1 18

Post on 12-Apr-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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Class 18

a. receptionist -b. employee -c. confirmation # -d. reservation -e. wardrobe -f. madam -g. mini-bar -h. next to -i. across from -j. leather -k. nylon -

l. fitness center -m. sauna -n. translation -o. conference -p. arrange -q. cable TV -r. cinema -s. sirloin steak -t. sesame -u. leave -v. forget -

a. receptionist - 接待員b. employee - 僱員c. confirmation # - 訂房號碼d. reservation - 預訂e. wardrobe - 衣櫃f. madam - 主席g. mini-bar - 迷你酒吧h. next to - 旁邊i. across from - 對面j. leather - 皮革k. nylon - 尼龍

l. fitness center - 健身中心m. sauna - 桑拿n. translation - 翻譯o. conference - 會議p. arrange - 安排q. cable TV - 有線電視r. cinema - 電影院s. sirloin steak - 沙朗牛排t. sesame - 芝麻u. leave - 離開v. forget - 忘記

Q.有遊湖巴士的時刻表嗎 ?A.請稍候,待會拿給您。Q:A:

Q.有日月潭地圖嗎 ?A.請稍候,待會拿給您。Q:A:

Q.有遊湖巴士的時刻表嗎 ?A.請稍候,待會拿給您。Q: Do you have a copy of the bus schedule?A: Please wait a moment, and I'll get one for you.

Q.有日月潭地圖嗎 ?A.請稍候,待會拿給您。Q: Do you have any maps of the lake?A: Please wait a moment, and I'll get one for you.

Q. 有遊湖巴士的時刻表嗎 ?A. 請稍候,待會拿給您。Q: Do you have a copy of the bus schedule?A: Please wait a moment, and I'll get one for you.

Q. 有日月潭地圖嗎 ?A. 請稍候,待會拿給您。Q: Do you have any maps of the lake?A: Please wait a moment, and I'll get one for you.

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Some good responses to complaints 

I’ll see to that right away ma’am (sir). 

I’ll correct the situation immediately, sir. 

I’m so sorry sir; that should never have happened. 

I’ll take care of that right away sir. 

I’ll see to it immediately. 

I’ll see what I can do about it and get back to you.

What would you say in the following situations?

1.The guest doesn’t want to wear a swimming cap.

2.The bed sheets are dirty.

3.The guest wants to wear their slippers outside.

4.The guest wants to check in early.

5.There isn’t enough hot water.

6.There’s no bulb in the bedside lamp.

7.The guest wants to check out late boat tour.

Here are some words you might hear today:

brandy - 白蘭地 酒gin - 杜松子酒 vodka - 伏特加酒rum - 蘭姆酒martini - 馬丁尼draft / draught beer - 生啤酒tonic water - 開胃水

mineral water - 礦泉水 charge it - 索價method - 方法 non-alcoholic - 非酒精 sherry - 雪利酒 cocktails - 雞尾酒 dry - 不甜的 , 無果味的

1. Listen to guests complaining and match the

guest with the problem.

2. Student A: p. 88 Student B: p. 94

3. Try the next exercise on the same pages


4. Page 40 - 9.3 Listen to the conversations

and write down the orders.

5. Page 40, 41 - add the correct phrases to 9.3

1. Work together on the worksheet

bill [bɪl] bell [bɛl]

map [mæp] mop [mɑp]

lock [lɑk] luck [vɛst]

best [bɛst]  vest []

shell [ʃɛl] sell [sɛl]


Unique New York unique New York You know you need unique New York. 

Does the rapid rabid rabbit wrap it?

I am the most pleasant pheasant plucker who ever plucked a pheasant.

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