованные из энциклопедических и рекламных

туристических изданий.

Каждый урок содержит лексико-грамматический, текстовые материалы, темы для

обсуждения, слайд-шоу с применением ТСО. Тексты уроков взяты из оригинальных

источников с учетом адаптации, и подобраны из аутентичных англоязычных современных

источников (печатных и электронных), в соответствии с дидактическим принципом «от

простого к сложному», и повторяемостью лексических элементов, терминологии и

грамматических явлений. Широкое применение материала не только расширяет кругозор,

но и имеет профессиональную ценность.

УМК рекомендуется для студентов II курса по специальности «Менеджмент и


Естественно, первый УМК такого рода не лишено упущений, и авторы будут

признательны за любые замечания и дополнения.


New Headway


Syllabus for group: СК-12, МГ-12 (1 term)

№ Theme Timing Self-study

(student‘s work)



1 What a wonderful world


2h Unit 1 WB aux. verbs

WB Present time



2 Happiness

The happiest person

2h Past Simple. Past Perfect

Modal verbs of



3 Present Continuous


Sister Wendy

2h Future forms

Like as a verb


4 Presentation

Past Simple Tense

2h Present Perfect tenses

WB vocabulary


5 Telling Tales

Life stories

2h Modal verbs of probable

Present Perfect



6 Past Simple Passive

Grammar exercises

2h Time express exercises

Informal language


7 Doing the right

Modal verbs

2h Vocabulary Pronoun

Reported speech


8 Module 1

9 Role play


Presentation Dial

2h Future forms

Compound words



10 Grammar exercises

Speaking Act

2h Relative clauses

Present Perfect


11 Future forms

On the move

2h Tense review



12 A weather forecast

We must be in Museum

2h Listening activity 2h

13 Sending a fax



14 Likes or dislikes



15 In search of English food

Module 2



Lesson 1

Theme: What a wonderful world


1. Pre – reading task

Students watch the pictures with the drawings. They should be very creative. P.10

2. Reading

Students read the newspaper article to themselves. Allow enough time for this.

They work alone to put the wonders in order of importance.

P. 10-11

Wonders of the modern world

by Ann Halliday

I DON'T believe that today's wonders are similar in kind to the wonders of the Ancient

World. They were all buildings and statues. In the last two centuries we have seen unprecedented

technical and scientific achievements. These are surely our modern wonders.

Here is my list.

1 Computers

They have already revolutionized the way we live and work. But it is early days for computers.

We don't know how much they are still changing the world. More computer wonders are yet to


2 Space Travel

Only a few years before men were walking on the moon, reputable scientists declared that it was

impossible. But in 1969 Neil Armstrong stepped out of his space capsule and made his famous

statement: 'That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind'.

3 Medical Science

Surely nothing has done more for the comfort and happiness of mankind than the advance of

medical knowledge! How many millions of people have benefited from the humble aspirin? How

many lives has penicillin saved? Average life expectancy in Europe has risen dramatically over

the last hundred years, from about 50 years in 1906 to about 75 years today.

4 Holidays

Yes — holidays! In fact there have always been holidays — in ancient Rome there were more than

150 a year — but a holiday used to mean simply a day when you didn't work. Now holidaymakers

travel to all parts of the world. Perhaps you don't like so many tourists in your country, but you

must agree that a phenomenon which sees the population of Greece treble in summer, and which


sends office workers and shop assistants to Spain, Turkey, or the Caribbean is a wonder of the


5 The Olympic Games

It is true that the Olympic Games are now commercialized and there is greed and drug abuse.

However, it is a competition in which every country in the world takes part. Every four years, for a

brief moment, we see these countries come together in peace and friendship. We feel hope again

for the future of mankind.

6 Agriculture

In 1724, Jonathan Swift wrote, 'Whoever makes two blades of grass or two ears of corn grow

where only one grew before serves mankind better than the whole race of politicians'. In Europe

our farmers have done this. In 1709, whole villages in France died of hunger. Now, in Europe we

can't eat all the food we produce. If only the politicians could find a way to share it with those

parts of the world where there is still famine.

7 We are still here

The last wonder of the modern world is simply that we are still here. We have bombs that could

destroy the world but we have not used them. This is surely the greatest wonder of all.

3. Comprehension check

Students discuss their answer in pairs.

4. Grammar

Students work in pairs to write in the correct. P. 11(language work)

1 Computers_________ already revolutionized the way we live and work.

2 We_________know how much they_________still changing the world.

3 Only a few years before men______________ walking on the moon, scientists said

that it was impossible.

4 How many lives ____________penicillin saved?

5 A holiday used to mean a day when you ______________work.

6 The Olympic Games _____________ now commercialized.

5. Suggestion

Here is an idea for more vocabulary work





Marathon Olympic






Leisure Holidays



Nuclear power

Astronaut Space travel




Nurse Medical





CD rom Computers





Farm Agriculture


6. Listening

Students will hear the tape (T 1) and check their answer. ―General quiz‖.

Tapescript 1

1 The modern Olympic Games started in 1896.

2 It takes eight minutes for the sun's rays to reach Earth.

3 He was stepping down onto the moon.

4 A vegan doesn't eat any animal products at all.

5 If you are buying things with rupees, you are in India.

6 The first books were printed in China before 800 AD.

7 The gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva are worshipped in Hinduism.

8 Michael Jackson's Thriller has sold more copies than any other.

9 VIP stands for Very Important Person.

10 Ben Johnson didn't get the gold medal because he failed a drug test.

11 Abraham Lincoln was watching a play in the theatre when he was assassinated.

12 Brazil has won the World Cup four times.

13 A butterfly has four wings.

14 If you are eating sushi, you are eating raw fish and rice.

7. Discussion

Students work in pairs to decide the order of importance. This is called a ―Pyramid


8. Self – study

―Wonders of Kyrgyzstan‖ creation of slide show.

Lesson 2

Theme: Happiness!

Presentation 1

1. Discussion

Students discuss the topic ―Happiness‖

―What is happiness?‖

Students look at the graph and answer the questions. P.15


―At what times in their lives are British people happiest? When are they least happy?‖ P.15

2. Reading

Students read the text to themselves. P.16

The happiest person in Britain

The happiest person in Britain today is a professional married man between the ages of 35

and 54. He lives in the south of England but not in London. He owns a comfortable, detached

house and has two children.

What does he do?

He has a steady job in an office in London. After a hard day at work, he relaxes in front of the

television or watches a video. He doesn't go out every evening, but two evenings a week he meets

friends for a drink in the local pub. He owns a pet, usually a dog, and takes it for a walk every day

after work. He spends on average £120 per week.

Where does he go?

At the weekend, he regularly eats in restaurants, goes to see shows, and plays a sport (usually

golf). Most weekends he puts on a pair of old blue jeans, and potters in the garden. He usually

goes on holiday abroad more than once a year.

What does his wife do?

His wife is happy, too, but not quite as happy. She runs the home and has a job, but she doesn't

earn as much as her husband.

3. Grammar questions

What tenses are all the verbs in italics? Why? Why do the verbs in the text end in –s-?

Which auxiliary verb is used to form questions and negatives in the Present Simple.



Read the profiles of the different people.

Which paragraphs go with whom? Put them in the right order.

a. His older sister also lives at home. Their house is near Kasertsart University, where he is

in the second year of an engineering course. Lessons start at 8 in the morning and go on

until 3 in the afternoon, Monday till Friday. When he graduates, he wants to be a civil


b. My father is a lorry driver and my mother is a housewife. I'm the youngest of five

children. We live in a small block of flats with five other families in the old part of town.'

c. I usually have boiled rice for breakfast, then at lunch-time I have chicken with fried rice or

a bowl of noodles in the university canteen. In the evening I eat with my family. My

mother cooks. Her food's the best in the whole world!'

d. 'Shops like these are like community meeting places. We look after people's keys, pass on

messages, look after kids, we even cash cheques for those people who never have time to

go to the bank.'

e. It takes her about fifteen minutes to walk to school, but in summer she goes by bike. She's

in the second year of the Mariahilf secondary school. It has about 250 pupils, with eighteen

to twenty girls and boys in each class.

f. At the weekend he earns some extra money teaching computer studies at a private

computer school. He enjoys playing 'takraw', a Thai game played with a light ball made of

rattan, which you can hit with your foot, knee, elbow or heel, but not your hand. He loves

living in Bangkok, but he hates the traffic and traffic jams, which get worse every year.

g. 'I have about thirty lessons a week from Monday to Saturday, starting at 7.45 am and going

on until 4.30 or 5.00 pm, with Wednesday and Saturday afternoons free and a lunch-break

of two and a half hours every day. Schools here don't provide lunch so everyone goes

home. When I leave school, I want to work with children, maybe in a kindergarten.'

h. It sells all sorts of food and household goods from sandwiches to washing-up liquid, from

magazines to nails and screws. We offer a huge range of products. It's like three or four

shops rolled into one.'

i. The hours are terribly long. The shop opens at 6.00 am and closes at 10.00 pm, except on

Sunday when it's 8.30 am until 9.30 pm. Their whole lives are controlled by the shop.

'There are a lot of things we can't do anymore. We don't go to the movies, we don't go

camping at the weekend. But it's the long hours that make the money.

Presentation 2


1. Listening (T.12.P.127, Students book Headway Intermediate)

Students listen to the tape and answer the questions

Tapescript 12 Roger the gardener

D'you know the best thing that ever happened to me? D'you know what it was? It was when I lost

my last job. Yes, really! I never liked it -hated it in fact - stuck in an office all day with computers

and a telephone. Now my hobby is my full-time job! I start work very early, er ... in summer I

usually leave home about 5.30 in the morning, but in winter not until about 8.00. I have a small

van, and I carry all my tools and equipment in that. It's autumn now so I'm tidying the gardens -

I'm picking up leaves and pulling up old summer flowers. Oh, and I'm planting bulbs as well. I'm

planting lots of daffodils and tulips. Every season is so different, and I love them all. I just love

working outside in the open air after all those years in a stuffy office. I never noticed the seasons

there! After work I always go home and relax in a hot bath. I have a flat in London but most of my

work is outside of London, in the suburbs. I'm not married but I live with my girlfriend, Fiona. I

usually cook our evening meal because she gets home from work after me. She's a graphic

designer and earns a lot of money, much more than me! She earns more but I think I enjoy my

work more.

At weekends we often drive into the country and go to antique shops and antique sales. I collect

old radios, you see. We don't have a television! Can you believe it? Everybody has one these days

but we don't! Yes, er ..., er ... I collect old radios and Fiona collects old cookery books. We take

our dog, we have a lovely dog, and we like taking her on long walks. I've just bought two 1930s

radios and I'm cleaning them and mending them. All my radios work, you know! I never play any

sports. Is this unusual?

I think there is only one problem with my job. It's seasonal, so I don't earn much in the autumn

and winter, so er ... I'm not earning much at the moment. I earn most money in spring and

summer. But it's OK, I earn enough, not enough to eat out often in expensive restaurants or go to

shows, but enough for my dog and my hobby. I'm a very happy man!

2. Writing

Students fill in the card with the information about John Smith and Roger Dramond.

Are they exactly the same age?

Do they look similar?

Do they have the same jobs?

Is Roger as happy as John?


3. Creation of a slide show.

―The happiest person in Kyrgyzstan‖

Ballerina Bubusara Beishenalieva (1923-1973) and historical collection of the cinema-

documentary heritage

Ballet is one of the world's great performing art traditions and the Russian and

Soviet contribution to the genre is globally acknowledged. One of the great

ballerinas of the mid-20th

century was the Kyrgyz Bubusara Beishenalieva (1926-

1973), who grew up in the amazing, truly revolutionary years of the 1920s and

1930s – a time of unprecedented social, economic and cultural growth and enthusiasm when

Soviet artists, writers, choreographers and dancers were a major influence in the contemporary art

world internationally.

Talented children from many parts of the world, including Bubusara Beishenalieva, were invited

to Russia to learn elements of the choreographic art in Leningrad, the ―cradle‖ of the Russian

classical ballet. Beishenalieva's debut was on the stage of the Bolshoy Theatre during a season of

Kyrgyz musical art in Moscow, when professional choreographers noticed the exceptional talent

of the young ballet dancer. After training she performing to great acclaim in the Soviet Union and

danced on the famous stages of the world. Her performance repertoire encompassed the great

female roles of the balletic art. Bubusara Beishenalieva was not only a great ballerina but she was

also recognized as a dramatic actress of genius.

In 1944 she was named a Prima Ballerina of the Kyrgyz Ballet and in 1958, by the Order of the

USSR Supreme Council Presidium, she was awarded the title of People‘s Actress of the USSR.

Beishenalieva participated actively in the social life of her country. She was People‘s Deputy to

the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic and was twice elected as People‘s Deputy from

Kyrgyzstan to the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union. She formed a ballet troupe of the Kyrgyz

Opera and Ballet Theatre, worked with young actors transferring to them her skills and knowledge

and was a Professor of the Kyrgyz National Ballet School. Among her students were famous stage

performers, some of whom still dance on the world's stages.

Cinema – documents.


Archive N 3459/1

Contents: B. Beishenalieva is awarded the

diploma and medal of the Toktogul State

Prize for performing the ballet part of Asel.

Name of the cinema document: CK-33,

1977, Frunze,

index card made by Ms. Kerimalieva 1970

Archive N 34/П

Contents: B. Beishenalieva in the role of

Aidai in the ―Cholpon‖ ballet on the stage

of the Kyrgyz Academic Opera and Ballet


Name of the cinema-document:

B.Beishenalieva, 1963, Frunze, Zuyeva.

Archive N 249/41

Contents: B. Beishenalieva is dancing the

part of Anar in the ―Anar‖ ballet and is

sharing her impressions about her

participation in the International Youth

Festival in Bucharest.

Name of the document: CK-5, 1955,

Frunze, Kamchibekova

Archive N 254/1

Contents: B. Beishenalieva is speaking at

the Plenum of the Republican Committee

―Advocacy of Peace‖ at the conference-hall

of the Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan.

Name of the document: CK-10, 1955,

Frunze, Kamchibekova

Archive N 26/П

Contents: B. Beishenalieva in the role of

Aidai, ―Cholpon‖ ballet during the Decade

of Kyrgyz Art and Literature in Moscow.

Name of the document: Kyrgyz Art

Holiday, 1959, Moscow, Zuyeva.

Archive N 29/П

Contents: B. Beishenalieva is performing a

Kyrgyz dance.

Beishenalieva in the role of Esmeralda,

music by Chaikovsky.

Name of the document: They were born in

Tien-Shan, 1958, Zuyeva.

Archive N 177/11

Contents: B. Beishenalieva is dancing on

the stage of the Bolshoy Theatre during the

concert tour of Kyrgyz artists in Moscow

and Leningrad.

Name of the document: ―Salam aleikum‖,

1966, Moscow, Kerimalieva

Archive N 283/1

Contents: B. Beishenalieva is telling about

her concert tour in China, is performing the

Chinese dance ―Lotus‖, is training at the

ballet training hall.

Name of the document: CK-3, 1956,

Frunze, Alymkulova.

4. Self study

To create a photo album of the happiest moments.


Lesson 3

Theme: Sister Wendy, TV star


1. Pre-reading task

This task is to set the scene, and to try and create interest in the topic of the text by thinking

about the lives of nuns or other religious orders. Students‘ ideas on this may very well accord

their cultural background.

The following words are important to nuns

Sport – спорт

Solitude - уединение

Television – телевидение

Clothes – одежда

Hotels – отели, гостиницы

Singing – пение

Prayer – молящийся

Travel – путешествовать

Money – деньги

Food and drink – еда и напитки

Gardening – садоводство

Children – дети

Reading – чтение

2. Reading

Students read the text fairly quickly and at the same time discuss which of the things she

mentions are surprising for a nun‘s life. (Text on page 20, 21)

Sister Wendy, “I think God has been very good to me.'

TV Star!

Sister Wendy Beckett has been a nun for nearly 50 years, since she was 16. Most of the time she

lives in solitary confinement in a caravan in the grounds of a Carmelite monastery in Norfolk,

often not speaking to anyone for 22 hours a day. But every few months she leaves her caravan and

travels round Europe, staying in international hotels and eating in famous restaurants. Why is she

leading this double life? How does a nun who has devoted her life to solitude and prayer become a

visitor to the Ritz?

Sister Wendy has a remarkable other life. She writes and presents an arts programme for BBC

television called 'Sister Wendy's Grand Tour'. In it, she visits European art capitals and gives her


personal opinions on some of the world's most famous works of art. She begins each programme

with these words: 'For over 20 years I lived in solitude. Now I‘m seeing Europe for the first time.

I'm visiting the world's most famous art treasures.'

She speaks clearly and plainly, with none of the academic verbosity of art historians. TV viewers

love her common-sense wisdom, and are fascinated to watch a kind, elderly, bespectacled, nun

who is so obviously delighted by all she sees. They are infected by her enthusiasm. Sister Wendy

believes that although God wants her to have a life of prayer and solitary contemplation,

He has also given her a mission to explain art in a simple manner to ordinary people. She says:

―I think God has been very good to me. Really I am a disaster as a person. Solitude is right for me

because I'm not good at being with other people. But of course I enjoy going on tour. I have a

comfortable bed, a luxurious bath and good meals, but the joy is mild compared with the joy of

solitude and silent prayer. I always rush back to my caravan. People find this hard to understand. I

have never wanted anything else; I am a blissfully happy woman.'

Sister Wendy's love of God and art is matched only by her love of good food and wine. She takes

delight in poring over menus, choosing a good wine and wondering whether the steak is tender

enough for her to eat because she has no back teeth. However, she is not delighted by her

performance on television.

―I can't bear to watch myself on television. I feel that I look so silly — a ridiculous black-clothed

figure. Thank God we don't have a television at the monastery. I suppose I am famous in a way,

but as 95% of my time is spent alone in my caravan, it really doesn't affect me. I'm unimportant.'

Sister Wendy earned £1,200 for the first series. The success of this resulted in ah increase for the

second series. The money is being used to provide new shower rooms for the Carmelite


3. Grammar

Students work in pairs or small groups forming questions mainly in the Present tenses.

(ex.1.p.21 students book Headway intermediate)

1 Complete the interview with Sister Wendy.

I (a) ____________________________________?

SW When I was sixteen. Goodness, that's nearly fifty years ago!

I (b) ____________________________________?

SW In Norfolk. In a Carmelite monastery. Well, not actually in the monastery but in the

grounds. I have a caravan.

I (c)_________________________________?

SW No, I don't. Just in Europe-that's far enough!

I (d)_________________________________?


SW I don't really know. I'm not sure why they're popular. I feel that I look so silly, but perhaps

people find it funny to watch a silly old nun!

I (e)_____________________________________?

SW Yes, I do. Of course I do. The tours are really interesting and everybody enjoys a life of

luxury now and then. I love good food and drink, but you know, I'm happiest on my own in

my caravan.

I (f) _____________________________________?

SW No, I don't! I look ridiculous. I never watch if I can help it!

I (g) _____________________________________?

SW I'm using it to help the monastery. Some new shower rooms are being built. That's good,

isn't it?

4. Vocabulary work

Use these pictures to help the students to think of sports and leisure activities. (P.22)

5. Listening

Listen to three people talking about their favorite sport or leisure activity and make notes

under the following headings. (t.15.p.128 Students book Headway intermediate)

Tapescript 15

1 Suzanne

I love many sports, but best of all - skiing. I first skied when I was six years old, and lived in

Canada, and then for many years, in fact decades, I wasn't able to ski again because I was living in

hot places. But since I've been living in England, I've resumed skiing and it's even better than it

was. For me now the place to ski is the Alps, and particularly France. I live in England and the

winters are gloomy, and there's not much sun, so one of the wonderful things about skiing for me,

is the light and the brilliant sunshine that you find high, high up in the mountains. A lot of other

people like it, too, and it can be rather crowded, especially around the lifts because you now have

mechanical lifts that take you zooming up, flying up the mountains like a god, whereas in Canada

I had to walk up if I wanted to ski down.

The equipment you need ... skis, and boots, and poles. Many people own their own equipment but

I hire mine in the resort. I do have my own clothes though, and clothes are very important because

skiing is quite a fashion-conscious sport. Also, it's necessary to have clothes that will protect you

because the weather can be very severe. You need a ski-suit, a hat, goggles to protect your eyes,

socks, mittens, and a rucksack is useful to carry around your bits and pieces. Now at this point,

1 have to confess that I am not the world's greatest skier. I would say I am a respectable skier, I'm

a safe skier, but that doesn't stop you having a wonderful time. Also, there is the social life that is


such an important part of skiing. You can eat and drink as much as you want because you know

you're burning it all off. And then at the end of the day there's the evening, food and wine with

friends and everybody talking about their excitements during the day. I love it!

2 Dorothy

I'm an elderly lady of eighty-three and I've always been interested in keep-fit, yoga and anything

to keep myself mobile, and er ... two years ago, I joined a little club run by the Salvation Army,

where about eighteen of us meet together and we go through all our movements with music - it's

very enjoyable. Needless to say, I am the eldest one there, but I'm able to do most of the exercises,

when I feel OK. When I've got a bad bout of sciatica, I've got to ease up a bit.

How often? I go once a week on a Thursday for ..., oh we exercise for about three quarters of an

hour, and then we end up with having a nice lunch, which is always very good, and that is at the

Salvation Army Hall in Branksome. Who with? Lots of my friends; I have made friends since

joining because I was a complete stranger when I went there but now there's a lot of people I can

call my friends. And for this keep-fit we just wear a leotard with a nice bright yellow top and feel

very smart. And across the top it says, 'Branksome is fighting fit'. And am I good at it? Well - /

think I am ... and the instructress tells me, or tells the others rather, that I am an example to the rest

of them.

3 I = Interviewer M = Martin

I So Martin, what sports do you play?

M I play football, volleyball, tennis, and table tennis but volleyball is my favourite game as it's a

team game and you can play it with your friends, and enjoy it as a team.

I Is it quite a fast game as well?

M Yeah. It is a fast game and that's another reason why I enjoy it.

I How exciting ...

M Yes.

I Where do you play, then?

M I play at local sports centres more during the winter and sort of play in tournaments around

England. I also, in the summer, play beach volleyball.

I Is beach volleyball different from the volleyball you play in the centres?

M Yes, it's a very different game. Instead of six players on a team, it's only two players.

I You mentioned you played in tournaments - now do you do quite well in the tournaments?

M Yes, I've played for South West England and we've got through to the semi-finals of different

England tournaments, and for Wessex, my other volleyball team, we've actually won a few

tournaments. So yes, I have done quite well.

I Oh well done! What sort of equipment do you need?


M Well, first of all you need the ball and the net, and obviously the court ... but you may also need

knee pads and your volleyball kit.

I OK ... knee pads because you fall on your knees a lot?

M Yes ... 'cos you ... when diving and things like that ...

I Diving?

M Diving ... yeah.

I It sounds like swimming. That means jumping to catch the ball?

M Yeah, jumping to get a ball up in the air.

I Yes, all right. So how often do you play volleyball then Martin?

M Well during the season, which is about September to June, I play twice a week. One of those is

training, and one of those is a match. And during the summer I play beach volleyball, but that's

only once a week.

Which sport or activity are they talking about?

How often do they do it?

Where do they do it?

What equipment do they need?

6. Writing

The task is to create interesting in the writing activity to follow via some personalization about

members of the students‘ families.

Students begin some detailed study of the text ―My aunt Emily‖ on page 23

My aunt Emily

Of all my relatives, I like my Aunt Emily the best. She's my mother's youngest sister. She has

never married, and she lives alone in a small village near Bath. She's in her late fifties, but she's

still quite young in spirit. She has a fair complexion, thick brown hair which she wears in a bun,

and dark brown eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice is her

lovely, warm smile. Her face is a little wrinkled now, but I think she is still rather attractive. She is

the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem.

She likes reading and gardening, and she goes for long walks over the hills with her dog, Buster.

She's a very active person. Either she's making something, or mending something, or doing

something to help others. She does the shopping for some of the old people in the village. She's

extremely generous, but not very tolerant with people who don't agree with her. I hope that I am as

happy and contented as she is when I'm her age.


7. Self study

To write a similar description of a member of your family in about 200 words.

Your opinion of the person

Physical description

Their character, habits, likes and dislikes.

Lesson 4, 5, 6

Presentation ( lesson 7)

Past Simple and Past Continuous ( lesson 8)

Test your Grammar ( SB p 24)

Students should to discuss the sentences in pairs. They should be able to work out the different

meanings quite quickly.

1. Look at the three sentences. What is the difference in meaning?

1. When Sylvia arrived home at eight o'clock, Tim cooked the dinner.

2. When Sylvia arrived home at eight o'clock, Tim was cooking the dinner.

3. When Sylvia arrived home at eight o'clock, Tim had cooked the dinner.

2 Match a picture with a sentence in exercise 1

Students should to describe what they can see in the pictures.

When Sylvia arrived at home, Tim began to cook the dinner.

When Sylvia arrived at home, Tim was in the middle of cooking the


When Sylvia arrived at home, the dinner was ready. Tim cooked it before

she arrived.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Example: While I was listening (listen) to the radio, the telephone rang (ring).

1 He __________ (break) his leg when he __________ (ski) in the Alps.

2 We __________ (see) an accident while we __________ (wait) for the bus.


3 While she __________ (prepare) lunch, she __________ (cut) herself.

4 Which countries _______ they _______ (visit) when they __________ (travel) round the world?

5 _______ you _______ (work) in the garden when I__________ (come) to the house?

6 They __________ (live) in Canada when they__________ (meet) each other.


I/we/they/you Did/ didn’t worked

He/she/it Did/ didn’t worked


I worked

You worked

He worked

She worked

It worked

We worked

They worked


I did not work

You did not work

He did not work

She did not work

It did not work

We did not work

They did not work




Did I work?

Did you work?

Did he work?

Did she work?

Did it work?

Did we work?

Did they work?

2 Put the auxiliaries was, had, or didn't into the gaps.

a Agatha Christie ______ educated at home. She _______go to school.

She ______ found in a hotel in Harrogate, after she been missing for 11 days. ___ stop writing

while she suffering from a nervous breakdown.

b.Pablo Picasso ______ like going to school unless he _______allowed to take one of his father's

pigeons with him. His father paint again after Pablo completed the picture of the pigeons.

c Some paint ______ spilt on the French minister's trousers when he ______visiting Picasso.

g Scott Joplin left home after his mother ______died


Telling tales 9

Pre- reading task

Ask students what fable is. Ask students know of Aesop and can tell any stories.

NB/ A fable is a short story that teaches a lesson. Aesop was a Greek slave who lived in sixth

century BC.

Students look at the pictures. They should tell the story of one of Aesop's fables. What can you

see? What can you guess about the story?


2 Read the story. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple. They are all irregular. Complete

the moral of 'The Bald Knight' at the end.


Students‘ ideas for completing the moral.

Listening (attached)

Students should find correct answer yourself – listening the tape.


Grew, lost, became, bought, put, thought, set, fell, caught, fell, felt, saw, and wore

Practice ( SB p 25)

1 Grammar

Underline the correct verb form in the following sentences.

a While he rode/was riding in the forest he lost/was losing his wig.


b When I arrived/was arriving the party was in full swing. Paul danced/was dancing with Mary,

and Pat and Peter drank/were drinking champagne.

с When I finished/was finishing the ironing, I cooked/ was cooking dinner.

d How fast did they travel /were they traveling when their car had/was having a puncture?

e A police car passed/was passing us on the motorway when we did/were doing 80 miles per


f I took/was taking a photograph of him while he ate/ was eating an ice-cream.

g He didn't like I wasn't liking the photo when he saw I was seeing it. I'm sorry I woke/was waking

you. What were you dreaming I did you dream about?



Self study. Students should to find legends and make up presentations about other Kyrgyz




This is the true story of Sylvia‘s grandparents. Victor and Aileen Gibbs. Should their photograph,

and guess when and where it was taken. There might be variation in the students, versions but

they compare theirs with the real story on the tape. Sylvia is speaking.

NB- There is an exercise on while, for and during and when.

Comprehension check



They met and fell in love while they were working together in Malaysia.

They got married during the second World War.

They had their first son while they were living in Hong Kong.

They lived in Hong Kong for five years.

They had five more sons when they returned to Britain.

They sent their sons to boarding school while they were working abroad.

They lived in six different countries during ther marirage. They were happily married for over

forty- five years.

My grandfather died during the summer of 1991.


Adverbs in a narrative

Work in pairs.

1 Think about the worst holiday you ever had. Write some notes about it, then swap information

with your partner.

2 Look at the top of page 33 and read about Jack and Liza's holiday. Put the words on the right

into the correct place in each line, and make any necessary changes to the punctuation.


Just after Christmas two years ago, Jack and Liza decided to go away for New Year. They

didn't want to stay in a hotel with crowds of people and they were delighted when they saw

an advertisement in the Sunday Times for a holiday flat in a village near Oxford.

It was no ordinary flat. It was on the top floor of an old Tudor mansion. They booked it and

on New Year's Eve they set off in the car. It was raining and freezing cold. They were happy

and excited.

They had been driving for three hours when they saw the house in the distance. It looked

magnificent with tall chimneys and a long, wide drive. They drove up to the huge front door,

went up the steps, and knocked. Nothing happened. They knocked again. The door opened

and a small, wild-looking, old lady stood there.

Listen to Jack and Liza talking about what happened next and complete this part of the story.

The old lady was wearing...

She was carrying... .

The house was...


When she was leading them upstairs...

When they saw the rooms they couldn't believe their eye‘s...

4 Read the end of the story. Put the words on the right into the correct place.

When they got outside again the rain had turned to snow. They ran to the car,

laughing. They felt that they had been released from a prison and now they wanted to be

with lots of people. They drove to the next village and as midnight was striking, they found a

hotel with a room for the night. 'Happy New Year!' cried Jack, as he kissed the surprised

receptionist on both cheeks. 'You have no idea how beautiful your hotel is!'

Self-study 5. Write the story of your worst holiday in about 250 words.

When was it?

Where was it?

Who were you with? ;

Why was it bad?

Past Simple or Past Continuous?

Grammar exercises.

Underline the correct verb form.


We met/were meeting when we lived/were living in Italy.

a She worked/was working quietly at her desk when suddenly the door opened/was opening and

her daughter rushed/was rushing in.

b He stood/was standing up, walked/was walking across the room, and closed/was closing the


с A strange man walked/was walking into the room. He wore/was wearing red trousers and a pink


d Didn't you meet/Weren't you meeting your wife while you worked/were working in Chile?

e I saw/was seeing you in the park yesterday. You sat/were sitting on a bench with your arm

round Tom.

f As soon as I walked/was walking into the room, he handed/was handing me the letter.

g His father was really angry with him because he listened/was listening to music while he

did/was doing his homework.

h Why didn't they visit/weren't they visiting me while they stayed/were staying in London?

i As he passed/was passing the bank, a man in a mask knocked/was knocking him onto the


j What did you write/were you writing when your computer crashed/was crashing!

A holiday in Madeira


Past perfect

Regular and irregular verbs

Complete the chart with the missing verb forms.

Choosing the right tense

Underline the correct tense in the story.

It was ten o'clock in the evening. Peter (a) sat/had sat down on his sofa and thought about the day.

What a busy day it (b) was/had been! This was his first night in his own flat.

He (c) lived/had lived his entire life in the family home, and now for the first time, he (d) was/had

been on his own.

He sat surrounded by boxes that they (e) didn't manage/hadn't managed to unpack during the day.

It (f) took/had taken months to get all his things together. His mother (g) was/had been very

generous, buying him things like towels and mugs.

He (h) went/had gone into the kitchen and (i) got/had got a beer from the fridge. He suddenly (j)

felt I had/felt very tired and yawned. No wonder he (k) was/had been tired! He (I) was/had been

up since six o'clock in the morning. He (m) decided/had decided to finish his beer and go to bed.

Infinitive Past Simple Past participle











lie (not tell the truth)





Lesson 7

Themes: Doing the right thing. Modal verbs.

1. Test your grammar

a) Look at the sentences. Do you know what can, must and should are called?





have to


b) Make the sentences


into questions

into the 3rd

person singular (He/she …)

Which verb is different?


a) Presentation of the modal verbs: can, have to, and allowed to.

b) Translate the following sentences:

1. You mustn‘t smoke in the bedrooms.

2. You don‘t have to work at night.

3. You should have a twenty minute break every two hours.

4. You need to be 18 before you are allowed to hold a car driving license.

c) Let‘s discuss the problems of the teenage years for both parents and children.

d) T.25 (p.129 students book Headway Intermediate). Listen to Megan and Laura.

What are some of the things they like and some of the things they don‘t like?

Tapescript 25

I = Interviewer M = Megan L = Laura

I What are some of the good things about being a teenager, not an adult?

M Um ... well, you don't have to go out to work, for a start.

L And you don't have to pay bills. You can go out with your friends, go shopping, and go to the


M But I always have to tell my Mum and Dad where I'm going first.

L So do I. Another thing is we don't have to do the housework and the washing and cleaning, and

all that stuff, which is really boring.

M One problem is that you never have enough money. We get some money from our parents, but

it's never enough. You aren't allowed to buy what you want.

I What do think it's like being an adult?


L Well, adults have to worry about bills and looking after their family. They can't do what they

want when they want.

I They have responsibilities, you mean?

L Yeah. I feel more sorry for my Mum. She's always rushing around and she has to go to work as

well. She doesn't have to work on Thursdays and Fridays, but she has loads of different things

to do in a day, like shopping, er ... cooking, taking me to dancing and swimming.

I So do you think your Dad has the easier life?

L Well, I don't know. He has to work full-time, and he drives over a thousand miles a week, but

he doesn't have to do anything in the house. When he gets in at 7.30, everything's been done!

I Um, tell me about school. What are some of the school rules?

M Huh! We have to wear a stupid school uniform, and we're not allowed to wear white socks, they

have to be black. We can't. Wear make-up, and we aren't allowed to chew gum!

L And if you break one of the rules, you get a Friday afternoon detention!

Work in pairs to complete the gaps.

a. You____________ go out to work.

b. You____________ pay bills.

c. You ____________ go out with your friends.

d. I always__________ tell my Mum and Dad where I'm going.

e. We________________ do the housework.

f. You_______________buy what you want.

g. Adults ____________ worry about bills.

h. We_______________wear a stupid school uniform.

i. We_______________ wear make-up.

j. We_______________chew gum!

Listen again and check. Practice saying the sentences. Answer to the questions.

Is it necessary for teenagers to go out to work?

Can they work if they want to?

Is it necessary for teenagers to do the homework?

What are some of the school rules?

e) Now answer the 3 questions on page 35 (Students book Headway Intermediate).

Laura's parents are called Malcolm and Barbara. What are some of the things they have to do, and

some of the things they don't have to do?


Barbara doesn't have to work full-time.

Malcolm has to drive over a thousand miles a week.


- Who do you think has an easier life, Barbara or Malcolm?

- What about your family?

- Is there a division between what the men do and what the women do in your family?

h) Work in pairs to answer grammar questions on P.36 (Student book Headway-Intermediate)

Grammar questions

- Put have to or don't have to into the gaps.

Children __ go to school,

Adults ___ go to school, but they ________ go to work.

Old people ____ go to work.

Teenagers _____ study for exams.

- Which sentence in each pair below is correct?

a. You don't have to drive on the right in Britain.

You mustn't drive on the right in Britain.

b You don't have to go to England to learn English.

You mustn't go to England to learn English.

k) Put the sentences:

into the negative

the question

the past


We can smoke. We can't smoke.

Can we smoke?

We could smoke.

a. I have to go.

b. She has to work hard.

c. Не can do what he likes.

d. We're allowed to wear what we want.

l) Let‘s discuss:

Are your parents strict?

Can you do what you want?

m) Look at the picture on page 37.

What do you think about the age of the children, their clothes and haircuts, the furniture etc?

n) Talk about your school rules.

You should do at home exercises 1-4 from the Work book Headway Intermediate.

o) T.28a Let‘s listen to Jim and Anthony. They are talking about their trip.


Tapescript 28a

J = Jim A = Anthony

J I think we should take our travellers' cheques in American dollars.

A I don't think we should go to Thailand in September because it's the rainy season.

Work in pairs:

You are a tour guide.

Make up a dialogue.

p) Correcting mistakes (ex.4 .p.38 Students book Headway Intermediate).

There is a grammar mistake in each of the following sentences. Find it and correct it.

a. Do you can help me a minute?

b. What time have you to start work?

c. I must to go now. Bye-bye.

d. We no allowed to wear jeans at school.

e. We no can do what we want.

f. I mustn‘t do the washing and ironing because my mother has to work very hard six days a


Lesson 8

Module 1

1. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense. The tenses used are Present Simple,

Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, and will, the


a. Nobody (to enjoy) going to the dentist.

b. Anara (drive) a long a small country road when she (see) a man at the side of the road.

c. When they arrived at the station, a train (stand) at the platform.

d. Well, I (not go) to Bishkek but I (give) you a lift to the station if you like.

e. Yesterday I (take) the train to Almaty to do some sightseeing.

f. While I (walk) back to the station I (meet) Frank.

g. It (rain) on Saturday and we (sit) in a traffic jam most of Sunday.

h. Who do you think (win) the next election?

2. Questions

Read the interview with Gary Kasparov (G), the famous chess player. Write the interviewer's (I)



I How long have you been playing chess?


G I've been playing chess since I was 3 or 4.

I Where__________________________________?

G I was born in Azerbaijan in the former Soviet Union.

I When___________________________________?

G I became an international Grand Master in 1980, when I was 17.

I How long________________________________?

G I've been the world chess champion since 1984.

I How often_______________________________?

G I play chess every day - sometimes against a computer!

I What___________________________________?

G I'm preparing for a match against Anatoly Karpov.

3. Auxiliary verbs

Complete the sentences using the correct auxiliary verb. Some are affirmative, some are negative.


What time did you get up this morning?

1. What ________ you doing when the phone rang?

2. _______ you ever read any Agatha Christie?

3. I'm sorry. I can't drive you to the station because my car ________ being serviced.

4. How long ________ she been learning English?

5. In France they say 'Bon appetite'. But in Britain people ________usually say anything

before they start their meal.

6. ________you go to work yesterday?

7. Where ____BMW cars made?' 'In Germany.'

8. I_____ watch the film last night. Was it good?

4. Vocabulary

1. Do these words and phrases come after play, do, make, go, or have? Put them in the correct


a meeting the piano by ear on holiday

a shower aerobics golf a statement

sightseeing athletics skiing for a jog

a holiday a day off home the shopping

a mistake you good football

a phone call a decision your homework


play do make go Have

the piano

2. Choose the word that is different from the others, and say why it is different. Think about the

meaning and the grammar!


a farmer a ski instructor a traffic warden a secretary

A farmer, a ski instructor, and a traffic warden all work outside. A secretary works inside.

1 want know enjoy agree

2 oil painting sketch palette drawing

3 pop group composer orchestra band

4 lovely eventually loudly immediately

5 newspaper play novel poem

6 good-looking stupid boring mean

7 monastery castle hotel house

8 do have make be

5. Active and Passive

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Some are active, some are passive.

Reuters News Agency

Martin Webb has worked (work) for the Reuters News Agency for ten years. He describes the


'Reuters is one of the world's biggest news agencies. It 1_______ (supply) news and

stock market prices to media and financial institutions all over the world. It

2__________ (start) by Paul Reuter in 1849 - with pigeons! Reuter

3__________(be born)

in 1816 in Germany. During the 1840s he 4__________ (employ) as a bank clerk in Berlin.

German bankers 5__________ (need) to know the prices on the Paris stock exchange, but the

French telegraph system only went as far as Belgium. From there the information

6__________ (send) to Germany by train. The journey

7__________(take) nine hours. The same

information 8__________ (carry) by Paul Reuter's pigeons in only two hours!

'Reuters 9__________ (change) a lot since those days. Over the past fifty years, we've

opened offices in many different countries - and we 10

__________ still

11__________ (expand). Now news and stock market prices

12_________ (send) all over

the world within seconds.'

6. Translate


Translate the sentences into your language.

Translate the ideas, not word by word.

1 When I arrived, the children were going to bed

2 When I arrived, the children went to bed.

3 When I arrived, the children had gone to bed.

4 Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare.

5 Champagne is made in France.

6 She's working at home today.

7 Do you know the answer?

8 She works in a bank.

9 What did you think of the film?

Lesson 9

1. Work in pairs to identify the nationalities in the cartoons. P.39 Students book

2 Let‘s discuss what is the stereotype English man or woman? What do you think is the

stereotype for your nationality? Do you believe in stereotypes?

3 Now read the article on p.40-41 Students book.

Then write down on thing about each nationality.

A World Guide to Good Manners

How not to behave badly abroad

By Norman Ramshaw

Travelling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a global village,

but how well do we know and understand each other? Here is a simple test.

Imagine you have arranged a meeting at four o'clock. What time should you expect your

foreign business colleagues to arrive? If they're German, they'll be bang on time. If they're

American, they'll probably be 15 minutes early. If they're British, they'll be 15 minutes late, and

you should allow up to an hour for the Italians.

When the European Community began to increase in size, several guidebooks appeared


giving advice on international etiquette. At first many people thought this was a joke, especially

the British, who seemed to assume that the widespread го understanding of their language meant

a corresponding understanding of English customs. Very soon they had to change their ideas, as

they realized that they had a lot to learn about how to behave with their foreign business friends.

For example:

• The British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during

the meal; the Japanese prefer not to work while eating. Lunch is a time to relax and get to know

one another, and they rarely drink at lunchtime.

• The Germans like to talk business before dinner; the French like to eat first and talk

afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.

• Taking off your jacket and rolling up your sleeves is a sign of getting down to work in Britain

and Holland, but in Germany people regard it as taking it easy.

• American executives sometimes signal their feelings of ease and importance in their offices by

putting their feet on the desk whilst on the telephone. In Japan, people would be shocked.

Showing the soles of your feet is the height of bad manners. It is a social insult only exceeded by

blowing your nose in public.

The Japanese have perhaps the strictest rules of social and so business behavior. Seniority

is very important, and a younger man should never be sent to complete a business deal with

an older Japanese man. The Japanese business card almost needs a rulebook of its own. You

must exchange business cards immediately on meeting because it is essential to establish

everyone's status and position.

When it is handed to a person in a superior position, it must be given and received with

both hands, and you must take time to read it carefully, and not just put it in your pocket! Also

the bow is a very important part of greeting someone. You should not expect the Japanese to

shake hands. Bowing the head is a mark of respect and the first bow of the day should be lower

than when you meet thereafter.

The Americans sometimes find it difficult to accept the more formal Japanese manners.

They prefer to be casual and more informal, as illustrated by the universal 'Have a nice day!'

American waiters have a one-word imperative 'Enjoy!' The British, of course, are cool and

reserved. The great topic of conversation between strangers in Britain is the weather—

unemotional and impersonal. In America, the main topic between strangers is the search to find a

geographical link. 'Oh, really? You live in Ohio? I had an uncle who once worked there.'

'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.'

Here are some final tips for travelers. ,


• In France you shouldn't sit down in a cafe until you've shaken hands with everyone you know.

• In Afghanistan you should spend at least five minutes saying hello.

• In Pakistan you mustn't wink. It is offensive.

• In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating, drinking, or smoking.

Also, you should take care not to admire anything in your hosts' home. They will feel that they

have to give it to you.

• In Russia you must match your hosts drink for drink or they will think you are unfriendly.

• In Thailand you should clasp your hands together and lower your head and your eyes when you

greet someone.

• In America you should eat your hamburger with both hands and as quickly as possible. You

shouldn't try to have a conversation until it is eaten.

4 Read the article again and answer the questions. Discuss the questions in pairs. (p.40 SB)

5 a. What are the rules of about greeting people in your country?

When do you shake hands?

When do you kiss?

What about when you say goodbye?

b. Think of two examples of good manners, bad manners.

6 Listening and speaking

a. Do you like to be a guest?

b. How do you entertain your guests?

c. Now let‘s listen to the tape and take notes under the following headings: the kind of

invitation, formal or informal.

d. What similarities and differences are there? Compare information. T. 29

1 Sumie

In my country, Japan, usually we invite guests home at the weekend, in the early evening, about

seven o'clock. Before they come, we must tidy the front garden and clean the entrance

hall. Then we must spray it all with water to show that we welcome guests with cleanliness. The

guests usually bring presents and when they give you the present they say, 'I'm sorry this is such

a small present', but in fact they have chosen the present very carefully. When the meal is ready

the hostess says, 'We have nothing special for you today but you are welcome to come this way'

You can see that in Japan you should try to be modest and you should not show off too much. If

you don't understand our culture you will think this is very strange.

When we have foreign guests we try to serve traditional Japanese meals like sushi, tempura, or


sukiyaki but when we have Japanese guests, we serve all kinds of food such as spaghetti, Chinese

food, or steaks. When guests leave, the host and hostess see them out of the house and wait until

their car turns the corner of the street; they wait until they can't see them any more.

2 Rosa

I come from Spain. At home what we love most is going out to eat in bars and restaurants. There

is a big choice and we can go from one bar to another trying different things and having a few

drinks, usually wine or beer. But sometimes we also like to invite people to our home.

I usually invite my friends for an informal meal. I cook Spanish omelette, which is made with

potatoes, onions and eggs, fried in olive oil. Then we have things like cheese, ham -Spanish ham

is very different from English ham, and if you buy the best one, called Jabugo, is something

delicious, worth trying. And then things like olives, anchovies, mussels. We drink wine or beer.

Some people may bring a bottle of wine or something for pudding. We usually meet late in the

evening, about eight thirty or nine. Of course we dress casually; we just want to be relaxed and

comfortable, and talk and laugh together.

3 Leslie

I'm from the United States. Sometimes when our family gets together with other families, we

have what's called a 'pot luck supper', which can take place in the evening or even at lunchtime.

This is an informal occasion held perhaps in someone's garden, so people dress casually but

nicely. Invitations can be written or made by phone, and each person is asked to bring a dish of

food. They're given a choice of starter, main course, salad or vegetable, or dessert. The hostess

knows how many of each kind of dish she needs but not exactly what the guests will bring. This

is why it's called 'pot luck', as it's a lovely surprise, holding a dinner party and not knowing what

you're going to feed your guests. As the guests arrive, they put their dish, or pot as it used to be

called, on the table and the meal is served buffet-style, and drinks are provided, although some

guests might bring a bottle of wine as a present.

I really enjoy this kind of entertaining; it's a fun, relaxed way of getting together with friends.

Request and offers

a. Suggest to your friend using ―shall‖, ―will‖, ‖could‖, ―would‖.

Going to the movies

Playing a game of tennis

Having a swim

Watching the boxing match on television

b. Make request

1. Boss to his secretary:


Type these letters;

Photo-copy those documents;

Send this parcel;

Work over time;

Answer the phone.

2. You need your friend‘s help in a number of ways:

Translate this text for me;

Post the parcel;

Lend some money;

Carry my suitcase;

Answer the phone.

7. Role-play

Make up dialogues

a. A is a customer in a restaurant

B is a waiter.

Prompts: table, near the window, menu, wine list, ordering, clean fork, dessert, bill.

b. A is going on holiday very soon

B is offers to help

Prompts: pack; confirm flights, passport, travelers, cheques, look after cat, water plants.

c. A is cooking a meal for twenty

B is offers to help

Prompts: prepare the vegetables, check the meat, set the table, do the washing-up, open

the wine.

Lesson 10

1. Filling in a form

a. When do people usually fill in forms?

b. Do you like to fill in a form?

c. What sort of information do you have to provide?

2. Forms do not usually ask questions, but they ask for information. Match a line in A with a

question in B.



1 First name

2 Surname

3 Date of birth

4 Country of origin

5 Present address

6 Permanent address

7 Marital status

8 Occupation

9 Annual income

a Where do you live?

b What do you do?

c Where are you living at the moment?

d Are you married or single?

e What's your first name?

f How much do you earn a year?

g When were you born?

h What's your surname?

i Where were you born?

3. Forms ask you to do certain things. Do the following: Write your name in block capitals.


Sign your name. ______________________________

Delete where not applicable.

I am a student/an employee/an employer.

Put a cross if you are male

Put a tick if you are female

4. Fill in the form. It is an application form to open a bank account.

5. Grammar exercises

I. Complete these sentences with must or have to (in its correct form). Sometimes it is

possible to use either; sometimes only have to is possible.

Examples: Well, it‘s 10 o'clock. I.........must (or have to) go now.

Ann was feeling ill last night. She .had to......leave the party early.

1. You really.........................................work harder if you want to pass that examination.

2. Many children in Britain......................................wear uniform when they go to school

, 3. Last night Don suddenly became ill. We.............................................., call the doctor.

4. Ann has..................................................wear glasses since she was eight years old.


5. I'm afraid I can't come tomorrow. I...................................................work late.

6. I'm sorry I couldn't come yesterday. I..............................................work late.

7. Tom may............................................................go away next week.

8. We couldn't repair the car ourselves. We ......................................... take it to a garage.

9. When you come to London again, you..................................................come and see us.

II. Now make questions with have to.

Example: 'Tom had police station.'

'Why did he have to go to the police station?

1. 'Ann has to leave tomorrow.' 'What time exactly .......................................‘

2. 'We had to answer a lot of questions in the examination.'

'How many questions ...............................................................‘

3. 'George had to pay a parking fine.' 'How much .......................................‘

4. 'I have to get up early tomorrow.' 'Why..................................................‘

III. This time make negative sentences with have to.

Example: 'Did they change trains?'

'No, it was a through train so they, didn't have to change (trains).

1. 'Did you pay to get into the concert?'

'No, we had free tickets so we..................................................‘

2. 'Does Jack shave?' 'No, he's got a beard so …………………………………………‘

3. 'Did you get up early this morning?'

'No, it's my day off so.............................................................................‘

4. 'Do you work?' 'No, I'm extremely rich so ……………………………………‘

IV. Complete these sentences with mustn't or don't/doesn't have to

Examples: I don't want anyone to know. You mustn’t tell anyone what I said.

I didn’t have to wear a suit to work but I usually do.

1. I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I.......................................................work.

2. Whatever you do, you...........................................touch that switch. It's very dangerous.

3. You...................................................forget what I told you. It's very important.

4. She........................................get up so early. She gets up early because she prefers to.

5. We................................................................leave yet. We've got plenty of time.

V. You are giving advice to a friend. Use should or shouldn’t.

Example: Your friend is always coughing because he smokes too much. Advise him to stop

smoking. You should stop smoking.

1. Your friend has a bad toothache. Advice him to go to the dentist. You……………………..


2. Your friend rides his bicycle at night without lights. You think this is dangerous. Advise him

not to do it. …………………………………………………………………………….

3. Your friend is going to visit Greece. Advise him to learn a few words of Greek before he

goes. ………………………………………………………………………………………

VI. This time you give your opinion about something. Use I think/ I don’t think …

Example: Tom has just been offered a job. You think it would be a good idea for him to

accept it. I think Tom should accept job.

1. You think it would a good idea for all motorists to wear seat-belts. I think


2. You don‘t think it would be a good idea for Jill and Sam to get married. I


3. Your friend has a bad cold. Tell him that you think it would be a good idea for him to stay at

home this evening. I ………………………………………………………………………

VII. Now you have to read the situations and write sentences with should (have) and shouldn’t

(have). Something you have to use the present, something the past.

Examples: The speed limit is 30 miles an hour but Tom is driving at 50. He shouldn’t be driving


When we got to the restaurant there were no free tables. We hadn‘t reserved one. We should

have reserved a table.

1. It‘s very cold. Mr. Taylor, who has been ill recently, is walking along the road without a

coat. He ………………………………………………………………………………

2. We went for a walk. While we were walking, we got hungry but we hadn‘t brought

anything with us to eat. We said: We ………………………………………………

3. I went to Paris. Marcel lives in Paris but I didn‘t go to see him while I was there. When I

saw him later, he said: You ……………………………………………………………….

4. The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30. It is not 9 o‘clock but the shop

isn‘t open. …………………………………………………………………………

5. The driver in front stopped suddenly without warning and I drove into the back of his car.

It wasn‘t my fault. …………………………………………………………………………


6. The children normally go to bed at 9 o‘clock. It is now 9.30. They are not in bed; they are

watching television. (Two sentences)……………………………………………………….


7. The accident happened because Tom was driving on the wrong side of the road.


VIII. Translate

- I cannot move!

- Your leg might be broken, and your wound needs dressing. We must call the doctor, but

now you should stay in bed. We have to wait till the doctor comes. You may take a

painkiller, it will relieve your pain.

Match the line in A with the line in B.


1 He is good at languages

2 I‘ m sorry I‘m late

3 The discipline in hotel is strict

4 I don‘t work on Sundays

5 The weather is terrible

6 You look tired

a So I don‘t have to get up early

b You should have a rest

c It might rain

d We must wear a uniform

e He can speak English and German

f May I come in

Mustn’t or don't have to?

IX. Underline the correct verb form.


We have a lot of work tomorrow.

You mustn't/don't have to be late.

a You mustn't/don't have to tell Mary what I told you. It's a secret.

b The museum is free. You mustn't/don't have to pay to get in.

с Children mustn't/don't have to tell lies. It's very naughty.

d Terry's a millionaire. He mustn't/doesn't have to go to work.

e I mustn't/don't have to do my washing. My mother does it for me.

f We mustn't/don't have to rush. We've got plenty of time.

g You mustn't/don't have to play with guns. They're dangerous.

h This is my favourite pen. You can borrow it but you mustn't/don't have to lose it.

i 'Shall I come with you?' 'You can if you want, but you mustn't/don't have to.'


X. Giving advice

1. – Someone has stolen all my money!

- right/police/the/away/phone/I‘ll

2. – I‘m late for my airplane.

- phone/for/only/ The/can/to/is/taxi/thing/I/do.

3. – I‘ve cut my finger.

- wound/dressing/Your/needs.

4. – There is smoke coming out of that room!

- brigade/fire/a/We/need.

5. I‘ve got a terrible toothache.

- You/painkiller/take/a/should.

6. My shoe heel is broken.

- is/There/shoemaker/a/here/near.

7. My husband has got a heart attack.

- I/think/emergency/for/we/phone/the/ambulance/should/immediately!

XI. Think of a possible problem if the comment is:

1. - …

- You‘d better stay in bed.

2. - …

- The only thing I can do is to phone the police.

3. - …

- You should visit a optician.

4. - …

- Take a painkiller, it will relieve the pain.

5. - …

- I don‘t think you should worry


6. -…

- You need an X-ray.

7. Give advice to people in the following situations. Use should.

a. My twenty-year-old son just stays at home all day watching television!


b. My car keeps breaking down.


c. I just can‘t get to sleep these days.


d. Since my farther retired, he doesn‘t know what to do with himself.


e. I just don‘t know what to do with my hair. It looks awful!


Lesson 11

Theme: Future forms

1. Test your grammar

Read and listen to the joke. Underline the verb forms that refer to the future. What is the

difference between them?

A Penguin Joke!

One day a man and his wife were walking down the street when they came across a penguin.

'Oh!' exclaimed the man. 'What a surprise! What shall we do with it?'

'I know,' said his wife. 'We'll ask a policeman.'

So they found a policeman and explained what had happened.

'Mmm,' said the policeman, 'I think the best thing is to take it to the zoo.'

'What a good idea!' said the woman. 'We'll go there straight away.'

The next morning the policeman was walking down the same street when he saw the couple

again with the penguin. ‗I thought I told you to take that penguin to the zoo,' the policeman said.

'Well, we did,' said the man. 'We took it to the zoo and we all had a really good time. So this

afternoon we're taking it to the cinema, and this evening we're going to have a meal in a fish



will/shall (1)

Вill is 24 years old now.

Last year he was 23.

Next year he will be 25.

■ will + infinitive (will be/will win/will come etc.);

positive and negative question



will (‗ll)

will not (won't)












will = 'II: I'll (= I will)/you'll/she'll etc.

will not = won't; I won't (= I will not)/you won't/it won't etc.

■ We use will for the future (tomorrow/next week etc.).

- She travels a lot. Today she is in London. Tomorrow she'll be in Rome. Next week she'll be in


- Telephone me this evening. I'll be at home.

- Leave the old bread in the garden. The birds will eat it.

- We'll probably go out this evening.

- Will you be at home this evening?

- I won't be here tomorrow. (= I will not be here)

- Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You won't sleep.

We often say I think ... will...:

- I think Diana will pass the exam.

- I don't think it will rain this afternoon.

- Do you think the examination will be difficult?

But do not use will for things you have already arranged to do or decided to do (► Units 21 2):

- We're going to the theatre on Saturday, (not 'we will go'k)

- Are you working tomorrow? (not 'will you work'),

■ shall

You can say I shall (= I will) and we shall (= we will):


- I shall be late tomorrow. or I will (I'll) be late tomorrow.

- I think we shall win. or I think we will (we'll) win.

But don't use shall with you/they/he/she/it. (not 'he shall be late‘)


1 Helen is going on a European tour next month. Look at her plans. Where will she be on these


1 (8th) She‘ll be in Paris.................................................................. 6-9 Paris

2 (10th) She....................................................................................... 9-11Munich

3 (25th) ............................................................................................. 11-15 Vienna

4 (14th)................................................................................................ 16-22 Roma

5 (20th)................................................................................................ 23-28 Athens

2 Where will you be? Write sentences about yourself. Use I'll be ... /I'll probably be ... /

I don't know where I'll be.

1 (tomorrow at 10 o'clock) I’ll probably be on the beach. (or I’ll be at work. or I don’t know where

I’ll be.)

2 (one hour from now) I …………………………………………………………………………

3 (at midnight) ……………………………………………………………………………………

4 (at 3 o‘clock tomorrow afternoon) ……………………………………………………………..

5 (two years from now) …………………………………………………………………………..

3 Write the negative.

1 You'll sleep. You won’t sleep. 3 It will happen..................................................

2 1‘11 forget. I .......................................... 4 You'll find it ...............................................

4 Write sentences with I think ... All the sentences are future

1 (Diana/pass the exam) I think Diana will pass the exam.

2 (Jack/win the game) I think........................................................................................................

3 (Sue/like her present).................................................................................................................

4 (the weather/be nice tomorrow).....................................................................................:...............

Now write two sentences with I don't think...

5 (they/get married) I don't...........................................................................................................

6 (I be at home this evening).........................................................................................................

5 The verbs in these sentences are underlined. Which are right? Study Unit 21 before you do this


1 We’ll go/We are going to the theatre tonight. We've got the tickets. We are going is right.

2 "What will you do/are you doing tomorrow evening?' 'Nothing. I'm free.'


3 I‘ll go/I'm going away tomorrow morning. My train is at 8.40.

4 I‘m sure he'll lend/he's lending you some money. He's very rich.

5 Why are you putting on your coat?' I‘ll go out/I'm going out.'

6 Do you think Claire will phone/is phoning us tonight?

7 See can't meet us on Saturday. She'll work/She's working.

will/shall (2)

■ You can use I'll ... (= 1 will) when you offer or decide to do something:

- 'My case is very heavy.' 'I'll carry it for you.'

- 'I'll phone you tomorrow, okay?' 'Okay, goodbye.'

We often say I think I'll/I don't think I'll ... when we decide to do something:

- I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed early tonight.

- It's a nice day. I think I'll sit in the garden.

- It's raining. I don't think I'll go out.

Don’t use the present simple (I go/I phone etc.) in sentences like these:

- I'll phone you tomorrow, okay? (not 'I phone you')

- I think I'll go to bed early, (not 'I go to bed')

Don't use I'll ... for something you decided before (► Units 21-2):

- I'm working tomorrow, (nor 'I'll work')

- I'm going to watch TV tonight, (not 'I'll watch')

- What are you doing at the weekend? (not 'what wilt you do')

Shall I...?/Shall we ...?

Shall I /Shall we...? = Do you think this is a good thing to do? Do you think this is a good


- It's warm in this room. Shall I open the window?


- 'Shall I phone you this evening?' 'Yes, please.'

- I'm going to a party tonight. What shall I wear?

- It's a nice day. Shall we go for a walk?

- Where shall we go for our holidays this year?

- 'Let's go out this evening.' 'Okay, what time «shall we meet?'

3. PRESENTATION (1) going to and will


1 John always writes himself a list at the beginning of every day. What's he going to do today?

What's he going to buy?


He's going to fill up the car with petrol.

Things to do Things to buy


Electricity bill

Plane tickets from the travel agent

The library

A hair-cut

The dog for a walk





2 avocados

Apples, melon

4. UNIT 5 Going to (I am going to do)

a) We use going to (do) when we say what we have already decided to do, what we intend to do

in the future:

- A: There's a film on television tonight. Are you going to watch it?

- B: No, I'm too tired. I'm going to have an early night.

- A: I hear Ann has won a lot of money. What is she going to do with it?

- B: I've heard she's going to travel round the world.

- A: Have you made the coffee yet?

- B: No, but I'm just going to make it. (just = just at this moment)

For the difference between will and going to see Unit 8.

b) We prefer to use the present continuous (I am doing) when we say what someone has

arranged to do - for example, arranged to meet someone, arranged to travel somewhere.

Going to is also possible:

- What time are you meeting Ann? (or 'are you going to meet')

- I'm travelling to Scotland on Monday, (or 'I'm going to travel')

c) We use was/were going to to say what someone intended to do in the past (but didn't do):

- We were going to travel by train but then we decided to go by car.

- A: Did Tom do the examination?

B: No, he was going to do it but in the end he changed his mind.

- I was just going to cross the road when someone shouted 'Stop!'.

d) Going to also has another meaning. Study this example situation:



Look at those black clouds! It's going to rain. (The clouds are there now)

- Oh, I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick. (I feel terrible now)

UNIT 5 Exercises

5.1 In this exercise you have to say when you are going to do something.

Examples: Have you cleaned the car? (tomorrow) Not yet, I’m going to clean at tomorrow.

Have you made the coffee? (just) Not yet, I’m going to make it.

1. Have you phoned Tom? (after lunch) Not yet. I.................................................

2. Have you had dinner? (just) Not yet.....................................................

3. Have you painted your flat? (soon) Not..........................................................

4. Have you repaired my bicycle? (just)....................................................................

5.2 In this exercise you have to write questions with going to.

Example: I've won a lot of money. (what/with it?) What are you going to do with it?

1. I'm going to a party tonight, (what/wear?)........................................................................

2. Tom has just bought a painting, (where/hang it?)...........................................................

3. I've decided to have a party, (who/invite?)........................................................................

5.3 In this exercise you have to use was/were going to.

Example: Did you travel by train?

No, I was going to travel by train but I changed my mind.

1. Did you buy that jacket you saw in the shop window?

No, I .................................................................... but I changed my mind.

2. Did Sue get married?

No, she..................................................... but she ..........................................

3. Did Tom resign from his job?

No, ...........................................................................but ...................................

4. Did Wayne and Sharon go to Greece for their holidays?



5. Did you play tennis yesterday?

No, .......................................................................................................................

6. Did you invite Ann to the party?


5.4 Now you have to say what you think is going to happen in these situations.

Example: The sky is full of black clouds. (rain) It’s going to rain.

1. Terry is doing his examinations tomorrow. He hasn't done any work for them and he is not very

intelligent. (fail) He ............................................................................

2. It is 8.30. Tom is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 8.45 but the journey takes 30

minutes. (be late).......................................................................................................................

3. There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. It is filling up with water very quickly, (sink) It


4. Ann is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long

way away, (run out of petrol) ...............................................................................................

UNIT 8 Will or going to?

a) Talking about future actions

We use both will and going to to talk about our future actions but there is a clear difference. Study

this example situation:




bicycle has a flat tyre. She tells her father.

My bicycle has a flat tyre.

Can you repair it for me?

Okay, but I can't do it now.

I'll repair tomorrow.

will: We use will when we decide

to do something at

the time of speaking. The

speaker has not decided

before. Before Helen told

her father, he didn't know about

the flat tyre.

Later, Helen's mother speaks to her husband. going to: We use going to

when we have already

decided to do something.

Helen's father had already

decided to repair the

bicycle before his wife .

spoke to him.



Can you repair Helen's bicycle?

It has a flat tyre.

Yes, I know. She told me.

I'm going to repair it tomorrow.

Here is another example:

- Tom is cooking when he suddenly finds that there isn't any salt:

- Tom: Ann, we haven't got any salt.


- Ann: Oh, haven't we? I'll get some from the shop then, (she derides at the time of speaking)

Before going out, Ann talker to Jim:

Ann: I'm going to get some salt from the shop. (she has already decided)

Can I get you anything, Jim?

b) Saying what will happen (predicting future happenings)

We use both will and going to to say what we think will happen in the future:

- Do you think Tom will get the job?

- Oh dear, it's already 4 o'clock. We're going to be late.

We use going to (not will) when there is something in the present situation that shows what will

happen in the future (especially the near future). The speakers feel sure about what will happen

because of the situation now (see also Unit 5d):

- Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain, (the clouds are there now)

-I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick. (I feel terrible now)

Do not use will in situations like these.

Otherwise, it is safer to use will (see also Unit 7).

- Ann will probably arrive at about 8 o'clock.

- I think Tom will like the present you bought for him.

UNIT 8 Exercises

8.1 In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form using will or going to.

Examples: A: Why are you turning on the television?

В: I’m going to watch. (watch) the news.

A: Oh, I've just realized - I haven't got any money.

B: Don't worry - that's no problem. I'll lend (lend) you some.

Those clouds are very black, aren't they? I think it is going to rain (rain).

1. A: I've got a terrible headache.

B: Have you? Wait there and I...................................................(get) an aspirin for you.

2. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?

B: I ............................................................ (wash) the car.

3. A: I've decided to re-paint this room.

B: Oh, have you? What color.................................................................... (you/paint) it?

4. A: Look! There's smoke coming out of that house. It's on fire!

B: Good, heavens! I.......................................................(call) the fire-brigade immediately.

5. A: The ceiling in this room doesn't I look very safe, does it?

B: No, it looks as if it................................................................ (fall) down.

6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?


B: Yes, I..........................................................................(buy) something for dinner.

7. A: I can't work out how to use this camera.

B: It's quite easy. I .......................................................................(show) you.

8. A: What would you like to drink - tea or coffee?

B: I ..................................................................................(have) tea, please.

9. A: Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school?

B: Oh yes. Everything is planned. He........................................ (have) a holiday for a few

weeks and then he.......................................... (start) a computer programming course.

10. A: Did you post that letter for me?

B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I............................................................ (do) it now.

11. A: What shall we have for dinner?

B: I don't know. I can't make up my mind.

A: Come on, hurry up! Make a decision!

B: Okay then. We.........................................................................(have) chicken.

12. Jack: We need some bread for lunch.

Ben: Oh, do we? I.........................................(go) to the shop and get some. I feel like a

walk. Before he goes out, Ben talks to Jane:

Ben: I........................................ (get) some bread. Do you want anything from the shop?

Jane: Yes, I need some envelopes.

Ben: Okay, I ......................................................................(get) you some.

13. John has to go to the airport to catch a plane. He hasn't got a car: John: Alan, can you take

me to the airport this evening?

Alan: Of course I ................................................................. (take) you. I'd be delighted.

Later that day Eric offers to take John to the airport. Eric: John, do you want me to take you to

the airport? John: No thanks, Eric. Alan..................................................................... (take) me.

5. T.33 Read and listen to the dialogue between John (J) and Anna (A).

J I'm going to the shops soon. Do you want anything?

A No, I don't think so. Oh, hang on. We haven't got any sugar left.

J It's all right. It's on my list. I'm going to buy some.

A What about bread? We haven't got any bread.

J OK. I'll go to the baker's and I'll buy a loaf.

A I'll be at work when you get back.

J I'll see you later, then. Don't forget Jo and Andy are coming round for a drink tonight.

A Ah, right. Bye.

J Bye, honey.


6. Grammar questions

I'm going to buy some (sugar).

I'll buy a loaf.

- Why does John use different future forms? What's the difference between will and going to to

express a future intention?

- We don't usually say going to go or going to come. Find the examples in the dialogue where

these forms are avoided.

7. Dialogues

John said, I'll go to the baker's and I'll buy a loaf. Look at the list of items. What would Anna ask?

What would John say?


- some stamps

Anna Could you get some stamps?

John OK. I'll go to the post office and buy some.

- a newspaper

- a bottle of wine

- a joint of beef

- a film for her camera

- some shampoo

- a tin of white paint

- a video

- some felt-tip pens

8. Listening

T.34 Listen to the conversations. Say what's going to happen.


1. Present Continuous

UNIT 1 Present continuous (I am doing)

a) Study this example situation:

We use the present continuous when we talk about something which is happening at the time of


- Please don't make so much noise. I'm studying. (not 'I study')

- 'Where is Margaret?' 'She's having a bath.' (not 'she has')

- Let's go out now. It isn't raining any more.

- (at a party) Hello, Ann. Are you enjoying the party? (not 'do you enjoy')

b) We also use the present continuous when we talk about something which is happening around,

the time of speaking, but not necessarily exactly at the time of speaking. Study this example


-Tom and Ann are talking and drinking in a cafe. Tom says: 'I'm reading an interesting book at

the moment. I'll lend it to you when I've finished it.'

Tom is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He means that he has begun the book and

hasn't finished it yet. He is in the middle of reading it. Here are some more examples:

- Silvia is learning English at the moment, (not 'learns')

- Have you heard about Tom? He is building his own house, (not 'builds') But perhaps Silvia and

Tom are not doing these things exactly at the time of speaking.

c) We often use the present continuous when we talk about a period around the present. For

example: today, this season etc.:

- 'You're working hard today.' 'Yes, I have a lot to do.'

-Tom isn't playing football this season. He wants to concentrate on his studies.

d) We use the present continuous when we talk about changing situations:

- The population of the world is rising very fast, (not 'rises') -Is your English getting better? (not

'does ... get')


UNIT 1 Exercises

1.1 In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.

Examples: Please don‘t make so much noise. I am studying (study).

Let's go out now. It isn’t raining (not/rain) any more.

Listen to those people. What language are they speaking (they/speak)?

1. Please be quiet. I............................ (try) to concentrate.

2. Look! It....................................(snow).

3. Why.......................................... (you/look) at me like that? Have I said something wrong?

4. You.....................................(make) a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter?

5. Excuse me, I..................................... (look) for a phone box. Is there one near here?

6. (in the cinema) It's a good film, isn't it?.......................................(you/enjoy) it?

7. Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They................................... (shout) at each other


8. Why..................................... (you/wear) your coat today? It's very warm.

9. I.............................................(not/work) this week. I'm on holiday.

10.I want to lose weight. I............................................(not/eat) anything today.

1.2 Complete these sentences using one of these verbs:

get become change rise improve fall increase

You don't have to use all the verbs and you can use some of them more than once.

Example: The population of the world is rising very fast.

1. The number of people without jobs............................. at the moment.

2. He is still ill but he …………...................................... better slowly.

3. These days food............................................... more and more expensive.

4. The world................................... . Things never stay the same.

5. The cost of living..................................Every year things are dearer.

6. George has gone to work in Spain. When he arrived, his Spanish wasn't very good but now


7. The economic situation is already very bad and it................................... worse.

1.3 Read this conversation between Brian and Steve. Put each verb into the correct form. The first

one has already been done for you.

Brian and Steve meet in a restaurant:

Brian: Hello, Steve. I haven't seen you for ages. What (1) are you doing (you/do) these days?

Steve: I (2)....................................(train) to be a shop manager.

Brian: Really? (3) ............................... (you/enjoy) it?

Steve: Yes, it's quite interesting. How about you?


Brian: Well, I (4)......................................(not/work) at the moment, but I'm very busy.

I(5)................................... (build) a house.

Steve: Really? (6) ..................................................... (you/do) it alone?

Brian: No, some friends of mine (7)......................................................... (help) me.

2. T.35 Listen to a telephone conversation between a businessman, Alan Middleton, and Nina

Kendle's secretary.

Tapescript 35

S=Nina Kendle‘s secretary

A=Allan Middleton

S Hello. Nina Kendle‘s office.

A Hello. Could I speak to Nina Kendle, please? This is Alan Middleton.

S I‘m afraid she is out at the moment. She‘s visiting a factory.

A I see. What time will she be back in the office?

S I‘m not sure. I don‘t know how long she‘s going to stay there.

A All right. What about lunch-time? Is she free then?

S Just one moment. I‘ll check. No, she‘s having lunch with a designer.

A Till what time? Do you know?

S Erm … Well, she‘s seeing a customer here in her office at 2.00.

A Ah! So when‘s a good time to try again?

S Any time any time after 2.30.

A Are you sure?

S Definitely. She‘ll be in her office for the rest of the afternoon.

A OK. I‘ll phone back then. Thank you.

S That‘s all right. Good-bye.

3. Look at the conversation between Nina Kendle's secretary (S) and Alan Middleton (A). Try to

complete the gaps.

S Hello. Nina Kendle's office.

A Hello. Could I speak to Nina Kendle, please? This is Alan Middleton.

S Oh, I'm afraid she's out at the moment. She (a) _____________ a factory.

A I see. What time (b)_________she__________back in the office?

S I'm not sure. I don't know how long she's going to stay there.

A All right. What about lunch-time? Is she free then?

S Just one moment. I (c) _____________check. No, she (d) _____________lunch with a



A Till what time? Do you know?

S Erm ... Well, she (e) __________ a customer here in her office at 2.00.

A Ah! So when's a good time to try again?

S Any time after 2.30.

A Are you sure?

S Definitely. She (f) __________ in her office for the rest of the afternoon.

A OK. I (g) _________phone back then. Thank you.

S That's all right. Goodbye.

Look at the Tapescript on page 131 and check your answers.

4. Grammar questions

- What tense are the verbs in a, d and e?

- Which refer to the present? Which refer to the future?

- Why are these sentences with will, not going to?

I'll check.

I'll phone back then.


Future forms


1 Will expresses an intention or decision made at the moment of speaking.

I'll give you my phone number. Ring me tonight.

I'll check her diary for you.

I'll phone back later.

Many languages express this idea with a present tense, but *I give, *I check and *I phone are


2 The most common use of will is to refer to the future. It expresses a future fact or prediction.

Tomorrow will be warm and sunny.

What time will she be back?

I'm sure you'll pass your exam.

going to

1 Going to expresses an intention or decision thought about before the moment of speaking. It

expresses a plan.

We're going to have a holiday in Sicily this summer. My daughter's going to study modern

languages at Bristol University.

2 We use going to when we can see evidence now that something is certain to happen.


Look at those clouds. It's going to rain.

Present Continuous

The Present Continuous can be used to express a future arrangement between people. It is

common with verbs such as go, come, see, visit, meet, have (a party), leave.

Pat and Peter are coming for a meal tonight. We're having salmon for supper.

Sometimes there is little or no difference between a future intention (going to) and a future

arrangement (Present Continuous).

We're going to see a play tonight. We're seeing a play tonight.

6. Nina Kendle works in the fashion business.

Look at her diary for today. Imagine it is 9.30 in the morning.

- Where is she now?

- What's she doing?

- What are her plans for the rest of the day?


7. Roleplay

Work in pairs. Your teacher will give you a role card. Study the information on it carefully. Have

telephone conversations similar to the one between Alan Middletoi and Nina Kendle's secretary.

Remember the following expressions.

Could I speak to ... ?

I'm afraid ...

What time will ... be back?

At about...

Is ... free at lunch-time?

I'll check. No, she's having/seeing/going ...

When's a good time to try again?

I‘ll phone back …

She‘ll be …

That‘s fine …


8. Discussing grammar

Work in pairs and discuss your answers. Underline the correct verb form.


I must hurry because I'm going/I'll go to the doctor's.

a Are you doing/Will you do anything tonight? Would you like to come round for a game of cards?

с 'I've just booked our summer holiday' 'Really? Where are you going/will you go? ' We go/We're

going to Spain.'

d 'There's a good film on at the cinema tonight. Are you interested?'

'Yes, I am.'

'Great! I'll see/I'm seeing you outside the cinema at 7.30.‘

e Do you think it's raining/it'll rain this afternoon?

f ' We're having/We have a party next Saturday' 'Who are you going to invite/do you invite?’ 'Just

a few friends. Can you come?'

'I'd love to, but I'll go/I'm going away for the weekend.

Thanks, anyway.'

9. Arranging to meet

Imagine it is Friday morning. You need to arrange to meet someone over the weekend. First, fill in

your diary. What are you doing this weekend? When are YOU free?

10. Work in pairs.

First decide why you want to meet. Is it for business, or to go out together somewhere? Consult

your diary and try to find a time and a place to meet.

Lesson 12

1. A weather forecast

1 Look at the map of the British Isles. Draw a line between the Bristol Channel and The Wash.

T.36a Listen to the description of the main geographical features of the British Isles.

- What can we find to the north of the line?

- What can we find to the south of the line?

-Match the numbers on the map to these places:


The topics of the geography of Britain and a weather forecast might not seem very interesting but

students often want to learn about the country behind the language. Many learners know of

London only, and nothing of other towns or locations.

It is not just the English who like to talk about the weather! The weather is something that affects

us all. Allow enough time for this activity. The listening tasks are quite dense.


NB Britain, or Great Britain, consists of England, "" Scotland and Wales. The British Isles

consists of Great Britain and Ireland. The United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland

and Northern Ireland. (The other part of Ireland is called the Republic of Ireland, or Eire.)

T.36a Students look at the map of the British Isles. Encourage comments and questions.

Ask students just to tell you the main areas of the British Isles so they can practice the

pronunciation -the South West, the South East, etc. You could ask students questions such as

Where's Birmingham? to get the answer Birmingham's in the Midlands. If you have a good class,

you could teach geographical terms such as Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland; Swansea is on

the south coast of Wales.

Ask students to draw a line between the Bristol Channel and The Wash. This line marks a major

division in the geography of Britain, as the speaker on the tape explains.

Listen to the tape. Students answer the three questions. We suggest you play only the first half of

the tape, stopping at...growing crops and cereals.


- To the north we can find higher lands and mountains, more rain, and sheep and cows.


There is a lot of vocabulary on the tape that students might not know. They will no doubt be able

to answer the three questions adequately, so you can decide if you want to explore the unknown

words or not. You could pre-teach items such as climate, agriculture, hill, backbone, crops,

cereal, coastline, wild ponies, heavily populated, wheat, valley, mining, moor, mist. Or, you could

play the tape again with students reading the tapescript, stopping at these words and

checking/teaching them.

To the south we can find low lands and hills, more sun, arable farms growing crops and cereal.

1 the Welsh Mountains

2 the Pennines

3 the Scottish Highlands

2. T.36b Listen to the second part and take notes about the following areas and places.

The South West

The Midlands

The North East

The South East

The North West



East Anglia



3. Read the Tapescript on page 131. Check any new words.


• The South West has beautiful countryside and coastline. Dartmoor is very beautiful, it has wild


• The South East is gentle, there is fruit-growing, it is where a lot of people live.

• East Anglia is flat, and has big fields of wheat and potatoes.

• The Midlands used to have a lot of heavy industry.

• Wales has mountains in the north and valleys in the south.

• In the North West there is the Lake District and the towns of Liverpool and Manchester.

• In the North East there used to be a lot of ship building and mining.

• Scotland has lochs, moors, mountains and not many people.

• Ireland is famous for its rain, grass, romance and mists.

4. Put the adjectives to do with temperature in the right order.














5. Complete the chart with a word from the box.(look at the picture

snowing windy misty wind

fog stormy snow storm

blowing snowy cloud foggy

shower raining sunny rain


6 T.37 Listen to a weather forecast

for the British Isles. Mark on the map

what the weather will be like tomorrow. Use the symbols in Exercise 4. Write the temperature

next to the symbol.

Tapescript 37


The Weather Forecast

And now here's the weather forecast for the next twenty-four hours. I'll divide the country into

four, starting with the North West and the North East of England. Well, there'll be some early

morning mists, and after that it'll be mainly dry and sunny, but quite chilly, with temperatures

around six or seven. It should stay dry all day, but there'll be quite a wind, so wrap up warm.

And now the South West and Wales. You can expect some rain in the morning and afternoon.

There might be some storms, as well, with thunder and lightning. There'll be quite strong winds,

and the temperature will be lower than yesterday, around three or four degrees. I don't think you'll

see much of the sun. Cloudy all day, I'm afraid.

The South East, the Midlands, and East Anglia will see the best of today's weather. It'll be warmer

than yesterday, no winds, and sunshine nearly all day, with temperatures around ten or eleven, so

quite warm for the time of year.

In Scotland and Northern Ireland, however, there'll be heavy rain and maybe some snow during

the afternoon, and on the hills temperatures will drop to below freezing, minus four or five, and on

the highest spots minus ten. Over much of Scotland it will be cloudy, and windy, too, as the cold

front moves in over the Atlantic. Northern Ireland can expect the same, but the rain will end

before dark. But again, very cold, with temperatures not going above freezing. And that's all from


7 Work in pairs. Write a weather forecast for where you are. Read it to the rest of the class.

8 Discuss the following questions.

- Do you get many foreign tourists in your country? What do they come to see? What do they

come to do? What are the most popular towns for them to visit? What are the most popular places?

Which countries do the tourists come from?

9. Look at the pictures on page 51 SB. Which do you recognize? Where can you find them?

10. Class survey

Stand up and ask three students the following questions.

What sort of holidays do you like?

Relaxing in the sun?

A holiday abroad at home?

A holiday like a Schumachers‘?



An activity holiday?

Compare answers with the rest of the class.

Lesson 13

Theme: Sending a fax


Sending a fax

1. Janet Cooper wants to go to Spain on holiday with her family. She decides to fax the

receptionist at the Hotel Plaza in Alicante to see if they have the accommodation she


Look at the information on this page and fill in the first part of Janet‘s fax. She will get all

the information on one page. The code for Spain from the UK is 00 34.

2. Write out the words of Janet‘s fax message in the correct order.


From__________________________ Page 1 of _______________________________

To____________________________ Date___________________________________

For the attention_________________ To fax no_______________________________

From fax no_____________________________


_______________________________ a rooms hotel I to some would like reserve at


_______________________________ b in 28 July We on Alicante are arriving

_______________________________ с ten hope stay to We for nights leaving 7

August on

_______________________________ d and husband like room I My double balcony


a would with preferably a

_______________________________ e require Our a two teenage daughters twin


_______________________________ f are all en-suite that We understand your


_______________________________ g you this confirm Could?

_______________________________ h a sea view possible Is have it rooms to with?

_______________________________ i available if me let you Please for know have

dates these rooms

_______________________________ j grateful if I be would also me you could tell

room each price the of

_______________________________ k from I forward look you to hearing

Yours faithfully

Janet Cooper

3. T.39 Listen and check your answers.

4. You are the receptionist at the hotel. Write a reply to Janet, either by letter or fax.

- Thank her for her enquiry.

- Say you are pleased to confirm her reservation for the rooms she wants, and for the

dates she wants.

- Tell her that all the rooms have an en-suite bathroom, and all the rooms have a sea


- The rooms are 21.000 pesetas per room per night.

- End the letter saying that you look forward to welcoming her and her family to your


- Finish with Yours sincerely, Reception.

Travelling around

A short chat about public transport in your country, such as


How do you travel around?

How do you get to school?

What‘s the cheapest form of transport?

Are the buses/ trains reliable?

What‘s the traffic situation like?

1. Here are some lines from conversations on different kinds of transport.

Where does each conversation take place? Choose from the box.

car bus taxi underground train plane ferry

Do you think it‘ll be a rough crossing?

Excuse me, I think you‘ll find those seats facing the front are ours.

Two to the British Museum, please. And could you possibly tell us when it‘s our


Can you take us to Euston Station, please?

I‘ll get a couple of coffees from the buffet car.

That‘s all right, you can keep the change.

No, no! He said turn left at the pub, not right!

Excuse me, are we landing on time?

Which line is it for Oxford Circus?

2. Match a line in Exercise 1 with a reply.

a. Look! You drive and I’ll navigate from now on! Right?

b. Yes, of course. Hop in!

c. Would you mind getting me a sandwich as well?

d. I‘m terribly sorry. We didn‘t notice that they were reserved.

e. Yes. We are beginning our descent soon.

f. Well, the forecast is good, so it should be very smooth.

g. One pound eighty, please. Just sit near me and I‘ll give you a shout.

h. The Jubilee Line to Green Park. Then change to the Victoria Line.

i. Thanks a lot. Do you want a hand with those bags?

T.40 Listen and check your answers. Practice some of the conversations with a partner.



Work in pairs. You are in hotel. A is the receptionist, and B is a guest. The guest has

several requests, and phones Reception from his/her room. Change roles after 3



There are no towels.

A. Hello. Reception. Can I help you?

B. Yes, please. There are no towels in my room. Could you send some up, please?

A. Certainly. I’ll see to it straight away.

B. Thanks. Bye.

Use these situations for B.

- You‘d like some tea and a sandwich in your room.

- You want the telephone number of the railway station.

- You want Reception to recommend a good place to eat.

- You can‘t get the television to work.

- You want to be woken at 7.00 in the morning and have breakfast in our room.

- You want to order a taxi to take you to the airport.

somebody, nobody, anybody, everybody

7. Compound words

1. Look at the sentences from the text about the Schumacher's holiday on page 52 of the

Student's book.

If something is a hundred years old, that's pretty old. Everyone we've met has been real

nice. Did I forget anything?

2. Look at the compounds that can be formed.

some one

any body

no thing

every where

3. In general, we use some in positive sentences and any in negatives and questions, but

not always.

- In offers and requests we usually use some.

Would you like something to eat? Can I have something to drink?


- We use some when we expect the answer 'yes'.

Is there somebody I can speak to? Can we go somewhere quiet?

4. We generally use any after if.

If you need anything, just ask.

5. Any has another meaning. It can mean it doesn't matter who/where/what...

Come and see me anytime you want. I don't mind. Help yourself to food. You can have

anything you want. Anyone will tell you that two and two is four.

Put one of the compounds into each gap.

a. Does____________want a game of tennis?

b. What's that smell? Can you smell__________burning?

c. I asked if__________wanted an ice-cream, but_____________did, so I just bought one for


d. Did_________phone me while I was out?

e. Your face looks terribly familiar. Haven't I seen you____________before?

f. She left the room without saying____________.

g. This doesn't look a very nice restaurant. Can we go____________else?

h. I have____________more to say to you. Goodbye.

i. I have never been____________more beautiful than Scotland.

j. I felt so embarrassed. I was sure that____________was looking at me.

k. 'What do you want for supper?''____________. I don't mind.'

l. It was Sunday, and the town was deserted.___________was in the streets,

and___________was open.

m. 'Who was at the party?'____________Pete, Anna, James, Kathy, all the Smiths, Sally

Beams and Sally Rogers.'

n. 'Where do you want to go on holiday?''____________hot. I don't care if it's Greece, Spain,

Italy or the Sahara, but it's got to be hot.'


8. make or do?


1. Which words and expressions go with make? Which go with do? Write them in the correct


2. Complete the

sentences using

one of the

expressions in Exercise 1 in the correct form.

a. Is there a public call box near here? I have to__________________.

b. First she said 'Yes', then she said 'No', but in the end she__________________to marry


c. When you're not sure what to do the best thing is to_________________.

d. Ssh! You mustn't____________. The baby's asleep.

e. My teacher says I must work harder, but I can't work any harder,


f. We asked to see the manager and we_______________about the terrible service in the


g. At first I found learning English very easy, but now. I don't think I'm__________

any________at all!

h. Could you_______please? Could you give me a lift to the airport?

i. My uncle died without_____________and it was very difficult for our family to sort out

his money and possessions.

j. We have some lovely new neighbours; we've already ________________with them.

k. I like to keep fit, so I____________every day.


a mistake


my homework


l. Before you go on holiday you should___________that all the doors and windows are

shut and locked.

m. __________________, not war!


9. in, at, on for place

1. In is used to express a position inside a place. It suggests three dimensions.

He works in an office in London.

He lives in the south of England.

He eats in restaurants.

He potters in the garden.

There are lots of shops in the airport.

When we were in France, we spent a few days

in Paris.

2. At is used to express a location at a point. It suggests two dimensions.

Luanda's at home. Justin's at Ben's house.

I'll see you at the cinema at 8.00.

I've left my case at the office. at

I met him at the bus-stop. at

Turn right at the traffic lights.

Our house is at the end of the road.

We arrived at the airport with time to spare.

3. On is used to talk about position on a surface.

Your dinner's on the table.

Don't sit on the floor.

This exercise is on page 26. on

We drive on the left.

There are no pictures on the wall.

You've got a dirty mark on your chip. Our flat is on the third floor.

Put in, at, or on into each gap.



a. I met my husband____Italy. He was____a shop, buying pasta. I was____a queue, waiting

to buy some bread.

b. Last night I was____the kitchen when I lost my glasses. I looked____all the shelves

and____all the cupboards. I thought I'd put them____one of the drawers, but they weren't

there. They certainly weren't____the table or____the floor. Had I left them____work?

Were they____the car? Then I realized where they were. They were____my nose.

c. 'Where were you at 2.00?'

'____the beach.' '____work.' '____Manchester.'

'____Sally's house doing my homework.'

'____the bath.' '____home.' '____a boat.'


10. Vowel sounds and spelling

1.T.33 Put a circle around the symbol that matches the sound in the underlined letters. They are

all single vowel sounds.


word / / (з:) /о:/

a. weather /e/ /i:/ /æ/

b. sugar /u:/ /υ/ / /

c. woman /O/ /i/ /υ/

d. women /O/ /i/ /υ/

e. uncle / / /æ/ /o/

f. half /а:/ /æ/ /o:/

2. T.34 Cross out the word which does not contain the vowel sound on the left.


/i/ build field fill women

a. /e/ leather friend break bread

b. / / front rough won't country

c. /o/ clock wonder want wash

d. /æ/ angry hungry fax salmon

e. /i:/ cheese breath meal breathe

f. /u:/ spoon wooden zoo souvenir


g. /o:/ warm walk store work

h. /з:/ world ferry early journalist

3. T.35 Transcribe the following words.


/'k bəd/ cupboard

a. /'petrəl/____________

b. /'jangət/ ____________

c. /'mtrəstiŋ/ ___________

d. /Өo:t/______________

e. /'brekfəst/._____________

f. /'stæt∫u:/ __________________

g. /'fri:ziŋ/ _____________________

h. /'l k∫əri/ __________________

i. /'do:tə/ ______________________

j. /'smu:ð/ ___________________


accommodation n

agriculture n

arable farm n

arrange v

available adj

avocado n

backbone n

baker's n

balcony n

boiling adj

cancel v

caviar n

cereal я n


characterize v

chilly adj


climate n




collect v

come across sb/sth (= find) v

confirm v

consider v

crop n

crossing (in a boat) n

crystal n

cuckoo n

dark я /da:k/ definitely adv

degree (of temperature) n


dramatic adj



en-suite (in a bedroom)

enquiry n

exhausted adj

exhilarated adj

experience n

face v



felt-tip pen







freezing adj

front (of weather)




gentle adj

goose bumps (USA)

grateful adj



half way

hang on (= wait) v

heavy (of rain) adj

heavy industry



hop in (a car) v

hurry v

include v

inhabit v

itinerary я

joint (of meat)


land (a plane) v /

leather n/

left (there's no sugar left) adv










minus /





navigate v

pack v







preferably adv


range (of mountains)

recent adj

reception (after a marriage)

recommend v

remind v

removal man

require v

revise v


rough adj


shower n

showery adj

sidewalk (USA) n


situated (be situated) v

smooth (sea) adj


spot (= place)



stormy adj

straight away adv

stress я /stres/




tip (= money)




twin room

vacation (USA)


vast adj


wheat n

wild (animal) adj


wrap up (warm) v


Lesson 14



Questions with like

1. In Britain, some school children go on exchanges to another country. They stay with a

family for two weeks, and then the boy and girl of the family comes back to Britain for

two weeks. Does this happen in your country?

2. Read the conversation between Anna and Nina, two schoolgirls. Put one of the questions

from the questions from the box into each gap.

What does she like doing? How is she?

What‘s she like? What does she look like?

What would she like to do?

Anna My French exchange visitor came yesterday.

Nina What‘s her name?

Anna Marie-Ange.

Nina What a pretty name!_______________________?

Anna She‘s really nice. I‘m sure we‘ll get on really well. We seem to have a lot in



Nina Why do you say that? ___________________?

Anna Well, she likes dancing, and so do I. And we both like tennis and listening to


Nina That sounds great. I saw you with someone this morning. Was it Marie-Ange?


Anna She‘s quite tall, and she‘s got long, dark hair.

Nina No, it wasn‘t her, then. Now, we‘re all going out tomorrow, aren‘t we? Shall we

go for a pizza, shall we go to the cinema?______________________________?

Anna I‘ll ask her tonight and tell you tomorrow. By the way, someone told me your

mum‘s not very well. What‘s the matter?______________________________?

Nina Oh, she‘s OK. She‘s had a bad sore throat, that‘s all, but it‘s getting better now.

Anna Oh, it‘s not too bad, then.

T.41 Listen and check your answers. In pairs, practice the conversation.


Like versus as

1. When like is used as a preposition, it is always followed by a noun. It means similar to/the

same as/for example.

I look like my mother.

They have so many animals. Their house is like a zoo.

'What star sign are you?' 'I'm Gemini, like you.'

'You're stupid.' 'Why do you say things like that?'

Their children are loud and bossy. I don't like kids like that.

2. As can also be used as a preposition followed by a noun. It expresses the job, function or use of

a person or a thing.

I worked as a waitress over the holidays.

We use our garage as a storage place.

She went to a party dressed as a nun.

3. When as is used as a conjunction, it is followed by a subject and a verb.

Do as I say and sit down.


Don't eat and speak at the same time, as my mother used to say.

As you know, we're leaving tomorrow at 10.00.

Notice the use of as in as usual.

Pat and Peter arrived late, as usual.

4. We also use as in comparisons.

My daughter is as tall as me.

She works in the same office as me.

Put as or like into each gap

a. I‘ll be back in touch______soon______possible.

b. This wine tastes_______vinegar!

c. I‘ve known Andy for years. He went to the same school_______I did.

d. My sister‘s a teacher,________me.

e. ‗We had a new teacher today called Mary.‘ ‗What was she________?‘

f. Who do I look_________, my mother or my father?

g. She really annoys me. I can‘t stand people_______her.

h. I‘ll see you tomorrow at 11.00,________usual.

i. It‘s July and the weather‘s awful! It‘s__________winter!

j. I need to buy all sorts of things_________socks, shirts and knickers.

k. My wife has found a job________a personal assistant.

1. Dave drinks____a fish! I've never seen anyone drink as much.

m. My brother has a car____yours.

n. Don't touch anything. Leave everything____it is.

О. It's freezing. My feet are____blocks of ice.

Verb patterns

4. Choosing the correct form

T.38 Put a tick (√) next to the correct form of the verb.

you be more careful with your

a. I want you to be homework in future.

that you are

to smoke

b. I stopped smoke when I was thirty.



c. Why did I agree to work

work with you? I can‘t

working stand it.

tell you that you were making.

d. I tried to tell you a mistake, but you

telling wouldn‘t listen

to see

e. I‘m looking forward to seeing you again soon



f. My parents let me to do what I wanted when I was young



g. I wasn‘t allowed go out unless they knew where I was going

to go


h. I finished to watch the television, and then I went to bed


5. A puzzle

Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. You need either the -ing form or the infinitive.

Write your answers in the puzzle. The vertical words spell what we all like to eat (9, 4)!











count invite touch pull wish complain

speak wash feed defrost stand find fill





a. I hate_________ in a queue. It's such a waste of time.

b. My baby daughter is just learning to_______________.

She can say two words - 'Mama' and 'pussy'.

c. Can you remember to________________up the car with petrol? It's nearly empty.

d. I'd love to_____Dave and Maggie round for a meal some time.

e. I couldn't sleep last night. I tried sheep, but that didn't help.

f. My jeans need____________ They're filthy.

g. The customer tried to _____about the service in the restaurant, but the waiter refused

to listen to him.

h. Stop________________my hair! It hurts!

i. I just want to________________you Happy Birthday.

j. Would you mind________________our cat while we're away on holiday?

k. When you go round a museum, you aren't allowed to _______________anything.

l. Don't forget to________________the chicken before youcook it.

m. Did you manage to__________ what you were looking for?

6. Using a dictionary

Look at the extracts from the Oxford Wordpower Dictionary. They show you which verb patterns

are possible. Some of the verb patterns in the sentences are right, and some are wrong. Tick (V)

those that are right, and correct the wrong ones.

like1 /laik/ verb [T] 1 to find sb/sth pleasant; to be fond of sb/sth: He's nice. I like him a lot. о Do

you like their new flat? о I like my coffee with milk, о I like playing tennis, о She didn't like it when

I shouted at her. *- The opposite is dislike. When like means 'have the habit of...' or 'think it's a

good thing to...', it is followed by the infinitive: I like to get up early so that I can go for a run

before breakfast. Look at likes and dislikes. 2 to want: Do what you like. I don't care. *• Would

like is a more polite way to say 'want': Would you like to come to lunch on Sunday? о I would like

some more cake, please, о I'd like to speak to the manager. Would like is always followed by the

infinitive, never by the -ing form. 3 (in negative sentences) to be unwilling to do sth: / didn't like to


disturb you while you were eating.

a. We like going out to eat in restaurants.

b. Would you like coming round to our house for a meal some time?

c. I like it when you tickle my feet.

d. I like to go to the dentist's twice a year.

e. I'd like to make a complaint.

f. I always like paying my bills on time.

agree /a'gri:/ verb 1[I,T] agree (with sb/ sth); agree (that...) to have the same opinion as sb/sth:

1 think we should talk to the manager about this.' 'Yes, I agree.' о I agree with Paul, о Do you

agree that we should travel by train? о I'm afraid I don't agree, «r Look at disagree. 2 [I] agree

(to sth) to say yes to sth: I asked if I could go home early and she agreed, о Andrew has agreed

to lend me his car for the weekend. m- Look at refuse. 3 [I,T] agree (to do sth); agree (on sth)

to make an arrangement or agreement with sb: They agreed to meet again the following day. о

Can we agree on a price? о We agreed a price of £500.4 [I] agree with sth to think that sth is

right: I don't agree with experiments on animals. 5 [I] to be the same as sth: The two accounts of

the accident do not agree.

g. He thinks we should go, and I'm agree.

h. She thinks she's right, but I'm not agree.

i. I don't agree with you.

j. Most scientists agree that global warming is a serious problem.

k. She thought we should go, and I agreed it.

1 They agreed discussing the problem further.

Grammar question

Match the questions from the box in Exercise 2 with the definitions below.

a. Tell me about her physical appearance.

b. Tell me about her interests and hobbies.

c. Tell me about her because I don‘t know anything about her.

d. Tell me about her health.

e. Tell me about her preferences for tomorrow evening.

In which questions is like used as a verb, and in which is it a preposition?



1. Questions and answers

Match a question in A with an answer in B


a What does he like? He isn‘t very well, actually. He‘s got the flu

b What‘s he like? He‘s really nice. Very friendly and open, and good

fun to be with

c What does he look like? He likes swimming and skiing, and he‘s a keen

football fan.

d How is he? He‘s quite tall, average build, with straight brown


2. Listening

T.42 Listen to nine short descriptions of people or things. Write an appropriate question for each.


Gosh! Haven't you ever tried Indian food? It's absolutely delicious. Really rich! It can be hot, but

it doesn't have to be.


What's Indian food like?


3. Descriptions

In pairs, ask and answer the following questions.

a. What sort of things do you like doing?

b. How are your parents?

c. Who do you look like in your family?

d. Who are you like in terms of character?

e. What are you like as a person?

f. What's your school like?

g. What does your teacher look like?


Verb + -ing or infinitive?

1. Read the letter and underline the correct verb form.


We've decided going/to go/go to Kenya for a holiday.


2 T.43 Listen and check your answers.

Grammar question

Read the sentences.

Last night I was watching television when the phone rang.

I stopped watching television.

I stopped to answer the phone.

- What is the difference between stop + -ing and stop + the infinitive?


1. Grammar and listening

1. When one verb is followed by another, different patterns are possible. Put the verbs from

the Presentation text in the correct box.

verb + -ing

love doing


verb + person + infinitive with to

want someone to do

verb + infinitive (with to)

want to do

verb + person + infinitive without to

make someone do

2. T.44 You will hear sentences with the verbs below. Add them to the correct box in

Exercise 1.


The teacher told me to do my homework. Box 3

I promised to do it carefully. Box 2

Tell promise hate agree

Manage need forget choose

Like refuse can't stand finish

Ask continue

3. Look at the list of verb patterns on page 158 and check your answers.

2 Discussing grammar

Work in pair and discuss your answer.

1 In the following sentences, two verbs are possible an one is not. Underline the verb that is

not possible.

a. My father_____________to mend my bike.

1 promised 2 didn't mind 3 tried

b. She______________her son to turn down his music

1 asked 2 wanted 3 made

c. I______________ going on long walks.

1 refuse 2 can't stand 3 adore

d. We______________to go shopping.

1 need 2 'd love 3 enjoy

e. She_____me do the cooking.

1 wanted 2 made 3 helped

I___working for the bank twenty years ago.

2 Started 2 stopped 3 decided


2. Change the sentences in Exercise 1 using the verbs underlined.



Asking for descriptions

1 What's London like? means 'Tell me about London because I don't know anything

about it'. It is a very general question.

When it is asked about a person, the answer can refer to character or appearance or both.

What's Peter like?

He's quite tall, with short blond hair.

He's really nice. You'd like him.

2 What does she look like? asks for a physical description.

What does she look like?

She's very pretty. She's got long black hair, and dark, mysterious eyes.

3 How are your parents? asks about their health and general happiness. It does not ask for

a description.

How are your parents?

They're fine, thanks. My mother had a cold, but she's better now.

Verb patterns

We use -ing after some verbs.

/ don't mind cooking but I hate ironing.

We use the infinitive after some verbs.

We tried to save some money because we needed to buy a new car. My mother asked me to

tidy up, and then told me to go to bed.

Make and let are followed by the infinitive without to.

She made me go to bed, but she let me read for a while.


Words that go together

Use your dictionaries to look up any new words.

1 Look at the following groups of words. Which four of the surrounding words in each

group cannot go with the noun in the centre?


2. Put a suitable adjective from Exercise 1 into the gaps in the following conversations. If

necessary, use their comparative or superlative forms.


Billy's only two so he's the youngest in the family.

a. 'What is Anna's brother like?' 'Well, he is certainly_______ enjoy meeting him at all. He is

even ___________than she is!

b. 'What was your meal like?'

'Ugh! It was awful. The pizza was _________________.We were absolutely______________

but we still couldn't eat it!'

с. 'Did you have a good time in Amsterdam?'

'Excellent, thank you. There's so much to do. It's a really________city. And there are so many

people from all over the world, it's even _____________ than London.'

d. 'Mmm! These courgettes are _____.. Did you grow them yourselves?'

'Yes, we did. All our vegetables are

3 T.45 Listen and check your answers. Work with a partner and practice saying some of the

dialogues, paying particular attention to the intonation.


Lesson 15

Theme: In search of good English food


Pre-reading task

Work in pairs.

1) Do you know any typical meals from the following countries?

France Turkey Italy England

India Spain Mexico

Switzerland America Greece

What do you think influences a country‘s food? What influences the food in your country?

2) Read these quotations about English food.

Do all the people have the some opinion about English food?

It take some skill to spoil a breakfast- even the English can‘t do it!‘

J.K. Galbraith, economist

‗On the Continent people have good food; in England people have good table manners.‘

George Mikes, writer and humorist

‗If the English can survive their food, they can survive anything!‘

George Mikes, write and humorist

‘Even today, well-brought up English girls are taught to boil all vegetables for at least a month

and a half, just in case one of the dinner guests comes without his teeth!‘

Calvin Trillin, American writer

‘English cooking? You just put things into boiling water and then take them

out again after a long while!‘

An anonymous French chef


Reading the text quickly.

Match a paragraph 1-5 with a summary below.

- Historical and climatic influence on British cooking

- There‘s everything except an English restaurant.

- The legacy of World War II

- Where there is hope for the future

- The British love affair with international cooking


In search of good English food

1. How come it is so difficult to find English food in England? In Greece you eat Greek food,

in France French food, in Italy Italian food, but in England, in any High Street in the land, it

is easier to find Indian and Chinese restaurants than English ones, in London you can eat

Thai, Portuguese, Turkish, Lebanese, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Swiss, Swedish, Spanish,

and Italian-but where are the English restaurants?

2. It is not only in restaurants that foreign dishes are replacing traditional British food. In every

supermarket, sales of pasta, pizza and poppadoms are booming. Why has this happened?

What is wrong with the cooks of Britain that they prefer cooking pasta to potatoes? Why do

the British choose to eat lasagne instead of shepherd‘s pie? Why do they now like cooking

in wine and olive oil? But perhaps it is a good thing. After all, this is the end of the 20th

century and we can get ingredients from all over the world in just a few hours. Anyway,

wasn‘t English food always disgusting and tasteless? Wasn‘t it always boiled to death and

swimming in fat? The answer to these questions is a resounding ―NO‖, but to understand

this, we have to go back to before World War II.


3. The British have in fact always imported food from abroad. From the time of the

Roman invasion foreign trade was a major influence on British cooking. English kitchens,

like the English language, absorbed ingredients from all over the world –chickens, rabbits,

apples, and tea. All of these and more were successfully incorporated into British dishes.

Another important influence on British cooking was of course the weather. The good old

British rain gives us rich soil and green grass, and means that we are able to produce some

of the finest varieties of meat, fruit and vegetables, which don‘t need fancy sauces or

complicated recipes to disguise their taste.

4. However, World War II changed everything. Wartime women had to forget 600 years

of British cooking, learn to do without foreign imports, and ration their use of home-

grown food. The Ministry of Food published cheap, boring recipes.

The joke of the war was a dish called Woolton Pie (named after the Minister for food! ).

This consisted of a mixture of boiled vegetables covered in white sauce with mashed

potato on the top. Britain never manager to recover from the wartime attitude to food. We

were left with a loss of confidence in our cooking skills and after years of Ministry recipes

we began to believe that British food was boring, and we searched the world for

sophisticated, new dishes which give hope of a better future. The British people became

tourists at their own dining tables and in the restaurants of their land! This is a tragedy!

Surely food is as much a part of our literature. Nowadays, cooking British food is like

speaking a dead language. It is almost as bizarre as having a conversation in Anglo-Saxon



5.However, there is still one small ray of hope. British pubs are often the best places to eat

well and cheaply in Britain food. Can we recommend to you our two favorite places to eat

in Britain? The Shepherd‘s Inn in Melmerby, Cumbria, and the Dolphin Inn in Kingston,

Devon. Their steak and mushroom pie, Lancashire hotpot, and bread and butter pudding are

three of the gastronomic wonders of the world!

Comprehension check

Read the article more carefully. Choose the best answer, a, b or c.

1) The writers believe that British cooking…

a) has always been very bad

b) was good until World War II

c) is good because it is so international.

2) They say that the British…

a) eat only traditional British food in their homes

b) don‘t like cooking with foreign ingredients.

3) They say that the British weather …

a) enables the British to produce good quality food.

b) often rains fruit and vegetables.


c) is not such an important influence on British food as foreign trade.

4) They say that World War II had a great influence on British cooking because…

a) traditional British cooking was rediscovered and some good cheap recipes were produced

b) people had limitless supplies of home-grown food.

c) people started to believe that British food was boring so after the war they wanted to cook

more interesting and international dishes.

5) They say that …

a) British tourists try lots of new dishes when they are abroad.

b) nowadays it is very unusual for British people to cook British food.

c) literature and language are more culturally important than food.

6) The writes ‗ final conclusion about British cooking is that …

a) there is no hope.

b) you will only be able to get British food in expensive restaurants.

c) you will be able to get more good traditional British dishes ,especially in pubs.


1) Do you agree that food is as much a part of a country's culture as its landscape, language,

and literature.

2) which are your favorite places to eat in your country? Why?

Kyrgyz national food

Kyrgyz cuisine, originating in Kyrgyzstan, is similar in many respects to that of its

neighbors, particularly the Kazakh cuisine.

Traditional Kyrgyz food revolves around mutton and horse meat, as well as various milk

products. The cooking techniques and major ingredients has been strongly influenced by the

nation's nomadic way of life. For example, most cooking techniques are mostly aimed at long-

term preservation of food. Mutton is the favorite meat, although it is not always affordable.


Besh barmak

Besh barmak is the Kyrgyz national dish, although it is also common in Kazakhstan and in

Xinjiang (where it is called narin). It consists of horse meat (sometimes mutton or beef) boiled

in its own broth for several hours and served over homemade noodles sprinkled with parsley

and coriander. Besh barmak translates as "Five Fingers", because the dish is typically eaten

with the hands. Besh barmak is most often made during a feast to celebrate a birth or an

important birthday, or to mourn a death, either at a funeral or on an anniversary. If mutton is

used instead of horsemeat, a boiled sheep's head is placed on the table in front of the most

honored guest, who cuts bits and parts from the head and offers them around to the other

guests at the table.

Cooking paloo

Paloo (Kyrgyz: палоо) is the Kyrgyz version of the generic plov of Central Asian cuisine. It

consists of pieces of meat (generally mutton or beef, sometimes chicken) fried in a large qazan

(a cast-iron cauldron) and mixed with fried shredded carrots and cooked rice. The dish is

garnished with whole fried garlic cloves and hot red peppers. Uzgen paloo is made with

locally grown rice from the southern Uzgen District of Kyrgyzstan. Shirin paloo, a close

relative of shirin plov in Azerbaijani cuisine, is a vegetarian dish in which meat is replaced

with dried fruits, such as prunes, apricots, and raisins.


Bread usually served is nan, traditional Central Asian flat bread, and thick, sturdy Russian

breads are also popular. Bread and tea (nan y chai) are considered almost sacred in Kyrgyz

culture. A good host always offers their guests bread and tea, even if the guests are only

staying for a few moments. Kyrgyz bread is cooked over coals in tandoori-like ovens. It is

round and relatively flat. The local people love to dip it in their homemade jams or ayran,

soured milk.

A popular Kyrgyz beverage is kymyz (Kyrgyz: кымыз [qɯmɯs]), a slightly alcoholic drink

made by fermenting mare's milk. This drink is considered to be a signature drink of Euroasian

nomadic culture, as it is also consumed in Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Fresh kymyz is only

available in the summer, from about May until August, when it can be purchased on the

roadside in the mountains. However, you kymyz has been bottled for several years in

Kyrgyzstan and can be purchased in shops and markets around the country.

There are a lot of beverages which could be described as traditional Kyrgyz drinks. One such

non-alcoholic beverage which is very popular in Kyrgyzstan, especially in the summer, is

maksym, a slightly fizzy drink made by fermenting grains. Maksym was traditionally made in

small quantities by women for family consumption; however, this drink was introduced as a

commercial product in Bishkek by the company 'Shoro', after which it became widely

available all over Kyrgyzstan. Maksym is usually made from malt but other types of grains

may be used in its preparation. Another drink which is made from grounded cereals called


jarma. It is made in almost the same way as maksym, except that it isn't fermented, instead it is

mixed with ayran to make it slightly fizzy.


1) What is your favorite food?

2) What is your favorite drink?


Module 2

1. General revision

Look at the letter from Julie to her friend, Claudia, who‘s a student in England. There are 28

gaps. Sometimes you have to choose the correct verb.


I must/ had to/ could take the train because there weren‘t any buses.

When there is a gap, write one suitable word- perhaps an article, a relative pronoun, an

adjective, a noun, etc.


I got back from Japan last week.

Dear Claudia

Thanks for your letter. I‘m pleased to hear/hearing/hear that you‘re having a good time

in York. How is the English course going? Are you allowed to/Do you have to/Must you do

lots of homework? What‘s your teacher_______? Is he friendly? You have to/should/must

write and tell me more!

I had_____wonderful time in Japan. My friend, Akiko, invited me stay/to stay/staying

with her family in Kyoto. Do you remember her? She‘s the girl ______visited me last

summer. They7 have a house on a hill just outside Kyoto. There was a beautiful______of

the city from my bedroom window. Akiko‘s family were incredible kind and hospitable, and

wouldn‘t let that I pay/me pay /me to pay for anything. We ate out a lot. Japanese______is

delicious-lots of vegetables, fish, and rice. The weather was really nice. It was warm and

______, expect on the last day, when it turned cloudy and chilly. I loved visit/visiting/to visit

the temples and gardens- the autumn colours were quite spectacular. I’ll send/ I’m going to

send/I’m sending you some photos when I‘ve had them develop. We went everywhere by

train. I think Japan has_________best trains in the world. They‘re always clean and never


I had to/must/could learn Japanese customs very quickly! In Japan you don‘t have to/

aren‘t allowed to wear your shoes in the house-you wear slippers_______the host provides.

And you have to/are allowed to make a loud noise when you drink tea! (in fact, it‘s polite if

you do!) I caught a cold while I was there, but I couldn’t/ shouldn’t/didn’t have to blow my

nose in public as it‘s considered to be rude.

Tomorrow my mother and father will come/are going to come/are coming to stay for a

few days. I must/ can tidy the house before they arrive! Tomorrow evening we’re

going/we’ll go/we’re going to go to the theatre, and on Wednesday Ann has invited us all go

round/going round/to go round for a meal. Apart from that, I haven‘t made any plans-


perhaps I‘m taking/I‘ll take/I‘m going to take them for a drive in the country. Oк we could

go to Stratford and visit the house_________Shakespeare was born.

Anyway, I must/can stop writing now-it‘s nearly midnight and I‘ve got an early start

tomorrow. Write again soon and let me know/knowing/to know how you‘re getting on. Give

my love to Frank when you see him.

Hope see/seeing/to see you soon!

Love Julie.

2. Future forms

Complete Harry and Kate‘s conversation using the verb in brackets in the correct form

(will or going to).

Harry Are you going (go) on holiday at Easter?

Kate Yes, but we haven‘t booked it yet.

Harry Where are you thinking of going?

Kate Oh, I don‘t know…In the summer we________(visit) friends in Italy, so I

think perhaps we ________(stay) in this country at Easter. What about


Harry We____________(rent) a cottage near Edinburgh. It__________(be) our

first visit to Scotland. Jane_________(have) a baby in the summer, so we

can‘t do anything too adventurous or tiring.

Kate Scotland-What a good idea! Maybe we____________(do) the same.

3. Can, must and should.

Read the following extract from a guidebook to Thailand. Fill in the gaps with can, can’t,

must, mustn’t, should or shouldn’t. (Sometimes more than one answer is correct).


UK visitors must apply for a visa.

You________enter the country without one.

Customs Regulations

You________bring in up to 200 cigarettes.

You________bring in guns or drugs.

You________bring in one litre of wine or spirits.

Cars________be brought into Thailand for personal use, but you_________have a valid

Driving Licence.

You________have at least US $250 with you. If you don‘t you_________enter the country.


Advice to travelers

It‘s usually very hot in Thailand, so you________bring summer clothes.

You________drink tap water. (It‘s not always dangerous, but it‘s safer to buy bottled

drinking water.)

Traveller‘s cheques get a better exchange rate than cash, so you__________bring traveller‘s

cheques with you.

You _____________tip taxi drivers. They don‘t expect tips, and they might be embarrassed.

You___________make international phone calls from hotels as they are very expensive.

You___________ use the government telephone offices.

You___________have medical insurance.

4. Like

Read the answers. Write questions with like.


What does she look like?

a. _____________________________________________________________________?

She‘s fairly reserved, but very friendly when you get to know her.

b. _____________________________________________________________________?

He‘s short, with dark brown hair.

c. _____________________________________________________________________?

A disaster! It rained on Saturday, and we sat in a traffic jam most of Sunday

d. _____________________________________________________________________?

They‘re very keen on gardening, and they like going skiing in winter.

e. _____________________________________________________________________?

I don‘t know. We could go to the cinema.

f. _____________________________________________________________________?

He doesn‘t have many hobbies. He spends most of the time playing with his computer.

g. _____________________________________________________________________?

He‘s really nice. Very outgoing and easy to talk to.

5. Translate

Translate the sentences into your language. Translate the ideas, not word by word.

h. Passengers must have a valid ticket.

i. You mustn‘t steal from other people.

j. Nurses have to wear a uniform.


k. Do you have to go to college tomorrow?

l. You should eat more fruit.

m. Teenagers don‘t have to go out to work.

n. Would you mind opening the window?

o. Your shoes will be ready next Thursday.

p. I‘ll phone you tonight.

q. She‘s going to study math at university next year.

r. I‘m having lunch with my mother tomorrow.

s. What‘s London like?

t. What does Peter look like?

u. How are your parents?

v. I don‘t mind waiting.

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Карточки, слайды, картины, стенгазеты, таблицы, схемы

Технические средства обучения (ТСО)

Аудио, видео, CD, DVD диски, магнитофон, ноутбук, white-board, проектор, флеш-карта

Использованная литература

1. New Headway Intermediate by Liz and John Soars

2. New Headway Work book by Liz and Joan Soars

3. New Headway Teachers book by Liz and Joan Soars

4. English Grammar in Use Elementary by Raymond Murphy

5. English Grammar in Use Intermediate by Raymond Murphy

6. ―Five Star English for the hotel and tourist industry‖ by Rod Revell and Chris Stott

7. High Season ―English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry‖ by Michael Duckworth

8. Английский язык для менеджеров международного туризма и гостиничного бизнеса,

С.Частник, Г.Коробко

9. Английский язык «Практический курс», Христорожденственская Л.П.

10. Английский язык для гостиничного бизнеса, Гончарова Т.А.

11. Oxford dictionary

12. Webster dictionary

Real English Idioms


All over with. Finished, finalized

All over. Everywhere

All stressed out. Nervous; feeling stress

All thumbs. Clumsy or awkward

All time low. A situation that has never been worse

Bad egg. One bad thing among others those are good

Bargain basement. A store featuring inexpensive products, often on sale

Blast. A lot of fun

Check out. To look at something carefully

Cool as a cucumber. Calm and relaxed

Cry all the way to the bank. To be without money and in need of a loan

Dough. Money

Drop a line. To write a short letter or note to someone

Fix up. To repair; to make better or more livable

Flame. To send an angry or hostile e-mail message

Get it. Understand

Get hitched. Get married

Give it away. To sell for a very low price

Goof off. To relax; to play

Heart sinks to one’s feet. A sudden feeling of fear or worry

High-end. Higher-priced

In a nutshell. In a few words

In ages. In a long time

Nose to the grindstone. Working very hard

Meet you maker. To die

Package deal. Several things that come together for one price

Pile of work. A lot of work

Rise to the top. To become the most popular or most qualified

Roll around. To arrive, as with a particular time

Rule out. To exclude or eliminate

Seeing someone. Dating someone

Serve a purpose. To be useful

Shades. Sunglasses

Shopaholic. Someone who can‘t stop spending money


Отпечатано в редакционно – издательском отделе КЭУ

г. Бишкек, ул. Тоголок Молдо, 58


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