結構生物學期末報告 生技所 蕭孟昌 學號 m93360039. structure of the dna-binding...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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WHAT QUESTION IS THIS PAPER WANT TO SOLVE  The interaction between NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) and AP-1(Fos- Jun).  Explain the mechanism of combinatorial regulation of transcription.


M Structure of the DNA-binding domains from NFAT, Fos and Jun bound specifically to DNA Science March 1998 VOL 392 P42-48 Lin Chen*, J. N. Mark Glover* , Patrick G. Hogan , Anjana Rao & Stephen C. Harrison* * Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA Center for Blood Research, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA PDB ID :1A02 WHAT QUESTION IS THIS PAPER WANT TO SOLVE The interaction between NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) and AP-1(Fos- Jun). Explain the mechanism of combinatorial regulation of transcription. WHAT WE CAN DO IN THIS STUDY What amino acid sequences are conserved and what are these sequences function? What DNA sequences are conserved and what are these sequences function? Try to find out other TF has similar mechanism to NFAT and AP-1. ANALYSIS OF NFAT CONSERVED REGION OF NFAT TRP399. SER429( DNA INTERANTION) ASN451. THR604( DNA INTERANTION) PRO643( AP-1 INTERACTION) PRO677( AP-1 INTERACTION) ANALYSIS OF AP-1 CONSERVED REGION OF AP-1 ALA150( DNA INTERACTION) ARG159( NFAT INTERACTION) GLU160 ( NFAT INTERACTION) SER279( NFAT DNA INTERACTION) VAL294(Jun and Fos ) ANALYSIS OF DNA SEQUENCE DNA fragment that has the sequence of the distal antigen-receptor response element (ARRE2) from the murine IL-2 promoter23. DNA sequence conserved region protein sequence DNA sequence AP FAMILY THANK YOU

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