
Post on 03-Apr-2018






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Monday Aug. 31

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School Books···School Supplies · ::::::,=··.AT==··



. Carrizozo, New Mexico · · '' ' ' ' - - - . - . . .. ' ' - ' - .

- ""'--~-~ ~"'---- '-·~-~_.,~~-~-"'""",;.;..;;::.•_,.,._.. .. ,.-.,.~ ......... ~ ~~_............,.....,~-- ·-· ~-~.

·First Nation.,al Bank - · CARRtz· O.ZO M ..., - -~ f - .. t'l•

~-~-~--~·-·--· --~--~---·------J' '·.

.. \Vlil O!i:FER tx¢ep~aal &.n~J' F•cllltia C'o.n,!I1~3V.\'l'nl't~ MA~&GRMIIN~ . .

Effici~iH St>tviccr , ·

~ Ptr <ent Interest p,id Oi:t· Sp;vm~s Aeco«rit$, ..

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l.iqtlor .Ciopd~ Real lsstle How· Much do you . Know? ({ Churcll Wben J·usti~e · Pails··.· l ' --j -


No uew tbtory ot ism that . b•s btett iHscovcred since the begin• nlng l1f timo ha$ cau!td one dent t• •v.pcnr iu tbc. thti'.Jt.t tbat bon"'

· el!ly i'l tbe best poliaJ'. ·


' ' • · roa ..

TkW-t$ . •



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lt'5 Up Io You

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bu ptc•tribed for your p:.ttticultr ill•

• • ness, it i!¥ up~ t() you to ba'll't tb:tt prcsctip · lion dlled. bt ll.l1 ex•· per1ettc:ed p 1t ,. t ltl•

ac:itt .r~~ld.)'OU can · dt'pi!tld upon. Jot ae• ·

c:ut•c:y :Ud hottest)' tn it~ pt~pa.tation; OtJlt Motk.or drugoa is .aiWil)'J ftet~b itJd W.ti U!!t 1111 8ilbit.tilute~ · iu r4Uiug pte$erlp-- · tion!f. ·

• -· . -· .. ' ---"' .. , ,'

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· Drat Store. • ••• - > -.

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I. .. ., .. uf I'CI•JII~ who \"il.!l'C ad• matnl mto tbc wht'at fielda c1lh r h 1rvut to gntbcr up lht• blro V of wbt'lU, A lltcttrllol 111 a crop that 'is I" luted one vear oncl barYell•



To stttt the Full vamtlon uaron, we ~vill bold another gnat "Dollar Day .. sale !or the bbn~ 0Jy holidays. . We will tdl mcm!trip tide~!l to nil i'n-'i.Cll on our P.uWt: Lines fm nrrmxil'lUte~y lC n mile ($1 for c.Jdl lCO mileS). (rll.ud en all trains, in co.ld~~ll or in Pull·

• mans (flu9 the urual h:nb dureie). •




Remember tb:tt Mood.:ty, Sepr.7, it Leber, making a S.Uay ~•cru<nd. Or y(IU Gln tcl:e n1 m:my a~ 12 dil)'t ioqoor ttip. Never wu· a rail c:xou!iion so la\·orablc!

: . .

See CaFiesta de Cos Angeles SSPTEMB~R 4·13 For len y·Jr-itt d:t)l, t.os Autt..det rt1ll ctlefwle oct l<JOJ!J bJrtbtlay. Notl thai the rei/JI'fl .li;;~IJ otJ yoflt tltktt lilltiwt ampla ttma to 1eq tl ell.

ROUNriTRiP EXAAY\PLES: ·· . ·• I "'

San Francisco $30.95 · Los Angel~& · · · 20.15

. · · · San Diego , . . ~-- · .20. 75· · . Phoenix 12.55 ..... • • El Pa$() ~0 3~15

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. . . Ttlo child M tllda7 t• born ·1Jlto a

world ot wonderl. Hill mother r.ellcb.- · tor tho telephone its he lie• c~4dled IJI bcr arm. 11la Orst vtcw tllrougb tbe

• wlnJow shows film endless llpes ot automobJIC'Il and trucks. As he liCII to ble perr..mbulntor, be Joolla UJI to aee a aky tun of sblva. Yet nrty Long and · J, In dlscuardng tlila ·mntter the ot}lcr ovchlng, dt-ciiJell ttnt4here are ccrtuln things the child. of todny will

· neYer II pow, tlilmre vnnhsbed to rever, u the Color or the [>rlst fnde8 and Is lost Jn the dusk of time. There. wna, for example, the tour· Inch cbllur. .Once a beuu of those d~ar, dead dnys l}e­JOnd reenll a;ot his· neck cracnlled In ono of those collnrs, be never anw hl11 teet 11gnln untiL be took lt. orr. It JIBBKed clo!!ely bnlo1v the enr11 anrl ele­vated U1o chin to nn extent U1at, It l1e wlsllf'd to look mennlngly Into 11 s•alr of fcmlnlno cyCII, the owner of U1e collar lind to bend trom the wniiJt, unle811 the girl wua 11 glnntella, 'l,'ho ordlnnry t)'J1o of this nrUclo Willi mndo from a lingle turnover collar, wlllcb went up and como down agnln, II would ba ve pained the nlert n(lvor· tlatog man or today to sec all tbdt blank space woatod.

• • • Then there woro tho ncekllol, or

crovotA. AHide trorn tho !1llll'k llrlna­tlct worn by certn1I1 o( tho older 8llllf'llmt'n, lhero wnfl a period fn tile l1l1tory of tho country wlum It Bl!(!fnl probnblo t1111t H•••ro wt'rc not half n dozc•u unlll!d llt'l'll ornnrncmta In tlul JnncL Tho how 11<'11 rlllll'r hllebed on to thr front rnllar button with n wire looiJ, or rnntl'ntul nt tho bael! or tho tw•·k wllh n tumiJ ond l')'ll. lu the c-nJU1 or tlu• toi11; lie, tho nr•c'k(lh'l'l' \"Oil hod around tho el•llnr nncl thon tho 1'1111 of Jt WUII lnnc•rtc•tl Into 1\ lltlfl of atot nnd tho lie rmlltd Into pnalllon. It 1\'UI lwld rtwro by n pin, fnlllt:!ned on u,., und••r nldo Whrn U10 untied All· col nnd four In hand Wl'ro IDVf'fted, h.;crntna to Uo tbf'm IJrOJICrl1 \\'UII, to aork 11 slrnllo of tocJny, l'IJUivnlent to tr~~rntnu to ny. Wonum were tho nrat tn hl'«'omo ••:s:pvrtn at tyln~: tho bow. J\'11\!ll n girl wl'nt so fnr na to l:l't the t!n•ln o~rn on n young man'a tie, It Will nn nlmoat lnf'lllllblo tih:n that brr ln­tt>rt•al In biro wn11 'tnoro than ptntonle . ' .

Tho hoy of today knawa noU1Int of lbl' thrill of corduroJI, purcltased at a IZ•·nllt>m••n'o p:10111 emporium, <'O:ttl and \'t•lltll brln;: lll'(l!lflllo qrtleii?JI or Dl~r· rbnncllno. Nor II !IO C.'Olffllmnt or tho Jllnrl'lu~l whllo durlla. Uu1 cr«>neo bonne! to rnwr kconntoll by aome <'hlllf~o laundryman. 1 . well rcmr.m·

' '' - ; -

I.,' '' .. . ' ...

\"' . ~ e l•tl " o I I 1• · ••·• · d ·•"At · h m11n '""'llrl'n•" "il ... or 11 • ng .. owp. • . .ll r .11 11J,. • r.- Pll-~'!!IL ·"- a .11 .. !lr,t: . ..,.., .. " ", guhre4 !lkllltuJ DIRQI.Ilull!Uon to. cilt would have'J taller U' M hM thefu to t.hell' tormer level, CP~. •tqoa Oil· hi• .IIJlQulder, · Pllted tl.! ~hem, a anllke'a llklp wna · aa • .. • •

······-··•••t••••··········· ·M .... · 'cc, )' f·.M· .- ..... . - ~n , ~TJc ~. _an · ·· .· .· ·. . a d '111o""en ur roan - P. . "' ~~- , nQ ..... .

Wqa!Jip;tc;m, .Pa ..... ne tlrllf all• li'OillAA_j#t)' tn W-~bl!ll;toq ll<>!ln,'.

. tr de~o.natmt~ ih~tt It coi*J 11• .· ntJ t~lr as -.a 19-'1 ot me~:~, m (!!~Jo l_l11111!!n~ .flllltl®. ·. .

bagp •• • illllr ot Nus tour._ Then ·l dqubt whether the young!ltcr' ot' · there wete Ule 8quare built c:ilatlil, fJf> tl!e tuture .ever wJ.Il !Ice tbf> ennmef~ ..

· !lbo~:, wiUr the do~~ top anll bJ!ttoJil!. J h11Vf! not ln Yetlll seen one .ot ~hl.!s~ tlerbJ • bllta with. tbt p~ctle~tllf t!rn · cto)Vn. RJIY Long tl!a.t there WAll A mnn In lndJai!;JllQ)lrl WhQ hll4 one -ot those hnt-11 wtth a CfOWJI liO l!hnllfllV th11t he couldn't keen It on his llenll. Ue alllo hnd a WAtch ,chnlg wtth Jinks of the sl~:e now tillecl tor llllnll nnchoril, Oltls In picture lu1ta an!l rutr!es thought Jt a ney hlfP!lllome

11111,' ··_ .ro~plllii~ \Vozolclr wiUI c:owp141PIP~ wltnel!4 Ml\ltlat .tP~ Fatllllln· al) ~\Wl!Ult aqd batter:r C:»Bil. 4 ,fur, . ot 'twelve ·Dien

How It Started · .. .


, ''A. Cryins · Evil''

Ht:m~ hi n fhrD) tllnt nna been over· worked, In lit~ duya ot lnvc11tl·

~;nllona ontl ·p~ol!ceuUO!lll, the reter· ence, In lnstnnce, of course, being to condlllons 8Q ahocklng tbnt tlle,v · cry oloud for uniellorntlon.

Tho phrase Itself Ia 110 opt th[\t It hua been 111 con1111nt Ulltl In pur Jan· (:IJPJ:C ever slnee It was Orat coined aild In thfl snmtl. connotntlon.

-credit tor It Ia duo to Dorton who. In his fllmous work, the Anntoiny qr )feloncholy, llr•t snve It literary anne· tlon. .

Ira UU. IIIIIIYII!Sicat .. l-WNU l•"lc-.

omament. • . •••

t ls, there ate a number Dt tblnglil m(ld~I'D youU• wlll n11vcr know. Quiet country road& aro now wide atrlpa ot cuncrcto or macadam. Blllbonrda atana whero tall tr~a once stretclli!d their sheltcrJn; bralJChl!a.• Tile S<:cnf or wJJa flower~ Is lost lo the ol!or ot gnsolfoe and on. The llorllll Is vKnlab· log, but you nev~r c:nn . put tho whip In Ua eoeket, wrap tho rciAS nbout lt, nnd trult an automobile to keep. tile road.

10 UU BtiiiYQdlt&te.t .... WNf! lle"le .. •

• .Official· Poster for Olympic Games ·• ,, . ...

. ,

j/ .... '

. .. ,. ~ ' . ~ . .·~,..;! • .. , ·- . . ., • • .. ...,~

follnd tM map goJH7. · 4 few rnln-pte!l llltl!r Mrt

Wo~91¢k. wli.ll <Jietlielf ct~fella"nt. Ill ll.llllth(!r. Cl(~, Clllil'~cd With viPlntJon Pt tbltllquor l11,wa, · A Jur>' Pf tw~lro Wome.g con\1cte4.

• t.he woman. •

Cfhe Kitchen Ca.binet

4 Clhlld a!lould !Ian a po~ktt ' 0~ wh~b be fairly dc>tea

Not one or two but man)' In hit lUtlt waltt coat•­

And one will bt tor mont:r lle dnd• on ti~J roada

And l)nt for cake or tookfta And one tor !lop to~t,da.

-su•an Ad au Wllllama. ·


Tho following recipes l'e«!lved prlzc8 as tho beat dl~hea prepared

wJtb tbo usc ot maca· ronl: •

Mo~caronl Fantalt. -Cut four ellcca · ot bacon Into smnU nieces nnl! try, ndrJ tour tnblcapnon­tul.s ot butter or bacon llrfpplnt... and alx lllble­apoontula o t bread crumba, two CUJtfull ot trCJb dlced cucumbera.

ono l!lll:tll c:'llD of tODI.'ltO ll:lUCe, two cuptult ot cooked and .drnlricll·maro· ront. atlnlng u lfghtl1 u poulble. Dc:t.t two c.'lntt and 'allr In with a to.rlc, rcwoto troD! tbe Ore, tuld cl~:ht cfloppcd walnutt, salt and Cllf$DDO to taatC. Stutr alx areen peppcn wblcb have beco parbotle4 nrteell Dllnutc& !lake tn a baldnt pna until thorough· 11 bc:tled. Scrn ~ot. !l'hla recipe re­cclnd tht! llrlu of two llu::«''red and atty dollars.

· ber cntru•Unu a bl!'JI pair ot. whllo llorka to o tnuntey· woahcrwonmn. !lhe dulltully 111nrrlu111 them until tli&J' rmrkoo, hut ~rcaiU'.d them down tht ald11 aN~ml, m.'lklnl! lt IQlJIOJAlble to ~ . walk In tJu,m. Tbo damago could not

Macaroni Jlttt•raeo~h Pudding....,. . &felt ono eupful or brown ltlpr nnd two tnbleftiOOntull of butter UTC!r the nro lUld ~k uutll .dark brown, bur not burnt. Pour tile mb:ture OTU .. plllt of bOt totlk tnd llmt' r for teo wtnutes. Tate out c:uptul ot drained. wclJ.tooke4 macaroni and ~nr wftb the mUle an4 aapr mb:tu.rt'. add two

<1fC!1l;bfttu fOlU ot ~ ou&oroorth of It Uupoolltul ot •It ana a tt;l· epoontnl ot YVtliiA. Pour toto a bak­Jng dllb and bake tort.r·!lro mlnutetL trtt~t tbe whtttt atllr, ad!1 t1to tabt&­tJpoOOtut• ot. powdered aupr, tbe Juice ot halt a tell)()tt, Dat again and IPI'Md Oftt', Us" P'llttdln&:. Drown In a

llo l'f'l•alrrd In lltno for nn lmJltlrtllnt datC!. It wni 1 tra~:l"dy.

• • • Any old timer will rCJmembu the

era or tho Ur:ht trouunL It waa r.oe. eaa:~ry to pull tbem op at the knee b•

'111ft 11 the otnclaJ polter adopted f>J the •n•tert ot tho OlimPIC ~P~ma In LIJI An(:(!ICtJ next tear. fipteral month.l btfQre tilt dltt'll of tlie ancltnt Ot)mpl~;: anm• ~dt wttfl IWt t11rottJ}l the c:ountrr btfll.ldlnl ~ •Pil~th ot tlle eretlt. Uenre the bo7 In the poster.

and 1l1ten do the &'Ole and tile 1111. 10 aa to ldat t.tatr btltbt c:o1nl'll. '.rhe

The Chllda•ea's Corner &reo tbe rottlct appiM about the 'dull Ual1 of Ute w"-ttde are 10 xtO!Itid In tbe ol4 orc:batd ·~ not dlt- llllk'h ll!tt · tbelr cllillt1 btdlna plAc.t dllntd. and mot ttoek the woodpile that It It mott 4JI'fleult ·to fh:t4 them. and 1Hd on th« ~ulftt tro11&· the nowJr !tllm tb&~ WM111 u It qotte dN<l. eut blrda lor.. It J• well to be lnd• but wbtfte '1bl wum thaw. of mldwlu·


_ A ButterfJy Hunt fln 1ud!Jvn llprlntr·lllto d171 In mid·

wlntcor, wh11n che mcllfn& 1111ow drlpJ frorn rnf'!1 alnnllna root, the blhemnt. Ina bnttorfill'l. d~Nivr4 lly tho uncx• IJet'll.'d wormtlt. allow tbl!tlllll'!lva to our aatonlahl'd view.

"llut aro tbe7 not killed bJ the fl'lllt? now t'lln a:u~b ttndl:!r c:raliUrt':l II"" tbrou~h tilt> bllt«'r c:oht nlgbtlt"

(lC!ndtnt and lo know wht.a to b~lfJ let J)e:Mtrates to tllelr dark bldltiJ their warm llllli'en tocooll8, :rou etn ollo'• IM!lt. • pJactt,. tilt~ to~ et1)'1Ydlnr out to atlll Clod tllo lut brood• ~t t111 ''-AD• · Wbea~ how~. th.t bttlu~ -rbll) nr 'IHtr the brlrbt:. IUll.thlnL Tb'1 H· · glo Willi" C'ltl.'.i'Jlll~art. ~lther In the Nofi!mbu nl,ht• tlshtrlln thll wlntu, &>and atltt Wlnp and fttilter torm of ebeytlllldll. ot •UII fc:tdlnl and boarttoll wbtlet11 the roa,tlllde about Ill the OPtDU .1oronllt an4 con­•• worm• ttpou flltlout late plan I& ·and meadow, tou will look tor the tl!ltltedtt u ln WIJ-tt ptett1 · al&bt quito hllllfl1 ant1 conta~ted, .. Angle Wlnll" In T&ln ... that Ia. on- lnlleedt ' ·

llut IOOil tllrt tum Into eheyaallds 'IIJesa JOU look Ia the rfaht ptact nca Yrs. ron mJcht hne a butt'tftt hunt ala4, ad --tt:ll¥ dn~lpp .rapfdlr. ln · abarp11 at tc wlllter, but JOW need 'Tt!I'J' sharp

tndtcd. It \a JIO. eut tl!l14 lor theot will abd ues. bate ttept !\WIT ,'11ta1er I (ION a!llnales teil!1rt.t.M nr.d dspboarda. or In tt1,cJcw aod mn. -~, ...... __ _ ntts In ~11111. ~111ft bt!ltath the Tlabt!!rculoala Wets .Ita arettNt toll roor-. do• t() U.:l' l:a7· wbe~ tber aft bt\tWeeD Ule IJU ot and twebo

.>With WlftJI fo(~ jltiOti• tbtfr lladul . tf·Afe. . . - • ~ ~

. ' _," ; . ' . ' • • ' • ; . J ... --·,

. . . · ... ··· ... f'' ·c:rHE WHY. o .•. . . SUPJ;R§!ITlONS. -·

. fl~··l!· "tnYJ'#q kJ'Nq· •· . .• . 't "": . '

' -~·· ·· (;Qin& Bflck . . · MOUE: pellplo UlQn WQUI!l be WlJl• ·,;J'oll~ 1111)'8· hQ;I iOln. to tllke: llP ·

li1J: :to ac~nowl!!(!g(! n beUev!J a,yla~qn," . · : ' · . ' .. . · . _: tha.t I* · IIJ IJ.t~.!l hick atll!r leavJn~; tUI) · ..• "lt lle .. · · · · .. Oorl\~

• bou~;e tQ retum' tor· aamlltlllnJ; tber ~IH!$el, "he'll .. .. . fl · toOrJ h•.v~ forgotten. Som~ popular super. . · care.t\11 abopt, . lQ . •UtiP!lil' c:'an tu~ e~.PiaJnea ruJYCholo.;l~ ~!pntr !hri~t~e . . . WQrk· «:IIIJY...,.IlJJ4·tblll _Ia onQ ot tb.em. ~ · J!-~-~-~rP~.~n~ .• ~¥~.,..~· ~~~~==== ~he Pl!f~olpgiJitll a;ree 111 . tQ · "~e ::

btl!l luck Pllrt ot .Jt. but say thAt the b.l!d IUI:k COJISI¥bs JtOt 10 much In th~t coJng · bnck fpr the •rtlcle ns In t4o torgetUn; qt It .In the tlrst plnce; tor that •llowll tbat .J'9U d.o !)Ot keep 7011!-' lllfna .• umclently n11on we detull~r .ot Wbllt. you l\re 'aJ>9ut;. 'Qavlog to gq back tor that letter .or pack!ll:e you were to take dowutown Ia a iYIUPtom ot.lllc~ ot c:on.centrlltlon ot tbe mtnd on tmmetJI#te mldtera; ana bt copcentraUon on "the lostant •need of th.Jn~l'' 111 "unlpckr.'' • Tlllnp will ap. pear to g() wrobg all day and 70\1 wJil attribute It to tbo fact that JQU went baclc 11C~r yo11r umbrella; wherea• · Uitl fact 11 your mind Ia not fuoct.Joolnf properly, ·

fla.lUl. .Uretur• Hwapapar JIJIIdl~ate.t . IWHU fle"IC .. l '

. . alow oven. Serve hot or col<l. Thla one re«lved one .hundred cJollnl'll.

Macare~nl Frlttera.-Take t\vo and one-tmlt ouncca of macaroni rlnga, cook In aatted water until tenclcr, dn.J,In nnd add one and ono·bnlt cuvrpls ot capned corn, one-halt ~;upful ot milk. one tea8(1oonful ot salt nnd n aU~:htJt bl'!llten em; yolk. Slfl one nod OllG­halt c:uptulrs of fiqur wltb tour tCll• t!POODfUII or baking POWikl', DllX ell lltld add tbo sum, bc.ltcn ~1;10 white. Fry In dl!(!p tnt or OD a hot griddle.

,, '

IIU JUL WPtml NtWJeaou Coloa.)


IJtUe l!aJ-llOtbcr, J know WbJ people lattgll tn tlldr alco\'CJ&. ·

Alotber-Wb7'1 , 1t LUUo M•J-'C&ute tlllt l8 where tbelr tunn)' bone 11.

MyN_eighhor' • • Says: ......


T o \VASB allk CftPfl or r~rrettu tift wa1111 water tnd white soap.

Do not rub. but Jlllttette the &UDJtllt throuab 100\l and& runse anent tlma and ltoa oo the'wronr atde when partlt drr ••

Oarblae pallt 1boutd be empUed &tilt atld rll'lttd wltb cold watt!r. Onct a wt!tk tahl1bem 11'ltb llot eoda wattr and tcrub well: tbtn drr In the ana.

To opea, wlnifowa Ulal liave btC!o ltuck with pal.ut. b1 wet Wttttbtr, 4llt',. btusb tha htttdt of tile tmmet with ordlnaey black letd. '.rh!f aUde wltlJ. out tile hut dllftctlltt.

Ue bot water for aprfnklln& clothe& u It 1.1 too bot u.e a new wllllt brootU.

To aktB tlltnatoe. d.III1 ptace thtm In a. bulli, pour bo!Unt lfAt~ Ol'et 'tt:em and let 1t stan~ • mfaiif~ You will find that the tkln Wi be teDIOTeil wtthout a.o.r .ttoablto.

tC.•nktlt.1 .... wmt ~en:~

Wo'rrfed . no. Yotla,mm .~ )'9Ur rio'•

Wlbappinea and ''ncrveJ", ._vo !VOlt 110 ~ce.o( mhi'd? ~b Ot ~u arc Jot. !nr tho joy you QJJ&ht to ~a ln lito uct loll each othet. -

You can teCO'Ver tho fO!iOUCA dow ot~tb. Ta"" Fellows' S~p, wnkh JUpptieayourbodywlth vitatinjiedlent. often miMln~. In a llhort timo y.:~u will be ea~r und fit lorwor"' play, D:~e~~ll. andlleep. .

Dciln now-don't miftl another day c( happlnC!IIIIf!d htaltll. The fint few doeci wiU begin to tron.Corm you, FoJ .. low the pruaiption doctoraliavc uted lor yca!Jr nnd ~t the genuine Fellowa, Syrup from your dru,pt tJmY·



ef ·Qiw la Paris I•arts IJr to Jtaie>'a holtlo ot cta11.

lt 11 under c:omtrueUon, and tbe clnas !$In the torm of br1c~. which .are 1\lpportcdbf a metal tnune­work. Tho walla uro translucent, but not frnnl11nrent. 80 tbat atthouah one cannot fiCO tbtopJh them tbe light. entus freclr.

iewoll Wo•l• tnt 20 P••••• 1f Fll

LoatHcr PromincntHipt­Doublc Chin-8Juggithncta

Gained Phy•ioat v~ A Shapely F;,uro

lt )'0\l're ~t-&.t rtmOTtl tH HIIRI

Talc• ooe halt teupooatnl or X:Rt1SCIIJI!.~ 8ALT8 ln a aw. or hot Wiltft' f/ffUJ' morntnr-111 8 wl!ltb cet ® the ~~c:ate• tnd 220te llow 2llln7 pounds of tat hue n.n· hhed. .

Notice .tao thAt :rou hue ptntcl fn eneru-Jour a1chl 11 clearer 1011 :feel :rounter tn bod1-Imt1SC!Br:M.. -· wl)l_ atre tn:r tat P!f'IOD a Joto'OI aurprf.&ta.

Get lll SSe bottle of Bllt11¥CBJ!IJN !ALT! ttom an:r-iead!JlK ~ atl)'Wbue fn .Alnetle& (latta • wem). It tbls flrlt bottle doesn't tonvlnce rou thtJ 1B tbe Qllest. sat• eet al!d B1:!mt wa:r to 1~ tat •,-ov.r lDOilf)' Jladlt Munled.

A C..tJ,. C...-.. "'Sbe Uf4 sho tblnb abe c:oult!

Jeam to Jovo ml!." •ret Joo don't took happf." "'t'll rotng to be ~'to. Had

ber opt laSt evenlni!Uld tile J1rat tee­ton cost me $18."


Oon \Tonld mre11 thl.nk th117 woold dlo ant! manJ t"artollea do, btlt a whnlo brood ot hntdJ buUetOita U• lata tor wbtch the cold llna no ter­rora. an!! whleb hldo throuiilh tho wtn. tor to c:nJnJ 11 new awaltc:nln)Z In tbe lllJrlna.

Tht'ro Ia tb11 "YCJIIow Et111o" or "AD• tlopa" butll'rlly, wltb red·brown Ytl• •cty wlnltl trtmmcd with old gold, tho f!atllt>Al to 01 about tbo WQO(Uenda In rorl)' IJtrlniZ; Llti:'D the~ aro tlie "('omtr.ll" and "St>ml·('olon." tho .. At• l•hlnn ond ahow7 "fled Adrulraf,• all mrmlll'ra of tho llmt! atutdy aroup called "Anatlo.WII)II." Tltl!f are -... l17 recot:nlmcd, n1 lhlllr wln~:a hiYe a lhllrJt. polnlod. h:ll·llke IPJ•tl..'ttlln«<.

. ' Giant Airship Christened by Mrs. Hoover

In · October, lone after the C'Kto­pla anct l'romethoua wotha hue tuekl'd thellllt'lvttt •••1 anu&IJ lrl


... . . .. . f'• . t -,1\\

'· '

. two weeks at moat the7 reappear u .buttctltl£'& Ttte ~atonal trosi;J' •tJbt• tlll not lutrtn dtl!tn, ·but seem l'l$tliM' to buteo tlielr chanr~

Flowcts at thla eaton ate rate. bot a fetr mu atilt W' found tn abel· tert!d ~ta •nd the newll t4Caved' buttetltlft. ·are not tll•couraitll. The farmer ta malctiia dder, !!lid tbtt ftT to tbe poliact bei'I(J n~ tbl! ddet, preu. Yon D'!tt ~ them tlltklnt tfie · IWttt Jofffl of the CTU8ht4 IPlll~ ltl. · c:ontentedlt •• theft' ftlriiC!'t brothert1


" . '

.• 1

' .


Dolt I• ".Aud how wall fotlt' tathel'-IJi.olaw

10k1ng 1ut ume l'Qif •w ~t~ntrr · "Sf.ralght ®..,:a tbt ba:mlr*

Mo,s.q,uit·o i!•t . •. . ~· .•.•. ··.. '

• .

Ploy. lcifil

(,. \" l{ • r. ·' ' . ' ,4. . ..

. . ' ;


, . ·I . \\ . '




. '. ' . ! • • ,.



" - . ,I -- I It k' "k• ..... ,.,_ '"·

~ .~


, .E. IIIJI.t·/·::{:JJL,I Jlt .. :\:llll:i;l .. r,.,.~. II·:'''H,,I. dt.'i.:~I:'~eW:rl~&~4~~~~~ .·I)L.rl ,1!'. 1.. .•·• ..... 1 .. :,11. 1

'. Sa' ,. ... ;ri, ·»·1'• J n· ·a··, ·.,. . . ·an··.· .. ··. ' a·· . ·.· 'Qa··. +rri· " h·· . 'y'>N·· ··. ·1-'·g··,.h·· ·. t .. \ .• ·!JRlJ:.'fGEtONG PAlt'I'. •r .bJttor dcbl!t~. It 'WI\S' decrce<l tll!l~ .a 'pr-Qof Tb'~t Tro~t Pr~Y· •. ' ·~" . ·. r ··. ·.. • ..• ; . . . 0 ... ,a..q . . . • . . . . . . ···.'· ...•..... ·.· . • .. ·.. .. ·. . . . .. . 1\I)W brlc'J{;'q ml.lflb' be built, !rWo N' J Pl' ' d

· ' . · · . : ·· ·' · .. · ,.' · .;."' · · · .. · ' · ·.· .· .·. ·· .. ··· · ·· · · · OF '~:{..ONlJON TOWN'' years later the dulce <~t YQ~It laid · on ew 1 ~t~ Fry r•; .. \1. . .. · • 'I t• I ' ·' ... ,,; " • • . • t.hc tou!idnUo~ St(!~QI, #Jid ~~um, nttcr F" llll.~tnc:l!l ot l.nrge l.lPh (;(II)•

. · . ,: .Bt~ qlmlUE NICHOLAS · , . · ·. .·· . . . . · · · . . . ·~ . .. fit~ ~enra: Jllor~ •. "(,!l,O J;IClW .str~~:ture, l>l(!t PP newly pllUlJcd lr,r Ill T~nnsn ·

. ; I


~· •,

' . . •: . . ... ·· .. ·. ' . . . ,• . . ·; sm.~ttu;~ A¢t()$., Thaote!! lll Oll.IY ~ fl,l\V ~aW!I blsllor up tlle J,'lver, Jc~:.etl. ~~ ·yoo~!PJ~to-tb.·. . li\U~unt IPI\~t r~ ~· ' . .. u . ' . WllS OJ)Ill\1!4 wut~ tlng~. mush:, or~tt9rY .... ~· ,.r v-.-,... ~... . Q :an.,crll n CH!tl'gO

· · · .. • · .· ~~~ feu: More Than · · nmt. ,l)nradcs. ln u1e tolloWlnfi ,yQnl' ot tM J!$1\ pbmt1ll~r Ull\t h'<~ut arq

,, '


' . '


• •

-,· . -.....

A 8 TO tho C4brlc which It 0ut-ataodlnc at the preJetlt moaientt

lt Ill •tin by da;:r and aat111 bt ntgbt, wh~ch relco• •unrcm-. Jn tbe, mode. T!iel lt)'le-wlse woman who lJ seeklnr w revlllllab her mtdleaaon wardrobe or plaunlnf her tall coat11met will, lt lht hu not alread, done 10, dlacover that there Ja aJmpl;r no JotUns awat lrom .. un eltber tor aporta wear or the formal evening JOWD or tor the popular paJnmn tl'lahlonL

NotwJtbstnnc!lnglta aiJl)ect ot lu:rnrr, latin, whether lt bo wblto or In putcl ~olon, owlog to tho tact that It tub11 pertcctl1, boa provC'n cooclllllvcl1 that tt Ill u practical u It t. eWe for tho maldo~: ot tho sporll costume. Wblcb accounts tor tho tntbusfll!m with which taahlon'a tollowC'ra are turning 1at1nward thla al!ason.

Juat now It 1.8 the alcoveleu white or ")iiiatd llllln tll!lleur wlllcb Ia making

clellnlftt nppeal. T11t> model to tho rlcht Jn the Ufuttrallon Is lJ'VIcal. Detnlla wnlcb lntrlit!oln tho at~llng ot lhla at• troctlve aportl 1nJt aro tqnartt reTert~, big buttons and a belted walllllno tor the blowro wJth a 'enerou1 plooUna &bing * proper ltarb to thtt eklrt.

In mant f111tan~ tbe mode 1• Ya• rled will' a cunnln1 caPf) arrant;cJncnt to take tho place of alecrl!& 'tbo rerr laltllt olin IPONI .trocka al'4 lntrlcaco­ll' ~eamtd afttr the manntr whlcb baa 10 auctu.tnll1 entered ftlto the d& flgnluJ of the evenJng utJn frock.

l.attr on, and now Cor tlJat matter, the autt or afternoon frock of black uUD will bccol!le thl! llteme para­mount. It not black tllen brown IIUn



·., .. ' "

' '

. · • ···• · ~ Cel)ttJcy. , • . old .1-ondol.l brldi\! well! tltE! WilY gt tconrnntlbb~lll-d·l!,lid 1utt}So Pl'r9Vt(!htl too muc~ · · , , Ute centu~!~. · . . " ~ .. as on <! · . . o · rnn~t~r ...

. .. !l'hnt brld~e 8CI:(I!!S t4o 'l:ll~~e$ (It. ni!t Llln!lof!, brldt;o J!l still ton!l011 Wllll promptly dl!l)losea ot tbl,l 91'tCI14~ . . l',.on!lon Which Is llor.ue UPllU 1\ve brlclge, It l!ijll divides th,!f ''l:llnmes 4!1'11· 0SC:(Il' Il:WlJJ,. pal:'k .-nnger, WI\S,

.rr~~te ~-Jrcbea and known ull Lond.on Into 11Above'' Md "bclol"'' . ond, ln clll\tl:l! ot tho pln.lltlng Qf a supply . brfdgl) !Ins comp!etecl · 100 y~tll thoucll there nre other brldgell ll"W-. ot ateellaead tcy ln t11e \IPile.r eml of · o( hlsto~. put It$ n11~0 Is mueh Tower and Vlctorln, \Vntel'loo .nnd the 111~\l. · After relenslm: thl) young . l,)ldet thtmA ~enfury. A~r neat tile \VesQlllllster and tlle rest-It etlll illillthe vlnntln; party notleed a l~trg,e WAY. -

t~e Easie1t VVciy . polql;''at wbl¢11 'Utlt modem structlU'e cnrrles Londdners trom oue bnn'k to fish l!wlmmlng nro.und fn tlt(J l!hullow apaa- the, rh·er there hall been 8 tho qtller, .fll!St as lts prcd~essore water Ch!,!sln~;r tour ot the IIUIQJl ftllh C1!'91SSln~r ttoJll time lmmemol:'h\1. i}le carried Saxon m;).d conquerer/kPisht l\llit relcRIIcd trom the can. Jl~ng,cr

· ' f!ax!lna Ju\4 n brlclge thero (or lqc- ond c:tertc:. · Alld lhougb the pace 111 lrwln waded Qiit attcr t11o llttncker , cesslve bridges) mlldo ot wood nl!d swifter' now, what with motor cnra wlth a shovel, hit It Qver tile bact, . bllf«.d by . a fortified snto-a gate speeding a. long tho deck widened tn BCOQped It up and brought It to dr.v to tlte city. It wns swent II. WilY by • tho begll:mlng ot tho DIOtor 1\SO, tho lapd. !t proved to bo a 14·lncll Ger­ltorm. ' bridge. bas not broken w1U1 Brltllln'a mlm brown trout ... A few minutes

~ JtASIEaT.W!1 bleaUIII J. f'allltt. ~ ~W10U

ned1 for btant liM-flO bother; I» mfxlnr, '1'M belt WIY beea'IIM ft cl!lee tW¥.-• muctt • ciralna,. ICarcb llld ~ Jt nbr.


will be tJrst cl.tolcc, tor t~blon reportl are alreadr placlug empblllll on b•on tor fall. Soltl)' tallored etreeta diJ. · tJnJUllb tho rcry amart and Yer;f weara'blc-coatume pictured to tbo lett. Thll tire o'clock ensemble Wblch !l ot blnclc crepe nUn cndor1e1 tlle jack· et·ault Jtyllnr, wlth draped collar ot aell·aatht. 'tile bllluao Ia of palo. pint triple c:hll'to~ ·

AI to ntfn ·tor tlao evening troclc word from Paris, ca 1n tact trom all at)'lo ecntcl'l!, rCD.I!Iuret as to a con· tJnuance of Ill triumphs. We aro abowlnr In the. mlnta furo panel at the top n lovclr tormnl rowu Dl;ldo of rose-lvoey antln. !l'ho ncc:kllno ot thl1 charming dreu subscribes to the yogue which calla tor 1ot111 tied bows. These llowa which· aro eo Clll!UOJIJ tJcd are modo a tcoturo t11rongbout tho styllur of aatln mc!clca whether thl'f bt "aportay•• or ultra tormllL

Mlcr roo llnto Indulged Jn a 10tln sports fro~k. a ~aUn ntternoon dresa anc1 a antln tot tormalt. roti wiU bt llklni 10tln 110 well by Utat tlme the urge tor a anUn pajama enacmbf• will llkc1t follow. 'tllo vo;:uo of paj:unu tot totmnl evening wct~r II Interpreted In alnb:ll~t'l' crepo aalln aa abown In the othcrUn:r panel. Curved uamtnp auggcat an empire lllhouette In the bodJ~ !hapM lnscrta In the wtde tro111cra co~ibute a JfiCctuJ fullnuct below the 111oldld hipline. The f(rdle tied ttbout tho modlah Jacket torotelh a trend to ahort·walat empire Unee which ae<Jm tmmtotnt tor tnll abel wliJ. ter. ·

lltl. 1f2L Wuttt• KtWMMr t1alt .. \

New FaltMillinery

· Then, In :1.180, only 11 little more past. Hs lamP, vosts ore cast of the Inter another flslt ClPl!Cnred ln scnreh than a cel)tury atter the conquerer cannon Drltons cnP,turca In tho Wnr ot food, and ngaln Irwin nnd his had com11, WllB commenced thnt stolio of t11e Peninsula, trusty shovel w~nt to tho dafcnso of atrnctJU'e which aemid rlvcr.crosslng tbl! try, Tl1ls tlmQ be brousbt out a


Lon!lpners tor 11enrly 650 yenrs. Un· C•llin~r of Use Worlcl • lO·Inch trout ot tho &~~me spectee. til Ute mlddlo ot tile Elchtcen'th cen· "Wbnt Is tho ceiling todllyi" Tltla . tllr1. lt !\lone drew together tllo two Is n commou question 8roun1J air- Bedroom Coif bank.e c>t tho Thames at Lonclon. IJOtts, becnuso 8 llyln~ ••celllns''. "l.llavo my round ot atrokos c\·ery

In Jts picturesqueness ·It vlc<l with vnrles with tho atmo11phcrlc d'enslty. morning." tho lUalto ot Venice nnd tho Ponto To determine nccurntely tllo llucluat· "Wbqt course do you piny on?" Vaccll.lo ot Florence, ·which. In l:lDme lng ceUint: clouds. bnze and fof: · "Tho cheek and cbln course," part, It resembled. On ench &Ide or nrouml airports nncl weatber buren us, ltl roadway It lind !!hops· nnd stnte- no experlnumt Is being conductc.>tJ lh 11 houses, some JWJlh gardens on Clcvclnnd With a light beam that Is their roots. There 'vns n Twelfth· vlrtunlly a tapo meneure. century chapel on a wlder pier at To determine tho ceiling height nbout tbg middle. with tbls now clectrlo tnpo measure, · 'l'be &fracture, however, waa suit~ It Is only necessary to tocWJ tile light

better to tho Jdenla nnd customs ot beam from If light proJector upon the the l\llddlo ages titan to tnoderu no• clouc1s IIIli! to sll'ht, tbrous;h n 'fi\'Cial tiona about-bridges •. Within tho 000 gnuglng ·lustrument, Ute light spot feet ot tho river's width It had '18 thus Utrown on. tho cloud&. 'rho op. 10lld jstone piers varying from ·2:1 tlcnl 'ystem emplo~cd In the vro­to M teet In thlclmess, so thnt, 1,n Je>rtor llroducca a plle>.nQmenon beam etrect, It 11ent the wnters ot tlle Intensity ot 1,810,000 ejndlepowl!r.

. ~

. Wo llldo trom some pcolllo wlat~t wo rcnlly think ot them Jn oraer to kel!p tlao Pl'ACI.'; and; It Is worth 1 t.

No "After Bite" When Shaving ;

wJcll ·

£atleura Sluavbag Cream

' . Thames through n ~rcatly nnrrowed channel. Tbo piers aupportcd build· \lisa tour stories fn helsht. which Jn turn narrowed tbo pnssago fClr vcbl· c:tca and pcdeatrlallll, and darkened It to almost tunnel blncknesa. The bulldJnga wero cl!!ai'ed nwnr In till' mlcldle or th t t:lghtcenth century. but the <~hatruc:Uon to nnvl;;ntlon 8\111 rcnmlncd, ancJ, In 1823, after

Too Spt-.IJ' IJanks-Ja tour dentist a last.

\'l'orlter7 Sbanlis-1'11 say 10-bo sends bls \

SOODil ... t OREN


A amall amouat qulckl7 bcclomet a tblck,JuUaclather tl .. tpeaetntra to

. tho 1IAit follicle-. whlla the medicated properdot of C.tleura IOOlbo Lb.o aida,

bill In the next mnll. · 1 • ' •

• At~~=:~I'U:t~= ~., .... -Women oro rmtuna111 toollula, bo·

rnuso they wcro made to mntch t11o men.

~~== ""'- =;--=:=-;:::=oca"""...-=-z""'=-=~ ,~- -==-~..:~

tl:tntor proplo whO II !to It: bo COU•I 'l'IIO:!O who Ill lift trouble J:l!lll!tallt

• •

I .

. ONLY by eomp~ manufat;tur= .· tng; comtruction, and distribution ·c;.n you d,eJe.,mine what is behind the price tag:onthetir@ you are as.ked to buy. Price alopeJ,ntever an index to value unless yot!­know the· reputation and ability or the manulactu.rerautd what advantageS he bas itt. purchasing of raw materials, tnanufac­turlng elii~~n~md distributing econo· ttdet. 'thes,.,arelbelactot8 thatil~termine t&e valu~ •.

' . · ··n~d the lacrs at thepgbt-.....then go

·.·to til-e t?Jreeto·neJ;ervice Dealer lJ1 your · ~ity ~ud ntake yo~r' nwneoJ;Dpari· .. ..Otl$ Widi~croe ~~tiona of Firestone Tires IQ:aib~ial brf.ntl maii~ertires. See the mttrit Vatu~· ybtt t;ei by,etptipping your tU1fitlt~t6•u~·tftd,. ,~

. '' , ; . I : .. , ,, , A :"' ,. '"' . J, -

'. • •

ttous niiiJ tbo other kind. cxvcct to ll:lrtJclpote In lt. '

. .) '

M'JilUiaeturlng Ellloleae~ Fhwtotte CODlrol eTtty atep ht tlte n:Wlutattnr6 of tllelr

produda-own thtlr own J11L.bu preparatloa faetorr fa St.agapom-lhelr OWD ~OllOD faLrlc mUJa-and their oWD

ltu~ lir'c faclodea-tlut motl e!lcl~ 1n the world. With theac P"Nt advanfa8ee Ftuatone eave mWlom ef dollart~ an• ttuatly, whldt ~~ora to car own.enln Extra ValuN.

Man Ordu liotcJH liaTO" llid.r ttm lJuDI u • part of • l'Ilb«Uaneoua JUI(JrflJU!nt of produetlon by 11ome mmul•eo turcr who fJJ nnlmol!D to tho puLUe. Mall Order hon~ are dependmt upcn ot'lleh Cor tllclr tlrea.

Distrlbutin& Ec:onomy ·Fhatoue haYe,tlle motl etndmt and eeonomleal dJ,.

trtLutlas- ll)'llelll thou~ ScrYke Dealut and Senlc:e Stora. Flnetone bow tlrta must urry with them the muuary kl'l'ke for the economy, ule-ty, and atlafacllon of ur. own• en. Sptdal Lrancl man order tire. Are usually made Jcut to klJ, with limited 01' uo-tadlltlt'l for lft"rldzis the car o;Der altcr the t.ale. ·

Quality and Coastructlon J'll'fttH• CIY•Y-

;;;;. ~r. ~.d. . . . t

HM'e ·~~· • • !•.n Noa·Skld · lf.ilkltet ill'" MI~ UDder ftitd • • 11e• Wldtla, ladad • • • • I .... Prt ...

, I \,

• • . • • .. •


tWIII4 ~'JlA

IIlii 1'rtf trfotflnt . , ..• •••••

.596 ... .21>1 • 5 ... ,. 4.'1S ..... .-;"

........ u. tNifY I;-:.·!" .. , .... ,u T'" tdotflrf ..... 28...S .• ,. .tr17 . ..... ,31)5

• .1 .... 6.02 ....... tlld&.

Lowe•t Prleea

. t J . ' . ' T .· '' ' ,.

• •. n .. ~

" r

. '





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h ~ ve 11 comprl'ltl.'nliiV(' pr<,uram to hkc cnr•· "' the• Ulil'l<·r \\ilhin a month Th•· nnamr•lol mrnt r;it• u•llon h<P• tlltnted lot utmut two

y ·H<> ,,,tJ oft·adih han t.r,~\.me m"'' •· "'" Durt•l! l.!dn •prri•.d

'I" h •· •j tu· 'l' , • r1 n a 1 u r t~l ~ y or t'"At'~'• whv tu•· • · rrq··· • ,., ''ll" J·Fflj.1fdffi

ft·l ,.,,,ff,~ '~•~\ tt'!f ,,unrt·d I1J

t'h••"t"" F "~ ..,,,., u<>t rcoH'htll

ll'~ •, It,. ; Jt I• • fl• • r l bot ht· l!IJI

I• rn "tJ., ,•orq.r 111 IJ•q unl••rlunate

"•'"' "' cu .• o • "d tbnt be



• •

All 'vork qufckty and effleloatlr done. · Olve

1. · .. ua a· trJa~··t. I . . ~


.. Satlsfact~on Ouataqteed •

CAR.RJZOZ() ·A·UTO ·,co .. ~ ••

- - ·~ -

Sale• ··FORD •


Sale Ho. 2'llCI: .8K" Ill!"· Nlll4 fiEN. f!«o, ~~ Sil& BEN

' 8H. Uillli 6\i, 1*,15, !1'. I I),, a, UE1 E~ Eli S...ll1 Lot I, B•N IIJIJ4, 1114 8WN, 8\i IS!lN


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• • • • • • • tn. ap.p·earalice~ • -a: C3· o. o· cp

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• ...... Jn pe"rfornt.aOOe ' ' '

• z () -0: a. 0 0

" • :r (,) -~ c 0 0 ~

• z (,) -0: a 0 0

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I' .

• •

Tests prove: Nevv ···Goodrich

• •

Super Cavalier •

• • •

• :!: ()

the year·'s outstanding THRIFr TIRE!

Here are the

-~ · HERB is the outstanding".tirc value of THRIFT PRICES

0 1931. Built by Goodrich, this big, 0 bu11ky, goodolookin' Super Cavalier i•

Cavalier (4 ply)

(:J ready £or a mife-by·mife c::ornJ)ilrison with • cz":; tire in tho sawe price claae, z . For Goodrich engineer• havo proved by . 0 nctulll test tb11t this tire will givo 26% more ; miJragc, traction and tafety-46% more for a your money than other tires at anything 0 like the price. . 0 Wc'\<-o tot your tizo in atock. Come in. < ~ Compare our unusually low prices; value • fot value, you can't do bouer. %

o4o40Xlll o4IOX21 47DXt• IJZIIX&O

o410X&O o410X&I 4711111 IIUJO

g 0: Q 0 0


" ,. .

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0.011 • 7,011

•• 711

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"' 0 a


·:a B

··~ • ·J:I. 0 0 a

.:a -·n =·

• •• 8 0 .a

·:0 -n : • " 0 0 a ;a -n :z: • " 0 0 a :a -n :z: • • " 0 0 tl ;a -



FltAMJC J." IAOZR T. E. KELLEY St. Rita Catholic Church U. I. IOMMJI . .-oKEft

Ih•Mtcall ad Protfl . MOTAM' fiUII.tC

OJiet at •tt, fraU •• • N.ll.

ltuiHC'al Ditector attd I

tieuu4 B:•N.l~r 'Pltone »

Clt.rriaoao • • N. ~1 •

+ --~-"--=-"' - - --- ~"-

.. Rug• Cleaned By u~ lf·••t tooger; lnd olt 'ltewJm"'_•,._~

pfited ••tll.lll\ naacltitae, j11at toa Ullitd• take8 all tht1 dirt a ad . · out of t\lge. 'rbt!li ott sham~ · ;totl!tl ele•ttt gtt&tis •Ill ••tb• pttOf• t&eii, bt'iats oattbe ~tohl l&lies. atauds up tbe tup a u d m•keaynr r~>Jgl lool( ue.w **•h•·

W• •re. \lia oal.f rol ••tttut . tt~:to't-.tUtt-itl daha tacf ot t b t • atattl ~U O!lt W()rlt ll taat•ltttd. Plti)iUt.,.dtt ot Md. you.r tar•., ,, •. cs; -•ttt .. _. t• tll· R ... -u· ·. I~ - ~. ~ ... tl .-..... Ml\ttta. & 'Rttt eo. -RC!twtlt, ' N. Mt:r:. . , .

. ; - ' 't''

· ~ ltAl.,L • tt9tllt .·· .,._. O..lftllif·'at 14•

' ' " ata~t Jk•Jt .hiN.l•t , <!MOtt•ce. ._,. .,.,.._


At StanJarJ Oil Dealers

. ' Everywhere

Jn New Mexico

., SivnY 'tim TYPES 01' SU.VICE elt<nm m these pietiu:et-yott 1rill firul...U of tJv.. lhefal to 1'0U."

"SW!dud" tem()(lJ u more thaa "~ aACt Gii" -it t•k~ . rompieifl care ol your at uaiu~ studard Oil :reliable

pt<klucu.. . • 1.,•, a ~t ecQDOIDJ and • ~eat coat~. to rely

on. the many ~dd IU'rir.e~ at ~ Oil Dealera .,..erji¥here 11t New Medco. · · STANI)AJCD OlL COJtP .. U'fY 01' t:ALIJ'OllNIA..

' .



-ltu, fr. J. ftaaal• MU&Iaall, Jaa .. r

ll"ir&l Mass, 7:15 a. m. Second Mu,, 8:10a.m •.

' Until October.

Jlt.~IUM QUA1.fTV AT NO iNCitl.An '" hit£

• . . '





' '·'

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' " ,:_· .

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. - ___ -_-_., _.:......:::...;

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i. I


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. ··Have your Lighbi, Brakes · .. . . Steering ·. Gear ·.Ins~ted ·.

-· ' ·- ,. I •

• . _, . '-



. Bill's Au~omotive. Service· \• ' .

. . . ·~ ~'

· · ·. Th~ C~pit;~.ti SchoqltJ .,YUI:opeaf · ~o~Ja;~.:y, S~pt. 7th, at 9tQQ A. M~· · . with . g~gerill asseUlbly in tbe · ·

~-~~rm·~l\ .. ! 1h111JJ· .. ; parent~ at:Jd fri.e,nda. • •re ~otdi~lly Invited. A~. this

time the new teacbers w1ll be . in• ~Ju~"''"'"'" and a!HJopncemeuts will 4 • . •- .

be madll concerning registr11tiop . Immediately fotrowin~ tbis 11s·

t·""rrtbly the pqpils will . pass to their class rooms for registration -.nd assigmneg ts. • .

· · PHQNEGB Superinteoclcnt C. V. Koo!tler says that the pro<'lpects fora larf!e and cfflcleut school at C11 pitan

::::::::::;::::::!:::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::==:::::=::::::::==:::::::~h::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::· ·:~.:":-=· ~· = are better t h;ul ~ver, as "?any ADOITIOr.QAL LOCAL Mrti'. 0. S. Stearns retur.ned new bomes have been erecteil in

- Tuesday from Tucumc;ari, where Capitan, the rancbes in the sur· Oh Boy! School be11s wUl l'i~g she bad visited.whh rr·lends. rounding country ~l'e all ru:cupied,

again next Monday! . For Sale-0. M. Franklin Black the faculty is experienced and etlicient, the program of studies

, .. • William J: Humphrey ~a me.. up Leg Ba_cterln; and Black Leaf 40. ls carefully planned acco.rding to , thi11 week from .1)1 I?Ja$0, • Tlte Titsworth Company. Inc. : the pupil• needs. Many 'improve·

Mr. and Mrs, Garratd Yisited L. '1;'. ,Bacot was he-re over tbi men.ts hue been ma.d~ \ to the l.,as Cruc{'s Sat.urday, retur-ning wee.k·end from Tucuu;ieari, to see groucids and building, and the the same evening, · his 1laugbters who are viaiting long covetad fool· ball team is to

·MAr. PAt Rob~ING Housn- the Will G;11lacber family. t,e a reality. .Board ~~Jnd room by week or month. Mrs. Alicia 'Jternaodez I e f t -----Managed by Mrs. R. L. Childress MoucJay for her bomc at Dawson; · Cent• A• Mile Rate

" M. Doering, who left two weeks after, an exteud~d visit w i t b -ago for .-a vacation to California .the St. John family. A record-breaking holiday traf· cities, returned on No. 4 tpday. "Dave Garcia and famil1 came fie m ·Vement for New Mexicd'dut·

Fou SAJ.Jt cnnAP-T w 0 good in this week from ~isbec, "Ari~ooa, ing tbe·first two weeks o( Sep• I for a visit wltb parentsJand other ttmber was virtually assured to• ··· three year old unbrok~?D mu es.

Sec Hunt Hobbs. Capitan. N. f4. members of the Garcia family. . day with announcement by South· ern Padtic Com{>any of plans fur

Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Hedt\fk Special canned mUk rodac:e4. the holding of a latc·scason ••Dol• and sou Raymond went to El Pet milk, l~trge size-$1,00 per 1 D " I f I

~ doz cans Pet milk. small l!!ze- ar ay, sa c o cent•a•ml c tran!J• Paso Sunday and will make that portation, Septrmber 3, 4 and 5 their home for a period. SOc per doz. cans,-Ziegler ~ros. the Labor Da,y week·end.

Mrs. Russell Reed and b e r A. H. Kudner arrived last Sat· Plans for the sale were made atlllt, Mrs. 11. c. Adams drove to urday from the cast by plane. He public by c. P. Huppertz, agept

{it Paso Wednesday to remain had gu~sts to come with him, for ~be railroad here. over the weck·eud. Abie Winters, Hal Stephens an Pointing out that the bargain

• · Mrs. Connie Herrington. The offering of rllil transportation Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hickey, Oh-Ob raucb is thus enlivened will 'just precede the Labor Day

of the Oh - Ob rttncb left lasf . . by the Easterners who are be tug weekend, Mr. llupperca expret~sc:d week for Chicago. We w l 8 b n>yally entertained. the belief that the low £arts will them a pleasant visit and a safe · 1 S

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wingfield st mulate the beavic!\t eptember and early return. .m i 1 f were here the latter part of Jut tra c n the sistory o tbe state.

Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. week, enroute from Amarillo, With sale dates Thursday, l•'ri• Orsa Stearns. returned Friday Texas, to Los Angeles. T h e day and Sat!Jrday, September l, from Los· Angeles where be bad \Viiigficlds are .related to the Joe 4 and 5, thUicketuold undi::r the apcut two mou.ths with Mr. and R: Adams family and visited plan willliiive a return limit of Mrs. Robert Poage. them and saw many friend a lldays from the first date-of sale,

Mrs. George Dingwall left WbQm they knew b e r e twenty or midnight of September 14, Mr \ on No 12 for Dawson~ to yeata 11go, w.beo Mr. Wiugfi'eld Huppert~ a aid.~. _ ! be wtth heJ hu!ibaod a few dnyu. was in the groccrJ business. This is expected to prove of uu·

G I ( d · • •suat interest to New Mexico rcsi·





., ,- ..

. . -.'- ,_ -,

• •

• • '


Learn what a difference six, .. eylinde~s 10ake

St~p out or any othcl' hnr~prleed cnr Into a Cbey• rolet, and learn tho dllTcwnce 11lx cylind('l'll mnke. .

' -"Idle" tho. engine-and die whole car reU~alOII, ttcatly, Opcn the throttle-the tmwcr fiowf!e~renly • Accclcrnte-th'rottle down-so fifteen Ol' fifty­and this •mootbnr.aa lltu)'a with you whatc:vcr you do, It'• nctuull,; built. Into tbo motor-and obj~ctlDliAble vibration ncvc:r CTcn lttartll

. Yet 11mootbnc~a Ia onl:r ono o,t m~n)' llx-eyllndcr advantage•• 1'hcro••·urcuter qulctncu, bce;.~u11o nola)' Tlhrntlon Ia som•. Thl'rc'll guutcr C011'1/CJrt, Jxoc.auJtc buih·ln.nmo11thn!:M doun't tlro you out • There'• srcutcr flexibility, bcc:mao the pouC',r­hnpulacauf u •b oTcrlul'• And a alx Ia much cwlcr to lumdlcl •• Jr )'OU rtilio th,o hood of n Chnrolct nod watch tho cnafuo rwuuns 10 •n1ootbl:r, rou'll n::uUw that Ills cyUndCl'lt al•o menu sreatcr cks.wmlablllty.

And remember when yuu do-that no ulber c.:~r 11 110 ceouoljdcal to o&JC:mto u•tho Ch<'rrolllt SIJ:.

lu l!mtJothne•tt

. qule.tnetJil


hantlllng etu1e •

rltllng eomlort.


economy long ltle

Tl«'nty bcf!ut(fuf moclcl•~at 1"1«1• mttllne/rorn t .. j 7 G to •6 7 G I

AI ptlu./. l>o b. Flint, Atld .. , •.P«l<ll ctZitlpnlcnt .,.,,,, lAW ct.ll•n;d "'"'-• ..... ,, ._ "'Y C. If, .A, C. "'"''' "


City Garage • . • . V. Reil Prop. t CARRIZOZO, NEW l\IE~ICO ' .. ,. . •

l - _,_

""-" "'"'" -=- "


.. • • ..



eorge was r('cent Y trans erre Mrs. Sallie Swce,, of the Carri to, Dawson. • , .,., dents planning to attend t h" ~ . zoxo Reatl~g House, left .l uesday Fiesta de Los Angelct an Los Mr~. C P. Hupperts and daugh• for Knoxvalle, T~nness~e, to meet Angeles from September 4 to ll,

ter Mtss Helen returned yesterday her daughter, M1ss_Lout11e. Moth• 11 well as for late vacationers from Cedar Falls, I~wa, whe,rel er and d~ughter wall re.turo ho~e throughout the Soutbweat. ·

Stops Headache in Five Minutes

SANiTARY DAIRY,. they bad been vacattoning and the comwg week. M111 Lmuse Tlae forthcoming excursio visiting the old home the past shr hu been in Cincinnati, Ohio, all drat of their kind ainte 1111 M:s,

• week~. . summer, attending the ce!ebrated hue been'authorixed over tbe e!: Mr. nod Mrs. C. T. Gardner, ~onllervatory of Music 1? that tire Pacific Lints of Southern


who had 'been ~ Yilltittg · t h e i r cny. a.nd \tu uade .the vaolin · • ser'f'iog six westeru 11tates. daught.:r, ~rl. E. M. Barber, I special study. As in pruious instances, tickets left Sunday morning, tbe&r ob-I A. R. Dean and sort were in under the plan will be good on all jt:ttive being Hollinger, Texas, town a short time Saturday on trains, both coach and Pullman, where they will spend the winter. their return to San Simon, Aria. operated by the company between

" Mock Shaver knes todaJ for Mr. Dea11, who had lived ia tlle Bl Paso atlll Portland aad be• r~lbuqttcrque to take up 9 0 m e Bac:a raneh country, this cmantJ, tween San F'raocisc:o and Ogden,

field with the engineering for a number of year~, aa.d was Based 011 tbru•tiftbs of tbe corps of th~ Slate Unh•ersity, be• 1 counted antong our tie!lt ctt~xens, usual one• way fare, the round· fore the opening of the fall term moYed a year ago ~o San Stmon, trip .. Dollar DaJ., transportation of that illstittttion. whicb be will where he bad acquued a ranch. represents one of the most ag• agaiu attend. ' It was a d_istinct l)leasure .to greet gressi\'e steps taken by the rail•

. . . our old fr1end again auu to note road in· its tight to wto passenger The Ice Cream Social given by that bit healtli was greatly im• tram" back to the rails, Mr. Hup

the Mtssinnary ~oclety at • the proved. ptrll said. Pruious ~ll:perimcuta kome of Mrs. Davti last ll'rlday with tbe plan met watb w1de· el'eniug netted quite a neat sum. . . .. apread 111cceas. The quilt which lbe members bad Grocery and Market _,., ... -·"·. ._..*"' , .. _.~-·· • ··a·· __

made was capi.ured by Mrs. A: 15. Gtactdts

;Lesuet. . , H N• • .k I --;. Veretat.lta · Mr. atld Mrs. s. . tc e s anu . ~hifdreu r~~urned' SaturdaY, from. Meth 1 Las ~l'ga8 Mrs. N'ick<!ls h ad. · ..- . been atteuditt!!' the summer se11~ Our. gtoceties are fte!lb and ~ion. of, the :Normal Onitl!rsity, palatable, because new goods- .. while Nick bas becu doirtg .aome aprJ the best-constantly te(lleb• · 1'bwant:itig, as a. glitl1ce at M~e i~Ii our ~tock, And·, wbile wt

· l)opttTar ~~~guioe!i iudicate.s. are· "buekitlgn no oqe, we kllovr Dr. G. w. 'Grisvrotd~ '..oJ. ~o$~ ~e'rt selling gtoce~ies on a.· 1ety

wetl, in pursuauce t<J his t~ttnottne• ~lo$e m~rglo, ~nd 11. 'fdtt'H .cob~ ntent .. c()nducted an ear, nose attd llta~d lnvetU~gate .we are sure tltroat ctirtic a~ tbe Paden HQ!Ipi· you.ll bt' co~vt•ccul. . , • WARMTH Ul, Tbtttidllyt i'dday aild Slliur.. Outtegetables 'ate. fteib and "th6tet.-. the .,.math ~~ • day Qf Jaat week. · 'Mor~. tousil!l ·.kept criJIP .. b.1 our cooHug •1•tem. lltrdl• hi· a · frl~dty tole-. were temo,ed tbtrUtl)tbiug tlst!• .We .iuyite )'OU to ibspeeh bent :;·~tt~h~-~tf:~.t~": . aull d1tti)' w.l!fl! . nurring & 0: t e ·at~d {JdC:e~ thiitt. . . . little. llot' .•xampte, ... ~

·. thrOats this 'Wee)( •• · . . ·. Jil!CA.TS..:..We 1batadle onfy the to •tatlo~ ilq;..nt~ •

· ~'l'lic. Gallachef, · MtCHntock, best-Dab,t Beef- u 1lg-ures tbat ltom~ht Barber, Bet~ fl.miUe! attd Iobu you c:an aft'or4 to pa.y-ptopedy 61ttift~t.t. ... 1.10 A. lbtt.r .tao tort~ to .1\ll.tilogot<lo iud aud kept ltt per teet coiidition ~ Of•••r,. Celei ......... 1.46-

, 8j' ~d•tt Ure ta4i•• lot an· ~uthttt tot J':Oiir tabl~. Ad •~ hat'e \&~ ..,7.,,,.1.., • ...,. ....... • ._ ...

. · th ht!JI to pla:f &olf;. 'tbt bJ, eboice•t ~jc{tittg' b<lill$« pti:Jillittll · Clll&1iJ Ill # liN' iiMW «"'*• " ••4 tt.ty deliglttf~tlly. aJtcl itt iu tlie Jtay of k•~•i h~li, lard 'Pltluuu was el;ihtactd . by · e •utl t()m:poutul .. ,· . · ~&:~tttai ... utetid'if.t by ~u~A.lU~• \V• ¢u..ho;r Ya. .

c. ,corio .._,~ · ....... .c..-.a'l•a...... · • ·' "'


----~----------------,­' W ir il, IlROADOOS OP'rOMETRIS1'

CARRlZOZO . 'rbe Third Wednegdn}'

()( Each .Month at the or . . DR. SRAVER

Pt~ Lu..ked t• flttmt Clltlet

Fott SAt'E:-


Putiua. Rabbit·Cbuw Purina. Pia eo" m.tow The Titaworth Co, Inc::.

. . .

. '


Per qt. .80

" pt.

'" \~ pt.



Price List

Table Cream •

Pet qt •. .60

" pt. .30 ,, pt

U ;.nJ • .15 No. 136 F3

• Sweet Milk

Per Gal. . .50 " 2 qts. .25 .. qt. .15 " pt. .08

Joe West, Proprietor

Carrizozo N. M.

Carrizozo Home Laundry S . . .,. .

• pecr.att.ze• m • . '


Laundry callt!d lor and Deliv.reJ. Phone SO

. ~. - ~- -··-~

Patronize the


Open Day and N~t.




• •

' '


l I

" '

. .





:!!''' 'i

' i l ' •

J i

' ' ; ! ' \:.



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• • ·- .-·. 0 • -- " -, ••

Southw~~tNews Item& . ' .. ' . .. . 0 '


·-.' · ..•

8a~cUt .Dt~~r• Gitl . . . . · ·· · ,tQ Pr•y1 Ta~e!l $40

~~~•· Aogele.s.-Tlvlc~ 'ordered by a lo.n., banillt; to !!Ill ~!le ··

-~· ...... '

trhe·, ,.•- '

. "'' ' . ,_

' .:. •. ·:' ". ~ .,_

ear e·: , By William Byron Mowery

;Itfg .. tr•two wna tur~• w e r e ~)llppea · lfOJ!l tile B~te l'tlt:XIe. t•;m ~ ~~~~n~ to. 'Yarlo!l!l J~eQUon• qt· Ul~ st11~ o( .Arl~ona. tor 11to~~nK illlrJ1cW,_., . · a. l\f, J,.ujap, at•te ~:omptroller .,t l'f4W )le~lcll, l1!i11 al'J'®Jred Jpr, file manutact11re II) Penvf'r, C!lJQ,, or 1~3~ auto Uc~fC pJAtea tor ~ew Jle~fco.

. r;9ra•a . ;mlle.n .Sitko, cler~ l~ ._ . . !I l!lll~ WAll • 4'tQo .

. . ·. tC! . !IQ;vtJIIP~ but It'll~ .· . niPROVJ!i QUALiTY +-


-llx bandlle hoi(! up tbe ate11m•

or, MldniJ'hl 8u11, on tbo llac­kenalo. kill Jimmy ·Montromel')', and eaeupo wiCII lfOid duet and fun. At the Mounted l'oll~:e POll at Fort ll:ndurance, Qtrrt. Alr.n Baker dlt~putu wttll hl1 lneom. !John! auperlor, I•I•Pector lf11k• ell, ro~ardlnll' plane lor tho cap• tur• ot tl•• bAndlla. D11l1or ttnrla out In tho \pollee launch with nvo men At tho Jo!AoASIIIan tradlnK poel, Joyeo )fuo•MIJJan Ia thrilled at the arrlvnl ot the pollco launch .. Bho hnd expactcd to m1r· r1 lJaker, nnd bad been atUJinod at now• Uont be wae to morn Elll<>bolh llPAUirUnJr. fltolon fu,ra aro f<>Und on tha MaeliiiiiAl! p14<o and ovl<lonco pointe to Joyn'a fAtloer. J.oyeo dotenda him. Alnn loru:lo hla oxpodltlon Up the llllf Alc-tookll and Cli!Chel al~eM of lbtl band lie.

• •

Xbe l9:i.ll. •uto.mlllllle Uce!ll!e · pla.tea tor .Arh:onn. \\ill lie !Jvfi 'by tell Jncbe!f and wt.Jl·be mad~ ot l~'!Qurice buJ'IIfsll,ed cg,Pper, heavily lacq!lere!l w pr11V~At tnmtsb, ·

Ae he'l>lltt4ld the reed• tn tro11t o! Cit tbu gtber party J• goln~ to .$Ot H. •.v, !over vl.ctfma. fn. T • 1 Cruces., hht tnce Alan 11nw the to1:>1 or· 11 dump ,wlpoo out.'' "" "" ,.... away ll!JIIIlciolU!If, A moment later bo They started tor t11e fourth, ptu$11:, N, 1:1.,. have banded togtltber to spe It gllmpacd the dim outline ot a m11n rat houiJe, · they e11n't do so~ethii!J' about th\l cot• •tanding up, lltretchln; hlmllelt, 11lt· IJnltway there, dll!I\Ster overwhelmed ton wood tr~~Wh()!lo I!Otlon fa charged tlnr down ag~ln. them, 1udden and atJJnnlnJ. wltb boln~; the cblof Irritant.

In actual slgJ1t now, thoJe. men wllo It cpmo tram tl!!i air, Jq tile abape· Saving New lle~lc:o'• wna flower• bnd kUied Jlmm1 ~lontgomeryl And ot a pulr at red·tllroatocl loans. Fla.Jr fs to flecome a Bl4te·wlde · effort ft only a platol ahot away I· nut to take plnr henvlly out ot the we!lt. Ule blr!la present phlnll of 446 membe111 .of J:>. E. them • , • Alan curltecl 1111vagely dt droppe!l wltll a lovd lllll~h not tell o., one ot tbe women'i orgllnl~aUana tho tllought ot Pedne11uJt and those teet aw11y !rom the ~wo men. · at Now :Mexico, are carried Into effort. two men 11 hundred ond forty m1Jc11 At tb.o spluab Alan beol'd a mumed McKfnter county, "N. Jlrl,, aportomcn dlatnnt. All lui remembered what Has- o11th over In tbe flogs: tben a rustling are Advocatfnr a deer drive .rrom the kcll ufcl JJbout tho Law being bcblod movement, na though the baudltll bad Black range to. t4o Zulli mountains, to hla patrol, hl11 II Jill curled In scorn at · nervously Jumped tor their guns; then relleve QVOI'IIIOcked condltlona Jo. the tho cant expreaalan,. • • • "Tile J.llw lllhmce. And then a voice trom the fo.rmer an•a and. replonl~h •tack Jn \be tiJat'll iur•poaed to be bark ot us, I twilight nmon~,t the reeds: latter wonacr whe'ra llrh-1 It Ia now I Whnt "Nothtn• •. .Jue' a pair; ot divers :mverett :M. Grantham ot Olovla was dotoJ~ It motin to nm and me npw ?" plumped down.'.' bl elected department comman"er ot 't•·e nero In this watery wlldcrn!'ss Jn the The olnrm would hove own OVIlt " ~ crei!JJJnn hrlll"ht, ho ond D.llf 1vere It tho Joon11 ht&cl 11wum otr, But the New llcxleo AmorlciUI J.oglon, and N-

.. .. b d I A I .. 01 t t '"d tlrlng State Commander nov I. COllie "0111" ur' n"tllnst 111l: men who hod lr a, crop· lt'nvy nn ... nu en , • ny., • . • " " " •· · 1 1 1 t tl Wlll elected national committeeman •t L!::=======:::::;::==:!.l atoocl orr llCt7 on11 who bud murdl'r w .. crc tbc.Y were, a 1ow ng no n en on. .. chnrgc11 hnnalng o,·er their hcncla. And at moving away. As tho tcmnlc atart- the Artesia meeting.

CHAPTE.Jt IV-Continued. ·It u107 brokc 11wny, r,areyaJnglc-J1nnd· ed prcl'nlng hcr~~elt. tho P111te turned Tho deer seuon Jb New Mex!co baa -a- .. .11 woulll hnvo to fltl\nd tho. whole 111 cJ'() &IUIPI"Iously nt tb6 two atrnnge been advanced tg October ZO ~o ·u, in•

Attor acvcrul mlnut<'11 or wuJUnu. brunt ot atop111ng thcnt. . . obJects· BUcking above the w11ter. · · clualvo, by the Now lfoxlco g11me com· LllrrJ J>OIIIh•d llt'ro111 the luko and At hla 11e,turo n111 allcS 'Enutrously Wbnt etnrtled It Alan 'ilcver 'tmew. mlaalon, The old 1ea10n W&l trom ltnttod «rulrlly : up bcJidc him. In whisper•, AIAllllnhl Dill did not move: he bliiiJelt did not Nov. 10 to 20. nar llmlta wlll be one

"l'ou· "'"' that bl~: pnteh of brownllh to· him: "lJIII, wll've got to get clon~'l'. bnt on oyeln11h. But In Jhnt jumpy buck with hom• and one bear, nu~:n ov••r tht>r«', ntJOut lblrf7 or torty · Wo'l·e· .:ot to ~:~:t ncrou Uda pond. tnut alienee tho mahl suddenly U1rcw Durl!l¥ tho tJ1cal ycar·cndlns Jnne Jlr<.ll IJIId! trorrt 11•1' \vntrr? flPO thnt open Ita benlc nnd lent 11Jl a raucou1 30, 1931; tho UQited state11 land of!lco lllllo run h·.:Hilllll baeli Into tlwro7 rnanlnral ehrlelc. 111 thOU!Ih aomo ani• Jn Santa Fo rccelvect 2.578 applfcatJona Tlint'n "lwro ou,. nwra nro bldlnlf. mal bad aol:ed 1t b7 tho neck. for Jand. Tlllt \I'P, llq, Jnlorcaeo onr 'fbe)''rCJ lllylna low olons:1 that lllllo Jnstnntly Ita mato joined ln. The flKUrca tor tllo ••me pcrfod d·•rln~r run. I Ju•t notlerd n rnt elnrt 111• that ~ r- - Jnrrln;, ear-apllttlnJ diiiCOrd tet mullr:• 1!128, lO!:i an() 1930, .Alfred Jl, Der-ruu. llo rowr bm·ll In n l•urry. 'fhf'n, :7= 0 rnt• diving otr their llou1e1 and ftUJlled gore, reglatmr, aaJcL tlu•r•'n 11 "lii'IJt IJtOt o\'l'r thrro Whl'ro ovl!ry. waterfowl Jn ttl.!) lako a bUD• A I dun't lwar Jlll)' hlrd or nnlnual rulln. drM yardll dlatant. Wlth a laat tran- pprcslmatel,y l,l:OO Arl!::.:.:.l\ lla• A ud '""'' •nmo ottwr ••~:na. . . . .. Uc fii!OI tho roona tnxled over tb~ wa• tlonal guar<llmcm tram ,tourteell towna Jlo w~· rlllt·nt fur l•olf n mlnull'. ter, llnally managed to take wing, and lind cities encamped at Fort Afennt!er FltlfiiiJ he whi•Jt•'rrd: "I'll •ho\Y you l!dpped heavily awny. M. Tuthill tlear Ji'lagstatt from Auc. 15 n 111un. l' ou 1w• t'l1111 pnlr or """' na- iJut tho damago hnd bel:'n dllne 'be- ~0 30 to participate In th; annual aum· bo• hn a •·omlnu thla \Yn)'7 Tht>y'ro fly· rond rettlote. .AU that hOur ana. a mer lralnln~;, Tweut:y•!Jro eompanlcl tn11 ,,,.,. rnnlllul: fur thl" Jatw l\luvm•· bolt ot cllrc>tul 1tnlklng, all the ~Ill attc>nd tlie encam:mcnt, ton• ka 111... hhao \''"'"'· Wnt<h 'l'm cnullon nnll fl!llna ot 11llppln.r Jollllntcrumco of wq employees on ,.,., • ., " ' • wnrea upon th& bnntlltll, Jutd been aet tho Gnnta Fo rallwa)', Now !lcxLo dl·

!•k•u·mlnu Jn•t ofo•r '"" llnWJ, tho , at naught b,y tho crn1 abrlek of a Yialon from La .Juntl&. Colo to El t•lllr uf ~trcu • rul •hwtia runw ou; hut cmgy loon. J•aeo. Toxa1, lncluolve, woro v'inecd .,,, J•a•l n• u ... , •'"~'~'"'' brallllu nutl Orer In the murk7 '"'lll.:bt ot the 11 G.cJay week b:ull.s lwclnnfnc Aug. 10. ••orlo •I Jt,., ulld<> lluwn upun ltll' lollt>. floga tboro was a commoUgn, abnrp 11, n. McKoo, tlupc>rfntmc!cnt. ot fAI tlu, •ll•lokrily hri>:Jft!nl hluh Ujl In lhn. ortlfirll. tliO dirk ot riflo 11olt.. At tbe \'1:'4>01, nrmouncctl In Albnqucrquc. nlr. ''"'' u, ""'r '"" ~'"'' l .. arr)' hod t'l1l:O of tho flat:• n gun cro·llll·chdc, a J.:mcreon \Vatlt, former :.;01., 1dcxl• """' ""'' \'rrrlua o~loJ, '"''' \vlr•u•'•l ropo or flame rcarhed out, a bullet ro ntato tl'£allurcr; wbo Is at llbllrtf ~uun ~ uut or IIlii hi ''''" "'" nnt. rlcodlctcd ott tho wntC!r. undor bflnd on tour tflargca or Ol"'b~>z•

I • .,,,. tlll'tr lu tJu, rl't'du orul hn~:, It wn11 a ahrowd buneurc:r trom the :lrmrnt fn conncctton \tUb O"erntlon

,.. , .. ~~· llll!l the bllndl.t l:lncl(!!il 911t . . t~!l 4hiiP wltb $4{). lo. ('11.111 he llllcJ obtarllc4 Jil tbe holdpp, ac-. corcllbf to J.Ulil SU)(o'a ator1 to polfe¢,


Girl'• "Fianc~" llDd .Hia 'Pill Art~ in ~aU. •

Detrolt.-The harp that hun; In Tua•a batla ma)' be mute, but no mut• er than a violin In the home ot lll'll. Sar111l ~Uverber.r, A violin til ber It a mute evidence ot $22,000 that vllll· lslled onder Ita 10othln; atraJpa,

A lltrge pl/rtlon at. the mone7 14 goln~: to bo;retumed to her, pollee say, but her love tor music mn1 never c:omo b11clc, 'Oetectlvel bave returned Frank Elscmnonn, tortr·two, and George Lnndsrn11n, twenf)'.tlve, wboae cleverne•• 111 · a:1ld to bqve mntcJJed' tholr abllltfca aa vlollnl&lf4 • to Cleve­land, whero lira. Silverberg llreil. to lace charge• of troucJ.

Throu;)l keys found on L!lndaman, pollee ~mid, the7 dlaeovered a a:1tety deposit box hero which contnlned $"..0,· 400 ancl a valuable diamond ring.

Mrs. Silverberg met the men when she went to Now .. Iork -to vlalt her daushter, nutb, an art atuclent. Tht men wcro lntrotlueed to bcr ns 'WC:Ilth.r membcra of tho art eglony and abe 1ear11ed that Lnndsman was 11er dt1u1:b• ter'a llnnce. 'l'bo tour went to Clo\'& land to make pinna tor the wwdlnr. poUco 1117.

Tl1o men ('lllled at · home tre­qneriUy and wbllll one Pln1e4 aott mu· ale oo tho violin to tho accornplllll· mcnt or anP.IIler daughter, DcrU1a, tbc.r dlacwrscd U1o pronta to bo llllldt In real eltnll.'. Mr.. Sllvrrbtta told DOIIco tllllt orter a woek ot atrf1nndlng abo &:avo the men $2'.!,000 to ln{('lt. 'rllcm a baqquct \I'll plnnnecl to ttlc­brn1e~ the wcdcllng 11nd ll1o buatncu deal, but whC!Il r.eUher ot U1e m(ln put lo opprornnt('l, lira. Slh·crbt'l'!: be­como &UIIllc:Jous.

·-----Jealous Man Brand•

Wife With Hot Poker Alun •lu•IINI ""' honllll ""'"rt and bandit• a tenlntlvo altot to dmw the ot u w · ., •

... ltl ntta•lfarrfavn brok~"""e • -·•·b ld 'It • t t 1 trl<'<l '" rllclll. If CJIJ n,o nr h!11 mc:>n ."ro of tiJ"Ir llat•·~n an·•· dl«rovcr 1 ...... ...,.., r 1:<'. " A. -.. • rnn[,Oo. o B " " "" ... touae, w_na l('rfoucly •ft•arcd In an aufo- r·• t •· s hod tw•ot• ntn115: \till! I•IIIJ, Ut" outrotno '"'ll"'ro th"7 -"r" •• "l"n was "nlck• btl " 11 \TOll to.. IC!f9 •IJ tue uprcmo. court, .. " " .. "' "· "' .. .. mo o \\Nelt twrnty mnu from nrc- C"·J t J 1 SJ 1"1 unulol hn•" '""'" awlft nrrrl crrtnln. ~• · w}Ut!d ~()IIJib to aee tbt:!lr motlvo and wolf. '" 11 1101 co mmobl llfe!!l u nr; a ll~t '""'" hntn •·nmo at the 11:!1111111 They Clme Up Within a Hundr- to llo Jow; but Dill ,erkt-4 hill rltllf tnlo of a wlfo brnnclt4 Wlth a hot frnm rll h~r aldr. «'Ut orr ony dtonco Yarde of Thtlr Quarry. , JJplrutt bla chC!Ck: a~ II •bot palnt·blank Fortr·rour ('(Ill Dllnca Jn New Mox!· poker. • · nf ""''"~'"· boxt'cl them bctw""" t\'to T!Joao mulllimt houaca out tiu~ro liro at tt1g 11purt of flro. oo mlr:cd lMlJl!J,'IC!I tons ot ccat nJued . ·Tho accuttd wu Robrrt S\0\;onrt. nrro nuol d!!llhrmtr-ly lllmt uwm dmtn. p:utlculnrly good ludr tor u.. Dy A cry of polo went np. Uta bulltt '" t8,814,000 dutl!l¥ 1030, ac:oordlnr: to pit bou at Suburba.., Co:1l cop, who Is Jlut ''" tmd Pl•llt bh• p:mr ot tho lu't'pln~: clown In tho Wfttcr, 1!'Slh thcso bnd ac:orca. Dot the •hot pre awa1 a 1\'P<Jrt rtfct>ntly tl:!lcasctt hJ l' JJ<!o uld to bo lna:tncly Jatlous ot bll AlnomLn l'oorktJ. aa llnak"ll orilt'mL little netta to llclp 1,1110 Ul, wo can thC!lr bldln~:. \VIIb all bclpe 10011 now partment ot C,ommol'()(>, bureau ot wltl.', a wnr bride grJgltlllll7 from Uol· Nnu. nt tl:" ('tllt'lnl lmur ''""' In ll•o 'lllltnk trom ono houao to tho nl'lL ot ~tcttlnr tbo. drop, Alan acrambltd mlocs. Durin& 202£1, !orty·ttro mJnc• land. • 8=h. l'rdnf'null and tllllw oll1er Tho laftt ono !an't a do!<'n )'tlflll frem bclllntl cover ot a muakrat houu, talr- producea 2,0CiU33 tona \'altJtd at •~· Sttllfart I'QleztU!diJ Tolcc;d bla at· '"'" mrn, ttldrrualy tollonlng tt1nt tlmao ml'n. It wo mnlfO'It wc.I'Jl bote ly drasrglnlt DIU after blin, 011,000. tcctJon, n1thougb ta~ wltb btr re-. ••all• ltrandt, '"''o a huntlrl'll on11 polnt·bltmk mnr11 nnd u10 bc:st Jdn!l JJnlt a dottn rlftu I!%Jilo4td In the Tho::o ubo tllOtlgbl tt wn1 bot In eltal ot tho bl'tUJdlng Incident. At the ,.,,.,. "'""" nwny. ot rovc>r to .t1oot trom... ftop. Alnn thl'U11t 1111 rUle over Utt IICUthom ArJ.wna durlng Juty uotro cor. noon rcceu ho ttahtt1 up to hii

llo plnnnnJ, ro:Jfftf'd ond plonr.r-d Tokln.: otr tbhlr hill• and Jnrkela, tora ot tho bou!le All\! elnptllld It ~~ tbt" teet. Jt Wb the boltcet n:!fnth fl'I'CI' IPOilSO and ao ttout waa hll embrac. •ratr1, all•l llnolly mmo to n dr;tlalon. thl'y wrlrclrd c:arduu1 out of u111 toll l!tubta. A bullet from a 8antl!. a ; retordlld, tlgurea complied by u10 u.s. that omcm bocl to U&O torct~ to IC!Pii•

·w ... ,. '"" to t'otrJ tim llr;llt to 1log11, en1ro Into Ulo watt>r amJ 1bai1K'J'IIddllf dt:ldly Sane&. bit hla i wcatbl!r bureau fn Pboenl1 ahow. The rate them. Ant qttrstl• •• to tbe llwm, n11t1 w.,·u, s;ot to lcc.:Jt tlll'm rrom 11JUirmll11 loward tho flrat rnuakrnt weftpen, lril .. bed U:e llll!<!hanl«m, 1 anrago for tbo a:qontb .,111 9G.2 di!- man•• IIIUllty wu remond wboo Dr. ""ttln11 l'll'nJ t•r that lTt"-tk ron.Jer, )loUJ(', which atood np tour ft(lt nbovo numbed hll ~. and drore jargod I srcr., &~U~Jng provJoul average ttcorda L. Cotlk(l, head ot the tllm'ln<'la1 men. TI•rrc·• nntr ono uny wo un do both tiiCJ mrfaco atltl tnllrely IJicJ tllclr op- te17 bit. ot att~llnto bll nn&l!l"L by lUi dt'lrtbl. · . tnl hotpltnl, took tho ltand. annottn<:· thoAe tl•lnuR IIIII nnd 1 nrc (;olng to prot~eh. Jlthlhll It th(')' ato,pped 'a Vol' Jm"tf\1 mtnutet the butll!ta of j tan year 108 perscn• were Jellied In lng him mcntnlly noriD:lL C'lnte arotmd tht'lll on toot ond cnmn mor,m:nl, choso th~Jr n~~t . Olll'. Juut the barillllll bliilt a tbttdtllnf tattoo &utomobUe ac.ct1fenllt· ta Arltottlf while . Ura. Stenrt told the .court .ot ·tb• nt tttl'm from tbtl vtfm' tlili:i. Wo"J'f e:~nk b:tck Into tho wntor. aplnet U111 rnut1 mound •. AI but UteJ 8! bavo b£cn rataUr InJured already brnndlnJC thnt ~t ht>r to tho ho• s:~>t thrN> nnmrhow, llttn It we havo All thl'1 ctourlled clown lwblnd tbo could Alan and RU~ lltted tbtlr bt!lt• thla year. ArJl()ba'a now highway P&• pltal lllld bet busb:tnd to the conrta.. tn •n-tm ynr' wny. With nn1 lu~lc at tblrd lltllo clomo of mud nnd fllcdll. a $1UD!I ol'et the top ot tllelr ahelter, nnd rroJ bu atarlcd gttlltdlng the hlctwaye While waablna llle 'fool' lr the kitchen all wo ousht to ftl!t Into a Jllllltlott towc:rlng K.d btordcd man {lllttcd tho r!tt'd bnck. Thct heard no more ftliJII and '\ Pitt ot theJr job wJU be to Jtre- of Utl!lr hollll'o 'lcr husband came In ul1r-rt> w" rou put two or thrt>O fln~~t~~ thPJ wcro atllrtng at, bl!tlt and of pain. Tht'7. we~ 1hootfnr wlldtr. vcnt nl'clc:!mt. 110 tar na poulb!e and "looking qnoer." In r11ply to a que. "' tht'rn out of baatoru at lbo at«tpcd up a 11attul of water, took ll alm!culy, ndlltr.ln~r: thla, bcllevlng to render fll'llt ald. Uon he aaJd be wu not hungry. anu '"I'Y brclnnln~t. brtoro thry wake swallow, throw tho rcat down with all the biitldlta hat! ~.rept Into thO run rmd .A b ll - wotlt to the lite to warm bJa band&. up tn ua. Tiley 11tor1't ft!bt If lllt'3' ean o:~tb at U• ~II a :111110 : and tbeo, •hnk·. 'tn!tCf dll.'lteud · 1>1 I hi banks. Alan · 11 cet~e and • fflh fr:1 u-cro nnd Be aaked for a n:Qi!Wne and when llt'lp IL Wily abonld ttttJ tnko d•on(t'l lng the watet onL ot bla hat, flo ,JfiiJ~ . *tOil~ ahootln~t And cbed:rd Dill. ~:ho Indiana ot Marlano Lake near abe went uvstali'!l to lll!t It be follow~ on to:r.o or them rettln11 woundt-11 or· l'otldt'l' In tl:c ~ the ~re died up, N. M .. tc-t'fllltfy ~ a mean. of bet and threw btr un tbe bed. ·Jinflll& k!Uf'd. tr U:oy don't lm'l'e to? Tlll'J'll ~~c:~~ .. ·~~acerd donbt about tbeso aft7 rartc-diJ. A •lienee fell. A min· ~!';!~~8•10r:;,.ode:barn11 C~fler .~o::ce- he na aolnr to kill ber. lie then lrJ to u!Jip b:lek acror:~~ t111t lnko and ule tenllthecl!d intCI two, tbree. tour. . · .. ,.o . • -ore u•lltl SGG proc~ed to pg bl!l wlf<'. lied het dm:lt:" toto tl•at ehnnnel yondf'r. ~ow, bnndlt• belnc utter atrnngu. In ' 110 Alan fli!ilnl. ot tbou1bt he burtt a ID41nn• and white ~pto were fed at IC!;;s to the bEd tiO.Ms and coing down Jou11 ataJ t1rro to hrnd that a~untr)' was dlrpelled cow. lie bad talllt rustlfn .. a faint turclltll ot n· the fell!, Superfnlendent 8. l'. Stadtl!t, to the ltltebl!n, ntomed with a ted

blld II clror ~Jew ot thi:Jt rctl· ... or Cl'llw Point aaf.. .. oL k ntr. Ke~ o':lt of al"bt JOUlllelt; bllvo b~ardtd lradcr; he couf.J ea.r poa11lve- ter. 11• Uattned l'bteoU)', b'iit 4111 1101 · n • ... JJnr po .. er. \\'lw the po er be pro-n rouple or UuT-o e>s.tra ma51uln"* • 11 btu It acato. - Profts110r Jl'. C'. Oioorn, relut11fn& cerued to brand her. !lrewart w•a handy, and wnll till lhl'1 fd Into tho ))', a• Aahmun atn. a tlle puscngen With bls t~lant all' ihatten.od. wtth here to :rta~~t~~tatt, .Arh.. after 1 atate- placed upon pl'tlb:lllon for on• year. mlddlt>. Wbrn the~r ~~:et tn .:oo1t ron~. hnd lll'orn. tbllt Jut baa llcver lalcJ the twlllgbt at.-dtl7 d,i!C!pmlnf, he wtde !ltitvey, uprettetl opllilon the · --.. -CJ'Iwn up em th~m. Sink tlloae ennnM. «'11/l on tho man beto~ '. : wu tom With daperatloo. U he and economic ttcvn:utw will not affect eu• • Wo don't rnro a boot thruto m~ t..t To nm bo wbi1Pett-1J: "'When we Dill moved, It was flhter auldde. U roUment fn .Arlzou coUege1 tllll taU. Iowa Man's D~ ProYel . thf'm •wJrn uhoro and hide If tllt'Y rcach that lalt bolliltt, Rlllllub ot dl) · thq croudte4 touch lonxer wbere Wln•tow, Arlt.. witt entertam the His Fish Stories True want to. on toot • mnn t'l\n't rnnko aom(!,tblng to drnw etr attention. Jfllrf'. the bandit• •outd...artalnlt a11p Ml'rnJlera ot the State Game Prot::ctff& lndeperideme, IO'II'a -(}JC!tlr llran~ tf'n rnn ... • •cell ln Jbla muura.t cono• 'l'he7ll (OIJle out to tho 1!~ edge · •••t trom them Itt the' temltl¥ dark. AllliOCJaUon, northem dltltrrct. at theft luUI been telllnc lab atorle$ &ete tor tf1. Wlll1 no tent, no al1elter, the aa:aln to"'" what Jt 1" Doll t ahoot All he fau•ht to tbln'lt ot a. plan noxt qUarterly metitln:;: which 1'fitt. t:e · d J b 1 mocquJt.- nnt1 tUn woutd drt•o thCU~ :!rtn tin"\r~n~:!n t~~=·o;~htl:e~ tbfU, 'W!Illfct btuk this dc!dtocic, M hl!fd .Sept. u. . !~. !gbet~:, :ah!.:~m:h:;:.a~!:~~. l'ruy In II'AII thnn " dn,y, anti th1'7'd plah\ 11tght. tt we &et thne or them helllttl. a klnrr whf~tl~ •. a tl~t ,.•hrtll Tfi~J. e:cvator Jhatt nt Carlebftd C&v• ·the experlen~d tngleta ot the eonntt. !~!~J"!!wo:-ha~~~!t 0~: t!~~:'~:·~i at the flrat ctactc, we'll be ftJhtlnr th& L!'::"f~~~;:r.,. • dlredlon. £t •a• ~~lt. flt}low. olll!n tullu•Ue tri'lm to!J to AU Jumbo bad to tlo. aid .hla lllittet, be atnrtlnQ." • -llihlli' tll";li ()fi 4YC!U letnil.. Ndw..-DUl.;. ne· ""l'llll"' 'uc;. .. DIIlt 'l'lte:r'ft uu om. 'l'lie ()Odete OJ lllld (lltc1nt was leap lnto the rJYet; lif!l,t swim oitt

llnth men nodill'lt 'Wft~ rou l'(l J()(lklllf down a rt~•, bllr• backed ~ ... wa'Y~ . tbt')''fe altpped ii.. or lllut beam• half been t(lmlll~tl!d. It wltb ti dab between hla Jtw& . nm 00,1 Alan backro awot with tn• .. !'el at tlu11111, men.,t'lon't bealtttl'. 1A.Im thl'1'te bti!nklnl t<ll' the t~k&l La~ a (':c~tect UJU the flii!Vatot>. Will be Sk.rvUcal Waltl>n!Ant, lured' b7 nnuo l'IIUtlon, tot 0110 fluabllll watt.-"" ~rllt&ht, ~ e taat 11111ke pl'l*>n~ttll ot alone. We'\'e ltOf. to help l.arttl" rtadJ' for o1iflntton about tU Jnltfdt~t promise of a dmonatn.Uon, too owed rowl wonlt1 ral•o au tile olbe~ Yard 'flat outnt. 'l'bla It c'litdlti il&bt. One cro 11111 ct>lit'l'JNtli:P.) o.t September and a tl.'tnpora.,. atmew Dhlttta to th& hablfat c>t the dog ftah-bf t'IIUIIoua ya.rd tbe tw~ men allp~ · • · ··· . .................... tli.te olt th wrtat:e -wm lit 'built It el.'tlltiJ. Approach!~~ the Jim!~· thet barb 11110 tho ru11t1111 till u11.'y were 11 ,!.!!....*!.!!!".!~*;'!~*!* .-.!.~.~,.,~~ , . ..... .w... "*~~ acne until the lUO!le: eleTatot iouet1 h!tl.rd li tllrlollli blttltlnt. · llllfo dlatan('(l from the lakl;l. ' · • • · .• • · hu been -e6mpletlll. · "lt~r that'!" mid 'Bruts.· "Jillia-

Tllcn thC!1 bclt!ln ttut ten1 hard Job Found It· . H•rd tQ Convince Mother·m•La'W A nttlonill . taUwl!c. hidtarlum to bo's got lnothet- rtsh... · ot drcll""' nronnd tb6 banllltt. lJ · ' ·· ··· · · · ·· · · · ·· , . · · cllit i mfilkln. doUart \l'lll k kilt at ·Jum~ hlld.. It wu i. illtltt' tartl&

wet. ~;tltls, tortur~X1 br tn.e«:t peats, · 'tit& itii•ll towrt'-for ot ·a Atilt St half· t~1terl th~ 'dEll.' Utltt llli't Rtt~. N. )(,.. and & ii(lm~ holn• filr almost •• large u Ju~oo. 'nd the


• •

MethQds. ,'!'hat Willlncte~e · Yiel~ of Grass.

.Pn&t!lro ~· teqlllre tec,dllli, re­~OOII'Is 1111~ eultlvaUpg tnueb tb,e anme aa any otber er~p •. d~lllrea 0. \V, Gay, cllalrman Qf the department ot anlmal huabandcy at the Olllo l:itat~t uotv~· alty, who belleve.i U11~i the J?&!

. may lla m!lde 4inEJ o! tbe J'ngst pro6t· 11ble tlelda on tlle t~trm.

U ®lrt eow• are feiJ on ·a IP'IiiD ~tlon lll tbe 1tabl~ or Jt ~ttle are . fed train oil r.ll~&ture, tlloy will put back Jn terUIJty more than thet t11ko olr. However, the clropplnga are beat <ilatrlbl,ltW by SOmCl kind of drak or they wlll not be utilized to tho beat advuntng~ U piled In J~~e heaps, tbe manure kllla tho cr1111111 under It and IIUmulatea such mole g~owth around tbe pile that atock will not eat It:. Dolllog firms the BOll about the gr11,1a roots, and dlsklnc ma1 tllleken tbe atiUid. D~tre epota 1bould be. reaeedw .and WcW!I ancl rank crau nrc cUpped.

.Anot}ler good vmeUce, Gay asiertll, Ja to top-dr~•.• the pnature In tb fait or early spring. aowever, tbo Dltlnur., · ot ooo kind of atock should not be pot on sod to bo gr.u:ed b) thl!ot same kind ot 11tock. Ocrrn• of tubcrculosJa and abortloo dlsca~~o mn.r Infect tbe ma­nnro or cnttlo nnd Jlllr~ • tr atoclc 011 pnaturc. In tbo anme \Yil)' ahcep and bOI:I. OlDY bC('Otno lnfcatcd Wltb P,llrl• altu It J.'rtl'tc:d 011 JPUI tcp.dreuecl wUh lbccp or bog ml\'nurc. nut~ II par­asltca ot •beC!p do not; tnt est hgga, a.ud ,.leo fcl'lll. Cattle manuro bact belt so on corn sround, or 'ltbcr crouod to be plowed, wJ11le cattlo p;u~tun>~ I1Ui)' be tep.drcmd from elU1er tbn hom, lloli:, or ahtC!p b:~rns.

Profits for Dairymen in Luxuriant Pasture

Lusurfont p:~aturo Is 'ho bcat trlencl ot tho dnlry COIY. U ta rtcl1 In protcln, J:llnerol matter. and tltnmlns.

"Tho dnlr)'man wbo opprcclatca t11e 1'nluo ot t110 p:lnturo crop In economy ot protludlon, In tho bulldlns: of health. and In tho c:tJtUn: dotfD ot adunltabur nnd cost ot vroduetlon, ll tJJO m11n who 11 rcopln~: tllo dairy dollars from his aummcr pfadacflon," dcdam J, C.. Nisbet. <'Jteulon d!llt'1mon, lt. S. A. Q, In ea:pllulzlng tho lmpm'taoro of ~oa puturo tor daley prollts.

On maot a Knnw c.bl1'1 farm. tl!lJ> tnro l'llj)' bo prowldccl obont nloe n:ontba ID tllr 1ror.

Swtet dover ttcdcd In ont. 117o!llt1 be rt>ady tor light grozln~ In the tat~ augguu Nlabet. Wlnkr wh~:lt or eye tonlcJ fumla!l e:trly winter pa•tn~ 1:18t· log • many )'C!Ifl tr1rougb Dcccmt}l:'l'. 'l'ho l!ltne. winttll' -whrot would be avail· ablt' tor earlt 1prlor pnstul't', fgJiowrt1 shortly bt tbo awi!Ct clovl:'r which 1hwld 'tormat11 airt7 Ute dol17 COW' tbrougb until tho ear.IJ full at which Umo a lloW' fletd ot ll)rlnt:·aown 1\WC-tt e1o\'er would agt~lll be re:uJT·

nrou:e grnu tlnd Stldan could be used ns dey wt:tther P1lltures. ·


Improve Dairy Prices Prltl!.S for t1nt17 protium can be

b~JX!d It a11 lntc:restc;d Will COOpetaUt In tlle en'ort to eat dowu J!rodllcll()ll brk~log fC!Wer and bcttU eow., ac-­cordtng. to E. A, (lanaoa. Pardoe tllll• •enlty. ,

By ~Ill' a ctmp1e ot lOW' vrodueera to the bbtcber, no&, a lldgbbor, and bT vnrchnlor a hfgb qtl.:lllty Pllrl.'bre4 bclter- whtcll comrs trow a rood bffi!d. t!t, wbo bu a ditftle-~e herd anct wlllcb earrlu ~rh·Produclng btOOi'i nnes the farmer QtJ loftuence the mar. ket ma~nially.

"'n!ere 11 one concltl!ltnn tnan7 hue­made antlm!DT t!Wte •m make In the­tnha~ .. Gannon. •nat better' con are aDd wllJ ,be rteedtd It proftt.s l1'e ro!tll' to be prOduced tor the dalt7 •en even t111tler ll<lrmal coruUUon&'"

· Avoiding "Ropy" Milk 11ltopy .. milk catlseil a creat 1o•' to

U.e dalJ1 lndt1$lr1 Hch )'W'. It ta. more ,pmoaltnt ftt the aprln,Ume thaDc tt ls tlbrfnr the t•ll alid winter months. :·In order to pravOJJf Ultr cdudt~

trotn oecortfnt, It ft be1!t to mtke wt• tliat the water "Whl & Js l1ftd tot UJ& c()1ri .ttt drfnk tncl. tot . 1rlihlnt file. paiLS. lllnd llfemtts J11 dean and tre.b. · ~- ortmtnu which ra~ top:r tnllk &11!. fonutl gecl!rally lll'ctbe Wiltet. ·

4 ~,


tlloy &lUaliNI lt:ta!lllt 0,4 rutndtul ot N~w torlc 1tltlll«• lllltted tlltt toupte laitr'•l<!n'ltfmaett to «<fl\'lnce b&t that Pl'ltetil wtll be huUt flt. tile llolo~t&O: Yilt• tlolf was: laborJug 1tftb· hls lll'fT il!) ""'nllu .. t'"'tll"ht. -on~ ht fli~lt Ne1f l'orlc 'thlnp t\111 not l111\lpe1t llttd&eb'"all ~~ te:r liear itaton. Ttae •fte ... &tilJ.I. the bttntc. ne dP{JI')Ilt~ lt. at 11111 rna&-""It t:ok"'ttu"tulut 1\tld •lllllt to tnlllUt went hom& -wltb Mtloua .mrt~lvtnp •t~PPI>Hd thot dhl.-'New 'i"l!rlt sun. lnJntiJ ftl•erat tlati lit<~ UUtii!K::..the ttr'a feet and dii4PJ1et!ted. The II'IMI

'the uddetj alid !lab~ llf coW!t wblc:ft b~te been In pUtnres 1!'here atagnl\nt water' •tM1cl's ate apt to be contaml• fllltetf, ud i'lurlor.J_~ sprint wucu. larly, the tlaakt. aM udders l!Mutd b• • ;tJped lift with Ill damp cloth. !rh'fs 1!!. tt1o wldo worut clrclallnil iltrt ~ llmu\ thla lilwa)"il • ., ·\irlr• nt 11..- lloli · •· ~~ ·• •' ·· ·.. .... rlllt to ru.:toli · ot n .. hhl\!t!r.h followed. The dote litoll1llt the tl'~ ·

Ius: ln toward (bo b:lndlta tr-om the . \'rf, . ' . f'nh· tM iii u,M.r SdlN!inbt ot: ()l~Yil~!id, c&lrlililll ol -'d&. watglflt btiS. tan Oti!t ftrt .tlth a go()(l lll'acllce linct ihUt!l!) be don& throl'lrtaout tbe re•r •.. north, WJtn tho 111111 .:ut Itt two by soon arter tlt.t Mat babt atrh'4\ll 'l'h« ·«tJ1il>61iitlt tt Mt, aa ofien'l!liP. · · thti <."atttollc COlli!&~ ol lllatro~. ttlio . be ·bad pulled ttom the rtver~

the. w(~Sttlrn bor~Cifl 1n1d the thlll !:It Ulo f:lrl 'Wt!nt ttl' tbe: Wlllilll town, kl\'• -~t. a l11btld d~~~~ by · «<iilJ. hail th!lrte nt the proJect. • • · · -• . twlllt:ht Itt lh" afl', tbOio •lx ~t\tt• e~l litini.lrtl\1\ll._ hol'll New l'9tlc. 11:1# other troUi!. !Ill$ a l't~thllndtt '-f* · ·.A. E. l'.ran~t hill ~ ap1JQflitid .Art- R~•l•.., •~ ·Ar• o • ..., Tuhetculoai$ Te$fs. . wutlld •borti.J bo on tb& 111\ltt. lltlt ·to Yltlt h~ mothtt·lri·la'f aiul ~'It' ulni!. St'i tar aa known, tt 'Willi! <~lit-. lOita ~~~ w•rdtn. lt~ ttectedlf n. t. Cobatanc:~~-A ll.'ti\Jlf ot t\fe llOU!Ifi;; .1'\'eir ItamptJhtrt fla!l bffi:l maJdn Al:tn'M Jto~. ll!ld rluo a;!lln: tt . ott tht! ~bt. . ... · · . .. . .. . . . . • lQ&llt • n•Ure:.«. 8QUt~ltttttrn 4llla Bayle•& · . · · . · . .rt'prod~tlot~• l:lt pile- 4wdlliln ctat+ . ~xedlent pi'oft'eM IA .. · ·.·· tlla 1 .... t1n"' 0-~ · Hettttt.ltblit. ho hid~lJ _..,, fAtf.ti Jilt • ~littt lo~• 1\Uibtl.ltt te1f>Phoile!ll <>t tltf Mtlu •M llo~lt 1S1alld_tJ, · ... ,.. .. -• . .. , · . . . . . .. tot b&ekto]ht,Uro~ lp (a~U1® beret ... ·. tor: t~tc)tltotl• .... '; ......... ·.111

6 ... ..! .

l 1c l9'tll u !l'bo bUdltf dlcl aot 'lt\. Mt tint lltJht,. fill~. Mljl thn his ~ lttifl'lt n'C!tll& to hlltt ~ ll\" .. "1~ ul~Offl1 that !Itct tOS.tld• B. 0.)~ fli.i bea C®~pleted' ~.... ~- . ... e~ ou ., .... ·-~c · · ~~ wero belft.C .tttk'f:d. Jll fiatt · ~· tl\l ~t. ·~·11td tl\tl'e •bd w•tt• ttodMtd I~ t~ 'W~ lQiltfif a1iil :r~ had aa.wec~ tht'l)\Jl\. tht · ~l'l 1?f ll\tfr . llwilUilp wer• neoliltrlltttd wiU. reo ~~ ~0:· t ~et· ot th~ tett ~IIIlo< · aa0{.1.,~,1tllJtkh~ct1 Jitalk1nut .a liM t!t,•tlltat.tfitth•ttll .. ll• w. )t tM .-rl,# ~11ldl «ilOI\I.t~;. · #t~·l:=s~~~ .. ~~1· · · .. ot .IN ,:rl3t811. wi!Jclt were u..,~~ ;~~~~~~: .. ~~~'"' Jl\ ~tloA til~~· tJt-.. ,..._.lf ,ttltt tbt tll<llll -dt lllii."'~ · •. ,.., "•'•••• .... ,.,,.,,. ·t)f tf Mt • ~t.- . · ~ i'Oillt4 .. l't lltl'rill' •• llltdtlf. . lJc'thtUlltlii!HltU.Jaa'fit bj.IHC!Ited' 1· 11~ .•

11" .. *~Nf.t 11.3 tflltq. 6ft~~· ~. /:.-. .:~. -:~·-· ~-ril: Ut ~l!!f, . A .. ..;., :~;:~.~., ;~~ tW.. ~.· -~. ~.b&'t.;blj. .. · ~-~ • .. tf~.·. ret . . f'ua••• lfkl Ia. ...,, . =~·. ·~~·.··~~~-······•ltf. {:f!t.C._ .• t:.•:t.~ ..... bt...,.

1 .. '~ : .

...... ttt .. ,•tt~Ml mwlC!tl at0w U\t!)Uft li¥l i1. fltlk>t ,..~ bVorUk '*"..-.. C!A tr Utt "tftt'k., J.ite mer ktlla. ~."""'" ::' ••. :"""t·:=.:!t. ~ .. - .... ......., ·. Jklt .. ..._, '"""' n t.. . · ...... ·•. ,.., • ......,.. ., ...... ~~: . ! .... ••*• Jtffi'ltq ~,. f.M{r -*lM ·wu· ~ ~d"' '1' J0j6 ...... '"'. Jt u .tw~· t't~Jtlt -*'"clt . m!!?.? ~\ ~:..~ . ~ . . . ............ retttfiri~J t! . ti'-. ·. ·.· ' ... ::-. · .. ·."' .... ::Jr':.. "t~.;-u .... UUI .... ~:: ••• :·;: .. ;::. - ..

.., 4ft.·~- ea•,., ••tWa • ··~ '"'~rft'tlml'•t~~•lf .-. •.'tlltt\tt4..lfkltMtiJt:~...- ;~w:;..~ . ~--.c ·~~ .'lfk wi'ot~ti.'U'~.;ttt.;=..

.W.Afd. ~- fl t ...... -~~ . ·.Mit ~- '· . . . . ' -~ .. th ...... UiU Ill tit ,_._ • .._ "'·~"a""'+ '!.-,·,... . ••• tof.... *llitt•h•»PPIte:a .. · U..t.-:~~-· · .. <of~ r , ""-- ~ . -:-:r :\,, , , ~ .. " -._ ... _. ~_..., .. _,..., ..- .... ......,.

\f .. • ... . ' •• ,.








~~~,_·· .... · ;-· .............. , Ch~nc·e for Bt'eeders .. :. . . .. . GIRi; ts·n~SPI.RW ·

, · ltf .J;.QVE TO PI#\Y JtOLE OF ~fVICTJMr' 'WOltL .. D ..

····WAR r • • • '• --

. .

:,YAR~~s a,y ~ie~t: frqnk e. Hagan

· , of Horsea ·arid M~le$ •

Sh61iage of Anim~Is Me~ll$ · Advan~e(i'Prices. .

'l'bert~, 1~¥. a· alwrtll~ ot cood 10111\1 horse• 11na !lllllel!, due t9 the tpct tba~

li ' ,• . ;..,· ......... ~ ............. . Sho Confe~•d·P~~.,riin~ a~~

to flpJd Aff~tilln of B()Y: l"riend, ·

tile production ot colt$ bas been &;rellt• '14Uo, MltlQe.~Fen,r. 'tbllt l;lb~ wl;ht . , 1 • • 11 curtplle<l, . · . , · · lo~Je her bo1 friend em.ISe<l O~lo Uogerl,

The Battle That Waa·Never . l)prJQg tbe tell sear• liHO to 1\)19 twenty·tllree, to piny a hOIIlt ot • · · · F, · · · · ··." lllclq•lve. ·we· prodjJ~:ed aild reared to d~at11 tltrent oq 'pollcll authorltll:s.

Janunr1 1 following fQallng 16,142,4!1~ (.ChQ gJ.rl CQnfe!!$ed to Investigator · !l'he ''J311ttle of Pus de Calais" wo.1 horse ami 8,()(!0,5)2 QJule colts; durlQf Frank J. nogntl ot Bnilgor, who h11d

· • nl!val battle thnt Wall never tought. the next ten yi:ftrs, 1920 tQ 1D2l)'lnclu-· bllen workJng on ~he caJ~e with County It It ha~ lleClJI the outcom~C~ ot tile slv~ we prQ\Iuced and reared to Jlln• Attorne1 ·Jerome Clurk. · . World war mlj:ht have been dltrerent. unr,Y 1 tQIIowlng ronllrig qnly 0.370,00U Mt~ Jlogers, who hail been working ~be Freqch were ready to fight l.t horse nn!l t:oa2,:m mule colts. . tqr or. A. M, Cnr4e tqr tour reiitrs, bnJ tbi! Germ11ns weren't and thereby [Jl otlle~ wpra., out qt ~be ll!.SM,OOO wns friendly with !llqrr111 Ll~tlefleld.

· han;li th11 tnle ot a lost opportunl~t. borse!l on tur11111 Jonuilry 1, ti)Qa, lelia One night sh(! showed l)octor Cnrde . At midnight on ~ugust s. lOH. near tbo.n 6,.'175,QOO-under onli-hlllt-can be a tetter aJte sara eho hnd plckC!.l uP

A;«lmll'lll Roqyer of the French DllVY under ten years or age. Most f)f thtt the nl~llt before when l!he answ~rell WM at Cherboprg allll there rccelved otlters llvlm; were ronled between 1'914 the ·doorbell, but found nobocly. there,

·a wireless order to tnke whnt v:es-. an!l llllO Inclusive, dt~rlng wblcb six ~o;ether they rend the Jetter tbrent• Jels lle had and stcnio for the Caiola yent"ll 9,0:)7,476 horse colts were tooled enln~; her. with death, ~ho doctor be-P!III:'! Arriving tbcfo bo wo.s to ·attack that ll\'l!d to Jnnunry 1 following. came B\IIIJllclotls. _., and light tt out to the end with the In mQiel!, ·WQ produced In U)lO to ~hat e\'cnlng he went out ana lett German. Blgh Seas fleet, The order 1010 lnclush·e, ·s.OOO.Gl2 · IDIJIO ~U• J Littlefield looking lifter the girl. sln~:e wu ~ulvnlent to telling a mQUBe to from 11J20 to 11!29 Inclusive only 1,032,- the tetter stild that only 1., the boY'• att!lek a bulldor. The French were tbnt out ot 6,279,000 mules on compo.Qy would she be 811fc. , sure that Oenna'ny would strike at fnrma January t. IQ30. more than Groaning on Floor.

· ber b1 a combined l!!nd and Fa move- threc·llrths were over Len year~ old. · "'bout 10 :.J5. Miss no:era remnrkel1 meDt-'llll lnvoslon of Dcll;lum by the SucJs conclusive eviiJence of a real ahe wu Ured ana sent Llttleflell1 arm7 and of the Engllab channel by shortnge cannot be Ignored. Prices, aJ. home. the navy to assure heraelf ot naval reaf,ly rising, will go aubatantlallt Jn a few minutes Doctor Clnrk re­buea trom whh:h she miJbt hold or hlgber within the next live ye~~ra. · tun1ed with Coqnt)' Attorney Clarke defeat England.· Mares bred now will furnish cotta and Pollcemun Aaron D:ty to nnn the . '!'he authoriUe1 knew that they wore thut If 'lYeii grown out will be lit for ttrl cronnlng- on the vestibule lloor. 1~ndlna Rouyer ro his dentb but he work In ·1035, nc:uer net now thiUJ They plo.cect her In bed nod otter ml;ht be able to hold up for a tow to Pll7 .long prices then. . 110me etrort quieted her sulllclenur to

. prc:clou11 lloura tho Oerm'an battlesbiJJS Tile colts tlmt pull tho load (of a:et the atory of the alleged assnnlt. and thtt ~:rent trnnsroru, filled with llnnnelnl surcc83) uro tho ones you Slte allowed them marlul on her IOldlcl'll, which they would bo con\'O.)'• r!llno .ronrliclt, throat and llCI'Iltchea lndh:ouUng u lng. England woBn't .ret In tho war so atruccle, a.nd explained thnt n1!('n J,lt· on help could bo lipped for trom "tile Bull Calf M!lst Have tlefieh1 lett h~:>r she went up elnlra to lillstrcu··of tho Sc:'ns." ltou1cr bnd R h . R t' rctlro nnd the doorbell rt)nG. .• • three 111011.11 armored crulscra Of hiS . oug age m a 10n8 She went dO\\'D and ns she lllcppcd p~ace·thno Oect and tl1rco other vcJ>o Alfolrn lmy 1s Juat RB lmporlnnt' fi:l Into tho \'entlbtllo n ~toll mnallell man scls ot tlto nnvy ~cllool cllvlulon which rrcdlng tho bull cntr na In tho feed• ech:ed' her, chollcd· her, aho said, nnd jQincd hlrn nt Drc.rt. Uo letr <~her- · Ins ot clnlry cows In mlllt. Tho qunl· tJ1re:ttcned to ahoot her It abe IJo~~ at 3:30 In tho morning and b1 · lly .ot tho rou;;hngo detcrmlnCJ the ! ecr~mcd. . 4 o'clock thnt Jftcmoon bo wn1 In co11t ot tho colt ration. A good mix· • 'l'b.o · rl.ol;:lng of tho t!!lrphonc frlllltlo­bls balllo Jl(lulllon. 'About 6 o'c:lods turn fur tho utx momhll' qld hull roll ' enod blm rtwny, just botoro tho dnc• 1ome Drllfah torpedo boata eleomed tlmt lma plenty or l!OOd qunllt~ a!· I tor cnmc, but aho dldll't huve tile past one or tho erulncra and tf1t1 Drlt• rultn lmy Is .CCJUnl ((:uta of b:nloy or . atl(!'ngtb to Get. to tho telephone, sho lllh crews £UVO tho lo'rcmcb a cheer- corn, oato. nnd brnn. When tbo price explained. Dot a cheer tor nH:ea but A cheer tor ot bmn &eta too ltlllb, tho homO< D!!pUIJ Sberltt Walll'r Dluko and bravo tnt!n n ho woro {tO In; to. certnln arown grnloa nlono will surucc. For Stnto Trootser Sheppora. a Oll~;erprlnt dc:~tfs. a poorer quality of alfoltn 11111 or expert, wcmt to work. A c~ecllup wna

Itouycr nulled ell t11nt da)' for lf1e tor 1101110 rorbonocooue rom;ba~:c. we mndo on evert person who t1od ncccn appcz:~rnnro Jf t11o Oennnn llccL And would cmaJhnolto tho need ot trotn W to Doctor C.ordo'• oRiel'. t:lltblog bappt'ncd 1 At 11 o'clodr tbnt to 100 poun111 ot llllleed meal In U1e • Machine Tract d. 1

DIJbt Ore:n Drltnln declared war. Next abo,·o mlxturcs. Whllo U10 rolf la tJo. It wn1 lromcd tho machine upon dt11 DrlUab wnmlllps were llclplog hJrn lng euppllcd aldmrnllk, tour or five wbJeJ1 tho Iotter wna .wrlltcm wa1 slrn• suard tbo l'al do ~talL Wbr didn't poundll ot ifnln a do7 will aumre. Jlar to ono In tho doctor'• omcc. 'l'lle the German ncct appc:~rl No ona Thla should bo lncrnscd at wmntnr paper uacd waa from a pad, apJl:lt'o know1, somo !JIIJtori!WI ctcclare thnt time. A frc.>.all IUI•fll1 or Alt and wa· ttnU)' tt1o 11:1m~ 111 ono on 1111 d~l:. the ·a11rtnan blgb comm:lDd blundt>rcd tor mnct atway1 bo iln bond 10 tbat '.l'htt morlll on t110 gtrl'a throat t\·or• tbcro nod tl!ro;v nu-117 a chnnt'i) to till')' mar bo tnken at wUL-Excbnn;~. mado by a ;trt•a Gngcra. crotb J.'mnce. , Untlcr QUC.Il!lonln~ bylnvcstlgtltor no-

• • • Buellalla and Batt!e&dd•

DCllldu Color Sergcttnt Uaall Oowd)'. cotcd tor till lnsvlrJn; lnOucnre on momlo of the A. E. lt.._ other prof~ atoned ball pla1era IK!ned tl:ttr cou0o tr1 ov~rtc31 ln 1018. From them lt would bate bttn pollslble to 1clec:t a torm!diblo club, C!llllrtl)' c:apabJe of otrcrlng 11ero battle on tbe dlatnond to an1 of the prae.nt maJor l~e ouUllA.

Tbo club n:entlon«J would have IOo duded tho toUowlna llaeup. all ot the rnembera tbM In France, undcr co lou: OltebttL Gon-d7 or nepn. a former ctnclunotl player: plteblll'll, Orovu CJtvelnnd Alexander. Sherrod Smltb, Lc!on Otdore. Norett ot the Athletics . and Lrunht!lh .of Drooklsn: Llrat baae. Dots Millet of tl:e lilrntett: KCOnd btue. JohnDJ Even. the old Cub star wltb the f(olgbta ot C'rolumbus: abort• &top. Chuck Ward ot nrooklrn: third llil5e. Cf natEIJ. Athletics. and outl'leld> era !h;nmkr nod El!lm nice of Wu!J. ltl!;lton and Miller ot l.'level!Wd.

'l'wo l!et~ten!l.nll were tnenuoned at ctllll1 meu. The1 were MOOM aJc­l.\lrmldc, a noti.'IJ pinch bJUer ror tl:e old Glantt. and tddle Orant. a thGrt• lltcp who also plarl?d under M~Graw.

Q '1 N t 1 E a::m, 1Uu llof:'l!ra broko don-n nnrJ. ctJ!l Ual a urn nemy tts::cd lbo \Ybole 11or7 was Calac. She of the Boll WecvU aald 11he wroto tho noto to horaell nnd

A gl'('nt dt:\1 Is btolng written on Ute flolf wcc\'11 and m:Jny rilmettiCJJ are b& lng ndmnrtd a• to how to ~tenntnare them. Now, thllro Is but one tcnown l't'JD001: If all at11tett tofCJJted wltb boll wccw111 will fl:lll lnwa Olllllln,; It a p~nltehlfftf1 otrcnJO ot tlrt l'fAri tot lcllllng quail and olber bJI'da tor ~~ 1Mrll. nnd If the nates 110 atrecte4 wUh weevil• will ro Into other 11ates uhero there 11 plenty or quail and btl7 1.000 for ench itatt and dliitrlbutt them In the counllu tnfHttll wUh wt.ei'U-. I guttrantttt tblt the w~ll will soon bo extermlnoted. nut po» this lttw ftrat. for the llfiOrta tn t6WIUI nnd clUes l'tlh kill an the quail In tbt 11tatec Itt tO "dt)'s ft allO'WM t~ 11~-. Ono quail will destroy more ~lis In one dll)' than a man ~h with all bla balr.-.J. A. Robbins 1n tile Okla• boma Fnnner·Stockman.

lniUctod tbo ~~emtcllCJ on her taco and tbrll3l to mako It tool: more rcnlllltle

Sbo tllld roved LlttleDcld tor n lome Ume. abe a!IIK'rtcd, and thought tho letttr would mako hlm jealous ot tho mao wbo "'oved her 10 murt1 llo u-a• ro!nt: to kill her to ret her out ot llttrraYI rtarh.'* .

. . I , Girl Admits Blame for !

Crime to Sawe Youth #

831.'1'l1mcnto, Callt.-Attempllng to ' Mt'e her' IWI!elbl'ilrt, ttay Wettt, from · tho wtllow.. MrL Ann Mn~le F~ter- · ott. star wllneu In bla rKent murtler · trluJ berr. l!llld@ :.. apllttnculnr c:onrc• ~ a! on ()f re.lp()nllblllty • .... the sc:uah'a , . crime. ,

Jt was at bet aolldtatlon. tho Did. ' that Wcat. 110n or the treosul't'r or l'ln~r county, undertook 11 series ot Sal.'l'l1mento boldU(II whlrb .:ntmlnntl.'ll In tho snnotlng or &rt. l!tuDilr1

Inoculation of Prime proprtetor. · Imp·· ortance to Crops west t• now atl'oltlng eJtecntlon at

!.lin Qaentlo prlwn. It bas been shown that In the eue Upon M,... Federolra voltmltlry ron·

or atrolfa, sw~ c:!o~u. pens or other f~on ot 113rttd(l:Jtlnllt ~ltb WEAl · legtltnett thnt are bl!!n;; gn,wn on tbt Jn two f)oldup!J. Ofi1Uf1 Dlstrlrt At· . Jnnd for the firat tlmto. thAt tnocuta· tomtJ Cbrlt John!tlln thorg~ her

• . ,.


. .

- ' . '

• . .. . . ...

Grallt b«nme a captain before IUI1· tbln& was doce about formln,; ttle ~tub. c:ommamllng U c:ompan,r, Thn!t' Unndred acd se .. Entb lnfil'ltt1. He wu 1dlll!d during the Argonne ftallt•

tlon Is really 11efeQQI'Y. wllb two c:ounta of rohbery. . Caltuta tor the ltUlt!ttllltlon mAJ be 'rbe 1oang's .rtOJ'1 to tht'

secur~ through rattr farm llurcso dlstrlrt attrorney lncludi.'IJ tho c:lnlm . oftlce or a tommerclal eotture tnat be tb:'lt abe sat In an aotomohlle 1111 n . obroln~ rrom tour locnJ dester. fir tooloout while Wcllf enferetl Uert'a at~PlJing the lnocutnnt to the ~. the . t:umdt'1 and allnt the fltopriefor to rener:'ll ptactfre la to mtx a rmaU deatll ,lllrlntt an aurmpt~ rohht>r:v.


• , , lllg at tho llrod of his battaUo!L • • •

'tho Greamt Spy AehiM"ement quantity or the l!l!ed tbotougblt wltb DllrfDJC West'• trial. fll'll!l~tlfllrl Whitt Is said &o have been the the fni>CtlTfttlnJ( m:Uerlal. then .mb: thts polntt'lt oat. Mrs. Fedetnlt &'lfd abe H

~atet IP1 p.cltlevement of the whole trested seed thoroughlt with the .U• '«1\i unawat'e ot \Velit'a pnrpou. 1 nr Wlll 1 coup vuliM )J th(! Germane tire amount to be treated. tttetettied . . I

wbfcb reroftec! In the c:ruabloJC defeat returns rtom leKttmett wilt more thU YL ..,. 11 Thri. ..,l.t• . l of\ the nuutans at the Battle ot the pay tot the irrtall cott of lnocntattnr. DtiY .a e J mg .'

· itaSllrlan Lakes:. Genersl Sllmson<rt, · Kidnap Tale Ill Alibi I commander of the Runlali c:enttat Find Cost of Milk and Setittle.-lit!Yer&l hours titter hi• fa . . artliJ', btd ;ecelvM tetiOI"ta that he B tt ~ t Pt d·u · ti fher bad reported him "mrMerlnusb' wie behil encircled b;t ltlndenbu"'• U eua . 0 C 0

1n. miNtnt,>~ ntteen•year.ntd Cheater Mt1d• .1om• 10 he preptted to halt bls ad· Bt pertod.l~n,. welablnl the mt k l!!li1; -4023 .-remonfivenue. walked Into

'YIIibee Info F.ut Pruma. or a dalf1 CQW and testhig tt for tat head~tuarteta. . luiit 1111 be wu Jlbollt to t!llllle the and ~1 k~lnt records or the kind and "t'te been kldiUI~." he .at(!, .and n~esut)' ordei11. an airplane. lsllded the amotllit ot teed tonnml!d by her pracffift!d to brttold a flUe diM had eloee to bltJ bl!lldquartm and wbeil It la an eu1 matter, at tll,e dose of · htll haters 'lliiPlnt before be dnlllll.ed. thli ••lator w11a brottght to him be wu a ~ellr, to determine .the ~t ot mltr 'two men. he fiald, picked' him up banded a tetter troril Ol'llfid Duke Nlcho and butterfat 'J)rodUcllf)n In term• ot · on tbt street. butidll'd .him 'rou«hlr eta .. the nuSillan rotnlllllndl!l' In chief, teed consnmt!d. Arm¥ wtth suc:lt 1.'~ tnto tlit!lt' tt.t And 8PI!tl awat Into · .,_.. I'C)Ii1Flalnlrt!C of bfa etow adfanc:e IUld ordS the breeder ot dalf1 c:&ttre .ts pre- the nt"M. rnr etetal. houn . tbl!t d~larlng that the rtltnOJ'$ of OM- pared to 1lelect lite IDO!Jf enldl!llt pr&> . bet!~ bllll prlll011t!r' fn a lUittlt.r ¥a tier · mu ejlclrtUnc monment werelDOfUr ducera . tot bteedln' 'PUrpow and • isbacfc, bef· teltted. · . . llctloll. • therebJ. 1114ke .. c()mpjl'lltti'l!l1 l'llptd .· tlnt •lie tH>II~ wert ikl!tltleal. And

..... their ordered Snm!lflnot' to.l)aab ttddl!l In devl!lopln~ out~~tandtbl pro-. . . aftet two. Milta ot lt'lilhlf tile .JOilth·

.,..., d duclnt llltt{ns. .· Tbe poultt:J b~ tal .ad\'entul'& admitted lie 1lld at• ·. fOrward all l'll1ldf)"u poalble llrt b. as .. n.o rr.·.eatu .. ·. .. en .. ttt.l!if .. to. overcoMe .t•. n·•-.• ..... ili4ll•bt l!bO~.· .•. Ind te,. he· hl'ea~ tbrou~eb tlie Oerm~tn lin~ The hi b rod d 1 ftoekli. " 0 "" .... .. natN!I'an •roer.t teliletitbt11 obeyed Ia bttll41ng g · trJ. P · u · n · · . needed a nltabl~llbl bt!rote- ntutn· . . and the rentt waa ~lie crusbfng df• A·. 0'1+1. ·c· ui.·· ~.~a· .. 1. H. ·· m·: L.. . tnr ll«;~m!!'. aster of the Atasiirllln takes. it. b'"'.. 1;""" .~ ............................... ........ atonut ll(ene tollowed at th~ mnd Thi' principal obJI!ct of surtuiiel' t~tl· F'ish. Buy Ontado. Boy· d-ote"• hettdl}uarten. Tb« tow 11; tlf. store moisture tot tuttire · · Puts ftW School • SalllllOilot' pi'Oduted t~ 1eflet · . e:to~ 'f!i'ilductlon,

11 ,j · St. ~atbntneso (>nt.-Uard Uli16

the. atlatoi' 1llld r;itl!tl htm · · · tlll · · ·. 1~ .. flatlY tttt wchool a(teitdaa~ her& A rraud duke lmn\etllateli. lntotlil.a .IJhrt tt fli' ~beltP\\t to P~l'dlt l d !e~ ttliiUlt oft'ltet. reilQrtiDl bt!tore a. t,&o


tWt .be blld written tut eacl• :letter. . iimorlll l'hftlt:en.s· tb~Jn to ·tit • (fir&.~· ... t ........... , .. ~ ..• td ntt!t!trtl•. t~d M • n« ailatoi' bad ·tied * O~rllllta *PI MJJ. appea.r.~.·· .. · . · · ~ ~'..."""' ....... ""'".·. li"". tr· ·ouae. r .•..•. uttabte .. tot · .,_ ..... ..._.., bad ~· pl11nnef bt the • -~ ..,..., ... u "

.. ~;i' .... $ooa tftet'• · wu ~ I'M*Ii~ -~~~e fta'IICUomi in the · ·· .. .ltlit: bot'• fatbft" .lui· · ~t addf!i to. t~ t~ ot trntted Stiitfll. AtrentJa-. ~~ 8 , te~ttl ·tJt. ro ~lalill hiMeact. a.lht bli . ....... •al.. w·ll() ~· cU.· .fl'l. ·.· -1• .. Uta.· t bil«.k.. · . . ..... ·i. ........ ... 't1 ........... 1 ..... · .......... rl""'.· .. · ·. .· · · · tac:k wia I* I••« .d:llt twl ~~~ lltt rite~• · ~-~- al.a. Cllilb tif.· Gtnftt ..... -.,...,. ""'"" ,..., wow• _. • -~&tJ~.., .. .,.tt-.iiNrlfliltl,; . .. " .,.. ~ . . . . . ~t jble j'filr't llilf .tltf: • ' . -"'.' ''""'.· •.·· ..t:...,. t'" ...... ·~ 'i#.~..a .......... to.· ..... ·.·• · . •••'r-117 ~ . . . . . . .llfkll. · · · ltat. ~ ~ .,..,... ....,,., _, '"• """ '"'" • ..,..,.,_ · attst.w_,.-. • ., ... .,. ... l

,.., • -. > • ' ·~ • "·- -· _._

' . . . " ...... __ ,,., .,·,_._,_ •+··~----\,o.-·-J~.·>h--~·~~,_;o,_.,._,=,._ .. -;.._~-----.o--~ --<·o-. ~'"' .., .• ,., __ ,,..,~~:.:.:·· --·--···""-~--·~

. -~ ~-





• $1,500 to the Good


0 t' Q

r " " f. I lilt




- . ' '

\. \; .. t; , .,

. . ~-

t ' '· '



. "

,._ ----- I


\ i

,. !

' ; .

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• '





I 1


I lj

I I. '

i I ',!

' '

i \

l . t ..

.. ' ' ' - - '' :, " ' - ~: ; "' . . ; .

.... ,._.,.., '. '

ru~$ tlO'trJ~o.n 6C~Ottf~$ ' . .. Ancbo N'W$ ' '

' ' ~ '.


· Brlde ~f 6. _M •. Pten~:h : · ;.,...,. . . , ......,... ' . · · tlonorinjpbe' llirthday of Mrs.


iot]r'J1~xtpuncttire · . . ' . . . . · C<>s~ .. you $1. . '

lu ll.'wetl.dinn-Sil..tJtr.clatevcttif1n A, E;Ue~ .MtJ;. <1, c. lh:l~tu~tp th~t came Ml u tullfl stH't,rise ·to J:nl(1rti!'it!~d at Bridge at 'Iter bo.ine er many .fdcmitl Mil~~ ~ildrcd Tburadilf CV~!lipg, th~ ~()tb: Mrs. '' . . . . ' . . H t' n· . t . . ·. ':

. - is tlu~n: n t!ollnr'o wnr~h of otilcogo in th11t old tire at tt•d~y's low pricc:i? '

MorrH!OtJ, daughter of Mr. und.. lc received' a'tHltnb~: ·.Q'f gifts, ·o·u .. r.·. '· .... N.e·. ···W· .. · ·r.···~.· 'II.·. ·' .... ·.·. ~ ( . ·.. ~ '. v··. n_ J·.u·. '.·· .. · . ' . . ru. ~l•i'rrison, _(lf this ctty. be ... (!hicfQf whicb wa~ the la.test mo•. U U J U f. J

cam~ tbc bridi! of Mr. 13;drd ~W· del Cr<?aley rndiq h'QW. .. llcr ln.1s" ler Fret~ch Tbe c<:.remony '\Vis band. After th~ <:ard gi\tull!, Mra •. pcdorw~d by De au C/E.J~i~e, of Kile c11t t~e ~irtbday c~ll:e, :and tbe llCJlj Trinity Cath· other reftetJbmerit of ~~ndwicb!!s edral. . . •

1 an~ 'iced tea .w~l'~ serv~d, t b. ·e


1.41lCI'>t lift!ti.rne l~usmmtcod


·$b6'9 j v4.50·2l aizQ

Othcnir.c• equullv r,w S111 · !lu<b

4.5 .zo (Z'Jx4.f0) . 5 ~ i l !).2 .?,) ''t3h5.25) . .. • .. 1:.57 -so,, l\ 1 nert. Cl. . . . • . 4.3? .'l0~5 H IJ. Trudt .... 1/.95

Tuh~·9 nl bia ~a\'in,t~, too. \


v. Reil, Prop. carrizozo, New Mex.

Mr. and Mr~t .. French bl\Ve t~ken guests departtog> at a late bout. one of the McKinooli apart,:tu:nt~ Sever!ll membera of the Ancbo · and will mal<e tbeJr !iome hete. .,Woman's Club ncce~>t.e}l tbe invl·

Mrs. French rcs!Ji,ed here t"'.tion of tb<t Glencoe Womatt's. for maoy yea~!) and i~ one of Ju .. Cl1,1b to "' barbecue (lin ncr at the· nca~.J's most popular young ladies. :Bunnell .ranch at Gl!lPcoe, Satqr• Sbe is a graduate ·of .Juneau. fligb day the 2~ud. Two cars I e f t School and attended Ocegon Ancbo'l\t au eariJ hour and ~be State University, w,qere sbe ia a occup~rHs enjoyed tbe delight• ruember of the GaQlma {>hi Beta ,ful ride over tbe rnountai11s ·and. Sorority. · through Dcvil1s Canj'OP. . 'r he

· Mr. French is an: engineer of great b(td of petu~:~iaa and otber the United States BtHcau of Pub• fJ.>wcrs In the foregrdund of t\le lie I~oads, .attached to the Alal!h B·>rutcll.Iau was like a gorgeo~4 ·chiH'n.::t, He is a graduiltc of the banner of 'welcome to tbc scene of ·

•· . . ' .

• , . I' . • •

' I ' , .-

'They Are Right ~ .

:'Right in ·Price Right ·in Style

··To Be Worn· Dis.tinctly Right (Tilted il,t a ~akish angl~ on extreme right' side)

• U ntveraity of New Mutco, and the festivities where tbc guests --------------~ .• --:,.-...,...~.--""':"""-- bis parent~:~. Mr. and Mrs J, ~· Wl!re graciously met by the rc•

LOCAL l "'D pw:l\ corul Parlu•r J Wal!rPr. or thll well· Frcncb, reside iu that Seatc. lle ccption committee of Mesdames • /-Ill LK~ 111-1 known clt>aning firm of tb~ 'sunt' bas wade his headquarters in tbia I~··uise Coc, Ora TuHy, and Ola

· Styled by Gage ·Priced . , nome, RO!nvell, was here this' City f"r the past year.-Alaska Casey Joncu

- , wt>c•l' in the intt•r«'nt tlf bill Crjtnb· Dally Em pare. 1'be barbecued meat, prepared "<;hort v'' lh wuo" wo<~ rlnwn . hah mrn t Mr. Walker wi 11 nwl;1: ' · --~ =·-~ -·-- h v tlJC' husba ndn of the Club mcm·

M11n•hv lrfJm lh•· \')tporn<l place .:oJrriZ(IZO twice n Wlwh, nn 1 the FOR TRADE OR .SALE IJL•rs, nnd the sal11ds, cakes and 10 Nu~ol. Can von . · ln.:al marUlf,CCr hP.Jul Raines, at .- ' '1tfe~ turninhed by ~he ladies,

Mr. and ~!fll ('Jarrard \'IGiiPtl' •hi' Snnw UarbC't' Slwp. HOifL ll'our lltorics. 120rooQ18, made a rcpasr !oog to u~ remcm .. · \.· ' Modl.'rtl fire 11roor but'Jd hercd by tbosc present. Tho loth I.a• t'r11rn 811tunhy, rcturuin~t r Mr11 John I. Bryan, accotnpan· . •

Jato lhtll ,.,f'ninJ! 'ted by her two vounuer buyo tog,. elevator, bot and cold water ttl le!lve the lmt.cly cre~rk and i · • ' I" .1ov r roo... Ground 0 o o r overbanving trees and vines. tbe J,.bJc a net Julinoy V. cam<.'! .. "' ~' Y '"' · ' "

M r nnt1 Mrn A E R o h t1" 1rc 1t 1 "D nk r\ruu S tor c "t.h~BIS linalty rl'paired to the bior thrnnt~b Saturday to: r 0 11 ar .. a • u ,. ' "' 6

wrrr hf'rP '"'' ""~'''It frum Tu 1J ,, 11 t 1 ('~ , 1 11 BuiJrr nhop p;,t~'ln•rfivc hundred tlu1_iog room of the lou where a . . . '"'H"•C o m£1o ~~·orue,, 1e c c~:r1 • . .. ruuv1H1 '''r a ~h•·rt vt'llt wtlh rP· 'I 1, b ht 11 dollum per month Want ranch pmgr<~m or addnlll!ll!!l aucl muslc , , "~''"· ., r11 •• ryan roug a. wor ( . . . . · l•ttv,n ,f cr••tlll w1uhc11 to. fncnd-4 here With or ;vatbout stoc~ .An!Hvcr wao enjoyed, lifter wbicb a small

Mr" 1 r. A rnJqtmnrr 1 e f 1 ·from hl'r huobi\rut. and oay,ln John from owner prt:fered r••deo wan pres~ ted on the Mct111 , , 11o11 a v ry goud potut on at J. E STnPnllNB, above tbe I·nu. l~eprcaentativcs

Tuntlov for f'ho I> "f'fl, < altFor· L.ordabttrg. . · ; MIDLAK~, Tnx~s. from tbe Woman's Ci"ubs of Ros· nill fnr n vtntt wttb 1111 mhn<~. ·of. •

, ·- · ·Z~-' .. ! .. L.Le:~.z .. ~eL-1-- ·-----~ ................ r _::z~-- .z:, l -'- ---.--.-.:.. -.... -¥s..u..~:a:n::::z:;:e:c-...i_::e:.t.-._ ... e well. Ilagerma u,. ·Dexter. Alamo.: latr rnrntlv •

g Hnll nru1llt!lr J•m•A ""'''"' '" · l,uhhnrll. Tnllq fnr B visit w~th

Paul C. llai!W'l, lorn I c:IPnnfr, and Jlff'<lllPr ·nl the Snow Darton;,

Sbor. "'"""d • Lubbock. \lin ulll hornP, lftvt Wf'Pk


We wish to call You~r •


To. only a fe'o/~f pur many bargain•

t!••r<lo, 'rutnrona, l:uriao~o. and A ucbo wcrC' tlr<m('nt. 1'honc eo· lt<! lrpm Ancbo wert.' MesdattUlll Belknap,. I"ramc, K i I e. S. J • l'ruclt ( prcatdcut), G .. Pruett and W II son. Oo their return t r i p t••··nc Indica \"Jere delightfully en· t··rtaint>d o.t tbc bomc of M ra.

· ticor~:eTitswortb atCllpitlln witb ~:wdwicbes, iced tea and wnter•

•• •


.oo. 0 .50 . .


· Like many gopd things that come in small packages the new hata are tiny

Ziegler Bros.; "SINCE 1886"

The Leading Store ' ~

" (Sole distributors-of GAGE HATS) I

\f 1111 Gilmore, Jr, c 11 Ill I' up

Snturt1ny 1111d viaitf't1 his ""'!" ood aunt, Mr ond Mrs P n 11 I· Mavrr, until Wedllt'tldoy.

IN MEATS and GROCERIES IU"Iun. puttinr: an esclnmation '----------------·----:------: pllln t of plea!lurc to t b c end of a =~-·=====::=. ~-~--~, -~--::':'~:":~.":="::=::.:::=:--.:-:~ -=~=~-~-"':.z':":~ -=·-=--=··=--=-=· -~-~~':::-"::-~:--,::~c': __ :::~·=--=-=-=~=·=·

Mr. nnd Mro 0t'Wt>V 8tnlr " 11ntl 0l"WPV, Jr .. <lJIPUI tbC' Wf'tk·

rntl tn 1~1 Pnao Thev werl' cH •

rompanietJ br M utu Allrn nc>rll.

fl'ratil'r Charle• of Wh;hito Ji'nll!l, 1'Nt:!l"· rnnw

1 in thP pn!'lt"

wr<'k ont1 tnn!t bis twndamdltt>fllt Franc"" and Vlraluin, to RuidosP. for t be wetok £1ttd ij

Aile•• JohnAon drn•<> up Satur.l rhv n<'ninl! from !';I Palln n:~.

rtotnrnt'd t be followiut:r cb v. nt· · t"OUiptrJied hv Mn JnlaJ11nn, wb,.." hod !I prot the Wt't!k bnl' with r-' •; htivea. n

Mr. ud Mrq n.,v B 't:'" w<>r{' her" Saturday niaht. b a v in ~ rome up from NPwmnn w h " r ~. thev art> tempororily l<'rlltcd Alii llt'IOU 1!1 Mr nogle is tf'lievtd llt

Kf'wmnn tb<'y will go t(l Lord• abura.

. D•vlt! P'inl~>v drn•~> lu f rom

\llddlantl, T"'fn. f.'tit1nv t>v<>n• lntr and rtmainPt1 ovt't. till Sun• d11y, Ot·•t> iw a•.")(t('httd with l'ltlt or tht hla- ~II c~tnP •JIIu. ·t\. u c1 JriYe!l mn!lt hf hi(; thtt~ to r.ei'Ul• ln~r uul looking up htli.'M.

bt. tl' U John11ou IE'ft "tutlltla)' for Yo<~'l~tlllt~. CaUforni~t. to •t· tend tlH\ ttilnts~l l.'llitY('I'Hit'ltt of Sl"lulttt>rtt P.a-:Hie SuraeUtlt1. . ne• lore r•turahlf., l)'! Jobtlton wiU ro to Ftl~co tlid JIC~ ttJO .. (!4id Snttrtcrt <1f tlte Ootn pttty. · .


Or. ttrul ~tn. "J. U. TldWI:'ll, . wlto bad betcu •aea\lou.iu• ott . .,,..,, l0oto4 were nvr.r Wt'c1nt!tdn. tti<l Mlade t11i• offict 4 l'tUUII{ oUt Dr. 't'hhttt1 ia hea4 of tho Dib1e Stlt41 OepartWttH ht llta,lor u., .. · hM3ilt. lfltt'). JUcl bill b<!tO tt&•tt

•~>el&tell with tbt' wi'tJ k:nowJ'I -'"'lllltitite- for twr:ntt~hrfi. 'YU.ti~

• • •


Advnnee or Swift Jewel Shortening 8 lbs. paiJg • • 85e Ad~nnee or Swift Jewel Shortening 4 lbs. pail • • 45c Best grape dry salt Bacon, per lb. • Sugar cured breakfast ·


Bacon · • .. • · 20c 1 lb. Canova Coffee .. • 35c Large can Pork and Bc1ms No. 2!1 .. • 15c No. 2 cans, Tomatoes llc . . Sugar corn No. 2 ctns ltc Lnrgc Log Cabin Syrup 90c ~tedium Log Cnbin Syrup ' .t5c Small ., u ,, %4e No. 2 tans Hominy .. .. & No.2~:; tans Horolny · 12c 2 Jars 8 oz. mayonnaise while they last .. .. 20c 3 lb. Panerust shortening SSe 6th. Pancrust shortening 1.10 f doz. large CtlUS milk 9(k

Fre!h ground hamburger meat per lb. .. .. 10 &by bee! atcw ltleat llb. 10¢

.,Short rib tostlt -per lb. · 1~ Prlmedb or ·sltouldet _,_,_ • .,. .. toa'at of baby btef · .. .. • 15c Pure pork sausage pit lb. lS. , 10 lb &g!l cora meai · 2& · · 24lb. S.g corn m~l 10c 15 lb. Granulate4 au~r l·OO •15 lb.. Light•s ~st Flour ~00 48lb. Crtani of whettt -· Flout ... · ·• .. .. 1.10 · ,.

• -•

I .

·· . : tatlre· ·stick .is pricet at rD( iottaar,rices.

1Jappy day. Mesdames J. E. Frame tt n d •

lklkoap were $UC9l9 of Mrs Bert Penix in C'orooa Itt a Bridge par• tr. S.turdny tbe 15th. •

• 1'11<' melt! bern of tbe B t i d g e

~lub eoj'lycd n delightful ~ven· iug at the 'bomu of Mrs S J. Pruett on Aug. 2Stb, A f t c r

lftranlcn, dainty n~fn:rslimcntl:J · WHc servpd. Mr. and Mrs. C I y d c l'illcry were special gueats.

Mr. atul Mrs. Bryan Hightower arrived bome Monday a f t e r a moulb's stay in Ohio where they vjsitt'd relatives. ~

Mr. nnd Mrs. Brack Sloan aud their adorable youn~ daughters were in Aocho Sund11.y.

An immense crowd wu present at a danc:e given last Saturclav aikbt by Mr. and Mrs. Robett Storey. Muoic was furrlililbecl by Mesi.irs. Alex Uubbard and W. ·­L. Hall •

PUling Station oq $66

E I. Griffin w~a over T$1Mday, from bis hutne&tead west or the tntll pais. M\'. Grifiir.l came 'here

· witb. bis family te<:(!ll tly ltQiiJ Vtc;turiiH 1'etas, aml lQ.:Ued. on llittbw:y Nl). ~66, 31 mile~ Wll!it

Cattixo•u~ •ttd put ht t fiiUug tltltiott. U<Y it tU)!f' but'tlug itt a <;ittorn to ptnvtde •~ter · tot do·

. tt~estitt purp.os~tr 1Utd wiU 1'iXi11lll

. begin work on • gtQkifd U:Uk ·hl · w~iell wttet ·wm be {Uipolhttleii for aU Qthu purt>Q11e•.. t.h·. GtJfo. . . . . - .

· An li~l tbt ili$titiet·tap, -of ope:rlt."'l the ou\r tilli11g at\UQn .o"

·u"·"wly $66 behtttn C•rrl.t~o•q .*!Je •to. · · · ·

··t·'llh ¥a'a·;r·in's(M'Tt>illl ··:·41 'fn···¥-~V!A;Kc·;-·-·n•·-,f-,.· : . - - - . n: . .:_ F , -. ; 1 iCII

UNCOLH AftiUCt ' - - . ' ~ - ~

. "' TltL& COMP.AMY




e are

Seed barley Onion sets cane seed Kaffir corn sted Millet seed Milo seed Grocerie.! Men's work clothing Canvas gloves Poultry netting Sho~els 1

Gatden takes Garden hoes . Black leaf 40 Woolt)ags · Sash, doors

' .Lime,. · "'· · •nt . "'V' · \A:IIl" . , ~ .. ~

... ·..,-


··Ou.r Prices Are· Reasonable .

- ., - . . - . " . . -

. The. TitsWortfl.· (o., lot··



Give ua a trial· ·· . Th·-1··, - . ' ' "- -_.

• '


Tlu~r· w~t« ctt~;;u,; \lhU~H wJth .t~tut •a•.,••••• ••• we at:tan -.t• ,pt~\1t to -•~ tbem ltttt :tl"U1. n• tm.I.'IPibit'i \fr .ftfutt• tr4l• t\at

. ·, BURNETr .. GROCERY cu~ ··. capitan, N •. Mi • ·r· ' '. .

.- a .

· ie.;tioil afttt~ lt'*~St•t ltl1.f. • . .

• . ... ···;.;-~ •

. '

' . •



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