毛公仔填色書 | soft toys coloring book

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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http://facebook.com/iIKEAHongKong 世界上好多兒童,連填色書咁簡單嘅玩具都冇。下載呢本填色書,幫毛公仔加添色彩,同時幫助宜家家居,為兒童嘅生活加添色彩啦! Download the book and give the soft toys some color! But remember that fun and games are not obvious to all kids in the world. Help IKEA help the children! 宜家家居相信,兒童是我們的未來,世界的未來,是世界上最重要的人。可是到了今天,依然有數以百萬計的兒童得不到有質素的教育。 因此由即日起至聖誕,宜家家居發起毛公仔助學行動,鼓勵大家購買宜家家居的毛公仔,讓兒童有書讀。只要每賣出一隻毛公仔,宜家家居便會捐出$10給宜家家居的國際慈善伙伴——聯合國兒童基金及救助兒童會,以資助有需要的國家開拓兒童教育計劃。教育從來都是最好的投資,這些計劃可讓有需要的兒童得到更優質的教育。 由2003至2010,宜家家居毛公仔助學行動的收益已資助約40個國家,共800萬名兒童受惠。 至今,毛公仔助學行動已籌得逾2.4億港元,改變超過800萬個兒童的命運。 IKEA believes children are the most important people in the world. They are vital to our future and the future of our world. Yet everyday, millions of children around the world don’t have access to a quality education. That’s why from now until Christmas, IKEA is leading the Soft Toy Movement, encouraging fans to help educate a child by buying an IKEA soft toy. It’s simple: for every soft toy purchased, IKEA will donate $10 to IKEA global charity partners UNICEF and Save the Children to support and start new children’s educational programs. These programs aim to improve the education of the most disadvantaged children recognizing that education is one of the best investments. From 2003 to 2010, IKEA Soft Toy Movement proceeds have benefited projects in approximately 40 countries and have already helped 8 million children.


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