02 - behavioral design patterns – 2

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02 - Behavioral Design Patterns – 2. Moshe Fresko Bar-Ilan University תשס"ח 2008. Strategy. Moshe Fresko Bar-Ilan University תשס"ו - 2005-2006 Design Patterns Course. Strategy. Intent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


02 - Behavioral Design Patterns – 2

Moshe Fresko

Bar-Ilan University




Moshe Fresko

Bar-Ilan University

2005-2006 - תשס"ו

Design Patterns Course

Strategy Intent

Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.

Motivation Many algorithms exist for breaking a stream of text into

lines. Hard-coding them in client isn’t desirable since: Clients become more complex Non-used algorithms will be supported Difficult to add new algorithms

We can avoid these problems by encapsulating different line-breaking algorithms in different classes.

Each of these classes are called a strategy.

Strategy - Motivation

Strategy – Applicability

Use Strategy pattern whenMany different classes differ only in their

behavior. You need different variants of an algorithm.An algorithm uses data that clients

shouldn’t know about.A class uses multiple conditional


Strategy – General Structure

Strategy – Participants Strategy

Declares an interface to all supported algorithms

ConcreteStrategy Implements the algorithm using the Strategy interface

Context Is configured with a ConcreteStrategy object Maintains a reference to a Strategy object May define an interface that lets the Strategy access

its data.

Strategy Collaborations

Strategy and Context interact to implement the chosen Algorithm. Context may pass all data required to Strategy or alternatively it can pass a reference to itself.

Clients usually create and pass a ConcreteStrategy object to the context, from a family of ConcreteStrategy objects.

Consequences Families of related algorithsm. An alternative to subclassing Context. Strategies eliminate conditional statements. A choice of implementations. Time and space trade-offs. Clients must be aware of different strategies. Communication overhead between Strategy and Context. Increased number of objects. They may be shared.

Strategy – Implentation Issues


Defining the Strategy and Context interfaces Context can pass data in parameters to Strategy (better decoupling) Context can pass itself as an argument to Strategy Strategy can keep Context

Strategies as Template parameters In C++ templates can be used to configure a class with a strategy.template<class Iterator> void sort(Iterator _First, Iterator _Last ); template<class Iterator, class Pr> void sort(Iterator _First, Iterator _Last, Pr _Comp );

Making Strategy objects optional

Strategy – Sample Codeimport java.util.* ;class A { public final int i ;

A(int i) { this.i = i ; } }class Ascending implements Comparator {

public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { A a1=(A)o1, a2=(A)o2 ; if (a1.i<a2.i) return -1 ; if (a1.i>a2.i) return +1 ; return 0 ; }

}class Descending implements Comparator {

public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { A a1=(A)o1, a2=(A)o2 ; if (a1.i<a2.i) return +1 ; if (a1.i>a2.i) return -1 ; return 0 ; }


Strategy – Sample Codepublic class S {

public static void main(String[] args) {A[] asc = { new A(1), new A(5), new A(3), new A(2) } ;A[] dsc = (A[]) asc.clone() ;Arrays.sort(asc,new Ascending()) ;Arrays.sort(dsc,new Descending()) ;System.out.println("Ascending : "+arrStr(asc)) ;System.out.println("Descending: "+arrStr(dsc)) ;

}static String arrStr(A[] a) {

String s = "[" + a[0].i ; for (int i=1;i<a.length;++i)

s += ","+a[i].i ; s+="]" ; return s ;

}}// Output : Ascending : [1,2,3,5]// Descending: [5,3,2,1]

Strategy – Examples class TreeSet

CTOR: TreeSet () : Default comparator. Contained objects must implement Comparable interface

CTOR: TreeSet (Comparator)

class JPanel CTOR: JPanel () : With default layout manager CTOR: JPanel ( LayoutManager )

C++ STL: class maptemplate < class Key, class Type, class Traits = less<Key>, class Allocator=allocator<pair <const Key, Type> > > class map { … }


Moshe Fresko

Bar-Ilan University

2005-2006 - תשס"ו

Design Patterns Course

Observer Intent

Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updates automatically.

Motivation Many UI toolkits separate presentation from application data.

Classes defining presentation and data can be reused independently.

Spreadsheet object and bar-chart object can depict information in the same application data.

They must be notified of any data change. The Observer defines how to establish this relationship between

“Subject” and “Observer”. The interaction is called “Publish-Subscribe”

Observer - Motivation

Observer – Applicability Use Observer pattern when

An abstraction has two aspects, one dependent on the other and encapsulating these aspects in different objects lets you vary and reuse them independently.

A change in an object requires changes on others and you don’t know how many objects to be changed.

An object should be able to notify others without knowing them.

Observer – General Structure

Observer – Participants Subject

Knows its observers. Observer

Defines an updating interface for objects that should be notified of changes in a subject.

ConcreteObject Stores state of interest to ConcreteObserver objects. Sends a notification to its Observers when its state changes.

ConcreteObserver Maintains a reference to ConcreteSubject Store state that should be consistent with the subject’s. Implements the Observer updating interface to keep its state


Observer Collaborations

ConcreteSubject notifies its observers whenever a change occurs that could make its observers' state inconsistent with its own

After being informed of a change in the concrete subject, a ConcreteObserver object may query the subject for information.



Abstract coupling between Subject and Observer

Support for broadcast communication

Unexpected updates

Observer – Implementation Mapping subjects to their observers Observing more then one subject Who triggers the update?

Subject Client

Dangling references to deleted Subjects. Making sure Subject state is self-consistent. Avoiding observer-specific update protocols.

Push model Pull model

Specifying modifications of interest explicitly.

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