141109 chi what do you do series (part 2) by ps. cathryn loh

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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当你不知道要怎么做的时候你是否做你可以做到的事呢 ?

Do you do what you CAN DOwhen you don’t know what to do?

诗篇 37 Ps. 37: •大卫在他年老的时候所写的Written by David in his old age

诗篇 37 Ps. 37: •大卫在他年老的时候所写的Written by David in his old age•对于生命属神的配方 - 他多年来与主同行的深刻见解和智慧Divine Prescription of Life – his insights and wisdom from years of walking with the Lord.

“ 不知道要怎么做”的时刻“ Don’t know what to do” moments • 邪恶兴旺 , 正义受挫Evil flourish, Righteous suffer

“ 不知道要怎么做”的时刻“ Don’t know what to do” moments • 邪恶兴旺 , 正义受挫Evil flourish, Righteous suffer • 不好的事情发生在神的子民身上Bad things happen to Good people

“ 不知道要怎么做”的时刻“ Don’t know what to do” moments • 邪恶兴旺 , 正义受挫Evil flourish, Righteous suffer • 不好的事情发生在神的子民身上Bad things happen to Good people • 不能解释的生命时刻Unexplainable life moments

诗篇 37 Psalm 371 不要因作恶的人心怀不平,不要因犯罪的人产生嫉妒。2 因为他们好象草快要枯干,像即将凋萎的青草。3 你要倚靠耶和华,并要行善;你要住在地上,以信实为粮食。4 你要以耶和华为乐,他就把你心里所求的赐给你。5 你要把你的道路交托耶和华,并倚靠他,他就必成全。

诗篇 37 Psalm 376 他必使你的公义好象光发出,使你的公正如日中天。7 你要在耶和华面前静默无声,耐心地等候他;不要因那凡事顺利的,和那恶谋得逞的,心怀不平。8 你要抑制怒气,消除烈怒;不要心怀不平,那只会导致你作恶。9 因为作恶的必被剪除,但等候耶和华的必承受地土。

诗篇 37 篇为你开了你可以做的事的配方Ps 37 prescription on what you CAN DO: •要以耶和华为乐 (4节 ) Do Delight in the Lord (v4)

诗篇 37 篇为你开了你可以做的事的配方Ps 37 prescription on what you CAN DO: •要以耶和华为乐 (4节 ) Do Delight in the Lord (v4) •依靠和交托 (3, 5节 )Do Trust and Commit (v3, 5)

诗篇 37 篇为你开了你可以做的事的配方Ps 37 prescription on what you CAN DO: •要以耶和华为乐 (4节 ) Do Delight in the Lord (v4) •依靠和交托 (3, 5节 )Do Trust and Commit (v3, 5) •耐心等候 (7节 )Do Rest and Wait (v7)

诗篇 37 篇为你开了你可以做的事的配方Ps 37 prescription on what you CAN DO: •要以耶和华为乐 (4节 ) Do Delight in the Lord (v4) •依靠和交托 (3, 5节 )Do Trust and Commit (v3, 5) •耐心等候 (7节 )Do Rest and Wait (v7) •消除烈怒 (8节 )Do forsake anger / wrath (v8)

诗篇 37 篇为你开了你可以做的事的配方Ps 37 prescription on what you CAN DO: •要以耶和华为乐 (4节 ) Do Delight in the Lord (v4) •依靠和交托 (3, 5节 )Do Trust and Commit (v3, 5) •耐心等候 (7节 )Do Rest and Wait (v7) •消除烈怒 (8节 )Do forsake anger / wrath (v8) •不要心怀不平 (1, 8节 )Do not fret (v1, 8)

要依靠和交托Do TRUST and COMMIT

3 你要倚靠耶和华,并要行善;你要住在地上,以信实为粮食。3 Trust in the Lord, and do good;Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.

5 你要把你的道路交托耶和华,并倚靠他,他就必成全。5 Commit your way to the Lord,Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.


= 对于某个人或某件事的可靠性 , 真实和能力的坚定相信Firm belief in the reliability, truth and ability of someone or something.


= 对于某个人或某件事的可靠性 , 真实和能力的坚定相信Firm belief in the reliability, truth and ability of someone or something. = 依靠祂 . 对祂有信心 .To rely upon. To have confidence in.


你依靠你知道的人 .You trust whom you know

为什么你不能依靠 ?Why don’t you trust?

(i) 没有了解 No understanding•因为我知道我所信的是谁 . ( 提摩太后书 1:12)I know who it is that I have put my trust in. (2 Timothy 1:12). 

为什么你不能依靠 ?Why don’t you trust?

(i) 没有了解 No understanding•认识你名的人必倚靠你;耶和华啊!你从未撇弃寻求你的人。 ( 诗篇 9:10)Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. (Ps 9:10) 

为什么你不能依靠 ?Why don’t you trust?

(i) 没有了解 No understanding•至于我,我倚靠你的慈爱,我的心必因你的救恩欢呼。( 诗篇 13:5)But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in  your salvation. (Ps 13:5)

为什么你不能依靠 ?Why don’t you trust?

(i) 没有了解 No understanding•10 雨雪怎样从天上降下来,不再返回天上,却灌溉大地,使地上的植物发芽结实,使撒种的有种子,吃的人有粮食; 11 从我的口所出的话也必这样,必不徒然返回我这里,却要作成我所喜悦的,使它在我差遣它去作的事上必然亨通。 ( 以赛亚书 55:10-11)(Isaiah 55:10-11)

为什么你不能依靠 ?Why don’t you trust?

(ii) 误解 Misunderstanding

你怎样依靠呢 ?How do you trust?

依照第 3 节做这 3 件事Do these 3 things according to v3

你要倚靠耶和华,并要行善;你要住在地上,以信实为粮食。Trust in the Lord, and do good;Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.

你怎样依靠呢 ?How do you trust?

依照第 3 节做这 3 件事Do these 3 things according to v3

1. 行善 - 继续做对的事Do good – Continue to do what is right

你怎样依靠呢 ?How do you trust?

依照第 3 节做这 3 件事Do these 3 things according to v3

1. 行善 - 继续做对的事Do good – Continue to do what is right2. 住在地上 - 在祂的旨意里面Dwell in the land – Stay in His will

你怎样依靠呢 ?How do you trust?

依照第 3 节做这 3 件事Do these 3 things according to v3

3. 以信实为粮食。你所喂养的会成长… Feed on His faithfulness. What you feed grows…

你怎样依靠呢 ?How do you trust?

依照第 3 节做这 3 件事Do these 3 things according to v3

3. 以信实为粮食。你所喂养的会成长… Feed on His faithfulness. What you feed grows…• 铭记 & 感恩 Remember & be Thankful

你怎样依靠呢 ?How do you trust?

依照第 3 节做这 3 件事Do these 3 things according to v3

3. 以信实为粮食。你所喂养的会成长… Feed on His faithfulness. What you feed grows…• 铭记 & 感恩 Remember & be Thankful• 背诵 & 见证 Recite & Testify

你怎样依靠呢 ?How do you trust?

依照第 3 节做这 3 件事Do these 3 things according to v3

3. 以信实为粮食。你所喂养的会成长… Feed on His faithfulness. What you feed grows…• 铭记 & 感恩 Remember & be Thankful• 背诵 & 见证 Recite & Testify• 反思 & 记录 Reflect & Journal

祂的信实的一些应许 :Some promises of His faithfulness:

•提后 2:3 - 就算我们没有信心时 , 祂还是信实可靠的2 Tim 2:3 - Even when we are faithless, he remains faithful

祂的信实的一些应许 :Some promises of His faithfulness:

•提后 2:3 - 就算我们没有信心时 , 祂还是信实可靠的2 Tim 2:3 - Even when we are faithless, he remains faithful•帖撒罗尼迦后书 3:3 - 主是信实的,他必坚定你们,保护你们脱离那恶者。2 Thessalonians 3:3 - But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.

祂的信实的一些应许 :Some promises of His faithfulness:

•哥林多前书 10:13 你们所受的试探,无非是人受得起的;神是信实的,他必不容许你们受试探过于你们承受得起的,而且在受试探的时候,必定给你们开一条出路,使你们能忍受得住。1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

祂的信实的一些应许 :Some promises of His faithfulness:

•约翰 1书 1:19 我们若承认自己的罪, 神是信实的、公义的,必定赦免我们的罪,洁净我们脱离一切不义。1 John 1:9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

祂的信实的一些应许 :Some promises of His faithfulness:

•耶利米哀歌 3:23 每天早晨都是新的;你的信实多么广大!Lamentations 3:23They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.


= 挪开 to roll away


= 挪开 to roll away= 将我们的烦恼 , 重担挪到可以帮助我们的人那里去rolling our troubles, burdens to someone else who can help


的路径平坦正直。(箴言 3:5-6 )

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways

acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

(Proverbs 3:5-6)

诗篇 37 上帝的承诺Promises of God in Psalm 37

1. 您会继承土地 /大地(第 9 节,第 11节)You will inherit the land / earth (v9, 11)

2. 您将有充裕的和平(第 11节)You will have abundance of peace (v11)

3. 即使在饥荒的日子,你也有充足(第 19节)You will be satisfied even in the days of famine (v19)

4. 您的步伐上帝在带领您(第 23 节)Your steps will be ordered by the Lord (23)

5. 上帝一直都会维护他甚至于他跌倒时(第 34节)The Lord upholds him even when he falls (v34)

诗篇 37 上帝的承诺Promises of God in Psalm 37

6. 主必不离弃义人(第 25, 28节)The Lord will not forsake the righteous ones (25, 28)

7. 你的后裔将被祝福(第 26节)Your descendants are blessed (26)

8. 您将充满智慧,正义与和平(第 30, 37节)You will be filled with Wisdom, justice and peace (30, 37)

9. 您将不会滑倒(第 31 节)You will not slip / slide (31)

10.上帝是您的力量/救主(第 40 节)The Lord is your strength / salvation (v40)

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