2002年12月24日(火)~12月27日(金) 関数環・関数空間の合同 … · 第11 国...

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Title 第11回関数空間セミナー報告集(関数環・関数空間の合同シンポジューム)

Author(s) 神保, 敏弥; 中路, 貴彦; 林, 実樹廣

Citation Hokkaido University technical report series in mathematics, 73, 1

Issue Date 2003-01-01

DOI 10.14943/733

Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/740; http://eprints3.math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/1221/

Type bulletin (article)

Note 2002年12月24日(火)~12月27日(金) 関数環・関数空間の合同シンポジューム 会場:北海道大学大学院理学研究科

File Information 73.pdf

Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

第 11国 関数空間セミナー報告集


2002年12月248(j() --12月27日(命




林 実樹虞(北海道大学)

Series # 73. February, 2003



#47 N. Kawazumi (Ed.),ヲーマン面に関連する位相幾何学, 61 pages. 1996.

#48 S. Miyajima arid J. Inoue (Eds.),第5臨関数空間セミナ一報告集, 90 pages. 1997.

#49 T. Ozawa (日d.),Proceedings of the 22nd Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, 67 pages. 1997.

#50 H.四 F.Yamada (Ed.), 1996年度談話会・特別講演アブストラクト集 ColloquiumLecぬres,99 pages. 1997.

#51 N. Kawazumi (Ed.), !Jーマン箇に関連する位相幾何学, 121 pages. 1997.

#52 J. Inoue (Ed.),第6回関数空間セミナー報告集, 89 pages. 1998.

#53 Y. Giga (Ed.), Proceedings of the 23rd Sapporo Symposium on Partial Di質問ntialEquations, 77 pages. 1998.

#54 N. Kawazumi (担d.),!Jーマン面に関連する位相幾何学, 122. pages. 1998.

#55 T. Ozawa and H.-F. Yamada (Edsふ1997年度談話会・特別講演アブストラクト集 ColloquiumLectures, 83 pages. 1998.

#56 Y. Giga,界酪ダイナミクスー曲率の効果,講義録, 48 pages. 1998.

#57 J. Inoue (Ed.),第7間関数空間セミナー報告集, 138 pages. 1999.

#58 Y. Giga and R. Kobayashi (Eds.), Abstracts of Sapporo Symposium on Anisotropic 間 ectsin a Crystal Growth Problem and its Mathematical Analysis (SAM), 51 pages. 1999.

#59 Y. Giga and T. Ozawa (EdsふProceedingsof thee 24th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Di茸'erentialEquations, 61 pages. 1999.

#60 1. Tsuda and N. Kawazumi (Eds.), 1998年度談話会・特別講演アブストラクト集, 55 pages. 1999.

#61 T. Ozawa (Ed.), Proceedings of Sapporo Guest House Minisymposium on Nonlinear Wave Equations, 67 pages. 1999.

#62 S. Miyajima, T. Takeo拙 dJ. Inoue (Eds.),第8盟関数空間セミナー報告集, 96 pages. 2000.

#63 K. Ono and N. Honda (Eds.), 1999年度談話会・特別講演アブストラクト集, 43 pages. 2000.

#64 Y. Giga and T. Ozawa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Sapporo Symposium on Pa凶ialDi鉦erentialEquations, 55 pages. 2000.

#65 H. Nakamura (Ed.),ガロア・タイヒミュラー群の LEGO理論, 37 pages. 2000.

#66 J. Inoue et al (Eds.),関数空間セミナ}報告集 2000,134 pages. 2001.

#67 Y. Giga and H. Yamashita (Eds.), 2000年度談話会・特J.ilj講演アブストラクト集, 61 pages. 2001.

#68 Y. Giga and T. Ozawa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26出 SapporoSymposium on Partial Differe凶 ialEquations, 67 pages. 2001.

#69 批 Matsumoto,基本群へのガロア作用, 50 pages. 2001.

#70 T. Nakazi (Ed.),第四回関数空間セミナー報告集, 97 pages. 2002.

#71 Y. Giga (Ed.), Surface Evolution Equations剛 alevel set method, 223 pages. 2002.

#72 T. Suwa and T. Yamanouchi (Eds.), 2001年度談話会・特J.ilj講演アブストラクト集, 44pages. 2002.

#74 T. Ozawa, Y. Giga, S. Jimbo and G. Nakamura (Eds.), Partial Di百'erentialEquations, 51 pages. 2002.

第 11回 関数空間セミナー報告集


2002年 12月 24日(火) rv 12月 27日(金)





Seminar on Function Spaces, 2002


Function Space

A stochastic integral for Ll_p

T.Shintani (Tomakomai National college of Technology)

Stieltjes quasi-perfectness of abelian *-semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9


vd 十U



vl e

























Domination property of the set of upper bounds in ordered linear spaces . . . . . . . . . . .. 12

N.Komuro (Asahikawa Campus, Hokkaido University of Education)

An inequality and the numerical range of a matrix.・・・・・・・・・・・・・ e ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 18

H.Nakazato (1-町osakiUniversity)

On some convex functions related with norms of Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24

Y.Takahashi (Okayama Prefectural University) M.Katou (Kyushu Institute of Technology)

Rouche type theorem and operator theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . .. 29

T.Nakazi (Hokkaido University)

Tensor product of log-hyponormal operators. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . " . . . . . .. 32

K.Tanahashi (Tohoku Pharmaceutical University) M.Chδ(Kanagawa Universi七y)

Around the Furuta inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36

E.Kamei (Maebashi Institute of Technology)

Operator convexity in Furu七atype operator inequalities. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42

M.Fujii (Osaka Kyoiku University)


T.Hachiro (YaTIl.agata University) T.Okayasu (Yamagata University)

On the Hyers-Ulam stability constant of a first order linear differential operator . . . .. 51

S.-E.Takah部 hi(Yamagata University) T.Miura (Yamagata University) S.Miyajima (Science University of Tokyo)

Multiplier of weighted Dirichlet spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55

R.Yoneda (Aichi University of Education)

Generalized Riesz projections . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60

T.Nakazi (Hokkaido University) T.Yamamoto (Hokkai-Gakuen University)

Convolution inequalities and applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66

S.Saitoh (Gumma University) V.K.Tuan (Kuwait University) M.Yamamoto (The University of Tokyo

Function Algebra

On the Beぽrge位r司 Coburn.トト.刷側剛.刷心.


M.Se七o(Tohoku University)

Prime ideals and complex ring homomorphisms on commutative algebras . . . . . . . . . .. 77

T.Miura (Yamag~廿a University)

Radial growth of C2 functions satisfying Bloch type condition

T.Futamura (Hiroshima University) Y.Mizuta (Hirυshima University)

. 83

Hulls and kernels on compact spaces with actions. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 89

J . Tomiyama (Tokyo Metroplitan U niversity)

On components and Power compactness of composi七ionoperators on the disc algebra . 94

T.Hosokawa (Niigata University)

The essential norm of a weighted composition operator on the disc algebra. . . . . . . .. 100

J.Takahashi (8~inshu University) H.Takagi (Shirishu Universi七y)

Finite codimensionallinear isometries on function algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 104

K.Kasuga (Niigata University)

Martin boundary of finitely sheeted unlimited covering surfaces of C and quasiconformal mappings......................................................................... 108

H.Masaoka (Kyoto Sa時 yoUniversity) S.Segaw (Daido Institute of Technology)

Parabo1ici句rof Riemann surfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 111

M.Nakai (Nagoya Institute of Technology) S.Segawa (Daido Institute of Technology)

S壮ictlycontractive '.'" .upression on backward shift invariant subspases over the torus . 117

K.Nagai (Niigata University)

An example of a z-invariant subspace of H∞with index c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ., 120


On a theorem of MacCluer and Shapiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 123

Y.Matsugu (Shinshu University) S.Ueki (Shinshu University)

Norm closed invariai~~ subspaces in L∞and H∞................................... 129

K.lzuchi (Niigata University) D.Su釘ez(University of Buenos Aires)

A stochastic integra1 for L1-proCess

Toshitada SHINTAN工

Tomakomai Na七iona1Co11ege of Techno10gy

Abs七ract. Le七 vE L1( ゆ.51)and 1e七 f=(九)0::;七三lbe d-process

on a probabi1ity space C,Q, (2, P). Then f is of a. e. bounded

マriationon Q so that七heS七初日jes七ypestochas七土cintegra1

SV(t)df(七) converges a. eo This imp1ies L1([0,1) )器 H

1([0,1] ),



1(D) ( when D is the uni七 disc ) and L

1(R)== H


These are七heextension of Burkho1der四 Gundy時 Si1vers七ein七heorem.

1. A s七o,chas七icintegra1.

Let (.R., Cl, P ) be a probabi1ity space. Le七 vfL工( TI8).C6 ) and

1 1et f=(f(t))o~t~l an L 四 processon (Q., 乱, P ).

Here L1 : 0 =. t¥l¥)< tl~) ど七~)<・・・く七tM〉 Z1. Then o -u1 -u2 - -un十1

• 1市






• 1





































bounded variation. Therefore七hestochas七ici

integra1 of S七iel七jestype S v(七)df(七) converges a. e. o

This stochastic integra1 ([7J) is七hegenera1iza札 onof Towghi's

integra1 ([8J) and this con七ainsthe Feynman pa七h土ntegra工and

comp1ex in七egra1.

2. A re1ation of func七ionspaces.

( This con七ainsa par七 ofajoin七 workwi七hD. L. Burkho1der. )

Background of be10w七heorems.

Le七 f:::: C f(七)) C 七モ[0,11)be a mar七inga1eor a Brownian motion

wi七ha. e.心 continuouspa七hson♀. Then Re f(七)=f(七)E L1(【,0,工))・

Since L1([0,工J)is a separab1e Banach space, by Banach-Mazur

theorem If(t)I~~ K く∞ a. e. in t.

I -'" / .L ,1 / Tr'" T 1 / r 寸 キ lγ1 SO (Re f )田 sup If(七)¥ζK巴LJ..([o,斗).Thus (Re f )" f L.....C仁o,lJ) • o~七~1' ‘


l Then P. A. Meyer proved that (f(七))o~ 七~1 is a H--mar七inga1eby

using Burkho1der-Gundy叫 Si1vers七eintheorem ( a mar七土nga1eversion),

i. e・, f(七)壬 H1(仁o,lJ)ho1ds.

So f(七) is a. e.. different土ab1ein七.

This is a c ounterexamp工~ for Pa1ey叩 Wiener由 Zygmundtheorem.

Theorem 1. L1([0,:g )= H1([o,lJ) ( coincides ).

So, on 七heexceptiona1 set, path f(七)( 七百(0,1))is not smoo七h.

That is, excep七 forthe exceptiona1 se七 a11paths are smooth.

Sketch of proof. PU七SG:::.[o,lJand L1( [o,lJ) == L1(.Q, P )・

Le七 Vf(t)E L1(fo , 11) ム・ O 担 f~~ tS¥'¥)-<t"何).(・...どr〕 -1l.~'~J/' vo.....v1~...-2 'vnt工

田町付)¥ (ιL1( [0, 1J))ー→g戸 1im gy¥・

u ~ n→∞ ι

( Here notice七hatg__ is no七 definite.)Put f(も〉盟主(t"t')( -tt~ S込).。。By mathematica1 inducは onon n {go,gl,oo.,gn1 is uniform1y

y¥ I (V¥)

gn手三戸 If(tjt1) a=-Ol

integrab1e for a11 na七ura1numbers n口 1,2,.3, .・ ..

1 In fact, since (f(七))o~七ざ1 is L--bounded and integrab1e s七ochastic

process, gk<∞ a. e. in i;'( k=o,l )・


ミヰ仁 ;九 dP= U 芸品z tEK〉 cy

dP V ~ gl dP↓O 悶 cIo<Jo

SO ~go , g11 is uniform1y integrab1e.

Nex七, suppose七hat{go,gl,g2ドー,gn1(が)is uniform1y

integrab1e then







S gk 19k)C5

¥gk dP


dJ!;いg九kい{町 v~gk>c\

v S gnt1 やn~I> c1

sup 0~k~i1.t1



ir帥1北teg工ra‘汲ab工efor a工工 na七u工r‘a工numbers n=工,ι2,3,い..

Therefore 1 go' gl'…書gn'…〕

。0." "

~s a1so uniform1y ir巾 grab1e. ( Notice七ha七¥ノ{go,gl"'.,gnl YI= 0
















does r川 inc1ude19o,gl'…,g/Xl 1 by七hedefi叫七ion. )

So sup E(gn)く∞ so七ha七 g", -<∞ a・e. in t' ( n = 0,工,2,3,...)・n

n Here suppose 1im g刷出∞ fora1mos七 a11t'E.S"2(-[o,l)).

n-タ ∞ -

Then by Fa七ou's1emma

思 (g∞)ミ~ sup E( gn)く∞n

This is a contradiction.

So g∞キ∞a.e.int:i・e.,gM〈∞ a. e. in f. l ' I ,

S主nce,for a11 ~, g く∞ a. e. in t' and gn<∞a. e. in t u。

( n出 0,1,2,・・.) , sup g~ く∞ a.e.1ntrム 以

That is, YL I . 1..帆〉、 l

p( S^Up~ ¥f(七j札)- f( t"P ¥くひ()) = 1

- .;)==0・so that (f( 七))_/~/~ is of a. e. bounded variation.


So f(t) is a. e. differentiab1e in t.

That is, Ll([0,lJ):=H1([o,lJ).

Coro11ary 1. Le七 Dbe the uni七 disc. ThenL1(D)去三日工(D)・

工n fac七, 1e七 Cbe any con七inuouscurve wi七h fini七e1eng七hin D

and 1吋手{tA=zo' zl' z2'…,Znt1=s} a町 pa向山 ofC.

Theorem 2. L1(R)虫 H1(R).

百0出 e伽 tR=七t-tpくx<∞)=)inf x l..x)ー。。

These are七heex七ensionsof Burkho1der-Gundy~Si1vers七ein




1. D. L. Burkho1der, Mar七土nga1etransforms, Ann. Ma七h. S七a七is七.

37( 1966),1斗9与四150与.

2. D. L. Burkho1der, R. F.. Gundy and M. L. Si1vers七e土n,

.A maxima1 func七ioncharac七eriza七ionof七hec1ass HP, Trans. Amer.

Math. Soc. 157(1971),137四 153.

3. D. L. Burkho1der and T. Shin七ani,Approxima七土onof L1・・・・bounded

martinga1es by mar七inga1esof bounded variat土on.Proc. A.M.S.

72(1978), 166由 169.

lぃ C.Fefferman, Charac七eriza七ionof bounded mean oscil1i3.tion,

A.M~S. Bul1etin 77(1971),587由 588.

5. J. Bo Garnet七, Bounded ana1ytic func七ions,Academic Press,

New York, 1981. エ6. P. A. Meyer, Le dua1 de H~ es七 BMO( CAS CONTINU ),

Seminaire de Probabi1i七esV工I,Universi七ede S七rasbourg,Lec. Notes

in Ma七h.321(1971/72),136由工斗5.

7. T.. Shin七ani,Coun七erexamp1esfor Pa1ey叩 Wiener-Zygmund

ェtheorem and a stochas七icin七egra1for L 由 process,工CM2002 Beijing

Augus七 20由 28,Shor七 communication, Probabi1ity and Sta七土s七ics.

8. N. Towghi, S七ochasticin七egra七ionof processes wi七h fini七e

genera1ized variations. I, .Ann. Prob. 23(1995), 629四 667.

T. Shintani

Departmen七 ofMathematics

Tomakomai Nationa1 Co11ege of Techno1ogy

Tomakomai, Hokkaido 059由 1275



Stieltjes quasi-perfectness of abelianト semlgroups

T. M. Bisgaard (Denmark) N. Sakakibara (Ibaraki University, Japan)


An abelianト semigroup,') is called Stieltjes qnasi-perfect of order N さ2if S is Sti巴Itjesdeterminate and every completely positive defi-nite funcもionadmits a unique disintegration as an integral of hermitian

N r--̂ -ー四回、

nonnegative multiplicaもivefunctions on S十・・・ +S. We prove出品出sdefinition dose not depend on N and thaもitimplies quasi-perfectness.

可換*半群の完全性に類した定義は3完全性.qu回ト完全性・ Stieltjes完全性



5= (5,+,*)は(必ずしも単位元をもっとは限らなしつ可換*半群とする.5に形式的に単位元 O を付j]~ 1した半群を gとかき, 5上の指標全体を Sぺ非負鑑

の指標全体を 5+とかく .5*,5+も際様である.5+5上の関数少が正定値で

あるとは3任意の Sl,・・"Snε5, C1,・・"CnεC について3

乞 CjCk<P( Sj十Sk)ど0j,k口 1

が成り立つとさをいう .5上の関数 pが完全正定値であるとは,任意の αεSについて, S r-7ψ(α十S)が S上で正定値であるときをいう.叫α十・)の Oでの値が非負であることから各点で非負慌をとる.非負値指標・指標(正確には指標の

5+5への制限)はそれぞれ3完全正定値・正定値関数となる.5が単位元をもつなら完全::iE定値関数は正定値関数である.正定値関数少が必ず 5*上のある種の測度 (5が可算ならラドン澱度)μ によって一意的に

<p(S) = I p(s)dμ(p) (s E 5十 5)JS.

とかけるような可換*半群 Sを perfectであるという.また,完全正定値関数 vが必ず 5+上のある種の測度 μによって (5+上の測度として)一意的に

<p(s) = Iρ(s)dμ(ρ (sε5) JS~


とかけるような可換*半群 Sを S七ieltjesperfectであるという.

我々は以前に perfect性の定義をゆるめ,N>3のとき,正定値関数 pが必ずF 上のある穫の測度 μによって一意的に

ψ(s) =l.州 μω )








とかけるような可換*半群 Sをqu出トperfectof order N であるとした(伊Sl]).これと同様に,Nど2のとき 3完全正定値際数 ψが必ず S事上のある種の測度 μによって (3+上の測度として)一意的に

的)= l~ バs)d コヴ








とかけるような可換*半群 Sを Stieltjesquasi-perfect of order Nであるという.quasi-perfect性と開様に次の定理が成り立ち,この定義は N に依存しない.

Theorem 1.可換*半群 Sについて次は開催である:

(i)すべての N三2について Sは orderN の Stieltjesquasi-perfecもである;

(込)ある Nさ2について Sは orderN の批ieltjesquasi-perfectである;

(iii) 3 は order2の Sもieltjesquasi-perfectである.

従って, Theorem 1のいずれかをみたすとき, 3は Stieltjesquasi-perfectであるという.他の完全性との関係として次の定理が成り立つ.

TheoreI:旦 2.可換*半群SがStieltjesperfectであるなら, Stieltjes quasi附 perfecもである. また, 3が S七ieltjesquasi-perfectであるなら, quasi-perfectである.


feS21 ;:: 3: Sもieltjesperfect 宇二平 3: perfect,3 = 3十S

J ↓[B821

3: Stieltjes quasi-perfect 3: perfect [B]. n

3: perfect, 3: flat

、 ↓[B811

3: quasi-pe地 ct 腔手 3: perfect



References [B] T. M. Bisgaa叫 Anoもeon factori碍 ofpositive de五nitefuncもionson se出向groups, M抗h.Nachr. 236(2002),31-46 [BS1] T. M. Bisgaard and N‘Sakakibara, A reduction of吐leproblem of char制

acterizing perfect semigroups, Math. Scand. 91(2002), 55同 66.[BS2] T. M. Bisgaard and N. Sal叫cibara.Sもieltjesperfect semigro即日 are per.、

fect, submi古ted.


Domination property of the set of upper bounds in ordered linear spaces


北海道教育大学旭川校数学教室 (Departmentof Mathematics,

Asahikawa Campus, Hokkaido University of Education)

31 Introducrion

Let E be a linear space over JR, and P be a convex cone in E satisfying

(P1) E口 P-P, (P2) pn(-p)口 {O}.

An order relation in E can be defined by x ::; yや吟 y-x E P. We call a linear space E equipped with such a positive cone P a (partially) ordered linear space, and denote it by (E, P). For a subset A of E, we denote the se七ofupper bounds and lower bounds by U (A) = {x E E I y ::; x, Vy巴A},L(A) = {x巴EI yどx,Vy E A} respectively. These附 shave a property of symmetry in the following se附.([4])

(1) U(L(U(A)))口 U(A) (A c E).

In [4], the method of constructing a completion (E, P) of (E, P) by using the set of upper bounds U(A) has been introduced. The relation (1) plays fundamental roles in

the construction of (E, P). AIso, the completion can be represented by the set of the generalized supremum in E which has been introduced in [2]. We will state the summary of those results in the first part of七hissection.

Let Q) and Q)' be the family of all upper bounded subset and lower bounded subset in E respectively, I.e.沼口 {Ac EIAチ帆 U(A)=1=日}, Q)' = {B c EIBチ帆 L(B)=1=砂}.The relations A rv B 宇中 U(A)口 U(B) (A, B E Q)), and C rv' D 宇守 L(C)

def def

L(D) (C,D巴Q)')are clearly equivalence relations. We define

E Q)/ rv 口 ([A]I A E Q)},

where [A] denotes the equivalence class of A. For every [A] E E, two operations u([A]) = U(A), l([A])口 L(U(A))are well defined. We can see by (1) that l([A]) rv A. Moreover, it is known七hatIf A rv A' and B rv B' in Q), then for入>0, [A + B] =

[A' + B'] = [l([A]) + l([B])],αnd [入A]= [入A']= [入l([A])]hold where A + B and入Adenote the set {α+b IαE A, b E B} and {入αiαEA} respectively ([4]).

Definition. For [A], [B] εE αnd入巴設p
































(入<0), (4)

Typeset by A人I{S-τ目(


ωhere O+C denotes the resession cone 01αconvex set C defined by 0十C={xεEIC十

入xC C, (入>O)}.

We define two subsets P and E1 of E as follows.

P口 {[A]εEI [A]三[…P]}ニ {[A]E E I u([A]) C P}

E1出 {[A]E E I u([A])口 α十 Pfor some αE E}.

We note that the correspondence which assigns αε E to [A] E E1 such that u([A]) =

α十 Pis one to one.

Theorem 1. ([4]) Let E beαBαnach spαce withαclosed positive cone. Then E is αn order complete vector lattice with the definition (2),(3),(4),αnd

(α) P isαconvex cone in E αnd sαtisfies (P 1 ), (P2),αnd [A] :::; [B]く戸中 [B]-[A] E P.

(b) E1 isαsゆspαceωhichis order isomorphic to (E, P) by the correspondence Eヨ

α←→ [A] E E1ωhere u([A])口 α十 P.

Remark. 11 (E, P) is order complete, then (E, P) is isomorphic to (E, P)αsαn ordered lineαr spαce.

For A E ~ we can characterize U(A) by using the suppor七functionof A and the boundary of七hedual cone P*口 {x*E Eホ I< x*,x >三o(x E P) }. If A E ~七henthe support function f A (xつ=sup < xヘx> is finite on P*. Indeed if Xo E U(A), then


<xぺx>:::;< xぺXo> holds for all x E A.

Theorem 2. For every A ε~,

U(A)ェ η {x I <♂,x>どん(♂)},g喰 EδP*

ωhereθP* denotes the α1gebraic boundαry 01 P*.

Example Let X be出eset of all bounded lower semicontinuous functions 1 on 81口

{(cosB, sinB) I 0 :::; B < 2吋, and we simply write B for (cosB, sinB)ε81. For f E.X let f be such that五福可万口 hypo(j)where hypo(J) = {(B, t)巴 81

X 1R I I(B)どt},and hypo(J) is the closure with respect to the product topology in 81 x lR. We define

an equivalence relation in X by f rv 9令中 f=ク(J, 9 E X). Let E be the space of all 2 x 2 real symmetric matrICes with the positive cone P consists of all positive semidefinite matrices in E. By七hecorrespondence

I _. a: ¥

E :3(~ ?)←→ (x, y, z) E lR3

¥2 V /

where u = z宇,v ニヂ,E is ide雌 edwi七hlR3 and P = {(x,y,z) I x2十 y2:::; Z2}.

In this case the dual cone P* can be identified with P itself. For A c E, the values of the support function f A on θP本 aredetermined if we know the values only on the set {(x, y, 1) I x2十 y2= 1} which can be iden七回edwith 81

. From the previous two

theorems and the following lemmas, we can conclude that the completion E of E can be identi長edwith X / rv by the correspondence

E:3 [A] f-→ [JA] E X/ rv.


Lemma 1. 1n (]R3, P) ,ん口 fBon δP* if and onlyザU(A)= U(B) fo1' A, B E Q3.

Lemma 2. Fo1' eve1'yψE X, the1'e existsαsubset A c ]R3 such thatψ= fA on 81.

Corollary 1. 1fψzsαbounded lowe1' semicontinuous function on 81, then the1'e exists αlowe1' semicontinuous convex function f on the closed disk {(x, y) E ]R2 I x2十y2~ 1} such thαt f =ψon 81.

Let (E, P) be an ordered linear space. For A E Q3, and A' E Q3' the generalized supremum and七hegeneralized in:fimum are defined by

8upA口 {αEU(A) I b ~ a, b E U(A) =キ α=b} (A巴Q3),

Inf A' = {αE L(A') I bどα,b εL(A')吟 α口 b} (A'巴Q3'),

and we denote that 8 {8upA I A E Q3}. The basic properties of generalized Sl脚 mumhas been investigated in [2], [3]. A制 Ais said to have七hedomination prope吋yif for x E A there exsists a minimal point Xo of A such that Xo ~ x. In this paper we consider the condition

(5) U(A) = (8叩 A)+P (¥lAε怒),

which actually means that U(A) always has the domination property. If the space (E, P) satisfies the condition (5), the correspondence

E:1 [A] ←→ U(A)←→ 8upAεS

is one to one. In the rest part of this section we will state some results which suggest the importance of the condition (5) in dealing with the generalized supremum. In the case when dimE <∞, some equivalent conditions of (5) are known.([2]) In the infinite dimensional cases, it is not easy to see when the space (E, P) satisfies the condition (5). In this paper we will give some su誼cientconditions in 32.

Proposition 1. Suppose that (E, P) satisfies the condition (5). Then Inf Aαnd 8upA hαveαsymmet1'ic property, that is,

81副Inf(8upA)))口 8upA (A E Q3).

proof. Taking the set of minimal points of both sides of (1), we have

8upA口 8up(L(U(A))).

Moreover it follows by (5) that 81制L(U(A)))= 8up(L((8upA)十P))口 8up(L(8upA))= 8up(Inf(8upA) -P) = 8up(Inf(8upA)).

Proposition 2. Suppose that (E, P) sαtisfies the condition (5). 1f 8up A 口 {α}fo1'

some A E Q3, then α= lubA (:the leαst uppe1' bound of A).

The proof is trivial. The conclusion of Proposition 2 is not valid when the condition (5) does not hold. The following theorem is the fundamental rules on calculation of the generalized supremum.


Theorem 3. ([4]) For A, B E ~,

(α) U(A十 B)rv' U(A)十 U(B) 問 活

Moreover,ザ(E,P)sαtisfies the condition (5), then (b) S叩 (A十 B)十PコSupA十SupB,(c) S叩 (L(SupA+ S昭 B))= Sup(A十 B).

Under the condition (5), we define an order relation and a vector operation (the addi七ionE9 and the scalar multiplication *) on 8 as follows.

Definition. For A, B c E αnd入EJR,

SupA ~ SupB仲 SupBc SupA + P

SupAE9 SupBロ Sup(A十β)

( Sup(入l([A]))


l Sup(入u([A]))




for SupA, SupB E 8 αnd入εJR.

Let 80 be the set of all eleme山 SupAε8such that Sup Aニ {αo}for some αo EE. Then by the following theorem,.8 can be regarded as an order completion of (E, P) which is isomorphic to 80.

Theorem 4. ([4]) lf (E, P) sαtisfies (5), then 8 is isomorphic to E αsα vector lαttice under the one to one correspondence

8:3 SupA←→ [A] εE,

Moreover, 80 is isomorphic to (E, P) under the sαme correspondence.

32 Su血cientconditions for U(A)口 (SupA)十 P

An ordered linear space (E, P) is said to be monotone order complete (m.o.c.) if every upper bounded to七allyordered subset of E has the least upper bound in E. In the case E = JRd, (E, P) is m.o.c. if and only ifP is closed. In七hecase when E is a Banach space with a closed posi七ivecone P satisfying P*…P*口 E*,it is known that (EヘP*)is m.o.c. where E常 isthe topological d ual of E and P*口 {x*E E* I x*(x)三0,x E P}.


Proposition 3. 8uppose thαtαn ordered lineαr spαce (E, P) is monotone order corrトplete. Then (E, P) sαtisfies (5). ln pαrliculαr, Sup{α,b} =1=仇 Inf{α,b}チofor every α,b E E, αnd U(α, b)口 (Sup{α,b})十P.

The proof of this proposition can be seen in [2]. A convex subset 0 of E is said to be algebraica均Tclosed if every straight line of E meets 0 by a closed interval. A point x of a convex subset 0 c E is called an algebraic interior point of 0 if for every z E E, there exists入>0 such七hatx 十入zE O. AIgebraic exterior points are defined SiII吐larly,and we denote七healgebraic interior of 0 by 0 2

• Moreover,θ0= (OiU(OC)i)C is called the algebraic boundary of O. Let (E, P) be an ordered linear space and suppose that



P is algebraically closed with nonempty algebraic in七erior.A convex subset F of P is called an exposed face of P if there exists a supporting hyperplane H of P such that F口 PnH.By ~(P) , we denote the set of all exposed faces of P. For F E ~(P) , dimF is defined as the dimension of affF where affF denotes the a鐙nehull of F. We give another su伍cientcondition for (5) by using the facial structure of P.

Proposition 4. ([2]) Suppose that P is algebmically closed αndintP ::1日.1fdimC < ∞for θ附 'yCE苦(P),th仰 (5)holds.

A positive cone P in a topological vector space is said to be normal if there exists a neighborhood base of the origin consisting of neighborhoods V satisfying

(V十 P)n (V -P) = V.

If P is normal, every order interval [a, b] = {x E E Iα 三x:::; b} in E is bounded with respect to the norm. We also recall Bishop-Phelps theorem which asserts that for a bounded closed convex set C in a Banach space E, the set of all bounded linear functional which attains its minimum on C is norm dense in E* .([6])

Theorem 5. Let E beαBαnach spαce伽 thαclosedpositive cone P. 1f the dual cone P* hαs nonempty interior in E*, then (E, P) hαs the property (5).

proof. It is known that P is normal if and only if P* -P*口 E*([1]), and in particular, P is normal in the case that P* has nonempty interior in E*. For x E U(A), we denote U(A)a; = (x -P) n U(A). It su血cesto show that there exists an minimal point Xo of U(A)a; such that Xo :::; x. Since P is closed, so is U(A)a;. We also have U(A)a; c [a,x] = {y E E Iα 三U壬x}for α巴Aand hence the normality of P yields that U(A)a; is bounded with respect to the norm in E. Therefore by Bishop♂helps theorem, we can choose an interior point xi of P* such that xi attains its minimum on U(A)a; at some point Xo巴U(A)a;. If there exsists Xl巴U(A)a;such that Xl妥Xoit follows that X*(Xl) < x吋xo)since x* is an interior point of P*. It is a contradiction and Xo is a minimal point of U(A)a;・

Corollary 2. Let E' beαBαnαch spαceαndE = E'xJRαndP = {(x, t)巴EI tどIlxll}.Then (E,P) hαs the property (5).

Definition. Let E beαtopological vector spαce withαclosed positive cone P. A set AcEissαid to be P酬 completeザithαs no covers of the form

{(xα_P)C Iα 巴1}

with {xα}αEI being αdecreαsi句 netin A.

In [5], one can see some conditions under which A becomes P-complete or has the domination property.

Proposition 6. ([5]) Let E beαtopological vector spαce withαclosed positive cone P,αnd let EコAラ/:;o. Then A hαsαmzmmαl pointザαndonlyザthereexists x E A such thαt Aa; = A n (x P) is P-complete. Moreover, A hαs the domination propertyザαnd only if for each y E A there is some x E Ay such thαt Aa; is P -complete.


Theorem 6. Let E beαreβexive Bαηαch spαce withαclosed positive cone P αnd

suppose that P is normαl. Then (E, P) hαs the property (5).

proof. Let x εU(A) and set U(A)a; = U(A) n (x -P). We will show that the section U(A)a; has its minimal point. By Proposition 6, it suffi.ces to show that U(A)a; is P-complete. Suppose tha七thereexsits a decreasing net {xα}αEI in U(A)a; such that

U(A)a; C LJJxα _P)C. α←i

We observe that U(A)a; C [a, x] forαE A and hence the normali句rof P yields出国

U(A)a; is bounded with respec七tothe norm in E. Hence it is weakly compact because the space E is re丑exive.Since each xα P is weakly closed, we can choose a subcovering ν (均一 P)CコU(A)a;such that町三 X2主・・・ど Xn.It is a contradiction, because


Xn tt .ν (Xi -Py while XnεU(A)a;. 2=1'・・n

The hypothesis on the positive cone P in Theorem 6 is weaker than that in Theorem 5. However, (5) does not follow企omthe condition that E is a Banach space and P is normal. The space C[O, 1] with the norm Ilfll = sup If(x)1 and the usual positive cone

a;E[O,l] P = {f 1 f(坊主 o(xε[0,1])} is a simple example.

Let E be a topological vector space with a closed posi七ivecone P. (E, P) is said to be boudedly order complete (b.o.c.) if any bouded decreasing net {xα} has an i凶 mum,where bounded net means that for any neighborhood U of origin {xα} C tU

for some t > O. P is said to be Daniell if any decreasing net {xα} having a lower bound has its i凶 mumto which it converges. If P is Daniell (E, P) is obviously m.o.c・?

and consequently the condi七ion(5) holds. Moreover, we can easily see the following proposition.

Proposition 7. Let E be αtopological vector spαce withαpositive cone P. 1f (E, P)

is b.o.c. αnd P is normαl, then (E, P) is m.o.c・pαndit satisfies the condition (5) in



[1] T. Ando, On lundamental properties 01αBαnαch spαce with cone, Pacific J. Ma出.12 (1962), 1163-1169.

[2] N.Komuro, S.Koshi, Genαralized supremum in pαrtially ordered lineαr space, Proc. ofぬeinternか

tional conference on nonlinear analy自 andconvex analysis, World Scien揃 c(1999), 199-204. [3] S.Koshi, N.Komuro, S叩 setson pαrtiαlly ordered topologicαllineαr spαces, Taiwanese J. of Math.

ふ 2(2000), 275-284. [4] N.Komuro, The set 01 叩 perbounds in ord巴redlineαr spαces, Proc. of出ein七ernatior叫 conference

on nonlinear analysis and convex analysis, to appear. [5] D. T. Luc, Theory 01切 ctoroptimizαtion, Springer-Verlag (1989). [6] R. R. Phelps, Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiαbility, Spri珂 er-Verlag(1993).

N.Komuro Hokkaido University 01 Educαtionαt Asαhikαωα Hokumoncho 9 chome Asαhikαωα 070-8621 ],αpαn e-mαil: komuro@ asα. hokkyodai. ac.jp


An Inequality and the Numerical range of a matrix

中里博 HiroshiN akazato (Hirosaki U niversity)


We associate a ternary re叫 formF(t, x, y) of degree 2m with a complex trigono-

metric polynomial針。)= C ・-mexp( -i m 0) + . . . + Co十...十Cmexp(i m 0) so th抗 theequation F(l,抗(針。)), ~(針。))) = 0 holds for 0 E R. If針。)satis長田 JcmJ十...十

JCm-lJ < JcmJ, then the form F(t, x, y) is hyperbolic with respect to (1,0,0).


nXη複義行列 Tが与えられたとき、その数域 W(T)が、次の式で定義される。

W(T) = {C*Tc:c εcn, c*c = 1}.

このとき、 W(T)の境界は代数曲線弧となる。その双対曲線θW(T)̂:

δW(T)̂ = {(α, b)εR2 :αx + by + 1 = 0 is a tangentof aW(T)},

の定義多項式が次の F(t,x, y) = FT(t, x, y)で与えられる:

F(t,x, y)ロ det(tIn十(x/2)(T十Tホ)-(iy/2)(T -T*)), (0.1)

この間次多項式Fは、点 (1,0,0)に関して Atiya-Bott-Garding[A-B-G]の意味で、双

曲的 hyperbolicである。この意味は、 F(l,0, 0) =1= 0であって、任意の (xo,Yo)εR2

!こ対して、 tに関する方程式F(t,Xo, Yo)コエ Oが n個の奥棋や'j(xo,Yo) (j口 1,2,...,n) を持つということである。さて、 Fが定める代数曲線が有理曲線であるような大きなクラスをここで鑓示する。

L 王角多填式についての不等式

正の整数 mfこ対して、次の援護係数の三角多積式

ゆ(0)= I: Ck叫 (ikO) 3口一m

を考える。ここで、条件 JC-mJ十...+JCoJ十...+Jcm-lJ < JcmJが成り立つならば、針。)は、いかなる 0<0三2π に対しても、原点Oを通過しない。この性質は、 F(l,0, 0) =1= 0 に対応する。

補題1.1複議数 Z,切に対し、次の条件



|ω-zl + Izl =η<1

が 0::;η<1に対して成り立っとする。このとき、整数 n三2に対し、次の不等式が


提([n(1十 ω)-2{ω十(n-1) z}](l十W))2: 2(1…η) > O.

[証明複葉数をデカルト分解して実変数を使って表す z=x+iy,ωコ (x十iy)十

(p+iq).このとき仮定の条件は d可手+VX可子=η と表される。箆接的な計算により式変形して、

抗日n(1十ω)-2{ω 十(n… l)z}](l+w))=n十(n… 2)¥ω¥2十2(n-1)[泣いW)十抵(ω -z)] =n十(n-2){(x + p)2十(y十q)2}ー 2(n-l){(x (x十p)+ y (y十q))-2p} =n十(η -2){(x十p)2十(y+ q)2} _ 2(n -1){x2十px-2p十計十qy}= n n (x2十y2)+ (n _ 2)(p2十q2)_ 2 (px 十qy)-2(n-1)pg(x, y : p, q).


x=ηt cos9, y =ηt sin 9, pニ η(1-t) cos </>, qニ η(1-t) sin仇

が或る O::;t::;lおよびo::; 9, </> ::; 2πを用いて可能であり、これを使って

g(x,y:p,q) =n-nη2 t2十(n-2)η2(1 -t)2 -2η2 t (1-t) cos(9 -ゆ)十2(n-1)η(1…t) cosゆ三n-nη2t2十 (n-2)η2(1 -t)2 -2η2 t (1 -t) -2(n -1)η(1-t) = (1…η){2(n-1)ηt+ (n…2)(1 -η) + 2}三2(1-η)



iω1ー ω21+ 1ω2…切31+...+¥ωn-1一切n¥+¥ωn¥ =η<1

を Oざη<1に対して満たすとする。このとき、次の不等式が成立する。

続([n(1十町)-2(ω1十ω2十..小川](川町)ど 2(1-η)> O.

[証暁]まず z=(ω2十均十...十初n)/(n-1)および ωロ ω1 により複素数ムωを定める。このとき、不等式

|ω 一町1+1ω'j1三同一切21+ 1ω2一切31十...+¥ωj-1一切jl十 ¥Wjl

三|ω1-ω21+...十 iωj-1一切'jl+ ¥Wj一切j付 1+...十|ωπー1一ωnl十iωnlコ η

が任意の 2::;j::;nに対して成り立つ。これより、さらに不等式

|ω-zl十|ziz-L{i(n-1)ω 一 (ω2+'・・ +Wn)¥ + 1ω2 +..・叫I}n-1



<-i-{(|ω一ω計十例1)十・・・+(1ω一川 +1叫)}さ η.一 (n-1)

が成り立つ。従って、補題1.1の仮肥の条件が 0:::;ザ(三 η)に対して成り立つ。これよ


按([n(1 +町)-2(ω1十切2+"'+叫 )](1十軒))

ヱ批([n(1十ω)-2(ω十(n-1) z)](l十百))さ 2(1ーが)さ 2(1-η)> O.



定理1.3針。)は、次のような 1変数の三角多填式

針。)= L: Ck叫 (ik 8) J=口一m


玄 ICkl< Icml k=-m

を満たすとする。このとき、 8E [0,2狩]の増加に対して、。(8)の偏角 Arg(針。))も狭義単調増加する。さらに、 0が、 0から、 2πまで、区間 [0,21T]上を変動するとき、ゆ(8)

は、捜索数平菌において原点 Oの濁りをちょうど m 岡庇時計思りに回転する。

[証明]係数について Cm 口 1と板定して証明すればよい。以下これを俄定する。媒


z(8) = x(8)十iy(8) = exp(i m 8) +玄 Ckexp(i 8) k=-m

( 0三8<2作)1こ対しその偏角 Arg(z(8))を考える:

Arg(z(8)) == S'(Log(z(8)).

この関数を、変数 81こ関して微分する:

dArg (z (8)) d8

z' (8) S'(一一)


~(m cm exp(im8) 十・・・十 (-m)c_mexp( -i m 81) Cm侃 p(im8)+...十 C-mexp( -i m8) ノ

1 2"X罰(L(8)),ICm exp( i m8) + . . . + C-m exp( -i m8) I



批(L(O)) 提((I: kCk叫 (ikO))(I: cpexp(-ipO))) k=-m p口 -m

= ~二玄挽(C巧k 叫(i (k -p)O) k=-mp=-m

… Bゅ(0).

従って ~(L(O)) > 0 が任意の O~0~2πに対して成り立つことを示せば、。の塔加に関して Argz(O)が単調増加することがわかる。 この不等式提(L(O))> 0を証明しよう。

絶対値 1の任意の複素数 exp(i0)を取り、 Z3ロ exp(i(j -m) O)Cj( -mざj壬m)と懐く。このとき、次の等式が得られる:

提(L(O)) = I: I:扱(Ck引叫(i(k -p)O)) k=ローmp=-m

= I:玄披(kZk有),

ここで、複業数 Zm-1ぃ・・,Zoぃ・・,z-mlこ対して不等式

乞 IZkl = IZ-ml +.・・+IZol+..小 IZm-11=η k=-m

が戚る O~η<1 に対して成り立つ。次のような変数変換を行う。

ωoココ 1十 Zm-1+ Zm-2十 ...+ZO十...十 z・-m,ωJ-εとゴmzk, for 1三j~ 2m


Ek=-m k Zk = (m十 1)均一 (ωo十ω1+均十...十 ω2m)

=m均 一 (ω1十 ω2十…十 ω2m)

コ m(1十ω1)-(ω1十ω2十...十切2m),Ek=-m Zk =ω。=1十ω1・


|ω1-ω21 + 1ω2一切31十...十 iω2m…1一ω2ml十 |ω2mlロ η.


I: I:抵(kZkZp)



ー提(2::2:: k ZkZp) k=-mp=-m

一 (1/2)提([2m(1 +町)-2(ω1十ω2+..小ω2m)](1十町))

> 1-η> O.

従って、 ~(L(O)) > 0であり、。の増加に対し、 Argz(O)が単調増加することがわかった。

さで、変数 orま0から 2πまで増加するとき?変数 Arg(z(O))はArg(z(O))からArg(z(O))十 2m付こ変化する,すなわち原点 Oに関する動点判的の問転数 windingnumberは、 mである。このことは、次の爵係式より得られる:


= I dArg(exp(imO)) + I dArg(z(θ)/ exp(i mO)) JOく8く271' JOく8く27了

2mπ十o 2m7r,

ここで、動点 z(O)/exp(i mO)は、任意の 0三0三2πlこ対し、 {ωE C: 1ω …11 < 1} に属する。このことより、 0が、 Oから 2πまで‘増加するときの、原点0に関する動点z(O)/ exp(i mO)の回転数は 0である。以上より、定理1.3rま証明された。この定理を、多項式を使って表現することにより次の定理が得られる。

定理1.4針。)r立、次のような 1変数の三角多頃式

ゆ(0)=乞 Ck叫 (ikO) J=-m


玄 ICkl< 1叫k=-m

を満たすとする。このとき、 3変数の 2m次以下の同次多頃式F(t,x, y)で

F(l,祝(針。)), ~(針。)))コ O

( 0εR)となるものをとるとき、 F(t,x, y)は点 (1,0,0)に関して Atiyah-Bot-Garding



論文 [C-N]において有理曲線F(l,x,y)=0で、 Fが双曲的である次の曲線が扱われている。













(伊n=口コ 2mが偶数のとき),、あるいは

-cω((2m -1)0) x(O) =


-n((2m… 1)0) y(O) =


入(0)= I: [am-j cos((2j -1)0) -bm-j sin((2j -1)0)].

1が奇数のとき)。上記の関係式において, αjおよび bjは実の係数である。


(n= 2m

定理1.4で述べたように、 有理曲線で、対応する多項式 F(t,x, y)が双曲的である

ような、大宮な族が見つかった。この践の特殊な場合が、 [N]で扱われている。そこで

は、 H>1に対する曲線

2H2 に


2H2 __~ y(O) = /n1nτ{一山(20)+ HO

sin(30)}, ゾHlO-1












O H-2













O H-2



T(H) =


det(I十 x(0)/2(T(H)十T(H)牢)-i y(0)/2 (T(H) -T(H)キ))口 0, (3.1)

を、 0::;0::;2πに対し満たすことを示した。その論文 [N]では, 上の行列の一般化



[A四 B-G]M.F. Atiyah, R. Bott and L. Garding: Lacunas for hyperbolic differential operators with costant coe器cient1, ActαMαt九, 124(1970), 109-189.

[C-N] Chien, M. T. and Nakazato, H. (1999). Boundary generati時 curvesof the c-numerical range, Lin. Alg. Appl., 294, pp. 67-84.

[N] H. Nakazato : Numerical range and sextic rational curves, Bull. Fac. Sci. Tech. Hirosaki Univ., 3, 83-91.


On some convex functions related with norms

of Banach Spaces

Yasuji Takahashi and Mikio 1匂,to

Abstract. We shall characterize several geometrical properties of a

Banach space X such as uniform non-squareness and uniform convex:ity etc. in terms of the convex function f on X defined by f(x)口 ψ(lIxll),whereψis a non-negative strictly convex and strictly incre部 ingfunction

on [0,∞).

Let X be a Banach space (of di 姐 ensionat least 2). Let ψ be a str討ictl抑yc∞on即ve侃xa剖加nstrictly increasing function defi韮fin悶led0∞n [0,∞)w羽it出hvalues in [0,∞) (such a function

is continuous on [0,∞)). Define the function f on X by f(x) ,-.: cp(llxll). Then the following inequalitites are immediately seen: For all x, y E X we have


f(平)+f(平)引い)十f(y) (2)

1. Definitions (i) X is called non-sq仰向 when

min(lIx十 yll,IIx -yll) < 2 if IIxll = lIyll = 1.

(詰)X is called uniformly non-square in the sense of J,αmes when there exists

o > 0 such that

min(lIx+討し IIx-yll)三2(1-o) if IIxll = lIyll = 1.

(iii) X is called st吋ctlyconvex when

IIx十 yll< 2 if IIxll = lIyll = 1, x ヂy.

(討)X is called uniformly convex when for any E > 0 there ex:ists O > 0 such that

I/x+ν1/ ~ 2(1 -o) if I/xl/口lIyll= 1, IIx -yll = E.

It is easy to see that X isnon-square if and only if X contains no subspace

isometric to .e~ (two dimensional real .erspace).



2. Theorem The following are equivalent. (i) X is non-square.

(ii) For all x, y E X(x =1= 0 or y =1= 0)


(iii) For all x, y E X(xヂoor y ヂ0)

min{f(平), f(子)}< t叩匂)

3. Theorem The following are equivalent. (i) X is strictly convex.

(ii) For all x, y E X(x =1= y)

(出)<附f(y)2 J - 2

4. Theorem The following are equivalent. (i) X is uniformly non-square.

(ii) There exists d > 0 such that


(伊ii話i)There exists d > 0 such that


(i討川v吋)For any e > 0 there exists d > 0 such that

f(平)+f(王手):::; (l-d)(

5. Remark f is called homogeneous of order p if f(tx)口 tPf(x) for all t > 0, x E X. It is shown that if f is homogenuous of order p with p > 1, then X is uniformly non-square if and only if there exists d > 0 such that

f(白いf(ロ ):::; (1-め(J(川 (ω)for all x,y E X. (6) ¥ 2 J ."¥ 2 J-

6. Corollary Let 1 < p <∞. Then X is uniformly non-square if and only if

there exists d > 0 such that

x; y IIP + 11 x ; y II

P :::; (1 -d)(lIxIlP十 lIyllP)for all x, y E X. (7)

11川 II


l2 I 一


7. Theorem The following are equivalent.

(ωi) X i捻SUI凶I(ii) Foぽra加nyε>0 there exists o > 0 such that

(x;y) 仙 f(y)一一):::; J¥-/ ~ J \~/ _ o if IIxll三1,lIyll三1,IIx -yllどE. (8) 2 /

(iii) For any E > 0 there exists O > 0 such that

(仙f(y)f子)三日 ~ J W/ if Ilxll:::; 1,11山

(iv) For any α> 0, b > 0, E > 0 there exists O > 0 such that

す半日) 2 if liii臼lIyllさゆf( 伽 f(y)

(v) For a町 T > 0 there exists O > 0 such that

f(x十ァν)+ f(x -Ty) f (x) :::; J ¥ ~ I • ~ / ~ J \~ • ~ / - o if 11 x 11 = 11 y 11口1. (11) 2

(vi)おrany α> 0, b > 0, c > O(b三c),γ>0 there exists O > 0 such that

f(x十TY)十f(x-Ty) f(x) :::; J¥- I • ~/ ~ J\~ • ~/ - o if IIxll三α,b三lIyll三c. (12) 2

(vii) For any γ> 0 there exists O > 0 such that

f(x十 γν)+f(x γy) f(x)三(1-o) 内 ifIIxll = lIyll = 1. (13)

8. Remark Similar characterizations of uniform non-squareness holds true: X s uniformly no任 squareif and only if the inequality (8) (resp. (9)) is valid for some :(0 < E < 2) and o). 0, and the same is valid for (11) (resp. (13)).

9. Corollary Let 1 < p <∞. Then the following are equivalent. (i) X泊四iformly∞nvex.

(ii) For any E > 0 thereほおtso> 0 such that

一一 :::; II~II ~ II~II - o if IIxll:::; 1, lIyll三1,lIx-yllどE. (14) IIX;yIIP:::; ]円lyllP2

(iii) For any E > 0 there exists o> 0 such that

11 x ; y IIP :::; (1 -o) IIxll

P ; lIyllP 子|三日 2 if ilz|印刷1:::;山


(iv) For any α> O,b > O,e > 0 there exis七sO > 0 such that

11平 11三日iiziiP;ilullP ::; a, lIyll ::; b, IIx -yll三:e. (16)


10. Corollary Let 1 < p <∞. Then the following are equivalent. (i) X is uniformly non-square. (ii) There exis七ε(0<e < 2) and O > 0 such that

11川 IIP::; IlxlIP; lIyllP 一一 ::; II~ 11 ~ II~ 11 _ o if IIxll::; 1, Ilyll ::; 1, IIx -yllさe. (18)


(伊i討胤i註i)There e低悶X対i蹴S坑七 εe(O < ε < 2勾)and O > 0 such that

II~叶川十切Uげ !1μ州川Ix同川Z叫4山117寸i壬(川 2 i f |lμ阿州山!何阿凶山山Z叫4山山肌山11μ川附川|凶凶凶附壬幻引刊1,川山,1

(i討川V吋)There exists 7 (0 < ア < 1) such that

{]叶アMYTh-TU||P: l IIxll = Ilyll = 1 ~ > 1. (20)

11. Remark Schaffer type constant is defined by






,,, ¥1tIIノ
































cυ if1<t<∞,

if t =∞.

It follows仕om(17) and (20) that X is uniform1y convex if an山崎rif Sx,t{γ) > 1 for allγ> 0, and X is uniformly no任 squareif and only if Sx,t{γ) > 1 for some

7(0 < 7 < 1).


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89, Marcel Dekker, 1984. [6] R. C. James, Uniformly non幽 squ町 eBanach spaces, Ann. of Math. 80 (1964), 542-550.

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295. [8] J. J. Sch組~er, Geometry ofspheres in normed spaces, LN in Pure Appl. M拭h.20,

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Banach spaces, Niho出aiMath. J. 9 (1998), 155-169. [10] Y. Takahashi, M. Kato and S. Takah拙 i,On Jamesand Schaeffer constants for Banach

spaces,数理解析研究所講究録 1186(2001), 189-193. [11] Y.抗kahashiand M. Kato, Functions related to convexity and smoothness of Banach

spaces,北海道大学数学講究録 70(2002), 52-55.

Yasuji Takahashi Department of System Engineering, Okayama Prefectural University, Soja 719-1197, Japan e-mail: takahasi@cse.oka-pu.ac.jp

Mikio Kato Department of MathematiGs, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu 804-8550, Japan e-mail: katom@tobata.isc.kyutech.ac.jp

oo qL

Rouche Type Theorem and Operator Theory

Takahiko Nakazi (Hokkaido University)

Abstract. We show Rouche type七heoremson the unit disc D in fJ using operator theory. As an application, we describe a function whose Denjoy.川Tolffpoint is inθD.




Roucheの定理Iuを有限個の単純閉曲線で固まれた領域、 I,gは U上で正

郎かっ fは θUに零点をもたないとする。もし If(z)1 > Ig(z)1 (z E au)ならば、 fの

Uにおける零点の個数と 1 9の Uにおける零点の個数は等しい。

証明 t E [0,1]に対して 1 tgは仮定より δU上で零とならないので、

r 1'(z) -tl(z) N(t) 口 o~: 1. Jau I(z)… tg(z)

とすると、 N(t)は Uにおける 1-tgの Uにおける零点の銅数となる。 N(t)は [0,1]で

連続関数となることを示すことができ、結果として N(t)= N(O)口 N(l)。

Roucheの定理で、 I,gが δU上で連続だから、 II(z)1> Ig(z)1 (zεθu)と

II(z)1三ε+Ig(z)1 (z Eθu)となる ε>0が存在することは同値である。

Dを単位円板、 HP(0 < pさ∞)は D上の Hardy空間とする。 f巴HPのとき、

fが ou

|げI(いe妙η)1= 1α.e.β0となるときをいう弘。一般の零でない f巴HPはfコ口 qφhと因数分解でき

ることが知られている。ここで qは inner関数、 hは outer関数である。 q= q[f]と書く。

ql, q2を inner関数とする。 ql>-q2とは iJ.lq2= 111/1となる outer関数 1E H1

が存在することである。 ql>-q2かつ qlベ白のとき qlrv q2と書く。 inner関数 qを

Blaschke積とするとき、 deg(q)は qの零点の個数を表す。 qlは finiteBlaschke積かっ

q2は mner関数とするとき、 ql>-q2ならば deg(ql)三deg(q2)かつだから q2も五nite

Blaschke積となる。 qlrv q2ならば deg(ql)= deg(q2)である。

次の定理は Roucheの定理の一般化である。


|定理川 o < pざ∞とする。 l,gE HPは零でないとする。 11(z)1どε十

Ig(z)1 (ι瓦ZEdD)となる ε>0が存在するならば,q[J] '" q[J g]である。

証明 qlコq[J]、q2= q[J -g]、f口qlh、hは outer関数かつ k口g/hとする

と、 1 9口h(ql-k)となる。ここで kEH∞かっ Ilkll∞三 1かつ q2= q[ql k]となる。 tをql-kの outerpartとすると、 t、.e-1E H∞である。 qi-k = (1 -ihk)ql口q2.eより

iI1q2コロ (1 -iilk).e-1, 九lq2= T(l-ijlk)Tg-l であるo T(l-ij沖)と丸一1がinvertibleToeplitz作用素であることは良く知られているから、

為lq2は invertibleである。 Widom“Devinatzの定理を舟いて(または産接に)、 ql'" q2を示すことができる。

定理1でε=0とすると、 q[J]'" q[J -g]は成立しない。何故なら、 l=zかっ

g口1とすると、 11(z)1口Ig(z)1(z E dD)しかし q[J]口z>-q[1 -g]口1であるから。次の定理は定理 1で εココ Oとしたときを調べている。しかし、このとき Widom司


l定理 21 0 < p三∞とする。 l,gεHPは零でないとする。もし 11(z)1三Ig(z)1 (α.e.z E dD)ならば、 q[J]どq[J-g]である。ただし li=gとする。

定理 2の証明のためには、次の AdamyanωArov-Kreinの定理を用いる。これは彼等によって Hankel作用素を用いて証明されたものの Nakazi[1]による変形である。

直劃 ゅ=1/111、1E H1かつ li=Oとすると、

{g; 9 EH∞,11ゆ-gll∞:::;1}

ペ|川|∞:::;1} { F(l一例…切)1 Qω

である。ここで、 FEH1かっ (tFど0,かっ

l+Q(z) r2πeit 一一一一 =/ コγ~IF(♂)Idt/加 (z E D)。1-Q(z) んじ -z

定理 2の証明 1 = qlh, ql口q[J], h は outer関数かつ k口g/hとすると、

l-g口h(ql-k)、Ilkll∞:::;1かつ k巴H∞となる。 ql= (1十ql)2/11十ql12、(1+ ql)2巴H1

からゆ口 qlとして補題を適用すると

{.e ; .e巴H∞,IIql -.ell∞:::; 1}

(FMHI ∞, 11ω11∞三 1~。1 Qω j

ql… k口tとすると、 Ilql-.e1l∞口 Ilkll∞:::;1から .e= F(l-Q)(l-ω)/(l-Qω)かっ ihFど0

0 このと三11-Q)(1-ω)/(1-Qω)はouter関数から:q[J -g] = q[ql…k] = q間口 q[F]となる。 q[I]F三0だから q[J]>-q[J -g]。


|系 11 (Sarason [2]) fを五niteBlaschke積、 9E H∞かっ Ilgll∞三 1とする

と、 deg(刀 degq[J -g]である。

i系 21 ゆを Dから Dの中への正則写像かつゆ =j=zとする。入をゆの Denjoy-Wol苛pointl不動点)とする。また

(3z十 2α)ω -(z十2α)F(α?ω)=

(3 + 2az) -(1十2az)ω

とする。ここで αEfJ, 1α1 = 1かつ ω巴H∞, 11叫|∞三 1,ω手1とする。

(1)入εθDである必要十分条件はある Iblロ lとなる bE fJがあってゆ(z)bF(α3ω)かつ |αiロ 1である。

(2)入EDである必要十分条件はゆ(z)= F(α?ω)かつ |α1<1である。

証明 Sarason [2]は入 εδDである必要十分条件はある Ibl口1となる bE fJ

があって、 z-bゅは outer関数、入 εDである必要十分条件はある α巴 D に対して

作一世]ニfLである。補題より、村 H∞が 11ゆ11∞:::;1かつゆれとなる必要十分


∞, 11ω11∞:::;1 1-Qω

である。このとき F=γ(z十α)(1+az),αε fJ, lal三1,γ>0かつ Q= (1+2az)j(3+2az) である。よってゆ口 F(α,ω),lal::; 1となる。上に述べた Saras叩 [2] の結果より、 (1)と(2)が導ける。

系 2の応用として、洲口 1,1α|口 1かつゆ(z)= F(α?αz)とせよ。そのとき

αチ1ならゆ(-α)=-α であるが、もし α口1ならゆ(1)口1である。


1. T.Nakazi, Factorizations of outer functions and ex壮emalproblems, Proc.Edinburgh Math.Soc. (1996)39, 535-546.

2. D.Sarason, Making an outer function from七woinner functions, Contemp.Math. (1991)137, 407-414.




ABSTRACT. L抗 A (resp. B) be a bounded linear operator on a complex Hilberもspace冗 (resp.κ). We show出叫もheもen-sor product A ③ B is log-hyponormal if and only if A and B are log-hyponorrr叫, and we show similar re閥抗 holdsfor class A(s, t) operators.

1.序.ピルベルト空間冗上の有界線形作用素 Tを考える。 hyponormal作


TT* < T*T については Putnam不等式 ([14])

IIT*T -TT*II :5 ~me向(σ(T)) = ~ f f rdrd() 1111 J J σ(T)

が成り立つ。 Aluthge[1]によって hyponormal作用崇の拡張である

p-hyponormal作用素 (0< p壬1)

(TT*)P :5 (T*T)p

が導入されたが、長、伊藤 [3]によって次のようなp-hyponormal作用素の Putnam不等式

11 (Tドrγ戸σ伊阿T*門*寸件T 11 :5汁一イ!! 門門一→廿1切切d命Tp 符 σ吋(T)

が示された。棚橋 [16,1行は、ここから p→+0とした

Illog(Tマ)-log(TT*) 11 :5 ~川内rd()11 J J σ(T)

を予想して log-hyponormal作用素の Putnam不等式を証明した。 log-

hyponormal作用素のアイデアは安藤 [2]に見られるが、この用語を用いたのは、藤井、姫路、松本 [6]が最初である。その後、 p-hyponormal 作用素の様々な性質が log幽 hyponormal作用素についても示され、いわば、 log-hyponormal作用素は0・hyponormal作用紫であるといえることがわかってきた。

1 This research was supported bヴ Grant-in-AidRβsearch 1. No. 10640187, 2. No.14540190

2000 Mαthematics Subject Classification. 47 A80, 47B20. Key words and phrases. log酬 hyponormaloperator, A(s, t) operator, tensぽ



次は p-hyponormal,log-hyponormal作用素の性質である。 ([1,9; 16,


[命題 1]TεB(冗)は p-hyponormal,または log-hyponormal作用素とするとき次が成立する。

(1) Tx =入zならば T*x=入zである。

(2) (T一入)xn→o (lIxn// -.-: 1)ならば (T…入)百n→0である。(3) T = U/T/と極分解する。 Tが p-hyponormal(0 :::; p < 1/2)な

らば Aluthge変換'I'= /T/1j2U/T/1

j2は (p+1/2)欄 hyponormalである。

2.本論.ここでは log-hyponormal作用素のテンソノレ積の性質を調べる。

{定義]ヒルベルト空間冗,κのテンソノレ積冗@κ(Xl 0 Yl, X2 0 Y2) = (Xl' X2)(Yl, Y2)

を考える。ここでAε B(冗),B E B(κ)のテンソル積A0BεB(討8κ)は

(A0B)(x0y) = Ax0By


[参考]Jinchuan [13]は A0Bが normalとなる必要十分条件は A,Bが normalであることを示した(ただし A,B#Oとする)0Stochel [15] はhyponormal,D時 gal[4]はp-hypor悶 'mal,Jeon, Dugga,l [12]はclassAの場合を示した。しかし paranormal(IITxIl2

:::; IIT2xllllxll)については安藤間が Tが paranormalでも T0Tは paranormalにならないという例を作っている。

[補題 2]A = UA/A/ E B(冗),B= UB/B/ E B(κ)と線分解する。

(l)/A 0 B/ = /A/0/B/ (2) A 0 Bの棟分解は A0 B = (UA 0 UB)(/A/0/β/)である。

[檎題 3]A E B(1i), B εB(κ)は可逆で 0壬A,Bとする。このときlog(A 0 B) = (log A) 01十 10(10gB)となる。

{定理 4]A0Bが 10皆hyponormalとなる必要十分条件は A,Bが10号hyponormalとなることである。

{定義]T = U/T/と極分解したとき丸;t= /T/sU/T/tを Alu七hge紅ansformfor s, t > 0という。藤井, D. Jung, S.H. Lee, M.Y. Lee,中本 [7]は classA(s, t)

/'I's,t /糸と /T/2t

を導入し、さらに、伊藤 [10]は classωA(s, t)

/'I'a,t /治三 /T/2t,/T/2s三/('I's,t)* /長


は詳しく調べたが、最近、伊藤、山時 [11]により classA(s, t)とclass切A(s,t)は一致することが示されている。また、 classA(k, 1)をclassA(k), class A(l, 1)を classAといい、これらについては以前から調べ


られていた ([8])0p-hyponormal,log-hyponormal作用素は classA(s, t) であり、 classA(l, 1)作用素は paranormalであること等の冨白い結果が示されている。 ([3,9, 10, 16, 17, 18])

次の定理は classA(s, t)のテンソノレ積について定理 4と同じ結果が成り立つことを示している。

{定理 5]A,-Bは零でないとする。このとき AQ9Bが clωsA(s, t)となる必要十分条件は A,Bが classA(s, t)となることである。

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to expressもheirsin幽

cere thanks to Professor In Ho Jeon for his heartful suggestions.


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[16] K.包加ah出 hi,On log-hyponormal operators, Integr. Equ叫.Oper. Th., 34 (1999), 364-372.

[1行K.Tan油部hi,Putnam 's ineq帥 litylor log仰'ponormaloperators, Integr. Equ前.Oper. Th., to appear.



[18] T. Yoshino, The p-hyponormality of the Aluthge transform, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, 3 (1997), 91-93.





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1. Introduction. Throughout this note, A and B are positive opera七orson a Hilber七space.

For convenience, we denote A吉o(resp. A > 0) if A is a positive (resp. invertible) operator. The

α-power mean of A and B introduced by Kubか Ando[18] is given by

A Uo B = A!(A-!BAーを)四Aき for .0三α壬1.

The Furuta inequality例canbewri悦enby the form ofα-power mean as follows ([2],[3],[12J,[13J,[14]).

Furuta inequality: If A ~ B ~ 0, then

(F) A包 1にと BP:S; A and B:S; B叫 1にと APp目 p-u

holds for u :S; 0 αnd 1 :S; p.

(F) is an ex土ensionof the Lowner四日einzinequality:




、1 f A ~ B ~ 0, then A自主 BO for O:S;α三1.

As shown in [12J(cf.[7]), we can arrange (F) in one line by the form of α-power mean as follows:

Satellite theorem of the Furuta inequality: If A 三B~ 0, then

(SF) A也 1に足 BP壬B:S;A壬BUUにと APp-u p-u

holds forαII u :S; 0 and 1 :S; p.

More generally, in [13], we have shown

(SF)' AU Uと旦 BP:S; Bo叩 dAo :S; BU ulニ三 AP

p-u p-u

holds for 0 :S; d三pand u:S; O.

For positive invertible operator A and B, we denote A >> BぜlogA ~ log B and called the

chaotic order ([3],[16],[17]).

The next characteriz前ionof the chaotic order we obtained in [3J is usefull and starting point of

our following discussions, so we call it chωtic Furuta inequality.

Chaotic Furuta inequality: Let A and B be positive inverlible operators. If A >> B, then

(CF) A也 1ょと BP壬I:S;BU U..:;;と APp-u p-u

2000 Mathematics Su.bject Olass併cation.47A63 and 47A64 Ke世間ordsand phrases. P08i主iveoperators, Operator mean, Lowner-Heinz inequality, Furuta inequality, grand

Furuta inequality, Chaotic order.


forαnyp主Oαnd 0 2:: u.

Byもheform of the F'uruta inequality (F), we have出efollowing ([16J,[17]), As compared with (SF), this shows the di茸erencebetween the usual order A三Band the chaotic order A ~ B.

Sate1lite theorem .of chao土icFuruta inequality: Let Aα.nd B be positive invertible oper剛

ators. 1f A >> B, then

(SCF) AU ~とと BP S;B p-u

holds forαηyp2::1αnd 02:: u.

and A壬BU ~とと APp-u

We had generalized (CF) and (SCF) more as follows [16J:

Theorem A.

αnd (2) hold.

Let A and B be positi抑制vertibleoperators, if A >> B, then the following (1)



AU ~2.=呉 BP S;B<I p-u

and A<I S; BU

"とと APp-u

A U ".2.::忠 BPS; A ll: and Bll: s; BU

"むと APp-u p-u

for u < 0 and OS;d壬p

for u<α<0 and OS;p.

2. Grand Furuta inequality. As a generalization of the Furuta.inequality; Furuta担Jhad

given an inequality which we called the grand Furuta inequality in [4J,[5J and [15]. It interpolatesぬe

Furuta inequality and the A:ndcトHiaiinequality [1 J equivalent to the main result of log majorization.

The grand Furuta inequality: 1f A 2:: B三Oαnd A is invertible, then for eαch 1壬pαnd


(GF) A-r+t "法措F(AtbBP)5A

holds for t壬Tαnd1三s.

and B s; B-r+t " 1-0年ん (BtQs AP) ¥.P-'C}8十 P

The best possibility ofぬepower法務;::is shown in [19]・Replacings w愉 3三j,15p三β,we can sta主ethis theorem by the satelli加 formas follows [15J:

Sate1lite theorem of the grand F凶 'utainequality. 1f A どB> 0, then the following holds forO壬t三lS;p三Pαnd u s; O.

AU ~両 (At

Q%弓BP)さ(At取 BP)告s;B s; A s; (Bt Q信 AP)~ s; BU <<持 (BtQ知的

To prove this, we had shown出efollowing theorem ([4J,[5]).

Theorem B. 1f A 2:: B > 0, then the following holds for 0 s; t s; 1 s; P s;β

(At Q会fBP)告S;B and


(Bt Q~ニ.; AP)台三 A.p-'

3. Uchiyama's Theorem and Fw:叫a'sTheorem.

Recently, Uchiyama [20] hasshown theお110winginequality as an e訪問sionof (F).

Uchiyama's Theorem. If A ;::: B主C> 0, then for eαch t E [0, 1] and p ? 1


A1-t三A-r"正和 (BーをCPBーを)8

holds for r三tα,nd s ど1.

Relatedもothis, we proposed the following inequality in [5] because (U) seems a skewed form

from our view point.

Theorem C. If A, B, C > 0 sαtisfy A ~ B and B 三C,then for eαch t E [0, 1]

BさC;:::(Bt Q8CP)事埼拝官三A一昨t"..2江ニ~ (Bt Qs CP) ¥1'一旬'十T

holds forαII p ? 1, s? 1 and r ? t.

In this inequality, if A ? B = C, then we have (F) and if A口 B三C,then (GF) is obtained.

Very recently, Furuta [9] extennded (U) more precisely(cf.[lO],[l1]).

Furuta's Theorem. If A三B三C> 0, then the following (1) and (2) hold for eαch t E [0, 1] αndp三1,r? t and s 三1.

(1) B1-t さ BーをèB-~ 三 A-t"~ (BーをCPBーを)8さA-r仁.!=;土~(BーをCPBーを )8(1'-t)s-l・2 布二可五平干

(2) Bl-t 主 B-~CBーをさ A-T it壬詩EBーをCPBーを主 A-TiTt味持宇 (BーをOPBーを)8

w恥e伽削t胎e低出蜘蜘1隠附e田s開ei版n蹴e叩 a蜘1五馳i抗t偽蜘iぬe田sby si削m叫i坦11加&叫rfj伽o侃rmst旬o(附s関GF町)r,均e叩pl恥a舵cin叩1


Theorem 1. If A三B三C> 0, then the following (1)αnd (2) hold for eαch t E [0, 1] and

l:S;p:S;βα,nd t壬r.

(1) B三C三(Bt担保 OP)告主 B~A-tBを匂 (Bt Q~弓 CP) 三 BM-TMi長部 (Bt Q~弓 CP)

(2) B三CさB!A-rB!"1=出 CP三ポA-rB去年比工 (Bt封印 CP)p-t+rβ-t+r p-t

To proveぬisぬeorem,we prepare the next lemma which is a modification of Theorem B.

Lemma. IfB三C>0, then the following holds for t E [0, 1] and 1 :s; p三β.

(Bt Ql!::! CP)~ :S;CP p-t


Proof. The first帥, for153ヨ:52,

Bt bg弓 CP CP Q苧gBt=CP(c-PI宇FB-z)CP5CP(c-ptg壬Fc-t)CP早 Cβ

By (LH), we have (Bt Qs-t CP)~ :5 CP. The second step, put C1 = (Bt い CP)占, then C1云B宮士宮

and for 1壬舎三千三 2,

Bt Qs1-t CP = Bt

Qs1-t (Bt Qs-t CP)口 Bt

Qs1-t cf :5 Cfl 予三E 百二t p-t 予三E

That is, Bt恒三 CP:5(Bt Q!!=.! CP)~. So by (LH), we have 予三t p-t

(Bt Qs1-t CP)骨三 (BtQ!!=..;. CP)~ :5 CP.

p-t p-t

Repeating this, we have the conclusion.

Proof of Theorem 1・Since(Bt-553CP)合三 C壬Bby Theorem B and (LH), (1) is shown as follows:


A-t h(BーをCPBーを)一知 :5B-t 匂(BーをCPBーを)一知

Bーを{I匂(Bt担保 CP)}B-~ = Bーを(Bt取 CP)均一t

BーをCtBーを 52B-tBtB-t=I,

hence {A~(B-~CPBーを)信A~}告壬 At . Applying (SF)' to these,

(At)一千"i-+出 {A~(BーをCPBーを)知A~}~~ :5 {A~(B-~CPBーを)信Aを}告を和 平

七hatis, A -r+t U軒端 A~(BーをCPBーを)何A~ 三{ぷ (B-~CPBーを)信A~}告. Multiplying Aーを to

the both sides of this formula, we have

A-r "長路 (B-~CPBーを)信 :5 A-t "~ (βーをCPBーを)知

< B-t"告(BーをCPBーを)信 =Bーを(Bthg弓 CP)均-~ :5 BーをCB-~ 壬 B1-t

(1) is obtained by multiplying Bをtothe above each formula.

We can show (2) by similar methods. Since {ポ (BーをCPBーを)知A~}~ 壬 At, we can use (SF)'

(が)一千 i 宰+出 {A~(BーをCPBーを)討が}討さ{ポ (B-~CPBーを)知A~}H和 平

t出h叫 iおs,A-一T川+付t"恥炉詩搭FAρ~(伊B一寸~CP噌B一き幻)~鰐否弓3Aμを 壬{μA~釘(βr一を勾CP噌B一寸を幻)~知壬弓3Aρを勾}戸普*. Multiplying A-嶋即一一-悶e欄噂

f会i:om七枕出heboth sides 0ぱf由iおsformula and using Lemma, we have

A-r "辞詰 (B-~CPBーを)信三 A-t "苦 (B-~CPBーを)信

く B-t"昔(BーをCPBーを)知 = Bーを(BtbZ53CP)句-~ :5 B-~CPB-~.


Again multiplying Bi to each sides of this formula, we have

BiA-rBi He-t+r (Bt Ql!ニ!CP) ~ CP. p-<十 7・ p-<

Since BiA-rB吉弘封書 (Bt~~当 CP) = BiA-rB~ H長端 {B~A-rBi H長搭 (BtQ%弓 CP)},

we have BiA-r Bi H.l;=比乙 (Bt Ql!ニ主 CP) 壬BiA-rBi H1ニ主土工 CP. As the next step, we sbow p-'十 p-t p-t+ヂ

BをA-rB!H比五本工 CP~C 三 B. Since p......t;"t'r

A-t h B-!CPBーを壬 B-th B-!CPBーを =Bーを(1h CP)Bーを =BーをCB-25B145A1-t,p p

that is, (AをBーをCPB-iAi)ま~ A. Applying (CF) or(SF)', we have

A-r十tH二位L AtBーをCPBーをA告さ 1.p-'十ヂ

This Is equivalent to A -r H..::.!式乙 B-をCPBーを~A -t. 80 the following holds. p-'十 T

A-r い鉱工 BーをcPB一九BーをCPB一勺..E:;:..!:...A-r = B-iCPB-i Ha=.! (BーをC唯一HAtfT) p-写ー十r p-t十 r p P一勧ヤ 1

出 BーをCPB-! Ua=.! (A-r U..::.!ιBーをCPBーを)壬 BーをCPB-i Ha=.! A-t口A-th BーをCPBーをP p-t今 p p

~ B-t h BーをCPBーをごはBーを(1h CP)Bーを =BーをCB-i.P

By multiplying B-i to七heboth sides of these formulas, we obtain BをA-rBiÜに此工 CP~C~B.p-'十 F

We show similar ineqalities剖 applicationsof Theorem A.

Theorem 2. 1f A>> (B-iCPBーを)p:'" the the following (1)αnd (2) hold fo1' t E [0, 1], 1 ~ p~ βαnd l' ~ t.

(1) Bt1HCP三BU-tBth(Btb553CP)主計A-rBi性器 (Bt島知 CP)

(2) Bt U持 CP~ BiA-tBをisCP2BU-rBを格帯 CP三BiA-rBiH炉端 (Bt~信 CP)

Proof. (1) is given as follows:

A-r U炉端 (BーをCPBーを)鰐口 (BーをCPBーを)鰐九与亨 A-r

出 (B-iCPBーを)保同主 {(BーをCPBーを)知 ü~将 A-r}

出 (BーをCPBーを)信 1午 {A-rU示場 (BーをCPBーを)知}

~ (BーをCPBーを)保同!A-t = A-t 匂(BーをCPBーを)信

= A-t U幹部 (BーをCPBーを)何ざ (B-iCPBーを)訴

The firs七inequalityゐllowsfrom Theorem A (2) and the second one is also given by (1) of Theorem

A. The conclusion is obtained by multiplying B i both sides of every formula.

(2) is also obt血 edby similar caliculations to (1).

A-r性器 (BーをCPBーを)鰐 =A-r性器 {A-rH長瀞 (BーをCPBーを)鰐}

ざ A-r 性器 (B-iCPBーを)= (BーをCPBーを)iF培 A-r

= (BーをCPBーをn平 {(B-iCPBーを)九和 A-r}= (B-iCp Bーを)h手{A-T1t指 (BーをCPBーを)}

三 (B-~CPBーを)hpA-t2ZA-t itBーをCPB一九 A-tU持斡 BーをCPBーをさ (BーをCPBーを)持


The first and second inequalities are led by (2) of Theorem A and the final one is led by (1) of

Theorem A. Multiplying Bをtoeachゐrmulafrom boもhsides, we at加inthe conclusion.


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[4] M.Fujii and E.Kamei, Mean theoretic approach to the grand Furuta inequality, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,124(1996),2751-2756.

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[6] T.抗lfuta,A ~ B三oassures (Br AP Br)llq主B(p十21・)Iqfor r主O,p三O,q主1with (1十2r)q三

p十2r,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,101(1987),85-88. iηT.Furuta, Elementary proof of an order preserving inequality, Proc. Japan Acad., 65(1989),126. [8] T.Furuta, E泊 ensionof the Furuta inequality and Ap.do-Hiai log崎 majorization,Linear Alg. and

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[18] F.Kubo and T.Ando,却価nsof positive linear opera七0略 Math.Ann.,246(1980) ,205-224. [19] K.Tanahashi, The bes七possibi1ityofぬegrand Furuta inequality, Proc. Amer. Ma七h.Soc.,

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(*)M出加hiInstitute of Technology, Kamisadori,却前加hijGunma, 371・0816,Japan. 令 mail:kamei@maeb剖 hi-it.ac.jp




ABSTRACT. In this note, we propose a new characterization of the chaotic order log Aどlog B for positive invertible operaもorsA and B on a Hilbert space. It is related to the operator convexity of the function tOt for 1 ::;α::; 2. Precisely, log A ;::: log B if and only if

A-T tt宇EBPどBう orequivalently Ao;::: B-r


hold for 0壬p::; d ::; 2p and rどO.


The positivity of operators acting on a Hilbert space H is defined by (Ax, x)どofor all x E H. The Furuta inequality [4] characterizes the operator order AどBfor positive operators A, Bど0,see [2, 5, 7, 8, 10]. Ando [1] substantially attempted to characterize the chaotic order log A 2:: .log B among positive invertible operators A, B > 0 in terms of Furuta's type operator inequality. Afterwards, it was generalized in [3, 6] as follws: For A, B > 0, log A 2:: log B if and only if

(1) Ar ど (A~BPA~)式r (p,rど0).

or equivalently,

Br ::; (B~ AP B~)詰r (p,rど0),

see also [11]. On the other hand, the α-geometric mean ~Q among positive operators is introduced

by Kubo開 Ando:

( 2)A LB =At(A手BA手)αA~

for A,Bどoandαε[0,1]. Kamei [8] pointed out that the Furuta inequality can be represented by a chain of operator inequalityies via the α-geometric mean: If A 2:: B > 0, then

(3) A -r ~ l+r BP ::; B ::; A ::; B-r い工 APP十r p十T

holds for p 2:: 1 and rど O. Furthermore it suggested that two inequalities on both sides in (3) hold under the assumption log AどlogB; actually 五amei[9] proved th抗 iflogAどlogB for A, B > 0, then the chaotic Furuta inequality

(4) A-r ~主主 BP 三BS, AS 三B-r ~i土!. AP p+r p十T

hold for p 2:: d 2:: 0 and r 2:: O.

1991 Mathemαtics Subjectααssificαtion. 47 A30 and 47 A63. Keyωords and phrases. Chaotic order, operator convexity, Furuta inequality and chaotic Furuta





Now we recall the fact that a nonnegative continuous function f on [0,∞) is operator monotone if and only if tf(t) is operator convex. Especially, the Lowne町r-在.

says七hatta is operato,r convex for αε[1,2]. From the viewpoint of this, we want to propose a characterization ofthe chaotic order which is an operator convex version of(4). Precisely, it is given by the following inequalities parallel to (4). We here denote Qαby the same formula as Uαin (2) for αεR ThenlogAどlogB for A, B > 0 if and only if

A-r Qilr. BPどが,がど B-rQ4工 APP十r PTr

hold for 0 :::; p :::; 0 :::; 2p and rどo.We note that the condition 0 :::; p三::0 :::; 2p and r三oensures先 ε[1,2]which corresponds to the operator convexity of power

functions. Conseque凶 ythe order relation in (4) and (5) is reversible. Moreover, we discuss the monoto凶cityof some operator functions raising from (5). It is equivalent to the monoto附 ityof the operator function F(r)口 A-rU仕工 BPunder the assumption


logA ど10gBfor A, B > o.



The purpose of this section is to give a characterization of the chaotic order related to the operator convexity.

Theorem 1. The following stαtementsαre mutually equaivalent for A, B > 0: (1) logAど10gB.(2) A-r U体 BP:::; Bd holds for p三6どO聞かど O.


(2') Ad :::; B-r U五本1:AP holds for p三位oand rどO.P十ヂ

(3) A-r Qilr. BPどが holdsfor 0三p:::;0:::; 2p and rどO.P十 T

(3') Ad三B-rQ4工 APholds for 0三p三0:::;2p and rどO.P十 T

For convenience, we cite some formulas on the binary operation Qs (SE lR), wich will be used below.

Lemma. The following equations holds for X, Y > 0 and s, t E lR: (1) X Qs Y = Y Ql-s X. (2) X Qst Y = X Qs (X Qt Y). (3) X Qs Y = X(X-1 Q-s y-1)X. (4) X-1 Qs y-l口 (XQs y)-l.

Proof of Theorem 1. Suppose that (1) holds, i.e., logAどlogB, and p, rどO.Then A and B satisfiy (1) in Introductio民 inother words,

BP id干 A-r = A-r U王手FBP 三1.

Hence it follows that for 0 :::; 0 :::; p

A-r U比 BP口 BPu~ A -r = BP u~ (BP U生 A-r)p十r p十r p p~

:::; BP u~ 1 = 1 U! BP口 BS'p p

that is, (2) is obtained.

qo A包


Next we assume (2). For 0:::; p:::; d :::; 2p and rど0,we put η= 2p-d. 8ince 0 :::;η :::;p, we have

A-r U!l.:!::!. BP :::; B7J and so Ar U旦土!.B-P 2:: B-η. F十 r p十 T

Therefore. it implies that

A-r ~~ BP = BP Q~ A-r出 BP(B-P.~~ A1・)BPp十 p+r p+r

口 BP(AT Q~位 B-P)BP 三 BPB-ηBP = Bo, P十T

so that (3) is proved. Finally we show that (3) implies (1). 80 we put d口 2pin (3). Thus we have

B2P:::; A-r ~~虹 BPp十T

BP 七E..A-r = BP(B-P Uι Ar)sP. p~ YT'

Therefote we have

155B-p tEfF AT

and so

1 25BPtdF A-Tヱヱ A-rU詰FBP,

which is equivalent to log A ど10gB.In addition, the equivalence among (1), (2') and (3') is ensured by that among (1), (2)

and (3) because (1) is understood剖 logB-l三logA-l.


In this section, we discuss the monotonicity of the operator function

九(r)= B-r い!.AP (rど0).F十 7・

Theorem 1 says that if log A三10gBand 0:::; pざα:::;2p, then F(O)三F(r)for rどO.Combining with the monotonicity of the function

乃(r)ロ B-r~~ AP (rど0)P十 T

for given 0三d:::; p, we can conjecture the monotonicity of F(r). As a matter of fact, we have the following theorem:

Theorem 2. Let F,α(r)αnd 乃(r)be αs mαbo侃 Thenthe follo仰~g stαtementsαre equivαlent; (1) F;α(r) isαdecreαsing functionザ0三pざα:::;2p. (2)乃(r)is an increasing functionザ0:::;d:::; p.

M oreover, if log Aど10gB,then both (1)αnd (2) hold.

Proof. To prove the first 、half,we put d = 2p-α. It is clear that 0 :::; p :::;α:::; 2p if and only if 0 :::; d :::; p, and we have

Fα(r)口 B-r~ AP = AP Q l!.二忽 B-r= AP(A-P U口 B1・)AP+r .p+r p十7・

= AP(AP U口 B-r)-lAP口 AP(B-rU~仕工 AP)-lAPP十7・ P十T

= AP Fo(r)-l AP.



To show the second ha1f, we take s for a fixed rどosuch that 0ざ r:::; s :::; 2r・.Then it follows from (3) in Theorem 1 that A-P し土E. Br 三BS,and so AP Q主土E. B-r < B-s.

T十p ~トp

Therefore we have

Fα(r) = B-r Q$ AP口 APQE.ニ生 B-r口 APQ口 (AP ~E.主主 B-r).p十r p十r p+s p+r

Noting that一日記<0, we remark the reverse order preser巾 gproperty∞陥;if

YどZ> 0 and X > 0, then X Q_β Y:::;X Q_β Z for 0三s:::;1. Actually (3) in Lemma implies that

X Q_βY口X(X-1Q-β y-l)X :::;口X(X-1Q-s Z-l)XX Q-s Z.

Hence we have

Fα(r) AP QE.二三 (AP Q昨 B-r).どAPQE.与思 B-S= F.α(s ). P十 p十 r p十 S

Incidentally we give a similar proof of (2) to the proof of (1) in above. By (2)也

Theorem 1, we have A-P #!.土E.BS <βr, or AP #!.土E.B-s 2: B-r for 0 :::; r < s. It implies s十p 十p


乃(s)= AP #E:;:2. B-s = AP #~ (AP #E.土!.B-S)三AP#~ B-rニ B-r#Aヰ!.AP =乃(r).p+s p十r p十 p十r p+r

Finally we discuss the monotonicity of the operator function

Gη(p)口 B-r同工 AP.p-rr

for fi.xed r三oand η三O.

Theorem 3. Let GTJ(p) be αsmαbove forαfixed r三0,αndsuppose 10g A三10gBfor A, B > o. Then for each d三0,Gd(p) isαdecreαsing function of p三d,αndfor eαch α> 0, Gα(p) isαn mcreαsing function of p E [%'αト

Proof. For a given d 2: 0 and c > 0, we have

Gd(p十c)= B-r L~土L AP十C B-r #正式ι(B-r いι AP十C)三B-r UA土1:AP = Gd(p) p十c今r p+r p+c十r p+,・

by (2') in Theorem 1. Next it follows from (3') in Theorem 1 that for 0 < c三α-p

Gα(p) B-r Q.!!土工 AP= B-rいι (B-r Q~な AP)三=β-rいι AP+C= Gα(p十 c).p十7・ p+cイトr p+r p+c+r

Incidentally we note that the cases # in Theorems 2 and 3 have been discussed, e.g. 33.3.2 in [7], whose proofs are di在erentfrom ours.


[1] T .ANDO, On some叩emtor如 何 凶lities,Math. Ann., 279(1987), 157-159. [2] M.FuJII, Furuta 's ineq也αlityαndits mean theoreticαpproach, J. Operaもortheory, 23(1990), 67-72. [司 M.FUJII,T .FURUTA組 dE.KAM日, Furutα's inequalityαnd application to Ando 's theorem, Linear

Alg. and Appl., 179(1993), 161-169. 凶 T.FuRUTA,A三BどOαssures(Br AP Br)l/q三B(p十2r)/qfor rどO,p三O,q三1with (1十 2r)q三

p十 2r,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 101(1987), 85-88.



[5] T .FURUTA An elementαry proofof an order preserving inequality, Proc. Japan Acad., 65(1989), 126.

[6] T.FuRUTA Applications of order preserving operator inequalities, Operator Theory: Adv. Appl., Birk-hauser Verlag, B回 e1,59(1992), 180-198.

[7] T . FURUTA Invitation to Lineαr Operators, Tay10r and Francis, London and New York, 2001. 1明 E.KAMEI, A satellite to P,包問旬、 inequality,Math. Japon., 33(1988), 883開 886.開 E.KAMEI,Chαotic order andFuruta如equality,Sci. Math. J叩 on.,53(2001), 221-225. [1町K.TANAHASHI, Best possibility of the P,也rutαinequality,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 124(1996), 141開 146.[11] M.UCHIYAMA, Some exponential operator inequalities, Math. Inequal. Appl., 2(1999), 469-471.


8回 mailaddress: mfujii@@cc.osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp

… 46-







Iを有限閉区間とし,{仇}を, 1上の複素数値 (resp・?実数値)連続関数の全体C(I)(resp.,

CR(1))からC(I)(resp.ρ'R(I))の中へのpcsitivelinear mapの列とする.このとき, {仇("j)}

(j=O, 1, 2)が,,3に一様に収束すれば?任意のjE C(1) に対して,{仇(f)} は j~こ一様に収束することが導かれる.ただし?

代x)= 1,内x)= x,代x)= x2 (xε1)






MをC(X)のsubspaceとする.任意のjEMに対して3 点z巴 Xにおけるfの際数値を




定理 2.1

XとYをcompac七Hausdorffspace, MをC(X)(resp・,CR(X))のsubspace,SをMに含ま


linear contractionとし(η1,2,…),ゆ∞をMからC(Y)(resp・,CR(Y))の中へのlinear

isometryとする.さらに, I1N C I1Tとする.このとき?任意のjESに対して, {仇(f)}が


ゆ∞(f)に点毎に収束すれば,任意のfEMに対して, {仇(f)}がゆ∞(f)に点毎に収束するこ


N = Span(U Nrふ仇(M)= Nn (n = 1, 2, ...,∞), T =ゆ∞(8)


定理 2.2

XとYをcompactHausdorff space, MをC(X)(resp・,CR(X))のsubspace,8を M~こ合ま

れるX上のfunctionspaceとする.また?仇をMから C(Y)(resp・,CR(Y))の中へのunital

linear con七ractionとし(n= 1, 2,…),ゆ∞をMから C(Y)(resp・,CR(Y))の中へのlinear

isomeむyとする. さらに, IIN C IITとする. このとき,任意のfE 8に対して, {仇(f)}

がゆ∞(f)に一様に収束すれば?任意のfE Mに対して, IINの任意のcompactsubset上で


特に, IINがcompactならば?任意のfEMに対して,{仇(f)}がゆ∞(f)に一様に収束する


ここに,N,Mn(n= 1,2,…?∞),Tは定理2.1で述べたものである.

定理2.1,定理2.2の証明の本質は, function space, function algebraのChoquetboundary

に濡する点の特徴付け([1], [4],など)と, isometryの構造定理に注目することにある.

補題 2.3

(1) MをX上のfuncもionspaceとし,x'E Xとする.このとき?ピ εIIMであるための必

要十分条件は, CY, s (s >α> 0) と?どの任意の間近傍U~こ対して, f E Mが存在して?任

意のxEXに対してf(x)の実数部分が正でなく,任意のxE UCに対してf(x)の実数部分が

-sより小さく ,f(x')の実数部分が-αより大きいことである.

(2) MをX上のfunctionalgebraとし,x'E Xとする.このとき,x' E IIMであるための

必要十分条件は?α,s (s >α> 0) と?どの任意の関近傍U~こ対して, f εMが存在して?任意のxEXに対してJf(x)J::::; 1, x 巴UCに対してlf(x)J< CY, Jf(x')J > sであることである.

定理 2.4(isornetryの構造定理)

MをX上のfunctionspaceとし?ゆをMから C(Y)(resp., CR(Y))の中へのlinearisometry


L:Mの上へのcontinuousmapη が一意に存権して,任意のf巴MとYE rN~こ対して,



|ゆ(l)(y)J= 1 (resp・?ゆ(l)(y)=土1)

であり ?η(IIN)はIIMと一致する.



さらに、定理2.1,定理2.2と本質的に関じ方法によって, 8がfunctionalgebraのときに次


定理 2.5

XとYをcompactHausdorff space, MをC(X)のsubspace,8を M~こ含まれる X上の func­

tion algebraとする.仇をMからC(Y)の中へのunitallinearcon七ractionとし(η=1,'2,…),

ゆ∞をMから C(Y)の中へのlinearisome位yとする.さらに, I1N C I1Tとする.このとき、

Sにおけるopratornorm 11争n 一争∞118が0に収束するならば,Mにおけるopr叫ornorm





系 3.1


CR(X))から C(Y)(resp・,CR(Y))の中へのunitallinearco叫 raction(n = 1, 2,…),ゆ∞を

C(X) (resp・,CR(X))から C(Y)(resp・,CR(Y))の中へのlinearisome七ryとする.任意の

y'εYに対して,g(ダ)の実数部分がOに等しく ,y'と異なる任意のUεY~こ対して g(y) の実


して、{仇(f)}がゆ∞(f)に点毎に収束するならば?任意のfE C(X) (resp・,CR(X))対して?

{仇(f)}がゆ∞(f)に点毎に収束することが導かれる.また,任意のfεSに対して, {仇(f)}

がゆ∞(f)に一様に奴東するならば,任意のfE C(X) (resp・,CR(X))対して, {仇(f)}が



系 3.2(Cf. Volkov[5])


から鰐じものの中へのum七allinearcon七raction(η コ 1,え…),ゆ∞をC(O)(resp・,CR(O))か


[,k ~こ,{←ゆ仇nべ佑(佳主去かLdゆ:C(D町)(令re郎sp.,CR(D))対して, {仇(f)}はゆ∞(f)に点毎に収束する.

系 3.3(Cf. Morozov[2])



のunitallinearcon七ractionとし(η 口 1,2,…) ,ゆ∞をC(RPh-rr(resp・,CR(RP)加)から需じも

のの中へのlinearisome七ryとする.このとき, {仇([,O)}が[,0に,{仇(COSk)}がや∞(COSk)= COSk


に, {仇(sink)}がゆ∞(sink)= Sinkにそれぞ、れ点毎に収束するならば?任意のfE C(RPh7r

(resp., CR(RP)加に対して,{仇(J)}はゆ∞(J)に点毎に収束する.





系 3.4


から同じものの中へのlinearisometryとする.このとき,A(T)におけるoper凶ornorm 11仇ーー

ゆ∞IIA(T)が0に収束するならば(このときゅ∞はalgebraisomorophismであり), C(T)におけ

るoper叫ornorm 11仇ーゆ∞IIC(T)は0に収束する.


[l]A.Browder, Intoroduc七ionもofunction algebr出, W.A.BeIijamin, Inc., New York -Anト

sterdam, 1969. [2]E.N.Morozov, Convergence of a sequence of positive linear opera七orsin七hespace of

continuous 21叩 eriodicfunctions of七wovariables(in Russian), Kalinin. Gos. ped. Ins七.

Ucen. Zap. 26(1958),129四 142.

[3]W.P.NoVIr伊 r,Linear isometries of subspaces of spaces of continuous functions, Studia Math. 53(1975), 273-276.

[4]O.Takeno吋lI, A.Sakai, K.Kishi and T.Jimbo, Function algebras(in Japanese), Math.

Sci. Ser. 8, Tokyo, 1977. [5]V.I.Volkov, Cond誌ionsfor convergence of a sequence of positive linear operators in

もhespace of continuous functions of two variables(in Russian), Kalinin. Gos. Ped. Inst.

Ucen. Zap. 26(1958), 27-40.


On the Hyers-Ulam stability constant of a first order

linear differential operator

Sin-Ei Takahasi Department of Basic Technology, Yamagata University

Takeshi Miura

Department of Basic Technology, Yamagata University

加 d

Shizuo Miy弔imaDepartment of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo

Abstract. Given a complex Banach space X, we gave a necessary and su百icientcondition in order that a first order linear differential operator T" from C1(R, X)

to C(R, X) has the Hyers-Ulam stability in 111. In this talk, we give a complete description of the Hyers-Ulam stability constant of T" in terms of an integral of h. The resulting constant is Banach space free.

Main theorem

Let X be a complex Banach space, h : R → C a continuous function and

Th: C1(R, X)→ C(R, X) a first order linear differential operator defined by

(Thu)(t) = u'(t) + h(t)u(t) ('Vu E C1(R, X), 'Vt巴R).

We say that九hasthe Hyers-Ulam stability if

3K注o: For everyε 注 0,v巴C(R,X) aI山巴C1(R,X) satisfying 11 Thu -V 11∞~ e,

3 Uo E C1(R, X) such伽 tThuO = V and 11 u -叫 dε

We call such K a HUS constant for Th • If, in addition, minimum of all such K 's exists, then

we call it the HUS constant for Th・ Define

五(t)口町rh(s)ds (t巴R), C戸 sup六 L寸 l∞|五(s)Ids Jo tER I h(t) IJr '

D!J = supγよ寸rI h(s) Ids , E,; 刊 lpIτLlrMLOldse ; E}l I h(t) Iよ∞ 1'.'-'1--'-/1 ~Ë~ I h(t)んl'.,-/ 1

Then we have the following

Theorem. (1) Th has the Hyers-Ulam stability if and only if one of C!J, D!J and Eh is finite.

(2) (i) If C!J isfinite, then Ch is the HUS constant for T!J'

(ii) If D!J isfinite, then Dh is the HUS const,αntforTh.

(iii) If E!J isβnite, then E!J is the HUS constant for九.



Remark 1. Note that only one of Ch, Dh and Eh could be finite. Of course, all of Ch, D h

and EIz could be infinite, in such case,. Th doesn't have the Hyers-Ulam stability.

Outline of Proof. (1), (2)ベi)and (2)ー(ii)are already obtained results in [1]. (2)-(iii) can be shown by the following two lemmas:

Lemma 1. Let T be a bounded linear operator of a Banach space X into another Banach

space Y and X1 the closed unit ball of X. Let CPT: Y → R+ be a function defined by

ψT(Y)コ叫 {llz-yll: z巴 T(X1)}

for every y E Y. Then 伊rCy)takes the minimum at y = O.

Lemma 2. Let K TIt be the infimum of all HUS constans for it if九 hasthe Hyers“Ulam

stability and K乃=∞ otherwise.Then

KんTれ',.-叫 s叫u叩p s附u叩附削I中帆肘p判叫11τよ剖L叶Ix十叶+fιkルh五氏恥削(sωS吟川)It xε日X wE目C(R.X幻): Iいw吋t"レ∞",slt出尽日R 11 h(tの)¥ ん l


Remark2. 1階線形微分作用衰の Hyers-UlamStabilityに関する詳細は文献 [1]を参照



Proof of Lemma 1.

Let f be an arbitrary unit element of the dual space y* of Y. Set p = sup 1 f(Tx) 1. xEX, I

We 伽 wi託伽伽h恥1叩O凶凶los回sof g許en附 ali句守引t制t

Cp ♀ f六(T(伏X丸却1))ι とξ~. h如刷nf:向ac山 tλ ε Cp • S蜘i泊ncωe1μ川λ刈I<p,パw附N'e仰 1t泊ak恥E佑ean eleme 舵 x拘0巴X丸i

s叩uch削制 iλ川iく<If六(T口向川x有ωo)l<p.Mor犯eove刊 ecan take suit枇 realnumb問 r and e such that 0 s r < 1 and λ= re8 f(T xo). It follow's thatλE f(T(X1)) and then Cp c f(T(X1)).

Also, f(T(X1)) C Cp is trivial. This observation implies that汚官1))口 {zEC:lzlsp}.

Now let yE Y. Then

約 (y)注 sup{I f(Tx) -f(y) I : x E X1}注 P22Piifmlz ilf(f)il

Since f is的 i四 y,it follows that CPT(Y)詮 11T* 11 = 11 T 11 =糾(0)制問ed

Proof of Lemma 2. Let K 0 be the right hand of the equality in Lemma 2 and set

Ko(x)コ sup sup 11 ;~J x + f h(巾 (s)ds1 WEC(R.X)~IWI ", s 1 tER 11 h(t)¥ ん l

for each x E X. Suppose that both K TIt and K 0 are finite. Assume that K TIt < K 0・Then

we can find p E R such that K TItく p< Ko and then p is a HUS constant for TIz・ Let

wE C(R, X) be 悶 h制 " w t", s 1. Since p is a 珂HUS悶 s祖伽凶凶tf,向or九, i社tfollows 出伽a剖t

伽 e仰 t臼su向0巴C1町(R,X) s剖叩u悦1ω帥C

t x拘0εXs叩uch主l由a剖


and hence

ρ 注 11 Uo 1100 = 叫 11 τ;JXo+ rιkんね五kん削(sωS吟川)t巴R11 h削(οtの)¥ん l

Since W is arbitrary, we have p注 Ko(xo) and hence p注 Ko,which contradicts p < Ko・

Next assume that KT> Ko・Thenwe can find x1 E X with KT> KO(XI) > Ko・Since

KT> KO(x1), 伽 em凶 be U1 E C1(R, X) and v門刊1ε C(R, X) sucl山cl

and 11 U1 -U 1100 > KO(x1) whenever U E C1(R, X) with TIz山 V1.Set W1 = T,戸1-V1 and

then 11 w111∞話 1.Since T,;内 =w1 + V1, we can find X2巴X Sl帥 出at


UI(t) 一~.,I X2 + r h(s)νI(吟ds+ r h(s)wl(s)ds 1 (t E R) h(t) ¥ ん ん !

uit) = :-~, r x2 -x,十 fh(s)v1(s)ds 1 (t巴R)<''' h(t) ¥ <.ん." I

Then U2 E C1(R, X) and T};仇jん 2引幻Vυノ

and hence

u叫叫iパο(οωtの)ト一寸u叫itοt)= つL叫Ix,汁十 fh五kん(s巾 iμ(s)凶dゐ's1 (t巴R)) a ゐ h(t)¥ .ん轟!

11い 211∞=叫 11斗 X1+ C h(s)w1(州 Is KO(x1) IER 11 h(t) ¥ん j

because w1 E C(R, X) and 11 W1 11∞s 1 . This is a con凶 iction.These observ低ionsi岬 lies

that K Th = K 0 whenever both K Th and K 0 are finite. We next show that K Thロ∞ ifand

only if Ko=∞. Suppose that Ko is finIte. Then there exists an element x1巴Xwith

Ko(xl) <∞百伽eexist U1 E C1(R, X) and v1巴C(R,X) s叫註lat11 TIzU1 -V1 11∞sl

and 11 u1 -U 11", > KO(x1) whenever U E CtcR, X) with Tlzu = 1ν列九V1, t七いiい1, t伽i

contradiction by the latter half of the above proof. Therefore KO(Xl) is a HUS constant for

TIz and so K Th is also finite. Next suppose that K Th is finite. Choose a positive number p such that K T

hく p.Then p is a HUS constant for TIz and hence there exists an element

Xo E X with Ko(xo) s p by the first half of the above proof. Therefore we have that Ko

is finite. Q.巴.D.

Given a nonzero continuous function cp: R → C, let us consider a mapping

s中:C(R, X)→ C(R, X) and its norm (admitting ∞) defined by


(Srpf)(t)ローLltψ(s)f(s)ds ('V f E C(R, X), 'Vt巴R)ψ(t)}。

11 Srp 11 = "_ ~,_ s.~p. "' .11 Sif) 11 fE C(R, X): ~fl国語 1 11

Then S中 isa Iinear operator of C(R, X) into itself. We show the part (2)ω (iii) of Theorem applying the above conception.

Proof of Theorem (2)-(iii).

We first show that 11 S五11= Eh' In f;帆 IIS五11S Eh is trivial. To show the converse,蜘a

1 h(t) 1

削 ve伽 Xoin X and set fo(t) =元t~(teR)TMllAiiflandlsdA)ii∞=Eh


This impli削 hatIls五11;::: E". Now by Lemma 2, we have

KT,. = .in:( sup 11 S'i(w)ーよ.xll“" "''' w E C(R. X) : ~ w I由 ,, 111 n ∞

Suppose that E" is finite. Set

p(x, w; h)ロ叫 11,. ~ J x + r h(伽(ゅのiIER 11 h(t)¥ ん l

for each x E X and w E C(R, X). Then by Lemma 2, we have K T" S E". In fact, take a

1 h(t) 1

unit vector Xo in X and s尻町(t) ヱムァ~xo (t巴R).Then KT" S p(O, wo; h) = E" as h(t)

叩 ired.Therefore we s叫 atKT" is fi附 Wer削 seethat 111 /引|∞く∞ Inf,叫 if

~ 1 /五 1100=∞, then i!].t: I h(小=0 a仙 owe arrive at a contradiction because IER 1

f I h(s) Ids I S E" I h(t) I吋)

holds. Now note that S五 isa bounded Iinear operator of the Banach space Cb(R, X) into

itself, where Cb(R, X) = {f E C(R, X) : 11 f 11聞く∞}.Then by Lemmas 1 and 2, we have

K「 jgt supllsdw)-jxll 注 sup 11 SIi(w) 1100 = 11 SIi 11 = E" A"''' wECb(R,X):lwl国 語 111 n ∞ WECh(R, X):~w~聞 S 1


and hence K T" ;::: E" , so that K T"ロ Eh・Consequently,E" is the HUS constant for T". Q.E.D.


[1] T. Miura, S. Miyajima and S.-E. Takahasi, A characterization ofHyers-Ulam stability of first order linear diffrential operators, submitted.


Multiplier of weighted Dirichlet spaces

Rila.o Yonecla (Aichi University of Eclucation)

Let D = {z E C : Izl < 1} denote the open unit disk in the complex plane C and let

dDロ {zE C : I zl = 1} denote the unit circle. For 1壬p<十∞"the Lebesgue space LP (D, dA)

is defi.ned to be the Banach space of Lebesgue measurable functions on the open' unit disk D


11 f IIv'(dA戸(かい)1刷 Z))t<仇

where dA(z) is the normalized町 'eame出 ureon D. The Bergman Sp蹴 e.ug, (D) is defined to be

the subspace of LP(D, dA) consisting of analytic functions. For 0 < p < +∞, the Hardy space

HP is defined to be the Banach space of analytic functions f on D with

11 f IIp:= C~~~l訂日For Z,W εD,let β(ゅ):寸10出掛, where<pzCω)=鵠 For0 < r <十∞ and

z E D, let D(z)口 D(z,r)ロ {ωED: s(Z,ω) < r} denote the Bergman disk. 1 D (z, r) 1 denotes

the noロnalizedarea of D(z, r) and ID(υ)1 is comparable to (1-lzI2)2.

The space of analytic functions on D of bounded mean oscillation , denoted by BMOA, consists of functions f泊 H2for which

11 f IIBMOA:出 If(O円~bk 1f'(z)12 (1-怖い)1


Let α> O.岱lespace of analytic functions on D of bounded mean oscillation , denoted byBMOA'α, consists of functions f in ~ for which

11 f IIBMoA日:=If(O)1 + sup(l-1α[2)2α-2 L Ifυ)12(1-1<pα(z}12)dA(z) < +∞.


Note that BMOAl is the space BMOA.

Let α> O. Then α-Bloch space Bαis defined to be the space of analytic functions f on D such that

11 f IIBo:= If(O)1十sup(l-Iz12)α If'(z)1 <十∞・zED

And the little酢Blochspace, denoted Btf, is the closed subsp配 eofBαconsisting of functions

f with (1 -Iz12)ザ(z)→o(Izl -+ 1-). Note that B1, BJ are the Bloch sp悶 B,the little Bloch space Bo, respectively.


Let α主O.Then the weighted Dirichlet space Dαis defined to be the space of analytic

functions f on D such that

11 fllD世間 If(O)1十 '-(1 -Izl2y~ If勺)12dA(z) <十∞・


Let X and Y be Banach spaces. Then a function f on D is a multiplier of X into Y if f 9 E Y for all 9 in X. In the ca舘, we write fX C Y.

For 9 analytic on D, the operatorsら,Jg町 ede:fined on the weighted Bloch space by the


ら(h)(z):= foZ 9酬

H g(z) = z, then Jg is the integration operat侃均(z)= log占,then Jg is the Cesaro operat侃

h 伊], Ch. Pommerenke showed that Jp is bounded operator on豆町dyspace H2証and

only if 9 is in BMOA , and this result w加 extendedto the other Hardy space HP 1 :::; p < +∞ in [1]. In [2], A.Aleman and A.G.Sis凶出 studiedthe ope凶 orJg de:fined on the weighted

Bergman space. In [10], A.G.Siskakis and R.Zhao studied the boundedness and compactness of JgonBMOA:

Theorem A. The叩eratorJg is baunded an BMOA ifαnd anly if

思(噌fム1)川αnd Jg is campact an BMOAifand anly if

{ (log市?r 1_'f_¥l2f1 1_.12¥.1 Af_¥¥ i一一一一 I. . Ig'(z)12(1-IzI2)dA(z) I = 0, IIj:::o ¥ 111 }S(I) 101 '-/l'~ 1-1 j-'.'-j J

where 8(1) = {z: 1-111 :::; Izl < 1,彦fE 1} f俳 αnarc 1 in oD.

In [12], we proved the following :

Theorem B. For 9 αnalytic an D, the中 eratorJg is baunded an Bげαndanly if

up(l -Iz12) log :;-土J?lg'(z)1< +∞, zeD i-lz|“

α.nd the aperatorゐiscampαd仰 Bif and anly if

註m(1-lz|2)log-i寸 Ig'(z)1口 O.Izl吋 1-i-izim

Theorem C. Let α> 1. Then the operator Jg is baunded an Bαif and anly if

sup(l-IzI2)lg'(z)1 < +∞, zED


i.e 9 E B,

αnd the叩eratarJg何 compαcton BCi ifαndωuy if

liII?-(1-lzI2)lg'(z)1 = 0 ,i.e 9 E Bo ・Izl→1-

In [16], the following result were introduced :

Theorem D. The foll<YWing are equivαlent:


gBo c Bo;


(iii) μH∞, sup(1-142)log-lτIg'(z)I < +∞ ZGD i-|zf

And farα> 1, the f oll<YWing are equivαlent: 。)gBαc Bα;

(ii) gBa c Ba ;

(iii) 9 E H∞.

Let ωbe a continuous non-increasi珂 functionon [0, 1] withω(Izl)→∞( Izl→ 1一),

(1-Izl2)βω(Izl)→o ( IzI→1一)forany β> O. Then we define the following spaces :

Bαμ:口 {fεH(D) : sup(l -Iz12)αω(Izl) Ifυ)1 <十∞}ZED

BMOA札口 {f E H(D): sup j112Ci一切一 l11)2L__ If'(z)12 (1-lzI2)dA(z) <十∞}-IClbiIls{I)

Dω:={ fεHゆ):ん(1-Izl2tw(lz叫ん)12州 <+∞}

Note that B C Bα,ω CBぺBMOAcBMOAα,ω CBMOAペDCDα,ω CDα.Then we

proved the following:

ω'(r) Thorem 1. Letα> 1. Suppose (1 -r)一一 <C<α-1 f ar some constant C > O.

ω(r) -.-: Far 9 analytic on D, then Jg is b側 ndedon B叩 ifand only if

9 E B.

ω'(r) Thorem 2. Let α> 1. Suppose (1-r)一一 <C<α-1 f ar some constαnt C> O. ω(r) -'

Far 9 αnalytic on D, then Jg is bounded on BMOAα,ηfαnd only if

g εBMOA.


ω'(r) Thorem 3. Let α> 1. Suppose (1 -r)一一 <C<α-1f併 sorne∞nstαntC> O.

ω(γ) --= For 9 anαlytic on D, then Jg is bounded on Dα,ωifαnd only if


Corollary 1. Let α> 1. For 9 αnalytic on D, the foll(YlJ)ingαre equivαlent:

(i) g8α,ωcBα,ω;

(ii) ら:B.α,ω→Bα,ωisbounded operator

(iii) 9 E H∞.

Corollary 2. Let α> 1. For 9 anαlytic on D, the foll(YlJ)ingαre equivαlent:

(i) gBMOAa,ωCBMOAα,ω;

(ii) Ig: BMOAα,ω→ BMOAα,w is bounded operator

(iii) 9 E H∞.

Corollary 3. Let α> 1. For 9 αnαlytic on D, the foll(YlJ)ingαre equivalent:

(i) gDα,wCD,α,w

(めら :Dω →Dα,ωisb抑制οperator

(iii) 9 εH∞.


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Generalized Riesz Projections

Takahiko Nakazi (Hokkaido University) Takanori Yamamoto (Hokkai-Gakuen University)

Abstract HuntωMuckenhoupt-Wheeden proved that if 1 < p <∞and ωsatisfies the Muckenhoupt (Ap) condition, then the武ieszprojection P is bounded on LP(w). Then the ad-joint operator P* satisfies P* f = w-1 P(ωI),f εLP(ω). For a measurable function v satisfying Ivl-Pω E L1, the generalized Riesz projection pv is defined by Pγ=v・'lP(vl), f is in the dense subspace of LP(ω). P暫 iおsa bounded 0叩pe官ra抗toぽro∞nLP(ω叫)i百fa加nd0佃nl防yif Ivl-叩一一叫巴暗.

adjoint operator (PV)* is described. Then the condition of v and ωsuch th叫 (PV)*=P百 isestablished.

1. Riesz projectionの有界性と共役作用素

T = {Izl = 1}, dm(eω)=祭.三角多項式の全体を Cで表す。C口 span{eid;一∞ <n<∞}.P = span{einO; 0三n< O}, Q = span{e加。;n< O}

と定める。:.C = P ED Q. Riesz projection P : C →?は


と定義される。ム p2=p.ただし, αk= f(k)は fECの b番目の Fourier係数を表す。P は Cauchyの主値積分:

r f(ァL,l~ (-/-c '1""¥ ir ".,iO¥ _ r針 。ーゆ tφdゆ(81)(t) =で LJ ¥' ~ d'T (t E T), /(♂) = r cot V -: 'r f(ei<t) ~: JT 'T - t / , ~, Jo 2 ~, /2

により,つぎのように表すことができる (cf.[1, p.38], [6, p.58])。


f+8f f十 if+ f(O) Pf口 -y-zn ,(feC)

HP = {f E LP ; f(k)口 0,(n < O)},

HO = {f E V ; f(k) = 0, (nさO)}

と定義する。 l::;p<∞のとき,HPは?の p ノノレム閉包と一致し, HOは Qの U ノノレム

閉包と一致する。 p=2のとき,

h@oα.em') (台k

eikθ)dmづ(企.e'kD)(t. b,e

m' )仇


P*=P, P L2→H2, selfadjoint projection.

Pを L2上へ有界に拡張した作用素を向じ文字 Pで表す。

(Riesz, 1924) 1 < p <∞のとき,P:V→HP, bounded projection.

一一 /lPf/lp /_-

f成作。 Ilfllp、…

(Newman, Rudin, 1961) p = 1,∞のとき, bounded projection : V →HPは存在し


-n|iPfii1一一 一~ /lPf11∞一一一一一一一一一一

f仏品。/lfll1 ~-, f弘んo /lf/l∞ …

(cf. [13, p.115]) 一Qの U ノノレム閉包を Htで表す。関グラフの定理より,

(1) l<p<∞のとき,V 口 HPED HO.

(2) p = 1,∞のとき,L1チH16HJ, L∞チH∞EDH(f.

ただし,V 口 HP十万Z且 HPnHO 0であるとき V=HPEDHOと表す。

U 上の boundedoperatorsの全体を B(V)で表す。

l<p<∞のとき,上と伺じ計算により ,P*=P. ・IIPIIB(LP)= IIP*IIB(Lq)口 /lP/lB(μ)・

(Verbitsky-Krupnik) 1 < p <∞ について

/lP -QIIB(μ)口 /lP-QIIB(川 口 cotπ

2max(p,q) .

ただし,Q口I-R i÷j口1.(cf. [1, p.220, p.246])


1 IIPIIB(伊Lμqη)= IIP/I凶B(伊LP)=

円A. q)) sin(π/p)"


f E V(ω)件 11川口(んIflPω刊1/P<∞

C,'P, Qの V(ω)ノノレム関告は V(ω),HP(ω),HO(ω).Riesz projection Pは V(ω)上の denselydefined operatorである。

(Helso叩n-品 .

(cf. [5, p.147], [12, p必 0], [13, p.99])


l<p<∞のとき, ωeU,ω>0が次の条件を満たすとき ωε (Ap) と書く。

目(いsup( ~ f wdm) ( -k fω-w-1)dm-1<∞ 1/1 " I~T ¥m(l)ん)¥ m(l)ん/

(cf. [13, p.107])もし ωε (Ap)ならば ω-lj(p-l)E L1.

2::;p<∞のとき, ω,w-1ε(Ap)件 ω巴(A2)

(Hunt叫 uckenhouptωWheeden,1973) P E B(V(ω))仲 ωE(Ap)

(cf. [1, p.39], [5, p.255], [12, p.209, p.450], [13, p.119])


P:V(ω)→HP(ω), bomided projection, V(ω)口 HP(ω)EB HO(ω).

ωεL1, ω>0に対して,KP(ω)とKO(ω)をつぎのように定める。

KP( ω ) = {f E V( ω ) ; f e 竹 ( ♂ ) ω (eiO)dm( 作 0, (伊n以一<0的)

勾(仰ω)ド口(ヤfEげU町(似例ω刈); 1027rπ


;わ十j←口 1のとき,HP(例ω叫)よ=碕戸向), HO(ω)よ口玄有司 ranP*= Kq(ω)・

もし hが outer関数であり, ωコロ IhlPならば,

hP-1 hP __~, . hP-1 ..._ hP KP(ω)口二JHP=-HP(ω),KO(ω)口二J時=戸(ω),


h ___ hP ___, , h __n hP

Kq(ω)z ;JHq=lJHq(ω), Kg(ω)口 lJH221JHt(ω)・

もし ω口1ならば,KP(ω)口HP,KO(ω) =HO'このとき,

PWg=ω-lp(ωg), (g E Lq(ω))

と定めると,全ての fεV(ω)について,

レ巧ωdm= h.fP両 dm=k(町)両仇=k(Pf)gwdm 一一,

P*=P甜 ¥ranP*= P* Lq(ω)口 PωLq(ω)口 Kq(ω).

P* =Pω: Lq(ω)→Kq(w), bounded projection,

Lq(ω)口 Kq(ω)EB Kg(ω), IlpwIIB(Lq(ω)) = IIPIIB(L巾))・ P*口 P 特 ωは定数.


2. Generalized Riesz projectionの有界性

Riesz projection P E B(LP(ω))の共役作用素を求めると pω であることがわかったが,

pω と似た作用素として次のような phを考える。 logωELlのとき, outer関数 hが存在し

て ω=IhIP. f εLP(ω)吟 hfE LP吟 P(hf)E HP.このとき ,phf口 h-1P(hf)と定める。

(ph)2口 phon LP(ω). (Ap)条件は必要なく,


P戸h:L町2代(μ例ω叫)→ H2(似例ω吋), selfadjoint projection, L2(ω)口 H2(ω)ED湾同.


h(2-p)/2 (ph)ホ =pw/h : Lq(ω)→F巧 )/2Hq(ω),bounded projection

h(2…p)/2 一一一一Lq(ω)ロ京五)/2Hq(ω)ED Kg(ω), ker(ph)* =耳石).


l<p<∞,pチ2,j÷j口 1,叩2-qE L1のとき,(ph)*口 ph特 hとωは定数。

P加や ph等を統一的に取り扱うために, Ivl > 0について

Generalized Riesz projection pv: v-1C→v-1C は

pγ 口 v-1P(vf), (f E v-1C).

と定義される。補題 1(1)より ,pvは LP(ω)上の denselydefined operatorである。

もし U 口 1ならば,pv な Pである。 vfE Cより ,P(vf)εP.故に

(pv)2(f) = PV(v-1P(vf))口 V-1p2(vf)= v-1P(vf)口 (PV)(f).

市遍司 1三p<∞ ωELI,ω>o. Ivl-Pw E L1 • このとき,(1) v-1Cは LP(ω)で禰密である。

(2) もし logwE LI, k は outer関数であり, Ivl口 Iklならば,k-1pはHP(ω)で穂密である。

|定理 11ωeLI,ω> o.このとき,

(1) もしい1-1ωε L1ならば,pv ダB(L1(ω)).

(2) もし l<p<∞, Ivl-Pωε L1ならば,

pV E B(V(ω)) 仲 PE B(V(lvl-Pω)) 件 Ivl-Pωε (Ap).

このとき,IlpvIIB(LP(ω))口 IIPIIB(L巾

定理 1より, 1 < p < ∞,叫log切を L1に対して,LP(ω)から HP(ω)への bounded

projectionが存在する。もし hが outer関数であり ω口 IhlPならば,IIPhIIB(か (ω))<∞・


|定理21 1 <p < ∞・肌 logω 巴 L1 • k'まouter関数とする。このとき,

(1) もしい1= Ikl, Ivl-Pw E L1ならば,

…(州)仲山(内))仲附ロ HP(吋耳石),

吏に, ran pv口kerQ暫口 3HP(ω), ker pv = ran QV = ~耳向. ただし,QV = 1 _ pv.

(2) もし初出 Ik12,ω(2-p}/2E L1ならば,

pk E B(V(ω))件 ω(2-p}/2ε(Ap)仲間ω)= HP(ω)φ耳石).

3. Generalized Riesz projectionの共役作用素

!定理31 1 <p <∞.ωεL1,ω> 0, pv E B(V(ω)).このとき,

IW ¥ (Pつ*(g) 口 ~p\百g) , (g E Lq(ω))・

|定瑠41 l<p<∞j+j口1.ω,logωι L1 このとき,

(1) もし F 巴B(V(ω)),Ivl-qωE Llならば,

(P智)*口pV 件 ω口clvl2, ただし Cは定数

(2) もし kが outer関数であり Ikl2口 ω,pkεB(V(ω))ならば,(Pk)*口 pk.

p=2の場合を考える。もし ω口 Ih12,h は outer関数ならば,定理 2より,

ran ph = k,叫h= H2(吋 kerph口川口同

ただし,Qh口 I-ph.定理 3より,

h _ Iw¥1 (ph)*(g)口こp( ';-g) = ~P(hg) = phg, (g巴L2(ω)).

¥hOJJ h


ph L2(ω)→H2(ω), selfadjoint projection,

Qh : L2(ω)→湾(w),間 lfadjointprojection,

L2(ω) = H2(ω) EB K6(ω). α,βEL∞について,

11αph十sQhIlB(L2(ω)) 口 11αP十sQIIB(L2}

|α12十 |β12I 11_.a 1-1? I (1α12 -Is12¥ 2 -A払 III~I ~ fl"1 + ~ las -kl2十tI~I 2 11"'1 )



infimumは attainedする (cf.[11])。同様に,

p五: L2(ω)→K2(ω), selfadjoint projection,

ぴ:L2(ω)→帝向 selfadjointp吋ection,

L2(ω)口 K2(ω)a潟両, 11αp五十sQhllB(L2(ω))= 11αph十βQhIIB(L2(ω))・


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[10] T.Nakazi, Toeplitz operators and weighted norm ineql叫ities,Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 58 (1993), 443-452.

[11] T.Nakazi and T.Yamamoto, Norms of some singular integral operators and their inverse operators, J. Operator Theory 40 (1998), 185-207.

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Co目.volutioninequalities and applications 1 Saburou Saitoh, 2 Vu Kim Tuan叩 d3 Masahiro Yamamoto

1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University, Kiryu 376-8515 Japan ゃmail:ssaitoh@math.sci.gunma-u.ac.jp

2 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, 五uwaitUniversity, P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060 Kuwa此。mail:vu@mcs.sci.kuniv.edu.kw

3 Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3剛 8問 1Komaba説eguroTokyo 153-8914 Japan Eトmail:myama@msル tokyo.ac.jp


We introduce various convolution i田 qualitiesobtained recently and at山esame time, we give new勿pereverse convolution inequali主ies回 d出eirimporta凶 applicationsto inverse source proble四.We consider the inverse pro blem of determining f (t), 0く tく T,in出eheat source of the heat equation Otu(x, t) = su(x, t) + f(t)cp(x), x E Rn, t > 0 from the observation包(xo,t), oく tく T,ata remo色epoint Xo away仕omthe suppor色ofcp. Under叩 apriori assumption that f chati.ges the signs at most N-times, we give a conditional s同bili勿 ofHolder type,出an ex制npleof applications.

1 Introduction

For the Fourier convolution


the Young's inequality

IIf*gllr壬IIfllpIIgllq, f E Lp(R), 9εLq(R), (1)

r-1口 p-1+ q-1 -1 (p,q,r > 0),

is fundamental. Note, however, that for the句picalcase of f,g E L2(R), theinequality does not hold. Ih a series of papers [l2-15] (see also [5]) we ob凶 nedthe following weighted Lp (p > 1) norm inequality for convolution

Proposition 1.1 ([15]) For two nonvanishing functions向 EL1(R)(jロ 1,2),the Lp(p > 1) weighted convolutio'n ineq也αlity

11 (α(民p山 (乃附 (川P2)i-1汁l壬引11問凡刊川叫IILι山M山Fバ川p(R,問仇附R凡川,1ν仇洲川川川p向州州川1什品川川|り川什)ババ11乃叫IIL比i弘弘Lん叩川pバ川(伺仇R凡,1同p向州2刈|


holds for Fj E Lp (R, 1ρ'jDU = 1,2). Equality holds hereザandonlyザ

月(x)= GjeOtZ,



whereαis a constant ,such that eOtZ E Lp(R, 1ρ'jD(j口 1,2)(otherwise, G1 or G2 = O).Here よp、E







nr 、‘.,,z









Unlike the Young's inequality, inequality (2) holds also in case p = 2. Note that the proof of inequality (2) in Proposition 1.1 is direct and fairly elementary. The

proof will be done in three lines. Indeed, we use only Holder's inequality and Fubini's theorem for exchanging the orders of integrals for the proof. So, for various type convolutions, we can also obtain similar type convolution inequalities, see [18] for various convolutions. However, to d回erminethe case that the equality in (2) holds needs very delicate arguments. See [5] for the details.

In many cases of interest, the convolution is given in the form

ρ2(X)三 1,九(x)口 G(x), (4)


where G(xーと)is some Green's function. Then inequality (2) takes the form


II(Fp)*Gllp:::;1Iρ11; p IIGllp IIFIILp(R,lpl) , (5)

where ρ,F, and G are such th叫 theright h加 dside of (5) is fi凶te.Inequality (5) enables u自主0

estimate the output function

に問帥-~)CIe (6)

in terms of the input function F in出erelated differential equation. For various applications, see [15]. We are also interested in the reverse type inequality for (5), namely, we wish初蹴imatethe input function F by means of the output (6). This kind of estimates is important in inverse problems. One estimate is obtained by using the following famous reverse Holder inequality

Proposition 1.2 ([19], see also [10], pages 125-126). For two positi即 junctionsf and 9 satisfying





nu (7)

on the set X,αnd for p, q > 1, p-l十 q-111,

(i刈P(i刈q :::; Ap,q (号)ift9tdμ, (8)

ザtheright hαnd side integral converges. Here

Ap,q(ー-t(1-3U)Then, by using Proposition 1.2 we obtain,回 inthe proof of Proposition 1.1, the following

Proposition 1.3([16]) Let Fl肌 dF2 be positive junctions satisfying

よよ i

0< mf :::; Fl(X) :::; M{ <∞ O<mi三月(x):::;M{ <∞ p> 1, x εR. (9)

Then for any positive continuous junctionsρ1 and P2, we have the reverse Lp-weighted convolution inequality

{Ap,q ( 鵠 ) } -~ 11机附州i同川川抗刊川11ι山山…(伺伽伽附Rω州川p内川1ο)11向矧F九刷illL弘いいLp似叩川山pバ川A川(仰仇伽R凡ω,p

三11((日山(内向))(ρd→ (10)

Inequality (10) and others should be understood in出esense that if the right hand side is fini色e,then so is the left hand side,加din this case the inequality holds.

In formula (10) replacing P2 by 1, and F2(xーと)by G(xーと),組dtaking in相官話ionwiぬrespect to x from c to d we arrive at the following inequality

{A阿倍)}-p (に点)d~) p-lに FP(~) ρ(と)dzf伊(x)dx



itive continuous functions p, F, and G satisちr


0<7yJ5F(ご)G(x…と)三 lift,Zeic,Eq,feR. (12)

Inequality (11) is especially important when G(xーと)is a Green's function. We gave various concrete applications in [1同fromthe viewpoint of stability in inverse problems.


2 Remarks for reverse日olderinequalities

In connection with Proposition 1.2 which gives Proposition 1.3, Izumino胡 dTominaga [8] consider the upper bound of


for入>0, for p,q > 1 satis命ingl/p十 l/q= 1 and for positive numbers {αdk=l and {bdk=l' in detail. In their different approach, they showed that the constant Ap,q(t) in Proposition 1.2 is best possible in a sense. Note that the proof of Proposition 1.2 is quite involved. In connection with Proposition 1.2 we note that the following version whose proof is surprisingly simple

Theorem 2.1([17]) In Proposition 1.2, replacing f and 9 by fP and gq, respecti開 ly,we obtain the reverse Holder type inequality


Proof Since fP /計三 M, g 三 M-~ f~. Therefore

fgさM-tfl咋 =M-tfP

間 dso,

{/仰f/P壬M古{/f仰 f/POn the other hand, since m三fP/gq,f 2: m1

/Pgq/p. Hence

and so,

/f仰ど/mげま中出 m1/p

/ gq

{/ fg仰中吋)~ md1ν山/PぺP



m-1/pq {/刈山=(号)


/ f仰

3 N ew reverse convolution inequalities



In reverse convolution inequality (10), similar type inequalities for 問 1=m2口 oare also important as we see from our example in Section 4. For these, we obtain a reverse convolution inequality of

new type.

Theorem 3.1 Let pど1,8>0,0:::;α < T,αnd f,g E L∞(0, T) satisfy

O壬f,g:::;M<∞ 0<t < T. (15)


IIfIlLp(<>,T) Ilgll山~M~ (iT+o

(it六s)g(t-吋 (16)

川 (t)= lt

f(t -s)g(s)仇 0< t < T

αndfor α口 0,ωehave

2" 同ー~

IIfIlLp(O,T)11叫ん(0,.5):::; MP-lIf * gll,L(O,T刊)・ (17)


4 Applications to inverse source heat problems

We consider the heat equation with a heat source:

θItU(X, t) 口 ~U(x, t) + f(t)ψ(x), x E Rn, t > 0

U(x,O) = 0,

We assume thatψis a given function and satisfies

x E Rn.

ψ~O,詳 o in Rn, ψhas compact support,

<pEC∞(Rn), if nさ4組 dψEL2(Rn), if nざ3.




Our problem is to derive a conditional stability in the d抗erminationof f(t), 0 < t < T,仕omthe observation

u(xo, t), 0< t<T (21)

where Xo ~ suppψ・

We are interested only in the case .of Xo ~ suppψ, because in the case where Xo is in出einterior of suppψ, the problem c叩 bereduced to a Volterra integral equation of出esecond kind by differentiation in t formula (25) stated below. Moreover Xo ~ supp<p means 出品 ourobservation (21) is done far from the set where the飢切alprocess is occuring, and the desi伊 ofthe observation point is easy.


K(z,t)1-L-e-i手 xE Rn, t > O. (2V沼)n

Then the solution u to (18)加 d(19) is represented by

u(x, t)同 II K(x -y,t -s)f(s)<p(y)dyds, x E Rn, t > 0 JO JRn

(e.g., Fiiedman [6]). Therefore, setting

we have

川)はん K(xo-y, t)<p(y)d t > 0,

u(xo, t)三 h",o(t)口 lμ"'o(t-s)f(s)ds, 0 < t < T, JO

which is a Volもerraintegral equation of the first kind with respect to f. Since

dk j.t",o 1 i ¥ 1 A k

lim一寸:2.(t)= (~I< )(xo) = 0, k E N U {O} t↓o- dtk





by Xo ~ supp<p (e.g., [6]), the equation (25) cannot be reduced to a Volterra equation of the second kind by di首erentiatingin t. Hence, even though, for any m E N, we凶 cethe Cm-norms for data h, the equation (25) is illωposed,間dwe cannot expect a better stability such剖 ofHolder type under suitable a priori boundedness.

In Cannon and Esteva [3], an estimate of logariもhmictype is proved: let n = 1 andψ= <p(x) be the characteristic function of組 interval(α,b) c R. Set

均口{fE内叫jf(い, 1ほしいに11斜10[0∞)::;M}

Let Xo ~ (α, b). Then, for T > 0, there exists a constant C = C(M,α,b,xo) > 0 such出品

if(t)i<C ,O壬t::; T, ....; Ilog lIu(xo,州L2(0,OO)1

2 (27)

for all f E V M. The stability rate is logarithmic and worse than any rate of Holder type: lIu(xo,・)IIL2(0,oo)for any α> O. For (26), the condition f E VM prescribes a priori informか

七ionand (26) is called conditional stability within the admissible set VM' The rate ofconditional


stability heavily depends on the choice of admissible sets and卸 observationpoint Xo・Asfor other inverse problems for the heat equation, we c拙 referto Cannon [2], Cannon and Esteva [4], Isal問[7] and the references therein.

We arbitrarily fix M > 0 and N E N. Let

U口{fε0[0,TJj IIfllc[O,T)壬M,fchanges the signs at most N-times}. (28)

We 凶 ceU部組 admissibleset of unknowns f. Then, wiぬinU, we can show an improved conditional stability of Holder type:

Theorem 4.1 Let cp satisfy (20), and Xo ~ s叩'pcp.We set














Then, for an arbitrarily given d > 0, there exists a constant 0口 O(xo,ψ,T,p,d, U) > 0 such that


4s r





nu z





nu P




for any f E U.

We wi1l see that Iimo→00 =∞加d,in order to estimate f over the time interval (0, T), we have to observe u(xo,・)over a longer time interval (0, T + d).

Remark 1 In the case of nさ4,we can relax the regularity of cp to H<>(Rn) with some α> O. In the case

of n ::; 3, if we assume th抗 εC∞(Rn)in (20), then in Theorem 4.1 we can take any p > 1.

Remark 2 As a subset of U, we can take, for example,

PN ={f点jf is a polynomi凶alwhose order i詠sa叫tmost N and 11げf川f

The condition f E U is quite restrictive at the expen悶seof the practically reasonable estimate of Holde町rtype.

Remark 3 The a priori boundedness IIfllc[O,T)三M is necessary for the stability. See [1ηfor a counter


説emark4 For our stability, the finiteness of changes of signs is essential. In fact, we take

ム(t)= cosnt, o ::; t ::; T, n E N. (31)

Thenムoscillates刊 ryfrequently and we cannot take any finite partition of (0, T) where the condition on signs in (28) holds true. We note that we can take M 口 1,that is, IIfnIlC[O,T) ::; 1 for n εN. We denote the solution to (18) -(19) for f =ムbyUn (x, t). Then, we see that any stability cannot hold forム,n E N. See [17] for the proof.


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(Mathematical Institute, Tohoku U niversity)

1 Abstract

The Toeplitz algebra, which is the C九algebragenerated by the Toeplitz operator Tz on

the one-variable Hardy space H2(lIT) , is a rich object in operator theory. It has been

revealed that there is a close relation between the analytical indices and the topological

indices of continuous functions on 1I'. It is interesting to consider an analogue to the

Toeplitz algebra in the multivariable case. In this report, we shall study the problem

posed by Berger, Coburn and Lebow in [2], and solve this problem a血rmatively.

2 Preliminaries

Definition 1 Let H2 = H2 (lIT2) be the Hardy space over the bidisc lIT2. A closed sub-

spaceん1of H2 is said to be a Hardy submodule or an invariant subspace of H2 ifルイ

is invariant under the multiplication operators by the coordinate functions z andω. Vz

denotes七herestriction on a Hardy submodule of the Toeplitz operator Tz. Similarly, we

define Vw with the variable ω.

In [2], Berger, Coburn and Lebow studied the C川 1gebrasgenera七edby commuting

isometries, and in Section 9 of [2], they defined the following equivalence relation between

Hardy submodules:

Definition 2 Let A(Vz,九;M)口 A(M)= A(九 Vw)be the ぴ -algebragenerated by

vz and Vw, where we consider A(Vz, Vw; M) = A(Vz, Vw)部 aC*引 lbalgebraof B(λイ).


Two C*-algebras Ai = A(Vy), VJi); Mi) (i = 1,2) are said to be unitarily equivalent if

there exists a uni七aryoperator U fromル七七oん12such that U* A2U = Al・

In Section 13 of [2], they posed the following problem:

The Berger心 oburn幽 Lebowproblem ([2]) 1f M isαny invariαnt subspαce of H2

ofβnite defect, then is A(九九)unitαrily equivαlent to A(Tz, Tw) ?

We shall call this problem the BCL problem, for short. In [2], they gave an a:ffirmative

answer in the case where Hardy submodules are generated by monomials, and it has

been remarked that if M has codimension 1, then the answer is a伍rmative.In fact, if

七heset of all common zeros ofん1consists of one point, then one can give an a:ffirmative

answer to the BCL problem with a slight modification of their technique. And we need

to no七ethe following fac七s:

Theorem 1 (Rigidity theorem [1]) Two differeηt H,αrdy submodules M 1 α叫ん12,

whichα陀 bothofβnite codimension,α陀 notuni如何lyequivαlentαsmodules. Or equiv命

lently,ザthereexistsαunitαry operator from M1 to M 2 such thαt U14W*=142)md

U141)U*口 142)ythen Ml口 M2・

We shall give several well問 knownproperties of Hardy submodules.

Proposition 1 Everyぴ -algebraA(Vz, Vw) is irreducible.

Theorem 2 (Yang [4]) 1f M isαHαrdy S1伽 odulegenerated byαfinite number of

polynomials, then [V;¥九]αηd[V;¥Vz][¥くz,Vw] are both of Hilbert-Schmidt class.

Corollary 1 Let κ(ん1)be the set of all compαct operators onん1. 1fん1isαHαrdy

submodule generated byαfinite number of polynomials, thenκ(ん1)is contαined in

A(Vz, Vw).

3 An a踊rmativeanswer to the BCL problem

Let N denote the orthogonal complement of a Hardy submodule M in H 2• In the

following argument, we suppose that the dimension of N is finite. We shal1 briefly


sketch the outline of an a伍rmativeanswer to the BCL prob1em. Let Sz = PN九INand

Sω = PNTwlλr. The assumption that the dimension of .八ris finite implies Sz E 00, that

is, f(Sz) = 0 for some function f(z) in H∞(由).Let ql(Z) be the minima1 function of Sz.

Then ql(Z) is a finite B1aschke product. Since 0口 ql(Sz)口 Sql(Z)口 PN丸山)IN,we have

ql(Z)λr c M. Hence ql(z)H2 c M. By this observation we have the following:

Lemma 1 Let M beαHαrdy submodule. Then dim (H2 / M) <十∞ザαndonly if there

exist れωfiniteBlαschke products ql (z)αnd q2(ω) such thαt

ql(z)H2十 q2(ω)H2CM

For any Hardy submodu1e of finite codimension, we define two subspaces as follows:

Mo -ql(z)H2 + q2(ω)H2ぅ FM詰 MeMo,

where ql(Z) and q2(ω) are the minima1 functions of Sz and Sw respective1y. Let H2(z)

be the usua1 one-variab1e Hardy space with the variぬ1ez. Similarly, we define H2(ω)

with the variab1e叩. Since

FM c (H2 eMo)口 (H2(抑制z)H2(z))Q9 (H2(ω) e q2(ω)H2(ω)) ,

we have dimFM <十∞.Without 10ss of generality, we may assume that ql (0)口 ofor

the minima1 function of Sz.

Lemma 2 1f ql(Z) isαβnite Blαschke product of degree k αnd ql (0)口 0,then there

existsαbαsis {ei}f,:-J of H2(z)θql ( Z ) H2 (z) which sαtisfies

(zek-1吋 l(Z)

zei巴H2(z)e Ql(z)H2(z) (0 ~ i ~ k ~ 2).

Next, we define an operator.

。efinition3 Let Ql (z) and Q2 (ω) be two finite B1aschke products, a凶 k口 degQl(z)

and l = deg Q2(ω). We define叩 operatoras follows:

Uo : Ql(z)H2十位(ω)H2


Q2(ω)ωJ ei


一→ zkH2十ωIHR

1-+ zk f(z,ω),

j十lト→ z.W"'.,

where {ei}とlis the basis of H2(Z)θql(z)H2(z) obtained in Lemma 2. It is easy to

check that UO is a unitary oper抗orfrom ql(z)H2 + q2(ω)H2 to zk H2十切lH2.

Theorem 3 ([3]) lf M 口 ql(z)H2十位(w)H2for two finite Blαschke products ql(Z)αnd

q2(ω) such that deg ql (z)口 kαnd deg q2(切)= l, then A(Vz, Vw; M) isunitαrily equiv-

αlent to A(乙IUoM,九IUoM;UoM). Or equivalently, A(ql(Z)H2 + q2(w)H2) is ~匂j,ni

e勾q~ωtÏ'I.れt叩l瓜αle叫 t初o A(いzkH2十切wlH2り)•

Proof UO VzUo and UoTzUo can be described as follows:

k-2 I k-l ¥ UoVzU; = 乙IZkH2+玄(2::αi,jT;iT11ωlH2(ω)ZiI十ηl九州TzlwlH2(ω)Zk-l,

4口 O¥j=o /

UJ丸山口 Vzlq1(z)H2+ S 十は(ω) VzV~lq山田(ω)巴い?

where S is a certain truncated shift operator associated with the basis {ed obtained

in Lemma 2. Then one can verify that UO VzUo E A(zk H2十 wlH2) and UoTzUo E

A(ql(Z)H2十q2(ω)H2)with some computations. Therefore UOA(ql(Z)H2十q2(ω)HりUo

A(ZkH2十 ωlH2). 口

Moreover, by using Theorem 3, we have the following.

Theorem 4 ([3]) Suppose th叫ん1isαHαrdy submodule of finite codimension. Then

A(Vz,九;M) is uni如何lyequivalent to A(九九;H2).

As a corollary of Theorem 4, we have a commutative diagram.

Corollary 2 ([3]) Let κ(M) be the set of all compαct operators on M. lf M isαHαrdy

submodule of finite codimension, then there existsαunitαry operator U fromん1to H2,

αηdωe have the following commutαtive diα,gram:

0-→ κ(M)一→ A(Vz,九)一→ A(Vz,Vw)/κ(M)一一。

lAd UI叫んの lAd U 1 0-一→ κ(H2 ) 一一→ A(乙, ~ω) 一一→ A(九,九)/κ(H2 ) 一一→ o.

To classiをyHardy submodules, Corollary 2 may be more important than Theorem 4.



[1] O. P. Agrawal, D. N. Clark and R. G. Douglas, In叩 riantsubspαces in the

polydisk, Proc. J. Math. 121, (1986), pp. 1-11.

[2] C. A. Berger, L. A. Coburn and A. Lebow, Representαtionαnd index theory

for C* -algebras generated by commuting isometries, J. Funct. Anal. 27,

(1978), pp. 51-99.

[3] M. Seto, On the Berger-Coburn-Lebow problem for H,αrdy s~伽nodules, sub-

mitted to Canad. Math. Bull.

[4] R. Yang, The Berger-Shαw theorem in the f{,αrdy module over the bidisk, J.

Oper. Theory, 42, (1999), pp. 379-404.

Mathematical Institute

Tohoku University

Sendai 980-8578


e-mail: s98m21@math.tohoku.ac.jp


Prime ideals and complex ring homomorphisms on commutative algebras

Takeshi Miura (Yamagata Universi七y)

Abs七ract.Let A be a commutative algebra and 'P a prime ideal of A We give a necessary

and su節cientcondition in order that 'P be the kernel of some complex ring homomorphism



とき p:A→Bが環準向型写像であるとは,A,Bを環とみたときの準同型写像であること,


p(f十g) = ρ(f) +ρ(g)

ρ(fg) = ρ(f) p(g)

が全ての j,gεAに対して成り立つことである.もちろん環準同型写像は多元環とは隈ら



実際, 1次元複素Banach環,すなわち複素数体Cから Cへの環準向型写像は一般にスカ

ラ一倍を保帯しない.例えば写像O,z,zは複素数体C上の連続な環準向型写像であるが z


ρ(z)ニ o(zεC),ρ(z) = z (zεC), p(z)ニ z(zεC)のいずれかとなる.このことはRか



これに対Lて, C上には非自明な環準向型写像が存在することが知られている.Segre [9]



はSegreとは独立に,非自明な環準向型写像の存在を問題にしていたようである (cf.[1]) .



な環準向型写像のいくつかの性賓が知られているが (cf.[6])まだ解明されていない部分が


例 1 (a) G(C)をC上の非自明な全射環準向型写像全体の集合とする."8により集合Sの

濃度を表すと, "G(C) = 2"(:である (cf.[3]) .

(b) C上の非自明な環準同型写像には全射でないものも存在する:それら全体の集合をI(C)

とすると "I(C)三"Cである.

(c)ρ をC上の環準同型写像とすると,以下は開催である.

(i) pは昌明である.

(ii) mo, Lo > 0が存在して, Izl <moならばIp(z)1くおとなる.

(iii)ρ は原点で連続である.

(iv) p は各点で連続である.

(v) pは複素共役を保存する :ρ(z)=ρ(z) (z巴C).



をみたすものが存在し, ρは各点において不連続で、あり,さらに捜索共役を保存しない.







形または共役線形であることを示した.Kaplansky [5] はArnoldの結果を次のように拡張し

た:A,Bを半単純Banach環, ρ:A→Bを全単射環準向型写像とすると A= A1 EDA2EDん

とかける.ここにんは有限次元であり ρはん上線形,A2上共役線形である.

このように無限次元 Banach環上の環準同型写像は,ある条件のもとでは線形あるいは




環準同型写像ρ:C[O, 1]→C[O, 1]についてでさえも完全には分かつていない.実際, Cか


決定する上で, t E [0,1]に対してPt(f)竺p(f)(t)(fεC[O, 1])を調べることは自然であろ




単位元をもっているときは,Ae ~ぎ A と定義する.次の結果の本質的な部分は (c) =今 (d)に


ことを主張している.このことは代数学でよく知られている超越基底 (cf.[7])を用いて証


定理 lAを可換複素多元環,pをAの多元環としての素イデアルとする.このとき以下




(a) ker p口?となる環準向型写像ρ:A→Cが存在する.

(b) ~(A/1') = ~C である.

(c) ~(Ae/合)口 ~C かっ An1う =1' となる Ae の素イデアル jうが存在する.

(d) An ker戸=1'となる環準同型写像戸:Ae→Cが存在する.

誌明.q: A →A/1'を商写像とし, αEA¥?を固定する.

(a) =令 (b)z E Cとq(za)を関一視すれば

~C = <<{q(zα) : z εC} 三 ~(A/1')



def p(j) ァ(q(j)/ q(g))口一一 (q(j)/q(g)εF)


は well-defined な体の準向型写像であるから単身ずである.よって ~(A/1') ::; ~F ::; ~C,すな

わち ~(A/1') = ~C となる.

(b)斗 (c)~(A/1') = ~C とする 1う型 {(j, z) E Ae : fα十 zaE 1'}により?を定義する

と, 1-うは Ae の素イデアノレで合 nA= 1' をみたすことが分かる • .q: Ae→Ae/φを寵写像


α(q(j,z))型 q(jα+za) (q(j, z)εAe/戸)

が単射となる.よって ~(Ae/1') ::; ~(A/1') = ~C である.また fEA と (j, 0) 巴 Ae を同一


視したとき q(j)ニ q(g)仲 ij(j,O)= ij(g, 0)である.つまり H(Ae/P)三H(A/P)= WCであ

る.以上により H(Ae/P)= WCを得る.

(c)キ (d).1'をAe/Pの商体とする.このとき簡単な計算により H.1'口HAe/P= HCとな


とき HT1ニ H.1'ニ HCとなることが分かる.同様にしてCのQ上の超越基底九に対しでも

HT2 = HCであることが示される.そこで全単射0:T1→T2が存在する.T2がQ上の超越


型写像0:Q(T1)→Q(九)でO(r)口r(r E Q)をみたすものに一意的に拡張される..1'は

Q(T1)の代数拡大体であり, Cは代数的に閉じているから OはFから Cへの体の準同型写

像に拡張される (cf.[7, Theorem 2.8 of Chapter IV]). この準同型写像も Oで表すことに


(d)キ (a)p型戸IAとおけばρ:A→Cは環準向型写像でkerρ=Anker戸口?である.

定理 1から得られる系を述べる.この結果自身は既に [4]で得られている.

系 2nをCの領域,H(n)をQ上の正側関数全体のなす多元環とすると,H(n)は環とし


証明零関数だけからなるイデアル(0)はH(n)の素イデアルとなり,HH(n) = HCなので,

定理 1より環準向型写像ρ:H(n)→Cでkerρ=(0),すなわち単射なものが帯在する.関


から H(n)への環準同型写像が非定数関数を含めば,正剥関数に関する関写像定理を用い


て, 自動的に線形か共役線形になることが恭守される (cf.[4]).


[1] H. D. Ebbinghaus, et al., Z,αhlen, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983.

[2] B. H. Arnold, Rings of operators on vector spαces, Ann. of Math. 45 (1944), 24-49.

[3] A. Charnow, The α叫 omorphismsofαnα1gebraically closed field, Canad. Math. Bull.

18 (1970), 95-97.

開 O.Ha七ori,T. Ishii, T. Miura and S.侶.Takahasi, Chαracterization andαutomatic

linearity for ring homomorphisms on α1gebras of functions, to appear.

[5] 1. Kaplansky, Ring isomorphisms of Bαnαchα1gebras, Canad. J. Math. 6 (1954),374ω


伊]H. Kes七elman,Automorphisms of the field of complex numbers, Proc. London Ma吐1.

Soc. (2) 53 (1951), 1-12.

[7] S. La略 Algebra(second edition), AddisOI

[8] M. H. Lebesgl民 Surles transformations ponctuelles, tra附 :formααntles plans en plans,

qu'on peut definir par des procedesαnalytiques, Atti della R. Acc. delle Scienze di

Torino 42 (1907),532-539.

担]C. Segre, Un nuovo campo di ricerche geometriche, Atti della R. Acc. delle Scienze di

Torino 25 (1889), 276ω301.




ABSTRACT. The aim of出ispaper is to give a simple proof of resulもsby Gonza1ez-Koskela concerningもheradial growth of 02 functions satisfying Bloch condition. Our results also give generalizations of their results.


Deno七eby [J8七heBloch space of all holomorphic functions 1 on the unit disk U which satisfy

11111&1口 11(0)1十 sup(l-lzI2)11'(z)1 <∞.


The radial growぬ ofBloch functions was ex七ensivelydiscussed by Clunie欄 MacGregor[2], Korenblum [4], Makarov [5] and Pommerenke [7]. The law of the i抗七e町ra抗,tedloga紅矧r討i抗七廿出hm

Ma1蹴 Oωv[向5可]states七hatif 1 ε[J8, then




|1(r()1 p-,三C11111&1

r-+1 ,¥/log i主rlog log log l':'r

for almost every ( εδU: where C is a universal constant. Pommerenke [7] proved七hatthis inequality is true for C = 1 and this inequality is false for C :::; 0.685. Recently, Gonzalez and Koskela studied吐leradial growth of C2 functions on七heunit ball Bn of Rn which satisfy

!日(x)12+ lu(x)仰い)1三 f ¥γ

(1 -Ixl)2 (岡市)for all x E Bn, where c > 0 and γ三1.They showed the following result ([3, Theorem 1.2]).


THEOREM A. Let u be a C2 function on Bn satisかing(2). Then, for almos古all(,

1(1 = 1,

lim SUD ---;===u(r()i 1 T→l' v(同占)1九

ifγ< 1; and

iu(r() I limsup ‘:::; C2 ;~1-4 log log古

ifγ口1.Here the cons臼ntsC1 and C2 depend only on n, c, γ.


We denote by B(x, r) and 8(x, r) the open ball and the sphere of center x and radius r, respectively. We set Bn口B(O,1) and sn-l = 8(0,1). The Hausdor百measurewith a measure function h is written as Hh' In case h(γ)口円, wewrite H,αfor Hh'

Our first aim in the present note is to extend Theorem A by Gonzalez帥 Koskela.For this purpose, let cp be a positive, continuous and non側 decreasingfunction on the interval [0, 1) satisfyin

(3) ψ(1-r/2) :::; Aψ(1 -r) for every r E (0,1)

with a constant A > 1 and

(4) ∞


ω' 4'u


ρ''''''MU Set


THEOREM 1. Let u be a 02長mctionon Bn with u(O) = 0 such仙at

(5) du(x) = l¥7u(x)12 + lu(x)ムu(x)1:::; cp(lxl) for all x E Bn.

Then for払z-ra.e.CESn-19

lim sup ---;=====べ)1 <YA. T→1 ,jφ(T)1ogiogzt

REMARK 1. If we七akecp(r)口 c(l-r)-2{log(2/(1-r))}-'Y for c > 0 andγ 三1,then Theorem 1 gives Theorem A.

On the other hand, we have the lower limit result as follows:

THEOREM 2. If u is as in Theorem 1, then

lu(r() I liminf

日 iJ争(γ)log log争(r)一

forチln-1ωa.e.(ε sn-l

By Theorems 1 and 2, we have the following corollary.

COROLLARY 1. Let u be a 02 function on Bn satisかing

内/ 1¥一1 1_ 1¥一1(. 1¥一74榊(伊糾Z司)三μ吋C吋(1ト川一ぺIx凶附Z刈叫x l)-~り)

where c > 0, γ 三1 and log(伊k+刊刊1リ)(tの) log駅(伏例kめ)olog町(1吟)(t肋t)with log民(οω1り)(t) 口 log(いe+t均).Then for

冗n-1-a.e.( εsn-1P








lim inf --::=====u(べ)=====<c今

日ゾ(同when γ< 1;


lim SUD ---;:====u(r()|cq

r-+l' .)1叫叫がog(2)古一 u

lu(r()1 liminf 刊ゾ10句叫g

when γ口1.Here Cl, C2, C3釦 dC4 'are consぬn臼 dependingonly侃 C,γandf.


In this section, we present an expo附

this we prepare七hefollowing lemma, which is a generalization of [3, Theorem 2.2].

LEMMA 1. Let ψbe a posi封切 continuo山 functionon [0,1), and set


(1-t)州 dt

Le古ube a 02 function in Bn wi油 u(O)= 0 which satisfies condition (5). Then

(6) I lu(r()12k dS(()三ση4kk![φ(r)]k JSn-l for all k E {O, 1,2, • • • } and all rε(0,1), where σn denotes凶esurface measure of sn-l .

Proof. Using the divergence七heorem,we have d r "__,, , _ r

(7) : 1 v(t() dS(() = t1-n I ムv(ω)dω dtん叫 ん(O,t)

for each v巴02(Bn).We prove this lemma by induction on k. Clearly, (6) holds for k口 O.Suppose that (6)

holds for k. Using (7) and the assumption on induction, we obtain


恥 1)t1


n Lムムんん伊仰附0ω川tの川)

::; 4(伊k+1吋)2t計十1ト一nI lu(叫(付例ω叫)1戸2批k属.o1u(似ω)d伽ω J B(O,t)


pn-1cp(p) (fsn-l lu(pz)12k dS(Z)) dρ

<σn4k十1州十1川 lt



Integrating both sides from 0 to r and applying Fubini's theorem, we have


内M川川O"n4k+1峠州+刊吋叩1切k肘!(k+ 吋r(ir


< σ内n4k+1州4k+肝k峠州円+刊叶1刊(k糾山山十札叫1り吋)


σπ4k糾削十刊l(k十 1)! [拘阿争引(か的Tけ)月]k十1

Hence (6) also holds for k + 1. The induction is completed. ロ

LEMMA 2. L凶 ube a function加 Bnsatisか"ingcondition (6). Then for all c, 0 < c < 1/4, and for all r, 0 < r < 1,

r ____ ( clu(べ)12¥(8) I exp 12一一一 1dS(():::;一一一

んn-l ¥争(γ) ) --,

., / ~ 1 -4c


Let ψand 争 beas in the Introduction, and let u be as in Theorem 1. To prove Theorem 1, we needもhefollowing lemma.

LEMMA 3. Letu be a C2 function in Bn such油atl¥7u(x)12ざ ψ(Ixl).Then for every

x E Bn¥B(O, 1/2),

lu(y) -u(z)1 :::; A持(lxI)F/2

whenever y, z E B(x, (1 -Ixl)/2).

Proof of Theorem 1. From Lemma 2, we see that

r I~ 1_1¥-1 (1__ 2 ¥ーは ( clu(x)12¥ I (1 -Ixl)

-l ( log一一一 i expi---i

JBn ¥ 1 -lxl)¥争(Ixl))

for all c, 0 < c < 1/4, and all 0 > O. Then there exists a set E c sn-1 such that 冗n-1(E)= 0 and

f / 2γ-8 州べ~)(1 -r)-lいog--l i-一一)¥-r) ¥ 争(r) )

for each ( E sn-1¥E, 0 < c < 1/4 and 0 > 0, which implies that

!fll山 (1__ 2¥-1-0 μhoop) (1 -t)

-1 ( log ~ 1 exp ( :::r一一)¥一 /¥φ(t) )

(9) nu

Fix (巴 sn-1¥E. For 0 < r < 1, define Ir = [r, (1 + r)/2).針。m(9), we obtain

(1-_ 1¥-1-8 (cinf拓 Irlu(t()12¥ liIl} Ilog:;-=-J exp I

-:-;;~'r. 1

= ~ -;;:¥1 ¥1-r) ¥ 争((1十 r)/2) )


which implies that

cinf柁 Irlu(t()12 (10) 三 (1 十 o)loglog~

争((1+ r)/2) for r near 1. Hence it follows from (10) and Lemma 3 tぬha剖七

lim也凶ms凶S叩UD-==lu(叫咋桝刷Lパ昨収制(守何附TべωCοω)肝1 <.j些丘iT刊→~1 ゾ作争(ヤ約仰榊け引仰)μ10州O

H臨er民e鳥, letting c →1/4 and 0→0, we obtain

lims叩 , lu(r() <ゾA,T→1 ¥/争(T)loglogyEF

w hich proves Theorem 1.


In this section we complete theproof of Theorem 2. By Lemma 2, we see that

{ 11 1__1¥ _/1__I¥"'-II__I¥-I/'-_"'-/I__I¥¥-I-o ____ (clu(x)j2¥ I (1 -Ixl)ψ(Ixl)争(lxl)-1(log争(Ixl))一川expi---iJBn¥B(O川)¥争(Ixl))

for all c, 0 < c < 1/4, and 0 > 0, where ro =争-1( e). Consequently,

{1/1 i¥ _li¥"'-li¥-I/'-_"'-li¥¥-I-o ____ (clu(t()12¥ li~ I (1 -t)ψ(t)争(t)-1(log ~(t)fl 位pi-一一)Jr ¥

争(t) ) forチin-1-a.e.( E sn-l, 0 < C < 1/4 and 0 > O. This implies that

{1/1 .¥ 1.¥.:.:./,¥-I/L__.:.:./.¥¥-I-o_____ (cgr(()2¥ (11) li~ I (1 -t)ψ(t)争(t)-1(1og岳(t))一川expi-一一)

L ¥争(t))

where gr(() 口 infr~p<1 lu(ρ() 1. Since exどoxfor x > 0, we have

( 1'-_ .:.:.1 i ¥ ¥ -1-o ____ ((1 + O)-lcgr(()2¥¥ ~i I (log争(t))-L-Oexp I 1 1 ¥ ¥φ(t) ) )

( cgr(()2¥ ~ (1 + 0十 0-1)(1-t)ψ(t)φ(t)-1 (log争(t)fl-Oexp ( '-'~一一)¥争(t))

for γo < t < 1. From (11), we obtain

which implies that

( (1十ot1cgr(()2¥-lirq (logφ(T))-Mexp i i

¥ φ(r) )

(1 + 0)-ICgr(()2 三(1十 0)log log争(r)争(r)

for r near 1. By letting c →1/4 and 0→0, we have gr(()2

limsup %1 ¥ ,.:7' "" %1 ¥ ~ 4, T→1 争(r)log log争(r)


which completes the proof of Theorem 2. ロ

COROLLARY 2. Let u be a harmonic func古ionon Bn satisfying

l¥7u(x)12 :S; <p(lxl) for all x E Bn.

Then for従n-fa.e.CESn-l,

|匂(r(")I limsup < 2.

日 l 、/φ(r)log log c:T(r)一


Take a positive non-decreasi時 function申 on[0, 1) satisfying

争(r)loglog(lj(l-r)) →Oasr→1.

[宙(r)J2For入>0, consider the measure function h入suchthat

(A3A-4¥2[曽(1… t)]2¥hλ(t) = tn-1 exp ( 43 A一入 i

¥争(1-t) }

We finally establish the following result.

THEOREM 3. If入 >0 and u is as in Theorem 1,泊四

limsuD lu(γ(")1 入T→lr守(r)一一

for冗h入-a.e.("巴 sn-l.


[1] S. Axler, P. Bourdon and W. Ramey, Harmonic function theory, SpringerベTerlag,1992. [2] J. G. Clur由 a凶 T.H. MacGregor, Radial growth of the deriv叫iveof univalent functio凧 Commentari

Math. Helv. 59 (1984), 362叩 375.[3] M. J. Gonzalez and P. Koskela, Radial growth of solutions to the Poisson Equation, Complex Variables,

46 (2001), 59司 72.[4] B. Kore出 lum,BMO estimates and radial growth of Bloch functions, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 12

(1985), 99-102. [5] N. G. Makarov, On the distortion of boundary附 sunder conforml mappi時 s,Proc. London Math.

Soc. 51 (1985), 369-384. [6] Y. Mizuta, Potential theory in Euclidean spaces, Ga踊cotosyo,Tokyo, 1996. [7] Ch. Pommerenke, Boundary behaviour of conformal maps, Springer, 1992.



AND SCIENCES, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, HIGASHI-HIROSHIMA 739閉 8521,JAPAN Eィnailαddress:mizuta@mis.hiroshima-u.ac.jp


Hulls and kernels on compact spaces with


J un Tomiyama (Prof.Emeritus of Tokyo Metropolitan U niversity)

Abstract. For a topological dynamical sys七emお=(X, a) where σis a

homeomorphism in an arbitrary compact Hausdorff space X, we consider the noncommuもativehulls and kernels with respect七0 七heaction σin

the associated C九algebraA(l:). We shall present a par七ofthe following

results obtained recently ; several ideals important for the structure of

A(l:) have the form of such kernels wi七htopological characterizations of

七heirhulls .from the behavior of orbits inぬedynamical system

1.はじめに。空間 X をコンパクト、ハウスドルブ空間、 C(X)をその

上の連続関数の空間としたとき、良く知られた hull-kernelはX の部分

集合 SとC(X)のイデヤノレ Jについて次のように定義されている;

k(8) = {f E C(X) 1 fl8口 O}


h(J)口 {xE X 1 f (x) = 0 V f E J}


hk(8) =ま,kh(J) = J


こでは空関 X に作用(時相写録 σ)が与えられているとき上の hullω


純に考えれば Sを不変集合とし、 Jを不変なイデヤノレにすることが考え

られるが、それでこれ以上は何も発展しないので、 Cた環の枠組みをと


る。その理由は力学系 I: = (X,σ)を考えることと C(X)と共にその


α(f)(x) = j(σ-l(X))

で与えられる向型対応 αを考えることは原理的に同値であるからである。

しかしニのままでは {C(X),α}は欝数と同型対応というレベルの違った




B(H)をヒルベノレト空間 H 上の有界線形作用素のつくるパナッハ環と

する。これはそこでのノルムで所謂C九環になっている。い,u}をC(X)のH上への表現と H 上のユニタリ作用素 U の組とするとき、これが


π(α(f)) = U7r(f)u* ¥lj E C(X)

が成り立つ事を言う。そこで更にこれらをすべて集めた Cた環 A(I:)を考


(1) A(I:)はC(X)と開型対応 αを implementするユニタリ元 6で生


(2) A(I:)より C(X)へ Banach空間としてのノルムが 1の射影Eが


(3)共変表現について universalpropertyを持つ。


8g口 8g8*8=α(g)8

となるので、(1 )での生成は実は線形集合

{玄μ I!iε C(X)}-n

のノルム closureとなっていて非常に計算し易い形になっている。また

E はC(X)-幽幽幽幽幽幽幽幽幽叩幽


る役離を果たしている。更に Cた環 A(~) の元 α は次の式で定義され

た一般化されたフーリエ係数 α(η) = E(ad*η)を持つのでこれを使って


S を X の不変部分集合、 I を A(~) のイデヤノレとする。

Ker(8) = {αε A(~) 1α(η)18ロ O,Vn}

Hull(I) = {x E X 1α(η)(x)口 0,αE1 and n}


H ull (K er (8) )口 S

とはなるが、他の一つは成り立たず最悪の時には K er (H ull (1) )は A(~)

全体にもなる。そのほか Ker(8)がイデヤノレになるのもそれ程明らかで


(a)力学系の基本の集合やそれらの差の集合の Kernelidealはどんな性


(b) A(お)の中のC九環的な基本のイデ、ヤルの Hullはどんな力学系的な



先ず次のことが言える。以下 A(~) の閉イデ、ヤノレは単にイデヤノレとい


命題 1(1) 8 が X の不変集合のとき Ker(8) は A(~) のイデ、ヤノレと


(2) 1 を A(~) のイデヤルとすると、 Hull(I) は X の際不変部分集合で



K er (Hull (I) )口 A(~)


のhull叩 kernelと同じような性質を持つような類について次の結果が得ら




定理2 A(E)のイデヤノレIについて次のことは同値である、


I 口 Ker (H ull (1) )

(closed linear spar仏(2) E(I) C 1,

εμ Ifi E k(Hull(1))] -n

(3) 1は A(E)へのトーラスの双対作用向により不変である。


&t(f)口 f (f E C(X)), &t(O) = e2訂to

の共変関係で定められる A(E)の向型対応類である。

この議論をもっと精密化すると力学系が周期点を持たないときには A(E)


力学系の周期点全体の集合を、 Per(σ),非周期点全体の集合を Aper(σ),

と書くことにする。更に A(E)の有限次元既約表現のすべての核の共通

分、また無限次元既約表現のすべての核の共通分をそれぞれ 1F,!,∞とす



(1) 1F = K er(Per(σ)), (2) 1,∞ = Ker(Aper(σ))

ここで A(E)の有限次元既約表現はすべて Xの点から引き超こされる

(詳細略)ことが分かつているので(1 )の主張は自然な結果であるが、

空間が距離空間でないときには無限次元既約表現の核の Hullが必ずしも

Xの点の軌道できまらないので、 (2)は非常に自明でない結果である。

上の結果から分かることは Per(σ)や Aper(σ)の大きさ (densityな

ど)は力学系に対応する Cた環の詞型では変わらない、いわば代数的な不




んが 0-イデヤノレになるとき、即ち滞期点が denseになるとき

(Bernoulli shiftや極端には有理数回転など)には上のことから有娘次元


既約表現が十分沢山存在する事が分かる。このような C九環は Residually

finite dimensional C九algebraと呼ばれ適度に複雑でそれでも制御し易い

クラスとして C九環論のなかで大事な役割を演じている。

一方 I∞が 0-イデヤルになるときは非周期点の集合が denseにありこ

のような力学系を筆者は Topologicallyfree な系と呼んだ。このときは

A(~) に無眼次元既約表現が十分沢山存在する。一般に多様体上の力学系



い。しかしこのとき A(~) は Cた環として非常によい性質を持ちこのクラ

スは Cた環論の良い相手役になっている。


1J. Tomiyama, The interplay be七ween七opologicaldynamics andもheory

ofCたalgebras,Lecture note No.2,Res. Inst. Math. Seoul,1992. 2.J.Tomiyama, Struc七ureof ideals and isomorphism problems of C九

crossed products by single homeomorphisms, Tokyo J. Math., 23(2000), 1-13.

3.J.Tomiyama, Hulls and kernels from topological dynamical systems and their applications to C九algebras,to appear in J.Math.Soc. Japan






Let D be the open unit disc and oD be the unit circle. Let H∞ be the

set of aJI bounded analytic functions on D and A be the disc algebra. Let

S(D) be the set of aJI anaJytic self-map of D. Then S(D) is the closed unit

ball of H∞.IfψE S(D), this self岡田apinduces the composition operator Ccp

which acts on H∞. Similarly denote S (万)the closed unit ball of A. Then

ψE S(D) induces Ccp which配 tson A. It is easy to see that the operator

norm of all C.ψis 1 on the both spaces H∞ and A.百ψ(z)三 ωEoD, then

<p is not in S(D) but in S(D), which acts出 thepoint evaluation atω. By

the Maximum Modulus Principle, it is shown that S(万)¥oDc S(ρ). For z and w in D, the pseudohyperbolic distance s on D is defined儲

and for z E oD andωE D, z -:/= w we can define s(z, w) = 1, s(z, z)ぉ O.

Denote the metric dβ(ふψ)= sup伊(ψ(z),ψ(z)): z εD} forψ,ψE S(万).

S(D,dβ) is the topological space of S (万)with topology induced by ds.

Let C(A) be the collection of all composition operators on A, endowed with the operator norm. Let B = {CcpεC(A) :ψ 三 ωεθD}and 1( be the

collection of all compact composition operators on C(A). Then B C 1(. We

denote C,伊 '" C,ψ in C(A) if Ccp and Cψ are in the sa町叩Iαme

In next section, we wil註1study on the c∞ompone児entsand the isolated point臼sof

C(A)ト. The bounded linear operator T on X is called to be power compact if

Tn is compact on X for some positive integer n. Especially, T is called to

be n-power compact if Tn-1 is not compact and Tn is compact on X. It is

known that C,ψis compact on A if and only if 11ψ1100 < 1. Therefore Ccp is


時 powercompact on A if and only if 11ψ11.-111∞= 1 and 11ψ叶∞く 1,where <P叫 isthe n哨 thiteration of ψ・

The eigenvalue equation for composition operators : C,ψf=fo<p==λf.

This eigenvalue equation is called Schroder's equation. In 1884, Gabriel Konigs solved Schroder equation for <p E (D) with its fixed point in D.

Theorem (Ko叫gs,1884). Suppose thatψε S(D)ぬαnon輔 constant,non-automo中hicsuch thatψ(p) =p εD αnd consider Ccpαs a linear transfor-

mation of H(D) of all analytic functions on D.

(i) /fザ(P)= 0, then 1白 theonl匂'ye~旬.gem叩lu悦e 0ザ1C,ψ.

(ii) /f <p'(p) #-0, then the陀 existsa principal eigenfunction σanalytic

on D, cr'(P) = 1 of Schroder equαtion倒的 λ=ザ(p)such that the

eigenvalues are prt;cisely {入乱}u,and the co陀 spondingeigenfunction

for the eigen叩 lue.¥11. isσ(z)n with the each of multiplicity one.

(iii) /fψis univalent, then so isσ.

We callσabove the Konigs function. More precisely, if pコ othen σis

the limit function of

(1) 伊 (z)


This limit converges uniformly on compact subsets of D. We call {σn} the

normalized Konigs seuence.

Let αmωE D, be an automorphism exchanging 0 for ωdefined by

包J- z (2) α山口仁志・

Hence if the五xedpoint p #-0, putψ-αpoψoαP' Since ψ(0)ロ 0,we can construct its normalized Konigs sequence九 andits Konigs function

T on the way above. Putting σn1C-1THOαP and σ= C-1T 0αp where

C 三 α~(p) コ (!pI2 _ 1)-1, then σis the Konigs function of <p and it is easy to seeもhatσnconverges to σuniforn均 oncompact subsets of. D.

In the last section, we will consider the relation between the power com-pactness of composition operators on A and its Konigs funcもion.



In伊]and [5], the topological structure of C(H∞) is studied. We can get

similar results on the topological structure of C(A).

Theorem 1. Let C,判CψbeinC(A).

2-2、11ーの(ψ,ψ)2(i) IIC,ψー C1/1I1=

'fI -'1'11 dβ(rp,ψ) (ii) C,ψ",0,ψin C(A)件今 IICrp-c.ψ11<2 (iii) Crp必αnisolated point of C(A)件今 forall Cψ=f. Ccp, IIC,伊 -Cψ11=2

白 ψ zs α仰next幼伽tか7


(iv) Every C.ψE B is compact on A αnd isolated in C(A).

(v) K ¥B itself isαcomponent of C(A).

Remα仇 (i)implies tl凶 C(A,Iト11)is homeomorphic to S(D, ds). (ii) implies

th抗 C(A)is locally path connected, and then all components ofC(A) is path connected. In [1], H. Chandra showed a part of the statement of (iii), that is, if C,ψis an isolation, thenψis an extreme point of S(D)


In general, the collection of composition operators is not a linear space

but is a semigroup under the multiplication C,ψ:0,ψHCcpo,ψ・Hencewe can

consider the dynamical systems on C(A). Theorem 1 implies the following


Proposition 1. Let C,判'"Crp2αndCψ1'" Cψ2 in C(A). Then CCPIC1/11 rv

Cψ20,ψ2 in C(A).

Letι: C(A)→C(A)j", be the cannonical map. We call the sequence

{ι (C~(o,ψ))} in C(A) the itinerary of 0,ψgenerated by Crp. By the propo-

sition乱bove,we can assert that the equivalent relation, that is to be in the same component in C (A), keeps the itineraries,回 following.

Theorem 2. /f CCPl '" CCP2αndo,仇 ", Cψ2in C(A), then l(C~l (C1/11)) ι(C~2 (C,ψ2)) for αII positi開 integern

We will study on the simply generated itinerary l(C;). At first, consider in the itineraries of the compact composition operators.

po ny

Proposition 2. (i) For all C,ψE B and all nと1,C; = C,ψ・

(ii) ForαllG.ψ 巴K¥B and all n三19L(C3)zK ¥B

Nex七wewi1l consider the itineraries of the pwer compact composition

operators. The example below guarantees thatおrany positive integer n

there exists at least a恥 powercompact composition operator on A.

Example 1. (i) Let ψ(z) =的+1)/2. Then C'" is 込powercomp配 ton


(ii) Let ψcr be a (enough thin) lens m叩 which五xes-1, 0, and 1, and ψ(z) =ニ芋l<pa(z)十字.Then C'" is 3-power compact on A.

(iii) For nさ久 let凡ロ {1,e2肘/n,e2制 /nr-e(n-2)2d/つ加d<Pn bethe

Riemann ma仰 ingfrom D to the (n -1)th polygon whose vertexes are

just Pn and which五xesevery point of Pn. Put ψ= e21ri/n<Pn' Then

C伊 isル powercompact on A.

We can apply Theorem 2 to the ル powercompact composition operators

on A.

Corollary. Let C'" and C,ψbe in C(A) such that Cψ'" C'" in C(A). If C,ψ

zs nプpoωercompαct on A, then Cψ is nψoωer compact on A.

Theorem 3. Let n > 1 and C.ψE C(A) be 1叩 owercompαct on A.

(i) For m1, m2三n,m1 =f:. m2,ι(C:;l) i-ι(C;;:2).

(ii) For m さn,t(C;;:) = K ¥B.

For example, let C,ψbe 1ルpowercompact on A. List up the order of the

power compactness of {C~}立l' 10,民生3,2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1. Thus, by Theorem 3, this itinerary includes長vedi荘erent2-power compact components in C(A).

N ow for n > 1, denote Kn the collection of all ルpowercompact compo-

sition operators on A.

Corollary. For every n > 1, Kn consists of infinite components ofC(A).


In the introduction of this paper, it is shown that Cr,ois power compact

on A if乱ndonly if 11ψnll∞< 1 for some positive integer n. In this section, we will try to characterlize the power compactness of composition operators

on A in other way.


At first, suppose thatψis an elliptic automorphism, then all iteration ψπare aJso elliptic 加山morphisms. This means that 11ψnll∞コ 1for any

positive integer n and Crp is not power compact on A.

Next we suppose thatψis not an ellipもicautomorphism. By the Denjoy-

Wolff Theorem(see [2]),ψh回 theDenjoy“Wol官pointp E万and<pn converge

to p on compact subsets of D. If the Denjoy-Wolff point p of ψis on 8D, then p is just a長xedpoint of ψ・ Thisimplies that lI<pn 11∞= 1 for any

positive integer n, and then Gψis not power comp抗 t.(This result holds on

the composition operators on H∞ induced byψε S(D) with De吋oy蜘 Wolff

point p E 8D. Indeed p Eψ叫 (D)for all n. T弘isimplies 11ψ?lll∞= 1)

針。mnow on, we deaJ with <pεS(D) which is not an elliptic automor-

phism of D, with the Denjoy-Wolff point p E D, which is just a fixed point

of <p. As the aplications of Konigs Theorem, the following two results on

the relation between power compactness of Gψ onH∞and its eigenfunction

have been shown in [10]p23, p25.

Proposition 3 ([10]). Let ψ be in S(D) such thatψ(p) = P E D a'Rd

ザ(p)=1= O. Let σbe the Konigs function of <p.

(i) IfC,ψ is poωer compαct on H∞, then σεH∞.

(iiリ),σyψi勾S t包m問B


In [8], Poggi-Corradini has shown that the size of the Konigs function is estimated by its radial maximal function. In our situation, Poggi-Corradini 's theorem implies the following lemma immediately.

Lemma 1. Suppose thatψE S(万)such thatψ(0) = 0αnd the Konigs

function σis in A. Then, there isαconstant C > 0 independent of n such


(3) 11σnll∞三 CIIσ11∞

Now, without the univalence of ψ, we can get the relation between the power compactne錨 ofGψonA and the boundedness and continuity on D

of the Konigs function of ψ・


Theorem 4. Suppose thatψE S(D) with a fixed point p in D. Then the

following are equivalence.

(i) Ctp is poωer compact on, A.

(ii) lI (l~ 1I∞< 1 for some n三1.

(iii) the Konigs functionσis in A.

Moreover if one of the th附 conditionsholds (then all of them hold), the Ko・nigssequenceσn converges toσin A.


{月日.Chandra, /solation amongst ωmposition operators on the disc algebra J. Indi咽

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Pren色iceHall,Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1962. [4] T. Hosokawa, Powerωmpactness and components 0/ composition叩eratorson the

disc algebra. preprint.

[5] T. Hosokawa, K. Izuchi, D. Zheng, /solated points and e馴 ntialcomponents 0/ com・position叩 eratorson H∞. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2001), 1765-1773

[6] B. MacCl田 r,S. Ohno, R. Zh却 ,Topological structure 0/ the space 0/ composition

叩 eratorson H∞. Integral Equation Operator Theory, 40 (2001),481-494. [7] K. Madigan, Composition叩 eratorsinto Lipschitztype s.抑制.Thesis, SUNY alb叫


[8] Pietro Poggi輸 Corradini,Norm convergence 0/ normalized iterats and the growth 0/ Kanigs maps. Ark. Mat. 37 (1999), 171-182.

[9] J. Shapiro, Composition operators and classical junction theory. Sp巾 ger-Verlag, New

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Composition Operators. J. Funct Anal. 127 (1995), 21-62

DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, NIIGATA UNIVERSITY, NIIGATA, 950暢 2181,JAPAN E-mail address:hosoGtoki.gs.niigata-u.ac.jp


The essential norm of a weighted composition operator on the disc algebra


Junji Takahashi Hiroyuki Takagi

高構淳苛 高木啓行

(Shinshu University 信州大学)

Abstract. We estimate the essential norm of a weighted composition oper.削

ator uc.伊:f t-+包・(foψ)on the disc algebra A(ID>). The estimate determines the essential norms of a composition and a multiplication operator on A(勤),and gives Kamowitz's characterization of the compactness of uCcp. Further棚

田 ore,we obtain an analogue for H∞(ID), the Banach algebra of the b01111ded analytic functions.

XをBanach空間とし?乙(X)を X上の有界線形作用素全体のBanach環とする.

8E乙(X)は, Xの関単位球を Xのあるコンパクト集合の中にうっすとき7コンパ


開問側イデアルをなす.いま,TE乙(X)に対して,Tから κへの距離を考え?

IITlle = inf { IIT -811 : 8 Eκ}

とおく.これを,Tの本質ノルム (essen七ialnorm)という.これは7蕗関 乙(X)jκにおけるノルム IIT+問|である.明らかに, IITlle:::;IITIIが成り立つ.また?次のこ


IITlle <∞牛=今 Tが有界 (Tが有界でない場合, IITII口∞と考える)

IITlle= 0 や吟 Tがコンパクト作用素

よって, IITlleの評錨式が与えられると,Tの有界性やコンパクト性が同時に特徴

づけられる.このように 7本質ノルムは?作用禁の性質を知るうえで重要な役割を




J.H. Shapiro [3] 豆町dy空間 H2(lIJ))上の合成作用素

A. Montes-Rodriguez [2] Bloch空間上の荷量合成作用紫

L. Zheng [6] 註ardy空間 H∞(lIJ))上の合成作用素

第二著者?三浦毅?高橋員映 [5] C(X)上の荷重合成作用素

ここで、は?ディスク環と H∞(lIJ))上の荷重合成作用素の本質ノルムを調べる.


Dを Cの単位開円紋とし?その閉包を百?境界を Tとかく.lIJ)上で正期かつ D


上で連続な関数全体からなる関数環を?ディスク環 (discalgebra)と呼ぴ, A(1I})で

表す.いま, u,少EA(勤)で7ψ は11}から11}への写像とする.このuとψを用いて?

A(1I})上の作舟素 uc.ψを7

(uCcpf)(z) = u(z) f(ψ(z)) (zε11}, f E A(野))

と定義する.明らかに, uCcp E乙(A(1I}))で, lluCcpll口 Ilullである.匂Ccpは, A(1I})上の

荷重合成作用素 (weigh七edcomposition op町 ator)と呼ばれる.とくに3匂が定数関

数1の場合, uCcp = C.ψ:fl-tfo ψを?合成作用素(∞mpωi七ionoperator)という.


uCcp = Mu : f I-t u. fである.


定理1. uc.ψをA(1I})上の荷重合成作罵素とする.

(a)ψ が定数関数の場合, IluCcplle = 0である.

(b) 'P(1I}) n 'lr =日の場合, lluC.ψIle=0である.

(c) 'pが定数関数でなくかっ何事)n 'lrキ時の場合?

sup{lu(z)l: z Eψ-1 ('lr) }三 IluCcplle壬2sup{ lu(z)1 : z Eψ-1('lr) }


定理 1の (b)の場合は7ψ-1('lr)=日となるから, sup{lu(z)1 : z E 'P-1('lr)} = 0

と解釈できる.そうすると, (b)は (c)に含めることができる.

定理lにおいて,uが定数関数1の場合あるいは ψが百の恒等写像の場合を考

えよう.どちらの場合も, (c)の sup{lu(z)l:z εψ-1 ('lr) }の値が Ilullとなり 3一方

で, IIUCcplle壬IluCcpl1ニIlullだから, lluCcpll日ニ|同11となる.こうして 3次の 2つの系


Cψ をA(1I})上の合成作用素とすると?次の式が成り立つ.

f 0 ('Pが定数関数または ψ(野)n'lr=oの場合)IICcplle = ~

伊 l 1 (そうでない場合)

園 Mufd:. A(1I})上の積作用素とすると, IIMulle = Ilullである

また?定理 lで IluCcplle= 0の場合を考えると?次の知られた結果が得られる.

|系31(Kamowitz [1]) uCcpをA(1I})上の荷重合成作用素とする.ψが定数関数で

ないとき, uCcpがコンパクト作用素であるための必要十分条件は3

u(z)キo=キ|仲)1< 1



これらの系で?定理 l(c)を適応する際, JJuC¥OJJe = 四p{Ju(z)J : z εcp-l(1r) }と

なっていた.次の定理では?そうなるための十分条件を与える.定理では,1r上の 1

次元Lebesgue測度を m とかく.

定理2. uC¥OをA(H>>)上の荷重合成作用素とする.また7ψ は定数関数でな

くかっ ψ(百)n 1rキ日とする.m(ψ一1(1r))= 0のとき?

JJ匂C¥OJJe= sup{ Ju(z)J : z巴ψ-1(1r)}


~2. H∞(野)上の荷重合成作用素の本質ノルム

D上の有界正則関数全体の Banach環を,H∞(H>>)で表す.いま?民 CPE H∞(H>>)

で, cpはDから Dへの写像とする.このUとψを用いて,H∞(H>>)上の作用素uC¥O


(uC¥Oj)(z) = u(z) j(ψ(z)) (zEH>>, j εH∞(H>>) )

と定義する.明らかに,uC¥OE C(H∞(H>>) )で, JJuC¥OJJ = JJuJJである.uC¥Oを,H∞(H>>)

上の荷重合成作用素 (weigh七edcomposition operator)という.ヂィスク環の場合

と同様に,uが定数関数 1の場合7uC?を合成作用素 (compositionoperator)と

いって,0,ψで表し, cpが否の恒等写像の場合は,uC¥Oを積作用素(multiplication

op~ra七or) といい , Mu と表す.

定理 1のA(諮)を H∞(H>>)に変更してみよう.定理1の(c)では?

sup {Ju(z)J : z巴ψ…1(す)}=泊f{r>O:cp({ZEH>>:JU(Z)J三r})CH>>}


ψ({z E H>> : Ju(z)J三r})

一一誌は Qの閉包を表す (nCC)一ーを考える.そして?次の定理を得た.

定理3. uC¥OをH∞(H>>)上の荷量合成作用禁とする.

じ inf{r>O:州zE H>> : Ju(z)Jジ })CH>>}

とおくと?α三 JJuC¥OJJe~ 2α



31と同様に考察すると7定理3から?次の 3つの系がみちびかれる.

闘 (Zh叫 [6])らを H∞(ID>)上の合成作用素とすると抑制成り立つ

f 0 (訳務cID>の場合)IIC¥OlIe = ~ l 1 (ψ(ID>) n l'キ日の場合)

Muを H∞(ID>)上の積作用素とすると, IIMulle=11叫jである.

闘(持])uC¥Oを H∞(向上の荷重合成作用素とする叫がコンパクト作用素


任意の r>Oに対して3ψ({z E ID> : lu(z) I三r})CID>




[1] H. Kamowitz, Compact operators of tbe form uC¥O' Paci且c.J. Math., 80 (1979),


[2] A. Montes-Rodriguez, Weigbted composition opera伽 son weigbted Banacb spac部

of analytic五mctions,J. Lond∞Math. Soc., 61 (2000), 872-884.

[3] J .H. Shapiro, Tbe essential norm of a composition operator, Annals Math., 125

(1987), 375-404.

[4] H. Takagi, Compact weigbted compω:ition op町 atorson function algebras, Tokyo J. Math., 11 (1988), 119-129.

[5]抵抗kagi,T. Miura and S占 .Takahasi, Essential norm and stab出 ;yconstant of

weigbted composition operators ∞C(X), submitted.

[6] L. Zhe珂 ,Tbe essential norms and spectra of composition叩町atorson HベPaci五c.

J. Math., 203 (2002), 503-510.


Both αuthors

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Faculty of Science

Shinshu University

Matsumoto, 390-8621, Japan

Fi副総 codi臨 ensionallinea町 isometries0阻和nctio阻


Kaz由 iroKasuga (Niigataむ耐ersity)

Abstract. Let K be a compact subset of the complex n-space and A(K) the algebra of

all continuous functions on K which is holomorphic on the i凶eriorof K. In this report

we show that under some hypotheses on K, there exists no linear isometry of a finite

codimension on A( K).


EをBanach空間とする。 Linearisometry ψ:E →Eが余次元lであるとはψの値域


Fを複素Euclid空間cnの部分集合とする。 FはFの関包を表し、 δFはFの位相的な

境界を表し、 intFはFの内部を表すものとする。一般に Gをcnの領域とする。 H(G)を

G上の正期関数全体を表し、 C(δ)は否上の複素数値連続関数の全体を表すものとする。

Bnを複素Euclid空間cnの単位球とし、 Snを単位球面とする。 A(Bn)= H(Bn)nC(ぬ

とおく o A(Bn)のSn上への制販を A(S叫)と書くことにする。 A(Sn)をballalgebraと

う。 n= 1の時A(Sl)は円板環である。円板環上の余次元 1のlinearisometryは存

在する。 Dを単位向板としrを単位円周とする。すなわち D Bb r = SIである。

Mα(z)口 (zー α)/(1-az) (αE D)と定める。次はTakayama-Wadaの結果である。


Theorem 1. ([7]) A(r)を円板環とする。ゆを A(r)上の余次元1のlinearisometryとす

る。この時αJεcc(1α1 = IsI = 1)とα,bE Dが柄笠し (ψJ)(z)=αMa(z)f(βMb(Z)) (f E

A(r), z E r)を満たす。

次に多次元の領域について上のような結果が成立するか考察する。 Dnをccn の単位多

重円板とし、 Tnをトーラスとする。 A(Dn)口 H(Dn)nC(万百)とおく。 A(Dn)のTn上へ

の制限を A(Tn)と書くことにする。 A(Tn)をpolydiskalgebraと言うo n'= 1の時A(Tl)


Theorem 2. ([6]) A はballalgebra A(Sn)または polydiskalgehra A(Tn)を表すもの

とする。 n>lの時、 A上の余次元 1のlinearisometryは存在しない。

B(p, e)口 {zE CCn : Iz -pl <ε}とおく。ここで、PE CCnでf>Oである。 A(K)をKの

内部で正期なK上の複素数値連続関数全体とする。 H(K)をKで正則な関数のK上での

一様極限全体とする。 A(K)、H(K)はいずれも K上での関数環で

H(K) C A(K)



Theorem 3. ([5]) n > 1とする。 Kはccnのコンパクト部分集合で次の (i)から (v)を満


(i) intK = K

(ii) K = n二lDn、ただしDnコ万江;で、 Dnは有界かっ正則凸である


(iii) Kの任意の点pに対しf.p>0が存在し、。<f. < f.pなる任意の εに対しB(p,f.)nintK


(iv) A(K) = H(K)

(v) U E A(K)でθA(K)上で lul= 1であるならば、 uは定数またはK の内部で零点




Example 1. n> 1とする。 Dをcnの02boundaryを持つ strictlypseudoconvex domain

とする。 K=nとすると定理3の(i)から (v)の仮定を満たす。

Example 2. n> 1とする。 Kはcnのコンパクトかつ凸集合でi日K=Kなるものとす

ると定理3の(i)から (v)の仮定を満たす。

Example 3. n > 1とする。 kjはCのコンパクト部分集合でθkjは有限個の滑らかな

関曲線からなるものとする。 K口日馬とすると定理3の(i)から (v)の仮定を満たす。


[1] J. Araujo and J. J. Font, Lineαr isometries between subspaces 01 continuot

Math. Soc. 349 (1997), 413-428.

[2] J. Araujo and J. J. Font, Codimension 1 lineαr isometries on functionα1gebras, Proc. Amer. Math.

Soc. 127 (1999), 2273-2281.


[3] R. M. Crownover, Commutants 01 shifts on Bαnαch spaces, Michigan M叫h.J. 19 (1972), 233-247.

凶 J.J. Font, Isometries between lunction algebms with finite codimensional rnnge, Manuscripぬ M抗 h.

100 (1999), 13-21.

間 o.Hatori and K.K出 uga,Linear isometries 01 finite codimensions on Banach algebrns 01 holomorphic

lunctions, preprint.

[6] K. Kasuga, There are no codimension 1 linear isometries on the ball and polydisk algebms, Sci.

Math. Jpn. 54 (2001), 387-390; Correction, Sci. Math. Jpn.,56 (2002), 69-70.

[7] T. Takayama and J. Wada, Isometric shift operntors on the disc algebm, Tokyo. J. Math. 21




Martin boundary of自日itelysheeted unlimited covering surfaces of C and quasiconformal mappings


Abstract. Let W1 and W2 be p--sheeted unlimted covering surfaces

of <C. Denote byム子 theminimal Martin boundary of Wi・ Suppose

that弥生 is quasiconformal equivalent to W2. In case p = 2 or 3, we show that #!::.~l 口 #!::.~2 , where #!::.~i is the cardinal number of !::.~i

自然数 p(~ 2)に対し, Cのp葉非有界被覆面全体を Cp で表す.W巴Cp のマル

チンcompact化を W*?マルチン境界をムW(=W*¥W),さらに W の極小マルチ

ン境界を sr'(csW)とする.sr'は,W の理想境界近傍上の正鑑調和関数の構

造を決めるものである.Wから Cへの射影を πwとし, Wfz W¥7fii}({lzl:S 1})

とおく • W'の相対境界を δW'で表す:θW'= 7fii}({lzl = 1}). W'上の調和関数

hで hミ0,hl8W' = 0をみたすものの全体を HP(W',8W')とおく.このとき,

#ムF口 η

なUl,・・・ ,Un(EHP(W',8W'))が帯在して,各 hE HP(W',8W')は

h = L~=l Ci叫 (CiE lR, Ci言。)の形に一意的に表される.

となっている (Heins[H]は,この η をW'の調和次元と呼んだ).また,これから,

WE らのとき 1 壬 #ßr' ~P が分かる (cf. [H]).以下では、次の開題について考


問題.W1 E Cp と明乍 ECp が擬等角開館のとき,#ar1口 #A72となるか?


ないが (cf.[L], [8], [8T]) ,上の答は肯定的であるものと予想している.ここでは,

p=2および 3の場合に答を与える.まず,一般の pについて,次のことが成り立


豊里1:W1 E cp と W2 が擬等角同値で #å~/i = pのときラ #A72ココ pであ


星空2・W1E Cp と研匂 ECp が様等角同値で#ム711p-1のとき,

#A72ロ p-lである.

p= 2,3のとき,定理 1および2より直ちに上の問題の答が得られる.

主定型.p=2または 3とする.W1 E Cp と科包 ECp が擬等角開館ならば,



以下では,定理 1および2の証明の背景について述べる.∞が Dirichlet問題

に関する非正則境界点になっているような Cの領域全体を M で表す.さらに,

WECp とM εん4に対し, πRf(M)の成分の個数を ηw(,M)で表す,ここで πw

は W から Cへの射影である.このとき,#ムずは,nw(M)を使って次のように特

徴づけられる (cf.[MS]):

全璽主・ #ムr'= maxMEM nw(M)

また,擬等角同値な2つの平語領域の境界について,次のことが知られている (cf.


命題 2.jは平頭領域 D1から平面領域D2への擬等角写像で D1への連続拡張

f織を持っとする.このときヲ bが D1の非正慰境界点、ならば,j*(b)も D2の非


W 巴 Cp と (Eムずに対し,K(, を W'における Cの Mar七in核とする,ここで

W'=W¥πT:i}({lzl ~ 1}),πwはW から Cへの射影である.Wの部分集合 Eは,

aEW'ヂK(, をみたすとき, (で mi凶 nallythinであるという.ここに,的?w,

は W'上の EnW'に関する K(, のbalayage(掃散)を表す.定理2の証明には,上

の命題 Iおよび2の他に次の命題3が必要となる (cf.[M]).

空理2・Lを W(εCp) 内の連続曲線でW の理想境界へ到達するものとする.

このときうムずの点 Cが存在して,Lは Cでminimallythinでない.


[AS] L.V. Ahlfors and L. Sario: Riemαnn Surfαces, Princeton, 1960.

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[L] T. Lyons: Ir叫 αbility01 the Liouville prop巴rtylor q叩 si引 ometricRiemαnniαn manザ'oldsαnd re開 rsibleM,αrkov chαins, J. Di在erentialGeom., 26(1987), 33-66.

[LSW] W.Li七七man,G. Stampacchia and H. F. Wei的 erger:Reg1山rpoints lor elliptic equαtions with discontinuous coefficients, 17(1963), Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa, 45-79.

[M]日.M出回ka:Criterion 01 Wiener type lor minimal thinness on covering surfiαces, Proc. Japn. Acad.,γ2(1996), 154-156.

[MS] H. Masaoka and S. Segawa: H,αrmonic dimension 0ザ'Icωov叩E付巾n吋,gs叩u吋ザゆαCωE白sα7吋 m側7η叫~i伽ni山~im釘仰mαalβμn ηei勿:ghb加or,巾hoωod,Osaka J. Math., 34(1997), 659-672.


[S] S. Segawa: Martin boundαries of Denjoy doma加sαndquasiconformal mappings, J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 30(1990), 297-316.

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Depar七mentof Mathematics Faculty of Science Kyoto Sangyo U niversity Kyoto 603-8555 Japan E-mail: masaoka@cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp






1. Introduction

Throughout this paper the notation R is always used to mean an open (i.e. non即C∞ompact) Riemann surface. In the cla凶五cationtheory of Riemann surfaces the class OG of pαrabolic Riemann surfaces R is the most basic category of degenerate Riemann sur-faces. There are hundreds of mutually equivalent characterizations of the parabolicity

of R, among which we state here the following ring theoretic one (cf. e.g.阿).The Royden algebra M(R) over R is the normed ring obtained by the completion of the ring

{fEC∞(R) : Ilfll <∞} wiぬ respectto the norm

Ilf江戸 supIf(z)1 + ( I 1¥7 f(z)12 )


where ¥7 f(z)口 (fx(z),fy(z)) (z = x十旬)is the gradient of f. The potential subalgebra Mム(R)of M(R) is the closure of七hesubring Co'(R) of C∞(R) consisting of functions with compact supports in R. The potential subalgebra Md.(R) is an ideal of M(R). Then the parabolicity of R is characterized by the triviality of the ideal Md.(R):

M(R) = Md.(R),

i.e. the ideal boundary of R is so small that any Royden function (i.e. any function in M(R)) can be approximated by Royden functions with compact supports. Of course the notation OG comes from the most basic characterization of the parabolicity of R 七hatthere are no Green functions on R: in the notation OG the letter 0 suggests the nonexistence and the letter G in the su部xis the capital of Green. Open Riemann surfaces R not in OG (i.e. R tj. OG)町 e凶 dto be hyperbolic. The clo副(i.e.compact) Riemann surfaces are said to be elliptic. Hence all Riemann surfaces (open or closed) are classified into three categories: elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic, and all open Riemann surfaces into two categories: parabolic and hyperbolic.

The classification is the most illuminating if R's are restricted to those of simply cοnnected on田. The uniおrmizationtheorem says that all simply connected Riemann surfaces (open or closed)訂 e.conformally one of the following three surfaces: <C (the Riemann sphere or the extended complex plane), <C (the complex plane), and J[J)(the unit disc). Hence a simply connected open Riemann surface R is either <C or J[J) and

therefore R E OG (R tj. OG, resp.) if and only if R = <C (R口J[J), resp.). Let P be either one of the complex plane or the Riemann sphere e = <c U {∞},∞

being the point at infinity of <C. An open or closed Riemann surface 8 is said to be a multisheeted plane over P if 8 is a covering Riemann surface (8, P,7r) of P, i.e. 8 is a Riemann surface and 7r is an analytic mapping of 8 to P, with the following two additional conditions. Firstly, the cardinal number ca町rd1πr司町町一一一句-司悶向句-叩悶句司司-司句

C∞on耶S七切an凶tν川(8め)ε NU{ 以尚o}for every α E P, where N is the set of all positive integers 1,2,... and ~o = cardN. Secondly, 81¥8 is of (logarithmic) capacity zero measured on 81 for any covering extension (81, P,π1) of (8, P,7r). Here a covering extension

1 Professor Emeritus at Nagoya Institute of Technology 2Daido Instit凶 eof Technology


(81, P, 1川 of(8,P,π) is a covering surface (81; P,7r1) of P such that 81 is a Riemann surface containing 8 as its Riemann subsurface and 7r118 =π. That the closed subset 81¥8 of 81 is of capacity zero is characterized by the existence of an Evans自立lctionh on 81 for 81¥8 which is a continuous mapping of 81 to ∞,十∞]such that hl8 is harmonic with negative logarithmic singularity and hl81¥8=+∞. The constant 1/(8) stated above is referred to出 thesheet number of the multisheeted plane 8, or more precisely, of (8, P, 7r), and if 1/( 8) E N (ν(8)口以0,resp.), then we say that 8 is a finitely sheeted plane (infinitely sheeted plane, resp.) over P. obviously ir血litelysheeted plane must be open.

We are interested in the problem, which we call the (generalized) type problem (cf. e.g. [3],[4]), to judge whether a given multisheeted plane 8 over P is parぬolicor hyperbolic based on the covering information of 8 over P such as the topological and metrical distribution of the branch points, i.e. points a in 8 such that the order of the zero of π(z)ー π(a)(z being the local parameter at a) is at least two. Since it is easy (although nontrivial) to see that 8 is elliptic or parabolic along with P if 1/(8) E N, we can restrict ourselves to infinitely sheeted planes over P in the type problem. In particular the type problem for simply connected R over <C is referred to部 the(classical) type problem, about which we will discuss in this paper.

2. Concretely given simply connec土edinfinitely sheeted planes over <C

We are going to discuss the parabolicity or nonparabolicity (i.e. hyperbolicity) of a certain simply connected infinitely sheeted planes W constructed by the method of scissoring and pasting. We take a variable sequence α= (αn)nEN of increasing positive numbers:

(1) 0 <向 <α2<・・・ <αn<α百十1<・../"αα{αi豆十∞ (n→∞).

Fixing the above sequence αwe consider the sequence (1n)nEN of slits ん givenby

(2) ん:=[-1,1]十切目立 {zε<C:-1壬Rez~ 1,Imz=αn} (n E N).

We then consider the sequence (Fn)nEN of slitted sphere Fn given by

(3) Fn:= <C ¥(1n-1 U 1n) (nεN),

where 10 = 0, so that F1 is a once slitted sphere and Fn are twice slitted spheres for n> 1. A slit んgivestwo sides, the upper side 1;t and the lower side 1;;, to Fn and Fn十1伊豆 1).More precisely, there are two boundary points α+ and α-in the Caratheodory compactification F:;' and F:;'+l' respectively (cf. e.g. [8]), of凡 andF,叶 1,respectively lying over αE 1n characterized by

α土口 l~!!l(α 土 ít)t↓O

in F:;' and F:;'+l' respectively, where -ト and-in the double sign土 aretaken in their natural corresponding order. Here α十 α一ifand only ifαis the rightmost and the leftmost end point of 1n・ Then,precisely defining, 1土:={α土 :αE1n} (n E N). Identiちri時 α十 (α一, resp.) in Fi withα一(α+,resp.) in F; we get a set F1 U F2 U J1・Here J1 consistsof two copies 1u and 112 of Ir・Theset 111 (112, resp.) comes仕omidentified 1"1 in Fi and rt in F; (1{ in Fi and r; in F;, resp.). Two sets 111 and 112町 eviewed to be disjoint except七heiridentified end points. At each point αin F1 U F2 U J1


except the end points of J1 we give a local parameter z := zー αnaturallyinduced by the global coordinate z of C. At the end points e1 and e2 of J1, we give z := ..j玄士可部

the local parameter at ej (j = 1,2), so that, by setting作(z)口 α十 (zー α)=α 十zfor

F1UF2UJ1¥{e1, e2} and作(z)= ej十Z2叫匂(j=1,2), (F1UF2UJ1,e,1l') is acovering Riemann surface of C with two branch points of multiplicity 2 over e1 and e2・ThenJ1 becomes an analytic Jordan curve in F1 U F2 U J1 in which aF1 = J1・Wewill denote by F1十F2the Riemann surface F1 U F2 U J1 constructed above. Usually F1十F2is referred to as the Riemann surface obtained from F1 and F2 by pasting crosswise along the slit h・Similarlywe construct the Riemann surface F1十F2十九 obtainedfrom F1 + F2 and F3 by pasting crosswise along 12・Repeatingthe process inductively we obtain a Riemann surface W = W[α] determined by α, which we denote symbolically by

(4) W[α] =F1+九十・・十 Fn十Fn十1十・・・.

The surface Wn 口 Fl十・・・十 Fnis relatively compact in and a Riemann subsurface of W = W[a]. The relative boundary aWn of Wn in W is an analytic Jordan curve. Conformally Wn = lD for every n E N. We can see that (Wら)nENis a regular exhaustion ofW.告omthis we can see that W[α] is simply connected. By the cons七ructionwe see th叫 (W[α],C,作),πbeing defined naturally as in the explanation stated in the constructing 九十F2'is a covering surface.

We denote by Athe set of sequencesαgiven by (1). Then we have obtained a one (sequential) p訂 ameterfamily {W[α] :αE A} of simply connected infinitely sheeted pl加 esW[α] over C. We now discuss the classical type problemfor {W[α] :αE A} and the complete answer is obtained出 follows.

THEOREM A. The infinitely sheeted plαne W[α] E Oa (W[α] tJ Oa, resp.)ザαndonly ザα[α]=十∞ (α[α)く十∞,resp.).

The part of this result thatα{α]<十∞ impliesW[a] tJ Oa is due to Professor His出 hiIshida [2] at Kyoto Sangyo University.証isproof goes follows. The standing assumption in this part is αロ α[α]<十∞.Consider出eset

G1 :口 {zE C : -1/2 < Rez < 1/2,0 < Imz <αI},

whose boundary consists of four segments

σj:口{zE C: -1/2壬Rez壬1/2,Imz口αj} (j口 0,1)

with α0=0 and TT:口 {zEC:Rez=土1/2,ao話Imz壬αI},

where the double signs are taken in i七snatural order, so that acG1 =σ'oUσl UTf LJTf-We may understand that G1 together its boundary aCG1 is embedded in F1 U aFI, aF1 being considered in W 掛 G1and aG1・Similarlywe consider

Gn:= {Z E C:… 1/2 < Re z < 1/2, an-1くImz<αn} (n E N, n妥2),

whose boundary consists of four segments

σj := {z E C : -1/2壬Rez妥1/2,Imz α'j} (j口 n-1, n)

and す:={z E C : Rez =土1/2,an-1壬Imz~ an}.





Then Gn with its boundary acGn =σn-l UσnUγ:;t U r;; in C is embedded in Fn U aFn in耳r出 GnandaGn. Since σn in Fn and σ'n in Gn+1 are identified in科T,we see that

G= UGn

is simply connected open set in W and

G口 {zE C: -1/2 < Rez < 1/2,0 < Imz <α}

is a rectangle considered in C. Its boundary acG consists of two horizontal segments

σ。:口 {zE C: -1/2妥Rezぎ1/2,Im z = O},

σ∞ロ {z ε C:-1/2~Rez 豆 1/2 , Imz ロ α}

and two vertical segments干:l:where

ァま:={z E C: Rez立土1/2,0豆Imz<α}.

Then the relative boundary aG of G in研TisσoUr十 Ur-but σ∞should be considered 出 thepart of ideal boundary of W.

The subsurface G of研T is thus noncompact. Solving the Dirichlet problem, the existence of nonconstant ,bounded harmonic function h with 0 < h < 1 on G such that the boundary values of h on aG is zero and七hatof h at the ideal boundary σ∞is 1 except the end points of σ∞・ Sucha subsurface, i.e. the subsurface of carrying nonconstant bounded harmonic functions vanishing continuously at its relative boundary, is said not to belong to SOHB, which assures that the original surface is not in Oa, i.e. W tj. Oa in the present case (cf. e.g. [7]). This is the Ishida proof for the necessity of the condition

α[α]=+∞in Theorem A. 口The last part of the above proof can also be seen directly as follows. Observe that

院~nG 口 {z E C : -1/2 < Re z < 1/2,0 < Im z <αn} (ηE N)

and its relative boundary δ(Wn n G) in W is

。(WらnG)=σoU(ァ+n Wn) U (r-n Wら)

so thatσn C aWn and WnnG¥σn C Wn・LetWn be the harmonic measure of aWn on Wn¥σ0, i.e.ωnisaco凶 inuousfunction on Wら=Wn U aWn harmonic on Wn¥σo with boundary values ωnlσo口 oand Wn laWn = 1. The decreasing limit ωof (ω叫ん倒is the harmonic measure of the ideal boundary of W on W ¥σ0・Bythe comparison 0ぱf

boundary values of two functions 1ωIρ内JG so that ω> 0 on叫rヘ, which is one of the characterization 0ぱf科Tnot to belong to Oa.

Compared with the proof of the necessity which is quite simpler and easy as is seen above, that for the su盟ciency,i.e.α{α]口+∞ impliesW[α] E Oa, is much more c∞om pが凶i担ica抗,te吋dand cannot b加es叫ta叫,te吋dhere because of the restriction of the number of pages and therefore we refer the reader to [4] whose proof for a corresponding situation, although quite different at le回 tsuperficially :仕omour present one, must convey a feeling about the basic idea for the sufficiency proof.

3. Genera1iza討ons出 ldconjectures


In order to increase the applicability of Theorem A we relax the rigidness of the slits邸

follows. In addition to出esequencesα=(αn)nEN satisfying (1) we take another kind of the class B ofsequences s口 (bn)nENofreal numbers bn satisむringsimply the condition bη> 0 (n E N). Replacing出einterval [-l,lJ by [-bn, bnJ we consider the sequence (In)nEN of slits In given by

(2')ι:= [-bn,bnJ十ian口 {zεC:-bn ~ Rez壬bn,Imz口 αn} (ηE N)

in place of (2). Then we consider two (sequential) parameters family {W[a,sJ : (α,s) E A x B} of simply connected infi凶telysheeted planes W[a, sJ determined by (3)加 d(4), l.e.

( 4') W[a,sJ:口九十九十・・・十F時十凡+1十・・・.

It may be natural to discuss the type problem for W[α,sJ according to the cases α[αJ=十∞&同 αiαJ< +∞ separately. Concerning the former case we wish to prove the following assertion.

CONJECTURE 1. Whenα{αJ=十∞,W[a,sJ E Oa no matter hoωβ may be chosen in B.

At present we can show the validity of the above conjecture under an additional condition

which is satisfied e.g. when βis nondecreasing:

THEOREM 1. When α{αi口十∞,W[α,sJ E Oaザthesequence (α1+ば)nENis nondecreαs仇9except for the first few terms, i. e.

(5) αi十 bi壬αし1+ b;+l (n E N, nミm)

forαcertαin m E N.

We believe that the technical condition (5) is redundant but we have been unable to get rid of it yet. The latter case (i.e.α[α] < +∞) is of m田 hmore diversity. In this case we expect the validity of the following result:

CONJECTU阻 2.Whenα{αJ<+∞,W[a,sJ E Oaザαndonlyザ

(6) lim inf bn = O. nω 令00

We can pro刊 thenecessity of the condition (6) for the validity of W[a,βJ EOa:

THEO問 M2. Whenα[αJ<十∞,the condition

(7) 1iminf bn > 0 n-今00

implies the hyperbolicity of W[α,s]' i.e. W[a, sJ手Oa.

However we are still unsuccessful in proving the su担ciencyof the condition (6) for the validi句rof W[a, sJ E Oa unless回 sumingan additional condition which is the case e.g. ifβis decreasing. Namely


THEOREM 3. When α[α1<十∞,W[α,β1E OGザthecondition (6) holds under the

restriction that ( (απ ー α[α])2 十 b~)nEN is nonincrea

(8) (απ ー α[α])2十 biミ((αn+l一 α[α])2十bi十1

for almostαII n E N in the sense thαt there exists an N εN such thαt (8) holds forαII

n E N with n 三N.

Again we think the condition (8) is only technical and not essential. We can easily

construct an admissible W[o:, sl E OG withα{α1<十∞, (6), and

limsup 九ト∞.n-今00

This is one of instances backing up the feeling that the condition (8) can be dispe郎 ed



[1] L. AHLFORS AND L. SARIO: Riemαnn Suヴαces,Princeton Univ. Press, 1960.

[2] H. ISHIDA: Pri叩 tecommunication, Departme凶 Math.Kyoto U niv., 20∞01. [問3司]M. NAKAI: 'I勾yp戸9犯es0ザ1complete i加nfini叫t必tおεlωys品he配εted pμ1α仰ne叫s司, Suu町1江凶ri氷ke叩n-幽衣.

119幽 131.

[4] M. NAKAI AND S, SEGAWA: Types of covering suヴαces,Suuriken幽 Kokyuuroku,127γ(2002), 84-93.

[5] R. NEVANLINNA: Analytic Functions, Sp出 ger,1970.

[6] B. RODIN AND L. SARIO: Princ勿αlFunctions, Van Nostrand, 1970.

[7] L. SARIO AND M.NAKAI: Classificαtion Theory of Riemαnn Surfaces, Springer, 1970.

[8] M. TSUJI: Potential Theory加 ModernFunction Theory, Maruzen, 1959.







この講演では K. IzuchiとR.Yangの論文 rStrictl'!I contractive com-

pression on backwαrd sh俳仇叩riαntsubspαces over the torusJを紹介


Definition 1. 2次元トーラス1I.'2上のハーディ空間を H2(1I.'2)とする。

にをfεH2(1I.'2)に対して丸f= zfで定まる H2(1I.'2)から H2(1I.'2)へ

の有界線型作用素とする。 T加も同様とする。

H2(1I.'2)の間部分空間 Nが backwardshift invariant subspaceとは

T;N c N,T:UN c Nをみたすことである。

PNをH2(1I.'2)から Nへの射影とし,SzをfENに対しSzf口 PNTzf

で定まる Nから Nへの有界線製作用素とする。 S却も問様とする。

一般に IISzl1:::; 1であるが,この論文ではIISzl1< 1のときに着自し


LoをfE H2(1I.'2)に対し Lof(z,w)口 f(O,切)で定まる H2(1I.'2)から


Proposi土ion1. NをH2(1I.'2)上の backwardshift invariant subspace


(i) IISzl1 < 1

(ii)んはN上で 1対 1かつLoNはH2(1I.'ω)の間部分空間である。

(iii)任意の hENに対し Ilhll:::; C11Loh11を満たす定数 C>lが存在





Proof. (i)=?-(ii)IISzll < 1とする。任意のfE.Nに対し

IlfW = IILofW十 IIS;fW壬IILofW十 IISzl1211fW

これより (1…IISzW)llfW::; IILofW :::; IlfWとなり, (ii)が成り立つ。

(ii)功。ii)the open mappinig theoremより,任意の gELoNに対し

IILo1gl1三Cllgllを満たす定数 C>1が存在する。よって,任意の

h εNに対し Ilhll::; C11Loh11が・成り立つ。

(iii)中 (i)(iii)が成り立っとする。このとき,任意の hENに対し

IIS;hW = IlhW-IILohW ::; (1一歩)llhWが成り立つ。よって, IISzl1 =

IIS;II < 1が成り立つ。 口

ここで, IISzl1 < 1, IISzl1 = 1となる併をあげる。

Example 1. ([5]) p(切)をIlpll∞ <1なる多項式とする。 Np= H2('JI'2)e

[z-p(ω) ]とするとlちはH2(す2)上のbackwardshift invaria凶 subspace

となる。このとき Sz= Sp(切)となり IISzl1三Ilpll∞ <1となる。

Example 2. N 口 H2('JI'2)θ切H2('JI'2)とすると N 口 H2('JI'z)となり

H2('JI'2)上のbackwardshift invariant subspaceとなる。このとき IISzl1=

IIS;II = IIT:II = 1となる。

Proposition 1より IISzl1< 1となる必要条件のLoはN上で 1対 1と

いう条件に注自する。このとき AをfεNに対し A(Lof)= LoS;fで

定まる LoNからんNへの線型作用素(有界であるとは限らない)が


Proposition 2. N をH2('JI'2)上の backwardshift invariant subspace

としLoはN上で1対 1とする。このときAが有界ならば次の (i)'"'-'(iii)

をみたすψ(山)E H∞('JI' w)が存在する。

(i) A = T;ILoN

(ii) IIAII=llcpll∞

(iii) N = {乞(T;ng)zn;g(ω) E LoN}



Example 3. cp(切 )ε H2('fw)に対し Ncp= H2('f2) e [z -ψ(ω) ]とする

とNcpはH2('f2)上の backwardshift invariant subspaceとなる。この

とき cp(ω) = 2二千=-log(l-w) (ωE 11))とすると AはNψ上でn=O


最後に Aが有界となるときの特徴付けとして次の定理がある。

Theorem 1. NをH2('f2)上のbackwardshift invariant subspaceとす

るとき次の (i)"-'(iii)は同値である。

(i) LoはN上で l対 1であり,かつ Aは有界

(ii) Sz口 Scp(切)をみたすψ(ω)εH∞('fw)が存在する。

(iii) zー ψ(ω)εNょをみたすψ(ω)εH∞('fw)が事在する。

またこのとき ψ(ω)はIIAII= 11ψ11∞にとることができる。


[1] K.Hoffman, Bαnach Spαce of Anαlytic Functions,PrenticeωHall E碍 lewood

Cliffs, N.J.,1962

[2] K.lzuchi and R.Yang,Strictly contracti叩 compressionon backωαrd slゆ invα件

αηt subspαces over the tOTus,preprint.

[3) W.Rudin,Function Theory仇 Polydiscs,Benjamin,New York, 1969

[4] D.Sarason, Gener,αted 加te中oration 加 H∞,Tra肌 Amer. Math.


[5) R.Ya珂 ,Ontwo variable Jordαn blocks,to appear in Acta.Sci.,Math. (Szeged)






An example of a z-invariant subspace of H∞with index c (実数濃度の indexをもっ H∞のか不変部分空間の一例)

Norio Niwa (丹羽典朗)

Abstract. We consider norm closed z-invariant subspaces of H∞. Borichev [1]

proved an existence of a z-invariant subspace of H∞with index c, that is generated by an uncountable family of Blaschke products. Here c is the cardinal number of real field.

We show an existence of a z-invariant subspace of H∞with index c, that is generated by an uncountable family of singular inner functions.

Dを複素平面の単位関丹板, δDを単位円周とする. H∞=H∞(ρ)をD上の有界五

郎関数全体からなる Banach環,L∞(θD)をδD上の本質的有界な可測関数全体からな


inner function (内部関数)と呼ばれる,H∞の研究において重要な役割を果たす関数

がある.ψ(z)が innerfunctionであるとは, ψ(z)ιH∞かっ iψ(ei8)I = 1 a.e. on 8D

を、満たすときをいう.一般に innerfunctionは, Blaschke積と singularinner function

(特異内部関数)と呼ばれる 2つの特別な型の innerfunctionの積で表される.

{zn}n は E~乙l(l-lznl) <∞を満たすD内の点列とする.そのとき


で定義される関数を Blaschke積という.

的)口 exp( -1aD会fdμ(eiO)), Z 巴D,

をsingularinner functionという.ここで, μはθD上のLebesgue測度と互いにsingular


M をH∞の (closed)subspaceとする.Mがz-invariantであるとは,"fEMなら

ばzfιM"を満たすときをいう.ここで zは恒等関数である.ここでは zをかける

線形作用素に関して invariantなものだけを考えるので "z目"を省略して単iこinvariant


H∞においてはノルム位相と (L∞(δD)のweaιstar位相をH∞に制限した)weak回 star

位相の 2つの位相を考えることができる.


まず最初に,MをH∞のweak-s七arclosed invariant subspaceとする.そのとき,MはH∞の weak-starclosed idealである. H∞の weak-s七arclosed idealについては次の


定理 ([2,p.85]) M をnonzeroな H∞の weak-starclosed idealとする.そのとき,

inner function ψが存在して

M ロ ψH∞.

ここで, ψは絶対値1の定数を除いて一意に定まる.逆に,ある innerfunction ψに対

して, ψH∞は H∞の nonzeroな weak-s七arclosed idealである.

これに対して,H∞の normclosedなinvariaI訪問bspaceに関する結果はあまり知ら

れていないのではなし、かと思う.以下にH∞の normclosed invariant subspaceの簡単


H∞の normclosed invariant subsoaceの例

(1)単位問問板D上の連続関数全体を C(D)とする.

A(D)ロ H∞nC(D)

はH∞の normclosed invarinat subspaceである.A(D)は円板環と呼ばれる.


{f E H∞; f(α) = O}

はH∞の normclosed invarinat subspaceである.これはH∞の極大イデアノレで


(3) 0チfEH∞とする.

{♂f;n=0,1,2,.・・}の closedlinear span

はH∞の normclosed invarinat subspaceである.これは singlegenerated invariant


これより ,M をH∞の normclosed invariant subspaceとする.商空間 M/zMの

線形空間としての次元が η であるとき,Mは indexη をもっ(または codimensionn

properもyをもっ)という .H∞の場合,次元 η としては非負整数 0,1,ス・・・3 可算濃度


上で与えた H∞の normclosed invariant subspaceの例はすべて index1である.突

然であるが,ここで Hardy空間 H2(D)の invariantsubspaceについてコメントする.



H2(D)の invariantsubspaceに対して,H∞の場合と同様に, indexを定義する.その

とき, Beurlingの定理と Richter[6]の結果より ,H2(D)の nonzeroな任意の invariant

subspaceはindex1しかもたないことがわかる.しかし,H∞は indexが2以上の norm

closed invariant subspaceを含んでいる.例えば, index 2の例については Richter[6]を

参照せよ.さらに, Borichev は次の興味深い結果を与えている.以下において, [0, 1]

は関区間 cは[0,1]の濃度である.

定理 ([1]) Bl部chke積の族 {Bα;αε[0,1]}で次の条件を満たすものが存在する;

{Bα;αε[0,1]}を含むH∞の最小のnormclosed invariant subspaceが indexcをもっ.

Borichevは Blaschke積を用いて,実数濃度の indexをもっ H∞の normclosed in-

variant subspaceを作っている.この結果を受けて,もう一つの典型的な innerfunction

である singulerinner functionを用いて上と間様な性質をもっinvariantsubspaceを作


定理 singularinner functionの族{九日;α 巴[0,1]}で次の条件を満たすものが存在す

る;{九α;αE[0,1]}を含むH∞の最小の normclosed invariant subspaceが indexcを


上の Blaschke積,または singularinner functionの族の構成方法に興味のある方は

Borichev [1],またはNiwa拐を参照して欲しい.


[1] A. Borichev, lnvariαηt s叫spαcesof given index in Bαnach spαces ofαnalytic func-

tio叫 J.Reine A時 ew.Math., 505 (1998), 23-44

[2] J. Garnett, Bounded Analytic Functions, Academic Press, New York, 1981

[3] K. Hoffman, Bαnach Spαces of Analytic Functions, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cli官s,

N. J., 1962.

[4] K. Izuchi, Singular inner functions of Ll_ type II, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 53 (2001),


[5] N. Niwa, Another example ofαn znvarzα叫 sゆspαceof H∞ 切thindex c, to appear in Hokkaido Math. J.

[6] S. Richter, lnvariαnt subspαces in Banαch spαces ofαnalytic functions, Trans. Amer.

Math. Soc., 304 (1987), 585-616



On a Theorem of MacCluer and Shapiro

Yasuo Matsugu

Facul七yof Science, Shinshu University


Sei問 ichiroUeki

Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu Universi句r


Let u be a holomorphic function in the unit ball B of Cn and cp be a univalent holomorphic

self-inap of B. We give some su血cientconditions for u and cp th抗 theweighted composition

oper抗 oruC<p is bounded or compact on the Hardy sp配 eHP(B) and the weighted Bergman

space AP(va) for all 0 < p <∞and -1 <α<∞. This our result is a generalization of a

theorem of B. D. MacCluer叫 dJ. H. Shapiro[6] concerning the composition oper抗ora伊-

And we also give similar su飯cientconditions for such operator to be metrically bounded or

metrically compact on the P出向,vspace NP(B) and the weighted Bergman-P出 alovspace

(AN)P(va) for all 1壬p<∞and-1 <α<∞.

1 Introduction

B B叫を cnの単位球,8三 θBを単位球面とする.ν はB上の正規化された Lebesgue

測度を表し, σは S上の正規化された Lebesgue測度を表す.αε(-1,∞)に対し,Ca =

r(n+α 十 l)j{r(n十 l)r(α 十 1)},dvo:(z) = co:(1-lzI2)O:dv(z) (zεB)とおく.このとき, Vo:

はB上の正値 Borel調度であり ,vo:(B) = 1である.H(B)により B上の正期関数の全体を表す.

戸 (0,∞), αE(-1,∞)に対し,B上の Hardy空間 HP(β),荷議 Bergm叩空間 AP(vo:)を次


HP(B) ~f .~ f E H(B) : Ilfll~p sup / IfrlP d,σ<∞} l O<rくlJS J

AP(vo:) ~f { f E H伊): IIfll~p(va) 三 llf仇<∞)ここで,fr(()三 f(r()(r E (0,1), ( ε8)である.B上の Privalov空間 NP(B)(1 < p <∞),

Nevanlinna空間 N(B)を次のように定義する:

NP(B) 習~ f εH(B) : IIfll~p 三 sup / {log(1 + Ifrl)}P dσ< ∞~, l 0くTくlJS J

N(β) ぎ~ f E H(B) ; IIfIlN(B) ==岬 Ilog(l什frl)dσ<∞} l 0くTくlJS J

便宜上,N(B)を N1(B)で表す.さらに?荷量 Bergman-Privalov 空間 (AN)P(ν'0:)(1 :s p <

∞, -1 <α<∞)を次のように定義する:

間 P(vo:)ゼ {fEH悶 Ilfll(AN)P(Va)== l {log(l + Ifl)}P dvo: <∞)


Bから Bへの正期写像 ψに対し,合成作用素 C<p f ~ f 0ψ はH(B)から H(B)への線

形作用素である.1次元の場合, Li杭lewoodのsubordination定理により,0,ψ は単位向抜D上の

Hardy空間 HP(ID>)から HP(勤)への有界作用素である.また, ψがDから Dへの単葉な正則写像

の時,C,伊が HP(ID>)上のコンパクト作用素になる為の必要十分条件は

" 1-Izl2n i;1l11...,.1ψ(z)12 ~

である (J.H. Shapiro[7], p.39). 多次元の場合,C<p は必ずしも HP(B)上の有界作用素とは

ならない (Cima,Stanton and Wogen[4]). Bから Bへの単葉な正則写像 vに対し, 0ψ(z)= 11ザ(z)1I2/1み(z)12(z E B)とおく.ここで,ザ(z)はzにおける ψのFrechet微分であり, 11ザ(z)1I

はザ(z)の作用素ノルムである.また,J<p(Z)はZにおける ψの接素ヤコビアンである.1986年, B.

D. MacCluer-J. H. Shapiroは単葉な正則写像pに対し, Hardy空間 HP(B)及び,荷重Sぽ gman

空間 AP(vQ ) 上での C<pの有界性,コンパクト性について考察し,次の結果を得た:

Theorem([6], B. D. MacCluer-J. H. Shapiro). 0 < p <∞, -1 <α<∞とする.ψ をB

から Bへの単葉な正良IJ写換で,

supO伊(z)<∞ zEB


(a) C,ψはHP(B)から HP(B)への有界作用素である.

(b) C,ψ がHP(B)上のコンパクト作用素になる為の必要十分条件は,

む 1-Izl2n

i;jii 1 -1ψ(z)12


(c) C,ψ はAP(vQ ) から AP(vQ ) への有界作用素である.

(d) C<pがAP(ぬ)上のコンパクト作用素になる為の必要十分条件は,


戸市 1ー |ψ(z)12


NP(ID>)上の合成作用素についての研究は J.S. Choaと日.O. Kimによる [1,2, 3]等があり,

(AN)l(ν)上の合成作用素に関しては J.Xiω[8]がある.一般に, X を位相の入った線形空間とす

る.X上で定義される正徳汎関数1I'lIxが次の 2条件を満たすとする:

IIfllx口 O宇中 f=O,

Ilf+gllx三IIfllx+ IIgllX for f,g E X.




IIT flly ::; Kllfllx (j E X)

が成り立つ時,作用素 Tはmetricallyboundedであるという.また,TがX における任意の間球

BR={fEX: IIfll.x ::;R}をYにおける相対コンパクト集合に写す時,作用素Tはmetrically

compactであるという (cf.[3], p.381, 2.4). X とYがノルム空間の場合には,Tが有界であるこ

とと metricallyboundedであることは同値であり,また,Tがコンパクトであることと m抗rically


ここでは,上記の MacCluer-Shapiroの定理の一般化として荷議合成作用素uc.ψ:fl--+u・(jo<p)


条件について述べる.さらに,uC<pがNP(B)あるいは (AN)P(ν臼)上回etricallybounded及び?

metrically compactになる為の十分条件についても論ずる.

2 Results

合成作用素 Cψ の NP(B)及び,(AN)P(ν白)上での metricallybounded性については7


Lemma 1. 1::; p <∞, -1 <α<∞とする.<pをBから Bへの単葉な正員IJ写像で,

supn<p(Z) <∞ zEB


(伊ωa吋) C,ら伊 : NP(伊問B町)→ NP(伊B)はme仙色位凶ri悶i

(伊例b吋) C<p伊: (μA訓刷N川)P(仇ωνhω臼ρ)一(μA川刷N川)P(仇ωU凡ω由ρ)はm耐e剖柑t廿凶ri叫 lyb刷O叩un凶de吋dである.

荷重合成作用素 uC<pのHP(B)及び,AP(va)上でのコンパクト性について次が成り立つ.

Lemma2.0<p<∞, -1 <α<∞とする.XをHP(B),AP(vaJの何れかとする.u E H(B),

ψをBから Bへの正則写像で,(uC<p)(X) c X とする.この時,次の 2条件は同艦である:


(b) 任意の有界列{fJhENC XがOにβ 上で広義一様収束しているならば,

.lim lIuC.ψんIIx=O3→∞


uc.伊の NP(B)及び,(AN)P(ν白)上での me七ricallycompa瓜性についても Lemma2と同様の




Lemma 3. 1 :::; p <∞, -1 <α<∞とする.Xを NP(B),(AN)P(ν臼)の何れかとする.

u E H(B),ψをBから Bへの正則写像で,(uCcp)(X) C Xとする.この持,次の 2条件は悶備で


(a) uCcp: X-→X はmetricallycompactである.

(b) 任意の有界列{んhENCXがOにB上で広義一様収束しているならば,

jk iiuCAlix口 O


以下,UEH(B),ψはSUpOcp(z)<∞を満たす,Bから Bへの正期写像とする.zEB

Theorem 1. 0 < p <∞とする.

(a) uとψが2つの条件:

limsup lu(z)IP-21(V'u)(zW(1 -Izf) <∞, Izli1

limSUD 1u(z)IP(1 -lzI2)

|z|?1r1… |ψ(z)12

を満たす時,荷量合成作用素 uCcpはHP(B)上の有界作用素である.

(b) uとψが2つの条件:

li!lllu(z)IP-21(V'u)(zW(1-lzI2)口 0,Izl↑1

1!_1u(z) IP(1…Izl2) ()

I;ili 1ψ(z)12

を満たす時,荷重合成作用素 uc,ψはHP(B)上のコンパクト作用素である.

Theorem 2. 0 < p <∞, -1 <α<∞とする.

(a) uとvが2つの条件:

lim Sup lu(z) Ip-21 (V'u)(z) 12(1…Iz12)2 <∞? Izli1

( 1Izl2¥α+2 p lu(z)IP 1, ~ I 1;1¥1':) 1

Izli1 ¥1-1ψ(z)12 )

を満たす時,荷重合成作用素 uc.伊は AP(ν白)上の有界作用素である.

(b) uとψが2つの条件:

日~ lu(z)IP-21(V'u)(zW(1 -lzI2)2 = 0, IzlT1

( 1Izl2 ¥臼十2lu(z)lpii

¥1 -lcp(z)12 )

を満たす時,荷重合成作用素 uc,ψはAP(lIoJ上のコンパクト作用素である.


Theorem 3.. 1 :::; p <∞とする.

(a) uとψが2つの条件:

(i) 1壬p:::;2の時?

limsup [ma:x:{lu(z)IP-4, 1}1(¥7u)(zW(1…IzI2)] <∞,

limSUD r mは {Ju(z)1ベlu(z)12}(1 Izl

2).1 < Î;lr~J;' L 1 1<p(z)12 J 、

(ii) 2 < p <∞の持,

limsup [ma本{lu(z)I-2,lu(z)IP-2}1(¥7u)(zW(1-lzI2)] <∞, Izli1

limSUD r m砿 {lu(z)I-I, lu(z)IP}(1-lzI2).1 <

i:lr~J;' L 1-怜(Z)12 J 、を満たす時,荷重合成作用素 uC<pはNP(B)上metricallyboundedである.

(b) uとψが2つの条件:

(i) 1:::; p :::; 2の時,

腕 [max{1句作)IP-4,1}1(日 )(zW(1-lzI2)] = 0,

1!_ fma:x:{lu(z)IP-3, lu(z)12}(1 -lzl2)l _ {¥ Iz日L 1 1<p(z)12 J-

(ii) 2 < p <∞の時?

,li~ [m砿 {lu(z)I-2,lu(z)IP-2}1(¥7u)(zW(1 -lzI2)]口 0,1;~I i1

" r m.a:x:{lu(z)I-I, lu(z)1勺(1-lzl2) 1 r.

Iz日L 1 …|ψ(Z)12 J-を満たす時,荷重合成作用素 uC<pはNP(β)上metricallycompactである.

Theorem 4. 1:::; p <∞, -1 <α<∞とする.

(a) uとψが2つの条件:

(i) 1三p壬2の時,

1it!??lm拡 {lu(z)IP-4,1}1(¥7u)(z)12(1-lzI2?] <∞?

r ____.rL.I..¥IV-3 1..1..¥121 ( 1-lz12¥叶21

limsup I ma:x:{lu(z)IP-3, lu(zW} ( 1 .L I~;~.\I? ) 11;r L ¥1-1<p(z)12} J

(ii) 2 < p <∞の時,

lir!??P[m拭 {lu(z)I-2,lu(z)IP-2}1(日 )(z)12(ト IzI2?]<∞,

r _._..rl..I..¥1-1 L 1..¥IV1 ( 1-Izl2 yl<十21limsup I ma:x:{lu(z)I-1, lu(z)IP} ( 1 .L I~;~\I? ) 11;r L ¥l… |ψ(z)12) J


を満たす時,荷重合成作用素 uC<pは (AN)P(ν白)上 metricallyboundedである.

(b) uとpが2つの条件:

(i) 1三p三2の待,

!?前[m拡 {lu(z)IP-4,1}1(¥7u)(zW(1-lzI2)2] = 0,

r _ (1 1__¥ 1'1'1-3 L f __¥121 ( 1-Izl2 ¥臼+21li!!J: I max{lu(z)IPーへlu(z)I:.!}( 1 ~ L~;~\12 ) i い一|ψ(z)12

) J

(ii) 2 < p <∞の時,

PR[mほ {lu(z)I-2,lu(z)IP-2}1(日 )(zW(1-lzI2)2]= 0,

r_ rl f__¥l-l L f_¥1'D1 ( 1-Izl2γ十21,li!!J: I max{lu(z) 1-¥ lu(z)IP} ( 1 ~ I~;~\I? ) i ¥1 -lcp(z)12

} J

を満たす時,荷重合成作用素uc.伊は (AN)P(ν臼)上mβtricallycompactである.


[1] J. S. Choa and H. O. Kim, Composition operators on some F-algebras of holomorphic

functions, Nihonkai Math. J., 7 (1996), 29-39.

[2] J. S. Choa and宜.O. Kim, Compαct composition operators on the N evanlinna class, Proc.

Arn侃 M叫h.Soc., 125 (1997), 145-151.

[3] J. S. Choa叩 dH. O.五im,Composition operators between N evanlinna匂'pespaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 257 (2001), 378-402.

[4] J. A. Cima, C. S. Stanton and W. R. Woge叫 Onboundedness of composition operators

on H2(B2), Proc. Arn位 M叫h.Soc., 91 (1984),217-222.

[5] C. C. Cowen and B. D. MacCluer, Composition Operators on Spaces of Analytic Func-

tions, CRC Press, 1994.

[6] B. D. MacCluer and J. H. Shapiro, A句 ulαrderivativesαnd co叩 αctcomposition operators

on the H,αrdyαnd Bergmαn spαces, Can. J. Math., 38 (1986),878-906.

[司 J.H. Shapiro, Composition Operators and Classical Function Theory, Spri略目白Verlag,


[8] J. Xiao, Compαct composition operators on the Ar,印刷.Ne叩 nlinnaclαss, Expo. Math., 17

(1999), 255-264.


Norm closed invariant subspaces in L∞andH∞

Keiji Izuchi and Daniel Suむ'ez


We characterize norm closed subspaces B of L∞(δD) such that C(δD)BC

B ,and ma.ximal ones in the fa凶 lyof proper closed Sl郎 pacesB of L∞(δD)

such that A(D)B c B, where A(D) is the diskalgebra. Analogo凶 y,we characterize closed subspaces of H∞that are simultaneously invari加 tun-der S and S*, the forward and the backward shift operators, and ma.ximal invari叩 tsubspaces of H∞.

1 Introduction and Preliminaries

Let L∞ be the Banach space of essentially bounded functions on七heunit circle 8D, and H∞ be the norm closed subspace of functions that admit an analytic extension to D. Le七zbe七heidentity function on 8D. A norm closed subspace B of L∞is called invarian七ifzB c B and doubly invariant if zB C B and芝BcB.

Weak-star closed invariant subspaces of L∞have being known for a long timeas Beurling's theorem, see [1, pp. 131-133]. They have one of社lefollowing forms:

(a) B =χEL∞, where E c 8D is a measurable set and χE deno七esits charac幅

teristic function. This happens when B is doubly invariant.

(b) B = uH∞, where lu(z)1 = 1 for almos七everyz EδD.

I七followsimmediately that every weak-star closed invaria凶 subspaceof H∞b槌

form (b) with u an inner function. Since the structure of inner functions is known comple七ely,see[2], by Beurling's characteriz抗ion,one can write down all weakωstar closed invarian七subspacesof H∞in an explici七way.

。2000Ma.theαla.tics Subject Classific叫ion:primary 47 A15, secondary 46J15. Key words: lnvariant subspaces, supreme norm.


Despite these results, very lit七leis known about closed invariant subspaces of L∞ and H∞ with respect to the :riorm七opology.In七hispater, we concern with only the norm topology. In the family of proper invariant subspaces of L∞

or H∞, the maximal one is called a maximal invariant subspace of L∞or H∞, respectively.

Firs七, we give a complete characterization of doubly invariant subspaces of L∞.

From this, we are able to determine maximal invariant subspaces of L∞. Le七8f=zf,f E H∞, and 8* be the operator on H∞defined by (8γ)(z) =芝(f(z)-f(O)). We characterize the closed subspaces of H∞ that are simultaneously invariant under 8 and S'¥Also, we describeぬemaximal invariant subspaces of H∞.

Let A he a m:;tiform algebra, We deno初 byM(A) the maximal ideal space of A, that is, M(A) consists of the linear functionals on A thaも町emultiplicative and nonzero. It is a compact Hausdorff space with the weak-sもartopology induced by the dual space of A.The Gelfandもransform,de長田d出 a(<p)口 ψ(α),for αεA and <p E M(A), establishes an isometric isomorphisrri between A and a closed subalgebra of C(M(A)), the space of continuous functions on M(A).

If A is also a C* algebra,七heGelfand transform is a *“isomorphism from A onto C (M (A) ). This allows us to identify L∞with C(M(L∞)), from which the dual space (L∞)キ isidentified withぬespace 加 (M(L∞))of finite regular Borel measures on M (L∞) with the to七alvaria七ionnorm. 8peci五call)らeveryelement of (L∞)* has the form

Lμ(f)ロ I f d,μ (f巴L∞),JM(L∞)

where μE fJJt(M(L∞) ), and for every such μ,もheabove formula defines a linear functional on L∞with IILμ11 = 1Ij.t1l. Put ker Lμ= {f巴L∞:Lμ(f)口 O}.When

JM(,L∞)fdμ= 0 holds, we write as f上 μ.For a s由 spaceB of L∞, we write

Bよμiff -Lμfor every f巴B.We denote by suppμthe closed support set of μ.

The五berover入εδDin M(L∞) is defined by M.λ-:-{<p E M(L∞) : 2(<p) =

入}.8ince 121主 1,M(L∞)口 U入ωρM入・ Measuresth叫 aresupported on a single 長berwill be of particular interest in our discussion. 80, we define

苦={μEfJJt(M(L∞)) : suppμ CM入forsome入εδD}.


2 Doubly, and maximal invariant subspaces in L∞

Recall that a norm closed subspace B c L∞is called invaria凶 ifzB c B (i.e.: A(D)B c B), and is called doubly invariant if zB c B and芝B C B (i.e.: C(δD)B C B). If f E C(δD) and♂入巴 δD,then 11M.λ= f(入).80, ifμ 巴苦 is

supported on M>. for some入eδD,then f = f(入)on suppμ, and consequently

fkerLμc kerLμ・

Tha七is,ker Lμis a doubly invariant subspace of L∞for every μ 巴~. It follows immediately that if Q:5 c苦,七henn{kerLμ:μ 巴Q:5}is doubly invariant. The following出eoremshows that七heconverse is also valid.

Theorem 1 Every doubly初旬αriαntsubspαce B of L∞hαs the form

β口 nkerLμμEId

for some fiαmily Q:5 C ~.

To prove our theorem, we need the following lemma due to Glicksberg, see [1, p. 61].

Lemma 2 Let B be αdoubly invαriαnt subspαce of L∞ αndfεL∞. Thenf E B ザαndonly if flMλεβ1M.λ for every入EaD. Also,ザμよBthen μ1Mλ よBIMλ-

Proof of Theorem 1. PUもQ:5={μ 巴苦 :μ ムB}.For入EaD, let Q:5入 deno加七hesetof measuresμin Q:5 which are concentrated on M入・ ThenQ; = U{ Q:5λ:入号 δD}.By Lemma 2, we haveμ1M.λ 上 BIMλforall μよB.狂enceby [1, p. 5司,BIMλisclosed in C (M>.). Therefore we have

β n {fEL∞:}IMλE .BIM by Lemma 2 入EθD

n {fEL∞:}上 μforevery μE Q:5 >.} because BIMλis closed 入EθD

{f E L∞ :fよμforevery με Q:5}

一 nkerLμ μEId

Let B be an invariant subspace of L∞. We can similarly define maximal invariant subspaces of B.




Corollary 3Let B beαdoubly invariant subspαce of L∞ αnd.N -be'an in'Uαバαntsubspαce of B. Then

(i) N is mαximal in Bザαndonly if N = ker Lμn B for some measu陀 με 苦


(ii) N is contα仇edinαmαximαlinvα吋αnts叫spαceofBザandonlyザUn>OznNis not dense in B.

3 Invaria日.tsubspaces in H∞

We recall七ha七8f口 zfand 8*f口芝(f-f(O)) for f E H∞. Let B C H∞ be a closed subspace. Then B is an invarian七subspaceif and only if B is invariant under 8. Put苦o口 {μ 巴苦 :μ 上C}.

Theorem 4 Let B beαclosed subspαce of H∞ such that B =1= {O}. Then B is invαriant under both 8 αnd 8*ザαndonly if there isαfαmily Q) C 苦osuch that

B= n k叫 μnH∞μE(!;

Corollary 5 Let B beαmαximal invariant subspαce ofH∞. lf there exists f E B

which is invertible in H∞, then B =コkerLv n H∞ for sorrie v E Jωth v 1-H∞.

Forωε D, we write <pω(z)ロ (ω -z)(l -取).

Lemma 6 Let B beαmαximal invariαnt subspαce of H∞ αnd b be αfinite Blαschke product. lf B =1=ψ叫 H∞forαIIωε D,then B nbH∞=bB.

Theorem 7 Let B beαmαximαl invαriαnt subspαce of H∞. Then either B = 伊叫H∞ forsome ωε D or B = ker Lv n H∞ for some νE ~ withνI-H∞.

Proof. Le七B∞ be七heclosure of Un>O zn B in H∞十 C(θD).Assume first that l巴B∞ Thenthere are 9巴 Band a nonnegative integer ηsuch that Ilzng-111∞< 1/2. Hence, IIg -znll∞< 1/2. Since Iznl = 1 on M(H∞)¥D, then 191三1/2on M(H∞)¥D. It is well known that a function 9 in H∞non-vanishing on M(H∞)¥D can be factored出 g口 bf,where f E (H∞)-1 and b is a長niteBlaschke product.

If there is some ωε D such that B口伊凹H∞, we are done. If not, Lemma 6 says七hatf E B. Hence, Corollary 5 says七hatB = kerLμ nH∞ for μεJ with μI-H∞. Thus our theorem holds when 1巴β∞・




Now suppose tha七1tj. Boo. Since Boo is a doubly invarian七s由 spaceof L∞, Theorem 1 s七剖esthat there exists a fami1y Q5 c ij such that B∞ = n{ker Lμ :

με Q5}. Since 1 tj. B∞, there must be some v E Q5 such tha七ν1-1. Thus

BcB∞nH∞C kerLv nH∞.

Since 1 tj. ker Lv n H∞, this space is a proper invariant subspace of H∞. Since B is maximal in H∞,B =kerLv nH∞, as claimed.

Open Problems. The most impor同国 openproblem is to obtain a comple七echaracterization of invariant subspaces of L∞and H∞. IfBcH∞is invariant, the weak-star closure of B has the form uH∞, where u is an inner function. Thus,百βisan invariant and a wea品stardense subspace of H∞. Therefore, the problem for H∞ reduces to characterize i:o.variant subspaces which are weak-star dense in H∞. A simi1ar analysis can be done for Loo, in which case we also have to characterize invaria凶 subspaceswhose weak-凶arclosure isχEL∞, where Ec δD is some measurable set. The results of this paper sugges七thatthe whole picture may be not out of reach.

We have other questions. Is every invariant subspace in Hoo contained in a maximalone? How

about L∞? Obviously, these questions are less ambitious七hanthe ones in七heprevious paragraphs.

Acknowledgement. The last author is grateful to the people of Niigata Univer-sity for their wonderful hospi七alityduring part of七hepreparation of this paper.


[1] T. W. GAMELIN,“Uniform AlgebrasぺPrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1969).

[2] J. B. GARNETT,“Bounded Analytic Functions", Academic Press, New York (1981).

KEIJI IZUCHI, Depαrtment of Mαthemαtics, Faculty of Sc的~ce, Niigαtα Uniω

versity, Niigαtα 950-21, Jα.pan izuchi@mαth.sc.niigαtα-u.αc.jp

DANIEL SUAREZ, Depα吋αmentode Aぬtematicα,Universidαd de Buenos Aires, Pab. 1, Ciudαd Universitαria,ρ428) Nunez, Cα.pitαl Federlαl, Argentinα dsuαrez@dm.ubα.αγ




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