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Utbildningsvetenskap (UVK)Utlysning

Forskningsbidrag U 22 april 2009Totalt sökt belopp (tkr)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


Vetenskapsrådet, SE-103 78 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, vetenskapsradet@vr.se

SÖKANDENamn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Personnr Kön

Lindbladt, Sverker 460725-4614 ManE-post Titel Anställning

sverker.lindblad@ped.gu.se Professor TillsvidareTelefon Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

031-7862511 1976-12-10

NUVARANDE ADRESS/ARBETSGIVAREOrg./Univ./H.sk./Företag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadress, etc.

Göteborgs universitetInstitutionen för pedagogik och didaktikEnheten för lärande i vuxenlivBox 30040530 Göteborg,


Goteborgs Universitet

BESKRIVANDE DATAProjekttitel, svensk (max 200 tkn)

Kontexter för undervisning: Planering av Internationella och komparativa studier av klassrumsinteraktion

Project title, English (max 200 char)

Contextualising teaching and learning: International and comparative studies on classroom interaction

Sammanfattning (max 1500 tkn)

The context concept is of vital importance in research on schooling and teaching. It is dealt with in different ways and with quitedifferent implications in ambitions to understand and to analyse educational phenomena and their relations to individuals as well asorganisations and society. In this proposal we aim to deal with the complex relations between context and classroom interaction. Theplan is as follows: To present and discuss different approaches to deal with context issues in classroom research in an internationalconsortium To explore different approaches to analyse classroom interaction based on recordings in different national andinstitutional contexts but with similar contents. To analyse how context is dealt with conceptually and technically in a set of studies inan international context. Based on this we will present analyses of how to deal with context in classroom interaction. This is of vitalconcern for an improved understanding of teaching and learning in institutionalised settings - e.g. in terms of social and culturalasymmetries. Of equal importance is to conceptualise premisses for international comparisons of school performances. It is also oflarge theoretical interest to develop and compare different approaches and strategies in research on educational processes andsocial systems. These tasks will be carried out in an international research consortium and is having the ambition to improve ourinternational understanding of education.


2009-12615-71634-42Sökandens namn

Lindbladt, Sverker

Sökandens personnummer


Vetenskapsrådet, SE-103 78 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, vetenskapsradet@vr.se

Sammanfattning språk

EnglishNyckelord eller (M) Medline

Undervisning, Komparativa studier, klassrumsinteraktion, Lärande, KontrollÄmnesområde/ Målområde

UtbildningssystemStatistisk klassificering (SCB, 6-siffrig kod)

131113, 131111, 131114Överväganden

Etiska överväganden avseende persondata redovisas i bilaga A under särskild rubrik på sidan: 4

Ansökan har även ingivits till

Liknande till: Identisk till:


Inga godkända humanförsök.Djurförsök

Inga godkända djurförsök.

ÖVRIGA MEDVERKANDENamn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./H.sk./Företag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.

Sahlström, Fritjof Helsingfors UniversitetFinlands Akademi

Sökandens personnummer Kön

690202-0731 ManTitel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

Docent 2000-02-01

Namn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./H.sk./Företag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.

Clarke, David University of MelbourneDepartment of education

Sökandens personnummer Kön

ManTitel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)


Namn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./H.sk./Företag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.


Sökandens personnummer Kön

Titel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

Namn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./H.sk./Företag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.


Sökandens personnummer Kön

Titel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

Namn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./H.sk./Företag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.



2009-12615-71634-42Sökandens namn

Lindbladt, Sverker

Sökandens personnummer


Vetenskapsrådet, SE-103 78 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, vetenskapsradet@vr.se

Sökandens personnummer Kön

Titel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

Namn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./H.sk./Företag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.


Sökandens personnummer Kön

Titel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)


SÖKTA MEDEL DENNA ANSÖKANBidrag för perioden (fr.o.m - t.o.m.)

2010-01-01 -- 2011-04-01Personal/löner (tkr)

Huvudsökande % av heltid i sökt projekt 2010

Sverker Lindblad 10

Övrig personal

Teknisk assistans 10 51

Summa löner (tkr): 51

Utrustning < 170 tkr, material, andra kostnader (tkr) 2010

Internal samverkan, planering med resor 78Dataorganisering och verktyg fö analyser 21

Summa andra kostnader (tkr): 99

Totalt sökt belopp (tkr)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


TOTALA FORSKNINGSRESURSERAndra VR-projekt (pågående och sökta) för sökande och ev övriga medverkande (tkr)

Bidrag från annan finansiär för sökande, inkl ALF-medel (tkr)


2009-12615-71634-42Sökandens namn

Lindbladt, Sverker

Sökandens personnummer


Vetenskapsrådet, SE-103 78 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, vetenskapsradet@vr.se

POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG BESKRIVNINGPopulärvetenskaplig rubrik och beskrivning(max 4500 tkn)

Undervisning och lärande i klassrum är i fokus för denna ansökan om att utveckla ett internationellt samarbete rörande olika vägar attförstå och förklara skolans verksamhet i ljuset av olika sammanhang, socialt, etniskt och kulturellt, liksom i ljuset av olika sätt attskapa och hantera skolor och undervisning. Bakom ansökan står en grupp forskare som arbetat tillsammans för att utveckla analyserav undervisning i fr a matematik på grundval av detaljerade empiriska undersökningar i kombination med internationella jämförelserav samspel, undervisningsinsatser och skolresultat. Detta ger oss möjligheter att på ett unikt sätt beskriva och analyseraundervisning som genomförs i mycket olika sammanhang. I vårt unika och omfattande material - kan vi undersöka interaktion ifemton länder. Tidigare undersökningar har å ena sidan visat på stora skillnader att genomföra undervisning i olika länder, samtidigtsom dessa undersökningar visat på rejäla skillnader i undervisning bedriven i likartade sociala och kulturella sammanhang. Hurkommer det sig att skillnader skapas under i övrigt lika förhållanden? Hur ska vi begripa undervisningsprocesser som å ena sidankan ges olika gestalt över tid och å andra sidan visar på en systematik i sociala och kulturella hänseenden och där genus slårigenom på olika sätt. Vi vill alltså utveckla analyser av relationer mellan kontext och interaktion. Ett led i detta är också att granskaforskningens sätt att hantera kontext, då inte bara begreppsligt, utan också hur man utformar olika instrument för att fånga interaktionoch hur man då också försöker begripliggöra det som sker med hjälp av olika analysmodeller. Vad vi behöver göra för att utvecklaforskningen i detta hänseende är att göra analysera inspelningar, intervjuer m m som fångar undervisning och klassrumsinteraktionoch då också pröva innebörden av olika ansatser därvidlag. Vidare vill vi undersöka hur kontext konkret hanteras och analyseras avforskare från olika kulturer. Den forskning som här planeras kan utveckla vår förståelse av hur undervisning och lärande formas i ettsocialt och kulturellt sammanhang, och vad detta sammanhang betyder för interaktionen i skolan. I den planerade forskningenbehandlas då också frågor om genus i skolans verksamhet och hur etnicitet utnyttjas eller döljs i interaktion i klassrummet.

VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.As Vetenskapsrådet, SE-103 78 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, vetenskapsradet@vr.se





Bilaga AForskningsprogram

Contextualising teaching and learning: International and comparative studies on classroom interaction The scope of research planning: In focus for the research we are planning in this research proposal is a basic and highly problematic issue: relations between teaching and learning processes and contexts for these activities. We ask: how to conceptualise relations between interaction and context in education and schooling in an empirically fruitful way? This is of vital importance in several ways.

First, such a conceptualisation is needed in order to analyse the working and results of education. For instance, school actors such as teachers need such tools to reflect on their professional work, its premises as well as processes and outcomes. System actors such as policy-makers and administrators need to capture implications – or lack of implications – of their way of organising education. To our understanding this is urgent when living in an era of restructuring and re-regulating education (e.g. Lindblad & Popkewitz, 2004) where comparisons on different levels are regarded as powerful ways to monitor education and to give incentives for educational change and innovation. More precisely, asymmetries gender (e.g. Arnot & Mac an Ghail, 2006) as well as ethnicity and class (e.g Willis, 1977) are at work in schooling, but not in simple ways (Sahlström, 1999).

Second, relations between interaction and context are vital in social science discourses, dealing with relations between agency and structure such as by Berger & Luckmann (1966) Giddens (1984), or in terms of habitus, field and capital (Bourdieu, 1979), and sometimes in terms of micro- and micro-levels (Knorr-Cetina & Cicourel, 1983). Vital in education discourses are here positions of structurally determined social (re)production (e.g. Durkheim, 1978) or social production from interactionist position (Blumer, 1962). It is not our ambition to represent these discursive position and relations. Our point is instead to point to the fact that we are focussing on a highly stabilised institution – coined by schooling as a world movement (Meyer et al, 1992) – that is possible to study in very different social and cultural contexts. This opens up for educational studies with high theoretical and methodological ambitions to work with classical central issues. For instance Mehan (1992) is presenting such an ambition.

Third, in the field learning and development, notions of interaction and context is being emphasized in different ways, e.g. in relation to situated cognition (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Greeno, 2006) in contrast to e.g. the processing of information presented (Gagné et al, 2005). Context is also of importance in terms of socio-cultural understandings of education (e.g. Wertsch, 1998). In these traditions (who not seldom refer to Dewey), notions of context, e.g. in terms of situatedness or “in situ” are vital. The importance of doing so is visible in positioning ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and symbolic interactionism (e.g. Maynard & Clayman, 2003). However, to our understanding there is a strong need to further develop notions of context in “contextualised” understanding of learning and teaching. Such an understanding is vital when for instance analysing cases of school work as well as when comparing schools, lesson design, or the construction of educational systems.

Developing the research problematic and setting the agenda: Given this very short background, we aim to further develop our understanding between interaction and context. Broadly speaking we define context – based on a system thinking,


e.g. Luhmann (1995) in three quite different ways – as structuration – materialised in the design of schools, classes as well as content – structuring interaction in different ways, as actors whose performances are visible in terms of utterances and gestures, but whose selection processes or meaning-making serve as context for understanding what is going on in a contingent process, and as memories of past experiences are referred to in interaction in different ways. Interaction, then, is what is made present and visible in the process that we observe (e.g. Baecker, 2001). Thus, one way of capturing what is going on as “text” in relation to what is need to understand this text. Another way is to understand “what is not going on” in terms of a context that is making limits. And a third way is to understand context as “text that was” and referred to in interaction. We hope that this highly simple way of presenting the interaction-context relation can serve as a shortcut to capture the highly intricate problematic that we are working with.

We plan to work with this problematic in three related ways:

1. To further define and compare different ways of working with the relations between context and interaction. We plan to do that in relation to the ways these relations are conceptualised in research on classroom interaction and what such conceptualisations mean for the outcomes of research. As a special case here, we concentrate on maths education (e.g. Stiegler & Hiebert, 1999; Clarke et al, 2006), its design and working. The outcome is a discursive mapping in this field of research.

2. To analyse classroom recordings in different contexts but with similar content (algebra) and among students in about the same age. The idea here is to understand “when is a context” visible in interaction. This done by analysing recordings of classroom interaction that is collected in our ongoing research. Our start here is the notion of IRE-sequences (Mehan, 1979; Harling, Hansen & Lindblad, 2008) and more precisely how context is at work (or not) in such interaction. We will introduce “what is not there” or “what could be otherwise” by comparing similar events in different context. The outcome of this is an analytical model for identifying context in classroom research.

3. To compare different approaches to classroom research among research teams and their presentation of their work. Here we will use ongoing analyses of research on classroom interaction (Lindblad & Sahlström, 2006) in a social and historical context.

4. To discuss these ways of their work and their outcomes with an international set of classroom researchers, dealing with similar topics (in maths education) but outlining their studies from different perspectives (Clarke et al 2008). The point is here to elaborate different positions in dealing with the context-interaction and to stimulate to research cooperation in this field of research.

How the work is to be done: In this study we are relying on three resources. Firstly, which is visible in our research profiles, we have highly developed and partly different ways of doing research on classroom interaction in different contexts: to be short here – in terms of curriculum theory and institutional analysis, conversation analyses, and of studies on the complexities in classroom practices. This is further underlined that we have collaborated under a range of years. This proposal is a result of this collaboration. Secondly, we are having access to a large research network – where the International Centre for Classroom Research (ICCR) under direction of Clarke is an international node. Researchers in this network – now from seventeen countries – have been doing classroom research in ways which makes data exchange and comparisons


possible. Lindblad is here responsible for the Swedish studies. Thirdly, this consortium of researchers – and no others – is having access to the collected data by means of mutual negotiations and contracts. These resources make it possible to create an internationally highly recognised study on classroom interaction and context.

In more specific terms we will deal in our studies with teaching and learning in maths classrooms. Our focus will be on the interaction as captured by a highly advanced technique, using three digital cameras, detailed recordings of student-student interaction and teacher student interaction over a series of 10-15 lessons. This is combined with stimulated recall interviews with students and teachers and with other kinds of data collection in schools. See here e.g. the LPS manual for an overview of research design and technicalities.

Our planned work consists of three parts:

1. Developing analyses of classroom research: we as applicants plan to have a set of workshops in order to further develop the research tasks. This will be done by meetings but also by email. We focus on classroom research in maths education, but we will expand this by using bibliometric tools.

2. Developing analyses of classroom interaction: Here we will have workshops using available video-recordings and other data already collected and organised. However, we need do some extra organisation of recordings, which also put demands on technical assistance etc.

3. We will meet and talk with the international research consortium around the LPS and the International Centre for Classroom research. This means that we also need resources for travelling to at least one of these meetings.

Based on this we will elaborate a research plan and a basis for international collaboration and comparative research on teaching and learning in different settings and how notions of context are dealt with here by teachers and students as well as by researchers.

Gender issues: Gender issues are highly relevant here. First, since gender matter in classroom interaction according a large set of research. Second, gender matter in maths education. These and other issues of gender is partly investigated in ongoing research on maths education (e.g. Amit) and on knowledge (e.g Foss Lindblad) and we will take measures to integrate this research in our research planning. Here, we have also the ambition to get a better balance in research planned.

Ethical issues: We are working with highly sensitive material from an ethical point of view. First of all, since we are working with video recordings the participants in the study are easy to recognise, and we cannot make the data anonymous. Second, there are very hard restrictions concerning the recorded material and we have bound ourselves to have tight control over which who have access to the material. Thirdly, we are working in an international project, this means that we have to be very careful with the exploitation of the research done in different parts of the world. These issues are regulated in the consortium.

International cooperation and networks: The current proposal is based on international cooperation and networking in the LPS study and the ICCR as well as the predominant research organisations dealing with learning and teaching as well as in the organisation of education, such as the AERA and EARLI as well as EERA and PME (Psychology of Maths Education). This will give preconditions for an



internationally based research proposal and a basis for international conversations and publications of our studies. Economy: The costs in the projects are argued for in relation to the tasks that we plan to do. What we need is personal costs for organising some specially interesting data plus transcriptions. Here we also need some updated equipment for analysing and representing our material. Most of the costs are for travelling: three persons visting the ICCR when the consortium is having a meeting etimated. REFERENCES Arnot, M. & Mac an Ghail, M. (Eds) (2006): Gender and Education. London: Routledge Baecker, Dirk (2001) ‘Why Systems?’, Theory, Culture, & Society 18(1): 59–74. Bernstein, B. (1996) Pedagogy, Symbolic Control & Identity: theory, research & critique, London:

Taylor & Francis Blumer, H. (1962): Symbolic Interactionism. University of California Press. Clarke, D, et al. (2006) Technical Guidelines for LPS Data Processing Clarke, D.J. (2006). Using International Comparative Research to Contest Prevalent Oppositional

Dichotomies. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik, 38(5), 376-387. Clarke, D.J., Mesiti, C., O’Keefe, C., Xu, L.H., Jablonka, E., Mok, I. A. C., & Shimizu, Y. (2008).

Addressing the Challenge of Legitimate International Comparisons of Classroom Practice. International Journal of Educational Research 46(5), 280-293.

Callewaert, S. & Nilsson, B-A. 1980: Skolklassen som ett socialt system: lektionsanalyser. Lund: Lunds bok och tidskrift Carlgren, I., Klette, K., Myrdal, S., Schnack, K. & Simola, H. (2006). Changes in Nordic teaching

practices: From individualised teaching to the teaching of individuals. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 50(3), 301-336.

Harling, Martin; Hansen, Michael; Lindblad, Sverker (2008) From teaching to studenting? Politics of learning and classroom interaction: European Educational Research Association , 2008

Knorr-Cetina, K. & A.V. Cicourel, (Eds) (1983)Advances in social theory and methodology. Toward an integration of micro- and macro-sociologies. Routledge

London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.Luhmann, N. (1995):Social Systems. Stanford: Stanford University Press

Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2004): Educational restructuring: International perspectives on travelling policies. Greenwich: Information Age Publishing.

Lindblad, S. & Sahlström, F. (1999). Gamla mönster och nya gränser. Om ramfaktorer och klassrumsinteraktion. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, årgång 4, nr 1 1999, s.73-92

Maynard, Douglas W. and Steven E. Clayman 2003 "Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis." In Larry T. Reynolds and Nancy J. Herman-Kinney (eds.) The Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism, pp. 173-202. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.

Mehan, H. (1979) Learning lessons: social organization in the classroom. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press

Mehan, Hugh. (1992). Understanding Inequality in Schools: The Contribution of Interpretive Studies Source: Sociology of Education, Vol. 65, No. 1 (Jan., 1992), pp. 1-20 Published by: American Sociological Association

Meyer, J.W., Ramirez, F. O. & Soysal, Y.N. (1992): World Expansion of Mass Education, 1870-1980. Sociology of Education. v65 n2 p128-49 Apr 1992.

Sahlström, F. (2004) Vems är skogen som växer i skolan? [Whose is the forest that grows in school?] Chapter in H. Melander, H. Pérez Prieto, & Sahlström, F. (Eds.), Sociala handlingar och deras innebörder: lärande och identitet [Social actions and their implications: learning and identity]. Pedagogisk forskning i Uppsala, 150, ss 97-117.

Stiegler, J. & Hiebert, J (1999) The Teaching Gap: Best Ideas from the World’s Teachers for Improving Education in the classroom. New York: The free press

Wertsch, James V. Mind as Action. Oxford UP; Oxford and New York

VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.Bs Vetenskapsrådet, SE-103 78 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, vetenskapsradet@vr.se





Bilaga BCurriculum vitae



Sverker Lindblad 460725-4614 Professor, PhD

University of Gothenburg, Department of Education,

Email: sverker.lindblad@ped.gu.se

Telephone: +46 31 7862611


Sverker Lindblad (b. 1946) got his PhD 1976 in Education at Uppsala University, where he also got his post doc and served as a reader (Eo Docent) since 1983 and acted as professor in Education from 1989. In 1994 he got the Uppsala Chair in education. Lindblad moved to Gothenburg University and became professor at the Department of Education in 2004 and is working as department head of research, co-director for LinCS, and as a member of the POP) research group (Politics of Education). He is member of the International Board at the University of Gothenburg and of the Centre for Research on Europe at Gothenburg University.

Sverker Lindblad was one of the founders of the Nordic Education Research Association and was president for the European Educational Research Association 1999-2001. He is at the editorial board of several scientific journals and has coordinated a number of research projects, among them two comparative studies financed by the European Commission. He is also the Swedish team leader in the international Learner Perspective Study, where he also is responsible for the Swedish databases of videorecordings on classroom interaction.

Current research activities/projects:

Sverker Lindblad has a research focus on studies on educational governing and the politics of learning. He is at present doing research on professional knowledge under restructuring in Europe and on international statistics and supra-national governing of education, e.g. in terms of comparative studies and ranking lists. Of special interest are studies on education as a social system and relations between context and interaction in institutionalised setting.

Lindblad is leading and workin ongoing research projects on classroom interaction, e.g. as principal investigor for the Swedish Learner Perspective and is now developing international comparative research on interaction and learning in classroom settings.


CURRICULUM VITAE – DAVID CLARKE Present Appointment: Professor of Education, University of Melbourne

Present Title: Director, International Centre for Classroom Research, University of Melbourne

Date of Birth: 24th February, 1952

Academic Qualifications:

PhD (Monash, 1990)

Thesis titled: Mathematical behaviour and the transition from primary to secondary school.

Master of Science (Melbourne, 1979), major study: physics

Thesis titled: Proton-proton scattering in the geometric picture

Diploma of Education (Melbourne, 1974),

BSc (Hons) (Melbourne, 1973), first class honours - major study: physics

Over the last fifteen years, my research activity has centered on capturing the complexity of classroom practice. During this time I developed the methodological approach known as “Complementary Accounts” (Clarke, 1998 and 2001). This approach has now been successfully applied in four major studies: The Negotiation of Meaning Project (ARC Large Grant, A79601412, 1996/7/8), The Learner’s Perspective Study (ARC Large Grant, A79930738, 1999, 2000/1 and Spencer Foundation (USA) Major Grant, 2001/2/3), The Knowledge Generation Project (ARC Discovery-Project Grant, DP0557360, 2005/6/7) and the Causal Connections in Science Classrooms Project (ARC Discovery-Project Grant, DP0879603, 2008/9/10/11). The complementary accounts approach has attracted interest as an approach to data collection and analysis, through the use of complementary analyses of a common body of data by researchers recruited for their distinctive theoretical positions and expertise. The book, Perspectives on Practice and Meaning in Mathematics and Science Classrooms (Clarke, 2001) stands testimony to the effectiveness of this approach and presentations of the techniques and findings reported in this book have attracted interest and collaborative involvement from within the international research community. In 2006, Sense Publishers launched the first two volumes of the research series from the Learner’s Perspective Study (Mathematics Classrooms in Twelve Countries: The Insider’s Perspective, and Making Connections: Comparing Mathematics Classrooms Around the World; Clarke, Keitel & Shimizu, 2006, and Clarke, Emanuelsson, Jablonka, & Mok, 2006, respectively).

The purely technical innovations have also attracted attention. An ARC Linkage-Infrastructure grant (LE0211588, 2002) was awarded to support the establishment of the International Centre for Classroom Research (ICCR). The ICCR is unique in the facilities it offers for the manipulation and analysis of classroom data. In addition to the research team based at the University of Melbourne, the ICCR is the focus for collaborative activities among researchers from China, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, the UK and the USA.



CURRICULUM VITAE – FRITJOF SAHLSTRÖM Present appointment: Research fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies at Helsinki University.

Degree/Award Year Discipline/Field Organisation and country

Docent 2004 Education Uppsala University, Sweden

PhD 2000 Education Uppsala University, Sweden

MSc 1993 Education Uppsala University, Sweden

Position held Organisation Department Year appointed and Status

Research Fellow Helsinki University Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies

2007, Continuing

Assistant Professor in Education

Uppsala University Education 2001, Fixed-term

Project Researcher Uppsala University Education 1999, Fixed-term

My research activity has been focused on developing ways of understanding the relationship between learning and socialisation, and the communicative processes underlying learning and socialisation. These topics have been pursued in international collaboration, made possible by several extended international research visits (most notably a Fulbright scholarship to University of California, Santa Barbara in 1996-97, a scholarship from the Swedish foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education for research at the International Centre for Classroom Research at University of Melbourne in 2003-04, a visiting professor scholarship at University of California, Los Angeles, in 2006-2007). Of the numerous projects within which my work has been carrid out, the international project Learner’s Perspective Study, and the Swedish project Learning, Interaction and the development of narrative knowing and remembering (LINT), within the Swedish Research Council programme for the study of Learning and Memory in children and young adults, are of special relevance.

To classroom research, my main contribution has been findings related to how the turn-taking and turn-allocation organisation of classroom talk has systematic consequences for how learning takes place. This has been reported in books and articles (Sahlström, 1999; Sahlström, 2002). In recent years, the results of work in developing systematic ways of studying learning in interaction has generated considerable interest, as evident in publications (Emanuelsson & Sahlström, 2008; Melander & Sahlström, 2008; Sahlström, in press; Melander & Sahlström, in press), and in a forthcoming invited special issue on learning and conversation analysis in the Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. In the Scandinavian educational research context, I have been quite influential in establishing and developing video-based classroom research, as evidenced by a large number of courses and workshops given by me and my collaborators on this subject over the last 15 years (Sahlström, 2008; Heikkilä & Sahlström, 2003).

VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.Cs Vetenskapsrådet, SE-103 78 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, vetenskapsradet@vr.se





Bilaga CPublikationslista



Peer-reviewed Articles

Brettell, L. & Lindblad, S. (1997): Éducation et économie de marché en Suéde. Revue internationale déducation Sèvres nr 15 septembre 1997. Dossier les grands débats éducatifs aujourd´hui. S.115 - 125.

Bron-Wojciechowska, A., Castro, A., Finnbogason, G., Helldin, R., Käller, K., Lindblad, S., Löthman, A. & Pérez Prieto, H. (1989). Mening, makt och motstånd: Betraktelser rörande utbildningsteoretiska strömningar. Nordisk Pedagogik 2 1989, årgång 9, s 60-86.

Carlgren, I. & Lindblad, S. (1993): On Teachers' Practical Reasoning and Professional Knowledge: Considering Conceptions of Context in Teachers' Thinking. Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol 7, No 5-6, p507-16 1991

Ekholm, M. och Lindblad, S. (1996) På väg mot en svensk pedagogisk tidskrift: Några inledande ord. i Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige.Årgt 1.Nr1.1996

Garpelin, A.; Lindblad, S. & Sahlström, F. (1995): Vikings and hip-hoppers in the classroom — An explorative case study of cultural conflicts in an urban school. Young.1995; 3: 38-53

Hamilton, D., Lindblad, S. & Wernesson, I. (2003): Doctoral studies in pedagogik in Sweden. Nordisk Pedagogik, 23(4), 246-261

Houtsonen, J., Lindblad, S., Sohlberg, P., Dupont, M. & Czaplicka, M. (2008): World-Wide Restructuring in Education and National Refractions: Finnish, Irish and Swedish Teachers’ Perceptions of Current Changes. Accepted for publication in Current Sociology.

Johannesson, I. A., Lindblad, S., Simola, H. (2002). An Inevitable Progress? Educational restructuring in Finland, Iceland and Sweden at the turn of the millennium, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol 46 nr 3, s. 325-339

Leiulfsrud, H. & Lindblad, S. (1991). Internationaler Vergleich: Lehrer in Opposition? Nordeuropa Forum 1992, No 1, s 16-21.

Lindblad, S. (1980): Vad är undervisningshistorikernas objekt: Retorik eller pedagogisk praktik? Nordisk Pedagogik 1980, 0(4), 43-47

Lindblad, S. (1983): Hur studerar man lärares omvärldsuppfattning. Eller: En diskussion av fenomenografin som normalvetenskap. Nordisk Pedagogik Vol 3(2), 27-38

Lindblad, S. (1984): The Practice of School-Centred Innovation: A Swedish Case. Journal of Curriculum Studies, Volume 16, Issue 2 April 1984 , pages 165 - 172

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Lindblad, S. 1986.Teachers and Social Class Orientation. An Empirical Note Based on Comparisons with Different Social Classes in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 30, 181-192.

Lindblad, S. (1988). Posturas ideológicas de los profesores sobre el trabajo de innovación centrado en la escuela. Revista de Educación, Vol. 286, s 79-96. 1988

Lindblad, S. (1990): From technology to craft: on teachers' experimental adoption of technology as a new subject in the Swedish primary school. Journal of Curriculum Studies, Volume 22, Issue 2 March 1990 , pages 165 – 175

Lindblad, S. (1992): Daghemsklimat och social utveckling. Nordisk Pedagogik, 12(2), 119-120:

Lindblad, S. (1999): Changes in European Education from a Scandinavian Perspective. Revista de Investigatión Educativa, Vol 17, no2 págs 247-275.

Lindblad, S (2000): Education Research in our Time. European Educational Researcher, vol 6, No 1, pp 33-35.

Lindblad, S (2000): Pedagogisk forskning vid skiljevägen: En fråga om disciplinering? Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, vol 5, no 2, s 170-174

Lindblad, S (2000): Pedagogisk forskning vid skiljevägen: En fråga om disciplinering? Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, vol 5, no 2, s 170-174

Lindblad, S. (2008): Navigating in the Field of Research Driven Universities: On Research Governing and the Making and Using University Ranking Lists. Accepted for publication in the European Educational Research Journal. (accepted)

Lindblad, S. (2008): Teacher education and teachers as intellectuals: Comments on recent policy discourses in Sweden. Zeitschrift für Pedagogische Historiographie. (In print)

Lindblad, S.,Hansson, A., Mardones Hernández, S. & Pérez Prieto, H. (1991). Skola utan lärare. Vad betydde lärarnas strejk för eleverna. Nordisk Pedagogik 1991, nr 2, pp 99 – 114

Lindblad, S., Jenny Ozga & Evie Zambeta (Guest Editors): Changing Forms of Educational Governance in Europe. European Educational Research Journal, Volume 1 Number 4 2002.

Lindblad, S., Johannesson, I. A. & Simola, H. (2002). Education Governance in Transition: an introduction, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol 46 nr 3, s. 237-245

Lindblad, S., Linde, G. & Naeslund, L. (1999). Ramfaktorteori och praktiskt förnuft. Om ramfaktorer och klassrumsinteraktion. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, årgång 4, nr 1 1999, s 93-109.

Lindblad, S., Lundahl, L., Lindgren, J. & Zackari, G. (2002). Educating for the New Sweden? Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol 46 nr 3, s.283-303

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Lindblad, S & Mulder, M (1999): Changing conditions of educational research in Europe. European Educational Researcher. Vol 5, No 3. P 2-19

Lindblad, S. & Pérez Prieto, H. (1989). Utbildning - karriär, prestation och återblick. En longitudinell undersökning av ursprung, karriär och perspektiv på skolan i efterhand. Nordisk Pedagogik 2 1989, årgång 9, s 87-99.

Lindblad, S & Pérez Prieto, H (1992): School experiences and teacher socialization: A longitudinal study of pupils who grow up to be teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, vol 8, No 5/6 pp 465 -470.

Lindblad, Sverker, Jenny Ozga & Evie Zambeta (2002): Introduction. European Educational Research Journal, Volume 1, Number 4, pages 615-624

Lindblad, S. & Pérez Prieto, H. (1998). Conceptions of Teachers from their Students Point of View: Experiences from Swedish Lower and Upper Secondary Schools. EERA Bulletin vol.1 nr.2

Lindblad, S. & Sahlström, F. (1999). Gamla mönster och nya gränser. Om ramfaktorer och klassrumsinteraktion. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, årgång 4, nr 1 1999, s.73-92.

Lindblad, S. & Wallin, E. (1993). On transitions of power, democracy and education in Sweden. Journal of Curriculum Studies 25:1 (pp. 77–88).

Popkewitz, T & Lindblad, S (2001): Estatísticas educacionais como um sistema de razão: relações entre governo da educação e inclusão e exclusão sociais. Educação & Sociedade, vol.22 no.75

Popkewitz, T. & Lindblad, S. (2000). Educational Governance and Social Inclusion and Exclusion: A Conceptual Review of Equity and Post-Modern Traditions. Discourse, vol 21, no 1, p 1-44

Popkewitz, T.& Lindblad, S. (2004): Historizing the future: Educational reform, systems of reason, and the making of children who are the future citizens. Journal of Education Change 5: 229-247

Sahlström, F. & Lindblad, S. (1998). Subtexts in the science classroom - an exploration of the construction of science lessons and student careers. Learning & Instruction, Vol 8, No 3, pp 194-214

Wolter, S, Keiner, E., Palomba, D., Lindblad, S. (2004). OECD Examiners’ Report on Educational Research and Development in England. European Educational Research Journal. 3 (2) pp. 510-526.

Peer-reviewed Conference Contributions

Calander, F., Lindblad, S., Pérez Prieto, H. & Sahlström, F. (2000). New Kids on the Block? Notes from a longitudinal research project on 'the integrative turn' in pre-school and school in Sweden. Paper presented at the EERA annual meeting in Edinburgh, September 20-24, 2000.

Callewaert, G. & Lindblad, S. (2004). Introducing teacher education under

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restructuring. Paper presented at the ECER Congress in Rethymnon, Crete, 22-25 September

Emanuelsson, J., Häggblom, J., Häggström, J., Liljestrand, J., Lindblad, S., Marton, F., Runesson, U. & Sahlström, F. (2002): The way we do things in Sweden: On school cultures and maths lessons from different perspectives. Presentation to the Learner’s Perspective Study symposium in Melbourne, December 2002. www.ped.uu.se/kult.

Foss Lindblad, Rita, Lindblad, Sverker (2006). A pyrrhic victory: the progressive movement into Swedish welfare state education. Invited contribution to the symposium Policy Making in the Public Interest: The Dream and Its Consequences. Sponsored by the International Relations Committee . AERA, in San Francisco, April 7-11, 2006. GUP 5131

Foss Lindblad, Rita, Lindblad, Sverker (2006). Knowledge at work: On the politics of knowledge in the reconfiguration of the teaching profession (2006). Kenneth Petterson, Ulf Olsson, Thomas S. Popkewitz [editor(s)]. “The Future Is Not What It Appears To Be”. Pedagogy, Genealogy and Political Epistemology. ISBN/ISSN: 91-7656-623-4 GUP 5132

Foss Lindblad, R. ; Hansen, M. ; Lindblad, S. et al. (2007). On the political and politics of expertise in transition. Paper presented at the symposium “Recent trends and challenges in policy and politics of education” at the NERA 2007 meeting in Turku, March 15-17 2007.

Foss Lindblad, Rita, Lindblad, Sverker, Wärvik, Gun-Britt (2006). On the Politics of Knowledge in the Reconfiguring of the Teaching and Nursing Profession. A contribution to the symposium “Comparative Studies on Professional Expertise, Authority and Work Life Organisation in Education and Health”.

Garpelin, A. & Lindblad, S. (1994). On students' life projects and micropolitical strategies. A progress report from explorations of Swedish comprehensive schools. Presented at the AERA meeting in New Orleans, April 1994

Harling, M. ; Hansen, M. ; Lindblad, S. (2008). From teaching to studenting? Politics of learning and classroom interaction: Notes on the making of historical comparative studies.. European Educational Research Association meeting in Gothenburg 2008

Kazamias, AM., Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (1999). The Comparative-International Orientation/Perspective or Approach of the EGSIE Project: Epistemological and Methodological Reflections. Paper presented at the 1999 AERA meeting in Montreal, Canada. April 19-23

Lindblad, S. (1996). Conceptions of teachers from their students´ point of view: Experiences from Swedish lower and upper secondary schools. Paper presented at the ECER 96 meeting in Seville, September 25-28 1996

Lindblad, S. (1996). Imposed professionalization: On teachers' work and experiences of deregulation of education in Sweden. Paper presented at the ECER-96 meeting in Sevilla, September 25-28 1996.

Lindblad, S. (1997). Learning About Late Modernity: Notions on teachers' work,

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youth cultures and restructuring of education in Sweden. A Contribution to the PACT meeting in Oslo, May 19-22 1997.

Lindblad, S. (1997). Notes on youth cultures and the micro-politics of schooling. A contribution to the ECER 97 meeting in Frankfurt. September 24-27 1997.

Lindblad, S. (2008). Navigating in the Field of Research Driven Universities: On Research Governing and the Making and Using University Ranking Lists. EERJ Roundtable at the European Educational Research Association meeting in Gothenburg 2008

Lindblad, S. (2008). Professional knowledge and literature asymmetries. Contribution to the symposium “Unpacking the backstage of a European Research Project on Professional Knowledge in Education and Health. . European Educational Research Association meeting in Gothenburg 2008

Lindblad, S. (2008). Academic ranking lists as re-presentations of higher education institutions. American Educational Research Association 2008 Meeting. No. 73175

Foss Lindblad, R., Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2008). International University Ranking Lists: What is the Game and what are the arts of its practices? AERA 2008 meeting report.

Leiulfsrud, H. & Lindblad, S. (1991). Teachers and societies. A comparative study of teachers positions and orientations in the social structure in Canada, Norway, Sweden and the US. Paper presented at the CIES Conference, Pittsburgh, March 17-21, 1991.

Lindblad, S. (1991). Cases without context: On methodological superficiality in qualitative research. A Contributation to the symposium: The fetischization of interviews in qualitative research. Tenth International Human Science Research Conference Göteborg University August 18-22 1991

Lindblad, S. (2007). Teachers at work: Narrating and practising educational restructuring. Presented at European Education Policy Network conference, "Defining the European Education Agenda", 11 January, 2007, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Lindblad, S., Foss Lindblad, R., de Lima, J., Wärvik, G-B., Zambeta, E. (2007). On knowledge societies and epistemic cultures of teaching. A contribution to the symposium “Atlantic Crossings: Comparative Conversations on Professional Cultures of Teaching and Institutional Restructuring as a World Movement” at the AERA 2007 meeting in Chicago, April 10-15.

Houtsonen, J., Lindblad, S., Sugrue, C., Dupont, M. (2007). Teachers Organising Their Work in an Era of Word-Wide Institutional Restructuring: A Comparative Study of Teachers in Finland, Ireland and Sweden. A contribution to the symposium “Atlantic Crossings: Comparative Conversations on Professional Cultures of Teaching and Institutional Restructuring as a World Movement” at the AERA 2007 meeting in Chicago, April 10-15.

Lindblad, S., Beach, D., Czaplicka, M., Foss Lindblad, R., Sohlberg, P& Wärvik, G-B. Professionell kunskap under omstrukturering - en internationell komparativ

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studie. Presentation vid Vetenskapsrådets Resultat Dialog 2007, Göteborg, November, 6-7.

Sohlberg, P., Czaplicka, M. Lindblad, S (2007): Working life under restructuring. A contribution to the symposium ”Professional Work and Life under Restructuring. Comparative Studies of Teachers and Nurses in Different European Political Contexts” at the EERA annual meeting in Ghent, September 2007.

Fridlizius, Rita Foss; Lindblad, Sverker; Andersson, Ewa Pilhammar; Warvik, Gun-Britt Wärvik (2005): On institutional restructuring and the professional knowledge in education and health care: the Swedish case. A contribution to the symposium “Professional knowledge in education and health: restructuring work and life between state and citizens in Europé” at the EERA meeting in Dublin, September 2005.

Lindblad, S (2001): Education by the Number: On international statistics and policy making. Presented at the conference ‘Travelling Policy/Local Spaces: Globalisation, Identities and Education Policy in Europe’ held at Keele University, UK in June 2001’.

Lindblad, S. (2001): Researching Swedish School Culture: Notions on classroom interaction. contexts and cultures of schooling. Presentation of a Swedish research project to Learner’s Perspective Study Teamin Durban January 27/28, 2002, following the 2002 SAARMSTE Conference

Lindblad, S. (2002): Notes on the construction of teaching and learning in international comparative studies: LPS, PISA and TIMSS. Paper presented at the LPS meeting in New Orleans, March 2002.

Lindblad, S. (2003): The new utopians: On international assesment and the construction of schooling. A contribution to the symposium ”Curriculum and globalization: An international perspective” at the AERA meeting in Chicago 21-25 April 2003.

Lindblad, S., & Marton, F. (2004). What is compared in comparative studies? Paper presented at PME, Bergen, 2004.

Lindblad, S. & Pérez Prieto, H. (1990). Experiences of schooling in the welfare state. A Longitudinal Study of Life Trajectories and Legitimation of Education in Sweden. A contribution to the symposium "Life course and cultural/social change". The 22:nd congress of applied psychology. Kyoto, Japan, July 22-27 1990.

Lindblad, S., & Sahlström, F. (2002): From teaching to interaction: On recent changes in the perspectives and approaches to classroom research. Current Issues in Classroom Research: practices, praises and perspectives conference, Oslo, May 22-24 2002.

Lindblad, S., & Sahlström, F. (2003): Contexts in classroom research: concepts and research strategies. A contribution to the symposium ”Classroom research methods” at the NERA meeting in Copenhagen 6-9 March 2003.

Lindblad, S. & Lundahl, L.. (1999): Restructuring the Welfare State and the

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Organizing of Social inclusion and Exclusion in Sweden. Invited paper to symposium. Educational Systems, Policy Discourses and Social Integration and Exclusion: A Comparative Analysis of European Union. AERA meeting 1999.–

Lindblad, Sverker, Lundahl, Lisbeth (2006). Education Research in Sweden. A contribution to the EERA roundtable “The Social Organization of Education Research: a Cross-national Conversation”. EERA meeting in Geneva, September 13-15, 2006.

Lindblad, Sverker; Callewaert, Staf (2004): Introducing teacher education under restructuring. A contribution to the symposium “Teacher education in Scandinavia: reform, recruitment and professional identity under restructuring” at the EERA meeting in Crete, September 2004

Petersen, K. A. & Lindblad, S. (2001). A discussion of Manuel Castell´s and Pierre Bourdieu´s theories on social changes. Contribution to the symposium Changes of society and education – joblife, habitus and identity in the net-Society. NPFF meeting in Stockhom 15- 18 March 2001.

Sahlström, F.; Lindblad, S., (1999): Text, talk and videotapes - on the social construction(s) of reading in an eight-grade class. Paper presented at EARLI Conference in Gothenburg.

Keynotes by Sverker Lindblad:

Learning About Late Modernity: Notions on teachers’ work, youth cultures and restructuring of education in Sweden. Key note speech at the PACT meeting in Oslo, May 19-22 1997.

Comparisons of Classroom Interaction in Sweden: Notes on changes in theory and practice. Invited presentation at the WCCES meeting in Capetown, July 12-17 1998.

Loyalty, Exit or Voice? Transitions of Governance of Education in Sweden. Invited plenary address to "Lev Vygotsky 1896-1996: The Cultural Historical Approach: Progress in Human Sciences and Education". Moscow October 21-24, 1996.

A life more common: On changes in teachers’ work and life in Scandinavian welfare states. Invited presentation to the International Conference on New Professionalism in Teaching: Teacher Education and Teacher Development in a Changing World. Hong Kong 15-17 January 1999.

Changes in European Education from a Scandinavian Perspective. Key note speech the AIDIPE Conference in Malaga, September 21-24 1999. Published by AIDEPE in Spanish.

Changing meanings of education in a Nordic welfare state. Key note speech at the National Conference for Finnish Educational Research in Turku, Finland November 23-25th 2000.

Presidential Address at the ECER 1999 in Lahti, September 16-19.

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Presidential Address at the ECER 2000 in Edinburgh, September 20-23.

Presidential Address at the ECER 2001 in Lille, September 5-8.

Presidential Address at the ECER 2001 in Lille, September 5-8.

Going international: On educational research in globalising contexts.Key note speech at the conference “ Travelling policy / Local spaces: Globalisation, Identities and Education Policy in Europe. Keele, 27-29 June 2001

From teaching to interaction: On recent changes in the perspectives and approaches to classroom research. Current Issues in Classroom Research: practices, praises and perspectives conference, Oslo, May 22-24 2002. with F. Sahlström.

Comparing the Local: Teacher Education under Restructuring. Invited contribution to the Seminar on Problems and Problematisations in Comparative Education. November 19, 2004, in Helsinki

From mode x to mode y in Nordic welfare state education. Keynote delivered at the NERA annual meeting in Oslo, March 12 2005.

European welfare state education: Social reconstruction in between cultural change and policymaking. Keynote at the Taiwan International Conference: "The idea and practice of social reconstruction curriculum." In Taipei, May 2005

The School of the Futures. Keynote at Interlearn Multidisciplinary Approaches to Learning. Conference in Helsinki, Finlandia Hall December 1st to 2nd December, 2005

Overviews, Book Chapters, Books

Berg G., T. Englund, Lindblad & S. (Red) (1995): Kunskap, organisation, demokrati. Studentlitteratur

Berg, G., T. Larsson, S Lindblad, E Wallin (1980): Förändring och förnyelse i skolan - frihet och gränser. En antologi om lokalt pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete. Stockholms: Utbildningsförlaget,.

Evaldsson, A-C., Lindblad, S., Sahlström, F. & Bergqvist, K. (2001) Introduktion och forskningsöversikt. I S. Lindblad & F. Sahlström (red).

Foss Lindblad, R., Lindblad, S. (2006). Knowledge at work: On the politics of knowledge in the reconfiguration of the teaching profession (2006). In Peterson, Olsson, Popkewitz (Eds): “The Future Is Not What It Appears To Be”. Pedagogy, Genealogy and Political Epistemology. Stockholm: HLS

Foss Lindblad, R. & Lindblad, S. (2007). X som i x-axel. I A. Björnsson & B. Rombach (red.) Tidens tecken. Svenska Humanistiska Förbundets skriftserie 121. s. 217-224. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag

Foss Lindblad & Lindblad (2008): The politics of professionalising talk on teaching. In Re-reading education policies: studying the policy agenda of the 21st

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century Editors: Maarten Simons, Mark Olssen, Michael Peters. Sense Publisher (Forthcoming)

Foss Lindblad, R., Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2008): Narratives on Educational Researcu Evaluation in Sweden. In Besley, A.T. (Ed): Assessing the Quality of Educational Research. Sense Publisher (Forthcoming).

Garpelin, A. & Lindblad, S. (1995). (rec.) Representation of Youth: the study of youth and adolcence in Britain and America. By Cristine Griffin (1993). Educational review vol. 47, nr 3

Hasselgren, B., Carlgren, M. Jonsson & S. Lindblad (Red) (1989). Lära till lärare. Stockholm: HLS Förlag.

Lindblad, S. (1987). Institutionalization of innovations regarded from a conflict point of view. I: Miles, Ekholm & Vandenberghe (Eds): Lasting school improvement: Exploring the process of institutionalization. Leuven: ACCO.

Lindblad, S. (1988). The practice of school-centred innovation: A Swedish case. In Taylor, P (Ed.) (1986): Recent Developments in Curriculum Studies. Philadelphia: NFER-Nelson.

Lindblad, S. (1995). On external expertise and practical reason in teachers work. In Tydén, T. (ed): When school meets science. Stockholm: HLS.

Lindblad, S. (1995): Lärarna: samhället och skolans utveckling: utforskningar och analyser av lärarledd verksamhet. Stockholm: HLS Förlag

Lindblad, S. (1995). Adolescents micropolitical strategies and careers in Swedish schools: A cross-sectional study. I Jonsson, B (Ed): Studies on Youth and Schooling in Sweden. Stockholm: HLS Förlag

Lindblad, S. & Pérez, H. (1995). On youth, life projects and experiences of schooling. In Jonsson, B (Ed): Studies on Youth and Schooling in Sweden. Stockholm: HLS Förlag

Lindblad, S. (1997): Imposed Professionalization. On Teacher´s Work and Experiences of Deregulation of Education in Sweden. I Nilsson, I. & Lundahl, L. (Eds.) Teachers, Curriculum and Policy - Critical Perspectives in Educational Research. Umeå University: Printing Office.

Lindblad, S (1998): Towards a social understanding of teachers. In Biddle, B; Good, T & Goodson, I (Eds): International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching. Kluwer.

Lindblad, S. (2001) Om skolarbetets meningsfullhet och ungdomars mikropolitiska strategier. I Andersson, B-E (red): Ungdomarna, Skolan och Livet. Stockholm: HLS förlag. s 96 – 118

Lindblad, S (2001): Koulutus ja sen muutuvat merktykste pohjoismaisessa hyvivointivaltiossa. I Jauhiainen, A. & R. Rinne (toim.) (2001): Koulutuspolitiikka Soumessa. Turku: Painosalama. (s 45-72)

Lindblad, S. (2006). Om internationell utbildningsvetenskaplig publicering från svensk horisont. I Sandin, B. & Säljö, R. (Red): Utbildningsvetenskap : ett

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kunskapsområde under formering. s. 153-175. Carlssons Förlag

Lindblad, S. (2006): The education system and mathematics education in Sweden. In D., Clarke, C. Keitel & Y. Shimizu (Eds) Mathematics Classrooms in 12 countries: The Insider's Perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Lindblad, S. (2001). Ett pedagogiskt perspektiv. I Andersson, B -E. (Red): Ungdomarna, skolan och livet. Stockholm : HLS Förlag.

Lindblad, S. (2001). Släpp fångarna loss, det är höst! I Sandqvist, K. (Red): Ungdom - hela livet. Stockholm : HLS Förlag.

Lindblad, S. (2006): A European perspective on international arenas for educational research. In Coulby, D., Ozga, J.,Popkewitz, T., & Seddon, T. (Eds): World Yearbook in Education 2006: Education Research and Policy.

Lindblad, S. & Lundahl, L. (2001). Från medborgare till systemoperatör? I Agell, A. (Red.): Fostrar skolan goda medborgare? Uppsala : IUSTUS FÖRLAG AB.

Lindblad, S. & Pérez Prieto, H. (1998). Elevers, föräldrars och lärares bilder av inflytande i skolan. I Skolverkets rapport nr 144: Vem tror på skolan? Attityder till skolan 1997.

Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2003). Comparative Ethnography: Fabricating the new millenium and its exclusions. A contribution to Beach, Gordon & Lahelma: Democratic Education Ethnographic Challenges. Ondon: Tufnel

Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2004) (Eds): Educational Restructuring: International perspectives on travelling policies. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publ.

Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2004). Education Governance and Social Inclusion/Exclusion. On restructuring of education in European contexts. (in)

Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2004). Introduction. In Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (Eds).

Lindblad, S & Sahlström, F (Red) (2001): Interaktion i pedagogiska miljöer. Stockholm: Liber.

Lindblad, S. (2008): Mellan Profession och Akademi: Habitus och Fält under Omstrukturering. Petersen, K-A & Hoyen, M, (Red) (2008): At sætte spor på en vandring fra Aquinas til Bourdieu - æresbog til Staf Callewaert. Copenhagen: Hexis. s. Sid 323-338.

Lindblad, Sverker & Sahlström, Fritjof (1998): Klasserumsforskning. En oversigt med fokus på interaktion og elever. I Bjerg, J. (red) 1998: Pedagogik – en grundbog till et fag. Köbenhavn: Hans Reitzels Forlag. Även på svenska som nedan:

Lindblad, Sverker & Sahlström, Fritjof (2000): Klassrumsforskning: en översikt med fokus på interaktion och elever. I Bjerg & Hultqvist: Pedagogik. Stockholm : Liber.

Lindblad, S. & Wallin, E. (Red) (1982): Från förskola till högskola I olika länder.

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Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Popkewitz, T. & Lindblad, S. (2005): Gobernación educativa y exclusión social: dificultades conceptuales y problematicas en la política y en la investigación. In Luengo, J.J. (Ed): Paradigmas de Gobernación y de exclusión social en la educación. Barcelona: Ediciones Pomares.

Wallin, E., Lindblad, S. & Berg, G. (1993). The Swedish School - to where is it heading? I van Bruggen, J C (ed): Case studies: Strategies for and organization of curriculum development in som European countries. Dundee: CIDREE.

Popular-scientific Articles and Activities

Medlem i redaktionsrådet för Pedagogiska Magasinet 1999-2003. Pedagogiska magasinet avser att vara en länk mellan pedagogisk forskning och pedagogisk praktik. Utkommer 4 gånger per år med en upplaga om 220 000 ex.

Articles in profession journals:

Calander, F. & Lindblad, S. (2005): Nu var det 1930. Pedagogiska Magasinet, 2005, nr 1. sid 15-25.

Lindblad, S (2000): Kort sagt: som det brukar vara. Pedagogiska Magasinet, vol 4, nr 3, s 96 (augusti 2000)

Lindblad, S (2000): Verklighetens omätbara aspekter. Pedagogiska Magasinet, vol 4, nr 4, s 18-23.

Lindblad, S (2001): Radikal kursändring av skolan. Pedagogiska Magasinet, vol 5, nr , s 16 - 19.

Lindblad, S (2001): Slutsatser och reflektioner: Segregationen har ökat. Pedagogiska Magasinet, vol 5, nr , s 26-27

Lindblad, S. (2006). Farväl till partipolitiken i skolans värld? Pedagogiska Magasinet. 10 (1) s. 102-103.

Lindblad, S. & Pérez Prieto, H. (1993). Lärarsocialisation och skolkarriär: En explorativ longitudinell studie. Ur Forskning om Utbildning nr ¾, 1993.

Lindblad, S. & Pérez-Prieto, H. (1995). Bilder av eleverna i den nationella utvärderingen av skolan. Praxis nr 1 (s 9-19).

Lindblad, S. & Sahlström, F. (1996). En främling i klassrummets djungel. KRUT 82 (2/96), s 31-37.

Lindblad, S. & Sahlström, F. (1996). Samma klassrum, skilda ungdomsvärldar. KRUT 82 (2/96), s 38-51.

Lindblad, S. (1997). Bilden av skolan på väg att förändras. KRUT :85 s. 2 - 5.

Lindblad, S.; Wallin, E. (1992). Ordning, kaos och sedan? Om skolan bortom den svenska modellen. Framtider nr 1/92. s 9-13.

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Technical reports

Cavallin, Mats, Lindblad, Sverker (2006). Världsmästerskap i vetenskap?: en granskning av internationella rankinglistor och deras sätt att hantera kvalitet hos universitet. Göteborg: Göteborg University.

Eliasson, M., Gunnarsson, B-L.; Lindblad, S. (1991). Kvinnor och Män i Forskarmiljöer: Karriärer, Kulturer och Interaktion. Ett forskningsprogram. Uppsala Universitet

Falk, E-M & Lindblad, S (1997): Norden i lärarutbildning- resultat av en surveyundersökning. Arbetsrapport nr 211 från pedagogiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet

Goodson, I. & Lindblad, S. (2008) (Eds): Professional Knowledge and Restructuring Welfare State Institutions in Education and Health Care. www.profknow.net

Gustafson, K., Lindblad, S., Pérez Prieto, H. & Sälj, K. (1997). Skolans biverkningar. Rapport till Skolverket.

Kallós, D. & Lindblad, S. (red) (1994). New Policy Contexs for Education: Sweden and United Kingdom. Report from the First Comparative Seminar. Umeå

Lindblad, S (Red) (1999): Pedagogiska perspektiv i teori och praktik. Pedagogisk Forskning i Uppsala nr 136.

Lindblad, S. (2004): Nittiotal: Om lärarna, skolan och samhället av idag. Läromrapport, Uppsala Universitet, Pedagogiska institutionen

Lindblad, Sverker (2005). Knowledge, Governance and Social Inclusion/Exclusion: A report from a European Union research project (2005). In Rutger Lindahl, Birgitta Jännebring [editor(s)]. Forskning om Europafrågor vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Göteborgs universitet . pp. 39-84. Göteborg: Göteborg University, CERGU.

Lindblad, S. (2006). Läraryrke under omstrukturering. I: A.-K. Boström & Lidholt, B. (red.) Lärares arbete. Pedagogikforskare reflekterar utifrån olika perspektiv. (Forskning i fokus, nr. 29), s. 115-122. Stockholm: Myndigheten för skolutveckling.

Lindblad, S. ; Calander, F. ; Callewaert, G. (2005). Yrkesroll i förvandling. Lärarutbildningar, rekrytering och yrkesidentitet under om strukturering. I Utbildningsvetenskap 2005 - Resultatdialog och Framtidsblick. (Vetenskapsrådet: Rapport 13:2005), s. 117-125. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.

Lindblad, S., Kyndel, D. & Larson, L. (2004): Internationella arenor för utbildningsvetenskaper. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.

Lindblad, S. & Pérez, H. (1997): Utbildning - kultur - interaktion - karriär. Sidor av en forskningsgrupp. Pedagogisk forskning i Uppsala 128

Lindblad, S. & Edvardsson, A: [editor(s)]. (2006): Mot bättre vetande : presentationer av forskning vid Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik.

sidan 13 a v 20

Göteborg: Göteborg University. (IPD-rapporter / Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik;2006:06)

Lindblad, S. & Lyster, S. H. (2008): Evaluering af forskningsprogrammene vid Danmarks Paedagogiske Universitetsskole. University of Aarhus.

Lindblad, S. & Pérez Prieto, H. (1998). Elevers, föräldrars och lärares bilder av inflytande i skolan. I Skolverkets rapport nr 144: Vem tror på skolan? Attityder till skolan 1997.

Lindblad, S and Popkewitz, T (2001): Final report: Education Governance and Social Integration and Exclusion. Report to the European Commission.

Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2001). Listening to education actors on governance and social integration and exclusion. Uppsala Reports on Education no. 37. Uppsala Universitet: Pedagogiska Institutionen.

Popkewitz, T. & Lindblad, S. (2001). Statistical information and systems of reason on education and social inclusion and exclusion in international and national contexts. Uppsala Reports on Education no. 38. Uppsala Universitet: Pedagogiska Institutionen.

Popkewitz, T. & Lindblad, S. (2001). Education governance and social integration and exclusion: Studies in the powers of reason and the reason of power. Uppsala Reports on Education no. 39. Uppsala universitet: Pedagogiska Institutionen.

Sohlberg, P. ; Czaplicka, M. ; Lindblad, S. et al. (2008). Professional expertise under restructuring: comparative studies of education and health care: The Survey Study. www.profknow.net.

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DAVID CLARKE SELECTION OF PUBLICATIONS All refereed publications in the past five years (2004 onwards) (project-related publications are asterisked)

Books *Clarke, D.J., Keitel, C., & Shimizu, Y. (Eds.) (2006). Mathematics Classrooms in Twelve

Countries: The Insider's Perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. [PB ISBN 90-77874-95-X; HB ISBN 90-77874-99-2]

*Clarke, D.J., Emanuelsson, J., Jablonka, E., & Mok, I.A.C. (Eds.). (2006). Making Connections: Comparing Mathematics Classrooms Around the World. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. [PB ISBN 90-77874-79-8; HB ISBN 90-77874-90-9]

Book Chapters *Clarke, D.J., Xu, L., & Wan, V. (in press). Spoken mathematics as a distinguishing

characteristic of mathematics classrooms in different countries. To be published in C. Keitel, A. Begehr, K. Hino, R. Vithal, & D. Clarke (Eds.), Studies of Difference in Mathematics Classrooms around the World. To be published in 2009 by Sense Publishers.

*Clarke, D.J. & Mesiti, C. (in press). A functional analysis of mathematical tasks in China, Japan, Sweden, Australia and the U.S.A: Voice and Agency. To be published in Y. Shimizu, B. Kaur, R. Huang, & D.J. Clarke (Eds.), Mathematical Tasks in Classrooms Around the World. To be published in 2009 by Sense Publishers.

*Remedios, L. & Clarke, D.J. (2009). Cultural Origins of Patterns of Participation in Multi-cultural Classrooms. Chapter 11 in M. César & K. Kumpulainen (Eds.), Social Interactions in Multicultural Settings. Dordrecht: Sense Publishers, 297-327.

*Clarke, D.J., Keitel, C., & Shimizu, Y. (2006). The Learner’s Perspective Study. Chapter 1 in D.J. Clarke, C. Keitel, & Y. Shimizu (Eds.), Mathematics Classrooms in Twelve Countries: The Insider’s Perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 1-14.

*Clarke, D.J. (2006). The LPS Research Design. Chapter 2 in D.J. Clarke, C. Keitel, & Y. Shimizu (Eds.), Mathematics Classrooms in Twelve Countries: The Insider’s Perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 15-37.

*Clarke, D.J., Emanuelsson, J., Jablonka, E., & Mok, I. A. C. (2006). The Learner’s Perspective Study and International Comparisons of Classroom Practice. Chapter 1 in D.J. Clarke, J. Emanuelsson, E. Jablonka, and I.A.H. Mok (Eds.). Making Connections: Comparing Mathematics Classrooms Around the World. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 1-22.

*Clarke, D.J., Mesiti, C., Jablonka, E., & Shimizu, Y. (2006). Addressing the Challenge of Legitimate International Comparisons: Lesson Structure in the USA, Germany and Japan. Chapter 2 in D.J. Clarke, J. Emanuelsson, E. Jablonka, and I.A.H. Mok (Eds.). Making Connections: Comparing Mathematics Classrooms Around the World. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 23-46.

*Mesiti, C. & Clarke, D.J. (2006). Beginning the Lesson: The First Ten Minutes. Chapter 3 in D.J. Clarke, J. Emanuelsson, E. Jablonka, and I.A.H. Mok (Eds.). Making Connections: Comparing Mathematics Classrooms Around the World. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 47-72.

*O’Keefe, C., Xu, Li Hua, & Clarke, D.J. (2006). Kikan-Shido: Between Desks Instruction. Chapter 4 in D.J. Clarke, J. Emanuelsson, E. Jablonka, and I.A.H. Mok (Eds.). Making Connections: Comparing Mathematics Classrooms Around the World. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 73-106.

*Clarke, D.J. (2006). Deconstructing Dichotomies: Arguing for a More Inclusive Approach. Chapter 11 in D.J. Clarke, J. Emanuelsson, E. Jablonka, and I.A.H. Mok (Eds.). Making Connections: Comparing Mathematics Classrooms Around the World. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 215-236.

*Clarke, D.J. (2006). Appendix A: The LPS Research Design. In D.J. Clarke, J. Emanuelsson, E. Jablonka, and I.A.H. Mok (Eds.). Making Connections: Comparing Mathematics Classrooms Around the World. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 237-252.

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*Clarke, D.J., Shimizu, Y., Ulep, S.A., Gallos, F.L., Sethole, G., Adler, J., & Vithal, R. (2006). Cultural Diversity and the Learner’s Perspective: Attending to Voice and Context. Chapter 3-3 in F.K.S. Leung, K-D. Graf, & F.J. Lopez-Real (Eds.) Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions – A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West: The 13th ICMI Study. New York: Springer, pp. 353-380.

Journal Articles Suri, H. & Clarke, D.J. (in press). Advancements in Research Synthesis Methods: From a

Methodologically Inclusive Perspective. Accepted in January, 2008, for publication in Reviews of Educational Research.

*Clarke, D.J. & Xu, L.H. (2008). Distinguishing between mathematics classrooms in Australia, China, Japan, Korea and the USA through the lens of the distribution of responsibility for knowledge generation: Public oral interactivity versus mathematical orality. ZDM – The International Journal in Mathematics Education, 40(6), 963-981.

*Clarke, D.J., Mesiti, C., O’Keefe, C., Xu, L.H., Jablonka, E., Mok, I. A. C., & Shimizu, Y. (2008). Addressing the Challenge of Legitimate International Comparisons of Classroom Practice. International Journal of Educational Research 46(5), 280-293.

Remedios, L., Clarke, D.J., & Hawthorne, L. (2008). The silent participant in small group collaborative learning contexts. Active Learning in Higher Education, vol. 9(3), 201-216.

Remedios, L. Clarke, D., & Hawthorne, L. (2008) Framing Collaborative Behaviours: Listening and Speaking in Problem-Based Learning. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning. 2 (1): 1-20.

*Clarke, D.J. Goos, M., & Morony, W. (2007). Problem Solving and Working Mathematically: An Australian Perspective. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik (ZDM International Journal of Mathematics Education), 39, 475-490.

*Clarke, D.J. (2006). Using International Comparative Research to Contest Prevalent Oppositional Dichotomies. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik, 38(5), 376-387.

*Heinze, A., Lipowsky, F., & Clarke, D.J. (Eds) (2006). Special Issue of Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik, 38(5), titled: Videobased Instructional Research and the Use of Video Technology in Teacher Education.

*Heinze, A., Lipowsky, F., & Clarke, D.J. (2006). Introduction. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik, 38(5), 366-367.

Holton, D. & Clarke, D.J. (2006). Scaffolding and Metacognition. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 37(2), 127-143.

*Clarke, D.J. (2005). Instructed Learning: An Integrative Perspective on Classroom Practice and Learning. The Mathematics Educator, 8(2), 34-52 (published through the National Institute of Education, Singapore).

Molloy, E. & Clarke, D.J. (2005). The positioning of physiotherapy students and supervisors in feedback sessions. Focus on Health Professional Education: A multi-disciplinary journal 7: 79-90.

*Lobato, J., Clarke, D.J., & Ellis, A.B. (2005). Initiating and Eliciting in Teaching: A Reformulation of Telling. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 36(2), 101-136.

*Clarke, D.J., Breed, M., & Fraser, S. (2004). The Consequences of a Problem-Based Mathematics Curriculum. The Mathematics Educator, 14(2), 7-16 (published through the University of Georgia-Athens, USA).

Wilson, J. & Clarke, D.J. (2004). Towards a Model of Mathematical Metacognition. Mathematics Education Research Journal 16(2), 25-48.

Conference Papers (Refereed Proceedings) *Clarke, D.J. & Novotna, J. (2008). Classroom Research in Mathematics Education as a

Collaborative Enterprise for the International Research Community: The Learner’s Perspective Study. In O. Figueras, J.L. Cortina, S. Alatorre, T. Rojano, & A. Sepulveda (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME32 and PME-NA XXX, Volume 1, 89-120.

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*Clarke, D.J. & Xu, Li Hua (2008). Mathematical Orality in Asian and Western Mathematics Classrooms. In O. Figueras, J.L. Cortina, S. Alatorre, T. Rojano, & A. Sepulveda (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME32 and PME-NA XXX, Volume 2, 337-344.

*Clarke, D.J. & Xu, L.H. (2007). Examining Asian Mathematics Classrooms Through the Lens of the Distribution of Responsibility for Knowledge Generation. Proceedings of EARCOME4 (the 4th East-Asian Research Conference on Mathematics Education), June 18-22, 2007. Penang: University of Malaysia, pp. 518-524.

Blyth, W.F., Clarke, D.J., & Labovic, A. (2006). Video analysis to understand e-learning of vector calculus. In A. Stacey, B. Blyth, J. Shepherd, & A.J. Roberts, Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2005. Volume 47 of the series ANZIAM J, pp. C185-C199.

*Mesiti, C. & Clarke, D.J. (2006). Beginning the Lesson: The Instructional Practice of "Review" in Eight Different Mathematics Classrooms. In J. Novotna, H. Moraova, M. Kratka, & N. Stehlikova (Eds.), Mathematics in the centre, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group for Psychology in Mathematics, Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-21, 2006, vol. 1, p. 408.

*O'Keefe, C., Xu, L.H., & Clarke, D.J. (2006). Kikan-Shido: Through the Lens of Guiding Student Activity. In J. Novotna, H. Moraova, M. Kratka, & N. Stehlikova (Eds.), Mathematics in the centre, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group for Psychology in Mathematics, Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-21, 2006, volume 4, pp. 265-272.

*Clarke, D.J. (2005). Essential Complementarities: Arguing for an Integrative Approach to Research in Mathematics Classrooms. In P. Clarkson, A. Downton, D. Gronn, M. Horne, A. McDonough, R. Pierce, & A. Roche (Eds.), Building Connections: Theory, Research and Practice. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Vol. 1, Sydney: MERGA Inc., 3-17.

*Clarke, D.J. & Seah, Lay Hoon (2005). Studying the distribution of responsibility for the generation of knowledge in mathematics classrooms in Hong Kong, Melbourne, San Diego and Shanghai. In H. L. Chick & J. L. Vincent (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2, h 257-264.

Davis, L., Clarke, D.J., & van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M. (2005). How Unusual is the Gender Specificity of Mathematical Test Items Types Reported for Dutch Primary School Students? In P. Clarkson, A. Downton, D. Gronn, M. Horne, A. McDonough, R. Pierce, & A. Roche (Eds.), Building Connections: Theory, Research and Practice. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Vol. 1, Sydney: MERGA Inc., 281-288.

*Clarke, D.J. (2004). Patterns of Participation in the Mathematics Classroom. In M.J. Høines & A.B. Fuglestad (Eds), Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2, Bergen: Bergen University College, 231-238.

*Clarke, D.J. (2004). The Practice of Researching Practice: Inevitable Reflexivities. In H. Forgasz, S. Groves, B. Jane, J. Mousley, I. Robottom, R. Tytler, J. Lynch, & B. Doig (Eds.) Contemporary Approaches to Research in Mathematics, Science, Health and Environmental Education 2000. Burwood: Deakin University, 3-15.

*Clarke, D.J., Sahlström, F., Mitchell, C. & Clarke, N. (2004). Optimising the Use of Available Technology in Educational Research. In V. Uskov (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, Zurich: ACTA press, 191-196.

sidan 17 a v 20

Ten career-best publications Books *Clarke, D.J., Keitel, C., & Shimizu, Y. (Eds.) (2006). Mathematics Classrooms in Twelve

Countries: The Insider's Perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. (390 pages) (ISBN 90-77874-95-X, paperback; ISBN 90-77874-99-2, paperback) [including two chapters]

*Clarke, D.J., Emanuelsson, J., Jablonka, E., & Mok, I.A.C. (Eds.) (2006). Making Connections: Comparing Mathematics Classrooms Around the World. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. (280 pages) (ISBN 90-77874-79-8, paperback; ISBN 90-77874-90-9, hard-cover) [including five chapters]

*Clarke, D.J. (Ed.) (2001) Perspectives on practice and meaning in mathematics and science classrooms. Kluwer Academic Press: Dordrecht, Netherlands. (355 pages) (ISBN 0-7923-6938-6, hard-cover; ISBN 0-7923-6939-4, paperback) [including five chapters].

Book Chapters *Clarke, D.J., Shimizu, Y., Ulep, S.A., Gallos, F.L., Sethole, G., Adler, J., & Vithal, R. (2006).

Cultural Diversity and the Learner’s Perspective: Attending to Voice and Context. Chapter 3-3 in F.K.S. Leung, K-D. Graf, & F.J. Lopez-Real (Eds.) Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions – A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West: The 13th ICMI Study. New York: Springer, pp. 353-380.

*Clarke, D.J. (2003). International Comparative Studies in Mathematics Education. Chapter 5 in A.J. Bishop, M.A. Clements, C. Keitel, J. Kilpatrick, and F.K.S. Leung (eds.) Second International Handbook of Mathematics Education, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 145-186.

*Clarke, D.J., (1996). Assessment. Chapter 9 in A. Bishop (Ed.). International Handbook of Mathematics Education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer, pp. 327-370.

Journal Articles *Clarke, D.J., Mesiti, C., O’Keefe, C., Xu, L.H., Jablonka, E., Mok, I. A. C., & Shimizu, Y.

(2008). Addressing the Challenge of Legitimate International Comparisons of Classroom Practice. International Journal of Educational Research 46(5), 280-293.

*Clarke, D.J. (2006). Using International Comparative Research to Contest Prevalent Oppositional Dichotomies. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik, 38(5), 376-387.

Clarke, D.J. & Hollingsworth, H. (2002) Elaborating a model of teacher professional growth. Teaching and Teacher Education, 18(8), 947-967.

*Clarke, D.J. (1985). The Impact of Secondary Schooling and Secondary Mathematics on Student Mathematical Behaviour. Educational Studies in Mathematics 16(3), 231 - 257.

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PUBLICATIONS FRITJOF SAHLSTRÖM All refereed publications in the past 5 years (2004 onwards) – SAHLSTRÖM Books *Sahlström, F. 2008. Från lärare till elever, från undervisning till lärande. Några

utvecklingslinjer i klassrumsforskningen. [From teachers to students, from teaching to learning. Lines of development in classroom research]. Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie nr 9:2008. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.

Karlsson, M., Melander, H., Pérez Prieto, H. & Sahlström, F. (Eds.) (2006) Förskoleklassen – ett tionde skolår? [The pre-school class – a tenth school year?] Stockholm: Liber.

*Melander, H., Pérez Prieto, H. & Sahlström, F. (Eds.) (2004) Sociala handlingar och deras innebörder: lärande och identitet [Social actions and their implications: learning and identity]. Pedagogisk forskning i Uppsala, 150.

Book Chapters *Sahlström, F. (in press) From doing it to doing it right. Chapter in J. Cromdal and M.

Tholander (Eds.) Children, Morality and Interaction. Accepted in October, 2008, for publication in 2009.

*Sahlström, F. (2008) Trettiofem sidor klarsyn. Chapter in K.-A. Petersen & M. Høyen (Eds.) At sætte spor på en vandring fra Aquinas till Bourdieu – æresbog til Staf Callewaert, s. 191-198. Köpenhamn: Hexis.

*Sahlström, F. (2006) Bokstäver och siffror, in Karlsson, M., Melander, H., Pérez Prieto, H. & Sahlström, F (Eds.) Förskoleklassen – ett tionde skolår? Stockholm: Liber.

*Emanuelsson, J., & Sahlström, F. (2006) Same from the outside – different on the inside. On interaction in Swedish mathematics classrooms. In C. Clarke, C. Keitel & Y. Shimizu (Eds.) Mathematics Classrooms in 12 countries: The Insider’s Perspective. Dordrecht: Sense.

*Melander, H., Pérez Prieto, H. & Sahlström, F. (Eds.) (2004) Sociala handlingar och deras innebörder: lärande och identitet [Social actions and their implications: learning and identity]. Pedagogisk forskning i Uppsala, 150.

*Pérez Prieto, H. & Sahlström, F. (2004) Inledning [Introduction]. Chapter in H. Melander, H. Pérez Prieto, & Sahlström, F. (Eds.), Sociala handlingar och deras innebörder: lärande och identitet. [Social actions and their implications: learning and identity] Pedagogisk forskning i Uppsala, 150, ss 1-7.

Sahlström, F. (2004) Vems är skogen som växer i skolan? [Whose is the forest that grows in school?] Chapter in H. Melander, H. Pérez Prieto, & Sahlström, F. (Eds.), Sociala handlingar och deras innebörder: lärande och identitet [Social actions and their implications: learning and identity]. Pedagogisk forskning i Uppsala, 150, ss 97-117.

Journal Articles *Sahlström, F. (in press) Conversation Analysis as a Way of Studying Learning. An

introduction to a special issue of Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

*Melander, H. & Sahlström, F (in press) Learning to Fly – The Progressive Development of Situation Awareness. Invited contribution to special issue on Conversation Analysis as a way for studying learning, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Bergeå, H., Martin, C. & Sahlström, F. (2008). I don’t know what you’re looking for. Professional vision in Swedish agricultural extension on nature conservation management. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. Vol. 14(4), 329-345.

*Emanuelsson, J & Sahlström, F. (2008). The price of participation. Teacher Control versus Student Participation in Classroom Interaction. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 52(2), 205-223.

*Melander, H. & Sahlström, F. (2008). In tow of the blue whale. Learning as interactional changes in topical orientation. Journal of Pragmatics, doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2007.05.013

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Sahlström, F. (2008) Ssh! Om hyssjanden i helklassundervisning. Kasvatus, 39 (5), 456-467. Conference proceedings (refereed) *Sahlström, F. (in press) Där och då, här och nu – några reflektioner över möjligheterna för

samtalsanalytisk lärandeforskning att analysera lärande mellan situationer. I M. Enell-Nilsson & T. Männikkö (red.) FACKSPRÅK, ÖVERSÄTTNING OCH FLERSPRÅKIGHET. XXVIII VAKKI-SYMPOSIUM, "Språk och mångfald". Vasa: Vasa Universitet.

*Sahlström, F., Pörn, M. & Slotte-Lüttge, A. (2008) Mitä tarkoittaa speaking English? Flerspråkiga barns lärande och identitet i och utanför skolan. Konferensvolymen Svenskan i Finland 10, Nordica, Helsingfors.

*Clarke, D., Sahlström, F. Mitchell, C., & Clarke, N. (2004) Optimising the use of available technology in educational research. In V. Uskov (Ed.) Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, pp. 191-196. Calgary: Acta Press

*Sahlström, F. (2004) På återbesök hos klassrumsforskningens klassiker. Kapitel i A-L. Østern & R. Heilä-Ylikallio (Red.) Språk som kultur – brytningar i tid och rum. Rapport från Pedagogiska Fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi nr 11, ss 177-192.

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Ten career-best publications Books Sahlström, F. 2008. Från lärare till elever, från undervisning till lärande. Några utvecklingslinjer

i klassrumsforskningen. [From teachers to students, from teaching to learning. Lines of development in classroom research]. Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie nr 9:2008. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.

Karlsson, M., Melander, H., Pérez Prieto, H. & Sahlström, F. (Eds.) (2006) Förskoleklassen – ett tionde skolår? [The pre-school class – a tenth school year?] Stockholm: Liber.

Lindblad, S. & Sahlström, F. (Eds.) (2001). Interaktion i pedagogiska sammanhang [Interaction in educational contexts]. Stockholm:Liber

Sahlström, F. (1999) Up the Hill Backwards. On interactional constraints and affordances for equity-constitution in the classrooms of the Swedish comprehensive school (Uppsala Studies in Education 85) Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis

Journal articles Sahlström, F. (in press) Conversation Analysis as a Way of Studying Learning. An introduction

to a special issue of Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Emanuelsson, J & Sahlström, F. (2008). The price of participation. Teacher Control versus Student Participation in Classroom Interaction. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 52(2), 205-223.

Melander, H. & Sahlström, F. (2008). In tow of the blue whale. Learning as interactional changes in topical orientation. Journal of Pragmatics, doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2007.05.013

Sahlström, F. (2008) Ssh! Om hyssjanden i helklassundervisning. [Ssh! About shushing classroom interaction] Kasvatus, 39 (5), 456-467.

Sahlström, F. (2002) The interactional organization of hand raising in classroom interaction. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 37(2), 47-57.

Sahlström, F. & Lindblad, S. (1998). Subtexts in the Science Classroom - An exploration of the Social Construction of Science Lessons and School Careers. Learning and Instruction. Vol.8, No.3, pp195-214.

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