2η αποστολη

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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My artist name is Fotoman and I made a diagram which shows how the older people learned the news. My grandpa likes to tell me stories from his past.

My grandpa is 77 years old and he told me that when he was child there weren’t televisions, computers or mobiles. The people learned what happened around the world mostly from newspapers and radio and from the discussions between men in cafe.  

Also the ladies sat outside from the houses and talked about the news which they heard from radio or they read on newspaper. The ladies didn’t go at cafeteria those years. Also, those years they have telephone but not many people. In the neighborhoods there was a telephone in one shop, like cafe shop and people went over there when they wanted to call. They put a coin inside the telephone and deal the number. Later people have television in their houses and phones. The first televisions were black and white.

They didn’t have the opportunity to watch colorful movies. Also, televisions were huge and there was only one channel. My mother remember the black and white TV. One day her father brought a colorful tv and my mother jumped from happiness. Day by day technology has evolved a lot and now we are very lucky because we have internet and we can connect with our classmates who live in other neighborhoods around of the world. Also, I look for information on internet, I send messages to my friends or my relatives. I can play electronic games, I can write articles and generally I can do many things.


In old years there weren’t televisions and children needed much money to buy expensive games. Fortunately there weren’t many cars in the streets so children played team games all day. They played outside until at the night. They had many toys like whirligig, wooden skateboard bearings, catapult, hopscotch etc. Usually boys had handmade catapult (wood and leather) and they hunt birds or they put a goal on the trees and they tried to achieve the goal. Also my grandpa had got the toy: “taka-taka”. It had got two wooden balls which were tie with two ropes. Also my grandpa played with a wheel. He had a wheel and a wood.

My mother played dolls. She had got Barbie’ s and Cindy’s granny. Its name is Bibi Bo. She loved her doll and she played with her all the time. Also she had got a short doll, Efchoulides, they were very ugly and plastic dolls. Also my parents played with View Master. All the children had these and they watched 3D movies. Today I see 3D movies on TV or cinema with 3D glasses. I have many and expensive games like cars, play station, lego etc. Also, I play many games on ipad or on my computer.


I am Love Star (Smile Author, 1st journey) and I would like to present to you “my games”. I play many team games like hopscotch, caravan doll. I play with my dolls. I have many dolls. Most of the times I play with my friends at school or on the playground of my neighborhood. When my mother was child, she played many games like elastic bank and hide and seek. My father’s favorite games were football and blind man’s buff.

My granny’s favorite games were skip rope and hopscotch and my grandfather’s games were “long donkey” and “marbles”. The games go from generation to generation. We play the same games with different way and some of them we don’t play any more. Last year we learned that in ancient years in Athens children played many games and some of them we still play outside.


Since my grand’s ages until the ages of my parents and mine the things have changed too much about games. When my grandfather was young played outside with his friends. There were many team games like “tag of war”. The children were divided into two groups. From one side of the rope was half children and on the other hand the other half. When the leader gave the signal children began to pull the rope and the group, who managed to pull opponents toward them, won. Also, my granddad and his friends played with “catapult”. They made it with wood and plastic rubber or leather. Their favorite games were “pentovola and the wheel”.

In my parents’ ages children played chase, hide and seek, hopscotch and the “apples”. Apples is a very nice game. One child is at one end and another one at the other end. The other children are in the middle and they try not to touch them the ball which the two children throw it from the ends. It was their favorite game. Today we play team games in the playgrounds like football, volleyball, hide and seek, “apples” etc or the girls play dolls and the boys play cars, airplanes etc. Also we play with electronic games, video games, play station.


In my free time I play on my computer several games and I watch children's movies. Also, I play with my cash machine and sometimes my dolls. When I finish my lessons I like to draw.My father started to play football from kid. He loves football and he still plays with his friends in his free time.When my mother was kid played many team games like hide and seek, “apples”, hopscotch, volleyball and “eftapetro”. Her favorite game was skip rope. My granddad played football from five years old and he continued to play professional when he was a young man. Also, he played many team games

outside like hide and seek, chase etc. He was a very active child. My granny played dolls and she made many handmade clothes to decorate her future house. Her mother taught her. She told me that she started to make them from eight years old. Those years the girls must learn to make clothes, because they needed for their marriage.


I like to play with my friends and with my brother team games like football, volleyball but also I like to play with my cars and electronic games on my computer. Also, I love play station. Some times I play with my mom and my brother board games. My mother loves board games. When she was child played board games with her friends and hide and seek, chase, skip rope, hopscotch etc. My father played chess, ball and marbles. As you can see the games travel through the ages. Some of them disappeared and some continue until these days. My grandfather loved to play cards and ball.


My grandfather was born in the 30s and my grandmother 40s. Everyday life has changed since then but there are some common things from then like phone, television, radio, letters, cassettes. Today we have all those and more like internet, tablet, ipad, mp3, mp4, mobiles, computers, youtube, facebook, cd, dvd etc. Today children use all these modern things to learn, to find information, to communicate with their friends, to call, to write, to have fun etc.


Hello my friends. I love toys like puzzle, minecraft, nerf, lego and also I play many games on my tablet. I play every day electronic games. Also I play team games with my friends in my school. My parents like board games and many times we play all together. Also, when my parents were children played electronic games, board games. My mom had dolls and fake forks, spoons, plates, cups and she pretended that she was a housekeeper and cooked or offer coffee or tea to her friends. My grandparents loved games like cycling, ball, marbles. Also, they collected lids from bottles and they played with these.


The old toys aren’t like the new one. The old toys were made with wood, cotton or with old clothes. Some families didn’t have money so their children made their toys with natural products. Also, children played freely in the roads, because that time there weren’t cars, specially in the villages. So, children played many team games in the streets. They played hide and seek, “apples”, volleyball, skip rope, hopscotch, plastic bank, chase etc

Later my parents played more modern games. My parents didn’t make their toys but they bought from the toy shops. Except their parents team games played and other games like rollers, subbuto, bricks, lego, play mobile, etc. Now children play older games which know them from their parents but they play with electronic games. For example when I can’t play outside, I play with my tablet. When the weather is nice then I play outside with my friends many games like hide and seek, chase, “apples”, ball etc.


There are many games from older years which we play them and today like football, volleyball, hide and seek, “apples”, skip rope, hopscotch, plastic bank, chase, plastic bank etc. Also, there were some team games which children played but we don’t play them anymore. Now we have more games like electronics games, play station, board games etc. Also, we have many choices on computer. We can play knowledge games, strategy games. Also, we play electronics games during the lessons in our class and the lesson is more interesting than before. We made also a blog and we write articles about environmental and the animals in dangerous. I like when our lesson is like a game.


My granddad played with handmade toys or he played team games with his friends. Electronics games replace the team games on the streets. My father played football in the court. He liked go out and played with his friends. We don’t have so much time, because in the morning we are at school, in the afternoon we go to English school or French or Germany school because we must to learn foreign languages. Also, we go for swimming or another sport because we must do something for our body. When I have free time I like to play football with my friends. Also I like to play electronics games on my tablet or my computer.

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