1 1,2 principles of government power point version 2

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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What are the purposes of government? What are the major forms of government

in the world today? What are the basic concepts?

Essential Questions

Government- an institution that a group of people forms to make and enforce laws.

Public Policy- The things a government decides to do.

State- a group of people who live together and rule themselves through government.

Sovereignty- people have complete power in their territory

Unitary Government- has all of its power in one central group

Federal Government- a shared power among a central government and local governments

Confederation- a loosely connected group of independent states

Presidential Government- the legislative and executive branches are independent of each other and equal in power.

Parliamentary Government- the chief executive is a member of the legislature. The legislature chooses the executive.

Dictatorship- one person holds all political power

Democracy- the people hold all political power

Direct Democracy- the people make the laws themselves

Representative Democracy- the people elect a small group of people to do the work of government

Compromise- a blending of different views

Anarchy- the total lack of government

To form a more perfect union,•To keep the States working together in a friendly way.

To establish justice,•To treat people fairly

To ensure domestic tranquility,•To keep order

To provide for the common defense,•To keep people safe from enemies

To promote the general welfare,•To help people

To secure the blessings of liberty,•To protect each person’s freedom






Force Strong person or group took control of others

Evolutionary State developed after early families chose to settle land and became tribes

Divine Right God gave those of royal birth the right to rule

Social Contract State exists because people voluntarily organized themselves to improve their lives

What theory would a dictator support?

What theory might a king of queen believe to be true?

Which theory is consistent with democracy?

Who holds power?

How do legislators and executives share power?

How many people hold power?

Central Government State National

FederalismDivides the powers of government between the national government and state or provincial governments.

Unitary GovernmentGives all key powers to the national or central government.

Ind. Ind. Ind.

ConfederationA loose union of independent states.


LegislatureMake laws

ExecutiveEnforce laws

Independent And


The United States of America



Parliament chooses the executive.

Chief Executivealong with Parliament

England and several European countries



1. Describe the difference b/w a dictatorshipand a democracy.

2. What is the difference b/w a democracy and a representative democracy?


“All men are created equal.”

Thomas Jefferson

What did Thomas Jefferson mean?

Why is compromise necessary in order to make decisions in a democracy?

“Hand over your rights!”

What would happen ifwe had a total lack of government (anarchy)?

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