關係代名詞 趴吐 受格 relative pronoun as object

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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關係代名詞 趴吐 class:_____no:_____ 20150110

Task one: Review 關代為主格用法 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBLqiYTf7qY

Step 1. 請將關代圈起來,

Step 2. 關代前面為先行詞, 請在先行詞下面畫線,

Step 3. 接著把關係代名詞接的關係子句(形容詞子句)括起來Step 4. 從關係子句畫個箭頭指向關係代名詞前的先行詞

形 容 詞 子 句Ex. I got the gift which was given by my mother. 先行詞 主格關代 V形子

單數先行詞 動詞單數

1. This is the man who has big eyes. → _________式

2. This is the book which was found by me yesterday. → _________式

3. The woman who wears red shoes is Fortuna. → _________式

4. The dog which is running after a cat is Lucky. → _________式

5. The man and the cat that are sitting there look very excited. → _________式

Task Two: 關代為受格用法1. I love the man who you love.

2. I love the girl who Stanley loves.

3. I love the boy whom James is talking to.

4. I love the boy to whom James is talking.

5. The girl whom you love is my girlfriend.

6. The boy whom you love is my brother.

7. The boy you love is my boyfriend.

8. I love the book which you are reading.

9. I love the song that you are listening to.

10. I love the cartoon which they talk about.

11. The cat which you keep is so cute.

12. The ball that you took away is mine.

13. The movie Ang Lee made is very popular.

14. The flower pot Mary gave me was gone.

1. 找出關代, 關代前為___________ (請把形容詞子句括出來)2. 先行詞為人, 關代_______=______=______=______; 3. 先行詞為物關代_______=______=______=______

先行詞 受格關代 S形 V形

Because You Loved Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpZkY47-cVI


先行詞 關係代詞主格 +V


關係代詞受格 + S+V


關係代詞所有格 +N


人 who 1. who

2. whom

3. 介係詞+ whom


事物 / 動物 which 1. which

2. 介係詞+ which


of which

人 / 事物 / 動物 that that X

若關代前有介系詞 , 受格關代不可省

( )1. The engineer     is reading newspapers on the sofa is Tina's father.

  (A) who (B) which (C) what (D) when

( ) 2. It is said bananas,     are very common in Taiwan, are expensive in Japan.

 (A) what (B) who (C) which (D) that

( ) 3. Tennis is the only sport     I can play with you.

 (A) what (B) who (C) which (D) that

( ) 4. Did you see the blind man and his guide dog     are sitting on the bench over

there? They are both my neighbors.

 (A) what (B) who (C) which (D) that

( ) 5. A butterfly is an insect which usually     beautiful wings (翅膀).

 (A) have (B) has (C) had (D) having( ) 6. Lukang is a town with long history, and I'll take you to visit some temples which   

built more than a hundred years ago.

 (A) is (B) are (C) was (D) were

( ) 7. You can try to use the software (軟體) that, I believe,     you resolve (解決) the

problem you have now.

 (A) is helped (B) has helped (C) will help (D) is helping


題目來源 國中英語自助餐

( ) 8. When I'm hungry, I often have     that can be bought easily at a fast-food

restaurant.  (A) hamburgers (B) zebras (C) Frisbees (D) bakeries

( ) 9. Mr. Martin is an interesting dentist who always     his patients (病人) his old

stories. (A) tell (B) tells (C) to tell (D) telling

( ) 10. The Huang family live in that house which     in white and light yellow.

  (A) will paint (B) is painted (C) has painted (D) is painting

( ) 11. Chopsticks are the most important tools     people in Taiwan use while they eat.

  (A) that (B) which (C) what (D) who

( ) 12. Do not move anything     you see in the dining room. All of them are Mr. and

Mrs. Hsiao's favorites.

 (A) what (B) who (C) when (D) that

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